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Survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with new records and description of a new species. Part 1

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Abstract and Figures

The first survey of rove beetle species from Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is presented. Thirty-five species are reported from the following subfamilies: Aleocharinae (14), Micropeplinae (1), Omaliinae (7), Oxytelinae (2), Paederinae (1), Proteininae (2), Pselaphinae (1), Staphylininae (3), and Tachyporinae (4). All species are listed in Table 1. One new species, Oxypoda stanleyi Klimaszewski & McLean, sp. n., is described and illustrated and three new adventive aleocharine species are recorded for the first time from British Columbia. They are: Dalotia coriaria (Kraatz), Mocyta fungi (Gravenhorst), and Oxypoda opaca (Gravenhorst). These exotic species were previously known from the Palaearctic region, eastern Canada, and the United States.
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First survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 5
Survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)
from Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada, with new records and description
of a new species. Part 1
John A. McLean1,†, Jan Klimaszewski2,‡, Agnes Li1,§, Karine Savard2,|
1 Department of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Co-
lumbia, Canada 2 Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry Centre, Quebec,
Quebec, Canada
Corresponding author: Jan Klimaszewski (
Academic editor: Volker Assing|Received23 January 2009|Accepted 24 February 2009|Published 28 September2009
Citation: McLean JA, Klimaszewski J, Li A, Savard K (2009) First survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)
from Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with new records and description of a new species. Part 1.
In: Majka CG, Klimaszewski J (Eds) Biodiversity, Biosystematics, and Ecology of Canadian Coleoptera II. ZooKeys 22
5–17. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.22.86
e rst survey of rove beetle species from Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is pre-
sented.  irty- ve species are reported from the following subfamilies: Aleocharinae (14), Micropeplinae
(1), Omaliinae (7), Oxytelinae (2), Paederinae (1), Proteininae (2), Pselaphinae (1), Staphylininae (3),
and Tachyporinae (4). All species are listed in Table 1. One new species, Oxypoda stanleyi Klimaszewski &
McLean, sp. n., is described and illustrated and three new adventive aleocharine species are recorded for
the  rst time from British Columbia.  ey are: Dalotia coriaria (Kraatz), Mocyta fungi (Gravenhorst), and
Oxypoda opaca (Gravenhorst).  ese exotic species were previously known from the Palaearctic region,
eastern Canada, and the United States.
British Columbia, Canada, Coleoptera, new species, Staphylinidae, Stanley Park, survey, Vancouver
ZooKeys 22: 5
17 (2009)
doi: 10.3897/zookeys.22.86
Copyright John A. McLean et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Launched to accelerate biodiversity research
A peer-reviewed open-access journal
John A. McLean, Jan Klimaszewski, Agnes Li, Karine Savard / ZooKeys 22: 5–17 (2009)
Map 1. Map of Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, showing collecting locations for the 2007
insect survey.
As part of the Stanley Park, Vancouver, restoration plan it was proposed to survey
the forest insects that could be at special risk as a result of tree damage from the win-
ter storm in December 2006, and accumulation of the very large amount of coarse
woody debris (Map 1).  ere is concern that some exotic insects might also become
established in the areas with severe tree damage.  e results of this survey are from
sampling conducted in the undamaged part of the Stanley Park forest.  ey consti-
tute the baseline data, which will be used for comparison with rove beetle samples
collected in the severely damaged forest of the park, and will be published in a sepa-
rate contribution as part 2.
As very little is known about the insect diversity in the Park, a sampling and
monitoring program was undertaken to determine what species of insect are present.
A series of pitfall traps were set out, in addition to other sampling methods, to survey
for ground and rove beetle populations.  e results of rove beetle collecting are pre-
sented in this contribution.  e trapping yielded 35 species of Staphylinidae (Table
1), including one species new to science, Oxypoda stanleyi Klimaszewski & McLean,
sp. n., and three adventive aleocharine species, Dalotia coriaria (Kraatz), Mocyta fungi
(Gravenhorst) and Oxypoda opaca (Gravenhorst), recorded for the  rst time from
British Columbia.
First survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 7
Study locations
Two undamaged sites in Stanley Park, site A and site B [49°18΄02˝N, 123°07΄04˝W;
49°18΄22˝N, 123°09΄11˝W respectively], were designated for trapping insects (Map
1). Site A was located in an area adjacent to the Vancouver Aquarium and site B was
along the Rawlings Trail near the Hollow Tree Reserve.  e Vancouver Aquarium
site consisted of a closed canopy second-growth forest, mainly Douglas- r (Pseudot-
suga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), with a bare forest  oor with old needles and some ivy
around trap site 1.  e Hollow Tree site consisted of a closed canopy second-growth
stand of mainly western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) and a few Douglas-
r and western cedar ( uja plicata Donn ex D. Don) with a bare forest  oor with
old needles. Traps were set out on April 20, 2007 and operated during the summer
months. At each site, four Lindgren multiple funnel traps, a  ight-intercept trap,
and a pitfall trap near each of the hanging traps were set up. Polypropylene glycol
was used in all traps for preserving captured insects.  e Lindgren traps were baited
with speci c pheromones, ethanol lures, and alpha-pinene lures.  e pitfall traps
were unbaited.
e following main references were consulted for the identi cation of rove bee-
tles: Campbell (1973), Hatch (1957), Newton et al. (2000), Smetana (1971, 1976),
Klimaszewski (2000), Klimaszewski and Winchester (2002), Klimaszewski et al.
