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Footstep Power production using Piezoelectric Sensors


Abstract and Figures

In day today life the utilization of power turns to be necessary for each work. The power delivered in this paper will not contaminate the surroundings and it is also will not to rely upon the climate conditions. The paper proposes a novel technique for the creation of power utilizing piezoelectric sensors kept along the footpathswhich can ready to charge the battery and ready to supply the force at whatever time of our prerequisite. The footstep power generation technique through piezoelectric sensors produces electrical force by changing mechanical energy of the development of individuals on the floor to electrical energy. The benefits of piezoelectric force generation framework is that it is sheltered and secure to utilize, it doesn’t make any issue ordistress for the general population strolling through footpath, and it is absolutely chance free strategy. Footstep power generation technique has mechanical part and in addition electrical part, however the electrical and mechanical losses are negligible. This framework additionally has the ability to store the electrical force away battery. The power produced by this technique can be utilized for helping up the road lights, additionally for activity reason, sign boards of streets. At long last the force which will be abandoned can be given to national grid for power reason.
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Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 9(7): July 2016
ISSN 0974-3618 (Print)
0974-360X (Online)
Footstep Power production using Piezoelectric Sensors
Marshiana. D, Elizabeth Sherine. M, Sunitha. N, Vinothkumar. C
Research Scholar, Department of EIE, Sathyabama University, Chennai, India.
*Corresponding Author E-mail:,
In day today life the utilization of power turns to be necessary for each work .The power delivered in this paper
will not contaminate the surroundings and it is also will not to rely upon the climate conditions. The paper
proposes a novel technique for the creation of power utilizing piezoelectric sensors kept along the footpaths
which can ready to charge the battery and ready to supply the force at whatever time of our prerequisite. The
footstep power generation technique through piezoelectric sensors produces electrical force by changing
mechanical energy of the development of individuals on the floor to electrical energy. The benefits of
piezoelectric force generation framework is that it is sheltered and secure to utilize, it doesn't make any issue or
distress for the general population strolling through footpath, and it is absolutely chance free strategy. Footstep
power generation technique has mechanical part and in addition electrical part, however the electrical and
mechanical losses are negligible. This framework additionally has the ability to store the electrical force away
battery. The power produced by this technique can be utilized for helping up the road lights, additionally for
activity reason, sign boards of streets. At long last the force which will be abandoned can be given to national
grid for power reason.
KEYWORDS: Piezoelectric sensors, Battery, Electricity, Footstep power generation.
Power assumes a critical part being developed of the
country. Power is characterized as set of physical
wonder connected with the stream of charge. There are
two sorts of power to be specific Static power, that can
be held steady and Dynamic electricity which can spill
out of one potential to another. With the upgrading
population and foundation of the forthcoming
organizations and production lines there have been an
awesome interest for the need of power so as to run the
machines and types of gear. Power can spill out of one
section to another either as flash or current in metal.
Power is created in the power stations by generators.
These generators themselves require extensive measure
of info energy to deliver power which thus relies on
upon the" NON RENEWABLE" assets of vitality to
create power with a specific end goal to run them.
Received on 13.04.2016 Modified on 21.05.2016
Accepted on 12.05.2016 © RJPT All right reserved
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2016; 9(7):831-834
DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2016.00157.8
"Renewable" assets of vitality, for example, Solar Cell
Panel, Wind Energy can likewise be utilized to collect
power. However these sources are constrained to a
specific region for eg. we can say that SOLAR
ENERGY can be utilized just at the spot where the sun
focus is entirely great and continuous. Wind Energy can
fundamentally be utilized as a part of the seaside
territory's the place the wind pace and accessibility [1] is
all the time present. Aside from all there human
movements such as nonstop driving of the hand
wrenches and little generators can be additionally used to
deliver power however all these wonder of producing
power requires a consistent human exertion and
In addition step by step because of expansion in the
expense of the assets required to deliver power there is
an awesome increment in the expense of electricity [2],
due to this reason till today numerous weaker segment
individuals of the general public can't get power and are
not in any case ready to work even little apparatuses.
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 9(7): July 2016
In this manner there is a need to locate a substitute
technique for the generation of power separated from
these strategies with the goal that it can be made
effortlessly accessible to even the weaker segment and
needy individuals of the general public.
There is a strategy to deliver power by utilizing the
piezoelectric plates [3] that can create voltage by the
utilization of power on them which can be utilized to
charge BATTERY and which thus can be effortlessly
use to create power.
Overview and depiction of Proposed system:
In this paper a substitute strategy for generation of power
is finished by utilizing piezo plate. In this framework
shown in fig 1.when a power is connected on the piezo
plate the state of the piezo plate changes which prompts
the generation of voltage. Piezo electric impact is
depicted as a straight electromechanical collaboration
between the mechanical and the electrical state in
crystalline materials with no reversal symmetry.
