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Twelve new species and fifty-three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae rove beetles of Saskatchewan, Canada (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)

Pensoft Publishers
  • Ressources Naturelles Canada

Abstract and Figures

One hundred twenty species of aleocharine beetles (Staphylinidae) are recognized in the province of Sas­katchewan. Sixty-five new provincial records, including twelve new species and one new North American record, are presented. Oligota inflata (Mannerheim), a Palearctic species, is newly recorded for North America. The following twelve species are described as new to science: Acrotona pseudopygmaea Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n., Agaricomorpha pulchra Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n. (new genus record for Canadian fauna), Aleochara elisabethae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n., Atheta (Dimetrota) larsonae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n., Atheta (Microdota) pseudopittionii Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n., Atheta (Microdota) spermathecorum Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n., Atheta (sensu lato) richardsoni Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n., Brachyusa saskatchewanae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n., Dochmonota langori Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n., Dochmonota simulans Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n., Dochmonota websteri Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n., and Oxypoda domestica Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n. Colour images of habitus and black and white images of the median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca, and tergite and sternite VIII are presented for all new species, Oligota inflata Mannerheim and Dochmonota rudiventris (Eppelsheim). A new synonymy is established: Tetralina filitarsus Casey, syn. n. = Tetralina helenae Casey, now placed in the genus Brachyusa Mulsant & Rey.
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Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 45
Twelve new species and fifty-three new provincial
distribution records of Aleocharinae rove beetles of
Saskatchewan, Canada (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)
Jan Klimaszewski1, David J. Larson2, Myriam Labrecque1, Caroline Bourdon1
1 Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry Centre, 1055 du P.E.P.S., P.O.
Box 10380, Stn. Sainte-Foy, Québec, Quebec, Canada G1V 4C7 2 P.O. Box 56, Maple Creek, Saskatchewan,
Canada S0N 1N0
Corresponding author: Jan Klimaszewski (
Academic editor: A. Brunke |Received 27 May 2016 | Accepted 21 July 2016 | Published 11 August 2016
Citation: Klimaszewski J, Larson DJ, Labrecque M, Bourdon C (2016) Twelve new species and fty-three new
provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae rove beetles of Saskatchewan, Canada (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae).
ZooKeys 610: 45–112. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.610.9361
One hundred twenty species of aleocharine beetles (Staphylinidae) are recognized in the province of Sas-
katchewan. Sixty-ve new provincial records, including twelve new species and one new North American
record, are presented. Oligota inata (Mannerheim), a Palearctic species, is newly recorded for North
America. e following twelve species are described as new to science: Acrotona pseudopygmaea Klimasze-
wski & Larson, sp.n., Agaricomorpha pulchra Klimaszewski & Larson, sp.n. (new genus record for Cana-
dian fauna), Aleochara elisabethae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp.n., Atheta (Dimetrota) larsonae Klimaszew-
ski & Larson, sp. n., Atheta (Microdota) pseudopittionii Klimaszewski & Larson, sp.n., Atheta (Microdota)
spermathecorum Klimaszewski & Larson, sp.n., Atheta (sensu lato) richardsoni Klimaszewski & Larson,
sp.n., Brachyusa saskatchewanae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n., Dochmonota langori Klimaszewski &
Larson, sp.n., Dochmonota simulans Klimaszewski & Larson, sp.n., Dochmonota websteri Klimaszewski
& Larson, sp.n., and Oxypoda domestica Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n. Colour images of habitus and
black and white images of the median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca, and tergite and sternite VIII are
presented for all new species, Oligota inata Mannerheim and Dochmonota rudiventris (Eppelsheim). A
new synonymy is established: Tetralinalitarsus Casey, syn. n. = Tetralinahelenae Casey, now placed in
the genus Brachyusa Mulsant & Rey.
Coleoptera, rove beetles, Staphylinidae, new distribution records, new species, Canada, Saskatchewan
ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
doi: 10.3897/zookeys.610.9361
Copyright Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Li-
cense (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Launched to accelerate biodiversity research
A peer-reviewed open-access journal
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Aleocharinae beetles are the most species-rich subfamily of rove beetles (Staphylinidae)
with 515 species recorded in the most recent catalog of the Coleoptera of Canada (Bous-
quet et al. 2013). is number is constantly increasing as new treatments of this group
are published. Webster et al. (2016b) added 27 new species to the Canadian fauna from
the province of New Brunswick, and Klimaszewski et al. (2015a) added two new Ca-
nadian records of species previously known from the USA, so the total number now
stands at 544 species excluding the new species treated here. Aleocharinae is still one of
the poorest known subfamily of rove beetles in Canada, although enormous progress
has been made in investigating this group in the last two decades, especially in east-
ern Canada (Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Webster et al. 2016a, b). Western and northern
Canada (Manitoba to British Columbia, and the three territories) (Klimaszewski et al.
2015a), however, remain poorly studied except for a few localities in coastal British Co-
lumbia (Klimaszewski and Winchester 2002, McLean et al. 2009a, b) and in the Yukon
(Klimaszewski et al. 2008b, 2012). us the full distribution of many Canadian species
is not known because of large gaps in sampling intensity (Klimaszewski et al. 2015a). Im-
proved sampling of Staphylinidae, especially Aleocharinae, is needed to establish baseline
biodiversity composition in areas of the country where ecosystems are undergoing rapid
change due to resource extraction and climate change (Klimaszewski et al. 2015a). is
paper contributes to improving baseline biodiversity knowledge of aleocharine beetles
in the province of Saskatchewan (SK) by providing 65 new provincial species records
including one new North American record and 12 species new to science.
Materials and methods
Almost all specimens in this study were dissected to examine the genital structures.
Extracted genital structures were dehydrated in absolute alcohol, mounted in Canada
balsam on celluloid micro-slides, and pinned with the specimen from which they origi-
nated. Images of the entire body and the genital structures were taken using an image
processing system (Nikon SMZ 1500 stereoscopic microscope; Nikon Digital Camera
DXM 1200F, and Adobe Photoshop software).
Morphological terminology mainly follows that used by Seevers (1978) and Kli-
maszewski et al. (2011). e ventral side of the median lobe of the aedeagus is con-
sidered to be the side of the bulbus containing the foramen mediale, the entrance of
the ductus ejaculatorius, and the adjacent ventral side of the tubus of the median lobe
with the internal sac and its structures (this part is referred to as the parameral side
in some recent publications); the opposite side is referred to as the dorsal part. In the
species descriptions, microsculpture refers to the surface of the upper forebody (head,
pronotum and elytra).
Tribes, genera and species within genera are arranged alphabetically in the text and
in the Table 1.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 47
Table 1. Species of Aleocharinae recorded from Saskatchewan and their provincial and territorial distri-
bution within Canada. Provinces and territories in bold denote new records given in the present publica-
tion. Species marked with (†) indicate adventive species and species marked with (*) are Holarctic.
Aleochara assiniboin Klimaszewski BC, MB, ON, SK, YT
Aleochara bilineata Gyllenhal† AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK; USA: New
England states
Aleochara bimaculata Gravenhorst AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, NT; USA:
Aleochara elisabethae Klimaszewski &
Larson, sp. n. SK
Aleochara gracilicornis Bernhauer BC, MB, NB, NS, NT, ON, QC, SK; USA: widespread
Aleochara inexpectata Klimaszewski NB, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: MI, WI
Aleochara lacertina Sharp AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: widespread
Aleochara laramiensis (Casey) BC, SK; USA: CO, WY
Aleochara lata Gravenhorst† BC, MB, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: widespread
Aleochara rubricalis (Casey) BC, ON, SK; USA: CA, AZ
Aleochara sekanai Klimaszewski AB, LB, MB, NB, NT, ON, SK, YT; USA: AK
Aleochara speculicollis Bernhauer AB, ON, QC, SK: USA: CA, CO, AZ, MI, NV, TX
Aleochara suusa (Casey) AB, BC, MB, QC, SK; USA: AK, AZ, CO, NM, WY
Aleochara tahoensis Casey AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NT, ON, SK, YT; USA: CA, CO, MT,
Aleochara verna Say AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT; USA:
widespread including AK
Aleochara villosa Mannerheim† AB, BC, NB, QC, SK; USA: AK, CA, OR, WA
Tinotus morion (Gravenhorst) †
[nowregardedas Aleochara]AB, BC, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: CT, NV
Acrotona pseudopygmaea Klimaszewski &
Larson, sp. n. SK
Acrotona recondita (Erichson) SK; USA: AR, CA, NH, NV, NY, PA
Acrotona subpygmaea (Bernhauer) NB, NS, ON, SK
Amischa analis (Gravenhorst) † LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, PE, SK
Atheta celata (Erichson) * BC, NB, NF, NS, QC, SK; USA: AK
Atheta crenuliventris Bernhauer LB, NB, NF, ON, QC, SK
Atheta dadopora C.G. omson * AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, SK, YT; USA: AK, NY, PA,
Atheta districta Casey AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK
Atheta fanatica Casey AB, BC, LB, NB, NS, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK, NV
Atheta frosti Bernhauer BC, LB, NB, NS, ON, QC, SK
Atheta graminicola (Gravenhorst) * AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK,
Atheta klagesi Bernhauer AB, BC, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT; USA: IA, ME, MN,
Atheta larsonae Klimaszewski & Larson,
sp. n. SK
Atheta longicornis (Gravenhorst) BC, NB, NF, NS, QC, SK; USA: CA, MN
Atheta nigra (Kraatz) † SK
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Atheta platono Brundin* AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, SK, YT; USA: AK
Atheta prudhoensis (Lohse) BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK, VT
Atheta pseudometlakatlana Klimaszewski &
Godin YT, SK
Atheta pseudopittionii Klimaszewski &
Larson, sp. n. SK
Atheta pseudoschistoglossa Klimaszewski &
Webster BC, NB, SK; USA: AK
Atheta recondita (Erichson) SK; USA: AR, CA, NH, NV, PA
Atheta remulsa Casey AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT
Atheta riparia Klimaszewski & Godin SK, YT
Atheta richardsoni Klimaszewski & Larson,
sp. n. SK
Atheta spermathecorum Klimaszewski &
Larson, sp. n. SK
Atheta strigosula Casey BC, LB, NB, NF, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: NY
Atheta subsinuata (Erichson) † YT, SK
Atheta terranovae Klimaszewski & Langor LB, NB, NF, ON, SK, YT
Atheta ventricosa Bernhauer AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK, DC,
Dinaraea angustula (Gyllenhal) † AB, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT; USA: CA, NY
Dinaraea pacei Klimaszewski & Langor AB, BC, LB, NB, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK
Dochmonota langori Klimaszewski &
Larson, sp. n. SK
Dochmonota simulans Klimaszewski &
Larson, sp. n. SK
Dochmonota websteri Klimaszewski &
Larson, sp. n. SK
Earota dentata (Bernhauer) AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK
Lypoglossa franclemonti Hoebeke AB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: NY, VT
Mocyta breviuscula (Mäklin) AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK
Mocyta discreta (Casey) ON, QC, SK; USA: IA, MN
Mocyta spahgnorum Klimaszewski &
Webster NB, NF, ON, QC, SK
Nehemitropia lividipennis (Mannerheim) † NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK; USA: CA, LA, MA, MN, NE,
Philhygra botanicarum (Muona) * BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, SK, YT
Philhygra falcifera Lohse MB, SK
Philhygra jarmilae Klimaszewski & Langor NB, NF, ON, SK, YT
Philhygra ripicoloides Lohse NF, NT, SK, YT
Philhygra rostrifera Lohse LB, NT, SK, YT; USA: AK
Philhygra sinuipennis Klimaszewski & Langor NB, LB, NF, SK, YT
Philhygra subpolaris (Fenyes) AB, SK; USA: AZ
Philhygra terrestris Klimaszewski & Godin NB, SK, YT
Schistoglossa blatchleyi (Bernhauer &
Scheerpeltz) MB, NB, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK, IN
Seeversiella globicollis (Bernhauer) AB, BC, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: AZ, CO, ID, MN,
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 49
Strigota ambigua (Erichson) LB, NB, NS, NF, ON, PE, SK, YT; USA: CA, CO, CT, IA, KS,
Strigota obscurata Klimaszewski & Brunke NB, ON, SK
Autalia rivularis (Gravenhorst) † AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: CA, MI, MN,
Falagria caesa Erichson† AB, NB, ON, QC, SK; USA: MA to VA, UT
Falagria dissecta Erichson AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: widespread
Myrmecocephalus arizonicus (Casey) AB, BC, SK
Gymnusa campbelli Klimaszewski MB, NB, NF, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK
Agaricochara pulchra Klimaszewski &
Larson, sp. n. SK
Gyrophaena anis Mannerheim BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: widespread
Gyrophaena criddlei Casey LB, MB, NB, ON, SK, YT
Gyrophaena insolens Casey BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, ON, SK; USA: MI
Gyrophaena keeni Casey AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: FL, MA, MT,
Gyrophaena lobata Casey NB, SK; USA: DC, IL, IN, KS, MI, WI
Gyrophaena uteana Casey AB, BC, NB, ON, QC, SK; USA: CA, CO, UT
Gyrophaena subnitens Casey (NCR) MB, SK; USA: IL, KS, ME, MN, MO, WI
Leptusa gatineauensis Klimaszewski &
Pelletier AB, BC, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK
Cypha crotchi (Horn) AB, BC, SK
Cypha inexpectata Klimaszewski & Godin ON, YT, SK
Oligota inata (Mannerheim)†
Xenodusa reexa (Walker) AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, QC, ON, SK
Zyras obliquus (Casey) AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: MI, MO, NH,
Myllaena arcana Casey AB, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: AL, FL, IA, IL, MA,
Mylaena insomnis Casey AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA:
Cratarea suturalis (Mannerheim) † BC, LB, NB, NS, ON, SK; USA: IL, MA, MO, PA, SC, VA, VT
Devia prospera (Erichson) * AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NT, ON, SK, YT; USA: AK, CO, MI,
Gnathusa eva Fenyes AB, BC, SK, YT; USA: CA
Hylota ochracea Casey NB, NS, NT, ON, QC, SK; USA: NY
Ocyusa canadensis Lohse NB, NF, ON, SK, YT; USA: AK
Oxypoda canadensis Klimaszewski AB, MB, LB, NF, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK
Oxypoda demissa Casey LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Oxypoda domestica Klimaszewski & Larson,
sp. n. SK
Oxypoda grandipennis (Casey) AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK, NH
Oxypoda irrasa Mäklin AB, SK, YT; USA: AK, OR
Oxypoda lacustris Casey AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA:
Oxypoda manitobae Casey BC, MB, SK; USA: CO
Oxypoda orbicollis Casey AB, LB, NB, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: WI
Oxypoda pseudolacustris Klimaszewski AB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK
Parocyusa fuliginosa (Casey) LB, ON, SK; USA: MA, NC, PA
Tachyusa obsoleta Casey BC, NB, SK
Placusa incompleta Sjöberg † AB, BC, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: WA
Placusa pseudosuecica Klimaszewski AB, BC, ON, QC, SK
Placusa tachyporoides (Waltl) AB, BC, NB, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: CA, MA
Placusa tacomae Casey AB, BC, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AZ, MA,
Placusa vaga Casey BC, NB, NS, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: CA
Silusa californica Bernhauer AB, BC, NB, NF, NS, NT, QC, ON, SK, YT; USA: AK, CA,
Brachyusa helenae (Casey) LB, NB, NF, NT, ON, SK, YT; USA: AK, MT
Brachyusa saskatchewanae Klimaszewski &
Larson, sp. n. SK
Gnypeta caerula (C.R. Sahlberg) * AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT;
Gnypeta carbonaria (Mannerheim) AB, MB, NB, NF, NT, ON, QC, SK; USA: AK
Gnypeta dentata Klimaszewski AB, NT, SK
Gnypeta minuta Klimaszewski & Webster NB, SK
Gnypeta saccharina Klimaszewski & Webster NB, SK
Gnypeta sellmani Brundin LB, MB, NF, NT, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK
Major habitat characterization
Almost all collections reported here were made in southwestern Saskatchewan and
adjacent Alberta. is area is in the Mixed Grassland and Cypress Upland Ecoregions
of the Prairies Ecozone (Ecological Stratication Working Group 1995). e Mixed
Grasslands are a semiarid northern portion of the shortgrass prairie of the North
American Great Plains. Summer moisture decits promote the dominance of grasses
(especially spear, blue gramma and wheat grasses) and a variety of low herbs and shrubs
including sagebrush and cactus. is grassland encircles an upland area known as the
Cypress Uplands. ese uplands rise rather abruptly from the plains in the west to their
highest elevations of almost 1500 m in SE Alberta and adjacent SK, then gradually
become lower towards the east. Much of the uplands are treed with lodgepole pine,
white spruce and aspen with open areas dominated by rough fescue grass and shrubby
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 51
cinquefoil. e 1000 m contour was arbitrarily chosen as the boundary between these
two zones for the actual boundary is complex with interdigitation of habitats such as
trees and mesic plants following stream courses and valleys out into the grasslands and
conversely dry grassland species occur on ridges and south-facing slopes well above the
1000 m contour. e most frequently referenced collection site is the Larson Ranch.
is is located on the boundary of these two ecozones with the 1000 m contour run-
ning through the farmyard. Collections here are from a variety of habitats including:
aspen or maple woodlands; fescue-cinquefoil or mixed grasslands; stream and pond
margins; and on various soil types including arid tills and bedrock clays. Many ranch
collections are from habitats of domestic or agricultural origin such as compost and
manure piles, livestock housing or associated with exotic plants.
