Conference PaperPDF Available

The physical bases for the short-term earthquake precursors generation


Abstract and Figures

We can consider this year as a moment of enlightenment: no doubts left in understanding the physical nature of the short-term earthquake precursors (at least at atmosphere and ionosphere domains). All pieces of the puzzle fit one another to compose the complete picture of the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC). We will try to follow how the information and energy are transported from underground to the near-Earth space passing through several interfaces.
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of V International conference
UDK 550.51
BBK 552.44
The conference is sponsored by the competitive part of the state task
3.1127.2014/K “Physical mechanisms of the reaction of the upper atmosphere and
ionosphere on the processes in the lower atmosphere and at the Earth's surface”.
The conference AIS-2016 was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Re-
searches (Grant No. 16-03-20209).
A92 Atmosphere, ionosphere, safety / ed. I. V. Karpov. — Kaliningrad, 2016. —
549 p.
ISBN 978-5-9971-0412-2
Proceedings of International Conference "Atmosphere, ionosphere, safety" (AIS-2016)
include materials reports on: (I) — response analysis of the atmosphere — ionosphere to
natural and manmade processes, various causes related geophysical phenomena and evalu-
ate possible consequences of their effects on the human system and process; (II) — to
study the possibility of monitoring and finding ways to reduce risk. Scientists from differ-
ent countries and regions of Russia participated in the conference. Attention was given to
questions interconnected with modern nanotechnology and environmental protection.
Knowledge of the factors influencing the atmosphere and ionosphere can use them to mon-
itor natural disasters and to establish the appropriate methods on this basis.
Content of the reports is of interest for research and students specializing in physics and
chemistry of the atmosphere and ionosphere.
UDK 550.51
BBK 552.44
© RFBR, 2016
ISBN 978-5-9971-0412-2 © IKBFU, 2016
The Physical Bases
for the Short-Term EarthQuake Precursors Generation
Sergey A. Pulinets
Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences 117997, Moscow Russia
We can consider this year as a moment of enlightenment: no doubts left in un-
derstanding the physical nature of the short-term earthquake precursors (at least at
atmosphere and ionosphere domains). All pieces of the puzzle fit one another to
compose the complete picture of the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Cou-
pling (LAIC). We will try to follow how the information and energy are transport-
ed from underground to the near-Earth space passing through several interfaces,
first of which is Lithosphere-Atmosphere.
Lithosphere-Atmosphere interface. If one will try to imagine how the litho-
sphere can interact with atmosphere, the natural answer will be — with something
of which atmosphere is consisting, i. e. with gases. But how the gases released from
the earth’s crust know that earthquake is approaching if they are released all the
time? It is well known that at the latest stage of the earthquake cycle the defor-
mation is not elastic but brittle what leads to asperities formation opening the new
ways of gases migration in the crust. The character of seismic activity described by
Gutenberg-Richter relation also called Frequency-Magnitude Relation (FMR)
log N(M) = a – b
M (1)
at the latest stage is characterized by b-value drop. Schorlemmer et al. [1] claim
that “lower than average b-values characterize locked patches of faults (asperities),
from which future mainshocks are more likely to be generated”. This is the direct
indication on the physical interpretation of the FMR. In [2] FMR is interpreted as a
power law (fractal) scaling between the number of earthquakes with rupture areas
greater than a given value and the rupture area itself, which has a spatial fractal di-
mension D ~ 2b. In [3] the authors interpret the low b-values as a probable strong
and homogeneous stress field near an asperity. It means that decrease of b-value is
equivalent to decrease of fractal dimension what can be interpreted as consolida-
tion and clustering of seismic activity (observed experimentally) and increase of
cracks formation what leads to higher level of radon emanation before earthquakes.
One can compare in the Fig. 1 the b-value and fractal dimension D2 drop before the
Kobe M6.9 earthquake on 17 January 1995 in Japan [4] with radon variations [5].
One can see also that the period of increased seismic activity before the Kobe
earthquakes starts after the period of seismic quiescence (SQ) when the fractal di-
mension growth. So we can expect that during periods of decreased b-value magni-
tude the increased release of radon will be observed as it happened before the Kobe
earthquake. Unfortunately, there are very few reliable measurements of radon on
earthquake prone areas in recent years.
© Pulinets S. A., 2016
FIGURE 1. From top to bottom: seismic activity in Kobe area for the period 1990—
1995; b-value variations for the same period of time; fractal dimension D2 for seismic activ-
ity in Kobe area; radon activity (in water) for the period from November 1993, the time
correspondence is indicated by arrows.
