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Humboldt Penguin (Spheniscus humboldti)

Humboldt Penguin
(Spheniscus humboldti)
S D  P, A B, M C,
A V-V, P M,  A S
1. SpecieS (common and Scientific nameS)
Humboldt penguin, Spheniscus humboldti (Meyen,
e Humboldt penguin is also known as the Peru-
vian penguin and pingüino de Humboldt, pájaro bobo,
pájaro niño, pachanca, and patranca (Spanish).
2. deScription of the SpecieS
e Humboldt is a medium-size penguin, with body
length of – centimeters and body mass of approxi-
mately .–. kilograms, depending on breeding con-
dition, sex, and prey availability (Coker ; Murphy
; Zavalaga and Paredes a) (table .). Although
similar to the other Spheniscus penguins, Humboldts
have large fleshy margins at the base of the bill (UNEP
Sexes are similar in plumage, but males tend to be
larger than females (Zavalaga and Paredes a; Wal-
lace et al. ) (table .). e head is mostly black-
ish gray, with a white chin and a narrow white stripe
extending from the bill on each side of the crown,
looping over the eyes and broadening at the junction
with the white upper breast. e upperparts, flip-
pers, legs, feet, and tail tend to be blackish gray, while
most of the underparts are white (fig. ). Adults have
an inverted black horseshoe-shaped band extending
down the flank to the thigh, which is lacking on juve-
niles and chicks. Black feathers on the breast appear
as spots and are individually distinct. e Humboldt’s
bill is black with a gray transverse bar and a fleshy pink
area at the base that is especially prominent during the
breeding season. e irises of chicks and juveniles are
dark gray, becoming pale and then darkening with age,
turning reddish brown as they become adults (Scholten
). Juveniles are easily distinguished from adults by
the brownish plumage on their heads, grayer cheeks,
and lack of the white head stripe and black horseshoe-
shaped breast-band (fig. ).
fig. 1. Adult male Humboldt penguin at Punta San Juan, Peru. (P. D.
fig. 5. On Isla Chañaral, Chile, a Humboldt penguin stands in the desert
vegetation. (T. Mattern)
 V. Banded penguinS: genuS SpheniScuS
Gender determination of free-ranging penguins
using discriminant functions of morphometric charac-
ters is accurate (–) but is hindered by geographic
variation and effects such as abnormal bill growth asso-
ciated with captivity (Zavalaga and Paredes a; Wal-
lace et al. ). e main characteristics used for sex
determination were bill length (BL), measured from
the point in the V where feathers start to the tip of the
culmen, which is hooked on the upper mandible; bill
depth (BD), measured dorso-ventrally at the nares or
nostrils; and the width of the head (WH), measured
from the crevice just posterior to the bulge behind the
3. taxonomic StatuS
e genus Spheniscus has four closely related species
(Baker et al. ). An ancestral population of Sphe-
niscus on the Pacific coast may have split, forming the
Humboldt and the Galápagos penguins (Spheniscus
mendiculus). is dispersal event is consistent with
the flow of the Humboldt Current. Consensus on the
evolutionary history and dispersal of the Spheniscidae
across the globe has not been reached (Bertelli and
Giannini ; Baker et al. ; Ksepka et al. ).
e Humboldt penguin is monotypic (UNEP ),
although its wide latitudinal distribution (–º S)
should expose the species to different selective pres-
sures over its breeding range (Simeone et al. ).
Hybridization between Humboldt and Magellanic (S.
magellanicus) penguins in mixed colonies occurs in
southern Chile (Simeone et al. ).
Although there is evidence of strong colony and
nest fidelity from field observations (Teare et al. ),
penguins are also capable of dispersion (Culik and
Luna-Jorquera b; Wallace et al. ; Taylor et al.
). Satellite tracking of individuals in periods of
scarce prey availability showed that penguins moved
more than  kilometers away from their home
colonies (Culik and Luna-Jorquera a). Genetic
evidence suggests that sharp episodic fluctuations in
climate, such as El Niño events, or human pressure can
change the relationship between breeding locations
and demography, making it impossible to view colonies
as separate entities (Schlosser et al. ). is con-
nectivity is perhaps the main reason that microsatellite
data show no evidence of bottlenecks or strong popula-
tion fragmentation, although the number of Humboldt
penguins has decreased dramatically over the past two
centuries (Schlosser et al. ).
