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Nutcracker Esophagus With Epiphrenic Diverticulae: Case Report


Abstract and Figures

Nutcracker esophagus (NE) is a manometric pattern that is commonly seen in patients with noncardiac chest pain and/or dysphagia with normal esophageal peristalsis. We report a rare association of multiple epiphrenic esophageal diverticulae of distal esophagus with NE.
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ISPUB.COM The Internet Journal of Gastroenterology
Volume 7 Number 2
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Nutcracker Esophagus With Epiphrenic Diverticulae: Case
S Arulprakash, P Rathnakar Kini, T Pugazhendhi, S Jeevankumar
S Arulprakash, P Rathnakar Kini, T Pugazhendhi, S Jeevankumar. Nutcracker Esophagus With Epiphrenic Diverticulae:
Case Report. The Internet Journal of Gastroenterology. 2008 Volume 7 Number 2.
Nutcracker esophagus (NE) is a manometric pattern that is commonly seen in patients with noncardiac chest pain and/or
dysphagia with normal esophageal peristalsis. We report a rare association of multiple epiphrenic esophageal diverticulae of
distal esophagus with NE.
Primary esophageal motility disorders comprise various
abnormal manometric patterns which usually present with
dysphagia or chest pain. Unlike achalasia other disorders
like diffuse esophageal spasm (DES) and NE , have no well
defined pathology and could represent a range of motility
abnormalities associated with subtle neuropathic changes,
gastresophageal reflux and anxiety states. Manometric
patterns of NE poorly correlate with symptoms and response
to medical or surgical therapy. Epiphrenic diverticulae of
distal esophagus are said to occur with motility disorders
like DES, it's rarely reported with NE.
A 62-year-old male presented to our department because of
intermittent non progressive dysphagia for the past 2 years.
The patient reported an increasing frequency and duration of
the symptoms which were independent from food intake,
medication. There was no history of recurrent heart burn,
nasal regurgitation, nocturnal cough or stale food vomiting.
Barium swallow was performed which showed multiple
diverticulae in lower end of esophagus. (Fig.1)
Figure 1
Figure 1: Endoscopic view of the diverticulae of distal
esophagus above the OG Jn.
We performed an upper GI endoscopy revealed multiple
outpouchings in lower third of esophagus. (Fig.2)
Nutcracker Esophagus With Epiphrenic Diverticulae: Case Report
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Figure 2
Figure 2: Barium esophagogram showing epiphreinic
Esophageal manometry confirmed the presence of a
nutcracker esophagus, defined by high-amplitude
contractions of the distal esophagus (Fig.3). The patient was
treated with nifedipine 10mg before each meal. The
symptoms severity decreased but manometric pattern
persisted on 6 month follow up.
Figure 3
Figure 3: Manometry showing high amplitude contractions
(> 180 mm Hg)
Nutcracker esophagus (NE) was introduced by Benjamin
and Castell in 1980. Other terms used are Supersqueezer and
hypertensive peristalsis. The manometric feature proposed
for a diagnosis of nutcracker esophagus (1) is a mean distal
esophageal peristaltic wave amplitude greater than 2
standard deviations above normal (i.e., greater than 180 mm
Hg) (2) in a symptomatic patient (measured as the average
amplitude of 10 swallows at two recording sites positioned 3
and 8 cm above the LOS). Peristaltic contractions of long
duration (>6 sec) are found commonly but are not required
for manometric diagnosis of nutcracker esophagus (3).
NE has been described in 27%-48% of patients with
noncardiac chest pain (3). This manometric pattern is often
unassociated with pain. The underlying mechanism for chest
pain is obscure. In some patients there is coexisting acid
reflux, in others, an underlying psychological problem has
been observed (4). Transition of NE to other motility
disorders raises speculation that it lies in the beginning of
spectrum of motility disorder that ends in achalasia.
Chest pain is the predominant symptom (90%) and
dysphagia is less common. (3) Symptoms intensity,
frequency, and location vary. Most patients are evaluated for
chest pain syndrome and referred to gastroenterologist after
ruling out cardiac disease. Associated symptoms include
depression, anxiety, and somatization; but not apparent on
routine evaluation. Physical examination is invariably
Nutcracker Esophagus With Epiphrenic Diverticulae: Case Report
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All patients have normal peristalsis hence barium studies and
radionuclide transit studies are normal (5). Association of
epiphrenic diverticulae has not been reported with NE which
was present in our case. Epiphrenic diverticula are rare and
occur in the terminal 10- 15 cm of the esophagus these
pulsion diverticula often occur secondary to motility
disorders of the esophagus, DES (24%) or achalasia (15%).
It's rarely reported along with NE. (6). Symptoms are often
due to motor disorder, rather than the diverticulum itself.
Most patients with diverticulum require no specific therapy.
