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A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
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Prof. Venkata SuryaNarayana Tinnaluri
Dept. of Information Technology, DDE,
Sikkim Manipal University, India.
In this paper,i am going to discuss, the need of Security systems for our Electronic
Wallets, ATM’s which become a part of our regular lives. In present scenarios there is no
specific security mechanism for physical machines, some of ATMcabins/rooms have entry
detectors but maximum situation these methods are fail due to the policies of banks, such any
bank card can use for transaction at any ATM’s, certain number of attempts, the verification
and validations can be done twice in each and every entry, (ones for door detector and
second is transaction of a process) the Execution time of a process increases, obviously it will
reflect on time complexity. So to provide security for physical machine by using the
GSM/GPS [9] module connected to ATM machine which can use to trace the current location
of the Machine is read and it sent through message to the server or a control room, by which
it is possible to provide security for physical Attack on Machines. As result we can reduce the
thefts and misusing’s.
Keywords:Global positioning system(GPS), Automated Teller Machine(ATM), Vibration
Sensing, Global system for mobile communication(GSM).
All Electronic systems, Automatic Teller Machines are particularly hard to protect in
physical sense,these are easily concealable by thieve with latest technologies, the loss of even
a single machine can induce dramatically costs tothe organization. Thus, Organizations are
investing huge amount of money towards provide security to their machines, which causes
interlinked with stockholder‟s burden as maintenance charges of transaction of customers.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research
Vol. 4, Issue 9, September 2016 IF- 4.721
ISSN(O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
© Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF) Publication
Website: Email : ,
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
2 | P a g e
The all main Centres of cities and hospitals, university campus, shopping malls such are the
key points of physical existences of ATM‟s which provides technology serving to the society.
for example, [8],accessnumber of people that can wander in the turf everyday uses out that
72% of data opening occur in all open to the public. So it becomehighly accessible in these
environments. So, the problem for securityprofessionalsto face the challenge as, how to
protect and provide secure mechanism in such opensituation.
Measuring the physical machine parameters such as position[9], time, andvelocity and
so on by the help of wireless sensors, the sensor in thissystem is GPS sensor.
Recording the obtained parameters by the temporary loggerunit [9].Microcontroller
acts as temporary login/logger unit.
Uploading / accessing the recorded data [9]. The process involvedis called telemetry
which is achieve by GPRS.
Finally, analysis and presentation of recorded data throughinternet [9] or through the
response to the SMS request by thesubscriber.
Case study:As per statisticalanalysis many as one in fiftyATM Machines will befacing
insecurity in physical senses over the lifetime of eachmachine. That‟s 10% of ATM s is
replacing machine by this effects. And thisdismal scenario is extremely common around 60%
oforganisations are affected.
Yet it‟s worrying that most ATM‟s58% are stolen attempts fromrural areas and crud
less areas. The research shows that the most likely places identifications for a thief to strike.
Shopping complex lobbies may seem to be the most dangerous places for ATMthefts because
of unknown strangers.The average cost to a business of Teller machines loss is $1,48,000.
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
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010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Loss reflects
Series -4
Series- 3
Series- 2
Series- 1
The main objective of the project is foremost building amachine tracking device that would
be used in a real world. Thedevice could be used for wide object such as tracking,navigation,
fleet and traffic management etc. Also the projecthelps us to get more familiar with existing
GPS and GSM/GPRS [9]networks. So far we have only been able to view the theoreticalside
of the system but after the project completion we are sure toget familiar with practical side of
it. The GPS and GSM/GPRSservices have not been fully exploited yet. Therefore, we wish
tobuild a base upon which more excellent application of themachine tracking systems are
built in future. Therefore, we can saythat our project is both research and application based.
To bemore specific the objectives of the project can be categorised asfollows.
To implement a data logging system, which can be used fortelemetry.
To shine how systems can be combined for the purpose oftelemetry.
To shine light about how new technologies can be exploitedfor the benefit of human
To understand in detail, the electronics behind the GPS andGSM/GPRS
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
4 | P a g e
GPS Technology overview:
GPS is a network of satellites that constantly transmitcoded information, which makes
it impossible to preciselyidentify locations on earth by measuring distance from thesatellites.
As stated in the definition above, GPS stands forGlobal Positioning System [9], and refers to
a group of U.S.Department of Defence satellite continuously circling the earth [2].The
satellites transmit very low power radio signals allowinganyone with a GPS recipient to
determine their location.
