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Influence of Online Tax Filing on Tax Compliance among Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru Town, Kenya



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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 18, Issue 10. Ver. II (October. 2016), PP 82-92
DOI: 10.9790/487X-1810028292 82 | Page
Influence of Online Tax Filing on Tax Compliance among Small
and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru Town, Kenya
Ondara Thomas Gwaro1, Dr. Kimani Maina2, Dr. Josphat Kwasira3
1Master of Business Administration (Finance) student at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
Technology, Nakuru Campus, Kenya.
2Lecturer at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nakuru Campus, Kenya.
3Senior lecturer at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nakuru Campus, Kenya.
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology P.O Box 62000-00200, Nakuru
Abstract: The Kenya Revenue Authority has introduced online filing through the iTax system that replaced the
Integrated Tax Management Systems. The online filing of tax returns introduces benefits that were not possible
through manual filing of the tax returns. These benefits include the element of convenience to the taxpayer,
reduced costs on the revenue authority, and quality data on tax returns due to elimination of data entry errors
associated with manual filing. This study aims to assess the level of awareness regarding online filing of tax
returns in the context of the Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru. The Small and Medium Enterprises in
Nakuru Central Business District have been chosen owing to the fact that Nakuru town is the fastest growing
town in East and Central Africa due to the high number of Small and Medium Enterprises in the town. The
specific objectives of the study included examination of the effect of computer literacy on tax compliance among
Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru, examination of the impact of online tax filing on tax compliance
among Small and Medium Enterprises and an examination of perceived security on tax compliance. The study is
based on four theories as part of the theoretical framework, that is, the Theory of Technological Acceptance
Model, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, Theory of Reasoned Action and Diffusion of
Innovation Theory. These theories deal with the factors influencing the adoption of new information systems
such online filing. The study utilized the survey descriptive research design in which quantitative data was
collected through use of primary data collection techniques. Primary data was collected using questionnaires. A
sample size of 100 respondents from the Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru was utilized. The study found
amongst the independent variables only the computer literacy had significant effect on the influence tax
compliance levels amongst Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru.The multiple correlation effect of 0.954
indicates a relatively strong positive relationship effect between the three independent variables and the
dependent variable. The coefficient of determination (R Square) indicates the variance on the dependent
variable attributed to the three independent variables. In this context, the coefficient of determination (R
Square) of 0.911 indicates that the three independent variables contributed to 91.1% of the variance in the
dependent variable.
Keywords: Tax Compliance, Small and Medium Enterprises, Online Tax Filing
I. Introduction
Governments are adopting Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) to improve on
service delivery, enhance convenience among citizenry and increase accessibility to government information is
on the rise (Azmi & Kamarulzaman, 2010). Introduction of the electronic tax filing is a major form of electronic
government services (Lai & Choong, 2010). The various governments in the world are also introducing
electronic tax filing in order to achieve greater tax administrative and compliance efficiency (Mandola, 2013).
Governments around the world are introducing electronic filing of the tax returns due to the various advantages
associated with it (Young, 2012).
Among these advantages include convenience of the taxpayers as they are able to file tax returns at
home or cybercafés, and eliminates or reduces errors associated with manual filing as the system auto checks
the application (Osebe, 2013). Other advantages include reduced workload and cost for the tax collector among
amongst others (Simiyu, 2013). However, there are challenges associated with the online filing including
taxpayer’s perception, challenges associated with learning the electronic filing system from service provider,
limited accessibility of internet infrastructure and electronic filing system down times (Azmi & Bee, 2011).
Several countries have had different experiences in regards to the electronic filing of tax returns.
Electronic filling of tax returns was first done in the Unites States of America in 1986 (Lai & Choong,
2010). Several countries in both the developing and developed countries have since adopted the electronic filing
system. For example, Uganda through the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) introduced Electronic filling of
tax in 2009 (Auyat, 2013). In South Africa, the services were introduced in 2003 by the South African Revenue
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Services (SARS) with significant developments in 2006 while in Malaysia, the services was implemented by the
Inland Revenue Authority (Ferreira, 2008; Razak, 2009).
In South Africa, there are three ways of tax returns including the manual returns, electronic filling (e
filing) of tax returns and electronic based form filing of tax returns (Ferreira, 2008). The manual tax returns
include filing the manual tax return forms from the South African Revenue Services (SARS) and returning the
completed forms to the authority. The electronic form filing involves filling the manual equivalent of the form
electronically and printing the form for submission to the authority(Ibrahim, 2012).
The E filling of the tax returns in South Africa involves the electronic filling and submission of the tax
returns. There are several benefits that have been realized in the South African context in regards to online tax
returns. These includes extended time for tax payers to submit their returns that is up to January of the preceding
year as opposed to October of a current year for the tax returns (Ferreira, 2008). The major challenges with the
e filing of the tax returns in South Africa included software requirements of the SARS program that utilized
adobe acrobat 8 software. This software required at least a Pentium 11 computer to run which was not widely
available in South Africa at the time of e filing introduction. The issue of comprehensive online help menus was
a challenge as well as the navigation of the e filing site (Lai & Choong, 2010).
In Malaysia, the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) introduced the electronic filling of the returns (e filing)
(Razak, 2009). The E filling in Malaysia involved four basic steps that is enrollment and verification of the
digital signature, the entering of the gross earnings, relief and deductions before the system automatically
calculates the tax amount due. The IRB receives the submission electronically and the verified tax form returned
emailed back to the taxpayer (Razak, 2009). Razak (2009) notes that the challenges encountered in the use of
the e filing in Malaysia included technological challenges such as standards, data integration, legacy
maintenance, privacy and security.
In Kenya, the earliest form of the online filing of tax returns was through the implementation of the
Integrated Tax Management System (ITMS) in 2013. This was to facilitate the online payments of Value Added
Tax (VAT), Cooperate Tax amongst others (Lukorito, 2012). The ITMS also connected the Electronic Tax
Registers (ETR) devices (registers) to enable simplification of the VAT declarations. The ITMS enabled the
taxpayers to undertake electronic filling. In the context of the system requirements, the ITMS required internet
explorer 7 or higher of Mozilla Firefox 3.0.3 (Mandola, 2013). Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) was to later
phase out the ITMS and replaced it with the iTax system. The iTax enabled the taxpayer to undertake internet
based registration, filing, paying and status inquiries with real time monitoring of the accounts (Mandola, 2013).
The electronic filing or online filing of tax returns is a general term for electronic filing or electronic
lodgment or electronic declaration of tax returns through submission of tax data to a taxing authority in a
computer file format through an internet connection (Ibrahim, 2012). On the other hand, Mandola (2013)
defines electronic filing as an internet based system that enables the taxpayers to register and submit their tax
returns over the internet. The platform or system could have an inbuilt software that has been pre-approved by
the relevant tax authority to assist the taxpayers in calculating and consequently submit the correct amount of
tax due (Mandola, 2013). The e-filing incorporates the process of registration, tax preparation, tax filing and tax
payment (Lukorito, 2012). The taxpayer requires access to a computer, the tax software, a reliable internet
connection and the knowledge to utilize the electronic filing (Hussein, Mohamed, Ahlan, Mahmud, &
Aditiawarman, 2010).
Ada (2009) classifies the tax administration into either the British or American Model. The British
model assumes the incompetence of the tax payers and hence audits and independently verifies the supplied data
on tax returns (Nakiwala, 2010). On the other hand, the American model runs on a voluntary compliance system
which assumes the competence of the taxpayer and hence only independently verifies about 5% of the tax
returns (Auyat, 2013). There are however heavy penalties for non-compliance (Auyat, 2013).
