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Primary stability and longevity of zirconia and titanium implants submitted to thermomechanical cycling

Titanium is the material most
successfully used in the fabrication
of dental implants, and has become
the gold standard for rehabilitation
in implant dentistry, due to excellent
biocompatibility and mechanical
properties.1, 9, 28 However, treatment
with titanium must be seen in a crit-
ical manner, since there are popula-
tion groups that present innumerable
diseases related to the use of metals,
such as sensitivity and allergies.2, 22
Considering the increased expec-
tations for esthetic treatments and
the need for metal free implants for
titanium allergic patients, new mate-
rials have been proposed in Implant
Dentistry, such as Zirconia implants
(yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zir-
conia polycrystals (Y-TZP) which
have shown excellent results when
submitted to simulated masticatory
In comparison with traditional
titanium implants, the zirconia im-
plants showed encouraging biologic
results, with a low level of plaque ac-
cumulation,23, 30 good bone/implant
contact values10, 24 and direct bone
apposition with good osteoblastic
Renata Espíndola Silveira1;
Renata Costa Morais1,
Carla Cecilia Alandia-Román1;
Fernanda de Carvalho Panzeri
Primary stability and
longevity of zirconia and
titanium implants submitted
to thermomechanical cycling
1 Department of Dental Materials and Pros-
thodontics, Ribeirão Preto School of Dentistry
– University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP,
Corresponding author:
Fernanda de Carvalho Panzeri Pires-de-Souza
Department of Dental Materials and Prost-
hodontics. Ribeirão Preto School of Dentistry–
University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Av. do Café s/n, 14040-904 Ribeirão Preto (SP),
Tel.: +55 16 3602 3973
E-mail address:
Espíndola, E. et al, Primary stability and longevity of zirconia and titanium implants submitted to thermomechanical cycling.
(Rev. odontol. dominic. 12 (1): p12-17, Enero / Junio, 2016).
Abstract Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the primary stability and longevity of zirconia and titanium implants when
submitted to thermomechanical cycling, analyzing the maximum pullout strength and removal torque.
Material and Methods: A total of 42 implants were fabricated of each type of the material studied (10mm length of active part x 8mm
length of coronal portion and 4mm in diameter with thread pitch of 0.5 mm). The implants were inserted perpendicularly in the center of
artificial bone cylinders and then divided into 8 groups (n=10) according to the material (zirconia or titanium), treatment (thermomecha-
nical cycling) and tests (Removal Torque or Pullout Test) they would be submitted. The interface between the implant/artificial bone set
was also analyzed (n=2) using high resolution photographs. The maximum pullout strength and removal torque values obtained were
submitted to statistical analysis using 2-way ANOVA and Bonferroni tests at a 95% level of significance.
Results: The highest torque removal and maximum pullout strength values were found for the the titanium implants, statistically di-
ferent (p<0.05) from the zirconia implants, irrespective of submission to thermomechanical cycling. When analyzing the efect of ther-
momechanical cycling on the same material, titanium implants showed a reduction in pullout strength (p<0.05), and no diference was
found between the zirconia groups (p>0.05) submitted to this treatment.
Conclusions: The primary stability of titanium implants is higher than that of zirconia implants, proved by the higher pullout strength
and maximum removal torque values presented. In addition, it was concluded that thermomechanical cycling is a significant factor only
for the longevity of titanium implant stability.
Keywords: dental implants, material resistance, torque.
cell proliferation on the zirconia surface.12, 15 In spite of
these advantages, when submitted to stresses and humid-
ity, conditions present in the oral cavity, destabilization
of the tetragonal phase of zirconia could occur, slowly
transforming it into a monoclinic phase,2,16, 30 a process
known as low temperature degradation. This process may
lead to the formation of micro and macrocracks, followed
by supercial roughness and reduction in strength, hard-
ness and density; so that, it is important to evaluate the
longevity of these implants in the oral cavity.17, 30
Although zirconia seems to be a suitable material for
the fabrication of oral implants at present, there are an in-
sufcient number of studies about its physical properties.
