
Using TED Talks in the Social Work Classroom: Encouraging Student Engagement and Discourse

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Focusing on TED Talks (online videos) as a resource for social work educators, this teaching note shares our ideas regarding the use of the online videos as an avenue for reaching students and encouraging discussions in the social work classroom. The article first explores the TED platform and then discusses using TED as a teaching tool. Finally, we share our perspectives and student voices on selected videos that can be useful in social work education, including references to specific Council on Social Work Education competencies and practice behaviors. The videos bring world-renowned speakers into the classroom, providing social work educators with rich teaching opportunities limited only by their imagination.

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... These videos are available free of charge both on the official website ( and on YouTube since 2006 [21], with many of them surpassing a million views. Given its popularity, and its ability to capture the attention of students, some teaching faculty members have incorporated TED Talks as a teaching resource into their classes, creating new learning experiences (e.g., [22][23][24]), reporting positive results in terms of student learning. Nevertheless, so far no studies have been published that collect educational experiences where TED Talks have been introduced into sport management courses as a pedagogical tool. ...
... Nevertheless, so far no studies have been published that collect educational experiences where TED Talks have been introduced into sport management courses as a pedagogical tool. this paper goes beyond previous studies [19][20][21][22][23][24], sharing an innovative experience where TED Talks are introduced as a pedagogical element that stimulates reflection and debate among sport management students. Furthermore, as a novelty, the experience is given as an approach linked to the development of the professional profile of sport management students-something demanded in previous studies in the field of sport management (e.g., [2,13]), which stresses the importance of connecting the professional world with what is taught at the university, in order to ensure that students are prepared for what the sports industry will expect of them. ...
... In addition, the author proposed a group of TED Talks that she considers could have great formative value. On the other hand, Loya and Klemm [22] highlighted TED Talks as a valuable classroom material that enhances engaging and eye-opening discussions among students and faculty. Furthermore, the authors outlined how TED Talks follow a format that is well-suited to millennial students' due to its limited duration and multimedia format that surpasses their somewhat limited attention. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the educational sector, pushing it towards teaching-learning methodologies where the online aspect takes on special importance. In this sense, social media are tools that facilitate the creation of meaningful and sustainable learning environments. This study shares an educational experience where TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talks are introduced as a pedagogical resource through YouTube and LinkedIn in a sport management course. A total of five TED Talks are viewed and discussed by the students in order to develop their professional profile, assisted by a set of initial questions posed by faculty. To assess the impact of the experience, a new scale is created and then validated. The analyses performed reflected the unidimensional nature of this scale, explaining the 64.36% of the variance, and presenting good psychometric properties (α = 0.95). Furthermore, the results obtained reflect the educational potential of TED Talks in the context of sport management, with increases in the averages of all the items from the scale, with significant (p < 0.05) increases in six of them. Both the new validated instrument and the shared pedagogical proposal can be valuable to guide and evaluate future educational experiences which introduce TED Talks as a pedagogical resource in sport management education.
... They can be linked with topics from the curriculum, textbooks, or scholarly readings that relate to specific learning objectives. Loya and Klemm (2016) state "finding ways to integrate these videos in the classroom is only limited by the imagination of the instructor" (p. 522). ...
... Educators can find a wealth of TED talks that can easily be employed as engaging resources. Loya and Klemm (2016) advocate for further research regarding their use in education. ...
