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A Comparison of Methods for the Application of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment


Abstract and Figures

ABSTRACT. Growing environmental awareness and stringent environmental regulations are urging companies to look for sustainable opportunities in their supply chain (SC) that reduce environmental impacts while achieving economic and social benefits [1,2]. This interrelationship between the three dimensions of sustainability is addressed in the life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) methodology [3-6]. However, LCSA is still faced with the difficulty of integrating the three components of sustainability [6] for different types of LCSA methodologies (consequential, lead firm and educative). There are LCSA studies that have made efforts to help meet this challenge [e.g.7-13]. This review lays the foundation for a PhD project on developing a decision-making approach using LCSA that can guide large greenhouse gas emitters in Alberta, Canada develop sustainable strategies along their SC. In light of the recent developments in LCSA, new approaches and methods proposed for the integration of environmental, economic and social dimensions of LCSA are reviewed [7-13] with the objective of identifying their strengths and weaknesses. A systematic comparison between these methods is made, focusing on the following factors: - Objective - Inventory indicators and categories for each dimension - Impact assessment method for each dimension - Aggregation procedure for the results of the three dimensions - Results presentation in decision-making - Outcome - Case study product systems The review indicates that these frameworks have succeeded to integrate the three dimensions of sustainability and present the LCSA results. Yet, these approaches need further improvements. There are data quality, aggregating, and weighting issues that could increase uncertainty and subjectivity of LCSA results. In the reviewed approaches, not all relevant indicators, especially qualitative social indicators, were considered. Most of these approaches were examined for one or two case studies, making the implications difficult to generalize. Current approaches proposed were only applicable to consequential LCSA in order to compare sustainability performance of alternatives. There is still lack of lead firm LCSA approaches which evaluate the sustainability performance of companies and identify possible areas of sustainability improvements, targeting their processes. By pointing out the strengths and limitations of LCSA methods and highlighting areas that call for new contributions, this work helps advance the development of this emergent field. Citations 1. Ashby A., Leat M., Hudson-Smith M., 2012. Making connections: a review of supply chain management and sustainability literature. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(5), 497-516. 2. Beske, P., Seuring, S., 2014. Putting sustainability into supply chain management. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 19(3), 322-331. 3. Zamagni Alessandra, 2012. Life cycle sustainability assessment. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17, 373-376. 4. Valdivia, S., Ugaya, CML., Sonnemann, G., &Hildenbrand, J. (eds.), 2011. Towards a life cycle sustainability assessment. Making informed choices on products. ISBN: 978-92-807-3175-0 Paris 2011. Retrieved from 5. United Nation Environment Program, UNEP/SETAC, 2011. Towards life cycle sustainability assessment: Making informed choices on products, Retrieved from 6. Valdivia S., Ugaya C.M.L., Hildenbrand J., Traverso M., Mazijm B., Sonnemann G., 2013. A UNEP/SETAC approach toward a life cycle sustainability assessment – our contribution to Rio+20. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18, 1673-1685. 7. Traverso M., FinkbeinerM., Jorgensen A., Schneider L., 2012a. Life cycle sustainability dashboard. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16(5), 680-688. 8. Traverso M., Asdrubali F., Francia A., Finkbeiner M., 2012b. Toward life cycle sustainability assessment: an implementation to photovoltaic modules. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17, 1068-1079. 9. Basurko O.C., Mesbahi E., 2014. Methodology for the sustainability assessment of marine technologies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 68, 155-164. 10. Foolmaun, R.K. and Ramjeawon, T., 2012. Life cycle sustainability assessments (LCSA) of four disposal scenarios for used polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles in Mauritius. Environmental Development Sustainability, 15, 783-806. 11. Finkbeiner, M., Schau, E.M., Lehmann, A., Traverso, M., 2010. Towards life cycle sustainability assessment. Sustainability, 2, 3309-3322. doi:10.3390/su2103309 12. Vinyes E., Oliver-Sola J., UgayaC., Rieradeyall J., Gasol C.M., 2013. Application of LCSA to used cooking oil waste management. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18, 445-455. 13. Zhang, H., Haapala, K.R., 2014. Integrating sustainability manufacturing assessment into decision making for a production work cell. Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-12.
