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New records of two pyrophilous ascomycetes from Siberia: Pyropyxis rubra and Rhodotarzetta rosea


Abstract and Figures

The paper reports the first findings of Pyropyxis rubra and Rhodotarzetta rosea from Asian Russia (West Siberia). The ecological conditions, i.e. vegetation, substrates and phenology of both species are described and compared with earlier publications. Also the morphological characteristics are described and depicted by photographic images and the differences between these quite similar species are highlighted. P. rubra has been cultivated in vitro. The paper provides descriptions of the anamorphic stage and culture growth on different media.
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New records of two pyrophilous ascomycetes from Siberia:
Pyropyxis rubra and Rhodotarzetta rosea
Uwe LINDEMANN, 8 (4) : 119-126.
Juillet 2016
Mise en ligne le 08/07/2016
Abstract: The paper reports the rst ndings of Pyropyxis rubra and Rhodotarzetta rosea from Asian Russia
(West Siberia). The ecological conditions, i.e. vegetation, substrates and phenology of both species are des-
cribed and compared with earlier publications. Also the morphological characteristics are described and de-
picted by photographic images and the dierences between these quite similar species are highlighted.
P. rubra has been cultivated in vitro. The paper provides descriptions of the anamorphic stage and culture
growth on dierent media.
Keywords: Ascomycota, ecology, post-re successions, Pyronemataceae, pyrophilous fungi, West Siberia.
Пиропиксис красная (Pyropyxis rubra) – редкий вид, связанный с пирогенными сообществами, где он
развивается в первые годы после пожара на почве как сапротроф или факультативный паразит. Ареал
вида был изначально ограничен Северо-американским континентом, однако позже появились на-
ходки в Швеции и в европейской части России (Мордовский заповедник). Нами отмечено новое ме-
стонахождение пиропиксиса в Западной Сибири в окрестностях г. Ханты-Мансийска. Родотарцетта
розовая (Rhodotarzetta rosea) отмечалась ранее в Европе и Северной Америке, а также на Дальнем Вос-
токе России и также является пирофильным видом. Нами отмечена первая находка вида на территории
Западной Сибири в окр. Юганского заповедника. Виды имеют схожий внешний облик и сложно раз-
личаются без подробного ознакомления.
В статье мы провели описание экологических условий произрастания, фенологии, морфологического
строения двух видов в их сравнении, а также условий культивирования P. rubra на искусственных сре-
Pyropyxis rubra (Peck) Egger is a pyrophilous species reported
from post-re habitats where it grows as a saprophyte and colonizes
the seedlings of trees (EGGER & PADDEN, 1986a, 1986b). Originally only
known from North America, it was later recorded in Sweden (EICH-
WALD, 1999) and recently in Russia (BOLSHAKOV & IVOYLOV, 2012). Rho-
dotarzetta rosea (Rea) Dissing & Sivertsen which is confusingly
similar to Pyropyxis rubra, is known from a comparatively larger
number of records from Europe, North America and the Far East of
Russia. It is probably also a saprophytic pyrophilous species.
The scope of the present publication is to describe new records
of both species from West Siberia along with morphological, ecolo-
gical and — in the case of P. rubra — cultural characteristics.
Material and methods
Specimens were collected by random routes in dierent forest
communities including post-re locations. We did not attempt to
assess the occurrence and abundance of the species.
Voucher specimens were collected in the eld according to the
standard scheme (LODGE et al., 2004). Macroscopic pictures were
taken using a Canon EOS 60D in situ and with a stereo microscope
with a mounted camera.
Apothecia were examined microscopically from material rehydra-
ted in tap water. Lugol’s solution was applied for testing the iodine
reaction. The preparations were dyed with Congo Red to improve
the view of the structures of excipulum. Anamorphic stages from
culture were examined in tap water in the vital stage. A Zeiss Axio-
star microscope with an Achromat 40/0.65 objective (dry) and an
Achromat 100/1.25 Oil immersion objective was used for examina-
tion. Мicrographs were made with an AxioCam ERc5s digital camera.
Cultures were obtained from dried apothecia. Small parts of hy-
menium were placed onto agar medium thus obtaining polysperm
cultures. The cultures were grown on three media: 1) potato dex-
trose agar (PDA): potatoes (300 g), glucose (10 g), agar (20 g), tap
water (1000 g), pH = 7; 2) water agar (WA): agar (20 g), tap water
(1000 g), pH = 7; 3) PDA with addition of 1/2 spoon of aspen-wood
ash, pH = 8. Five replicates were made of each media.
In addition to the cultures on agar media, the mycelium was ino-
culated on three types of sterile substrates and grown in jars for two
months. This was done to induce the teleomorphic stage of the spe-
cies by growing in culture. Three substrates were composed as fol-
lows: 1) sand (500 g) + bran (50 g) + charcoal (½ spoon) mixture; 2)
grain (300 g) + charcoal (½ spoon) mixture; 3) garden soil (300 g) +
ash and charcoal (½ spoon) mixture.
Morphological description
Pyropyxis rubra (Peck) Egger, Can. J. Bot., 62 (4): 705 (1984).
Basionym: Peziza rubra Peck, Ann. Rep. New York State Mus. Nat. Hist.,
24: 95 (1872).
Apothecia rst hemispherical, then urnulate to cupulate, sessile,
up to 2 cm in diameter, 1 cm high, pink with paler outer surface and
more intensively coloured hymenium, outer surface pubescent from
short hairs (lens), becoming glabrescent when old, hymenial surface
smooth, pubescent margin of the apothecium extending beyond
the hymenium for 0.1 mm. The fruitbodies grow scattered to den-
sely packed, forming bright beds covering the soil surface mixed
with ash, charred wood and forest litter.
