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The placenta in a case of pregnant woman infected by Chikungunya virus



Abstract In this work our proposal is to describe the changes provoked by chikungunya virus on the structure of the placental tissue with light and scanning electron microscopy. Placenta was obtained of patient of 32 years old infected during the third trimester of pregnancy with low increase of weight. Numerous immature intermediate villi were seen. Some placental villi were noted, in part, without the sincytiothrophoblast layer, with fibrotic stromal region and death cells. Interruptions of the placental surface were found. Regions of fibrinoid, microinfarcts, syncytium of different thickness and long mature intermediate villi without terminal villi were located. Stem villi showed collapsed vessels, calcification and severe damage in their vessels. Subtrophoblastic edema, degenerative changes in stromal zone and villous bad-development were located. The viral attack has transformed the placental villi in one structure which is not in their better condition for the fetal transference of gases and nutrients. Keywords: Chikv; Placental villi; Degenerative changes
*Corresponding author email:
Symbiosis GroupSymbiosis Group
The Placenta in a Case of Pregnant Woman Infected by
Chikungunya Virus
Olivar Clemente Castejón Sandoval*
Director of the CIADANA (Center for Research and Analysis Assistancel Teaching of the Nucleus Aragua) Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Venezuela
Journal of Virology and Retrovirology Open Access
Research Article
Chikungunya virus (CHIK V) or chikunguña is a virus
belonging to the group of Arbovirus transmitted by vectors Aedes
aegypti and Aedes albopictus wich are arthropods transmitters of
dengue [1]. Is an alphavirus belonging to the togaviridae family.
Alphavirus are small spherical enveloped viruses, with 60-
70nm diameter [2]. The fever produced by this virus presents a
mortality of 0.4% in child age of a year. The virus appear to be
transmitted from mother to child but it is unknown if this event is
transplacental [3].
Tanzania in 1952. More of 776000 cases of this fever have been
suspicious in caribean islands and in some countries of South
America with 152 deaths provoked by this fever [4]. Fever, eritem
and painful syndrome in the arthiculations that persist during
months are clinical features of this fever [5].
The chikv is an ARN virus that has been found in primates,
rodents, birds and small mammalia [1]. The mothers that have
chikungunya during pregnancy no transmit the chikv to their
baby. Although it has been documented maternal transmission to
the newborn when the mother presents fever days before or in
the moment of the delivery. Caesarian no avoid the transmission.
By this reason pregnancy womans with chikungunya are a group
of risk. This virus is not transmitted through of maternal milk [4].
Chikv produces cytopathic effects in a variety of cellular lines as
Vero cells, BHK-21 and HeLa [1] but is unknown their effect on
the structure of the placental villi.
There are reports of spontaneous abortus after of an infection
by chikv in the mother [6].Chikungunya fever is accompanied
by articular pain, abdominal pain, muscle pain, head pain,
nausea, tiredness, and subcutaneous eruptions. Occasionally
complicated with cardiac and neurological affectations, ocular
and gastrointestinal annoyance [4].
Epidemiologicals [7], clinics [2]. and laboratory studies [8]
have been realized about chikungunya virus but there is absence
of histopathological work in the placental villi showing the
structure of these affected by chikv. Is our proposal to describe
the change provoked by Chikv on the structure of the placental
tissue with scanning electron and light microscopy.
Material and Methods
Two groups of population of placental villi were taken of
placenta normal and placenta study. The group study proceed
from hospitalary institution whose placenta was obtained to
the 37 weeks of pregnancy, of pacient of 32 years old, of low
education level and economic resources who was infected during
the third trimester of pregnancy, with an poor increase of weight
of only 6 kg. The newborn was born alive with 51 cm and 3600gr.
The placenta normal was obtained at 38 weeks of pacient with an
increase of weight of 10 kg, without antecedent of disease. The
       
