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Cerebral salt wasting syndrome


Abstract and Figures

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is on the rise, especially in today’s fast-paced world. TBI requires not only neurosurgical expertise but also neurointensivist involvement for a better outcome. Disturbances of sodium balance are common in patients with brain injury, as the central nervous system plays a major role in sodium regulation. Hyponatraemia, defined as serum sodium <135 meq/L is commonly seen and is especially deleterious as it can contribute to cerebral oedema in these patients. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), is the most well-known cause of hyponatraemia in this subset of patients. Cerebral Salt Wasting Syndrome (CSWS), leading to renal sodium loss is an important cause of hyponatraemia in patients with TBI. Although incompletely studied, decreased renal sympathetic responses and cerebral natriuretic factors play a role in the pathogenesis of CSWS. Maintaining a positive sodium balance and adequate hydration can help in the treatment. It is important to differentiate between SIADH and CSWS when trying to ascertain a case for patients with acute brain injury, as the treatment of the two are diametrically opposite.
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© 2016 Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care
| Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow |
Cerebral salt wasting syndrome
Harshal Dholke, Ann Campos, C Naresh K. Reddy, Manas K. Panigrahi1
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is on the rise, especially in today’s fast‑paced world. TBI requires not only neurosurgical
expertise but also neurointensivist involvement for a better outcome. Disturbances of sodium balance are common in
patients with brain injury, as the central nervous system plays a major role in sodium regulation. Hyponatraemia, dened
as serum sodium <135 meq/L is commonly seen and is especially deleterious as it can contribute to cerebral oedema
in these patients. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), is the most well‑known cause
of hyponatraemia in this subset of patients. Cerebral Salt Wasting Syndrome (CSWS), leading to renal sodium loss is
an important cause of hyponatraemia in patients with TBI. Although incompletely studied, decreased renal sympathetic
responses and cerebral natriuretic factors play a role in the pathogenesis of CSWS. Maintaining a positive sodium balance
and adequate hydration can help in the treatment. It is important to differentiate between SIADH and CSWS when
trying to ascertain a case for patients with acute brain injury, as the treatment of the two are diametrically opposite.
Key words: Brain natriuretic peptide, cerebral salt wasting, conivaptan, udrocortisone, hypertonic saline,
Glomerular ltration rate
About 70% of filtered sodium is reabsorbed in the
proximal tubules with <5% being excreted. Any fall in
glomerular ltration rate (GFR) would, therefore, mean
less ltration and excretion of sodium and vice versa.
Renin‑angiotensin‑aldosterone system
Sympathetic stimulation decreases in mean arterial
pressure or decreases in distal tubular sodium levels, all
activate renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)
which results in sodium reabsorption secondary to
aldosterone release.[1]
Natriuretic peptides (atrial natriuretic peptide
and brain natriuretic peptide)
These are produced in the atria and brain and cause
reduction of sympathetic outow from the brainstem as
well as induce natriuresis by increasing the GFR, and by
inhibiting renin and aldosterone release.[2]
Sodium is the most important osmotically active solute
in the extracellular uid. It is the major determinant of
serum osmolality, which in turn plays a major role in the
regulation of body water. Increased serum osmolality,
triggers the release of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) from
the posterior pituitary. Hypovolaemia and hypotension
results in baroreceptor stimulation which reexly causes
ADH release.[1,2]
Sodium balance in the body is maintained via regulation
of its renal excretion which is affected by:
Departments of Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care and
1Neurosurgery, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences,
Secunderabad, Telangana, India
Address for correspondence:
Dr.Harshal Dholke, Department of Neuroanaesthesia and
Critical Care, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences,
Secunderabad, Telangana, India.
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How to cite this article: Dholke H, Campos A, Reddy CN,
Panigrahi MK. Cerebral salt wasting syndrome. J Neuroanaesthesiol
Crit Care 2016;3:205-10.