Ectal excipulum 0.7 (at base) to 0.2 (at margin) mm thick, consis-
ting of textura globulosa of thick-walled hyaline cells (10–15 m),
cells of outer layer forming scarce chains at anks and dense moni-
liform brownish hairs 50–80 m long at margin. Medullary excipu-
lum of tightly packed textura intricata, cell walls thickened but less
than in the ectal excipulum. Subhymenium composed of intricate
hyphae 3–5 m broad arising from the layer of enlarged globose
cells beneath. Asci cylindrical, gradually enlarged to upper part,
†170–195 × 13–16 m, with croziers, operculate, inamyloid. Para-
physes liform, same length as asci, scarcely branched, 2–3 m
broad, septate, some lled with refractive hyaline vacuolar content
in dead state. Ascospores ellipsoid, with several small to medium
guttules when immature, but eguttulate at maturity, †14.2–17.4 ×
7.7–9.8 m, mean: 15.6 × 8.8 m (n = 20).
Fig. 1. Pyropyxis rubra – macroscopical features: A. Densely packed apothecia forming bright beds covering soil surface, B. Photograph of
apothecia in studio showing size and shape (bar = 1 cm), C. Median section through the apothecium, photograph under the lens.
Mycelium from agar colonies 2–10 m broad, hyaline to brow-
nish, septate, smooth to densely warted in old cultures; catenulate
hyphae 7–9 m broad, septate with constrictions, producing dense
sclerotial tissue of thick-walled cells of textura globulosa; conidio-
phores up to 100 m long, 3–5 m broad, hyaline, septate, terminal
fertile cells dichotomously branched and inated up to 9 m, pro-
ducing abundant conidia on short denticles; conidia subglobose,
obovate, elliptical, clavate to subcylindrical, with short denticles,
Fig. 2. Pyropyxis rubra – microscopic features: A. Ascus (dead state), B. Paraphysis (dead state) with vacuolar content, C. Ascus apical ap-
paratus in IKI, D. Basal part of ascus, E. Immature spores containing small guttules, F. Mature spores lacking oil content, G. Medullar excipulum
of textura intricata (CR), H. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa made of thick-walled cells, I. Moniliform hairs of ectal excipulum. All structures
examined from exsiccata (rehydrated in KOH). Scale bars in A, G, H, I = 20 m and B, C, D, E, F = 10 m.
Fig. 3. Pyropyxis rubra – culture characteristics: A. Colonia view (conidial stage) on PDA, one week after inoculation, B. Same culture three
weeks after inoculation with cottony clumps of catenuate hyphae, C. Conidiophores with dichotomously branched upper part producing
conidia, D. Conidia, E. Catenuate hyphum with thick walls from sclerotium at later stages of culture development. All structures in vital
state. Scale bars in D = 10 m and C, E = 20 m.
light brownish when mature, rst smooth becoming more or less
echinulate in old cultures with thin spines up to 1.5 m high, *10–
28 × 6–9 m, mean: 16.5 × 8 µm (n = 30).
Studied collections: 1. RUSSIA, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous
Okrug, Khanty-Mansiysk vicinities, Mukhrino eld station of the
Yugra State University, 60.90019°N, 68.73659°E, 16 Jun. 2011, leg.
T. Bulyonkova & N. Filippova, det. N. Filippova, Fungarium of the
Yugra State University (YSU-F-03353). This nding was photogra-
phed in situ, collected and preserved as a dry specimen, studied mi-
croscopically, but after that the collection was lost and not available
for further study. 2. RUSSIA, same location, 19 Jun. 2012, leg. N. Filip-
pova, det. U. Lindemann, Fungarium of the Yugra State University
(YSU-F-03585) and private herbarium of Uwe Lindemann (U.L. 180-
15). This collection was made in the same location, two years after
re. The specimens were photographed in situ and in laboratory
under the lens. This specimen was used for cultivation and its ana-
morphic stages grown on dierent media are stored as dry cultures.
Rhodotarzetta rosea (Rea) Dissing & Sivertsen, Mycotaxon, 16 (2):
456 (1983).
Basionym: Pustularia rosea Rea, Trans. Worcestershire Nat. Club, 8:
20 (1924).
Synonym: Tarzetta rosea (Rea) Dennis, Brit. Ascom.: 30 (1978).
Apothecia sessile, cupulate with slightly involute sinuous margin,
partially embedded in substrate, uniformly bright pink with a slight
lilac tinge at center, 3–7 mm in diameter; external surface smooth,
Ectal excipulum composed of ramose, tangled, partially inated
elements, often in chains, 9–24 (mean 15, n = 22) µm wide and 19.7–
60 (mean 35.1, n=22) µm long, ventricose-cylindrical, utriform, fusi-
form, clavate or irregular-shaped, some with walls up to 2.5 µm
thick, cemented by a thin external layer of gelatinous material; hairs
not observed; apothecium attached to the substrate via tangled, ra-
mose lamentous hyphae 3.0–7.7 (mean 4.9, n = 20) µm wide. Me-
dullary excipulum as textura globulosa, 200–700 µm thick of tightly
packed thin-walled inated hyaline elements 13–40 (mean 25, n =
20) µm wide. Subhymenium a very tightly packed (preventing exa-
mination of individual structures) textura intricata 50–100 µm thick
of thin-walled lamentous hyphae, appearing reddish en masse.