IgM/IgG) and nucleic acids detection (RT-PCR). The serology
of pacient with placenta study was negative for Hepatitis B, C,
cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus, rubella and toxoplasmosis.
Without other metabolic disease, genetic, parasitary, or with
malformations and being seronegative to the six weeks of birth.
The infected woman pregnancy had knowledge of informed
In this work our proposal is to describe the changes provoked by
chikungunya virus on the structure of the placental tissue with light
and scanning electron microscopy. Placenta was obtained of patient
of 32 years old infected during the third trimester of pregnancy
with low increase of weight. Numerous immature intermediate villi
were seen. Some placental villi were noted, in part, without the
       
cells. Interruptions of the placental surface were found. Regions of
       
mature intermediate villi without terminal villi were located. Stem
        
their vessels. Subtrophoblastic edema, degenerative changes in
stromal zone and villous bad-development were located. The viral
attack has transformed the placental villi in one structure which is
not in their better condition for the fetal transference of gases and
Keywords: Chikv; Placental villi; Degenerative changes
Received: July 23, 2015; Accepted: February 03, 2016; Published: February 18, 2016
*Corresponding author: Prof. Olivar C Castejón, Director of the CIADANA (Center for Research and Analysis Assistancel Teaching of the Nucleus
Aragua) Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Carabobo - Aragua State - Maracay, Venezuela, Apdo. 4944,
Telephone: 58 -0243-2713471; Ext. 404215;Fax: 0243-2713312; E-mail:
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Citation: Castejón Sandoval OC (2016) The Placenta in a Case of Pregnant Woman Infected by Chikungunya Virus. J Virol Retrovirol
2(1): 1-4.
The Placenta in a Case of Pregnant Woman Infected by Chikungunya Virus Copyright:
© 2016 Castejón Sandoval
consent and approval by the ethical committee of the hospitalary
institution for the realization of this investigation according to
the Helsinki declaration. Diagnostic was made by Micro-Elisa of
fourth generation, with equipment automatic AXSYM (Abbot,
 
of the maternal surface selected to the azar from the region
central parabasal in the vertical plane. Three slides by specimen
were prepared for light microscopic, 30 histological slides in total
which were stained with H&E for their observation.
Five small fragments in similar form were taken for Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM) according to conventional stains and
seen with a Hitachi S2300 scanning electron microscopy. Cross
sections of placental villi stained with H&E will be associated
with similar regions taken with SEM. The concepts of immaturity,
Edema, Fibrinoid deposition and chorangiosis are used as in
previous work [9] employing the same nomenclature of placental
Numerous immature intermediate villi were seen. Some
placental villi were noted, in part, without the syncytiotrophoblast
         
       
surface of the villi showed interruptions or breaks. These villi
        
seen indicating necrosis of villous zone (Figure 2). Regions
of microinfarcts and placental villi showing a syncytium of
different thickness were found (Figure 3).The single, long,
mature intermediate villi showing the characteristic bends of its
longitudinal axis and multiple grape-like terminal villi were not
seen. There are not terminal villi arising from the convex side
of each bend as is seen in normality (Figure 4).The paucity of
mature intermediate villi associated with terminal villi is highly
terminal villi of minimum diameters with absence of capillary
branching were seen.
In some zone these types of villi are seen interlaced and
notorious stromal clear areas or empty are noted (Figure 5).
replaces villous stroma neath debris of trophoblastic cover
(Figure 6). These villi also showed severe damage in the blood
        
degenerating villi (Figure 7).
They are severely damaged with breaks at the level
of syncytium, with accented subtrophoblastic edema and
degenerative changes in stromal zone. Areas of prominent lysis
are observed (Figure 8).
of cytotrophoblast were observed with scarcity of chromatin and
occasionally placental villi that exhibits chorangiosis can be seen
suffering severe degenerative changes in their blood vessels.
Figure 1: a) A region of syncytiotrophoblast which has suffered necro-
sis showing stromal zone. b) Part of stem villi with collapsed vessels and
Figure 2: a) In the left upper angle interrumped syncytium or break is
H&E. 100X.
Figure 3: a) Two long mature intermediate villi and
a microinfart region are observed. b) Immature intermediate villi,
changes in the thickness of the syncytium and infarcts are exhibited.
H&E. 100X.
Figure 4: a) Long mature intermediate villi is noted without terminal
villi. b) Cross sectioned villi shows internal structure with Koilocytic
cell. H&E. 400X.
Viruses cause disease directly affecting the physiology of the
cells they infect and the most dramatic effect that have on their
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Citation: Castejón Sandoval OC (2016) The Placenta in a Case of Pregnant Woman Infected by Chikungunya Virus. J Virol Retrovirol
2(1): 1-4.
The Placenta in a Case of Pregnant Woman Infected by Chikungunya Virus Copyright:
© 2016 Castejón Sandoval
plasma membrane permeability, fusion of cell membranes and
depolymerization of the cytoskeleton have been described [11].
Chikv was found in placenta but was not found in some samples
including maternal milk and synovial samples [12]. Ziegler et al
[13] found in 14 – day – old mice inoculated subcutaneously with
chikungunya virus histopathologic changes in skeletal muscle as
This offered a useful model for further study of the pathogenesis
    