Considering that the evaluation of primary stability, a
property related to the absence of micromovements of the
implant during the surgical act and longevity, dened as
the implant capacity to remain in function over the years,
are essential parameters for predicting the success of reha-
bilitative treatment,18, 20, 29 the aim of this study was
to compare the primary stability and longevity of zirconia
(Y-TZP) and titanium (Grade 4) implants when submit-
ted to thermomechanical cycling (TC), analyzing the
maximum pullout strength and removal torque. The null
hypothesis tested was that there would be no difference
in the primary stability of these implants, irrespective of
submission to TC.
A total of 42 implants were fabricated of each type of
material studied: zirconia and Grade 4 titanium (10mm
length of active part x 8mm length of coronal portion and
4mm in diameter) with thread pitch of 0.5 mm. The ther-
momechanical test was performed in accordance with ISO
To obtain the titanium implants, Grade 4 bars with
4.76 mm in diameter, (Realum Ind. Com., Metais Puros e
Ligas Ltda., São Paulo, SP, Brazil) were cut and machined
on a CNC lathe (Veker – Model FEL-1860 ENC – Bener,
Vinhedo, SP, Brazil), at a speed of 600 rpm and depth
of cut of 0.1mm (Figure 1). Zirconia implants were ob-
tained by machining pre-sinterized zirconia blocks (VIPI
BLOCK ZIRCONN, VIPI, SP, Brazil) on a convention-
al mechanical lathe (Romi ID-20, Indústrias Romi S.A.,
Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, SP, Brazil).
Two zirconia proto-
types were obtained: the
rst one (Z-01) repro-
duced the exact mac-
rostructure of titanium
implants. However, this
design was not capable
to resist the tensile stress
resulting from the pullout
test. This may have oc-
curred because zirconia
is a friable material 25 and
the stress concentrated
in the acute angle of the
coronal portion of the im-
plant generated fracture
of all the samples tested.
Therefore, a second zirco-
nia prototype, with a new
design for the coronal part,
was prepared, sintered in
a furnace (Fornos Jung,
Model 0916, Blumenau,
SC, Brazil) at a nal tem-
perature of 1530ºC and
tested, and the nal mac-
rostructure determined
may be observed in Figure
2. Although its coronal
portion is different from
that of titanium implants, the primary stability - main
purpose of the study - varies according to the quantity and
quality of the local bone, implant geometry (length, di-
ameter, thread distribution), surgical technique used and
diameter of the last bur used.19 These parameters were
maintained during the study for both materials.
The implants were inserted perpendicularly in the cen-
ter of articial bone (Nacional Ossos, Bauru, SP, Brazil)
cylinders (25 mm in diameter x 22mm high), with a thick-
ness of 2 mm simulating cortical bone (40 pcf = 0.64 g/
cm3) and 20 mm thick simulating spongy bone (20 pcf=
0.32 g/cm3). The bone bed was progressively prepared,
using cutters of different diameters and height markings
(NEODENT, Curitiba, PR, Brazil). Each implant was
screw-retained to its bone bed by means of a hex key,
Figure 1. Machined
titanium implant
Figure 2. Final macrostructure
of zirconia implant
V.12 ENERO-JUNIO 2016 Revista Odontológica Dominicana
specically for each material, and digital torque meter TQ
680 (Instrutherm, São Paulo, SP, Brazil). One hour after
insertion,5 the bone/implant sets were randomly divided
into 8 Groups (n=10), according to the implant material,
thermomechanical cycling (TC) and tests to which they
would be submitted (Removal Torque or Pullout Test), as
shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Studied Groups
Material Group Thermomechanical cycling (TC) /Tests
G1 Removal Torque
G2 Pullout
G3 TC + Removal Torque
G4 TC + Pullout
G5 Removal Torque
G6 Pullout
G7 TC + Removal Torque
G8 TC + Pullout
The pullout test was performed using an axial traction
force (N) toward the long axis of the implant (1.0 mm/
min) through a device, which allowed the implants to re-
main parallel to the long axis of the mechanical test ma-
chine with a load cell of 100 Kgf (EMIC DL 2000, São
José dos Pinhais, PR, Brazil ). The removal torque (Ncm)
was analyzed by means of a digital torque meter TQ 680
(Instrutherm, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), with the implant/
articial bone set adapted to a parallelometer. The ther-
momechanical cycling (TC) was performed (Sistema de
Desgaste Termomecânico ER 37000 – ERIOS Ltda., São
Paulo, SP, Brazil) with an axial load of 133 N and tem-
peratures ranging between 5ºC, 37ºC and 55ºC (± 2ºC)
for 1,200,000 cycles, at a frequency of 2 Hz, simulating
chewing for 5 years.14 One hour after concluding the TC
test, samples were submitted to the pullout or removal
torque test. The interface between the implant/arti-
cial bone set was analyzed (n=2) using high resolution
photographs (Canon MP-E 65mm, Canon Inc., Japan),
immediately after implant placement and after TC. For
this purpose, the bones of each implant/articial bone
set were sectioned longitudinally with a cutting machine
(SYJ - 150 Digital Diamond Low Speed Saw 4, MTI
Crystal, Richmond, CA, USA), and then, images were
The maximum pullout strength and removal torque
values obtained were submitted to statistical analysis
using 2-way ANOVA and Bonferroni tests at a 95% level
of signicance.