Asci cylindrical, slightly tapering towards the base, †175–200 × 11–
15 µm, with croziers, operculate, inamyloid. Paraphyses liform,
same length as asci, occasionally branched in the lower third, enlar-
ged in upper part to 4–6 µm wide, with orange vacuolar pigment
(in the rehydrated exsiccatum). Ascospores ellipsoid, smooth, hya-
line, with several guttules when immature, ripe with two guttules
or one large central guttule, †14.7–17.7 × 7.6–8.7 µm, mean 16.1 ×
8.1 µm (n = 20).
Studied collections: RUSSIA, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous
Okrug, Surgutskiy rayon, Ugut vicinities, in Leikovskiy Bor,
60.35469°N, 74.01040°E, 25 Jul. 2015, leg. and det. T. Bulyonkova,
YSU-F-06578 and in the private collection of Tatiana Bulyonkova (T.B.
Culture growth of Pyropyxis rubra
PDA: Colonies fast growing, reaching 9 cm diameter in 3 days,
greyish, with brownish conidial mass, with occose overgrowth for-
ming 2-3 indistinct radial zones, later forming abundant white cot-
tony clumps throughout the colony. Conidia begin to form after 2–3
days. At later stages of colony development the white cottony
clumps become dense warts and nally form sclerotia, they develop
intensively during the colony die-o.
PDA with ash: Similar characteristics.
WA: Similar characteristics, but colonies much thinner, mycelium
mostly submerged, slow growing and conidia barely forming.
Inoculation of three types of substrates (sand-bran-charcoal,
grain-charcoal, and garden earth-charcoal) produced extensive
growth with formation of conidia and sclerotia. No apothecia for-
med by the end of cultivation period (2 months). The most intensive
colonization was observed in sand-bran-charcoal, while earth-char-
coal supported the weakest growth.
Ecological conditions
The rst record of Pyropyxis rubra was made in the vicinities of the
Mukhrino eld station of the Yugra State University in June 2011.
An abundant fruiting of the species was discovered on a raised bank
of the Mukhrina river, in a periodically ooded birch-aspen forest
with admixture of conifers and shrubs, one year after re. Apothecia
were abundant on open soil covered by ash and charred litter in an
area of 50 m, especially abundant fruiting was found on a slope of
the Mukhrina river bank in a well-lit location. The re had damaged
the shrub and herbaceous layers approximately a year earlier (July
2010) but did not disturb the tree layer on the area of 300 m. Traces
of charred debris and ash covering the soil were still present in June
2011. Besides the occurrence of P. rubra, the site was inhabited by
other pyrophilous species: Pholiota highlandensis (Peck) Singer, Co-
prinellus xanthothrix (Romagn.) Vilgalys, Hopple & Jacq. Johnson,
C. domesticus (Bolton) Vilgalys, Hopple & Jacq. Johnson, Psathyrella
pennata (Fr.) A. Pearson & Dennis, Anthracobia sp., Daldinia loculata
(Lév.) Sacc., Morchella tomentosa M. Kuo, Peziza tenacella W. Phillips,
and Plicaria endocarpoides (Berk.) Rifai. The second record of P. rubra
comes from the same location visited one year later (June 2012),
where it was fruiting much less abundantly compared to the rst
year. The traces of re were almost gone and shifts in other fungal
community composition also occurred.
Rhodotarzetta rosea was recorded at a signicant distance in the
vicinities of the Yuganskiy Nature Reserve. The fruitbodies grew in
an area recovering after a low-intensity re of 2013 in a Cladonia
Scots Pine forest. Fruitbodies grew on a well-lit southern microslope
above a marshy creek owing through a boggy former oxbow lake,
in a small group covering an area of about 10 × 10 cm on charred
sandy soil, among fresh shoots of Funaria hygrometrica.
Pyropyxis rubra
The known distribution of P. rubra was originally restricted to
North America where it was frequently encountered in eastern On-
tario and also recorded in New York (Highland) and British Columbia
(EGGER, 1984). The rst European collection was reported in 1993
from Sweden (EICHWALD, 1999). Two additional collections from Swe-
den in 2000 were reported in a short note of EICHWALD (2002). A
search of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) database
yields 16 records of P. rubra, all from Sweden. They include the three
reports mentioned above and 13 additional collections made in
2015 in the vicinities of Fagersta (Sweden). The rst Russian collec-
tion of P. rubra was reported from Mordovia (BOLSHAKOV & IVOYLOV,
2012). Apothecia were collected on burned soil in a Scots Pine forest
(approximate collection coordinates: 54.7823°N, 43.1833°E). The
next collection came from Novgorod oblast’ where the species was
found by S. Arslanov on burnt soil in a post-re coniferous forest (Eu-
gene Popov, information based on the Botanical Institute of V.L. Ko-
marov herbarium (LE) database). Our collections are signicantly
more eastern (about 2000 km) in relation to the previous Russian
reports and located in the Asian part of Russia. Our collection is cur-
rently the northernmost report (61°N) of the species.
All known collections of P. rubra are related to post-re commu-
nities, and thus the species is considered as a pyrophilous species
(DIX & WEBSTER, 1995). It has been registered mostly in post-re deci-
duous and coniferous forests rather than open grassland land-
scapes. In relation to post-re succession, P. rubra seems to belong
to the group of species fruiting soon after burning (DIX & WEBSTER,
Fig. 4. Rhodotarzetta rosea – macroscopical and microscopical features: A. Apothecia in situ, B. Medullar excipulum of textura globulosa,
C. Ectal excipulum, partially inated hyphae in an intercellular matrix, D. Filamentous hyphae at the bottom of apothecium, E. Hymenium
and ascospores, F. Ascus tips and paraphyses in Melzer’s reagent, G. Crozier at ascus base, H. Paraphyses. All structures examined from the
rehydrated exsiccate, except of F, which was rehydrated in 3% NaOH. Scale bars = 50 m.
