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Bioecology of Fungi-Pathogens of Flower Crops and the System to Combat Them

Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 7, 539-547
Published Online August 2016 in SciRes.
How to cite this paper: Abdumutalovna, M.S. and Sobirjonovna, S.N. (2016) Bioecology of Fungi-Pathogens of Flower Crops
and the System to Combat Them. Agricultural Sciences, 7, 539-547.
Bioecology of Fungi-Pathogens of Flower
Crops and the System to Combat Them
Misirova Surayyo Abdumutalovna1, Sarimsaqova Nilufar Sobirjonovna2
1Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2Namangan Engineering-Pedagogical Institute, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Received 9 July 2016; accepted 28 August 2016; published 31 August 2016
Copyright © 2016 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
For the first time, degree of damage of the disease Botrytis cinerea Pers. is founded in decorative
colors in the Tashkent region. Chemical preparations are the most effective methods of struggle in
the fight against diseases of ornamental crops.
Ornamental Flowers, Fungi Types, Botrytis Disease, Degree of Damage
1. Introduction
Many people enjoy growing this flower in gardens or large containers. Its demand as cut flower and also as an
ornamental potted plant gains importance in the world market and has a very good export potential because of its
graceful appearance, hardiness and ability to withstand during transport and long shelf life. The tremendous va-
riability in gerbera with reference to flower color, shape and size makes it more useful for cut flowers, bouquet,
and decoration in marriage and landscaping in gardening. Apart from domestic consumption, it has also got ex-
port potential [1] [2].
In the work of [3] the antifungal effect of twenty powdered spice plants and their extracts at concentrations of
6%, respectively was evaluated in relation to the radial mycelial growth of various soil borne fungi causing
damping-off disease. The spice powder or extract was added to the culture medium PDA to obtain the proposed
Puccinia horiana, the causal agent of chrysanthemum white rust, is a pathogen of quarantine status in many
countries where Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivars are grown. Historically, identification protocols for white
rust relied upon macroscopic symptom development and microscopic examination of infected leaves for telio-
M. S. Abdumutalovna, S. N. Sobirjonovna
spores. Symptoms become visible 7 to 10 days after initial infection under favorable conditions followed by the
production of telia. Infected plants can therefore evade detection before symptoms and fruiting bodies are evi-
dent. Conventional and real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assays were developed to detect P. horiana
using primers designed to amplify portions of the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) regions of the nuclear ribo-
somal DNA (rDNA). The species-specific primers could detect the pathogen from 1 ng of DNA isolated from
infected leaf tissue in conventional PCR assays and from 1 pg in realtime PCR assays. While both assays were
capable of detecting P. horiana in symptomatic tissue, the greater sensitivity offered by the real-time PCR assay
made it more reliable for detecting the pathogen during the latent stage of infection. The P. horiana primers did
not amplify the rDNA target using DNA isolated from leaf tissue infected with P. chrysanthemi [4].
The assortment of cultural tulips during four centuries has greatly changed; numerous cultivars and groups
have been lost. Especially many cultivars disappeared in the 16th - 17th centuries when the lack of knowledge of
tulips with variegated flowers caused color-broken because viral infection was highly valuated, propagated and
widely distributed [5] [6]. Information of the tulip growing tradition in Lithuania and development of introduc-
tive investigations, which is divided into two periods, is presented in this work. Within the first period including
years, 1972-1992, scientific investigations on tulip introduction and bulb reproduction were carried out at the
Vilnius Section of Bulbous Flowers of Kaunas Botanical Garden [5] [6].
The influence of the fungicides sprayed determined coarse droplet nozzles on the healthiness of the Dark Tri-
poli grown in fields. This brand shows an average influence of fungicide on pathogens [7].
Decreased local species diversity is a widespread impact of human activity and may result in decreased pri-
mary production. The two major proposed mechanisms for this effect of diversity on productivity are that lower
species richness decreases the probability that species with key traits will be present in the community and that a
less diverse community of competing species would utilize resources less completely. In addition to these me-
chanisms resulting from altered competitive interactions, losses of species diversity may alter interactions such
as mutualism, predation, herbivore, or infectious disease in ways that decrease primary production, but this pos-
sibility has received little attention [8]. In this work, we reported a test of the long-standing hypothesis that de-
creased plant species diversity increased the severity of diseases, particularly those caused by specialist plant
For breeding promising varieties to introduce into production requires a lot of time. Thus, according to L. A.
