
A new species and two new records of Stemonitidaceae from China

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A new species of Stemonitidaceae, Comatricha clavicolumella, collected in Jigong Mountain Scenic Area, Henan Province, China, is described. C. clavicolumella has a columella that usually ends in a clavate expansion at the apex of the sporocysts, and has smaller spores than usual for the genus (about 5-5.5 μm in diam.). Two newly recorded species from China, C. ellae and C. reticulospora, are also described. We present a scanning electron micrograph study of the species.

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... Currently, An Online Nomenclatural Information System of Eumycezotozoa (Lado 2023) accepts 62 species described from China. These are: Arcyria aeruginosa , A. aggregata , A. exigua , A. galericulata , A. gongyloida , Badhamia formosana , B. macrospora (Li 1989), Badhamiopsis nucleata (Li 1989), Calonema gansuense (Zhang and Li 2015), Comatricha clavicolumella (Zhang and Li 2016b), C. macrospora , C. nutans (Chen 1999), Craterium corniculatum (Zhang and Li 2013a), Cr. microcarpum , Cr. subpurpurea (Zhang et al. 2020), Cr. yichunense (Zhao et al. 2018), Cribraria angulospora , Cri. enodis , Cri. irregularis (Li 2002b), Cri. media , Cri. paucidictyon (Li 2002b), Diacheopsis gigantospora (Yan et al. 2014), D. griseobrunnea (Yan et al. 2014), Dianema macrosporum (Zhang and Li 2013b), Di. microsporangium , Dictydiaethalium dictyosporangium (Zhang and Li 2014), Diderma liaoningensis (Zhao et al. 2022), Did. ...
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Species in the class Myxomycetes (or Myxogastrea) are essential components of biodiversity and play important ecological roles in terrestrial ecosystems, especially in forests. Studies on the taxonomy and diversity of these organisms started late in China. However, significant progress in China has been made in modern taxonomic studies on myxomycetes based on long-term species surveying and specimen collecting. The existing achievements have shown that comprehensive and continuous studies on the taxonomy and diversity of myxomycetes in China have the potential to enhance global biodiversity and improve the geographic distribution pattern of myxomycetes. Therefore, building on the current research foundation and expanding myxomycete research in a wider and more in-depth approach is imperative.
... Subtropical China is characterized by high precipitation and temperature in the summer (June to August) and a rich diversity of vascular plants, which provides favorable conditions for myxomycetes to grow. However, the myxomycetes in this area are poorly known, with the limited studies indicating their high diversity (Härkönen et al. 2004, Liu et al. 2013, Ukkola et al. 2001 and also the presence of some endemic species (Li 2002, Yan et al. 2014, Zhang & Li 2013, 2016a, b, 2017. Therefore, there is still much to expect from the unexplored areas. ...
Two new myxomycetes from subtropical forests of China, Arcyria aeruginosa sp. nov. and Diderma subochraceum sp. nov., are described and illustrated. Arcyria aeruginosa occurred on rotten stem of bamboo and differs from all known species of the genus in having dense spines on inner surface of cups. The diagnostic feature of D. subochraceum is single-layered peridium which dehisces by longitudinal or stellate slit. Preliminary phylogenetic analyses based on partial 18S rDNA sequences support the establishment of the two new species. Additionally, Didymium saturnus H.W. Keller and Fuligo luteonitens L.G. Krieglst. & Nowotny are reported from China for the first time.
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It is an online nomenclatural information system of the Eumycetozoans (Myxomycetes, Dictyostelids and Protostelids) of the world, providing information on more than 4,000 names employed in this group.