Other habitats within the area from which aleocharines have been collected include
sand hills and saline ponds of closed drainage basins, both of which occur mainly to the
north of the Cypress Hills, stream margins, and springs and fens that are common in the
Cypress Hills. Considerable collecting has been done around large reservoirs. Accumulat-
ed plant material along the reservoir water lines (wrack) is often rich in beetles but wind-
ward shores (the lee shore of mariners) are often rich collecting sites as ying insects that
fall into water are blown onto these shores and can sometimes be found in large numbers
pulling themselves up onto the beach. Such insects are referred to as occurring in drift.
Species found in wrack may in fact be in their normal habitat, but those recorded from
drift are probably vagrants, but they do indicate presence and time of year of dispersal.
e low annual precipitation in the region means that a state of drought or near
drought occurs frequently. Aleocharines occur mainly in moist environments, thus the
majority of Mixed Grassland collections are from sites with moisture such as margins of
water bodies or from moist habitats such as carrion and manure (which is very abundant
due to the high populations of cattle). Carrion and manure are rich staphylinid habitat
but they promote the widespread synanthropic species and a few of our new records come
from these habitats. Mushrooms and other fungi, especially as they age and decay, are rich
habitats but again irregularity in precipitation means that occurrence and duration of such
habitats is very unpredictable over the season and from year to year. Higher levels of pre-
cipitation and lower evapotranspiration in the Cypress Uplands produce a wider and more
consistent array of moist habitats and this is where we found the richest aleocharine fauna.
Depository/institutional abbreviations
BGC Benoit Godin collection, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada.
CNC Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Agri-
culture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
LFC Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry
Centre, R. Martineau Insectarium, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
DLC David Larson collection, Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, Canada.
USNM United State National Museum, Washington, D.C., USA.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Abbreviations of Canadian Provinces and Territories
AB – Alberta NB – New Brunswick ON – Ontario
NF – Newfoundland PE – Prince Edward Island BC – British Columbia
NS – Nova Scotia QC – Quebec LB – Labrador
NT – Northwest SK – Saskatchewan MB – Manitoba
Territories YT – Yukon Territory
NU – Nunavut
USA state abbreviations follow those of the US Postal Service.
Our knowledge of the diversity and distribution of Aleocharinae in Canada has increased
rapidly over the last two decades (Klimaszewski et al. 2011, 2015a, Webster et al. 2016a,
b). is increase may be attributed to a surge in sampling of this subfamily and intensive
taxonomic studies, as well as the increased interest in aleocharines as a target group in
forestry impact studies (Klimaszewski et al. 2008a, Pohl et al. 2007, 2008, Langor, unpu-
blished data). Recently published contributions to the knowledge of aleocharine beetles in
central Canada provided 33 new provincial records for the province of SK (Klimaszewski
et al. 2015a). e present study, based on material from intensive collecting by D. Larson
in southwestern SK provides 65 additional new records for the province and increased
the number of known species there to 120. Of these 65 new provincial records, 12 rep-
resent species new to science, one record of an adventive species new to the province and
North America (Oligota inata), and 53 new provincial records of species known from
other parts of Canada and or USA. It is interesting to note a high percentage of adventive
species (16 sp., 13.3%), and a low number of Holarctic species (7 sp., 5.8%) in the SK
fauna. e high percentage of adventive species is probably due to the highly modied
prairie landscape that is responsible for supporting diverse habitats, and the inadequate
knowledge of the total, very likely higher number of species. Agriculture has produced
an environment unsuitable for many native species yet similar to European agricultural
environments. Also, the sampling responsible for the species list presented here had a high
bias towards habitats created in an active farm, habitats favoring synathropic species that
are likely to be transported by man. e low number of Holarctic species is most likely
due to poor collection in the north of the province. e Cypress Hills Upland is largely
treed and contains a boreal element in its ora. However, much of its biota is derived from
the western Cordillera thus contributing to the lower proportion of Holarctic species.
From the 12 new species discovered, 8 represent Athetini (Acrotona - 1 sp., Atheta - 4 spp.,
Dochmonota - 3 spp.), one Aleocharini (Aleochara - 1 sp.), one Homalotini (Agaricochara
- 1 sp.), one Oxypodini (Oxypoda - 1 sp.), and one Tachyusini (Brachyusa - 1 sp.). While
new species in poorly known groups like Acrotona, Agaricochara and some subgenera of
Atheta, are expected to increase with study eorts, it was surprising to see undescribed spe-
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 53
cies in well studied genera like Aleochara, Brachyusa and Oxypoda. ese species are from
specialized habitats that were missed in collection or were not adequately sampled previ-
ously. e most interesting discoveries are 3 new species of native Dochmonota (Athetini),
a genus previously know only from western Palaearctic with one species, D. rudiventris
(Eppelsheim), recorded from eastern Canada as adventive, ID and MA (Klimaszewski et
al. 2011, 2013b). Due to new distribution records (Bousquet et al. 2013), this is now con-
sidered a Holarctic species. e sampling eort by D. Larson in SK more than doubled
the previously known species from the province, now standing at 122 species (Table 1).
In Canada, the Maritime provinces (NB, NS, NF, PE), and the YT are so far the
best-studied regions of the country in terms of the aleocharine fauna (Klimaszewski et
al. 2005, 2007b, 2008b, 2009a, b, 2010, 2011, 2012, Majka and Klimaszewski 2010,
Webster et al. 2009, 2012, 2016a, b, Klimaszewski et al. 2015a). Some small areas of
Quebec, Ontario, and coastal British Columbia have also received intensive sampling
coupled with expert identication of material in recent years (Klimaszewski and Win-
chester 2002, Klimaszewski et al. 2007b, Brunke et al. 2012).
However, the large majority of central, western and northern Canada remains
poorly studied. Large numbers of aleocharines (and other staphylinids) have been col-
lected over the last 25 years as a result of numerous trapping studies in forests, native
grasslands, agricultural lands, and wetlands, especially in Alberta (Klimaszewski et al.
2015a). e estimated underscribed/undiscovered aleocharine species in Canada was
recently discussed in Klimaszewski et al. (2015a). Bousquet et al. (2013) recorded 27
species of aleocharines from SK, while Klimaszewski et al. (2015a) estimated that some
additional 227 species are awaiting discovery in SK. In this paper we recognize 120
species in SK, so at least another 100 species may be awaiting discovery.
New records and new species
Aleochara (Echochara) elisabethae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 1–7
Holotype (female). Canada, Saskatchewan, Bowie Ranch, 20 km NW Piapot, sand
dunes, 29-V-2008, D. Larson (LFC). Paratype. Canada, Alberta, Empress, Alberta –
Saskatchewan border, 5-VIII-1981, Lot 1, B.F. & J.L. Carr (CNC) 1 male.
Etymology. is species is named for Dr. Élisabeth Gauthier, research director at
LFC, for her continuous support of beetle biodiversity research in Canada.
Diagnosis. Body compact, narrowly oval (Fig. 1); head and abdomen dark brown,
almost black, with pronotum, elytra and appendages orange (Fig. 1); length 3.8–4.3
mm; forebody with strong and dense meshed microsculpture; pubescence moderately
dense; punctation coarser on eltra than elsewhere (Fig. 1); elytra at suture shorter than
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Figures 1–7. Aleochara (Echochara) elisabethae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 1 habitus in dorsal view
2median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view 3 male tergite VIII 4 male sternite VIII 5 female tergite VIII
6female sternite VIII 7 spermatheca. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
pronotum at middle length (Fig. 1); antennomeres V-X strongly transverse (Fig. 1);
mesosternum not carinate. MALE. Tergite VIII shallowly emarginate apically (Fig. 3);
sternite VIII rounded apically and slightly produced medially (Fig. 4); median lobe of
aedeagus with tubus arcuate ventrally and with sharp apex, internal sac with elongate
structures (Fig. 2). FEMALE. Tergite VIII emarginate apically (Fig. 5); sternite VIII
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 55
rounded apically and slightly produced (Fig. 6); spermatheca with C-shaped tubular
capsule, and short stem (Fig. 7).
is species is readily distingushed from remaining Nearctic species of subgenus
Echochara by its strongly transverse and orange pronotum (dark brown or black in re-
maining species), arcuate tubus of median lobe of aedeagus with sharp apex (Fig. 2), and
C-shaped swollen capsule of spermatheca (Fig. 7), which is narrower and club- or L-
shaped in other species, and by the emarginated male and female tergite VIII (Figs 3, 5).
Distribution. is species is known from the type localities in AB and SK.
Natural history. e female holotype was captured on a dead ground squirrel in
sand dunes. e male was collected in August from unspecied habitat. Species of
subgenus Echochara are known from caves and animal burrows (Klimaszewski 1984).
Aleochara (Xenochara) inexpectata Klimaszewski
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 1984)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: NB, NS, ON, QC, SK. USA: MI, WI
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek, 20-X-
2014, in dry polypore fungus, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female
References Klimaszewski 1984, Webster et al. 2009, Brunke et al. 2012, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In Saskatchewan, one female was captured in dry polypore fun-
gus in October, and this constitutes the westernmost distribution record for this spe-
cies. In NB, Aleochara inexpectata was collected from fresh moose dung in an eastern
white cedar swamp and in decaying sea wrack resting on vegetation on the upper mar-
gin of a salt marsh. Adults were collected during May and June (Webster et al. 2009).
Collection method: sifting.
Aleochara (Calochara) rubricalis (Casey)
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 1984)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: BC, ON?, SK. USA: AZ, CA
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 20-
V-2008, D. Larson (LFC) 1 male; 25-VI-2008, carrion trap, D. Larson (DLC) 3
males, 1 female; 8-IV-2005, D. Larson (LFC) 1 female
References Casey 1906, Klimaszewski 1984, Brunke et al. 2012 [one doubtfull record from
ON], Bousquet et al. 2013
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Natural history. In Saskatchewan, specimens were collected from March through
June, several adults were captured from carrion trap. Elsewhere, one specimen was
taken from a mouse nest and other specimens were collected from February to October
(Klimaszewski 1984).
Aleochara (Calochara) speculicollis Bernhauer
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 1984)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, ON, QC, SK. USA: CA, CO, AZ, MI, NV, TX
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Center Block, Sucker Creek, 1-4-VI-
2012, D. Larson (LFC) 1 female.
References Bernhauer 1901, Klimaszewski 1984, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In Saskatchewan, one female was captured in June from unspeci-
ed habitat.
Comments. We tentatively associate the SK specimen with this species because it
is missing the spermatheca.
Aleochara (Coprochara) suusa (Casey)
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 1984)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, MB, QC, SK. USA: AK, AZ, CO, NM, WY
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 27-V-
2008, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 1-VI-2010, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 2 females; 24-
IX-2008, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 25-VI-2008, carrion trap, D. Larson (DLC) 1
female; 14-IX-2008, D. Larson (DLC) 1 sex undetermined; Cypress Lake, E dam,
wind-drift, 9-V-2012, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; Harris Res., 10 km S Maple
Creek, 12-VI-2013, wind-drift, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Casey 1906, Klimaszewski 1984, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In Saskatchewan, one female was captured in a carrion trap and
one from wind-drift. Elsewhere, specimens were found under rocks in a high altitude
meadow and some from AB were reared in laboratory (Klimaszewski 1984).
Comments. e SK specimens are darker and have only the central part of elytra
reddish and the rest of the body piceous whereas the typical form of this species has
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 57
the entire elytra orange or reddish-brown. Pubescence and punctation pattern and
the genitalia of SK specimens are identical to the typical form with orange or reddish
Aleochara (Calochara) villosa Mannerheim
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 1984)
Origin Palaearctic, adventive in Canada
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, NB, QC, SK. USA: AK, CA, OR, WA
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 21-III-
2007, sheep barn window, D. Larson (DLC) 2 males; 1-IV-2013, D. Larson (LFC)
1 female; 14-IV-2012, D. Larson (LFC) 1 male; 27-VII-2012, D. Larson (DLC) 1
female; 17-IX-2012, compost, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Mannerheim 1830, Klimaszewski 1984, Webster et al. 2009, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, 2 males were captured from a sheep barn window, and
one male was found in compost. SK specimens were collected in March, April, July
and September. In New Brunswick, A. villosa was collected from the nest contents
of a great horned owl, Bubo virginianus (Gmelin) (Webster et al. 2009). Elsewhere,
specimens have been collected from carrion and sifting an old hay pile (Klimaszewski
1984). Adults were collected in May. Collection method: sifting.
Acrotona pseudopygmaea Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 8–15
Holotype (male). Canada, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple
Creek, 24-VII-2010, sifted from old mouldy alfalfa hay, D. Larson (LFC). Paratypes.
1 male and 1 female, with same label and collection data as the holotype (CNC).
Etymology. e name of this species derives from the Latin participle pygmaea-,
meaning small, and the prex pseudo-, false. e genital structures of this species are
similar to those of Palaearctic Acrotona pygmaea (Gravenhorst).
Diagnosis. Body narrowly elongate, moderately convex, uniformly dark brown to
almost black except for paler legs (Fig. 8); punctation on forebody ne, dense and
asperate on elytra; head narrower than pronotum, ratio of maximum width of head to
maximum width of pronotum 0.6; pronotum moderately transverse, ratio of maximum
width to length 1.4, about as wide as elytra (Fig. 8); elytra at suture about as long as
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Figures 8–15. Acrotona pseudopygmaea Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 8 habitus in dorsal view 9 me-
dian lobe of aedeagus in lateral view, and 10 in dorsal view 11 male tergite VIII 12 male sternite VIII
13 female tergite VIII 14 female sternite VIII 15 spermatheca. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the
remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 59
pronotum (Fig. 8); abdomen slightly narrowed posteriad; body length 2.4 mm; anten-
nal articles V-X subquadrate. MALE. Tergite VIII moderately elongate and truncate
apically (Fig. 11); sternite VIII rounded apically (Fig. 12); median lobe of aedeagus
broad and rounded apically in dorsal view (Fig. 10), and tubus straight with apex facing
upward in lateral view (Fig. 9). FEMALE. Tergite VIII truncate and slightly concave
apically (Fig. 13); sternite VIII slightly emarginate apically (Fig. 14); spermatheca with
tubular capsule and long, thin and sinuate posteriorly stem (Fig. 15).
Distinguished from all other Acrotona by the shape of median lobe of aedeagus
with apex turned dorsally in lateral view (Fig. 9), by the shape of spermatheca with
thin, long, sinuate, and posteriorly looped stem (Fig. 15), and by the shape of tergite
and sternite VIII, which have basal margin straight and not sinuate (Figs 11-14).
Distribution. is species is known only from the type locality in SK.
Natural history. e type specimens were sifted from old mouldy alfalfa hay.
Comments. is species is similar to Palaearctic A. pygmaea (Gravenhorst) from
which it diers by subquadrate antennal articles VI-X, by apex of tubus of median lobe
of aedeagus more angular, female sternite VIII emarginated apically and spermatheca
with much longer and broadly looped stem. It is also genitally similar to Nearctic
Acrotona actuella (Casey) and A. egregiella (Casey), from which it diers by straight and
not sinuate ventral margin of tubus of median lobe of aedeagus, by straight and not
sinuate basal margin of male tergite VIII, and by dierently shaped spermatheca with
posterior loop of stem sinuate.
Acrotona subpygmaea (Bernhauer)
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Webster et al. 2016b )
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: NB, NS, ON, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek, 5-6-VI-
2013, maple litter, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 20-XI-2014, sifting willow leaf litter,
D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Majka and Klimaszewski 2010, Brunke et al. 2012, Bousquet et al. 2013, Webster et
al. 2016b
Natural history. In SK, one female was captured from maple (Acer negundo) litter
and one from willow (Salix spp.) leaf litter in June and October, respectively. In NB,
Acrotona subpygmaea was found in litter of a variety of forest types and in wetlands in-
cluding swamps, sphagnum bog, marshes and river margins. Specimens have also been
taken from gilled mushroom and under bark (Webster et al. 2016b). Most adults were
collected in May, with a few in April, June, August, and September.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Amischa analis (Gravenhorst)
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011)
Origin Palaearctic, adventive in Canada
Distribution Canada: LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, PE, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Belanger Creek, Frenchman Valley, 18-X-2014, D.
Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Moore and Legner 1975, Klimaszewski et al. 2005, Klimaszewski et al. 2007a, b,
Majka and Klimaszewski 2010, Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, one female was captured in October by sifting leaf litter
along a creek. In NL, adults were collected in pitfall traps in agricultural elds, an
urban eld and on coastal sand dunes amidst vegetation, and the activity period was
June to September (Klimaszewski et al. 2011). Elsewhere, adults in general occur in
organic litter.
