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A review of KDD99 dataset usage in intrusion detection and machine learning between 2010 and 2015

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Abstract and Figures

Although KDD99 dataset is more than 15 years old, it is still widely used in academic research. To investigate wide usage of this dataset in Machine Learning Research (MLR) and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS); this study reviews 149 research articles from 65 journals indexed in Science Citation In- dex Expanded and Emerging Sources Citation Index during the last six years (2010–2015). If we include papers presented in other indexes and conferences, number of studies would be tripled. The number of published studies shows that KDD99 is the most used dataset in IDS and machine learning areas, and it is the de facto dataset for these research areas. To show recent usage of KDD99 and the related sub-dataset (NSL-KDD) in IDS and MLR, the following de- scriptive statistics about the reviewed studies are given: main contribution of articles, the applied algorithms, compared classification algorithms, software toolbox usage, the size and type of the used dataset for training and test- ing, and classification output classes (binary, multi-class). In addition to these statistics, a checklist for future researchers that work in this area is provided.
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A review of KDD99 dataset usage in intrusion detection and
machine learning between 2010 and 2015
Although KDD99 dataset is more than 15 years old, it is still widely used in academic
research. To investigate wide usage of this dataset in Machine Learning Research (MLR)
and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS); this study reviews 149 research articles from 65
journals indexed in Science Citation In- dex Expanded and Emerging Sources Citation
Index during the last six years (2010–2015). If we include papers presented in other
indexes and conferences, number of studies would be tripled. The number of published
studies shows that KDD99 is the most used dataset in IDS and machine learning areas,
and it is the de facto dataset for these research areas. To show recent usage of KDD99 and
the related sub-dataset (NSL-KDD) in IDS and MLR, the following de- scriptive statistics
about the reviewed studies are given: main contribution of articles, the applied algorithms,
compared classification algorithms, software toolbox usage, the size and type of the used
dataset for training and test- ing, and classification output classes (binary, multi-class). In
addition to these statistics, a checklist for future researchers that work in this area is
PeerJ Preprints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 14 Apr 2016, publ: 14 Apr 2016
Noname manuscript No.
(will be inserted by the editor)
A Review of KDD99 Dataset Usage in Intrusion
Detection and Machine Learning between 2010 and 2015
Atilla ¨
Ozg¨ur ·Hamit Erdem
the date of receipt and acceptance should be inserted later
Abstract Although KDD99 dataset is more than 15 years old, it is still widely
used in academic research. To investigate wide usage of this dataset in Machine
Learning Research (MLR) and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS); this study
reviews 149 research articles from 65 journals indexed in Science Citation In-
dex Expanded and Emerging Sources Citation Index during the last six years
(2010–2015). If we include papers presented in other indexes and conferences,
number of studies would be tripled. The number of published studies shows
that KDD99 is the most used dataset in IDS and machine learning areas, and it
is the de facto dataset for these research areas. To show recent usage of KDD99
and the related sub-dataset (NSL-KDD) in IDS and MLR, the following de-
scriptive statistics about the reviewed studies are given: main contribution of
articles, the applied algorithms, compared classification algorithms, software
toolbox usage, the size and type of the used dataset for training and test-
ing, and classification output classes (binary, multi-class). In addition to these
statistics, a checklist for future researchers that work in this area is provided.
Keywords Machine Learning ·KDD99 ·Review ·Intrusion Detection ·
Supervised Learning ·Classification
1 Introduction
Internet, mobile, e-commerce, PC based communication, and information sys-
tems have become parts of daily life. Wide usage of these systems makes
communication easier, increases data transfer and information sharing, and
improves life quality. Although these systems are used in many fields, they
Atilla ¨
Ba¸skent University
Hamit Erdem
Ba¸skent University E-mail:
PeerJ Preprints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 14 Apr 2016, publ: 14 Apr 2016
2 Atilla ¨
Ozg¨ur, Hamit Erdem
suffer from the various attacks such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses. Due to
importance of these systems, these attacks must be identified and stopped as
soon as possible. Research about finding attacks and removing their effects
have been defined as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
IDS studies can be considered as a classification task that separates normal
behavior of networks from attacks. After the first paper about IDS [7], hun-
dreds of studies have been published in this domain. Among other techniques,
machine learning and data mining algorithms are widely used in IDS. Most
of these algorithms are based on the assumption that problem space does not
change very fast. But in IDS domain, attackers continuously change and im-
prove their capabilities [22]. Due to this reason, even though machine learning
and data mining algorithms are very successful in other domains, their perfor-
mance decreases in IDS. Thus, IDS is an unsolved problem since this domain
is an evolving problem [22].
Similar to other classification and clustering problems, IDS algorithms
need training dataset to properly function. Although common and standard
datasets are available for other fields, there is no recent and common dataset
for IDS. Lack of a common and recent dataset for IDS research, has been
mentioned by numerous studies [1, 22, 3]. Recent reviews [5, 10] also identify
this problem as a research gap. Therefore, KDD99 is the most used dataset in
IDS domain [9, 14, 23].
KDD99 dataset, created in 1999, is very old for IDS studies[3]. Nonetheless,
it has been used in many studies during last 16 years, and cited in many
studies —Reference article for KDD99 preparation [15] has been cited 873
times according to Google Scholar (February 2016). Moreover, 149 research
articles that used KDD99 were published in Science Citation Index Expanded
(SCIE) and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) journals between 2010
and 2015, Figure 1. Figure 1 shows that KDD99 has been frequently used in
IDS or similar studies. According to results, KDD99 dataset is primarily used
in IDS and machine learning research. Additionally, this dataset also has been
used in other domains, such as feature selection and data streams. Regarding
to Figure 2, based on the 149 published studies, 142 of them has been applied
in either in IDS or in machine learning, and 118 indexed articles use two
domains in the same study. These numbers shows that the main intersection
of machine learning research, IDS, and information security is KDD99 dataset.
As presented in the study [2], investigating one of the most used datasets
and considering applied approaches can be a subject of a research in the applied
area. In a similar way, although KDD99 has been used in many IDS and
machine learning studies, there is not a review study to evaluate and analyze
the published research and answer the following questions:
Which machine learning algorithms and IDS methods are used mostly?
What is the training and testing dataset usage in the published studies?
What are the sizes of training and testing dataset in proposed studies?
How many classes have been considered in IDS classification?
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A Review of KDD99 in IDS and ML between 2010 and 2015 3
14 16
25 25 23
# of Articles
Fig. 1 KDD99 Dataset Usage By Years.