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Review Article
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In traumatic brain injury (TBI), hyponatraemia can
occur due to a variety of causes, such as syndrome of
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH),
CSWS, Anterior hypopituitarism, and drugs such
as oxcarbazepine used for seizure prophylaxis. The
incidence of hyponatraemia in head injury patients
commonly linked to CSWS and SIADH is 5–10%.[3,4] While
SIADH is the cause of hyponatraemia in the majority of
cases, in a small subset of patients, the diagnosis of
CSWS is often missed as it appears to be very similar to
SIADH and is therefore often confused with it. This can
have disastrous consequences as the treatment of the two
conditions is diametrically opposite. In SIADH, despite a
low serum osmolality, there is an inappropriate secretion
of ADH in response to hyponatraemia, leading to water
retention and hypervolaemia.[3] CSWS mimics SIADH
except for the fact that salt wasting is the primary defect
causing volume depletion.[4,5]
First described by Peters et al. in 1950, cerebral salt
wasting (CSW) is a clinical condition characterised
by renal loss of sodium causing dehydration and
hyponatraemia in patients with intracranial neurological
disorders.[6] In 1953, Leaf et al.[7] demonstrated that
exogenous administration of the ADH (vasopressin)
resulted in hyponatraemia, water retention and weight
gain. The increase in the intravascular volume resulted
in a decrease in sodium and chloride levels. This was
not ‘salt wasting’; but was a physiologic response to
an expanded intravascular volume. Four years later,
Schwartz et al.[8] published their landmark paper on
SIADH. A subsequent paper from the group at Yale
attributed hyponatraemia in neurologic disease to
SIADH.[7] For over 20 years, the term CSWS virtually
vanished from literature. In 1981, Nelson et al.[9] studied
hyponatraemia in neurosurgical patients, primarily
subarachnoid haemorrhage, and found that isotopically
measured blood volumes were contracted; he attributed
this nding to CSWS [Figures 1 and 2].
In TBI, there can be disruption of hypothalamo-renal
pathways,[2] imbalance of sympathetic output with
decreased renal sympathetic activity,[10] and also possibly
direct injury to the anterior and posterior pituitary,
all of which can play a role in the pathogenesis of
hyponatraemia in these patients. This can disrupt the
cerebral inuence on renal salt and water balance, and
therefore, disturb the kidneys ability to handle sodium
It is now believed that natriuretic factors such as an atrial
natriuretic peptide, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP),
C-type natriuretic peptide, and possibly dendroaspis
natriuretic peptide are secreted by the injured brain
and may play a role in CSWS. Of all these factors BNP
might be the main factor in CSWS.[5] These peptides
have potent effects on cardiovascular homeostasis by
dampening the sympathetic response thereby altering
the vascular tone and causing dilatation of arteries
and veins.[11] Natriuretic peptides also induce sodium
loss (natriuresis) by inhibiting renin release from the
renal juxtaglomerular cells and preventing aldosterone
release from the adrenals thus antagonising the RAAS.[1]
This effect on the afferent tubules of nephrons leads to,
dilatation of the afferent arteriole resulting in increased
ltration of water and sodium through the glomerulus.
These molecules also have renal natriuretic and diuretic
effect by inhibiting the angiotensin-induced sodium
reabsorption from collecting ducts and antagonising
the action of vasopressin at the collecting duct,
Local production of natriuretic peptides within the
adrenal medulla has been demonstrated, which, might
have paracrine inhibitory effects on mineralocorticoid
synthesis.[13] This paracrine mechanism might explain
why, in patients with CSWS, aldosterone and renin levels
fail to rise despite the presence of hypovolaemia.
Other mechanisms suggest that downregulation of
renal sodium transporters due to extracellular volume
expansion and the adrenergic surge that occurs in
the early phase of brain injury might cause pressure
In clinical practice, it is important to distinguish CSWS
from SIADH as they share several diagnostic criteria. The
following laboratory studies may be indicated in patients
with cerebral salt-wasting syndrome:[15]
Serum sodium concentration
Patients with untreated CSWS are often hyponatremic
and signs and symptoms may vary according to the
severity as shown in Table 1.[16] As the decline in serum
sodium concentration reduces serum osmolality, a
tonicity gradient develops across the blood-brain barrier
that causes cerebral oedema. Symptoms include lethargy,
agitation, headache, altered consciousness, seizures and
Serum osmolality
Normal serum osmolality is 285–295 mosmosm/L. This
is found to be decreased in SIADH but is either normal
or decreased in CSWS. If the measured serum osmolality
exceeds twice the serum sodium concentration and
azotaemia is not present, hyperglycaemia or mannitol
should be suspected as the cause of hyponatraemia.[15,18]
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Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care
| Vol. 3 • Issue 3 • Sep-Dec 2016 |
Urinary output
Urine appears relatively dilute and the ow rate is often
high in CSWS. It is concentrated with a low ow rate
in SIADH. However, in CSWS, despite its apparently
diluted appearance, urine osmolality is high due to
increased sodium loss.
Fluid balance
The differentiation of SIADH from CSWS depends
on an accurate estimation of intravascular volume.
Unfortunately, no single physical finding can
accurately and reproducibly measure effective
circulating volume. Commonly used signs of
hypovolaemia include orthostatic tachycardia or
hypotension, increased capillary rell time, increased
skin turgor, dry mucous membranes and a sunken
anterior fontanel. These signs usually appear only
when the degree of dehydration is moderate to
severe. Central venous pressure may be an unreliable
determinant of extracellular volume.[15]
In SIADH, there is generally euvolaemia or hypervolaemia.