Comparison of means of torque removal and maxi-
mum pullout values can be observed in Tables 2 and 3,
The highest torque removal value was found for the
titanium implants, statistically different (p<0.05) from
the zirconia implants, irrespective of submission to TC.
This factor was not signicant (p>0.05) for any type of
implant tested (Table 2). Table 3 shows that the mean max-
imum pullout strength values were higher for the titanium
implants, different (p<0.05) from the zirconia implants,
irrespective of the treatments used. When titanium im-
plants were submitted to TC, there was a reduction in
pullout strength (p<0.05), signicant in comparison with
the group without TC. There was no difference (p>0.05)
for the zirconia implants.
Table 2. Comparison of means (standard deviation)
of torque removal (Ncm) for titanium and zirconia
implants (2-way ANOVA, Bonferroni, p<0.05).
Material No treatment Thermomechanical Cycling (TC)
Titanium 24.2 (±6.21) aA 22.4 (±9.43) aA
Zirconia 10.07 (±6.96) bA 6.76 (±5.76) bA
Diferent letters, lower case in the column and upper case
in the line, indicate statistically significant diference.
Table 3: Comparison of means (standard deviation) of
maximum pullout strength (N) for titanium and zirconia
implants (2-way ANOVA, Bonferroni, p<0.05).
Material No treatment Thermomechanical Cycling (TC)
Titanium 575.7 (±55.34) aA 454.8 (±83.60) aB
Zirconia 252 (±92.52) bA 215.2 (±140) bA
Diferent letters, lower case in the column and upper case in the line,
indicate statistically significant diference.
Qualitative analysis of the implant/articial bone in-
terface, immediately after implant insertion into bone,
may be observed in Figures 3A and B. The images show
an integrated implant/articial bone interface for both
types of material. After TC, (Figures 3B and 4B), it was ver-
ied that the interface remained faultless, demonstrating
that TC did not produce loss of implant insertion in ar-
ticial bone.
The analysis of the effect of the pullout test of implants
on the articial bone and their interface sectioned lon-
gitudinally (Figure 5) showed the presence of articial
bone stuck between the threads of both types of implants,
in larger quantity for the titanium implant (Figure 5- A1).
When the remaining bone was analyzed, it was veried
that the the shape of the spirals was lost in bone that re-
ceived the zirconia implant (Figure 5 - B2), whereas a larger
number of spiral remained in the bone that received the
titanium implant (Figure 5 - A2).
In this study, the primary stability and longevity of
experimental implants of zirconia stabilized with yttrium
(ZrO2 –3%Y2O3) and Grade 4 titanium of the same model
were compared, by means of evaluating the maximum
pullout strength and removal torque. The results indicat-
ed that there were differences between the titanium and
zirconia implants, for both removal torque and maximum
pullout strength. Thermomechanical cycling was signi-
cant only with regard to maximum pullout force in titani-
um implants, and therefore, it was not possible to accept
the hypothesis of the study.
