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Persistence of primitive reflexes and associated motor problems in healthy preschool children



Introduction Retained primitive reflexes can disturb natural development and involve difficulties in social and educational children’s life. They can also impact on psychomotor development. Mature responses in a child’s psychomotor progress can only occur if the central nervous system itself has reached maturity. The process consist the transition made from brain stem reflex response to cortically controlled response. This study define the occurrence of primitive reflexes in healthy 4–6 years old children and analyze the impact of survived primitive reflexes on psychomotor development. Material and methods The study involved 35 participants aged 4–6 years healthy preschool children. The study tools were: primitive reflexes tests by Sally Goddard for children and Motor Proficiency – Test (MOT 4–6 test) in 18 tasks. Results Over a half (65%) preschool children had survived the primitive reflexes on the residual level. Eleven percent of them had no retained primitive reflexes. According to the psychomotor ability, 9% of the children were in the category of “altered development”, 29% in “delayed development”, 59% in “normal” and 3% in “very good development”. The greater the severity of the reflex, the motor efficiency was lower (p < 0.05). Conclusions It seems reasonable to introduce reflexes integration therapy in children’s with low psychomotor skills. Primitive reflexes routinely tested, can contribute to improved early psychomotor development in children with needs, thus preventing many difficulties which children can encounter within their social and school life.
Clinical research
Corresponding author:
Ewa Z. Gieysztor
Rehabilitation Developmental
Department of Physiotherapy
Faculty of Health Sciences
Medical University
of Wroclaw
2 Grunwaldzka St
50-355 Wroclaw, Poland
Phone: +48 507 011 369
E-mail: gieysztor.ewa@
Rehabilitation Developmental Laboratory, Department of Physiotherapy,
Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University
of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland
Submitted: 14 September 2015
Accepted: 24 December 2015
Arch Med Sci 2018; 14, 1: 167–173
DOI: 10.5114/aoms.2016.60503
Copyright © 2016 Termedia & Banach
Persistence of primitive reflexes and associated motor
problems in healthy preschool children
Ewa Z. Gieysztor1, Anna M. Choińska2, Małgorzata Paprocka-Borowicz1
Introduction: Retained primitive reflexes can disturb natural development
and involve difficulties in social and educational children’s life. They can
also impact on psychomotor development. Mature responses in a child’s
psychomotor progress can only occur if the central nervous system itself
has reached maturity. The process consist the transition made from brain
stem reflex response to cortically controlled response. This study define the
occurrence of primitive reflexes in healthy 4–6 years old children and ana-
lyze the impact of survived primitive reflexes on psychomotor development.
Material and methods: The study involved 35 participants aged 4–6 years
healthy preschool children. The study tools were: primitive reflexes tests by
Sally Goddard for children and Motor Proficiency – Test (MOT 4–6 test) in
18 tasks.
Results: Over ahalf (65%) preschool children had survived the primitive
reflexes on the residual level. Eleven percent of them had no retained prim-
itive reflexes. According to the psychomotor ability, 9% of the children were
in the category of “altered development”, 29% in “delayed development”,
59% in “normal” and 3% in “very good development”. The greater the sever-
ity of the reflex, the motor efficiency was lower (p < 0.05).
Conclusions: It seems reasonable to introduce reflexes integration therapy
in children’s with low psychomotor skills. Primitive reflexes routinely tested,
can contribute to improved early psychomotor development in children with
needs, thus preventing many difficulties which children can encounter with-
in their social and school life.
Key words: primitive reflexes, preschool children, psychomotor
development, MOT 4–6.
Primitive reflexes are automatic movement patterns that commence
during pregnancy and are fully present at birth in term infants. They
are natural reactions that start adevelopmental process which releases
aneural circuit for aspecific function. Primitive reflexes should integrate
and impede reflex reactions to allow development of natural motoric
action [1, 2]. Brain injury can cause reoccurring reflex reactions. They
can be observed in cerebral palsy patients or people who have suffered
astroke. There are many studies associated with the role of primitive
reflexes in development of cerebral palsy [3]. There are few studies about
Ewa Z. Gieysztor, Anna M. Choińska, Małgorzata Paprocka-Borowicz
168 Arch Med Sci 1, January / 2018
asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR), symmetri-
cal tonic neck reflex (STNR) or tonic labyrinthine
reflex (TLR) in the healthy population, and they are
mainly focused on adults [4, 5].
Primitive reflexes play a developmental role,
preparing the neonate to move against gravity,
gradually leading to voluntary movement by the
process of integration during the first months
of life. Mature responses in a child’s psychomo-
tor progress can only occur if the central nervous
system itself has reached maturity. The process
consists of the transition from abrain stem reflex
response to acortically controlled response [6]. If
the process has not progressed properly, the child
may demonstrate poor motor ability, which can
manifest itself in difficulties in running, cycling
and balance, and the child may be clumsy. There
may also be problems with throwing and catching,
and the child might avoid games involving phys-
ical movement. Psychomotor disturbances, also
known as minimal brain disorders, can modify and
hinder a child’s spontaneous development pro-
cess. The first signs can be seen in early childhood,
but many of them are seen later, i.e. learning and
behaviour difficulties during the pre-school years.
