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Ethnic differences in prevalence and risk factors for hypertension in the Suriname Health Study: A cross sectional population study


Abstract and Figures

Background Limited information is available about the prevalence, ethnic disparities, and risk factors of hypertension within developing countries. We used data from a nationwide study on non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factors to estimate, explore, and compare the prevalence of hypertension overall and in subgroups of risk factors among different ethnic groups in Suriname. Method The Suriname Health Study used the World Health Organization Steps design to select respondents with a stratified multistage cluster sample of households. The overall and ethnic specific prevalences of hypertension were calculated in general and in subgroups of sex, age, marital status, educational level, income status, employment, smoking status, residence, physical activity, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference (WC). Differences in the prevalence between ethnic subgroups were assessed using the Chi-square test. We used several adjustment models to explore whether the observed ethnic differences were explained by biological, demographic, lifestyle, or anthropometric risk factors. ResultsThe prevalence of hypertension was 26.2 % (95 % confidence interval 25.1 %-27.4 %). Men had higher mean values for systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to women. Blood pressure increased with age. The prevalence was highest for Creole, Hindustani, and Javanese and lowest for Amerindians, Mixed, and Maroons. Differences between ethnic groups were measured in the prevalence of hypertension in subcategories of sex, marital status, education, income, smoking, physical activity, and BMI. The major difference in association of ethnic groups with hypertension was between Hindustani and Amerindians. Conclusion The prevalence of hypertension in Suriname was in the range of developing countries. The highest prevalence was found in Creoles, Hindustani, and Javanese. Differences in the prevalence of hypertension were observed between ethnic subgroups with biological, demographic, lifestyle, and anthropometric risk factors. These findings emphasize the need for ethnic-specific research and prevention and intervention programs.
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R E S E A R C H Open Access
Ethnic differences in prevalence and risk
factors for hypertension in the Suriname
Health Study: a cross sectional population
Ingrid S. K. Krishnadath
, Vincent W. V. Jaddoe
, Lenny M. Nahar-van Venrooij
and Jerry R. Toelsie
Background: Limited information is available about the prevalence, ethnic disparities, and risk factors of
hypertension within developing countries. We used data from a nationwide study on non-communicable disease
(NCD) risk factors to estimate, explore, and compare the prevalence of hypertension overall and in subgroups of risk
factors among different ethnic groups in Suriname.
Method: The Suriname Health Study used the World Health Organization Steps design to select respondents with
a stratified multistage cluster sample of households. The overall and ethnic specific prevalences of hypertension
were calculated in general and in subgroups of sex, age, marital status, educational level, income status,
employment, smoking status, residence, physical activity, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference (WC).
Differences in the prevalence between ethnic subgroups were assessed using the Chi-square test. We used several
adjustment models to explore whether the observed ethnic differences were explained by biological, demographic,
lifestyle, or anthropometric risk factors.
Results: The prevalence of hypertension was 26.2 % (95 % confidence interval 25.1 %-27.4 %). Men had higher
mean values for systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to women. Blood pressure increased with age.
The prevalence was highest for Creole, Hindustani, and Javanese and lowest for Amerindians, Mixed, and Maroons.
Differences between ethnic groups were measured in the prevalence of hypertension in subcategories of sex,
marital status, education, income, smoking, physical activity, and BMI. The major difference in association of ethnic
groups with hypertension was between Hindustani and Amerindians.
Conclusion: The prevalence of hypertension in Suriname was in the range of developing countries. The highest
prevalence was found in Creoles, Hindustani, and Javanese. Differences in the prevalence of hypertension were
observed between ethnic subgroups with biological, demographic, lifestyle, and anthropometric risk factors. These
findings emphasize the need for ethnic-specific research and prevention and intervention programs.
Keywords: Amerindian, Ethnicity, Hypertension, Risk factors, Suriname
* Correspondence:
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Anton de Kom
University of Suriname, Paramaribo, Suriname
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Krishnadath et al. Population Health Metrics (2016) 14:33
DOI 10.1186/s12963-016-0102-4
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Hypertension is the fourth-largest contributor to prema-
ture death in industrialized countries and the seventh in
developing countries [13]. The increasing prevalence of
hypertension in developing countries could be the result
of factors like urbanization, population aging, unhealthy
dietary habits, and social stress [4]. In several industrial-
ized countries, ethnic differences in the prevalence of
hypertension and its risk factors have been described
extensively [517]. In contrast, in developing countries
less research has been conducted. Studies reported
higher prevalence of hypertension among adults from
African descent followed by those of Asian or Hispanic
descent, as compared to Caucasians [79, 1820].
The Republic of Suriname, located on the northeast of
South America, is an upper-middle income country with
a multi-ethnic and multicultural population, with inhabi-
tants of mainly Indian, African, and Indonesian descent.
In this country, cardiovascular disease has been the main
cause of mortality for decades in each ethnic group [21].
However, information about the prevalence and risk
factors of hypertension among these different groups is
limited. So far, a study from 2001, limited to three
coastal districts, reported a hypertension prevalence of
33 % in adults between the ages of 18-55 years [22]. Of
all participants, 70 % were physically inactive, 30 %
smoked, 20 % were obese, and 15 % had high total choles-
terol levels. In adults, the highest prevalence of hyperten-
sion has been observed in Creoles [22]. In adolescents,
hypertension was measured more frequently in Hindustani
and Javanese [23].
communicable disease (NCD) risk factors [24], to estimate,
explore, and compare the prevalence of hypertension over-
all and in subgroups of biological, demographic, lifestyle,
and anthropometric risk factors among different ethnic
groups in Suriname.
We used data from the Suriname Health Study, the first
nationwide study on NCD risk factors [24], which was
designed according to World Health Organization
(WHO) Steps guidelines [25]. The Ethics Committee of
the Ministry of Health in Suriname (Commissie mensge-
bonden wetenschappelijk onderzoek (ref: VG 004-2013))
approved this research. Suriname has approximately
550,000 inhabitants, categorized into 15.7 % Creole
(descendants of African plantation slaves), 27.4 %
Hindustani (people of Indian heritage), 13.7 % Javan-
ese (descendants from Indonesians), 21.7 % Maroon
(descendants of African refugees who escaped slavery
and formed independent settlements in the hinterland),
13.4 % mixed, 7.6 % others, including Amerindians
(original inhabitants), and 0.6 % unknown [26]. Because of
financial restraints and the extended survey area in
Suriname we used a stratified multistage cluster sample of
households to select respondents between March and
September 2013 for this study [24]. The strata were based
on the geographic location of the sampling units in the
various districts. The Primary Sampling Unit (PSU) of the
sampling frame consists of the 10 districts of Suriname.
The Secondary Sampling Units (SSU) consisted of 101
randomly selected enumeration areas (EAs) in nine
districts and four randomly selected village areas in a
remote tenth district, Sipaliwini. The SSU was divided into
343 clusters, which were selected randomly within the
enumeration areas. Except for the 16 clusters in district
Sipaliwini, each cluster contained 25 households. The
clusters in Sipaliwini contained 40 households, due to the
large cost of transportation to the isolated villages in the
tropical rainforest. In the selected households, the
respondent was identified using the Kish method based
on gender and age [27]. In total, 7493 individuals between
the age of 15 and 65 years were invited to participate in
the study. The response rate was 76.8 %, resulting in 5748
participants. The percentage of missing data was relatively
small (1.1 %) for most variables except for income
status (30.2 %) [24].
Main outcome
We measured blood pressure three times with the
Omron HEM-780 blood-pressure monitor.
Before measurements, respondents were seated (legs
uncrossed) to rest for at least 15 min. Measurements
were repeated at a time interval of three minutes. The
mean of the last two measurements was used to calcu-
late the blood pressure of the participant [28]. Hyperten-
sion was defined as a systolic blood pressure 140 mm
Hg, diastolic pressure 90 mm Hg, or current treatment
with antihypertensive medication [29].
Hypertensive respondents were considered aware of
their condition when previously diagnosed and using
antihypertensive medication. Additionally, they were
considered to have their hypertensive condition under
control when they used antihypertensive medication and
had measurements of <140 mm Hg for systolic blood
pressure and <90 mm Hg for diastolic blood pressure.
Risk factors
We used interviews and hands-on measurements to col-
lect information. Trained interviewers used an adapted
WHO steps questionnaire to collect demographic and
lifestyle information. Participants were categorized into a
specific ethnic group if at least three of four grandpar-
ents were of this ethnicity. Anybody else was considered
to be of mixed ethnicity. Next to ethnicity, we consid-
ered biological factors like sex and age; demographic
Krishnadath et al. Population Health Metrics (2016) 14:33 Page 2 of 11
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
factors like marital status, educational level, income
status, employment, and residence (stratified into urban,
rural coastal, and rural interior areas); lifestyle factors
like cigarette smoking and physical activity (in Metabolic
Equivalent of Task (MET) minutes); and anthropometric
factors like body mass index (BMI) and waist circumfer-
ence (WC) as risk factors for hypertension. The Global
Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) was used to
measure physical activity. All measurements were car-
ried out as described in Part 3 Training and Practical
guidesof the WHO steps manual with the recom-
mended equipment [28]. Height was measured with the
Seca 213 stand-alone stadiometer, and WC was deter-
mined with the Seca 201 measuring tapes. The respon-
dents were weighed with the Tanita HS302 solar scale.
BMI was classified in the categories; <23, 23-25, 25-27.5,
27.5-30 and 30+, taking into account the WHO ethnic-
specific cutoff points for overweight and obesity.