Fig. 2 Machine Learning and IDS Usage in this Review. Total of 142 articles use KKD99
in either Machine Learning or IDS between 2010 and 2015 from 149 research articles.
Which performance metrics have been used to measure the results of the
Which software tools have been used for implementation and comparison?
PeerJ Preprints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 14 Apr 2016, publ: 14 Apr 2016
4 Atilla ¨
Ozg¨ur, Hamit Erdem
To answer these questions, the proposed study reviews 149 studies from
2010 to 2015 focusing on KDD99 usage statistics. The authors think that the
results of the proposed study will be useful for the other researchers who plan
to use this dataset in IDS or machine learning studies.
This review differs from the previous review articles considering following
aspects: First, most of the reviews in this domain try to include critical papers
and explain major approaches. In contrast, our study tries to be comprehen-
sive. Second, only articles from 65 journals (SCIE and ESCI) are included,
Table 11. No conference articles are included in this study. We believe that
our study includes almost all of SCI-indexed studies that used KDD99 be-
tween 2010–2015. Third, comprehensive descriptive statistics about KDD99,
machine learning and IDS are given. Some of these statistics are as follows:
1. KDD99 has been analyzed considering number of output classes, training
and testing datasets in reviewed studies, Table 4 and Table 5.
2. Main contribution that concerns on the applied method using KDD99. The
applied methods may be clustering, classification, feature selection/reduction
algorithms. All the applied methods in the focused period has been evalu-
ated and presented in Table 3.
3. The usage frequency of machine learning and IDS algorithms has been
presented in Table 6 and discussed in detail.
4. Proposed algorithms are implemented and compared with standard algo-
rithms using variety of software packages (Table 8).
5. Training and testing dataset sizes and classification types (binary, multi-
6. Most of the reviewed articles compare their proposed method with other
classifiers. These classifiers have been shown in Table 7 and discussed.
7. Although, KDD99 and related sub-set have been used in recent studies,
some studies compared their results with other datasets, Table 9.
8. Categorizing the main theme of the published article in three main groups
as Machine Learning, Anomaly Detection or Alert Correlation has been
presented in Figure 7.
Finally, considering collected statistics, strengths and weaknesses of re-
viewed articles, a checklist is provided.
The findings of this review would be useful for researchers who may want
to use KDD99 or a similar big dataset in their research since KDD99 is one of
the biggest datasets in UCI repository.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 considers
similar related reviews. Section 3 gives definitions and history of DARPA,
KDD99 and NSL-KDD datasets. Section 4 gives a general machine learning
model while using KDD99, and evaluates contribution of reviewed articles
considering the structure of the presented model. Section 5 gives descriptive
statistics about general KDD99 usage with figures and tables. Section 6 sug-
gests a checklist considering common mistakes and strengths points of the
reviewed articles for further studies in order to improve the quality of similar
studies. Finally, section 7 discusses the results of this review.
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A Review of KDD99 in IDS and ML between 2010 and 2015 5
2 Related Reviews About KDD99 and Intrusion Detection
Most of the IDS reviews try to find prominent papers about the subject and
summarize them. This approach provides fast learning opportunity for the
reader. In contrast to previous review studies, this study follows a different
approach, and tries to provide descriptive statistics for who want to use KDD99
in their research.
One of the most similar review to ours has been presented by [24] in Expert
Systems with Applications in 2009. Their study evaluated 55 articles between
2000 and 2007 that focused on intersection of IDS and machine learning. First,
they give definition of the most used single classifiers in machine learning for
IDS containing k-nearest neighbor, support vector machines, artificial neural
networks, self-organizing maps, decision trees, naive bayes, genetic algorithms,
fuzzy logic, hybrid classifiers, and ensemble classifiers. Second, they provide
yearly statistics for these categories. Third, they investigate the used dataset
in the proposed period. According the study, KDD99 has been used nearly
60% of the published studies. To expand the published review that included 55
articles, our study reviews 149 articles (Section 5), and includes more statistics.
[14] reviewed usage of swarm intelligence techniques in IDS. From these
methods, ant colony optimization, ant colony clustering and particle swarm
optimization has been compared in their review. Only descriptive statistic
included in their study was performance comparison of swarm intelligence
techniques in IDS.
[9] have reviewed intersection of feature selection and intelligent algo-
rithms in Intrusion Detection. For feature selection, gradually feature removal
method, modified mutual information-based feature selection algorithm, CRF-
based feature selection, and wrapper based genetic feature selection methods
have been compared. Regarding to classification techniques, [9] compares neu-
ral networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy sets, rough sets, Neuro-Fuzzy, fuzzy-
genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization. They did not give any
statistics that compare reviewed methods in their review.
[25] surveyed artificial immune systems in IDS. They reviewed concepts
antibody/antigen encoding, generation algorithm, evolution algorithm but did
not provide any statistics about the reviewed articles.
[8] surveyed evolutionary and swarm intelligence algorithms in network
intrusion detection using DARPA and KDD99. They investigated usage of
genetic algorithms, genetic programming, ant colony optimization and swarm
optimization for different stages of IDS. In their study, the authors presented
few descriptive statistics for evaluating the reviewed articles. First statistics
is commonly used fitness functions, second statistics is articles’ dataset usage.
Third statistics is the applied algorithm, and the last statistics is detection
rate of the applied algorithm.
Although the published and reviewed studies show IDS and Machine Learn-
ing is an active research topic in IDS, and KDD99 is the most used dataset,
they do not provide enough statistics that shows how these methods are ap-
plied to KDD99. This study tries to present more comprehensive study to
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6 Atilla ¨
Ozg¨ur, Hamit Erdem
find satisfactory answers to mentioned questions by giving more statistics and
checklist for guidance.
3 Datasets: DARPA, KDD99, and NSL-KDD
Figure 3 and Table 1 give overall summary for related datasets in this study
—DARPA, KDD99, and NSL-KDD. DARPA is a base raw dataset. KDD99
is the feature extracted version of DARPA dataset. NSL-KDD is the dupli-
cates removed and size reduced version of KDD99 dataset. Dataset statistics
extracted from reviewed articles are given in Section 5.
Fig. 3 The relation between main and extracted datasets. KDD99 is created from
DARPA, NSL-KDD is created from KDD99.
