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A Neural Network with Central Pattern Generators Entrained by Sensory Feedback Controls Walking of a Bipedal Model


Abstract and Figures

A neuromechanical simulation of a planar, bipedal walking robot has been developed. It is constructed as a simplified musculoskeletal system to mimic the biomechanics of the human lower body. The controller consists of a dynamic neural network with central pattern generators (CPGs) entrained by force and movement sensory feedback to generate appropriate muscle forces for walking. The CPG model is a two-level architecture, which consists of separate rhythm generator (RG) and pattern formation (PF) networks. The presented planar biped model walks stably in the sagittal plane without inertial sensors or a centralized posture controller or a “baby walker” to help overcome gravity. Its gait is similar to humans’ with a walking speed of 1.2 m/s. The model walks over small obstacles (5 % of the leg length) and up and down 5° slopes without any additional higher level control actions.
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A Neural Network with Central Pattern Generators
Entrained by Sensory Feedback Controls
Walking of a Bipedal Model
Wei Li
, Nicholas S. Szczecinski, Alexander J. Hunt, and Roger D. Quinn
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH 44106-7222, USA
Abstract. A neuromechanical simulation of a planar, bipedal walking robot has
been developed. It is constructed as a simplified musculoskeletal system to mimic
the biomechanics of the human lower body. The controller consists of a dynamic
neural network with central pattern generators (CPGs) entrained by force and
movement sensory feedback to generate appropriate muscle forces for walking.
The CPG model is a two-level architecture, which consists of separate rhythm
generator (RG) and pattern formation (PF) networks. The presented planar biped
model walks stably in the sagittal plane without inertial sensors or a centralized
posture controller or a “baby walker” to help overcome gravity. Its gait is similar
to humans’ with a walking speed of 1.2 m/s. The model walks over small obstacles
(5 % of the leg length) and up and down 5° slopes without any additional higher
level control actions.
Keywords: Biologically inspired · Central pattern generator · Sensory
feedback · Bipedal walking
1 Introduction
It is generally accepted that basic rhythmic motor signals driving walking and other
forms of locomotion in various animals are generated centrally by the neural networks
in the spinal cord (reviewed by [13]). These neural networks, capable of producing
coordinated and rhythmic locomotor activity without any input from sensory afferents
or from higher control centers are referred to as central pattern generators (CPGs). Cats
with transection of spinal cord and removal of major afferents can still produce rhythmic
locomotor patterns [4, 5]. Despite lacking clear evidence of CPGs in humans, observa‐
tions in patients with spinal cord injury provide some support [6]. Sensory input also
plays an important role in locomotion. Locomotion is the result of dynamic interactions
between the central nervous system, body biomechanics, and the external environment
[7]. As a closely coupled neural control system, sensory feedback provides the infor‐
mation about the status of the biomechanics and the relationship between the body and
the external environment to make locomotion adaptive to the real environment. Sensory
input could reinforce CPG activities, provide signals to ensure correct motor output for
all body parts, and entrain the rhythmic pattern to facilitate phase transition when a
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
N.F. Lepora et al. (Eds.): Living Machines 2016, LNAI 9793, pp. 144–154, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42417-0_14
proper body posture is achieved [8, 9]. There is strong evidence [10, 11] to suggest that
sensory feedback affects motoneuron activity through common networks, rather than
directly through reflex pathways acting on specific motoneurons. It implies sensory
feedback and CPGs are highly integrated networks in the spinal cord.
