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Embodied prosthetic arm stabilizes body posture, while unembodied one perturbs it


Abstract and Figures

Senses of ownership (this arm belongs to me) and agency (I am controlling this arm) originate from sensorimotor system. External objects can be integrated into the sensorimotor system following long-term use, and recognized as one's own body. We examined how an (un)embodied prosthetic arm modulates whole-body control, and assessed the components of prosthetic embodiment. Nine unilateral upper-limb amputees participated. Four frequently used their prosthetic arm, while the others rarely did. Their postural sway was measured during quiet standing with or without their prosthesis. The frequent users showed greater sway when they removed the prosthesis, while the rare users showed greater sway when they fitted the prosthesis. Frequent users reported greater everyday feelings of postural stabilization by prosthesis and a larger sense of agency over the prosthesis. We suggest that a prosthetic arm maintains or perturbs postural control, depending on the prosthetic embodiment, which involves sense of agency rather than ownership.
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This is the accepted version of the manuscript published in Consciousness and Cognition.
Embodied prosthetic arm stabilizes body posture, while unembodied one perturbs it
Shu Imaizumia,b,c, Tomohisa Asaib, and Shinichi Koyamaa
a Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, 1-33 Yayoi, Inage, Chiba 263-8522, Japan.
b NTT Communication Science Laboratories, 3-1 Morinosato-Wakamiya, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0198, Japan.
c Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 5-3-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan.
Corresponding author
Shu Imaizumi
Present address: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo
153-8902, Japan.
Phone: +81-3-5454-6259
Fax: +81-3-5454-6979
Senses of ownership (this arm belongs to me) and agency (I am controlling this arm) originate from
sensorimotor system. External objects can be integrated into the sensorimotor system following long-term use,
and recognized as one's own body. We examined how an (un)embodied prosthetic arm modulates whole-body
control, and assessed the components of prosthetic embodiment. Nine unilateral upper-limb amputees
participated. Four frequently used their prosthetic arm, while the others rarely did. Their postural sway was
measured during quiet standing with or without their prosthesis. The frequent users showed greater sway
when they removed the prosthesis, while the rare users showed greater sway when they fitted the prosthesis.
Frequent users reported greater everyday feelings of postural stabilization by prosthesis and a larger sense of
agency over the prosthesis. We suggest that a prosthetic arm maintains or perturbs postural control, depending
on the prosthetic embodiment, which involves sense of agency rather than ownership.
Self, Agency, Embodiment, Amputation, Upper-limb prosthesis, Postural control
1. Introduction
1.1. Embodied sense of self and embodiment of external objects
Several recent psychological and neuroscientific studies suggest that the human sense of self is represented
within the body and sensorimotor system (Blanke, Slater, & Serino, 2015; Haggard, 2005; Tsakiris, 2010).
Such an embodied sense of self (Gallagher, 2000) consists of a sense of one's own body (i.e., sense of body
ownership: “this hand belongs to my body”) and a sense of one's own action (i.e., sense of agency: I am
causing this action and controlling my body”). These two senses are conceptually (Gallagher, 2000),
behaviorally (Tsakiris, Prabhu, & Haggard, 2006), psychometrically (Longo, Schuur, Kammers, Tsakiris, &
Haggard, 2008), and neurally (Tsakiris, Longo, & Haggard, 2010) distinctive (but also interactive, see below).
In theory, the sense of body ownership is based on multisensory afferent inputs (e.g., visuo-tactile), which are
spatially and temporally congruent (Botvinick & Cohen, 1998; Kilteni, Maselli, Kording, & Slater, 2015). The
sense of agency stems from congruence between a motor prediction based on an internal forward model for
motor control and its predicted sensory feedback (Blakemore, Wolpert, & Frith, 2002; Wolpert, Ghahramani,
& Jordan, 1995). This non-conceptual “comparator” model has been used to elucidate the mechanism of sense
of agency (Blakemore et al., 2002; Tsakiris & Haggard, 2005a); it must be noted, however, that there are other
conceptual models as well (Chambon, Sidarus, & Haggard, 2014; Synofzik, Vosgerau, & Newen, 2008).
External objects (e.g., tools and fake body parts) can be incorporated into human body representation and
recognized as one's own body parts (i.e., embodied) when two main sensorimotor requirements are met. First,
continuous multisensory afferent inputs from an external object can elicit a sense of body-ownership toward it
(i.e., ownership-driven embodiment). An example of this is the rubber hand illusion (RHI), in which observers
watch a rubber hand being stroked while their own unseen hand is synchronously stroked, and start to feel as
if the rubber hand belongs to their own body (Botvinick & Cohen, 1998; Tsakiris & Haggard, 2005b). Second,
motor learning and internal model updates can occur due to short- and long-term use of an external proxy of
one's effector (e.g., tools) with one's voluntary action (Imamizu, Kuroda, Miyauchi, Yoshioka, & Kawato,
2003; Imamizu et al., 2000). This can be referred to as agency-driven embodiment and is exemplified by an
active version of the RHI, wherein synchronously acting visual feedback of one's own voluntary action, such
as a fake hand (Caspar, Cleeremans, & Haggard, 2015; Dummer, Picot-Annand, Neal, & Moore, 2009;
Kalckert & Ehrsson, 2012, 2014a, 2014b) or a hand video (Asai, 2016; Imaizumi & Asai, 2015; Tsakiris et al.,
2006) can lead to embodiment. Importantly, passive movement (Haggard, Clark, & Kalogeras, 2002) or
incongruent visual feedback (Franck et al., 2001) can eliminate or attenuate the sense of agency, and therefore
are unlikely to lead to embodiment of the proxy (Asai, 2016; Kalckert & Ehrsson, 2012). While the active
RHI has been used to examine embodiment for short time intervals, tool embodiment by long-term use has
been demonstrated by neurophysiological evidence in primates (Iriki, Tanaka, & Iwamura, 1996; Maravita &
Iriki, 2004) and by human behavioral evidence, such as improvements in tool control due to their
incorporation into a plastic body representation (Cardinali et al., 2009; Jacobs, Bussel, Combeaud, &
Roby-Brami, 2009). The tools previously examined included a rake to grasp objects (Farnè & Làdavas, 2000),
a computer mouse (Bassolino, Serino, Ubaldi, & Ladavas, 2010), and a cane for blind people (Serino,
Bassolino, Farne, & Ladavas, 2007).
1.2. Embodied prosthetic limb and postural stabilization
Prosthetic limbs are another example of external objects capable becoming embodied, which can be observed
in our everyday environment. More than 94 % of amputees due to accidents and vascular disease use
prosthetic limbs (Pezzin, Dillingham, MacKenzie, Ephraim, & Rossbach, 2004). In amputees, prosthetic limbs
functionally help daily life activities, such as work and leisure pursuits, and have a social role in that they
compensate for the appearance of the missing limb (Murray, 2005). Consequently, the frequency of usage of
prosthetic limbs positively correlates with amputees' quality of life (Akarsu, Tekin, Safaz, Goktepe, &
Yazicioglu, 2013), suggesting that long-term use of prosthetic limbs has a positive effect on amputees' mental
health. In contrast, qualitative studies have pointed out that long-term use of prosthetic limbs also results in
psychological and physical effects, including embodiment (de Vignemont, 2007; Mills, 2013; Murray, 2004,
2008). Some studies have shown evidence of prosthesis embodiment using behavioral data. Fraser (1984)
compared movement trajectories of prosthetic and intact arms in a unilateral amputee who had used the
prosthesis more than ten years, and showed that the movements were comparable. The author claimed that this
may stem from the use of similar neural networks in the motor system, and that prosthetic limb can become a
part of a proficient user. Regarding body representations, long-term prosthetic arm users are likely to
overestimate their proprioceptively felt stump lengths, that is, their arm representation extends toward the tip
of prosthetic arm (McDonnell, Scott, Dickison, Theriault, & Wood, 1989). Furthermore, upper-limb
amputee’s peripersonal space can also expand so as to include the prosthetic arm when they wear their
prosthesis (Canzoneri, Marzolla, Amoresano, Verni, & Serino, 2013).
A prosthetic upper-limb incorporated into an amputee's body may affect motor control over the whole body in
addition to body representation. A recent qualitative study suggested that a prosthetic arm can maintain
amputees' body posture (Wijk & Carlsson, 2015). Prosthetic arms (both functional and aesthetic) can
compensate for asymmetric and/or disturbed body balance due to limb amputation, which may cause uneven
load and consequently back and neck pain. The authors pointed out that everyday activities, such as walking
and swimming, also benefit from stabilization engendered by use of an upper-limb prosthesis. Given this, it is
natural to think that a lower-limb prosthesis would play a similar role because the legs bear one's body weight
and generate one’s gait. Indeed, studies have investigated the effects of a lower-limb prosthesis resulting in a
perturbed postural control (Fernie & Holliday, 1978) and an asymmetric gait (Winter & Sienko, 1988).
Moreover, because walking with a unilateral lower-limb prosthesis is likely to rely more on the intact side and
thus show an asymmetric gait pattern, long-term use of the lower-limb prosthesis may cause musculoskeletal
distortion (Gailey, Allen, Castles, Kucharik, & Roeder, 2008). In contrast, it remains unclear whether and how
an upper-limb prosthesis modulates amputees’ postural control and how the frequency of use and embodiment
of an upper-limb prosthesis affects postural modulation; the suggestion by Wijk and Carlsson (2015) has yet
to be empirically examined.