As opposed to this the important nding in CSWS is
volume depletion. The daily sodium excretion is also
more than the intake, and the overall sodium balance is
negative in CSWS. Therefore, a daily clinical examination
for signs of hypovolaemia as well as a daily intake and
output charting should be done, which will reveal an
overall negative balance.[2] Sometimes, hypovolaemia has
been identied in patients who fulll all other diagnostic
criteria for SIADH. This occurs because the volume
depletion of CSWS causes a secondary rise in ADH.
However, under such conditions, the correct diagnosis
is CSWS rather than SIADH.[19]
Fractional excretion of uric acid
This is dened as the percentage of urate ltered by
glomeruli that is excreted in urine. It is calculated by
dividing the product of (urinary uric acid [mg/mL] × serum
creatinine [mg/mL]) by the product of (serum uric acid
[mg/mL] × urinary creatinine [mg/mL]) and multiplying
the result by 100. Normal values are <10%.[20]
Patients with either CSWS or SIADH can have
hypouricaemia and elevated fractional excretion
of uric acid (FEUA). However, after correction of
hyponatraemia, the hypouricaemia and elevated FEUA
may normalise in SIADH but persist in CSWS (renal salt
Fractional excretion of phosphate
This should be determined when evaluating patients
with hyponatraemia and hypouricaemia. Elevated
fractional excretion of phosphate >20% suggests cerebral
salt-wasting syndrome as opposed to SIADH where it
is <10% [Table 2].[20,21]
The main-stay of management of CSWS is the replacement
of water and sodium which is lost due to diuresis and
natriuresis, whereas, in SIADH, free water has to be
Table 1: Clinical presentation of
Plasma concentration
of Na in (mmol/L)
>125 Asymptomatic
120-125 Nausea, malaise, vomiting
120-110 Muscle cramps, weakness,
confusion, agitation, delirium,
lethargy and seizures
<110 Seizures, coma, permanent
brain damage, respiratory
Table 2: Clinical and biochemical features of
the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone secretion and the cerebral salt wasting
Biochemical marker SIADH CSWS
Intravascular volume Normal
to high
Serum sodium Low Low
Urinary sodium level High Very
Vasopressin level High Low
Urine output Normal
to low
Serum uric acid level Low Low
Initial fractional excretion of urate High High
Fractional excretion of urate after
correction of hyponatraemia
Normal High
Urinary osmolality High High
Serum osmolality Low Low
BUN/creatinine level Low to
Serum potassium level Normal Normal
to high
Central venous pressure Normal
to high
Pulmonary capillary wedge
to high
Brain natriuretic peptide level Normal High
Fractional phosphate excretion (%) <10 >20
BUN=Blood urea nitrogen, SIADH=Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone secretion, CSWS=Cerebral salt wasting syndrome
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Once a diagnosis of CSWS is made, efforts should be
made to address hypovolaemia rst. This can be done
with the use of crystalloids like 0.9% normal saline.
This treatment holds true for those patients with mild
hyponatraemia. By doing this, both hypovolaemia
and hyponatraemia can be addressed.[23,24] When the
patient is severely hyponatraemic and hypovolemic
he will require aggressive resuscitation to rst become
euvolemic, followed by the correction of hyponatraemia,
with the use of 3% saline which should be administered
via a central line. With the use of 3% saline, the sodium
correction should not exceed 12 meq/L for every 24 h.
This is necessary, to avoid complications such as central
pontine myelinolysis, metabolic acidosis, volume
overload and pulmonary oedema.[25,26]
Some clinicians have found it useful to the use of
mineralocorticoids in CSWS. Fludrocortisone is one
such drug, which promotes the increased reabsorption
of sodium and the loss of potassium by the renal distal
tubules. Secondary effects such as hypokalaemia,
pulmonary oedema and hypertension may occur with
prolonged use. Apart from this, the steroid base can cause
hyperglycaemia warranting the periodic monitoring of
serum potassium and blood sugars. Hence, it’s use is only
indicated when salt and uid replacement are unable to
correct the hyponatraemia.[27,28]
Diuretics and uid restriction are the main‑stays of
treatment in SIADH. However, one of the newer drugs
recently approved by the United States-Food and Drug
Administration is worth a mention, Conivaptan, is
a non-selective antagonist at V1 and V2 vasopressin
receptors. It antagonises the action of vasopressin
at the collecting ducts causing electrolyte-free water
excretion, thereby raising serum sodium in patients with
SIADH.[29,30] Most recently, Ghali et al. published results
from their randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
Plasma Osmolality = 290 mosm/kg
Lack of water increased osmolality
lat preoptic
supraoptic PVN
Thirst ADH release
Drinking Collecting duct more
H2O retention by Kidneys
More water intake decreased osmolality
lat preoptic supraoptic PVN
Thirst depressed
ADH release reduced
Collecting duct less
water loss by kidneys
Figure 1: Sodium regulation in the body
trial conducted across 21 cities in the United States,
Canada and Israel, involving the efficacy of oral
conivaptan in the treatment of patients with euvolemic
and hypervolaemic hyponatraemia.[31] Based on currently
available studies, conivaptan appears to be effective in
inducing aquaresis to correct hyponatraemia in both
euvolemic and hypervolemic hyponatremic patients.