Several 2D bipedal walking models have been previously developed with controllers
containing CPGs and reflexes. Some simulation models [12, 13] had over-simplified
multi-link structures driven by motors at joints, which lack the viscoelasticity of muscu‐
loskeletal structures. This lack provides poor mechanical properties that may reduce
stability. Some models [14, 15] adopt more realistic musculoskeletal structures, but their
CPG activities are not affected by sensory feedback. Instead, sensory afferents are
connected directly with motoneurons. This is contradictory to findings that sensory
feedback could strongly affect CPG activities [11, 12]. Geyer et al. [16] produced real‐
istic human walking and muscle activities in a 2D model. They claim that their model
only relies on muscle reflexes without CPGs or any other neural networks. It is realized
by two sets (swing phase and stance phase) of coupled equations for every muscle to
produce human walking and muscle activities. However, these equations could be
viewed as abstract mathematical expressions of neural networks controlling muscle
activities and the transition between two phases works like a finite-state machine. More
recently, CPGs were added to a similar muscle-reflex model to control muscles actuating
the hip joint [17]. Both of these works rely on precisely tracking muscle and other
biomechanical parameters and provide limited insight into how the central nervous
system is structured in humans. CPGs have also been applied to physical bipedal robots
[18, 19], but usually these CPGs are abstract mathematical oscillators tuned to generate
desirable trajectories of joints angles or torques, and the phases of the oscillators could
simply be reset by reflexes. Klein and Lewis [20] claimed that their robot is the first that
fully models human walking in a biologically accurate manner. But it has to rely on a
baby walker-like frame to prevent it from falling down in the sagittal plane. Its knees
remain bent distinctly before the foot touches the ground and its heels are always off the
ground. It looks like it is pushing a heavy box, fundamentally different from a human’s
normal gait.
In this paper we present a biologically rooted neuromechanical simulation model of
a planar, bipedal walker. It has a musculoskeletal structure and is controlled by a two-
level CPG neural network incorporating biological reflexes via sensory afferents. The
model is developed in Animatlab, which can model biomechanical structures and
biologically realistic neural networks, and simulate their coupled dynamics [21]. We
demonstrate that natural-looking, stable walking can be achieved by this relatively
simple but biologically plausible controller combined with a human like morphological
2 Structure of the Model
We based the biomechanical structure of our model on the human lower body, which
has been shaped and selected by millions of years’ evolution, and is energetically close
to optimal [22]. The planar skeleton is made up of rigid bodies, and is actuated by
A Neural Network with CPGs Entrained by Sensory Feedback Controls 145
antagonistic pairs of linear Hill muscles. The morphology structure employed signifi‐
cantly reduces the control effort with its inherent self-stability and provides a basis for
comparison to the real human gait. The simulated biped (Fig. 1) is modeled as a pelvis
supported by two legs. Each leg has 3 segments (thigh, shank and foot), which are
connected by 3 hinge joints (hip, knee and ankle) and actuated by 6 muscles. The foot
is composed of two parts connected by one hinge joint, spanned by a passive spring with
damping (spring constant = 16 kN/m, damping coefficient = 20 N·m/s). This makes the
foot flexible, which is the basis of the toe-off motion. The foot has a compliance of
10 μm/N to mimic the soft tissue of a human foot. The mass and length ratio of different
segments (except the foot length) are based on human data [23]. The total mass of the
model is 50 kg and its height is approximately 1 m (leg length is 0.84 m). The mass of
the pelvis, thigh, shank and foot are 25 kg, 8 kg, 4 kg and 0.5 kg. The lengths of the
thigh, shank and foot are 0.42 m, 0.42 m and 0.24 m.
Fig. 1. Left: biomechancal model in Animatlab. Right: the muscle and skeleton system of the
simulated biped.
3 Neural Control System
3.1 Neural Model
The neurons are leaky “integrate-and-fire” models. Each neuron is modeled as a “leaky
integrator” of currents it receives, including synaptic current and injected current:
where is the membrane potential, is the membrane capacitance, is negative
current due to the passive leak of the membrane, is the current from total synaptic
146 W. Li et al.
input to the neuron, is the current externally injected into the neuron. The leak
current is:
where is the leak conductance, is the resting potential. When the membrane
potential reaches the threshold value the neuron is said to fire a spike, and is reset to
Transmitter-activated ion channels are modeled with a time-dependent postsynaptic
conductance . The current that passes channels depends on the reversal
potential of the synapse and the postsynaptic neuron membrane potential :
If , the synapse is inhibitory and it induces negative inhibitory postsy‐
naptic current. If , the synapse is excitatory and it induces positive excitatory
postsynaptic current. The postsynaptic conductance increases to a value with a
time delay to the arrival of the presynaptic spike and then decays exponentially to zero:
where is the initial amplitude of the postsynaptic conductance increase, denotes
the arrival time of a presynaptic spike, is the time delay between the presynaptic
spike and the postsynaptic response, and is the time constant of the decay rate.