(2001, 2004, 2006, 2007).
Material examined
More than 160 adult rove beetles were examined, 11 of which were dissected.  e
genital structures were dehydrated in absolute alcohol and mounted in Canada
balsam on celluloid microslides and pinned with the specimens from which they
originated.  e photographs of the entire body of Oxypoda stanleyi and the gen-
ital structures were taken using an image processing system (Nikon SMZ 1500
stereoscopic microscope; Nikon digital camera DXM 1200f; and Adobe Photoshop
Terminology mainly follows that employed by Seevers (1978).  e ventral part of
the median lobe of the aedeagus is considered to be the part of the bulbus containing
the foramen mediale, the entrance of the ductus ejaculatorius, and the adjacent venter
of the tubus; the opposite side is referred to as the dorsal part.
Authorship of a new taxon. Authorship of a new taxon is attributed to Klimaszewski,
J. and McLean, J. alone.
John A. McLean, Jan Klimaszewski, Agnes Li, Karine Savard / ZooKeys 22: 5–17 (2009)
Repository abbreviations:
CNC Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes, Agri-
culture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
LFC Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry
Centre, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
UBC University of British Columbia, Spencer Entomological Collection, Beaty
Biodiversity Museum, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
UNH University of New Hampshire, Department of Zoology, Durham, New
Hampshire, USA
Tribe Oxypodini  omson, 1859
Genus Oxypoda Mannerheim, 1830
For literature review and diagnosis, see Klimaszewski et al. 2006.
1. Oxypoda stanleyi Klimaszewski & McLean, sp. n.
Figs 19
HOLOTYPE (male): CANADA, British Columbia, Vancouver, Stanley Park, Hol-
low Tree, CWH, 49°18΄22˝N, 123°09΄11˝W, pitfall trap #5, 29.IV-10 V. 2007, J.A.
McLean, A. Li, J. Derhouso ; Staphylinidae A. Li I, 2008 (LFC). PARATYPES:
labelled as the holotype (LFC) 2 males, 1 female, funnel trap #4 (UBC) 1 female;
same labels as the holotype except: 10.V-23.V.2007, pitfall #5 (LFC) 1 male; 20.VI-
29.VI.2007, pitfall #5 (LFC) 1 male, (UBC) 2 males; 10.VII-31.VII.2007, pitfall
#5 (LFC) 1 female; Vancouver, Stanley Park, Vancouver Aquarium, 49°18΄02˝N,
123°07΄04˝W, pitfall trap #1, 20.IV-29.IV.2007, pitfall #1, J.A. McLean, A. Li, J.
Derhouso (LFC) 1 male; same data except: 29.IV-10.V.2007, pitfall #1 (LFC) 1
male; 10.V-23.V.2007, pitfall #4 (LFC) 2 males, (UBC) 5 males, 1 female; 23.V-7.
VI.2007, pitfall #5 (LFC) 1 female, (UBC) 2 males; 19.VI-10.VII.2007, pitfall #4
(LFC) 1 male, (UBC) 2 females.
Etymology. is species is named for the type locality where the original speci-
mens were captured. Stanley Park was formally opened in 1888 by Lord Stanley, Earl
of Preston, the Governor General of Canada (Steele 1988).
Diagnosis. Oxypoda stanleyi may be distinguished from the remaining Nearctic
species of Oxypoda by the following features: body narrowly oval, rust-brown with
dark brown head and at least posterior third of abdomen, forebody with scarcely visible
microsculpture, length 1.61.9 mm, antennae strongly thickened and incrassate (Fig.
First survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 9
Figure 1. Oxypoda stanleyi Klimaszewski & McLean, sp. n., dorsal habitus.
John A. McLean, Jan Klimaszewski, Agnes Li, Karine Savard / ZooKeys 22: 5–17 (2009)
1), median lobe of aedeagus and spermatheca of a characteristic shape (Figs. 2, 3, 7).
Known to occur in coastal British Columbia.
Description. Body small, reddish-brown with dark brown head and at least
posterior half of abdomen; length 1.61.9 mm, approximately narrowly oval, slight-
ly broadest at middle of elytra, abdomen subparallel basally and gradually nar-
rowed posterad (Fig. 1); forebody with scarcely visible microsculpture, sculpticells
of  attened hexagonal shape; integument moderately glossy; pubescence sparse on
head and abdomen and denser elsewhere (Fig. 1). Head (Fig. 1) broadest at poste-
rior eye level, narrower than pronotum, pubescence directed anterad centrally and
slightly obliquely laterad laterally, frontal suture and infraorbital carina strong; eyes
moderately sized, approximately as long as postocular area; antennae strongly swol-
len, articles 49 strongly transverse and incrassate (Fig. 1); maxillary palpus with
4 articles, last one needle-shaped; labial palpus with 3 articles; glossae separated,
V-shaped; pronotum moderately convex, strongly transverse and slightly narrower
than elytra at maximum width, ratio of maximum pronotal width/length 1.3, pu-
bescence directed straight posterad along midline of disc and obliquely posteri-
orly elsewhere (Fig. 1); elytra slightly broader at middle than pronotum and at
suture slightly shorter than pronotum, pubescence directed approximately straight
to slightly obliquely posterad (Fig. 1); abdomen subparallel basally and slightly ta-
pering apically; three basal tergites with strong basal impressions; metatarsus with
basal article elongate and at least as long as two following articles combined. Male.