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Lecturers in the University of Adelaide's preparatory program (UPP) observed a recent reduction of engagement with course readings by the student cohort. Two proposed solutions included formative quizzes based on the readings and including TED-talks as course readings. This research explored the validity of employing ChatGPT to design formative assessments to measure student learning and engagement with TED-talks. Formative assessment in 21 st century Higher Education typically engages multidimensional approaches through alternative and online activities. Broad approaches can enhance student autonomy and enable more diverse opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning, and thereby enhance learning outcomes. The use of TED-talks as a teaching tool has become increasingly popular across a variety of disciplines and they are now a common resource in hybrid or flipped classrooms. They can be linked with topics from the curriculum and offer accessible, nonthreatening, and approachable ways to engage diverse student cohorts. Transcriptions of TED-talks were submitted to ChatGPT along with prompts engineered to elicit maximally valuable formative assessment questions across three styles: Multiple Choice, True/False and Fill-in-the-Blank. The research addressed the following questions: Can GenAI develop meaningful assessment questions to assess the level of engagement and/or understanding of TED-talk content? Does more comprehensive prompt engineering result in more valuable responses? Three levels of prompts were developed from very basic to progressively more detailed and contextualised. The research found ChatGPT required well-crafted prompts and progressive training to generate meaningful and relevant responses. Although ChatGPT can produce potentially viable draft formative quiz questions, strategic prompt engineering with detail and context will produce more valuable results. However, they will still need further human input to make them meaningfully useable to accurately assess student learning and engagement.
... In fact, a qualitative study of students' reactions to a TED Talk video about vulnerability highlighted how the viewing of such a video helped students to recognize their own personal characteristics that might impact their future professional interactions in the field of social work (Blakemore & Agllias, 2019). Others have highlighted how TED Talk videos can help students to evaluate and consider their own biases (Loya & Klemm, 2016). TED Talks have also been found to affect people's attitudes toward workplace standardized testing such that participants who watched a TED Talk that emphasized talent displayed higher endorsement of such tests and of the idea of scientific determination compared to those who watched a TED Talk that emphasized hard work (Highhouse & Rada, 2015). ...
... One major achievement of the TED Talk is that it enhances audience engagement by utilizing multiple semiotic resources that are only available with such a digital format (Xia & Hafner, 2022). Moreover, TED Talks may be particularly well suited to young adults with more limited attention spans and desire for information in multimedia formats (de Miranda & Moritz, 2021;Loya & Klemm, 2016). A thematic analysis of TED Talks presenting individuals with experiences with mental illness identified the need for such first-person narratives to promote effective programming for support and stigma reduction (Morris & Scott, 2021). ...
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Mental health stigma contributes to failure to seek professional psychological treatment, yet evidence suggests that video interventions may be effective in reducing such stigma. The current study hypothesized that a brief TED Talk on mental illness would result in more positive attitudes toward mental health treatment seeking compared to a control TED Talk. American adults (N = 141) were randomly assigned to video conditions and then were asked to evaluate the videos and provide a self-report of their attitudes toward seeking professional psychological treatment. It was found that, compared to the control video condition, the mental health video condition displayed more positive attitudes toward mental health treatment seeking. Exploratory analysis investigated the video factors related to these attitudes. These findings provide additional evidence that video interventions are effective in reducing stigma related to mental illness and that brief TED Talk videos may be a free, easy-to-access, and publicly available source for future interventions to reduce mental health stigma.
... Given that TED Talks are easily accessible online and on social media (e.g., Moodle, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and Twitter), studies have unsurprisingly documented their educational potential (Hayward, 2017). For example, they can help create spaces for discussion and debate, motivate students (Rubenstein, 2012), and engage learners (Loya & Klemm, 2016). This means the accessibility to the TED Talks serves as a motivation for students to watch them and get inspiration from the expertised speakers. ...
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Higher education institutions are aware of the importance of entrepreneurship education in reflecting real-life scenarios and increasing students' professional opportunities. Universities attempt to nurture students' entrepreneurial skills and awaken their entrepreneurial intention through specific or transversal entrepreneurship courses in a wide variety of degree programs. By using active learning techniques, such as TED Talks, students can improve their entrepreneurial intention. However, the potential of TED Talks to stimulate students' entrepreneurial skills and intention has not yet been studied from a multicausal perspective. This study contributes to the entrepreneurship literature by describing an educational experience based on active learning at a Spanish university. TED Talks were introduced to stimulate entrepreneurial intention in undergraduate students (n = 25) and master's degree students (n = 32). The impact of the experience was assessed using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). Given this approach, no single characteristic was found to lead to high (or low) levels of entrepreneurial intention in students. Instead, combinations of factors were found to cause this outcome. The findings show different student profiles that lead to high and low entrepreneurial intention. The findings thus confirm the multicausal nature of entrepreneurship in higher education institutions.