Although conivaptan has been shown to be an effective
aquaretic with short‑term use, this is not without
limitations. Adverse effects reported with short-term
use are typically minimal, but may include serious
effects such as hypokalaemia, orthostatic hypotension,
and unexpectedly rapid serum sodium correction.
Careful patient selection, avoidance of combined use
with conventional diuretics, and close monitoring may
reduce complication rates with the use of conivaptan.[31,32]
When used in CSWS, conivaptan can cause a negative
uid balance and further worsen the situation. This novel
treatment for SIADH also backs the need for accurate
differentiation between CSWS and SIADH before the
start of hyponatraemia correction in cerebral injuries.[33,34]
Conivaptan should not be administered to patients in
whom CSWS or a high likelihood of cerebral vasospasm
is suspected.[34,35]
In TBI, the maintenance of intracranial pressure (ICP) is
pivotal and we need to strongly address the changes in
serum osmolality and serum sodium levels. There are
ample data which suggests that maintenance of slight
hypernatraemia is associated with a reduced increase in
ICP.[6] This can be very well achieved with the continuous
infusion of hypertonic saline (3% NaCl) and is found to
be well tolerated in these patients.[26]
Figure 2: Effect of hormones on sodium regulation
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Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care
| Vol. 3 • Issue 3 • Sep-Dec 2016 |
A recent study at the University of California, Los
Angeles used an aggressive sodium correction treatment
regimen as a component of their TBI protocol. The mean
target goal was a serum sodium level of 138 mmol/L or
higher if ICP was 15–20 mm Hg. This was achieved with
the use of 3% NaCl to control serum sodium levels and
prevent hyponatraemia. Using this protocol, there was a
12% incidence of serum sodium levels of <137 mmol/L
and a 1% incidence rate of serum sodium levels of <132
mmol/L. There were no documented cases of central
pontine myelinolysis using this protocol.[5]
Treatment protocol suggested for sodium regulation
in TBI[5]
Measure serum sodium level twice daily for initial
96 h after TBI
Establish serum sodium goal of ≥138 mmol/L
Start continuous infusion of 3% NaCl at 25 mL/h
for Na of ≤138 mmol/L
Maintain 3% NaCl at 15–25 mL/h if ICP is
15–20 mm Hg
Add udrocortisone 0.1 mg bid (oral) if Na is
≤138 mmol/L
Increase 3% NaCl to around 50 mL/h to achieve
Na of >145–155 mmol/L if ICP is >20 mm Hg
despite the use cerebrospinal uid drainage using
Hyponatraemia can complicate the clinical outcome in
TBI. CSWS is a syndrome of hypovolemic hyponatraemia
caused by renal natriuresis and diuresis. Brain natriuretic
peptide, secreted by the injured brain plays a crucial
role in the pathogenesis of CSW. Making a distinction
between SIADH and CSWS is important due to
different treatment required for the two conditions. The
maintenance of high normal levels of serum sodium in
patient with TBI may help limit increases in ICP as well
as avoid the detrimental effects of hyponatraemia due
to CSWS or SIADH in these patients.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conicts of interest
There are no conicts of interest.
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... 7 Another reported cause of hyponatremia after TPS is the less well-documented cerebral salt wasting (CSW) syndrome, in which hyponatremia will typically be linked to hypovolemia. 8,9 Differentiating between these entities remains difficult but is of utmost importance as their treatments are opposite; i.e., SIADH is treated with water restriction, whereas CSW is treated with saline hydration. 8,9 Therefore, research of biological ABBREVIATIONS ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; ANP = atrial natriuretic peptide; AVP = arginine vasopressin; CSW = cerebral salt wasting; DI = diabetes insipidus; FE urates = ejection fraction of urates; GH = growth hormone; IQR = interquartile range; OXT = oxytocin; PRL = prolactin; SIADH = syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone; SIOXT = syndrome of inappropriate secretion of OXT; TPS = transsphenoidal pituitary surgery; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone. ...
... FE urates was calculated according to the following formula: (urinary uric acid [mg/ml] × serum creatinine [mg/ml])/(serum uric acid [mg/ml] × urinary creatinine [mg/ml]) × 100. 8 In the setting of our routine follow-up, 24-hour sodium urinary excretion was calculated based on one daily urine sample according to a previously established method. This sample was used as an accurate estimation of total natriuresis as previously reported in the literature. ...