Abdurahmanov and A. V. Abramov (1991), for the Botanical Garden of the Republic of Uzbekistan time after
receipt of a sample of its final assessment of introduction is 7 - 10 years. To speed up the process for many val-
uable ornamental plants, including hybrid tea roses vegetative, greatly contributes to propagation by stem cut-
tings based on the ability of living tissues and regeneration of adventitious roots [9].
The advantage of these measures is high efficiency and speed of action, availability, ease of use. However,
along with the positive aspects of the use of the chemical method has significant drawbacks, which are at risk of
pesticide contamination of the environment, but with the right application and the selection of the range of prod-
ucts you can minimize the negative effects of pesticides [10].
The chemical method is the fastest, easily accessible and in the case of ornamental floriculture profitable. The
effectiveness of the above method is largely determined by the presence of the necessary range of pesticides,
which is currently very high.
Reliable plant protection can only be achieved using a system of integrated protection of the struggle, i.e., a
combination of agro-technical, mechanical, chemical and biological weapons, if possible, depends on the specif-
ic task at hand [10].
In the works of [11] [12], samples of 658 herbaria from 15 decorative flowers of plants in the field and green-
houses in Tashkent region were determined. Of them pathogen disease separation determined 65 types of fungi
to 9 forms and 1 variant.
A few details on the effectiveness of fungicides to fight diseases of ornamental crops, and the lack of data on
the use of new fungicides to combat fungal diseases, have formed the basis for the study of the impact of these
chemicals on plant disease susceptibility. We have studied the possibility of applying fungicides in plant protec-
tion capabilities of ornamental crops.
The aim of this work was to study the efficacy of fungicides to combat disease and rot of planting material in a
Tashkent region.
M. S. Abdumutalovna, S. N. Sobirjonovna
2. Material and Methods
The material works were decorative plants: gladiolus, narcissus and tulips.
Prophylactic methods are called a warning of occurrence and spread of the disease. According to many authors
[13]-[17], phytosanitary measures are aimed at suppressing the sources of infection. The sources, due to which
there is an infection of plants in the next growing season, can be infected plant residues, wintering diseased
plants, seeds and planting material and other. Hence, the basis of these methods is to create unfavorable condi-
tions for the existence of pathogens and increased resistance of cultivated plants to diseases.
The humidity in the greenhouse was maintained in the range 90% - 95%, the temperature is not higher than
Growing in winter conditions (landing in November-December) was produced in containers made of polye-
thylene film containing a greenhouse, since the spring directly at the place of use.
A comparative study of bio-morphological characteristics of grafted and own-rooted plants, each variant of the
experiment were observed at 25 plants most ornamental varieties of roses each group, grown by the same tech-
nology. Statistical processing was performed by G. F. Lakinu [18].
There are numerous reports of high antagonistic activity of Trichoderma against a number of pathogenic mi-
croorganisms such as root rot pathogens of crops, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, Blight Wheat, Verticillium, Fusarium
wilt of cotton, Fusarium diseases of vegetables and potatoes. S. N. Moskovets and others have established the
efficacy of the fungus Trihoderma lignorium to combat diseases of crop plants [19].
Mathematical processing of digital research results carried out using conventional statistical methods [20] [21]
with the use of specialized computer software package EXCEL and Maple 9.5.
3. Results
3.1. Determining Degree of Damage the Disease Botrytis cinerea Pers. Found in Decorative
Botrytis cinerea Pers. of tulips. Tulips, like any other ornamental plants, damaged a large number of different
diseases. There are many different fungal diseases of tulips, but the greatest harm it causes Botrytis cinerea Pers.