There are several advantages associated with the online tax filing including convenience as the filing
can be done any time (day and night) and within one owns comfort e.g. at home (Geetha & Sekar, 2012). There
is also an element of the certainty of delivery and quick confirmation of the delivery as the online tax system
confirms successful receipt of the taxpayers’ submission. The online tax returns also eliminates data entry errors
as the system automatically ensures that the data has been filled in the correct places(Hussein et al., 2010).
Finally, document handling and storage is easier (Lukwata, 2011).
According to Ada (2009) taxation is the enforced proportional contributions from persons and property,
levied by the state, by the virtue of its sovereignty, for the support of government and for all public needs. On
the other hand Muhangi (2012) defines tax as a compulsory level imposed by government ( central or local) on
the profit, income, wealth or consumption (e.g. sales or VAT) of an individual or estate through trustee or
executor and corporate organization. Auyat (2013) further defines tax as a financial charge or other levy
imposed upon a taxpayer (an individual or non-individuals) by a state or functional equivalent of a state, such
that failure to pay is punishable by law. Auyat (2013) further defines tax as compulsory contribution from the
person to government to defray the expenses incurred uncommon interest of all without reference to special
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benefit concurred. In summary, tax can be defined as the compulsory contribution levied by a sovereign power
on the incomes, profits, goods, services or properties of individuals or corporate persons, trusts and settlements,
which when collected, are used for carrying out government functions (Ada, 2009; Auyat, 2013; Muhangi,
2012). There are several element of tax including the tax base, tax rate and tax yield (Ofori, 2009). The tax
base is the legal description of an object on which tax is imposed or charged which can be the income of the
taxpayer, gain from certain activities he engaged in, property or asset owned or some services received (Simiyu,
2013). On the other hand, the tax rate is the proportion of tax base that is payable as tax while tax yield is the
total amount of revenue generated from tax (Ramoo, 2006). There are two tax classifications that is the direct
versus indirect taxes and the proportional versus progressive loans (Odongo, 2014). The direct taxes are those
that affect the individual directly through a deduction from earnings. On the other hand, the indirect taxes are
those that are paid to the government by an intermediary and then passed on to the final user by including the
tax in the final price (Nakiwala, 2010). Examples of direct taxes include income tax, property tax etc. On the
other hand, the examples of indirect taxes include export and import duties, excise and local production, value
added tax (VAT) and others (Ofori, 2009). The tax is said to be progressive if when with increasing income the
tax liability not only increases in absolute terms but also proportionate to income (Simiyu, 2013). On the other
hand, Ada (2009) defines proportional tax as form of tax that assesses a taxpayer to tax at flat rate on his total
assessable income and as such the tax is payable proportional to the taxpayer’s income. The progressive tax is a
form of tax that is graduated as it applies to higher rates of tax as income increases (Ferreira, 2008).
According to Ssetuba (2012), tax compliance is the ability to pay taxes on time and timely reporting of
the correct tax information. Other definitions of tax compliance concentrate on the accuracy of the information
contained in the tax returns and the cost of making the tax returns. For example, Auyat (2013) defines tax
compliance as the supply of accurate and timely lodgment of income tax return together with the required
payments whenever due. There are two types of tax compliance; voluntary and involuntary tax compliance
(Mandola, 2013). The voluntary tax compliance requires no state enforcement for the taxpayers to comply with
the tax requirements in contrast to the involuntary tax compliance (Hussein et al., 2010).
Tax compliance is concerned on the timely and accurate submission of tax remittance information to
the revenue authority. The online filing system has a direct impact on the tax compliance levels (Nakiwala,
2010). The system ensures that the taxpayer has filled all the required mandatory fields before allowing him to
proceed to the next level. This has the effect of ensuring that the revenue authority receives relatively high
quality data compared to the manual returns of the data (Nakiwala, 2010). The online filing of the tax returns
ensures that there is lack of inconsistencies, missing information and unintentional errors (Mandola, 2013).
SMEs are faced with numerous challenges in the context of taxation. For example, Odongo (2014)
found tax compliance levels among the SMEs in Uganda to be very low. There are several factors that led to low
tax compliance levels in Uganda including poor book keeping, low sales turn overs , and frequent ownership
changes of SMEs (Nakiwala, 2010). Other challenges include large proportion of SMEs who are ignorant of
taxation processes and computations, and lack of comprehensive sensitization programmes by the Uganda
Revenue Authority (URA) (Odongo, 2014).
There are challenges associated with the tax compliance levels among the SMEs in Kenya due to the
nature of the firms (Simiyu, 2013). The turnover tax in Kenya introduced through the Finance Act of 2007
specifically targets the SMEs especially those with less than 5 million annual gross income (Osebe, 2013). Some
of the challenges facing the taxation of the SMEs in Kenya include the fact that small businesses are normally
owned by the owners who are also in charge of the accounting book (Muhangi, 2012). There is thus less
incentive to comply with tax requirements.
II. Literature Review
Theoretical Review
The theoretical framework is going to be based on the Theory of Technological Acceptance Model
(TUM). The theory of TAM was formulated in 1989 as a derivative of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) in
an attempt to explain the user acceptance and adoption of new technology (Hussein et al., 2010). The key
features of the TAM is the perceived ease of use and usefulness .The perceived usefulness is defined as the
degree to which a person believes that a particular technology will enhance his performance (Azmi & Bee,
2011). On the other hand, the perceived ease of use is the degree to which the person believes that using a
particular system will be free from of effort. The Behavioural Intent is the extent to which an individual intends
to perform a specific behaviour (Ramoo, 2006). The TAM theory argues that perceived usefulness and
perceived ease of use influences the computer user’s intention and actual usage of anew information system
(Hussein et al., 2010). There are varied thoughts among the scholars on whether the perceived usefulness or the
perceived ease of use is the primary determinant in the usage of a new information system (Azmi & Bee, 2011).
Azmi & Bee (2010) included perceived risk in their study The Acceptance of the e-Filing System by Malaysian
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Taxpayers: A Simplified Model. The perceived risk was being used increasingly in studies touching on e
governance. In their model, the y introduced perceived risk with two facets; privacy risk and performance risk.
Azmi & Bee (2010) defined perceived risk as taxpayers’ perception on the reliability of the system’s
usefulness/functionality and the control of their personal data information in an online environment. They
further defined privacy risk as the concerns over the safeguard of various types of data that are collected during
taxpayers’ interaction with the e-filing system due to concerns on third parties accessing their personal
information. The performance risk refers to the possibility of the system failing to deliver on its promises. In the
study on the interaction between the perceived risk and the traditional perceived usefulness and the perceived
ease of use, Azmi & Bee (2010) argue that complex systems that take time to learn are considered risk to adopt
and use.
Impact of Computer Literacy Levels on Tax Compliance
The computer literacy level and accessibility to internet infrastructure has a direct impact towards the
use of the online tax returns (Auyat, 2013). The online tax services are often internet based platforms and basic
knowledge of the usage of the internet is required (Azmi & Bee, 2010). In this context, the user must be able to
self-navigate on the web-based platform with minimal difficulties if any and use the self-help menus available in
the website (Hussein et al., 2010). Mandola (2013) noted that half the sampled respondents in her study on the
adoption of ITMS system indicated that any online e government services needs to be easy to use to enable even
those with little internet experience to effectively use the service. In this context, she found a correlation
between an individual’s internet experience, the availability and access to internet facilities, and the ease in
which the potential user can learn and use e government services such as online filing.
