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  • University of Applied Health Sciences


The main goal of the research is to determine the latent structure of the psychological questionnaires within Multidimensional Scale of Sports' Psychological Talents (MSSPT): Mental Energy Scale (MES), Modified Big Five Inventory (MBFI), Athletic Engagement Scale (AES) and Optimism Scale (OS). Second goal was to determine the correlation between the dimensions in all examined psychological characteristics in MSSPT, as well as with several relevant sport-related variables. The sample of 127 male handball players was examined, members of the teams Prvo plinarsko društvo, Metalac (Zagreb) and Zamet (Rijeka), in the beginning of 2015. In this study, four instruments from the battery MSSPT are used. The results show that 12 latent dimensions are revealed after the application of PCA, named: Openness/ Agreeableness/ Consciousness, Neuroticism/ Openness and Extraversion/ Agreeableness/ Consciousness (from MBFI), Enthusiasm/ Energy, Dedication and Self-esteem (from AES), Energy as motivator, Energy as strength during errors, Energy which lowing pressure and Energy as stable performance (from MES), Optimism/ Happiness and Energy (from OS). Almost all the dimensions in all the questionnaires showed satisfactory validity and reliability. Statistically significant correlations between the dimensions of MSSPT with relevant variables are very few (6 out of 72), mostly related with handball experience. The number of intercorrelations indicate that some of psychological characteristics within MSSPT are mostly positively but low correlated.
The main goal of the research is to determine the
latent structure of the psychological questionnaires within
Multidimensional Scale of Sports' Psychological Talents
(MSSPT): Mental Energy Scale (MES), Modified Big
Five Inventory (MBFI), Athletic Engagement Scale
(AES) and Optimism Scale (OS). Second goal was to
determine the correlation between the dimensions in all
examined psychological characteristics in MSSPT, as
well as with several relevant sport-related variables. The
sample of 127 male handball players was examined,
members of the teams Prvo plinarsko društvo, Metalac
(Zagreb) and Zamet (Rijeka), in the beginning of 2015. In
this study, four instruments from the battery MSSPT are
used. The results show that 12 latent dimensions are
revealed after the application of PCA, named: Openness/
Agreeableness/ Consciousness, Neuroticism/ Openness
and Extraversion/ Agreeableness/ Consciousness (from
MBFI), Enthusiasm/ Energy, Dedication and Self-esteem
(from AES), Energy as motivator, Energy as strength
during errors, Energy which lowing pressure and Energy
as stable performance (from MES), Optimism/ Happiness
and Energy (from OS). Almost all the dimensions in all the
questionnaires showed satisfactory validity and
reliability. Statistically significant correlations between
the dimensions of MSSPT with relevant variables are very
few (6 out of 72), mostly related with handball experience.
The number of intercorrelations indicate that some of
psychological characteristics within MSSPT are mostly
positively but low correlated.
Key words: measuring instruments, psychological
talents, sport performance
Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi latentne
strukture psiholoških upitnika unutar Višedimenzionalne
Skale Psiholoških Sportskih Talenata (MSSPT): Skale
mentalne energije (MES), Modificiranog Big Five
Inventara (MBFI), Skale sportskog zalaganja (AES) i
Skale optimizma (OS). Drugi cilj bio je utvrditi
povezanost izmeðu dimenzija u svim ispitivanim
psihološkim obilježjima u MSSPT, kao i s još nekoliko za
sport relevantnih varijabli. Ispitan je uzorak od 127
rukometaša, èlanova momèadi timova Prvo plinarsko
društvo, Metalac (Zagreb) i Zamet (Rijeka), poèetkom
2015. godine. U ovoj studiji, koristila su se èetiri
instrumenta iz baterije MSSPT. Rezultati su pokazali
postojanje 12 latentnih dimenzija, nakon primjene PCA,
pod nazivom: Otvorenost / ugodnost / savjesnost,
Neuroticizam / otvorenost i Ekstraverzija / ugodnost /
savjesnost (iz MBFI), Entuzijazam / energija, Predanost i
Samopoštovanje (iz AES), Energija kao motivator,
En ergizir anost kao snaga tije kom p ogr aka,
Energiziranost koja smanjuje pritisak i Energiziranost kao
stabilna izvedba (od MES), Optimizam / sreæa i
Energiènost (iz OS). Skoro sve dimenzije u svim
anketama su pokazale zadovoljavajuæu valjanost i
pouzdanost. statistièki znaèajnih povezanosti izmeðu
dimenzija MSSPT s relevantnim varijablama je vrlo malo
(6 od 72), a uglavnom su vezane uz rukometno iskustvo.
Broj interkorelacija ukazuje na to da su neke od
psiholoških karakteristika unutar MSSPT uglavnom
pozitivno, ali nisko povezane.
Kljuène rijeèi: mjerni instrumenti, psihološki talenti,
sportska izvedba
1 2 3
Snježana Schuster , Joško Sindik , Una Kavran
1University of Health Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
2Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia
3Keuco GmbH & Co. KG, Hemer, Germany
Hrvat. Športskomed. Vjesn. 2016; 31: 29-38
Handball, as the dynamic sports game requests high-
level demands on the athletes. Highly intensive motor
activity needs high level of basic and specific motor
abilities, such as explosive strength, agility and speed. On
the other hand, high-level cardio-respiratory capacities
are infallible for the performance of specific motor tasks
and space orientation, as well as which are indispensable
for the efficient solving of game situations (25). Holistic
and interdisciplinary approach in certain sport is
necessary for sport development of the athletes, and for
fulfilling the tasks that they have to do during the
processes of sport competition or/and sport training (1)
(19). Elite athletes in certain sports are very often similar
or equalized among themselves in many relevant elements
of sport fitness and sport-related characteristics
(morphological, psychological, motor, etc.) (25). Among
these sport-related characteristics, psychological factors
could have decisive role in a competition and training, by
differentiating between successful and less successful
teams and/or individual athletes. Therefore, many studies
are conducted to investigate important psychological
characteristics of athletes, as the essential determinants of
sport efficiency. Focus in these studies was the motivation
of the athletes (27) (17), as well as on the psychological
characteristics, such as are the traits and moods (3).