Atheta (Dimetrota) crenuliventris Bernhauer
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: LB, NB, NF, ON, QC, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 1-IX-
2012, compost, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; 8-IX-2012, compost, D. Larson (DLC)
1 male; Cypress Lake, E end, 31-VII-2012, sifting wrack, D. Larson (DLC) 1
female; Swift Current Cr., 28-VIII-2011, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; Prince Albert,
53.9804, 106.2800, 532 m, 4-VI-2013, sand beach, sifting debris, B. Godin & D.
Horwood (BGC, LFC) 2 males, 1 female.
References Gusarov 2003, Lohse et al. 1990, Klimaszewski et al. 2005, Majka and Klimaszewski
2010, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, two males were found in compost in September, one fe-
male in wrack on lakeshore in July, and one female from unknown habitat in August.
In NF, adults were collected from May to August in carrion-baited pitfall traps and
ight intercept traps in conifer-dominated and mixedwood forests, and on the coastal
barrens of southeastern LB (Klimaszewski et al. 2011). In NB, adults were collected in
September from red spruce forest (Klimaszewski et al. 2005).
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 61
Atheta (Dimetrota) districta Casey
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills Park, Center Block: Lodgepole Trail, 21-
VIII-2013, dry and decaying mushrooms, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; Highland Trail,
13-IX-2012, sifting spruce litter, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Casey 1911, Klimaszewski et al. 2005, Majka and Klimaszewski 2008, 2010,
Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, one male was captured from dry and decaying mushroom,
and another from spruce litter in September. In NF, adults were collected from June
to August in carrion-baited pitfall traps and ight intercept traps in conifer-dominated
and mixedwood forests, and on coastal barrens (Klimaszewski et al. 2011). In NB,
adults were collected in June through September in red spruce forest (Klimaszewski et
al. 2005).
Atheta (Dimetrota) pseudometlakatlana Klimaszewski & Godin
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2008b)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: SK, YT
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills Park, Center Block: Loch Lomond, 19-IX-
2014, decaying mushrooms, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male, 1 female; 7-IX-2014, spruce-
aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; re guard, 10-IX-2013, decaying mushrooms,
D. Larson (LFC) 1 male; Sucker Creek, 23-VI-204, aspen woodland, bracket gilled
fungi, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Klimaszewski et al. 2008b, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, specimens were collected from decaying mushrooms, bra-
cket/gilled fungi, in spruce-aspen and aspen woodland forests. In YT adults were cap-
tured in June, July, and August at an elevation of 772 m in a white spruce and mixed
white spruce-lodgepole pine forests (Klimaszewski et al. 2008b).
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Atheta (Dimetrota) larsonae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 16–20
Holotype (male). Canada, Saskatchewan, Royal Edward Road, 25 km NW Maple
Creek, 5-VI-2011, D. Larson (LFC).
Etymology. e name of this species is dedicated to R.I. Larson. Ruby I. Larson
was a geneticist at the Agriculture Canada Research Station, Lethbridge, who worked
on wheat genetics. She was very active in promoting science and from 1958 to 1973
ran a Science Club for Junior High and High School age children. Members of this
club went on to a variety of professional careers, including three (DJL included) who
became professional entomologists. Her love of learning and science was infectious
and her support and encouragement were major factors in our career choices. She
taught us the joy and personal rewards of following one’s curiosity.
Diagnosis. Body narrowly elongate, slightly attened (particularly on elytra),
uniformly dark brown, almost black except for paler, light brown sutural section
of elytra and legs (Fig. 16); punctation on forebody ne, dense and sparse; integu-
ment strongly glossy; head slightly narrower than pronotum; pronotum moderately
transverse, and much narrower than elytra (Fig. 16); elytra strongly transverse, and
at suture about as long as pronotum (Fig. 16); abdomen subparallel and distinctly
narrower than elytra (Fig. 16); body length 2.5 mm; antennal articles V-X modera-
tely transverse. MALE. Tergite VIII serrate apically with two larger lateral teeth (Fig.
19); sternite VIII rounded apically (Fig. 20); median lobe of aedeagus with broad
and rounded bulbus and short and broadly triangular tubus in dorsal view (Fig. 18),
and tubus straight with apex produced ventrally in lateral view (Fig. 17). FEMALE.
Distinguished from all other Atheta (Dimetrota) by narrow head and pronotum,
broad and short elytra, strongly glossy integument, and the shape of median lobe of
aedeagus with apex produced ventrally in lateral view (Fig. 17).
Distribution. is species is known only from the type locality in SK.
Natural history. e holotype was captured in June from unspecied habitat.
Comments. is species is supercially similar to Nearctic Atheta (D.) peticapensis
Klimaszewski & Webster, with which it shares similar body proportions and enlarged
bulbus of median lobe of aedeagus. However, these dierences may not necessarily
indicate a close relationship between these species.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 63
Figures 16–20. Atheta (Dimetrota) larsonae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 16 habitus in dorsal view
17median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view, and 18 in dorsal view 19 male tergite VIII 20 male sternite
VIII. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Atheta (Dimetrota) strigosula Casey
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: BC, LB, NB, NF, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK, NY
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Center Block, re guard, 8-VIII-
2013, gilled mushrooms, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male, 2 females; Lodgepole Trail, 21-
VIII-2013, dry and decaying mushrooms, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Casey 2010, Klimaszewski et al. 2005, 2008a, b, 2011, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, several females were found in dry and decaying mush-
rooms in August. In NF, adults were collected from June to October in carrion-baited
and unbaited pitfall traps and in ight intercept traps in many forest types (coniferous,
mixedwood and deciduous), and some adults were found in rotting mushrooms in for-
ests (Klimaszewski et al. 2011). Elsewhere, adults were collected in June and August,
from organic litter in red spruce forest in NB and forest litter in YT (Klimaszewski et
al. 2005, 2008b).
Atheta (Dimetrota) terranovae Klimaszewski & Langor
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Brunke et al. 2012)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: LB, NB, NF, ON, QC, SK, YT
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Center Block: re guard, 18-VIII-
2014, old polypore fungus on dead lodgepole pine stump, D. Larson (DLC) 2
males; 7-IX-2014, spruce-aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male, 1 female.
References Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Brunke et al. 2012, Klimaszewski et al. 2012, Webster et
al. 2012, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. is species is frequently associated with forest mushrooms. In
SK, specimens were captured from an old polypore fungus on dead lodgepole pine
stump, and in spruce-aspen forest, in August and September. In NF, adults were col-
lected from June to August in carrion-baited and unbaited pitfall traps and in ight
intercept traps in many forest types (coniferous, mixedwood and deciduous), and some
adults were found in rotting mushrooms in forests (Klimaszewski et al. 2011). In YT,
specimens were found in mushrooms, in birch and mixed pine and willow forests, and
white spruce and feathermoss forest in July and August (Klimaszewski et al. 2012).
Most specimens from NB were collected from fresh and decaying gilled mushrooms.
One individual was collected from a rotting lobster mushroom and another from a
coral mushroom on a spruce log (Webster et al. 2012). is species was found in
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 65
mixed forests, mature red spruce forests with red maple or birch, a black spruce for-
est, an eastern white cedar swamp, and a red oak forest (Webster et al. 2012). Adults
from New Brunswick were collected during August, September (most specimens), and
October (Webster et al. 2012).
Atheta (Microdota) pseudopittionii Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 21–28
Holotype (male). Canada, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple
Creek, 7-IX-2010, ex Lepiota rhacodes, D. Larson (LFC). Paratypes. Canada, Sas-
katchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 25-VI-2008, carrion trap,
D. Larson (CNC) 1 male, 1 female; 8-VII-2013, mushrooms, D. Larson (CNC, LFC)
1 male, 3 females; 15-VII-2014, decaying polypore mushroom, D. Larson (DLC,
LFC) 2 females; 6-VIII-2013, ex Lepiota rhacodes, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 3 males;
7-IX-2010, ex Lepiota rhacodes, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male, 2 females.
Etymology. e species name pseudopittionii derived from the prex pseudo- (false)
and the specic name of European species Atheta pittionii Scheerpeltz, to which it is
similar externally and has similar genitalia.
Diagnosis. Body narrowly subparallel (Fig. 21), length 1.9-2.0 mm, uniformly
black with tarsi yellowish; head, pronotum and elytra nely and sparsely punctate
and pubescent, punctures small; integument strongly glossy, more so on abdomen,
with meshed microsculpture; pronotum transverse, distinctly narrower than elytra,
with pubescence directed obliquely anteriad anteriorly and obliquely posteriad pos-
teriorly from median line of disc (Fig. 21); elytra at suture distinctly longer than
pronotum (Fig. 21); abdomen subparallel. MALE. Tergite VIII truncate apically and
slightly emarginate (Fig. 24); sternite VIII rounded apically (Fig. 25). Median lobe
of aedeagus with large oval bulbus, and short and broadly triangular tubus in dorsal
view (Fig. 23), in lateral view tubus arcuate with base near bulbus sinuate (Fig. 22);
internal sac structures as illustrated (Figs 22, 23). FEMALE. Tergite VIII truncate
apically (Fig. 26); sternite VIII broadly arcuate apically (Fig. 27); spermatheca with
spherical capsule bearing narrow apical invagination, stem narrow, and with a small
coiled apex (Fig. 28).
is species is very similar to European A. pittionii Scheerpeltz, from which it dif-
fers by broader and more elongate elytra, larger bulbus of median lobe of aedeagus in
dorsal view (Fig. 23), more sinuate base of tubus of median lobe of aedeagus in lateral
view (Fig. 22), and dierently shaped complex structures of the internal sac (Figs 22,
23). For genitalia of A. pittionii, see Brundin (1948) [under the name of A. parvicornis].
Distribution. Adults are known only from SK.
Natural history. Most adults of this species were collected from Shaggy parasol
mushrooms, Chlorophyllum rhacodes (=Lepiota rhacodes), from unspecied mushro-
oms, and from carrion.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Figures 21–28. Atheta (Microdota) pseudopittionii Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 21 habitus in dorsal
view 22 median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view, and 23 in dorsal view 24 male tergite VIII 25 male
sternite VIII 26 female tergite VIII 27 female sternite VIII 28 spermatheca in lateral view;. Scale bar for
habitus = 1 mm, and the remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 67
Atheta (Microdota) riparia Klimaszewski & Godin
(for details and body image, see Klimaszewski et al. 2012)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: SK, YT
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Center Block: re guard, Sucker
Creek, 23-VI-2014, aspen woodland bracket/gilled fungi, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male;
7-IX-2014, spruce-aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Klimaszewski et al. 2012, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. One SK male was captured in bracket/gilled fungi in aspen wood-
land in June, and the other from spruce-aspen woodland in September. In YT, two
males were captured by sifting litter in mixed aspen and white spruce forest in Septem-
ber, and one female was found on a mushroom in August (Klimaszewski et al. 2012).
Atheta (Microdota) spermathecorum Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 29–32
Holotype (female). Canada, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Ma-
ple Creek, 8-VI-2014, D. Larson (LFC). Paratypes. Canada, Saskatchewan, Larson
Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 29-V-2012 (LFC) 1 female; 30-V-2014,
D. Larson (CNC) 1 female; 17-VII-2014, decaying polypore mushroom, D. Larson
(CNC) 1 female; Belanger Creek, Frenchman Valley, 11-V-2013, D. Larson (DLC)
1 female; Harris Res., 10 km S Maple Creek, 20-V-2004, drift, D. Larson (DLC) 1
female; Alberta, Lethbridge, 24-III-1964, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
Etymology. e species name spermathecorum is derived from the name of sper-
matheca in reference to unusually shaped capsule of the spermatheca of this species.
Diagnosis. Body narrowly subparallel (Fig. 29), length 1.9-2.2 mm, uniformly
black, legs with at least tarsi reddish-brown; head, pronotum and elytra nely and
moderately densely punctate and pubescent, punctures small (Fig. 29); integument
moderately glossy, more so on abdomen; pronotum transverse, narrower than elytra,
with pubescence directed obliquely anteriad and posteriad posteriorly from median
line of disc (Fig. 29); elytra at suture slightly longer than pronotum; abdomen sub-
parallel (Fig. 29). MALE. Unknown. FEMALE. Tergite VIII truncate and slightly
concave apically (Fig. 30); sternite VIII truncate and slightly emarginate apically (Fig.
31); spermatheca with irregularly-shaped capsule without apparent apical invagina-
tion, stem narrow, and with a single posterior coil bearing swollen apical part (Fig. 32).
It is distinguished from all other Nearctic species of Atheta, subgenus Microdota, by the
unique shape of spermatheca bearing bulbus apical projection on top of capsule (Fig. 32).
Distribution. Adults are known from SK and AB.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Figures 29–32. Atheta (Microdota) spermathecorum Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n. (female): 29 habitus
in dorsal view 30 tergite VIII 31 sternite VIII 32 spermatheca. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the
remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 69
Natural history. Females were captured in March (Alberta), May and July (Sa-
skatchewan): one was found in a decaying polypore mushroom and one was found in
lake drift in May.
Atheta (Rhagocneme) subsinuata Erichson
(for details and body image, see Klimaszewski et al. 2008b)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: BC, LB, NB, NS, ON, QC, SK; USA: MA, NC, NH, NY, PA, RI, VT
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills, Center Block, Lake, Lodgepole Trail, 24-
IX-2014, decaying mushrooms, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Gusarov 2003, Klimaszewski et al. 2005, Majka and Klimaszewski 2008, 2010,
Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Bousquet et al. 2013
Origin Palaearctic, adventive in Canada
Distribution Canada: SK , YT
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek, 1-VI-
2011, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 27-VI-2010, old wet alfalfa hay with Coprinus, D.
Larson (DLC, LFC) 3 females; 24-VII-2010, sifted from old mouldy alfalfa hay, D.
Larson (DLC) 1 female; 1-IX-2012, compost, D. Larson (LFC) 1 female.
References Klimaszewski et al. 2008b, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. Like many introduced species, A. subsinuata appears to be
synanthropic, as all collections have been made from articial habitats. e Saskatche-
wan specimens were sifted from old mouldy alfalfa hay in June and July, and one
female was taken in September from compost. In YT, four specimens were captured in
a compost pile in September 2005 (Klimaszewski et al. 2008b).
Atheta (Tetropla) frosti Bernhauer
(for details and illustrations, see Gusarov 2003, Klimaszewski et al. 2011)
Natural history. e SK female was captured in decaying mushrooms in Septem-
ber. In LB, adults were abundant in pitfall traps during July and August in an open
spruce forest with sandy soil and Cladina lichen cover, and a few adults were captured
using pitfall traps in a birch-dominated forest (Klimaszewski et al. 2011). Elsewhere,
adults occurred from July to October in organic debris in red spruce forest, in polypore
fungus in coniferous forest, and on the forest oor in red oak and deciduous forests
(Klimaszewski et al. 2005, Majka and Klimaszewski 2008, 2010).
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Incertae sedis
e following species have uncertain subgeneric aliation in the large and diverse
genus Atheta. Some of the species belong to a group of species described in Europe by
Benick and Lohse (1974) as the “Mischgruppe” (mixed group) of Atheta.
Atheta pseudoschistoglossa Klimaszewski & Webster
(for details, genitalia and body image, see Webster et al. 2016b)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: NB, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Sucker Creek, 21-VIII-2012, aspen-
pine litter, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; Cypress Hills Park, Center Block, Lodgepole
Trail, 18-IX-2012, pine-spruce litter near stream, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female;
Belanger Creek, Frenchman Valley, 18-X-2014, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Webster et al. 2016b
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Center Block, Lodgepole Trail,
21-VIII-2013, dry and decaying mushrooms, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Casey 1910, Klimaszewski et al. 2005, 2007b, Majka and Klimaszewski 2008, 2010,
Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. e SK specimens were captured from aspen/pine litter and pine/
spruce litter in August through October. In NB, most adults of A. pseudoschistoglossa
were found in or near wetland habitats including among cobblestones, drift material,
and ood debris along river margins, moist leaves along vernal pond margin in a silver
maple swamp, in leaf litter and moss along brook margins in alder swamps, and in
litter at base of red maple, in Carex hummock in Carex marshes, in leaf litter in a red
oak forest near seasonally ooded marsh, in a salt marsh, in marsh litter in a Carex-
sedge marsh, and in litter and sphagnum at the base of a tree in a marsh (Webster et al.
2016b). A few adults were captured in Lindgren funnel traps in hardwood woodland
near a seasonally ooded marsh and in an old mixed forest (Webster et al. 2016b).
Adults were collected from mid-April to August (Webster et al. 2016b).
Atheta remulsa Casey
(for details and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011)
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 71
Natural history. In SK one female was captured from dry and decaying mush-
rooms. In NL, adults were collected from June to September using unbaited and
carrion-baited pitfall traps and ight intercept traps in many forest types (deciduous,
mixedwood, coniferous, riparian), and also in rotting mushrooms in forests (Klima-
szewski et al. 2011). Elsewhere, adults were collected in NB from red spruce mixed
forest from June through September (Klimaszewski et al. 2005), and in QC from
yellow birch/balsam r dominated forest in June and July (Klimaszewski et al. 2007b).