Table 1 DARPA, KDD99, NSL-KDD Datasets Information
Name Training Size Testing Size Note
DARPA 99 6.591.458 kb (6.2gb) 3.853.522 kb (3.67gb) Base Dataset. Raw TCP/IP Dump files
KDD99 4898431 311029 Features extracted and preprocessed for machine learning
NSL-KDD 125973 22544 Duplicates removed, size reduced
3.1 DARPA Dataset
First DARPA-sponsored IDS-event was accomplished by MIT Lincoln LAB
in 1998 [6]. In this DARPA event, an attack scenario to Air-Force base is
simulated. One year later, in 1999, they repeated the same event [16] with im-
provements suggested by computer security community [17]. DARPA dataset
consists of host and network dataset files. Host dataset, IDS bag, is small
dataset that contains system calls, and is less used than its network counter
part. Network dataset consists of seven weeks of raw TCP/IP dump files. Since
DARPA dataset consists of raw files, researchers need to extract features from
these files to use them in machine learning algorithms. First two weeks were
attack free; therefore, it is suitable for training anomaly detection algorithms.
Next five weeks, various attack was used against simulated air-force base, [13].
KDD99 dataset was created from DARPA network dataset files by Lee and
Stolfo [15] in this competition.
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A Review of KDD99 in IDS and ML between 2010 and 2015 7
3.2 KDD99 Dataset
Lee and Stolfo [15], one of the participating teams of the DARPA event, gave
their feature extracted and preprocessed data to Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining (KDD) yearly competition [11]. Pfahringer [20] won KDD 99
competition using mixture of bagging and boosting. Most articles compare
their results with winner’s result [20]. KDD99 can be easily used in machine
learning dataset; therefore, it is much more used in IDS and general research
than DARPA dataset.
KDD99 has following characteristics:
1. It has two week’s of attacks-free instances and five week’s of attack in-
stances, making it suitable for anomaly detection.
2. Output classes are divided to 5 main categories: These are DOS (Denial of
Service), Probe, R2L (Root 2 Local), U2R (User 2 Root) and Normal.
3. Dataset contains 24 attack types in training and 14 more attack types in
testing for total of 38 attacks. These 14 new attacks theoretically test IDS
capability to generalize to unknown attacks. At the same time, it is hard
for machine learning based IDS to detect these 14 new attacks [21].
4. It is heavily imbalanced dataset to attack instances. Approximately 80%
percent of flow is attack traffic (3925650 attack instances in total 4898430
instances). Normally, typical network contains approximately 99.99% per-
cent of normal instances. KDD99 violates this principle. Most articles needs
to re-sample dataset to conform to typical network normality assumption,
particularly anomaly detection articles.
5. U2R and R2L attacks are rare in KDD99 (Table 2).
6. Duplicate records in both training and testing datasets bias results for
frequent DOS attacks and normal instances.
7. KDD99 is a large dataset for most machine learning algorithms; therefore,
most studies use a small percentage of it.
Table 2 KDD99 Attack Distribution
Training Size ( %) Test Size ( %)
Normal 972781 19.85 60593 19.48
DOS 3883390 79.27 231455 74.41
Probe 41102 00.83 4166 01.33
U2R 52 00.001 245 00.07
R2L 1106 00.02 14570 04.68
Total 4898431 100 311029 100
KDD99’s numerous shortcomings with respect to IDS is well documented
in literature, [22, 19, 18, 4, 3].
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8 Atilla ¨
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3.3 NSL-KDD Dataset
To reduce deficiencies of KDD99 dataset for machine learning algorithms,
Tavallaee et al. [23] introduced NSL-KDD dataset. NSL-KDD has been gener-
ated by removing redundant and duplicate instances, also by decreasing size
of dataset. Since it is a re-sampled version of KDD99, IDS deficiencies remain
4 General Machine Learning Work Flow Using KDD99
Fig. 4 General Machine Learning Flow Chart. Almost all of the reviewed articles
make their contribution in steps 2a-2d and 3a-3d. Table 3 shows article counts for these
Figure 4 shows general machine learning work flow using any dataset. This
work flow contains 3 main steps relevant to our discussion. These are step
(1) feature extraction, step (2) preprocessing, and (step 3) training machine
learning model. Normally, feature extraction step (1) is the most important
step in machine learning. As KDD99 is a feature extracted dataset, this step
is unnecessary.
Most reviewed studies made their contributions to preprocessing step (2) or
training machine learning model step (3). For Step (2) preprocessing, reviewed
articles used 4 different techniques: (2a) Feature Selection, (2b) Feature Re-
duction, (2c) Clustering, and (2d) Hybrid Approaches. Feature selection (2a)
is using various algorithms to reduce number of existing 41 features. Feature
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A Review of KDD99 in IDS and ML between 2010 and 2015 9
Table 3 Evaluating the reviewed articles regarding to machine learning model
Figure 4
Contribution(Novelty) Article
Figure 3
Hybrid 50 (2d-3a)
New Classifier Algorithm 45 (3d)
Feature Reduction 38 (2b)
Feature Selection 34 (2a)
New Anomaly Detection Algorithm 33 (3d)
New Optimization Algorithm 25 (2d-3a)
Layered 23 (3c)
New Clustering Algorithm 19 (2c)
Ensemble 14 (3b)
Agent Based 12
Data Streams 7
Transform (2b) is to change feature space of dataset to another space. For ex-
ample, principal component analysis is a popular choice among reviewed stud-
ies(Table 6). Clustering (2c) is reduce features or instances using a clustering
algorithm, for example k-means clustering. Hybrid Approaches (2d-3a) is using
combination of two different algorithms for preprocessing or training machine
learning model step. Most of the time, a feature selection/reduction/machine
learning algorithm is hybridized with an optimization algorithm (for example:
particle swarm optimization).
For Step (3) training machine learning model, reviewed articles used 4
different type of techniques: (3a) Hybrid Approaches, (3b) Ensemble, (3c)
Layered, and (3d) New Algorithm Classifier. An example of Step (3a) Hybrid
Approaches is training a neural networks with genetic algorithms instead of
back propagation. Ensemble approach, Step (3b), is a parallel combination of
different machine learning algorithms. Layering, Step (3c), is a serial combina-
tion of different machine learning algorithms. New Algorithm Classifier, Step
(3d), means the applied algorithm may be entirely new or used the first time
in IDS.
According to given work flow, contributions of the most reviewed articles
may be more than two. For example, using a new optimization algorithm for
feature selection and classification is counted as both feature selection and
hybrid in this review. Also, using principal component analysis for feature
reduction and using optimization algorithm to train a classifier is counted as
both hybrid and feature reduction. Table 3 shows categorization of articles
according to the work flow.
