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Does sadness impair color perception? Thorstenson et al.’s plan to find out is flawed


Abstract and Figures

In their article reporting the results of two experiments, Thorstenson, Pazda, & Elliot (2015a) found evidence that perception of colors on the blue-yellow axis was impaired if the participants had watched a sad movie clip, relative to participants who watched clips designed to induce a happy or neutral mood. Subsequently, these authors retracted their article (Thorstenson, Pazda, & Elliot, 2015b), citing a mistake in their statistical analyses and a problem with the data in one of their experiments. Here, we discuss a number of other methodological problems with Thorstenson et al.’s experimental design, and also demonstrate that the problems with the data go beyond what these authors reported. We conclude that repeating, with minor revision, one of the two experiments, as Thorstenson et al. (2015b) proposed, will not be sufficient to address the problems with this work.
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Does sadness impair color perception? Thorstenson et al.’s plan to find out is flawed
Alex O. Holcombe, University of Sydney
Nicholas J. L. Brown, University of Groningen
Patrick T. Goodbourn, University of Sydney
Alexander Etz, University of Texas at Austin
Sebastian Geukes, University of Münster
In their article reporting the results of two experiments, Thorstenson, Pazda, & Elliot (2015a)
found evidence that perception of colors on the blue-yellow axis was impaired if the participants
had watched a sad movie clip, relative to participants who watched clips designed to induce a
happy or neutral mood. Subsequently, these authors retracted their article (Thorstenson, Pazda, &
Elliot, 2015b), citing a mistake in their statistical analyses and a problem with the data in one of
their experiments. Here, we discuss a number of other methodological problems with
Thorstenson et al.’s experimental design, and also demonstrate that the problems with the data go
beyond what these authors reported. We conclude that repeating, with minor revision, one of the
two experiments, as Thorstenson et al. (2015b) proposed, will not be sufficient to address the
problems with this work.
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The reviewers for Psychological Science, when evaluating a manuscript for publication, are
asked to consider whether the claims made in the article are justified by the methods used (Eich,
Based on two experiments, Thorstenson, Pazda, and Elliot (2015a) claimed that a state of
sadness—induced by watching a short film clip—impairs performance on a specific perceptual
task: discrimination of colors along the blue–yellow axis, but not the red–green axis. This
conclusion is interesting because it is specific to a single dimension of color space; poor
performance on tasks generally, or low willingness to cooperate with an experimenter, would be
an unsurprising effect of sadness.
In their retraction notice (Thorstenson et al., 2015b), the authors acknowledged that their data did
not support the conclusion that impairment was specific to one part of color space. They also
described an anomaly in the histogram of the data of Experiment 2. In our sections below
entitled “A confounded comparison” and “Perceptual impairment or change in bias?”, we detail
other problems with the way the experiments were conducted, the choice of stimuli, and the
measures chosen. It is these problems that lead us to believe that even a re-done Experiment 2
will not justify Thorstenson et al.’s conclusion. In an Appendix, we describe a number of
statistical issues, going beyond the single problem mentioned in the retraction notice, and report
some other anomalies with the dataset, which further undermine confidence in the way the
experiments were carried out and in the resulting findings. We offer this analysis in the hope that
it will lead to better work in this area in the future.
A confounded comparison
When designing an experiment comparing two conditions, one strives to make the factor of
interest the only difference between the conditions. Thorstenson et al. contrasted two film clips,
one of which was intended to cause the participants to feel sad. The clips should have been
chosen to avoid any other differences (on average) in their effect on the participants. The
“sadness” clip of Experiment 1 is an excerpt from the animated Disney movie The Lion King,
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with an unusual lighting that gives the impression of daylight filtered through dust, while the
“happiness” clip is a warmly-lit, indoor recording of the comedian Bill Cosby. The “sadness”
clip used in Experiment 2 is the same Lion King excerpt, converted from color to grayscale, and
the “neutral” clip is a grayscale film of sticks appearing on top of one another at different
orientations, converted from color to grayscale.