Atheta richardsoni Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 33–40
Holotype (male). Canada, Saskatchewan, Hwy 21, 20 km N Maple Creek, 25-VI-
2010, Gramma-stipa pasture, Richardson ground squirrel burrow, D. Larson (LFC).
Paratype. Canada, Saskatchewan, Grassland National Park, W Block Larson’s Prairie
Dog colony, 11-VI-2009, D. Larson (LFC) 1 female.
Etymology. is species name is derived from the surname of Sir John Richard-
son, the surgeon-naturalist who participated in 19th century British naval expeditions
to the arctic coast of “British North America”, now Canada. In 1820 he discovered a
new species of ground squirrel along the Saskatchewan River, which was later named
after him as Urocitellus richardsonii. e holotype of Atheta richardsoni was found in a
Richardson’s ground squirrel burrow.
Diagnosis. Body narrowly subparallel (Fig. 33), length 1.9 mm, dark brown, with
appendages yellowish-brown; head, pronotum and elytra nely and densely punctate
and pubescent, punctures small, all pubescence directed straight or obliquely posteriad;
integument moderately glossy, more so on abdomen (Fig. 33); pronotum transverse,
narrower than elytra, with pubescence directed straight posteriad on median line of
disc (Fig. 33); elytra at suture about as long as pronotum (Fig. 33); abdomen subpar-
allel. MALE. Tergite VIII truncate apically (Fig. 36); sternite VIII broadly rounded
apically (Fig. 37). Median lobe of aedeagus with large oval bulbus and broad tubus
rapidly tapering near apex in dorsal view (Fig. 35), in lateral view tubus straight and
narrowly rounded at apex, strongly produced ventrally (Fig. 34); internal sac structures
as illustrated (Figs 34, 35). FEMALE. Tergite VIII transverse and truncate apically
(Fig. 38); sternite VIII broadly arcuate apically, antecostal suture strongly sinuate (Fig.
39); spermatheca with narrowly pitcher-shaped capsule and thin stem ending with
enlarged, sac-like posterior part (Fig. 40).
Distinguished from all other species of Nearctic Atheta by its small size, densely
and nally punctate and pubescent forebody, nearly all pronotal pubescence directed
straight posteriad (Fig. 33), the shape of median lobe of aedeagus with very broad
tubus of median lobe in dorsal view (Fig. 35), and the shape of spermatheca with en-
larged, sac-shaped posterior part of stem (Fig. 40).
Distribution. Adults are known from SK.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Figures 33–40. Atheta (sensu lato) richardsoni Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 33 habitus in dorsal
view 34 median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view, and 35 in dorsal view 36 tergite VIII 37 sternite VIII
38female tergite VIII 39 female sternite VIII 40 spermatheca. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the
remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Natural history. e single male from SK was captured in a ground squirrel bur-
row, and the single female was found in a Prairie Dog colony in June.
Comments. is species in body size and general appearance is similar to species
of the subgenus Microdota of Atheta. However, it has a dierent pubescence pattern of
pronotum with microsetae along midline of disc directed straight posteriad and elsewhere
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 73
straight or obliquely posteriad (Fig. 33), and pubescence on elytra with microsetae directed
approximately straight posteriad (Fig. 33). e tubus of the median lobe of the aedeagus is
very broad and abruptly narrowed apically in dorsal view (Fig. 34), and spermatheca has
enlarged and sac-shaped posterior part of stem (Fig. 40). ese are unique features of this
species, which slightly resemble those of European Atheta liturata Stephens, which has a
similarly shaped median lobe of aedeagus and spermatheca, but the European species has
a dierently shaped male tergite VIII with strong lateral projections (for illustrations, see
Palm 1970). e European species is known from mushrooms. Benick and Lohse (1974)
assigned A. liturata to Atheta (Mischgruppe III, IV).
Dinaraea angustula (Gyllenhal)
(for details and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011, 2013a, b)
Origin Palaearctic, adventive in Canada
Distribution Canada: AB, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT. USA: CA, NY
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Saskatoon, 16-VI-1976, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female;
Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek, 5-V-2008, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 2
males; 22-VI-2014, D. Larson (LFC) 1 male.
Moore and Legner 1975, Muona 1984, Klimaszewski et al. 2007a, Webster et al.
2009, Majka and Klimaszewski 2010, Klimaszewski et al. 2011, 2013a, b, Bousquet
et al. 2013
Natural history. e SK specimens were captured in May and June from unspeci-
ed habitat. Elsewhere, this species is associated with soil and organic debris in agricul-
tural elds and disturbed urban meadows. It is also found in marsh litter, in leaf litter
in mixed forests, in compost, under bark of decaying spruce logs, amongst vegetation
on a coastal sand dune, in litter in a cattail marsh, in leaf litter along a vernal pond,
and in drift material along a lakeshore (Webster et al. 2009, Klimaszewski et al. 2010,
2011, 2013a, b). e adult activity period is April to September.
Dinaraea pacei Klimaszewski & Langor
(for details and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011, 2013a)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, LB, NB, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT. USA: AK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Center Block: re, Sucker Creek,
23-VI-2014, aspen woodland bracket/gilled fungi, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 1-VI-
2004, under aspen bark, Hooper & Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Webster et al. 2009, Majka and Klimaszewski 2010, Klimaszewski et al. 2011,
2013a, Bousquet et al. 2013
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Natural history. e SK specimens were captured from aspen woodland bracket/
gilled fungi, and from under aspen bark. Adults in NF and LB were collected from
June to August using pitfall traps and ight intercept traps in various coniferous forest
types, and one specimen was collected under the bark of a dead red pine (Klimasze-
wski et al. 2011). In BC, adults were caught in July and September in emergence
traps attached to the trunks of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. lati-
folia Engelm.) infested by mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins)
(Klimaszewski et al. 2013a). In NB, adults were found: under the bark of large fallen
spruce in an old-growth eastern white cedar swamp; under tight bark of American elm;
in a silver maple forest; in eshy polypore fungi at the base of a dead standing Populus
sp. in a wet alder swamp; and in a group of Pholiota sp. at the base of a dead Populus
sp. in a mixed forest. In Quebec, adults were found in dead black spruce in a black
spruce forest (Webster et al. 2009). Adults were also captured in Lindgren funnel traps
deployed in an old-growth white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) and balsam r
forest, an old mixed forest with red and white spruce, red and white pine (Pinus strobus
L.), and a rich Appalachian hardwood forest with some conifers (Webster et al. 2009).
Adults were collected from March to September (Webster et al. 2009).
Dochmonota omson
(for synonymies and discussion, see Gusarov 2003)
Remark. Untill now, only one native species, Dochmonota rudiventris (Eppelsheim)
(Figs 41-48), was reported from North America including Canada (Gusarov 2003,
Klimaszewski et al. 2011).
Key to Nearctic species of Dochmonota
1 Head about as broad as pronotum (Fig. 49); body narrow with elytra at base
only slightly broader than pronotum (Fig. 49); male sternite VIII notched
dorsally (Fig. 53); ventral margin of tubus of median lobe of aedeagus straight
with base slightly sinuate in lateral view (Fig. 50); spermatheca with capsule
broad, pitcher-shaped, and stem coiled (Fig. 56) ...........................................
................................................. D. langori Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Head distinctly narrower than pronotum (Figs 41, 57, 65); body broad with
elytra at base distinctly broader than pronotum (Figs 41, 57, 65); male ster-
nite VIII with apex entire (Figs 45, 61, 69); ventral margin of tubus of me-
dian lobe of aedagus diferently shaped (Figs 42, 58, 66); spermatheca with
capsule moderately broad, subspherical and stem coiled (Figs 48, 64, 72) ... 2
2 Elytra at suture longer than pronotum (Fig. 57); male tergite VIII with two
small lateral teeth at the apical margin (Fig. 60); median lobe of aedeagus
with sinuate apical margin of tubus (Fig. 58); spermatheca with capsule sub-
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 75
spherical and with twisted stem (Fig. 64) ......................................................
...............................................D. simulans Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Elytra at suture about as long as pronotum (Figs 41, 65); male tergite VIII
without teeth on apical margin (Figs 44, 68); median lobe of aedeagus with
straight apical margin of tubus in lateral view (Figs 42, 66) ......................... 3
3. Elytral posterior corners with strong lateral emarginations (Fig. 41); median
lobe of aedeagus with large crista apicalis of bulbus (Fig. 42); spermatheca
with capsule compressed dorso-ventrally (Fig. 48) ........................................
....................................................................... D. rudiventris (Eppelsheim)
Elytral posterior corners with slight emarginations laterally (Fig. 65); median
lobe of aedeagus with small crista apicalis of bulbus (Fig. 66); spermatheca with
capsule spherical (Fig. 72) ...........D. websteri Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Dochmonota langori Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 49–56
Holotype (male). Canada, Saskatchewan, Cypress Lake, E dam, 9-V-2012, wind-
drift, D. Larson (LFC) 1 male. Paratypes. Canada, Saskatchewan, Cypress Lake, E
dam, 9-V-2012, wind-drift, D. Larson (CNC, LFC) 3 females; Cypress Lake, E dam,
31-VII-2012, sifting wrack, D. Larson (DLC) 2 females; Crane Lake, NE Piapot, 28-
VIII-2011, beach wrack, D. Larson (CNC) 1 female.
Etymology. e species is named for our friend and professional colleague Dr.
David W. Langor, Canadian Forest Service, collaborator and supporter of many joint
entomological projects. He contributed to the discovery and descriptions of many new
species of aleocharine beetles in Canada, particularly in Newfoundland and Alberta.
Diagnosis. Body narrowly subparallel (Fig. 49), length 2.2-2.5 mm, uniformly
black; head, pronotum and elytra nely and densely punctate, punctures small; pu-
bescence dense; integument moderately glossy, more so on abdomen, with meshed
microsculpture (Fig. 49); antenna with articles V-X subquadrate to slightly transverse
(Fig. 49); head about as wide as pronotum (Fig. 49); pronotum transverse, slightly
narrower than elytra at base, with pubescence directed obliquely laterad from median
line of disc and in basal part of median line directed anteriad and laterad, base of disc
with small oval impression (Fig. 49); elytra at suture about as long as pronotum and
slightly wider at base than pronotum (Fig. 49); abdomen subparallel. MALE. Tergite
VIII truncate apically (Fig. 52); sternite VIII elongate and notched apically (Fig. 53).
Median lobe of aedeagus with large broad bulbus and narrow triangular tubus in dor-
sal view, bulbus strongly sinuate laterally (Fig. 51), in lateral view tubus straight and
slightly sinuate basally; crista apicalis of bulbus small (Fig. 50); internal sac structures
as illustrated (Figs 50, 51). FEMALE. Tergite VIII truncate apically (Fig. 54); sternite
VIII arcuate apically (Fig. 55); spermatheca with pitcher-shaped capsule bearing broad
and deep apical invagination, stem broad, and coiled (Fig. 56).
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Figures 41–48. Dochmonota rudiventris (Eppelsheim): 41 habitus in dorsal view 42 median lobe of aedea-
gus in lateral view, and 43 in dorsal view 44 male tergite VIII 45 male sternite VIII 46 female tergite VIII
47female sternite VIII 48 spermatheca. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Distribution. is species is known only from SK.
Natural history. Adults of this species were collected by sifting wrack on lakeshore
beach, and were found in wind-drift on a lake.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 77
Dochmonota simulans Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 57–64
Holotype (male). Canada, Saskatchewan, Royal Edward Rd., 25 km NW Maple
Creek, 5-VI-2011, D. Larson (LFC) 1 male. PARATYPE (female): Canada, Saskatch-
ewan, Hwy 21, 17 km N Maple Ceek, 26-VI-2010, saline slough, D. Larson (LFC).
Etymology. e species name is derived from Latin adjective simulans-, meaning
imitating, in reference to its similarity to the closely related Dochmonota websteri.
Diagnosis. Body narrowly subparallel (Fig. 57), length 3.0 mm, uniformly black;
head, pronotum and elytra nely and densely punctate, punctures small; pubescence
dense; integument moderately glossy, more so on abdomen, with meshed micro-
sculpture; antenna with articles V-VII subquadrate to slightly transverse (Fig. 57);
head distinctly narrower than pronotum (Fig. 57); pronotum transverse, distinctly
narrower than elytra at base, with pubescence directed obliquely laterad from median
line of disc and pubescence in basal part of median line directed anteriad and laterad,
base of disc without impression (Fig. 57); elytra at suture distinctly longer than pro-
notum and wider than pronotum (Fig. 57); abdomen subparallel. MALE. Tergite
VIII truncate apically with two small lateral teeth (Fig. 60); sternite VIII elongate
and rounded apically (Fig. 61). Median lobe of aedeagus with large suboval bulbus
and small triangular tubus in dorsal view, lateral sides of bulbus slightly sinuate (Fig.
59), tubus sinuate in lateral view, crista apicalis of bulbus small (Fig. 58); internal
sac structures as illustrated (Figs 58, 59). FEMALE. Tergite VIII truncate apically
(Fig. 62); sternite VIII emarginated apically (Fig. 63); spermatheca with subspherical
capsule bearing broad invagination, stem irregularly twisted and with swollen apical
part (Fig. 64).
Distribution. Adults are known only from SK.
Natural history. e male of this species was captured in June in unspecied ha-
bitat, and one female was taken from saline slough, also in June.
Dochmonota websteri Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 65–72
Holotype (male). Canada, Saskatchewan, Bigstick Lake, 16 km E Golden Prairie,
1-IX-2011, D. Larson (LFC). Paratypes. Canada, Saskatchewan, Bigstick Lake, 16
km E Golden Prairie, 1-IX-2011, D. Larson (LFC) 1 female; Bear Creek at Crane
Lake, NE Piapot, 18-VIII-2011, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female. NON-TYPE: Canada,
Saskatchewan, Bigstick Lake, N Maple Creek, 4-IX-2012, organic mud/sedges, rushes,
etc. near water, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
Etymology. e species is named for Dr. Reginald R. Webster, close friend of
JK, and extraordinary entomologist who “understands aleocharine beetles” and who
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Figures 49–56. Dochmonota langori Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 49 habitus in dorsal view 50 me-
dian lobe of aedeagus in lateral view, and 51 in dorsal view 52 male tergite VIII 53 male sternite VIII
54 female tergite VIII 55 female sternite VIII 56 spermatheca. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the
remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 79
Figures 57–64. Dochmonota simulans Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 57 habitus in dorsal view 58me-
dian lobe of aedeagus in lateral view, and 59 in dorsal view 60 male tergite VIII 61 male sternite VIII
62 female tergite VIII 63 female sternite VIII 64 spermatheca. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the
remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Figures 65–72. Dochmonota websteri Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 65 habitus in dorsal view 66me-
dian lobe of aedeagus in lateral view, and 67 in dorsal view 68 male tergite VIII 69 male sternite VIII
70 female tergite VIII 71 female sternite VIII 72 spermatheca. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the
remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 81
changed the beetle map of New Brunswick by endless discovery of new species. In
memory of our “grappa discussions” and fruitful collaboration.
Diagnosis. Body moderately narrow, subparallel (Fig. 65), length 3.0-3.4 mm,
uniformly black with tarsi reddish-brown; antenna with articles I-IV elongate, and
V-X slightly transverse (Fig. 65); head, pronotum and elytra nely and densely punc-
tate, punctures small; pubescence dense; integument moderately glossy, more so on
abdomen, with meshed microsculpture; head distinctly narrower than pronotum (Fig.
65); pronotum strongly transverse, distinctly narrower than elytra at base, with pubes-
cence directed obliquely laterad from median line of disc and pubescence in basal part
of median line directed posteriad and laterad, base of disc without impression (Fig.
65); elytra at suture as long as or slightly longer than pronotum (Fig. 65); abdomen
subparallel. MALE. Tergite VIII truncate apically and without apical teeth (Fig. 68);
sternite VIII elongate, tapering posteriorly and rounded at apex (Fig. 69). Median
lobe of aedeagus with large suboval bulbus and small broad triangular tubus in dorsal
view, lateral sides of bulbus gradually narrowed apically (Fig. 67), in lateral view tubus
arcuate basally and straight apically and crista apicalis of bulbus small (Fig. 66); inter-
nal sac structures as illustrated (Figs 66, 67). FEMALE. Tergite VIII truncate apically
(Fig. 70); sternite VIII gradually narrowed apically and truncate, apical margin slightly
emarginate (Fig. 71); spermatheca with spherical capsule bearing scarcely seen apical
invagination, stem broad, and coiled (Fig. 72).
Distribution. Adults are known only from SK.
Natural history. Most adults of this species were collected from shorelines of eu-
trophic lakes in June, August and September, and one male was captured in organic
mud/sedges, and rushes near water.
Comments. A male from Bigstick Lake had slightly distorted median lobe of ae-
deagus and was excluded from the type series.