... Passive, uncontrolled release of this hormone by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland leads to increased water reabsorption in the kidney, ultimately resulting in hyponatremia due to volume expansion. 8,9 In a previous study, we reported the occurrence-concomitantly with the diagnosis of SIADH-of an SIOXT that preceded hyponatremia, with a significant increase in OXT excretion between days 1 and 4 after TPS. 16 OXT, with its sister hormone AVP, has been reported to originate from a common precursor (vasotocin) 22,23 and has therefore conserved certain roles in sodium balance in evolution, albeit differing between species. ...
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Objective: Oxytocin (OXT) secretion has been shown to be abnormally elevated in patients who develop syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)-related hyponatremia after transsphenoidal pituitary surgery (TPS). While OXT was previously reported to increase natriuresis in the kidney, a potential role for this hormone in postoperative sodium balance and dysnatremias has not been studied. The objective of this study was to analyze the correlation between patients' urinary output of OXT and natremia and natriuresis after TPS. Methods: The authors measured and correlated the urinary output of OXT with natriuresis and natremia in 20 consecutive patients who underwent TPS. Results: The ratio of urinary secretion of OXT between days 1 and 4 showed a strong, significant correlation with patient natriuresis at day 7 after pituitary surgery. Concomitantly, patient natremia showed a moderate, inverted correlation with OXT secretion in the urine. Conclusions: Together, these results show for the first time that urinary OXT secretion correlates with patient natriuresis and natremia after pituitary surgery. This observation suggests a notable role for this hormone in sodium balance.
... Natriuretic peptide theory is a frequently discussed pathophysiological mechanism for CSWS. ANP, BNP, C-type natriuretic peptide and dendroaspis natriuretic peptide are the natriuretic peptides which involve in the pathophysiology of CSWS [22]. It is believed that out of all natriuretic peptides, BNP may act as the main determinant of CSWS [22]. ...
... ANP, BNP, C-type natriuretic peptide and dendroaspis natriuretic peptide are the natriuretic peptides which involve in the pathophysiology of CSWS [22]. It is believed that out of all natriuretic peptides, BNP may act as the main determinant of CSWS [22]. In contrast it is suggested that apart from ANP and BNP, there could be another natriuretic factor which cause CSWS [23]. ...
... [7] On the contrary, an increased fractional excretion of phosphate, and the persistence of hypouricemia and the elevated fractional excretion of urate despite correction of serum sodium, are the two features that can reliably distinguish CSW from SIADH. [8] The help that these methods will provide in clinching an etiological diagnosis following the correction of serum sodium is still doubtful. Hence, we, as bedside clinicians, need more robust and practical methods to help differentiate CSW from SIADH, as the treatment options required for these two entities are entirely different; namely, the administration of intravenous fluids for CSW, and fluid restriction for SIADH. ...
... Measurement of serum levels of the natriuretic peptides, especially the brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), has been proposed as an effective means of differentiating CSW from SIADH, as serum levels of this peptide are elevated in CSW while they remain normal in SIADH. [8] N-terminal pro BNP (NT-proBNP), the precursor of BNP, too has been shown to be elevated in patients with CSW. [9] To the best of our knowledge, however, till date, no definite cut-off value has been put forward for BNP or NT-proBNP that would help clinicians differentiate between CSW and SIADH. ...
... Isotonic saline is used and this would solve both hypovolemia and hyponatremia. If the condition is severe, hypertonic saline is recommended for the resuscitation (9). However, the correction of hyponatremia should be carried out with caution to prevent complications like osmotic demyelination syndrome (10). ...
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Background Cerebral salt wasting syndrome (CSWS) and Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti Diuretic Hormone secretion (SIADH) are the most common aetiological factors for developing hyponatremia following stroke. The differentiation of these two entities is crucial as the treatment options are completely different. Hence the knowledge on predictors of CSWS is important to make a more accurate diagnosis of CSWS. Methods Two hundred and fourty six patients with confirmed stroke were prospectively observed throughout the hospital stay in a tertiary referral center in Sri Lanka to identify the possible predictors of CSWS. Hyponatremia was defined as serum Na⁺ level less than 131mmo/l. Serum osmolality, urine osmolality, urinary Na⁺, serum cortisol and thyroid function tests were performed on all the hyponatremic patients. Differentiation of the CSWS and SIADH was based on physical examination findings and laboratory parameters. Results The incidence of hyponatremia in our study population was 19.1% (95% Confidence Interval 14.39-24.58). The majority of patients (24, 51%) were attributed to CSWS. SIADH group comprised of 17 (36.2%) patients and 6 (12.7%) patients had other undetermined causes. There was a significant statistical difference between the aetiologies of hyponatremia and laboratory investigations like urinary Na⁺, urinary osmolality and serum osmolality. Demographic characteristics, comorbidities, imaging findings and clinical parameters like systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, on admission GCS were considered in the multivariable logistic regression model and the overall model was not significant. Conclusion The incidence of CSWS is higher than the incidence of SIADH. The demographic characteristics, comorbidities, imaging and clinical parameters like blood pressure, on admission GCS could not predict the occurrence of CSWS
... 5 Low sodium levels have been observed in approximately 30 to 40% of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), 36 to 58% of patients with bacterial meningitis, and 10 to 35% of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). [7][8][9][10][11] The incidence of hyponatremia is between 8 and 35% in brain tumors. 12 Various studies have also shown a high incidence of hyponatremia in supratentorial tumors. ...