reservoir or transformed cell organells by the viral activity. The
clear zones that were observed in the stromal region indicate that
the placental villi has suffered necrosis under the viral cytopathic
effect. Chikv can to provoke direct cytopathic effect on the
structure of the villi causing his destruction. These viruses have
RNA genome positive sense translationed directly by host tissue
and are very infectious. Extensive zones of the placenta with these
features can to produce growth retardation, low birth weight and
developmental anomalies as occurs with Rubella, CMV and HIV
villi. This technique exhibits a placental tree corresponding to
Although has been described that the rarity of placental
histologic lesions (in only 1 of 624 women with chikungunya
    
infection by the virus and explained the rarity of cases of fetal
chikungunya infection before birth [14]; however others factors as
lower education level [15], economic resources and nutrimental
problems could are contributing with these morphological
changes here observed
          
glioblastoma cells, meningeal and ependymal cells, kupffer cells,
    
[16]. This tropism so diverse add an aggressive character to these
viruses which can destroy all the structure of one placental villi
as seen in Figure 8.
Vertical contamination most probably occurs as consecuence
of passive transfer of maternal blood-borne free virus particles
through the placental barrier via the physiological breaches that
arise at term of pregnancy and during parturition by uterine
contractions and which are known to lead to maternal-fetal blood
exchanges [16].
It is possible that factors such as maternal immune status
and pre-term placental abruption may contribute to pre-partum
infection. The mechanisms that promote fetal infection remains
mother was highly viremic around the term of pregnancy [18].
Atrophy, necrosis, vacuolization and collagenosis were also
        
probably could be eliminated by a direct cytopathic effect [19].
Persistence bylong time of Chikv into macrophages as cellular
Figure 5: a) Interconnected long mature intermediate villi are noted.
b) Lytic changes in the stromal region of several villi are shown. H&E.
Figure 6: a) Notable damage is observed in the layers of blood vessels
ating villi. H&E. 100X.
Figure 7: a) Stem villi presents collapsed vessels H&E. 100X. b) At
the center debris of placental villi which presents stromal region
Figure 8: a) Stem villi is observed with interruptions of syncytium,
subtrophoblastic edema and severe degenerative changes in stromal
region. b) Placental villi presents disappearance of part of stromal zone,
H&E. 100X disintegration or lysis. H&E.100X.
host cells is lysis. They can directly damage cells stimulating
the cellular self-destructive- mechanism [10]. The host cells
that are infected by viruses undergo nuclear, cytoplasmic and
plasmalemmal degeneration. The plasmalemma disintegrates
focally but progressively, and the cell is lysed. Inhibition of vital
processes such as membranous vesicle accumulation, increased
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Citation: Castejón Sandoval OC (2016) The Placenta in a Case of Pregnant Woman Infected by Chikungunya Virus. J Virol Retrovirol
2(1): 1-4.
The Placenta in a Case of Pregnant Woman Infected by Chikungunya Virus Copyright:
© 2016 Castejón Sandoval
reservoirs during chikv infection in vivo potentially explains
long-lasting symptoms observed in humans [20].
In vitro studies using a panel of mammalian cell lines
showed rapid induction of cytopathic effects and cell death via
apoptosis in most adherent cell lines [21]. Aggregation of nucleus
with scarcity of chromatin represent a type of cytopathic effect
of Chikv on the placental structure known as cell fusion that
involves the fusion of the plasma membrane of four or more
cells to produce an enlarged cell with four or more nuclei [22].
Chorangiosis is a term of villous hipervascularization in response
villi [23,24]. The viral attack has deteriorate blood vessels and
the transference results impaired.
So, the vessels are damaged and the fetus will have problems
in the absorption of gases and nutrients. Lysis of the syncytial
plasma membrane by the viruses on it could produce holes
          
disorganize the stromal region.
In conclusion, an immature placental villous tree with
persistence of immature intermediate villi has been found.
        