According to WHO, a WC of 88 cm for women and
102 cm for men is associated with substantially in-
creased metabolic risk [30]. We applied the values above
this WC cut off point to classify the waist as large.
Household income was classified as the income status
quintile from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Suriname
in Surinamese dollars, SRD (1USD = 3.35 SRD). Because
of the small amount of respondents in the fourth and fifth
quintile, these two were combined in the analysis. The
residential addresses were stratified to urban, rural coastal
areas, and the rural interior [31]. Physical activity was
classified according to WHO recommendations in
groups <600 MET and 600 MET.
Statistical analysis
First, we calculated the overall and ethnic-specific preva-
lence of hypertension and the main risk factors. Differ-
ences in the prevalence between ethnic subgroups were
assessed using the Chi-square test. The collected data
were subjected to a weighting procedure so inferences
could be made to the whole population. The weights
used for analysis were calculated to adjust for probability
of selection, non-response, and differences between the
sample population and target population. The adjust-
ment weight for sample correction was calculated per
sex, 10-year age group, and, where applicable, ethnicity
[24]. Second, we used several adjustment models to
explore whether the observed differences in association
were influenced by biological, demographic, lifestyle, or
anthropometric risk factors. We tested potential interac-
tions between Hindustani (the group with the highest
prevalence of hypertension from the two largest groups)
and other ethnic groups, adjusted for sex and age in
relation to modifiable cardiovascular risk factors. All
models were evaluated with the Hosmer and Lemeshow
goodness to fit test. We used the statistical software Epi
Info 3.2 and the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences
(SPSS 21.0) for analyses.
Subject characteristics
Table 1 presents the subjectscharacteristics of the study
population overall and per ethnic subgroup. Amerindians
and Maroons had the lowest percentages of male partici-
pants and smokers and the highest percentages of subjects
with low education, low income, and living in rural inter-
ior areas. Also, Amerindians had the highest BMI and
WC but the lowest mean systolic blood pressure. Com-
pared to the other ethnic groups, Creoles had the highest
percentages of male participants and high education
and income groups. Creoles had the lowest percent-
age of subjects living with a partner and the highest
percentages of subjects who were employed or met
the required level of physical activity. Also, they had
the highest mean systolic blood pressure. Creoles,
Hindustani, and Javanese exhibited low levels of living
in rural interior areas. Hindustani subjects had the highest
mean diastolic blood pressure. Javanese had the highest
median age and the highest percentages of living with a
partner and smoking. Maroons had the lowest median
and mean values for BMI and WC.
Table 2 shows that the mean systolic and diastolic
blood pressure is higher in men and increases with age,
whereas the mean BMI was higher in women and in-
creases with age.
Table 3 shows that a higher percentage of men smoke
and comply with the recommended levels of physical
activity. In both sexes, smoking increased and physical
activity decreased with age.
Hypertension prevalence
The estimated overall prevalence of hypertension was
26.2 % (95 % confidence interval [CI] 25.1 %-27.4 %).
Fig. 1 gives the prevalence of hypertension with and
without medication use in the six ethnic groups. Creole,
Hindustani, and Javanese had the highest prevalence of
hypertension, and Mixed and Maroons subjects had the
lowest prevalence. More than 50 % of participants with
hypertension were not diagnosed previously and about
25 % of those treated effectively and had normal values
of blood pressure. The highest proportion of undiag-
nosed hypertension was found in Maroons. Hindustani
and Amerindians had the largest proportion of subjects
with hypertension who were treated effectively, and
Maroons had the lowest.
Ethnic differences in the prevalence of hypertension in
risk factor categories
Table 4 shows that the prevalence of hypertension was
higher in men among Hindustani; for Maroons and
Krishnadath et al. Population Health Metrics (2016) 14:33 Page 3 of 11
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Javanese the prevalence was higher in women. The
prevalence of hypertension increased with age in all
ethnic groups. For demographic risk factors, among all
ethnic groups except Amerindians, the prevalence of
hypertension in participants living with a partner was
higher compared to single participants. Residential area
was only associated with the prevalence of hypertension
in Maroons. The prevalence of hypertension differed
according to educational level among Maroons and
Hindustani. When analyzing the influence of income,
incomes in Creoles, whereas it decreased for lower in-
comes among Hindustanis. This table shows that among
Hindustani the smokers, and those with physical activity
less than 600 MET per week had a higher prevalence of
hypertension. This corresponds with Creole subjects
who smoked and Maroon subjects who performed
less than 600 MET of physical activity per week. For
anthropometric risk factors, we observed that the preva-
lence of hypertension increased with BMI for all ethnici-
ties except for Amerindians. For all ethnic groups, the
prevalence of hypertension was higher in those with a lar-
ger WC.
Ethnic differences between the odds ratios of
Table 5 shows that in the model adjusted for age and sex
only, Amerindians had a lower odds ratio (OR) for
hypertension compared to Hindustani (OR: 0.7 [95 % CI
0.6-1.0]). Adding demographic factors in model 2 further
reduced the odds of hypertension in Amerindians (OR:
0.5 [95 % CI 0.4-0.8]) and also showed a weaker as-
sociation in Javanese (OR: 0.8 [95 % CI 0.1-1.0]). In
model 3, the difference between the OR for Hindustani
Table 1 Subject characteristics, overall and by ethnic subgroup (N= 5641)
Characteristics Overall Amerindian Creole Hindustani Javanese Maroon Mixed
N= 5641 N= 427 N= 677 N= 1315 N= 923 N= 1377 N= 817
Men % (95 % CI) 49.7(48.4-51) 37.6(31.7-44) 54.4(50.6-58.2) 52.8(50.4-55.2) 51.2(47.7-54.6) 43.2(40.3-46.2) 46.3(43.1-49.6)
Age in years, median (95 % range) 35.0(15.0-62.0) 35.0(16.0-62.0) 36.0(16-62) 37.0(16.0-62.0) 40.0(15.0-62.2) 30.0(15.0-61.0) 32.0(15.0-62.0))
Education % (95 % CI)
Low 53(51.7-54.3) 78.6(73-83.5) 37.5(33.8-41.4) 54.3(51.8-56.7) 53.3(49.8-56.8) 77.3(74.7-79.8) 34.8(31.7-38.0)
Middle 27.9(26.7-29.1) 17.8(13.2-23.1) 34.8(31.1-38.6) 27.9(25.7-30.1) 32(28.8-35.4) 14.1(12.1-16.4) 35.4(32.3-38.6)
High 19.1(18.1-20.2) 3.6(1.7-6.8) 27.7(24.4-31.4) 17.9(16.1-19.8) 14.7(12.4-17.4) 8.5(7-10.4) 29.8(26.9-32.9)
Income % (95 % CI)
< SRD 800/month 33.6(32-35.2) 54.7(46-63) 23.0(19.0-27.6) 30.9(28.0-34.0) 23.9(20.3-27.9) 58.3(54.4-62) 23.4(19.9-27.3)
SRD 800-1499/month 33.9(32.3-35.5) 26.4(19.3-34.4) 39.9(35.0-45.0) 37.6(34.6-40.8) 37.8(33.6-42.2) 27.6(24.3-31.2) 28.3(24.6-32.4)
SRD 1500-2199/month 15(13.8-16.3) 7.2(3.5-12.7) 16.2(12.8-20.4) 17.2(14.9-19.7) 19.4(16.1-23.2) 7.5(5.6-9.8) 16.8(13.7-20.3)
SRD 2200/month 17.5(16.2-18.8) 11.7(6.7-17.9) 20.9(17.0-25.3) 14.3(12.2-16.7) 18.9(15.6-22.6) 6.7(5.0-8.9) 31.5(27.6-35.7)
Area % (95 % CI)
Urban coastal 75.5(74.3-76.6) 31.2(25.4-37.2) 85.8(82.9-88.3) 83.9(82-85.6) 70.7(67.4-56.8) 52.3(49.2-55.3) 85.4(83-38)
Rural coastal 16.1(15.1-17) 32(26.1-38) 14.1(11.7-17) 16.1(14.4-18) 29.3(26.2-35.4) 6.9(5.5-8.7) 14.3(12.2-38.6)
Rural interior 8.5(7.8-9.2) 36.9(30.9-43.2) 0(0-0.7) 0(0-0.3) 0(0-17.4) 40.8(37.9-43.8) 0.3(0.1-32.9)
Living with partner % (95 % CI) 51.7(50.4-53) 66(59.7-71.7) 32.3(28.8-36) 60.4(58-62.7) 70.7(67.4-73.8) 40.1(37.2-43.1) 44(40.8-47.2)
Working or studying % (95 % CI) 69(67.8-70.2) 44.3(38.2-50.8) 78.7(75.4-81.6) 67.8(65.5-70) 71.9(68.7-74.9) 58.7(55.7-61.6) 77.2(74.3-79.8)
Smoking % (95 % CI) 14.7(13.8-15.6) 5.3(2.8-8.7) 19.1(16.2-22.3) 16.2(14.5-18.1) 20.2(17.5-23.1) 6.5(5.1-8.2) 14(11.9-16.4)
Recommended physical activity %
(95 % CI)
64.3(62.9-65.6) 66.3(59.1-73.1) 69.6(65.7-73.3) 65.4(63-67.8) 60(56.3-63.5) 59.2(55.9-62.5) 65.6(62.2-68.8)
Body mass index, kg/m
, median
(95 % range)
25.7(25.6-25.9) 26.7(18.4-40.7) 25.5(17.6-41.0) 26.3(17.1-39.1) 26.1(17.8-40.1) 24.9(17.5-41.3) 25.8(17.2-39.8)
Waist circumference, cm,
mean (SD)
87.3(15.6) 90.0(14.4) 88.2(16.3) 89.4(15.7) 86.0(14.9) 84.6(15.0) 86.4(16.0)
Systolic blood pressure, mmHg,
mean (SD)
119.0(19.3) 117.3(18.6) 122.4(19.7) 119.1(19.3) 119.3(19.5) 118.4(18.9) 117.5(19.5)
Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg,
mean (SD)
78.6(12.7) 76.3(11.4) 79.4(13.2) 79.6(12.3) 79.4(13.0) 77.3(13.2) 77.4(12.2)
The values are estimated means (standard deviation, SD), medians (range) or proportions (confidence interval, CI) and are based on weighted data. The sample
weights included population adjustment weights for sex and age. For analysis on the overall population, additional adjustment weights for ethnicity were
included. The sample of the overall population included the presented ethnic subgroups (n= 5536) plus other unspecified ethnicities (n= 105)
Krishnadath et al. Population Health Metrics (2016) 14:33 Page 4 of 11
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
and Amerindians was no longer significant, although the
value for the OR remained 0.7. Thus, no material
changes in associations with hypertension were observed
between ethnicities after additional adjustment for life-
style and anthropometric factors (models 3 and 4).