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Background The incidence of hyponatremia is high in supratentorial tumors. However, most studies of supratentorial tumors have included patients with sellar/suprasellar tumors. It is common knowledge that sellar tumors have higher incidence and severity of hyponatremia. Incidence of hyponatremia is not known if we exclude sellar/suprasellar tumors. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the incidence of hyponatremia in supratentorial tumors after excluding sellar/suprasellar tumors. Methods After institutional ethics committee approval and written informed consent, adult patients with supratentorial tumors (nonsellar/suprasellar) were recruited, and data were collected prospectively. In all patients, serum electrolytes were measured every 2 to 3 days. Hyponatremia was defined as serum sodium of <135 mEq/L. All the patients were followed up till death or discharge from the hospital. Results A total of 61 patients’ data were analyzed. There were 31 male and 30 female patients with an average age of 44 years. There were 23 meningiomas, 36 gliomas, and 2 other tumors. Forty patients (66%) developed hyponatremia during hospital stay. There were 29 mild cases (serum sodium 131–134 mEq/L), 7 were moderate (serum sodium 126–130 mEq/L), and 4 were severe (serum sodium <126 mEq/L). Three hyponatremic meningioma patients died, of which two had mild hyponatremia and one had severe hyponatremia. Duration of hospital stay was longer in hyponatremic patients. Conclusion The incidence of hyponatremia is high in supratentorial tumor patients after excluding sellar/suprasellar lesions. In the majority of patients, the disturbance is mild. Hyponatremic patients has a longer hospital stay and higher mortality.
... Making the distinction between CSW and SIADH is important because the treatment for the two conditions is very different. 27,28 This study was limited by single center, single arm and small sample size; hence it would not be appropriate to extrapolate the results to a large population. ...
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Background: Hyponatremia is a typical condition of electrolyte disturbance that may be euvolemic, hypovolemic or hypervolemic. Proper interpretation through laboratory tests helps to differentiate the types and causes of hyponatremia. This study was conducted to evaluate the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) and cerebral salt wasting (CSW) as the common causes of hyponatremia in tertiary care hospital.Methods: A prospective interventional study was conducted, including hyponatremia cases, admitted in NTU/ICU/CCU and other medical wards at Ruby Hall Clinic from August 2011 to December 2013.Results: Of 150 patients enrolled in this study, 33.33% patients were euvolemic, 34% patients were hypervolemic and 32.66% patients were hypovolemic. For the euvolemic patients, SIADH (68%) was the most common cause; whereas, CSW (34.39%) was the common cause for hypovolemic type of hyponatremia. Stroke was found to be the most common cause of SIADH (55.88%), Intra-cerebral bleeding was observed to be the most common causative factor between SIADH and CSW associated hyponatremia.Conclusions: Hyponatremia in central nervous system disorder patients frequently occurred due to SIADH and CSW. Most common cause of SIADH was stroke and for CSW it was intra cerebral bleed.
... Whereas CSW that occurs based on the natriuretic peptide system is characterized by an increase in the release of brain natriuretic factors due to brain cells injury. This causes an increase in glomerular filtration rate, which leads to diuresis and natriuresis (14). Natriuretic peptide is antagonist to reninangiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), inhibits excess of sympathetic flow, stimulates vascular relaxation, and stimulates the increase of vasocontrictor peptide. ...
Objective To describe a dog with suspected cerebral salt wasting syndrome (CSWS) secondary to traumatic brain injury (TBI). Case Summary A 2‐month‐old intact male Chihuahua‐American Pitbull Terrier mix weighing 1.94 kg presented to a veterinary teaching emergency room after suffering bite wound‐penetrating trauma to the head. Treatment was initiated with hyperosmotic agents, fluid resuscitation, and analgesia. The dog's neurologic dysfunction warranted hospitalization and continuous monitoring. Within 24 hours, the dog developed hyponatremia (133 mmol/L compared to 143 mmol/L on presentation [reference interval 142–149 mmol/L]). As the dog had concurrent tachycardia, increase in urine sodium concentration, polyuria, and weight loss, a diagnosis of cerebral salt wasting was suspected. A 2% hypertonic saline constant rate infusion was administered for volume replacement, and the patient showed improvement in clinical signs and blood sodium concentration. The dog was discharged on Day 5. Recheck examination showed significant neurologic improvement with sodium just below the low end of the reference range (141 mmol/L [reference interval 142–149 mmol/L]). New or Unique Information Provided This is the first description of suspected CSWS in veterinary medicine. Hyponatremia is a common finding in critically ill neurologic people, including those with TBI, and is typically associated with either syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone or CSWS. As treatment recommendations for syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone and CSWS are diametrically opposed, identifying the presence of hyponatremia and distinguishing between these 2 clinical entities is critical for improving patient care for those with TBI. This case highlights the characteristics and clinical progression regarding the diagnosis and management of suspected CSWS.