development with accented degenerative changes. The viral
attack has transformed the placental villi in one structure which
is not in their better condition for the fetal transference of gases
and nutrients.
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... Cross sections of placental villi stained with H&E were associated with similar regions taken with SEM. The concepts of immaturity, edema, fibrinoid deposition and chorangiosis are used as in previous works [11], [12]. employing the same nomenclature of placental villi. ...
... Histopathologic changes as focal necrosis, inflammation, fibrosis, bad development of the ramifications of the placental tree are indicative of viral cytopathic effect. Similar changes have been observed in placenta infected by virus of the togaviridae family [12]The changes morphological observed in the vessels of stem villi are considered as adverse events provoked or associate to Zikv infection between another fetal abnormalities as growth restriction or central nervous system lesion [13]Endothelial damage has also been produced by viral infection in Rubella (German Measles) as mentioned in the literature [14].The infiltration of mononuclear cells in the decidual placental region is indicative of transplacental perinatal transmission at final of the third trimester. ...
... The prominently increased syncytial knots that were observed in placental infarction regions with acute ischemic change remember to us the changes seen in pregnancy-induced hypertension [15] Peripheric and stromal regions appear in degeneration by effect of the viral activity of Zikv which contains proteases in their structure. Necrosis, fibrosis, deposition of fibrinoid, koylocytic figures and placental immaturity have also been described in cases of infection with HIV/HPV [16], Chikungunya virus [12] and VIH-1 [17]. The giant macrophages occasionally seen could be considered as a reservoir of Zikv particles. ...
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ABSTRACT The pathogenesis of Zika virus infection is not well known and the effects on the structure of the placental villi require to be investigated. Is our proposal to describe the histopathological changes that occur in the placental villi provoked by Zika virus. The pacient of 38 years old was infected during the third trimester of pregnancy a week before parturition manifesting symptoms of infection by Zika. Light and scanning electron microscopy were used. Numerous stem villi are suffering degenerative changes with collapsed vessels. A conglomerate of syncytial knots and degenerated peripheric surface can be seen. Immature intermediate villi suffers fibrinoid deposition with macrophagues together in Hoffbauer channels. Necrosis of the syncytium and stromal fibrosis were noted on the placental villi. Koylocytic cell,destroyed villi,damage in the wall of vessels and mature intermediate villi with scarcity of terminal villi were found. Bad development of the ramifications of the placental villi and regions of lysis in stromal region were located. Thrombus and edema could not be seen. The placental villous tree has been found suffering severe degenerative changes and bad development indicating a destructive effect on the structure of the placenta that could to explain the cytopathic effect provoked by zika virus. KEYWORDS: Zika virus,Placental villi,Degenerative changes.
... Contrastingly, calcification observed in ZIKV-and Cytomegalovirus-infected placentas was not observed here in a CHIKV-infected placenta [38]. Areas of fibrosis and edema in the chorionic villi, as well as delayed villous immaturity, were observed in a CHIKV-infected placenta [39], and elsewhere in a ZIKV-infected placenta [40]. Edema was also present in the intervillous space. ...
... Furthermore, mitochondrial swelling, a characteristic of apoptosis, has been reported in pre-eclamptic cases [48]. The thickening of the endothelial basement membrane can alter the absorption of gases and nutrients between the mother and the baby [39]. ...
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Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an arthropod-borne virus first isolated in Tanzania, Africa. The virus has spread to Asia as well as South and Central America through infected Aedes mosquitoes. Vertical transmission may also occur, and was first documented during a chikungunya outbreak in La Réunion Island in 2005. Since then, some authors have been discussing the role of the placenta in maternal–fetal CHIKV transmission. CHIKV infection is characterized by fever, headache, rash, and arthralgia. However, atypical manifestations and clinical complications, including neurological, cardiac, renal, ocular, and dermal, may occur in some cases. In this report, we describe the case of a pregnant woman infected by CHIKV during the third trimester of gestation, who presented with severe dermatological manifestations during the epidemic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2019. CHIKV RNA and antigens were detected in the placental tissue, which presented with histopathological (deciduitis, fibrin deposition, edema, fetal vessel thickening, and chorioamnionitis) and ultrastructural alterations (cytotrophoblast with mitochondrial swelling and dilated cisterns in endoplasmic reticulum, vesicles in syncytiotrophoblasts, and thickening of the basement membrane of the endothelium).
