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Four Upcoming Media Education Presentations by Edupax at World Social Forum in Montreal, August 2016



Never before in the history of humankind, had youth been soaked in such a deep and wide media ocean, controlled by professional marketers who tell parents what’s good their children, using sophisticated technology more and more seductive and pervasive. Facing such constant harassment, young brains are easy vulnerable preys. The appetite of industries doing business in the fields of digital entertainment and marketing, does not tolerate any obstacle nor limit. Nobody, and no government, can regulate their thirst, which obeys only one supreme law: Market Regulation. In such a context, only education, including media education, can actually help rescue youth and block the way to modern & powerful child abusers for whom mental and physical health of kids and teens worth nothing. Everywhere in the world, adolescents (and their parents) search for treatment against nomophobia, against digital dementia and against Internet or video game addiction. Back in 1920, H.G. Wells wrote «Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe”. Edupax offers participants to World Social Forum four interactive presentations all linked with Education, Freedom, Truth, and Solidarity. Welcome to all.
Jamais dans l’histoire n’a-ton laissé baigner les
jeunes dans une mer médiatique où l'on «veut
leur bien» avec des moyens aussi séduisants
La presque totalité du temps de loisir des enfants et des adolescents est accaparé par des
divertissements numériques. Devant une telle sollicitation par des professionnels expérimentés,
disposant des dernières découvertes en neurologie et psychologie, les jeunes cerveaux sont des proies
vulnérables. L’appétit des entreprises du divertissement numérique et du marketing ne tolère aucune
entrave, aucune limite. Personne ni aucun gouvernement ne peut faire obstacle à leur soif, régie
uniquement par la loi suprême du marché. Dans un tel contexte, seule l’éducation médiatique pourra
porter secours à la jeunesse et bloquer la route aux abuseurs modernes qui n’ont que faire de la santé
mentale et physique des humains. Partout dans le monde, on soigne la nomophobie, la dépendance et la
démence numérique. «L’histoire de l’homme est une course permanente entre l’éducation et la
barbarie» disait H.G. Wells. Edupax offre aux participants du FSM 2016 quatre conférences
interactives axées sur la Liberté, la Vérité et la Solidarité.
Bienvenue aux 4 conférences Edupax ci-dessous qui seront présentées au Forum social mondial
2016, à Montréal.
Le numérique: outil ou tyran ?
Atelier de discussion présenté au FSM, 10 Août 2016, 13h00 – 15h30, U. McGill – Pavillon des
Arts (Local W120), 853, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, QC, Canada
Des parents, des enseignants et des chercheurs s’inquiètent du temps de loisir énorme que les
adolescents passent devant des écrans de toutes sortes. Les études scientifiques sur les effets négatifs de
la surexposition aux écrans se comptent par milliers. En septembre 2013, le Japon, la Chine et la Corée
du Sud mettaient sur pied des camps de désintoxication numérique. Des cliniques ouvraient leurs portes
en Orégon, en Pennsylvanie, à Vancouver et à Québec. Le nombre d’heures accaparé par des écrans
dépasse 40 h/semaine depuis quelques années. Plusieurs jeunes y consacrent encore plus de temps.
Faut-il s’étonner du taux d’obésité ? Du déficit d’attention? Des troubles du comportement,
d’apprentissage, de l’alimentation, du sommeil? De la baisse des notes? De l’abandon scolaire? Du
manque d’efforts des enfants? Du manque de patience? Des incivilités et impolitesses? Des futurs
enseignants qui échouent leur test de français écrit? Des écoles et des collèges préparent des jeunes à
VOULOIR se déconnecter, en France et au Québec. Oui, le numérique peut redevenir un outil et cesser
de tyranniser les cerveaux .
Harcèlement à l’école: intervenir en amont avec
succès, on a trouvé !
Atelier de discussion prévu au programme du FSM, 11 août 2016, 13h00 – 15h30, Université
McGill, Pavillon Bronfman (Local O46), 1001, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, QC, Canada
Plusieurs décideurs du monde scolaire au Québec et en France ont essayé d’enrayer le harcèlement et
l’intimidation entre élèves dans les écoles depuis plus de 15 ans : règlements durcis, expulsions,
policiers à l’école, parents convoqués. D’autres milieux ont choisi une autre route : on a permis aux
élèves d’aiguiser deux compétences, jugement critique et capacité d’expression, combinées au triple
pouvoir d’empathie-compassion-entraide. Pour y parvenir directement, on a motivé les jeunes à réduire
le temps de loisir (énorme) consacré aux écrans. Cet atelier dressera la liste des bienfaits constatés par
les parents et les enseignants, les moyens utilisés pour intervenir auprès des élèves. La déconnexion des
écrans entraîne une reconnexion avec la réalité et la désintoxication des esprits, donc plus de pouvoirs
aux jeunes. Et en bonus, les enseignants ont retrouvé le plaisir d’enseigner. Bienvenue aux sceptiques.