3.2 Half-Center Oscillator
A basic neural pattern generator is a half-center neural oscillator composed of two
reciprocally inhibited neurons. When one neuron spikes, it inhibits the other. Due to the
facilitation of the synapse [24] the repeated spiking of the presynaptic neuron gradually
hampers the synaptic transmission and reduces the postsynaptic conductance so the
amplitude of the postsynaptic current gradually declines. The postsynaptic neuron would
spike again as soon as the total current input recovers to the threshold value. When it
starts to spike it would inhibit the other neuron in the same way.
3.3 CPG
Rybak et al. [25] proposed a two-level CPG architecture composed of a central rhythm
generator (RG) network controlling several coupled unit pattern formation (UPF)
modules in the pattern formation (PF) level. Sensory afferents could access and affect
RG and PF networks separately. In this model the CPG network adopts a similar archi‐
tecture as shown in Fig. 2. The RG is a half-center oscillator that generates the basic
periodic stance signal for both legs. The PF network contains half-center oscillators as
A Neural Network with CPGs Entrained by Sensory Feedback Controls 147
UPF modules and each joint of each leg (hip, knee, and ankle) has one. Each half-center
in the UPF module is connected to the corresponding extensor and flexor motoneurons
to drive the extensor and flexor muscles for each joint. All half-center oscillators consist
of two reciprocally inhibited “integrate-and-fire” neurons as described previously.
Fig. 2. The architecture of the CPG network. Black lines are synaptic connections between CPG
neurons. Blue lines are synaptic connections from sensory neurons. (Color figure online)
Each neuron in the RG has an excitatory connection with a hip extension neuron and
the other leg’s hip flexion neuron. It encourages the legs to step in antiphase. At the PF
level the hip flexion neuron has an excitatory connection with the ankle dorsiflexion
neuron and an inhibitory connection with knee extension neuron. The hip extension
neuron has an excitatory connection with the knee extension neuron. This controller
uses a layer of interneurons to combine and filter afferent inputs from different receptors.
These interneurons have inhibitory connections to the interneurons in the RG and PF
3.4 Sensory Afferents
It is generally agreed that sensory input affects CPG timing directly since stimulation
of corresponding afferents entrains or resets the locomotor rhythm [26]. In legged
animals, there are three main categories of afferents that satisfy this requirement; group
I muscle afferents in extensor muscles, cutaneous afferents in feet, and muscle afferents
around the hip joint signaling its position. The first two largely depend on leg loading
information, and the last is based on movement.
148 W. Li et al.
1. Ground Contact Afferents
Studies show that increasing the load on an infants’ feet while they walk with support
significantly increases the duration of the stance phase. It suggests that load receptor
reflex activity can strongly modify and regulate gait timing and resides within the spinal
circuits [27]. In our model, separate force sensors located on the plantar surface of the
heels and toes separately detect and measure the ground contact force. As shown in
Fig. 2, heel ground contact sensors excite afferent neurons which make inhibitory
connections to the hip flexion, knee flexion, and ankle plantarflexion neurons at the PF
level. They also apply inhibition to the other leg’s stance neuron in the RG. Toe ground
contact sensors inhibit the knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion neurons at the PF level.
2. Hip Middle Position Afferents
During normal walking the knee extends in swing before the foot touches the ground.
The knee reaches its peak flexion between 25 % and 40 % of the swing phase before
extending. As shown in Fig. 2 in our model the hip middle position afferent is connected
to the knee flexion neuron at the PF level and inhibits it when hip movement passes the
predetermined hip angle during hip flexion.
