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Interaction Takes Two: Typical Adults Exhibit Mind-Blindness Towards Those With Autism Spectrum Disorder


Abstract and Figures

Recent work suggests that we are better at interpreting the movements of others who move like us, and that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) move in a quantifiably different way from typical individuals. Therefore, ‘social impairments’ exhibited by individuals with ASD may, at least in part, represent a failure by typical individuals to infer the correct mental states from the movements of those with ASD. To examine this possibility, individuals with ASD and typical adults manually directed two triangles to generate animations depicting mental state interactions. Kinematic analysis of the generated animations demonstrated that the participants with ASD moved atypically, specifically with increased jerk compared to the typical participants. In confirmation of our primary hypothesis, typical individuals were better able to identify the mental state portrayed in the animations produced by typical, relative to autistic individuals. The participants with ASD did not show this ‘same group’ advantage, demonstrating comparable performance for the two sets of animations. These findings have significant implications for clinical assessment and intervention in ASD, and potentially other populations with atypical movement.
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Interaction takes two: Typical adults exhibit mind-blindness towards those
with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Rosanna Edey1, Jennifer Cook2, Rebecca Brewer3, Mark H Johnson1, Geoffrey Bird3,4 and
Clare Press1*
1 Department of Psychological Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London
2 School of Psychology, University of Birmingham
3 MRC Social, Genetic, and Developmental Psychiatry Centre. Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychology, & Neuroscience, King’s College London
4 Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London
* Corresponding author
Address: Department of Psychological Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London, Malet
Street, London, WC1E 7HX
Running title: Mind-blindness towards those with autism
Word count: 4984
Recent work suggests that we are better at interpreting the movements of others who move
like us, and that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) move in a quantifiably
different way from typical individuals. Therefore, ‘social impairments’ exhibited by
individuals with ASD may, at least in part, represent a failure by typical individuals to infer
the correct mental states from the movements of those with ASD. To examine this possibility,
individuals with ASD and typical adults manually directed two triangles to generate
animations depicting mental state interactions. Kinematic analysis of the generated
animations demonstrated that the participants with ASD moved atypically, specifically with
increased jerk compared to the typical participants. In confirmation of our primary
hypothesis, typical individuals were better able to identify the mental state portrayed in the
animations produced by typical, relative to autistic individuals. The participants with ASD
did not show this ‘same group’ advantage, demonstrating comparable performance for the
two sets of animations. These findings have significant implications for clinical assessment
and intervention in ASD, and potentially other populations with atypical movement.
Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder; expertise; action perception; theory of mind
Abbreviations: M=Mean; SEM=Standard error of the mean; AQ=Autism-Spectrum
Quotient; FSIQ=Full scale intelligence quotient; ADOS-2=Autism Diagnostic Observation
Schedule-2; CI=Confidence Interval
Much research has suggested that people with autism struggle to read the mental states of
others (without autism), but previous work has not investigated how well typical individuals
recognize autistic mental states. Our novel design examines understanding of individuals both
with and without autism by individuals with and without such a diagnosis. Our study suggests
that communicative problems exhibited by individuals with autism may, in part, reflect a
failure by typical individuals to infer the mental states of those with autism.
Medical professionals, such as general practitioners and mental health specialists, are
frequently required to judge the emotional and mental states of their patients. They will likely
make these judgments on the basis of several cues, including the patient’s verbal report, facial
expressions, postures, and importantly, the way that the patient moves. The kinematics of our
movements provide crucial information about our underlying mental and affective states. For
example, higher velocity movements reflect greater confidence (Fleming, Weil, Nagy, Dolan,
& Rees, 2010), while fast and accelerated movements often reflect anger (Roether, Omlor,
Christensen & Giese, 2009). Thus, in the same way that perception of a smile prompts the
automatic attribution of happiness, perception of fast and accelerated movements, for
example, prompt the attribution of anger (e.g. Atkinson, Tunstall, & Dittrich, 2007).
Association of specific movement cues with specific mental and affective states provides a
rapid route for the attribution of mental and affective states to others, helping clinicians to
detect pain and distress, as well as friends to offer comfort in times of need, and juries and
judges to distinguish deception from sincerity. It has therefore been proposed that perception
of such movement cues is the initial step required for a whole host of socio-cognitive
processes, including theory of mind, which enable rapid and appropriate responses to others
(Klin, Jones, Schultz, & Volkmar, 2003).
However, given that mental states are hidden, perfectly accurate inferences are unlikely to be
made. One variable that is likely to determine the degree of accuracy is whether we move in a
similar way to the observed party. Our experiences with the world tune our perceptual
systems (Blakemore & Cooper, 1970; Sangrigoli, Pallier, Argenti, Ventureyra, & De
Schonen, 2005) and we have extensive experience with our own actions as we learn to
control them (Rochat, 1998; Van der Meer, Van der Weel, & Lee, 1995; White, Castle, &
Held, 1964). This experience may tune our perceptual models of action according to how we
move, both through direct visual tuning from self-observation and motor contributions to
perception (Gerson, Bekkering, & Hunnius, 2014; Hunnius & Bekkering, 2014). Therefore,
the way in which we execute actions is likely to have dramatic implications for our
understanding of others, such that we may be better placed both to interpret and interact with
others who move more like us.
We have recently observed that those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (hereafter ‘autism’)
move differently specifically, with greater jerk, acceleration and velocity relative to
typical individuals (Cook, Blakemore, & Press, 2013). This finding raises the possibility that
typical individuals experience difficulty interpreting the actions of individuals with autism, in
the same way that those with autism have problems interpreting (e.g. Nackaerts et al., 2012)
and predicting (von der Lühe et al., 2016) typical movements. If action models tuned by
developmental experience of one’s own movements support the recognition of others’ mental
and affective states, then typical individuals, with typical action models, should be impaired
when using atypical movement cues to interpret the mental and affective states of individuals
with autism. Under this hypothesis, interaction difficulties between typical and autistic
individuals may be attributable to both parties; typical individuals may make less accurate
mental state attributions about individuals with autism (demonstrate ‘mind-blindness’) in the
same way that individuals with autism appear to display mind-blindness towards typical
individuals. Importantly, if individuals with autism move similarly to each other but
dissimilarly to typical individuals, this hypothesis may help to explain why high-functioning
The term autistic people is the preferred language of many individuals on the spectrum (see Sinclair, 2013).
In this paper, we use this term as well as person-first language (such as ‘individuals with autism’) to respect the
wishes of all individuals on the spectrum.
individuals with autism describe social interactions with other autistic individuals as less
effortful and more efficient than interactions with non-autistic people (Schilbach, 2016).
Much research has investigated how well those with autism are able to understand typical
individuals, but surprisingly, how well typical individuals understand those with autism has
received little attention. Mental state attribution difficulties in typical individuals would not
simply be of academic interest. Medical, legal and educational professionals frequently make
judgments about the intentions and affective states of the individuals with whom they work,
which influence diagnosis, sentencing and intervention planning. If typical individuals in
these roles are required to judge the mental and affective states of autistic individuals without
appropriate models of their movements, errors are likely to be made with significant impact
on the wellbeing of autistic individuals. It is therefore crucial to consider whether typical
individuals have difficulties interpreting the actions of those with autism.