Reflex retention and academic or behaviour diffi-
culties experienced by children when they reach
school age may be linked [7–10].
The asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR),
symmetrical tonic neck reflex (STNR) and tonic
labyrinthine reflex (TLR), along with the plantar
reflex, palmar reflex, rooting reflex and spinal
Galant reflex, if retained, play agreat role in de-
creasing the brain’s ability and efficiency in pro-
cessing sensory information. The ATNR emerges
18 weeks in utero and diminishes completely
3–9 months after birth. The effect of the retained
ATNR can be poor eye tracking and difficulty
crossing the visual midline. The occurrence of the
reflex can cause difficulties in learning to read,
telling the time and left-right confusion as well.
In the posture we can observe spinal deformities
caused by the ATNR, which is not only ahealth
problem of the person but also represents ahigh
cost to society [3, 11].
The STNR emerges 6–9 months after birth
and integrates into the central nervous system
9–11 months after birth. The retained STNR can
be characterized by poor posture, poor eye-hand
co-ordination and focusing difficulties. Children
with aretained STNR may have problems with
sitting still at adesk or learning to swim, and
usually they do not feel comfortable with ball
The TLR is areflex that emerges at birth and
disappears completely in 2–4 months after birth.
It results in poor balance, disorientation and prob-
lems with re-establishing the emotional and phys-
ical balance. The TLR can entail binocular vision
leading to a poor sense of timing and frequent
careless mistakes [8, 12].
Psychomotor development encompasses chan-
ging abilities from the beginning of life, from fe-
tal and neonatal periods through infancy and
childhood to adolescence. Estimating the degree
of psychomotor development can lead to finding
away of potential help for better growing up. It
can also indicate that achild has great potential
and requires a specific, individual program to
reach his/her full potential.
The aim of the study was to define the occur-
rence of primitive reflexes in healthy 4–6-year-old
children and analyse the impact of retained primi-
tive reflexes on psychomotor development.
Material and methods
The study was approved by the Medical Uni-
versity Ethical Committee. All the parents of the
subjects were kept informed of the purpose and
process of examination and subsequently gave
their written consent prior to the study.
The data were collected from 35 healthy chil-
dren aged 4 to 6 from aLower Silesia preschool
(Poland). The condition for exclusion was astate-
ment of special educational needs. The age,
height, weight, sex and body mass index (BMI)
from the examined children are shown in Table I.
Perinatal parameters such as Apgar score, birth
Table I. Subjects’ characteristics
Parameter Value
Age [years] 456
Number of subjects 15 15 5
Boys 592
Girls 10 6 3
Height, mean ± SD [m] 1.05 ±0.7 1.08 ±0.6 1.09 ±0.5
Weight, mean ± SD [kg] 16.3 ±1.63 17.3 ±2.87 20.3 ±2.21
BMI, mean ± SD [kg/m2]14.9 ±2.2 14.8 ±2.5 16.9 ±1.4
Persistence of primitive reflexes and associated motor problems in healthy preschool children
Arch Med Sci 1, January / 2018 169
weight, week of birth and kind of birth of each
participant are reported in Table II.
Each child was assessed individually by Primi-
tive Reflex Tests (ATNR, STNR, TLR) and by aMo-
tor Proficiency Test for children between 4 and
6 years (MOT 4–6).
Measurement of primitive reflexes
The asymmetrical tonic neck reflex test was
carried out in aquadruped position of the child
with shoulders and hips flexed to 90°, elbows ex-
tended, hands flat, fingers extended and head in
a neutral position. The examiner gently rotated
the head passively to the right laterally and held
for 5 s. The head was slowly rotated back to the
midline, and then the procedure was repeated for
the other side. This sequence was repeated four
The ATNR was measured for the left (ATNR L)
and right (ATNR R) side.
The classification was made using afive-point
rating scale suggested by Goddard [12–14]:
0. No movement of the opposite arm, shoulder or
hip (no reflex occurs);
1. Slight deflection of the opposite arm or move-
ment of shoulder or hip (reflex present in
2. Clear deflection of the opposite arm with or
without involving the shoulder or hip (reflex
present in 50%);
3. Significant deflection of the opposite arm with
or without involving the shoulder or hip (reflex
present in 50%);
4. Descent of the opposite arm as aresult of rota-
tion of the head. Uncontrolled hip movement
can also occur (reflex survived in 100% on the
facial side).
The symmetrical tonic neck reflex test was car-
ried out in aquadruped position with the head pas-
sively bent and extended. The STNR was measured
for flexion (STNR FLX) and extension (STNR EXT).
The five-point rating scale for STNR was as fol-
0. No reaction;
1. Shaking of one or two arms or minimal move-
ment of the trunk;
2. Elbow movement and/or hips or bending of
the spine;
3. Deflection of the arms when lowering the
head and spontaneous straightening of the
hands when lifting the head;
4. Bending arms or going back to sitting on the
The tonic labyrinthine reflex was tested in
standing position, feet pushed together, hands
along the trunk. The child was asked to tilt the
head back “as if looking at the ceiling” and close
the eyes. The child was supported by the examin-
er. After 10 s the child was asked to bend the head
slowly “as if looking at the toes” and stand in the
position for 10 s. The movement was repeated
four times. The TLR was measured for flexion
(TLR FLX) and extension (TLR EXT).