Human body posture is maintained by online comparison of the desired body parts' locations with their actual
locations on the basis of multisensory afferent information supplied by those body parts, that is, a feedback
system (Mergner & Rosemeier, 1998; Peterka, 2002; Peterka & Loughlin, 2004). Additionally, since the
feedback system is not sufficient to maintain posture, anticipatory motor control computed by internal forward
models is also used, that is, a feedforward system (Collins & de Luca, 1993; van der Kooij, Jacobs, Koopman,
& Grootenboer, 1999). Both systems need to sense the current location of body parts and their movement
sequence, although humans do not have organs by which to directly perceive these data. Instead, implicit body
representation can play a key role as a template of a balanced body and a reference for postural control (di
Fabio & Emasithi, 1997; Gurfinkel, Ivanenko, Levik, & Babakova, 1995). Thus, it is assumed that a coherent
body representation may be sufficient to maintain their body posture, even in amputees presumably with
altered afferent information due to the amputation. If so, a prosthetic arm may restore an amputee’s body
representation by being incorporated as a part of his or her body (de Vignemont, 2007; Mayer, Kudar, Bretz,
& Tihanyi, 2008), and consequently stabilize his or her body posture. Thus, we expected that amputees whose
prosthetic arm belongs to their body representation would show well-stabilized postural control, whereas
those whose prosthesis is not incorporated into their body would show relatively disturbed postural control
because the prosthesis can behave as a perturbation.
1.3. What makes a prosthesis embodied?
It is an open question as to which of the aforementioned ownership- and agency-driven embodiment
mechanisms is crucial for the embodiment of a prosthetic arm, or whether both mechanisms are essential. It
can be assumed that ownership-driven embodiment occurs due to the integration of visual information from
observing the prosthetic arm and tactile information from the stump touched by the prosthesis socket, much
like the RHI. For instance, a transient sense of ownership over a prosthetic hand can be elicited by passive
visuo-tactile stimulation of the stump and prosthesis (Ehrsson et al., 2008), or by using a robotic touch
interface (Marasco, Kim, Colgate, Peshkin, & Kuiken, 2011). In contrast, as previous findings regarding tool
embodiment have suggested (Bassolino et al., 2010; Serino et al., 2007), voluntary controlling tools, perhaps
including prosthetic arms, for a long period can lead to motor learning and updated internal models (Imamizu
et al., 2003; Imamizu et al., 2000); thus, this process should be essential for incorporation of a prosthetic arm
into the body representation, that is, agency-driven embodiment. In fact, behavioral evidence from motor
imagery tasks suggests that prosthetic arms that are controlled like tools (i.e., functional and myoelectric) are
likely to be incorporated into the body representation (Nico, Daprati, Rigal, Parsons, & Sirigu, 2004).
Furthermore, in addition to studies suggesting the possibility of interactions between sense of agency and
body ownership (Kalckert & Ehrsson, 2012, 2014a; Tsakiris et al., 2006), research has shown that the sense of
agency itself can elicit and even overwrite body ownership toward external objects (Asai, 2016). Therefore, it
is possible that prosthetic embodiment is driven more by sense of agency than by ownership.
1.4. Current study
To examine whether and how an (un)embodied prosthesis stabilizes body posture, and what components of
prosthetic embodiment contribute to postural stabilization, we measured amputees' postural sway during quiet
upright stance with and without their prosthetic arm and assessed their subjective feelings toward their
prosthesis and its embodiment. Given that it has been suggested that long-term use is required for tools
(Bassolino et al., 2010; Serino et al., 2007) and prosthetic arms (Canzoneri et al., 2013) to be incorporated into
the body representation, we assumed that a prosthetic arm is more likely to be embodied in amputees who
frequently use the prosthesis rather than in those who rarely use it; thus, two groups of amputees were
compared in the experiment. We hypothesized that amputees who frequently use their prosthetic arm would
stabilize their body posture, that is, decrease postural sway when the prosthesis was attached, while those who
rarely use their prosthesis would show greater sway in this case, because the prosthesis would serve as a
perturbation. These group differences would likely be due to the different degree of prosthesis embodiment.
Thus, we also hypothesized that amputees who frequently use their prosthesis would report postural
stabilization due to it on a daily basis, to a far greater extent than those who rarely use their prosthesis.
Moreover, we posited that a sense of agency over the prosthetic arm, rather than a sense of ownership over it,
would be reported more by the amputees who frequently use their prosthesis than those who rarely use it,
because embodiment can be driven more by a sense of agency than by ownership.
The current study, to our knowledge, is the first attempt to empirically demonstrate the effect of embodiment
of external objects, including a prosthetic arm, on whole-body motor control (i.e., postural control). In
particular, we extend on previous findings of the effect of embodiment on manual movement (Fraser, 1984)
and proprioception (McDonnell et al., 1989). However, given that embodiment, which is subjectively
multifaceted (Longo et al., 2008), contains two main components (i.e., ownership and agency), we were
further interested in determining what sort of subjective experiences of prosthetic embodiment arise among
upper-limb amputees. We also attempted to clarify how ownership and agency towards prosthetic arms relate
to whole-body movement (measured as postural control), thus expanding on previous findings of how
proprioceptive recalibration (Botvinick & Cohen, 1998; Tsakiris & Haggard, 2005b) and actual hand
movement (Asai, 2015) toward a fake hand can occur with illusory ownership. Furthermore, by investigating
how ownership and agency arise from a prosthetic arm—which is likely to be actively used for a long
period—the current study can help untangle the complex interaction of ownership and agency over fake body
parts, which remains controversial (Asai, 2016; Braun, Thorne, Hildebrandt, & Debener, 2014; Caspar et al.,
2015; Imaizumi & Asai, 2015; Kalckert & Ehrsson, 2012, 2014a, 2014b; Tsakiris et al., 2006).
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Participants
Nine males with unilateral upper-limb amputation (mean age 64.33 ± 11.65 years), naïve with respect to the
study purpose, participated in return for monetary compensation (Table 1). Each amputation occurred an
average of 41.30 ± 18.90 years before the current study and prosthesis use began shortly after the amputation
(self-reported). We recruited elderly amputees because we were interested in the effects of long-term use of a
prosthetic arm and frequency of usage. All participants reported good health other than the limb amputation
and all walked without a cane or other walking aid. They were recruited from Seibu College of Medical
Technology, Tokyo, Japan, which they have frequently visited as prosthetic-fitting models for educational
purposes. Written informed consent was obtained from each participant. The current study was conducted in
accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, and was approved by the local ethical
committee of the Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University.
The four participants listed at the top of Table 1 reported that they used their prosthesis even in their home;
their mean duration of prosthesis use was about 14 hours per day. The other five participants reported not
using their prosthesis at home and a mean usage duration of about an hour per day. Accordingly, we classified
the former four individuals as a “frequent use” group and the latter five as a “rare use” group. The durations of
prosthesis use significantly differed between the two groups (two-tailed t-test: t(7) = 7.78, p < 0.001, effect
size r = 0.95), while the other indices, namely age, body mass index, years since amputation, stump length,
and prosthesis weight did not significantly differ between the groups (ts(7) 1.96, ps 0.09, rs 0.60).
Table 1. Clinical characteristics of participants. All were right-handed males.
Reason for
Prosthetic arm
Use in
of use
Frequent-use group
Rare-use group
To ensure that we purely examined the embodiment of prosthetic arm and its effect on postural control in
comparing the two amputee groups, we confirmed whether more general, everyday experiences of an
embodied sense of self (i.e., ownership and agency) through one's body and actions were comparable between
the groups. The Embodied Sense of Self Scale (ESSS), which comprises three subscales—Ownership, Agency,
and Narrative—was used to assess the experiences of the corresponding aspects of sense of self on an
everyday basis (Asai, Kanayama, Imaizumi, Koyama, & Kaganoi, 2016). The Narrative subscale measures
how the self extends in time, including identity, autobiographical memory, and intentions for the future
(Gallagher, 2000). The Ownership score ranges from 9 to 45; the other two subscale scores range from 8 to 40.
Higher scores on all three subscales indicate more anomalous experiences of ownership, agency, and narrative
self. Moreover, we checked whether the two groups differed in terms of state and trait anxiety, which appear
to influence postural control (Hainaut, Caillet, Lestienne, & Bolmont, 2011; Wada, Sunaga, & Nagai, 2001),
by using the state and trait scales of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S and STAI-T, respectively).
The total score of each scale ranges from 20 to 80, with higher scores indicating greater state or trait anxiety,
respectively (Shimizu & Imae, 1981; Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lushene, 1970). Participants completed these
questionnaires before the main experiment described below. The results, shown in Table 2, indicated that the
groups did not differ in terms of ESSS subscales, STAI-S, or STAI-T (ts(7) 1.14, ps 0.29, rs 0.28). We
must note that the ESSS data from these amputees has already been published as a part of our previous study
aimed at developing and validating the ESSS (Asai et al., 2016).