Tergite 8 slightly transverse, truncate apically, antecostal suture slightly sinuate
medially (Fig. 5). Sternite 8 slightly elongate, rounded apically, antecostal suture
slightly sinuate medially (Fig. 6). Median lobe of aedeagus with moderately sized
bulbus and subparallel tubus abruptly tapering apically in dorsal view (Fig. 3); ven-
ter of tubus arcuate basally and straight subapically ending sharply in lateral view
(Fig. 2); crista apicalis large (Fig. 2); internal sac with complex structures (Figs. 2,
3); paramere with narrow and elongate apical lobe, subapical and basal setae mod-
erately long (Fig. 4). Female. Tergite 8 similar to that of male (Fig. 8). Sternite 8
approximately as long as wide, truncate apically, antecostal suture straight medially
(Fig. 9). Spermatheca with small spherical capsule with invagination facing up and
long and narrow sinuate stem (Fig. 7).
Distribution. Oxypoda stanleyi is known only from Stanley Parkm in Vancouver,
British Columbia.
Collection and habitat data. Adults were collected from April through July using
pitfall traps and one specimen was captured in a funnel trap.  e majority of speci-
mens were captured in May.  e thick antennae indicate that this species may be a li-
ated with ants, but this needs to be con rmed by  eld observations.
Comments. Oxypoda stanleyi is distinct from other Nearctic species of Oxypoda by
the short macrosetae on the apical tergites and sternites 8 (Figs. 5, 6, 8, 9), and by its
swollen antennae. Due to these characteristics it should be assigned to a species group
of its own. Externally, except for the swollen antennae, it resembles the species from
the Inimica species group described by Klimaszewski et al. (2006). It keys to couplet 2
First survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 11
Figures 29. Genital structures and terminalia of Oxypoda stanleyi (26 male): 2 median lobe of ae-
deagus in lateral, and dorsal view 3, 4 paramere 5 tergite 8 6 sternite 8 (79 female): 7 spermatheca 8
tergite 8 9 sternite 8.
8, 9
2, 3, 7
John A. McLean, Jan Klimaszewski, Agnes Li, Karine Savard / ZooKeys 22: 5–17 (2009)
in Klimaszewski et al. (2006), which should be modi ed as follows to accommodate
this species:
Key to Oxypoda species occurring in Canada and Alaska
2 Body length 1.61.9 mm, antennae strongly swollen, articles 9 and 10 more
than twice as broad as long (Fig. 1), known to occur in coastal British Colum-
bia .....................................................................................O. stanleyi sp. n.
Body length 2.23.2 mm, antennae moderately swollen, articles 9 and 10
usually less than twice as broad as long, known from western and northern
Canada ......................................................................................................3
2. Oxypoda opaca (Gravenhorst)
(For illustrations and details, see Hoebeke 1989 and Klimaszewski et al. 2006).
CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver, Stanley Park, Vancouver Aquarium, CWH
(49°18΄02˝N, 123°07΄04˝W), Funnel trap 1, 29.IV-10.V.2007, J.A. McLean, A. Li, J.
Derhouso (UBC) 1 male.
Oxypoda opaca is a widespread Palaearctic species previously recorded in North
America in the United States from North and South Carolina, New York, and Ver-
mont (Hoebeke 1989). It was  rst recorded in Canada from Ontario and Nova Scotia
(Klimaszewski et al. 2006).  is species is here newly recorded from British Columbia.
Tribe Athetini Casey, 1910
(For literature review and diagnosis, see Klimaszewski and Winchester 2002).
3. Dalotia coriaria (Kraatz)
(For diagnosis, illustrations and literature reviews, see Klimaszewski et al. 2007, Gouix
and Klimaszewski 2007).
CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver, Stanley Park, Hollow Tree, CWH
(49°18΄22˝N, 123°09΄11˝W), Funnel trap 2, 10.VII-31.VII.2007, J.A. McLean, A.
Li, J. Derhouso (UBC) 1 male.
Dalotia coriaria is a cosmopolitan species that is adventive in many parts of the
world including Europe, east Africa, Madagascar, New Zealand, Galapagos Islands
(Benick and Lohse 1974; Pace 1999; Sivasubramaniam et al. 1997; Klimaszewski and
Peck 1998), and North America (Klimaszewski et al. 2007). In Canada it has previ-
ously been recorded from Ontario and Alberta (Klimaszewski et al. 2007, Gouix and
Klimaszewski 2007), and in the United States from California, Florida, Louisiana,
First survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 13
Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York (Moore and Legner 1975; Muona 1984;
Frank 1980; Gusarov 2003).  is species is here newly recorded from British Colum-
bia.  e isolated and disjunctive distribution of D. coriaria in Canada represents prob-
ably three independent introduction events.