... The characteristics of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) or chikunguña as an Arbovirus transmitted by arthropods has been briefly described in placenta in a preliminary work 1 . In this new study persistence of immaturity was found which require attention notable. ...
... Immature intermediate villi of large caliber persist in presence of CHIKV and the formation of new villi is decelerated. So, the immature intermediate villi are not producing mature intermediate villi which could to originate terminal villi where is realized the interchange of gases and nutrients 1 . CHIKV produces cytopathic effect in a variety of cellular lines as Vero cells, BHK-21 and HeLa 3 and recently has been described their effect on placental villi 1 . ...
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Objectives: An study on the immature intermediate villi was realized in placenta of woman pregnancy infected by Chikungunya virus using stains of light microscopy with the purpose of to obtain a better understanding of the placental immaturity provoked by these viruses. Methods: Placenta was obtained to the 37 weeks of pregnancy of patient of 32 years old infected during the third trimester of pregnancy with low increase of weight. The Chikv diagnostic was confirmed by seroconversion test (Elisa IgM/IgG) and nucleic acids detection (RT-PCR). The serology of this patient was negative for others microorganisms without other diseases or malformations being negative to the six weeks of birth. Five small fragments were taken of the maternal surface of the placenta and three slides by specimen were prepared for light microscopy. The same procedure was employed for normal placenta as control and 30 histological slides were stained with H&E for their observation. Results: Numerous immature intermediate villi were observed with little focus of fibrinoid deposition, hipervascularized with hemorrhagic and degenerative vessels, edema, absence of Hofbauer cells, clear areas or regions of lysis in stromal region, fibrosis or collagenosis, interruptions of the syncytio and calcification. Conclusion: a strong viral attack of CHikv affect noticeably the immature intermediate villi of placenta provoking a diminished formation of mature intermediate villi with terminal villi which perturbs the normal interchange of gases or nutrients that maintain the fetal development.
... Furthermore, histopathological aversions have described that the antigen and genetic material from the virus were found in the placental tissue, causing deciduitis, a delay in maturation and differentiation of the chorionic villi with an absence of the syncytiotrophoblast layer, interruptions in the placental surface, fibrosis in the stromal region, collapsed vessels of the stem villi, calcification of and damage to the stem villi, thickening in the basal layer of the endothelium, mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum trophoblast alterations trophoblasts, subtrophoblastic edema, and cell death [79]. All these aversions are considered unsuitable for promoting the exchange of gases and nutrients between the mother and fetus [67,113]. Despite this, it has been reported in some meta-analyses that approximately 50% of infected pregnant women can vertically transmit the virus; most of these cases involve intrapartum transmission at the time of delivery (75 cases by cesarean section and 96 cases by natural delivery). ...
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In mammals, the placenta is a connection between a mother and a new developing organism. This tissue has a protective function against some microorganisms, transports nutrients, and exchanges gases and excretory substances between the mother and the fetus. Placental tissue is mainly composed of chorionic villi functional units called trophoblasts (cytotrophoblasts, the syncytiotrophoblast, and extravillous trophoblasts). However, some viruses have developed mechanisms that help them invade the placenta, causing various conditions such as necrosis, poor perfusion, and membrane rupture which, in turn, can impact the development of the fetus and put the mother’s health at risk. In this study, we collected the most relevant information about viral infection during pregnancy which can affect both the mother and the fetus, leading to an increase in the probability of vertical transmission. Knowing these mechanisms could be relevant for new research in the maternal–fetal context and may provide options for new therapeutic targets and biomarkers in fetal prognosis.
... In this context, the vertical transmission rate is close to 50% and is likely a consequence of a passive transfer of maternal blood-borne free virus particles through the placental barrier via the physiological breaches that arise at the term of pregnancy and during parturition and which are known to lead to maternal-fetal blood exchanges [33]. On the contrary, other studies demonstrated that the placenta can in fact be infected by CHIKV [34,35] and damaged as a consequence of the direct viral cytopathic effect [13]. ...