... The most recent developments in spoken performance are taking place not just on social media platforms but also on stages that are physically located in physical locations. TEDx is the one that is most well-liked among academics, regardless of the field they work in, who congregate to discuss challenging and forward-looking topics (López-Carril, Añó, & González-Serrano, 2020;Loya & Klemm, 2016;Taibi et al., 2015). It was initially thought that the festivities would be more of a thoughtful occasion rather than an enjoyable one because of the nature of the events (Banker & Gournelos, 2013;Rubenstein, 2012;Mikhailovna, 2017;Raffo, 2016). ...
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The education-related TEDx presentations delivered by Indonesian speakers are a distinct linguistic phenomenon. It is a language in use where the message is communicated entirely through spoken speech as opposed to speaking itself. In light of systemic functional linguistics (SFL), this study examines the management of topical theme in relation to the message organisation of TE in TEDx. The aim of this study was to pinpoint and define the message's current theme in the TEDx format. Using the documentation method, the information was gleaned from an official TEDx broadcaster online. Two methods of analysis have been used: detailed text fragmentation and transcription. Following the analysis, the findings were presented and their theoretical SFL-based interpretation was given. This study shows that the phrasal and clausal forms of language, which are the constructional units of language, have taken on the topical theme in TE of TEDx. Phrasal constructs can be categorised into four different categories: noun phrase (NP), verb phrase (VP), adjective phrase (AP), and prepositional phrase (PP). The topical theme has also been functionalized as a component of other themes and the chain for coherence. This study recommended more examination of the organisation of the other component of the message. To ensure that the entire description of the thematic structure of TE in TEDx is respected, the combinatory analysis of theme and rheme will be essential.
... As well, Shklarski and Ray (2021) found keeping flexible virtual office hours and using innovative technology to engage students supported effective online learning strategies, while Báez et al. (2019) encouraged providing frequent and purposeful emotional support to students. These strategies were encouraged in the virtual classroom to engage students, as reinforced by Farrel et al. (2018) and Loya and Klemm (2016) including using diverse technology tools (i.e., videos, discussion boards, and web-conferencing [Google Hangout, Collaborate, Go to Meeting], blogs, Wikis, VoiceThread, TEDTalks, webinars). Brevity was a strategy used for instructor delivery of content (also called chunking) in seven-to-ten-minute segments, which is more likely to keep students interested and engaged. ...
Teaching social work students through both online and in-person formats is highlighted in the description of two mandatory graduate social work courses on leadership and supervision across two Canadian university institutions. Relevant themes gathered through multiple years of online student surveys were analyzed thematically. The summary of findings arises from a previous research study (Vito & Schmidt Hanbidge, 2021) and emphasizes strengths, challenges and considerations for educators. Varying course approaches, topics, assignments and organizational contexts are described, along with integrating macro courses for social work educators. Multiple discussion questions are posed to engage readers in dialogue to implement or revise online social work courses. Practice implications for development and delivery of online courses and instructor adaptability may be fruitful for instructors and educational institutions to help mitigate future educational disruptions.
... Learners can quickly share the links on social media or save them as offline resources. They are also searchable "in many ways, including by speaker, subject, or theme," [7]. This feature allows listeners to choose topics that they are interested in. ...