Earota dentata (Bernhauer)
(for details and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, ON, QC, SK. USA: AK, AL, AZ, CO, IA, IL,
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek, 16-VI-
2011, D. Larson (DLC) 2 females.
Gusarov 2002, Klimaszewski and Winchester 2002, Klimaszewski et al. 2005,
2007b, 2008a, Webster et al. 2009, Majka and Klimaszewski 2008, 2010,
Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. e SK females were captured in June from unspecied habitat.
In NL, adults were captured from June to September in the litter of a riparian forest
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
and along the shore of a pond (Klimaszewski et al. 2011). Elsewhere, adults were cap-
tured in leaf litter near the margin of a brook in a red maple swamp, in mixed forests
of dierent ages, in river debris, gopher burrows, and under decaying seaweed on a sea-
shore (Klimaszewski and Winchester 2002, Klimaszewski et al. 2005, Majka and Kli-
maszewski 2008, Webster et al. 2009). Adult activity occurs from April to September.
Mocyta breviuscula (Mäklin)
(for details and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2015a, b)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NL, NS, NT, SK, YT. USA: AK, OR
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, 16 km S Maple Creek: 8-IV-2010, sifting
aspen choke-cherry leaf litter, D. Larson (DLC) 2 females; 18-VI-2010, D. Larson
(DLC, LFC) 3 males, 2 females; 27-IV-2013, sifting willow, aspen, hawthorn litter
near creek, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 2 males, 6 females; 3-V-2013, aspen litter, D.
Larson (DLC, LFC) 2 males, 2 females; 6-V-2013, sifting willow litter, D. Larson
(DLC) 2 females; 10-V-2014, under fresh-cut aspen log rings, D. Larson (DLC) 2
males; 13-V-2014, under fresh-cut aspen log rings, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 14-
V-2014, under fresh-cut aspen log rings, D. Larson (DLC) 3 females; 20-V-2008,
D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 5-6-VI-2013, maple litter, D. Larson (DLC) 3 females;
8-VI-2014, under fresh-cut aspen log rings, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; 21-VI-2012,
decaying bracket fungus on aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 3 females; 10-VIII-2012,
aspen/maple litter, D. Larson (DLC) 2 males, 1 female; 8-IX-2012, compost, D.
Larson (DLC) 3 females; 28-IX-2010, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male, 3 females; 20-
X-2014, sifting willow leaf litter, D. Larson (DLC) 2 males, 7 females; Belanger
Creek, Frenchman Valley, 18-X-2014, D. Larson (DLC) 5 males, 4 females; Cypress
Hills Park, Center Block: Sucker Creek, 15-V-2013, sifting aspen litter, D. Larson
(DLC) 1 male; 16-VI-2011, sifting wrack, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; 18-VI-2012,
sifting aspen litter, D. Larson (DLC) 3 females; Sucker Creek, 23-VI-2014, aspen
woodland bracket/gilled fungi, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; Saskatoon, 27-VII-1972,
D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 7-IX-2014, spruce-aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female;
Saskatoon, 7-X-1976, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Lohse et al. 1990, Klimaszewski et al. 2005, 2007b, 2008a, b, 2015a, b, Bousquet et
al. 2013
Natural history. e SK specimens were captured by sifting aspen litter, maple
litter, aspen choke-cherry leaf litter, willow and aspen litter, hawthorn litter near creek,
willow leaf litter, under fresh-cut aspen log rings, from decaying woodland bracket/
gilled fungi, and from compost, in May through October. In Newfoundland, adults
were frequently caught in pitfall traps in various forest types (birch, spruce-lichen,
spruce-poplar, r), in vegetation on coastal sand dunes, on shrubby limestone barrens
and in disturbed elds amongst grass and weeds (Klimaszewski et al. 2011). e acti-
vity period is June to September. Adults were captured with pitfall traps from June to
August in moss and leaf litter in red spruce forest in New Brusnwick and yellow birch/
balsam r forests in southern Quebec (Klimaszewski et al. 2005b, 2007b, 2015b).
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 83
Mocyta sphagnorum Klimaszewski & Webster
(for details and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2015b)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: NB, NF, ON, QC, SK.
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 27-IV-
2013, sifting willow-aspen, hawthorn litter near creek, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male,
1 female; 20-V-2008, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 25-V-2013, D. Larson (DLC) 1
female; 12-VII-2012, wet grass and weed clippings, D. Larson (DLC) 2 females; 16-
VIII-2012, new brome/alfalfa hay, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 8-IX-2012, compost,
D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; Gull Lake, N town of Gull Lake, 17-V-2014, D. Larson
(DLC) 1 female; Cypress Hills Park, Center Block: Highland Trail, 20-V-2013, moist
spruce litter near stream, D. Larson (DLC) 2 females; 7-IX-2014, spruce-aspen,
D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; 13-IX-2012, sifting spruce litter, D. Larson (DLC) 1
female; Loch Lomond, 21-IX-2011, spruce-aspen litter, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female;
Lodgepole Trail, 24-IX-2014, decaying mushrooms, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Klimaszewski et al. 2015b
Natural history. In SK, specimens were captured from May through September
from willow-aspen litter, hawthorn litter near creek, wet grass and weed clippings,
moist spruce litter near stream, spruce litter, spruce-aspen litter, and in decaying mush-
rooms. In NB, adults were found in sphagnum moss and litter in calcareous eastern
white cedar fens and in a black spruce forest (Klimaszewski et al. 2015b). One individ-
ual was collected from mouldy conifer du at the base of a large pine in a mixed forest
(Klimaszewski et al. 2015b). Adults were found in April and May in New Brunswick,
and June to August elsewhere. is species often seems to be associated with moist
sphagnum moss (Klimaszewski et al. 2015b).
Comments. Males of this species can be mixed up with those of M. breviuscula
and positive identication may only be possible with female association as Mocyta are
denitively identied by the shape of the spermatheca.
Nehemitropia lividipennis (Mannerheim)
(for details and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2007a, 2011)
Origin Palaearctic, adventive in Canada
Distribution Canada: NB, NL, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK. USA: CA, LA, MA, MN, NE, NM, NY,
New provincial
records CANADA, Saskatchewan: Saskatoon, 26-IX-1976, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male, 1 female.
References Moore and Legner 1975, Klimaszewski et al. 2007a, Majka and Klimaszewski 2010,
Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Bousquet et al. 2013
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Natural history. e SK specimens were captured from an unspecied habitat in
September. In NL, one specimen was collected in October from an unspecied habitat
(Klimaszewski et al. 2011). Elsewhere in North America, adults were captured in open
elds and pastures, in organic debris including dead grass, in caribou, horse and cow
dung, in open marsh, maple/beech forest, the edge of an oak forest, and in the nest of
Microtus pennsylvanicus (Ord) (Klimaszewski et al. 2007a, 2011).
Philhygra falcifera Lohse
(for details and illustrations, see Lohse et al. 1990)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: MB, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Highland Trail, 10-VI-2013,
treading quaking moss, Typha, Equisetum, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Lohse et al. 1990, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. e SK male was captured in June by treading quaking moss,
Typha, and Equisetum. e MB specimens were captured in June and August, from
unspecied habitat (Lohse et al. 1990).
Philhygra subpolaris (Fenyes)
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Fenyes 1909, Klimaszewski et al. 2016)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, SK. USA: AZ
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek, 9-V-
2013, sifting willow/grass litter, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; Cypress Lake Park, 16-VI-
2011, sifting wrack, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
Reference Fenyes 1909, Klimaszewski et al. 2016
Natural history. In SK, one male was captured in May by sifting willow/grass
litter, and one female was sifted from wrack on a lakeshore in June. In AB, adults were
caught in window traps attached to aspen snags in a boreal aspen stand harvested 2
years previously, and in pitfall traps deployed in canola elds. Adults were collected in
July (Klimaszewski et al. 2016a).
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 85
Schistoglossa blatchlyei (Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz)
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2009a)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: MB, NB, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT; USA: AK, IN
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Center Block, Highland Trail, 10-
VI-2013, treading quaking moss, Typha and Equisetum in June, D. Larson (DLC)
Reference Blatchley 1910, Bernhauer and Scheerpeltz 1926, Klimaszewski et al. 2009a,
Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, one male was captured in June by treading quaking moss,
Typha and Equisetum.
Strigota ambigua (Erichson)
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: LB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT. USA: CA, CO, CT, IA, KS, MO, NC,
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Great Sand Hills, 50.9°N, 109.11°W, Bowie Ranch,
8-VII-2013, Larson (DLC) 1 female; Larson Ranch, 16 km S Maple Creek, 9-VII-
2014, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 12 km NE Gull Lake, Scirpus wrack, saline pond,
25-V-2011, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; Tompkins, Sidewood Rad, 15-IX-2014, D.
Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Gusarov 2003, Majka et al. 2008, Majka and Klimaszewski 2010, Brunke et al.
2012, Bousquet et al. 2013, Webster et al. 2016b
Natural history. In SK, one specimen was found in Scirpus wrack on the shore
of saline pond, and three others were found in unspecied habitats in May, July and
September. In NB, one specimen was found under a cobblestone on moist sand on a
lake margin (Webster et al. 2016b). is widespread species occurs in open habitats,
including dunes, beaches, limestone barrens, soybean elds, old elds, open gaps in
spruce forest, riverbanks and groundhog burrows (Brunke et al. 2012).
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Strigota obscurata Klimaszewski & Brunke
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Brunke et al. 2012)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: NB, ON, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Lake, E dam, wind-drift, 9-V-2012, D. Larson
(DLC) 1 female.
References Brunke et al. 2012, Bousquet et al. 2013, Webster et al. 2016b
Natural history. In SK, one female was captured in May from wind-drift on the
lake. In NB, S. obscurata was found in ood debris on a river mar gin, on soil at the
base of grass in a residential lawn, and captured in a Lindgren funnel trap in an old
jack pine forest (Webster et al. 2016b). Brunke et al. (2012) reported this as the most
common species in southern Ontario soybean elds, often occurring in open habitats
with S. ambigua.
Tribe AUTALIINI omson
Autalia rivularis (Gravenhorst)
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011)
Origin Palaearctic, adventive in Canada
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK. USA: CA, MI, MN, NH, NY, OR
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, C Block, Sucker Creek, 23-VIII-
2012, moose dung, D. Larson (DLC) 2 females; Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S
Maple Creek: 21-VI-2012, under bark of dead aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female;
1-IX-2012, compost, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Hoebeke 1988, Klimaszewski et al. 2005, Majka and Klimaszewski 2010,
Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. e SK specimens were found in moose dung, under bark of dead
aspen, and in compost in June, August and September. In NL, adults were collected
in July using ight intercept traps in mixedwood forest and carrion traps on coastal
shrubby barrens (Klimaszewski et al. 2011). Elsewhere, adults were collected in July
and August from red spruce dominated regenerating forest in NB (Klimaszewski et al.
2005). In Europe, this species is very common in cow dung and rotting organic debris.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 87
Tribe FALAGRINI Mulsant & Rey
Falagria caesa Erichson
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2013b, Hoebeke 1985 [as F. sulcata
Origin Palaearctic, adventive in Canada
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, NB, ON, QC, SK. USA: IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, UT, VA
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 1-IX-2012,
compost, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 1 female, 1 sex undetermined; 22-27-VI-2005, D. Larson
(DLC) 1 sex undetermined; 17-IX-2012, compost, D. Larson (LFC) 1 male; Cypress
Hills Lake: E dam, wind-drift, 9-V-2012, D. Larson (DLC) 1 sex undetermined; E end,
sifting wrack, 31-VII-2012, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 1 female, 5 sex undetermined; Crane
Lake, NE Piapot., beach wrack, 28-VIII-2011, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 1 male, 3 sex
undetermined; Bigstick Lake, 16 km E Golden Prairie, 21-IX-2011, D. Larson (DLC) 1 sex
undetermined; Saskatoon, 26-IX-1976, compost, D. Larson (DLC) 1 sex undetermined.
References Hoebeke 1985, Klimaszewski et al. 2010, Webster et al. 2012, Klimaszewski et al.
2013b, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. e SK specimens were found in compost, wind drift, and beach
wrack, from June through September. In North America, this species is associated with
decaying plant material such as compost, mouldy corncobs, cornhusks, weeds, haystacks
and rotting fungi (Hoebeke 1985, Webster et al. 2012, Klimaszewski et al. 2013b).
Comments. is species is well established in northeastern and western North
America (Hoebeke 1985). It was listed in North America as F. sulcata (Hoebeke 1985,
Campbell and Davies 1991, Klimaszewski et al. 2010, Webster et al. 2012). e oldest
record of this adventive species in SK is that of 1976.
Myrmecocephalus arizonicus (Casey)
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Hoebeke 1985)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, SK. USA: AZ, CO, ID, NM, UT
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 22-V-
2008, D. Larson (DLC) 1 sex undetermined; 5-6-VI-2013, D. Larson (DLC) 1 sex
undetermined; 15-30-VI-2006, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; 18-VI-2001, D. Larson
(LFC) 1 male; Cypress Hills, Center Block: Hidden Valley, 1-VI-1999, D. Larson
(DLC) 1 male, 1 sex undetermined; 4-VI-2006, pine clearcut, D. Larson (DLC, LFC)
1 male, 1 female; Ski Lodge, 25-VI-2004, recently dead white spruce, D. Larson (DLC,
LFC) 1 female, 2 sex undetermined; re guard, 29-IX-2013, sifting moss and pine
litter, D. Larson (DLC) 1 sex undetermined.
References Hoebeke 1985, Bousquet et al. 2013
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Natural history. e SK specimens were found in pine clearcut, on recently dead
white spruce, and in moss and pine litter in May, June and September. Elsewhere,
specimens were collected from under bark of logs, from leaf litter, ood debris and wet
moss, from soil along a stream, from fungus (Fomitopsis pinicola, Fomes robineae), and
from a squirrel midden (Hoebeke 1985).
Agaricochara pulchra Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 73–79
Holotype (male). Canada, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple
Creek, 12-IX-2013, mouldy aspen log, D. Larson (LFC). Paratypes. Canada, Sas-
katchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek, 12-IX-2013, mouldy as-
pen log, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 1 male, 2 females, 11 sex undetermined; Cypress
Hills Pk., Center Block, Hidden Valley, 1-VI-1999, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; Cy-
press Hills Pk., Center Block, Sucker Cr., 18-VII-2012, sifting aspen litter, D. Larson
(DLC) 1 female.
Etymology. A Latin feminine adjective pulchra, meaning beautiful, in reference to
the body shape and beautiful colour of this species.
Diagnosis. Body minute, narrowly oval, moderately convex, length 1.4-1.6
mm (Fig. 73); head and abdomen (except for apex) piceous, pronotum and elytra
reddish-yellow, elytra with darker scuteller and posterior angle sections, legs and
antennae except for the last article yellow (Fig. 73); punctation on forebody ne
and sparse, those on elytra asperate; pubescence on pronotum directed posteriad
(Fig. 73); abdomen tapering apically with scale-like sculpture (Fig. 73); antennae
gradually broadening apically, articles V-X transverse (Fig. 73). MALE. Tergite VIII
emarginate medially and with two lateral teeth (Fig. 75); sternite VIII rounded api-
cally (Fig. 76); median lobe of aedeagus with subapical process angular subapically
(Fig. 74). FEMALE. Tergite and sternite VIII shallowly concave apically (Fig. 77);
sternite VIII transverse and broadly arcuate apically (Fig. 78); spermatheca small,
capsule spherical (Fig. 79).
Distribution. Known only from SK. is constitutes new genus record for Cana-
dian fauna.
Natural history. Adults were collected from mouldy aspen logs in September and
by sifting aspen litter in July.
Comments. Seevers (1951) considered Agaricochara Kraatz as a subgenus of Gy-
rophaena Mannerheim, but Ashe (1984) elevated it to the generic rank. We have fol-
lowed Ashe (1984) in treating this taxon as a genus. ere are two species of Agarico-
chara in Europe and six in North America (Seevers 1951). No member of either group
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 89
Figures 73–79. Agaricochara pulchra Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 73 habitus in dorsal view 74medi-
an lobe of aedeagus in lateral view 75 male tergite VIII 76 male sternite VIII 77 female tergite VIII 78 fe-
male sternite VIII 79 spermatheca. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
of species matches our new species from SK, which has very distinctively shaped tubus
of the median lobe of the aedeagus with ventral process-like projection angularly bent
subapically and directed dorsally (Fig. 74).
Gyrophaena lobata Casey
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Seevers 1951, Klimaszewski et al. 2009b)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: NB, SK. USA: DC, IL, IN, KA, MI, NY, WA, WI
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek, 29-VIII-
2014, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Casey 1906, Seevers 1951, Klimaszewski et al. 2009b, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. e SK specimen was collected in August from unspecied habi-
tat. In NB, adults were captured in gilled mushrooms in mixed and hardwood for-
ests from July through September by sifting mushrooms and aspirating specimens
(Klimaszewski et al. 2009b).