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A Comparison of Methods for the Application
of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment
Marwa Hannouf & Getachew Assefa
Faculty of Environmental Design
Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy
University of Calgary
Alberta, Canada
Presentation Outline
Study framework
Comparison of life cycle sustainability assessment
Strengths and Limitations
1.To conduct a systematic review of approaches proposed for
the application of LCSA
2.To assess strengths and weaknesses of different methods
used to apply LCSA
1. Selection of studies
Study Framework
2. Identification of methods used to apply LCSA
3. Comparison of these methods
4. Assessment of strengths and limitations
Selection of studies
Inclusion criteria
Keyword “LCSA”
Articles used LCSA framework proposed by UNEP/SETAC
Exclusion criteria
Articles were not focused on the three dimensions of
Articles focused only on some specific issues in LCSA
Articles proposed a macro-level sustainability assessment
(input-output analysis)
Selection of studies!
Theme Year
1 Marine technologies (ballast water treatments) 2014
2 Disposal methods of post-consumer Polythylene Terephthalate bottles 2013
3 Used cooking oil collection systems 2013
4 Bioethanol production pathways 2015
5 Manufactured alternators 2012
6 Manufacturing work cell scenarios 2014
7 Solar photovoltaic 2015
8 Photovolatic modules 2012
9 Mid-rise residential buildings 2015
10 Hard floor coverings 2012
Our criteria to identify the approaches used to
apply LCSA
Focusing on the following factors:
2.Inventory indicators and categories for each dimension
3.Impact assessment method for each dimension
4.Aggregation procedure for the results of the three dimensions
5.Results presentation in decision-making
6.Case studies
Comparison of the LCSA approaches
Based on each factor
1. Comparison between alternative actions
2. Market communication
3. Identification of possible improvements in companies’ processes ✗#
No studies considered the other two applications for LCSA
2. Inventory indicators and impact categories
Most indicators and impact categories are considered
Most studies focused on quantitative indicators
Limited number of qualitative indicators were included
Some indicators were limited to workers or consumers stakeholders
Need to focus on qualitative and semi-quantitative indicators in the social
Recipe Total life
cycle costs =
Net present
the social
and scores to
Life cycle
ELCA% %%%%%
LCC% %%%%
SLCA% %%%%
Weighting issues could increase uncertainty and subjectivity of results
3.Impact assessment method
4. Aggregation Procedure for the results of the three
Three methods were used
No aggregation
First Method:
Arithmetic average of all
dimensions scores using life
cycle sustainability dashboard
E.g. : Traverso et al. (2012)%
Traverso et al. (2012)
Aggregated the results automatically (using color scale)
Handled only quantitative data
Weights given to indicators and dimensions can increase the
uncertainty and subjectivity of the results
Second Method:
Assigning weights to each sustainability dimension and
calculating a final score for every scenario:
E.g. Index of sustainability = (Ij * Wd )
“Ij”: Index calculated for each sustainability dimension
“Wd”: Weight given for each sustainability dimension
(Basurko and Mesbahi, 2014)
Weights assigned to the three sustainability dimensions can make wrong
evaluations and increase uncertainty
Third method:
Analytical hierarchy process (AHP):
Evaluating the weights of all indicators and each sustainability
dimension using some experts’ judgment, measures of importance and
pairwise comparisons
Integrated weight = weight for each dimension (Wk) * weigh for each
indicator in this dimension (Wk,n)
Provides mathematical solution to determine weights
Complexity and confusion
5.Results presentation in decision-making
First method:
Ranking scores for alternatives based on the results
Scenario Weight Rank
1 0.0456 4
2 0.5443 1
3 0.1113 3
4 0.3544 2
Second method:
Graphical representation in LCSD showing the results (e.g. ranking
score and color scale)
Single score of sustainability
Third method:
Multi-criteria decision-making methods such as “PROMETHEE”:
Translating the difference between the evaluations of alternatives into a
preference degree (using some equations)
Ranking alternatives
All methods have clearly presented the LCSA results
Fourth method:
Graphical representation showing
the results
Three sustainability factors
Vinyes et al. (2013)
6. Case studies
One or two case studies to
develop or examine the
A variety of case studies but
not covering all topics
Implications are difficult to
Marine technologies (ballast water treatments)
Disposal methods of post-consumer Polythylene
Terephthalate bottles
Used cooking oil collection systems
Bioethanol production pathways
Manufactured alternators
Manufacturing work cell scenarios
Solar photovoltaic
Photovolatic modules
Mid-rise residential buildings
Hard floor coverings
Strengths and Limitations
Strengths of LCSA approaches:
Applied the LCSA framework
Proposed approaches that compare the sustainability performance of
alternatives in supply chain decision-making
Integrated the three dimensions of sustainability ? ? ?