4. range and diStriBution
At least  colonies have been described between Foca
(°΄ S) and Metalqui (°΄ S) ( in Peru and  in
Chile) (table ., fig. ). Most of the breeding popu-
lation is located in Chile, but recent estimates suggest
an increase in the overall population (McGill et al.,
unpubl. data). Great uncertainty resulting from inaccu-
rate counting methods and fragmented and uncoordi-
nated counts throughout the Humboldt’s distribution
make a population estimate problematic.
In Peru, most of the population was concentrated
in five sites in – (Paredes et al. ) (table
fig. 2. Adult Humboldt penguins
and a juvenile Humboldt penguin
(lower right) rest on a guano island
in Peru. (P. D. Boersma)
humBoldt penguin (SpheniScuS humboldti) 
.a), and in – (Majluf, unpubl. data). e –
 El Niño, with high surface water temperatures that
altered prey distribution, and increased human pres-
ence and activities in the central coastal areas of Peru
may have caused the penguins’ clustered distribution
(Paredes et al. ). In Chile, the most important
breeding colony, with about , penguins, is at Isla
Chañaral (table .b) (Mattern et al. ).
Since the early s, colonies between –° south
are stable, with , birds. At the best-studied pen-
guin-breeding colony in Peru, Punta San Juan (°΄
S), El Niño events were followed by drastic reductions
in Humboldt populations (Majluf et al. ); penguins
slowly recovered (table .). At present, Punta San Juan
is the largest colony in Peru, with a total of , adult
birds (fig. ) (Cardeña and Bussalleu, unpubl. data).
In Chile (–° S), declines following El Niño
events were not as great as in Peru, and populations
likewise recovered. e increased number of penguins
in the time series in Chile is likely due not to more
penguins but to a change in census methodology that
allowed greater accuracy in describing the Humboldt
population at Isla Chañaral (°΄ S) (Mattern et al.
). e southernmost colonies (–° S) are small
and, since the s, stable.
Although restricted to Peru and Chile, Humboldt
penguins have been found in the wild in the Northern
Hemisphere on several occasions. One was caught by a
herring fisher in Alaska and released, but it likely had
been transported by boat (Van Buren and Boersma
5. Summary of population trendS
Humboldts have declined since the th century (Mur-
phy ), with a marked reduction after the –
El Niño event, leaving no more than , penguins
(Duffy et al. ; Hays ; Araya and Todd ). A
decade later, the population was estimated at ,–
, (Boersma et al. ).
Increases in numbers continued in the s but
were regarded skeptically by some researchers. Paredes
et al. () suggest that increases in Peruvian counts
were masking a process of population clustering, leav-
ing the species vulnerable to catastrophes ( of the
Peruvian population was found in San Juan, San Juan-
ito, Hornillos, Pachacamac, and Tres Puertas).
In Chile, numbers also increased (Simeone et al.
). However, the confirmation of , penguins
in Isla Chañaral in  was a surprise (Mattern et al.
), as it was more than the total estimated popula-
tion. is number was the product of inconsistent cen-
sus methods rather than a real population increase.
Later estimates range between , to ,
breeding birds (Boersma ). Other recent esti-
mates describe a total population of , individuals
(Schlosser et al. ); however, this number is based
on an expert’s opinion and not on field data, highlight-
ing the absence, obsolescence, and fragmented nature
of accurate census data and the difficulty of counting
this species along the coast.
e Isla Chañaral counts stress that estimated pop-
ulation size is closely related to the census methodol-
fig. 3. Distribution and abundance of
the Humboldt penguin.
 V. Banded penguinS: genuS SpheniScuS
ogy used (Mattern et al. ). An efficient method for
counting these birds is a pressing need (fig. ) (Araya et
al. ; Luna-Jorquera et al. ; UNEP ; Mat-
tern et al. ; BirdLife International ).
Recent improvements in census methodologies
have led to more accurate counts (Mattern et al. )
but may not indicate increases in the global population
(BirdLife International, ). After all, the magnitude
of possible positive population trends in recent years
will be masked by decades of underestimations (Mat-
tern et al. ).