The present study investigated whether typical individuals are impaired at interpreting the
movements produced by autistic, relative to typical, individuals, as well as investigating the
performance of individuals with autism when observing both groups movements. We used
the Frith-Happé animation task, as it has been used widely in autism research to assess mental
state attribution (Abell, Happé, & Frith, 2000; Heider & Simmel, 1944). The standard version
of this task presents animations of two triangles moving on a computer monitor, designed by
a non-autistic graphic artist to depict either mental states or random inanimate movement.
Typical children and adults spontaneously attribute appropriate mental states to the former
animation types more readily than those with autism (e.g. Abell, et al., 2000; Castelli, Frith,
Happé, & Frith, 2002). For the present experiment, participants with and without a diagnosis
of autism were asked to direct hand-held triangular magnets on a table top to represent the
same mental state verbs as used in the standard paradigm (coaxing, mocking, seducing and
surprising). In a perceptual task several months later, participants watched the animations and
rated the extent to which they depicted each of these target mental states (note that
participants never observed their own generated animations). We compared the accuracy of
ratings in the perception task when typical and autistic participants observed both typical and
autistic animations, to investigate the novel question of whether typical individuals exhibit
specific difficulties when interpreting the movements of those with autism.
Materials and Methods
Twenty-five typical adults and 23 adults with autism were recruited from the local research
volunteer database for the perceptual task (see Supplementary Methods for information
relating to those participants who generated the animations). An opportunity sample was used
we contacted all those registered on the database and tested all who volunteered. An
independent clinician diagnosed participants in the autism group according to DSM-IV
criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), and the ADOS-2 (Lord et al., 2012) was
administered to confirm participants’ current level of functioning. Three participants did not
meet all ADOS-2 criteria for a classification of autism spectrum disorder. These participants
were indistinguishable from the other participants on all measures and therefore data from all
autistic participants are reported, but the same pattern of results was found when excluding
these three participants. Two participants (one participant from each group) were excluded
from analysis as their verbal responses suggested that they did not understand the task
demands. The remaining participants were matched on FSIQ (t(44)=.05, p=.964), age (autism
19-69 years, typical 23-74 years, t(44)=.63, p=.531) and gender (Fisher’s exact test, p=.702),
and as expected, the groups differed significantly in AQ scores (t(44)=5.98, p<.001; see
Table 1). All participants gave informed consent, and procedures received local ethical
approval. All data were collected in accordance with the guidelines laid out in the 1964
Declaration of Helsinki.
Animation Generation and Kinematic Analysis
A white table with a black enclosure was used as the background for the animations (see
Figure 1). A large red and a small blue triangle made from colored card were attached to two
magnets; the opposite pole of the magnet was attached below the table to enable manual
operation of each triangle. Participants were given time to practice operating the magnets to
maneuver the triangles, and had two practice trials (see Figure 1A; note that they could see
their action effects in the form of the triangle movements). A video camera (Panasonic SDR-
S50) was positioned directly above the table to film the participants’ animations at a rate of
25 frames/second.
The four target mental state words (coaxing, mocking, seducing and surprising the same as
used in Abell et al., 2000) were presented to participants in a random order. On each trial the
participants were asked: How will you represent (coaxing, mocking, seducing, surprising)
with the two triangles? Participants were instructed that their animations should last ~30
seconds, and given one minute to think before providing a verbal response of how they would
animate the mental state word. Participants were directed to the dictionary definition if they
were unsure of the word’s meaning, and no further guidance was given. A follow-up study
demonstrated that independent typical participants could understand the descriptions given by
autistic and typical participants equally well (see Supplementary Methods). Following the
verbal response the participants performed their animation. Each animation was edited to
make size and colors consistent using Adobe After Effects (see Figure 1B, and
Supplementary Video 1 for an example video). Any items that appeared on the screen, other
than the triangles, were edited out (e.g. participants’ heads).
The animations were analyzed using MATLAB to extract the kinematics (jerk, acceleration
and velocity) of both triangles. First, every pixel (720x576 pixels) within each frame was
coded for the presence of red or blue and saved as a color-coded frame set. The following
analysis was run twice to code the location of the red and blue triangle separately.
The color-coded frame sets were scanned to locate the four most extreme points of the
triangles (top, bottom, left and right). Two of these points related to the same corner of the
triangle, and therefore one was removed. From the remaining three points, the nose’ of the
triangle was located by identifying the adjoining point at the end of the two longest sides. The
‘tail’ was the mid-point between the other two points. This procedure resulted in location
markers for the nose and tail of the red and blue triangle on each frame. The change in x and
y position was tracked between each frame by first order differentiation of the position
vectors. These vectors were low pass Butterworth filtered at 2Hz to remove noise associated
with the imperfect localization of the x and y values on some frames due to occasional poor
contrast. The velocity was calculated as the square root of the summed squared x and y
displacement per frame. The velocity values were then low pass Butterworth filtered at 3Hz
to remove noise due to the imperfect measure of displacement of the nose/tail owing to
occasional flickers in the animations due to extreme exposure in some of the frames. It was
verified manually that filters were optimal in both preserving the movement information and
removing noise. Visual inspection determined that frames with velocity values below 1
pixel/frame were periods of no movement, and were removed from further calculations.
Acceleration was calculated as the absolute first order differential of the velocity vectors, and
jerk was calculated as the absolute second order differential. The mean velocity, acceleration
and jerk was calculated from these absolute values, and transformed from pixels/frame to
Animations were selected for the perceptual task based on two criteria. First, we selected two
animations above and two below the mean jerk value for that group (e.g. autism) and target
mental state (e.g. mocking), all within one standard deviation of the mean, and two
animations greater than one standard deviation from the mean (one above and one below the
mean). Second, we included a maximum of three animations created by any given participant.
These criteria were employed to match the jerk of the selected stimulus set to the distribution
of the full sample of generated animations (see Figure 2A). Further details of the animation
selection are included in Supplementary Methods.
The experiment was run via MATLAB on a 24” computer screen. An initial practice trial
familiarized participants with the procedure and task requirements. On each trial, after
viewing the animation, participants were asked to describe verbally what happened in the
animation, to ensure that they had attended to the whole animation. Following the verbal
response, they were asked to rate on a visual analogue scale (ranging from 1 [not at all] to 50
[a lot]) the extent to which the animation depicted the four target mental state words: coaxing,
mocking, seducing, and surprising. Participants were able to rate the four target mental state
words in any order and could change their responses at any point before pressing a key to
begin the next trial. No feedback was given. Six autistic and six typical animations of each of
the four mental state words were presented resulting in 48 animations. Participants who took
part in both the animation generation and the perceptual task were not shown their own
animations (see Supplementary Methods).
For each trial, participants’ ratings were scored for accuracy. Accuracy was calculated by
averaging the rating scores of the three incorrect scales (e.g. the mean rating of mocking,
seducing and surprising when viewing a coaxing animation), and subtracting this number
from the correct scale rating. A score above 0 therefore indicates that the participants rated
the intended mental state verb more highly than the other verbs, with higher scores indicating
a greater match to the intended representation.