The implant resistance to pullout suggests the correla-
tion between shape, physical and chemical properties of
the screw surface13 and implant stability in the axial di-
rection.21 The removal torque test measures the bone/im-
plant strength when the implant is removed from bone4,
26 thereby quantitatively obtaining the tensile strength
necessary to remove it from the bone bed.18
Since the parameters of bone quantity and quality, im-
plant geometry (length, diameter, and thread distribution)
and diameter of the last bur used were maintained for
the two materials tested, the primary stability was com-
pared considering only the material used for fabricating
Figure 3. Qualitative analysis of titanium implant/artificial
bone interface. A) Immediately ater implant insertion
into bone. B) Ater thermomechanical cycling.
Figure 4. Qualitative analysis of zirconia implant/artificial
bone interface. A) Immediately ater implant insertion
into bone. B) Ater thermomechanical cycling.
Figure 5. Analysis of the efect of the pullout test of implants
on the artificial bone. A1-A2) Tinium. B1-B2) Zirconia.
V.12 ENERO-JUNIO 2016 Revista Odontológica Dominicana
the implants and its mechanical properties. Thus, any
differences in the results would be related to the intrinsic
properties of the materials.
Titanium and zirconia present physical, chemical
and mechanical differences that characterize them. It is
known that zirconia partially stabilized with 3% mol of
Y2O3 presents high compressive strength (2000 MPa),
density of approximately 6.00 g/cm3, porosity lower than
0.1%, mean grain size of 0.2-0.4 µm, exural strength
of 900-1200 MPa, Vickers hardness 1200 MPa, Weibull
modulus 10-12, fracture strength from 7 to 10 MPa, and
modulus of elasticity of 210 GPa, double that of titani-
um.3, 6, 8, 27, 30 Whereas, Grade 4 titanium presents a mean
density of 4.51 g/cm3 , modulus of elasticity of 103-107
GPa, Young modulus of approximately 120 GPa, ow
limit of 500MPa, tensile strength limit of 550Mpa and
elongation of 15%.8
The pullout maximum force and the removal torque of
zirconia implants were not inuenced by TC (p>0.05).
However, TC had an inuence on the results of maximum
pullout force for the titanium implants (p<0.05), demon-
strating that the alveolar bone adjacent to the implant
responded differently to the load applied. Furthermore,
due to the thermal conductivity shown by this material,
the temperatures used during thermal cycling could have
damaged the properties of the surrounding articial bone,7
which would also explain the statistically signicant effect
of the TC on the results of the pullout test of titanium
The lower results obtained for zirconia, differing
(p<0.05) from those of titanium implants, can be ex-
plained by the process of machining zirconia, which
could have introduced supercial cracks in the material,
causing a reduction in its strength.11 Although TC had no
inuence on zirconia implants, the mean maximum pull-
out and maximum removal torque values, when compared
with the gold standard titanium implants, were still far
below the values expected in order for them to be a feasi-
ble alternative for dental implants.
The images obtained of the implant/articial bone set
showed greater articial bone destruction after pullout of
the zirconia implant. These results may be explained be-
cause zirconia presents double the modulus of elasticity of
titanium, which guarantees the greater rigidity of this ma-
terial.8 Therefore, the stress on the material will be greater
in the surrounding bone.8
Titanium, however, is more ductile and has a lower
modulus of elasticity. Therefore, when tensile load is ap-
plied to pullout the implant, titanium undergoes plastic
deformation (elongation) with a reduction in its diameter,
which allows some of the spirals of the adjacent bone still
to remain without destruction.
The results obtained in this study showed that the
mean pullout strength of zirconia implants represents less
than half the strength of that of titanium implants. In
spite of this, zirconia with a lower pullout strength caused
greater destruction of the articial bone, due to its inher-
ent mechanical properties.
It was concluded that the primary stability of titanium
implants was higher than that of zirconia implants, proved
by the higher pullout strength and maximum removal
torque values presented. In addition, it was concluded
that thermomechanical cycling is a signicant factor only
for the longevity of titanium implant stability.
Espíndola, E. et al, Estabilidad primaria y longevidad de implantes de titanio y zirconio sometidos a fatiga termomecánica.
(Rev. odontol. dominic. 12 (1): p12-17 Enero / Junio, 2016).