Psychological characteristics are strongly influenced by
the cultural and social environment of the athletes. Except
in essential mainly motivational factors, particularly
important are athletes' behaviors in critical situations
during a competition and during training process (11)
(34), or in situations, which emphasize anxiety (6). In this
study, several psychological characteristics have been
chosen to be examined in male handball players, within
new battery of potential measuring instruments called
Multidimensional Scale of Sports' Psychological Talents
(MSSPT), used for the first time in the study of Sindik,
Missoni and Horvat (30), but without examination of
construct validity of some questionnaires within the
battery MSSPT.
Mental energy (ME) is a construct that describes
specific biological processes involved in the capacity of
brain neurons to do physical work, i.e. to perform physical
activity. ME is related to the mood or motivational and
cognitive processes (29). Self-reported feelings could be
the best method for assessing mood (21). The
performance in the sport competition requires form an
athlete to be focused upon the task, trying to achieve
success. Attention allows selecting information,
sensations and perceptions that are relevant in the
moment. Namely, vigilance and choice reaction time are
convenient for assessing mental energy. Sleepiness,
fatigue, alertness etc. are associated with mood states
corresponding to mental energy. Therefore, the tests of
reaction time and vigilance are approximately equivalent
to the sensitivity. In previous research of the author(s)
(29), ME is used for the estimation of the mood, within
Multidimensional Inventory of Sport Excellence (MUSI).
However, ME could be perceived as stable psychological
characteristic. Hence, it is included in both batteries,
Five-Factor Model (FFM) and the Big Five Model
(BFI) assume that personality can be divided into a
smaller number of fundamental constructs (15).
Following the theory BFI, personality can be described in
terms of five factors: extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to
experience (23). Extraversion describes inclination to
intensive and frequent social interaction, high activity
level, the need for external stimulation and the feature of
joy (32). Agreeableness describes the quality of
interpersonal orientation towards the others. It is a
personality trait manifested in individual behavioral
characteristics that are perceived by the others as kind,
sympathetic, cooperative, warm and considerate (23).
Conscientiousness is manifested in task-oriented and
goal-oriented behavior and socially required impulse
control. Conscientious people are efficient and organized,
opposite than easy-going persons. Neuroticism describes
persons who tend to feel negative emotions (anxiety,
bitterness, sorrow), together with applying maladaptive
stress-coping strategies (the opposite is emotional
stability). Intellect (with the synonym openness to
experience) describes persons who are proactive, who are
seeking and appreciate the experience for its own sake,
showing the tolerance for the unknown and exploration of
the unfamiliar (23).
Athlete engagement (AE) in a sport environment is a
concept studied by Lonsdale, Hodge and Jackson (14). In
the elite sport context, the antecedents (basic
psychological needs) and consequences (dispositional
flow) of AE were identified (10). Namely, expert
performance results from a long-term systematic
engagement in a deliberate practice in a domain (13).
Following that stream, examining the role of AE in
different competitive levels may appear as very important
factor to understand how they are driven to improve their
skills, or to be persistent in practicing their sports (8) (16).
Self-reported measures of athletes' cognitive engagement
has appeared as extremely important in understanding the
multidimensional nature of engagement in different sport
environments (2). Therefore, several studies became
focused on the development of measurement tools to
assess athletes' perceived engagement with sports
activities (13) (14). An exploratory study examined New
Zealand elite athletes, and developed the Athlete
Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ) consisting of four
dimensions: confidence, dedication, vigor, and
enthusiasm (14). Lately, Lonsdale, Hodge, and Raedeke
(13) examined the proposed factor structure using a larger
sample of New Zealand and Canadian elite athletes. In
these studies, AEQ demonstrated good psychometric
properties to assess engagement in sport competitive
environments and to understand the relationship between
burnout and AE.
Finally, optimism (O) is defined as expectancies for
the future. While the pessimists are more doubtful,
hesitant, and anticipate disaster, optimists assume
adversity can be handled successfully (28). Optimism
Schuster S, Sindik J, Kavran U. Psihološka obilježja i crte kod rukometaša – primjena...
appeared as very important feature in the project about the
development of psychological talents in U.S. Olympic
champions (9).
Recently, just a few studies are conducted in Croatia
with the examination of psychological characteristics in
handball players, especially about psychological
constructs, which are included in Multidimensional Scale
of Sports' Psychological Talents (MSSPT) battery. One
pilot study where some subscales of MSSPT was
conducted on a sample of the members of one (the most
successful) handball team (Prvo plinarsko društvo from
Zagreb), in the beginning of 2015. In this study, three
instruments from MSSPT are used for the first time. The
results show that none differences are found between age
groups of handball players in optimism and personality
traits. Seniors perceived themselves as the best mentally
prepared. The youngest handball players (age of 12) were
the most motivated, confident and concentrated, as
compared with other age groups. However, the Optimism
Scale (OS) and Psychological Skills Scale showed
satisfactory reliability (except the subscale Team
emphasis), while Big-Five personality Scale (MBFI)
showed unsatisfactory reliability in all subscales (30).
This study is the extension of this pilot study.