The analyses below are reported collapsed across the four mental states (coaxing, mocking,
seducing, surprising). Analyses including mental state as a within-participants factor are
reported in Supplementary Results.
Generated Animation Kinematic Analysis
To verify that the animations generated by the two groups differed in their kinematics, an
independent-sample t-test compared each kinematic measure extracted (jerk, acceleration and
velocity) between the two generator groups (autism or typical; see Figure 2A). Despite no
difference in acceleration (t(29)=1.27, p=.213, 95% CI [-.85, 3.69], d=.46) or velocity values
(t(29)=.17, p=.870, 95% CI [-16.82, 14.30], d=.06), there was a difference with respect to
jerk (t(29)=2.21, p=.035, 95% CI [.08, 2.17], d=.79). Figure 2A demonstrates that this main
effect was driven by increased jerk in the videos produced by individuals with autism,
relative to the typical adults, thus replicating our previous demonstration of increased jerk in
movements produced by individuals with autism (Cook et al., 2013).
Perceptual Task
The perceptual task data were analyzed using a mixed 2x2 ANOVA with perceiver group
(autism or typical observers) as a between-participants factor, and generator group (autism or
typical generator) as a within-participants factor.
The main effect of perceiver group was not significant (F(1,44)=2.10, p=.155, 95% CI [-.53,
3.24], η2=.045). There was a main effect of generator group with better rating accuracy when
participants observed the typical (M=7.14, SEM=.61) compared to the autism animations
(M=5.45, SEM=.48; F(1,44)=8.15, p=.007, 95% CI [.49, 2.84], η2=.156). Most importantly
this effect was qualified by an interaction with perceiver group (F(1,44)=4.14, p=.048,
η2=.086). Simple effects analysis showed the typical perceivers were significantly better at
rating the typical animations than the autism animations (p=.001, 95% CI [1.23, 4.48],
d=.66), but the autism perceivers performed equally for the autism and typical animations
(p=.563, 95% CI [-1.22, 2.18], d=.14; Figure 2B).
The present experiment required individuals with autism and matched typical adults to
generate animations depicting mental states. The animations generated by the movements of
the participants with autism were found to have greater jerk than their typical counterparts. In
a subsequent perceptual task, the typical participants demonstrated an enhanced ability to
attribute the intended mental state to the animations produced by other typical participants,
relative to those produced by participants with autism. In contrast, individuals with autism
exhibited no difference in assigning the intended mental state to animations produced by
autistic and typical individuals.
Differences in movement kinematics between the groups replicate previous findings of
increased jerk when adults with autism make simple horizontal arm movements (Cook et al.,
2013). The current findings extend this work by showing that these atypical kinematics are
evident when those with autism produce complex, object-based actions. A lack of typical
kinematics might be a consequence of peripheral factors such as abnormal muscle tone
(Maurer & Damasio, 1982), or central nervous system factors, such as poor anticipation of
the subsequent part of a motor sequence (Cattaneo et al., 2007). Interestingly, Cook et al.
(2013) also found group differences in velocity and acceleration which were dependent upon
the phase of the movement (turning point or midpoint; see also Forti et al., 2011; Glazebrook,
Elliot, & Lyons, 2006). The phase effects are likely greater for larger magnitude movements
(e.g. full length arm movements), therefore their absence in the present study may be due to
the relatively small magnitude of movements (hand and wrist gestures).
Enhanced perception of typical, relative to autistic actions in the typical perceiver group is
consistent with previous work that suggests we interpret others’ actions according to models
built through experience with our own actions (e.g. Sebanz & Shiffrar, 2009). Typical adults
are better at predicting movement outcomes that comply with typical kinematic trajectories
(Kandel, Orliaguet, & Viviani, 2000), and those with more experience of performing a
particular action are better able to predict the outcome of that action when it is observed
(Diersch et al., 2012). The present study adds to these findings by showing that we are better
at making higher-level mental state inferences (e.g., coaxing) from actions that look like our
. Future work could compare the extent to which movement kinematics determine our
It is important to note that all mental state information must have been derived from movement kinematics in
the current study because there were no facial expressions, postures or language in the animations. However,
despite the fact that jerk is an important cue concerning mental states (e.g. Pollick, Paterson, Bruderlin &
ability to make lower- and higher-level inferences from observed actions, perhaps contrasting
these animations against representations of simpler animate concepts (e.g., following).
Our findings have important implications for interaction difficulties between autistic and non-
autistic individuals. Successful and fluid interactions depend on accurate anticipation and
prediction of others’ movements, allowing us to attribute affective states, intentions and goals
to our interaction partner so that we can adjust our behaviour accordingly (Behrends, Müller,
& Dziobek, 2012). Therefore, if typical action models are not effective for interpreting the
movements of individuals with autism, then the ‘social impairments’ exhibited by individuals
with autism may, at least in part, be a product of a failure by typical individuals to infer
correctly the affective states, desires and intentions of autistic individuals. Inappropriate
and/or inconsistent feedback from interaction partners in response to misunderstood actions
may also obstruct learning about typical social interaction in those with autism, interfering
further with social and communication skill development. Crucially, incorrect interpretation
of the movements of individuals with autism by typical individuals could also have important
implications for clinical diagnosis. Autism is diagnosed following observation-based
behavioral assessments of social functioning by a qualified clinician. On the basis of the
current findings we might predict that social expressions by individuals with autism are
harder to decode. Therefore, these individuals may be assessed as lacking social
understanding or expression by non-autistic clinicians, whereas in reality they simply have
models incompatible with those of the assessor. Similarly, other assessments which evaluate
an individuals internal states may fail to do so correctly when performed with autistic
individuals, impacting on sentencing, medical support and treatments. Further study of how
Sanford, 2001), other kinematic cues (such as the correlation between the movements) may also have
contributed to inferences.
typical individuals could learn to interpret atypical expressions could improve intervention
strategies and also reduce frustration, social anxiety and mood problems in individuals with
autism (Simonoff et al., 2012), who may express their internal states but be frequently
Despite performing the task at a reasonable level, with comparable performance to the typical
group when observing ‘other’ group animations, the autism group did not show the same
benefit from observing ‘same’ group animations performance when observing autistic
animations was comparable in the two observer groups. One potential explanation for the
lack of ‘same’ group benefit relates to the trend towards increased variability in the
kinematics of the autistic relative to typical generators. For example, there was a trend for the
four animation-specific jerk values to differ more in each individual in the autism group
(between-group t-test on the standard deviations of the four jerk values; t(29) =1.94, p=.062).
Increased variability in autistic actions may mean that a given autistic participant’s action
models are a poorer fit to those of other autistic individuals (note that autistic facial
expressions have also been shown to have more idiosyncratic qualities, which may similarly
impair expression understanding; Brewer et al., 2016; Macdonald et al., 1989). Alternatively,
autistic action models may be tuned to both atypical (autistic) and typical movements.