Table 2. Responses to the Embodied Sense of Self Scale (ESSS) and state and trait scales of the State-Trait
Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S and STAI-T) by the two amputee groups as well as the non-amputee controls (in
the follow-up experiment; see 3.3.).
Frequent-use group (N = 4)
Rare-use group (N = 5)
Controls (N = 9)
2.2. Apparatus
Postural sway was measured using a force plate (Wii Balance Board, Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan), which tracked
the participant’s center of pressure displacement at 20 Hz without filtering. A custom program written in C#
using an open-source library (WiiMoteLib, running on Windows 7 collected
and sent the data to a computer via a Bluetooth interface. The Wii Balance Board has been confirmed as valid
and reliable for postural-sway measurement (Clark et al., 2010), including in elderly people (Chang, Chang,
Lee, & Feng, 2013).
2.3. Procedures
2.3.1. Posturography
The participant stood erect on the force plate with his knees straight and hands down at his sides, either with
or without his prosthesis. First, the participant viewed an eye-level fixation point on the wall for 60 seconds
(eyes-open condition). Immediately afterward, he closed his eyes and remained standing for 60 seconds
(eyes-closed condition). The eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions were then repeated after the participant
removed/installed his prosthesis. The order of eyes open/closed conditions and with/without prosthesis
conditions was counterbalanced across participants. We followed previous recommendations regarding the
recording duration (Carpenter, Frank, Winter, & Peysar, 2001) and measurements for both eyes-open and
-closed conditions (Kapteyn et al., 1983).
2.3.2. Questionnaire
To examine the extent to which the prosthesis behaved as if it were a part of their own body and/or a postural
stabilizer, participants answered nine questions regarding the components of embodiment of their prosthesis
on an everyday basis, using five-point Likert scales (Table 3). We developed these items partially based on a
semi-structured interview guide (Wijk & Carlsson, 2015) regarding incorporation into the body and a
questionnaire (Longo et al., 2008) regarding the components of embodiment of body-like objects (e.g., rubber
hand). Longo et al. psychometrically showed that embodiment can be divided into Ownership and Agency
(note that the authors included another component: Location). Items 1 and 2 addressed how prosthetic arm
stabilizes body posture and/or affects the body axis. Items 3 to 6 addressed the sense of ownership over the
prosthetic arm, including how the prosthetic arm is subjectively incorporated into one's body representation,
together with associated somatosensation (Gallagher, 2000). Items 7 to 9 queried the sense of agency over the
prosthetic arm, that is, the extent to which amputees can control their prosthesis by themselves, in the same
manner as an intact limb. We expected these items to receive higher scores in the frequent-use group, whose
prosthesis would be more firmly embodied, than the rare-use group. This questionnaire was completed
approximately three months after the postural measurements, to prevent the results of the postural
measurement from biasing the answers to the questionnaire.
Table 3. Questionnaire regarding the participant’s own prosthetic arm and its embodiment. Note the titles for
each item (italics) were not presented to the participants in the actual experiment.
Five-point scales
1. Postural stabilizing: Do you feel that the balance of your body posture is stable
when you fit your prosthesis?
1: Never. 5: Always.
2. Biased body axis: Do you feel that your body axis biases toward the side of either
the intact or amputated limb?
1: Intact side. 3: Neither. 5: Amputated
3. Incorporation: To what extent do you feel that your prosthesis is a part of your
1: Not at all. 5: Entirely.
4. Habitual touch: Do you have a habit of unintentionally touching your prosthesis?
1: Never. 5: Always.
5. Haptics: Do you feel that, when something touches your prosthesis, it touches
your body?
1: Never. 5: Always.
6. Proprioception: To what extent do you perceive the orientation and location of
your prosthesis with your eyes closed?
1: Not at all. 5: Extremely.
7. Quickness: How quickly do you move your prosthesis when you intend to move
1: Extremely slow. 5: Instantaneous.
8. Accuracy: How accurately do you move your prosthesis?
1: Not at all. 5: Accurate as intact side.
9. Difficulty: How difficult is it to move your prosthesis?
1: Extremely. 5: Easy as intact side.
2.4. Data analysis
For each participant, we analyzed the total path length, medio-lateral (ML) path length, and antero-posterior
(AP) path length of the center of pressure displacements. Total path length was calculated as the sum of the
Euclidean distances between successive data points (i.e., 1200 points: data sampled at 20 Hz for 60 seconds).
ML and AP path lengths were calculated as the sum of ML or AP components of the Euclidean distances
between the data points, respectively. We chose three types of path length as posturographic indices for two
reasons. First, the total path length of the center of pressure displacements can have small intra-individual
variations and discriminate well experimental conditions and group differences, such as age, health status, and
visuo-proprioceptive inputs (Duarte & Freitas, 2010; Raymakers, Samson, & Verhaar, 2005). Second, ML and
AP postural control, which underlie ML and AP path lengths, are based on different biomechanical strategies
(Day, Steiger, Thompson, & Marsden, 1993; Winter, Prince, Frank, Powell, & Zabjek, 1996) and differently
affected by cognitive controls (Pellecchia, 2003) and states (Wada et al., 2001).
The total, ML, and AP path lengths for each condition were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) with
two within-participants factors (Eyes: open, closed; Prosthesis: with, without) and a between-participants
factor (Frequency: frequent use, rare use) with partial eta squared (η2p) as the effect size (Cohen, 1988).
Responses for questionnaire items 1 and 2 were averaged into a composite score of Postural effect, to examine
group differences in terms of several components of prosthesis embodiment and to ensure that the prosthesis
was more strongly embodied in the frequent-use group than the rare-use group. Similarly, items 3, 4, 5, and 6
were averaged into an Ownership composite score, and items 7, 8, and 9 averaged into an Agency composite
(cf. Longo et al., 2008). Two-tailed t-tests were used to compare the two groups for each of these three
components, and each of the nine questionnaire items. Welch’s t and corrected degrees of freedom were used
when the data violated the homogeneity of variance assumption, in accordance with Levene's test. Effect sizes
were calculated as r for t-tests (Cohen, 1988). The significance level was set at p < 0.05.
3. Results
3.1. Posturography
Total, ML, and AP path lengths were calculated for each participant and submitted to ANOVAs, which
revealed a significant main effect of Eyes on total, ML, and AP path lengths (total: F(1,7) = 33.18, p = 0.001,
η2p = 0.83; ML: F(1,7) = 6.22, p = 0.04, η2p = 0.47; AP: F(1,7) = 39.54, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.85). These effects
indicated larger postural sway during the eyes-closed condition, consistent with reports that postural sway
increases with a lack of visual input (Edwards, 1946). However, the effects of Eyes did not interact with two
factors Prosthesis and Frequency for all path lengths (Fs 1.84, ps 0.22, η2ps 0.21). Therefore, we
collapsed the data across the eyes-open/closed conditions and analyzed these data using an ANOVA with a
within-participants factor (Prosthesis) and a between-participants factor (Frequency).
Figure 1 shows the total, ML, and AP path lengths for the two groups. For these three path lengths, we found
no main effect of Prosthesis (total: F(1,7) = 2.25, p = 0.18, η2p = 0.24; ML: F(1,7) = 2.08, p = 0.19, η2p = 0.23;
AP F(1,7) = 3.90, p = 0.09, η2p = 0.36) or Frequency (total: F(1,7) = 2.31, p = 0.17, η2p = 0.25; ML: F(1,7) =
0.26, p = 0.63, η2p = 0.04; AP: F(1,7) = 3.01, p = 0.13, η2p = 0.30), while we found significant interactions
between Prosthesis and Frequency (total: F(1,7) = 25.69, p = 0.001, η2p = 0.79; ML: F(1,7) = 8.76, p = 0.02,
η2p = 0.56; AP: F(1,7) = 21.16, p = 0.002, η2p = 0.75). Simple main effects analyses revealed that total path
length significantly increased in the without-prosthesis condition compared to the with-prosthesis condition in
the frequent-use group (F(1,7) = 21.58, p = 0.002), while in the rare-use group, total path length significantly
decreased in the without-prosthesis condition (F(1,7) = 6.37, p = 0.04). Moreover, total path length
significantly increased in the frequent-use group compared to the rare-use group in the without-prosthesis
condition (F(1,14) = 4.91, p = 0.04). ML path length significantly decreased in the without-prosthesis
condition compared to the with-prosthesis condition in the rare-use group (F(1,7) = 9.67, p = 0.02). AP path
length significantly increased in the without-prosthesis condition compared to the with-prosthesis condition in
the frequent-use group (F(1,7) = 21.63, p = 0.002), and significantly increased in the frequent-use group
compared to the rare-use group in the without-prosthesis condition (F(1,14) = 6.12, p = 0.03).
Figure 1. (A) Total, (B) medio-lateral, and (C) antero-posterior path lengths for the frequent- (N = 4) and
rare-use (N = 5) groups. Error bars denote ±1 standard error of the mean. Asterisks indicate significant simple
main effects (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01).