Bài báo này nhằm khảo sát nhận thức của sinh viên đại học về các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc lựa chọn TED Talks như một nguồn tài liệu nghe mở rộng ngoài lớp học, tìm hiểu liệu sinh viên có thể cải thiện khả năng nghe của mình bằng cách sử dụng tài liệu TED, và để đánh giá xem sinh viên có cho rằng chiến lược này có ích cho các khía cạnh khác của việc học tiếng Anh hay không. Đối tượng nghiên cứu bao gồm 60 sinh viên năm thứ hai đang học kỳ thứ tư tại Trường Ngoại ngữ - Đại học Thái Nguyên. Để thu thập dữ liệu, nhà nghiên cứu đã sử dụng bảng hỏi, bài kiểm tra và phỏng vấn. Kết quả cho thấy, có nhiều yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc sinh viên lựa chọn TED Talks. Các yếu tố như giọng nói của diễn giả, tốc độ nói, độ phức tạp của từ vựng và độ dài của bài nói được sinh viên quan tâm hơn cả. Các TED Talks video này đã giúp sinh viên cải thiện khả năng nghe hiểu cũng như các lĩnh vực khác của ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh như nâng cao vốn từ vựng và kiến thức nền, cải thiện phát âm và giọng nói, phát triển kỹ năng thuyết trình, và tăng động lực học.
... Connections to the resources may be shared through social networks or downloaded by students to be used offline. TED Talks are accessible "in many ways, including by speaker, topic, or theme" in addition to being shareable [38][39][40]. This feature makes it easier for listeners to locate the material that piques their curiosity. ...
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Regarding the popularity of TED Talks which are freely accessible online, we were encouraged to examine the impacts of this online resource on Indonesian EFL learners’ listening skills. The Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT) was used to recruit 70 Indonesian intermediate respondents for the research. They were then split into two groups: one experimental group (EG) and one control group (CG). After that, a listening test was administered to both groups. After that, the EG participants watched TED Talks via mobile devices, and the CG participants practiced listening skills via DVDs and CDs of the course textbook for 13 sessions. When the treatment ended, a posttest of listening skills was administered to the participants of both groups, and the collected data were analyzed via running paired samples and independent samples t -tests. The results indicated that both groups had better listening performances in their listening posttests, but the EG outperformed the CG after the treatment. Overall, the results showed that using TED Talks was more advantageous for listening development than using DVDs and CDs of the course textbook. The implications of this study can encourage EFL teachers to integrate TED Talks into their English classes.
... TED Talks also can be deployed as a teaching tool in hybrid or flipped classroom models that are completing the work in a classroom and is viewing lectures and new learning at home (Top Hat, 2021). TED Talks provided an engaging way to introduce diverse perspectives into the online classroom and increase meaningful discussion (Loya & Klemm, 2016). Working with small groups of students in an assignment can be an additional way to promote peer collaboration and interaction (Báez et al., 2019;Douville, 2013). ...
Online education has shown consistent growth in social work curricula over the past two decades despite some questions about the effectiveness of virtual environments in teaching critical elements of social work practice and professional competency. With the COVID-19 pandemic, programs have been forced to exclusively utilize online teaching formats. This study explores student and field instructors’ perceptions of the most effective teaching practices during the transition to online teaching. Findings indicate that students preferred asynchronous course content, such as recorded class lectures and discussion boards to live discussions and lectures because of its flexibility. Students completing the practicum process observed significant disruption to traditional social work education, although both students and field supervisors adapted by allowing increased use of video conferencing and telephone practice. Findings indicate clear student preferences and could foster ways to improve e-learning in the future.
... including language teaching and learning. For example, in social work, Loya and Klemm (2016) recommended the use of TTs as a resource and teaching tool for educators. Both educators and students found the TTs useful in social work education, because the TT videos bring world-renowned speakers into the classroom, encourage discussions in the social work classroom, provide social work educators with rich teaching opportunities and references to specific Council on Social Work Education competencies and practice behaviors. ...