The causative agent, a parasitic fungus Botrytis, a close relative of the types of fungus that cause rot of onion,
cabbage and many other ornamental and food plants. Other species are also found in the botrytis tulips and cause
rot, and even spotted a specific botrytis. However, a gray rot is most common. Typically, the source of infection,
patients are planted bulbs or soil that contains the infected plant residues. Botrytis cinerea Pers. affects all aerial
parts of tulips (leaves, stems, flowers, and buds) and bulbs. The ubiquitous fungus spores can get to the bulb as
in the growing season and during storage, and then either immediately begin to develop, either waiting for the
right conditions. Most noticeably Botrytis cinerea Pers. appears in rainy and cool weatherideal conditions for
the growth and development of fungus-parasite. Usually in this case the disease spreads very quickly.
Although Botrytis cinerea Pers. can affect tulips at all stages of development, they are particularly susceptible
during budding. The incubation period under favorable conditions amounts to only 1 - 3 days. The spread of the
disease contribute to high humidity of soil and air, dense plantation, the lack of brightness, excess nitrogen in the
soil and spring frosts.
This disease is usually well discernible even in the early stages of development. Affected bulbs are on the out-
er scales yellow-brown spots in a reddish halo. On other affected parts of the plant appear yellowish gray sunken
spots of various sizes and shapes. If conditions are wet, the spot sizes are rapidly increasing, and they are cov-
ered with gray bloom of spores. Over time, the tissue of diseased plants dry up gradually soften and become
ash-gray. It looks as if the plant is burned and covered with as, Hence another name for this disease—“burn
With strong development of the disease is curved stem tulip, buds do not develop, and if the colors and images,
they are deformed, ugly forms. Patients’ tulips die prematurely, so their vegetation period is considerably re-
duced. As a result, the bulbs cannot grow to normal size and gradually shrinking.
During storage, the disease may continue to develop rapidly: the affected bulbs to soften, darken and shrivel,
sometimes Donets bulbs crack from the center to the edges. In severe cases tulip bulb botrytis rot during storage,
resulting in destroying it. But if the disease is barely noticeable, inexperienced grower may accidentally miss
spotting appeared in the rejection of the bulbs. It is extremely dangerous if the infected bulbs are planted in the
M. S. Abdumutalovna, S. N. Sobirjonovna
soil in the spring it will weakened, twisted shoots, which will gradually become brown, covered with gray bloom
and die. The spores of the fungus from such plants are carried by wind and infect healthy plants.
Botrytis cinerea Pers. Narcissus. Narcissusbeautiful spring bulbs, universal possibilities for use. They are
indispensable in gardening, give wonderful Slitter material, suitable for winter forcing. They differ unpretentious
to the growing conditions. The scale cultivation belongs to the three leading cultures of the world, along with
roses and chrysanthemums. Narcissus is the genus of the family Amaryllidaceous, herbaceous bulbous perennial
plants. It consists of the bulbs, leaves, flower shoots, flowers and fruit. The above-ground part of his annually
dies, retained only underground bulb, which is a modified shoot with short flat stem and fleshy leaves colorless
(scales), adapted for the accumulation of nutrients. Scales closely overlapping one another and form around the
point of growth almost clasped concentric circles. At the base, each of the scales formed axillary buds that gave
to rise daughter plants. They are formed from young tissues bulbs, allowing for a long time daffodils renewed
vegetative. The bulb is always in a state of development. After the death of aerial organs in the kidney renewal
actively proceed the processes of formation of flower shoots and flowers, and laid new kidney regeneration. New
Scale and axillary’s buds are formed in the central portion of the bulb. Expanding, bulb consumes nutrient re-
serves of the peripheral scales that are constantly dying, turning into a protective shell. Axillary’s buds are re-
leased and become independent plants (the children). The size and shape of the bulb depends on its age and va-
rietals characteristics. There are circular single-vertex, bimodal and many peaks bulb. Subsidiaries bulbs from
the fit to the parent have a flattened shape.