4 Experiment and Results
In software simulation experiments, we confined the movement of the body to the
sagittal plane, but it has no gravitational or pitching support, so it can fall forward or
4.1 Normal Walking
The model walks at a moderate speed (1.2 m/s) on a rigid surface. Figure 3(a) shows a
frame by frame comparison to that of a human. It is interesting to observe that they
appear similar at corresponding phases of the cycle. Figure 3(b) compares hip, knee,
and ankle angles between the model and human data during one gait cycle. The model’s
motion matches a human’s in several aspects. The range of motion and general shapes
of hip, knee and ankle angle curves are similar to a human’s, although the model’s knee
motion lacks initial flexion at early stance phase, and the ankle dorsiflexion is insuffi‐
cient. The knee reaches maximum flexion at about 75 % of the cycle and begins to extend
before the hip reaches the anterior extreme position to prepare for ground contact. The
transition from stance to swing is at about 60 % of the cycle, when the hip and knee
begins to flex, and ankle reaches maximum plantarflexion. Figure 3(a) also compares
the motion of the model’s foot with a human’s foot at early, middle and late stance
A Neural Network with CPGs Entrained by Sensory Feedback Controls 149
4.2 Interaction Between Sensory Feedback and CPGs
When the right leg enters stance (frame A in Fig. 3(a)) the right heel load sensor causes
the heel ground contact sensor neuron to spike. This triggers the right leg stance RG
neuron, causing right leg hip and knee UPF extension neurons to spike and initiate stance
(time A in Fig. 4(c)). At time B in Fig. 3(a) the right heel just leaves ground and right
heel ground contact sensor neuron stops spiking (time B in Fig. 4(a)). The right ankle
UPF plantarflexion neuron is released from inhibition and begins to spike, causing right
ankle plantarflexion (time B in Fig. 4(c)). The double support phase can be seen just
following time C in Fig. 3(a). At this point, both the right toe and the left heel are in
Fig. 3. Comparison of gait between the model and human. (a) Series of frames of the model and
human at the same points in the gait cycle. (b) Model’s hip, knee, and ankle angles compared with
human’s in the sagittal plane [28].
150 W. Li et al.
contact with the ground. The left heel ground contact sensor neuron begins to spike (time
C in Fig. 4(b)) and inhibit the right leg stance RG neuron (time C in Fig. 4(c)). The left
leg enters stance and begins to take load from the right leg. Loading of the left leg triggers
right leg swing and further encourages stance in the left leg. At time D in Fig. 3(a) the
right foot toe part leaves the ground. Right toe sensor neuron stops spiking (time D in
Fig. 4(a)), releasing right knee UPF flexion neuron and right ankle UPF dorsiflexion
neuron from inhibition (time D in Fig. 4(c)). Right knee further flexes and right ankle
goes into dorsiflexion. Toward the end of the right leg’s swing phase (time E in Fig. 3(a))
the right hip middle position sensor neuron spikes (time E in Fig. 4(a)), inhibiting the
right knee UPF flexion neuron from spiking (time E in Fig. 4(c)). This causes the knee
to extend and prepare for ground contact.
Fig. 4. Neuron membrane potentials in the gait cycle. (a) Right leg sensor neuron membrane
potentials. GC: ground contact, Mid: middle position. (b) Left leg sensor neuron membrane
potentials. (c) Right leg RG and PF neuron membrane potentials. EXT: extension, FLX: flexion,
PF: plantarflexion, DF: dorsiflexion.
4.3 Walking on Irregular Terrain
The model can walk on some irregular terrains with the CPG network alone. No higher
control actions are needed. It can walk over a 45 mm high obstacle, approximately 5 %
of the leg length (Fig. 5(a)). It can also walk up a 5° incline (Fig. 5(b)) and walk down
a 5° decline (Fig. 5(c)).
A Neural Network with CPGs Entrained by Sensory Feedback Controls 151
Fig. 5. Walking on irregular terrain (a) Walking over a 45 mm high obstacle. (b) Walking up a
5° incline. (c) Walking down a 5° decline.
In this paper we present a bipedal simulation model that can walk naturally and stably in
the sagittal plane controlled by a biologically inspired neural network. It notably does
not have inertial sensors or a central posture controller, nor does it use a “baby walker”
to oppose gravity. Its structure and actuators are modeled after a human’s lower body.