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The article proposes a model for integrating TED Talks (TTs) in EFL college listening practice. It shows instructors where TTs can be located, gives reasons for using TTs, criteria for selecting TTs, the listening skills that can be developed, and an instructional strategy. TTs provide a variety of real-life themes, speakers, motivation, and inspiration. They save instructors’ time and effort as they are available on You Tube, mobile apps or in the TED website. In selecting TTs, the instructor should take into consideration the students' interests, difficulty level of the TT language and content, its length in minutes, and speed and accent of the speaker. Before watching a TT, she posts the title of the TT on an LMS or social media platform. She sets goals for listening and gives pre-questions to help the students comprehend the TT content. The students view the TTs on their smart phones in the classroom or at home; individually, in pair, or small groups; synchronously or asynchronously. While listening, the students take notes, and answer the questions. After listening, they discuss their answers. The instructor serves as a facilitator. She gives feedback, encouragement, and help with difficulties. Further recommendations for enhancing EFL college students’ listening skills and for extending the use of TTs to interpreting courses are given.
... Issa and colleagues (2013) also found classroom lectures that applied multimedia materials (e.g., visual 26 materials) were related to better student outcomes in long-term retention (e.g., memory) and transfer of knowledge (e.g., application of the knowledge to clinical case examples) among medical students. Specific to social work, Loya and Klemm (2016) documented the benefits of the use of TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) Talks (an online media platform distributing lectures on numerous topics) as a teaching tool in the classroom. They suggest that selective use of the TED Talk corresponding with the Core competencies of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE, 2015) could be advantageous for encouraging students to engage in the class, understand emerging issues, and be equipped with diverse perspectives. ...
This study aimed to identify how a learner-centered instructional perspective, the use of diverse class material, and the trainer’s cultural competency could affect training certification outcomes among child welfare protection investigator and case manager trainees. Data from 70 child welfare trainers and 1,052 child welfare trainees’ certification scores were matched. The results indicated that trainers’ higher empathy toward and trust in trainees and multicultural awareness were related to higher post-test scores. The utilization of learner-centered and culturally competent education was associated with more effective child welfare training.
... The variety of genre prototypes and cross-disciplinary topics within TED conferences are valuable for not only do they serve as useful instructional material (Coxhead, 2018), but they can also help students understand and emulate genres that are potentially akin to their future careers (Loya & Klemm, 2016;Park & Cha, 2013). As learning materials in advanced Chinese language courses are usually adapted from original news articles, readers' digest's or classical literature, students do not get the chance to learn how to discuss and study ideas from other mediums and disciplines, which is something extremely important for engaging students from science, medicine, law and business backgrounds. ...
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This paper presents an innovative teaching method that uses TED conference to stimulate and support learners of Chinese in improving their speaking skills. In non-target language countries, students are often reluctant to use Chinese in real life. This study overviews a case where TED conferences were integrated into a university-based Chinese language course in New Zealand. It also discusses the major findings emerging from implementing this innovative pedagogy as well as the recommendations for future research. While motivating students to use Chinese in public setting, the approach has also enhanced critical thinking skills and co-learning in language classrooms. This paper ends by providing food for thought on designing engaging pedagogy in building and sustaining a knowledge-sharing culture in advanced Chinese courses in universities.
... Second, these talks represent an educational material for language learning, especially it is facilitated through wide range of multilingual transcripts (Taibi, et al., 2015). TED talks is effective for the variety of genre prototypes and cross-disciplinary topics for being a useful instructional material (Coxhead, 2018), it also helps students understand genres that are potentially akin to their future careers (Loya & Klemm, 2016;Park & Cha, 2013). ...
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This study explores the impact of using TED Talks on improving oral presentation skills of Business English students and vocabulary uptake/retention. It also assesses the impact of improving such hard cognitive skills on increasing Business majors’ speaking anxiety level. Sequential explanatory mixed method was used, which includes both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analyses. Business students’ oral presentation skills were assessed through Oral Presentation Skills Sheet (OPSS), vocabulary retention was assessed through Vocabulary Uptake/Retention Test (VURT), and speaking anxiety level was assessed through Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) (Mörtberg, Jansson-Fröjmark, Pettersson, & Hennlid-Oredsson, 2018). Participants in the study consist 49 students, who were divided into two groups; experimental group consisting of 24 students, and control group that includes 25 Business English majors. Findings of the study revealed that oral presentation skills and vocabulary uptake/retention levels were improved due to the use of TED talks as an ICT tool. Also, it was revealed that Business majors in the experimental group are more enthusiastic, energetic and motivated to give killer presentations as they became more confident and free of anxiety and tension.