Points were assigned as follows:
0. No reaction;
1. Minimal balance disturbances whilst changing
head position;
2. Balance disturbances during the test and/or
muscle tone change;
3. The child almost loses balance and/or shows
disorientation after the task;
4. Loss of balance and/or significant muscle tone
change whilst attempting balance stabilisa-
tion. Dizziness and nausea may occur.
The higher the children scored on the primitive
reflex test, the lower the integration they repre-
Measurement of psychomotor abilities
Children were also examined by the Motor Pro-
ficiency Test for children between 4 and 6 years
(MOT 4–6) [14]. The test includes 18 tasks. They
are divided into four areas: 1. Stability, 2. Loco-
motion, 3. Object control 4. Fine movement skills.
Tasks to perform by children are shown in Table III.
The tasks were classified on athree-point rat-
ing scale, where 0 means skill not mastered and
2 means skill mastered. All task scores were add-
ed up to generate ascore out of apossible total of
34. The higher the movement skill level, the high-
er the children scored in the MOT 4–6 assessment
Statistical analysis
The statistical analysis was carried out us-
ing Statistica version 10.0. Descriptive statistics
Table II. Subjects’ characteristics
Parameter Value
Age [years] 456
APGAR, mean ± SD [points] 10 ±1 10 ±0 10 ±0
Birth weight, mean ± SD [g] 3522 ±465 3285 ±372 3310 ±371
Week of birth, mean ± SD 40 ±1.6 39 ±1.7 39 ±0.7
Natural childbirth/Caesarean section 80%/20% 73%/27% 80%/20%
Ewa Z. Gieysztor, Anna M. Choińska, Małgorzata Paprocka-Borowicz
170 Arch Med Sci 1, January / 2018
were computed for all variables. The results were
expressed as means ± standard deviations. Dif-
ferences between girls and boys and their body
parameters were tested by Student’s t-test. The
statistical evaluation was performed using Pear-
son’s correlation. All parameters were considered
statistically significantly different if p < 0.05.
On the basis of the studies 11% of preschool
children have no retained primitive reflexes. At
least one of the retained reflexes from the studied
was detected in 89% of examined children, but
65% of the pre-schoolers have barely aresidual
degree of the reflex.
The most frequently occurring reflex (66% of
children) is the ATNR L, and the least frequently
occurring is the STNR FLX (34% of children), where
STNR FLX does not show presence of the maxi-
mum intensity in any of the children. The results in
percentages are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
The figures indicate that ATNR L performs at
the top of the point scale, appearing in 14% of
children. Successively, the highest numbers of
participants exhibited TLR EXT (12%) and ATNR R
(9%). Reflexes STNR EXT and TLR FLX are the
strongest in 6% of those studied.
The pre-schoolers’ best results in the MOT 4–6
test are shown in Figure 3.
The easiest task for children was 16, which was
completed by 94% of the surveyed children. Task
6 was completed by 6% of children; it proved to
be the most difficult. Task 8 was also difficult,
and 21% of children received 1 point for that task;
moreover, none of the children received a maxi-
mum point value for that task.
Table III. MOT 4–6 test – description of items
1. Forward jump in ahoop*
2. Forward balance
3. Placing dots on asheet
4. Grasping atissue with toes
5. Sideward jump
6. Catching astick
7. Carrying balls from box to box
8. Reverse balance
9. Throwing at atarget disk
10. Collecting matches
11. Passing through ahoop
12. Jumping in ahoop on 1 foot,
standing on 1 leg
13. Catching atennis ring
14. Jumping Jacks
15. Jumping over acord
16. Rolling around the long axis of the
17. Standing up holding aball on the head
18. Jump and turn in ahoop
*The first item not rated because it was use to accustom the child to the test situation.
0 1 2
Figure 1. 0–2 points for primitive reflexes in group
3 4
Figure 2. 3–4 points for primitive reflexes in group
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Figure 3. Maximum points in MOT 4–6 test
33% 33%
3% 6% 0
36% 36%
Persistence of primitive reflexes and associated motor problems in healthy preschool children
Arch Med Sci 1, January / 2018 171
The data were compared between girls and boys.
63% of girls showed very good or normal develop-
ment. In the group of boys there was no one with
very good development, and 60% of boys were in
the normal development group. Similarly, in the level
of retained primitive reflexes, girls showed ahigh-
er degree of integration. Sixty-nine percent of girls
achieved good or complete integration (level none
and low), whereas 63% of boys achieved a sim-
ilar level of integration. Although examined girls
achieved abetter level of psychomotor development
and reflex integration than boys, there was no sig-
nificant difference between them (Figures 4 and 5).
Higher motor efficiency is due to lower severity
of the reflex.
Statistical analysis shows an inverse correlation
between the number of points in the test of reflex-
es and psychomotor efficiency at p < 0.05. Chil-
dren sufficiently motorized demonstrate afuller
integration of reflexes. MOT 4–6 tasks in general
are significantly correlated with the primitive re-
flexes total score (p < 0.05; R = –0.34).