In this study, the prevalence of hypertension overall and
in risk factor subgroups was assessed in the six major
ethnic groups of Suriname. The estimated prevalence of
hypertension was above 25 %. The highest prevalence
was found in Creoles, Hindustani, and Javanese. Half of
all hypertensive participants were not diagnosed previ-
ously and a quarter were treated effectively. We ob-
served differences in the prevalence of hypertension
between ethnic subgroups with biological, demographic,
lifestyle, and anthropometric risk factors and variation in
the association of ethnic groups with hypertension. The
major difference in association of ethnic groups with
hypertension was between Hindustani and Amerindians.
The estimated prevalence of hypertension in our study is
in line with previous reports from countries of the
Caribbean, Latin America, and developing countries,
which describe a prevalence of hypertension between
16 % and 35 % [4, 3237]. Most studies in western
countries indicate higher prevalences of hypertension in
African descendants, followed by Asian descendants,
Hispanics, and Caucasians [8, 12, 3840]. In addition,
studies in Amerindians report low prevalences of hyper-
tension [4143]. The results of our study concur with
the literature for all ethnicities except for Maroons.
Previous studies suggest that differences in prevalence of
hypertension among adults of African descent are
caused by demographic, lifestyle, and anthropometric
factors [4446]. This is supported by our results, as
the ethnic groups with the highest prevalence of
hypertension (Creoles) and the lowest prevalence
(Maroons), are both from African descent and have
similar biological characteristics.
Awareness and treatment
In this study, awareness in hypertensive participants falls
within the range of other developing countries, but the
proportion of adequately treated subjects is higher. In
other developing countries, it has been estimated that
between 23 % and 71 % of all hypertensive people were
aware of their condition and 4 % to 16 % were
adequately treated [4, 47]. Success rates may be high
in Suriname compared to other developing countries
[4, 48], because of the countrysextensiveprimary
Table 2 Mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure and mean BMI by age and sex
Age group Systolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure BMI
Mean ± SD (SE) Mean ± SD (SE) Mean ± SD (SE)
Male Female Male Female Male Female
(n= 2102) (n= 3524) (n= 2102) (n= 3522) (n= 2052) (n= 3302)
15-24 years 115.1 ± 12.6 (0.5) 102.6 ± 11.1 (0.4) 71.5 ± 9.8 (0.4) 69.5 ± 8.4 (0.3) 23.0 ± 4.8 (0.2) 24.2 ± 5.2 (0.2)
25-34 years 120.3 ± 13.0 (0.5) 108.5 ± 14.4 (0.5) 78.3 ± 10.6 (0.4) 75.2 ± 11.8 (0.4) 25.7 ± 5.2 (0.2) 27.9 ± 5.9 (0.2)
35-44 years 123.5 ± 15.6 (0.6) 117.4 ± 18.4 (0.8) 82.3 ± 11.5 (0.5) 81.2 ± 12.9 (0.5) 26.5 ± 5.2 (0.2) 29.1 ± 6.1 (0.3)
45-54 years 128.5 ± 19.0 (0.8) 126.3 ± 20.6 (0.9) 84.3 ± 12.5 (0.5) 83.6 ± 12.2 (0.5) 26.1 ± 5.1 (0.2) 29.2 ± 5.8 (0.3)
55-64 years 137.9 ± 23.6 (1.4) 134.6 ± 22.0 (1.2) 86.6 ± 13.4 (0.8) 84.3 ± 12.3 (0.7) 26.2 ± 5.2 (0.3) 29.7 ± 6.3 (0.3)
Total pop. 123.1 ± 17.5 (0.3) 115.2 ± 20.1 (0.4) 79.4 ± 12.5 (0.2) 77.5 ± 12.8 (0.2) 25.3 ± 5.2 (0.1) 27.7 ± 6.2 (0.1)
The values are estimated means ± the standard deviation (SD) with the standard error (SE) and are based on weighted data. Total pop. = total population
Table 3 Prevalence of smoking and weekly required physical activity by age and sex
Age group Smoking Recommended physical activity
%(CI 95 %) % (CI 95 %)
Male Female Male Female
(n= 2093) (n= 3533) (n= 1784) (n= 3070)
15-24 years 8.8(6.9-11.2) 0.6(0.2-1.5) 82.2(78.9-85.2) 61.9(58.0-65.7)
25-34 years 23.1(20.0-26.6) 3.8(2.6-5.6) 75.5(71.6-79.0) 55.8(51.7-59.9)
35-44 years 28.9(25.3-328) 5.6(3.9-7.9) 68.7(64.4-72.8) 57.0(52.6-61.4)
45-54 years 35.9(31.8-40.2) 7.5(5.5-10.2) 66.0(61.4-70.3) 55.8(51.2-60.3)
55-64 years 33.6(28.1-39.4) 5.8(3.7-9.1) 50.6(43.3-57.1) 49.5(43.7-55.5)
Total pop. 24.4(22.8-26.0) 4.3(3.6-5.1) 71.3(69.4-73.2) 56.9(54.9-58.9)
The values are estimated proportions (95 % confidence interval [CI]) and are based on weighted data. Total pop = total population
Krishnadath et al. Population Health Metrics (2016) 14:33 Page 5 of 11
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
health care system [49]. However, awareness and the ratio
of effectively treated patients is higher in developed coun-
tries. In the United States, just over 80 % of hypertensive
subjects were aware of their condition and slightly more
than 50 % were treated effectively [50]. Besides dissimilar
resources between developed and developing countries,
there are also differences in ethnic composition. Thus, in
addition to the differences in compliance with treatment
and availability of medication, different responses to anti-
hypertensive treatment by ethnic groups should also be
considered to explain discrepancies in the efficacy of
treatment [20]. This argument is supported by Amerin-
dians having the highest levels of effective treatment
and Maroon subjects having the lowest. Therefore,
ethnic-specific treatment for hypertension may be indi-
cated and should be explored further. The findings of
improve awareness by people with hypertension and ef-
ficacy of treatment.
Risk factors
As in previous studies, the results in our study for sex-
specific prevalence are ambiguous [51, 52]. We observed
a higher prevalence of hypertension for men among
Hindustani subjects and for women in Maroons and
Javanese. The findings of our study in regards to age
are also in line with the literature, as hypertension
increases with age regardless of race and ethnicity
[53]. However, the age- and sex-adjusted risk for
hypertension was equal for all ethnicities, with ex-
ception of the Amerindians for whom the risk was
lower. Biological mechanisms that explain higher
blood pressure levels in people of African descent
are described in the literature, but to our knowledge,
mechanisms explaining lower blood pressure levels
in Amerindians are not known and need to be stud-
ied in more depth. Neither age nor sex are modifi-
able risk factors. However, they may be relevant for
identification of groups at risk.