Throughout their lives most individuals with autism have much experience observing and
interacting with typical others, who move typically, as well as experience with their own
atypical movements. In contrast, typical individuals are likely to have experience of typical
movements only. These hypotheses could be elucidated by studying perception of autistic
movements in individuals without autism but who have increased experience with this group.
The present findings have important implications for other clinical disorders that present with
motor abnormalities. For example, other clinical populations characterized by developmental
(e.g. Tourette Syndrome or cerebral palsy) or neurodegenerative (e.g. Huntington’s Disease
or cerebellar ataxia) motor atypicalities also show atypical intention attribution (Caillies,
Hody, & Calmus, 2012; Eddy & Cavanna, 2015; Eddy & Rickards, 2015; Garrard, Martin,
Giunti, & Cipolotti, 2008). Furthermore, our results may help to explain why children with
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and motor dysfunctions are rated as having
more social interaction difficulties than children with ADHD only (Tervo, Azuma, Fogas, &
Fiechtner, 2007). Intentions and emotions expressed by these children with ADHD may be
misunderstood by typical peers, possibly resulting in increased frustration and inadequate
social interactions (Nijmeijer et al., 2008). Even children and adults with motor dysfunction,
without any clinical diagnosis, are more likely to experience less favorable social interactions
(Bejerot & Humble, 2013). Our findings are therefore likely to apply to a number of
conditions characterized by atypical movements, and suggest that interaction difficulties
between typical and atypical individuals may not be attributable solely to the individual who
has received a clinical diagnosis.
We are grateful to Meredith Leston and Lia Antico for help with testing, and Alex
Chamberlain for assistance in video editing.
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Table 1: Demographic information for autistic and typical participants in the
perceptual task
(n =22)
Figure 1: A) Participants generated animations by manually directing triangles on a
table top with magnets to represent the target mental state words (coaxing, mocking,
seducing and surprising). B) Edited example stimulus that was displayed to participants
as a ~30 second animation.
Figure 2. A) Mean velocity, acceleration and jerk for the autism and typical animations.
B) Mean rating accuracy for the autism and typical groups when rating the autism and
typical generated animations. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.
Interaction takes two: Typical adults exhibit mind-blindness towards those
with Autism Spectrum Disorder Supplementary Materials
Animation Generation - Participants
Fifteen typical adults and 16 adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (hereafter ‘autism’) were
recruited from the local research volunteer database to generate the animations. The same
recruitment method was used as for the main perceptual task. The participants did not differ
significantly on FSIQ, as measured by the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence
(Wechsler, 1999, t(29)=2.00, p=.054), age (autism 28-68 years, typical 20-57 years,
t(29)=1.69, p=.102) or gender (Fishers exact test, p>.99), but as expected the autism group
had significantly higher scores on the AQ (t(23.34)=6.15, p<.001, see Supplementary Table
1). All participants in the autism group had a clinical diagnosis of autism from a qualified
independent clinician according to DSM-IV criteria, however two participants did not meet
all ADOS-2 criteria for a classification of autism spectrum disorder. These participants were
indistinguishable from the other participants on all measures and therefore data from all
autistic participants are reported, but the same pattern of results was found when excluding
these two participants.
Animation Selection
Thirteen of the autism group and eight of the typical group also participated in the main
perceptual task. There were approximately nine months between the animation generation
and perceptual task. Participants who took part in both animation generation and the main
perceptual task were not shown their own animations. Their animations were substituted with
another exhibiting the closest jerk value for that animation (e.g. mocking) within their group
Verbal Description Experiment
To verify that both generator groups had sufficient understanding of the mental state concepts
a follow up study was conducted with an independent group of typical participants (N=24),
who were matched for age (23 67 years, t(46)=.21, p=.837) and gender (χ2(2)=.12, p=.731)
to the typical participants in the perception task. Participants were presented, in a random
order, with the verbal descriptions given by the generators before producing the animations
used in the perception task. The method was matched closely to that employed in the
perception task. Participants rated out of 50 the extent to which the description represented
each of the four target mental states (coaxing, mocking, seducing and surprising). We
selected only those descriptions where the target verb was not used, and randomly selected
from the remaining set to equate the number of autistic and typical descriptions. This method
resulted in three surprising and mocking descriptions from each group and four coaxing and
seducing descriptions, totaling 28 descriptions.
Verbal Descriptions
The mean ratings for both the autism and typical descriptions were found to be significantly
different from zero (autism t(23)=15.89, p<.001; typical t(23)=22.65, p<.001), indicating that
both groups understood the concepts. To look for differences between these ratings, we
performed a t-test comparing the ratings, which revealed no effect of generator group
(t(1,23)=1.24, p=.226, 95% CI [-1.01, 4.06], d=.25; autism M=22.38, SEM=1.41; typical:
M=20.85, SEM=.92). The absence of this effect demonstrates that the verbal descriptions
provided by each group were comprehended equally, thereby indicating that both generator
groups had equal understanding of the concepts.
Generated Animations: Effects and interactions involving mental state animation
A mixed 2x4 ANOVA was performed for each kinematic measure with group (autism or
typical) as a between-participants factor, and mental state (coaxing, mocking, seducing or
surprising) as a within-participants factor. Of course the main effects of group remained
unchanged with the addition of the extra factor, and therefore are only reported in the Main
The group effect of jerk did not interact with mental state animation (F(3,87)=.132, p=.941,
η2=.005). However, there was a significant main effect of mental state animation in jerk
values (F(3,87)=8.74, p<.001, η2=.232). Follow up pairwise comparisons revealed the
mocking animations (M=6.52mm/s3, SEM=.33) had higher mean jerk than the coaxing
(M=4.46mm/s3, SEM=.338; p=.003, 95% CI [.55, 3.56], d=.71) and seducing animations
(M=4.57mm/s3, SEM=.34; p=.002, 95% CI [.57, 3.32], d=.73), and the surprising animations
(M=5.57mm/s3, SEM=.32) had higher mean jerk than the coaxing animations (p=.016, 95%
CI [.151, 2.07], d=.60). The lack of interaction between mental state animation and group -
and therefore comparable pattern of kinematics across the four mental state animations (see
Supplementary Figure 1) - suggests that both groups modulated the kinematics features of
their movements to represent different mental states in a similar fashion. This result is
consistent with the suggestion that both groups possessed a similar understanding of the
different mental states (see Verbal Descriptions Experiment).
There was no interaction between mental state animation and group (F(3,87)=.33, p=.806,
η2=.011) in acceleration values. However, there was a main effect of animation
(F(3,87)=9.73, p<.001, η2=.251). Follow-up pairwise comparisons revealed the mocking
animations (M=15.36mm/s2, SEM=1.05) had higher mean acceleration than the coaxing
(M=10.71mm/s2, SEM=.83; p=.003, 95% CI [1.31, 7.99], d=.72) and seducing animations
(M=11.06mm/s2, SEM=.69; p=.003, 95% CI [1.20, 7.40], d=.70), the surprising animations
(M=13.94mm/s2, SEM=.74) had higher mean acceleration than the coaxing animations
(p=.001, 95% CI [1.13, 5.33], d=.79), and the surprising animations had higher mean
acceleration than the seducing animations (p=.038, 95% CI [.12, 5.65], d=.53).