5 KDD99 Descriptive Statistics
Different from previous review studies, we present more descriptive statistics to
evaluate published studies in focused period. Therefore, the following statistics
has been extracted from the reviewed 149 studies:
1. Classification output classes
PeerJ Preprints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 14 Apr 2016, publ: 14 Apr 2016
10 Atilla ¨
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2. Training and Testing Dataset Usage
3. Cross Validation
4. Dataset sizes used in training and testing machine learning algorithms
5. Applied algorithms in proposed method
6. Classifiers used for comparison
7. Software Toolbox Usage
8. Other Datasets used in Reviewed Studies
9. Performance Metrics used in Experiments
10. IDS vs Not IDS
11. Main IDS Type according to study
These descriptive statistics are presented using figures and tables and has
been discussed in detail.
5.1 Classification Output Classes in the Reviewed Studies
The output classes can be binary or multi classes when machine learning al-
gorithms are applied to the KDD99. Table 4 shows output classes in reviewed
articles. Multi class 5 are DOS,Probe,Normal,U2R and R2L as explained in
Section 3.2. Multi Class X selects subset of 23 classes of KDD99, for exam-
ple 7 attacks and normal and give results for 8 output. These studies are not
comparable to other studies.
Table 4 Comparison of the published studied based on classification output
Classification Output Article
Binary (Attack/Normal) 124
Multiclass 5 (DOS/Probe/U2R/R2L/Normal) 49
No Binary: Gives other result 9
Multi Class X (Subset of 23) 22
5.2 Training and Testing Dataset Usage
Normally, in machine learning studies, datasets should be divided to train-
ing and testing datasets. Machine learning algorithms should be trained on
training dataset and be tested on test dataset that is entirely separate from
training datasets. Considering this usage, DARPA, KDD99 and NSL-KDD
datasets contains two parts, training and testing. As mentioned before these
two parts have different attacks and different probability distributions. Train-
ing a machine learning algorithm in a subset of KDD99 training dataset; then,
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A Review of KDD99 in IDS and ML between 2010 and 2015 11
Table 5 Confusion Matrix for Training and Test Set Usage. Normally, only diagonal
of matrix should have values, but most of the reviewed studies use KDD99 training dataset
for both testing and training purposes.
Training Test
Reviewed Study Training 146 5
Test 113 38
testing trained model in another subset gives optimistic results. Generally, ma-
chine learning algorithms should be trained on KDD99 training dataset and
tested on KDD99 testing dataset.
Table 5 shows training and testing dataset usage in reviewed articles. Most
reviewed articles (146) used KDD99 training dataset for training; but, 5 ar-
ticles behaved differently. These 5 articles either merged training and testing
dataset then re-sampled or used training dataset for testing purposes. The
main reason for this application is to reduce difference between training and
testing dataset. Only about 23% of reviewed articles (38) used real testing
dataset. Others (113) used KDD99 training dataset as both testing and train-
ing purposes. This application provides optimistic results for these studies.
Table 5 shows that most of the literature have used re-sampled version of
KDD99 training dataset for both training and testing.
5.3 Cross Validation
K-fold cross validation is one of the suggested techniques in training machine
learning models. Among the reviewed 149 studies, only 32 (%21) studies ap-
plied cross validation, while 117 (%79) studies did not apply cross validation.
5.4 Dataset sizes used in training and testing machine learning algorithms
In this review, 12 articles claimed KDD99 is a large dataset for machine learn-
ing research and used smaller subset of full dataset. Figure 5 and Figure 6
shows that training and testing dataset usage is skewed to small sizes. That is,
most articles worked with small dataset sizes in reviewed studies. The smallest
10 training datasets contains 200 to 1000 instances, while smallest 10 testing
datasets contains 80 and 1000 instances. These numbers are small compared
to full size (4.9 Million instances) of KDD99 dataset. Using very small dataset
sizes may be unacceptable from viewpoint of statistical analysis.
Figure 6 shows testing dataset sizes used in reviewed articles. Only usage of
less than full size (311029 instances) of testing dataset are shown in Figure 6.
About 15 study used larger numbers for testing, and all of them were data
stream studies.
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12 Atilla ¨
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Times used
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Times used
10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000
Times used
KDD99 Training Dataset is used 159 times for all sizes
KDD99 Training Dataset is used 54 times for sizes less than 10.000
KDD99 Training Dataset is used 53 times for sizes between 10.000 and 100.000
Fig. 5 KDD99 Training Usage Sizes. Most of the usage is with low sizes.
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000
Times used
Testing Usage Frequency (total of 145 times).
Fig. 6 KDD99 Testing Usage Sizes. Most of the low size usages comes from resampling
of KDD99 Training dataset.
5.5 Applied algorithms in proposed method
Various algorithms have been used in KDD99 based IDS research. Table 6
shows algorithms that are used in proposed methods in reviewed studies. If
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A Review of KDD99 in IDS and ML between 2010 and 2015 13
a classifier, for example support vector machines, is used for comparison pur-
poses, it is included in Table 7.
Table 6 Most used Algorithms in Proposed Methods.
Name Article
Support Vector Machines 24
Decision Tree 19
Genetic Algorithm 16
Principal Component Analysis 13
Particle Swarm Optimization 9
k-nearest neighbors 9
k-means clustering 9
Naive Bayes 9
NeuralNetworks(MultiLayerPerceptron) 8
Genetic Programming 6
Rough Sets 6
Bayesian Network 5
Random Forest 5
Artificial Immune System 5
Fuzzy Rules Mining 4
NeuralNetworks(SelfOrganizingMap) 4
5.6 Classifiers used for comparison
Generally, most studies compare their results with other methods in their ex-
periments. In KDD99 based machine learning research, most comparisons are
made against other classifiers. Table 7 shows classifiers used for comparison
in the reviewed studies. Some rare articles in this review were not machine
learning articles, even though they use KDD99. These rare articles did not
compare their suggested approaches with other classifiers. Also, some arti-
cles that proposed new methods for IDS, have not compared their proposed
method with other classifiers. For these two types of articles, Table 7 includes
None. For Literature entries, some articles did not compare their methods and
their datasets using software toolboxes but only reported literature results. In
our opinion, all machine learning IDS articles should use software toolboxes
(Table 8) to compare their methods with common methods instead of only re-
porting literature results. Main reason for this advice is science reproducibility
since every article is a bit different (sampling strategy, randomize seed, and
different sizes for datasets).
5.7 Software Used in Reviewed Studies
Many software toolboxes has been used in IDS studies. Table 8 summarizes
software used to implement or compare algorithms in the articles. Most arti-
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Table 7 Classifiers used for comparison in Experiments.