The main goal of the research is to determine the
latent structure of the psychological questionnaires within
MSSPT (MES, MBFI, AES and OS). Second goal was
focused to determine the correlation between the
dimensions of all examined psychological characteristics
in MSSPT, as well as with several relevant sport-related
The research was conducted on a purposeful sample
of 127 subjects, members of three handball teams: Prvo
plinarsko društvo (N=78) and Metalac (N=14) from
Zagreb, and Zamet from Rijeka (N=14), in the beginning
of 2015. Average age of the subjects was 13.88±4.14
years, while their experience of training handball was
5.38±3.67 years. Only three players won a medal in senior
state championship, 22 of them won medals in junior state
championship, 7 of them won medals on junior European
championship, while 18 of them are members of junior
national team.
Measuring instruments
In this stud y, f our i nstrume n t s f r o m
Multidimensional Scale of Sports' Psychological Talents
(MSSPT) are used. The theoretical frameworks of these
three instruments are obtained from belonging measuring
instruments, but with significant modifications: Revised
Life Orientation Test (LOT-R) (26), Big Five
Inventory-10 (BFI-10) (24), Athlete Engagement
Questionnaire (AEQ) (14) and Mental Energy Scale
(MES) (29). MES consists of 14 items based on the self-
evaluation of the level of mental energy (29). Optimism
Scale (OS), a 10-item scale that assesses individual levels
of optimism, follow the framework of LOT-R (26). Big-
Five personality Scale (MBFI, 10 items) is based on
BFI-10 framework (24), and measures Big-Five
personality factors: Extraversion (E), Agreeableness (A),
Conscientiousness (C), Emotional Stability (ES) and
Intellect (I). Athlete Engagement Scale (AES) follow
AEQ framework, comprising 16 items which are
measuring the aspects of AE: dedication, self-esteem,
enthusiasm and energy (14). In all the questionnaires, the
five-point Likert-type scale is used.
According to the Ethical Codex of the Croatian
Psychological Chamber, psychologists conducted the
measurement of psychological characteristics. The
subjects voluntarily and anonymously took part in the
research, with the consent of their coaches, clubs'
managements and themselves, as well as with the parents'
informed consent for the players younger than 18 years of
Statistical analysis
The structures of the questionnaires in MSSPT are
determined using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
with Varimax rotation. Cronbach alpha coefficients are
used to determine internal consistency reliability of the
principal components (PCs), obtained by PCA. In
extracting PCs, the Guttman-Kaiser criterion, Scree Plot
and interpretability criteria are used. The overall results
for certain PCs have been defined as regression factor
scores. Pearson's product moment coefficients of
correlations are used for calculating intercorrelations
between the latent dimensions of psychological
characteristics in MSSPT, as well as the correlations
between these dimensions and other relevant
characteristics (sport-related variables). The correlations
of the variables that describe winning medals or
membership in national team with MSSPT variables are in
fact point-biserial, but could be reduced on Pearson's
correlations. Statistical analyses were performed using
the statistical program IBM SPSS 20.0, while all
statistical significances are commented on the level of
Results of Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
with Varimax rotation and the reliability of Big-Five
personality Scale (MBFI), applied at male handball
players, are presented in Table 1. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin's
Measures of Sampling Adequacy and Bartlett's Tests of
Sphericity indicate that correlation matrix is adequate for
factorization. Application of PCA, as well as the scree
plot, indicates a steep drop of eigenvalues, which revealed
three-component structure. Three principal components
(PCs) account about 49% of the total variance explained
for male handball players. First PC is named Openness/
Agreeableness/ Consciousness (4 items), second PC is
named Neuroticism/ Openness (2 items), while third is
named Extraversion/ Agreeableness/ Consciousness (3
items). Reliabilities type internal consistency (Cronbach's
Schuster S, Sindik J, Kavran U. Psihološka obilježja i crte kod rukometaša – primjena...
alpha) are very low but still satisfactorily only for first and
third PC. However, the second PC is unreliable, but tends
to the lowest limit of still satisfactorily reliability (0.50).
Therefore, it is included in further analysis only as the
direction for future improvement of MBFI.
Table 1. Results of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) with Varimax rotation and reliability of the Big-Five
personality Scale (MBFI), applied at male handball players
Tablica 1. Rezultati analize glavnih komponenata (PCA) s Varimax rotacijom i pouzdanosti Big-Five Skale liènosti
(MBFI), primijenjene kod rukometaša
Items agreeableness, neuroticism, agreeableness, Communalities
consciousness openness consciousness
... withdrawn, reserved (R) .408 .705 .664
……trustworthy .676 .548
…quite lazy (R) .304 -.320 .605 .561
…interested in different things and happenings .791 .689
…sociable and open .632 .431 .588
…tends to see only the negative at people (R) .820 .700
…very thorough and diligent in business .700 -.315 .589
…very explosive and easily annoyed .730 .540
…vivid imagination .656 .434
Eigenvalue 2.075 1.627 1.611
Variance Explained 23.059 18.075 17.900
Reliability (Cronbach's Alpha) 0.664 0.427 0.539
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure 0.626
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity (÷) 172.857 df=36 p<0.000
Results of Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
with Varimax rotation and the reliability of Athlete
Engagement Scale (AES), applied at male handball
players, are presented in Table 2. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin's
Measures of Sampling Adequacy and Bartlett's Tests of
Sphericity indicate that correlation matrix is adequate for
factorization. Application of PCA, as well as the scree
plot, indicates a steep drop of eigenvalues, which revealed
three-component structure. Three principal components
(PCs) account about 72% of the total variance explained
for male handball players. First PC is named Enthusiasm
and Energy (9 items), second PC is named Dedication (4
items), while third is named Self-esteem (4 items).