There was no interaction between mental state animation and group (F(3,87)=.38, p=.766,
η2=.013) in velocity. As with the jerk and acceleration analyses, there was a main effect of
mental state animation (F(3,87)=9.08, p<.001, η2=.238). Follow-up pairwise comparisons
revealed the mocking animations (M=109.05mm/s, SEM=7.23) had higher mean velocity
than the coaxing (M=80.77mm/s, SEM=4.57; p=.003, 95% CI [7.84, 48.73], d=.71) and
seducing (M=83.62mm/s, SEM=4.53; p=.015, 95% CI [3.61, 47.26], d=.59) animations, the
surprising animations (M=101.29mm/s, SEM=5.12) had higher velocity than the coaxing
animations (p=.001, 95% CI [7.74, 33.31], d=.83), and the surprising animations had higher
mean velocity than the seducing animations (p=.050, 95% CI [.02, 35.33], d=.52).
Perceptual task: Effects and interactions involving mental state animation
Both the autism (M=5.63, SEM=.70, t(21)=8.05, p<.001, 95% CI [4.18, 7.09], d=1.76) and
typical (M=6.96, SEM=.62; t(23)=11.29, p<.001, 95% CI [5.68, 8.23], d=2.30) perceiver
groups’ overall mean accuracy was significantly higher than zero, indicating that both groups
could do the task effectively. Additionally, the mean accuracy for the animations generated
by the autism (M=5.48, SEM=.48; t(45)=11.48, p<.001, 95% CI [4.51, 6.44], d=1.28) and
typical (M=7.19, SEM=.63; t(45)=11.45, p<.001, 95% CI [5.93, 8.46], d=2.56) participants
was higher than zero, demonstrating significant signal present in the animations generated by
both groups.
A mixed 2x2x4 ANOVA was performed with perceiver group (autism or typical observer) as
a between-participants factor and generator group (autism or typical generator) and mental
state (coaxing, mocking, seducing or surprising) as within-participants factors. Of course the
main effects of perceiver group and generator group, as well as their interaction, remained
unchanged with the addition of the extra factor, and therefore are only reported in the Main
There was a main effect of mental state animation (F(3,132)=43.13, p<.001, η2=.496), which
did not interact with perceiver group (F(3,132)=1.70, p=.171, η2=.037) but did interact with
generator group (F(3,132)=7.10, p<.001, η2=.139). This interaction was driven by better
performance on the typical (M=6.16, SEM=.61) relative to autism surprising animations
(M=-1.16, SEM=.48; p<.001, 95% CI [4.43, 10.21], d=.73), without a generator group
difference for the other mental state animations.
Supplementary Table 2: Demographic information for those participants who
generated animations and those who took part in the verbal descriptions experiment
Supplementary Figure 1: Mean jerk for the four mental states for the typical and autistic
animations. It can be seen that the jerk effect did not interact with mental state, such that both
groups modulated their kinematics comparably according to the different mental states.
(n =16)
(n =15)
... For example, in Brewer et al. (2016), 14 autistic and 13 neurotypical adults were tasked with recognizing emotions in facial expressions that were portrayed by autistic and neurotypical people. Similarly, Edey et al. (2016) adapted the Frith-Happé Animations Test to investigate how well 22 autistic and 24 neurotypical adults identified mental states from animations of interacting triangles. Crucially, some animations had been generated by autistic people, whereas others were generated by neurotypical individuals. ...
... At first blush, support for Claim 1 stems from studies that use objective measures of social cognition. Brewer et al. (2016) and Edey et al. (2016), for example, found that neurotypical participants were less accurate at identifying social-emotional information-from emotional faces and animated triangles, respectively-generated by autistic compared to neurotypical people. However, inconsistent with Claim 1, autistic people were not reported to be significantly impaired at recognizing facial expressions or mental states generated by neurotypical people. ...
... Additionally, the autistic participants' interest to interact again with their autistic versus neurotypical conversation partners did not reach statistical significance. Similarly, in Edey et al. (2016), autistic participants were not significantly better at identifying social-emotional information portrayed by other autistic versus neurotypical participants. ...
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Work on the “double empathy problem” (DEP) is rapidly growing in academic and applied settings (e.g., clinical practice). It is most popular in research on conditions, like autism, which are characterized by social cognitive difficulties. Drawing from this literature, we propose that, while research on the DEP has the potential to improve understanding of both typical and atypical social processes, it represents a striking example of a weak derivation chain in psychological science. The DEP is poorly conceptualized, and we find that it is being conflated with many other constructs (i.e., reflecting the “jingle–jangle” fallacy). We provide examples to show how this underlies serious problems with translating theoretical claims into empirical predictions and evidence. To start tackling these problems, we propose that DEP research needs reconsideration, particularly through a better synthesis with the cognitive neuroscience literature on social interaction. Overall, we argue for a strengthening of the derivation chain pertaining to the DEP, toward more robust research on (a)typical social cognition. Until then, we caution against the translation of DEP research into applied settings.
... The double empathy problem is now increasingly supported by empirical research: demonstrating both the difficulties that non-autistic people appear to experience in understanding the affective and mental states of autistic individuals (Brewer et al., 2016;Edey et al., 2016;Heasman & Gillespie, 2018;Hubbard et al., 2017;Sheppard et al., 2016), as well as the high levels of within-group autistic interpersonal attunement (Crompton, Hallett, et al., 2020;Crompton, Ropar, et al., 2020;Morrison et al., 2020;G. L. Williams et al., 2021). ...
... The double empathy problem is now increasingly supported by empirical research: demonstrating both the difficulties that non-autistic people appear to experience in understanding the affective and mental states of autistic individuals (Brewer et al., 2016;Edey et al., 2016;Heasman & Gillespie, 2018;Hubbard et al., 2017;Sheppard et al., 2016), as well as the high levels of within-group autistic interpersonal attunement (Crompton, Hallett, et al., 2020;Crompton, Ropar, et al., 2020;Morrison et al., 2020;G. L. Williams et al., 2021). ...
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Flow states are heightened moments of concentration, motivation and enjoyment, leading to total absorption in the present moment. A striking parallel exists between flow states and phenomenological accounts of autistic daily life. We analyse the components of flow theory alongside autistic autobiographical accounts to explore similarities and differences, in doing so moving toward an understanding of autistic flow theory. We highlight the considerations and opportunities this may hold for future autism research, in particular the advantage that this offers a non-pathologising approach to researching autism, one which helps to explain contextualised behaviour (i.e., alignment between the situation and what is happening in one's mind). Drawing on autistic autobiographical accounts, we outline four principles: (1) autistic people are uniquely placed to discover and manage flow; (2) autistic flow may qualitatively diverge from traditional models of flow; (3) difficulties maintaining and exiting flow for autistic people highlight a need to examine transitions into and out of flow; and, (4) internal and external constraints to flow highlight there is unrealised autistic potential yet to be discovered. The implications of an autistic flow theory are discussed in terms of how it can This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
... Although participants found autistic targets as expressive as non-autistic targets in 75% of scenarios, they found it significantly more difficult to identify which scenario autistic targets were responding to compared to non-autistic targets (Sheppard et al., 2016), perhaps demonstrating their struggle to represent mental states of autistic individuals. Edey et al. (2016) used animations of triangles generated by autistic and nonautistic people to depict mental state interactions (coaxing, mocking, seducing and surprising) seeing if autistic and non-autistic people could infer correct mental states from both groups. Researchers found that non-autistic perceivers had enhanced ability to infer correct mental states on non-autistic animations compared to autistic animations, but autistic perceivers showed no difference in identifying mental states of animations created by autistic and nonautistic participants. ...