Unfortunately, differences in mean color and the color variability in these clips may have
differently affected subsequent perception of blue and yellow versus red and green. For example,
the contrast along the blue–yellow axis might have been greater in the sadness clips. Such a
difference would result in reduced sensitivity to blue–yellow (Krauskopf, Williams, & Heeley,
1982). The use of grayscale clips does not eliminate this issue. An analysis of the HSB values in
the movie files posted online indicates that the mean color of the grayscale clips is bluish-
reddish, with some saturations approaching 5%. These grayscale clips, therefore, may have had
differences in average color as well as color contrast that were uncontrolled. To resolve the issue,
the colors displayed on the laboratory screen must be measured with a colorimeter. The authors
should have made these measurements and reported them in their paper, in order to provide an
indication of whether simple contrast adaptation specific to each color axis would occur when
viewing the clips. In the absence of a report of these measurements or any mention of the issue, it
appears that Thorstenson et al. (2015a) did not take the appropriate steps to eliminate the
possibility that a classic process in color perception could explain the results.
Blue, yellow, green and red are all defined relative to a white point that is quite flexible in the
human visual system. Just as one can adjust the white balance of a camera, for humans the point
considered to be the center of color space changes depending on the palette of colors we are
confronted with (Webster & Silverman, 2008). Unfortunately, Thorstenson et al. displayed their
test stimuli in a manner unsuited to controlling the participant’s white point. Color perception
experiments typically use a neutral grey or white background to provide a white-point reference
for participants, alongside the test stimulus. Thorstensen et al.’s use of full-field color, without
any simultaneous reference stimulus, makes categorization of desaturated patches problematic.
In such circumstances, the participants’ white points may be more dependent on the color
content of the movie clip they viewed previously, which as mentioned previously appears to
have been uncontrolled. In addition, the lack of a grey or white reference stimulus may cause
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participants to more often be completely unable to judge the stimulus color. In such
circumstances, responses may be particularly prone to influence by cognitive factors or by
priming (García-Pérez & Alcalá-Quintana, 2012).
Color is not the only possible confounding difference between the two types of clips. The clips
likely also differed in interest, action, and other features. It is difficult to know whether such
features might have affected participants’ color perception. It certainly is possible for such
differences to bias the participants’ responses when they are uncertain of the stimulus’ color. Of
course, any two individual clips will have featural differences. Because of this, good
experimental design requires using a large set of clips, assessing the various featural differences
between the stimuli, and either matching the two groups of clips carefully on their features, or
modeling them as random effects in a mixed-effects model (Wells & Windschitl, 1999).
Perceptual impairment or change in bias?
Thorstenson et al. (2015a) concluded that sadness “impair[s] color perception on the blue–yellow
color axis” (p.1). But a signal detection theory analysis would be needed to show whether the
decrease in accuracy found was due to color perception indeed being impaired (i.e., there had
been a decline in sensitivity along the blue–yellow axis), or whether the judgments of the sadness
group were instead biased away from blue and yellow. Studies of perception have long used this
type of analysis to distinguish between a change in perceptual ability and a change in, say,
cognitive bias to press the blue or yellow button rather than the red or green one (Green & Swets,
1966). Unfortunately, Thorstenson et al’s plan to simply re-do Experiment 2 would not allow for
the appropriate analysis. In Experiment 2, participants were tested in only two trials for each
stimulus. Much more data would probably be needed to determine whether the participants’
ability to discriminate the colors declined, rather than the accuracy change being attributable to a
decline in the participants’ bias toward pressing the blue or yellow button (instead of the red or
green). For the four-alternative categorization task used by Thorstenson et al. (2015a), a
multivariate extension of signal detection theory should be used, such as general recognition
theory (Ashby & Townsend, 1986).
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The analyses of Thorstenson et al., and also those that we have suggested above, assume
statistical independence of participants’ accuracy on the red–green stimuli and the blue–yellow
stimuli. Unfortunately, however, this assumption may be wrong. Participants’ accuracy on one
axis might affect their guessing strategy on another. In Experiment 1 for example, accuracy was
very high on the blue–yellow axis, suggesting that many participants may have had a clear color
percept of the blue or yellow stimuli, but been less certain about the red and green stimuli. If so,
when an unclear patch came up and they guessed, they may have been unlikely to guess blue or
yellow, in an effort to balance their responses across the available options (many participants
may have correctly guessed that the stimuli were roughly equally distributed among the four
categories). This would artifactually improve performance on the red and green stimuli.