The lack of the appropriate computer literacy levels therefore makes online tax filing expensive
(Osebe, 2013). Lack of the ability to use the e filing system quickly and efficiently or lack of understanding the
type of information required by the online tax filing system forces taxpayers to engage third parties (Mandola,
2013). These third parties could be the cybercafé attendants and would charge premium for such services
(Odongo, 2014). The net effect is that it becomes expensive to use online tax filing in contexts where the
taxpayer is computer illiterate hence a preference for the manual filing (Ofori, 2009). The taxpayer may also
opt to execute the electronic filling on their own despite the challenges in navigating the online system
(Muhangi, 2012). The difficulties in the ability to navigate the online filing system quickly and efficiently
without constantly referring to the help menus or consulting third parties results in prolonged time taken to
complete the online filing (Ramoo, 2006). The tax payer may therefore be burdened by the time and effort spent
learning the system and hence influence the adoption of the system (Lukwata, 2011).
Impact of Perceived Security Risks Concerns on Tax Compliance
The dependent on the third parties to assist a tax payer undertake online tax returns has the effect of the
tax payer losing data privacy (Lai & Choong, 2010). The taxpayer need to reveal personal financial details about
his business such as the income derived from the business (Lukwata, 2011). A majority of the taxpayers may not
be comfortable divulging such information to third parties who are not connected to their business (Ramoo,
2006). This is because it exposes them to security risk of being robbed. In this context, the taxpayer may opt to
fill the manual tax returns in a bid to protect the privacy of his data (Ssetuba, 2012). The lack of the computer
literacy in general and the lack of confidence around the online filing system may lead to psychological
predispositions that may influence the adoption of electronic filing (Muhangi, 2012). For example, Mandola
(2013) argues that a feeling of increased anxiety and stress due to lack of experience or comfort with using
technology or feeling threatened by technology could prevent a customer being inclined to adopt the e filing
system. Concerns over security issues or perceived risks on the usage of the online filing services inhabit its
adoption. Ramoo (2006) argues that perceived risk influences the adoption and usage of the online filing. The
perceived risk is defined as the taxpayers’ perception on the reliability of the system’s usefulness/functionality
and the control of their personal data information in an online environment (Ramoo, 2006). In this context,
taxpayers using the online could be concerned on whether third parties can access their personal tax information
without their knowledge or permission (Geetha & Sekar, 2012). The failure of the system to deliver on its
objectives due to either technical issues or other reasons affects the potential users’ adoption of the system. In
this context, Kamarulzaman & Azmi (2010) argues that the risk factor that taxpayers’ perceived to have towards
the system, which promise to complete their transaction securely and to maintain the privacy of their personal
information, will affect their voluntary adoption of the e-filing system.
Impact of Online Tax System Stability on Tax Compliance
The online tax filing system must be stable to handle the high traffic during the peak times. In this
context, Kamarulzaman & Azmi (2010) argue that the online system must run smoothly and efficient during the
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peak times especially closer to the deadlines. The inability of the system to handle huge information during the
peak hours and may change the perception of the users that the system in unreliable (Nakiwala, 2010).
Customers in this context may thus opt to utilize the manual filing due to the perception that the system is
always unreliable (Mugo, 2013). According to Azmi & Bee (2010), improvement on the e filing systems that
will enhance the tax payer’s perceived ease of use, usefulness and reduced riskiness of the system are essential
in the adoption of the e filing system. Mugo (2013) notes that reducing taxpayer’s perception of risk in
electronic filing not only increases their perception on the usefulness of the electronic filing but also leads them
to adoption of the system.
Ramoo (2006) argues that computer anxiety affects the adoption of the electronic filing of tax returns.
The computer anxiety is defined as the fear and the apprehension felt by an individual when considering the
utilization of the computer technology or when actually using it (Nakiwala, 2010). There are two components of
computer anxiety that is the cognitive and the emotive components. The cognitive component underlies the
negative expectancies and the emotional expectancy leads to negative physiological reactions (Ramoo, 2006).
The computer anxiety has been shown to impact on the perceived ease of use, computer use and computing
skills which leads to the low adoption of the electronic filing system. The computer anxiety is most likely to be
an issue among the illiterate, semi illiterate and the elderly taxpayers (Hussein et al., 2010). Some of the traders
in the SME sector have relatively low education levels which may reduce their confidence around computer
technologies such as the online filing system.
III. Objective of The Study
The specific objectives of the study were as follows;
1. To establish the impact of the computer literacy aspects of online tax filing on tax compliance among small
and medium enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya
2. To examine the impact of perceived security risks concerns of online tax filing on tax compliance among
small and medium enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya
3. To determine the impact of the online tax system stability of online tax filing on tax compliance among
small and medium enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya
IV. Research Hypotheses
The following research hypothesis guided the study;
H01: There is no significant relationship between computer literacy levels and tax compliance among small and
medium enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya
H02: There is no significant relationship between perceived security risks concerns and tax compliance among
small and medium enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya
H03: There is no significant relationship between online tax system stability and tax compliance among small
and medium enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya
V. Methodology
According to Ada (2009), a research design refers to the explanation of the method adopted in carrying
out of the research and is thus a plan or structure of any aspect of the research procedure. The descriptive
research technique will be used in the study. According to Simiyu (2013) a descriptive study enables the current
description of the phenomena being studied. On the other hand, Chepkangor (2012) argues that descriptive case
studies are used to describe an event/process in its natural ambit and the main objectives is to answer how, who
and what questions. This research technique is ideal in the context that the researcher was interested in
examining the factors influencing the adoption of the online tax filing among the SMEs in Nakuru CBD. The
questionnaires were used to describe an existing phenomena by asking individuals about the perception,
attitudes and behaviour or values (Kipkenei, 2012).The target population of this study is the SMEs within
Nakuru County. According to Kariuki (2013), there are about 20,355 registered SMEs within Nakuru County
which were used as the target population for this study. This study employed Nassiuma’s (2009) formula to
calculate the size of the sample. The formula to scientifically derive the sample from the target population is
illustrated hereunder.
 
n = sample size
N =size of target population
C = coefficient of variation (0.5)
e = error margin (0.05)
Substituting these values in the equation, estimated sample size (n) were:
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n = 20,355(0.5)2 / (0.52+ (20,355-1)0.052))
n = 99.51 that is 100 respondents
The study used 100 respondents as the sample size.
The study utilized 100 sample size derived through the use of Nassiuma’s (2009) formula. Therefore,
100 questionnaires were distributed to potential respondents. The questionnaires that were returned were 91
making a response rate of 91%. This high response rate was attributed to efforts made to increase the response
rate such as constant reminders through short text messages on the need to fill the questionnaires on time. The
telephone contacts had been collected at the point of questionnaire distribution. A response rate of 91% was
deemed sufficient as it exceeded the 80% minimum threshold recommended by researchers.