4. Mocyta fungi (Gravenhorst)
CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver, Stanley Park, Vancouver Aquarium, CWH
(49°18΄02˝N, 123°07΄04˝W), Pitfall trap 4, 31.VII-21.VIII.2007, J.A. McLean, A. Li,
J. Derhouso (UBC) 1 female; Vancouver Aquarium, Pitfall trap 2, 29.IV-10.V.2007,
J.A. McLean, A. Li, J. Derhouso (UBC) 1 female.
Mocyta fungi is a cosmopolitan species, which most likely arrived in North
America from Europe where it is represented by both sexes or by females only. In
most other locations including Canada, it is represented only by females. Smetana
(2004) recorded it from Europe, North Africa, Asia and North America. Gusarov
(20012003) reported it from New Brunswick and Majka and Klimaszewski (2008)
reported it from Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Most specimens from these
locations were collected from agricultural  elds with a few from coastal habitats
(Majka et al. 2008). Gouix and Klimaszewski (2007) recorded it from Labrador,
Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario, Klimaszewski et al. (2008)
provided new records from Yukon and Alaska, and Majka and Klimaszewski (2008)
provided new records from the interior of British Columbia. Mocyta fungi is here
newly recorded from coastal British Columbia.
Tribe Homalotini Heer
(For literature review and diagnosis, see Klimaszewski et al. 2004).
Subtribe Bolitocharina  omson
Leptusa gatineauensis Klimaszewski and Pelletier
(For details and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2004).
CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver, Stanley Park, Hollow Tree, CWH
(49°18΄22˝N, 123°09΄11˝W), Funnel trap 1, 29.IV-10.V.2007, J.A. McLean, A.
Li, J. Derhouso (UBC) 1 female; Vancouver Aquarium, CWH (49°18΄02˝N,
123°07΄04˝W), Funnel trap 1, 10.V-23.V.2007, J.A. McLean, A. Li, J. Derhouso
(UBC) 1 female.
Leptusa gatineauensis was described by Klimaszewski et al. (2004) on specimens
from Nova Scotia and Ontario. It was then reported from Alberta by Majka and Kli-
maszewski (2008).
John A. McLean, Jan Klimaszewski, Agnes Li, Karine Savard / ZooKeys 22: 5–17 (2009)
Table 1. List of rove beetles captured in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Subfamilies and species
are listed alphabetically. New distributions are in bold. Adventive species are marked with an asterisk (*).
Canadian provinces and territories and American states are abbreviated. Site A is located in the area adja-
cent to the Vancouver Aquarium and site B along the Rawlings Trail near the Hollow Tree.
Subfamilies and species Distribution in
Canada Collecting
sites in
period Number
Amischa sp. 1 BC A VIII–X 1 LFC
Amischa sp. 2 BC A, B V, VIII, X 3 LFC, UBC
Aleochara fumata
(Gravenhorst)* AB, BC, MB,
Atheta (Dimetrota)
hampshirensis Bernhauer AK, BC, NB,
Atheta (Atheta) ringi
Klimaszewski BC A VI–VII 1 UBC
Atheta (Alaobia) ventricosa
Bernhauer AK, BC, ON,
Dalotia coriaria (Kraatz)* AB, ON, BC B VII 1 UBC
Leptusa gatineauensis
Klimaszewski ON, QC, NS,
Mocyta fungi
(Gravenhorst)* ON, QC, NB,
NF & LB, NS,
Oxypoda opaca
(Gravenhorst)* ON, NS, BC A IV–V 1 UBC
Oxypoda stanleyi
Klimaszewski & McLean
sp. n.
Placusa tacomae Casey YT, NT, BC, AB,
Placusa vaga Casey BC, QC A VII 1 UBC
Stictalia californica (Casey) BC A, B V, VII,
Micropeplus punctatus
LeConte AK, BC A, B V, VI, VII 4 LFC, UBC
Acrulia tumidula (Mäklin) AK, BC A IV 1 UBC
Anthobium  metarium
(Mannerheim) AK, BC B VIII–X 3 UBC
Amphichroum maculatum
Horn BC B VI 1 UBC
Deinopteroloma subcostatum
(Mäklin) AK, BC A, B V, VI, VIII,
First survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 15
We thank Pamela Cheers, English Editor (LFC), for editing the  rst draft of this man-
uscript. Taxonomic assistance was provided by A. Smetana, Agriculture and Agri-Food
Canada, Ottawa, who identi ed Quedius crescenti and by D. Chandler, University of
New Hampshire, USA, who identi ed Oropus striatus.