Gyrophaena subnitens Casey
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Seevers 1951, Klimaszewski et al. 2009b)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: MB, ON, SK. USA: IL, KS, ME, MN, MO, NY, WI
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Block Fire, Sucker Creek, 23-VI-
2014, aspen woodland bracket/gilled fungi, D. Larson (LFC) 1 male; Maple Creek,
Hwy 21, 16 km S, 18-VII-2003, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male, 1 female.
References Casey 1906, Seevers 1951, Klimaszewski et al. 2009b, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. Two SK specimens were found in aspen woodland on bracket/
gilled fungi, in June and July. In NB, specimens were collected by sifting in June from
sun-exposed gilled mushrooms on stump in 8.5-year-old regenerating mixed forest
and red oak (Klimaszewski et al. 2009b).
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 91
Leptusa gatineauensis Klimaszewski & Pelletier
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2004)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Center Block, 1-VI-2004, Hooper &
Larson (DLC) 1 male, 1 sex undetermined; Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple
Creek: 27-IV-2013, sifting willow, aspen, hawthorn near creek, D. Larson (DLC,
LFC) 1 male, 6 sex undetermined; 14-V-2014, under bark/in polypore fungus on
aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 3 sex undetermined; 5-6-VI-2013, maple litter, D. Larson
(DLC) 2 sex undetermined; 6-VI-2013, D. Larson (DLC) 1 sex undetermined;
8-VI-2007, under bark/in polypore fungus on aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female, 1
sex undetermined; 21-VI-2012, under bark of dead aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 1 sex
References Klimaszewski et al. 2004, McLean et al. 2009a, b, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. e SK specimens were collected from willow, aspen, and haw-
thorn litter near creek, under bark of dead aspen, in polypore fungus on aspen, in May
and June. Elsewhere, two specimens were captured in May on Polyporus betulinus, one
by general sweeping in deciduous forest, and one in June in red spruce/hemlock ma-
ture forest (Klimaszewski et al. 2004). A few specimens were collected by funnel trap
in Stanley Park, Vancouver (McLean et al. 2009a, b).
Cypha crotchi (Horn)
(for illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2008b)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Center Block, Lodgepole Trail, 24-
IX-2014, decaying mushrooms, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Klimaszewski et al. 2008b, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. e SK male was found in September in decaying mushrooms.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Cypha inexpectata Klimaszewski & Godin
(for illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2008b)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: ON, SK, YT
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Center Block: Lodgepole Trail,
24-IX-D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; Belanger Creek, 14-X-2014, mossy hummocks
bordering marsh and spruce forest, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 4 females; Belanger Creek,
Frenchman Valley, 18-X-2014, mossy hummocks near creek, D. Larson (LFC) 1 male.
References Klimaszewski et al. 2008b, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, specimens were collected from mossy hummocks at the
border between a marsh and spruce forest, and mossy hummocks near creek, in Sep-
tember and October.
Oligota inata (Mannerheim)
Figs 80–86
Diagnosis. Body length 1.4–1.5 mm, compact, subparallel, piceous to nearly black, with
legs/tarsi, three basal antennal articles, maxillary palps, posterior edge of elytra, and tip of
abdomen yellowish brown (Fig. 80); moderately glossy; integument with microsculpture
mesh-like on head and pronotum, and coarse, scale-like on elytra and abdomen (Fig.
80); pubescence sparse and long; head transverse with pubescence directed anteriad; eyes
large, and protruding (Fig. 80); antennae with four apical articles forming loose club,
articles VI–VII narrow and VIII-X moderately to strongly transverse (Fig. 80); pronotum
strongly transverse, lateral margins strongly converging apicad, pubescence directed ob-
liquely laterad (Fig. 80); elytral margins broadly arcuate laterally with pubescence directed
obliquely laterad (Fig. 80); abdomen gradually narrowed apically. MALE. Tergite VIII
truncate apically (Fig. 82); sternite VIII with apical margin arcuate (Fig. 83); median lobe
of aedeagus with tubus long, arcuate, and apex hooked ventrally in lateral view, bulbus
moderately long with small and irregularly oval crista apicalis (Fig. 81). FEMALE. Terg-
ite VIII truncate apically (Fig. 84); sternite VIII broadly rounded and slightly produced
apically (Fig. 85); pygidium as illustrated (Fig. 86); spermatheca not found.
Origin Palaearctic, adventive in Canada
Distribution Canada: SK
New North
American, Canadian
and provincial
CANADA: Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 14-V-2013
(DLC) 1 female; 22-27-VI-2005 (DLC) 1 female; 16-VIII-2012, new brome/alfalfa
hay, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 2 males, 5 females; 1-IX-2012, compost, D. Larson (DLC,
LFC) 5 males, 9 females.
References Mannerheim 1830, Williams 1978
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 93
Natural history. e SK specimens were found in compost and new brome/alfalfa
hay. Collecting period: June, August and September
Comments. Oligota inata is a Palaearctic species known from Europe, N. Africa,
Congo, Egypt, and Brazil. It is reported here for the rst time from North America.
Figures 80–86. Oligota inata (Mannerheim): 80 habitus in dorsal view 81 median lobe of aedeagus
in lateral view 82 male tergite VIII 83 male sternite VIII 84 female tergite VIII 85 female sternite VIII
86female pygidium. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Zyras obliquus (Casey)
(for illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK. USA: MI, MO, NH, NY, OR
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Larson Ranch, 16 km S Maple Creek, 1-15-VI-2005, D.
Larson (DLC) 1 sex undetermined; Cypress Hills Park, Center Block, 13-VI-2003,
D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 2 sex undetermined
References Casey 1893, Klimaszewski et al. 2005, Webster et al. 2009, Majka and Klimaszewski
2010, Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. The SK specimens were collected in June from unspecied habitat.
Tribe OXYPODINI C.G. omson
Ganthusa eva Fenyes
(for illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2014)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, SK, YT. USA: CA
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills Park, Center Block, Sucker Creek, 20-V-
2013, lodgepole pine litter, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male
References Fenyes 1909, Klimaszewski and Winchester 2002, Majka and Klimaszewski 2008,
Bousquet et al. 2013, Klimaszewski et al. 2014
Natural history. In SK, one specimen was collected in May from lodgepole pine
litter. Elsewhere, adults were captured in clear-cut Sitka spruce forest on Vancouver
Island and in moss and gravel at the edge of small pools at other localities in the inter-
ior of British Columbia (Klimaszewski and Winchester 2002). Additional specimens
were found in British Columbia in a 1-year-old harvested Douglas-r stand. In west-
central Alberta, adults were collected in pitfall traps deployed in Upper Cordilleran
coniferous forests, including subxeric lodgepole pine forests, mesic white spruce and
lodgepole pine stands and spruce-dominated subhygric and hygric forests, but not
in deciduous-dominated forest or in grassy or shrubby meadows (Klimaszewski et al.
2014). In Alberta, adults also emerged from lodgepole pine trees infested by bark
beetles (Klimaszewski et al. 2014). In the Yukon Territory, adults were found in a
squirrel midden in spring, probably overwintering, and in a coniferous woodchip pile
(Klimaszewski et al. 2014).
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 95
Hylota ochracea Casey
(for illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2006)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: NB, NS, NT, ON, QC, SK. USA: NY
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 25-VI-
2008, carrion trap, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 4-VIII-1998, D. Larson (DLC) 1
female; 27-VIII-2012, pigeon coop, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male
References Casey 1906, Klimaszewski et al. 2006, Majka et al. 2006, Webster et al. 2009,
Bousquet et al. 2013, Webster et al. 2016b
Natural history. In SK, one specimen was collected from pigeon coop, one from
carrion trap, and one from unspecied habitat. In NB, Hylota ochracea was a common
inhabitant of barred owl nests (Webster et al. 2009). Barred owl nests were in tree
holes (usually in large trees) and in articial nest boxes (Webster et al. 2009). Adults
of H. ochracea occurred in the nest contents, which usually consisted of rich decaying
organic material with bones, fur, owl pellets, portions of dead prey items (mice, squir-
rels, small birds), and often the contents had a strong urine smell. is species was also
found in the nest contents of the great horned owl. Majka et al. (2006) reported this
species from the nests of the boreal owl, Aegolius funereus richardsoni (Bonaparte) and
northern saw-whet owl, Aegolius acadicus (Gmelin) in Nova Scotia. Interestingly, H.
ochracea was also common among decaying vegetables inside a plastic compost bin,
which in some respects mimics the conditions found within a tree hole occupied by an
owl (Webster et al. 2009). Only one adult of H. ochracea has been captured in New
Brunswick in a habitat other than a tree hole or other enclosed situation; in drift ma-
terial along a river margin (Webster et al. 2009). Adults were collected in May, June,
August and September.
Oxypoda demissa Casey
(for illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2006, 2011)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: Apr.,
27-IV-2013, sifting willow, aspen, hawthorn litter near creek, D. Larson (DLC) 1
male, 1 female; 21-VI-2012, under bark of dead aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female;
20-X-2014, sifting willow leaf litter, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Casey 1911, Klimaszewski et al. 2006, Webster et al. 2009, Klimaszewski et al.
2011, Bousquet et al. 2013
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Natural history. In SK, specimens were captured in willow, aspen, and hawthorn
litter near creek, and under bark. In New Brunswick, adults were captured in moist
leaf litter on the margin of a vernal pond in a mixed forest, among leaves and sedges on
pond margin, in moist grass litter and sphagnum in Carex marsh, among sedges along
margin of small spring-fed brook in a mature hardwood forest and among leaf litter and
grass on hummocks in a wet alder (Alnus sp.) swamp (Webster et al. 2009). In Nova
Scotia, this species was reported from litter of Alnus clumps (Klimaszewski et al. 2006).
A number of adults were collected with a net during late afternoon (15:00 to 18:00 h)
ights (Webster et al. 2009). Adults were captured from April to July, and in October.
Collection method: sifting leaf litter, some collected in ight with net during evening.
Oxypoda domestica Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 87–91
Holotype (male). Canada, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple
Creek, 22-IV-2012, D. Larson (LFC). Paratype. Canada, Saskatchewan, Larson
Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek, 1-IV-2012, D. Larson (CNC) 1 male.
Etymology. e name of this species is derived from Latin feminine adjective
domestica-, meaning domestic, in reference to the capture of the type specimens in the
vicinity of the farmstead.
Diagnosis. Body length 3.4-3.6 mm, narrowly subparallel, broadest at posterior
elytra, abdomen subparallel (Fig. 87); piceous with legs, basal antennal article, and two
narrow oblique sections of elytra yellowish-brown (the extent of this section is variable)
(Fig. 87); pubescence and punctation of forebody dense; integument with isodiametric
microsculpture. Head distinctly broader than half of pronotal width (Fig. 87); eyes large,
longer than postocular area in dorsal view; antennae slender, antennomeres I-III strongly
elongate, IV slightly elongate, V subquadrate, VI-X moderately transverse (Fig. 87); pro-
notum moderately convex, strongly transverse and about one fth broader than long,
broadest in basal third, pubescence directed anteriad apically along midline and obliquely
posteriad from midline of disc elsewhere (Fig. 87); elytra slightly broader than pronotum
and at suture about as long as pronotum, pubescence directed approximately straight pos-
teriad (Fig. 87); abdomen subparallel and slightly tapering apically (Fig. 87). MALE. Ter-
gite VIII transverse and broadly arcuate apically, antecostal suture approximately straight
(Fig. 90); sternite VIII triangularly produced apically, antecostal suture slightly sinuate
(Fig. 91); median lobe of aedeagus with narrowly oval bulbus and broad and subparallel
tubus in dorsal view (Fig. 89); ventral margin of tubus slightly sinuate and with apex trian-
gular in lateral view (Fig. 88); internal sac with elongate subapical structures (Figs 88, 89);
bulbus with ovally elongate crista apicalis (Fig. 88). FEMALE. Unknown.
Natural history. e two males were captured in April in an unspecied habitat
near a farmstead.
Comments. is species is very similar externaly to O. irrasa Mäklin, from which
it may be distinguished by the shape of tubus of median lobe of aedeagus with slightly
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 97
Figures 87–91. Oxypoda domestica Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 87 habitus in dorsal view 88 median
lobe of aedeagus in lateral view, and 89 in dorsal view 90 male tergite VIII 91 male sternite VIII. Scale
bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
sinuate ventral margin and triangular apical part in lateral view (Fig. 85). In O. irrasa,
tubus of median lobe of aedeagus is angularly bent ventrally and apical part is evenly
narrowly elongate. For illustrations of O. irrasa, see Klimaszewski et al. (2006).
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Oxypoda irrasa Mäklin
(for illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2006)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, SK, YT. USA: AK, OR
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: Apr.,
22-IV-2010, dam, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 28-IV-2011, on snowbank (DLC)
1 female; 15-VII-2014, decaying polypore mushrooms (DLC) 1 male; 7-X-2010,
(LFC) 1 male; Cypress Hills Park, Center Block re guard, 8-VIII-2013: gilled
mushroom, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 1 male, 5 females; 18-VIII-2014, old polypore
fungus on dead lodgepole pine stump (DLC) 2 males, 1 female; Highland Trail,
2-X-2014, gilled mushroom (LFC) 1; 7-X-2014, spruce-aspen (DLC) 1 female; 10-
X-2013, decaying mushrooms (DLC) 2 females.
References Mäklin 1953, Lohse and Smetana 1985, Klimaszewski et al. 2006, 2008a, Bousquet
et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, specimens were captured on decaying and old polypore
mushrooms in lodgepole pine and spruce-aspen habitats in March, July, August and
September. One specimen was captured on snowbank in March. Elsewhere, adults
were captured from May through August with most of the specimens taken in August
(Klimaszewski et al. 2006). At the EMEND site (Alberta), adults of Oxypoda irrasa (n
= 519), like those of O. grandipennis, were found in all cover types and all retention
treatments but were most abundant in unharvested stands (Klimaszewski et al. 2006).
Oxypoda irrasa was collected from May through August at EMEND (Alberta), how-
ever a few individuals were collected in May through July (Klimaszewski et al. 2006).
is species was most abundant in August. Collecting methods: unbaited pitfall traps,
sifting forest litter and processing it through Berlese funnels.
Oxypoda manitobae Casey
(for illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2006)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: BC, MB, SK. USA: CO
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 17-VI-2005,
ood debris, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; 15-30-VIII-2005, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Casey 1911, Klimaszewski et al. 2006, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, specimens were captured in June and August, one male
was found in ood debris along the margin of a seasonal creek. Elsewhere, adults were
captured in July and August in Arctic habitats or in the Rocky Mountains (853-2896
m) (Klimaszewki et al. 2006).
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 99
Parocyusa fuliginosa (Casey)
(for illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Brunke et al. 2012)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: LB, ON, SK. USA: MA, NC, PA
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 30-VIII-
2014, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References As Tetralecopora: Casey 1906, Moore and Legner 1975, Seevers 1978; as Parocyusa:
Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Brunke et al. 2012, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, one female was captured in August from unspecied habi-
tat. In NF, adults were collected from rocks/gravel at a stream margin in early August
(Klimaszewski et al. 2011).
PLACUSINI Mulsant & Rey
Placusa incompleta Sjöberg
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2001, 2011)
Origin Palaearctic, adventive in North America; possibly introduced separately in eastern
Canada and western WA
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK. USA: WA; Palaearctic: Europe
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills Park, Center Block: Lodgepole Trail, 18-
IX-2012, pine/spruce litter near stream, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; re guard, 29-
X-2013, under fresh-cut pine slabs, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; Sucker Creek, 1-VI-
2012, under bark of recently killed aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Klimaszewski et al. 2001, 2011, Bousquet et al. 2013, Klimaszewski et al. 2015a
Natural history. In SK, specimens were captured in pine/spruce litter near stream,
under fresh-cut pine slabs, and under bark of recently killed aspen. In AB, adults were
collected from dead or dying white spruce in aggregated retention patches surrounded
by dierent levels of dispersed retention, using emergence traps and window traps
(Klimaszewski et al. 2015a). Elsewhere, adults were found in various deciduous and
coniferous forests, using a pit-light trap and ethanol-baited Lindgren funnel traps (Kli-
maszewski et al. 2001, 2011). e adults in northwestern Alberta were collected from
June to September (Klimaszewski et al. 2015a).
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Placusa pseudosuecica Klimaszewski
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2001)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, QC, ON, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills Park, Center Block: re guard, 29-X-2013,
under fresh-cut pine slabs, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male, 1 female.
References Klimaszewski et al. 2001, Bousquet et al. 2013, Klimaszewski et al. 2015a
Natural history. In SK, adults were captured under fresh-cut pine slabs. In AB,
adults were collected from dead or dying white spruce in aggregated retention patches
surrounded by dierent levels of dispersed retention, using window traps (Klimasze-
wski et al. 2015a). Elsewhere, adults were found in mature coniferous forests, using
pit-light traps and ethanol-baited Lindgren funnel traps (Klimaszewski et al. 2001).
e adults were collected from July to August.