VI. Findings and Discussions
Computer Literacy Levels
The frequency distribution of the computer literacy level were illustrated in Table 1
Table 1; Computer Literacy Levels
The following computer literacy levels have
played a significant role in tax compliance
amongst SMEs;
Freq. (%)
Freq. (%)
Freq. (%)
Freq. (%)
Freq. (%)
Proficiency of internet usage
43 (47.3)
25 (27.5)
14 (15.4)
9 (9.9)
0 (0.0)
Basic computer trouble shooting skills
16 (17.6)
35 (38.5)
20 (22.0)
20 (22.0)
0 (0.0)
Understanding of itax site navigation process
55 (60.4)
26 (28.6)
10 (11.0)
0 (0.0)
Ability to use self-help menus on itax platform
21 (23.1)
40 (44.0)
15 (16.5)
15 (16.5)
0 (0.0)
Ability to determine successful application
50 (54.9)
25 (27.5)
12 (13.2)
4 (4.4)
0 (0.0)
In the context of the proficiency of internet usage affecting tax compliance, a majority of 47.3% of the
respondents strongly agreed that it did affect tax compliance. This is attributable to the fact that the online tax
returned is internet based and as such proficiency of internet usage is a key requirement. This also is the reason
attributed to the minimum number of respondents that is 9.9% who disagreed that it affect tax compliance. The
majority of the respondents 38.5% agreed that basic computer trouble shooting skills affected the tax
compliance compared to 22% who disagreed. This is attributable to the fact that the online tax returns is a self-
help and self-navigation module in which the user is needs to have little technical know-how in trouble shooting
in times of challenges. On the other hand, a majority of 44% of the respondents agreed that ability to use self-
help menus on itax platform affects the tax compliance. This high percentage is attributed to the module of
online tax returns which is self-navigated at the itax platform with no onsite help from KRA officials. Finally,
the ability to determine successful application affects tax compliance as agreed by a majority of 54.9% of the
Table 2; Means and Standard Deviation of Computer Literacy Levels
The means and standard deviations of computer literacy were examined. The respondents on average
tended to agree that the proficiency of internet usage had an impact on the tax compliance levels due to a mean
of 4.12 and a standard deviation of 1.00. In the context of the basic computer trouble shooting, the respondents
on average tended to agree that it impacted on tax compliance due to a mean of 3.51 and a standard deviation of
1.03. Similarly, the understanding of itax site navigation as impacting on the tax compliance levels had a
majority of the respondents on average agreeing to the same due to a mean of 4.49 and a standard deviation of
0.68. On the other hand, in relations to the ability to use self-help menus of itax platform the respondents on
average agreed that it had an impact on the tax compliance due to a mean of 3.73 and a standard deviation of
0.99. Finally, in relations to the ability to determine successful application had the respondents on average
tending to agree due to a mean of 4.32 and a standard deviation of 0.86.
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Security Concerns
The results for the security concerns were presented in Table 3;
Table 3; Frequency Distribution of Security Concerns
A majority of 39.6% of the respondents strongly agreed that they were uncomfortable revealing
business information to cyber attendants for assistance in tax filing. This can be attributed to the fact the
information that would normally presented gives an overview of the financial performance of their businesses.
On the other hand, a majority of 44% of the respondents agreed that information revealed to third parties during
tax returns may place their businesses at security risk. This was attributed to the fact that the information
presented discussed on the financial performance of their businesses which could be revealed by third parties to
criminals. It was only a small percentage of 15.4% of the respondents who were uncertain on the given issue.
Similarly, a majority of 52.7% of the respondents feared that the information presented to third parties during
online tax filing may be revealed to their competitors. This is because handling of the data by third parties such
as cyber attendants may be handled professionally. This is revealed by a majority of 37.4% of the respondents
who felt that their data will not be handled professionally by cyber attendants. On the other hand, a majority of
44% of the respondents agreed that information given to third parties may place them at security risk. This is
due to the fact that their information may find its way to criminals.
Table 4; Means and Standard Deviation of Security Concerns
Uncomfortable revealing business information to cyber attendants for
assistance in tax filing
Information revealed to third parties e.g. cyber attendants during tax
returns may place my business at security risk
Information revealed to third parties e.g. cyber attendants during tax
returns may get to my competitors
Information revealed to third parties e.g. cyber attendants during tax
returns may place my personal security at risk
Information revealed to third parties e.g. cyber attendants may not be
handled professionally
Valid N (listwise)
The means and standard deviations of security concerns were examined. In this context, the
respondents on average agreed that they were uncomfortable revealing business information to cyber attendants
for assistance in tax filing as indicated through a mean of 4.07 and a standard deviation of 0.90. The information
revealed to third parties during tax returns placing the business at a security risk had the respondents on average
tending to agree due to a mean of 3.69 and a standard deviation of 1.01. The respondents on average tended to
agree that the information revealed to third parties during tax returns may get to the competitors due to a mean
of 4.34 and a standard deviation of 0.81. The information being revealed to third parties e.g. cyber attendants
during tax returns leading to personal security of the SME owners had a mean of 3.81 and a standard deviation
of 0.96. This implied that on average the respondents tended to agree with the statement. Finally, in relations to
the information revealed to third parties not being handled professionally, the respondents on average tended to
agree due to a mean of 3.54 and a standard deviation of 1.04.
Online Tax Returns System Stability
The frequency distribution of online tax returns system stability was examined using Table 5.
Table 5; Frequency Distribution of Online Tax Returns System Stability
The following online tax returns system stability concerns have played a
significant role in tax compliance amongst SMEs;
System hang-ups leads to delay in submission
System hang ups leads to unwillingness to file returns
Influence of Online Tax Filing on Tax Compliance among Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru...
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System hang ups leads to inability to file without assistance
System hang ups leads to incurrence of costs to pay third parties to file on my
System hang ups leads to compromise of information submitted
A majority respondents of 51.6% strongly agreed that the system hang ups led to delay in submission
of tax returns submission. This is attributable to the fact that such delays leads to taxpayers postponing on the
scheduled times to do their tax returns. On the other hand, a majority of 42.9% of the respondents indicated that
the system hang ups lead to unwillingness to file returns. This is due to the frustration experienced when there
are incidences of system challenges. This contrasted to a small percentage of 9.9% of the respondents who
disagreed that system hang ups lead to unwillingness to file returns. A majority of 46.2% of the respondents
strongly agreed that system hang ups led to inability to file returns without assistance from third parties. This is
in view of the time expenditure making SMEs to outsource the services to specialized cyber cafes. This
contrasted to a small percentage of 9.9% who disagreed that the system hang ups led to seeking of assistance
from third parties. In relations to system hang ups leading to incurrence of costs to pay third parties to file on
their behalf, a majority of the respondents that is 41.8% of the respondents agreed to the statement. Most of the
third party assistance is sought from the cyber attendants who operate on commercial basis. This is contrasted to
only 3.3% of the respondents who strongly disagreed. Finally, a majority of 40.7% of the respondents agreed
that the system hang ups led to compromise of information submitted. This can be attributed to passing of the
information to the third parties to assist in filing of returns.
Table 6; Means and Standard Deviation of Online Tax Returns System Stability
Std. Dev.
System hang-ups leads to delay in submission
System hang ups leads to unwillingness to file returns
System hang ups leads to inability to file without assistance
System hang ups leads to incurrence of costs to pay third parties to file
on my behalf
System hang ups leads to compromise of information submitted
Valid N (listwise)
The means and standard deviations of challenges of the online tax returns stability were also examined.
The respondents on average tended to agree that the system hang ups lead to delay in submission of tax returns
due to a mean of 4.38 and a standard deviation of 0.72. Similarly, the respondents on average tended to agree
that the system hang ups led to unwillingness to file returns due to a mean of 3.90 and a standard deviation of
0.93. In relations to the system hang ups leading to inability to file returns without assistance had the
respondents on average tending to agree due to a mean of 4.12 and a standard deviation of 0.99. Similarly, the
system hang ups leading to incurrence of costs to pay third parties to file on the SMEs behalf had the
respondents on average agreeing to the statement due to a mean of 3.68 and a standard deviation of 1.10.