GPS Working Strategies:
GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very preciseorbit and transmit signal
information to earth. GPS receiverstake this information and use triangulation to calculate the
user'sexact location. Essentially, the GPS receiver compares the timea signal was transmitted
by a satellite with the time it wasreceived. The time difference tells the GPS receiver how
faraway the satellite is. Now, with distance measurements from afew more satellites, the
receiver can determine the user'sposition and display it on the unit's electronic map. A
GPSreceiver must be locked on to the signal of at least threesatellites to calculate a 2D
position (latitude and longitude) andtrack movement [9]. With four or more satellites in view,
thereceiver can determine the user's 3D position (latitude, longitudeand altitude). Once the
user's position has been determined, theGPS unit can calculate other information, such as
speed,distance to destination, sunrise and sunset time and more.Recent developments in GPS
like DGPS have made thepositioning even more accurate. The USCG beacons and theWAAS
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
5 | P a g e
systems are the kinds of DGPS which correct the datafrom the satellites with appropriate
environmental error models.
GPS Sensor:
The GPS receiver used for our purpose is the GARMIN 15LGPS receiver. The sensor
first has to be initialized according tothe formats in which we required the data. There are
certainNMEA: National Marine Electronics Association, sentencesthat help us to
communicates with the receiver. These sentencesare the Garmin proprietary NMEA
Sensor countenance:
12-channel GPS receiver tracks and uses up to 12 satellites forfast, accurate
positioning and low power consumption.
Differential DGPS capability yielding 35-meter positionaccuracy.
Compact, rugged design ideal for applications with minimalspace.
Beneficiary status information can be displayed directly on a PC.
User initialization is not required. Once installed and a fix isobtained, the unit
automatically produces navigation data.
User-configurable navigation mode (2-dimensional or 3-dimensional fix).
In Built backup battery to maintain real-time clock for up to21 days. Provision for
external power to maintain the real-timeclock for longer intervals.
Non-volatile memory and FLASHbased program. Newsoftware revisions upgradeable
through Website download andserial interface. Any secondary storage memory does
not require batterybackup.
Technical Specifications:
• It requires an 8-pinJSTconnector and 1-milimeterpitch, Mating wire harness
• A MCX male antenna has to be connected with the femaleMCX connector in the sensor
Required voltage range is 3.3 VDC to 5.4VDC(must have lessthan 100mV (peak-to-peak
• Input current is 100 mA peak, 85 mA nominal at 3.3 to 5.0 VDC.
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
6 | P a g e
GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) Technologies:
GSM is thetechnology that underpins most of the world's mobile phonenetworks. The
GSM platform is a hugely successful wirelesstechnology and an unprecedented story of
global achievementand cooperation. GSM has become the world's fastest
growingcommunications technology of all time and the leading globalmobile standard,
spanning 218 countries. GSM is an open,digital cellular technology used for transmitting
mobile voiceand data services. GSM operates in the 900MHz and 1.8GHzbands GSM
supports data transfer speeds of up to 9.6 kbps,allowing the transmission of basic data
services such as SMS.
A GSM modem is a specialized type of modem whichaccepts a SIM card, and
operates over a subscription to a mobileoperator, just like a mobile phone. GSM (Global
system formobile) uses a process called circuit switching. This method ofcommunication
allows a path to be established between twodevices. Once the two devices are connected, a
constant streamof digital data is relayed. GSM networks consist of three majorsystems the
Switching System (SS), The Base Station(BSS) andthe Mobile station(MS).
a. The Switching System
The Switching system is very operative system in whichmany crucial operations are
conducted, SS systems holds fivedatabases with in it which performs different functions. If
talk about major tasks of SS system it performs call processingand subscriber related
functions. These databases from SSsystems are HLR, MSC, VLR, AUC and EIR. The MSC
incooperation with Home Location register (HLR) and Visitorlocation register (VLR), take
care of mobile calls and routing ofphone calls. Authentication centre (AUC) is small unit
whichhandles the security end of the system and Equipment identityregister (EIR) is another
important database which holds crucialinformation regarding mobile equipment‟s.
b. The Base Station System (BSS):
The base station system have very important role in mobilecommunication. BSS are
basically outdoor units which consistof iron rods and are usually of high length. BSS are
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
7 | P a g e
responsiblefor connecting subscribers (MS) to mobile networks. All thecommunication is
made in Radio transmission. The Base StationSystem is further divided in two systems.