Correlations between week of birth, prevalence of
reflexes and motoric skills were also studied. Chil-
dren born before term show ahigher level of non-in-
tegrated reflexes compared to children born at term.
They also have alower level of motoric skills.
Children were measured for weight and height,
and the body mass index (BMI) was calculated.
The results are: 40% of preschool children are in
the normal range, 34% are underweight, 11% are
overweight and 14% obese. There is no correlation
between birth weight, APGAR points, current BMI
and integration level of primitive reflexes or psy-
chomotor abilities.
Children rehabilitated in infancy by the Vojta
method stand out against the group with de-
creased motor performance and a higher rate
of occurrence of reflexes. Since there were only
2 people in the group, further groups should be
examined to determine the significance of the ob-
served phenomenon.
Studies on primitive reflexes have been wide-
ly conducted on children with cerebral palsy [2].
The level of non-integrated reflexes in the group is
high and inadequate in comparison with healthy
children. There are few studies about the primi-
tive reflexes in healthy children; therefore we have
started to conduct them. The examined group in
the present study is different from those in the
available literature. The test group consisted of
healthy children, with no reported special needs.
However, the majority of children showed per-
sistent reflexes, and even marginally persistent
reflexes, as the study found, affect the psychomo-
tor development of children.
In our research over 60% of children demon-
strated at least one primitive reflex at level 1–2
and 25% of them at levels 3 and 4. It means that
most of the examined pre-school children have
non-integrated reflexes. This leads us to the con-
clusion that large scale testing should be con-
sidered, helping to conduct early therapy before
the disorders are revealed by the child’s inade-
quate behaviour at school age. Grzywniak [15]
conducted research comparing the level of prim-
itive reflexes in two groups of healthy school age
children, one from an orphanage and the second
one comprising children during therapy having
learning difficulties. Grzywniak noted that 55% of
healthy children had retained the primitive reflex-
es at levels 1 and 2. The research did not show
any children with reflexes at level 3 or 4. The re-
sults can be explained by higher age of examined
children and cannot be directly compared. The
difference noted above can encourage further re-
search on the dynamics of primitive reflexes in
healthy children.
Screening studies can help preschool chil-
dren with those difficulties by repeating mim-
ic movement patterns from the first year of life.
The therapy could involve movements based on
early brain development sequences. As a result,
children’s brains can have a“second chance” to
pass through the stages which have been missing
Bruijn et al. [5] studied whether the ATNR or
STNR can still appear in healthy adults. Ten sub-
jects were measured, and primitive reflexes were
found to exist in adults.
Accelerated Very good Normal Delayed Altered
development development development development development
MOT girls MOT boys
Figure 4. Psychomotor development level of girls
and boys
None Low Medium High Max
Primitive reflexes girls Primitive reflexes boys
Figure 5. Retained primitive reflexes level of girls
and boys
5% 0%
Ewa Z. Gieysztor, Anna M. Choińska, Małgorzata Paprocka-Borowicz
172 Arch Med Sci 1, January / 2018
Studies on motor abilities in children measured
by MOT 4–6 were conducted by Cools et al. [20].
The children’s MOT 4–6 mean performance in the
research was 19 (SD = 4.8) In our study mean
performance was 15 (SD = 4.7). Distribution of
children’s performance was as follows: over 4%
were classified in the category “altered develop-
ment”, nearly 19% in “delayed development”,
75% in “normal development”, about 1% in “very
good development” and none in “accelerated de-
velopment”. Our study showed almost the same
tendency. Nine percent of children were in the
category “altered development”, 29% in “delayed
development”, 59% in “normal” and 3% in “very
good development”. It shows that there were
more children under the normal range in our study
and slightly more above the normal range than in
Cools’ research. Nowak et al. has nearly the same
results. They show the need for stimulating 21%
of 4-year-old children [21, 22].
Our study shows that without training of prim-
itive reflexes integration, it may be impossible to
correct motoric functions and help clumsy chil-
dren to reach the degree of psychomotor level as
their compeers. In order to prevent psychomotor
delays of elder children, it is necessary to conduct
an examination of the degree of reflexes integra-
tion in pre-schoolers and, as aresult, if necessary,
apply reflex therapy. The tests are ahandy tool for
qualified physiotherapists or physicians, and thus
might be applied during standard periodical med-
ical evaluation of each child. If the staff know the
impact of the primitive reflexes on development
of healthy children, not only would they have
a faster reaction to their persistence, but they
could also prevent subsequent disorders.
For the examination, tests carried out in the
study can be used alternatively, with ahigh prob-
ability that the MOT 4–6 test results will indicate
not only the level of psychomotor efficiency but
also the reflexes integration degree. The use of re-
flex tests will allow determination of the degree of
psychomotor skills of ahealthy child. Additionally,
if performed at an early age, they will allow one to
adjust the treatment according to the true source
of disorders, not just the results.
We observed asignificant correlation between
the psychomotor test MOT 4–6 and primitive re-
flexes test. The study shows the necessity to eval-
uate children thoroughly in order to identify the
causes of children’s motoric problems in the brain
immaturity rather than focusing on symptoms.