Finally, the system hang ups leading to compromise of information submitted had the respondents on average
agreeing to the statement due to a mean of 3.64 and a standard deviation of 1.03.
Tax Compliance Levels
The frequencies of the tax compliance levels were examined using Table 7.
Table 7; Frequency Distribution of Tax Compliance Levels
Diverse challenges in online tax returns have affected
the following dimensions of tax compliance levels;
Freq. (%)
Freq. (%)
Freq. (%)
Freq. (%)
Freq. (%)
Timeliness of tax returns filing
41 (45.1)
28 (30.8)
16 (17.6)
6 (6.6)
0 (0.0)
Accuracy of the filed information
40 (44.0)
29 (31.9)
14 (15.4)
8 (8.8)
0 (0.0)
Timely payment of tax due
30 (33.0)
34 (37.4)
14 (15.4)
0 (0.0)
Little costs in tax returns
21 (23.1)
33 (36.3)
19 (20.9)
18 (19.8)
0 (0.0)
Voluntary compliance with tax aspects
45 (49.5)
31 (34.1)
11 (12.1)
4 (4.4)
0 (0.0)
A majority of the respondents that is 45.1% strongly agreed that the timeliness of tax returns filing was
affected by the diverse challenges of online tax returns compared with 6.6% who disagreed. Similarly, a
majority of 44% of the respondents strongly agreed that the accuracy of the filed information was affected by
the diverse challenges in online tax returns compared to only 8.8% of the respondents who disagreed. In
relations to the diverse challenges of tax returns affecting the timely payments of tax due, a majority of 37.4% of
the respondents agreed that the timeliness of tax payments was affected. Finally, the diverse challenges of online
Influence of Online Tax Filing on Tax Compliance among Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru...
DOI: 10.9790/487X-1810028292 90 | Page
tax returns affected the voluntary compliance with tax aspects as indicated by 49.5% of the respondents who
strongly agreed.
Table 8; Means and Standard Deviation of Tax Compliance Levels
Timeliness of tax returns filing
Accuracy of the filed information
Timely payment of tax due
Low costs in tax returns
Voluntary compliance with tax aspects
Valid N (listwise)
The means and standard deviations of the tax compliance levels were examined. The challenges of
online tax returns affecting the timeliness of tax returns filing had a mean of 4.14 and standard deviation of 0.93.
This implied that on average the respondents tended to agree that timeliness of tax returns filing was affected.
Similarly, the respondents on average tended to agree that the accuracy of the filed information was affected by
the challenges of online tax returns due to a mean of 4.10 and standard deviation of 0.97. The timely payment of
the tax due had the respondents on average tending to agree that it was affected by the challenges of the online
tax returns due to a mean of 3.89 and a standard deviation of 1.02. The aspects of low costs in tax returns had
the respondents on average agreeing to the same due to a mean of 3.62 and a standard deviation of 1.05. Finally,
the respondents on average tended to agree that the voluntary compliance with tax aspects was affected by the
online tax returns challenges due to a mean of 4.28 and a standard deviation of 0.84.
Multiple Linear Regression of Dependent Variables
The multiple linear regressions was used to examine the cumulative effect of computer literacy,
perceived security risks, and online tax returns systems stability on tax compliance of SMEs within Nakuru
town. The multiple correlation coefficient (R) was positive and of a value of 0.954 indicating that there was a
strong and positive correlation between the three independent variable cumulatively and the dependent variable.
On the other hand, the coefficient of determination (R Square) indicates the variance on tax compliance
attributed to the three independent variables is 91.1%.
Table 9; Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Stability, Computer Literacy , Security
The one way ANOVA was used to give an indication on whether the linear regression model was a good fit for
data or the three independent variables were good predictors of the dependent variable. In this context since F
(3, 87) = 296.244, P< 0.05 then the model was considered a good fit for the data.
Table 10; ANOVA of the Independent Variables
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Tax Compliance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Stability, Computer Literacy levels, Security
The unstandardized coefficients of the model were examined with a view of giving the effect of computer
literacy, security perceptions, and online returns system stability on the tax compliance levels at an independent
level. The three independent variables had positive effect on the dependent variable as indicated by their
coefficients in the below linear regression equation;
Tax Compliance Levels = -0.122 + 0.874(x1) + 0.143 (x2) +0.118 (x3) where
x1 = Computer Literacy
x2 = Security Concerns
x3 =Online Tax Returns System Stability
The coefficient of intercept -0.122 indicates that the tax compliance levels would decline by 0.122 if
the computer literacy, security concerns, and online tax returns system stability were at zero. The beta
coefficient of computer literacy is 0.874 indicating that a unit increase in computer literacy would lead to a
0.874 increase in tax compliance. Similarly, the beta coefficient of security is 0.143 implying that a unit increase
in security would lead to a 0.143 increase in tax compliance levels. Finally, a unit increase in online tax returns
Influence of Online Tax Filing on Tax Compliance among Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru...
DOI: 10.9790/487X-1810028292 91 | Page
systems stability would lead to a 0.118 increase in tax compliance levels. However, the examination of the p
value implies that it was only computer literacy that had significant effect on the tax compliance with the other
variables kept constant since its p < 0.005.
Table 11; Coefficients
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Computer Literacy
a. Dependent Variable: Tax Compliance
The research hypothesis testing was undertaken through the use of the t test through the examination
the p value of the multiple linear regression table. In the context of where the p value is less than 0.05
significance level then the null hypothesis was rejected. The following hypotheses were tested;
H01: There is no significant relationship between computer literacy levels and tax compliance among
small and medium enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya
The p value for computer literacy levels was 0.000 and therefore the null hypothesis (H01) was rejected since p
value < 0.05. The study therefore found that there was a significant relationship between computer literacy
levels and tax compliance amongst SMEs in Nakuru, Kenya.
H02: There is no significant relationship between perceived security risks concerns and tax compliance
among small and medium enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya
The p value of perceived security risks was 0.244 and therefore the null hypothesis (H02) was accepted since p
value > 0.05. The study therefore found that there was no significant relationship between perceived security
risks and tax compliance amongst SMEs in Nakuru, Kenya.
H03: There is no significant relationship between online tax system stability and tax compliance among
small and medium enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya
The p value of perceived security risks was 0.278 and therefore the null hypothesis (H03) was accepted
since p value > 0.05. The study therefore found that there was no significant relationship between online tax
system stability and tax compliance amongst SMEs in Nakuru, Kenya.
VII. Recommendations
The study concluded that that computer literacy levels have significant influence on tax compliance
levels amongst the SMEs within Nakuru. In the context of security, the study concluded that security risks
concerns did not have significant influence on tax compliance levels amongst the SMEs within Nakuru Town. In
the context, the study concluded that online tax returns system stability did not have significant influence on tax
compliance levels amongst the SMEs within Nakuru Town. The study recommends that computer literacy levels
should be emphasized by KRA in order to improve on tax compliance levels. This was due to high level of
significance between computer literacy levels and tax compliance levels. The study recommends further
examination on the factors that affect tax compliance levels. The study found that the computer literacy levels
significantly affected the tax compliance levels and as such the study recommends a further examination on how
KRA can deal with the issue with a view of improving tax compliance.