... TED Talks have been adopted in different fields to aid students' learning. For example, they can improve students' reading comprehension abilities (Bianchi & Marenzi, 2016) and encourage students' discussion in the social work classroom (Loya & Klemm, 2016). Nakagama, Ichikawa, and Hoshina (2015) also found that students can achieve skills such as making presentations, collecting information, planning, and cooperating by using a rubric to evaluate TED Talks videos. ...
This study investigated whether applying enhanced open educational resource (OER) videos in English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) classes could improve university students’ multicultural competence, and it also explored their perceptions of OERs. The study was implemented with 65 students who were enrolled in two General English classes at a public university in Taiwan. Videos of two TED Talks that carried different multicultural themes were adopted for the purpose of developing the students’ multicultural competence and English skills. For each of the videos, the students watched a presentation before class and discussed it with their peers in the class meeting. Data collected from an Intercultural Competence Scale, OER Perception Survey, and post-intervention interviews were analyzed to address the research issues. Results showed that the OER intervention was particularly helpful to the students’ use of communicative strategies and attentive preparation for multicultural encounters. The intervention also reinforced their beliefs in the educational value of OERs. Based on the results, pedagogical implications are discussed to provide insights into how to integrate OERs into EFL curricula to facilitate students’ multicultural competence.
... Helping behavior that is voluntary and intended to benefit another is often described as prosocial behavior (Holmgren, Eisenberg, & Fabes, 1998). Strong emotional bonds have been suggested among viewers of TED Talk videos and some of these relate to prosocial behavior (Loya & Klemm, 2016). TED, which stands for technology, entertainment and design, was created in 1984 giving the world access to great minds and powerful positive movements worldwide by spreading ideas (Anderson, 2017). ...
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Reading and conducting research can initially feel daunting for community college students. For this nontraditional aged, first generation student-researcher, the interest in research increased with the availability of TEDx Talks. The overall intent of the study was to evaluate the empathetic reactivity of students (n = 78) while viewing a prosocial behavior TEDx Talk. Students completed the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) pre/post-assessment to understand if empathy levels changed from before and after viewing the video. Results showed statistically significant changes for both males and females suggesting increased levels of empathy after viewing the video. For the student-researcher, certitude was found as data were analyzed; initial positive feelings about learning research utilizing TEDx Talks were confirmed with statistical analysis, thereby strengthening confidence that learning was not only hypothesized but secured by empirical evidence.
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Objetivo: La pandemia puso de manifiesto la necesidad de reforzar otro tipo de métodos docentes como son la docencia virtual, la gamificación o los formatos asíncronos. Nuestro estudio analiza la experiencia de la aplicación de la figura del ponente invitado asíncrono con el uso de las TED Talks en la asignatura de “Economics of Social Expenditure” del Curso de Tercero del Grado en Economía. Métodos: Al final de cada TED Talk se le propone al alumnado una serie de actividades para analizar el rendimiento y la utilidad de la actividad en la aceptación y comprensión de los conceptos principales que han sido considerados en la evaluación continua. Además, el estudiantado tiene que responder a un cuestionario anónimo sobre su grado de satisfacción con la actividad. Resultados: Tanto los cuestionarios como las calificaciones nos muestran los siguientes resultados: 1. Una alta satisfacción con las actividades propuestas. 2. Un incremento en la participación e implicación del estudiantado en el desarrollo de la asignatura. 3. Una mejora en la aceptación y asimilación de conceptos de la asignatura que derivan en una mejora de las notas finales de la asignatura. 4. Mejora de las competencias no cognitivas (soft skills) como son el trabajo en equipo o el pensamiento crítico. Conclusiones: Nuestra experiencia prueba la necesidad de seguir apostando por este tipo de metodologías que serían extrapolables a otras asignaturas. Así, no solo se tendría en cuenta la opinión del alumnado para mejorar los resultados docentes, a su vez pues nos permitiría configurar una base de datos para validar econométricamente esta experiencia docente.