According to [6] radon is the main source of the boundary layer modification
through the ionization. Similarly to the effects of galactic cosmic rays on the con-
densation nucleus formation [7] radon produces the large hydrated ion clusters
leading to formation of thermal anomalies before earthquake and local modifying
the electric properties of the Global Electric Circuit (GEC). This we can call the
Geochemical interface which transforms the geochemical emanation of radon into
the heat generation machine (Geochemical/thermal interface) and background to
electromagnetic coupling of atmosphere and ionosphere (Geochemical/electromag-
netic interface).
Geochemical/thermal interface. Figure 2 demonstrates schematically the geo-
chemical interface which transforms the radioactive gaseous flux into exothermic
reactor. It is shown in [6] that effectiveness of this reactor reaches the value of or-
der of 1010. The source of energy is the water vapor in atmosphere. The energy re-
lease depends on the ion production rate and the final size of the hydrated particles.
The mentioned above effectiveness is achieved when the particles reach the size of
order 1—3 m.
FIGURE 2. Schematic presentation of the geochemical/thermal interface.
FIGURE 3. Schematic presentation of the geochemical/electromagnetic interface.
Radon activity Air ionization Ion’s hydration
Ion’s cluster growth
Latent heat release
Ground thermal
Vertical thermal
Formation of linear
cloud anomalies
Formation of
charged aerosol
Anomalous surface
latent heat fluxes
OLR anomalies
Drop of relative
Air temperature
Geochemical/electromagnetic interface. The formed large cluster ions reach-
ing the concentration superior than the small ions concentration (sometimes com-
pletely removing the light ions) essential change of the boundary layer conductivity
what modifies all parameters of the GEC over the earthquake preparation zone
leading to the change of ionospheric potential as a final stage of atmosphere-
ionosphere coupling and creating the ionospheric anomalies. Two other possible
mechanisms could be considered — the direct effect of the anomalous electric field
penetration from the ground surface under special conditions of temperature inver-
sion during the night-time and effects of convective currents/fields due to uprising of
the charged clusters by thermal convection in the upper layers of atmosphere, their
separation due to different mobilities of the positive and negative ions. We leave also
the possibility of acoustic gravity waves generation over the large-scale ground sur-
face thermal anomalies but the modern experimental results do not demonstrate
any wave activity in ionosphere before earthquake. The schematic presentation of
the geochemical/electromagnetic interface is demonstrated in the Fig. 2.
The majority of existing models of the seismo-ionospheric coupling (see their
review in [7]) to reproduce the observed experimentally ionospheric anomalies be-
fore earthquake introduce manually the zonal electric field or current but cannot
say anything on these external fields origin. The proposed geochemical/electro-
magnetic interface which is the part of the LAIC model [6] provides such oppor-
tunity and this mechanism is presented in the Fig.4. where is shown the equatorial
ionosphere longitudinal (zonel) cross-section. Geomagnetic field is directed per-
pendicular to the figure plane.
On initial stages of ionization, and also under weak ionization levels the light
ions will prevail in the boundary layer of atmosphere what will lead to the general
increase of the bulk conductivity of atmosphere and consecutive decrease of the
ionospheric potential relative to the ground (left panel of the Fig. 4). Let it happens
during afternoon hours when the east directed electric field is present (white arrows
in the figure). The ionosphere is a high conductive media and it will not tolerate the
local decrease of potential, it will try to maintain its equipotentiality by creating the
field directed to the center of anomaly (grey arrows). In these conditions the “grey
field” (artificial) will be added to the “white field” (natural) at the west side from
conductivity anomaly, and subtracted to the east side of conductivity anomaly. It
means that the level of equatorial anomaly development (ratio of electron concen-
tration in the crests of anomaly to the concentration in the trough of anomaly) will
increase to the west from conductivity anomaly, and to the east from conductivity
anomaly the equatorial anomaly will be inhibited.
The other opportunity rises if the ionization rate is very high, relative humidity
is enough to create the large ion clusters, and calm weather conditions let to form
the large clouds of aerosol size heavy ion clusters. In this case we will observe the
amplification of equatorial anomaly at the east side from ionization sources, and
equatorial anomaly inhibition to the west. The vertical drift velocity is demonstrat-
ed by vertical white arrow in ovals, and one can see the difference on both sides of
conductivity anomaly.