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... In contrast, taxpayers who evaluate the e-tax system as not easy to use do not adopt it, which affects tax compliance (Maisiba & Atambo, 2016). In addition, Ondara et al. (2016) emphasize a strong relationship between attitude towards an e-tax system and tax compliance. This is later proved by Simuyu and Jagongo (2019) study that when e-tax filing is easy, simple, and secure to file, it could improve taxpayers' compliance. ...
... The adoption of e-tax has become essential in developed countries and developing countries towards the trend of reforming tax administration through using information systems (Ondara et al., 2016). According to Lee (2016), the adoption of e-tax significantly contributes to both tax compliance and the transparency of business transactions and tax services. ...
... It then leads to the action of using the e-tax system, which results in improvements of tax compliance level. This result is consistent with some other findings such as Ondara et al. (2016) who found that there is a strong relationship between attitude towards electronic tax system and tax compliance; and Kiring et al. (2017) who concluded that there is a strong relationship between the perception towards online tax filing in terms of ease and simplicity to file and tax compliance. ...
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PURPOSE: Tax compliance is a topic of concern for many scholars all over the world. Most of them point out factors affecting tax compliance, and one significant factor is the adoption of tax compliance. However, there have not been many studies analyzing the relationship between attitude towards an e-tax system, adoption of an e-tax system, and tax compliance. This paper aims to investigate the mediating impact of adoption of an e-tax system in the association between attitude towards an e-tax system and tax compliance based on empirical evidence from Vietnamese enterprises. METHODOLOGY: On the basis of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), the research model is proposed. Accordingly, hypotheses are developed and this study applies a quantitative analysis with a research sample of 435 Vietnamese enterprises. The questionnaire includes close-ended questions sent to managers or tax accounting officers at enterprises by three methods: directly interviewing, via e-mail, and via the General Department of Taxation. The collected data are then processed and analyzed by SPSS v.22 and AMOS. The study applies Cronbach’s Alpha as a tool for assessing the reliability or internal consistency of scales. Following is the exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Finally, regression analysis is used to evaluate the impact of the independent variables on the dependent variable and to estimate the research model. FINDINGS: There are significant direct effects of the two independent variables, attitude towards an e-tax system and adoption of an e-tax system, with the dependent variable tax compliance. Furthermore, the adoption of an e-tax system partially mediates the association between attitude towards an e-tax system and tax compliance. This mediating effect positively consolidates the impact of attitude towards an e-tax system and tax compliance. IMPLICATIONS: This paper mainly focuses on the tax compliance of Vietnamese enterprises that could be further studied with foreign enterprises that have been operating in Vietnam. Besides, the research is conducted in the context of Vietnam, thus, it is a reference for studies in other developing countries having a similar economy or tax administration. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This study contributes to enhancing research associated with tax compliance, especially investigating the mediating impact of adoption of an e-tax system in the association between attitude towards an e-tax system and tax compliance of enterprises in the context of Vietnam. The findings of the study suggest some policy implications for improving tax compliance in Vietnam including (1) continuously improving the information technology infrastructure for both tax authorities and enterprises; (2) widely disseminating tax law and providing support services to enterprises; (3) upgrading the e-tax system to ensure the effective coordination between tax authorities, tax officials, enterprises, and other authorities in applying e-tax; (4) consolidating the supervision and assessment of the adoption of e-tax; (5) promoting information and education on the perception of complying with the tax law for taxpayers in particular and the entire population in general; (6) developing a tax administration strategy based on tax compliance.
... Hal ini sesuai pada penerapan e-tax lebih hemat biaya dan waktu jika dibandingkan harus datang ke kantor pajak (Klun, 2009). Menggunakan e-tax menjadi penting di negara maju dan negara berkembang menuju tren reformasi administrasi perpajakan melalui penggunaaan sistem digital (Gwaro et al., 2016). Masyarakat tidak perlu mendatangi kantor pajak untuk menyelesaikan kewajibannya cukup menggunakan e-tax. ...
... Pada studi ini diperoleh bahwa e-tax memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap pembentukan kepatuhan wajib pajak. Hasil yang diperoleh memperkuat temuan Allahverdi et al. (2017); Simuyu dan Jagongo (2019); (Gwaro et al., 2016); (Maisiba & Atambo, 2016) yang menyatakan sistem e-tax dan kepatuhan wajib pajak memiliki hubungan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan keduanya saling bergantungan. Sistem e-tax yang efektif dan efisien akan memberikan dampak positif pada kepatuhan pajak. ...
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Saat ini, kemajuan digital pada dunia bisnis menyebabkan beragam perkembangan hingga menjangkau pasar yang sangat luas. Kini sama halnya pada pembayaran wajib pajak yang dapat diproses secara digital. Pada riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara signifikan kesadaran wajib pajak, kualitas pelayanan, e-tax terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak pada kantor pelayanan pajak sukomanunggal. Untuk menguji riset ini, peneliti mengumpulkan data survei 94 responden dan menggunakan random sampling serta teknik analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil riset mengonfirmasi bahwa kesadaran wajib pajak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepatuhan waib pajak pada kantor pelayanan pajak sukomanunggal. Selanjutnya kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak pada kantor pelayanan pajak sukomanunggal. Sementara itu e-tax juga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak pada kantor pelayanan pajak sukomanunggal.
... The study hypothesized that this relationship is mediated by the adoption of the e-tax system. Taxpayers' attitudes are positive or negative views towards the e-tax system (Ondara et al., 2016). Positive views about the e-tax system can lead to tax compliance, while negative views enhance tax non-compliance (Nkwe, 2013). ...
... While assessing the moderating effect of culture on E-filing of tax returns in India, Zaidi et al. (2017) found that taxpayers with computer skills find it easier to adopt an electronic tax system than those without such skills. Adopting e-tax systems has become fundamental, as many countries adopt computerized information systems in tax management (Ondara et al., 2016). According to Davis (1989), as cited in Night and Bananuka (2019), TAM suggests that taxpayer adoption behavior is determined by the intention to use a particular system, and predicted by the attitudes towards the system. ...
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Purpose: This study aimed to examine the relationship between attitudes toward the electronic tax system and VAT compliance while assessing the mediating effect of the adoption of the electronic tax system among SMEs in Fort Portal City, Western Uganda. Materials and Methods: The study used a cross-sectional design, adopting a quantitative approach. The study used a survey method with a structured self-administered questionnaire to collect data from the managers. The study population comprised 297 SMEs, generating a sample of 165 SMEs in the Central and North Divisions of Fort Portal City. SMEs were selected by stratified simple random sampling while respondents were purposively selected. Pearson correlation and Hierarchical multiple regression analysis techniques were employed using SPSS version 22. Findings: The study established that the adoption of the electronic tax system partially mediates the relationship between attitudes towards the electronic tax system and tax compliance among SMEs in Fort Portal City. It was established that whereas attitudes towards e-tax system predict tax compliance, the effect is better felt through the adoption of the e-tax system. Implications to Practice and Policy: Premised on the technological acceptance model, the study has brought out the inevitable role the adoption of the e-tax system plays in explaining the relationship between attitude toward the e-tax system and tax compliance among small and medium enterprises. SMEs are urged to ensure tax compliance and maintain a good reputation through online registration, filing of tax returns, and prompt settlement of tax obligations to limit tax avoidance and incidental consequences.