Reliabilities type internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha)
are high or very high and satisfactorily for all three Pcs.
Table 2. Results of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) with Varimax rotation and reliability of the Athlete
Engagement Scale (AES), applied at male handball players
Tablica 2. Rezultati analize glavnih komponenata (PCA) s Varimax rotacijom i pouzdanosti Skale sportskog zalaganja
(AES), primijenjene kod rukometaša
enthusiasm self-
Items dedication Communalities
and energy esteem
I know I can accomplish .738 .704
what I had set out in the sport.
I am sure that my sporting .892 .824
abilities are sufficiently developed.
I am skilled and technically .877 .802
"gifted" to achieve success in my sport.
I have enough confidence in my skills. .480 .651 .726
I have dedicated to my sport goals. .394 .706 .743
I have strongly decided .763 .691
that I want achieve my sport goals.
I am fully dedicated to the sport. .314 .719 .659
I work hard because I want .589 .319 .536
to achieve my goals in the sport.
Schuster S, Sindik J, Kavran U. Psihološka obilježja i crte kod rukometaša – primjena...
Results of Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
with Varimax rotation and the reliability of Mental Energy
Scale (MES), applied at male handball players, are
presented in Table 3. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin's Measures of
Sampling Adequacy and Bartlett's Tests of Sphericity
indicate that correlation matrix is adequate for
factorization. Application of PCA, as well as the scree
plot, indicates a steep drop of eigenvalues, which revealed
four-component structure. Four principal components
(PCs) account about 71% of the total variance explained
for male handball players. First PC is named Energy as
motivator (4 items), second PC is named Energy as
strength during errors (3 items), third is named Energy
which lowing pressure (3 items), while fourth is named
Energy as stable performance (3 items). Reliability type
internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) are moderate to
high and hence satisfactorily for all four Pcs.
I feel full of energy when I play sports. .775 .702
I am "firing of power" when I doing sports. .723 .332 .637
While doing sports, I have a lot of energy. .717 .439 .721
When you play sports, I feel truly alive. .788 .309 .733
When you play sports, I always .616 .490 .651
focused on what I am doing.
Sport brings me joy and fun. .880 .859
Sport excites and encourages me. .764 .310 .749
Sport fills me with a sense of pleasure. .834 .794
Sport amuses me. .835 .767
Eigenvalue 5.993 3.225 3.078
Variance Explained 35.252 18.973 18.106
Reliability (Cronbach's Alpha) 0.948 0.853 0.868
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure 0.898
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity (÷) 1756.967 df=136 p<0.000
Table 3. Results of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) with Varimax rotation and reliability of the Mental Energy
Scale (MES), applied at male handball players
Tablica 3. Rezultati analize glavnih komponenata (PCA) s Varimax rotacijom i pouzdanosti Skale mentalne energije
(AES), primijenjene kod rukometaša
energy as energy as strength energy lowing energy as stable
Items Communalities
motivator during errors pressure performance
I feel the energy in the body .722 .384 .760
and readiness for competition.
I feel the energy that makes me tough. .540 .600 .760
I feel the energy that makes me brave. .804 .764
Because of the energy in the body,
I do not have the feeling of fatigue. .332 .646 .610
I know how to distribute power
throughout the match. .879 .801
When I feel that I am "fit",I can
make every effort to perform a task
easier, that my coach asked. .401 .735 .709
When I feel the energy,
I enjoy the competition. .632 .319 .553
When I feel that I am "fit",
I can easier deal with the pressure. .843 .784
When I feel that I am "fit", errors
less affect to my performance. .493 .679 .740
When I feel that I am "fit",
I do not fear about mistakes. .742 .679
When I feel that I am "fit", it is
easier to accept my own mistakes. .308 .809 .762
When I feel that I am "fit",
I'm not afraid if I make a mistake. .838 .785
When I perform with a sense
that I am "fit", I can easier accept
the result of the match. .547 .462 .536
Schuster S, Sindik J, Kavran U. Psihološka obilježja i crte kod rukometaša – primjena...
Results of Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
with Varimax rotation and the reliability of Optimism
Scale (OS), applied at male handball players, are
presented in Table 2. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin's Measures of
Sampling Adequacy and Bartlett's Tests of Sphericity
indicate that correlation matrix is adequate for
factorization. Application of PCA, as well as the scree
plot, indicates a steep drop of eigenvalues, which revealed
two-component structure. Two principal components
(PCs) account about 57% of the total variance explained in
male handball players. First PC is named Optimism/
Happiness (6 items), while the second PC is named
Energy (2 items). Reliabilities type internal consistency
(Cronbach's alpha) are moderate and satisfactorily for the
first PC and very low but still satisfactorily for the second
Eigenvalue 2.641 2.618 2.146 1.836
Variance Explained 20.316 20.142 16.511 14.120
Reliability (Cronbach's Alpha) 0.786 0.820 0.758 0.737
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure 0.866
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity (÷) 780.462 df=78 p<0.000
Table 4. Results of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) with Varimax rotation and reliability of the Optimism Scale
(OS), applied at male handball players
Tablica 4. Rezultati analize glavnih komponenata (PCA) s Varimax rotacijom i pouzdanosti Skale optimizma (OS),
primijenjene kod rukometaša
Items optimism and happiness energy Communalities
Life to me is a pleasant surprise every day. .624 .416
When I take everything .764 .599
into account, life is beautiful.
I am often in a cheerful mood. .493 .476 .470
I am often full of energy. .767 .642
It's hard to me to get tired. .859 .743
In general, I can say that the life provides me .610 .326 .478
a lot of good opportunities and possibilities.