1995): it was frequently collected in a one-year-old re by EGGER
(1984), it was found in Sweden one year after re (EICHWALD, 1999),
and our observations registered a strong decline in abundance on
a third year after re (no apothecia were found in the site in the fol-
lowing years). In spite of the fact that many fungal species of post-
re successions are saprotrophic, P. rubra is considered to be
facultatively pathogenic. Under experimental conditions it caused
pathogenic infection of germinants and seedlings of Pinus contorta
(EGGER & PADEN, 1986a, 1986b). However, the enzymes of pectinase,
cellulase and phenol oxidase were also registered (EGGER, 1986). The-
refore the ability of the species to live as a saprobe can not be ex-
cluded. In supporting this observation, its anamorphic stage easily
grows in culture as a saprobe on simple media.
We successfully cultivated P. rubra but so far have managed to
grow only its anamorphic stage. The anamorph is undemanding
and grew well on simple media without additives. More intensive
growth was observed during cultivation on rich media (PDA) com-
pared to water agar. Conidial stages did not require addition of ash
to the media (pH 8) for growth. We failed to obtain the teleomorphic
sporulation in culture using dierent types of media and substrates.
The morphological characteristics of the teleomorphic and ana-
morphic stages of our collections coincide well with earlier descrip-
tions from Canada (EGGER, 1984) and Sweden (EICHWALD, 1999). The
characteristic of culture growth was similar to descriptions in EGGER
(1984) except of the conidia which in our cultures were formed
abundantly without ultraviolet light treatment.
Rhodotarzetta rosea
R. rosea was originally described from Britain where it is presently
known from many records in the Fungal Record Database of Britain
and Ireland. The species was also registered in other countries of
Northern and Central Europe: in Norway (DISSING & SIVERTSEN, 1983;
HANSEN & KNUDSEN, 2000; BRANDRUD, 2010), Finland (KORHONEN, 2009),
Denmark (DISSING & SIVERTSEN, 1983; HANSEN & KNUDSEN, 2000), The Ne-
therlands (MAAS GEESTERANUS, 1967; DISSING & SIVERTSEN, 1983), Slovakia
(BARANOVIČ, 2016), Lithuania (KUTORGA, 1986), Switzerland (JAKOB &
SENN-IRLET, 2015), Austria, Germany, and Estonia (data of GBIF). The
species is said to be widely distributed in North America (BEUG et al.,
2014). In Russia R. rosea was known originally from several registra-
tions in the Far East (BOGACHEVA, 2005, 2009)1. Recently, new records
from Central Russia in the vicinities of Saint-Petersburg and Moscow
were reported on a Russian mycological Internet forum (Eugene
Popov, personal communication).
The association of R. rosea with burned areas is supported by all
publications mentioned. Nevertheless, the trophic status of the spe-
cies is unclear. It could be saprophytic, as well as bryosymbiotic (si-
milar to other species of Octospora lineage); an ectomycorrhizal
status is also possible in regard to the phylogenetically close genus
Rhodoscypha (HANSEN et al., 2013). R. rosea was collected in both
coniferous and deciduous (oak) forests (BRANDRUD, 2010). In our re-
cords, there is a remarkable similarity of habitat preferences bet-
ween R. rosea and P. rubra: both species grow at well-lit burnt sites
on slopes with southern exposure in proximity of owing water.
That could explain their apparent rarity (see below “Conservation”).
Whether they are or not indeed stenotopic will remain an open
question until more nds are reported.
DENNIS (1968) and DISSING & SIVERTSEN (1983) provide a detailed mor-
phological description of R. rosea; macro-photographs are provided
by several publications: BARANOVIČ (2016), BEUG et al. (2014), KORHONEN
(2009), PETERSEN (2016), STOREY (in VAN VOOREN, 2015), RUBIO (1997). In
comparison to these, our collection has smaller apothecia (3–7 mm)
while the size could reach up to 2 cm in other descriptions. The outer
surface of our apothecia is naked and waxy only with minute cot-
tony fragments, but in the pictures of J.H. Petersen and M. Storey it
is covered by loose white mycelium. This discrepancy could be ex-
plained by dierences in age (our specimens were not very old) or
moisture conditions. The structure of the excipulum in our collection
is two-layered (featuring a medullar excipulum made up of a textura
globulosa) while it was described and pictured by DISSING & SIVERTSEN
(1983) as a uniform textura intricata. We cannot explain this die-
rence, but probably it also relates to the age of examined apothecia.
The spore size of R. rosea was: 17–20 × 9–11 µm in DENNIS (1978),
16.5–17.9–19.8 × 7.6–8.7–9.9 µm in DISSING & SIVERTSEN (1983), 15–17
× 9 µm in REA (1924) — but 16–20 × 7.5–9.5(–11) µm in YAO & SPOONER
(2003), measured from the same type collection. Compared with
this range, our spore measurements are amongst the smallest but
t within the total range.
Comparison of Pyropyxis rubra and Rhodotarzetta rosea
The two species are quite similar to each other, but several mor-
phological dierences help to distinguish them reliably. The outer
surface of R. rosea is glabrous-waxy or covered by a white mycelial
layer in older specimens while it is nely downy from short dense
hairs in P. rubra (more apparent in younger specimens and at the
margin); the outer surface of P. rubra is lighter than the hymenium
while in R. rosea both are concolorous. Furthermore, the ascospores
in R. rosea are characterized by two large guttules which remain also
in the mature state; on the contrary, the ascospores of P. rubra
contain two guttules or several small guttules when immature but
they are eguttulate when mature. The shape of the ascospores is
also dierent: the ascospores of P. rubra are more fusoid (with rela-
tively acute ends) while in R. rosea they are more obtuse. The two
species are also reliably distinguishable by the structure of the ecto-
excipulum which is a thick-walled textura globulosa in P. rubra and a
textura intricata of slightly inated and thick-walled hyphae cemen-
ted by a gelatinous substance and loose lamentous aerial hyphae
in R. rosea.