3.2. Questionnaire
Figure 2 shows the mean response to each of merged questionnaire items (i.e., the three composite variables
assessing prosthesis embodiment) by the frequent- and rare-use groups. Postural effect was significantly
higher in the frequent-use group (t(7) = 4.91, p = 0.002, r = 0.88). Ownership did not differ between the two
groups (t(7) = 1.26, p = 0.25, r = 0.43). Agency was significantly higher in the frequent-use group (Welch's
t(6.59) = 2.49, p = 0.04, r = 0.70).
Figure 2. Composite variables obtained from the questionnaire, which were averages of the following items:
Postural effect, items 1 and 2; Ownership, items 3, 4, 5, and 6; Agency, items 7, 8, and 9. These three
composites served as components of embodiment. Error bars denote 95% confidence intervals. Asterisks
indicate significant group differences (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01).
Figure 3 shows the mean response to each of the nine questions by the frequent- and rare-use groups. The
responses for items 1 (Postural stabilizing), 2 (Biased body axis), and 4 (Habitual touch) were significantly
higher in the frequent-use group than the rare-use group (item 1: t(7) = 3.04, p = 0.02, r = 0.75; item 2: t(7) =
3.27, p = 0.01, r = 0.78; item 4: t(7) = 2.59, p = 0.04, r = 0.70). Significant group differences were not found
for the other items (ts 1.10, ps 0.31, rs 0.39; Welch's t for item 8 (Accuracy): t(3.00) = 2.61, p = 0.08, r
= 0.75).
Figure 3. Mean responses to the questionnaire on prosthesis embodiment. Error bars denote 95% confidence
intervals. Asterisks and a dagger indicate significant or near-significant group differences (* p < 0.05, p <
3.3. Follow-up experiment in non-amputee controls
One might argue that the different postural modulation found in the frequent- and rare-use groups was simply
an artifact of the abnormal postural control in our elderly amputees. Furthermore, one might ask whether and
how an external object fitted to the upper limb in non-amputee individuals (e.g., wrist weight) affects body
posture similarly to a prosthetic arm in amputees. We expected such an object would be unembodied, and
therefore would affect postural sway similarly to the prosthetic arm in the rare-use group.
To ensure that our nine amputees had normal postural control in terms of postural stability and visual
contribution to postural sway, and to elucidate the effect of an external object temporarily attached to the
upper limb on the postural sway, we conducted a follow-up experiment assessing postural sway in
non-amputee controls (nine males; mean age 66.89 ± 3.28 years; mean body mass index 24.59 ± 1.02 kg/m2:
these were comparable to the amputees, ts(16) 0.92, ps 0.37, rs 0.23). As in the main experiment (see
2.1.), we confirmed that the day-to-day experiences of ownership, agency, and narrative self (ESSS) and state
and trait anxiety (STAI-S and STAI-T) of the controls did not differ from those of the amputees (ts(16) 1.40,
ps 0.18, rs 0.33, see Table 2). The ESSS data from the controls has already been published as a part of our
previous validation study of this scale (Asai et al., 2016). The controls, who were naïve with respect to the
study purpose, gave written informed consent and participated in return for monetary compensation. Each
stood on the force plate and viewed an eye-level fixation point on the wall for 60 seconds. Afterward, they
closed their eyes and remained standing for 60 seconds. Then, the eyes-open and -closed conditions were
repeated after a wrist weight, as an alternative to the prosthetic arm, was attached to their right wrist using a
Velcro strap. The wrist weight (995 g) was comparable to the amputees' prostheses in terms of weight (mean
836.11 ± 275.93 g; one-sample t test: t(8) = 1.73, p = 0.12, r = 0.52). The order of eyes open/closed conditions
and with/without wrist-weight conditions was counterbalanced across the participants. We used the
aforementioned apparatus and analyzed the total, ML, and AP path lengths in the same manner as the main
We compared posturographic data under eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions between amputees and
controls to ensure that amputation itself did not affect postural control and its visual contributions. Data from
the controls were collapsed across with/without wrist-weight conditions, and compared with those from the
amputees, the latter of which were collapsed across with/without-prosthesis conditions and frequent/rare-use
groups. ANOVAs with a within-participants factor Eyes (eyes-open, eyes-closed) and a between-participants
factor Amputation (amputees, controls) was performed on the total, ML, and AP path lengths (Figure 4). Eyes
had a significant main effects on the total, ML, and AP path lengths (total: F(1,16) = 53.48, p < 0.001, η2p =
0.77; ML: F(1,16) = 21.13, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.57; AP: F(1,16) = 56.22, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.78), indicating a
larger postural sway in eyes-closed conditions (Edwards, 1946). Importantly, the effect of Eyes did not
interact with Amputation (Fs(1,16) 3.34, ps 0.09, η2ps 0.17). Furthermore, there was no main effect of
Amputation on all three path lengths (Fs(1,16) 0.58, ps 0.46, η2ps 0.04). These results indicate that
amputee’s postural stability and visual contribution to postural control were comparable to those in controls.
Figure 4. (A) Total, (B) medio-lateral, and (C) antero-posterior path lengths for amputees (N = 9) and
non-amputee controls (N = 9). Error bars denote ±1 standard error of the mean. Asterisks indicate significant
main effects (**p < 0.01).
The total, ML, and AP path length data from the controls were submitted to ANOVAs with two
within-participants factors, namely Eyes (eyes-open, eyes-closed) and Wrist weight (with, without). As
expected, we found significant main effects of Eyes for all three path lengths (total: F(1,8) = 24.14, p = 0.001,
η2p = 0.75; ML: F(1,8) = 16.04, p = 0.004, η2p = 0.67; AP: F(1,8) = 25.31, p = 0.001, η2p = 0.76), indicating a
larger postural sway in eyes-closed condition. However, Eyes did not interact with Wrist weight for all path
lengths (Fs(1,8) 4.54, ps 0.07, η2ps 0.36). Importantly, there were no main effects of Wrist weight on
path lengths (Fs(1,8) 1.89, ps 0.21, η2ps 0.19). These results suggest that a temporary wrist weight did
not affect postural control in non-amputees, unlike the prosthetic arm in the amputees who frequently or rarely
used it. Figure 5 shows the data for the controls, collapsed across eyes-open and -closed conditions, for
comparison with those in two amputee groups (see Figure 1).
Figure 5. (A) Total, (B) medio-lateral, and (C) antero-posterior path lengths in the non-amputee controls.
Error bars denote ±1 standard error of the mean.
4. Discussion
4.1. Postural modulation by (un)embodied prosthetic upper-limb
Posturographic measurements during quiet upright stance indicated that unilateral upper-limb amputees who
frequently use their prosthesis (i.e., frequent-use group) showed larger postural sway without the prosthesis,
while those who rarely use it (i.e., rare-use group) showed smaller sway without the prosthesis (see 4.2 for
ML/AP directionality). Comparable posturographic data from non-amputee controls ruled out the possibility
that the apparent postural modulation by prosthesis derived from altered postural control due to aging and
amputation per se. These results suggest that a prosthetic arm can stabilize an amputee’s body posture if the
prosthesis is frequently used, but not if it is rarely used, consistent with a recent qualitative study (Wijk &
Carlsson, 2015).
It is probable that frequent and long-term prosthesis use can lead to embodiment of the prosthesis (de
Vignemont, 2007; Mills, 2013; Murray, 2004, 2008). This may be the case for our frequent-use group, whose
daily usage was longer than that of the rare-use group, but whose elapsed time since amputation was
comparable. It has been suggested that long-term tool use not only improves performance in terms of
controlling the tool, but also leads to incorporation of the tool into the body representation (Cardinali et al.,
2009; Maravita, Clarke, Husain, & Driver, 2002). Prosthetic arms in the frequent-use group may also have
been incorporated into their owner’s body representation, and consequently involved in the
feedback/feedforward postural control system (Peterka, 2002; van der Kooij et al., 1999), requiring coherent
body representation as a reference frame (di Fabio & Emasithi, 1997; Gurfinkel et al., 1995). In contrast, as
the prosthesis was presumably not embodied in the rare-use group, these individuals may be able to control
their posture even without a prosthesis; consequently, the presence of a prosthesis can perturb their posture.
Studies have shown that removal of an embodied object and placement of an unembodied object, other than
an (un)embodied prosthesis, can disturb postural control (see 4.2 for an exception). For instance, in normal
individuals, fitting an unembodied external object (e.g., wrist weight or backpack) perturbs the body posture
during upright stance (Al-Khabbaz, Shimada, & Hasegawa, 2008; Haddad et al., 2011). Furthermore, breast
augmentation (Mazzocchi, Dessy, Iodice, Saggini, & Scuderi, 2012), breast reduction (Mazzocchi, Dessy, di
Ronza, et al., 2012), and abdominoplasty (Iodice, Scuderi, Saggini, & Pezzulo, 2015) also increase postural
sway in the patients just after the surgery, although the postural control is gradually restored to normal
approximately 12 months after surgery. In the current study, since roughly forty years had elapsed since
amputation and the beginning of prosthesis use, we could not examine the time course of embodiment of the
prosthesis and its relationship with changes in postural control ability over a long period. A future longitudinal
study that enrolls participants just after the amputation could be used to address this issue.