Resumen Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la estabilidad primaria y la longevidad de implantes de zirconio y de
titanio sometidos a fatiga termomecánica, analizando la máxima resistencia a la tracción y torque de remoción.
Material y métodos: Un total de 42 implantes (10mm de parte activa x 8 mm de porción coronal y 4 mm de diámetro con paso
de rosca de 0,5 mm) fueron fabricados con cada material estudiado. Los implantes fueron insertados perpendicularmente en el
centro de cilindros óseos artificiales y luego fueron divididos en 8 grupos (n = 10) de acuerdo con el material utilizado (zirconio o ti-
tanio), el tratamiento (fatiga termomecánica) y ensayos (resistencia a la tracción o torque de remoción) a los que serían sometidos.
También se analizó la interfase entre el implante/hueso artificial (n = 2), utilizando fotografías de alta resolución. Los datos fueron
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analizados estadísticamente mediante el Análisis de Varianza (ANOVA) de dos vías y la prueba de Bonferroni considerando una
p<0,05 como estadísticamente significativa.
Resultados: Los valores más elevados de resistencia a la tracción y torque de remoción se encontraron para los implantes de tita-
nio, estadísticamente diferentes (p <0,05) de los implantes de zirconio, independiente de la fatiga termomecánica. Al analizar el
efecto de la fatiga termomecánica en el mismo material, los implantes de titanio mostraron una reducción de la resistencia a la
tracción (p <0,05), y no se encontraron diferencias entre los grupos de zirconio (p> 0,05) sometidos a este tratamiento.
Conclusiones: La estabilidad primaria de los implantes de titanio fue mayor que la de los implantes de zirconio, demostrado por
la mayor resistencia a la tracción y torque de remoción presentados por este material. Además, se concluyó que la fatiga termome-
cánica es un factor significativo sólo para la longevidad y estabilidad primaria en implantes de titanio.
Palabras clave: implantes dentales, resistencia de materiales, torque.
V.12 ENERO-JUNIO 2016 Revista Odontológica Dominicana
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PurposeThe aim of this study was to evaluate the photoelastic fringe patterns around two short-wide implants supporting single crowns with different crown-to-implant (C/I) ratios.Materials and Methods External hexagon (EH) cylindrical implants (5 × 7 mm) or Morse Taper (MT) conical implants (5 × 6 mm) were embedded individually into photoelastic resin blocks. Each implant received a single metal-ceramic crown, with a C/I ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 (n = 10). Each set was positioned in a polariscope and submitted to a 0.5 kgf compressive load, applied axially or obliquely (30°). The polariscope images were digitally recorded, and based on isoclinal and isochromatic fringes, the shear stress was calculated at 5 predetermined points around each implant. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA (α = 0.05).ResultsUnder axial loading, the stress was concentrated at the crestal region, and there were no differences between C/I ratio or implant types. In contrast, under oblique loading, EH implants showed lower stress values than the MT group and the 2:1 C/I ratio showed higher stress concentration for both implant types (p < 0.05). Moreover, MT implants showed stress distribution through a higher area than the EH implant did, with a tendency to direct the stress toward the implant's apex under oblique loading.ConclusionMT conical short-wide implants showed higher stress values that were distributed through a higher area directed to the implant apex. The C/I ratio influences the stress distribution only under oblique loading.
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Purpose: Bone stress and interfacial sliding at the bone-implant interface (BII) were analyzed in zirconia and titanium implants with various thread designs and interface conditions (bonded BII and contact BIIs with different frictional coefficients) for both conventional and immediately loaded treatments. Materials and methods: A total of 18 finite element models comprising two implant materials (zirconia and titanium), three thread designs (different shapes and pitches), and three interface conditions (bonded and contact BIIs) were analyzed to assess the effects on bone stresses and on sliding at the BII. The material properties of the bone model were anisotropic, and a lateral force of 130 N was applied as the loading condition. Results: In the immediately loaded implant, the stress was highly concentrated at one site of the peri-implant bone. The peak bone stress was more than 20% lower in zirconia implants than in titanium implants for a bonded BII and 14% to 20% lower for a contact BII. The bone stresses did not differ significantly between implants with V-shaped threads and square threads. However, sliding at the BII was more than 25% lower with square-thread implants than with V-shaped-thread implants for titanium implants and 36% lower for zirconia implants. Reducing the thread size and pitch in cortical bone (via two V-shaped threads with different pitches) decreased the bone stress by 13%. Increasing the frictional coefficient reduced sliding at the BII in both zirconia and titanium implants. Conclusions: As an implant material, zirconia can reduce the bone stress in the crestal cortical region. Bone stress and sliding at the BII are heavily dependent on the thread design and the frictional coefficient at the BII of immediately loaded implants.