Another species with a quite similar morphology is Rhodoscypha
ovilla (Peck) Dissing & Sivertsen, but there are considerable die-
rences in the shape and size of the ascospores. Also R. ovilla is not
pyrophilous, but grows on soil and forest litter (DISSING & SIVERTSEN,
The reduction of natural habitats (pristine forests and natural res)
creates the threat of extinction of closely associated pyrophilous
species. For this reason, R. rosea is included in conservation lists by
several countries. It is listed as a Near Threatened species in Norway
(KÅLÅS et al., 2010) and also recorded in dierent protection status
for Denmark, Finland, Germany and The Netherlands (in the Com-
piled European fungal Red List data base) (OTTO, 2011). P. rubra is lis-
ted in the Red List of Finland (OTTO, 2011) and is recommended for
the Red List status in Mordovia Republic, Russia (BOLSHAKOV & IVOYLOV,
2012b). We do not have enough information on the abundance of
the two species in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug to draw
conclusions regarding their conservation status. But it seems unli-
kely that their habitats in the region will decline in the near future.
Both species appear to be rare compared to other pyrophilous spe-
cies and additional study of their ecology and habitat would be very
We thank Eugene Popov for providing information from LE her-
barium and his personal database about the species occurrences in
1BOGACHEVA (2009) describes the range of R. rosea in the Far East of Russia without detailed description of collection sites: in Daurskiy (54N
123E), Okhotskiy (61N 145E), Ussuriyskiy (47N 135E) and North-Sakhalinskiy (53N 143E) oristic regions. The same author (BOGACHEVA, 2005)
describes a collection from Sakhalin island in Bauri river valley (51N 143E), where it was collected on bare soil (VLAD-2021, VLAD-2030).
Russia. We are grateful to Chris Yeates for improving the English lan-
guage in the manuscript.
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Tatiana Bulyonkova
A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems Russian Academy of
Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, prospect Lavrentyeva, 6
Nina Filippova
Yugra State University, 628508 Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous
Okrug, Shapsha village, Stroiteley street 1
Uwe Lindemann
Pügerstrasse 62
12047 Berlin
... Boud. (Roxon & Batra, 1973;Turnau, 1983;Šimonovičová et al., 2014), Pyropyxis rubra (Peck) Egger (Filipova et al., 2016). Studies of morphogenesis of P. domesticum apothecia and sclerotia under the influence of various factors have also been conducted (Moore-Landecker, 1975;1979a;1987a;Filipova et al., 2016). ...
... (Roxon & Batra, 1973;Turnau, 1983;Šimonovičová et al., 2014), Pyropyxis rubra (Peck) Egger (Filipova et al., 2016). Studies of morphogenesis of P. domesticum apothecia and sclerotia under the influence of various factors have also been conducted (Moore-Landecker, 1975;1979a;1987a;Filipova et al., 2016). In Ukraine, no studies of pyrophilous discomycetes in culture have been conducted until now. ...
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Three pyrophilous discomycetes species (Anthracobia maurilabra (Cooke) Boud., Pyronema domesticum (Sowerby) Sacc. and Tricharina praecox (P. Karst.) Dennis) have been cultivated and studied in vitro. Cultures were obtained from fresh apothecia сollected in the Holosiivskyi National Nature Park (Kyiv, Ukraine). The culture growth and morphological characteristics of the studied fungi on different media (beer wort agar, Czapek Dox agar, potato-dextrose agar) were analyzed. All investigated species can quite easily grow under laboratory conditions on different tested nutrient media. Potato-dextrose agar was the most suitable medium for the enhancement of radial growth and the best expresses all the phenotypes of the colony of studied fungi. Macro- and micromorphological descriptions of all fungal colonies and illustrations are provided. The micromorphological analysis showed that common to the mycelium of all studied species of fungi was the presence of numerous drops of oil in the hyphae, anastomoses like T. praecox, а net- like structure of A. maurilabra similar to nematode capture hook. Beside this, A. maurilabra and P. domesticum formed the sexual stage under experimental conditions. Forming fruiting bodies of A. maurilabra in culture has not been reported before. Moreover, P. domesticum was found to form abundant dark brown sclerotia on potato-dextrose agar and Czapek Dox agar. Possible pigment composition in the P. domesticum sclerotia is discussed based on the Raman spectroscopy study, performed on this genus for the first time. The established cultural characteristics can be useful for taxonomic identification of fungal species and for pure quality control of mycelial cultures during their introduction, preservation and future potential applications in biotechnological areas.
... (Paden 1975), Pithya Fuckel (Paden 1972), Nanoscypha Denison (Pfister 1973), Sarcoscypha (Fr.) Boud. (Harrington 1990), Geopyxis (Paden 1972), Pyropyxis Egger (Egger 1984, Filippova et al. 2016 and Trichophaea (Hennebert 1973). Staurospores can be found in Miladina lecithina (Cooke) Svrček (Descals and Webster 1978). ...