The root system is fibrous and daffodils formed of updated annually paranasal threadlike roots, which are lo-
cated at the bottom of the outer part of the stems. They are laid in a summer of rest and appear on the bulb in the
fall. Besides the usual roots of daffodils there is also retractable to facilitate burial bulbs in the soil. They appear
in small and medium-sized bulbs, as well as a shallow (up to 10 cm) landing. The lifespan of roots 11 - 12
months, then they gradually die off. In August, it begins the growth of new roots, and in the autumn they grow
most rapidly. In years with excess moisture dying old roots delayed. With long-term storage of the bulbs in high
humidity regrowth of roots it begins in the store. This is, of course, very bad, since the grading and planting the
roots can break off. They subsequently resumed due to inventory bulbs, but these plants are poorly developed.
Narcissus in comparison with other bulbous crops suffers less from diseases and pests. Botrytis cinerea Pers.
a disease rapidly developing spring in cold rainy weather, especially in depressed areas with heavy soils. The
plant infected in the field and during storage of bulbs in cold and wet conditions, the disease progresses. Leaf
hits the ground, especially on one side, which is formed brown sunken spots, which subsequently grow. The
leaves turn yellow from the bottom up and dry out before flowering. With an excess of moisture in the areas of
dead leaf appears gray powder, small spots on the flowers, and bulbs on wet rot. On the surface of the affected
tissues are formed black sclerotia.
Gladiolus genus belongs to the family Iridaceae. There are about 180 species of gladiolus, distributed mainly
in subtropical and tropical areas of South Africa. In Europe, these flower gardens have been cultivated since the
late seventeenth century, when it was imported from South Africa. All modern varieties are a cultural sight -
Gladiolus hybrid. In order to get a nice healthy flower, and then a healthy planting gladiolus - a new bulb, which
is formed at the end of the growing seasonwhen growing gladioli is necessary to consider several factors.
Gladiolus demanding on soil fertility, but cannot tolerate an excess of mineral salts. The best soil for growing
gladioli is loam or sandy loam with high humus content. The optimum soil acidity is pH 5.5 - 6.0, but not greater
than 6.5. Raising or lowering the pH leads to a significant defeat bulbs bacterial and fungal diseases.
I daresay that few gardeners and farmers have the opportunity to test the acidity of the soil on the site. Never-
theless, in their garden plots we grow beautiful flowers, including gladiolus, and vegetable crops. Of course, if
you have the opportunity to consider all factors when growing crops and provide them with optimal conditions,
the plants are more resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions.
The life cycle is closed and gladiolus does not stop even when the bulbs are in winter storage. How healthy
and beautiful will be your gladioli flowers next season depends on how you grow gladioli in nineshnemhow to
care for them during the growing season, flowering, after flowering. Insufficient attention you can get a beautiful
flower (if there was a healthy planting material), while digging to discover the ugly underdeveloped bulb.
I repeatedly had to deal with similar examples. Man gained a healthy beautiful gladiolus bulb planted happy
bloom and in the autumn when digging was disappointed to view the new bulbs. Although there are cases when a
complete disregard all methods of farming in growing gladioli growers receive and beautiful flower and beauti-
ful planting. Obviously, these people have favorable conditions for growing gladiolus against their will. I was
M. S. Abdumutalovna, S. N. Sobirjonovna
convinced from personal experience: miss fines in growing gladioli - lost grade or, in the best case, season.
Botrytis cinerea Pers. gladioli refer to fungal diseases. The cause of the disease is a fungus Botrytis cinerea
Pers. Therefore, the disease is sometimes called by the name of the fungus, the pathogen or Botrytis cinerea Pers.
In the process of doing research work in the region is the most common and most dangerous pathogen fungi
species of flower plants to determine the level of disease initiation of patient given special attention. We have
obtained the results shown in Figure 1.
The results obtained are as follows:
For the 2013 year: For the 2014 year: For the 2015 year:
Gladiolus (Tourn.) L. 29.3% 31.0% 22.9%
Narcissus L. 25.9% 23.7% 26.4%
Tulipa L. 23.9% 20.4% 24.2%
3.2. The Effectiveness of Application of Fungicides in the Fight against Rot and Disease
Planting Material
One important factor negatively affecting the life of the plant reducing their productivity, longevity and decora-
tive qualities are fungal diseases.