Surgery is usually reserved for people with significant
progressive dysphagia or recurrent aspiration pneumonia. (7)
Diagnosis of NE requires manometry. Various criteria for
diagnosis was used by various authors, most experts use the
above mentioned criteria. Long term manometric follow up
failed of show consistent findings. Evolution of NE to
diffuse esophageal spasm and achalasia has been reported.
Management includes reassurance psychological
intervention. Suggested approach is a trial of anti-reflux
treatment followed by nitrates (ISDN 5-10 mg SL), calcium
channel blockers (Nifedipine 10-30 mg QID), visceral
analgesics (Imipramine 50 mg HS), sedatives (Trazadone,
Alprazolam). Diltiazem 60-90- mg TID has been tried with
some success. Nonresponder occasionally respond to
botulinum toxin injection and myotomy (8).
We conclude that nutcraker esophagus is a manometric
abnormality unusually associated with pulsion diverticulum
of esophagus. Management of NE and epiphrenic
diverticulum must be individualized based on severity of
Dr. Arulprakash.SPlot. No: 119 A, First main road, Second
cross street, Lakshmi nagar extension, Porur, Chennai:
600116. Ph: 09962033234 E-mail:
1. Spechler et al. Classification of esophageal motility
abnormalities. Gut 2001; 49; 145-151.
2. Ritcher JE, et al. Esophageal manometry in 95 healthy
adult volunteers. Dig Dis Sci 1987; 32:583.
3. Katz PO, Castell JA. Nonachalasia motor disorders. In:
Castell DO, Richter JE, eds. The esophagus, 3rd ed.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999:215-34.
4. Clouse RE, Lustman PJ. Psychiatric illnesses and
contraction abnormalities of the esophagus. N Engl J Med
1983; 309: 1337-92.
5. de Caestecker J S, Blackwell J N et al. Clinical value of
radionuclide esophageal transit measurement. Gut 1986; 27;
6. Dhiren Nehra, Reginald V. et al. Physiologic Basis for the
Treatment of epiphrenic diverticulum. Ann. Surg. 2002; 235;
3: 346-354.
7. Clark S. C, Norton S. A et al.Esophageal epiphrenic
diverticulum: an unusual presentation and review. Ann R
Coll Surg Engl. 1995; 77(5): 342-345.
8. Tutuian R, Castell DO. Esophageal motility disorders:
modern management. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol.
2006 Jul; 9(4):283-94.
Nutcracker Esophagus With Epiphrenic Diverticulae: Case Report
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Author Information
S. Arulprakash
Resident, Department of Digestive Health and Diseases, Kilpauk Medical College Hospital
P. Rathnakar Kini
Resident, Department of Digestive Health and Diseases, Kilpauk Medical College Hospital
T. Pugazhendhi
Department of Digestive Health and Diseases, Kilpauk Medical College Hospital
S. Jeevankumar
Department of Digestive Health and Diseases, Kilpauk Medical College Hospital
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
We have reviewed our experience of 150 patients to assess the clinical value of radionuclide oesophageal transit measurements in relation to established oesophageal motility investigations. Achalasia and conditions characterised by incoordinate oesophageal motor activity were detected with equal frequency by manometry and radionuclide transit measurement. Radionuclide transit measurements identified abnormalities not detected by manometry in 18 patients, and manometry was abnormal in 26 patients with normal radionuclide studies, including all patients with nutcracker oesophagus and most with hypertensive lower oesophageal sphincter. The overall sensitivity of radionuclide transit measurements in detecting oesophageal dysmotility was 75%, the sensitivity of manometry was 83% and that of conventional barium radiology 30%. We conclude that radionuclide transit measurement is a useful test for patients with suspected oesophageal motility disorders. Although it has limitations as a screening test, it provides additional information which complements oesophageal manometry.
Achalasia is a motility disorder with incomplete relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter. The diagnosis of achalasia can be delayed up to 27 months, and approximately half of the patients may be misdiagnosed. Secondary achalasia is most commonly caused by adenocarcinoma at the gastroesophageal junction. Patients with secondary achalasia have a shorter duration to presentation, lose more weight, and are older. Pneumatic dilatation should be the initial treatment for achalasia. The majority of dilatations can be safely carried out on outpatients. Surgical myotomies should be reserved for pneumatic dilatation failures. Ambulatory manometry may be useful in identifying symptomatic patients having normal standard manometry. Segmental tertiary activity with complete lumen obliteration on barium radiography is predictive of abnormal peristalsis. Diltiazem may improve esophageal spasm, but in a recent double-blind, randomized study, there was no difference compared with placebo. Patients with stable angina who become refractory to antianginal therapy may have a component of reflux and should be evaluated with 24-hour pH monitor. Intraesophageal balloon distention is a helpful provocative test. However, a standard catheter needs to be developed. Provocative testing with edrophonium may be accomplished with either 80-mu-g/kg body weight or 10-mg intravenous bolus dose.