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The aim of the study was to evaluate mechanical behavior of implants inserted in three substrates, by measuring the pullout strength and the relative stiffness. 32 implants (Master Porous-Conexao, cylindrical, external hexagon, and surface treatment) were divided into 4 groups (n = 8): pig rib bone, polyurethane Synbone, polyurethane Nacional 40 PCF, and pinus wood. Implants were installed with the exact distance of 5 mm of another implant. The insertion torque (N·cm) was quantified using the digital Kratos torque meter and the pullout test (N) was performed by an axial traction force toward the long axis of the implant (2 min/mm) through mount implant devices attached to a piece adapted to a load cell of 200 Kg of a universal testing machine (Emic DL10000). Data of insertion torque and maximum pullout force were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni tests (α = 0.05). Polyurethane Nacional 40 PCF and pinus wood showed the highest values of insertion torque and pullout force, with significant statistical difference (P < 0.05) with other groups. The analysis showed stiffness materials with the highest values for primary stability.
Objective: To investigate the mechanical and histologic properties of conical compared with cylindrical shaped mini-implants in terms of the success rate. Materials and Methods: The samples consisted of cylindrical and conical groups, and commonly had 1.6 mm diameter and 6.0 mm length (Jeil Medical Corporation, Seoul, Korea) placed in beagle dogs. The mechanical study for analyzing maximum insertion torque (MIT), maximum removal torque (MRT), and torque ratio (TR; MRT/MIT) in Sawbones (Pacific Research Laboratories Inc, Vashon, Wash), and the animal study for resonance frequency analysis (RFA) and histomorphometric analysis (bone-to-implant contact and bone area) in two beagle dogs were done. All measurements were statistically evaluated using independent t-tests to determine any difference in MIT, MRT, TR, RFA, bone-to-implant contact (BIC), and bone area (BA) between the cylindrical group and conical group. A P value less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The conical group showed significantly higher MIT and MRT than the cylindrical group in the mechanical study. However, there was no significant difference in RFA, BIC, and BA between the two groups in the animal and histomorphometric studies. Conclusions: Although the conical shaped mini-implant could induce tight contact to the adjacent bone tissue and might produce good primary stability, the conical shape may need modification of the thread structure and insertion technique to reduce the excessive insertion torque while maintaining the high resistance to removal.
Purpose: To retrospectively evaluate the clinical performance of zirconia endosseous implants. Materials and methods: Partially edentulous patients with adequate bone volume to fit yttria tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) implants at least 3.5 mm wide and 8.0 mm long were included. Full-mouth probing pocket depth (PPDs) and percentage bleeding on probing (BOP) scores around teeth and implant(s) were assessed and compared. Marginal bone loss/gain relative to baseline was measured on intraoral radiographs, and the prevalence and quantities of seven periodontal bacteria were assessed around implants and teeth in the same patient. Results: Seventy-four consecutively treated patients with 121 zirconia implants (66 two-piece implants and 55 one-piece implants) were clinically evaluated after a mean observation period of 18 months. Three implants had failed and had been removed, for a cumulative implant survival rate of 96.5% (± 2.0%) after 3 years. The 118 surviving implants demonstrated healthy mucosal conditions, with low mean PPDs (1.8 ± 0.4 mm) and mean BOP scores (4.1% ± 4.2%). PPD and BOP were statistically significantly lower around implants than around teeth. BOP and PPD around implants and teeth were significantly correlated. Stable marginal bone levels were observed (mean bone loss of 0.1 ± 0.6 mm after 3 years). The frequency of isolation of all marker bacteria was similar at tooth and implant sites. Conclusion: Zirconia endosseous implants can achieve a 3-year implant survival rate in partially edentulous patients, similar to that of titanium implants, with healthy and stable soft and hard tissues.