Plant diseases are not frozen, not a static phenomenon but a dynamic process, during which the physiological,
biochemical, anatomical and morphological changes, manifested by certain specific symptoms and eventually
caused the decrease in the quantity and quality of the crop. This disruption of normal metabolism, cells, organs
and whole plant, arises under the influence of the phytopathogen and leads to a decrease in productivity of plants
or their complete destruction.
Diseased plantsa kind of biological system in which the growth and development of two organismsplants
and the pathogen. The pathogen enters the plant violates the integrity of the cells takes one nutrients moves from
cell to cell and eventually may spread throughout the plant. Simultaneously, the causative agent of constant
Figure 1. Determining degree of damage the disease Botrytis cinerea Pers. occurring in the de-
corative flowers
degree of damage (%)
Gladiolus (Tourn.) L.
Narcissus L.
Tulipa L.
M. S. Abdumutalovna, S. N. Sobirjonovna
exposure to the plant cell by using its product life. Stay in the plant pathogen breaks the normal process of life of
the latter.
The concept of plant diseases is one of the main provisions of general plant pathology and is essential for
building a system of measures, which lay the foundation conditions for the appearance and character of the dis-
As mentioned above, one of the most effective methods of combating plant diseases, especially fungal nature
is a chemical method or the use of fungicides - substances toxic to pathogens. Since, in the list of pesticides per-
mitted for use in Uzbekistan is practically not given data on the use of fungicides on flowerornamental plants,
one of the challenges facing us was to identify suitable drugs for the prevention of and the fight against major
diseases flower crops.
Also it should be noted that the importance of preventing diseases in plants is given protection during their
most delicate developmentwhen planting them in the ground, often observed when high rot.
In this connection, we have studied in the dressing bulbs and corms of flowering plants (narcissus, tulips, gla-
dioli), and presuming carnation cuttings. Chemical treatment of bulbs and tubers are recommended fungicide af-
ter digging or before planting. To protect the cuttings before planting should be within 10 - 15 minutes to main-
tain them in suspension formulations.
Etching planting material has a protective function in keeping the germination and seedlings from root rot. The
search for effective disinfectants in the fight against Fusarium and other root rots is of great economic interest.
With a view to finding an effective disinfectant contact has been tested a number of drugs that have shown
good results against root rots of many crops.
To do this in advance, 1 month before sowing, carried dressing corms bulbs and flower crops.
In the fight against Fusarium were tested the following disinfectants: Barak, 60% wp (1.0 and 2.0 kg/t ac-
cording to the recommended application rates), Maxim, 2.5%, KS (0.2 and 0.4 l/t), 200 Vitavaks 75% wp (3.0
and 4.0 kg/tonne) and TOPS-M, 70% wp (1.0 to 1.5 kg/tonne). As a reference, used fundazol, 50% wp (2.0
kg/tonne) which gives good results in combating root rot of many crops.
The experiments were laid in lysimeters of 1 m2. For five days before the sowing of the plants in the soil was
added pure culture of Fusarium grown on sterilized oat, based on 30 g of each hypsometer. The test was con-
ducted in 4 x times again.
Shoots depend on the culture there for 6 - 8 days. The surveys were carried out, starting with mass destruction,
every 3 days.
The data presented in Table 1 show that in the control variant without treatment susceptibility gladiolus Fu-
sarium reached 31.0%, daffodils 35.5% and tulips 28.5%.
Of the tested disinfectants on gladioli in the first place performance is Maxim, at a rate of 0.4 l/t biological ef-
ficacy of this drug reached to 85.1%, and normally 0, 2 l/m 81.2%.
The second highest cost efficiency protects Topsin-M. At a rate of 1.5 kg/t of Fusarium susceptibility of 4.6%,
where the biological efficiency was 77.2%. With decreasing flow rate of 1.0 kg/ton, decreased biological effica-
cy and did not exceed 59%. Biological efficacy Vitavaks (4.0 kg/tonne) and Barrack (2.0 kg/t) was 73.5 and 65.3%
Disinfectants Maxim also showed good results against Fusarium daffodils and tulips. The biological efficacy
of disinfectant was 85.9% and 77.8%, which is above or close to the standard - fundazol (81.1% and 84.2%, re-
Thus, in the fight against dangerous disease ornamentals Fusarium in manufacture can be recommended seed
protectants Maxim in a rate of 1.5 l/m and Topsin-M 1.5 kg/t.