4.2. Postural sway in medio-lateral and antero-posterior directions
Different effects of a prosthesis on postural sway were found in the ML and AP directions; the prosthesis
reduced postural sway for AP and total path lengths in the frequent-use group, while removal of the prosthesis
reduced postural sway for ML and total path lengths in the rare-use group. A possible biomechanical
explanation for the differences in ML and AP postural control is that ML balance is accomplished by hip
(abductor/adductor) control, whereas AP balance is accomplished by ankle (plantar/dorsiflexor) control (Day
et al., 1993; Gatev, Thomas, Kepple, & Hallett, 1999; Winter et al., 1996). However, what is the basis of the
differences in the two groups?
Two explanations can be proposed to account for the AP-specific postural effect in the frequent-use group.
The first is based on direction-specific motor representation. Several studies have suggested that imagery of
whole-body and upper-limb movements can increase postural sway (Boulton & Mitra, 2013; Grangeon,
Guillot, & Collet, 2011; Rodrigues et al., 2010). In particular, Boulton and Mitra (2013) reported that ML and
AP postural sway increase during imagery of ML- and AP-directional movements using the upper limb,
respectively. If the embodiment of the prosthetic arm in the frequent-use group was associated with the motor
representation of related movements using the upper limb, the removal of the prosthetic arm representing
AP-direction movements (e.g., grasping, and arm swinging for walking) might have unconsciously driven
motor imagery and consequently elicited postural sway in the AP direction. Indeed, one of the basic actions of
the upper limb is an arm swing in the AP direction during walking, which can stabilize the gait pattern
following external perturbation (Elftman, 1939; Marigold, Bethune, & Patla, 2003; Meyns, Bruijn, & Duysens,
2013). We assume that the more controllable prosthetic arm, which allows execution and/or representation of
arm swing, is likely to stabilize postural control in AP direction. A second explanation has its basis in more
cognitive aspects. It has been suggested that cognitive states (e.g., anxiety and emotion) selectively affect
postural sway in the AP direction (Brunye et al., 2013; Lelard et al., 2013; Wada et al., 2001). Moreover,
recent studies have demonstrated that a pleasant touch facilitates the illusion of body representation, that is,
the RHI (Crucianelli, Metcalf, Fotopoulou, & Jenkinson, 2013; van Stralen et al., 2014), and that anxiety
responses can be induced by threatening an artificial hand under the RHI (Ehrsson, Wiech, Weiskopf, Dolan,
& Passingham, 2007). These findings suggest a linkage between cognitive states and bodily responses. Thus,
although speculative, certain cognitive responses elicited by fitting/removal of embodied prosthetic arm may
relate to the AP-specific postural modulation in the frequent-use group.
In contrast, why was the ML-specific effect observed in the rare-use group? The rare-use group, who may
have a coherent body representation without their prosthetic arm, should be able to maintain their body
posture without the prosthesis. It can be assumed that the unembodied prosthesis unilaterally perturbed the
upright body posture in the rare-use group, and increased the ML postural sway as a result of compensation
for the perturbation. This assumption is supported by findings that physical loads imposed on the unilateral
side can serve as postural perturbations that increase postural sway in the ML direction (Haddad et al., 2011).
To test this explanation, the follow-up experiment investigated the effect of fitting an unembodied external
object (i.e., wrist weight) in non-amputee controls. It was expected that an increase in ML postural sway
would be found while the wrist weight was present. However, the wrist weight did not influence ML path
length, or the total and AP path lengths. This might suggest that our unilateral amputees in the rare-use group,
unlike controls, had an asymmetric body representation, which could be vulnerable to perturbation. This could
explain the ML postural sway induced by fitting the prosthetic arm, although the amputees' body
representations may be coherent without a prosthesis. Alternatively, we speculate that the different nature of
prosthetic arms and wrist weights might explain the different postural effects; that is, a prosthesis can be a tool
that is likely to be incorporated into the body and/or motor representation, while a wrist weight is not tool; it is
just placed onto the body.
4.3. Subjective measures of prosthesis embodiment and their relationship to postural control
We used a questionnaire based on previous studies (Longo et al., 2008; Wijk & Carlsson, 2015), in addition to
the frequency of prosthesis use, as an indicator of embodiment of the prosthetic arm, to examine how
subjectively reported prosthesis embodiment relates to postural control, and what subcomponents of
embodiment (cf. Longo et al., 2008) are important for prosthesis embodiment. The composite variable
Postural effect received higher scores in the frequent-use group, suggesting that the amputees who frequently
used their prosthesis found that it contributed to their postural control more than those who rarely used their
prosthesis. This was also the case for the single item 1 (Postural stabilization), that is, the frequent-use group
was more likely to report that the prosthesis stabilized their body posture. For single item 2 (Biased body axis),
the frequent-use group was more likely to report their body axis was biased toward the amputated side, while
the rare-use group found no such bias. It is probable that the body-axis bias toward the amputated side would
result in unbalanced posture when the prosthesis is removed, while wearing a prosthesis would perturb body
posture if the body axis is without bias. These results from the subjective measures are consistent with the
objective measures (i.e., posturography) indicating a decrease in postural sway following prosthesis fitment in
the frequent-use group, and by removal of the prosthesis in the rare-use group.
No group difference was found for the composite variable Ownership, while only the single item 4 (Habitual
touch) was higher in the frequent-use group. This implies that the sense of ownership over the prosthetic arm
is not a primary component of the prosthesis embodiment and a critical factor for postural modulation,
although the reported tendency to touch their prosthesis was possibly due to attentiveness and care toward the
prosthesis. In contrast, as for Agency, the frequent-use group showed more agreement with the items than the
rare-use group, suggesting that amputees who frequently use their prosthesis are more likely to feel that they
can control their prosthesis accurately, quickly, and/or easily, possibly due to motor learning and updated
internal models (Imamizu et al., 2003; Imamizu et al., 2000), similarly to long-term tool use (Bassolino et al.,
2010; Cardinali et al., 2009; Serino et al., 2007). These results suggest that an upper-limb prosthesis is
incorporated into the body representation not simply as an object to be owned and with which to have sensory
experiences, but as an effector or a tool to be used and controlled, which supports our hypothesis that
embodiment of a prosthetic arm can be driven more by a sense of agency than by a sense of ownership. This is
consistent with the idea that a prosthetic arm is originally an alternative to the effector (i.e., intact upper limb)
and the hand and arm are an actively moving interface with the external world (Baumgartner, 2001).
Furthermore, these findings may extend those on the interaction of sense of agency and body ownership,
which are generated by the active or passive movement of one’s own hand (Caspar et al., 2015; Kalckert &
Ehrsson, 2012, 2014a; Tsakiris et al., 2006).
We could not examine variability according to prosthesis type or the presence and movement of a phantom
limb, that is, awareness of the amputated limb (Kooijman, Dijkstra, Geertzen, Elzinga, & van der Schans,
2000). Since voluntary tool use is likely important for incorporation into a coherent body representation,
which may be required for stable postural control as a reference frame (di Fabio & Emasithi, 1997; Gurfinkel
et al., 1995), movable prostheses (e.g., functional and myoelectric) are more likely to be embodied than
non-movable prostheses (Nico et al., 2004). This idea is supported by previous findings in non-amputees,
which suggest that the sense of agency is a key determinant of body-ownership over external objects (Asai,
2016) and contributes to recalibration of the body representation while maintaining its coherence and unity
(Tsakiris et al., 2006). In the current study, although three amputees in the frequent-use group and two in the
rare-use group used a functional or myoelectric prosthesis, the small sample size did not allow us to examine
the effect of prosthesis type. Regarding phantom limb phenomena, eight of the nine amputees reported that
they still experienced a phantom limb, despite approximately forty years having elapsed since their
amputation. Moreover, two of the eight with phantom limbs reported that they could voluntarily move their
phantom limbs. As such, we could not examine the effects of the presence or movement of a phantom limb on
postural modulation by a prosthetic arm. A phantom limb can be perceived in terms of its shape, size, and
location (Longo, Long, & Haggard, 2012; Sumitani, Yozu, Tomioka, Yamada, & Miyauchi, 2010), to execute
an action (Osumi et al., 2015; Raffin, Giraux, & Reilly, 2012), and to generate a sense of agency (Imaizumi,
Asai, Kanayama, Kawamura, & Koyama, 2014), similarly to an intact limb. Thus, it is possible that the
embodiment of a prosthetic limb and the presence and movement of a phantom limb can interact, and the
interaction might interfere with the postural modulation effect of the prosthesis.
4.4. Limitations
The current study has three limitations of note. First, our sample size was small. Future studies should seek to
replicate our findings with larger samples. Additionally, further studies might examine the aforementioned
issues by enrolling amputees with various conditions, that is, movable or non-movable prosthesis users with
or without a phantom limb. Second, it should be noted that we did not verify the self-reported frequency of
prosthesis usage; for example, some individuals might have used their prosthesis with the reported frequency
since their amputation, while others might have adopted the reported frequency of use only recently. This
could confound our between-groups design that included frequent-use (embodied) and rare-use (unembodied)
groups. Finally, our findings are limited to unilateral upper-limb amputees. Thus, it remains unclear whether
and how a prosthesis modulates postural control in bilateral upper-limb amputees and how bilateral prostheses
are embodied. Given the asymmetries in weight and morphology, substantial differences between unilateral
and bilateral amputees can be anticipated.
