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Information Culture: The Name of Reading (2009)



Suggested Bibliographic Citation: Tsvetkova, Milena. Information Culture: The Name of Reading. 2nd ed. Sofia: Sofia University Press, 2009. 356 p. [1st ed. 2001. 224 p.]. ISBN 978-954-07-2560-4 -------------- Цветкова, Милена. Информационна култура: Името на четенето. Рец. Георги Лозанов; Ред. Силвия Вълкова. 2. доп. изд. София: Унив. изд. Св. Климент Охридски, 2009. 356 с. [1. изд. 2001. 224 с.]. ISBN 978-954-07-2560-4 ----------- UDC: 028:316+316.77+316.324:681.324 ---------- Subject Headings: Information society. Books and reading -- Sociological aspects. ----------- CONTENTS: Preface Chapter 1. BETWEEN THE "INFORMATION SOCIETY" AND "INFORMATION NEO-IMPERSIALISM 1.1. The Euphoria of "Connecting" 1.2. The Euphoria of Ideologies 1.3. The Man and his Baptists Chapter 2. SPIRAL OF INFORMATION CULTURE 2.1. The Technocratic Paradigm 2.2. The Humanistic Paradigm 2.3. Human-centered Model of Information Culture 2.4. The Spiral Return Chapter 3. READING – THE BASIS OF INFORMATION CULTURE 3.1. What Happens in the "Cranial Box"? 3.2. Information Imbalance 3.3. The Latent Power of Reading 3.4. The Necessary "Fundamentalism" Chapter 4. HYPERBOLIZED READING: E-READING 4.1. Metamorphoses of Information Technology 4.2. Metamorphoses of the Text 4.3. E-reading and Hyperbolized Information Behavior Chapter 5. GUTENBERG'S STUBBORNNESS OR BACK TO MANUSCRIPTS 5.1. "Back to" – the Enigma of the Cultural Reincarnation 5.2. Again Cultural Elite – Meritocracy 5.3. Again Elitist Environment – 'Old Fashioned' and Offline 5.4. Elitist Cultural Practice without Alternative Conclusion Bibliography ---------------- Summary (in Bulgarian): Развита е концепция за информационно-рецептивната същност на четенето. Монографията съдържа приноси в сферата на науката за четенето (читателознанието) и конкретно в изследванията на медийната рецепция на книгата и писмените комуникации, на четенето и читателите. Във второто издание на монографията са добавени нови резултати от проучванията върху дисплейното четене и четенето на електронна книга и нови доказателства за четенето на книги като елитарна (меритократична) културна практика. Очертан е моделът на екранното четене – оптическото, различно от семантичното усвояване на писмен текст. Анализът на е-четенето показа, че негативите върху човешката кондиция и психика са повече от очевидни. Акцентирайки върху проблема за рецепцията, изследването имаше амбицията да покаже, че не е коректно да се предпоставя научен проблем с негативен въпрос от типа: Кое ще бъде елиминирано в дигитална среда – текстът или тялото на книгата? Защитеното убеждение е, че не е възможно да има елиминация – победени и победители в медиаеволюцията няма, по-скоро се множат доказателствата, че дигиталната книга вече търси своето несвоевременно изоставено тяло. Доказана е перспективността на „паралелното” читателското поведение или конструктивността на би-модалното четене. За целите на фундаменталната информационна култура е необходима комбинация между традиционни и нови текстове: мултимедийният ансамбъл трябва да е полузавършен продукт, който да освободи читателя и неговите сътворчески способности, да му позволи да се формира и представи наистина индивидуално. В контекста на социологическите дискусии върху “информационното общество” е направен опит да се проектира и конкретизира идеята за “обществото на знанието” като “четящо общество”. Развити са нови изследователски проблеми – за мястото и статуса на мислещия, образоващия се и четящия субект в ситуация на глобални социални трансформации, за най-адекватния образователен център за т.нар. “когнитариат” или “елит на знанието” – библиотеката като мултимедиатека или просто колекцията от книги и всички нейни версии, клонинги, екстензии и технологични модификации.
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ISBN 978-954-07-2560-4
1.  –  . 2.   . 3.
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4.  .
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  “.  ”, 2009
ISBN 978-954-07-2560-4
, 2009
 .  „ ” 
„ ”
1.1.   „”
1.2.   
1.3.    
 .     
2.1.  
2.2.  
2.3.     
2.4.  
 .  –   
3.1.     „ ”?
3.2.  
3.3.    
3.4.  „”
 .   : Е-ЕТЕНЕ
4.1.    
4.2.   
4.3. -    
 .       
5.1. „ ” –    
5.2.    – 
5.3.    – „”  
5.4.     
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  .   ,  ,  
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,  .    , ,
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    .     
     ,  
   -     .
 “  ://   ” e  
       