These two systems,they are BTS and BSC. BTS (Base Transceiver station)
handlescommunication using radio transmission with mobile station andBSC (Base station
controller) creates physical link betweensubscriber (MS) and BTS, then manage and controls
functionsof it.
c. Mobile Station (Subscriber):
MS consist of a mobile unit and a smart card which is alsoreferred as a subscriber
Identity Module (SIM) card. This cardfitted with the GSM Modem and gives the user more
personalmobility. The equipment itself is identified by a unique numberknown as the
International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI).
GSM-GRPS terminal (GM862-GPRS):
The GSM/GPRS device that we are using is Telit GM862The GM862-GPRS with its
EASY GPRS feature is a specialdevice. It embeds and controls the PPP/ (UDP) TCP/IP
protocolstack inside itself. In this way the local-host sees a "virtual serialline" connection
with the application software on the servermachine. Differently from other GPRS devices
that embed theTCP/IP protocol stack; an EASY GPRS device, such as theGM862-GPRS,
does not provide a set of API functions tointerface with the protocol stack but it automatically
manages itinternally as specified when starting the connection. It alsoincludes all the features
of a standard GSM device.
Quad-band 900 / 1800 MHz or 850 / 1900 MHz GSM / GPRSModem
• Internet, Data, SMS, Voice, Fax, TCP/IP Services and EASYGPRS Commands
• Remote Control by AT Commands (according to GSM 07.07and GSM 07.05)
• Input voltage 5.5 V to 12 V DCCurrent 1.8A peak at 5.5 V, 330 mA average at 5.5
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
8 | P a g e
• SIM Interface 3V / 5 V
• Weight125 gram
Input/Output Format:
AT-Command (ATtention, used to start a command line):
Mobile phone or GSM/GPRS modem are controlled andbriefed through commands
called AT commands. The AT isanconsideration commands and is use as a prefix to other
parameterin a string. The AT command combine with other parameterscan be set up in the
communication package or typed inmanually as a command line instruction A terminal
program'sfunction is like this: It sends the data that you typed to themobile phone or
GSM/GPRS modem. It then displays theresponse it receives from the mobile phone or
GSM/GPRSmodem on the screen. The terminal program on MicrosoftWindows is called
HyperTerminal which was used for therequired setting of the GPRS device. The Telit GM862
wirelessmodule can be consumed via the serial interface using the standardAT commands.
The Telit GM862 wireless module is complaintwith Hayes standard AT command set (to
maintaincompatibility with existing programs), GSM specific ATcommands and GPRS
specific commands. This module alsosupports proprietary AT commands for special
Some AT commands used with Telit GM862 module
The carriage return<CR> and line feed <LF> after everycommand is implied.
The AT commands used were:
AT(ATtention, used to start a command line) +CMGF: Message Format
Select the SMS format to be used in reading and writing
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
9 | P a g e
PDU mode
text mode
Test command:
AT+CMGF=? Reports the supported value of <[mode]>
For example:
The above command will select the SMS format as text mode.
AT+CMGS: Send message
<[da]>=destination address number.
The device respond to the command with the prompt „>‟ andwaits for message text (max 160
character)[2]. To complete theoperation, send ctrl-Z char (0x1A).
For example:
AT+CMGS="+491711234567"[Enter] >Please call office ^ZHere +CMGF=1 will set the
modem in text mode.
After the+CMGS you enterthe number the message is intended to inbetween quotation signs
[1]. The message in ourcase “Please calloffice” is written in the next line and terminated by
ctrl+Z (^Zequals ctrl+Z).
AT+CNMI: New message indications to terminalequipment
The MCU does not require any new message indication. Hencethe indications are disabled
with the command:
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
10 | P a g e
The above command will indicate the first 0 as bufferunsolicited result codes buffering
option buffer is full [7]. Second 0-no SMS-deliver indications are reported to the TE. Third 0-
Cellbroadcast message are not send to the DTE. Forth 0- Statusreport receiving is not
reported to the DTE.And last 0- TA buffer of unsolicited result codes define withinthis
commands is flushed to the TE.
AT+CMGR: Read message
AT+CMGR=<[index]>Read the message with location valueindex.
AT+CMGR=4 This command will read the message on locationno 4 of the sim card.
AT+CMGD:Delete message
<[index]>-message position index in the selected storage
Delete mode selection flag
Delete all message at position index
Delete all received messages
Delete all received read and all send
Delete all received and all written
Delete all messages
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
11 | P a g e
This command will deleted the message of stored location no.1
This command sets the baud rate of the GPRS device to 4800.