Introduction: New biomaterials and their various surface modifications should undergo in vitro and in vivo evaluation before clinical trials. The objective of our in vivo study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of newly created zirconium implant surfaces after implantation in the lower jaw of pigs and compare the osseointegration of these dental implants with commercially available zirconium and titanium implants. Materials and methods: After a healing period of 12 weeks, a histological analysis of the soft and hard tissues and a histomorphometric analysis of the bone-implant contact (BIC) were performed. Results: The implant surfaces showed an intimate connection to the adjacent bone for all tested implants. The 3 newly created zirconium implant surfaces achieved a BIC of 45% on average in comparison with a BIC of 56% from the reference zirconium implants and 35% from titanium implants. Furthermore, the new zirconium implants had a better attachment to gingival and bone tissues in the range of implant necks as compared with the reference implants. Conclusion: The results suggest that the new implants comparably osseointegrate within the healing period, and they have a good in vivo biocompatibility.
Purpose: This study aimed to compare the values of removal torque (RT) and bone-implant contact (BIC) reported in different animal studies for zirconia and titanium implants. Materials and methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed to analyze BIC and RT of animal studies in which both zirconia and titanium dental implants were used. To identify the studies to include in this systematic review, an exhaustive search of PubMed was performed of animal studies published in English with reports on the quantification of the osseointegration of both titanium and zirconia implants by means of BIC and/or RT. The results were aggregated and analyzed within each of the animal models (pig, rabbit, rat, monkey, dog, and sheep). Results: The selection process resulted in a final sample of 16 studies. In general, no significant differences were found between titanium and zirconia. The significant differences in terms of BIC and RT reported by the authors were attributable to the different surface treatments and microporosities of the implant surfaces studied, not to the materials themselves. Only two articles reported significantly lower BIC for modified zirconia implants as compared to modified titanium implants. Four authors described statistically significant differences in terms of RT between zirconia and titanium implants in the different animal models, regardless of the surface treatment received by the implants. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, the values for the BIC and RT of zirconia implants in most of the studies analyzed did not show statistical differences compared with titanium implants. Modified-surface zirconia may have potential as a candidate for a successful implant material, although further clinical studies are necessary.
The aim of this study was to evaluate osseointegration of fusion-sputtered zirconia implants in comparison with sandblasted, acid-etched titanium implants in a biomechanical and histomorphometric study. Sixty zirconia implants were manufactured using CAD/CAM. Half received fusion sputtering surface treatment through spraying the green body implants with a jet of zirconia suspension. Standard Ti implants of the same shape and dimensions served as control. Thirty adult New Zealand white male rabbits were used in this study. Each animal received one fusion-sputtered and one Ti implant in one femur site and control zirconia in the other, for a healing period of 4, 8, and 12 weeks. At each healing time, a removal torque (RTQ) test was used to assess implant stability, while histological and histometric analyses were used to evaluate osseointegration. Fusion-sputtered zirconia implants demonstrated a statistically higher mean RTQ than control zirconia. When compared to Ti, however, although still higher, the differences were not significant. Histomorphometric evaluation revealed significantly greater bone-implant contact for fusion-sputtered zirconia implants compared to Ti after 4 and 8 weeks of healing time; however, at 12 weeks, the difference did not reach statistical significance. There were no significant differences in the measured bone density between fusion-sputtered and Ti implants, although the difference was significant when compared to the control zirconia. Fusion-sputtered zirconia implants demonstrated a degree of osseointegration and interfacial biomechanical stability comparable to Ti implants.
This paper critically reviews the existing published experimental evidence for ageing mechanisms in zirconia ceramics. The first part of the paper is concerned with the material and environmental variables affecting the kinetics of the transformation. The current ageing mechanisms are presented and discussed and attention is drawn to the contradictions between the theories. Finally, techniques to retard or prevent the tetragonal-monoclinic phase transformation are presented.