... Although no previous studies have measured EmpAcc, ParInt or BodyEmp in non-autistic participants while viewing clips of autistic and non-autistic narrators, these findings are comparable with those reported by Brewer et al. (2016), who found non-autistic participants struggle to recognise emotions of autistic participants from photographed facial expressions; by Sheppard et al. (2016) and Edey et al. (2016) who found non-autistic participants struggle to represent mental states of autistic compared to Autism 00 (0) non-autistic individuals; and by Faso et al. (2015) who found autistic expressions were rated as more intense than non-autistic expressions. ...
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Empathy deficits in autism, particularly cognitive empathy, have been a long-held, but much debated assumption. An alternative perspective challenging this deficit model is the ‘double empathy problem’, proposing that empathy difficulties are bidirectional between autistic and non-autistic people. Despite this view gaining popularity, there has been limited research examining whether non-autistic people can empathise accurately, cognitively and affectively with autistic people. Addressing this gap, 81 adults from the general population, divided into groups based on how likely they are to share personality traits common in autistic people, were examined using an empathic accuracy task, modified to include autistic and non-autistic narrators and combined with a body mapping tool. Results showed participants had significantly lower empathic accuracy scores when viewing autobiographical accounts of emotional events from autistic narrators, compared to non-autistic narrators, especially for happy and sad emotions. However, participants also experienced significantly higher intensity in the body when viewing autistic narrators compared to non-autistic narrators, especially for anger and fear emotions. These findings support the double empathy problem and have strong implications for therapeutic and interpersonal relationships with autistic people. Lay Abstract The assumption that autistic people lack empathy, particularly imagining how others feel, has been much debated and is now being challenged by an alternative view: the ‘double empathy problem’. This suggests that non-autistic people may find it equally difficult to imagine how autistic people feel. Although this perspective is gaining popularity, research testing whether non-autistic people can accurately imagine and feel an autistic person’s emotions is still limited. Our study used video clips of autistic and non-autistic people recounting emotional events to test if participants from the general population could: track the intensity of the narrators’ emotions; name and feel the same emotion; match where the narrator felt the emotion and indicate how intensely they felt the emotion using a body map. Our results show that participants found it significantly harder to track autistic narrators’ emotions compared to non-autistic narrator’s emotions, especially when viewing clips of narrators feeling happy and sad. We also found that participants felt emotions more intensely in the body when viewing clips of autistic narrators compared to non-autistic narrators, especially when describing anger and fear. These findings support the double empathy problem and have strong implications for therapeutic and interpersonal relationships with autistic people.
... Current methods for behavior recognition rely heavily on behavioral experts to observe and evaluate human behavior either in real-time during experimental sessions [14] or through analysis of video recordings post-experiment [15][16][17]. While manual labeling of human behavior is reliable, it als [46,47]. Our second contribution is the implementation of the prediction model in our previously designed teamwork training simulator to support cross-neurotype teamwork training. ...
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Collaborative virtual environment (CVE)-based teamwork training offers a promising avenue for inclusive teamwork training. The incorporation of a feedback mechanism within virtual training environments can enhance the training experience by scaffolding learning and promoting active collaboration. However, an effective feedback mechanism requires a robust prediction model of collaborative behaviors. This paper presents a novel approach using hidden Markov models (HMMs) to predict human behavior in collaborative interactions based on multimodal signals collected from a CVE-based teamwork training simulator. The HMM was trained using k-fold cross-validation, achieving an accuracy of 97.77%. The HMM was evaluated against expert-labeled data and compared against a rule-based prediction model, demonstrating the superior predictive capabilities of the HMM, with the HMM achieving 90.59% accuracy compared to 76.53% for the rule-based model. These results highlight the potential of HMMs to predict collaborative behaviors that could be used in a feedback mechanism to enhance teamwork training experiences despite the complexity of these behaviors. This research contributes to advancing inclusive and supportive virtual learning environments, bridging gaps in cross-neurotype collaborations.
... Many autistic people often have their behaviors and facial expressions misinterpreted by non-autistic people. [63][64][65] For instance, non-autistic people may misperceive autistic expressions as being disinterested, annoyed, or rude when this is not what they meant to convey. 66 Thus, it is unclear whether autistic people were experiencing or intending to display negative affect in the job interview context. ...
... Prior studies have focused on the difficulties that autistic individuals experience with theory of mind, or the ability to understand the mental states of others (Baron-Cohen et al., 1995). However, more recent research has demonstrated that non-autistic individuals also have difficulty understanding the mental states of autistic people (Edey et al., 2016;Mitchell et al., 2021). According to the double-empathy theory of autism (Milton, 2012), autistic individuals experience and express empathy differently than non-autistic individuals-as a result, autistic and nonautistic people often have equal difficulty in understanding and empathizing with one another. ...
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Little is known about the parenting experiences of autistic mothers, yet there is reason to believe that autistic mothers of non-autistic daughters have a unique set of experiences, especially during their daughters’ adolescence. Seven autistic mothers of adolescent ( n = 5) and adult ( n = 2) non-autistic daughters were interviewed about their experiences of raising their daughters during adolescence. Data were analyzed using an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach and four superordinate themes were identified: (1) Closeness in relationships (expressed affection, safety and support, understanding mothers’ autism), (2) Parenting strengths (problem-solving skills, positive strategies for managing conflict), (3) Identifying own social challenges (understanding social dynamics, friendships and social groups), and (4) Building daughters’ social skills (concern about daughters’ social development, creating opportunities for positive social interactions). This research highlights the strengths of autistic mothers and the loving relationships they have with their daughters. Mothers in this study also revealed specific challenges, such as interacting with other parents who often ignored or excluded them. This study, therefore, emphasizes the need for greater societal awareness, understanding, acceptance, and inclusion of the autistic community. Lay Abstract Little is known about the parenting experiences of autistic mothers, especially those who have daughters who are not on the autism spectrum. In this study, we interviewed seven autistic mothers who have raised or are currently raising non-autistic teenage daughters. Mothers were asked to describe what parenting was/is like during their daughters’ teenage years. We analyzed the transcripts of the interviews and found several common themes. Mothers described their relationships with their daughters to be loving, safe, and empathetic. Mothers described several strengths when it came to parenting, such as helping their daughters solve problems and using positive strategies to handle conflict with their daughters. Mothers also described challenges they faced when interacting with other non-autistic people and when trying to form relationships with them. Mothers tried to build their daughters’ social skills so that they would not experience the same challenges. This study shows that autistic mothers have close, loving relationships with their non-autistic teenage daughters but have trouble forming relationships with other non-autistic people. It is, therefore, important that non-autistic parents are more understanding and welcoming of autistic mothers.