У статті висвітлено проблему формування англомовної компетентності в аудіюванні в учнів старших класів закладів загальної середньої освіти (профільної школи), проаналізовано дані досліджень цього питання науковцями та результати власних емпіричних досліджень. Розкрито мету та зміст навчання англомовного аудіювання учнів профільної школи, наголошено на необхідності формування у старшокласників достатньої компетентності в аудіюванні як здатності успішного взаєморозуміння з носіями мови в реальних умовах сучасного життя. З урахуванням вимог вітчизняних навчальних програм та Загальноєвропейських рекомендацій з мовної освіти розглянуто вимоги до компетентності в англомовному аудіюванні учнів профільної школи, визначено місце та роль використання автентичних англомовних відеоматеріалів для формування компетентності в аудіюванні. Також обґрунтовано доцільність використання зазначених матеріалів для самостійної роботи учнів профільної школи, визначено критерії та принципи відбору автентичних відеоматеріалів для навчання аудіювання учнів старших класів (профільної школи). Висвітлено важливість самостійної роботи із сучасними англомовними автентичними матеріалами учнів профільної школи в освітній парадигмі сьогодення. Запропоновано та обґрунтовано доцільність використання англомовних лекцій TED Talks як засобу формування компетентності в аудіюванні учнів профільної школи. Комплексно охарактеризовано методичний потенціал англомовних лекцій TED Talks як сучасного засобу навчання аудіювання. Проаналізовано результати досліджень останніх років, які вивчали вплив використання англомовних автентичних матеріалів, зокрема лекцій TED Talks, на успішність формування у здобувачів освіти компетентності в аудіюванні, а також безпосередньо матеріали лекцій TED Talks. У ході дослідження визначено лінгвістичний, психологічний, соціокультурний та методично-організаційний потенціал лекцій TED Talks для формування англомовної компетентності в аудіюванні в ході самостійної роботи учнів профільної школи. Наведено приклади лекцій TED Talks, що відповідають визначеним критеріям і принципам відбору автентичних відеоматеріалів відповідно до вимог програми для 10 класу профільної школи. Подано методичні рекомендації щодо використання англомовних лекцій TED Talks як засобу формування компетентності в аудіюванні учнів профільної школи.
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A group of EFL freshman students practiced listening using TED lectures. The instructor searched for TED lectures on You Tube. The TED lecture themes chosen depended on the students' interests, degree of familiarity, difficulty level and complexity of the TED Lecture language and content, the students' proficiency level in English, the lecture length in minutes, and speed of the speaker. The instructor started with short lectures with slower speech and familiar topics and moved on to longer lectures and less familiar topics. Before watching a TED Lecture, she posted its title and URL on Blackboard LMS. She summarized its content, gave some vocabulary overview and pre-questions to help the students focus on the lecture content, she set goals for watching a TED lecture and told the students what they needed to do and focus on. The students viewed the TED lectures on their smart phones or on a smart TV in the classroom. While watching a lecture, the students answered listening comprehension questions. After watching a TED lecture, the comprehension questions were discussed.
COVID-19 drastically altered teaching and learning. The unprecedented public health crisis forced educators to transition courses online, to learn new technologies, and to embrace adaptability and flexibility. These pedagogical changes brought with them new challenges and stressors, causing many educators to long for a “return to normal” in education. In this conversation, I reflect on the transformative lessons we as educators can learn from teaching during the pandemic. I argue that teaching during COVID-19 has presented opportunities for educators to become more compassionate toward students. Some of the ways we restructured our courses may also make education more accessible to vulnerable groups. Examining the lessons I have learned in compassion and accessibility through teaching sociology during COVID-19, I suggest that now is a time to adapt, not return to normal.