FIGURE 4. Bottom panel — schematic conception of atmosphere-ionosphere coupling
through the global electric circuit: left panel — for condition of increased air conductivity,
right panel — for condition of decreased air conductivity. Upper panel — the differential
maps obtained from the GIM GPS TEC data for the period before the Wenchuan earth-
quake on 12 May 2009. Left panel — 2D distribution obtained on 3 of May 2009, right
panel — 2D distribution obtained on 9 of May 2009.
The most important factor which should be taken into account is that all physi-
cal precursors (at least considered within the framework of the LAIC model) are
not independent, they are elements of the open complex nonlinear dissipative sys-
tem. They should be considered from the point of view of synergetics and their
comprehensive analysis should reveal the directivity of the process of earthquake
preparation, so called “arrow of time” showing approaching of the system to the
critical point. Sometimes such directivity could be detected when multiparameter
analysis shows the time delays of one parameter uprising in reaction to other show-
ing the temporal chain of the processes. Such chain is demonstrated in the Fig. 5
presenting temporal/altitude development of several precursors before the L’Aquila
M6.3 earthquake on 6 April 2009 in Italy. The oblique dashed line in the figure can
be interpreted as the arrow of time.
The proposed physical bases give opportunity to realize the multiparameter
monitoring consciously and purposefully.
FIGURE 5. Temporal dynamics of radon release and variations of atmospheric and
ionospheric parameters before the L’Aquila earthquake.
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pp. 209—227.
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This paper describes the current understanding of the interaction between geospheres from a complex set of physical and chemical processes under the influence of ionization. The sources of ionization involve the Earth’s natural radioactivity and its intensification before earthquakes in seismically active regions, anthropogenic radioactivity caused by nuclear weapon testing and accidents in nuclear power plants and radioactive waste storage, the impact of galactic and solar cosmic rays, and active geophysical experiments using artificial ionization equipment. This approach treats the environment as an open complex system with dissipation, where inherent processes can be considered in the framework of the synergistic approach. We demonstrate the synergy between the evolution of thermal and electromagnetic anomalies in the Earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere. This makes it possible to determine the direction of the interaction process, which is especially important in applications related to short-term earthquake prediction. That is why the emphasis in this study is on the processes proceeding the final stage of earthquake preparation; the effects of other ionization sources are used to demonstrate that the model is versatile and broadly applicable in geophysics.
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This work reviews some results obtained for the variations of the seismicity parameters b and p in different seismogenic and tectonic regions in Japan. We bring as well new evidence that the time and space changes in seismicity parameters are correlating well with the crustal structure and/or some parameters of the earthquake process. Moreover, we also analyze the variation of b-value as a function of depth for the Vrancea (Romania) region, of intermediate-depth seismicity. In the first part of the paper we show that several seismicity precursors (clear b-value changes, quiescence and clustering) occurred about two years before the 1995 Kobe earthquake and they correlate well with other geophysical premonitory phenomena of the major event. The precursory phenomena occurred in a relatively large area, which corresponds probably with the preparation zone of the future event. In the second part, we analyze the b and p value spatial and temporal distribution for the aftershocks of the 2000 Tottori earthquake. The results indicate significant correlations between the spatio-temporal pattern of b and p and the stress distribution after the main shock, as well as the crustal structure. The swarm-like seismic sequences occurred in 1989, 1990 and 1997 showed significant precursory b and p values. In the third part of the paper we analyze the seismicity during the 1998 Hida Mountain earthquake swarm. The double-difference-relocated events are analyzed for their frequency-magnitude distribution and stress changes. While again the b-value is significantly different in south comparing with the north part of the epicentral area, the physical interpretation is difficult and complex. The changes in the Coulomb failure stress (∆CFF) can explain the b-value distribution features, but the crustal structure may be also important. The seismicity distribution and migration, in relation with ∆CFF is also discussed. In the last part of the paper, we find that the b-value is higher in the upper part (60 km -120 km) of the Vrancea subducting slab and decreases in the lower part (130 km – 220 km). We discuss this change in relation to stress variations within the subducting slab. We refer as well to other world-wide studies.