Demographic factors like education, income, employ-
ment, and area of residence have been associated with
hypertension [5460]. In this study, the prevalence of
hypertension increased with income in Creoles, living in
the rural interior in Maroons, and living with a partner
in Hindustani, Javanese, and Maroons. Prevalence de-
creased with education in Hindustani and Maroons, with
employment in Hindustani, Javanese, and Maroons, and
with level of income in the Hindustani. After adjusting
for all risk factors, we measured a weaker association of
Javanese and Amerindians with hypertension compared
to Hindustani, which might indicate that some of these
factors influence the level of hypertension for these two
ethnic groups. Previous studies report higher prevalences of
hypertension in urban areas compared to rural areas [61
63]. Published results on physical activity from the Steps
Survey 2013 in Suriname, report the percentage of required
physical activity in the rural coastal area compared to the
urban area [64]. A lower percentage of required physical
Fig. 1 The prevalence of people with hypertension per ethnic group, presented in groups not treated or treated with uncontrolled and
controlled hypertension
Krishnadath et al. Population Health Metrics (2016) 14:33 Page 6 of 11
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Table 4 Prevalence of hypertension in risk factor categories among six ethnic groups (N= 5641)
Characteristics Amerindian Creole Hindustani Javanese Maroon Mixed
N= 427 N=677 N= 1315 N= 923 N=1377 N=817
Prev(CI 95 %) Prev(CI 95 %) Prev(CI 95 %) Prev(CI 95 %) Prev(CI 95 %) Prev(CI 95 %)
Male 27.5 % (18.8 % - 37.6 %) 28.7 % (24.2 % - 33.6 %) 33.5 % (30.4 % - 36.7 %) 25.7 % (21.7 % - 30.2 %) 17.3 % (14.0 % - 21.1 %) 23.0 % (19.2 % - 27.2 %)
Female 19.5 % (13.8 % - 26.8 %) 33.9 % (28.7 % - 39.5 %) 27.4 % (24.4 % - 30.7 %) 32.5 % (28.0 % - 37.3 %) 23.4 % (20.2 % - 27.0 %) 21.2 % (17.7 % - 25.0 %)
p= 0.161 p= 0.143 p< 0.006 p< 0.030 p< 0.014 p< 0.509
Age group (years)
15-24.9 9.0 % (3.8 % - 18.2 %) 9.0 % (5.2 % - 14.7 %)a 4.7 % (2.8 % - 7.6 %)a 5.2 % (2.2 % - 9.9 %)a 5.2 % (3.2 % - 8.3 %) 5.2 % (3.1 % - 8.5 %)a
25-34.9 13.0 % (4.7 % - 25.0 %) 13.4 % (8.5 % - 20.1 %)a,b 20.6 % (16.8 % - 25.0 %)a 13.9 % (8.6 % - 20.1 %)b 12.2 % (9.0 % - 16.3 %) 14.9 % (10.5 % - 20.4 %)b
35-44.9 25.5 % (14.8 % - 39.2 %) 32.9 % (24.9 % - 41.7 %)b,c 24.4 % (20.1 % - 29.2 %)b 31.6 % (25.3 % - 38.1 %)c 30.1 % (24.0 % - 37.1 %) 28.0 % (21.6 % - 34.9 %)c
45-54.9 38.8 % (24.9 % - 54.3 %) 47.6 % (39.3 % - 56.3 %)c 48.1 % (43.1 % - 53.2 %)c 44.3 % (37.1 % - 51.6 %)d 43.6 % (35.1 % - 52.8 %) 36.5 % (29.0 % - 44.9 %)c
55-64.9 43.6 % (25.4 % - 64.6 %) 67.3 % (57.0 % - 76.2 %)c 73.3 % (66.6 % - 79.3 %)d 52.6 % (42.9 % - 62.5 %)d 60.1 % (48.7 % - 70.7 %) 60.3 % (49.3 % - 70.6 %)d
p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.001
Living with a partner
No 21.8 % (13.9 % - 32.3 %) 27.1 % (23.1 % - 31.5 %) 22.5 % (19.4 % - 25.9 %) 23.0 % (17.8 % - 28.8 %) 17.1 % (14.3 % - 20.3 %) 17.7 % (14.5 % - 21.3 %)
Yes 22.9 % (16.7 % - 30.0 %) 39.1 % (32.6 % - 46.0 %) 36.2 % (33.2 % - 39.2 %) 31.4 % (27.7 % - 35.4 %) 26.3 % (22.2 % - 30.8 %) 27.4 % (23.2 % - 32.1 %)
p< 0.161 p< 0.143 p< 0.006 p< 0.05 p< 0.05 p< 0.509
Geographic area
Urban area 22.7 % (14.2 % - 33.7 %) 30.5 % (26.8 % - 34.4 %) 29.8 % (27.5 % - 32.3 %) 28.1 % (24.6 % - 32.0 %) 16.3 % (13.4 % - 19.7 %)a 21.6 % (18.8 % - 24.6 %)
Rural coastal area 24.6 % (15.8 % - 35.6 %) 34.6 % (24.9 % - 44.7 %) 34.8 % (29.1 % - 40.7 %) 31.1 % (25.3 % - 37.3 %) 20.6 % (12.6 % - 32.0 %)a,b 24.8 % (18.0 % - 33.2 %)
Rural interior 20.5 % (12.8 % - 30.1 %) N/A N/A N/A 26.5 % (22.5 % - 30.9 %)b N/A
p<0.797 p= 0.446 p= 0.113 p= 0.390 p< 0.001 p= 0.373
Primary 23.7 % (17.9 % - 30.2 %) 30.1 % (24.3 % - 36.2 %) 35.7 % (32.6 % - 39.0 %) 31.2 % (26.9 % - 35.9 %) 23.2 % (20.4 % - 26.2 %) 21.9 % (17.6 % - 27.0 %)
Secondary 21.8 % (11.3 % - 37.4 %) 34.3 % (28.0 % - 40.8 %) 27.4 % (23.4 % - 31.8 %) 28.1 % (22.8 % - 34.1 %) 11.6 % (6.7 % - 17.5 %) 21.0 % (16.8 % - 26.0 %)
Higher 2.6 % (2.1 % - 34.6 %) 30.1 % (23.5 % - 37.3 %) 18.5 % (14.2 % - 23.4 %) 25.6 % (18.0 % - 34.4 %) 11.6 % (6.2 % - 20.5 %) 20.2 % (15.5 % - 25.4 %)
p= 0.253 p= 0.549 p< 0.001 p= 0.440 p< 0.001 p= 0.864
Working or studying
Yes 21.8 % (15.5 % - 29.8 %) 35.8 % (27.9 % - 44.1 %) 39.7 % (35.6 % - 43.9 %) 38.1 % (31.8 % - 44.7 %) 24.6 % (20.8 % - 29.0 %) 26.5 % (20.9 % - 33.1 %)
No 23.3 % (15.8 % - 32.2 %) 29.8 % (26.0 % - 33.9 %) 26.4 % (23.8 % - 29.0 %) 25.5 % (22.0 % - 29.2 %) 18.0 % (15.2 % - 21.3 %) 20.6 % (17.8 % - 23.8 %)
P= 0.816 p= 0.178 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.008 p< 0.057
Krishnadath et al. Population Health Metrics (2016) 14:33 Page 7 of 11
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Table 4 Prevalence of hypertension in risk factor categories among six ethnic groups (N= 5641) (Continued)
Income quintile in SRD
Q1 < 800/month 21.5 % (13.3 % - 32.8 %) 18.6 % (11.5 % - 28.7 %)a 33.9 % (28.6 % - 39.6 %) 26.9 % (19.4 % - 35.9 %) 24.7 % (20.6 % - 29.4 %) 22.1 % (14.9 % - 20.2 %)
Q2 800-1499/month 32.7 % (18.0 % - 49.9 %) 27.4 % (20.4 % - 35.1 %)a,b 33.0 % (28.3 % - 38.2 %) 27.8 % (21.8 % - 34.9 %) 22.0 % (16.4 % - 28.9 %) 30.9 % (23.5 % - 38.8 %)
Q 3 1500-2199/month 21.9 % (2.5 % - 55.8 %) 40.3 % (27.9 % - 53.3 %)b,c 29.1 % (22.3 % - 36.7 %) 29.1 % (20.5 % - 39.2 %) 26.8 % (14.8 % - 40.7 %) 20.4 % (12.5 % - 30.2 %)
Q4 and Q5 > 2200/month 18.9(4.0 %-45.0 %) 42.2 % (31.2 % - 53.7 %)c 19.7 % (13.4 % - 27.3 %) 29.7 % (21.1 % - 40.2 %) 16.7 % (6.6 % - 30.0 %) 25.8 % (19.4 % - 33.2 %)
p= 0.732 p< 0.003 p< 0.03 p= 0.965 p= 0.558 p= 0.467
Daily smoking
No 23.1 % (17.9 % - 28.9 %) 29.0 % (25.3 % - 33.1 %) 28.8 % (26.5 % - 31.3 %) 29.5 % (26.0 % - 33.1 %) 20.8 % (18.4 % - 23.5 %) 20.0 % (17.4 % - 23.0 %)
Yes 12.1 % (1.8 % - 43.6 %) 39.1 % (30.7 % - 48.1 %) 40.0 % (34.1 % - 45.9 %) 27.3 % (20.5 % - 34.6 %) 20.6 % (11.4 % - 31.4 %) 34.0 % (26.0 % - 42.7 %)
p= 0.443 p< 0.023 p< 0.001 p= 0.547 p= 0.865 p< 0.001
Physical activity
< 600 MET 29.0 % (17.9 % - 41.4 %) 34.8 % (27.9 % - 42.4 %) 40.4 % (36.1 % - 44.7 %) 28.8 % (23.7 % - 34.2 %) 23.9 % (19.7 % - 28.7 %) 23.4 % (18.6 % - 28.7 %)
600 MET 18.8 % (12.2 % - 26.6 %) 29.5 % (25.1 % - 34.2 %) 26.1 % (23.4 % - 28.9 %) 28.4 % (24.3 % - 32.8 %) 18.2 % (15.1 % - 21.8 %) 21.3 % (18.0 % - 25.0 %)
p= 0.75 p= 0.354 p< 0.001 p= 0.775 p< 0.05 p= 0.417
Body mass index
< 23 18.4 % (9.1 % - 33.0 %) 12.4 % (8.2 % - 17.6 %)a 14.3 % (11.3 % - 18.0 %) 8.7 % (5.5 % - 13.4 %) 11.3 % (8.4 % - 15.0 %)a 9.8 % (6.5 % - 13.7 %)a
23-24.9 20.4 % (10.5 % - 35.1 %) 17.9 % (10.6 % - 26.6 %)a 29.4 % (23.1 % - 35.9 %) 22.9 % (15.3 % - 31.7 %) 9.5 % (5.2 % - 15.2 %)a 12.5 % (7.4 % - 19.0 %)a
25-27.5 17.3 % (7.0 % - 31.6 %) 41.1 % (30.4 % - 52.1 %)b 31.8 % (26.6 % - 37.4 %) 35.3 % (27.5 % - 43.8 %)a 23.3 % (16.8 % - 30.9 %)b 21.3 % (15.1 % - 29.1 %)b
27.5-30 14.0 % (5.6 % - 29.4 %) 49.7 % (38.3 % - 61.0 %)b 39.1 % (33.0 % - 45.4 %)a 36.6 % (28.1 % - 45.3 %)a,b 24.4 % (17.0 % - 32.7 %)b 29.0 % (21.1 % - 37.9 %)b
30 33.8 % (22.8 % - 45.6 %) 44.8 % (37.6 % - 52.3 %)b 44.2 % (39.4 % - 49.2 %)a 46.1 % (38.9 % - 53.3 %)b 39.4 % (33.2 % - 45.7 %) 40.1 % (33.7 % - 46.7 %)
p= 0.111 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.001
Waist circumference
Normal 18.3 % (12.6 % - 25.8 %) 24.6 % (20.6 % - 29.0 %) 21.7 % (19.2 % - 24.3 %) 21.6 % (18.3 % - 25.2 %) 12.6 % (10.3 % - 15.3 %) 15.4 % (12.7 % - 18.5 %)
High 30.8 % (21.5 % - 40.9 %) 46.3 % (39.7 % - 53.3 %) 46.4 % (42.3 % - 50.5 %) 49.2 % (42.5 % - 56.1 %) 39.1 % (33.6 % - 44.7 %) 40.2 % (34.1 % - 46.4 %)
p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p= 0.033
The values are estimated proportions (with confidence interval in parentheses) and are based on data weighted for sample correction including population adjustment weights for sex and age. Pearson chi-square tests
were calculated for the differences between prevalence in the subset of categories of the risk factors per ethnic group. Each subscript letter (a, b c) denotes a subset of categories with column proportions that do
not differ significantly from each other at the .05 level. N/A indicates not applicable
Krishnadath et al. Population Health Metrics (2016) 14:33 Page 8 of 11
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
activity could be associated with the higher prevalence of
hypertension measured in the rural coastal area in our
study. Possibly, our observations in this study of Maroons
having higher levels of employment, higher levels of edu-
cation, and lower prevalences of hypertension, are related
to the fact that they are more likely to live in urban areas.