The failure to perform integration of the reflexes
may cause difficulties for the children to achieve
proper motor skills for their age. Treatment should
at first concern the root of the problem, not only
the symptoms; thus training should concentrate
on reflexes, and after that abilities such as bal-
ance, hand function and postural problems, etc.,
can be taken into consideration
In conclusion, even the primitive reflexes pres-
ent in traces are significant for psychomotor skills.
It seems reasonable to introduce reflexes inte-
gration therapy in children with low psychomo-
tor skills. Primitive reflexes routinely tested can
contribute to improved early psychomotor devel-
opment in children with needs, thus preventing
many difficulties which children might encounter
within their social and school life.
We are very grateful to the children, parents
and Director of Preschool no. 5 in Wroclaw, Ms
Anna Góralska, Ms Sabina Pałys-Pilszak and all
the staff for their very kind cooperation. We also
thank Marion McKay and Joanna McKay for native
language correction.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... The test is most appropriate for this age group and consists of the most important tasks related to daily activities. The test consisted of 18 tasks [7,22,23]. They are divided into four categories: 1. Stability, 2. Locomotion, 3. Object control, 4. Fine motor skills. ...
... Therefore, the screening of children by jumping tests can extend the physical examination, which can monitor the health status of children [28,40]. We can observe it in relation to lower neuromaturity based on active primitive reflexes in preschool and school-aged children [23,41]. ...
... MOT 4-6 test-the items' description[23]. ...
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The preschool period is characterised by the improvement in motor skills. One of the developmental tasks in children is the ability to jump. Jumping plays an important role in the development of leg strength and balance. It is the gateway to more complex movements. In the physiotherapy clinic, we see a lot of difficulties in jumping performance in 5–7-year-old children. The aim of this study is to present the jumping ability, assessed by the Motor Proficiency Test (MOT) and the G-sensor examination of the vertical countermovement jump (CMJ) and countermovement jump with arms thrust (CMJAT) parameters. A total of 47 children (14 boys and 33 girls) were randomly recruited. The mean age was 5.5 years. The mean height was 113 cm and the mean weight was 19.7 kg. The children were divided into two groups according to their results. Children with low basic motor skills have the greatest difficulty with jumping tasks. In the CMJ jump, the take-off force was lower than in the CMJAT (p = 0.04). Most CMJAT parameters correlate with age, weight, and height. Height correlates most with children’s jumping performance. This study may be useful for sport educators and developmental researchers. The topic should be further explored and the CMJ and CMJAT parameters may be established as a basis.
... When compiling sensorimotor exercises, it had to be considered that the training program includes exercises that, on the one hand, facilitate the integration of primitive re exes (Melillo, 2011;Gieysztor et al., 2018) and, on the other hand, support sensorimotor integration and the skills and abilities in which persistent infantile re exes hindered development. ...
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Background Around 800 million young children worldwide have cognitive-developmental limitations due to biological, environmental, and psychosocial reasons, while in Europe, an estimated 15 million children have special educational needs. This leads to educational challenges, limited skill levels, and higher unemployment rates. Therefore, timely intervention within institutional settings to address the reasons underlying these problems is of critical importance. Objective The “S. Sensorimotor Development Program” (SSDP) was developed by the authors as a key intervention to develop the skills essential for starting school. This longitudinal field study investigated the impact of the SSDP in an institutional setting focusing on the specific auditory and visual skills required for learning in kindergarten and primary school children. Methods The SSDP consists of 120 training sessions focused on sensorimotor maturation. 772 children aged 5–8 took part in the study, with 704 in the experimental and 68 in the control group, each containing an equal ratio of boys and girls. The study lasted six to eight months and consisted of three to five weekly training sessions. Results Results obtained following the intervention showed significant improvements in sensorimotor maturity in the experimental compared to the no-intervention control group (p<.001, effect size (d)=.483; auditory skillsr=.605 p <.001, d=.366; visual skills r= .542, p< .001, d =.294). The intervention group also improved compared to its baseline measurements. Conclusion These results show that implementing the SSDP in school settings can improve sensorimotor development, which has a strong effect on auditory and visual abilities in children aged 5–8.
... Bajé una aplicación de metrónomo a mi celular, que me permitía trabajar con los chicos en seguir el ritmo (saltando sentados, balanceándose en prono, etc.), una habilidad básica fundamental en procesos sensoriomotores, en el desarrollo de la atención y en la autorregulación (Effenberg et al., 2016;Williams, 2018). Por medio de patrones de entrenamiento de movimiento rítmico, trabajábamos en integrar aquellos reflejos primitivos no integrados (Gieysztor et al., 2018;Grigg et al., 2018). ...