  .        2001 . ,  
    :     
     11 ,      , 
 , , ,   
 Web 2.0      
“ ”, -    .  2001 .
        ,
 ,       
 .      ,   
         
“”   .   2001 . -
  “”    , 
  ,       .
      “”   
         “” 
         
      ( -    ).
     ,    :
 ,     ,  
  ,    .1      
         
,           
(1999).   "  "    
  -  (  
 ,  ),       
 ,    ,      .
         " "
    .      ,
     .    "" ,   
   (     
)              ?
  - -  “
”,  “  ”.   ,      
,          , 
     .     
        ,
    ,    
       , ,
, , -    .
   ,    
   ,    
,       “
”.      -    
 „”     .     
   .
       ,   
   .
  ,  “ “ ”
“ ”,      
          
 ,  “”,   , 
1 , .    / .  . .  // . , IV, № 26, 4-10  1994,
. 3.
     (    )
“ ”.         
 “ ”.    "
"?    ,      
         . 
          ,
     “”   
.          
          , 
           “”    “
 ” (2000).     , 
 .      ,    
       , 
  ,     ,
    , “” .
  “   ”  
  „ ”,      “-
 ”.     Homo sapiens     
           , 
        . ,  “”
        ,   
     ,    
 .       
“ ”    ,    
  .
            “
   ”,     
“   ”.   
   ,     .
  ,     , 
  .       
        ,    –
   .     
,     ,   .  
       .
        
“ ”,        
 –        .
    ,   “ 
: -”,       ,
     ,  
   .      
    “” ,     
„”,        2001 .,
     „ Web 2.0”.        
     :    “” , 
      . 
          
  , ,     .
 ,      ,  
 ,   ,      ,
   .       
  “  ”   Matsushita Electric Industria (
  Panasonic)      -
 .    2003 . Matsushita  -  
  - Sigma.         
      -     . ,
-  ,    Microsoft  2000 .,  
 2018 .   “”,    ,  ,  
   ,   – “ ”.
“      ” ,  
         .  
          “
”    ;       ,
   “”;   
  ;     ,   
 ;          , 
    ;        
    ..   "  " 
        
.    ,    
      „” “”  “
”,  ,        
“”,    ,    
        .
     .    
     (    ,  
, ),        ://”. 
           
 ,      
       –     
         
.      ,     
    ,    „ “, 
  ,       
.      
   -    .
        
    90- .     “:” “//”   
    .  
         
   .   , 
   ,        
   ,    –      
     ,   .
    -    , 
 .    –    .
       „  ”   :
„     ;        
”.       „”,   
„ ”    .     
          „”
        .  
          
 „ ”.       
,         .
       :   
,     ,    
 ,      .       
 .     ,   
 ,      ,  
  ,      „ 
”,   –  „ ”.
  ,   ,    ,  
  –      .      
       ,   
     ,    .    
 –        .     ,
   ,    , ,
  .    
       (, ,
, -,   -).   
    ,       
.    ,    ,    .
 2007 .
       „”
       :
        
        .
         
     І      
      
        
        .
      
      . ,  “”
        homo sapiens,  
      ,   
,  ,    
 .
      
        ( 
),  (    -
 )  (   
 ).
        “  –
  ”: - , 
,  ,    
- .
        
       
.       
       
       ,
    -      .
     11     
  - :
   - я   
  ,  , 
,  ;
  -  ,      
   ;     
    , ..    ,   -
    ;  ,   -
 -   ,   
          
 ,      ,
       
   ,     
   ;
      
    , ,
   ;
     
      , 
 ;
      
     “  ”,
        ;
      ;
      
      ,    ;
     я  
    - 
  я я,   ,
,       ;
       
  я (  )     
 .
      