The microcontroller is the heart of this device. It is theinterface between the GSM
module and the GPS receiver. Amicrocontroller is a small computer on a single integrated
circuitcontaining a processor core, data memory, A/D converter andprogrammable
input/output peripherals. In this device themicrocontroller is programmed in such a way that
it stimulatesthe GSM modem in message forwarding when a request is sendby the user.
Microcontrollers are much smaller and simplified sothat they can include all the functions
required on a single chip.Having the microcontroller is of great use, as it has low designcost
and add intelligence to the system.
Vibrated Sensor: In this applications we have to embed a vibrated sensorto ATM machines,
it can also be the one of input value for GSM module, which uses the GSM module respond
automatically too. In present days the vibration sensors increasing the sensitivity accuracy
increasing, so we can embed with our design it gives us sophisticated results for real time.
Design of Tracking system:
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
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In this paper we evaluate, the current design is anembedded application, which will
continuously monitor Machineand report the status of the ATM on demand. For doing so
anARM7 microcontroller is interfaced serially to a GSM Modemand GPS Receiver. The GPS
modem will continuously give thedata i.e. the latitude and longitude indicating the position of
theMachine. The GPS modem gives many parameters as the output desired demand.
When the request by user is sent to the number at the internal unit,the system
automatically sends a return reply to that mobileindicating the position of the machine in
terms of latitude andlongitude. The block diagram of tracking system using GPS andGSM
technology is presented in figure. The project is machinepositioning and navigation system
we can locate the machinearound the globe with micro controller, GPS receiver,
GSMmodem. Microcontroller preferred is ARM7. The code is written inthe internal memory
of Microcontroller i.e. ROM. With help ofinstruction set it processes the instructions and it
acts asinterface between GSM and GPS with help of serialcommunication of ARM7. GPS
always transmits the data andGSM transmits and receive the data.
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A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER) ISSN (O):(2321-1717), ISSN(P):(2394-420X)
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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Introduction All IT systems, laptops are particularly hard to protect. Laptops are mobile, easily concealable, there is a big market to sell the hardware and there can be many of them in a single building. With the increased data storage capabilities of laptops, the loss of even a single laptop can induce dramatically costs to the organization. Thus, although there can be a large number of laptops in an organization, losing even a single laptop may not be acceptable. Organizations open to the public are particularly at risk from laptop theft. Hospitals and universities, for example, accept hundreds of people that can wander in the premises every day points out that 46% of data breaches occur in institutions open to the public: education, health care and the government. Laptops containing sensitive medical or academic data become highly vulnerable in these environments. The problem security professional's face is how to protect the laptops in such open organizations. The LAPTOP Tracking System is developed by exploring the applications of various state-of-the-art technologies to overcome the problems of laptop theft. This is a effective and efficient system in order to enhance the laptop security. This system is based on the Data Logging System. The Data Logging System consists of four different elements. They are • Measuring the laptop parameters such as position, time, and velocity and so on by the help of sensors. The sensor in this system is GPS sensor. • Recording the obtained parameters by the temporary logger unit. Microcontroller acts as temporary logger unit. • Uploading / accessing the recorded data. The process involved is called telemetry which is performed by GPRS • Finally, analysis and presentation of recorded data through internet or through the response to the SMS request by the subscriber. Case study: Statistics show that as many as one in ten laptops will be stolen or lost from your organisation over the lifetime of each computer. That's 10% of your colleagues and co-workers knocking on your door for a replacement machine. And this dismal scenario is extremely common around 90% of organisations are affected. Most theft is opportunistic the miscreants usually want the laptop for its resale value rather than for the data. Laptops are easy to sell anonymously over the internet and, once reformatted, stolen hardware is difficult to spot. Yet it's worrying that most laptops 58% are stolen from work. IDC research shows that the office is the most likely place for a thief to strike. Coffee shops, public transport and hotel lobbies may seem to be the most dangerous places for laptop theft – but your colleagues may actually be more risky than an unknown stranger. 86% of IT security practitioners report that someone in their organization has had a laptop lost or stolen. 89% of companies experience laptop loss. The average total cost to a business from laptop loss is $47,000. Objectives: The main objective of the project is foremost building a laptop tracking device that would be used in a real world. The device could be used for wide purposes such as tracking, Laptop tracking mechanism using GSM/GPS technology
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There are two distinct areas of work in mobility: “mobile computing”, concerning computation that is carried out in mobile devices, and “mobile computation”, concerning mobile code that moves between devices. These distinctions are destined to vanish. We aim to describe all aspects of mobility within a single framework that encompasses mobile agents, the ambients where agents interact and the mobility of the ambients themselves. The main difficulty with mobile computation is not in mobility per se, but in the crossing of administrative domains. Mobile programs must be equipped to navigate a hierarchy of domains, at every step obtaining authorization to move further. Therefore, at the most fundamental level we need to capture notions of locations, of mobility and of authorization to move. We identify “mobile ambients” as a fundamental abstraction that generalizes both dynamic agents and the static domains they must cross. From a formal point of view we develop a simple but computationally powerful calculus that directly embodies domains and mobility (and little else). The calculus forms the basis of a small-language/Java-library. We demonstrate the expressiveness of the approach by a series of examples, including showing how a notion such as “crossing a firewall” has a direct and analizable interpretation.