... Previous studies have highlighted the situational nature of ethics, indicating that personal ethics strongly influence tax compliance (Becker & Lacktorin-Revier, 2008). While Muturi & Kiarie (2015) found that online tax systems impact tax compliance among small taxpayers, Gwaro et al. (2016) concluded that the stability of online tax return systems does not significantly affect tax compliance levels. Additionally, computer literacy levels were found to play a significant role in influencing tax compliance. ...
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ABSTRACT This study investigates the Impact of electronic tax collection system to efficient tax collection in Rwanda, with a focus on the Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA). The research was motivated by the challenges faced by the RRA, such as tax evasion, late filings and payments, unstable network infrastructure, and low computer application proficiency among taxpayers, which limit the RRA's ability to achieve optimal tax collections. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, utilizing both secondary data covering the periods before (1998-2011) and after (2012-2022) the implementation of the e-tax system and primary data collected through questionnaires administered to 150 taxpayers and 50 tax officers. The data was analyzed using statistical techniques, including multiple linear regression analysis, to assess the combined impact of the e-tax system on efficient tax collection in Rwanda. The study's findings indicate that implementing the e-tax system significantly positively affected efficient tax collection in Rwanda. The results highlight the importance of taxpayer perception and technical skills in using e-tax systems, emphasizing the need for the government to educate both small/medium and large taxpayers on these aspects to improve the cost-effectiveness of tax revenue collection. The study provides valuable insights for policymakers and tax authorities, offering a framework for understanding the role of electronic tax systems in modernizing tax administration and enhancing revenue generation. The recommendations suggest that continued efforts in user education, user experience improvement, public awareness campaigns, and regular monitoring and evaluation of e-tax systems further strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of tax collection in Rwanda. Overall, the findings of this study offer a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between taxpayers' perception, technical skills, and the adoption of electronic tax filing in Rwanda. The research also presents a historical overview of tax administration in Rwanda, showcasing the significant progress made in revenue mobilization through streamlined processes and proactive risk management strategies by the Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA). The analysis confirms the substantial impact of the electronic tax system on improving efficient tax collection, providing valuable guidance for policymakers and tax authorities to strengthen tax administration strategies and foster a culture of tax compliance in the country. KEY WORDS: Electronic Tax System;Efficient tax collection;Perception; Technical Skill;Rwanda Revenue Authority TYPE OF THESIS: Case Study
... Along with the trend of enhancing tax administration through the use of information technology, e-tax is becoming increasingly important in both developed and developing countries (Ondara et al., 2016). E-tax, according to Lee (2016), enhances tax compliance and the transparency of corporate transactions and tax services. ...
This paper aims to examine the mediating effect of attitude toward the continued application of e-tax in the association between perceived usefulness, ease of use, compatibility, and intention to continue applying e-tax based on empirical evidence from Vietnamese tax officials. Thereby, the research model is proposed and the hypotheses are developed on the basis of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study applies a quantitative analysis with a research sample of 343 tax officials from tax authorities at all levels within Vietnam. This study applies stratified and convenient sampling techniques. Structural equation modeling with AMOS was used to test the hypothesized relationships. The results revealed that among perceived usefulness, ease of use, and compatibility only perceived usefulness has a direct impact and positive relationship to the intention to continue applying e-tax and the attitude toward the continued application of e-tax also has a direct impact and positive relationship to the intention to continue applying e-tax. Especially, the results prove the mediating effects of attitude toward the continued application of e-tax on the relationships towards the intention to continue applying e-tax. This study contributes to both the literature and practice. The limitations and future research implications are discussed.
... According to the 1992 Constitution (Articles 245 and 252) and the Local Government Act, 1993 (Act 462), district assemblies in Ghana are in charge of the overall development of their areas. However, to carry out these duties effectively, they need adequate financial resources [4]. Despite having various local revenue sources, such as fees, property rates, tolls, and court charges, MMDAs, including the Kassena-Nankana Municipal Assembly (KNMA), face challenges in mobilizing and maximizing their Internally Generated Funds (IGF) due to inadequate revenue collection strategies and techniques [5]. ...
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Traditionally, revenue collection in Kassena-Nankana Municipal Assembly (KNMA), as in Ghana, was manual, with some ICT systems employed recently.This study designed an E-payment system for revenue collection in the KNMA. The research focused on the development and implementation of an electronic payment system, to facilitate revenue mobilization. The study utilizes tools such as HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, MYSQL, SQL, and other resources like VS Code, and payment APIs for the development of the system as well as azure key vaut and secureauth for incription and muti-factor authentication( MFA).As part of the research, it is revealed that, there is a strong willingness among people to embrace electronic payment methods for their taxes, finding it convenient to pay via the internet from anywhere. The E- system developed during this study demonstrated the flexibility expected of an Electronic Payment System, allowing users to create and update accounts, make payments in instalment or in full in any location using their phones. The study establishes a positive impact between the electronic systems and improved revenue generation processes which support the notion that there is indeed a correlation between ICT systems and revenue generation processes, against the notion that there is no correlation.
... The significant findings were that the majority of respondents agreed that the KRA had a good electronic tax payment system, and that the majority of KRA officials are familiar with and trained in its use. The impact of online tax filing on tax compliance among small and medium firms in Nakuru, Kenya, was studied by Gwaro, Maina, and Kwasira (2016). The purpose of this study is to determine the level of awareness about online filing of tax returns among small and medium businesses in Nkum, Kenya. ...
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This study examined the effect of the electronic tax system on internally generated revenue in the Ekiti State Internal Revenue Service. Electronic tax registration, electronic filing of tax returns, and electronic tax payment were employed as proxies for an electronic tax system to attain this goal. There is a large degree of corruption practices prevalent in rising economies such as the Nigerian tax administration system, which indicates that the economy is in a disadvantaged position, as a result of these failures and obstacles in the Nigerian tax system. The final database employed in the quantitative analysis of the study was a quantitative cross-sectional survey data based on 94 valid replies retrieved from 123 competent and experienced respondents from the Ekiti State internal revenue agency. Electronic tax registration and electronic filing of tax returns affect internally generated revenue in Ekiti, according to the findings. Electronic tax payments have no statistically significant effect on the state's internally generated revenue. As a result, the study indicates that the major goal of the electronic tax system in Ekiti State Internal Revenue Service will not be met unless the consequences of electronic tax filing and electronic tax payment are fully addressed. The implication is that, while Ekiti State Internal Revenue Service has implemented electronic tax registration, the internal revenue cannot be guaranteed unless electronic filing of tax returns and electronic tax payment are fully implemented.
This paper explores the impact of Electronic Cash Registers (ECRs) on tax collection and aims to provide an overview of the implementation of Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) in Romania, describing the legal framework, the challenges faced during implementation, and the benefits and drawbacks of this system. Benefitting from a thorough literature review and analysis of empirical studies, we present findings on the effectiveness of ECRs as a tool for tax control and revenue enhancement, as well as the factors influencing their adoption and success. Our results suggest that ECRs have a positive impact on tax compliance and revenue collection in many countries, although their effectiveness may depend on factors such as government support, technology infrastructure, and local tax culture. We also identify areas for further research on the use of ECRs, including the potential for blockchain-based ECRs and the role of artificial intelligence in tax collection. Overall, this article contributes to the ongoing discussion of how technology can be used to improve tax collection and reduce tax evasion worldwide.