N'hésitez pas à relayer cette invitation à vos contacts svp.
Never Before had Human Beings Been Soaked
in Such a Deep and Wide Media Ocean
Never before in the history of humankind, had people been soaked in such a deep and wide media
ocean, controlled by professional marketers who tell us what’s good our children, using sophisticated
technology more and more seductive and pervasive. Facing such constant harassment, young brains are
easy vulnerable preys. The appetite of industries doing business in the fields of digital entertainment
and marketing, does not tolerate any obstacle nor limit. Nobody, and no government, can regulate their
thirst, which obeys only one supreme law: Market Regulation. In such a context, only education,
including media education, can actually help rescue youth and block the way to modern & powerful
child abusers for whom mental and physical health of kids and teens worth nothing. Everywhere in the
world, adolescents (and their parents) search for treatment against nomophobia, against digital
dementia and against Internet or video game addiction. Back in 1920, H.G. Wells wrote «Human
history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe”. Edupax offers participants
to World Social Forum four interactive presentations all linked with Education, Freedom, Truth, and
Welcome to 4 Edupax presentations at World Social Forum 2016, in Montréal, 2 in
English below, 2 in French above.
Media Education + Screen Time Reduction :
Tools Against Corporate Censorship
Discussion workshop at World Social Forum, August 11, 2016, 9h00 – 11h30, McGill U.– Pavillon
des Arts (Local W20), 853, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, QC, Canada
Censorship is not only about hiding information or distorting the news. It also has to do with selecting
what programs will be aired for children, fabricating role models, deciding how these heroes behave,
how they solve everyday problems, or they fight ennemies, how they kill villains. Education can help
to protect children and adolescents from child abusive commercial strategies & digital entertainment. It
can also help parents undertand what scientific studies found about screen exposure.
A primary component of any media education program should be turning off screens in order to reflect
upon, and critically examine, media content and consumption. One major problem with screen-time
reduction initiatives is inspiring large numbers of students to participate (and thus achieve the
educational benefits associated with screen freedom). Various programs to reduce children’s screen
time have been implemented in the US, Canada and France. Most successful components of these
programs have been identified. Benefits sustained over the short- and long-term are also known. Key
research underscored why educators need to inform parents and students about the impacts of screen
exposure on children’s health. What interests are we serving by keeping young citizens (and their
parents) ignorant of the damages caused by screen overexposure? Best practices for fostering change in
screen habits must be shared. The SMART program (Student Media Awareness to Reduce Television)
has proven to bring most positive benefits including: gaining parents and teachers’ collaboration ;
mobilising communities to support kids’ efforts to reduce screen time exposure. Screen freedom must
be included in education for the 21st century.
Ban on Marketing to kids + Media Education:
Both Necessary in Digital Age
Presentation by Jacques Brodeur at WSF, August 11, 2016, 13h00 – 15h30, McGill U. Pavillon
Burnside (Local 1B23), 805, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, Québec, Canada
In 1976, Québec made advertising to children younger than 13 illegal. The Supreme Court of Canada
ruled that the ban did not contravene the Constitution. During that same decade, in the US, the FCC
deregulated TV programs for kids, which allowed huge increase of intensive child-targeted marketing,
including more violence in programs for children. GI Joe, Transformers, Ninja Turtles, Pokemon
carried huge amount of aggression. Ultra-violent cartoon series helped toy industry to dictate gifts
adults must buy. In 2004, and later in 2011, SpongeBob was found guilty of spreading Attention Deficit
Disorder (ADD). Ritalin increased its sales. TV characters inspired not only kids’ behavior, but also
preferences for food, while obesity made millions of victims across the world. While damages to
children’s health increased, researchers evaluated the benefits of banning ads targeting kids. This
presentation will allow participants to understand benefits of banning ads targeting kids and the
necessity to implement media education for children, adolescents and parents. Educators of the 21th
century must learn about child abusive strategies used by marketers and the benefits of protecting
students from sophisticated and powerful child abusers.
Please forward this invitation to your contacts.
Welcome at World Social Forum 2016 in Montréal in August.
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