Placusa tachyporoides (Waltl)
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2001)
Origin Palaearctic, adventive in North America
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, NB, NS, QC, ON, SK. USA: CA, MA. Palaearctic: Europe, the
Mediterranean, Caucasus, Siberia, Japan
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek, 30-V-
2014, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; Cypress Hills Park, Center Block, Sucker Creek,
1-4-VI-2012, under bark of recently killed aspen, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Moore and Legner 1975, Klimaszewski et al. 2001, Bousquet et al. 2013,
Klimaszewski et al. 2015a
Natural history. In SK, one male was captured under bark of recently killed as-
pen. In AB, adults were reared from white spruce logs in early and intermediate decay
stages in white spruce dominated stands (Klimaszewski et al. 2015a). Elsewhere, adults
were found in various deciduous and coniferous forests, using a ight intercept trap,
ethanol-baited Lindgren funnel traps, pit-light traps, and pitfall traps (Klimaszewski
et al. 2001).
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 101
Placusa tacomae Casey
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2001)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, NB, NF, NS, NT, QC, ON, SK, YT. USA: AZ, MA, WA, WI
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek, 12-IX-
2013, mouldy aspen log, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; Cypress Hills Park, Center
Block, re guard: 10-IX-2013, newly cut lodgepole pine log, D. Larson (DLC, LFC)
3 males, 3 females; 8-VIII-2013, Ips tunnels in lodgepole pine (DLC) 3 males, 1
female; 26-VIII-2014, under bark of lodgepole pine (DLC) 1 male.
References Casey 1893, Hatch 1957, Moore and Legner 1975, Klimaszewski et al. 2001,
Webster et al. 2009, Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, adults were captured from mouldy aspen log, newly cut lod-
gepole pine log, and in Ips tunnels in lodgepole pine. In eastern Canada, P. tacomae was
collected in Lindgren funnel traps from Pinus strobus, Pinus resinosa, Pinus banksiana, Picea
glauca, and A. saccharum stands (Klimaszewski et al. 2001). In western Canada, a single in-
dividual of this species was recovered from an alpha-pinene-baited Lindgren trap at 850 m
elevation in the coastal montane forest near Campbell River on Vancouver Island (Klimasze-
wski et al. 2001). One specimen from Colorado was taken at an elevation of 9600 ft (1 ft
= 0.3048 m) from Picea engelmannii forest (Klimaszewski et al. 2001). Western host tree
forest: Pinus monticola, mature T. heterophylla A. amabilis, Pinus contorta (Klimaszewski et
al. 2001). Collection period: May-August and October in British Columbia. Scolytid host:
Dendroctonus ponderosae (Alberta); Ips pini (British Columbia) (Klimaszewski et al. 2001).
Placusa vaga Casey
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2001)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: BC, NB, NS, NT, QC, ON, SK, YT. USA: CA
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills Park, Lodgepole Trail, 18-IX-2012, under
bark of lodgepole pine, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male.
References Casey 1911, Moore and Legner 1975, Klimaszewski et al. 2001, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, one specimen was captured under bark of lodgepole pine. In
QC, specimens were captured in Abies balsamea stands: old-growth stands, undetermined
age stands, in Picea glauca stand, and Populus tremuloides with Picea glauca stand (Kli-
maszewski et al. 2001). All Quebec specimens except one (Multi-Pher 7 pitfall trap) were
captured in Lindgren funnel traps baited with alpha-pinene and 95% ethanol, and with
70% ethanol as preservative (Klimaszewski et al. 2001). Collecting period: June to August.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Tribe SILUSINI Fenyes
Silusa californica Bernhauer
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2003, 2011)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: AB, BC, NB, NF, NS, NT, QC, ON, SK, YT. USA: AK, CA, MN
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills Park, Center Block, re guard: 8-VIII-
2013, gilled mushrooms, D. Larson (DLC) 2 males, 1 female, 1 sex undetermined;
10-IX-2013, decaying mushrooms, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female; 10-VIII-2004,
lodgepole pine, D. Larson (DLC) 1 sex undetermined; 18-VIII-2014, old polypore
fungus on dead lodgepole pine stump, D. Larson (DLC) 2 males, 2 females, 3 sex
undetermined; Cypress Hills Park, Lodgepole Trail, 21-VIII-2013, dry and decaying
mushrooms, D. Larson (DLC) 2 males.
References Bernhauer 1905, Klimaszewski and Winchester 2002, Klimaszewski et al. 2003,
2005, Majka and Klimaszewski 2010, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, adults were captured from gilled mushrooms, dry and de-
caying mushrooms, old polypore fungus on dead lodgepole pine stump and on lod-
gepole pine. Elsewhere, adults of S. californica were collected from July through Sep-
tember by means of passive pitfall traps, Luminoc pit-light traps, Malaise traps and by
sifting forest litter, wet moss on forest oor, marten dung on moss, and mushrooms
(Klimaszewski et al. 2003). Most specimens were captured in the passive pitfall traps.
Adults occurred in coniferous (red spruce, Sitka spruce), mixed-wood (yellow birch/
balsam r), and unspecied deciduous forests (Klimaszewski et al. 2003). e Alberta
specimens were collected in boreal mixed-wood forest, predominantly trembling aspen
with a small amount of eastern balsam poplar, white birch, white spruce, and willow
species (Klimaszewski et al. 2003). Five of the specimens were taken from old stands
at least 100 years of age, nine were from mature stands 65 to 75 years of age, and
three were from a recently harvested stand, 3 years of age (Klimaszewski et al. 2003).
e specimens from the Carmanah Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, were
mainly captured in the forest interior, followed by fewer in the transition zone, and only
two specimens were found in the clear-cut zone (Klimaszewski and Winchester 2002).
Tribe TACHYUSINI omson
Brachyusa Mulsant & Rey
Key to Canadian species of Brachyusa
1 Median lobe of aedeagus with narrowly triangular apical part forming dor-
sally distinct angular projection in apical half of tubus in lateral view (see Fig.
5N, in Seevers 1978) ..................................Brachyusa americana (Fenyes)
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 103
Median lobe of aedeagus with narrowly triangular apical part without angular
dorsal projection in apical half of tubus in lateral view (Figs 93, 100) .........2
2 Body broad (Fig. 99); pronotal base strongly sinuate laterally (Fig. 99); me-
dian lobe of aedeagus with tubus extremely elongate (Fig. 100); male tergite
VIII emarginate apically (Fig. 101); spermatheca L-shaped (Fig. 105) ..........
.......................Brachyusa saskatchewanae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Body moderately narrow (Fig. 92); pronotal base evenly arcuate (Fig. 92);
median lobe of aedeagus with tubus moderately elongate (Fig. 93); male ter-
gite VIII truncate apically (Fig. 94); spermatheca S-shaped (Fig. 98) ............
............................................................................ Brachyusa helenae Casey
Brachyusa helenae (Casey)
Figs 92–98
(for diagnosis, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011)
Tetralina litarsus Casey, 1911: 225. Holotype (male): USA, Montana, Kalispell, June,
Wickham, Type USNM 3887 (USNM) 1 male. New Synonymy.
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: LB, NB, NF, NT, ON, SK, YT. USA: AK, MT
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills Park: Center Block, Lodgepole Trail, 18-
IX-2012, pine/spruce litter near stream, D. Larson (LFC) 1 female; Loch Lomond,
29-VIII-2011, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Casey 1911, Seevers 1978, Klimaszewski et al. 2011, Brunke et al. 2012, Bousquet
et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, one specimen was captured in pine/spruce litter near
stream, and another in an unspecied habitat in August and September. In LB, adults
were collected in July and August on sand and gravel on the banks of the Churchill
River (Klimaszewski et al. 2011). Elsewhere, adults were collected near lake and river
shorelines, on clay, sand and gravel beaches and sandy and silty river margins (Kli-
maszewski et al. 2011). e adult activity period is May to August.
Comments. e two SK females agree in colour, body shape, morphology of ter-
gite and sternite VIII, and spermatheca with the type of B. helenae and the recently ex-
amined specimens from NF and NB. We have studied the types of B. alutacea (Casey),
B. litarsis (Casey) and B. helenae (Casey). e genital illustrations of B. americana
(Fenyes), recorded from BC, are provided by Seevers (1978). We have not found any
signicant morphological dierences between the types of B. litarsis and B. helenae,
and the two species are synonymous. However, B. alutacea clearly diers from B. he-
lenae/litarsis by a very broad body. Seevers’ (1978) key to species based on antennae
and the length of the basal article of the metatarsus is not accurate.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Figures 92–98. Brachyusa helenae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 92 habitus in dorsal view 93 median
lobe of aedeagus in lateral view 94 male tergite VIII 95 male sternite VIII 96 female tergite VIII 97 fe-
male sternite VIII 98 spermatheca. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 105
Brachyusa saskatchewanae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.
Figs 99–105
Holotype (male). Canada, Saskatchewan, Bear Creek at Crane Lake, near Piapot,
18-VIII-2011, D. Larson (LFC). Paratypes. Canada, Saskatchewan, Grasslands Na-
tional Park, Frenchman River at Ecotour Rd., 26-VII-2004, sandy-clay river bank, D.
Larson (DLC) 1 male; Bigstick Lake, 16 km E Golden Prairie, 21-IX-2011, D. Larson
(DLC, LFC) 4 females.
Etymology. e name of this species, saskatchewanae-, is a feminine adjective de-
rived from the name of the province of Saskatchewan, where the type series was found.
Diagnosis. Body narrowly oval, length 2.3-2.5 mm, slightly attened; uni-
formly black with light brown tarsi (Fig. 99); integument moderately glossy with
short and silky pubescence (Fig. 99); antenna with articles I-VII elongate, VIII-IX
subquadrate to slightly transverse (Fig. 99); head distinctly narrower than elytra and
with large eyes, postocular region very short and abruptly narrowed basally (Fig.
99); pronotum wider than head but narrower than elytra, sinuate baso-laterally and
strongly converging apically in apical third, pubescence directed straight and obli-
quely posteriad (Fig. 99); elytra at suture about as long as pronotum, pubescence
directed straight posteriad, basal margin concave (Fig. 99); abdomen strongly nar-
rowed posteriad, three basal tergites with deep transverse impressions (Fig. 99); me-
tatarsus with basal article less than twice as long as second (Fig. 99). MALE. Tergite
VIII transverse with broad apical emargination (Fig. 101); sternite VIII strongly
elongate, with wide space between base of disc and antecostal suture, apical margin
rounded (Fig. 102); median lobe of aedeagus with very long and narrow tubus in
lateral view, bulbus large with large crista apicalis (Fig. 100). FEMALE. Tergite VIII
slightly triangularly produced at apex (Fig. 103); sternite VIII with shallow apical
emargination (Fig. 104); spermatheca L-shaped, with sac-shaped capsule angularly
connected to club-shaped stem (Fig. 105).
Brachyusa saskatchewanae may be distinguished from other Brachyusa species by
its uniformly black and narrow body, sinuate lateral margins of pronotum, and the
genitalic features described above (Figs 99, 100, 105).
Distribution. Known only from SK.
Natural history. All SK specimens were captured near water with some on sandy-
clay river bank. ey were mainly collected by splashing water onto the bank, which
caused the beetles to run up the bank.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Figures 99–105. Brachyusa saskatchewanae Klimaszewski & Larson, sp. n.: 99 habitus in dorsal view
100 median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view 101 male tergite VIII 102 male sternite VIII 103 female
tergite VIII 104 female sternite VIII 105 spermatheca. Scale bar for habitus = 1 mm, and the remaining
scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 107
Gnypeta minuta Klimaszewski & Webster
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2008c)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: NB, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills Park, West Block, 5 km E AB border, 30-
VI-2012, sandy-clay river bank, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female.
References Klimaszewski et al. 2008c, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, one female was captured in June from sandy-clay river
bank. In NB, two specimens were captured in June, one from under debris on muddy
soil near a small pool in a silver maple forest, and the other from under debris on clay
and sand mix at river margin (Klimaszewski et al. 2008c)
Gnypeta saccharina Klimaszewski & Webster
(for diagnosis and illustrations, see Klimaszewski et al. 2008c)
Origin Nearctic
Distribution Canada: NB, SK
New provincial
CANADA, Saskatchewan, Grassland National Park, W Block, oxbow N jct Ecotour
Tr-Frenchman River, 13-VI-2009, D. Larson (DLC) 2 males, 3 females; Grassland
National Park, W Block, Ecotour stop 3, shallow oxbow pond, 11-VI-2009, D.
Larson (DLC) 1 male, 2 females; Bigstick Lake, N Maple Creek, 4-VIII-2012,
organic mud/sedges, rushes, etc. near water, D. Larson (DLC, LFC) 2 males, 4
females; Bigstick Lake, 16 km E Golden Prairie, 21-IX-2011, D. Larson (DLC,
LFC) 4 males, 4 females; Larson Ranch, Hwy 21, 16 km S Maple Creek: 10-VI-
1998, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; dam, 28-VIII-2011, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male;
3-IX-2011, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; Harris Res., 10 km S Maple Creek, wind-drift,
12-V-2012, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; Cypress Hills Park, C Block, re break, 10-
VI-2011, under bark of lodgepole pine, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; Cypress Lake, east
dam, 12-VI-1998, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; Cypress Lake Park, sifting wrack, 16-
VI-2011, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male; Cypress Lake E end, sifting wrack, 31-VII-2012,
D. Larson (DLC) 2 males, 1 female; Cypress Lake E dam, wind-drift, 9-V-2012, DE
Larson (DLC) 1 male, 2 females.
References Klimaszewski et al. 2008c, Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, specimens were captured from May through September
from shallow oxbow pond, organic mud/sedges, rushes, etc. near water, under bark of
lodgepole pine, wind-drift, and by sifting wrack. In NB, adults were captured in May
from moist leaves near margin of vernal pond in silver maple (Acer saccharinum L.)
swamp, and in June from ood debris at the margin of the Saint John River (Klimasze-
wski et al. 2008c).
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
We thank Pamela Cheers, English Editor (LFC), who edited the rst draft of the
manuscript, and Diane Paquet (LFC) for formatting it. We appreciate the help of
Amélie Gilbert and Philippe Fortin (LFC) who dissected the specimens used in this
study. Benoit Godin, Whitehorse, Yukon, provided a few additional specimens for this
study. Volker Assing, Hannover, Germany, kindly provided some genital images of
some European species for comparison. We are greatfull to Shockley Floyd (USNM)
for the loan of types of Tetralina helenae Casey and T. litarsus Casey. is research was
supported by Natural Resources Canada.
Ashe JS (1984) Generic revision of the subtribe Gyrophaenina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae:
Aleocharinae) with review of the described subgenera and major features of evolution.
Questiones Entomologicae 20: 129–349.
Benick G, Lohse GA (1974) Tribus 14 (Callicerini). In: Freude H, Harde KW, Lohse A (Eds)
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Pselaphidae. Goecke and Evers, Krefeld, 381 pp.
Bernhauer M (1901) Neue exotische Arten der Gattung Aleochara Grav. Stettiner entomologische
Zeitung 62: 366–373.
Bernhauer M (1905) Neue Aleocharinen aus Nordamerika. Deutschen Entomologische
Zeitschrift: 249–256. doi: 10.1002/mmnd.48119050320
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Canada, with a checklist of recorded species. ZooKeys 186: 119–206. doi: 10.3897/zook-
Campbell JM, Davies A (1991) Family Staphylinidae rove beetles. In: Bousquet Y (Ed.) Check-
list of beetles of Canada and Alaska. Research Branch Agriculture Canada Publication
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of Washington Press, Seattle. University of Washington Publication in Biology 16: 1–384.
Hoebeke ER (1985) A review of the rove beetle tribe Falagriini of America north of Mexico
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Journal of New York Entomological Society
93: 913–1018.
Hoebeke ER (1988) A new species of rove beetle, Autalia phricotrichosa (Coleoptera: Staphyli-
nidae: Aleocharinae), from Mexico, with a key to the New World species of Autalia. e
Coleopterists Bulletin 42: 87–93.
Klimaszewski J (1984) A revision of the genus Aleochara Gravenhorst of America north of
Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada
129: 1–211.
Klimaszewski J, Pelletier G, Germain C, Hébert C, Humble LM, Winchester NN (2001) Di-
versity of Placusa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) in Canada, with descriptions
of two new species. e Canadian Entomologist 133: 1–47. doi: 10.4039/Ent1331-1
Klimaszewski J, Winchester NN (2002) Aleocharine rove beetles (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) of
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Klimaszewski J, Pelletier G, Majka C (2004) A revision of Canadian Leptusa Kraatz (Coleoptera:
Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae): new species, new distribution records, key and taxonomic
considerations. Belgian Journal of Entomology 6: 3–42.