Clearly Presented the LCSA results in decision-making
Limitations of LCSA approaches:
Focused only on one application of LCA : comparison of different
Lack of LCSA approaches that target the companies’ supply chain
Not all indicators of SLCA were taken into account “qualitative”
Limited number of case studies to generalize implications
Disadvantages associated with methods used to aggregate the results
Strengths and Limitations
LCSA is still a new and evolving research area
Future research needs to take the following into
1.Need for a decision-making approach that analyzes the
synergies and tradeoffs between the three dimensions of
2.Need to diversify the applications of LCSA
3.Need for an application that target sustainability
improvements in companies' supply chain process
Future Research
Develop a decision-making approach using LCSA that can
guide large greenhouse gas emitters in Alberta, Canada to
develop sustainable strategies along their supply chain
Thank You!
Marwa Hannouf
Getachew Assefa
Funding provided by:
Alberta Innovates Bio-solutions
Basurko O.C., Mesbahi E. (2014). Methodology for the sustainability assessment of marine technologies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 68,
Foolmaun, R.K. and Ramjeawon, T. (2012). Life cycle sustainability assessments (LCSA) of four disposal scenarios for used polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) bottles in Mauritius. Environmental Development Sustainability, 15, 783-806.
Hossaini, N., Reza, B., Akhtar, S., Sadiq, R., Hewage, K. (2014). AHP based life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) framework: a case study
of six storey wood frame and concrete frame buildings in Vancouver. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58(7), 1217-1241. Doi:
Ren, J., Manzardo, A., Mazzi, A., Zuliani, F., Scipioni, A. (2015). Prioritization of bioethanol production pathways in China based on life cycle
sustainability assessment and multicriteria decision-making. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20, 842-853.
Schau, E.M., Traverso, M., Finkbeiner, M. (2012). Life cycle approach to sustainability assessment: a case study of remanufactured alternators.
Journal of remanufacturing, 2(5), 1-14.
Traverso, M., Finkbeiner, M., Jorgensen, A., Schneider, L., (2012). Life cycle sustainability dashboard. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16(5),
Traverso, M., Asdrubali, F., Francia, A., Finkbeiner, M., (2012). Toward life cycle sustainability assessment: an implementation to photovoltaic
modules. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17, 1068-1079.
Vinyes, E., Oliver-Sola, J., Ugaya, C., Rieradeyall, J., Gasol, C.M. (2013). Application of LCSA to used cooking oil waste management.
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18, 445-455.
Yu, M., Halog, A. (2015). Solar Photovoltaic Development in Australia—A Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Study. Sustainability, 7,
1213-1247. Doi: 10.3390/su7021213
Zhang, H., Haapala, K.R. (2014). Integrating sustainability manufacturing assessment into decision making for a production work cell. Journal of
Cleaner Production, 1-12.
... Another type of publication regarding LCSA are reviews of other LCSA publications. An initial attempt at this topic made Hannouf and Assefa [50] with their presentation giving a rough overview of applied methods and result presentation strategies. They found major research demand regarding synergies and trade-offs between the three dimensions of sustainability. ...
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Many different approaches have been developed to quantify and evaluate sustainability. Here a review is performed on sustainability assessment based on Life Cycle Thinking, which mostly means Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA). Until the end of 2018, 258 publications can be found, from which 146 include a case study. The highest number of publications appeared between 2016 and 2018 and, compared to the years before 2016, the number of authors has increased. However, in recent years the focus has been more on case studies than on methodological aspects of LCSA. The presented holistic approaches for LCSA are either too broad or too narrow for scientific guidance. Therefore, many questions concerning LCSA are still open, e.g., regarding definition of sustainability dimensions and the desire or need for multi-criteria decision-analysis. An underlying problem is the lack of discussion about sustainability concepts. The momentum in the community to perform case studies for LCSA should be used to also develop more guiding principles.