Our model uses Hill’s muscle model as actuators instead of motors at joints, which
models the force profile of muscles and stores and dissipates energy during walking
similar to humans. A two-component foot structure not only enhances the leg’s ground
contact late in the stance phase but also makes it possible to provide accurate dynamic
sensory information of the relation between the foot and ground during stance by using
individual sensors on toe and heel.
Using a neural network as a controller provides a more tangible and consistent
imitation of the human central nervous system related to walking than switching between
two sets of abstract equations to coordinate muscle reflexes. Compared to other bipedal
models or robots adopting CPGs, our neural network has several more biologically
plausible features. The rhythmic patterns are generated by oscillators composed of
biological neuron models, not by mathematical oscillators tuned to reproduce the trajec‐
tory of joint movement. In our model sensory inputs are all biologically realistic and
they access the CPG network and entrain its output instead of directly modifying activ‐
ities of motoneurons. In the two-level architecture the movement of hip joints are
152 W. Li et al.
coordinated under a higher level rhythm generator instead of directly coupling hip
pattern generators of two legs.
Our developed controller and simulation not only demonstrates that stable bipedal
walking in the sagittal plane can be achieved through a biologically based neural
controller, but can also be used as a platform to help researchers test hypotheses related
to the neural control of human locomotion.
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154 W. Li et al.
... Alongside the very common studies in [8][9][10], we can mention some up-to-date prominent instances such that JimmyOr [11] proposed an approach based on combination of CPG and ZMP to control spine motion, it is promising way to enable natural walk of the robot. Wei Li et al. [12] developed a mechanism to generate muscle forces for biped motion, this method designed a feedback controller which is formed by a dynamic neural network with CPGs. ...
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This chapter addresses an approach to generate 3D gait for humanoid robots. The proposed method considers gait generation matter as optimization problem with constraints. Firstly, trigonometric function is used to produce trial gait data for conducting simulation. By collecting the result, we build an approximation model to predict final status of the robot in locomotion, and construct optimization problem with constraints. In next step, we apply an improve differential evolution algorithm with Gauss distribution for solving optimization problem and achieve better gait data for the robot. This approach is validated using Kondo robot in a simulated dynamic environment. The 3D gait of the robot is compared to human in walk.
... Recently, researchers have introduced artificial neural networks in legged robots to explore the possibility of realtime implementation using non-linear models. Xin et al. [16] adopted a neural network to generate referential foot placements for a bipedal robot hopping and running based [18] adopted central pattern generators and neural networks to generate bipedal locomotion. However, the neural networks used in the following research investigations lack generality and work exclusively on specific robots. ...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we present a novel approach for bipedal walking pattern generation. The proposed method is designed based on 2D inverted pendulum model. All control variables are optimized for an energy efficient gait. To obviate the need of solving non-linear dynamics on-line, a deep neural network is adopted for fast non-linear mapping from desired states to control variables. Normalized dimensionless data is generated to train the neural network, therefore, the trained neural network can be applied to bipedal robots of any size, without any specific modification. The proposed method is later verified through numerical simulations. Simulation results demonstrated that the proposed approach can generate feasible walking motions, and regulate robot’s walking velocity successfully. Its disturbance rejection capability was also validated.
... To bridge this gap, more dynamic controllers based directly from neurobiology have been developed and applied to robotic systems. A few neural controllers that must dynamically interact with their environment have been developed for legged systems [9], [10], [11]. These controllers quickly process sensory data and take action to maintain effective interaction with the surrounding environment. ...