In the case of processing plants cloves, widely used where cuttings was conducted a similar experience. As a
fungicide used fundazol, 50% wp at application rates of 1.0 and 2.0 kg/ha, Topsin-M, 70% wp (1.0 and 1.2
kg/hectare) and Bayleton 25% wp (0.75 and 1.0 kg/ha).
From Table 2, it is clear that in the absence of keeping the cuttings in suspension preparations the percentage
of infected plants was 27.3%.
From the three investigated fungicide fundazol showed the best results, the biological effectiveness of which
was equal to 86.4% - 90.4%, followed by Bayleton (82.7% - 84.1%). Biological efficiency Topsina-M was 77.2%.
The results indicate that the proposed increase in the manifestation of a measure to prevent rot in the technol-
ogy of cultivation of carnations reduce their appearance is at least 4 times.
Table 1. The biological efficacy of disinfectants against Fusarium (Tashkent region Kibray district “Shomil” and “Adolat”
M. S. Abdumutalovna, S. N. Sobirjonovna
private floriculture farms , 2013-2015 years).
Variants The application rate,
l/t kg/ha The number
of shoots, pc Of these diseased,
pc Degree of damage
% The biological efficacy,
1 2 3 4 5 6
Control - 386 120 31.0 -
Fundazol (standart) 2.0 436 34 7.7 75.1
Maksim 0.2 448 26 5.8 81.2
0.4 449 21 4.6 85.1
Topsin-M 1.0 408 52 12.7 59.0
1.5 401 25 6.2 77.2
Vitavaks 3.0 415 46 11.0 64.5
4.0 422 35 8.2 73.5
Baraka 1.0 412 51 12.3 60.3
2.0 423 46 10.8 65.3
Control - 456 162 35.5 -
Fundazol (standart) 2.0 551 37 6.7 81.1
Maksim 1.0 559 32 10.0 83.9
1.5 571 29 5.7 85.9
Topsin-M 1.0 544 49 9.0 74.6
1.5 436 34 7.7 75.1
Vitavaks 3.0 530 71 13.3 62.5
4.0 536 54 10.0 71.8
Baraka 1.0 519 110 21.1 40.5
3.0 536 101 18.8 47.0
Control - 291 83 28.5 -
Fundazol (standart) 2.0 348 16 4.5 84.2
Maksim 1.0 334 26 7.7 72.9
1.5 349 22 6.3 77.8
Topsin-M 1.0 316 34 10.7 62.4
1.5 328 32 8.5 73.5
Vitavaks 3.0 318 33 10.3 63.8
4.0 326 28 8.5 70.1
Baraka 1.0 314 52 16.5 42.1
2.0 326 38 11.6 59.2
Table 2. The biological efficacy of fungicides against rot in the cuttings carnations (Tashkent region Kibray district “Shomil”
M. S. Abdumutalovna, S. N. Sobirjonovna
and “Adolat” private floriculture farms , 2013-2015 years).
Variants The application rate,
l/t kg/ha The number
of shoots, pc Of these
diseased, pc Degree of
damage % The biological
efficacy, %
1. Control - 358 98 27.3 -
2. Fundazol (standart) 1.0 459 17 3.7 86.4
2.0 389 11 2.8 90.4
3. Bayleton 0.75 425 20 4.7 82.7
1.0 327 18 5.5 84.1
4. Topsin-M 1.0 401 25 6.2 77.2
4. Conclusion
Chemical preparations are the most effective methods of struggle in the fight against diseases of ornamental
crops. In the fight against protection from Fusarium ornamentals in the manufacture can be recommended as
planting material disinfectantsMaxim at a rate of 1.5 l/t Topsin-M and 1.5 kg/t. In the case of processing plants
cloves, where cuttings is widely used as a fungicide before planting, it is recommended to use fundazol, 50% wp
at application rates of 1.0 and 2.0 kg/ha, Topsin-M, 70% wp (1.0 and 1.2 kg/hectare) and Bayleton 25% (0.75
and 1.0 kg/ha).