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We present a list of 35 taxa collected in the Peninsula of Baja California. Fourteen of them are new records for Mexico: Comatricha ellae, Craterium obovatum var. dictyosporum, Diderma subincarnatum, Didymium bahiense, D. dubium, D. laxifilum, D. sturgisii, D. trachysporum, Echinostelium colliculosum, Physarum auriscalpium, P. lateritium, P. lividum, Protophysarum phloiogenum and Trichia contorta. Twenty species are new records for the peninsula of Baja California: Badhamia affinis, B. macrocarpa, B. panicea, Comatricha laxa, C. nigra, Cribraria intricata, C. purpurea, C. violacea, Didymium megalosporum, D. melanospermum, D. minus, Echinostelium arboreum, E. minutum, Lamproderma scintillans, Licea kleistobolus, Lycogala epidendrum, L. flavofuscum, Physarum cinereum, P. leucophaeum and P. pusillum. SEM micrographs of the taxa are presented.
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The Belgian material of the genus Arcyria is revised. Thirteen species are recognized and special attention is paid to their variability; all of them as well as deviating collections are described and figured. The diameter of the spore-like cells in the base of the stalk is considered to be a useful character for taxonomy. The name " sporangium " for the first type of myxomycete sporophores is replaced by " sporocyst ". /// Een revisie is gemaakt van het Belgisch materiaal van het genus Arcyria. Dertien soorten worden onderscheiden waarbij speciaal wordt gelet op hun variabiliteit; beschrijvingen en afbeeldingen ervan, evenals van afwijkende verzamelingen worden gegeven. De diameter van de sporeachtige cellen in de basis van het steeltje blijkt een taxonomisch bruikbaar kenmerk te zijn. De term " sporangium " voor het eerste type van sporoforen bij myxomyceten wordt vervangen door " sporocyst ". /// Le matériel belge du genre Arcyria est revu. Treize espèces sont distinguées; leur variabilité est observée spécialement; elles sont décrites et figurées, de même que des collections aberrantes. Le diamètre des cellules ayant l'allure de spores dans la base du stipe est un caractère utile pour la taxonomie. Le terme " sporange " pour le premier type de sporophores de myxomycètes est remplacé par " sporocyste ".
Seventy-five identified species of myxomycetes are reported from the Usambara Mountains, NE Tanzania. A new species, Licea poculiformis Ukkola, is described with illustrations. Eight species are reported from Africa for the first time, and 23 are new to Tanzania. All of these are described in detail. One species each of Cribraria Pers., Diderma Pers., Licea Schrad., Macbrideola H. C. Gilbert and Perichaena Fr. are described with illustrations, but not named, as the specimens obtained from moist chamber cultures are scanty or may represent poorly developed fructifications of known species. A total of 354 specimens are listed, including 186 specimens developed in moist chamber cultures from bark of living trees, decayed wood or litter. A total of 120 identified species of myxomycetes are now reported from Tanzania. Distribution of myxomycetes is recorded by vegetation belts and by different substrata. Submontane rain forest proved to be rich in corticolous myxomycetes. The most common substratum was decayed wood.
Two new records for China, Arcyodes incarnata and Licea retiformis, are reported in this paper. Materials collected from Yunnan and Fujian province are described and illustrated by scanning electron micrographs. Those specimens are deposited in the Herbarium of Mycological Institute of Jilin Agricultural University (HMJAU), Changchun, China.
Comatricha anomala, a new myxomycete species is decribed. It differs from all other Comatricha species by a unique spore wall ornamentation consisting of bacula alternating with a few patches of a reticulum simplex.
Flora fungorum sinicorum Myxomycetes II: Physarales Stemonitales
  • Y Li
Li, Y. (2007) Flora fungorum sinicorum Myxomycetes II: Physarales Stemonitales. Science Press, Beijing, 204 pp.
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  • J A Stalpers
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Flora of British fungi: colour identification chart
Anonymous (1969) Flora of British fungi: colour identification chart. Edinburgh, Royal Botanic Garden, 6 pp.
Uebersicht untersuchter Pilze, besonders aus der Umgegend von Hoyerswerda
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Preuss, C.G. (1851) Uebersicht untersuchter Pilze, besonders aus der Umgegend von Hoyerswerda. Linnaea 24: 99–153.