4.5. Conclusions and outlook
The current findings from posturography and a questionnaire regarding prosthesis embodiment suggest that an
embodied prosthetic arm stabilizes amputees' body posture while an unembodied one perturbs it, and that
amputees should feel a sense of agency over their embodied prosthesis, rather than a sense of ownership over
it, to enable the prosthesis to stabilize their body posture. While care should be taken when drawing
conclusions from our small sample, the current study is, to our knowledge, the first empirical demonstration
of a recent qualitative suggestion regarding postural stabilization by upper-limb prosthesis (Wijk & Carlsson,
2015). Additionally, previous findings that long-term use of a prosthetic arm leads to prosthesis embodiment
based on evidence from motor trajectories of the upper limb (Fraser, 1984), proprioceptive upper-limb
dimensions (McDonnell et al., 1989), and peripersonal space (Canzoneri et al., 2013) are extended by our
findings that prosthesis embodiment, especially driven by a sense of agency, can modulate whole body
movement, that is, postural control.
Cortical plasticity sometimes causes maladaptive reorganization in somatosensory and motor cortices
following limb amputation, for example, phantom limbs and associated pain (Flor, Diers, & Andoh, 2013;
Flor, Nikolajsen, & Jensen, 2006), but also leads to adaptive changes, including the embodiment of prostheses
and tools, and their subsequent influence on postural control and kinematics. As we have suggested, it is
important for this adaptive embodiment that amputees becomes agents who voluntarily use and control their
prosthesis. To date, studies of postural control have generally overlooked the perspective of embodiment and
the sense of self, whereas very few studies on the sense of self have examined its relationship with whole
body movement, for example, gait (Kannape & Blanke, 2012; Kannape, Schwabe, Tadi, & Blanke, 2010).
Understanding prosthesis embodiment and its postural modulation can bridge these two research fields and
may provide a new perspective on rehabilitation. Previous studies of postural control and gait have primarily
focused on lower-limb amputees (Gailey et al., 2008), perhaps because the lower limb may have a more
important role for locomotion and weight-bearing activity. However, future studies and rehabilitation practice
should note that an upper-limb prosthesis can maintain an amputee’s body posture in order to prevent falls and
back/neck pains. New assessments using posturography might be derived that determine whether and how an
upper-limb prosthesis matches an amputee and is embodied by him or her, beyond consideration of the motor
efficiency of prosthetic control as an index of embodiment (Cardinali et al., 2009).
We would like to thank Takashi Nomura and Toshihiko Hayashi for their assistance with participant
recruitment and the reviewers for their helpful comments.
This work was supported by Grant-in-Aids for JSPS Fellows to SI (13J00943, 16J00411) from the Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science.
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... Many of the current measures of embodiment are subjective in nature due to the individuality and unknowns of the source of embodiment. The current gold standard for measuring embodiment of external devices is a qualitative personal questionnaire which asks users to reflect and evaluate on a device from a functional standpoint [16], [19]- [29]. In the future, researchers should move away from relying on these qualitative measures and focus on the emerging quantitative measures discussed later in this review. ...
... In the future, researchers should move away from relying on these qualitative measures and focus on the emerging quantitative measures discussed later in this review. Previous studies have shown that time, experience, and environment can all influence embodiment of devices [16], [24], [30]- [35]. Embodiment can be a valuable way for engineers to assess the success of their TNSRE-2022-00291 designs, for neuroscientists to understand brain function, and for clinicians to develop better therapeutic interventions. ...
... Although there has been much research on embodiment in prostheses [16], [23], [24], [71]- [73], robotic exoskeletons are not prostheses and therefore the research in this field cannot be necessarily applied to exoskeleton embodiment. Prostheses replace a missing part of the body while exoskeletons guide, assist, or augment intact limbs. ...
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Research on embodiment of objects external to the human body has revealed important information about how the human nervous system interacts with robotic lower limb exoskeletons. Typical robotic exoskeleton control approaches view the controllers as an external agent intending to move in coordination with the human. However, principles of embodiment suggest that the exoskeleton controller should ideally coordinate with the human such that the nervous system can adequately model the input-output dynamics of the exoskeleton controller. Measuring embodiment of exoskeletons should be a necessary step in the exoskeleton development and prototyping process. Researchers need to establish high fidelity quantitative measures of embodiment, rather than relying on current qualitative survey measures. Mobile brain imaging techniques, such as high-density electroencephalography, is likely to provide a deeper understanding of embodiment during human-machine interactions and advance exoskeleton research and development. In this review we show why future exoskeleton research should include quantitative measures of embodiment as a metric of success.
... Beyond the RHI questionnaire and its variants, other questionnaires have been developed to measure psychosocial experiences of prosthesis users, including aspects of embodiment (Imaizumi et al., 2016;Petrini et al., 2019;Rognini et al., 2019;Engdahl et al., 2020;Resnik et al., 2021;Sturma et al., 2021;Bekrater-Bodmann, 2022). For example, the Embodiment scale of the Patient Experience Measure assesses experiences of ownership and some aspects of body image using a Likert scale (Resnik et al., 2021). ...
... Imaizumi et al., 2016;D'Angelo et al., 2018;Page et al., 2018;Petrini et al., 2019;Riemer et al., 2019; Rognini et al., 2019;Bekrater-Bodmann, 2020Engdahl et al., 2020;Lush, 2020;Maimon-Mor et al., 2020;Roseboom and Lush, 2020;Fritsch et al., 2021;Preatoni et al., 2021;Resnik et al., 2021;Sturma et al., 2021;Lush and Seth, 2022;Slater and Ehrsson, 2022 Qualitative interviewsMurray, 2004;Luchetti et al., 2015;Widehammar et al., 2018;Cuberovic et al., 2019; ...
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The development of neural interfaces to provide improved control and somatosensory feedback from prosthetic limbs has initiated a new ability to probe the various dimensions of embodiment. Scientists in the field of neuroprosthetics require dependable measures of ownership, body representation, and agency to quantify the sense of embodiment felt by patients for their prosthetic limbs. These measures are critical to perform generalizable experiments and compare the utility of the new technologies being developed. Here, we review outcome measures used in the literature to evaluate the senses of ownership, body-representation, and agency. We categorize these existing measures based on the fundamental psychometric property measured and whether it is a behavioral or physiological measure. We present arguments for the efficacy and pitfalls of each measure to guide better experimental designs and future outcome measure development. The purpose of this review is to aid prosthesis researchers and technology developers in understanding the concept of embodiment and selecting metrics to assess embodiment in their research. Advances in the ability to measure the embodiment of prosthetic devices have far-reaching implications in the improvement of prosthetic limbs as well as promoting a broader understanding of ourselves as embodied agents.
... Further, different views on embodiment are sometimes presented within the same article (e.g. [39][40][41], etc.) so that in the remaining 86 articles, 125 definitions of embodiment were identified and extracted. Of these definitions, some were implied by the context and not expressively given (e.g. ...
... In conditions where intent and kinesthetic and visual feedback were congruent, the participants estimated shorter time delays compared to incongruent conditions. Other noteworthy experiments to investigate ownership and agency study communicative gestures executed with the prosthesis [94], compare postural sway when the prosthesis is either donned or doffed [40], and investigate how one's own prosthesis is represented in the brain by comparing pictures of one's own prosthesis to the prosthesis of others [41,95]. ...
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The term embodiment has become omnipresent within prosthetics research and is often used as a metric of the progress made in prosthetic technologies, as well as a hallmark for user acceptance. However, despite the frequent use of the term, the concept of prosthetic embodiment is often left undefined or described incongruently, sometimes even within the same article. This terminological ambiguity complicates the comparison of studies using embodiment as a metric of success, which in turn hinders the advancement of prosthetics research. To resolve these terminological ambiguities, we systematically reviewed the used definitions of embodiment in the prosthetics literature. We performed a thematic analysis of the definitions and found that embodiment is often conceptualized in either of two frameworks based on body representations or experimental phenomenology. We concluded that treating prosthetic embodiment within an experimental phenomenological framework as the combination of ownership and agency allows for embodiment to be a quantifiable metric for use in translational research. To provide a common reference and guidance on how to best assess ownership and agency, we conducted a second systematic review, analyzing experiments and measures involving ownership and agency. Together, we highlight a pragmatic definition of prosthetic embodiment as the combination of ownership and agency, and in an accompanying article, we provide a perspective on a multi-dimensional framework for prosthetic embodiment. Here, we concluded by providing recommendations on metrics that allow for outcome comparisons between studies, thereby creating a common reference for further discussions within prosthetics research.
... There is also evidence of embodiment impacting postural control. For example, Imaizumi et al. [44] showed that a prosthetic arm stabilizes body posture when it is embodied whereas it perturbs body posture when it is not. Nevertheless, our main question remained: would participants' body schema be impacted when owning and controlling a selfavatar with a lower-limb deformation? ...