Modeling this phenomenon, however, would be difficult. Even if we had access to the raw
responses (rather than the summary data provided by Thorstenson et al.), it would be difficult to
estimate the participants’ guessing strategy. To avoid this problem in a future version of this
experiment, we suggest that Thorstenson and colleagues should consider adopting the two-
alternative forced choice design commonly used in psychophysics.
Thorstenson et al. are not the only researchers to have used bias-prone measures of perception to
support claims that some non-perceptual state can influence perception. In a recent paper,
Firestone & Scholl (2015) cataloged many other examples, and provided useful discussion.
While we strongly support the decision of Thorstenson et al. (2015b) to retract their article
(Thorstenson et al., 2015a) on the basis of the problems they noted with Experiment 2, it appears
that the basic methodology of both of their experiments is flawed. As Thorstenson and
colleagues move forward, together with others who seek to assess whether mood and other
factors can influence perception, they have an opportunity to bring their work up to modern
standards of statistical and psychophysical rigor. Doing so for experiments like those of
Thorstenson et al. would involve: 1) Careful control of the visual differences between the movie
clips, or, better, mood induction via non-visual stimuli such as an audio recording of a story; 2)
The use of many movie clips or recordings, and mixed-effects analysis to address differences
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that cannot be eliminated between any two clips or recordings; 3) A baseline measurement of
color perception; 4) An analysis based on signal detection theory.
There are further issues specific to Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a) dataset that were not described in
their retraction. Some of these issues affect Experiment 1, which Thorstenson et al. indicated that
they plan to re-publish. We describe and discuss these issues in Appendix A.
AOH coordinated the team and wrote most of the main section of the article. NJLB started the
discussion (on Twitter), wrote the R code to perform the detailed analysis of the dataset, and
wrote most of the Appendix. PTG contributed to the analysis, the points about color vision, and
Figure 4. AE contributed to the discussion of stimuli problems and (lack of) necessary stimulus
sampling. SG contributed to the analysis, contributed early versions of some of the R code, and
helped revise the manuscript.
Appendix A
Statistical shortcomings
Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a) crucial claim was that there was a difference in performance
between their two measures, namely color perception along the blue–yellow axis and color
perception along the red–green axis. However, these authors provided no statistical test of a
difference in the effect of the film clip on blue–yellow compared to red–green. This problem was
widely discussed on blogs and on PubPeer (PubPeer, 2015), and was acknowledged by
Thorstenson et al. (2015b) in their retraction notice. Thorstenson et al. (2015a, p. 4) pointed out
that the difference between red–green and blue–yellow color perception, such that “sadness
influenced chromatic judgments about colors on the blue–yellow axis, but not those on the red–
green axis,” is critical to ruling out “the possibility that sadness simply led to less effort, arousal,
attention, or task engagement”. The demonstration of such a difference implies a statistical
interaction between the “emotion condition” and “color axis” factors. However, the authors did
not report the results of such an interaction in either of their experiments. When we (and the
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authors of various blogs, such as Areshenkoff, 2015) tested this interaction with the published
data, we found that it was not statistically significant: Experiment 1, F(1, 125) = 3.51, p = .06;
Experiment 2: F(1, 128) = 0.40, p = .52. Thorstenson et al. (2015b) in their retraction notice
reported a z test (for unknown reasons, they did not use a conventional statistical interaction) to
test the same issue.
A further potential source of error is that Thorstenson et al. (2015a) did not record the color
perception performance of their participants before the film clips were shown in either
experiment. It was apparently considered sufficient to randomize the participants to watch one of
two film clips; presumably the reasoning was that this randomization would guarantee that there
was no significant difference in baseline performance between the two groups. However, even if
this assumption were to be confirmed, the two groups would necessarily differ at baseline, even
if by only a small amount, and such a difference could have an effect on the outcome given the
relatively small sample sizes involved (Saint-Mont, 2015). We believe that it would have been
useful for these differences to be measured and included in the subsequent analyses, given that
Thorstenson et al.’s hypothesis was that sadness would “impair” (i.e., reduce, compared to a
previous state) participants’ color perception. In addition, using a change score for each
participant can increase statistical power by reducing the contribution of variation among
participants to the error term.