Fig 1. Block diagram of proposed system
This impact is a reversible procedure in that materials
showing the direct piezoelectric impact and it likewise
display the converse piezoelectric impact as well. This
voltage is then given to unidirectional diode. A
unidirectional diode is a gadget utilized for permitting
the voltage to travel just in one bearing. It is most
usually found in electronic circuits where it serves as
associations between two or more components. It is
found in the modern control level for such atomic force
plants, and electric force era. The boost DC-DC
converter is the propensity of an inductor to oppose
changes in current by making and devastating an
attractive field, the yield voltage is constantly higher
than the input voltage. The idea is that when the switch
is closed, current moves through the inductor in
clockwise generating so as to bear and the inductor
stores some vitality a magnetic field. Polarity of the left
half of the inductor is positive. On other hand, when the
switch is opened, current will be diminished as the
impedance is higher.
The magnetic field already made will be pulverized to
keep up the present stream towards the heap. Thus two
sources will be in arrangement bringing on a higher
voltage to charge the capacitor through the diode D. A
super capacitor is a high-limit electrochemical capacitor
with capacitance values up to 10,000 farads at 1.2 volt
that conquer any hindrance between electrolytic
capacitors and rechargeable batteries. Super capacitors
are utilized as a part of uses requiring numerous quick
charge/release cycles as opposed to long haul
conservative energy storage: inside of autos, transports,
trains, cranes and lifts, where they are utilized for
recuperation energy from braking, transient energy
storage or burst-mode power conveyance. Littler units
are utilized as memory reinforcement for static arbitrary
access memory. The super capacitors are three sorts.
They are shown in fig 2.
Electrostatic twofold layer capacitors use carbon
terminals or subsidiaries with much higher electrostatic
twofold layer capacitance than electrochemical pseudo
Fig 2.Types of super capacitors
accomplishing partition of charge in a Helmholtz
twofold layer at the interface between the surface of a
conductive cathode and an electrolyte. The division of
charge is of the request of a couple ångströms (0.30.8
nm), much littler than in an ordinary capacitor.
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 9(7): July 2016
Electrochemical pseudo-capacitors use metal oxide or
leading polymer anodes with a high measure of
electrochemical pseudo capacitance. Pseudo capacitance
accomplished by Faradaic electron accuse exchange of
redox responses, intercalation or electrosorption.
Hybrid capacitors, for example, the lithium-particle
capacitor, use cathodes with contrasting qualities: one
displaying for the most part electrostatic capacitance and
the other generally electrochemical capacitance. This
boosted voltage is then gone through the SUPER
CAPACITOR the capacitor here is utilized as a part of
request to low the losing because of transportation of
charge the voltage then coming after the capacitor is
given to the battery to charge.
The battery that is being charged by using this method
can be later be used to run both DC as well as AC loads.
The battery that is using so as to be charged this strategy
can be later o used to run both DC and additionally AC
In the event that AC control supply is connected, the
tapping of delivered voltage is given to the ADC which
changes over the simple sign of the voltage created to the
advanced structure this computerized structure is given
to the chip AT89S52. It is a low-control, superior CMOS
8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-framework
programmable Flash memory .the elements are 8K Bytes
of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory
Endurance, 256 x 8-bit Internal RAM, 32 Programmable
I/O Lines. Quick Programming Time etc. the it is given
to 5V supply with a specific end goal to process and
work the voltage created at the piezo is shown on the
LCD screen which straightforwardly demonstrates the
amount of voltage is delivered. LCD are associated with
microcontroller through a LCD interface IC or
straightforwardly to its location and data bus and few
control pins.
This technique used to deliver power is very much an
efficient and eco well disposed approach to create
power. In addition it likewise does not impact the
environment moreover.
Fig 4 explains the way in which the foot force is
converted into electric power and stored in battery. Fig 5
shows the power storage battery which lights the load .
Power Description:
The given graph represents the relation ship between the
weight of the person walking on the piezoelectric sensor
and the amount of electricity generated according to the
Fig 3.Foot step power Generator
Fig 3 shows complete setup of the circuit used to
generate electricity by the foot step power generator.
Fig 4. Force application generates force which charges battery
Fig 5. Application of force charges battery which in turn lights the
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 9(7): July 2016
Table 1.The relationship between weight and power
This technique for generation of power is extremely
prudent and is anything but easy to produce. It can be
utilized as a part of Rural zones additionally where
accessibility of power is less or exceptionally low. It can
be utilized to drive both AC and in addition DC load. In
developing nation like India we can utilize this strategy
for power generation with a specific end goal to uncover
the heaps from Renewable and non-Renewable
wellspring of energy.
[1] R.J.M. Vullers, R.V. Schaijk, I. Doms, C.V. Hoof, and R.
Mertens "Micropower energy harvesting" Solid state electron,
vol. 53,no 7,pp .684-693, 2009
[2] P.D. Mitcheson, E.M Yeatman, G.K. Rao, A.S Holmes and T.C.
Green "Human and machine motion for wireless electronic
devices" Proc. IEEE vol. 96, no. 9, pp.1457-1486,sep.2008
[3] M. Ferrari V. Ferrari, D. Marioli and A. Taroni "Modeling,
fabrication and performance measurements of a piezo electric
energy convertor for power harvesting in autonomous micro
system", IEEE Trans. Instrum Meas vol.55,no.6'pp.2096-
2101,Dec 2006.