In Punta San Juan since the early s, the penguins
have been counted twice during the breeding season
and once during the molt. e largest count is during
the molt and at the peak of breeding in May (Cardeña
et al., unpubl. data). For large-scale counts across the
Humboldt’s entire distribution, Luna-Jorquera et al.
() suggests counting penguins on the beach just
above where the waves are breaking between : 
and : .
Ideally, as Boersma () suggests, each penguin
colony should be visited at least annually.
6. iucn StatuS
e International Union for Conservation of Nature
lists the Humboldt penguin as Vulnerable on its Red
List of reatened Species because the species has
undergone extreme population size fluctuations and
decline (IUCN ). Local estimates and expert opin-
ions suggest that the Humboldt is slowly bouncing
back. e status of Vulnerable is justified, as the popu-
lation has not reached historical numbers of “hundreds
of thousands” (Murphy ), it is clustered (Paredes
et al. ; Simeone et al. ), and major threats to
the species (e.g., overfishing, entanglement in gill nets,
habitat destruction) have not been ameliorated.
Nevertheless, actions have been taken toward
increasing the protection of Humboldt breeding colo-
nies in Peru through the Decreto Supremo –-
MINAM and in Chile (Simeone et al. ; UNEP
) and reducing the impact of guano-harvesting
methods at the penguins’ largest colony in Peru at
Punta San Juan (Majluf, unpubl. data). Both countries
have implemented the Convention on International
fig. 4. Humboldt penguins at Punta San Juan, Peru, rest on the coast. (P. D. Boersma)
humBoldt penguin (SpheniScuS humboldti) 
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna
(CITES) under national law (Paredes et al. ; Iriarte
e Humboldt penguin is legally protected through-
out its distribution (table .). Peruvian legislation,
Decreto Supremo –-AG, prohibits the hunting,
possession, capture, transportation, and export of the
birds for commercial purposes and categorizes the
species as Endangered in Decreto Supremo –-
AG. Chile implemented a -year hunting ban, Decreto
Supremo , in , and since , Decreto Supremo
 forbids hunting, transport, possession, and com-
mercialization of penguins (Iriarte ). Chile adopted
a new species-categorization system for conserva-
tion, granting legal status to international categories
but interpreting them locally; thus, Decreto Supremo
/ ranks the Humboldt penguin as “vulnerable.
Most of the penguins breed within protected areas
in Peru and Chile: Pingüino de Humboldt National
Reserve, Isla Cachagua Natural Monument, Islotes de
Puñihuil National Monument, Guano System National
Reserve (officially established in January ), the
Paracas National Reserve, and the San Fernando
National Reserve (UNEP ; SPIJ ).
7. natural hiStory
Breeding Biology. e breeding period starts right after
the molt (Zavalaga and Paredes b). Nest selection
and occupation begins when penguins return to their
breeding colonies after an extended period of foraging
and recovery at sea (Zavalaga and Paredes b; Sime-
one et al. ).
Humboldt penguins nest on cliff tops, beaches, and
scrapes covered by vegetation and in sea caves, rock
crevices (fig. ), and burrows dug into dirt or guano
(Simeone and Schlatter ; Battistini and Paredes
; Simeone and Bernal ; Paredes and Zavalaga
Surface nests are common in areas without terres-
trial predators and with little human disturbance (fig.
) (Paredes and Zavalaga ). In Punta San Juan,
penguins in surface nests endure persistent cool winds,
sea breezes, and shade through the year, as these coun-
teract the high solar radiation on hot days. Penguins at
Pájaro Niño nest in dirt burrows and rock crevices that
offer protection from solar radiation and egg predators
(Simeone and Bernal ).
Humboldts breed throughout the year when
resources are abundant (Battistini ; Paredes and
Zavalaga ; Paredes et al. ; Simeone et al.
). In Punta San Juan, reproduction occurs from
March to December (Paredes and Zavalaga ),
with two prominent reproductive peaks in April–May
and August–September (Paredes and Zavalaga ;
Cardeña et al., unpubl. data). In central Chile, there
are also two reproductive peaks, but offset by a month
(May, October), and the number of nests depends on
fig. 6. Adult Humboldt penguin
on a rock crevice with two eggs
at Algarrobo Island, Chile. (P. D.
fig. 7. Humboldt penguins breed-
ing on Isla Chañaral, Chile. (T.