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Octospora conidiophora is described as a new species, based on collections from South Africa. It is characterised by apothecia with a distinct margin, smooth or finely warted ellipsoid ascospores, stiff, thick-walled hyaline hairs, warted mycelial hyphae and growth on pleurocarpous mosses Trichosteleum perchlorosum and Sematophyllum brachycarpum (Hypnales) on decaying wood in afromontane forests. It is the first species of bryophilous Pezizales in which an anamorph has been observed; it produces long, claviform, curved, hyaline and transversely septate conidia. Three other cryptic species of Octospora were detected using three molecular markers (LSU and SSU nrDNA and EF1α), but these could not be distinguished phenotypically. These are not described formally here and an informal species aggregate O. conidiophora agg. is established for them. The new species and finds of Lamprospora campylopodis growing on Campylopus pyriformis and Neottiella albocincta on Atrichum androgynum represent the first records of bryophilous Pezizales in South Africa.
... Так, сделано подробное описание точек находок, местообитаний и экологических параметров, а также количественной структуры популяций трех видов, занесенных в Красную книгу ХМАО: Ascocoryne turficola [Filippova et al., 2013;Филиппова, Бульонкова, 2013], Sarcosoma globosum [Звягина, 2015] и Arrhenia discorosea [Звягина и др., 2015]. Также выполнено подробное описание двух редких находок пирофильных дискомицетов -Pyropyxis rubra и Rhodotarzetta rosea [Filippova et al., 2016], что дополнило сведения об экологии, морфологических особенностях и распространении этих видов в мире. В городских насаждениях г. ...
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В предыдущей части работы мы затронули вопросы актуальности развития микологических исследований на территории севера Западной Сибири (конкретно – ХМАО) и необходимость проведения ревизии уже выполненных за 100 лет работ. Был сделан обзор первых разрозненных работ, проведенных в начале 20 века, описание истории изучения дереворазрушающих базидиомицетов и фитопатологических исследований. Во второй части мы продолжаем анализ других направлений и подводим некоторые итоги. Большое внимание на территории ХМАО уделено также изучению наземных макромицетов (в узком смысле – агарикоидных базидиомицетов), однако исследования носят локальный характер. Хорошо изучены две территории – в окр. г. Ханты-Мансийска и Юганский заповедник. Изучается как видовой состав, так и количественная структура сообществ макромицетов лесных и болотных экосистем, а также особенности биологии и экологии отдельных редких видов. Ввиду высокой заболоченности территории округа особое внимание в исследованиях было уделено сообществам грибов верховых болот (макро- и микромицеты, дрожжи, ксилотрофные базидиомицеты, миксомицеты). Выявление видового состава лихенобиоты проходило лишь в отдельных районах ХМАО, однако суммарный список видов достаточно велик. Выявлено видовое разнообразие миксомицетов на территориях некоторых ООПТ. В контексте таксономических исследований всего за период микологической истории ХМАО было описано четыре новых вида и одна комбинация, в работах сообщаются сведения о новых, еще не описанных видах. Охрана грибов в ХМАО началась с выпуска Красной книги региона в 2003 г. (второе издание вышло в 2013 году). За это время вышел ряд публикаций, посвященных микологическим природоохранным мероприятиям. Коллекции грибов являются неотъемлемой частью развития микологических исследований: на территории мы насчитываем около 5 фунгариев. Кроме того, большое число коллекций грибов, собранных в ХМАО, хранятся в исследовательских институтах других регионов. На основе опубликованных работ нами была составлена база данных находок грибов и грибоподобных организмов ХМАО (Fungal Records Database of Yugra). В настоящее время база включает около 14 тыс. записей находок грибов. Ссылка на базу данных размещена на странице сайта Фунгария ЮГУ и база данных доступна для скачивания. Анализ базы данных показал, что для территории ХМАО опубликовано около 2600 видов и подвидовых таксонов грибов и грибоподобных организмов. Из них большая часть приходится на агарикоидные базидиомицеты (30%), лишайники (37%), а также афиллофоровые базидиомицеты (19%).
... Так, сделано подробное описание точек находок, местообитаний и экологических параметров, а также количественной структуры популяций трех видов, занесенных в Красную книгу ХМАО: Ascocoryne turficola [Filippova et al., 2013;Филиппова, Бульонкова, 2013], Sarcosoma globosum [Звягина, 2015] и Arrhenia discorosea [Звягина и др., 2015]. Также выполнено подробное описание двух редких находок пирофильных дискомицетов -Pyropyxis rubra и Rhodotarzetta rosea [Filippova et al., 2016], что дополнило сведения об экологии, морфологических особенностях и распространении этих видов в мире. В городских насаждениях г. ...