Classifier Article Count
Support Vector Machines 33
Naive Bayes 31
None (Not compared with other methods) 21
Decision Tree(J48) 21
k-nearest neighbors 20
Literature (results are given without experimental comparison) 19
Decision Tree 14
NeuralNetworks(MultiLayerPerceptron) 14
Bayesian Network 13
Random Forest 10
NeuralNetworks(SelfOrganizingMap) 7
NeuralNetworks(RadialBasisFunction) 7
K-Means 6
Rule Based Learner(JRipper) 5
Adaboost 5
Naive Bayes Tree 4
Decision Tree(C4.5) 4
Decision Tree(CART) 4
Bagging 3
Random Tree 3
cles (78) did not give any information about applied software. This restricts
reproducibility of applied method. Based on Table 8, Weka is widely used for
classifier comparison even if it is not used for implementation. Matlab and
Libsvm are also used for comparison. Most of the proposed methods are im-
plemented using general purpose programming languages. As a remarkable
note, although Python (2) and R (1) are touted as language of data science
and machine learning [12], they were among the least used tools.
Table 8 Software used in Reviewed Articles. Weka, Matlab, and Libsvm are used for
comparison purposes. General purpose programming languages are used for implementation.
Software that are used less than two is not included.
Software Tool/Package Article Count
No Information(software used is unclear) 78
Weka 34
Matlab 26
Libsvm 9
Java 7
C++ 5
CSharp 3
Pascal;Hadoop;Python;MOA 2 for each
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A Review of KDD99 in IDS and ML between 2010 and 2015 15
5.8 Different datasets used in reviewed studies
In addition to KDD99, different datasets were also used in the reviewed arti-
cles, Table 9. Non IDS datasets in this review show that KDD99 is used as just
another dataset in some studies. NSL-KDD is re-sampled version of KDD99 as
it is explained in Section 3.3. Some studies used both NSL-KDD and KDD99,
while others used only NSL-KDD dataset. Other IDS datasets —ISCX, Kyoto
— are only used 3 times, about 2% of all articles in Table 9. This shows lack
of recent IDS dataset.
Table 9 Most used Datasets. * denotes IDS datasets. Datasets that are used less than
three is not included.
Dataset Name Article Count
KDD99* 133
Iris 8
Glass 5
Breast Cancer 5
Synthetic Data 5
Poker Hand 5
Image Segmentation 3
Wine 3
Kyoto* 3
5.9 Performance Metrics Used in Reviewed Studies
Various performance metrics can be used to evaluate to machine learning al-
gorithms. Table 10 summarizes which metrics are provided in the 149 articles
reviewed. Detection rate is most consistent metric provided; although some
articles fail to provide this metric. For example, some articles gave figures
for their detection rate but did not give a number; therefore, reader has to
guess about its value. Other articles gave 5-class detection rates but did not
give overall detection rate for comparison. If researcher would like to compare
given result with other articles, it is often impractical since dataset sizes differ
greatly from article to article. Some articles gave detection rate by class but
failed to provide number of class instances therefore it is impossible to get
single detection rate for attack versus normal.
Some articles did not present information about used testing dataset. Ma-
chine learning algorithms get different results in KDD99 train and testing
dataset as mentioned in Section 3.2. Therefore; it is important for articles
that use KDD99 to indicate if they used training or testing dataset of KDD99.
Other performance metrics differ widely in our reviewed articles. Computa-
tional Complexity metrics were not given in most of the articles. Also training
PeerJ Preprints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 14 Apr 2016, publ: 14 Apr 2016
16 Atilla ¨
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Table 10 Performance Metrics Used. Usage of performance metrics are highly irregu-
lar. Some articles does not give any metric(*).
Performance Metric Article Count
Detection Rate 134
False Positive(False Alarm) 70
Training Time 44
Testing Time 28
ROC-Curve 24
False Negative 22
Confusion Matrix (5 class) 20
True Positive 20
Error Rate 13
Precision 13
F-Measure 13
Recall 12
True Negative 11
Number of Selected Features 10
Correlation Coefficient 9
Cost Per Example 9
ROC-Area Under Curve 8
Sensitivity 7
Specificity 7
Root Mean Square Error 6
None* 5
Memory Usage 5
time was given 44 (%29) times , and testing time was given 28 (% 18) times.
Considering importance of these two metrics, their usage is low.
Generally, we suggest that following metrics are provided in the results.
If the study is multi-class, multi-class versions and binary versions should
be provided together. (1) Detection Rate, (2) Confusion matrix, (3) Training
Time, (4) Testing Time, (5) Computational Complexity for newly proposed
5.10 Main IDS Type according to study
Figure 7 shows which IDS methodologies are used in the collected articles. To-
tal count is more than 149, since most articles use more than one methodology.
KDD99 is a popular choice for both machine learning and anomaly detection
5.11 IDS vs Not IDS Studies
Figure 8 shows how many articles claim that they are IDS studies among the
reviewed articles. Even though, IDS articles are majority, number of Non IDS
articles shows that KDD99 is also widely used in other domains.
PeerJ Preprints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 14 Apr 2016, publ: 14 Apr 2016
A Review of KDD99 in IDS and ML between 2010 and 2015 17
Type of Article
Fig. 7 Article Count by Methodology (ML:Machine Learning, AD:Anomaly Detection,
AC:Alert Correlation)
Fig. 8 IDS and Not IDS articles in 2010–2015. KDD99 is mostly used in IDS studies;
but, some studies use it also, especially feature selection and data streams studies.
6 A Suggested Checklist for Avoiding most Common Mistakes in
After evaluating 149 studies from the SCI-indexed 65 journals, the authors
suggest a checklist for researchers who want to apply a machine learning or
IDS method using KDD99 or other large dataset. The suggested checklist
has been provided considering common mistakes and strengths points of the
PeerJ Preprints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 14 Apr 2016, publ: 14 Apr 2016
18 Atilla ¨
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reviewed studies. The suggested instructions could be useful for future studies
in a similar area. The instructions are as follows:
Point out training and test dataset clearly.
If the target dataset is KDD99, identify if full dataset or a portion of
dataset is used.
Specify train, test dataset and validation dataset sizes in a table.
Increase reproducibility of the study by giving software package, re-sampling
strategy, and random seeds.
To evaluate the classification result, provide confusion matrix, detection
rate, training time and testing time.
Compare the result of the proposed approach with other most used meth-
Determine the number of output classes. For KDD99 using 5 or 23 classes
will be preferred.