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In this paper (paper 1), we quantitatively show that the heterogeneous pattern of b values (of the Gutenberg-Richter relation) in the Parkfield segment of the San Andreas fault is to a high degree stationary for the past 35 years. This prepares the grounds for paper 2, where we test the hypothesis that our model of spatially varying b values forecasts future seismicity more accurately than the approach in which one assumes a constant b value equal to the average regional value. The method we develop to measure stationarity in the presence of spatial heterogeneity consists of the following steps: (1) Determine the optimal dimensions of the sampling volume by mapping b values with a wide range of radii and selecting the largest radius that gives the most detailed resolution of the b value heterogeneity. Along the selected fault segment, the high data density permits the definition of the dominant dimensions of the seismotectonic fabric, which is about 8-10 km. (2) Map the difference in b value between two periods, selecting numerous possible catalog divisions. (3) Identify significant changes of b values by the Utsu test (Utsu, 1992). Along the studied fault segment of 110 km length, only one patch of radius 5 km showed a significant increase in b, from below average to above, as a function of time. This change in b initiates around 1993 and thus correlates in space and time with a well-documented episode of creep at depth. Using the derived spatial variable b value distributions, we find that the highest probability for earthquakes with magnitude M >= 6 is in the Middle Mountain asperity, where the 1966 Parkfield earthquake nucleated and where all M >= 4.5 events in the data set occurred. In contrast, if only the regional average b value of 0.92 is used to predict future seismicity, the creeping segment north of Parkfield should produce major earthquakes most frequently, a conclusion that contradicts the observations.
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Experimental studies of aerosol nucleation in air, containing trace amounts of ozone, sulphur dioxide and water vapour a concentrations relevant for the Earth's atmosphere, are reported. The production of new aerosol particles is found to be proportiona to the negative ion density and yields nucleation rates of the order of 0.1–1 cm−3 s−1. This suggests that the ions are active in generating an atmospheric reservoir of small thermodynamically stable clusters which are important for nucleation processes in the atmosphere and ultimately for cloud formation.
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This chapter reviews earthquakes as a complex system. After an introduction (Section 1), this is followed by exploring the idea that complex phenomena often exhibit fractal (power-law) scaling in magntiude, space and time (Section 2). This is followed by a discussion of slider-block models, including idea of chaos, self-organized behaviour and the inverse cascade model (Section 3) and then earthquake hazard assessment (Section 4). This is followed by complexities inherent in intermediate-term earthquake prediction (Section 5), and we conclude with a discussion on the implications of the ideas discussed in this chapter (Section 6).
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Radon concentration in ground water increased for several months before the 1995 southern Hyogo Prefecture (Kobe) earthquake on 17 January 1995. From late October 1994, the beginning of the observation, to the end of December 1994, radon concentration increased about fourfold. On 8 January, 9 days before the earthquake, the radon concentration reached a peak of more than 10 times that at the beginning of the observation, before starting to decrease. These radon changes are likely to be precursory phenomena of the disastrous earthquake.
Known models of the penetration of the electric field from the Earth’s surface to the ionosphere due to the electric conductivity of the atmosphere, including models with external currents, are analyzed. Principle disadvantages of models predicting a considerable penetration of the field to the ionosphere are described. It is shown that the penetrating fields are too weak and this makes it impossible to detect them in data of satellite measurements on the background of usual ionospheric fields. A conclusion is made about the necessity to study other physical processes providing the influence of lithospheric processes on the ionosphere.
The definition of a fractal distribution is that the number of objects N with a characteristic size greater than r scales with the relation N ~ r −D . The frequency-size distributions for islands, earthquakes, fragments, ore deposits, and oil fields often satisfy this relation. Fractals were originally introduced by Mandelbrot to relate the length of a coastline to the length of the measuring stick. This application illustrates a fundamental aspect of fractal distributions, scale invariance. The requirement of an object to define a scale in photographs of many geological features is one indication of the wide applicability of scale invariance to geological problems, scale invariance can lead to fractal clustering. Geophysical spectra can also be related to fractals; these are self-affine fractals rather than self-similar fractals. Examples include the earth’s topography and geoid.
Radon concentration in ground water increased for several months before the 1995 southern Hyogo Prefecture (Kobe) earthquake on 17 January 1995. From late October 1994, the beginning of the observation, to the end of December 1994, radon concentration increased about fourfold. On 8 January, 9 days before the earthquake, the radon concentration reached a peak of more than 10 times that at the beginning of the observation, before starting to decrease. These radon changes are likely to be precursory phenomena of the disastrous earthquake.
Earthquakes as a complex system, International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology Part A
  • D L Turcotte
  • B D Malamud
D. L. Turcotte and B. D. Malamud, Earthquakes as a complex system, International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology Part A, Edited by Lee W. H. K., Kanamori H., Jennings P., Kisslinger C., Academic Press, New York, London, 2002, 14, pp. 209-227.