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Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus) transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. The human infection usually manifests as a febrile and incapacitating arthritogenic illness, self-limiting and non-lethal. However, since 2013, CHIKV spreading through the tropics and to the Americas was accompanied by an increasing number of cases of atypical disease presentation, namely severe neuropathies and neonatal infection due to intrapartum vertical transmission. The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying these conditions have not been fully elucidated. However, arbovirus intrahost genetic diversity is thought to be linked to viral pathogenesis. To determine whether particular viral variants could be somehow associated, we analyzed the intrahost genetic diversity of CHIKV in three infected patients with neurological manifestations and three mothers infected during the intrapartum period, as well as their babies following vertical transmission. No statistically supported differences were observed for the genetic variability (nucleotide substitutions/gene length) along the genome between the groups. However, the newborn and cerebrospinal fluid samples (corresponding to virus passed through the placenta and/or the blood–brain barrier (BBB)) presented a different composition of their intrahost mutant ensembles compared to maternal or patient serum samples, even when concurrent. This finding could be consistent with the unidirectional virus transmission through these barriers, and the effect of selective bottlenecks during the transmission event. In addition, a higher proportion of defective variants (insertions/deletions and stop codons) was detected in the CSF and maternal samples and those were mainly distributed within the viral non-structural genes. Since defective viral genomes in RNA viruses are known to contribute to the outcome of acute viral infections and influence disease severity, their role in these atypical cases should be further investigated. Finally, with the in silico approach adopted, we detected no relevant non-conservative mutational pattern that could provide any hint of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying these atypical cases. The present analysis represents a unique contribution to our understanding of the transmission events in these cases and generates hypotheses regarding underlying mechanisms, that can be explored further.
... Placental immaturity feature has been seen in villi being affected only by Zika virus infection, by Chikungunya virus and placenta infected by HIV and HPV [5,[10][11][12]. It appears that the virus affect noticeably the immature intermediate villi provoking diminished development of the placental villi. ...
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Abstract Placental villi in a case of fetal death associate to complications of pregnancy as preeclampsia severe, megaloblastic macrocitic anemia, infection by Zika virus and marginal insertion of umbilical cord were showed in woman pregnancy of 26 years old at 22 weeks of pregnancy causing severe degenerative changes. Is our objective to explore the cell surface of the trophoblast identifying the changes observed with scanning electron microscopy. Samples of normal trophoblast were compared with samples of the case with the four complications. This case was correlated besides with the features found with light microscopy according with a preliminary study previously published. Groups of villi were seen not following their normal morphological pattern. Immature globular terminal villi rush out of mesenchymal villi in irregular aspect. These presented depressions or prolongations of syncytial plasma membrane. Mesenchymal villi are originating mature intermediate villi without to present terminal villi in their trajectory. Immature villi are covered by fibrinoid deposition as others placental villi. Many villi exhibit deep cracks. With frequency curvilinear mature intermediate villi were observed with proliferation of terminal villi in their extremity. These results indicate morphological bad development of the villous tree to the 22 weeks of pregnancy with deficiency of terminal villi and high risk of normal interchange of gases or nutrients contributing with the fetal death. Keywords Scanning electron microscopy; Placenta; Pregnancy; Complications
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The aim of this study was to examine the structure of the placental villi associated with obesity and hypertension using light and scanning electron microscopy.Two placentas at term obtained of woman pregnancy associated to stillborn were taken for microscopical analysis. Woman pregnancy weighed 75 and 85 Kg as body mass index and their hypertension with more of 90/150 mmHg. They had 39 and 41 years old. The placental weights were 600 and 650 gr respectively after of draining all their blood during 30 minutes post delivery. Five small fragments were taken by each placenta and evaluated with light and scanning electron microscopy. Stem villi showed obstructive vessels with damage in their walls and reticular tissue under the syncytio was a permanent finding. Immature intermediate villi were frequent. Severe degenerative changes are noted in peripheric stem villi. Fibrotic villi, very poor developed mature intermediate villi, filiform terminal villi, corangiosis, deposition of fibrinoid and vasodilatation were found in placental villi. No inflammation and low arborization was seen. These results indicate immaturity persistent, low maturation degree and severe degenerative changes affecting the structure of placental villi without inflammation