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La idea de hacer este libro emergió de la incomodidad con la insuficiencia de publicaciones sobre terapia ocupacional en el sector educativo en Colombia. Sus editoras, inicialmente, pensaron en socializar las experiencias colombianas en este campo para ampliar los referentes de enseñanza, aprendizaje, reflexión y transformación. Es necesario reconocer que se trata de una fotografía parcial, aun así, la obra presenta once capítulos que revelan prácticas y saberes desde Bogotá, Cali, Pasto y Estados Unidos, escritos por veinte mujeres, docentes universitarias o terapeutas ocupacionales, que han hecho su práctica profesional en el sector educativo. Intentando salir de la tradición aristotélica dominante en la modernidad, en la cual teoría y práctica se diferencian y oponen, se busca describir los saberes que están articulados con las técnicas, los procedimientos, los métodos; aquellos que se producen con la experiencia del trabajo terapéutico ocupacional. Desde esta lógica, los capítulos se ubican en tres regiones que guiaron la organización de las secciones del libro: la primera abarca saberes y conocimientos de la práctica; la segunda, la lectura histórica de la terapia ocupacional en educación; la tercera, nociones, definiciones, tesis, ideas, lo que en términos clásicos se denomina teoría o conocimiento. Cada sección del libro —“Praxis en el campo de la educación”, “La institución de educación… y sus márgenes”, e “Inclusión en educación: naturalización y críticas”— está estructurada alrededor de tales regiones. Se espera, así, contribuir a una ampliación del diálogo alrededor del encuentro entre terapia ocupacional y educación.
... Bajé una aplicación de metrónomo a mi celular, que me permitía trabajar con los chicos en seguir el ritmo (saltando sentados, balanceándose en prono, etc.), una habilidad básica fundamental en procesos sensoriomotores, en el desarrollo de la atención y en la autorregulación (Effenberg et al., 2016;Williams, 2018). Por medio de patrones de entrenamiento de movimiento rítmico, trabajábamos en integrar aquellos reflejos primitivos no integrados (Gieysztor et al., 2018;Grigg et al., 2018). ...
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La idea de hacer este libro emergió de la incomodidad con la insuficiencia de publicaciones sobre terapia ocupacional en el sector educativo en Colombia. Sus editoras, inicialmente, pensaron en socializar las experiencias colombianas en este campo para ampliar los referentes de enseñanza, aprendizaje, reflexión y transformación. Es necesario reconocer que se trata de una fotografía parcial, aun así, la obra presenta once capítulos que revelan prácticas y saberes desde Bogotá, Cali, Pasto y Estados Unidos, escritos por veinte mujeres, docentes universitarias o terapeutas ocupacionales, que han hecho su práctica profesional en el sector educativo. Intentando salir de la tradición aristotélica dominante en la modernidad, en la cual teoría y práctica se diferencian y oponen, se busca describir los saberes que están articulados con las técnicas, los procedimientos, los métodos; aquellos que se producen con la experiencia del trabajo terapéutico ocupacional. Desde esta lógica, los capítulos se ubican en tres regiones que guiaron la organización de las secciones del libro: la primera abarca saberes y conocimientos de la práctica; la segunda, la lectura histórica de la terapia ocupacional en educación; la tercera, nociones, definiciones, tesis, ideas, lo que en términos clásicos se denomina teoría o conocimiento. Cada sección del libro —“Praxis en el campo de la educación”, “La institución de educación… y sus márgenes”, e “Inclusión en educación: naturalización y críticas”— está estructurada alrededor de tales regiones. Se espera, así, contribuir a una ampliación del diálogo alrededor del encuentro entre terapia ocupacional y educación.
Background and Aims Children have a very high ability to learn. With correct planning, we can provide conditions for them to perform various movement patterns to increase their motor skills and thus reduce the risk of skeletal injuries and obesity. This study aims to investigate the relationship between fundamental movement skills, body composition, and flat feet in children. Methods This is a descriptive-correlational study on 50 healthy children (girls and boys) aged 3-6 (mean age: 5.13±0.831 years) who were selected using a convenience sampling method from Novak Kindergarten in Tehran, Iran. To evaluate the fundamental movement skills, Ulrich (2015)’s test of gross motor development was used. The InBody 270 device was used to examine the body composition, and a digital photo scanner was used to evaluate the flat feet deformity. Data analysis was performed by using the Pearson correlation test and multiple regression analysis in SPSS software, version 24. P≤.0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results The results showed a negative and significant relationship of body weight (P=0.001), body mass index (P=0.001), body fat percentage (P=0.001), and flat feet (P=0.009) with fundamental movement skills. Also, the relationship between musculoskeletal mass and fundamental movement skills was positive and significant (P=0.001), but its relationship with flat feet was negative and significant (P=0.004). The body weight had the highest power to predict fundamental movement skills, and musculoskeletal mass had the highest power to predict flat feet (P=0.001) in preschool children. Conclusion It seems that, by improving fundamental movement skills and musculoskeletal mass index, the development of flat feet and overweight in preschool children can be prevented.