In such a case, it is plausible that these factors have an im-
pact on the prevalence of hypertension in the urban set-
ting. However, no previous studies have compared
hypertension in urban and rural settings in Suriname, and
the higher prevalence observed in Maroons living in rural
coastal and rural interior areas requires further research.
The results clearly demonstrate that the prevalence of
hypertension in demographic risk factor subgroups differed
between ethnic groups. We also observed a change in the
different associations of ethnic groups with hypertension
after adjusting for demographic factors. These results imply
that achievement of uniform intervention programs will be
limited and tailor-made programs should be developed.
For lifestyle factors, the prevalence of hypertension
was higher in Hindustani and Creole smokers, and in
Maroon and Hindustani subjects performing less than
600 MET of physical activity per week. Previous studies
show that lifestyle factors like low physical activity
and cigarette smoking are associated with hyperten-
sion [6568]. These risk factors are modifiable and
are valuable points of interest for intervention programs.
Many studies show that high BMI or WC are risk
factors of hypertension [6971]. In this study, the preva-
lence of hypertension increased with BMI and WC
categories for all ethnicities. The BMI subgroups for
Amerindians, however, were too small to show significant
differences at a 0.05 level, thus the increase with BMI
categories for this group could not be tested for statis-
tical significance. Adjustment for these anthropometric
factors in addition to sex and age did not affect the
association with hypertension, and the OR remained
lower in Amerindians. The results suggest that public
health interventions focusing on both BMI and WC
control should not be aimed at specific ethnic groups;
however, in order to confirm this suggestion, this asso-
ciation should be explored in additional studies.
The major difference in association of ethnic groups with
hypertension was between Hindustani and Amerindians.
Differences in associations of ethnic groups with hyperten-
sion were not materially affected by adjustment for lifestyle
factors or anthropometric factors. The differences in associ-
ations of the ethnic groups with hypertension were mostly
influenced by demographic risk factors, and these should
be addressed accordingly.
Strength and limitations
Strengths of this cross-sectional study include the design,
with a stratified multistage cluster and a large sample size,
which was adequate to represent the ethnic and geo-
graphic diversity of the Surinamese population by sex in
five different age groups [24]. The design included
measures like the Kish method and standardized data
collection tools to minimize selection and interviewer bias
[24, 27]. In addition, in the analysis, sample weights were
applied to correct for selection bias. Further, the percent-
ages of missing data in general were relatively small
(1.1 %), except for income status (30.2 %). However, the
model that included income as a confounder fit and was
not compromised (goodness to fit test). Still, some limita-
tions should be considered regarding this study. First,
despite the overall large sample size of the study some risk
factors were present in only a few participants when
analyzed per ethnic subgroup. In these cases, the sample
size was too small to measure statistical differences
between the observed hypertension rates at a significance
level of 0.05. Second, although the wide range of variables
evaluated in this study allowed us to control for con-
founders, residual confounding might still have occurred,
as with any observational study. For example, information
on nutrition was not considered in this paper.
The results of the present study showed that the prevalence
of hypertension in Suriname was in the range of developing
countries. By ethnic group, the highest prevalence was
found in Creoles and the lowest in Maroons. Next to
Creoles, Hindustani and Javanese also had high prevalences
of hypertension, and Amerindians exhibited a low preva-
lence, after Maroons. In the analysis, Amerindians had the
lowest OR for hypertension, in comparison to Hindustani.
The differences observed in the prevalence of hypertension
for risk factor subgroups between and within ethnic groups
allow us to generate valuable ethnic-specific hypotheses,
which are important for research on the development of
tailor-made public health interventions.
Table 5 Adjusted risk of hypertension between ethnic groups
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Hindustani 1 1 1 1
Creole 1.0(0.8-1.2) 1.0(0.7-1.3) 1.0(0.8-1.2) 1.0(0.8-1.3)
Javanese 0.9(0.7-1.1) 0.8(0.1-1.0)* 0.9(0.7-1.1) 1.0(0.8-1.2)
Mixed 0.8(0.7-1.0) 0.9(0.7-1.2) 0.8(0.6-1.0) 0.9(0.7-1.1)
Maroon 0.9(0.7-1.0) 0.9(0.6-1.2) 0.8(0.7-1.0) 0.8(0.7-1.0)
Amerindian 0.7(0.6-1)* 0.5(0.4-0.8)* 0.7(0.5-1.0) 0.7(0.5-0.9)*
*P< 0.05
Model 1 is the basic multivariate model adjusted for sex and age
Model 2 is adjusted for variables in model 1 plus demographic factors like
living area, marital status, education, income, and working status
Model 3 is adjusted for variables in model 1 plus lifestyle factors like smoking
and physical activity
Model 4 is adjusted for variables in model 1 plus anthropometric measures
like body mass index and waist circumference
Krishnadath et al. Population Health Metrics (2016) 14:33 Page 9 of 11
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
BMI: Body mass index; GPAQ: Global Physical Activity Questionnaire;
MET: Metabolic Equivalent of Task; NCD: Non-communicable disease;
PAHO: Pan American Health Organization; WC: Waist circumference;
WHO: World Health Organization
This study was conducted by the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Anton
de Kom University of Suriname in close collaboration with the Ministry of
Health and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). We acknowledge
the participation of all the respondents and the support of all the personnel
in this study. We especially thank Christel Smits from the department of
Public Health, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Anton de Kom University of
Suriname for her participation in the coordination team and her assistance
with data collection and control. We also thank Albert Hofman, from the
department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center,
Rotterdam, the Netherlands, for supervision on the realization of this study.
The research was funded by the Ministry of Health, Republic of
Suriname MOH/NCD/1214/GOS. The funding of the Ministry covered
the operational costs.
Availability of data and supporting materials
All authors have access to the data. Reviewers only have access to the data
for testing and are required to sign a confidentiality agreement.
ISKK participated in the design of the study, data collection, statistical
analysis, interpretation of data, and drafting the manuscript. VWVJ
collaborated in the design of the study, statistical analysis, interpretation of
data, and drafting the manuscript. LMN collaborated with the interpretation
of data and drafting the manuscript. JRT collaborated in the design of the
study, data collection, interpretation of data, and drafting the manuscript. All
authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health in Suriname (Commissie
mensgebonden wetenschappelijk onderzoek (ref: VG 004-2013)) approved
this research.
Each study participant was first informed about the details of the study and
then asked to sign for consent. Apart from the aims and the survey
procedures, the respondent received details on how the information
gathered would be used. The respondent was also informed that he or she
could refuse to participate in any part of the study.
Author details
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Anton de Kom
University of Suriname, Paramaribo, Suriname.
Department of Physiology,
Faculty of Medical Sciences, Anton de Kom University of Suriname,
Paramaribo, Suriname.
Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC, University
Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Department of Pediatrics,
Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Received: 27 August 2015 Accepted: 9 September 2016
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Krishnadath et al. Population Health Metrics (2016) 14:33 Page 11 of 11
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... [22][23][24][25][26][27] The Suriname Health Study, for instance, demonstrated a prevalence of 26% for HT, 14% for DM and approximately 30% of people between 55 and 64 years of age with three or more CVD risk factors. 28,29 This high prevalence of risk factors may result in a high CVD and HF burden. In addition, HF is the leading cause of preventable hospitalizations in people older than 19 years, with 38 HF hospitalizations per 10.000 inhabitants per year taking place. ...