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p class="Textoindependiente21">TED Talks have these days become a valuable tool for online information dissemination in a wide range of areas of expertise. The use of TED Talks in a course of Technical English offers numerous advantages. TED teaches how to communicate by linking different modes (i.e. the visual, gestural, verbal, written and spatial) to technological production. Students can construct communication when they attentively observe and make meaning from this ensemble of modes which go beyond the verbal. TED Talks might also give rise to different tasks that entail some type of critical multimodal analysis, by which students can study the aptness of modes. They can explore why the speaker says something visually and not verbally, or which mode is best for which purpose. Yet, TED and its zeal for sharing and transmitting ideas to a wide audience should not be regarded as a means incompatible with more traditional models of information. As Jewitt highlights (2005), rather than asking what is best, the book or the screen”, it seems more reasonable to ask “what is best for what purpose”.</p
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How can teacher educators provide relevant and important content in an educational environment that is rapidly evolving? is a website that provides content that meets these criteria in its mission of promoting “ideas that are worth spreading.” Rather than ignoring the incredible access to the world's most innovative and dynamic speakers, teacher educators can integrate them into class lectures, discussions, and activities. In-class time can then be spent exploring the content, asking questions, applying the material to real situations, or developing methods to extend the content. Many TED Talks are relevant to educating teachers, but this article highlights several talks that promote teachers' understanding of student motivation and instructional practices. As our society's challenges continue to demand motivated and knowledgeable individuals, teachers have a responsibility to prepare students to tackle these problems. TED Talks provide relevant content that informs teachers of best practices, current issues, and innovative future possibilities.
Undergraduate statistics courses are perceived as challenging by both students and instructors. Students' attitudes, motivation, math anxiety, and preparedness can negatively impact the student and instructor experience and have the potential to negatively impact student learning. This article describes an attempt to address some of these challenges through structural and procedural changes to an undergraduate statistics course that is required for social science majors. The traditional lecture/homework structure of the course was "flipped" so that the majority of basic knowledge acquisition moved out of the classroom, making room for interactive activities during class time. The described changes had a positive impact on students' attitudes toward the class and instructor as well as on students' performance in the class.
This study illustrates an experience of implementing a hybrid model for teaching human behavior in the social environment in an urban university setting. Developing a hybrid model in a BSW program arose out of a desire to reach students in a different way. Designed to promote curiosity and active learning, this particular hybrid model has students engage in weekly online activities between their weekly on-ground classes. This article reviews key pedagogical concerns and presents preliminary findings, including student feedback, instructor observations, and strategies for faculty interested in developing such courses.
This article examines the pedagogical benefits of using multimedia in the teaching of economics at an undergraduate level, then provides an example from my own teaching to serve as a reference for lecturers interested in creating an interactive learning environment, which prompts genuine two-way discussion in the classroom and produces better learning outcomes for students. The final section ties in the use of multimedia with broader debates among economists about the appropriate level of government intervention in the economy. The paper concludes by arguing that the use of multimedia has strong pedagogical advantages in stimulating greater student engagement and helping to rectify the image of economics in the wider community. Lecturers interested in using multimedia in their teaching will find an extensive list of web resources at the end of this paper.
Julian Champkin stands in awe of Hans Rosling, a man who does more than wield a sword for statistics.
TED talks and the need for a changing education system
  • C Banker
  • T Gourmelos
  • Banker C.
The value of vulnerability
  • B Brown
This isn’t her mother’s feminism [Video file
  • C Martin
The 20 most popular TED Talks as of this moment
  • K T May
Why domestic violence victims don’t leave
  • L M Steiner
The danger of a single story
  • C N Adichie
New insights on poverty
  • H Rosling
Violence against women-it’s a men’s issue [Video file
  • J Katz
The best stats you’ve ever seen
  • H Rosling
What we learn before we’re born
  • A M Paul
All it takes is 10 mindful minutes
  • A Puddicombe
Let my dataset change your mindset
  • H Rosling
A tale of mental illness-from the inside
  • E Saks
We need to talk about an injustice
  • B Stevenson
How economic inequality harms societies
  • R Wilkinson