Primitive reflexes are automatic motor reactions to specific stimuli. These reflexes evolve and are present in utero and are designed to assist in the birthing process and survival of the first year of life. As the infant grows and matures, these reflexes are replaced by postural reflexes, and are integrated in our volitional movement repertoire. One of these primitive reflexes is the Moro reflex, also known as the startle response. This paper presents the importance of integrating the Moro reflex and the relationship between it retention and learning disabilities in the school-age years. In addition, movement-based intervention plans that found to be beneficial in integrating a retained Moro reflex will be presented. Finally, adaptations for these exercises that can be performed in an aquatic environment will be suggested. Motor activity in an aquatic environment has many advantages, therefore developing exercises to be used in this environment for the purpose of integrating the Moro reflex may be an important tool for hydrotherapists, as well as swimming instructors and coaches. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
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Several authors have reported finding retained primitive reflexes (RPRs) in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This case report describes the reduction of RPRs and changes in cognitive function after transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) of muscle. Three individuals were examined in a study at the Institute for Neurology and Neurosurgery in Havana, Cuba. Two child neurologists, not involved in the study, conducted clinical examinations on each participant and diagnosed each with ASD based on DSM-V criteria and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (an autism evaluation tool). Each child with ASD possessed a triad of impairments in three domains: social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviour. Individuals were evaluated by quantitative electroencephalographic measures and tested by standardised cognitive function tests before and after 12 weeks of intervention. These interventions were associated with reduced ASD symptoms in the three domains, significant changes in qEEG network connectivity and significantly improved performance on standardised cognitive tests.
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Introduction: The prevalence of lateral curvatures of the spine ranges from 0.3% to 15.3% in the general population. The aim of the study was to develop and compare three different screening tests for idiopathic scoliosis (IS) with respect to their effectiveness and costs. Material and methods: The Delphi method was used to assess the efficacy of each screening algorithm in detecting IS in the population. An economic analysis was also performed. Results: Diagnostic Algorithm 1 for IS comprised a screening examination performed by nurses and a general practitioner (GP) with verification by specialists. The unit cost of carrying out diagnostic work-up for IS in Algorithm 1 was €94 per child. The second algorithm involved the use of the moiré computer method, followed by verification by a specialist. The lower unit cost of €86 per child of diagnostic work-up according to Algorithm 2 was due to fewer stages compared to Algorithm 1. The highest effectiveness with the highest costs were found for the third algorithm, with only one stage, a specialist's consultation (cost €153 per child). Conclusions: The number of stages in an algorithm does not correlate positively with its efficacy or cost. The recommended scheme is Algorithm 3, where children are examined by rehabilitation specialists or a physiotherapist using a scoliometer and an inclinometer. The use of the apparently most expensive scheme (Algorithm 3) should result in lowering the costs of treatment of established idiopathic scoliosis and, in the long term, prove to be the most cost-effective solution for the health care system.
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Increasing number of children with learning difficulties is a nationwide problem that requires immediate attention apart from neurobiology sciences, psychology, pedagogy, medicine, etc.. Children with learning disorders, ADHD, dyslexia, hypo / hyper tonic, autistic, hyperactive, language disorders, oral retention, coordination disorders, sensory disorders, emotional disorders and various other neural developments are known to maintain reflexes that have contributed to their symptoms and level of dysfunction. Difficulty in learning, from the presence of the initial reflexes beyond biological, Babinski, Moro and Startle, Walk or Steps (Stepping), Research (Rooting), feeding (sucking), Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR), Tonic Reflex Maze (TLR), Palm Reflex (Palmar) Plantar Reflex (Plantar) Galant Reflex, such as parachute reflexes and abou 70 as these are neurological disorders and children may have difficulty speaking, reading, and/or writing, spelling, reasoning, perceiving, memorizing, organization and processing information. Primitive reflexes are essential for the survival and development in the womb and in the first months of life. Times of occurrence that initial reflexes begin are in early prenatal stages of the child in the uterus. Some initial reflexes are present at birth and are an indicator of development neurobiology. By anatomical and biological perspectives, initial reflexes stay for a short period of time and under the influence of specific movements, they refrain and postural reflexes take place. This is the stage when they are integrated with the higher centers of the brain control. If they are kept beyond their normal age of integration they can disturb some or all the functions of the higher brain centers which includes behavior; such as learning and integration of large or fine movements and more neurological disorders. Initial stem reflexes use a program based on the theory of repetition which enables alliteration of specific stages of development through paraphrasing movement patterns based on early brain development. The brain is given a "second chance" to pass through the stages which have been missing or have been incomplete movements in the first year of life, so therefor, nerves and nerve development pass in the proper time. DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n11p77
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The purpose was to determine the level of agreement between the Motoriktest für Vier- bis Sechsjährige Kinder [MOT 4-6] and the Movement Assessment Battery for Children [M-ABC]. 48 preschool children participated in the study (Mean age = 5 years, 6 months, SD = 3 months). There was high classification agreement (90%) between both tests. A Kappa correlation coefficient (0.67) provided moderately strong support for convergent validity. Less agreement was shown in identification of motor difficulties (58%). This was reflected by lower correlation coefficients on the fine movement cluster and test item level. The MOT 4-6 showed values within the range of similar movement skill performance assessment protocols. Because of its specific focus it may be of meaningful value to assess movement skill competence in typically developing preschool children (ages 4 to 6). Key pointsThe Motoriktest für Vier- bis Sechsjährige Kinder (MOT 4-6) showed values within the range of similar motor performance tests. Because of its specific focus it may be of great value to assess movement skill competence in typically developing preschool children (ages 4 to 6).Children's movement skill competence can be expressed as a single composite score. The results from this study also support the use of composite scores that include functional categorization (e.g. locomotion, object control and stability).