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Purpose The study objectives are twofold: (i) combining the life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) framework and the multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methodology for sustainability assessment and (ii) determining the most sustainable scenario for bioethanol production in China according to the preferences of the decision-makers/stakeholders. Methods Life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle costing (LCC), and social life cycle assessment (SLCA) are combined to collect the corresponding criteria data on environmental, economic, and social aspects, respectively. The study develops a novel SLCA method for quantifying the social criteria. The decision-makers/stakeholders can use linguistic terms to assess these criteria, and fuzzy theory is used to transform the linguistic variables into real numbers. Once the sustainability assessment criteria are determined, the study develops an MCDM method that combines the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the VIKOR method to prioritize the alternatives. The AHP is used to determine the criteria weights that are a prerequisite when using VIKOR; the VIKOR method is then used to determine the sustainability sequence of the scenarios. Results and discussion The study’s proposed method investigates an illustrative case about three alternative bioethanol production scenarios (wheat-based, corn-based, and cassava-based): The prior sequence (based on the sustainability performances) in descending order is cassava-based, corn-based, and wheat-based. The proposed methodology results allow Chinese decision-makers/stakeholders to select the most sustainable scenario among many alternatives. The proposed methodology is generic, meaning that further alternatives can be studied and the most sustainable option can be ultimately determined. Conclusions The main study contribution is to test the combination of an MCDM methodology and LCSA for sustainability decision-making by studying three alternative pathways for bioethanol production in China. The proposed method feasibly enables the decision-makers/stakeholders to find the most sustainable scenario to achieve their objectives among various alternatives.
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Australia possesses the highest average solar radiation of any continent in the world, but solar energy in total contributes less than 1% to Australia’s primary energy consumption. This study intends to assess whether solar photovoltaic (PV) is really a sustainable option for Australia’s energy transition on the project level. A life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) was conducted on a 1.2 MW flat-roof mounted PV solar array called UQ Solar, and the results suggested UQ Solar performed well in environmental aspects, except for emissions of several criteria air pollutants. It was economically feasible only with the grant provided by the Queensland government and the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) was more or less the same as the LCOE of offset electricity. However, its social performance was not as good as expected. Large-scale PV installations can be sustainable in Australia on several conditions. PV manufacturers should be more responsible for reducing the use of hazardous materials; end-of-life treatment should be taken good care of; government should truly support the deployment of large-scale PV installation by providing more incentives and infrastructures; substantial subsidies for fossil fuel power stations should phase out; more awareness and training activities should be organized to promote social acceptance.
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Improper disposal of post-consumer Polythylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles constitutes an eyesore to the environmental landscape and gives rise to numerous environmental and health-related nuisances. These problems impact negatively on the flourishing tourism industry in Mauritius. The present study was therefore undertaken to determine a sustainable disposal method among four selected disposal alternatives of post-consumer PET bottles in Mauritius. The disposal scenarios investigated were: 100 % landfilling (scenario 1); 75 % incineration with energy recovery and 25 % landfilling (scenario 2); 40 % flake production (partial recycling) and 60 % landfilling (scenario 3); and 75 % flake production and 25 % landfilling (scenario 4). Environmental impacts of the disposal alternatives were determined using ISO standardized life cycle assessment (LCA) and the SimaPro 7.1 software. Cost-effectiveness was determined using Life cycle costing (LCC) as described by the recent Code of Practice on LCC. An excel-based model was constructed to calculate the various costs. Social impacts were evaluated using Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) based on the UNEP/SETAC Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment. For this purpose, a new and simple social life cycle impact assessment method was developed for aggregating inventory results. Finally, Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) was conducted to conclude the sustainable disposal route of post-consumer PET bottles in Mauritius. The methodology proposed to work out LCSA was to combine the three assessment tools: LCA, LCC and S-LCA using the Analytical Hierarchy Process. The results indicated that scenario 4 was the sustainable disposal method of post-consumer PET bottles. Scenario 1 was found to be the worst scenario.