 ,        ,
        , 
      .
    ,  
    .   - ,  
       .  
  ,     ,      
      : “   
      ?”   ,  
    –      .   
         
   „”   
   .    
         :
      ,    
  ,        
        
 -        ,
   ,     , 
   “” .    
 („ ”, „ ”)   
 ,      
        
    .
     “
”          
   ”.      
    ,         
 ,  -    ..
”  “       
     , ,  
,           
     ,    “-
  ”   ,    ,     ,
        .  -
     ,       
.        , 
-   ,    :    
  ,       .
         
   .         :
 15419-82.    ,  17264-91.  : 
      .   
  12691-75.         .  
     9736-82.     
    ,  15714-83.    
        , 
 ,  15715-83.      
      ,     11452-86.
      .    
       17377-96.  ,  
  ,       2007 . 
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ISBN 978-954-07-2560-4
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Suggested Citation: Tsvetkova, Milena, The Revival of Long Reading: A New Multimodal Narrative Format. Postmodernism problems, 2018, Vol. 8, N2, pp. 246-275. _____ ABSTRACT: The goal of this study is to specify nature, the "heart and soul" of a process referred to as a "long reading", to indentify reasons for the interest in the so-called longread narrative formats, unexpectedly going up in times of obviously reverse trends, such as, for example, short and speed reading techniques. The key research findings indicate that longread formats are increasingly more and more popular, as these texts enable readers to keep out of the information pollution. The outcomes and conclusions are focusing on expanding the conceptional fields towards new policies stimulating reading and to more creative methods producing reading effects into the sphere of quality online journalism, education, publishing industries and popularization of science, at large. Funding: This article is the result of a collaboration made possible by the COST Action IS1404 E-READ (Evolution of Reading in the Age of Digitisation), supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020, and the research project DCOST 01/13 - 04.08.2017 of the National Scientific Fund of Bulgaria. ______ Keywords: reading studies, longreads, long-form content, long-form articles, long-form journalism, attention economy, information overload, information overflow, information blackout, information hygiene, ecological reading behavior. ____ JEL Classification: D83, I20, I21, J16, L82, M30, M31, O35, Z11
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Published Reference (Suggested Bibliographic Citation): Tsvetkova, Milena. The speed reading is in disrepute: Advantages of slow reading for the information equilibrium. European Journal of Contemporary Education 6 (2017), 3, pp. 593-603. DOI: ________________________________________ Abstract: The study is dedicated to the impact of the speed and the acceleration on the preservation of the information equilibrium and the ability for critical thinking in the active person. The methods about the fast reading training are subjected to a critical analysis. On the grounds of the theory for the information equilibrium and the philosophy of the slow media, is derived the relation “slow reading – information equilibrium”. “Information equilibrium” is defined as “imposed by the information environment for natural and sufficient satisfaction of the individual needs, in the conditions of relative freedom.” It is supported the thesis about the rethinking of the positives of the fast reading and the rehabilitation and active promotion of the universal literacy in slow reading. The need of promoting the slow reading in the context of the requirements for urgent mass training on information literacy and for critical thinking at times of misinformation, fake news and post-truth has been empirically drawn and grounded. The author's suggestion is to move to a stratified and subordinate redefinition of the goals of the information and the media literacy. The idea is to develop a standard for “profiled” or “niche” information literacy – for each category of person (age, professional) to be written the relevant “maximum program” that does not exceed the rational and the advisable towards their potential. Keywords: reading, fast reading, psychology of reading, sociology of reading, information equilibrium, information disbalance, information literacy, media skills, misinformation, slow media, librarian as filter.
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Published Reference (Suggested Bibliographic Citation): Tsvetkova, Milena. Compromise duality between mobile reading and stationary reading: An analysis of culture of the media nomadism. – In: Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2018, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 159-167. e-ISSN 1994-4195, ISSN: 1994-4160. Full text: ______ ABSTRACT: The research is an attempt to answer the question how far the mobility manages to preserve the cognitive and the social status of the reader and to minimize the negatives of the “technological” reading. Object of the research: the new phase in the changes of the reader’s practices that have occurred with the massive use of mobile communication devices. By the notion “mobile reading“ the author mark the perception of text from a portable or from a mobile digital device and with the notion “stationary reading“ – the perception of text from a fixed medium as a print media and as a desktop