An 80-year-old woman who was hospitalized due to small subarachnoid hemorrhaging caused by a bruise in the left temporal region of the brain. Nausea/vomiting and malaise appeared after dinner on the fourth day of the illness. Head computed tomography showed that the post-traumatic status was almost normal; however, the sodium ion (Na⁺) level was 114 mEq/L, indicating severe hyponatremia. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) following a head injury was initially suspected, and water restriction and saline fluid replacement were initiated. However, the Na⁺ level did not improve, and signs of dehydration emerged. On the seventh day of the illness, drinking water restriction was discontinued, and 3% sodium chloride fluid replacement was initiated. The patient subsequently followed a favorable course, and the Na⁺ level remained normal even after fluid replacement was discontinued. It is important to differentiate between SIADH and cerebral salt wasting syndrome (CSWS), as the treatment of the two are diametrically opposite. However, distinguishing between these two diseases at an early onset can be difficult, as they have very similar laboratory findings. CSWS can occur in patients with minor head injury, as in the present case, so we should bear this disease in mind as a differential diagnosis, even when imperceptible graduations are recognized in patients.
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Hyponatremia is one of the most common electrolyte abnormalities linked to adverse outcomes and increased mortality in hospitalized patients. While the differential diagnosis for hyponatremia is diverse, most cases stem from arginine vasopressin (AVP) dysregulation, where hypoosmolality fails to suppress AVP synthesis and release. The physiological effects of AVP are currently known to depend on its interaction with any of 3 receptor subtypes V1A, V2, and V1B. Activation of V2 by AVP is the key in renal water regulation and maintenance of total body volume and plasma tonicity. Despite the long-recognized problem with excess AVP in euvolemic and hypervolemic hyponatremia, traditional therapeutic options have relied on nonspecific and potentially problematic strategies. More recently, a new class of drugs, introduced as “aquaretics,” has gained great attention among clinicians because of its ability to correct hyponatremia via direct competitive inhibition of AVP at V2 receptors to induce renal electrolyte-free water excretion. In this paper, we aim to review available clinical data on the only FDA-approved aquaretic, dual V1A/V2 receptor antagonist conivaptan, discuss its clinical indications, efficacy, safety profile, and comment on its clinical limitations.
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Hyponatremia is an important and common clinical problem. The etiology is multifactorial. Hyponatremia may be euvolemic, hypovolemic or hypervolemic. Proper interpretation of the various laboratory tests helps to differentiate the various types of hyponatremia. Treatment varies with the nature of onset -acute or chronic, severity and symptoms. Normal saline forms the mainstay of treatment for hypovolemic hyponatremia while 3% NaCl and fluid restriction are important for euvolemic hyponatremia. Hypervolemic hyponatremia responds well to fluid restriction and diuretics. There have been several recent advances in the last year with revision in the guidelines for treatment and availability of vaptans. Judicious use of vaptans may help in treatment of hyponatremia.
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Background. Many experts have long accepted the brain-gut axis and its influence on obesity, insulin resistance and cardiovascular function. Methods. Internet search via Medline and Pub-Med and discussion with colleagues. Results. In experimental studies, it has been shown, how moderate intestinal inflammation affects complex behavior and how much treatment of such inflammation can influence factors from mind to matter, or brain to gut and the heart. It is likely that presence of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the duodenum, stimulates the release of cholecystokinin which in turn acts on cholecystokinin receptors, present on the abdominal vagus. After the food is ingested, it stimulates the secretion of incretins from the gut which increase the insulin secretion and initiate a gut-brain-liver axis in response to small amounts of triglycerides in the duodenum. Long chain PUFAs, particularly w-3 fatty acids, are cleaved from the dietary triglycerides by the gastrointestinal enzymes. Further studies indicated that a long chain fatty acid metabolite known as long chain fatty acid coenzyme A (LCFA CoA) is sensed by the gut. However, increased intake of trans fat, saturated fat and possibly w-6 fat and refined carbohydrates, particularly in presence of physical inactivity, may suppress gut-brain and liver axis by decreasing incretins, as well as cholecystokinin and leptin, resulting in insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome which is known to predispose cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). There is a rapid stimulation of leptin secretion from the gastric fundus on food ingestion, an effect which could be reproduced by cholecystokinin administration. Leptin gene expression and immune-reactivity have been reported in the gastric fundus. Leptin is known to enhance satiety-inducing effect of cholecystokinin indicating that cholecystokinin and leptin may function in concert with each other to induce satiety and regulate food consumption. Mediterranean diet and w-3 fatty acids have been reported to be protective against metabolic syndrome and CVDs but the exact mechanism of benefits is not known. It is possible that a part of the benefit may be due their protective effects on cell membrane phospholipids of the neuron, gut, liver and beta cells of pancreas apart from their direct effects on cardiovascular function.