... On the individual level, deviations in the production of IaPS are reflected by diagnostic items in the ADOS [19] and by studies that reported increased and more variable delays in the intrapersonal production of multimodal signals [20,21]. These differences in IaPS production could potentially affect communication dynamics and explain why interactions between individuals with and without ASD are temporally less aligned and are judged less favorable by typically developed (TD) individuals [20,[22][23][24][25][26]. Having identified systematic group differences in the production of IaPS [20,21,27] and assuming that the production of IaPS will affect both perception and production (response behavior) in interactants (see Fig. 1), we systematically investigate the communicative effects of ASD-specific differences in the production of IaPS. ...
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Temporal coordination of communicative behavior is not only located between but also within interaction partners (e.g., gaze and gestures). This intrapersonal synchrony (IaPS) is assumed to constitute interpersonal alignment. Studies show systematic variations in IaPS in individuals with autism, which may affect the degree of interpersonal temporal coordination. In the current study, we reversed the approach and mapped the measured nonverbal behavior of interactants with and without ASD from a previous study onto virtual characters to study the effects of the differential IaPS on observers (N = 68), both with and without ASD (crossed design). During a communication task with both characters, who indicated targets with gaze and delayed pointing gestures, we measured response times, gaze behavior, and post hoc impression formation. Results show that character behavior indicative of ASD resulted in overall enlarged decoding times in observers and this effect was even pronounced in observers with ASD. A classification of observer’s gaze types indicated differentiated decoding strategies. Whereas non-autistic observers presented with a rather consistent eyes-focused strategy associated with efficient and fast responses, observers with ASD presented with highly variable decoding strategies. In contrast to communication efficiency, impression formation was not influenced by IaPS. The results underline the importance of timing differences in both production and perception processes during multimodal nonverbal communication in interactants with and without ASD. In essence, the current findings locate the manifestation of reduced reciprocity in autism not merely in the person, but in the interactional dynamics of dyads.
Purpose Early bio-psycho-social experiences can dramatically impact all aspects of development. Both autism and traumagenic histories can lead to trans-diagnostic behavioural features that can be confused with one another during diagnostic assessment, unless an in-depth differential diagnostic evaluation is conducted that considers the developmental aetiology and underpinning experiences and triggers to trans-diagnostic behaviours. Design/methodology/approach This paper will explore the ways in which biological, cognitive, emotional and social sequelae of early trauma and attachment challenges, can look very similar to a range of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism. Relevant literature and theory will be considered and synthesised with clinical knowledge of trauma and autism. Findings Recommendations are made for how the overlap between features of autism and trauma can be considered during assessments alongside consideration for interventions to enable people to access the most appropriate support for their needs. Originality/value Many features of the behaviours of individuals who have experienced early childhood trauma and disrupted or maladaptive attachments, may look similar to the behaviours associated with autism and hence diagnostic assessments of autism need to carefully differentiate traumagenic causes, to either dual diagnose (if both are present) or exclude autism, if it is not present. This has for long been recognised in child and adolescent autism specialist services but is less well developed in adult autism specialist services.
Autism is characterized by atypical social communication styles. To investigate whether individuals with high autistic traits could still have effective social communication among each other, we compared the behavioral patterns and communication quality within 64 dyads of college students paired with both high, both low, and mixed high-low (HL) autistic traits, with their gender matched. Results revealed that the high-high (HH) autistic dyads exhibited atypical behavioral patterns during conversations, including reduced mutual gaze, communicational turns, and emotional sharing compared with the low-low and/or HL autistic dyads. However, the HH autistic dyads displayed enhanced interpersonal neural synchronization during social communications measured by functional near-infrared spectroscopy, suggesting an effective communication style. Besides, they also provided more positive subjective evaluations of the conversations. These findings highlight the potential for alternative pathways to effectively communicate with the autistic community, contribute to a deeper understanding of how high autistic traits influence social communication dynamics among autistic individuals, and provide important insights for the clinical practices for supporting autistic people.
School-aged youths have a basic human right to participate in educational and recreational activities at school. Yet, autistic youths are at high risk of being excluded from school and from school-based activities. It is important to understand how this occurs, to ensure that all autistic youths have opportunities to participate in school activities that are equal to the opportunities of their non-autistic peers. The present study investigated multiple influences on the school participation of autistic youths, including youth factors (age and autistic traits), family factors (parent education level and parental self-efficacy for supporting their child's schoolwork) and school factors (the impact of problems autistic youths experienced with the physical and social environments of school). Using an online survey, we gathered the views and experiences of the parents of 200 autistic youths aged between 4 and 16 years, in the Netherlands. We found that among the factors, only the impact of problems that autistic youths experienced with the physical environment of school was associated with their school participation. In particular, autistic youths who experienced greater difficulties with the physical environment of school had lower levels of school participation. Our findings highlight the pressing need to modify school environments to better accommodate the needs of autistic youths so that they can participate easily and comfortably.
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This study was conducted to examine interpersonal predictive coding in individuals with high-functioning autism (HFA). Healthy and HFA participants observed point-light displays of two agents (A and B) performing separate actions. In the ‘communicative’ condition, the action performed by agent B responded to a communicative gesture performed by agent A. In the ‘individual’ condition, agent A’s communicative action was substituted by a non-communicative action. Using a simultaneous masking-detection task, we demonstrate that observing agent A’s communicative gesture enhanced visual discrimination of agent B for healthy controls, but not for participants with HFA. These results were not explained by differences in attentional factors as measured via eye-tracking, or by differences in the recognition of the point-light actions employed. Our findings, therefore, suggest that individuals with HFA are impaired in the use of social information to predict others’ actions and provide behavioural evidence that such deficits could be closely related to impairments of predictive coding.
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Psychiatric disorders can affect our ability to successfully and enjoyably interact with others. Conversely, having difficulties in social relations is known to increase the risk of developing a psychiatric disorder. In this article, the assumption that psychiatric disorders can be construed as disorders of social interaction is reviewed from a clinical point of view. Furthermore, it is argued that a psychiatrically motivated focus on the dynamics of social interaction may help to provide new perspectives for the field of social neuroscience. Such progress may be crucial to realize social neuroscience’s translational potential and to advance the transdiagnostic investigation of the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders.