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In the first part of this paper we discussed the importance of mycological studies in the Northern regions of West Siberia with developing infrastructure and relatively young mycological research history. The period of the first isolated studies in the beginning of 20th century was described first. The developing of research on lignicolous basidiomycetes and phytopathological studies were analyzed then. In the second part of publication we continue to describe other research directions and summarize the species records in a regional occurrence database. The terricolous macrofungi are important ecological group of saprotrophs and ecto-mycorrhizal species. The diversity of macrofungi was studied in a number of regions in Khanty-Mansi AO: the most intense studies were made in its capital – Khanty-Mansiysk vicinities and in the south-east part (Yuganskiy Nature Reserve). N. V. Filippova with coauthors revealed species diversity and community structure in forests near Khanty-Mansiysk and E. A. Zvyagina with coauthors are making continuous studies of funga in Yuganskiy reserve. In addition to annotated species lists, the particular features of ecology, biology and abundance were described in separate works for some rare and protected or under-studied species. The study of mycobiota of clavarioid basidiomycetes was made in one conservation area (A. G. Shiryaev). The most well-known Internet-resource collecting information on macromycetes in West Siberia is «Fungi of Novosibirsk region» also fulfilled by species findings from KHMAO (T. M. Bulyonkova). The area of Khanty-Mansi AO is sufficiently bogged where peatlands could cover up to 70% of the territory in some regions. The fungal communities of peatlands (raised bogs) were studied here in details, such as: macrofungi, microfungi on different litter debris of bog plants, yeasts on Sphagnum and bog plants, lignicolous fungi of bog pines and others. The lichens represent the large part of species diversity of fungi described in the region. The lichen mycobiota was described in several conservation areas, the highest diversity revealed in the North Ural mountains reaching about 900 species within a relatively small area (N. V. Sedelnikova).The species diversity of myxomycetes revealed in two studies in conservation areas. The fungal conservation programs were started in the region since the publication of the first Red list of fungi (2003). Henceforth, the knowledge about rare species was accumulating during following diversity studies and specialized rare species monitoring programs. The second improved edition of Red list of fungi (2013) includes 53 species of fungi and 29 species of lichens. There were three species and one combination newly described in the region during the history of its research and some additional works report on collections of possibly under-described species which leaves a wide field of future work. The last paragraph requires the development of the fungal collections (fungaria) which could promote research in fungal diversity, taxonomy, ecology and applied fields in the region. There are only five known to us collections of fungi located in the region, which are part of biological collections of museums, universities or Nature Reserves. The total amount of specimens of fungi and lichens in these collections reaches 10 000. The large part of collected and identified specimens are stored nevertheless outside the borders of KHMAO in the central Russian collections (like LE, Botanical Institute in Saint-Petersburg) or in other collections located in the researchers’ institutions. As a result of summarizing the above mentioned publications, the database of fungal record was created. The Fungal Records Database of Yugra includes about 15 fields describing species name, publication source, herbarium number, data of collection, geography, and some ecological features and presently realized as Google-spreadsheet (available from: It will be hopefully developed in a complex relational database according to present biological database standards in future. Presently, the database includes about 14 000 records of fungal findings in the region and adjacent areas reported from 76 scientific publications. According to the database summary report, there are about 2600 species and subspecies taxa identified within KHMAO up-to-date. The richest studied groups are Agaricoid basidiomycetes (781 species, or 30%), Lichens (973 species, 37%) and Aphyllophoroid basidiomycetes (504 species, 19%). The less studied groups are Ascomycetes (9%), Myxomycetes (3%), Heterobasidiomycetous fungi, Yeasts and Rusts (<1%).
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Forty-one isolates of post-fire Ascomycetes, representing 1 species of Sphaeriales and 25 species of Pezizales, were tested for ability to hydrolyze amylose, amylopectin, gelatin, xylan, lipid, pectin, chitin, cellulose, and lignin. Isolates were also assayed for the presence of phenol oxidase enzymes: laccase, tyrosinase and peroxidase. The majority of isolates were able to degrade amylose, amylopectin, gelatin, and xylan, and were unable to utilize chitin. Cellulose, lignin, and pectin utilization showed the least variation between isolates of the same species. Pectin hydrolysis and phenol oxidase production were strongly influenced by the pH of the medium. Phenol oxidase production was identified in both saprotrophs and biotrophs. However, lignin degradation was primarily observed in the saprotrophs. It is hypothesized that phenol oxidases in post-fire Pezizales function in lignin degradation in saprotrophs, but function primarily in detoxification of host-produced phenols in biotrophs. Tests were able to identify guilds of fungi associated with non-lignified substrates (e.g. litter, fine roots) and lignified substrates (e.g. wood, woody roots). Tests also helped distinguish between saprotrophic and biotrophic modes of nutrition. The majority of post-fire Pezizales appear to be opportunistic decomposers or facultative biotrophs adapted to the transient post-fire environment.
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Twenty-two species of postfire ascomycetes belonging to the order Pezizales were screened for biotrophic interactions with roots of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.). Biotrophic associations ranged from pathogenicity to mycorrhizal symbiosis, but most species tested did not show any affinity for roots. Pyropyxis rubra (Peck) Egger and Rhizina undulata Fr. were aggressive pathogens that infected the vascular cylinder and killed the seedlings. Tricharina praecox (Karst.) Dennis var. intermedia Egger, Yang & Korf also had some ability to infect the vascular cylinder, but usually did not kill the seedlings. Geopyxis carbonaria (A. & S.) Sacc. and Trichophaea hemisphaerioides (Mont.) Graddon invaded the cortex, forming complex intracellular structures, but did not penetrate the vascular cylinder. They may form mutualistic associations under certain conditions. The only confirmed mutualistic species was Sphaerosporella brunnea (A. & S.) Svrcek & Kubicka, which formed ectendomycorrhizae. Anthracobia maurilabra (Cooke) Boud. and A. tristis (Bomm., Rouss. & Sacc.) Boud. appear to be primarily root-surface inhabitants with limited capacity to infect cortical tissues through breaks in the epidermis. Gyromitra infula (Schaef.) Quél. penetrated the epidermis but was unable to overcome host defences against pathogenic infection.
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Forty isolates of postfire ascomycetes (Pezizales) were tested for in vitro pathogenicity on seeds and germinants of lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta Dougl. Two known pathogens, Caloscypha fulgens (Pers.) Boud. and Botrytis cinerea Pers., were included as a check of the method. Caloscypha fulgens was the only fungus that caused serious declines in seed germination, although several species of postfire Pezizales were capable of preemergence seed infection. Rhizina undulata Fr. and Pyropyxis rubra (Peck) Egger were strongly pathogenic on germinants. Pyropyxis rubra was not previously known to be pathogenic. Many isolates were weakly pathogenic on germinants under the conditions tested.