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... Philadelphia, USA 186 greenhouses to meet the demand of the population for flowers in more than 100 greenhouses. However, an increase in flowers infected with fungus- pathogens is the main reason for the decrease in their yield and quality [4][5]. ...
... In works [2][3][4][5] the systematic arrangement of species of fungi isolated from flower plants is given. This work presents 59 species, 11 forms and 1 variation of fungus-pathogens isolated from flower plants grown in greenhouse conditions in Namangan regions for 6 years and revealed that they belong to 4 classes, 7 subspecies, 11 families and 28 detachments. ...
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For the first time, 658 herbarium specimens planted from the 15 decorative flower plants in the conditions of the Tashkent Region were collected. From them, disease separation including of 65 types of fungi 9 form and 1 variation were determined. They were: 4 classes, 7 sections, 11 families and 30 categories.
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The antifungal effect of twenty powdered spice plants and their extracts at concentrations of 2, 4, 8 and 1, 3, 6%, respectively was evaluated in relation to the radial mycelial growth of various soilborne fungi causing damping-off disease. The spice powder or extract were added to the culture medium PDA to obtain the proposed concentrations. Concentration of 8% of powdered spices and 6% of their extracts were able to cause complete growth inhibition of major tested fungi. High signifi-cant inhibitory effect on radial fungal growth was observed for different concentrations of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus), cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannil), garlic (Allium sativum) and thyme (Thy-mus vulgaris). Meanwhile, fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), marjoram (Origanum majorana) and chamomile (Matricaria hamomilla) showed a low inhibitory effect on tested fungi. Moderate inhibitory effect was observed with the other tested spices. In the greenhouse, efficacy of spice plants as powder or their extracts in addition to the fungicide Rizolex-T used as seed dressings against faba bean damping-off incidence was evaluated in pot experiment using soil artificially infested with the disease agents (Fu-sarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani). Spice extracts showed superior reducing effect on damping-off disease incidence at pre-emergence growth stage to that of powder treatments and Rizolex-T as well, while an opposite effect was observed at post-emergence growth stage. Carnation and cinnamon spices showed the highest protecting effect against disease incidence when applied as powder or extracts. It is interesting to note that spice plants as powder or extracts gave a similar effect to the fun-gicide Rhizolex-T in reducing damping-off incidence either at pre-or post-emergence stages of faba bean growth. Promising applicable technique could be suggested in the light of the results obtained. The use of spice plants as powder or extract for seed dressing might be considered as safe, cheep and easily applied method for controlling soilborne plant pathogens considering the avoidance of envi-ronmental pollution and the side effect of pesticide application.
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Studies of three years (2007-2009) were conducted at Czesławice in south-east of Poland .The objects of research were the plants of the one cultivar of chrysanthemum: Dark Tripoli. The following agents were used for protection: Dithane NeoTec 75 WG, Sumilex 500 SC, Amistar 250 SC. The treatment was carried out with the use of two types of nozzles: standard RS-MM 110 03 and ejector type ID 120 03 C. Observation was carried out once a year: in October. The number and health status of plants were determined and diseased plants were collected for analysis. The percentage of plants with disease symptoms was estimated for each plot. The best health status and yield were noticed for Amistar 250 SC.
Information on the tulip growing tradition in Lithuania, development of introductive investiga-tions, which were divided into two periods is presented in this work. Within the first period including years, 1972–1992, scientific investigations on tulip introduction and bulb reproduc-tion were carried out at the Vilnius Section of Bulbous Flowers of Kaunas Botanical Garden. The tulip collection contained approximately 600 tulip species and cultivars. During the sec-ond period (1997–2007), investigations were continued at the Department of Systematics and Geography of Botanical Garden of Vilnius University. Within this period, the tulip collection consisting of 263 species and cultivars belonging to 15 classification groups was accumulated. Since 2002, scientific work on the examination and assessment of the ornamental quality and phytopathological state of tulip species and cultivars have been carried out as a constituent part of the Lithuanian State Programme "Genefund", State Scientific Programme of the Botanical Garden of Vilnius University "Scientific investigations of Lithuanian genetic resources" and the theme "Accumulation, investigation and preservation of the genefund of Lithuanian ornamental plants". The main criteria for the evaluation of introduced plants are the possibility and expedi-ency of their growing. Expediency is defined by their ornamental–applied value; the possibility is determined by suitability to grow in our climatic conditions and resistance to diseases. Basing on general criteria for selection of introductive plants for preservation and specific criteria for tulips, tulip species and cultivars were selected and presented for preservation in the Lithuanian Plant Genetic Resources.