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Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-transmitted alphavirus belonging to the Togaviridae family, first isolated in Tanzania in 1952. The main vectors are mosquitoes from the Aedes species. Recently, the establishment of an envelope mutation increased infectivity for A. albopictus. CHIKV has recently re-emerged causing millions of infections in countries around the Indian Ocean characterized by climate conditions favourable to high vector density. Importation of human cases to European regions with high density of suitable arthropod vectors (such as A. albopictus) may trigger autochthonous outbreaks. The clinical signs of CHIKV infection include non-specific flu-like symptoms, and a characteristic rash accompanied by joint pain that may last for a long time after the resolution of the infection. The death rate is not particularly high, but excess mortality has been observed in concomitance with large CHIKV outbreaks. Deregulation of innate defense mechanisms, such as cytokine inflammatory response, may participate in the main clinical signs of CHIKV infection, and the establishment of persistent (chronic) disease. There is no specific therapy, and prevention is the main countermeasure. Prevention is based on insect control and in avoiding mosquito bites in endemic countries. Diagnosis is based on the detection of virus by molecular methods or by virus culture on the first days of infection, and by detection of an immune response in later stages. CHIKV infection must be suspected in patients with compatible clinical symptoms returning from epidemic/endemic areas. Differential diagnosis should take into account the cross-reactivity with other viruses from the same antigenic complex (i.e. O�nyong-nyong virus). CHIKV, Arbovirus, Virus dissemination, Immunopathogenesis, Geographic distribution, Diagnosis, Treatment and prevention.
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Chikungunya fever is an arbovirosis caused by an alphavirus (CHIKV) belonging to the Togaviridae familly. Its main vectors are Aedes mosquitoes. In its classic form, Chikungunya consists in a flulike illness that can be very disabling, especially by incapacitating arthralgia. In children, the arthropathy is well known to be better tolerated than in adulthood but severe manifestations and complications can occur owing to neurologic, cardiac, hematologic or cutaneous dysfunctions, all carrying a fatality risk in the absence of appropriate intensive care. Out of these, the most singular is a severe encephalopathy, even in some cases genuine encephalitis. More rare, but quite specific of small infants, skin blisters have been reported, sometimes complicated by extensive detachments. Mother-to-child infections were demonstrated on La Réunion island with a fifty-percent probability of vertical transmission when the mother was highly viremic around the term of pregnancy. The diagnosis can be made by detecting CHIKV RNA using RT-PCR or specific IgM antibodies using MAC-Elisa serology. Chikungunya is a notifiable disease. The epidemic that emerged in Indian Ocean islands during 2005-2006, its progressive extension to Asia and even to Italy in July 2007, highlighted a very important capacity of CHIKV to cause huge outbreaks wherever Aedes sp. can proliferate. In France, Aedes albopictus is definitively endemic in the departments of Alpes-Maritimes since 2004, Corsica since 2005, and Var since 2007. Therefore, the risk of introduction of CHIKV from an epidemic area to Europe and especially in France is real.
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Since 2004, an East African genotype of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) has emerged, causing significant epidemics of an arthralgic syndrome. In addition, this virus has been associated for the first time with neonatal transmission and neurological complications. In the current study, pregnant Rhesus macaques were inoculated with an enzootic or epidemic strain of CHIKV to compare pathogenesis and transplacental transmission potential. Viremias were similar for both strains and peaked at 2-3 days post-inoculation (dpi). Viral RNA was detected at necropsy at 21 dpi in maternal lymphoid, joint-associated, and spinal cord tissues. The absence of detectable viral RNA and the lack of germinal center development in fetuses indicated that transplacental transmission did not occur. Neutralizing antibodies were detected in all dams and fetuses. Our study establishes a non-human primate model for evaluating vaccines and antiviral therapies and indicates that Rhesus macaques could serve as a competent enzootic reservoir.