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The syndrome of inappropriate antidiudresis (SIAD) and cerebral salt wasting (CSW) are similar conditions with the main difference being the absence or presence of volume depletion. The two conditions may be indistinguishable at presentation, as volume status is difficult to assess, which can lead to under-diagnosis of CSW in patients with central nervous system (CNS) disease. Carefully conducted studies in patients with CNS disease have indicated that CSW may be more common than SIAD. CSW may be differentiated from SIAD based on the persistence of hypouricemia and increased fractional excretion of urate following the correction of hyponatremia. Hyponatremia should be prevented if possible and treated promptly when discovered in patients with CNS disease as even mild hyponatremia could lead to neurological deterioration. Fluid restriction should not be used for the prevention or treatment of hyponatremia in hospitalized patients with CNS disease as it could lead to volume depletion especially if CSW is present. 0.9% sodium chloride may not be sufficiently hypertonic for the prevention of hyponatremia in hospitalized patients with CNS disease and a more hypertonic fluid may be required. The preferred therapy for the treatment of hyponatremia in patients with CNS disease is 3% sodium chloride.
Disorders of sodium and water balance are common in critically ill adult neurologic patients. Normal aspects of sodium and water regulation are reviewed. The etiology of possible causes of sodium disturbance is discussed in both the general inpatient and the neurologic populations. Areas of importance are highlighted with regard to the differential diagnosis of sodium disturbance in neurologic patients, and management strategies are discussed. Specific discussions of the etiology, diagnosis, and management of cerebral salt wasting syndrome, the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, and central diabetes insipidus are presented, as well as the problems of overtreatment. The importance of diagnosis at an early stage of these diseases is stressed, with a recommendation for conservative management of milder cases. Copyright © 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Cerebral salt wasting (CSW) is a syndrome of hypovolemic hyponatremia caused by natriuresis and diuresis. The mechanisms underlying CSW have not been precisely delineated, although existing evidence strongly implicates abnormal elevations in circulating natriuretic peptides. The key in diagnosis of CSW lies in distinguishing it from the more common syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. Volume status, but not serum and urine electrolytes and osmolality, is crucial for making this distinction. Volume and sodium repletion are the goals of treatment of patients with CSW, and this can be performed using some combination of isotonic saline, hypertonic saline, and mineralocorticoids.
Hyponatraemia is a well-recognised complication of neurosurgical conditions, but the incidence and implications have not been well documented. To define the incidence, pathophysiology and clinical implications of significant hyponatraemia in several neurosurgical conditions. All patients admitted to the Irish National Neurosciences Centre at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin with traumatic brain injury, subarachnoid haemorrhage, intracranial neoplasm, pituitary disorders and spinal disorders who developed significant hyponatraemia (plasma sodium <130 mmol/l) from January 2002 to September 2003 were identified from computerised laboratory records. Data were collected by retrospective case note analysis. Hyponatraemia was more common in patients with pituitary disorders (5/81, 6.25%; p = 0.004), traumatic brain injury (44/457, 9.6%; p<0.001), intracranial neoplasm (56/355, 15.8%; p<0.001) and subarachnoid haemorrhage (62/316, 19.6%; p<0.001) than in those with spinal disorders (4/489, 0.81%). The pathophysiology of hyponatraemia was: syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) in 116 cases (62%) (31 (16.6%) drug-associated), hypovolaemic hyponatraemia in 50 cases (26.7%) (which included patients with insufficient data to assign to the cerebral salt-wasting group (CSWS)), CSWS in nine cases (4.8%), intravenous fluids in seven cases (3.7%) and mixed SIADH/CSWS in five cases (2.7%). Hyponatraemic patients with cerebral irritation had significantly lower plasma sodium concentrations (mean (SD) 124.8 (0.34) mmol/l) than asymptomatic patients (126.6 (0.29) mmol/l) (p<0.0001). Hyponatraemic patients had a significantly longer hospital stay (median 19 days (interquartile range (IQR) 12-28)) than normonatraemic patients (median 12 days (IQR 10.5-15)) (p<0.001). Hyponatraemia is common in intracerebral disorders and is associated with a longer hospital stay. Cerebral irritation is associated with more severe hyponatraemia. SIADH is the most common cause of hyponatraemia and is often drug-associated.