7 Conclusion
In the proposed study, 149 recent studies using KDD99 dataset between 2010
and 2015 have been reviewed. A different review process is followed from pre-
vious reviews in the same area. Instead of finding the major contributions to
the area, descriptive statistics are extracted. Review results show the following
findings. First, even though KDD99 is an 17-years-old dataset, it is still widely
used in IDS and machine learning research. Second, decision tree derivatives
and support vector machines are most applied algorithms. Third, Weka and
Matlab are the most used software toolbox, even though most studies did
not give information about software usage. Fourth, detection rate is the most
used performance metric to show classification quality. Additionally, consider-
ing common errors and strengths of the reviewed works, a checklist has been
suggested to improve the research quality in similar areas.
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A Review of KDD99 in IDS and ML between 2010 and 2015 19
Table 11 Journals and Article Counts
Journal Name Article Count Journal Name Article Count
Expert System With Applications 22 Future Generation Computer Systems 1
Security and Communication Networks 12 Artificial Intelligence Review 1
Applied Soft Computing 7 Computingand Informatics 1
Knowledge-Based Systems 7 SoftComputing 1
The Scientific World Journal 6 IEEE Systems Journal 1
Information Sciences 5 International Journal of Systems Science 1
Applied Intelligence 5 The Computer Journal 1
Neurocomputing 5 Journal Of Intelligent Information Systems 1
Neural Computing and Applications 4 Wireless Personal Communications 1
Computer Communications 4 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1
Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence 3 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 1
Pattern Recognition 3 IETE Technical Review 1
International Journal Of Computational Intelligence Systems 3 Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 1
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 3 Telecommunication Systems 1
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 2 China Communications 1
IEEJ Transactions On Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2 Turkish Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Sciences 1
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2 Neural Processing Letters 1
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 IEEE Transactions on Computers 1
International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control 2 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 1
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 2 Applied Artificial Intelligence 1
IETE Journal of Research 2 Defence Science Journal 1
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology 2 The Journal of Supercomputing 1
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2 International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 1
Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences 1 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1
PLOS One 1 Journal of The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 1
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 1 Knowledge and Information Systems 1
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 1 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 1
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man And Cybernetics 1 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 1
Journal of Information Science and Engineering 1 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transactions of Electrical Engineering 1
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 1 Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 1
IEEE Transactions On Parallel And Distributed Systems 1 Cybernetics and Information Technologies 1
Journal of Network and Systems Management 1 Artificial Intelligence 1
Journal of Advanced Research 1
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PeerJ Preprints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 14 Apr 2016, publ: 14 Apr 2016
... Two global datasets of IoT attacks can be investigated, including the KDD'99 dataset and the NSL-KDD dataset. Indeed, KDD'99 has been developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) intrusion detection evaluation program to build a network IDS that is capable of differentiating between "bad" and "good" connections [27]. This dataset includes a standard list of data to be inspected, which contains a broad range of cyber-attacks that are modeled in a military communication platform. ...
... However, one of the most important issues of this dataset is the enormous number of redundant data samples in the training and testing datasets. Such redundancy affects the accuracy of the classifier, which will have a bias toward more frequent records [27]. ...
Full-text available
With the rapid expansion of intelligent resource-constrained devices and high-speed communication technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) has earned wide recognition as the primary standard for low-power lossy networks (LLNs). Nevertheless, IoT infrastructures are vulnerable to cyber-attacks due to the constraints in computation, storage, and communication capacity of the endpoint devices. From one side, the majority of newly developed cyber-attacks are formed by slightly mutating formerly established cyber-attacks to produce a new attack that tends to be treated as normal traffic through the IoT network. From the other side, the influence of coupling the deep learning techniques with the cybersecurity field has become a recent inclination of many security applications due to their impressive performance. In this paper, we provide the comprehensive development of a new intelligent and autonomous deep-learning-based detection and classification system for cyber-attacks in IoT communication networks that leverage the power of convolutional neural networks, abbreviated as IoT-IDCS-CNN (IoT based Intrusion Detection and Classification System using Convolutional Neural Network). The proposed IoT-IDCS-CNN makes use of high-performance computing that employs the robust Compute Unified Device Architectures (CUDA) based Nvidia GPUs (Graphical Processing Units) and parallel processing that employs high-speed I9-core-based Intel CPUs. In particular, the proposed system is composed of three subsystems: a feature engineering subsystem, a feature learning subsystem, and a traffic classification subsystem. All subsystems were developed, verified, integrated, and validated in this research. To evaluate the developed system, we employed the Network Security Laboratory-Knowledge Discovery Databases (NSL-KDD) dataset, which includes all the key attacks in IoT computing. The simulation results demonstrated a greater than 99.3% and 98.2% cyber-attack classification accuracy for the binary-class classifier (normal vs. anomaly) and the multiclass classifier (five categories), respectively. The proposed system was validated using a K-fold cross-validation method and was evaluated using the confusion matrix parameters (i.e., true negative (TN), true positive (TP), false negative (FN), false positive (FP)), along with other classification performance metrics, including precision, recall, F1-score, and false alarm rate. The test and evaluation results of the IoT-IDCS-CNN system outperformed many recent machine-learning-based IDCS systems in the same area of study.
... Two global datasets of IoT attacks can be investigated including KDD'99 dataset and NSL-KDD dataset. Indeed, KDD'99 has been developed by DARPA intrusion detection evaluation program to build a network IDS able of differentiating amongst "bad" and "good" connections [32]. This dataset includes a standard list of data to be inspected, which contains a broad range of cyber-attacks modeled in a military communication platform. ...
... However, one of the most important issues of this dataset is the enormous number of redundant data -samples in the training and testing datasets. Such redundancy affects the accuracy of c lassifier which will have a biased towards more frequent records [32]. ...
Full-text available
With the rapid expansion of intelligent resource-constrained devices and high-speed communication technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) has earned a wide recognition as the primary standard for low-power lossy networks (LLNs). Nevertheless, IoT infrastructures are vulnerable to cyber-attacks due to the constraints in computation, storage, and communication capacity of the endpoint devices. From one side, the majority of newly developed cyber-attacks are formed by slightly mutating formerly established cyber-attacks to produce a new attack tending to be treated as a normal traffic through the IoT network. From the other side, the influence of coupling the deep learning techniques with cybersecurity field has become a recent inclination of many security applications due to their impressive performance. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive development of a new intelligent and autonomous deep learning-based detection and classification system for cyber-attacks in IoT communication networks leveraging the power of convolutional neural networks, abbreviated as (IoT-IDCS-CNN). The proposed IoT-IDCS-CNN makes use of the high-performance computing employing the robust CUDA based Nvidia GPUs and the parallel processing employing the high-speed I9-Cores based Intel CPUs. In particular, the proposed system is composed of three subsystems: Feature Engineering subsystem, Feature Learning subsystem and Traffic classification subsystem. All subsystems are developed, verified, integrated, and validated in this research. To evaluate the developed system, we employed the NSL-KDD dataset which includes all the key attacks in the IoT computing. The simulation results demonstrated more than 99.3% and 98.2% of cyber-attacks’ classification accuracy for the binary-class classifier (normal vs anomaly) and the multi-class classifier (five categories) respectively. The proposed system was validated using k-fold cross validation method and was evaluated using the confusion matrix parameters (i.e., TN, TP, FN, FP) along with other classification performance metrics including precision, recall, F1-score, and false alarm rate. The test and evaluation results of the IoT-IDCS-CNN system outperformed many recent machine-learning based IDCS systems in the same area of study.