The tulip collection of the Department of Plant Systematics and Geog-raphy of the Botanical Garden of Vilnius University comprises 240 tulip species and cultivars belonging to 15 classification groups [1]. In this study, 206 tulip cultivars, classified into 1–11 groups, were analysed esti-mating their decorative capacities and resistance to the most prevalent and damaging Tulip breaking potyvirus (TBV). The investigation was car-ried out in 1997–2005. Decorative capacities have been evaluated in a 5-point scale. TBV was identified by the test-plant, electron microscopy and serological methods. Initial detection of TBV-infected plants was carried out according to symptom expression on tulip leaves and flowers. By their decorative capacities, 117 tulip cultivars (57% to all investigated) were scored the highest point (4–5); 25% of the cultivars were selected as resistant to TBV, 35% as average resistant, and 40% as not virus-resistant. Darwin hybrid tulips were most resistant to TBV.
In an experiment that directly manipulated grassland plant species richness and composition, decreased plant species richness (''diversity'') increased pathogen load (the percentage of leaf area infected by species-specific foliar pathogens across the plant community) in 1998. Pathogen load was almost three times greater in the average mono- culture than in the average plot planted with 24 grassland plant species, an approximately natural diversity. Eleven individual diseases increased in severity (percentage of leaf area infected by a single disease) at lower plant species richness, and severity of only one disease was positively correlated with diversity. For 10 of the 11 diseases whose severity was negatively related to diversity, disease severity was positively correlated with host abun- dance, and in six of these cases, species diversity had no effect on disease severity after controlling for the effects of host abundance. These results suggest that increased abun- dances of individual host species at lower species diversity increased disease transmission and severity. In 1996 and 1997, similar results for a smaller number of diseases sampled were found in this experiment and another similar one. Although the effect of diversity on disease was highly significant, considerable variance in pathogen load remained among plots of a given diversity level. Much of this residual variance was explained by community characteristics that were a function of the species composition of the communities (the identity of species present vs. those lost). Specifically, communities that lost less disease- prone species had higher pathogen loads; this effect explained more variance in pathogen load than did diversity. Also, communities that lost the species dominant at high diversity had higher pathogen loads, presumably because relaxed competition allowed greater in- creases in host abundances, but this effect was weak. Among plant species, disease prone- ness appeared to be determined more by regional than local processes, because it was better correlated with frequency of the plant species' populations across the region than with local abundance or frequency across the state. In total, our results support the hypothesis that decreased species diversity will increase foliar pathogen load if this increases host abun- dance and, therefore, disease transmission. Additionally, changes in community character- istics determined by species composition will strongly influence pathogen load.
Puccinia horiana, the causal agent of chrysanthemum white rust, is a pathogen of quarantine status in many countries where Chrysanthemum × morifolium cultivars are grown. Historically, identification protocols for white rust relied upon macroscopic symptom development and microscopic examination of infected leaves for teliospores. Symptoms become visible 7 to 10 days after initial infection under favorable conditions followed by the production of telia. Infected plants can therefore evade detection before symptoms and fruiting bodies are evident. Conventional and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were developed to detect P. horiana using primers designed to amplify portions of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA). The species-specific primers could detect the pathogen from 1 ng of DNA isolated from infected leaf tissue in conventional PCR assays and from 1 pg in real-time PCR assays. While both assays were capable of detecting P. horiana in symptomatic tissue, the greater sensitivity offered by the real-time PCR assay makes it more reliable for detecting the pathogen during the latent stage of infection. The P. horiana primers did not amplify the rDNA target using DNA isolated from leaf tissue infected with P. chrysanthemi.