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Financial freedom is one of the goals economies dream to achieve in both developed and developing nations through taxation. However, non-compliance according to previous literature hindered tax authorities from achieving the set tax collection targets. Drop in National Residential rental income tax collection was reported in the year 2020 by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Kenya. Similarly, the Country’s tax authority data revealed reduction in tax collection for Kasarani Sub County in the year 2020/2021. The key objective of this research was to investigate influence that tax collection strategies have on the compliance of residential rental income earners in Kasarani sub-county in Kenya. The specific objectives aimed at determining the influence of taxpayers trust building, Knowledge & tax awareness, modern technology adoption and effective tax law enforcement strategies on the compliance of residential property owners. The research was anchored on the social exchange, reasoned action, technology acceptance and economic deterrence theories. Descriptive research design was applied to evaluate the influence of independent variables on the dependent ones. A population of 871 property owners was considered with 274 respondents obtained from population target in aid of stratified sample model whereas questionnaires were applied in collecting primary data. Analysis of data was run on multiple regression model supported with descriptive techniques. Validity test together with reliability analysis was done using Analysis of Variance and Cronbach Alpha models. Multicollinearity, normality, heteroscedasticity, and linearity tests were undertaken for diagnostic purpose. Study findings indicated that tax payer’s trust building (t=3.399, p<0.05), knowledge & awareness campaign (t=5.732, p<0.05), modern technology (t=2.897, p<0.05) and effective tax law enforcement strategy (t=4.795, p<0.05) had positive and significant effect on the compliance of Residential Rental Income earners in Kasarani Sub County. The study concluded that mutual trust building aided mobilization of public support for tax collection agenda prompting the initially skeptic residential rental income taxpayers to embrace tax compliance, that tax knowledge & awareness strategy positively affected tax compliance, tax collection and reporting through the modern technology based systems proved to significantly support tax compliance and that the tax law enforcement measure is very strategic in influencing tax income collection. Study recommended use of competitive communication skills as a trust building window in formal and informal interactions between the taxpayer and agency on matters tax compliance. The study recommended the training of taxpayers on use of technology and expansion of its tax labs centers networks close at the Sub County level for easy access.
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The position of small and medium businesses in stimulating global economic progress has interested researchers in recent decades. Small and medium businesses account for the transition to a market economy playing an important part in innovation, income generation and dynamism in economy and employment. Depending on the approaches and purposes of the enterprises performance and its indicators have been variously classified. Furthermore, performance measurement systems are important tools as they provide enterprises with the necessary information to design, control and achieve their goals. The objective of this paper is to collect and analyse a set of performance definitions, indicators and measurement systems. The literature review is based on the research gathered from databases such as Emerald Insight, Elsevier and Google Scholar. The research papers cover the years from 1991 to 2018. The findings on the definitions of performance, its indicators and measurement system will be employed in the next stages of the research process.
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This study employs the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to examine taxpayers' attitude in using e-Filing system. Data are collected from taxpayers in three higher learning institutions in Labuan F.T. The purpose of this study is to examine the differences of taxpayers' attitude to use e-filing among gender, level of education, experience of handling and learning the system. Besides, this study also examines the relationship between taxpayers' attitudes and perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, information system quality, information quality and perceived credibility. The result shows significant differences among experience and non-experience taxpayers in handling and learning e-filing system. Education background of taxpayers has also played an important role in encouraging the attitude of taxpayers to use e-filing. However, the gender of taxpayers provides no difference in terms of their attitude in using and applying the system. In addition, this study found strong relationship between attitude and TAM determinants namely perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, information system quality, information quality and perceived credibility. The implication of this study suggests that Inland Revenue Board (IRB) should increase and strengthen their awareness program to educate non-experience taxpayers so that it will simultaneously improve the attitude of taxpayers to use this electronic system.
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E-filing of income tax is understood as successful filing of income tax return through the internet. The e-governance has developed the concept and strategies of e-filing of income tax return through the internet. Thus the income tax department has facilitated the taxpayers with defining the provisions to be followed, which can be filed and how to file the income tax for the benefit of tax payers as well as the Government. Now there are 92 intermediaries performing this function in 61 cities throughout India. The e-filing of income tax returns has its own limitations like, slow processing, frequent crashes etc., but, the government has taken necessary steps like, employing 5000 unemployed people to perform as tax return preparers after getting training from NIIT. They will perform in 100 centers in 80 cities across the country. For the best e-filing, the government is modifying provisions every year for the convenience of both beneficiaries.
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The e-filing system is an important e-government service in Malaysia. This paper investigates the factors that lead to the acceptance of e-filing among taxpayers by using TAM. This study proposes a model consisting of three constructs, which are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived risk. The model proposed by this study is a simpler model compared to other studies on e-filing. The confirmatory factor analysis shows that the model is an adequate fit. Based on the data collected from 166 respondents, the results showed that the proposed model explained up to 61% of the variance in behavioral intention. All of the variables significantly influence behavioral intention. The perceived risk construct has a negative association with the perceived usefulness construct. However, there is no significant association between the perceived risk and perceived ease of use constructs.
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E-government is becoming increasingly more important in today's world due to its effectiveness and applicability in various areas. Tax e-filing is one of the e-government services that have been adopted by many developed countries today where the public has to discharge their responsibility to the government via online tax filing. Despite the rapid adoption of tax e-filing in many countries, researchers have argued that it is yet to establish an integrated system that is reliable, especially in developing countries like Malaysia due to high perceived risk by the public. Evidence shows that the marketing strategies and organisation commitment throughout the hierarchy is trivial, however, it is lacking in some countries, particularly in Asian countries. This implies that it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to truly embed responsible behaviour within a community if individual perceptions of risk of the e-government service is the issue. The paper aims to study the relationship of perceived risk and its facets within the technology acceptance model (TAM) within the tax e-filing context. This paper proposes a conceptual model to further understand the role of perceived risk in influencing consumer behaviour throughout the adoption process. This paper is then developed into concrete research hypotheses for future studies. The model will serve as a useful guideline for strategies development in promoting e-government services, particularly the tax e-filing service.
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This paper investigates the effects of microfinance on micro and small business growth in Nigeria. The objectives are: one, to examine the effects of different loan administration practices (in terms of loan size and tenor) on small business growth criteria. Second, to examine the ability of Microfinance-Banks (MFBs) (given its loan-size and rates of interest charged) towards transforming micro-businesses to formal small scale enterprises. The paper employed panel data and multiple regression analysis to analyze a survey of 502 randomly selected enterprises finance by microfinance banks in Nigeria. We find strong evidence that access to microfinance does not enhance growth of micro and small enterprises in Nigeria. However, other firm level characteristics such as business size and business location, are found to have positive effect on enterprise growth. The paper recommends a recapitalization of the Microfinance banks to enhance their capacity to support small business growth and expansion.
This paper is descriptive in nature and it examines the nature, causes, effects and remedy for bank frauds in Nigeria. In recent years, frauds in Nigeria banking sector seemed to have assumed a frightening dimension and to a large extent, the confidence the general public reposes in it, is put in jeopardy. The ability of banks to promote growth and development in any economy is a function of the extent to which financial transactions are carried out with trust, confidence and least risk. These no doubt require a safe and sound banking practice which many of the banks in Nigeria today have despised to their own peril. This study leaned heavily on the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) annual reports for data relating to total amount involved in frauds and forgeries, ten banks with the highest fraud cases and categories of bank staff involved in frauds and forgeries. The paper concludes that the battle for the preclusion, uncovering and retribution of fraud offenders must be fought on two extensive fronts: First is to reduce the temptation to commit fraud and second to increase the chances of detection. While a positive work environment will help to achieve the former, the latter can be achieved by sound internal control system.