... The KDD99 dataset, created in 1999, is very old and contains multiple duplicate records therefore is not recommended for use in machine learning studies. Nonetheless, it has been used and cited in many studies during last 16 years [11]. The complexity of the two data sets demonstrated that the UNSW-NB15 data set had improved on some of the issues of older datasets, is more complex and newer than the KDD99 data set. ...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents an improved method of network intrusion detection using machine learning based approach. The study trained four types of deep neural network models, including two feed-forward dense models and two models that utilized long- short term memory layers. The study compares the effectiveness of models predictions based on the newly developed dataset UNSW-NB15. A suitable part of the dataset was selected after evaluating its integrity, and the selected data was preprocessed and formatted for neural network training and evaluation. Two models consisting of dense layers were developed, trained, and fine-tuned to optimize their accuracy. The LSTM models were also implemented and fine-tuned accordingly. The accuracy of models’ predictions was evaluated using a portion of the dataset, the validation set, which the model had not seen in training. Without weight balancing, the dense-layer-based model attained a validation accuracy of 78.94% while the LSTM-based model achieved 76.84%. With weight balancing, the accuracy improved to 79.34% for the dense-layer model and 79.21% for the LSTM model. Significant output differences were found when analysing prediction correctness of confusion matrices.
... The KDD99 [25] is a standard dataset in the IDS domain [26]. It was employed by many works [27][28][29]. ...
In recent years, the demand for computer networks has grown rapidly, thus allowing for higher risk of novel attack incidents. Traditional network intrusion detection systems (IDSs) usually have difficulties detecting these attacks because they need to adapt to more advanced or challenging technologies of novel attacks, yet updating them can be computationally expensive and complicated. Therefore, an adaptive IDS is crucial to keep computer networks protected. In addition, consistent update of IDS datasets is essential due to the advancement in network technology and attack strategies. Updating the IDS datasets would allow for the testing of the proposed IDSs on datasets that are relevant to the recent attacks. Moreover, the connection between processing raw network data and creating an adaptive IDS has not been sufficiently studied in this domain. Therefore, this study presents an adaptive IDS and a new real-world network dataset called the UKM-IDS20. The proposed IDS employs the homogeneous ensemble method to create a model that can be periodically updated to detect novel attacks. The update procedure includes training new classifiers and adding them to the base ensemble model. Since this procedure requires further data, a simple data acquisition methodology is used for processing raw network traffic data. This process involves three stages; packet capturing, packet integration, and feature extraction. The collected data from the tests of this study is then used to create the UKM-IDS20 dataset. The created dataset contains 46 features and covers four types of attacks, namely ARP poisoning, DoS, Scans, and Exploits. The complexity of the UKM-IDS20 is compared to the KDD99 and UNSW-NB15 datasets from two aspects. First, an analysis of the features and classes is demonstrated using the rough-set theory. Second, a dynamic artificial neural network is used to test and compare the three datasets mentioned above. The results show a higher complexity and relevancy of the features in the introduced dataset. The UKM-IDS20 dataset is publicly available and can be accessed by all researchers. This study is anticipated to provide enough information to help cybersecurity academics to generate effective IDSs and up-to-date datasets.
... The KDD99 is very common between researchers in the IDS research. A survey by Reference [42] found that 142 studies have used the KDD99 dataset form year 2010 until 2015. The dataset is available with 41 features (excluding the labels) and five classes, namely Normal, DoS), Probe, remote-to-local (R2L), and user-to-root (U2R). ...
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The significant increase in technology development over the internet makes network security a crucial issue. An intrusion detection system (IDS) shall be introduced to protect the networks from various attacks. Even with the increased amount of works in the IDS research, there is a lack of studies that analyze the available IDS datasets. Therefore, this study presents a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of the features in the KDD99 and UNSW-NB15 datasets. Three methods were employed: a rough-set theory (RST), a back-propagation neural network (BPNN), and a discrete variant of the cuttlefish algorithm (D-CFA). First, the dependency ratio between the features and the classes was calculated, using the RST. Second, each feature in the datasets became an input for the BPNN, to measure their ability for a classification task concerning each class. Third, a feature-selection process was carried out over multiple runs, to indicate the frequency of the selection of each feature. From the result, it indicated that some features in the KDD99 dataset could be used to achieve a classification accuracy above 84%. Moreover, a few features in both datasets were found to give a high contribution to increasing the classification’s performance. These features were present in a combination of features that resulted in high accuracy; the features were also frequently selected during the feature selection process. The findings of this study are anticipated to help the cybersecurity academics in creating a lightweight and accurate IDS model with a smaller number of features for the developing technologies.
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In recent years, there have been numerous cyber security issues that have caused considerable damage to the society. The development of efficient and reliable Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) is an effective countermeasure against the growing cyber threats. In modern high-bandwidth, large-scale network environments, traditional IDSs suffer from a high rate of missed and false alarms. Researchers have introduced machine learning techniques into intrusion detection with good results. However, due to the scarcity of attack data, such methods’ training sets are usually unbalanced, affecting the analysis performance. In this paper, we survey and analyze the design principles and shortcomings of existing oversampling methods. Based on the findings, we take the perspective of imbalance and high dimensionality of datasets in the field of intrusion detection and propose an oversampling technique based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and feature selection. Specifically, we model the complex high-dimensional distribution of attacks based on Gradient Penalty Wasserstein GAN (WGAN-GP) to generate additional attack samples. We then select a subset of features representing the entire dataset based on analysis of variance, ultimately generating a rebalanced low-dimensional dataset for machine learning training. To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposal, we conducted experiments based on the NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, and CICIDS-2017 datasets. The experimental results show that our method can effectively improve the detection performance of machine learning models and outperform the baselines.