... Moreover, based on [8] the highest average daily power is generated from foot strikes making walking activities the most suitable for energy harvesting and will become enormous resources for electrical energy. In addition, harvesting this kind of energy from human walking is more reliable as it did not rely on or depend on climate change or location [9]. Harvesting energy from the human body has become an attraction to many researchers as in this technology, the individual becomes the producer as well as a consumer for the self-produced energy and they are no longer an end user as they would be for other renewable energy. ...
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This paper present test and analyses of piezoelectric transducers tile with drop test technique. This piezoelectric tile was tested together with bending mechanism. The bending mechanism was designed using SolidWork software and manufactured by employing 3D printer technology to conduct the evaluation. The piezoelectric transducers connected in a parallel configuration and inserted in piezoelectric tile together with bending mechanism. The drop test employed to test this piezoelectric tile with various loads and speeds. This test conducted based on free fall concept. A wooden box used as a guide to drop an object onto the piezoelectric tile. The various weight load released at a fixed height with different speeds. The output power generated based on the weight and speed of the object were recorded with average force applied on piezoelectric transducer. The highest output power generated was 634.54 µW when 6 kg load released at 2 drop/s with 1.89 N average force applied on each piezoelectric transducer. The lowest output power generated was 6.28 µW when 1 kg load released at 0.5 drop/s with 0.22 N average force applied. The results showed good output power of the piezoelectric transducer was generated for energy harvesting application.
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This paper proposes a novel approach to intelligent energy scheduling using Genetic Algorithms. The system controls electricity generation resources in an intelligent manner, taking into consideration dynamic elements including weather patterns, load fluctuations, and resource availability. The scheduling problem is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem, where the objectives are to minimize energy consumption, peak demand, and cost, while maximizing user satisfaction. The Genetic Algorithm is used to search for the optimal schedules by iteratively generating and evolving candidate schedules based on their fitness values. The fitness function is a weighted sum of the objective functions, where the weights can be adjusted to reflect the user preferences and policy constraints. The proposed approach is evaluated on a case study of an office building, where the energy consumption and user satisfaction are simulated using Energy Plus and MATLAB. The results show that the Genetic Algorithm approach outperforms the conventional rule-based approach in terms of energy savings and user satisfaction. The paper concludes by discussing the potential of Genetic Algorithm for intelligent energy management and scheduling in other building types and contexts.
Day by day the use of electricity has been increasing, hence it is necessary to generate electricity using a nonconventional system for conserving natural resources. Here we propose an advanced power generation system using footsteps. The system consists of piezoelectric sensors, Arduino UNO, LCD Display, PIC microcontroller, voltage boosters, battery, LDR and a socket for mobile charging. When the footstep pressure is applied on the piezoelectric sensor, it generates voltage, which in further generates electrical power. The sensors are placed in such an arrangement so as to generate maximum output of voltage. This is then provided to our monitoring circuit. By using this system, maximum voltage obtained is 22 Volt per step and minimum 1 Volt per step. By observing the footsteps at railway station, the power generated by piezoelectric sensor in 24 hours is approx. 78.4Volts.
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The footstep Power generation and its use is one of the issues. Now-a- days numbers of power sources are present, nonrenewable & renewable, but still we can’t overcome our power needs. Among these human population is one of the resources. In this project we are doing generation of power by walking or running. Power can be generated by walking on the stairs. The generated power will be stored and then we can use it for domestic purpose. This system can be installed at homes, schools, colleges, where the people move around the clock. When people walk on the steps or that of platform, power is generated by using weight of person. The control mechanism carries piezoelectric sensor, this mechanical energy applied on the crystal into electrical energy. When there is some vibrations, stress or straining force exert by foot on flat platform. This output is provided to our monitoring circuitry which is micro controller-based circuit that allow user to monitor the voltage and charges a battery, and this power source has many applications. The project model is cost effective and easy to implement.
This research review paper comprehensively analyzes electric power generation using piezoelectric sensors. Piezoelectric materials, with their ability to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, have emerged as promising candidates for energy harvesting applications. Through an extensive literature review, this paper examines various studies exploring the principles, advancements, challenges, and applications of piezoelectric-based energy generation. The review encompasses theoretical frameworks, experimental methodologies, and computational models employed in the field. Key findings from the literature are synthesized to identify trends, gaps, and opportunities for further research. The abstract highlights the significance of piezoelectric energy harvesting in the context of sustainable energy solutions and outlines potential directions for future investigation
More than a decade of research in the field of thermal, motion, vibration and electromagnetic radiation energy harvesting has yielded increasing power output and smaller embodiments. Power management circuits for rectification and DC–DC conversion are becoming able to efficiently convert the power from these energy harvesters. This paper summarizes recent energy harvesting results and their power management circuits.
This paper deals with the energy conversion via the piezoelectric effect. A mechanoelectrical energy converter based on piezoelectric thick films of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) deposited on a steel cantilever by a low-temperature process is presented. Modeling and measurement results on the performances of the piezoelectric converter are reported, and its potential use in self-powered autonomous sensor devices is proposed