Finally, we note that Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a) experimental design assumes the complete
independence of participants’ accuracy on the two sets of stimuli (red–green and blue–yellow).
We discuss a possible violation of this assumption in our “Perceptual impairment or change in
bias?” section above.
Anomalies and strange patterns in the data
Large numbers of participants with identical scores. We observed a strange pattern in the data
for the blue–yellow axis in Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a) Experiment 2. Specifically, a very large
number of participants (53 out of 130) had a score of exactly 50%, corresponding to 12 out of 24
correct responses, with every other number of correct responses (10, 11, 13, 14, etc) being
achieved by a much smaller number of participants. This is illustrated in Figure 1, where the
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spike at the 50% level is clearly visible. This problem was one of the reasons given by
Thorstenson et al. (2015b) for retracting their article.
Figure 1. Number of occurrences of each recorded blueyellow axis score (expressed as a fraction of 24
attempts) recorded by Thorstenson et al. (2015a) in Experiment 2. The pairs of bars close to each other at
0.54 and 0.79 correspond to cases where the fractions appear to have been incorrectly rounded by hand.
Closer examination of the per-color patch data, supplied by Christopher Thorstenson at our
request (see “The datasets” section), shows that of the 53 participants scoring exactly 50%, 49
(i.e., 37.7% of all participants in Experiment 2) had identical scores for both colors, namely 6.0
(100%) for blue and 0.0 (0%) for yellow. (In the patch data each correct observation counts for a
half-point, so that scores for each color range from 0.0 to 6.0 in increments of 0.5; thus, a score
of 6.0 corresponds to 12 correct responses out of 12.) We are at a loss to explain this
phenomenon, which affects the two experimental conditions equally (26 of the 49 participants
with this 12–0 split were in the neutral condition, versus 23 in the sadness condition). There
seems no reason to suppose that the undergraduate participants in this experiment would have
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been markedly less sensitive to yellow than those in Experiment 1. However, even if their ability
to distinguish the color yellow was affected by some environmental factor, or if they had been
accidentally (perhaps due to a software problem) shown, say, a gray patch instead of a yellow
one, their expected score for yellow would be 1.5 (i.e., 3 correct identifications out of 12
attempts) by chance alone.
Manual calculation of percentages. A further concern with Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a)
published dataset is that the color perception values for both axes in Experiment 2 appear in
some cases to have been converted from counts to percentages by hand, rather than having been
calculated by a computer. These percentage values, reported to two decimal places, ought to be
the result of dividing the number of successful attempts on each axis (i.e., the total number of
correct identifications of red or green patches for the red–green axis, and the total number of
correct identifications of blue or yellow patches for the blue–yellow axis) by 24. For example, an
examination of the patch scores shows that participants #4 and #5 both scored a total of 6.5 for
blue and yellow patches combined, corresponding to 13 correct identifications out of 24 on the
blue–yellow axis. However, in the published dataset file, participant #4 has a value of 0.54 for
the corresponding percentage variable BY_ACC, whereas participant #5 has a value of 0.55 for
the same variable (the true value of 13/24 being 0.541666). It is difficult to imagine how this
might have occurred if these percentages had been generated by a computer. These observations
suggest that there has been some form of manual intervention in the dataset, with the attendant
risks of accidentally introducing other inaccuracies due to typing errors, incorrect cell selection,
etc. The data for at least 26 of the 130 participants in Experiment 2 were affected by this issue
(the exact number depends on whether the smaller or larger calculated number for the percentage
is considered to be correct); no errors of this kind were observed in the dataset for Experiment 1.
The dataset discussed above was replaced by new files on September 14 and 15, 2015, about two
months after the original files were posted, according to the change log for the project page at . The new files were accompanied by the comment “Rounding
errors may result in slightly different values. Updated data to reflect 3 decimals, accordingly.”