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Human balance is achieved using many concurrent control loops that combine to react to changes in environment, posture, center of mass and other factors affecting stability. Though numerous engineering models of human balance control have been tested, no methods for porting these models to a neural architecture have been established. It is our hypothesis that the analytical methods we have developed, combined with classical control techniques will provide a reasonable starting point for developing dynamic neural controllers that can reproduce classical control capabilities. In previous work, we tested this hypothesis and demonstrated that a biologically-constrained neural controller that replicates human balance control characteristics is achievable. The objective of the work presented in this paper was to further understand how parameters within the neural model affect stability and correspond to expected changes predicted by classical control theory. We compare the performance between the neural and classical engineering models for bipedal balance in an inverted pendulum balance experiment. We then carry out an extended analysis on the performance of the neural controller by varying neural parameters, observing the changes in system dynamics, and comparing these changes to those predicted by the classical model. Our methods generate compact neural systems with few parameters, all of which are correlated to classical engineering parameters for a given control model. This works serves as a basis for how to port classical control problems to neural control architectures.
... Individual control functions to be implemented in a single artificial neural network. Synthetic nervous systems can be designed to mimic coordinated muscle movements and have been successfully applied to controlling a variety of modeled animals in simulation and robotics [9][10][11][12][13]. Often setting parameter values in these networks is a complex task of hand tuning, however, effective tools for applying these networks have the ability of engineers to effectively have recently been developed [14]. ...
Conference Paper
Human balance control is a complex feedback system that must be adaptable and robust in an infinitely varying external environment. It is probable that there are many concurrent control loops occurring in the central nervous system that achieve stability for a variety of postural perturbations. Though many engineering models of human balance control have been tested, no models of how these controllers might operate within the nervous system have yet been developed. We have created a synthetic nervous system that provides Proportional-Derivative (PD) control to a single jointed inverted pendulum model of human balance. In this model, angular position is measured at the ankle and corrective torque is applied about the joint to maintain a vertical orientation. The neural network computes the derivative of the angular position error, which allows the system to maintain an unstable equilibrium position and provide corrections at perturbations. This controller demonstrates the most basic components of human balance control, and will be used as the basis for more complex controllers and neuromechanical models in future work.
... Mammalian CPG systems may look more similar to those in insects than previously hypothesized (Büschges and Borgmann, 2013). Models of CPGs coordinated through sensory feedback pathways have been shown to successfully replicate many behaviors in mammalian systems and produce coordinate motion for multiple joints (Ekeberg and Pearson, 2005;Amrollah and Henaff, 2010;Markin et al., 2010;Hunt et al., 2014Hunt et al., , 2015aLi et al., 2016). However, these models have not been tested on a robot, and it is difficult to determine whether they are true in real world physics or possibly exploiting the simplified physics of a simulation. ...
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Animals dynamically adapt to varying terrain and small perturbations with remarkable ease. These adaptations arise from complex interactions between the environment and biomechanical and neural components of the animal's body and nervous system. Research into mammalian locomotion has resulted in several neural and neuro-mechanical models, some of which have been tested in simulation, but few " synthetic nervous systems " have been implemented in physical hardware models of animal systems. One reason is that the implementation into a physical system is not straightforward. For example, it is difficult to make robotic actuators and sensors that model those in the animal. Therefore, even if the sensorimotor circuits were known in great detail, those parameters would not be applicable and new parameter values must be found for the network in the robotic model of the animal. This manuscript demonstrates an automatic method for setting parameter values in a synthetic nervous system composed of non-spiking leaky integrator neuron models. This method works by first using a model of the system to determine required motor neuron activations to produce stable walking. Parameters in the neural system are then tuned systematically such that it produces similar activations to the desired pattern determined using expected sensory feedback. We demonstrate that the developed method successfully produces adaptive locomotion in the rear legs of a dog-like robot actuated by artificial muscles. Furthermore, the results support the validity of current models of mammalian locomotion. This research will serve as a basis for testing more complex locomotion controllers and for testing specific sensory pathways and biomechanical designs. Additionally, the developed method can be used to automatically adapt the neural controller for different mechanical designs such that it could be used to control different robotic systems.