Several studies have shown that users of immersive virtual reality can feel high levels of embodiment in self avatars that have different morphological proportions th a n th ose of their actual bodies . Deformed and unrealistic morphological modifications are accepted by embodied users, underlying the adaptability of one's mental map of their body (body schema) in response to incomi ng sensory feedback. Before initiating a motor action, the brain uses the body schema to plan and sequence the necessary movements. Therefore, embodiment in a self avatar with a different mo rphology, such as one with deformed proportions, could lead to changes in motor planning and execution. In this study, we aimed to measure the effects on movement planning and execution of embodying a self avatar with an enlarged lower leg on one side. Thirty participants embodied an avatar without any deformations, and with an enlarged dominant or non domin ant leg, in randomized order. Two different levels of embodiment were induced, using synchronous or asynchronous visuotactile stimuli. In each condition , participants performed a gait initiation task. Their center of mass and center of pressure were measured, and the margin of stability (MoS) was computed from these values. Their perceived level of embodiment was also measured, using a validated questionnaire. Results show no significant changes on the biom e chenical variables related to dynamic stability Embodiment scores decreased with asynchronous stimuli, without impacting the measures related to stability. The body schema may not have been impacted by the larger virtual leg . Ho wever, d eforming the self avatar's morphology could have important implications when addressing individuals with impaired physical mobility by subtly influencing action execution dur ing a rehabilitation protocol.
... Prosthesis embodiment-i.e. the cognitive incorporation of a prosthesis into one's body-has become a popular topic in clinical and research contexts [1,2], with empirical results suggesting relationships to positive clinical outcomes [3][4][5]. Although behavioral procedures have been described to assess the construct [6][7][8][9], questionnaires are often used to pragmatically acquire the degree of perceived prosthesis embodiment in research contexts. ...
Purpose: To perform a detailed psychometric Rasch analysis of the Prosthesis Embodiment Scale (PEmbS) administered in adults with lower limb amputation (LLA). Methods: A convenience sample of German-speaking adults with LLA (n = 150), recruited from German state agencies' databases, was asked to complete the PEmbS, a 10-item patient-reported scale assessing prosthesis embodiment. Results: The local dependency between two items was resolved by keeping for the global score only the lower score of these two items (#9 and #10). Collapsing the seven response categories to four (two expressing disagreement and two agreement) eliminated disordered thresholds. After that, the PEmbS demonstrated unidimensionality, acceptable item fit, and good reliability indices. A keyform plot was created to transform raw scores into linear measures of prosthesis embodiment, making it possible to compare the individual's item responses with those expected by the Rasch model, and to manage missing responses. Conclusions: The PEmbS is useful for assessing prosthesis embodiment in people with LLA, both for research and clinical purposes. We propose a revised version of the PEmbS for lower limb amputees; its appropriateness in other LLA contexts requires further investigation.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATIONProsthesis embodiment has been empirically related to positive clinical outcomes in limb amputees.The Prosthesis Embodiment Scale (PEmbS) is a patient-reported scale that has been recently recommended for use in research on prosthesis embodiment.Rasch analysis showed that the revised version of the German PEmbS is a psychometrically sound instrument for the assessment of prosthesis embodiment in lower limb amputees.The PEmbS thus also allows reliable and valid diagnosis of prosthesis embodiment in clinical and rehabilitation contexts.
... Recent research has revealed that the prosthesis embodiment is a key point during the rehabilitation and adaptation after amputation (Makin et al., 2017;Van Den Heiligenberg et al., 2018;Petrini et al., 2019), bringing a series of benefits: more intuitive control, facilitation of learning (Imaizumi et al., 2016;Makin et al., 2017), restoration of the perception of bodily integrity (Graczyk et al., 2018;Middleton and Ortiz-Catalan, 2020), and assisting in the treatment of phantom pain and residual limb pain (Bekrater-Bodmann et al., 2021). These aspects together make possible a better physical, psychological, and cognitive adaptation, optimizing the rehabilitation process and acceptance of the prosthetic limb. ...
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Therapeutic strategies capable of inducing and enhancing prosthesis embodiment are a key point for better adaptation to and acceptance of prosthetic limbs. In this study, we developed a training protocol using an EMG-based human-machine interface (HMI) that was applied in the preprosthetic rehabilitation phase of people with amputation. This is a case series with the objective of evaluating the induction and enhancement of the embodiment of a virtual prosthesis. Six men and a woman with unilateral transfemoral traumatic amputation without previous use of prostheses participated in the study. Participants performed a training protocol with the EMG-based HMI, composed of six sessions held twice a week, each lasting 30 mins. This system consisted of myoelectric control of the movements of a virtual prosthesis immersed in a 3D virtual environment. Additionally, vibrotactile stimuli were provided on the participant’s back corresponding to the movements performed. Embodiment was investigated from the following set of measurements: skin conductance response (affective measurement), crossmodal congruency effect (spatial perception measurement), ability to control the virtual prosthesis (motor measurement), and reports before and after the training. The increase in the skin conductance response in conditions where the virtual prosthesis was threatened, recalibration of the peripersonal space perception identified by the crossmodal congruency effect, ability to control the virtual prosthesis, and participant reports consistently showed the induction and enhancement of virtual prosthesis embodiment. Therefore, this protocol using EMG-based HMI was shown to be a viable option to achieve and enhance the embodiment of a virtual prosthetic limb.
... Prosthesis embodiment, that is, the cognitive integration of a prosthesis into an amputees' body representation (Makin, de Vignemont, & Faisal, 2017), has been identified as key feature of prosthetic rehabilitation, both by the users themselves (Murray, 2004) as well as experts providing prosthetic services (Schaffalitzky, Gallagher, MacLachlan, & Wegener, 2012). Prosthesis embodiment has been related to several beneficial outcomes of prosthesis use, such as a more stabilized body posture (Imaizumi, Asai, & Koyama, 2016), a better representation of the nearby space of action (Gouzien et al., 2017), higher prosthesis satisfaction (Bekrater-Bodmann, 2021), or less severe phantom limb pain (Bekrater-Bodmann, Reinhard, Diers, Fuchs, & Flor, 2021;Kern, Busch, Rockland, Kohl, & Birklein, 2009). The majority of amputees report prosthesis embodiment, albeit the inter-individual variability is high (Bekrater-Bodmann, 2020;Fritsch, Lenggenhager, & Bekrater-Bodmann, 2021). ...
Prosthesis embodiment – the cognitive integration of a prosthesis into an amputees’ body representation – has been identified as important for prosthetic rehabilitation. However, the underlying cognitive mechanisms remain unclear. There is reason to assume that phantom limbs that are experienced as part of the bodily self (phantom self-consciousness) can affect prosthesis embodiment, but only if the phantom and the prosthesis can be brought into perceived co-location (phantom prosthesis tolerance, PPT). In the present study, phantom-prosthesis interactions were examined in lower limb amputees, and a PPT component was psychometrically extracted. Mediation analysis revealed an indirect-only effect, where the relationship between phantom self-consciousness and prosthesis embodiment was mediated by PPT, indicating that phantom limbs can transfer their immanent vividness to the prosthesis. Subsequent analyses suggested that this effect can compensate for negative consequences on prosthesis embodiment that arise from phantom limb awareness. These results shape theoretical considerations about the cognitive processes contributing to the bodily self.
Background Prosthetic embodiment is the perception of the prosthesis as a part of the body, and it is important for acceptance and adequate and effective use of the prosthesis. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Prosthesis Embodiment Scale for Lower Limb Amputees. Methods This cross-sectional study included a total of 88 lower limb amputees. Internal consistency was evaluated using Cronbach α coefficient. The test-retest reliability of the scale, which was reapplied after 7–10 d, was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficient. Principal component analysis with Varimax rotation was used to analyze the factor structure. Spearman correlation coefficient with Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scale subscales was calculated for concurrent validity. Results The mean age of the participants was 45.13 ± 15.05 years, and 76.1% were male. Internal consistency (Cronbach α = 0.905) and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.822) were high. 76.1% of the total variance could be explained by the 3 dimensions. Significant correlation was found with the Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scale subscales (r = 0.542 for psychosocial adjustment subscale, r = −0.452 for activity restriction subscale, r = 0.490 for prosthesis satisfaction subscale, p < 0.001). Conclusions The results of this study showed that the Turkish version of the Prosthesis Embodiment Scale for Lower Limb Amputees is a valid and reliable tool that can be used to evaluate prosthetic rehabilitation outcomes.
Plastic surgeons play a critical role in the management of amputations and are uniquely positioned to improve the lives and functional abilities of patients with limb loss. The embodiment of a prosthesis describes how effectively it replaces a missing limb and is an important aspect of patient care. Despite its importance, the current prosthetics literature lacks a formal definition of embodiment, and descriptions are often vague or incomplete. In this narrative review, we assess the current literature on prosthetic embodiment to explore the main mechanisms of embodiment and how each allows a prosthesis to interface with the human body. In doing so, we provide a comprehensive, holistic framework for understanding this concept.
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Patients with lower limb amputation experience “embodiment” while using a prosthesis, perceiving it as part of their body. Humans control their biological body parts and receive appropriate information by directing attention toward them, which is called body-specific attention. This study investigated whether patients with lower limb amputation similarly direct attention to prosthetic limbs. The participants were 11 patients with lower limb amputation who started training to walk with a prosthesis. Attention to the prosthetic foot was measured longitudinally by a visual detection task. In the initial stage of walking rehabilitation, the index of attention to the prosthetic foot was lower than that to the healthy foot. In the final stage, however, there was no significant difference between the two indexes of attention. Correlation analysis revealed that the longer the duration of prosthetic foot use, the greater the attention directed toward it. These findings indicate that using a prosthesis focuses attention akin to that of an individual’s biological limb. Moreover, they expressed that the prosthesis felt like a part of their body when they could walk independently. These findings suggest that the use of prostheses causes integration of visual information and movement about the prosthesis, resulting in its subjective embodiment.