 V. Banded penguinS: genuS SpheniScuS
prey availability and climatic factors such as rainfall
(Simeone et al. ).
Females lay two eggs  days apart and of similar size
(see table .). Incubation lasts for six weeks (approx.
– days). Hatching, like egg laying, is – days
apart (Deeming et al. ; Paredes et al. ).
Based on recovery of banded birds at Pajaro Niño
in central Chile, age at first breeding ranges from . to
. years (mean =  ±  year, n =  [A. Simeone, unpubl.
data]). Araya et al. () suggest that first reproduc-
tion takes place  or  years after hatching, as fledg-
lings are not sexually mature. Humboldt penguins on
Pajaro Niño tend to breed in nests within – meters
of their natal nests, and most use the same nest type
as their natal nests when they first breed (A. Simeone,
unpubl. data).
Chick rearing takes – weeks (approx.  days)
until fledging (Paredes et al. ). e whole process
from incubation to fledging lasts for approximately 
days (Paredes and Zavalaga ). Both parents take
turns foraging at sea and feeding the chicks (fig. )
(Luna-Jorquera and Culik ; Taylor et al. ; Hen-
nicke and Culik ).
In southern Peru, double brooding is common
(approx.  [Paredes et al. ]) (fig. ). In north-
ern-central Chile (–° S), parents rarely raise both
chicks (Simeone et al. ). Breeding success (fledg-
lings per nest) varies within and among years and sites.
At Punta San Juan, however, breeding success averaged
around one chick: . ± . in  (n = ) and .
± . in  (n = ) (Paredes and Zavalaga ).
Although this species is monogamous, extra-pair
mating and copulation occurred but failed to result in
young (Schwartz et al. ).
foraging BehaVior and prey. Humboldts are pelagic
predators (Luna-Jorquera and Culik ) and prob-
ably visual hunters (Martin and Young ). ey
may use smell to recognize areas of high productivity
and conspecifics (Coffin et al. ). Nonetheless, their
foraging rhythm depends on light intensity, and dive
depths in excess of  meters are uncommon (Taylor
et al. ).
Humboldts feed close to their breeding colonies
during reproduction, within a radius of about  kilo-
meters (Culik et al. ; Luna-Jorquera and Culik ;
Boersma et al ). As for other penguins, their for-
aging distance is estimated by how long they are gone
(Boersma et al. ). ey follow pelagic shoals or
are found foraging in loose aggregations, even engag-
ing in solitary foraging, which is rare among Peruvian
seabirds (Duffy ). eir main target species vary
depending on location and prey availability (Wilson
et al. ; Herling et al. ). Frequent prey include
anchovies, silversides, and jack mackerel, among oth-
ers (table .). Cephalopods such as Patagonian squid
(Loligo gahi), Southern Ocean squid (Todarodes filip-
povae), and Humboldt squid (Dosidiscus gigas), and
crustaceans (isopods and stomatopods) have also been
described as parts of their diet (Wilson et al. ; Her-
ling et al. ).
e Humboldt’s foraging effort is directly propor-
tional to foraging distance traveled and average dive
depth. Energy investment during foraging varies with
fig. 8. Humboldt penguin chick waits at its nest for its parents to return and
is nearly ready to fledge. (T. Mattern)
fig. 9. Adult Humboldt penguin in a nest site with two chicks marked with
fiber bands at Punta San Juan, Peru. (P. D. Boersma)
humBoldt penguin (SpheniScuS humboldti) 
food scarcity. During El Niño events, energy investment
doubles to  kilojoules spent per day, compared to
 kilojoules spent per day before the El Niño event
(Culik et al. ). Penguins must eat at least –
grams of anchovies per day just to cope with the energy
costs of foraging (Luna-Jorquera and Culik ). As
cephalopods have a lower energy content than fish, the
greater the proportion of cephalopods in the penguins’
diet, the lower the energy per stomach load (Herling et
al. ).