Conference Paper
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Organizations rely on physical, technical and procedural mechanisms to protect their IT systems. Of all IT systems, laptops are the probably the most troublesome to protect, since they are easy to remove and conceal. When the thief has physical possession of the laptop, it is difficult to protect the data inside. Organizations open to the public, such as hospitals and universities, are easy targets for laptop thieves, since every day many people wander in the premises. In this study, we look at the effectiveness of the security mechanisms against laptop theft in two universities. We analyze the logs from laptop thefts in both universities and complement the results with penetration tests. The results from the study show that surveillance cameras and access control have a limited role in the security of the organization and that the level of security awareness of the employees plays the greatest role in stopping a theft.
Conference Paper
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The security goals of an organization are realized through security policies, which concern physical security, digital security and security awareness. An insider is aware of these security policies, and might be able to thwart the security goals by combining physical, digital and social means. A systematic analysis of such attacks requires the whole environment where the insider operates to be formally represented. This paper presents Portunes, a framework which integrates all three security domains in a single environment. Portunes consists of a high-level abstraction model focusing on the relations between the three security domains and a lower abstraction level language able to represent the model and describe attacks which span the three security domains. Using the Portunes framework, we are able to represent a whole new family of attacks where the insider is not assumed to use purely digital actions to achieve a malicious goal.
Context plays a key role, as recongnized by a wide body of research, in application and entity adaptation in the ubiquitous computing world characterized by extensive platform heterogenity and environment dy- namicity and unpredictability. Implicit in the notion of context, as used by context-aware applications, is the actual effects, including constraints, context has on target entities. We believe that making a step further from explicit reasoning about context to explicit rea- soning about its implicit effects will facilitate more ef- fective and e xible adaptation. In this work we present an approach to modeling the world based on natural notions of container and containment and show how it enables explicit reasoning about and acting upon context-implied effects on target entities, data objects in particular. We also outline a practical use of the model through its application in a system for auto- nomic context-aware infromation security and privacy protection.
Conference Paper
We tackle the problem of building privacy-preserving device-tracking systems— or private methods to assist in the recovery of lost or stolen Internet-connected mobile devices. The main goals of such systems are seemingly contradictory: to hide the device's legitimately-visited locations from third-party services and other parties ( lo- cation privacy) while simultaneously using those same services to help recover the device's location(s) after it goes missing (device-tracking). We propose a system, named Adeona, that nevertheless meets both goals. It provides strong guarantees of location privacy while pre- serving the ability to efficiently track missing devices. We build a version of Adeona that uses OpenDHT as the third party service, resulting in an immediately deploy- able system that does not rely on any single trusted third party. We describe numerous extensions for the basic de- sign that increase Adeona's suitability for particular de- ployment environments.
Conference Paper
The vision of Ubiquitous Computing [22] creates the world in which information is omnipresent, migrating seamlessly through the environment to be accessible whenever and wherever needed. Such a vision poses substantial challenges to information security and privacy protection.Unlike in traditional, static, execution environments, information in the Ubiquitous world is exposed, throughout its lifetime, to constantly varying security and privacy threats caused by the inherent dynamicity and unpredictability of the new computing environment and its mobility. Existing data protection mechanisms, built for non- or predictably slowly-changing environments, are unable to strike the balance in the information availability vs. security and privacy threat trade-off in the Ubiquitous world thus hindering the feasibility of the overall vision.In this paper, we present our initial work on a novel paradigm for information security and privacy protection in the ubiquitous world. We model security and privacy threats through sets of contextual attributes and mitigate the projected risks through proactive and reactive data format transformations, subsetting and forced migrations while trying to maximize information availability. We also try to make the approach flexible, scalable and infrastructure independent, as required by the very vision of the Ubiquitous Computing.