I feel happy and satisfied. .763 .594
I am happy that I live. .773 .607
Eigenvalue 2.827 1.722
Variance Explained 35.343 21.524
Reliability (Cronbach's Alpha) 0.777 0.576
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure 0.793
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity (÷) 245.836 df=28 p<0.000
In the following analysis, we have calculated
intercorrela tio ns bet wee n t he dim ens ion s of
Multidimensional Scale of Sports' Psychological Talents
(MSSPT) in male handball players (Table 5). In handball
players, out of 66 intercorrelations between the variables
of MSSPT, included in this study, 24 of these correlations
were statistically significant (only one negative-directed,
while the others were positive), and mainly low or
moderate high (Table 5). Zero-ordered correlations
between the dimensions of the same construct (e.g.
athletic engagement) are caused by regression factor
scores, in which the results in certain dimensions are
expressed. First PC of (Openness/ Agreeableness/
Consciousness) from MBFI, Optimism and Happiness
from OP, Energy as motivator from MES and Self-esteem
from A ES, s howed the hig h est numb e r of
Moreover, the correlations between the dimensions
of MSSPT in male handball players with relevant
variables in research have been calculated (Table 6). In
handball players, out of 72 correlations between the
variables of MSSPT and chosen relevant variables,
included in this study, only 6 of these correlations were
statistically significant (four negative-directed, while two
of them were positive), and mainly very low or low (Table
6). Most of statistically significant correlations with the
dimensions of MSSPT are found with the variable sport
experience (years in a sport).
Schuster S, Sindik J, Kavran U. Psihološka obilježja i crte kod rukometaša – primjena...
Construct validity and reliability are examined in
four questionnaires, which are mostly used for the first
time, in a sample of male handball players. The results
revealed that almost all the dimensions in all the
questionnaires showed satisfactory validity and
reliability. The exception is Neuroticism/ Openness scale
Table 5. Intercorrelations between the dimensions of Multidimensional Scale of Sports' Psychological Talents
(MSSPT) in male handball players
Tablica 5. Interkorelacije izmeðu dimenzija Višedimenzionalne skale psiholoških sportskih talenata (MSSPT) kod
enthusi energy- energy energy- optimism
neurot extra dedica self- energy-mo optimistic
Items asm and strength lowing stable per
opennes /happiness
icism version tion esteem tivator energy
energy errors pressure formance
openness/ ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
agreeableness/ 1 .000 .000 .372 .305 .346 .358 .061 .323 .342 .426 .427
neuroticism/ * *
1 .000 -.053 -.037 .114 -.123 -.073 .216 -.033 -.095 .199
extraversion/ **
agreeableness/ 1 -.125 -.021 -.117 -.245 .156 .172 -.028 -.026 .077
enthusiasm ** **
1 .000 .000 .425 -.089 .165 .131 .323 .139
and energy
** * *
dedication 1 .000 .383 .007 .210 .107 .201 .137
** ** ** **
self-esteem 1 .341 .252 .155 .284 .309 .141
energy as **
1 .000 .000 .000 .289 .071
energy as strength 1 .000 .000 .077 -.008
while errors
energy lowing *
1 .000 .218 .133
energy as * *
1 .182 .198
stable performance
optimism/ 1 .000
optimistic energy 1
*Correlations significant at p<0.05; **Correlations significant at p<0.01
Table 6. Correlations between the dimensions of Multidimensional Scale of Sports' Psychological Talents (MSSPT)
and relevant variables in male handball players
Tablica 6. Korelacije izmeðu dimenzija Višedimenzionalne skale psiholoških sportskih talenata (MSSPT) i relevantnih
varijabli kod rukometaša
Items opennes neuroticism extraversion dedication self-esteem
and energy
age -.114 -.062 .228 -.150 -.033 -.136
* *
years in a sport -.178 .013 .120 -.220 -.087 -.108
medals in senior state championship -.102 .098 -.173 -.117 .089 -.047
medals in junior state championship .011 -.054 .027 .056 .086 -.070
medals in junior European championship -.006 .062 .240 -.070 .010 -.085
member of a junior national team -.008 -.075 .153 .089 .019 -.115
energy- energy energy- optimism
energy- optimistic
Items strength lowing constant and
motivator energy
in errors pressure performance happiness
age -.170 .126 -.012 -.088 -.098 -.014
* **
years in a sport -.212 .051 -.098 -.029 -.234 -.106
medals in senior state championship .019 -.098 .030 -.074 -.172 -.153
medals in junior state championship .092 -.132 .030 .081 .083 -.048
medals in junior European championship -.150 -.008 .033 .078 .080 -.092
member of a junior national team -.017 -.048 .028 .037 .103 -.032
*Correlations significant at p<0.05; **Correlations significant at p<0.01
Schuster S, Sindik J, Kavran U. Psihološka obilježja i crte kod rukometaša – primjena...
in MBFI, which is defined only with two items. However,
except this fact, relatively small number of participants in
this study could cause lower reliability, also. In previous
study, when only reliability of this preliminary version of
MBFI is used, the reliability was much more bellow
desirable for all original scales of MBFI (30). Increasing
number of items and application of MBFI on larger and
more homogenous samples of participants could improve
psychometric properties of this instrument.
The highest number of intercorrelations between the
dimensions of MSSPT Openness/ Agreeableness/
Consciousness (from MBFI), Optimism/ Happiness (from
OP), Energy as motivator (from MES) and Self-esteem
(from AES). All these characteristics could be interpreted
in terms of general satisfaction with sport (31) and/or
satisfaction with life (22), as well as psychological skills,
especially motivation and self-confidence (4) (5) (7). The
intercorrelations between psychological characteristics
within MSSPT are mostly positively but low correlated. It
means that it is correct to use all four constructs in the
battery MSSPT. Namely, it could be expected that some
constructs are very similar, for example athletic
engagement and mental energy. However, low
correlations between the dimensions of these two
constructs mean that each of the constructs represent
different feature, more or less.