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Sustainability is an international issue with increasing concern and becomes a crucial driver for the industry in international competition. Sustainability encompasses the three dimensions: environment, society and economy. This paper presents the results from a sustainability assessment of a product. To prevent burden shifting, the whole life cycle of the products is necessary to be taken into account. For the environmental dimension, life cycle assessment (LCA) has been practiced for nearly 40 years and is the only one standardised by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (14040 and 14044). Life cycle approaches for the social and economic dimensions are currently under development. Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) is a complementary implementation of the three techniques: LCA (environmental), life cycle costing (LCC - economic) and social LCA (SLCA - social). This contribution applies the state-of-the-art LCSA on remanufacturing of alternators aiming at supporting managers and product developers in their decision-making to design product and plant. The alternator is the electricity generator in the automobile vehicle which produces the needed electricity. LCA and LCC are used to assess three different alternator design scenarios (namely conventional, lightweight and ultra-lightweight). The LCA and LCC results show that the conventional alternator is the most promising one. LCSA of three different locations (Germany, India and Sierra Leone) for setting the remanufacturing mini-factory, a worldwide applicable container, are investigated on all three different sustainability dimensions: LCA, LCC and SLCA. The location choice is determined by the SLCA and the design alternatives by the LCA and LCC. The case study results show that remanufacturing potentially causes about 12% of the emissions and costs compared to producing new parts. The conventional alternator with housing of iron cast performs better in LCA and LCC than the lightweight alternatives with aluminium housing. The optimal location of remanufacturing is dependent on where the used alternators are sourced and where the remanufactured alternators are going to be used. Important measures to improve the sustainability of the remanufacturing process in life cycle perspective are to confirm if the energy efficiency of the remanufactured part is better than the new part, as the use phase dominates from an environmental and economical point of view. The SLCA should be developed further, focusing on the suitable indicators and conducting further case studies including the whole life cycle.
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Purpose The main goal of the paper is to carry out the first implementation of sustainability assessment of the assembly step of photovoltaic (PV) modules production by Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) and the development of the Life Cycle Sustainability Dashboard (LCSD), in order to compare LCSA results of different PV modules. The applicability and practicability of the LCSD is reported thanks to a case study. The results show that LCSA can be considered a valuable tool to support decision-making processes that involve different stakeholders with different knowledge and background. Method The sustainability performance of the production step of Italian and German polycrystalline silicon modules is assessed using the LCSD. The LCSD is an application oriented to the presentation of an LCSA study. LCSA comprises life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle costing and social LCA (S-LCA). The primary data collected for the German module are related to two different years, and this led to the evaluation of three different scenarios: a German 2008 module, a German 2009 module, and an Italian 2008 module. Results and discussion According to the LCA results based on Ecoindicator 99, the German module for example has lower values of land use [1.77 potential disappeared fractions (PDF) m2/year] and acidification (3.61 PDF m2/year) than the Italian one (land use 1.99 PDF m2/year, acidification 3.83 PDF m2/year). However, the German module has higher global warming potential [4.5E–05 disability-adjusted life years (DALY)] than the Italian one [3.00E−05 DALY]. The economic costs of the German module are lower than the Italian one, e.g. the cost of electricity per FU for the German module is 0.12 €/m2 compared to the Italian 0.85 €/m2. The S-LCA results show significant differences between German module 2008 and 2009 that represent respectively the best and the worst overall social performances of the three considered scenarios compared by LCSD. The aggregate LCSD results show that the German module 2008 has the best overall sustainability performance and a score of 665 points out of 1,000 (and a colour scale of light green). The Italian module 2008 has the worst overall sustainability performance with a score of 404 points, while the German module 2009 is in the middle with 524 points. Conclusions The LCSA and LCSD methodologies represent an applicable framework as a tool for supporting decision-making processes which consider sustainable production and consumption. However, there are still challenges for a meaningful application, particularly the questions of the selection of social LCA indicators and how to weigh sets for the LCSD.
a b s t r a c t Sustainability has been the focus of intense discussions over the past two decades, with topics sur-rounding the entire product life cycle. In the manufacturing phase, research has often focused solely on environmental impact assessment or environmental impact and cost analysis in its assessment of sus-tainability. Few efforts have investigated sustainable production decision making that addresses the three pillars of sustainability concurrently; which requires engineers and managers to consider eco-nomic, environmental, and social impacts. An approach is developed to assess broader sustainability impacts by conducting economic assessment, environmental impact assessment, and social impact assessment at the work cell level. Assessment results are then integrated into a sustainable manufacturing assessment framework, along with a modified weighting method based on pairwise comparison and an outranking decision-making method. The approach is illustrated for a representative machining work cell producing stainless steel knives. Economic, environmental, and social impact results are compared for three production scenarios by applying the sustainable manufacturing assessment framework. The case study finds that cutting tool cost is the largest contributor to production costs for the investigated work cell. The level of environmental and social impact varies according to cycle time. Sensitivity analysis is conducted to examine the robustness of the results.