predatorS. Little is known about predators of the Hum-
boldt. Williams () states that killer whales (Orcinus
orca), great white sharks (Charcarodon charcarias),
and South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis)
prey on Humboldt penguins at sea. e South Ameri-
can sea lion (Otaria flavescens) kills penguins at sea
and on the shore (Cardeña, pers. obs.). Desert foxes
(Lycalopex sechurae) are the main predators of adults,
juveniles, and chicks on land (Williams ). Without
the walls that exclude foxes from Punta San Juan, few
penguins would survive; for example, a single desert
fox entered in  and killed approximately  adult
penguins in just two days (Cadeña, pers. obs.). Peruvian
gulls (Larus belcheri) and kelp gulls (Larus dominica-
nus) prey on the eggs (Wilson et al. ; Paredes and
Zavalaga ). Vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) are
also micro-predators of this species, biting the feet and
tarsometatarsi of chicks and juveniles (Luna-Jorquera
and Culik ). Introduced predators such as dogs
(Canis familiaris) kill adults; rats (Rattus rattus) prey
on eggs, but their impact is not uniform and depends
on location and year (Simeone and Bernal ).
molt. e penguins’ feathers protect their skin against
water and work as an insulator. During molt, Hum-
boldt penguins do not enter the sea to forage (Pare-
des et al. ; Otsuka et al. ). To allow for an
energy-demanding molt and a period of forced fast-
ing, they become hyperphagic during the pre-molting
period and then return to the colonies to replace their
entire plumage over a short period of time (Zavalaga
and Paredes b; Paredes et al. ). is process
is closely related to circulating thyroxine, testosterone,
and estradiol levels; increases of thyroxine in conjunc-
tion with low levels of testosterone and estradiol might
trigger feather growth (Otsuka et al. ).
Molting initiation and duration vary with latitude
(Scholten ; Zavalaga and Paredes b; Luna-
Jorquera et al. ; Paredes et al. ; Simeone et
al. ). Adult molting in southern Peru (–º S)
lasts for approximately  days, peaking between Janu-
ary and February (Paredes et al. ), while in north-
central Chile, the peak of molting tends to be one
month later (Simeone et al. ). Captive penguins in
the Northern Hemisphere start molting in July, reflect-
ing that hemisphere’s solar radiation and photoperiod
(Schloten ), and have shown shorter molting peri-
ods ( days), perhaps because of more constant food.
annual cycle. Humboldts have two breeding peaks, but
breeding depends on prey availability and can cease,
with penguins deserting their nests during strong El
Niño periods (fig. ).
8. population SizeS and trendS
Although the Humboldt population has severely
declined since the th century and showed marked
reductions after the – and – El Niños, the
population is now increasing slowly. Some authors esti-
mate a population of , breeding adults (Schlosser
et al. ); however, these are based not on actual
counts but on the opinions of researchers.
As population numbers are prone to fluctuate in
relation to changes in prey availability (El Niño events)
and interactions with fisheries, recent improvements in
Peruvian counts could be a result of a fixed escapement
fig. 10. Annual cycle of the Humboldt penguin.
 V. Banded penguinS: genuS SpheniScuS
policy of  million tons of spawning biomass (Guevarra-
Carrasco et al. ) for Peruvian anchoveta (Engraulis
ringens) and the recent implementation of an individual
transferable quota system for fisheries established by
Decreto Legislativo . Nevertheless, it is a priority
to assess the impact of these policies on the conserva-
tion of penguins and other anchovy-dependent fauna.
In terms of actual population numbers, field data on
species abundance are scarce and of limited accuracy.
Counting methodologies are inconsistent (perhaps
masking the Chilean trends), and species monitoring
is concentrated in just a few sites, neglecting newly dis-
covered colonies (Bussalleu, pers. obs.).
9. main threatS
reats to Humboldt populations are shown in table
.. Most of the threats described in the s are still
major concerns today (Murphy ; Boersma and
Stokes ; BirdLife International ).
el niño and climate Variation. e Humboldt Current
upwelling system has alternating blooms and deple-
tions of productivity triggered by Kelvin waves com-
ing into contact with the South American Pacific coast
(Bertrand et al. b). El Niño events, recurring peri-
ods of reduced upwelling intensity, increase the average
depth of pelagic schools of Peruvian anchoveta (Ber-
trand et al. a) and thus reduce prey availability
(Culik et al. ; Taylor et al. ) and increase adult
penguin mortality.