... The Suriname Healthy study and the Healthy Life in Suriname (HeliSur) study have shown that Hindustani and Creole people have high prevalence of CVD risk factors such as DM and HT rates, which is in line with the high prevalence found in our study. 23,28,29 HF admissions due to IHD were twice as high in patients of Asian descent compared to HF patients of African descent, whereas HHD was more prevalent in HF patients of African descent compared to patients of Asian descent. This is in line with studies, showing that atherosclerotic diseases and IHD are more prevalent in Asian and HHD in Africans. ...
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Introduction: Heart failure (HF) is an emerging epidemic with poor disease outcomes and differences in its prevalence, etiology and management between and within world regions. Hypertension (HT) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) are the leading causes of HF. In Suriname, South-America, data on HF burden are lacking. The aim of this Suriname Heart Failure I (SUHF-I) study, is to assess baseline characteristics of HF admitted patients in order to set up the prospective interventional SUHF-II study to longitudinally determine the effectiveness of a comprehensive HF management program in HF patients. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted of Thorax Center Paramaribo (TCP) discharge data from January 2013-December 2015. The analysis included all admissions with primary or secondary discharge of HF ICD-10 codes I50-I50.9 and I11.0 and the following variables: patient demographics (age, sex, and ethnicity), # of readmissions, risk factors (RF) for HF: HT, diabetes mellitus (DM), smoking, and left ventricle (LV) function. T-tests were used to analyze continuous variables and Chi-square test for categorical variables. Differences were considered statistically significant when a p-value <0.05 is obtained. Results: 895 patients (1:1 sex ratio) with either a primary (80%) or secondary HF diagnosis were admitted. Female patients were significantly older (66.2 ± 14.8 years, p < 0.01) at first admission compared to male patients (63.5 ± 13.7 years) and the majority of admissions were of Hindustani and Creole descent. HT, DM and smoking were highly prevalent respectively 62.6%, 38.9 and 17.3%. There were 379 readmissions (29.1%) and 7% of all admissions were readmissions within 30 days and 16% were readmissions for 31-365 day. IHD is more prevalent in patients from Asian descendant (52.2%) compared to African descendant (11.7%). Whereas, HT (39.3%) is more prevalent in African descendants compared to Asian descendants (12.7%). There were no statistically significant differences in age, sex, ethnicity, LV function and RFs between single admitted and readmitted patients. Conclusion: RF prevalence, ethnic differences and readmission rates in Surinamese HF patients are in line with reports from other Caribbean and Latin American countries. These results are the basis for the SUHF-II study which will aid in identifying the country specific and clinical factors for the successful development of a multidisciplinary HF management program.
... They have a higher cardiometabolic disease risk and a higher prevalence of diabetes and obesity. A complex interplay of factors including lifestyle habits, social factors and broader environmental factors contribute to this higher burden [1][2][3][4][5]. South-Asian Surinamese make up one of the largest minority groups in the Netherlands [5,6]; they immigrated to the Netherlands after Suriname, a former Dutch colony in South America, gained independence in 1975. ...
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Objectives: To gain insight in the motives and determinants for the uptake of healthy lifestyles by South-Asian Surinamese people to identify needs and engagement strategies for healthy lifestyle support. Methods: We used a mixed-method design: first, focus groups with South-Asian Surinamese women; second, a questionnaire directed at their social network, and third, interviews with health professionals. Qualitative content analysis, basic statistical analyses and triangulation of data were applied. Results: Sixty people participated (n = 30 women, n = 20 social network, n = 10 professionals). Respondent groups reported similar motives and determinants for healthy lifestyles. In general, cardiometabolic prevention was in line with the perspectives and needs of South-Asian Surinamese. However, there seems to be a mismatch too: South-Asian Surinamese people missed a culturally sensitive approach, whereas professionals experienced difficulty with patient adherence. Incremental changes to current lifestyles; including the social network, and an encouraging approach seem to be key points for improvement of professional cardiometabolic prevention. Conclusion: Some key points for better culturally tailoring of preventive interventions would meet the needs and preferences of the South-Asian Surinamese living in the Netherlands.
... Pakistan's people face severe challenges such as lack of safe drinking water, food insecurity, and inadequate quality and affordable primary healthcare services. (108) This results in a poorly developed social protection net; an infrastructure shortfall, mainly in transport, energy, and irrigation; and inadequate delivery of social services.(109)(110) Besides these challenges, the continuous structural changes and dictated policies in Pakistani health systems have led to social inequalities and worsened health statistics in the world. ...
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Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in adults, causing angina, MI, and sudden death. Total cholesterol and LDL-C are biochemical markers that increase CHD risk, while HDL-C reduces it. About 7.5 million deaths occur globally. The study aims to establish the association between test parameters like Total Cholesterol, LDL-C, and HDL-C with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) among different ethnic groups of Pakistani population. High cholesterol, low LDL, and low HDL levels can cause serious cardiac complications. Objective: The objective is to find out a correlation between increase in blood levels of Total Cholesterol, LDL-C & HDL-C levels with increased risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in the patients from various ethnic groups of Northern Pakistan. Methodology: A prospective study was conducted at RIC Rawalpindi's Department of Pathology, collecting blood samples from 200 patients with heart-related complaints diagnosed as having coronary heart disease (CHD). The study examined serum levels of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol using biochemical kits. The results were analyzed using SPSS version 23 and collected from both diseased cases and healthy controls. Results: The study reveals significant variations in lipid profiles in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) compared to the control group. Total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels were higher in CHD patients, while high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels were lower. Out of 200 subjects, 100 were confirmed with CHD and 100 were a control group. Age-related changes were observed in males (82%), females (77%), and males (23%). Conclusions: This study confirms a strong positive relationship between cholesterol and LDL levels and heart disease, with a higher prevalence in patients over 45 years old, indicating that lipid profile increases with age, making individuals more susceptible to cardiac diseases. Keywords: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), Lipid Profiles, Ethnic Groups, Cholesterol, LDL and HDL Correlation, Cardiac Risk Factors, Pakistani Ethnic Health Study
... In general, African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans have higher stroke risks, stroke occurrence at an earlier age, and for some minorities, possibly more severe strokes than non-Hispanic whites [74]. Our finding of reduced stroke severity in Caucasian AIS patients with DBP > 80 mmHg is supported by studies indicating that a higher prevalence of risk factors [75], lower socioeconomic status [76], and health care system challenges for minority patients [77] may contribute to higher stroke severity when compared with Caucasian AIS patients. Our results lend further credence to the suggestions that breaking down barriers to care is an important step to take critical steps toward reducing stroke disparities. ...
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Background: The relationship between diastolic blood pressure (DBP), risk factors, and stroke severity in acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients treated in a telestroke network is not fully understood. The present study aims to determine the effect of risk factors on stroke severity in AIS patients with a history of elevated DBP. Material and methods: We retrospectively analyzed data on stroke severity for AIS patients treated between January 2014 and June 2016 treated in the PRISMA Health telestroke network. Data on the severity of stroke on admission were evaluated using NIHSS scores ≤7 for reduced, and >7 for increased, stroke severity. DBP was stratified as ≤80 mmHg for reduced DBP and >80 mmHg for elevated DBP. The study's primary outcomes were risk factors associated with improving neurologic functions or reduced stroke severity and deteriorating neurologic functions or increased stroke severity. The associations between risk factors and stroke severity for AIS with elevated DBP were determined using multi-level logistic and regression models. Results: In the adjusted analysis, AIS patients with a DBP ≤ 80 mmHg, obesity (OR = 0.388, 95% Cl, 0.182-0.828, p = 0.014) was associated with reduced stroke severity, while an increased heart rate (OR = 1.025, 95% Cl, 1.001-1.050, p = 0.042) was associated with higher stroke severity. For AIS patients with a DBP > 80 mmHg, hypertension (OR = 3.453, 95% Cl, 1.137-10.491, p = 0.029), history of smoking (OR = 2.55, 95% Cl, 1.06-6.132, p = 0.037), and heart rate (OR = 1.036, 95% Cl, 1.009-1.064, p = 0.009) were associated with higher stroke severity. Caucasians (OR = 0.294, 95% Cl, 0.090-0.964, p = 0.002) and obesity (OR = 0.455, 95% Cl, 0.207-1.002, p = 0.05) were more likely to be associated with reduced stroke severity. Conclusions: Our findings reveal specific risk factors that can be managed to improve the care of AIS patients with elevated DBP treated in the telestroke network.
... irty-five million people died from noncommunicable diseases in the world, and 80% of the deaths were in lower-and middle-income countries [3]. According to a study that was conducted in the USA, among 33,086 study participants, maternal alcohol drinking during pregnancy was associated with the development of hypertension [4]. Noncommunicable diseases, including hypertension, are the leading causes of death among adults in Addis Ababa together with the existing burden of communicable diseases [1]. ...