The correlations between the dimensions of MSSPT
with relevant variables are very few (6 out of 72), and the
correlations with sport-related variables are mostly
related with handball experience. Energy as the motivator,
Optimism/ Happiness, Enthusiasm and energy as well as
the dimension Openness/ Agreeableness/ Consciousness,
lowly but negatively and statistically significantly
correlate with handball experience. This finding could be
explained in terms of decreasing sport enthusiasm during
time. Although some previous studies show that scores in
similar concentration scales indicate that concentration
skills (such as mental energy) are improving with age (12)
(20), particular sport experience in certain sport during
longer periods could have just opposite direction (for
example, in handball). On the other hand, the motivation
and mental preparation (the psychological states that
could be also described by MSSPT) proved to could be
used as useful indicators, which differentiates between
elite and sub-elite athletes (18) (31) (33). We could
carefully assume that all concepts used in this study could
be unified through the constructs of motivation and
mental preparation, which appeared as the most important
concepts in numerous studies (7) (31). The motivation
could be perceived as the most important factor in the
psychological preparation of athletes (29).
The benefit of this research is the application and
initial validation of these (new) questionnaires for the first
time, which provide an preliminary insight in main
psychometric properties of four scales. The biggest
benefit of this research is the fact that preliminary
application of MSSPT revealed psychometrically
satisfying and encouraging results, with the exception of
one subscale in MBFI.
The main shortcoming of the research is its still pilot
feature, performed on relatively heterogeneous sample of
participants. Namely, this initial validation of the
questionnaires was performed on the sample stratified
only by gender (male) and type of sport (handball), but not
on other several relevant factors mentioned before:
characteristics of the activity (the training or
competition); level of sport excellence; stages of athletes'
sports development; age, etc. However, the authors
already mentioned that it is only preliminary validation of
certain measuring instruments, which have to be
improved and adjusted, according to all abovementioned
criteria (for example, the study conducted by Sindik,
Missoni and Horvat (30) is conducted only on handball
players who play on high level of sport excellence).
In future research it would be useful to verify the
psychometric characteristics of other scales in MSPPT, as
well to improve the quality of MBFI (in terms of its
psychometric properties), on a larger and more
representative samples of athletes. All scales of MSPPT
should be applied to different samples of athletes, who are
engaged in different types of sports, differentiated by
gender, level of sport excellence, age group, etc. Practical
implication of this study could be focused on determining
orientation standards, arising from this initial application
of these scales, AES, MBFI, OS and MES energy in
certain group of athletes. This information could be useful
for sport coaches or/and for sport psychologists, as the
start point to develop training programs to improve these
skills, particularly in elite training centers around the
world (20). The results from this study could be good
starting point for improving already used and remaining
scales in the battery MSPPT.
The construct validity and reliability were
preliminary examined in four scales of MSSPT, in male
handball players. twelve latent dimensions are revealed
after the application of PCA with varimax rotation,
named: openness/ agreeableness/ consciousness,
neuroticism/ openness and extraversion/ agreeableness/
consciousness (from MFBI), enthusiasm/ energy,
dedication and self-esteem (from AES), energy as
motivator, energy as strength during errors, energy which
lowing pressure and energy as stable performance (from
MES), optimism/ happiness and energy (from OS).
Almost all the dimensions in all the questionnaires
showed satisfactory validity and reliability (in range from
very low to high size). The number of statistically
significant correlations between the dimensions of msspt
with relevant variables is very low (6 out of 72), while four
of these correlations are related with handball experience.
The number of intercorrelations (excluding zero-ordered
intercorrelations of the dimensions within the same
scales) indicate that some of psychological characteristics
within MSSPT are mostly positively but low correlated.
This study is excellent starting point for improvement
these and other scales in the battery MSSPT.
We are especially grateful to the athletes from all the
clubs, who actively contributed in this research, or
Schuster S, Sindik J, Kavran U. Psihološka obilježja i crte kod rukometaša – primjena...
provide support for it. Moreover, special thanks to the
Secretary General of the Zagreb Handball Federation
Kazimir Ilijaš, LL.M., to Anðelko Botica and Matej
Fiškuš, (both) mag. psych. Una Kavran, Mkin (trainer)
and to Morana Kataliniæ, trainer, for the help in organizing
and conducting the research.
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Schuster S, Sindik J, Kavran U. Psihološka obilježja i crte kod rukometaša – primjena...
... U ovom istraživanju je više psiholoških karakteristika izabrano da bude ispitano u rukometaša i rukometašica, primjenom nove baterije mjernih instrumenata nazvane Višedimenzionalna Skala Psiholoških Sportskih Talenata (MSSPT) (Sindik, Missoni i Horvat, 2015, Sindik, Botica i Fiškuš 2015Sindik-Bauer Ćuk, 2016, Schuster, Sindik-Kavran, 2016. Sportska angažiranost je koncept koji su razvili Lonsdale, Hodge i Jackson (2007). ...
... In this study, several psychological characteristics are chosen to be examined in male and female handball players, within new battery of measuring instruments called Multidimensional Scale of Sports' Psychological Talents (MSSPT) (Sindik, Missoni & Horvat, 2015;Sindik, Botica & Fiškuš, 2015;Sindik & Bauer Čuk, 2016;Schuster, Sindik & Kavran, 2016). ...