Subfamilies and species Distribution in
Canada Collecting
sites in
period Number
Eusphalerum pothos
Mannerheim AK, BC, AB,
B IV, V, VI 18 UBC
Hapalaraea megarthroides
(Fauvel) BC, AB B VIII–X 1 UBC
Phloeonomus laesicollis
(Mäklin) AK, BC, AB,
Oxytelus laqueatus
(Marsham)* AK, BC, YT, AB,
Syntomium grahami Hatch AK, BC, QC,
Lathrobium sp. BC B VI–VII 1 UBC
Megarthrus pictus
Motschulsky AK, BC A VIII–X 1 UBC
Proteinus limbatus Mäklin AK, BC, ON B VIII–X 2 UBC
Oropus striatus (LeConte) BC A, B IV, V, VI,
Dinothenarus pleuralis
(LeConte) BC, AB A IV, V, VI,
Gabrius virilis (Horn) BC A IV–V 1 UBC
Quedius crescenti Hatch BC A, B VII, VIII 6 CNC,
Mycetoporus sp. BC B V 1
Tachinus crotchi Horn BC A, B VII, VIII 7 LFC, UBC
Tachinus nigricornis
Mannerheim AK, BC, AB B VII 1 UBC
Tachinus semirufus Horn AK, BC A, B V, VI, VII 20 LFC, UBC
John A. McLean, Jan Klimaszewski, Agnes Li, Karine Savard / ZooKeys 22: 5–17 (2009)
Campbell JM (1973) A revision of the genus Tachinus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of America
north of Mexico. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 90: 1106.
Benick G, Lohse, GA (1974) Tribus: Callicerini (Atheta). In: Freude H, Harde KW, Lohse GA
(Eds) Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 5: Staphylinidae II (Hypocyphtinae und Aleochari-
nae) Pselaphidae. Goecke & Evers Verlag, Krefeld, 72221.
Frank JH (1980) Atheta coriaria (Kraatz) (Aleocharinae) and Sunius con uentus (Say) (Paederi-
nae) in Florida (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae).  e Coleopterists Bulletin. 34: 388.
Gouix N, Klimaszewski J (2007) Catalogue of Aleocharine Rove Beetles of Canada and Alaska
(Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). Pensoft Publish ers, So a-Moscow, 166 pp.
Gusarov VI (20012003) A catalogue of the athetine species of America north of Mexico (Co-
leoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Athetini).
catweb.htm [accessed 30 July 2008].
Gusarov VI (2003) Revision of some types of North American aleocharines (Coleoptera: Sta-
phylinidae: Aleocharinae), with synonymic notes. Zootaxa 353: 1134.
Hatch MH (1957)  e beetles of the Paci c Northwest. Part II: Staphyliniformia. University
of Washington Press, Seattle, 16: 1384.
Hoebeke ER (1989) First record of the Palaearctic species Oxypoda opaca (Gravenhorst) from
North America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Journal of the New York Ento-
mological Society 97: 448454.
Klimaszewski J (2000) Diversity of the rove beetles in Canada and Alaska (Coleoptera Staphyli-
nidae). Mémoires de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie 39: 3126.
Klimaszewski J, Peck SB (1998) A review of aleocharine rove beetles from the Galapagos Islands,
Ecuador (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 105: 221260.
Klimaszewski J, Pelletier G, Germain C, Hébert C, Humble LM, Winchester NN (2001) Di-
versity of Placusa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) in Canada, with descriptions
of two new species.  e Canadian Entomologist 133: 147.
Klimaszewski J, Winchester NN (2002) Aleocharine rove beetles (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) of
the ancient Sitka spruce forest on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Mémoires
de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie 40: 3126.
Klimaszewski J, Pelletier G, Majka C (2004) A revision of Canadian Leptusa Kraatz (Col.,
Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae): new species, new distribution records, key and taxonomic
considerations. Belgian Journal of Entomology 6: 342.
Klimaszewski J, Pelletier G, Germain C, Work T, Hébert C (2006) Review of Oxypoda species
in Canada and Alaska (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae): systematics, bionomics
and distribution.  e Canadian Entomologist 138: 737852.
Klimaszewski J, Assing V, Majka CG, Pelletier G, Webster RP, Langor D (2007) Records of
adventive aleocharine beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) found in Canada.
e Canadian Entomologist 139: 5479.
Klimaszewski J, Godin B, Pelletier G, Savard K (2008) Six new species and records of aleo-
charine beetles from the Yukon and Alaska (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae).  e
Canadian Entomologist 140: 265291.
First survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 17
Majka CG, Klimaszewski J (2008) Introduced Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) in the Maritime
Provinces of Canada.  e Canadian Entomologist 140: 4872.
Majka CG, Klimaszewski J (2008) New records of Canadian Aleocharinae. Biodiversity, Biosys-
tematics, and Ecology of Canadian Coleoptera. In: Majka CG, Klimaszewski J (Eds) Biodi-
versity, Biosystematics, and Ecology of Canadian Coleoptera. ZooKeys 2: 85114. http:// [accessed 28 January 2009].
Majka CG, Klimaszewski J, Lau RF (2008)  e coastal rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)
of Atlantic Canada: a survey and new records. In: Majka CG, Klimaszewski J (Eds) Biodi-
versity, Biosystematics, and Ecology of Canadian Coleoptera. ZooKeys 2: 115150. http:// [accessed 28 January 2009].
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(Coleoptera). University of California Division of Agricultural Sciences Special Publication
No. 3015: 1514.
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tera: Staphylinidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 15: 227231.