Examination of these files shows that some, but not all, of the percentage values for the color
axis scores are indeed now reported to three, rather than two, decimal places. However, this does
not appear to have been done correctly or consistently. We give two examples, both concerning
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the data file corresponding to Experiment 1 (although similar problems affect the file for
Experiment 2 as well):
1. In the original file, the values on the blue–yellow axis for participants #5 and #11 (cells
D4 and D9) both contained the value 0.67, which corresponds—within the limits of
precision—to these participants’ total scores of 16 out of 24 correct responses for blue
and yellow patches combined. In the new file, cell D4 has been changed to 0.665, but cell
D9 has not.
2. In the original file, the values on the red–green axis for participants #31 and #50 (cells
C28 and C47) contained 0.80 and 0.79, respectively. These participants both scored a
total of 19 out of 24 attempts for the red and green patches combined. Since 19/24 =
0.791666, the value of 0.80 for participant #31 was incorrect. In the new file, this cell
(C28) has been “corrected,” but only to 0.795, which is still (a) less close to the true value
than 0.79, and (b) different to the value for participant #50, even though both participants
had the same number of correct responses.
Large differences in skewness between experiments. An examination of the distribution of the
scores for the two color axes reveals considerable differences between Experiment 1 and
Experiment 2. In Experiment 1, the distribution for both axes was substantially negatively
skewed, with the majority of participants correctly identifying almost all of the patches for all
four colors (Figure 2, left-hand side). In Experiment 2, the score distribution was different for
each axis. For the red–green axis (Figure 2, right-hand side, top panel) the scores were
approximately normally distributed: roughly similar numbers of participants achieved each
possible score, with a small number having very low or very high scores. In contrast, the blue–
yellow axis was positively skewed, displaying the “spike” discussed previously (Figure 2, right-
hand side, bottom panel).
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Figure 2. Distribution of per-axis scores for Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a) Experiment 1 (left) and Experiment 2 (right).
The range of scores on the X-axis is 012, reflecting Thorstenson et al.’s scoring scheme of 0.5 points per correct
answer, with 12 trials per color and two colors per axis.
Using the patch-level data, we broke the two-color axis scores down into individual colors, as
shown in Figure 3. For Experiment 1, the per-color data more or less followed the pattern of the
two-color axis of which each color was a part (Figure 3, left-hand side); this was also true for the
red–green axis in Experiment 2 (Figure 3, right-hand side, top two panels). However, an even
stranger pattern emerged for the blue–yellow axis in Experiment 2 (Figure 3, right-hand side,
bottom two panels). Of the 130 participants, 106 (81.5%) scored a maximum 6.0 (corresponding
to 12 correct responses) for blue, while 56 (43.1%) scored zero for yellow. The observed “spike”
at 50% (i.e., 12 out of a possible 24 correct responses) for the blue–yellow axis is thus mostly
explained by people who had a perfect score for of 12 blue, while completely failing to recognize
yellow patches at any saturation and thus obtaining a score of 0.
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Figure 4 plots Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a) participants’ performance for each color, broken
down further into the proportion of correct responses for each saturation level. (Recall that
participants were asked to identify colors at each of six different levels of saturation.) In
Experiment 1, this resulted in an apparent ceiling effect, with mean color-accuracy performance
already reaching 90% or more at the third-lowest color saturation level (.10) and leveling off as
saturation increased thereafter (Figure 4, left-hand side). In Experiment 2, the ceiling effect
disappeared for the red–green axis, for which scores on both colors improved approximately
linearly with increasing color saturation (Figure 4, right-hand side, top two panels); however, on
the blue–yellow axis, the effect of the split between the two colors is once again clear, with the
ceiling effect became even more pronounced for blue, while the proportion of scores for yellow
is low even at the highest color saturation level (Figure 4, right-hand side, bottom two panels).
It is difficult to imagine what might have caused these remarkable results in Experiment 2.
Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a) Method section for this experiment suggests that the only change
that was made from Experiment 1 was the nature of the film clips that were shown to
participants. The differences for both axes (and, indeed, for all four colors) between Experiments
1 and 2—regardless of the film clip watched by participants—are puzzling, given that both
samples were apparently drawn from the same population of undergraduates and hence ought not
to differ widely in their physiological characteristics. Because the color characteristics of the two
sets of film clips were apparently not well-controlled, one possible explanation for this
discrepancy is differential adaptation of the color mechanisms in the visual system, which adds
to our concern of a confound (see our section “A confounded comparison?”), but we have
difficulty believing that this could account for such a substantial difference between the two
Given that the extreme blue–yellow scores in Experiment 2 were obtained from participants in
both the neutral and sadness conditions, a further possibility is that simply watching grayscale
film clips for a few minutes was sufficient to substantially distort participants’ color vision (on
the blue–yellow axis only). However, if Thorstenson and colleagues had noticed such a finding,
they would presumably have mentioned it in their article, and perhaps alerted colleagues in the
University of Rochester’s Department of Pharmacology and Physiology to this remarkable
finding. Otherwise, we are left with two possible conclusions: either around 40% the participants
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in Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a) Experiment 2 all had the same problem with their vision (which
was not shared by any of the participants in Experiment 1), or some form of equipment failure or
other technical problem caused this unusual pattern of values to be recorded. In any case, it
seems likely that Thorstenson et al. failed to notice this anomaly when examining their data prior
to performing their statistical analyses.
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Figure 3. Per-color scores for each color patch for Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a) Experiment 1 (left) and
Experiment 2 (right).
Figure 4. Proportion of correct responses for each of the six color saturation levels and each of the four
colors tested, split by experimental condition for Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a) Experiment 1 (left) and
Experiment 2 (right).
A note on the datasets
We applaud the decision by Thorstenson et al. (2015a) to publish their data, which led to their
published article being awarded Psychological Science’s “Open Data” and “Open Materials”
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badges. However, the published files were not sufficient for some of our analyses, which
required more detailed data that Christopher Thorstenson kindly sent to us. Below, we clarify
how we refer to these files and what they contain:
- The published data. This term refers to the archive file “,” which was posted on
the Open Science Framework at on July 5, 2015. It contains one
Excel file for each of the two experiments reported in Thorstenson et al.’s (2015a) article. Each
file contains a row for each participant, containing his or her scores on each color axis (red–
green and blue–yellow) expressed as a percentage of the 24 attempts made on that axis (two
attempts per color for each of the two colors on the axis and for each of six saturation levels). As
we have noted in our section entitled “Manual calculation of percentages” (which deals with the
specific problems caused by this change), an updated version of this archive was uploaded, and
the original version deleted, on September 14 and 15, 2015. Unless mentioned otherwise, we
refer to the original version of the published data throughout this article.
- The patch data. This term refers to two supplementary Excel files (one per experiment),
supplied to us by Christopher Thorstenson, with each cell containing a combined score for the
participants’ two responses for each color and saturation level. The score for each case is either
0.0, 0.5, or 1.0, corresponding to 0, 1, or 2 correct responses.
As our own contribution to open science, we have archived the R code that we used to analyze
the data and generate our figures at the Open Science Framework (OSF; This code works with the original dataset files uploaded to OSF
by Thorstenson et al. (which, it appears, have now been deleted), together with the patch data
files. We include these data files alongside our R source file.
Areshenkoff, Corson N. (2015). “On the importance of plotting; or — Psych. Science will
publish anything”. [blog post]
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Several studies on scientific replication and meta-analytic approaches have illustrated the issue of low reproducibility or low effect size in psychology and related fields. Herein, the author described not only the problems generally underlying fields (e.g., questionable research practices and misconduct) but also problems specific to cognitive psychology. Reproducibility or effect size of experimental studies has gathered little attention from researchers in cognitive psychology. In addition, the lack of cognitive studies on researchers in cognitive psychology is related to the disregard for motivational factors on the reproduction/replication problems. Based on the understanding of these issues, the author discusses how future cognitive psychology can overcome them.