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Background: Fatalities from hypertension in East Africa are increasing, even though they decreased in western industrial regions. Older age, being female, illiterate, smoking, physical inactivity, and high waist circumferences are major risk factors for the development of hypertension. The prevalence of hypertension among Federal Ministry Civil servants in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, has found to be high; which is an indication for institution-based hypertension-screening programs. Objective: Prevalence of hypertension and associated factors among the outpatient department in Akaki Kality Subcity Health Centers, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methodology. Facility-based cross-sectional study was carried out on systematically sampled 401 out-department patients whose age was greater than or equal to 18 years in four government health centers in Addis Ababa. Data collection took place from March 10, 2018, to April 06 2018. Binary logistic regression analysis was carried out to identify predictors of hypertension. Results: Patients had a mean age of 41.17 years (95% CI: 39.77-42.57). The prevalence of hypertension was 14% (95% CI: 13.653-14.347), and 30 (53.57%) were males. Alcohol drinkers were 11.844 times more likely to be hypertensive as compared to non-alcohol drinkers (AOR = 11.844, 95% CI: 3.596-39.014). Cigarette smokers were 16.511 times more likely to be hypertensive as compared to non-cigarette smokers (AOR = 16.511, 95% CI: 4.775-57.084). Khat chewers were 6.964 times more likely to be hypertensive as compared to non-khat chewers (AOR = 6.964, 95% CI: 1.773-26.889). Conclusion: The prevalence of patients with hypertension was 14%. Alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking, khat chewing, body mass index ≥25 kg/m2, and age ≥44 years old are major determinants identified by this study. Hence, appropriate management of patients focusing on the relevant associated factors would be of great benefit in controlling hypertension.
... Nonetheless, information about the prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control rates and the contributing factors of hypertension in the stock-raising region is limited. It is well known that hypertension is a complex interaction of multiple genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors [8,9]. e timely exploration of the magnitude and management of hypertension is fundamental. ...
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Background: Hypertension is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease. Distribution of hypertension and related factors among multiethnic population in Northwest China remains scarce. The aim was to determine prevalence, awareness, treatment, control, and risk factors associated with hypertension among multiethnic population in Northwest China. Methods: We conducted a blood pressure (BP) screening project covering a third of adults in Emin Xinjiang, Northwest China, during 2014-2016. Hypertension was defined as systolic BP ≥ 140 mmHg, diastolic BP ≥ 90 mmHg, and/or taking antihypertension drugs. We compared prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension and related factors by different regions (agriculture, stock-raising, or urban) and by ethnic groups. Results: Totally 47,040 adults were screened with 48.5% women. Overall prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension were 26.5%, 64.6%, 44.5%, and 15.3%, respectively. Age-gender-adjusted hypertension prevalence was higher in urban (28.2%) than in other regions and in Kazakh (30.3%) than in others. The lowest awareness and treatment rates were observed in the agricultural region and in Kazakh subjects, while the lowest control was in the stock-raising region (13.8%) and in Kazakh subjects (12.6%). After adjusting for age, gender, ethnicity, and regions, compared to normal weight, nonsmokers, and nondrinkers, obesity, smoking, and alcohol intake were significantly related to increased prevalence of hypertension by 94%, 1.5, and 3.9 folds, respectively. Conclusions: Disparities in hypertension control among regions and ethnic groups suggested inadequate screening and treatment, especially in stock-raising regions and Kazakh populations. Control of alcohol intake, smoking, and obesity should be at high priority of health promotion.
Raised blood pressure (BP) is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide, and its particular strong association with stroke is well established. Although systolic BP increases with age in both sexes, raised BP is more prevalent in males in early adulthood, overtaken by females at middle age, consistently across all ethnicities/races. However, there are clear regional differences on when females overtake males. Higher BP among males is observed until the seventh decade of life in high-income countries, compared with almost 3 decades earlier in low- and middle-income countries. Females and males tend to have different cardiovascular disease risk profiles, and many lifestyles also influence BP and cardiovascular disease in a sex-specific manner. Although no hypertension guidelines distinguish between sexes in BP thresholds to define or treat hypertension, observational evidence suggests that in terms of stroke risk, females would benefit from lower BP thresholds to the magnitude of 10 to 20 mm Hg. More randomized evidence is needed to determine if females have greater cardiovascular benefits from lowering BP and whether optimal BP is lower in females. Since 1990, the number of people with hypertension worldwide has doubled, with most of the increase occurring in low- and-middle-income countries where the greatest population growth was also seen. Sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania, and South Asia have the lowest detection, treatment, and control rates. High BP has a more significant effect on the burden of stroke among Black and Asian individuals than Whites, possibly attributable to differences in lifestyle, socioeconomic status, and health system resources. Although pharmacological therapy is recommended differently in local guidelines, recommendations on lifestyle modification are often very similar (salt restriction, increased potassium intake, reducing weight and alcohol, smoking cessation). This overall enhanced understanding of the sex- and ethnic/racial-specific attributes to BP motivates further scientific discovery to develop more effective prevention and treatment strategies to prevent stroke in high-risk populations.
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The patterns of prescription drug use in Suriname in the year 2017 have been determined with the purpose of obtaining indications about the distribution of disease in the country. The claims database of the State Health Foundation (Staatsziekenfonds, SZF) of Suriname was used for calculations of prescription rates of the fifty most prescribed drugs overall and after stratification according to gender, age, and residence of the insured persons. Information in the database had been de-identified, and the prescribed medicines had been coded according to the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical Classification System. Statistically significant differences among the prescription rates were assessed with the two-sample test of proportions using normal theory method and x 2 Goodness of Fit tests (p < 0.05). Additionally, the Bonferroni adjustment was used to adjust for type 1 error inflation resulting from multiple comparisons. Overall, drugs for the cardiovascular, respiratory, and musculo-skeletal systems had the highest prescription rates (p < 0.001). Furthermore, rates were generally higher in females than in males, in the older age groups than in younger individuals, and in the coastal regions compared to the country's interior (p < 0.001). These findings are largely in line with data found in the literature and support the use of this pharmacoepidemiological approach to assess the distribution of disease in Suriname.
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Introduction: Hypertension has been a globally burden disease since the 1990s. It is known as one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. For more than a decade, hypertension was the most prevalent cause of death around the world, and one of ten leading causes of death in lower- middle-income countries including coastal and estuarine regions. As a preventable illness condition, hypertension has been found to be associated with some modifiable factors. This review aims to identify the prevalence and determinants of hypertension in coastal and estuarine regions, in high, low and middle-income countries. Method: To carry out this review, four journal databases including Proquest, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and DOAJ were used to address the prevalence and determinants of hypertension in coastal and estuarine regions both in high, low and middle-income countries. Results: The prevalence of hypertension ranged from 6.445% to 85.1%. In coastal regions, the prevalence of hypertension ranged from 6.45% to 51.1%, while the prevalence of prehypertension ranged from 26.5% to 39.75%. In estuarine regions, the prevalence of hypertension was about 25.29%. The highest prevalence both in prehypertension and hypertension was observed in Kerala, India. This is while the lowest prevalence was observed in China. High sodium intake is strongly associated with an increased risk of hypertension. Other risk factors including older age, lower education, gender, and lower economic status; body weight status (overweight or obese), health behavior (physical inactivity, daily smoker, heavy alcohol drinking), and psychosocial stress (depression), were all linked to hypertension. Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, it can be stated that strategies are needed to improve the prevention of hypertension in coastal and estuarine regions, particularly managing and modifying some modifiable factors. Keywords: Risk Factors, Cause of Death, Prevalence, Hypertension, Sodium
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Objectives Low-income and middle-income countries are undergoing epidemiological transition, however, progression is varied. Bangladesh is simultaneously experiencing continuing burden of communicable diseases and emerging burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). For effective use of limited resources, an increased understanding of the shifting burden and better characterisation of risk factors of NCDs, including hypertension is needed. This study provides data on prevalence and factors associated with hypertension among males and females 35 years and older in rural Bangladesh. Methods This is a population-based cross-sectional study conducted in Zakiganj and Kanaighat subdistricts of Sylhet district of Bangladesh. Blood pressure was measured and data on risk factors were collected using STEPS instrument from 864 males and 946 females aged 35 years and older between August 2017 and January 2018. Individuals with systolic blood pressure of ≥140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure of ≥90 mm Hg or taking antihypertensive drugs were considered hypertensive. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify factors associated with hypertension. Results The prevalence of hypertension was 18.8% (95% CI 16.3 to 21.5) and 18.7% (95% CI 16.3 to 21.3) in adult males and females, respectively. Among those who were hypertensive, the prevalence of controlled, uncontrolled and unaware/newly identified hypertension was 23.5%, 25.9% and 50.6%, respectively among males and 38.4%, 22.6% and 39.0%, respectively among females. Another 22.7% males and 17.8% females had prehypertension. Increasing age and higher waist circumference (≥90 cm for males and ≥80 cm for females) were positively associated with hypertension both in males (OR 4.0, 95% CI 2.5 to 6.4) and females (OR 2.8, 95% CI 2.0 to 4.1). Conclusions In view of the high burden of hypertension and prehypertension, a context-specific scalable public health programme including behaviour change communications, particularly to increase physical activity and consumption of healthy diet, as well as identification and management of hypertension needs to be developed and implemented.
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Hypertension is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease and affects nearly one third of U.S. adults. Because the risk for cardiovascular disease mortality increases as blood pressure increases, clinical recommendations for persons with stage 2 hypertension (systolic blood pressure [SBP] ≥160 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure [DBP] ≥100 mmHg) include a more extensive treatment and follow-up regime than for those with stage 1 hypertension (SBP 140-159 mmHg or DBP 90-99 mmHg). Although racial/ethnic disparities in the prevalence of hypertension have been well documented; ethnic disparities in the awareness, treatment, and control within blood pressure stages have not. To examine racial/ethnic disparities in awareness, treatment, and control of high blood pressure by hypertension stages, CDC analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) for the period 2003-2010. This report describes the results of that analysis, which indicated that the proportion of Mexican-Americans and blacks with stage 1 and stage 2 hypertension was greater than for whites.* Among those with stage 1 hypertension, treatment with medication was significantly lower for Mexican-Americans compared with their non-Hispanic counterparts. Although treatment among persons with stage 2 hypertension did not differ by race/ethnicity, less than 60% of those with stage 2 hypertension were treated with medication. More efforts are needed to reduce barriers to accessing health care and low-cost medication, as well as increasing clinicians' hypertension treatment knowledge and adherence to clinical guidelines.