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Summary Ten able adults with autism or Asperger syndrome and 10 normal volunteers were PET scanned while watching animated sequences. The animations depicted two triangles moving about on a screen in three different conditions: moving randomly, moving in a goal-directed fashion (chasing, fighting), and moving interactively with implied intentions (coaxing, tricking). The last condition frequently elicited descriptions in terms of mental states that viewers attributed to the triangles (mentalizing). The autism group gave fewer and less accurate descriptions of these latter animations, but equally accurate descriptions of the other animations compared with controls. While viewing animations that elicited mentalizing, in contrast to randomly moving shapes, the normal group showed increased activation in a previously identified mentalizing network (medial prefrontal cortex, superior temporal sulcus at the temporoparietal junction and temporal poles). The autism group showed less activation than the normal group in all these regions. However, one additional region, extrastriate cortex, which was highly active when watching animations that elicited mentalizing, showed the same amount of increased activation in both groups. In the autism group this extrastriate region showed reduced functional connectivity with the superior temporal sulcus at the temporo-parietal junction, an area associated with the processing of biological motion as well as with mentalizing. This finding suggests a physiological cause for the mentalizing dysfunction in autism: a bottleneck in the interaction between higher order and lower order perceptual processes.
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The difficulties encountered by individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) when interacting with neurotypical (NT, i.e. nonautistic) individuals are usually attributed to failure to recognize the emotions and mental states of their NT interaction partner. It is also possible, however, that at least some of the difficulty is due to a failure of NT individuals to read the mental and emotional states of ASD interaction partners. Previous research has frequently observed deficits of typical facial emotion recognition in individuals with ASD, suggesting atypical representations of emotional expressions. Relatively little research, however, has investigated the ability of individuals with ASD to produce recognizable emotional expressions, and thus, whether NT individuals can recognize autistic emotional expressions. The few studies which have investigated this have used only NT observers, making it impossible to determine whether atypical representations are shared among individuals with ASD, or idiosyncratic. This study investigated NT and ASD participants’ ability to recognize emotional expressions produced by NT and ASD posers. Three posing conditions were included, to determine whether potential group differences are due to atypical cognitive representations of emotion, impaired understanding of the communicative value of expressions, or poor proprioceptive feedback. Results indicated that ASD expressions were recognized less well than NT expressions, and that this is likely due to a genuine deficit in the representation of typical emotional expressions in this population. Further, ASD expressions were equally poorly recognized by NT individuals and those with ASD, implicating idiosyncratic, rather than common, atypical representations of emotional expressions in ASD. Autism Res 2015. © 2015 The Authors Autism Research published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society for Autism Research
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Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative condition. Patients with this movement disorder can exhibit deficits on tasks involving Theory of Mind (ToM): the ability to understand mental states such as beliefs and emotions. We investigated mental state inference in HD in response to ambiguous animations involving geometric shapes, while exploring the impact of symptoms within cognitive, emotional and motor domains. Forty patients with HD and twenty healthy controls described the events in videos showing random movements of two triangles (i.e. floating), simple interactions (e.g. following) and more complex interactions prompting the inference of mental states (e.g. one triangle encouraging the other). Relationships were explored between animation interpretation and measures of executive functioning, alexithymia and motor symptoms. Individuals with HD exhibited alexithymia and a reduced tendency to spontaneously attribute intentions to interacting triangles on the animations task. Attribution of intentions on the animations task correlated with motor symptoms and burden of pathology. Importantly, patients without motor symptoms showed similar ToM deficits despite intact executive functions. Subtle changes in ToM that are unrelated to executive dysfunction could therefore feature in basal ganglia disorders prior to motor onset. © The Author (2015). Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email:
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The role of motor experience in the processing of perceived actions is hotly debated on both behavioral (e.g., action understanding) and neural (e.g., activation of the motor system) levels of interpretation. Whereas some researchers focus on the role of motor experience in the understanding of and motor activity associated with perceived actions, others emphasize the role of visual experience with the perceived actions. The question of whether prior firsthand motor experience is critical to motor system activation during perception of actions performed by others is best addressed through studies with infants who have a limited repertoire of motor actions. In this way, infants can receive motor or visual training with novel actions that are not mere recombinations of previously acquired actions. In this study, 10-month-old infants received active training with a motorically unfamiliar action that resulted in a distinct sound effect. They received observational experience with a second, similarly unfamiliar action. Following training, we assessed infants' neural motor activity via EEG while they listened to the sounds associated with the actions relative to a novel sound. We found a greater decrease in mu power to sounds associated with the motorically learned action than to those associated with the observed action that the infants had never produced. This effect was directly related to individual differences in the degree of motor learning via motor training. These findings indicate a unique effect of active experience on neural correlates of action perception.
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From early in life, infants watch other people's actions. How do young infants come to make sense of actions they observe? Here, we review empirical findings on the development of action understanding in infancy. Based on this review, we argue that active action experience is crucial for infants' developing action understanding. When infants execute actions, they form associations between motor acts and the sensory consequences of these acts. When infants subsequently observe these actions in others, they can use their motor system to predict the outcome of the ongoing actions. Also, infants come to an understanding of others' actions through the repeated observation of actions and the effects associated with them. In their daily lives, infants have plenty of opportunities to form associations between observed events and learn about statistical regularities of others' behaviours. We argue that based on these two forms of experience-active action experience and observational experience-infants gradually develop more complex action understanding capabilities.
Tourette syndrome (TS) can feature complex tics involving socially inappropriate behaviors. Adults with TS can also demonstrate differences to healthy controls when reasoning about mental states. This study investigated spontaneous mentalizing in TS. Twenty adults with TS and twenty healthy controls completed the animations task. Participants were asked to watch short ambiguous animations involving two triangles and describe what was happening. Some animations featured random movement of the triangles, while others depicted social interactions that were simple (e.g. dancing) or more complex (e.g. one triangle tricking the other). Measures were taken of executive functions, alexithymia and clinical symptoms. Individuals with TS responded similarly to controls when viewing animations featuring simple and complex interactions, demonstrating intact mentalizing ability. However, significant group differences were apparent for the random animations. TS was associated with a greater tendency to attribute mental states during this condition, and to describe random movements as motivated actions guided by the intentions of the triangles. There were no group differences for the alexithymia scale, but TS was associated with mild executive deficits. No relationships were apparent between animation responses and other measures. Our findings suggest that TS is associated with a propensity to adopt the intentional stance. Hyper-mentalizing in TS could be linked to both dopamine dysfunction and altered social behavior, whereby amplified salience of social cues could contribute to the complex interplay between environmental context and tic expression. These observations may offer further insight into the potential effects of dopamine dysfunction on social cognition.
In this theoretical article, we link literature from different disciplines such as the neurosciences and psychology, dance/movement therapy, dance studies, and philosophy, in order to show that interactional, coordinated movement forms an important base for the development of empathy and prosocial behavior. The presented body of literature suggests that specific elements of joint movement and dance, namely imitation, synchronous movement and motoric cooperation, are suitable for fostering empathic abilities, especially in people with empathy deficits.In the second part of the article, we present a newly conceptualized dance and movement intervention for people with empathy dysfunction, tailored to its first application for people with autism spectrum disorders. Through enhancing and refining kinesthetic empathy skills, we hypothesize within an integrative concept of empathy, that both emotional and cognitive empathic processes such as empathic concern and perspective taking can be fostered. With a first treatment outcome study of the presented intervention that we will conduct in the near future with people on the autistic spectrum, we aim at evaluating the program and contributing to the understanding of dance and movement approaches for people with empathy deficits.