Together with other environmental changes asso-
ciated with Kelvin waves (such as increased rainfall
leading to the collapse of nests), increases in nest aban-
donment and chick mortality during El Niño events
have alarmed researchers in Ecuador, Peru, and Chile
(Boersma ; Paredes and Zavalaga ; Simeone et
al. ).
Species inhabiting the Humboldt Current have sur-
vived periods of food scarcity, but the increased fre-
quency of El Niño events likely will harm the Humboldt
penguin as it has the Galápagos penguin (Boersma
; Vargas et al. ). Dramatic increases in fish-
ing effort (ongoing since the s) modify energetic
and nutritional flows across the trophic webs, reducing
the carbon flux toward top predators, such as seabirds
(Jahncke et al. ). e introduction of large-scale
industrial fisheries increases the ecosystems’ vulner-
ability and can lead to losses in biodiversity and even
ecological collapse (Pauly et al. ; Cury et al. ;
Pauly and Palomares ). As the commercial fisher-
ies of Chile and Peru intensively exploit the Humboldt’s
main prey species, it is thought that this competition is
the most pressing threat to the species’ conservation,
hindering its ability to recover population sizes similar
to those of the th century (Duffy et al. ; Herling
et al. ; BirdLife International ).
fiShing. Bycatch in the small-scale fisheries in Peru and
Chile is an ongoing problem (Duffy ; Simeone et
al. ; Majluf et al. ; Melly et al. ; Boersma
et al. ). Most of the penguins’ foraging activities
take place within a radius of  kilometers around their
colonies and in depths of less than  meters (Culik et
al. ; Luna-Jorquera and Culik ; Taylor et al.
; Boersma et al. ); thus, they are vulnerable to
entanglement in fishing nets that target pelagic com-
mercial species (Boersma and Stokes ; Simeone et
al. ; Majluf et al. ; Taylor et al. ; Melly et
al. ). For example, at least , penguins (about
 of the overall estimated population size at the
time) were bycatch in gill nets of small-scale fisheries
between  and  in Chile and Peru (Simeone et
al. ; Majluf et al. ). eir accidental drownings
were associated mostly with drift gill nets in fisheries
targeting palm ruffs (Seriolella violacea) and corvina
drums (Cilus gilberti).
Mesh size and fishing methods may change rates of
penguin mortality. It seems that penguins are entangled
while resting at sea at night after foraging or while they
are approaching anchovy schools during the day (Duffy
; Simeone et al. ; Majluf et al. ; Taylor et
al. ; Boersma et al. ). Some authors have sug-
gested banning drift gill nets at night and establishing
no-take zones in areas within  kilometers of breeding
colonies (Taylor et al. ; Boersma et al. ), but
there has been little response from Chilean and Peru-
vian authorities. Other authors are deeply concerned
with this issue, as local depletion of valuable fish con-
tinues to force artisanal fishermen to change target fish
and shellfish species and seek new fishing grounds,
often around penguin rookeries (Paredes et al. ).
guano harVeSting. Guano harvesting is detrimental to
the conservation of penguins (Boersma and Stokes
humBoldt penguin (SpheniScuS humboldti) 
). It is important to note that there are nevertheless
examples of sustainable, less harmful harvests in Punta
San Juan (Majluf et al., unpubl. data). Peruvian guano is
a valued organic fertilizer derived from the excrement
of the Guanay cormorant (Phalacrocorax bougainvil-
lii), Peruvian booby (Sula variegata), and Peruvian pel-
ican (Pelecanus thagus), and the fecal deposits of these
birds are the nesting substrates for Humboldt penguins
in Peru (fig. ) (Boersma and Stokes ; Battistini
; Battistini and Paredes ; Paredes and Zavalaga
us, guano harvesting reduces nesting habitat for
penguins (Murphy ; Duffy et al. ; Boersma and
Stokes ; Paredes et al. ), but guano miners also
increase adult and egg mortality through direct harvest
and by the introduction of alien species such as dogs
and rats (Duffy et al. ). Even without guano har-
vest, human presence has harmed colonies (Simeone
and Bernal ) through the introduction of species
such as goats that trample nests (Simeone and Schlat-
ter ).
haBitat loSS. Coastal development reduces breed-
ing sites (Duffy et al. ; Araya et al. ). e
increased human presence near Humboldt colonies
is of concern because these penguins are among the
timid species of the Sphenisciformes (Ellenberg et al.