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The scientific exploration of the self has progressed, with much attention focused on the Embodied Sense of Self (ESS). Empirical studies have suggested the mechanisms for self-representation. On the other hand, less attention has been paid to the subjectivity itself of the self. With reference to previous studies, the current study collected items that reflect the ESS and statistically extracted three factors for it: Ownership, Agency, and Narrative. The developed questionnaire [Embodied Sense of Self Scale (ESSS)] showed good enough validity and reliability for practical use. Furthermore, ESSS discriminated schizophrenia, a disorder of the ESS, from controls. We discuss the factorial structure of ESS and the relationship among factors on the basis of the current results.
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Several recently developed philosophical approaches to the self promise to enhance the exchange of ideas between the philosophy of the mind and the other cognitive sciences. This review examines two important concepts of self: the ‘minimal self’, a self devoid of temporal extension, and the ‘narrative self’, which involves personal identity and continuity across time. The notion of a minimal self is first clarified by drawing a distinction between the sense of self-agency and the sense of self-ownership for actions. This distinction is then explored within the neurological domain with specific reference to schizophrenia, in which the sense of self-agency may be disrupted. The convergence between the philosophical debate and empirical study is extended in a discussion of more primitive aspects of self and how these relate to neonatal experience and robotics. The second concept of self, the narrative self, is discussed in the light of Gazzaniga’s left-hemisphere ‘interpreter’ and episodic memory. Extensions of the idea of a narrative self that are consistent with neurological models are then considered. The review illustrates how the philosophical approach can inform cognitive science and suggests that a two-way collaboration may lead to a more fully developed account of the self.
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Recent work in human cognitive neuroscience has linked self-consciousness to the processing of multisensory bodily signals (bodily self-consciousness [BSC]) in fronto-parietal cortex and more posterior temporo-parietal regions. We highlight the behavioral, neurophysiological, neuroimaging, and computational laws that subtend BSC in humans and non-human primates. We propose that BSC includes body-centered perception (hand, face, and trunk), based on the integration of proprioceptive, vestibular, and visual bodily inputs, and involves spatio-temporal mechanisms integrating multisensory bodily stimuli within peripersonal space (PPS). We develop four major constraints of BSC (proprioception, body-related visual information, PPS, and embodiment) and argue that the fronto-parietal and temporo-parietal processing of trunk-centered multisensory signals in PPS is of particular relevance for theoretical models and simulations of BSC and eventually of self-consciousness.
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Bodily self-consciousness consists of one's sense of agency (I am causing an action) and body ownership (my body belongs to me). Both stem from the temporal congruence between different modalities, although some visuomotor temporal incongruence is acceptable for agency. To examine the association or dissociation between agency and body ownership in the context of different temporal sensitivities, we applied a temporal recalibration paradigm, in which subjective synchrony between asynchronous hand action and its visual feedback can be perceived after exposure to the asynchronous visuomotor stimulation. In the experiment, participants continuously clasped and unclasped their hand while watching an online video of their hand that was presented with delays of 50, 110, 170, 230, 290, and 350 ms. Then, they rated a video of their hand with a delay of 50 ms (test stimulus) with respect to the synchrony between hand action and hand video and the perceived agency over the video. Moreover, proprioceptive drift of participants' hand location toward the hand video during the exposure was measured as an index of illusory body ownership. Results indicated that perception of agency emerged over the delayed hand video as subjective visuomotor synchrony was recalibrated, but that body ownership did not emerge for the delayed video, even after the recalibration. We suggest that there is a dissociation between agency and body ownership following visuomotor temporal recalibration.
It is generally accepted that human bipedal upright stance is achieved by feedback mechanisms that generate an appropriate corrective torque based on body-sway motion detected primarily by visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive sensory systems. Because orientation information from the various senses is not always available (eyes closed) or accurate (compliant support surface), the postural control system must somehow adjust to maintain stance in a wide variety of environmental conditions. This is the sensorimotor integration problem that we investigated by evoking anterior-posterior (AP) body sway using pseudorandom rotation of the visual surround and/or support surface (amplitudes 0.5–8°) in both normal subjects and subjects with severe bilateral vestibular loss (VL). AP rotation of body center-of-mass (COM) was measured in response to six conditions offering different combinations of available sensory information. Stimulus-response data were analyzed using spectral analysis to compute transfer functions and coherence functions over a frequency range from 0.017 to 2.23 Hz. Stimulus-response data were quite linear for any given condition and amplitude. However, overall behavior in normal subjects was nonlinear because gain decreased and phase functions sometimes changed with increasing stimulus amplitude. “Sensory channel reweighting” could account for this nonlinear behavior with subjects showing increasing reliance on vestibular cues as stimulus amplitudes increased. VL subjects could not perform this reweighting, and their stimulus-response behavior remained quite linear. Transfer function curve fits based on a simple feedback control model provided estimates of postural stiffness, damping, and feedback time delay. There were only small changes in these parameters with increasing visual stimulus amplitude. However, stiffness increased as much as 60% with increasing support surface amplitude. To maintain postural stability and avoid resonant behavior, an increase in stiffness should be accompanied by a corresponding increase in damping. Increased damping was achieved primarily by decreasing the apparent time delay of feedback control rather than by changing the damping coefficient (i.e., corrective torque related to body-sway velocity). In normal subjects, stiffness and damping were highly correlated with body mass and moment of inertia, with stiffness always about 1/3 larger than necessary to resist the destabilizing torque due to gravity. The stiffness parameter in some VL subjects was larger compared with normal subjects, suggesting that they may use increased stiffness to help compensate for their loss. Overall results show that the simple act of standing quietly depends on a remarkably complex sensorimotor control system.
The relation between phantom limb pain (PLP) and the movement representation of a phantom limb remains controversial in several areas of neurorehabilitation, although there are a few studies in which the representation of phantom limb movement was precisely evaluated. We evaluated the structured movement representation of a phantom limb objectively using a bimanual circle-line coordination task. We then investigated the relation between PLP and the structured movement representation. Nine patients with a brachial plexus avulsion injury were enrolled who perceived a phantom limb and had neuropathic pain. While blindfolded, the participants repeatedly drew vertical lines using the intact hand and intended to draw circles using the phantom limb simultaneously. "Drawing of circles" by the phantom limb resulted in an oval transfiguration of the vertical lines ("bimanual coupling" effect). We used an arbitrary ovalization index (OI) to quantify the oval transfiguration. When the OI neared 100%, the trajectory changed toward becoming more circular. A significant negative correlation was observed between the intensity of PLP and the OI (r=-0.66, p<0.05). Our findings directly suggest that structured movement representations of the phantom limb are necessary for alleviating PLP. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
It is generally accepted that human bipedal upright stance is achieved by feedback mechanisms that generate an appropriate corrective torque based on body-sway motion detected primarily by visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive sensory systems. Because orientation information from the various senses is not always available (eyes closed) or accurate (compliant support surface), the postural control system must somehow adjust to maintain stance in a wide variety of environmental conditions. This is the sensorimotor integration problem that we investigated by evoking anterior-posterior (AP) body sway using pseudorandom rotation of the visual surround and/or support surface (amplitudes 0.5-8degrees) in both normal subjects and subjects with severe bilateral vestibular loss (VL). AP rotation of body center-of-mass (COM) was measured in response to six conditions offering different combinations of available sensory information. Stimulus-response data were analyzed using spectral analysis to compute transfer functions and coherence functions over a frequency range from 0.017 to 2.23 Hz. Stimulus-response data were quite linear for any given condition and amplitude. However, overall behavior in normal subjects was nonlinear because gain decreased and phase functions sometimes changed with increasing stimulus amplitude. "Sensory channel reweighting" could account for this nonlinear behavior with subjects showing increasing reliance on vestibular cues as stimulus amplitudes increased. VL subjects could not perform this reweighting, and their stimulus-response behavior remained quite linear. Transfer function curve fits based on a simple feedback control model provided estimates of postural stiffness, damping, and feedback time delay. There were only small changes in these parameters with increasing visual stimulus amplitude. However, stiffness increased as much as 60% with increasing support surface amplitude. To maintain postural stability and avoid resonant behavior, an increase in stiffness should be accompanied by a corresponding increase in damping. Increased damping was achieved primarily by decreasing the apparent time delay of feedback control rather than by changing the damping coefficient (i.e., corrective torque related to body-sway velocity). In normal subjects, stiffness and damping were highly correlated with body mass and moment of inertia, with stiffness always about 1/3 larger than necessary to resist the destabilizing torque due to gravity. The stiffness parameter in some VL subjects was larger compared with normal subjects, suggesting that they may use increased stiffness to help compensate for their loss. Overall results show that the simple act of standing quietly depends on a remarkably complex sensorimotor control system.