Computer network face many security problems because various smart devices using computer networks are being developed and are rapidly spreading. Therefore, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is necessary for network security. There are two typical datasets for IDS: KDD CUP 99 (KDD’99) and NSL-KDD. In this paper, we introduced KDD’99 and NSL-KDD and analysis these datasets using an artificial neural network. KDD’99 shows a higher score for overall accuracy, but falls behind in its classification accuracy per category.
Conference Paper
The intrusion detection based on deep learning method has been widely attempted for representation learning. However, in various deep learning models for intrusion detection, there is rarely convolutional neural networks (CNN) model. In this work, we propose a image conversion method of NSL-KDD data. Convolutional neural networks automatically learn the features of graphic NSL-KDD transformation via the proposed graphic conversion technique. We evaluate the performance of the image conversion method by binary class classification experiments with NSL-KDD Test\(^+\) and Test\(^{-21}\). Different structures of CNN are testified for comparison. On the two NSL-KDD test datasets, CNN performed better than most standard classifier although the CNN did not improve state of the art completely. Results show that the CNN model is sensitive to image conversion of attack data and our proposed method can be used for intrusion detection.
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Many infrastructures, such as those of finance and banking, transportation, military and telecommunications, are highly dependent on the Internet. However, as the Internet's underlying structural protocols and governance can be disturbed by intruders, for its smooth operation, it is important to minimize such disturbances. Of the available techniques for achieving this, computational intelligence methodologies, such as evolutionary algorithms and swarm intelligence approaches, are popular and have been successfully applied to detect intrusions. In this paper, we present an overview of these techniques and related literature on intrusion detection, analyze their research contributions, compare their approaches and discuss new research directions which will provide useful insights for intrusion detection researchers and practitioners.
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Rapid growth in the Internet usage and diverse military applications have led researchers to think of intelligent systems that can assist the users and applications in getting the services by delivering required quality of service in networks. Some kinds of intelligent techniques are appropriate for providing security in communication pertaining to distributed environments such as mobile computing, e-commerce, telecommunication, and network management. In this paper, a survey on intelligent techniques for feature selection and classification for intrusion detection in networks based on intelligent software agents, neural networks, genetic algorithms, neuro-genetic algorithms, fuzzy techniques, rough sets, and particle swarm intelligence has been proposed. These techniques have been useful for effectively identifying and preventing network intrusions in order to provide security to the Internet and to enhance the quality of service. In addition to the survey on existing intelligent techniques for intrusion detection systems, two new algorithms namely intelligent rule-based attribute selection algorithm for effective feature selection and intelligent rule-based enhanced multiclass support vector machine have been proposed in this paper.
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In the area of computer security, Intrusion Detection (ID) is a mechanism that attempts to discover abnormal access to computers by analyzing various interactions. There is a lot of literature about ID, but this study only surveys the approaches based on Artificial Immune System (AIS). The use of AIS in ID is an appealing concept in current techniques. This paper summarizes AIS based ID methods from a new view point; moreover, a framework is proposed for the design of AIS based ID Systems (IDSs). This framework is analyzed and discussed based on three core aspects: antibody/antigen encoding, generation algorithm, and evolution mode. Then we collate the commonly used algorithms, their implementation characteristics, and the development of IDSs into this framework. Finally, some of the future challenges in this area are also highlighted.
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Intrusion detection systems monitor the use of computers and the network over which they communicate, searching for unauthorized use, anomalous behavior, and attempts to deny users, machines or portions of the network access to services. Potential users of such systems need information that is rarely found in marketing literature, including how well a given system finds intruders and how much work is required to use and maintain that system in a fully functioning network with significant daily traffic. Researchers and developers can specify which prototypical attacks can be found by their systems, but without access to the normal traffic generated by day-to-day work, they can not describe how well their systems detect real attacks while passing background traffic and avoiding false alarms. This information is critical: every declared intrusion requires time to review, regardless of whether it is a correct detection for which a real intrusion occurred, or whether it is merely a false alarm. To meet the needs of researchers, developers and ultimately system administrators we have developed the first objective, repeatable, and realistic measurement of intrusion detection system performance. Network traffic on an Air Force base was measured, characterized and subsequently simulated on an isolated network on which a few computers were used to simulate thousands of different Unix systems and hundreds of different users during periods of normal network traffic. Simulated attackers mapped the network, issued denial of service attacks, illegally gained access to systems, and obtained super-user privileges. Attack types ranged from old, well-known attacks, to new, stealthy attacks. Seven weeks of training data and two weeks of testing data were generated, filling more than 30 CD-ROMs. Methods and results from the 1998 DARPA intrusion detection evaluation will be highlighted, and preliminary plans for the 1999 evaluation will be presented.
One of the many criticisms of the DARPA IDS evaluation is that it did not evaluate traditional, signature based, off-the-shelf intrusion detection systems. We performed such an evaluation on the 1998 dataset using Snort to determine the usefulness of the DARPA dataset, and found that overall detection performance was low and false positive rates were unacceptable. We present these results in greater depth, which indicate that the dataset does consist primarily of attacks that are difficult for signature based detectors to find; however, we find no support that the false positive rate is realistic.
A network based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) gathers and analyzes network packets and report possible low level security violations to a system administrator. In a large network setup, these low level and partial reports become unmanageable to the administrator resulting in some unattended events. Further it is known that state of the art IDS generate many false alarms. There are techniques proposed in IDS literature to minimize false alarms, many of which are widely used in practice in commercial Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools. In this paper, we review existing false alarm minimization techniques in signature-based Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). We give a taxonomy of false alarm minimization techniques in signature-based IDS and present the pros and cons of each class. We also study few of the prominent commercial SIEM tools which have implemented these techniques along with their performance. Finally, we conclude with some directions to the future research.
Automatic network intrusion detection has been an important research topic for the last 20 years. In that time, approaches based on signatures describing intrusive behavior have become the de-facto industry standard. Alternatively, other novel techniques have been used for improving automation of the intrusion detection process. In this regard, statistical methods, machine learning and data mining techniques have been proposed arguing higher automation capabilities than signature-based approaches. However, the majority of these novel techniques have never been deployed on real-life scenarios. The fact is that signature-based still is the most widely used strategy for automatic intrusion detection. In the present article we survey the most relevant works in the field of automatic network intrusion detection. In contrast to previous surveys, our analysis considers several features required for truly deploying each one of the reviewed approaches. This wider perspective can help us to identify the possible causes behind the lack of acceptance of novel techniques by network security experts.