device. Purpose of the research: to prove that the mobility is the newest, natural and indestructible stage in the evolution of the reading, within the frames of which are passing mixed transformations, inherent as a whole to the „culture of the nomadism”. Methodology: there are used the methods of the analytic and synthetic processing of primary and secondary resources, the selective monographic method, analysis of combination of statistical data and information from a survey of the National Bulgarian Institute of Statistics for access and use of Internet and the results of two world researches – „Reading in the Mobile Era: A study of mobile reading in developing countries” of UNESCO and „Mobiles for Reading: A Landscape Review” of USAID and JBS. Hypothesis: the new format of the mobile reading (counterpoint of stationary reading) is not a random phenomenon, but a regular and cyclical metamorphosis in the evolution of the communications. Results: the analysis shows an approximately equal correlation between the positives and the negatives of the reading from mobile devices. The suggestion of the author is the reader’s behavior of the mobile citizen to be formed in „compromise duality” – the information, the data, the facts, the references can be assigned to „mobile” modalities, but the knowledge, the learning, the aesthetic delight of the text to be preserved in „stationary modality”. _______ KEYWORDS: studies of reading, reading education, reading as communication, media skills, reader’s behavior, changes of reading, reading evolution, reading in the mobile era. Acknowledgements: The author are thankful to the Sofia University Scientific Research Fund (contract N80-10-223/24.04.2017) for the financial support. Available at:
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Published Reference (Suggested Bibliographic Citation): Tsvetkova, Milena. Compromise duality between mobile reading and stationary reading: An analysis of culture of the media nomadism. In: Media education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2018, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 159–167. Available at: ABSTRACT: The research is an attempt to answer the question how far the mobility manages to preserve the cognitive and the social status of the reader and to minimize the negatives of the “technological” reading. Object of the research: the new phase in the changes of the reader’s practices that have occurred with the massive use of mobile communication devices. By the notion “mobile reading“ the author mark the perception of text from a portable or from a mobile digital device and with the notion “stationary reading“ – the perception of text from a fixed medium as a print media and as a desktop device. Purpose of the research: to prove that the mobility is the newest, natural and indestructible stage in the evolution of the reading, within the frames of which are passing mixed transformations, inherent as a whole to the „culture of the nomadism”. Methodology: there are used the methods of the analytic and synthetic processing of primary and secondary resources, the selective monographic method, analysis of combination of statistical data and information from a survey of the National Bulgarian Institute of Statistics for access and use of Internet and the results of two world researches – „Reading in the Mobile Era: A study of mobile reading in developing countries” of UNESCO and „Mobiles for Reading: A Landscape Review” of USAID and JBS. Hypothesis: the new format of the mobile reading (counterpoint of stationary reading) is not a random phenomenon, but a regular and cyclical metamorphosis in the evolution of the communications. Results: the analysis shows an approximately equal correlation between the positives and the negatives of the reading from mobile devices. The suggestion of the author is the reader’s behavior of the mobile citizen to be formed in „compromise duality” – the information, the data, the facts, the references can be assigned to „mobile” modalities, but the knowledge, the learning, the aesthetic delight of the text to be preserved in „stationary modality”. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The author are thankful to the Sofia University Scientific Research Fund (contract N80-10-223/24.04.2017) for the financial support.
Full-text available
Published Reference (Suggested Bibliographic Citation): Tsvetkova, Milena. The speed reading is in disrepute: Advantages of slow reading for the information equilibrium. European Journal of Contemporary Education 6 (2017), 3, pp. 593-603. DOI: ________________________________________ Abstract: The study is dedicated to the impact of the speed and the acceleration on the preservation of the information equilibrium and the ability for critical thinking in the active person. The methods about the fast reading training are subjected to a critical analysis. On the grounds of the theory for the information equilibrium and the philosophy of the slow media, is derived the relation “slow reading – information equilibrium”. “Information equilibrium” is defined as “imposed by the information environment for natural and sufficient satisfaction of the individual needs, in the conditions of relative freedom.” It is supported the thesis about the rethinking of the positives of the fast reading and the rehabilitation and active