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Pace R (1999) Insectes Coléoptères Staphylinidae Aleocharinae. Faune de Madagascar, Paris
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Seevers CH (1978) A generic and tribal revision of the North American Aleocharinae (Coleop-
tera: Staphylinidae). Fieldiana Zoology 71: i-vi, 1289.
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Staphylinidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 79: I-VI, 1303.
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Staphylinidae). Supplementum 3.  e Canadian Entomologist 108: 170.
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John A. McLean, Jan Klimaszewski, Agnes Li, Karine Savard / ZooKeys 22: 5–17 (2009)
Corrigenda to:
Klimaszewski J, Savard K, Pelletier G, Webster R (2008) Species review of the genus
Gnypeta omson from Canada, Alaska and Greenland (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae,
Aleocharinae): systematics, bionomics and distribution. ZooKeys 2: 11–84.
e following changes should be made: p. 44, Figs 99–107, change Gnypeta brincki
to Gnypeta caerula, and p. 57, Figs 139-147, change Gnypeta brincki to Gnypeta
Keys to genera and species of the tribe Athetini Casey are provided. A review is provided for the following genera: Acrotona, Adota, Aloconota, Amischa, Atheta, Bellatheta, Boreophilia, Boreostiba, Dinaraea, Dochmonota, Earota, Hydrosmecta, Liogluta, Lypoglossa, Mocyta, Paragoniusa, Philhygra, Schistoglossa, Strigota, Tarphiota, and Trichiusa. The following is provided for each species: a morphological diagnosis, distribution, information about habitat and methods of collection, key references, colour images of the habitus, and black and white images of the genitalia (median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca) and terminal segments of both sexes.
Three genera Leptusa, Gyrophaena, and Silusa of the tribe Homalotini Heer are found in Arctic/Subarctic region of Canada and Alaska. The following is provided for each species: a morphological diagnosis, distribution, information about habitat and methods of collection, key references, colour images of the habitus, and black and white images of the genitalia (median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca) and terminal segments of both sexes.
Keys to genera and 44 species of the tribe Oxypodini C.G. Thomson are provided. Calodera bennetti Klimaszewski, sp. n., is described as a new species with the first record of the genus Calodera in BC. A review of BC species of Alfocalea Klimaszewski (1 sp.), Betocalea Klimaszewski (1 sp.), Blepharhymenus Solier (1 sp.), Calodera Mannerheim (1), Crataraea C.G. Thomson (1 sp.), Devia Blackwelder (1 sp.), Gnathusa Fenyes (2 spp.), Megocalea Klimaszewski (1 sp.), Meotica Mulsant and Rey (1 sp), Metocalea Klimaszewski (1 sp.), Mniusa Mulsant and Rey (1 sp.), Neoisoglossa Casey (1 sp.), Neothetalia Klimaszewski (6 spp.), Ocalea Erichson(1sp), Ocyusa Kraatz (1 sp.), Oxypoda Mannerheim (19 spp.), Parocalea Bernhauer (1 sp.), and Phloeopora C.G. Thomson (3 spp.) is presented. The following is provided for each species: a morphological diagnosis, distribution, information about habitat and methods of collection, key references, colour images of the habitus, and black and white images of the genitalia (median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca) and terminal segments of both sexes.
A serious dialogue cannot take place on a historical review of taxonomic research on the North American Aleocharinae without the mention of one of the early students of Coleopterology in this country, Thomas Lincoln Casey (Fig. 2.1a). Casey was one of the most prolific describers of species-level taxa in the subfamily Aleocharinae.
Review of 101 species of the tribe Athetini is provided. The following genera are recorded: Adota Casey (1 sp.), Aloconota C.G. Thomson (2 spp.), Amischa C.G. Thomson (1 sp.), Atheta C.G. Thomson (44 spp.), Boreophilia Lohse (1 sp.), Boreostiba Lohse (3 sp.), Clusiota Casey (1 sp.), Dalotia Casey (1 sp.), Dinaraea C.G. Thomson (4 sp.), Dochmonota C.G. Thomson (1 sp.), Earota Mulsant and Rey (1 sp.), Geostiba C.G. Thomson (1 sp.), Goniusa Casey(1 sp.), Liogluta C.G. Thomson(7 spp.), Lypoglossa Fenyes (2 spp.), Mocyta Mulsant and Rey (3 spp.), Nehemitropia Lohse (1 sp.), Ousipalia Gozis (1 sp.), Paraleptonia Klimaszewski (1 sp.), Parogoniusa Maruyama and Klimaszewski (1 sp.), Pelioptera Kraatz (1 sp.), Philhygra Mulsant and Rey (7 spp.), Pontomalota Casey (1 sp.), Psammostiba Yosii and Sawada (2 spp.), Schistoglossa Kraatz (4 spp.), Seeversiella Ashe(1 sp.), Strigota Casey (2 sp.), Tarphiota Casey (2 spp.), Thinusa Casey (2 spp.), and Trichiusa Casey (2 spp.). The following is provided for each species: a morphological diagnosis, distribution, information about habitat and methods of collection, key references, colour images of the habitus, and black and white images of the genitalia (median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca) and terminal segments of both sexes.