Construction and building industry is in dire need for developing sustainability assessment frameworks that can evaluate and integrate related environmental and socioeconomic impacts. This paper discusses an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) based sustainability evaluation framework for mid-rise residential buildings based on a broad range of environmental and socioeconomic criteria. A cradle to grave life cycle assessment technique was applied to identify, classify, and assess triple bottom line (TBL) sustainability performance indicators of buildings. Then, the AHP was applied to aggregate the impacts into a unified sustainability index. The framework is demonstrated through a case study to investigate two six storey structural systems (i.e. concrete and wood) in Vancouver, Canada. The results of this paper show that the environmental performance of a building in Canada, even in regions with milder weather such as Vancouver, is highly dependent on service life energy, rather than structural materials.
Purpose Used cooking oil (UCO) is a domestic waste generated as the result of cooking and frying food with vegetable oil. The purpose of this study is to compare the sustainability of three domestic UCO collection systems: through schools (SCH), door-to-door (DTD), and through urban collection centres (UCC), to determine which systems should be promoted for the collection of UCO in cities in Mediterranean countries. Methods The present paper uses the recent life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) methodology. LCSA is the combination of life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle costing, and social life cycle assessment (S-LCA). Results and discussion Of the three UCO collection systems compared, the results show that UCC presents the best values for sustainability assessment, followed by DTD and finally SCH system, although there are no substantial differences between DTD and SCH. UCC has the best environmental and economic performance but not for social component. DTD and SCH present suitable values for social performance but not for the environmental and economic components. Conclusions The environmental component improves when the collection points are near to citizens’ homes. Depending on the vehicle used in the collection process, the management costs and efficiency can improve. UCO collection systems that carry out different kind of waste (such as UCC) are more sustainable than those that collect only one type of waste. Regarding the methodology used in this paper, the sustainability assessment proposed is suitable for use in decision making to analyse processes, products or services, even so in social assessment an approach is needed to quantify the indicators. Defining units for sustainability quantification is a difficult task because not all social indicators are quantifiable and comparable; some need to be adapted, raising the subjectivity of the analysis. Research into S-LCA and LCSA is recent; more research is needed in order to improve the methodology.
One method to assess the sustainability performance of products is life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA), which assesses product performance considering the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of the life cycle. The results of LCSA can be used to compare different products or to support decision making toward sustainable production and consumption. In both cases, LCSA results could be too disaggregated and consequently too difficult to understand and interpret by decision makers. As non-experts are usually the target audience of experts and scientists, and are also involved in decision-making processes, the necessity for a straightforward but comprehensive presentation of LCSA results is becoming strategically important. The implementation of the dashboard of sustainability proposed in this article offers a possible solution. An outstanding characteristic of the dashboard of sustainability is the communicability of the results by means of a graphical representation (a cartogram), characterized by a suitable chromatic scale and ranking score. The integration of LCSA and the dashboard of sustainability into a so-called Life Cycle Sustainability Dashboard (LCSD) is described here. The first application of LCSD to a group of hard floor coverings is presented to show the applicability and limitations of the methodology.
This contribution presents an integrated quantitative approach for the holistic assessment of the sustainability of technologies. The methodology envisages environmental, economic and social sustainability assessments separately, then collates them to obtain a single measure of sustainability. Standard life cycle assessment and economic evaluation methods are used to provide quantitative measures for environmental and economic parameters. A new method is used to evaluate the social sustainability, enabling the quantitative integration of all three indices. Individual indices are developed and combined to provide a single performance index of sustainability. This particular tool allows technology stakeholders to incorporate sustainability principles to their design and operation activities. It provides also a benchmark platform for comparing various technologies from a sustainability standpoint.