... Dva profi la rukometaša pronađena su u ovoj studiji: u prvom klasteru bili su stariji igrači s više samopouzdanja i mentalne energije u situacijama počinjenih pogreški, dok su u drugom klasteru bili grupirani mlađi rukometaši s naglašenijim ostalim psihološkim karakteristikama (Sindik & Bauer Čuk, 2016). U ovoj i svim drugim studijama korištenjem MSSPT (Sindik, Missoni & Horvat, 2015;Sindik, Botica & Fiškuš, 2015;Schuster Sindik & Kavran, 2016), zadovoljavajuća pouzdanost tipa unutarnje konzistencije je pronađena u gotovo svim psihološkim konceptima i subskalama, osim za Modifi cirani inventar Big Five (MBFI). U MBFI, sve subskale su bile nepouzdane (Sindik, Missoni i Horvat, 2015). ...
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The main goal of the research is to determine gender differences in the subscales within Multidimen-sional Scale of Sports' Psychological Talents (MSSPT): Mental Energy Scale (MES), Modifi ed Big Five Inventory (MBFI), Modifi ed Short Hardiness Scale (MSHS), Modifi ed Athletic Engagement Scale (MAES), Modi-fi ed Athletic Identity Scale (MAIS), Psychological Skills Inventory for Sports (MPSIS) and Modifi ed Optimism Scale (OS)-R. The samples of 105 male (M) and 54 female (F) handball players were examined (age range 12-16 years), members of the teams Prvo plinar-sko društvo, Metalac (Zagreb) and Zamet (Rijeka) (M); Zamet (Rijeka) and Samobor (F), in the beginning of 2015. The results revealed that six statistically significant gender differences are found: enthusiasm and motivation (higher means for females), extraversion, resilience , self-confi dence and concentration (higher means for males). The results provide the information about possible differentiated approach of the coaches when working with male and female handball players.
... La Psicología del Deporte es una ciencia joven y una rama especial de la Psicología que ofrece sustentos teóricos para aplicar programas metodológicos y de intervención científicamente fundamentados. Por eso, se promueven los estudios de la psicología aplicada a los deportes colectivos como Schuster, et al. (2016), Nixdorf, et al. (2016, Alonso, I. (2017), Ekmekçi, et al. (2018, Nascimento et al. (2019), Cañizares et al. (2019) Ramírez, et al. (2020, y se aplican programas de intervención psicológica en los equipos deportivos para contribuir al rendimiento en el entrenamiento y la competencia, Tran Thi, (2011), Villalobo, et al. (2020). ...
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Introduction: Goal setting is a fundamental process in sports training and can be used as a motivational technique in sports to manage the resources of the athlete and the team in order to enhance cohesion and achieve their aspirations. Objective: To analyze the relevance of the application of a psychological intervention program based on the establishment of goals as a motivational technique in the women's team category 13-14 years of Water Polo of the School of Sports Initiation School Eide " Marcelo Salado", of Villa Clare, Cuba. Materials and methods: The methodology used includes various research methods and techniques of a quantitative and qualitative nature. Analysis-synthesis, observation, interview, goal setting questionnaire, sentence completion technique, management style questionnaire, triangulation and pre-experiment were used. Descriptive measures of position such as the mean and mode were calculated. The Wilcoxon signed ranks nonparametric hypothesis test was used to test whether the changes before and after the intervention were significant. Results: The measurable data were statistically processed using the SPSS software for Windows version 17.0. The results demonstrate the influence of the intervention program applied to improve the team's goal setting. Conclusions: They value the contribution of the application of the psychological intervention program, in the establishment of goals in a more objective, clear and understandable way in the athletes and in the development of the motivational sphere when using the potentialities of the work of the sports team as a group.
... In the literature, data are available on intrinsic physical or physiological factors of American Football (henceforth football) and handball players such as; age, body composition, previous injury, poor muscle strength, flexibility and/or endurance, or poor skill level [3-4-5-6]. However, relatively fewer studies have examined the psychological factors in football and handball [7][8]. ...
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In this study, mental toughness and anxiety have been chosen to be compared between male American football and handball players. The present study was carried out to determine and examine the psychological parameters mentioned above and show the importance of these concepts in the process of sport career. Mental toughness (with its sub-dimensions) and anxiety levels of 44 male participants were determined. Twenty-seven of those participants were American football players between 19 and 25 years of age (mean ± s: age 20.93 ± 2.25 years). Their sports experience ranged between 1 and 19 years (mean ± s: 10.26 ± 3.34 years). The remaining seventeen participants were handball players between 18 and 26 years of age (mean ± s: age 21.54 ± 3.31 years). Their sport experience ranged between 5 and 12 years (mean ± s: 9.15 ± 4.13 years). Differences between the groups were determined using the "Independent Sample t-test" analysis method using the SPSS 21.0 software. The independent sample t-test results showed that there were significant differences in the total mental toughness (including its sub-dimensions; confidence, constancy and control) and anxiety levels of the two group of players (p < .05). The American football team players' confidence, control, and total mental toughness levels were higher than that of handball players and they had lower level scores for constancy and anxiety levels.
Conference Paper
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The goals of this research are to determine the differences in the personality traits, psychological skills and optimism among handball players in different age groups (1) and to determine the correlations between these characteristics (2). The research was conducted on a sample of 78 subjects, members of one handball team (Prvo plinarsko društvo Zagreb), in the beginning of 2015. In this study, three instruments from the battery Multidimensional Scale of Sports’ Psychological Talents (MSSPT) are used for the first time. The results show that no differences are found between age groups of handball players in optimism and personality traits. The oldest age group (age of 18) have the experience that they are the best mentally prepared. The youngest handball players (age of 12) have the experience that they are the most motivated, confident and concentrated. Motivation is the skill with highest associated with other psychological skills. However, the Scale of the Future and Psychological Skills Scale show satisfactory reliability (except the subscale Team emphasis). Big Five Modified Inventory-10 in all subscales showed unsatisfactory reliability, so have to be improved in future studies.