Current initialization methods for artificial neural networks (ANNs) assume full connectivity between network layers. We propose that a bio-inspired initialization method for establishing connections between neurons in an artificial neural network will produce more accurate results relative to a fully connected network. We demonstrate four implementations of a novel, stochastic method for generating sparse connections in spatial, growth-based connectivity (GBC) maps. Connections in GBC maps are used to generate initial weights for neural networks in a deep learning compatible framework. These networks, designated as Growth-Initialized Neural Networks (GrINNs), have sparse connections between the input layer and the hidden layer. GrINNs were tested with user-specified nominal connectivity percentages ranging from 5–45%, resulting in unique connectivity percentages ranging from 4–28%. For reference, fully connected networks are defined as having 100% unique connectivity within this context. GrINNs with nominal connectivity percentages \(\ge \)20% produced better accuracy than fully connected ANNs when trained and tested on the MNIST dataset.
Human balance is likely achieved using many concurrent control loops that combine to react to changes in environment, posture, center of mass and other factors affecting stability. Though numerous engineering models of human balance control have been tested, no models of how these controllers might operate within the nervous system have yet been established. We have developed such a neural model, focusing on a proprioceptive feedback loop. For this model, angular position is measured at the ankle and corrective torque is applied about the joint to maintain a vertical orientation. We built a physical model of an upright human maintaining balance with an inverted pendulum actuated by a torque-control motor. We used an engineering control model for human balance to calculate the control parameters that will cause our physical model to have the same dynamics as human test subject data collected on a tilting platform. We reconstruct this controller in a neural network and compare performance between the neural and classical engineering models in experiment, demonstrating that the design tools in this paper can be used to emulate a classical controller using a neural network with relatively few free parameters.
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This article provides a perspective on major innovations over the past century in research on the spinal cord and, specifically, on specialized spinal circuits involved in the control of rhythmic locomotor pattern generation and modulation. Pioneers such as Charles Sherrington and Thomas Graham Brown have conducted experiments in the early twentieth century that changed our views of the neural control of locomotion. Their seminal work supported subsequently by several decades of evidence has led to the conclusion that walking, flying, and swimming are largely controlled by a network of spinal neurons generally referred to as the central pattern generator (CPG) for locomotion. It has been subsequently demonstrated across all vertebrate species examined, from lampreys to humans, that this CPG is capable, under some conditions, to self-produce, even in absence of descending or peripheral inputs, basic rhythmic, and coordinated locomotor movements. Recent evidence suggests, in turn, that plasticity changes of some CPG elements may contribute to the development of specific pathophysiological conditions associated with impaired locomotion or spontaneous locomotor-like movements. This article constitutes a comprehensive review summarizing key findings on the CPG as well as on its potential role in Restless Leg Syndrome, Periodic Leg Movement, and Alternating Leg Muscle Activation. Special attention will be paid to the role of the CPG in a recently identified, and uniquely different neurological disorder, called the Uner Tan Syndrome.
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In this paper, we describe the development of a bipedal robot that models the neuromuscular architecture of human walking. The body is based on principles derived from human muscular architecture, using muscles on straps to mimic agonist/antagonist muscle action as well as bifunctional muscles. Load sensors in the straps model Golgi tendon organs. The neural architecture is a central pattern generator (CPG) composed of a half-center oscillator combined with phase-modulated reflexes that is simulated using a spiking neural network. We show that the interaction between the reflex system, body dynamics and CPG results in a walking cycle that is entrained to the dynamics of the system. We also show that the CPG helped stabilize the gait against perturbations relative to a purely reflexive system, and compared the joint trajectories to human walking data. This robot represents a complete physical, or 'neurorobotic', model of the system, demonstrating the usefulness of this type of robotics research for investigating the neurophysiological processes underlying walking in humans and animals.