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Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus that induces in humans a disease characterized by fever, rash, and pain in muscles and joints. The recent emergence or reemergence of CHIKV in the Indian Ocean Islands and India has stressed the need to better understand the pathogenesis of this disease. Previous CHIKV disease models have used young or immunodeficient mice, but these do not recapitulate human disease patterns and are unsuitable for testing immune-based therapies. Herein, we describe what we believe to be a new model for CHIKV infection in adult, immunocompetent cynomolgus macaques. CHIKV infection in these animals recapitulated the viral, clinical, and pathological features observed in human disease. In the macaques, long-term CHIKV infection was observed in joints, muscles, lymphoid organs, and liver, which could explain the long-lasting CHIKV disease symptoms observed in humans. In addition, the study identified macrophages as the main cellular reservoirs during the late stages of CHIKV infection in vivo. This model of CHIKV physiopathology should allow the development of new therapeutic and/or prophylactic strategies.
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Chikungunya fever is an arbovirosis caused by an alphavirus (CHIKV) belonging to the Togaviridae family. Its main vectors are Aedes mosquitoes. In its classic form, Chikungunya consists in a flu-like illness that can be very disabling, especially by incapacitating arthralgia. In children, the arthropathy is well known to be better tolerated than in adulthood but severe manifestations and complications can occur owing to neurologic, cardiac, hematologic or cutaneous dysfunctions, all carrying a fatality risk in the absence of appropriate intensive care. Out of these, the most singular is a severe encephalopathy, even in some cases genuine encephalitis. More rare, but quite specific of small infants, skin blisters have been reported, sometimes complicated by extensive detachments. Mother-to-child infections were demonstrated on La Réunion island with a fifty-percent probability of vertical transmission when the mother was highly viremic around the term of pregnancy. The diagnosis can be made by detecting CHIKV RNA using RT-PCR or specific IgM antibodies using MAC-Elisa serology. Chikungunya is a notifiable disease. The epidemic that emerged in Indian Ocean islands during 2005-2006, its progressive extension to Asia and even to Italy in July 2007, highlighted a very important capacity of CHIKV to cause huge outbreaks wherever Aedes sp. can proliferate. In France, Aedes albopictus is definitively endemic in the departments of Alpes-Maritimes since 2004, Corsica since 2005, and Var since 2007. Therefore, the risk of introduction of CHIKV from an epidemic area to Europe and especially in France is real.
Preface.- Examination of the placenta.- Macroscopic features of the delivered placenta.- Microscopic survey.- Placental types.- Early development of the human placenta.- Basic structure of the villous trees.- Architecture of normal villous trees.- Characterization of the developmental stages.- Nonvillous parts and trophoblast invasion.- Involution of implantation site - retained placenta.- Anatomy and pathology of the placental membranes.- Anatomy and pathology of the umbilical cord and major fetal vessels.- Placental shape aberrations.- Histopathologic approach to villous alterations.- Classification of villous maldevelopment.- Erythroblastosis fetalis and hydrops fetalis.- Transplacental hemorrhage, cell transfer, trauma.- Fetal storage disorders.- Maternal diseases complicating pregnancy - diabetes - tumors - pre-eclampsia - lupus anticoagulant.- Infectious diseases.- Abortion, Placentas of trisomies, and immunological considerations of recurrent reproductive failure.- Molar pregnancies.- Trophoblastic neoplams.- Benign tumors, chorangiosis.- Multiple pregnancies.- Legal considerations.- Glossary.- Normative values and tables.- Index.
Newborn and 14-day-old mice inoculated subcutaneously with chikungunya virus (CHIKV) developed lethargy, difficulty walking, dragging of hind limbs, and reduced weight gain within 7-10 days after infection (PI). During the initial 6-7 days PI, the animals had viremia; high levels (10(6)-10(8) PFU) of CHIKV were also present in leg muscle. The virus persisted in muscle for several days after viremia disappeared. The major histopathologic changes were in skeletal muscle, which were focal necrosis and inflammation, followed by fibrosis and dystrophic calcification. Some mice also showed dystrophic calcification in the joint cartilage, but there were few deaths, and most of the animals eventually recovered. CHIKV antigen was shown by immunohistochemistry in the muscle for several weeks after infection. Based on the clinical and pathologic similarities with CHIKV infection in humans, young ICR and CD-1 mice offer a useful and realistic model for further study of the pathogenesis and treatment of CHIKV infection.
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an arbovirus responsible for acute febrile arthralgia. It re-emerged abruptly in 2005 and caused a massive outbreak in the Indian Ocean region, and then extended to Asia. Here we review the pathophysiology of CHIKV infection, based on human and mouse studies, and also present prospects for prevention and therapy of this infection. Our results are discussed in the light of the current knowledge regarding other arthritogenic Alphaviruses.