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Sport psychologist needs to understand how psychological factors affect athletic performance of an individual, considering individual differences among athletes. Each specific problem in working with athletes must be considered depending on complex factors: the type (specificity) of sport; characteristics of the activity (the training or competition); stages of athletes' sports development; gender and age differences, etc. Although there are numerous psychological instruments, which assess psychological characteristics of athletes, it is important to select instruments adjusted to athletes, working style of sports psychologist, available time and other constraints. Here, we have formulated a preliminary version of our own battery of questionnaires, named Multidi-mensional Inventory of Sport Excellence (MUSI), selecting the items for following psychological characteristics: energizing, maintaining attention, directing attention, wide internal / external attention and narrow internal / external attention. In this phase of the study, participants were stratified only by gender. Sample of 248 participants was examined, of which 103 male athletes (age 24.52 ± 11.80 years) and 145 female athletes (age 16.61 ± 6.69 years), from the Croatian sports clubs, competing in 16 different sports Rijeka, during the trainings in sports clubs. Results of Principal Component Analysis and the reliabilities type internal consistency showed that each of sub-questionnaires from battery MUSI have satisfactory reliability and construct validity, giving positive guidance for future adaptation of the questionnaire to specific subpopulations of athletes.
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The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) was developed to assess satisfaction with the respondent’s life as a whole. The scale does not assess satisfaction with life domains such as health or finances but allows subjects to integrate and weight these domains in whatever way they choose. Normative data are presented for the scale, which shows good convergent validity with other scales and with other types of assessments of subjective well-being. Life satisfaction as assessed by the SWLS shows a degree of temporal stability (e.g., 54 for 4 years), yet the SWLS has shown sufficient sensitivity to be potentially valuable to detect change in life satisfaction during the course of clinical intervention. Further, the scale shows discriminant validity from emotional well-being measures. The SWLS is recommended as a complement to scales that focus on psychopathology or emotional well-being because it assesses an individuals’ conscious evaluative judgment of his or her life by using the person’s own criteria.
Two investigations were conducted to test the hypotheses that (a) elite Chinese athletes participating in the sports of track and field, fencing, and gymnastics exhibit differential psychological profiles; and (b) elite Chinese athletes participating in track and field exhibit superior psychological skill profiles when compared with collegiate level Chinese track and field athletes. Subjects were 83 elite Chinese athletes competing for the People's Republic of China in three individual sports, and 94 collegiate Chinese athletes competing in track and field. Psychological skills were assessed with the Psychological Skills Inventory for Sports (PSIS R-5). MANOVA and follow-up univariate analyses revealed significant relationships between psychological skills and the factors of sport played, gender, and level of play. Elite Chinese male track and field athletes and female gymnasts exhibited motivational scores that were significantly lower than other sport/gender categories of athletes. Similarly, elite male Chinese track and field athletes displayed team emphasis scores that are lower than those displayed by elite female track and field performers, female fencers, and male gymnasts. Elite Chinese track and field athletes (regardless of gender) exhibited higher anxiety control and confidence scores than collegiate level athletes.
A qualitative investigation was conducted to identify sources of stress and the self-presentational mechanism that may underpin them during competition. Twenty athletes described factors they perceived as stressful during competition. Content analysis revealed eight general sources of stress, including significant others, competitive anxiety and doubts, perceived readiness, and the nature of the competition (e.g., importance). Two thirds (67.3%) of all stress sources appeared to heighten the athletes' need to present themselves in a favorable way to the audience. Factors that increased perceived likelihood of poor personal performance lowered the athletes' ability to convey a desired image to their audience. Social evaluation and self-presentation was also identified as a general source of stress in its own right. These findings suggest that (a) these athletes were sensitive about the impressions people form of them during competition, and (b) stress responses maybe triggered by factors that primarily influence the self-presentational implications of performance.
Organizational psychologists have proposed that promoting employee engagement may be an effective way to prevent burnout. Researchers have identified vigor, dedication, efficacy, and absorption as potential employee engagement dimensions (Maslach, Schaufeli, & Leiter, 2001). However, no research has investigated athlete engagement (AE). This study is the first in a series and was designed to ascertain whether or not elite athletes experience engagement and, if so, to identify common AE dimensions. Following interviews with fifteen elite New Zealand athletes, AE was defined as a persistent, positive, cognitive-affective experience in sport, characterized by confidence, dedication, and vigor. Confidence represented 'belief in one's ability to attain a high level of performance and achieve desired goals'. Dedication was defined as 'a desire to invest effort and time towards achieving goals one views as important'. Vigor was defined as 'physical, mental, and emotional energy or liveliness'. Results indicated that AE was relevant to elite athletes and it is hoped that the findings of this study will lead to research into the promotion of positive sport environments.
The study examined the type of relationship between the trait of aggressiveness and the dimensions of the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality on samples of prisoners (N=106) and athletes (N=109). The re-lationship between the five factors of personality and six measures of aggressiveness was determined by the Pearson's correlation coefficient, whereas multiple regression analysis was used to determine the relations between the five personality factors and the total measure of aggressiveness separately for each sample. In the prisoners it was found that aggressiveness is significantly correlated with agreeableness, conscientious-ness and emotional stability, whereas in the athletes a significant correlation was found between aggressive-ness and extraversion, agreeableness and emotional stability. Multiple regression analysis showed that all the factors, except agreeableness, were significant predictors of aggressiveness in the prisoners, whereas in the athletes only emotional stability was a significant predictor.