promotion of the universal literacy in slow reading. The need of promoting the slow reading in the context of the requirements for urgent mass training on information literacy and for critical thinking at times of misinformation, fake news and post-truth has been empirically drawn and grounded. The author's suggestion is to move to a stratified and subordinate redefinition of the goals of the information and the media literacy. The idea is to develop a standard for “profiled” or “niche” information literacy – for each category of person (age, professional) to be written the relevant “maximum program” that does not exceed the rational and the advisable towards their potential. Keywords: reading, fast reading, psychology of reading, sociology of reading, information equilibrium, information disbalance, information literacy, media skills, misinformation, slow media, librarian as filter.
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The study is dedicated to the impact of the speed and the acceleration on the preservation of the information equilibrium and the ability for critical thinking in the active person. The methods about the fast reading training are subjected to a critical analysis. On the grounds of the theory for the information equilibrium and the philosophy of the slow media, is derived the relation "slow reading - information equilibrium". "Information equilibrium" is defined as "imposed by the information environment for natural and sufficient satisfaction of the individual needs, in the conditions of relative freedom." It is supported the thesis about the rethinking of the positives of the fast reading and the rehabilitation and active promotion of the universal literacy in slow reading. The need of promoting the slow reading in the context of the requirements for urgent mass training on information literacy and for critical thinking at times of misinformation, fake news and post-truth has been empirically drawn and grounded. The author's suggestion is to move to a stratified and subordinate redefinition of the goals of the information and the media literacy. The idea is to develop a standard for "profiled" or "niche" information literacy - for each category of person (age, professional) to be written the relevant "maximum program" that does not exceed the rational and the advisable towards their potential. © 2017 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o. All rights reserved.
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Tsvetkova, Milena. The Shadows of Reading: Reasons for the Bad Results of Bulgarians in PISA studies. In: European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2016, Vol. (17), Is. 3, pp. 368-377. DOI: URL: Available at SSRN: Abstract: The subject of this article are the factors and reasons for the bad results in reading of the Bulgarian 15-year-old students in PISA’s international studies. The reference points of the analysis are the critical results from the last four studies – 2000, 2006, 2009 and 2012. The aim of this analysis is to bring up for discussion unformulated topics and reading angles which have not been covered, which may explain the reason for the critical results in reading, including in the European Union as a whole. The goals of the report are to look for arguments and evidence in communication theory, in the conclusions of sociological studies and to summarize the factors which may lessen the ongoing preoccupation with “mass non-reading” or the “drop in reader’s literacy”. Eight reasons for the critical state of reading literacy have been drawn: 1) basic illiteracies which stem from the incorrect attitude towards reading as a cultural technology; 2) the stereotype “book = literature”; 3) the stereotype “book = paper”; 4) helplessness of sociological tools; 5) the manipulative side of reading; 6) the harmful side of reading; 7) reading mutations; 8) the erroneous statement “Young people do not read”. The scientists are presented with proposals to concentrate on two academic points: “Theory and practice of reading” classes on each educational level and focusing research efforts to improve readership culture of adults, including development of the so called “Acmeology of reading”. Keywords: PISA, reading literacy, functional illiteracy, sociology of reading, psychology of reading, reading professionals
Conference Paper
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The idea for interconnection between bibliographical knowledge and digital literacy finds its reabilitation in modern policies for development of digital intelligence in every citizen. The goal of this expose is redefining the classical bibliographical culture as a quality parameter in the new matrix of skills and competences in the digital era. The method of critical rethinking of the scheme for digital intelligence is applied. Keywords: digital intelligence, digital literacy, information culture, bibliographical culture, bibliographical intelligence Published Reference (Suggested Bibliographic Citation): Цветкова, Милена. Цифровая и библиографическая интеллигентность: точки пересечения и взаимозависимости (Digital and bibliographic intelligence: intersection points and interdependencies). In: European Research. IV International scientific conference. Пенза: Наука и просвещение, 2016, с. 88-96. ISBN: 978-5-9908794-6-1. _____ Еlibrary ID 26450410: _____