Keys to genera and species of the tribe Homalotini Heer are provided. A review of the species of Encephalus Stephens (1), Gyrophaena Mannerheim (5 spp.), Leptusa Kraatz (1 sp.), Leptusomorpha Klimaszewski and Hoebeke, gen. n. (1 sp.), Silusa Erichson (3 spp.), and Stictalia Casey (6 spp). Each species is provided with major references, diagnosis, distribution, collection and habitat data, and illustrated by colour images of habitus, and black and white images of median lobe of aedeagus, spermatheca and male and female tergite and sternite VIII.
[∗Holarctic species, †adventive species, ‡species of uncertain distribution status—adventive in Canada or Holarctic, species without marks are native; numbers in brackets indicate number of species per taxon]
Keys to genera and species of the tribe Oxypodini C.G. Thomson are provided. A review of the species of Alisalia Casey (3 spp.), Apimela Mulsant and Rey (2 spp.), Blepharhymenus Solier (1 sp.), Calodera Mannerheim (2 spp.), Cratarea C.G. Thomson (1 spp.), Devia Blackwelder (1 sp.), Dexiogyia C.G. Thomson (1 sp.), Gennadota Casey (1 sp.), Gnathusa Fenyes (2 spp.), Gyronycha Casey (1 sp.), Hylota Casey (2 spp.), Ilyobates Kraatz (1 sp.), Meotica Mulsant and Rey (3 spp.), Mniusa Mulsant and Rey (3 spp.), Neothetalia Klimaszewski (1 sp.), Ocyusa Kraatz (2 spp.), Oxypoda Mannerheim (22 spp.), Parocalea Bernhauer (1 sp.), Phloeopora Erichson (4 spp.), and Tectusa Bernhauer (2 spp.) recorded in eastern Canada is presented. The following is provided for each species: a morphological diagnosis, distribution, information about habitat and methods of collection, key references, colour images of the habitus, and black and white images of the genitalia (median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca) and terminal segments of both sexes.
Keys to genera and species of the tribe Homalotini Heer are provided. A review of the species of Agaricochara Kraatz (1 sp.); Agaricomorpha Ashe (1 sp.), Anomognathus Solier (1 sp.), Cyphea Fenyes (1 sp.), Eumicrota Casey (2 spp.), Gyrophaena Mannerheim (32 spp.), Homalota Mannerheim (1 sp.), Leptusa Kraatz (9 spp.), Neotobia Casey (1 sp.), Phanerota Casey (1 sp.), Phymatura J. Sahlberg (1 sp.), Pleurotobia Casey (2 spp.), Silusa Erichson (5 spp.), Silusida Casey (1 sp.), and Thecturota Casey (2 spp). A new subgenus of Leptusa, Gatineauleptusa Klimaszewski, is erected. Each species is provided with major references, diagnosis, distribution, collection and habitat data, and illustrated by colour images of habitus, and black and white images of median lobe of aedeagus, spermatheca and male and female tergite and sternite VIII.
Keys to genera and species of the tribe Athetini Casey are provided. A review of the species of Acrotona C.G. Thomson (6 spp.), Alevonota C.G. Thomson (1 sp.), Aloconota C.G. Thomson (2 spp.), Amischa C.G. Thomson (1 sp.), Atheta C.G. Thomson (71 spp.), Boreophilia Benick (5 spp.), Boreostiba Lohse (4 spp.), Callicerus Casey (2 spp.), Clusiota Casey (2 spp.), Dalotia Casey (1 sp.), Dinaraea C.G. Thomson (11 spp.), Dochmonota C.G. Thomson (1 sp.), Earota Mulsant and Rey (1 sp.), Geostiba C.G. Thomson (2 spp.), Hydrosmecta Thomson (6 spp.), Liogluta Thomson (7 spp.), Lypoglossa Fenyes (2 spp.), Meronera Sharp (1 sp.), Mocyta Mulsant and Rey (5 spp.), Nehemitropia Lohse (1 spp.), Parogoniusa Maruyama and Klimaszewski (1 sp.), Pelioptera Kraatz (2 spp.), Philhygra Mulsant and Rey (19 spp.), Schistoglossa Kraatz (6 spp.), Seeversiella Ashe (1 sp.), Stethusa Casey (2 spp.), Strigota Casey (2 spp.), Strophogastra Fenyes (1 sp.), Thamiaraea C.G. Thomson (3 spp.), Tomoglossa Kraatz (1 sp.), and Trichiusa (Casey 5 spp.) recorded in eastern Canada is presented. The following is provided for each species: a morphological diagnosis, distribution, information about habitat and methods of collection, key references, colour images of the habitus, and black and white images of the genitalia (median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca) and terminal segments of both sexes.