Klimaszewski J, Sweeney J, Price J, Pelletier G (2005) Rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
in red spruce stands, eastern Canada: diversity, abundance, and descriptions of new species.
e Canadian Entomologist 137: 1–48. doi: 10.4039/n03-123
Klimaszewski J, Pelletier G, Germain C, Work T, Hébert C (2006) Review of Oxypoda species
in Canada and Alaska (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae): systematics, bionomics,
and distribution. e Canadian Entomologist 138: 737–852. doi: 10.4039/n05-064
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Klimaszewski J, Assing V, Majka CG, Pelletier G, Webster RP, Langor D (2007a) Records of
adventive aleocharine beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) found in Canada.
e Canadian Entomologist 139: 54–79. doi: 10.4039/n05-105
Klimaszewski J, Langor D, Savard K, Pelletier G, Chandler DS, Sweeney J (2007b) Rove beetles
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in yellow birch-dominated stands of southeastern Quebec,
Canada: diversity, abundance, and description of a new species. e Canadian Entomologist
139: 793–833. doi: 10.4039/n06-057
Klimaszewski J, Langor DW, Work TT, Hammond JHE, Savard K (2008a) Smaller and more
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rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Diversity and Distribution 14: 969–982. doi:
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e Canadian Entomologist 140: 265–291. doi: 10.4039/n07-054
Klimaszewski J, Savard K, Pelletier G, Webster R (2008c) Species review of the genus Gnypeta
omson from Canada, Alaska and Greenland (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae):
systematics, bionomics and distribution. ZooKeys 2: 11–84. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.2.4
Klimaszewski J, Webster RP, Savard K (2009a) First record of the genus Schistoglossa Kraatz
from Canada with descriptions of seven new species (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleochari-
nae). In: Majka CG, Klimaszewski J (Eds) Biodiversity, Biosystematics, and Ecology of
Canadian Coleoptera II. ZooKeys 22: 45–79.
Klimaszewski J, Webster RP, Savard K (2009b) Review of the rove beetle species of the subtribe
Gyrophaenina Kraatz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from New Brunswick, Canada: new spe-
cies, provincial records and bionomic information. In: Majka CG, Klimaszewski J (Eds)
Biodiversity, Biosystematics, and Ecology of Canadian Coleoptera II. ZooKeys 22: 81–170.
Klimaszewski J, Langor D, Majka CG, Bouchard P, Bousquet Y, LeSage L, Smetana A, Sylvest-
re P, Pelletier G, Davies A, DesRochers P, Goulet H, Webster R, Sweeney J (2010) Review
of adventive species of Coleoptera (Insecta) recorded from eastern Canada. Pensoft, Soa-
Moscow, 272 pp.
Klimaszewski J, Langor D, Pelletier G, Bourdon C, Perdereau L (2011) Aleocharine beetles
(Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Pen-
soft Publishers, Soa-Moscow, 313 pp.
Klimaszewski J, Godin B, Bourdon C (2012) Further contributions to the aleocharine fauna
of the Yukon Territory, Canada (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). ZooKeys 186: 207–237. doi:
Klimaszewski J, Webster RP, Langor DW, Bourdon C, Jacobs J (2013a) Review of Canadian
species of the genus Dinaraea omson, with descriptions of six new species (Coleop-
tera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae, Athetini). ZooKeys 327: 65–101. doi: 10.3897/zook-
Klimaszewski J, Brunke A, Assing V, Langor DW, Newton AF, Bourdon C, Pelletier G, Web-
ster RP, Herman L, Perdereau L, Davies A, Smetana A, Chandler DS, Majka C, Scudder
GGF (2013b) Synopsis of adventive species of Coleoptera (Insecta) recorded from Canada.
Part 2: Staphylinidae. Soa-Moscow, Pensoft Series Faunistica No 104, 360 pp.
Twelve new species and fty three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae... 111
Klimaszewski J, Webster RP, Langor DW, Bourdon C, Hammond JHE, Pohl GR, Godin B
(2014) Review of Canadian species of the genera Gnathusa Fenyes, Mniusa Mulsant and
Rey and Ocyusa Kraatz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). ZooKeys 412: 9–40.
doi: 10.3897/zookeys.412.7282
Klimaszewski J, Godin B, Langor D, Bourdon C, Lee SL, Horwood D (2015a) New distribu-
tion records for Canadian Aleocharinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), and new synonymies
for Trichiusa. ZooKeys 498: 51–91. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.498.9282
Klimaszewski J, Webster RP, Bourdon C, Pelletier G, Godin B, Langor DW (2015b) Re-
view of Canadian species of the genus Mocyta Mulsant & Rey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae,
Aleocharinae), with the description of a new species and a new synonymy. ZooKeys 487:
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Klimaszewski J, Langor DW, Hammond HEJ, Bourdon C (2016) A new species of Anomog-
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Canada (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). ZooKeys 581: 141–164. doi: 10.3897/
Lohse GA, Smetana A (1985) Revision of the types of species of Oxypodini and Athetini (sensu
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Lohse GA, Klimaszewski J, Smetana A (1990) Revision of arctic Aleocharinae of North America
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). e Coleopterists Bulletin 44: 121–202.
Majka CG, Klimaszewski J, Lau RF (2008) e coastal rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphyl-
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Majka CG, Klimaszewski J (2010) Contributions to the knowledge of the Aleocharinae (Col-
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Majka CG, Klimaszewski J, Lau RF (2006) New Coleoptera records from owl nests in Nova
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Mäklin FG (1953) [new taxa]. In: Mannerheim C (Ed.) Dritter Nachtrag zur Kaefer-Fauna der
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Mannerheim CG (1830) Précis d’un nouvel arrangement de la famille des brachélytres de
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McLean JA, Klimaszewski J, Li A, Savard K (2009a) Survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphyl-
inidae) from Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with new records and
description of a new species. Part 1. In: Majka CG, Klimaszewski J (Eds) Biodiversity,
Biosystematics, and Ecology of Canadian Coleoptera II. ZooKeys 22: 5–17.
McLean JA, Klimaszewski J, Chandler DS, Savard K, Li A (2009b) Survey of rove beetles
(Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
with new records and description of a new species. Part 2. In: Majka CG, Klimaszewski
J (Eds) Biodiversity, Biosystematics, and Ecology of Canadian Coleoptera II. ZooKeys
22: 19–33.
Jan Klimaszewski et al. / ZooKeys 610: 45–112 (2016)
Moore I, Legner EF (1975) A catalogue of the Staphylinidae of America north of Mexico (Co-
leoptera). University of California, Division of Agricultural Science, Special Publication
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Palm T (1970) Svensk Insektfauna. 9. Skalbaggar. Coleoptera. Hafte 7. Stockholm, 296 pp.
[21 pls]
Pohl GR, Langor D, Spence JR (2007) Rove beetles and ground beetles (Coleoptera:
Staphylinidae, Carabidae) as indicators of harvest and regeneration practices in western
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Pohl GR, Langor DW, Klimaszewski J, Work TT, Paquin P (2008) Rove beetles (Coleoptera:
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doi: 10.4039/n07-LS03
Seevers CH (1951) A revision of the North American and European staphylinid beetles of the
subtribe Gyrophaenae (Aleocharinae, Bolitocharini). Fieldiana Zoology 32: 655–762. doi:
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Supplementary resources (67)

... However, faunistic knowledge and a precise inventory are still lacking in most parts of the world. Many recent works (e.g., Brunke et al. , 2012aBrunke et al. , 2021, 2012c, 2012d, 2012e, 2012f, 2016Brunke 2016;Klimaszewski et al. 2016Klimaszewski et al. , 2017Klimaszewski et al. , 2020Klimaszewski et al. , 2021 have documented and greatly expanded the knowledge on species diversity in Canada. In the latest checklist of the beetles of Canada and Alaska (Bousquet et al. 2013), there were 769 species of rove beetles known from the province of Quebec. ...
Full-text available
We newly report 25 provincial records of rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from the province of Quebec from the following subfamilies: Steninae (1), Euaesthetinae (1), Omaliinae (2), Oxyporinae (1), Paederinae (1), Proteininae (1), Pselaphinae (2), Scaphi-diinae (2), Scydmaeninae (2), Staphylininae (11) and Tachyporinae (1). Among these, two species are also reported for the first time from Ontario, two from Nova Scotia, and five are new Canadian records. We also report the first supporting data for Sunius melanocephalus (Fabricius, 1792) and Scopaeus minutus Erichson, 1840 for Quebec, and of Arpedium schwarzi Fauvel, 1878, Phyllodrepa punctiventris (Fauvel, 1878), and Sepedophilus basalis (Erichson, 1839) for Ontario. Specimen data and diagnoses are provided for each species, as well as references for identification where available.
... Les espèces dont le nom est en caractères gras se rencontrent régulièrement dans la bouse fraîche. Les autres espèces sont des visiteurs occasionnels de la bouse fraîche, ou l'information à leur sujet est insuffisante pour déterminer leur niveau d'utilisation de la bouse.BC AB SK MB ON QC NB NS PE LB NF La liste des espèces et leur répartition sont fondées principalement surSkidmore (1991),Bousquet et al. (2013),Klimaszewski et Brunke (2018) etBezanson et Floate (2019), avec des corrections et des mises à jour apportées par A.J. Brunke; 2 aussi signalé dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest; 3 aussi signalé au Yukon; 4 mentionné dansKlimaszewski et al. (2016); 5 mentionné dans Floate (1998b); * Exotique ...
Full-text available
Constitué de deux parties, le présent guide propose une introduction aux insectes présents dans les bouses laissées par les bovins dans les pâturages du Canada. La partie I se concentre sur les aspects généraux de la diversité et de l’écologie des insectes. La partie II vise à aider les lecteurs à identifier les insectes. On y présente de l’information sur la biologie et la morphologie de différents groupes d’insectes, illustrée par des photographies en couleur. Bien que les espèces mentionnées dans ce guide soient présentes au Canada, la plupart se rencontrent également aux États Unis. Des renvois à des clés taxonomiques sont fournis à l’intention des lecteurs qui souhaiteraient procéder à une identification détaillée. Ce guide se termine par une liste exhaustive de références qui s’adresse aux lecteurs désireux d’approfondir certains sujets et de découvrir des sources d’information qui pourraient passer inaperçues.
... 3 Also reported from the Yukon Territory. 4 Reported inKlimaszewski et al. (2016). 5 Reported inFloate (1998b). ...
Full-text available
Written in two parts, this guide introduces the reader to the insects in cattle dung on pastures across Canada. Part I focuses on general aspects of insect diversity and ecology. Part II is intended to help the reader identify insects. It provides information on the biology and morphology of different insect groups and is supplemented with colour photographs. Although the species mentioned in this guide are specific for Canada, most of them also occur in the United States. References are provided to taxonomic keys to aid in species identification. The guide concludes with an extensive list of references that allows the reader to explore topics in more depth and discover sources of information that might otherwise be overlooked.
Based on the specimens housed primarily in the University of New Hampshire Insect Collection (UNH) and the Canadian National Collection (CNC), we present here a comprehensive faunal review of aleocharine beetles of the state and provide new distribution and natural history data. We report 252 species from New Hampshire belonging to some 74 genera in 15 tribes; 159 of these constitute new New Hampshire state records (NSR), of which 37 (excluding new species and including 1 New York record) constitute new country distribution records (NCR) for the USA. In addition, we provide 36 new state records for ME, with 5 of these species not yet known from NH, seven new state records for MA, two new state records for PA and VT, and one each for CT, DE, MI, NC, NY (also a NCR), OH, and OK. One new genus, Belladonna Klimaszewski and Chandler is erected, and nine species are described as new to science (alphabetical order): Agaricomorpha hampshirensis Klimaszewski and Chandler, sp. n., Atheta ellisi Klimaszewski and Chandler sp. n, Atheta monroe Klimaszewski and Chandler, sp. n., Atheta struyvei Klimaszewski and Chandler sp. n, Belladonna barryi Klimaszewski and Chandler, sp. n., Belladonna fortieri Klimaszewski and Chandler, sp. n., Colusa smetanai Klimaszewski and Chandler, sp. n., Philhygra pinkhami Klimaszewski and Chandler sp. n., and P. pseudomagniceps Klimaszewski and Chandler, sp. n. Undescribed females of Aleochara daviesi Klimaszewski and Brunke, and Silusa langori Klimaszewski, are described and illustrated. Illustrations of Atheta (Tetropla) tubericauda Bernhauer are provided for the first time, based on a male from New Hampshire. A new combination is proposed for Atheta (Dimetrota) mcalpinei Klimaszewski and Webster.
Keys to subgenera and review of 22 species of the genus Aleochara Gravenhorst occurring in Arctic and Subarctic regions of Canada and Alaska are presented. The following is provided for each species: a morphological diagnosis, distribution, information about habitat and methods of collection, key references, colour images of the habitus, and black and white images of the genitalia (median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca) and terminal segments of both sexes.
One species of the tribe Lomechusini Fleming is recorded from Subarctic region. The following is provided: a morphological diagnosis, distribution, information about habitat and methods of collection, key references, colour images of the habitus, and black and white images of the genitalia (median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca) and terminal segments of both sexes.
A taxonomic checklist is provided of the 238 included aleocharine species. Tribe and genus totals are given, in addition to status as adventive or native (Holarctic or Nearctic). Recent taxonomic changes and those implemented in the present work are indicated under the respective species.
Keys to genera and Arctic/Subarctic species of the tribe Oxypodini C.G. Thomson are presented. The following is provided for each species: a morphological diagnosis, distribution, information about habitat and methods of collection, key references, colour images of the habitus, and black and white images of the genitalia (median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca) and terminal segments of both sexes.
Keys to genera and species of the tribe Tachyusini C.G. Thomson are provided. We present a review of the species of Brachyusa Mulsant and Rey, Dasygnypeta Lohse, Gnypeta C.G. Thomson, Paradilacra Bernhauer and Tachyusa Erichson recorded in Arctic/Subarctic ecozones. The following is provided for each species: a morphological diagnosis, distribution, information about habitat and methods of collection, key references, colour images of the habitus, and black and white images of the genitalia (median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca) and terminal segments of both sexes.
Keys to genera and species of the tribe Athetini Casey are provided. A review is provided for the following genera: Acrotona, Adota, Aloconota, Amischa, Atheta, Bellatheta, Boreophilia, Boreostiba, Dinaraea, Dochmonota, Earota, Hydrosmecta, Liogluta, Lypoglossa, Mocyta, Paragoniusa, Philhygra, Schistoglossa, Strigota, Tarphiota, and Trichiusa. The following is provided for each species: a morphological diagnosis, distribution, information about habitat and methods of collection, key references, colour images of the habitus, and black and white images of the genitalia (median lobe of the aedeagus, spermatheca) and terminal segments of both sexes.
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Forty-eight species of Aleocharinae are newly reported from New Brunswick, bringing the total number of species known from the province to 149. Two of these species, Ocyusa asperula Casey and Myllaena kaskaskia Klimaszewski, are newly recorded for Canada. Additional locality data are presented for nine species recently recorded from the province. Collection and bionomic data for all these species are presented and discussed. Colour habitus images are presented for all species included in this paper and genital images are presented for closely related Myllaena kaskaskia Klimaszewski, M. procidua Casey and M. vulpina Bernhauer. Photographs of the male genitalia of M. procidua are presented for the first time. The female spermatheca, tergite and sternite eight of Amarochara formicina Assing are illustrated for the first time.
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The first survey of rove beetle species from Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is presented. Thirty-five species are reported from the following subfamilies: Aleocharinae (14), Micropeplinae (1), Omaliinae (7), Oxytelinae (2), Paederinae (1), Proteininae (2), Pselaphinae (1), Staphylininae (3), and Tachyporinae (4). All species are listed in Table 1. One new species, Oxypoda stanleyi Klimaszewski & McLean, sp. n., is described and illustrated and three new adventive aleocharine species are recorded for the first time from British Columbia. They are: Dalotia coriaria (Kraatz), Mocyta fungi (Gravenhorst), and Oxypoda opaca (Gravenhorst). These exotic species were previously known from the Palaearctic region, eastern Canada, and the United States.
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Two new species, Atheta pseudovestita Klimaszewski & Langor, sp. n., Silusa prettyae Klimaszewski & Langor, sp. n., are described, and 16 new provincial records, including one new country record, of aleocharine beetles are presented for the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Diagnostics, images of habitus and genital structures, distribution, bionomics information and new locality data are provided for the newly recorded species. A new checklist with 189 species of aleocharines recorded from the province is presented.
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A new species, Anomognathus athabascensis Klimaszewski, Hammond & Langor, sp. n., and nine new provincial records including one new country record of aleocharine beetles are presented for the province of Alberta. Diagnostics, images of habitus and genital structures, distribution, natural history information and new locality data are provided for the newly recorded species. A checklist for all recorded aleocharines from Alberta is updated.
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A new species, Anomognathus athabascensis Klimaszewski, Hammond & Langor, sp. n., and nine new provincial records including one new country record of aleocharine beetles are presented for the province of Alberta. Diagnostics, images of habitus and genital structures, distribution, natural history information and new locality data are provided for the newly recorded species. A checklist for all recorded aleocharines from Alberta is updated.
Gusarov, Vladimir I. (2002): A revision of Nearctic species of the genus Earota Mulsant & Rey, 1874 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Zootaxa 92: 1-16, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.155693