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Hypertension is one of the main risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. In Madagascar,studies on hypertension in urban and rural communities are scarce.Objectives The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hypertension and identify associated risk factors in adults living in a health and demographic system in Moramanga, Madagascar. Methods The study included people aged 15 years old and above living in a health and demographic system in Moramanga. A household census was performed in 2012 to enumerate the population in 3 communities in Moramanga. In addition to the questionnaire used in the initial census, a standardized questionnaire and blood pressure were taken twice after 5 and 10 minutes of rest. In urban areas, heights and weights were also measured to calculate the body mass index. ResultsThere were 3621 and 4010 participants respectively in rural and urban areas. Prevalence of hypertension in rural population was 27.0%(IC95%[25.6–28.5]) and 29.7% (IC95% [28.3– 31.1]) in urban population. Among hypertensive subjects, 1.7% (17/979) and 5.3% (64/ 1191) were on antihypertensive treatment for at least 1 month before the survey in rural and urban population, respectively. In rural areas, increasing age (65 years and older vs 18–25 years OR = 11.81, IC95% [7.79–18.07]), giving more than 3 positive responses to the usual risks factors of hypertension (OR = 1.67, IC95% [1.14–2.42]) and singles in comparison with married people (OR = 1.61, IC95% [1.20–2.17]) were associated to hypertension in a logistic regression model. In urban areas, increasing age (65 years and older vs 18–25 years OR = 37.54, IC95% [24.81–57.92]), more than 3 positive responses to the usual risks of hypertension (OR = 3.47, IC95% [2.58–4.67]) and obesity (OR = 2.45, IC95% [1.56– 3.87]) were found as risk factors. Conclusion Hypertension is highly prevalent in rural areas although it is significantly less treated. As a result, a major epidemic of cardiovascular diseases is at risk in Madagascar’s progressively aging society
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Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death in low- and middle-income countries. Therefore, the surveillance of risk factors has become an issue of major importance for planning and implementation of preventive measures. Unfortunately, in these countries data on NCDs and their risk factors are limited. This also prevails in Suriname, a middle-income country of the Caribbean, with a multiethnic/multicultural population living in diverse residential areas. For these reasons, "The Suriname Health Study" was designed. The main objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence of NCD risk factors, including metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and diabetes in Suriname. Differences between specific age groups, sexes, ethnic groups, and geographical areas will be emphasized. In addition, risk groups will be identified and targeted actions will be designed and evaluated. In this study, several methodologies were combined. A stratified multistage cluster sample was used to select the participants of 6 ethnic groups (Hindustani, Creole, Javanese, Maroon, Chinese, Amerindians, and mixed) divided into 5 age groups (between 15 and 65 years) who live in urban/rural areas or the hinterland. A standardized World Health Organization STEPwise approach to surveillance questionnaire was adapted and used to obtain information about demographic characteristics, lifestyle, and risk factors. Physical examinations were performed to measure blood pressure, height, weight, and waist circumference. Biochemical analysis of collected blood samples evaluated the levels of glucose, high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. Statistical analysis will be used to identify the burden of modifiable and unmodifiable risk factors in the aforementioned subgroups. Subsequently, tailor-made interventions will be prepared and their effects will be evaluated. The data as collected allow for national inference and valid analysis of the age, sex, and ethnicity subgroups in the Surinamese population. A publication of the basic survey results is anticipated in mid-2015. Secondary results on the effect of targeted lifestyle interventions are anticipated in late 2017. Using the data collected in this study, the national prevalence of NCD risk factors will be approximated and described in a diverse population. This study is an entry point for formulating the structure of NCD prevention and surveillance.
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Physical activity (PA) plays an important role in the combat against noncommunicable diseases including cardiovascular diseases. In order to develop appropriate PA intervention programs, there is a need to evaluate PA behavior. So far, there are no published data on PA available for Suriname. Therefore, we aim to describe PA behavior among the multi-ethnic population living in urban and rural areas of Suriname. The World Health Organization (WHO) STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance (STEPS) was conducted in a national representative sample (N = 5751; 48.6% men) aged 15-64 years between March and September 2013. Physical activity data were assessed using the Global physical activity questionnaire (GPAQ) and analyzed according to the GPAQ guidelines. The prevalence of meeting the recommended PA level and prevalence ratios (PR) were computed. Only 55.5% of the overall population met the WHO recommended PA levels (urban coastal area: 55.7%, rural coastal area: 57.9%, rural interior area: 49.1%). Women were less likely to meet the recommended PA level (49% vs 62.4%; p < 0.0001) and with increasing age the PR for recommended level of PA decreased (p < 0.0001). Compared to the Hindustani's, the largest ethnic group, the Javanese reported the lowest percentage of people meeting recommended PA level (PR = 0.92; p = 0.07). Around half of the population meets the recommended PA level. Future lifestyle interventions aiming at increasing PA should especially focus on women and older individuals as they are less likely to meet the recommended levels of PA.
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Conclusion: The findings of the present study confirmed socioeconomic disparities in blood pressure levels among adolescents. This calls for regularly performed blood pressure assessment and monitoring in the adolescent population. It is recommended to focus on obesity prevention and socioeconomic health inequalities by further trying to improve living and working conditions in adverse rural environments. What is known: • Socioeconomic gradient exists in adolescent blood pressure levels. • Adolescents from lower SES families are at greater risk of hypertension. What is new: • Urbanization levels of residence area affect adolescent blood pressure by parental socioeconomic status. • Socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent hypertension may be modulated through effects of body weight.
The past 2 decades have seen a considerable global increase in cardiovascular disease, with hypertension remaining by far the most common. More than one-third of adults in Africa are hypertensive; as in the urban populations of most developing countries. Being a condition that occurs with relatively few symptoms, hypertension remains underdetected in many countries; especially in developing countries where routine screening at any point of health care is grossly underutilized. Because hypertension is directly related to cardiovascular disease, this has led to hypertension being the leading cause of adverse cardiovascular outcomes, as a result of patients living, often unknowingly, with uncontrolled hypertension for prolonged periods of time. In Africa, hypertension is the leading cause of heart failure; whereas at global levels, hypertension is responsible for more than half of deaths from stroke, just less than half of deaths from coronary artery disease, and for more than one-tenth of all global deaths. In this review, we discuss the escalating occurrence of hypertension in developing countries, before exploring the strengths and weaknesses of different measures to control hypertension, and the challenges of adopting these measures in developing countries. On a broad level, these include steps to curb the ripple effect of urbanization on the health and disease profile of developing societies, and suggestions to improve loopholes in various aspects of health care delivery that affect surveillance and management of hypertension. Furthermore, we consider how the industrial sectors' contributions toward the burden of hypertension can also be the source of the solution.
Objective: To provide updated, evidence-based recommendations for health care professionals on lifestyle changes to prevent and control hypertension in otherwise healthy adults (except pregnant women). Options: For people at risk for hypertension, there are a number of lifestyle options that may avert the condition - maintaining a healthy body weight moderating consumption of alcohol, exercising, reducing sodium intake, altering intake of calcium, magnesium and potassium, and reducing stress. Following these options will maintain or reduce the risk of hypertension. For people who already have hypertension, the options for controlling the condition are lifestyle modification, antihypertensive medications or a combination of these options; with no treatment, these people remain at risk for the complications of hypertension. Outcomes: The health outcomes considered were changes in blood pressure and in morbidity and mortality rates. Because of insufficient evidence, no economic outcomes were considered. Evidence: A MEDLINE search was conducted for the period January 1966 to September 1996 for each of the interventions studied. Reference lists were scanned, experts were polled, and the personal files of the authors were used to identify other studies. All relevant articles were reviewed, classified according to study design and graded according to level of evidence. Values: A high value was placed on the avoidance of cardiovascular morbidity and premature death caused by untreated hypertension. Benefits, harms and costs: Lifestyle modification by means of weight loss (or maintenance of healthy body weight), regular exercise and low alcohol consumption will reduce the blood pressure of appropriately selected normotensive and hypertensive people. Sodium restriction and stress management will reduce the blood pressure of appropriately selected hypertensive patients. The side effects of these therapies are few, and the indirect benefits are well known. There are certainly costs associated with lifestyle modification, but they were not measured in the studies reviewed. Supplementing the diet with potassium, calcium and magnesium has not been associated with a clinically important reduction in blood pressure in people consuming a healthy diet. Recommendations: (1) It is recommended that health care professionals determine the body mass index (weight in kilograms/[height in metres]2) and alcohol consumption of all adult patients and assess sodium consumption and stress levels in all hypertensive patients. (2) To reduce blood pressure in the population at large, it is recommended that Canadians attain and maintain a healthy body mass index. For those who choose to drink, alcohol intake should be limited to 2 or fewer standard drinks per day (maximum of 14/week for men and 9/week for women). Adults should exercise regularly. (3) To reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients, individualized therapy is recommended. This therapy should emphasize weight loss for overweight patients, abstinence from or moderation in alcohol intake, regular exercise, restriction of sodium intake and, in appropriate circumstances, individualized cognitive behaviour modification to reduce the negative effects of stress. Validation: The recommendations were reviewed by all of the sponsoring organizations and by participants in a satellite symposium of the fourth international Conference on Preventive Cardiology. They are similar to those of the World Hypertension League and the Joint National Committee, with the exception of the recommendations on stress management, which are based on new information. They have not been clinically tested.