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The Galapagos aleocharine rove beetles are reviewed. Fifteen species (3 new), in 9 genera and 7 tribes are recognised in our collections: Athetini: Atheta (Acrotona)pseudoclaudiensis sp. n. (endemic), A. (Atheta) coriaria (Kraatz) (introduced, new record), A. lurida (Erichson) (native), A. dichroa (Gravenhorst) (native), A. galapagoensis Pace (endemic); Myllaenini: Myllaena leleupi Pace (endemic); Rothium littoralis sp. n. (probably endemic); Hypocyphtini (=Oligotini): Oligota (Holobus) chrysopyga Kraatz (introduced, new record); Homalotini (=Bolitocharini): Diesota (Apheloglossa) franziana (Pace) (status uncertain, possibly endemic), D. (Apheloglossa) leleupi Pace (probably endemic), Phanerota tridentata sp. n. (probably introduced), Thecturota franzi Pace (probably endemic); Falagriini: Myrmecocephalus concinnus (Erichson) (introduced, new record); Placusini: Euvira scalesia sp. n. (endemic, new record) and Oxypodini: Feluva franzi Pace (probably endemic). The tribes Falagriini, Hypocyphtini and Placusini are reported from the islands for the first time. Diesota galapagosensis Pace (1985a), and Rothium ashlocki Ahn & Ashe (1996), previously reported from Galapagos, are not confirmed in our material. All but the unconfirmed species are described/redescribed and their diagnostic features illustrated. Data on bionomics and species affiliations are briefly discussed. Keys for identification are provided. Most naturally occurring species occur in the arid vegetation zone. The 17 known species seem to represent at least 17 separate colonization events.
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The first comprehensive catalogue of difficult to identify and poorly known Canadian and Alaskan aleocharine rove beetles is presented. Aleocharine rove beetles represent one of the great monophyletic radiations in the history of life. This radiation is characterized by diverse habitat, microecological and behavioural specialization in various lineages. Their small size, strongly flexible body, defensive strategies, excellent mobility and their ability to adapt to various microhabitats enabled them to compete with other arthropods and succeed. This catalogue is meant to bridge the gap in our knowledge and provide the most recent list of synonyms and valid species occurring in Canada and Alaska in a classification that reflects the current state of knowledge. In total, 387 valid species classified in 92 genera and 14 tribes, and 351 synonyms and 6 uncertain records are reported. Compiled information is provided on the tribes, genera, species and synonyms with references to the original descriptions for genera and species, the status of each species, references to revision and monographic publication if applicable, and a summary of current distribution of valid species. There are 312 references on the subject and 102 colour images of species representing genera included in the catalogue. The authors hope that this publication will stimulate further efforts to unravel the history of Canadian and Alaskan rove beetles fauna.
A new species of the genus Quedius Steph., Q. infernus spec. nov., is described from Oregon and Washington. Additional data on taxonomy, bionomics, and geographical distribution of many species are presented.
The subfamily Aleocharinae is a large group of Staphylinidae beetles represented by many genera and a large number of species in all zoogeographical regions. The taxonomy of this group is rather difficult and relies heavily on the characters of the male copulatory organ and of the spermatheca. In the present study, additional new data for several Malagasy Aleocharinae and new species are presented. The material studied comes from the Jarrige collection. Eight tribes (Corotocini, Hypocyphtini, Leucocraspedini, Pronomaeini, Gyrophaenini, Homalotini, Diestotini and Oxypodinini), 16 genera (Millotoca, Oligota, Leucocraspedum, Myllaena, Tomoxelia, Nopromaea, Bryothinusa, Gyrophaena, Brachida, Neobrachida, Placusa, Homalota, Neosilusa, Coenonica, Diestota and Heterotaxus) and 45 species are recognized. Nineteen species are described as new to science, seven of the genus Myllaena (M. anjavidilavensis n. sp., M. microptera n. sp., M. imaitsensis n. sp., M. maroantsetrensis n. sp., M. muscicola n. sp., M. lemuriana n. sp. and M. terricola n. sp.), one of the genus Nopromaea (N. andringitrensis n. sp.), one of the genus Tomoxelia (T. ambrensis n. sp.), one of the genus Bryothinusa (B. madecassa n. sp.), one of the genus Gyrophaena (G. insularis n. sp.), one of the genus Brachida (B. hova n. sp.), three of the genus Placusa (P. malgascia n. sp., P. madecassa n. sp. and P. convexa n. sp.), one of the genus Homalota (H. antongilicola n. sp.) one of the genus Coenonica (C. incisa n. sp.) and two of the genus Heterotaxus (H. pauliani n. sp. and H. malgascius n. sp.). The genus Oligusa Wasmann, 1897 is placed in synonymy with Oligota Mannerheim, 1831. New combination is proposed for Oligusa crematogastris Wasmann, 1897. The genus Bryothinusa is recorded from Madagascar for the first time. The female has been recovered, first unknown, for one species (Tomoxelia andohahela Pace, 1999) and here for the first time the spermatheca is illustrated. Each new species is described and illustrated. All available distributional data are presented. With the present study the number of the Aleocharinae species from Madagascar is of 494 of which 474 are endemic. © Publications Scientifiques du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle.
This bibliography of publications from 1758 to 1972 concerning the taxonomy, developmental stages, and ecology of the beetle family Staphylinidae of America north of Mexico includes references to works dealing with the original generic, subgeneric, and specific descriptions. Full titles of works are given as they appear on the title pages preceding authors’ names. Not given are all references to works containing subsequent descriptions of species that have a wider distribution than the area described in the title.