Full-text available
Several varieties of perceptual independence are investigated. These include sampling independence, dimensional orthogonality, stimulus separability and integrality, and performance parity. A general multivariate perceptual theory is developed, and a precise definition of perceptual independence is offered. Each of these related concepts is then examined within the framework of this theory, and their theoretical interrelationships are explicated. It is shown that none of the concepts are equivalent to perceptual independence but that if separability holds, then sampling independence is equivalent to perceptual independence. Several simple tests of separability are suggested that can be applied to the same data as sampling independence. Dimensional orthogonality is shown to test for independence only if some strong distributional assumptions are made about the perceptual effects of stimuli. Reaction time and information-based performance parity criteria are examined. The potential for empirically testing each of these concepts is discussed.
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What determines what we see? In contrast to the traditional “modular” understanding of perception, according to which visual processing is encapsulated from higher-level cognition, a tidal wave of recent research alleges that states such as beliefs, desires, emotions, motivations, intentions, and linguistic representations exert direct top-down influences on what we see. There is a growing consensus that such effects are ubiquitous, and that the distinction between perception and cognition may itself be unsustainable. We argue otherwise: none of these hundreds of studies — either individually or collectively — provide compelling evidence for true top-down effects on perception, or “cognitive penetrability”. In particular, and despite their variety, we suggest that these studies all fall prey to only a handful of pitfalls. And whereas abstract theoretical challenges have failed to resolve this debate in the past, our presentation of these pitfalls is empirically anchored: in each case, we show not only how certain studies could be susceptible to the pitfall (in principle), but how several alleged top-down effects actually are explained by the pitfall (in practice). Moreover, these pitfalls are perfectly general, with each applying to dozens of other top-down effects. We conclude by extracting the lessons provided by these pitfalls into a checklist that future work could use to convincingly demonstrate top-down effects on visual perception. The discovery of substantive top-down effects of cognition on perception would revolutionize our understanding of how the mind is organized; but without addressing these pitfalls, no such empirical report will license such exciting conclusions.
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Following Fisher, it is widely believed that randomization "relieves the experimenter from the anxiety of considering innumerable causes by which the data may be disturbed." In particular, it is said to control for known and unknown nuisance factors that may challenge considerably the validity of a result. Looking for quantitative advice, I study a number of straightforward, mathematically simple models. However, they all demonstrate that the optimism with respect to randomization is wishful thinking rather than based on fact. In small to medium-sized samples, random allocation of units to treatments typically {\it yields} a considerable imbalance between the groups, i.e., confounding due to randomization is the rule rather than the exception. For this, and further reasons, classical experimentation based on sound background theory and the systematic construction of comparable groups, seems to be preferable.
Past research has shown that emotion can influence low-level visual processes, including color perception, that may play a role in higher-order vision. Moreover, the prevalence of linguistic pairings between emotions and color words suggests that emotional experience and color perception may be linked. The purpose of the present research was to test whether emotion influences color perception. We did this by experimentally manipulating emotion with video clips in two experiments (specifically, sadness and amusement in Experiment 1, and sadness and neutral emotion in Experiment 2) and measuring color perception (specifically, accuracy in identifying desaturated colors). The results of both experiments showed that sadness impaired color perception along the blue-yellow color axis but not along the red-green color axis. © The Author(s) 2015.
Many perceptual dimensions are thought to be represented relative to an average value or norm. Models of norm-based coding assume that the norm appears psychologically neutral because it reflects a neutral response in the underlying neural code. We tested this assumption in human color vision by asking how judgments of "white" are affected as neural responses are altered by adaptation. The adapting color was varied to determine the stimulus level that did not bias the observer's subjective white point. This level represents a response norm at the stages at which sensitivity is regulated by the adaptation, and we show that these response norms correspond to the perceptually neutral stimulus and that they can account for how the perception of white varies both across different observers and within the same observer at different locations in the visual field. We also show that individual differences in perceived white are reduced when observers are exposed to a common white adapting stimulus, suggesting that the perceptual differences are due in part to differences in how neural responses are normalized. These results suggest a close link between the norms for appearance and coding in color vision and illustrate a general paradigm for exploring this link in other perceptual domains.
On the importance of plotting; or -Psych. Science will publish anything
  • Corson N Areshenkoff
Areshenkoff, Corson N. (2015). "On the importance of plotting; or -Psych. Science will publish anything". [blog post]