The mammalian spinal cord contains a locomotor central pattern generator (CPG) that can produce alternating rhythmic activity of flexor and extensor motoneurones in the absence of rhythmic input and proprioceptive feedback. During such fictive locomotor activity in decerebrate cats, spontaneous omissions of activity occur simultaneously in multiple agonist motoneurone pools for a number of cycles. During these ‘deletions’, antagonist motoneurone pools usually become tonically active but may also continue to be rhythmic. The rhythmic activity that re-emerges following a deletion is often not phase shifted. This suggests that some neuronal mechanism can maintain the locomotor period when motoneurone activity fails. To account for these observations, a simplified computational model of the spinal circuitry has been developed in which the locomotor CPG consists of two levels: a half-centre rhythm generator (RG) and a pattern formation (PF) network, with reciprocal inhibitory interactions between antagonist neural populations at each level. The model represents a network of interacting neural populations with single interneurones and motoneurones described in the Hodgkin-Huxley style. The model reproduces the range of locomotor periods and phase durations observed during real locomotion in adult cats and permits independent control of the level of motoneurone activity and of step cycle timing. By altering the excitability of neural populations within the PF network, the model can reproduce deletions in which motoneurone activity fails but the phase of locomotor oscillations is maintained. The model also suggests criteria for the functional identification of spinal interneurones involved in the mammalian locomotor pattern generation.
The problem of controlling locomotion is an area in which neuroscience and robotics can fruitfully interact. In this article, I will review research carried out on locomotor central pattern generators (CPGs), i.e. neural circuits capable of producing coordinated patterns of high-dimensional rhythmic output signals while receiving only simple, lowdimensional, input signals. The review will first cover neurobiological observations concerning locomotor CPGs and their numerical modelling, with a special focus on vertebrates. It will then cover how CPG models implemented as neural networks or systems of coupled oscillators can be used in robotics for controlling the locomotion of articulated robots. The review also presents how robots can be used as scientific tools to obtain a better understanding of the functioning of biological CPGs. Finally, various methods for designing CPGs to control specific modes of locomotion will be briefly reviewed. In this process, I will discuss different types of CPG models, the pros and cons of using CPGs with robots, and the pros and cons of using robots as scientific tools. Open research topics both in biology and in robotics will also be discussed.
Abstract Synaptic transmission is a dynamic process. Postsynaptic responses wax and wane as presynaptic activity evolves. This prominent characteristic of chemical synaptic transmission is a crucial determinant of the response properties of synapses and, in turn, of the stimulus properties selected by neural networks and of the patterns of activity generated by those networks. This review focuses on synaptic changes that result from prior activity in the synapse under study, and is restricted to short-term effects that last for at most a few minutes. Forms of synaptic enhancement, such as facilitation, augmentation, and post-tetanic potentiation, are usually attributed to effects of a residual elevation in presynaptic [Ca2+]i, acting on one or more molecular targets that appear to be distinct from the secretory trigger responsible for fast exocytosis and phasic release of transmitter to single action potentials. We discuss the evidence for this hypothesis, and the origins of the different kinetic phases of synaptic enhancement, as well as the interpretation of statistical changes in transmitter release and roles played by other factors such as alterations in presynaptic Ca2+ influx or postsynaptic levels of [Ca2+]i. Synaptic depression dominates enhancement at many synapses. Depression is usually attributed to depletion of some pool of readily releasable vesicles, and various forms of the depletion model are discussed. Depression can also arise from feedback activation of presynaptic receptors and from postsynaptic processes such as receptor desensitization. In addition, glial-neuronal interactions can contribute to short-term synaptic plasticity. Finally, we summarize the recent literature on putative molecular players in synaptic plasticity and the effects of genetic manipulations and other modulatory influences.
Anatomical data necessary for the analysis of human motion are presented on the total living body segmented into sixteen parts. Cadaver data from Dempster (1955) are applied to water displacement data obtained on 135 living subjects (35 men and 100 women) to obtain the weight, center of gravity, and radius of gyration for the segmented extremities. Thirty-three of these subjects (15 men and 18 women) were used to obtain the weight of the segments of the trunk, using the water displacement method, and sixteen of these subjects (7 men and 9 women) were used to locate the center of gravity of each trunk segment. A lead model was constructed using the trunk data to obtain the radii of gyration in both the sagittal and frontal planes. A single male cadaver was dissected to compare the trunk measurements with the lead model results.
Anatomical data obtained from cadavers and from water displacement studies with living subjects were used to determine the weight, center of gravity, and radius of gyration for 16 body segments. A lead model was used to study movement patterns of the trunk section of the body. (Authors/PP)