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Central nervous system damage in early life results in both quantitative and qualitative abnormalities of psychomotor development. Late sequelae of these disturbances may include visual perception disorders which not only affect the ability to read and write but also generally influence the child's intellectual development. This study sought to determine whether a central coordination disorder (CCD) in early life treated according to Vojta's method with elements of the sensory integration (S-I) and neuro-developmental treatment (NDT)/Bobath approaches affects development of visual perception later in life. The study involved 44 participants aged 15-16 years, including 19 diagnosed with moderate or severe CCD in the neonatal period, i.e. during the first 2-3 months of life, with diagnosed mild degree neonatal encephalopathy due to perinatal anoxia, and 25 healthy people without a history of developmental psychomotor disturbances in the neonatal period. The study tool was a visual perception IQ test comprising 96 graphic tasks. The study revealed equal proportions of participants (p < 0.05) defined as very skilled (94-96), skilled (91-94), aerage (71-91), poor (67-71), and very poor (0-67) in both groups. These results mean that adolescents with a history of CCD in the neonatal period did not differ with regard to the level of visual perception from their peers who had not demonstrated psychomotor development disorders in the neonatal period. Early treatment of children with CCD affords a possibility of normalising their psychomotor development early enough to prevent consequences in the form of cognitive impairments in later life.
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A developmental questionnaire was given to the parents of 140 children. Seventy of the children had a history of specific learning difficulties which had not responded to normal remedial education. The remaining 70 had no history of specific learning difficulties. The research was undertaken to ascertain whether the developmental questionnaire could be used as a reliable instrument to detect the neuro-developmental delay underlying the specific learning difficulties and preventing remedial intervention from being effective. The results revealed that the screening questionnaire did discriminate between the two populations. At a 98% confidence level, a child with a score of 7 or more belonged to the specific learning difficulty group and a child scoring 2 or less did not. A score of 7 or more is therefore necessary to identify a neuro-developmentally based specific learning difficulty. The two populations were also compared on individual questions to identify which early developmental factors were significant in predicting later learning difficulties when viewed as part of a developmental profile.
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Objective: Asymmetrical skull deformity is frequently seen in children with cerebral palsy, and may contribute to postural abnormalities and deformities. The aim of this cross-sectional- survey was to determine the frequency of asymmetrical skull deformity and its correlation with clinical parameters. Methods: A 10-item checklist for asymmetrical skull deformity, postural abnormalities, and deformities was developed, and its inter-rater reliability was tested. A total of 110 participants aged 1-18 years (mean age 9.3 years (standard deviation 4.7)) was assessed using the checklist. The frequency of asymmetrical skull deformity was analysed and related to the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), postural abnormalities, and deformities. Results: The reliability of the checklist was satisfactory (κ > 0.8). Asymmetrical skull deformity was observed in 44 children, 24 showing right and 20 showing left flat occipital deformity. Its frequency was significantly related to GMFCS and with the patterns of asymmetrical posture and deformities (p < 0.05). Children with right flat occipital asymmetrical skull deformity showed predominantly rightward facial direction and right-side-dominant asymmetrical tonic neck reflex, left convex scoliosis, right-side-elevated pelvic obliquity, and left-sided hip dislocation. Those with left flat occipital asymmetrical skull deformity demonstrated the reverse tendency. Conclusion: Asymmetrical skull deformity is frequent in cerebral palsy and closely related to asymmetrical posture and deformities. This information will be useful to manage these problems.
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The present research studied the symptomatologic overlap of AD/HD behaviours and retention of four primitive reflexes (Moro, Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex [TLR], Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex [ATNR], Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex [STNR]) in 109 boys aged 7-10 years. Of these, 54 were diagnosed with AD/HD, 34 manifested sub-syndromal coordination, learning, emotional and/or behavioural symptoms of AD/HD, and 21 had no (or near to no) symptoms of AD/HD. Measures of AD/HD symptomatology and of the boys’ academic performance were also obtained using the Conners’ rating scale and the WRAT-3, respectively. Results indicated that, in general, boys diagnosed with AD/HD had significantly higher levels of reflex retention than non-diagnosed boys. Results also indicated both direct and indirect relationships between retention of the Moro, ATNR, STNR and TLR reflexes with AD/HD symptomatology and mathematics achievement. The pattern of relationships between these variables was also consistent with the notion of the Moro acting as a gateway for the inhibition of the other three reflexes.
Implicit skill learning underlies not only motor but also cognitive and social skills, and represents an important aspect of life from infancy to old age. Earlier research examining this fundamental form of learning has shown that learning relies on motor and perceptual skills, along with the possible role of oculomotor learning. The goals of this study were to determine whether motor or perceptual cues provide better prompts to sequence learning and to remove the possibility of oculomotor learning during the task. We used a modified version of the probabilistic alternating serial reaction time task, which allowed the separation of motor and perceptual factors. Our results showed that motor and perceptual factors influenced skill learning to a similar extent.
An Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex Rating Scale was applied to data from 40 normal 3- and 5-year-old children. Raw scores representing degrees of elbow flexion in response to passive head rotation were converted using a four-point scale, and the results of eight trials in quadrupedal posture were summed. These results reinforce those of previous studies: the mean inhibition scores increased with age, whereas the variance decreased. Results also support further development of normative data for clinical use of the scale.