Although esophageal manometry is widely used in clinical practice, the normal range of esophageal contraction parameters is poorly defined. Therefore, 95 healthy volunteers (mean age: 43 years; range 22–79 years) were studied with a low-compliance infusion system and 4.5-mm-diameter catheter. All subjects were given 10 wet swallows (5 cc H2O) and 38 subjects also were given 10 dry swallows. Results: Amplitude, but not duration, was greater (P<0.05) after wet compared to dry swallows. Both distal mean contractile amplitude and duration of wet swallows significantly increased with age and peaked in the fifties. Double-peaked waves frequently occurred after both wet (11.3%) and dry (18.1%) swallows, but triple-peaked waves were rare (<1%). Nonperistaltic contractions were more common (P<0.001) after dry compared to wet swallows (18.1% vs 4.1%). This difference resulted from frequent simultaneous contractions after dry swallows (12.6% vs 0.4%). Conclusions: (1) Distal esophageal contractile amplitude and duration after wet swallows increases with age. (2) Triple-peaked waves and wet-swallow-induced simultaneous contractions should suggest an esophageal motility disorder. Double-peaked waves are a common variant of normal. (3) Dry swallows have little use in the current evaluation of esophageal peristalsis.
Manometric examination of the oesophagus frequently reveals abnormalities whose cause is unknown and whose physiological importance is not clear. A large body of literature dealing with oesophageal motility abnormalities has evolved over the past few decades but comparisons among studies have been compromised by the lack of a widely accepted system for classifying the abnormal motility patterns, and by the lack of uniform diagnostic criteria for the putative disorders. Based on an extensive review and analysis of the literature, this report suggests an operational scheme to be used for the general classification of oesophageal motility abnormalities, and proposes standardised manometric criteria for the putative oesophageal motility disorders. By applying the guidelines proposed in this report, clinicians and researchers can determine if their patients fulfil the manometric criteria for a putative motility disorder. This should facilitate and improve comparisons among patients and studies. However, it is important to emphasise that fulfilment of the proposed criteria does not establish the clinical importance of the motility abnormalities.
To quantitate and characterize the motility abnormalities present in patients with epiphrenic diverticula and to assess the outcome of surgical treatment undertaken according to these abnormalities. The concept that epiphrenic diverticula are complications of esophageal motility disorders rather than primary anatomic abnormalities is gradually becoming accepted. The inconsistency in identifying motility abnormalities in patients with epiphrenic diverticula is a major obstacle to the general acceptance of this concept. The study population consisted of 21 consecutive patients with epiphrenic diverticula. All patients underwent videoesophagography, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, and esophageal motility studies. The diverticula ranged in size from 3 to 10 cm and were predominantly right-sided. Seventeen patients underwent transthoracic diverticulectomy or diverticulopexy with esophageal myotomy and an antireflux procedure. The length of the myotomy was determined by the extent of the motility abnormality. Transhiatal esophagectomy was performed in one patient with multiple diverticula. Two patients declined surgical treatment and another patient died of aspiration before surgery. Symptomatic outcome was assessed via a questionnaire at a median of 24 months after surgery. The primary symptoms were dysphagia in 5 (24%) patients, dysphagia and regurgitation in 11 (52%) patients, and pulmonary symptoms in 5 (24%) patients. The median duration of the primary symptoms was 10 years. Esophageal motility abnormalities were identified in all patients. An esophageal motor disorder was diagnosed only by 24-hour ambulatory motility testing in one patient, and 24-hour ambulatory motility testing clarified the motility diagnosis in five other patients. The most common underlying disorder was achalasia, which was detected in nine (43%) patients. A hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter was diagnosed in three patients, diffuse esophageal spasm in five, "nutcracker" esophagus in two, and a nonspecific motor disorder in two patients. One patient had an intraoperative myocardial infarction and died. Two patients had persistent mild dysphagia after surgery. The remaining patients had complete relief of their primary symptoms. There is a high prevalence of named motility disorders in patients with epiphrenic diverticula, and this condition is associated with the potential for lethal aspiration. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory motility testing can be helpful if the results of the stationary examination are normal or indefinite. Resection of the diverticula and a surgical myotomy of the manometrically defined abnormal segment results in relief of symptoms and protection from aspiration.
Esophageal manometry in 95 healthy adult volunteers
  • Je Ritcher
Ritcher JE, et al. Esophageal manometry in 95 healthy adult volunteers. Dig Dis Sci 1987; 32:583.
Esophageal epiphrenic diverticulum: an unusual presentation and review
Clark S. C, Norton S. A et al.Esophageal epiphrenic diverticulum: an unusual presentation and review. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 1995; 77(5): 342-345.