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The monotypic genus Pyropyxis is described based upon the type species, Peziza rubra Peck. Pyropyxis is distinguished by deeply cupulate, sessile, pink to reddish-orange apothecia. The ectal excipulum is composed of thick-walled cells forming a textura angularis tissue with the outer layer of cells occasionally giving rise to hyaline, moniliform hairs. The hymenium contains two types of paraphyses; most are hyaline, but some are filled with orange, crystalline pigments. The ascospores are eguttulate when fully mature but contain two small polar guttules when immature. A Dichobotrys anamorph is produced in axenic culture.
Pyronemataceae is the largest and most heterogeneous family of Pezizomycetes. It is morphologically and ecologically highly divers, comprising saprobic, ectomycorrhizal, bryosymbiotic and parasitic species, occurring in a broad range of habitats (on soil, burnt ground, debris, wood, dung and inside living bryophytes, plants and lichens). To assess the monophyly of Pyronemataceae and provide a phylogenetic hypothesis of the group, we compiled a four-gene dataset including one nuclear ribosomal and three protein-coding genes for 132 distinct Pezizomycetes species (4437 nucleotides with all markers available for 80% of the total 142 included taxa). This is the most comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Pyronemataceae, and Pezizomycetes, to date. Three hundred ninety-four new sequences were generated during this project, with the following numbers for each gene: RPB1 (124), RPB2 (99), EF-1α (120) and LSU rDNA (51). The dataset includes 93 unique species from 40 genera of Pyronemataceae, and 34 species from 25 genera representing an additional 12 families of the class. Parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses suggest that Pyronemataceae is paraphyletic due to the nesting of both Ascodesmidaceae and Glaziellaceae within the family. Four lineages with taxa currently classified in the family, the Boubovia, Geopyxis, Pseudombrophila and Pulvinula lineages, form a monophyletic group with Ascodemidaceae and Glaziellaceae. We advocate the exclusion of these four lineages in order to recognize a monophyletic Pyronemataceae. The genus Coprotus (Thelebolales, Leotiomycetes) is shown to belong to Pezizomycetes, forming a strongly supported monophyletic group with Boubovia. Ten strongly supported lineages are identified within Pyronemataceae s. str. Of these, the Pyropyxis and Otidea lineages are identified as successive sister lineages to the rest of Pyronemataceae s. str. The highly reduced (gymnohymenial) Monascella is shown to belong to Pezizomycetes and is for the first time suggested to be closely related to the cleistothecial Warcupia, as a sister group to the primarily apothecial Otidea. None of the lineages of pyronemataceous taxa identified here correspond to previous families or subfamily classifications. Ancestral character state reconstructions (ASR) using a Bayesian approach support that the ancestors of Pezizomycetes and Pyronemataceae were soil inhabiting and saprobic. Ectomycorrhizae have arisen within both lineages A, B and C of Pezizomycetes and are suggested to have evolved independently seven to eight times within Pyronemataceae s.l., whereas an obligate bryosymbiotic lifestyle has arisen only twice. No reversals to a free-living, saprobic lifestyle have happened from symbiotic or parasitic Pyronemataceae. Specializations to various substrates (e.g. burnt ground and dung) are suggested to have occurred several times in mainly saprobic lineages. Although carotenoids in the apothecia are shown to have arisen at least four times in Pezizomycetes, the ancestor of Pyronemataceae s. str., excluding the Pyropyxis and Otidea lineages, most likely produced carotenoids, which were then subsequently lost in some clades (- and possibly gained again). Excipular hairs were found with a high probability to be absent from apothecia in the deepest nodes of Pezizomycetes and in the ancestor of Pyronemataceae s. str. True hairs are restricted to the core group of Pyronemataceae s. str., but are also found in Lasiobolus (Ascodesmidaceae), the Pseudombrophila lineage and the clade of Chorioactidaceae, Sarcoscyphaceae and Sarcosomataceae. The number of gains and losses of true hairs within Pyronemataceae s.str., however, remains uncertain. The ASR of ascospore guttulation under binary coding (present or absent) indicates that this character is fast evolving and prone to shifts.
Notes on the nomenclature and taxonomy of British species recorded in the genus Tazzetta, and in its synonym Pustularia, are presented. The new combination T. scotica is proposed, with a neotype designated. Four species are recognised as British, and a key for their identification provided.
Partial sequences of nuLSU rDNA were obtained to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of Pyronemataceae, the largest and least studied family of Pezizales. The dataset includes sequences for 162 species from 51 genera of Pyronemataceae, and 39 species from an additional 13 families of Pezizales. Parsimony, ML, and Bayesian analyses suggest that Pyronemataceae is not monophyletic as it is currently circumscribed. Ascodesmidaceae is nested within Pyronemataceae, and several pyronemataceous taxa are resolved outside the family. Glaziellaceae forms the sister group to Pyronemataceae in ML analyses, but this relationship, as well as those of Pyronemataceae to the other members of the lineage, are not resolved with support. Fourteen clades of pyronemataceous taxa are well supported and/or present in all recovered trees. Several pyronemataceous genera are suggested to be non-monophyletic, including Anthracobia, Cheilymenia, Geopyxis, Humaria, Lasiobolidium, Neottiella, Octospora, Pulvinula, Stephensia, Tricharina, and Trichophaea. Cleistothecial and truffle or truffle-like ascomata forms appear to have evolved independently multiple times within Pyronemataceae. Results of these analyses do not support previous classifications of Pyronemataceae, and suggest that morphological characters traditionally used to segregate the family into subfamilial groups are not phylogenetically informative above the genus level.