). Habituation is possible, but visual contact with
humans increases their heart rate and can result in
nest abandonment (Taylor et al. ; Ellenberg et al.
). Unregulated tourism is problematic for the spe-
cies (Simeone and Schlatte ; Ellenberg et al. ;
Skewgar et al. ); however, its impacts on breeding
success, attendance, and mortality are not quantified.
diSeaSe. Changes in coastal use (e.g., increased chicken
aviculture) are a possible driver for new diseases that
could further endanger the species (Duffy et al. ;
Adkesson, pers. comm.), but impacts on penguin
health are not quantified (Smith et al. ). A team
of veterinary researchers led by Michael Adkesson is
quantifying changes in pathogens, diseases, viruses,
and pollutants that were previously described at Punta
San Juan in Smith et al. ().
10. recommended priority reSearch
actionS for conSerVation
Research can aid in conserving this species. e follow-
ing actions address the most pressing needs:
. Define a consolidated census methodology. What
are the optimum survey times and methods for
determining the population size of the species
across its distribution?
. Monitor distribution and abundance. How many
penguins are there? How do colonies behave in
periods of food abundance and scarcity?
. Quantify the impact of human activities (urban
fig. 11. At Punta San Juan, Peru,
Humboldt penguins dig burrows in
the guano to nest. (P. D. Boersma)
 V. Banded penguinS: genuS SpheniScuS
growth, tourism, industrial fishing, small-scale fish-
ing, mining, farming, animal husbandry) on distri-
bution, abundance, and breeding success.
. Identify and quantify the impacts of climate change
on population size, distribution, and breeding suc-
. Identify critical areas for conservation. Which colo-
nies are facing the worst pressures? Where are pen-
guins most prolific? What areas do penguins use for
transit and migration? Where should marine pro-
tected areas (MPAs) or zoning for conservation be
. Generate relevant information for industrial fish-
ery management and policy (define catch quotas
and fishery bans based on ecosystem parameters).
Monitor targeted prey species and their relative
contribution (numbers, mass, and energy) to the
penguins’ diet.
. Generate a baseline of health parameters across
the Humboldt penguin’s distribution. What are
the most common pathogens, parasites, and dis-
eases? How do they affect the penguins’ mortality
and reproductive success? Are there areas where or
times when penguins are more prone to diseases?
. Assess the impacts of MPAs on penguin conser-
vation. Does the current MPA system protect the
species? Have population sizes and breeding suc-
cess improved after the establishment of protected
areas? Do reductions in harvests of fish result in
increases in numbers of penguins and other sea-
. Develop innovative educational programs on for-
age fish and seabird conservation for adult and
childhood education on forage fish and seabird
conservation to better understand economic and
conservation trades-offs with human well-being.
Conservation programs should include interactive
websites, talks in schools, TV presentations, and
community-based projects.
11. current conSerVation effortS
Humboldt penguins are protected by MPAs (marine
reserves, marine parks, natural monuments, national
reserves, and reserved zones). Some protect marine
extensions (foraging habitats), others land (nesting
habitats), and some both. eir effectiveness is related
to the ability of the Peruvian and Chilean governments
to properly enforce conservation measures against
urgent threats and short-term economic gain. is
capacity is limited and perhaps insufficient. Moreover,
although some breeding sites are protected, many areas
lack appropriate participatory management plans that
include Humboldts as an object of conservation (Skew-
gar et al. ) (fig. ).
In January , the Peruvian government estab-
lished the Guano System National Reserve (Decreto
Supremo –-MINAM) (Ministerio del Ambi-
ente ). is network of headlands, capes, and
islands harbors Humboldt nesting sites and protects
major foraging areas around them. e San Fernando
National Reserve (established in July  by the
Decreto Supremo –-MINAM) is also a major
site for penguins.
It is also important to highlight that Isla Chañaral,
the main breeding colony for the species, is protected
(UNEP ) and that improvements in MPA cover-
age and management are significant in Chile (Pizarro
fig. 12. Adult Humboldt penguin at its nest on Isla Choros, Chile. (T.
humBoldt penguin (SpheniScuS humboldti) 
Establishing sustainable guano harvest method-
ologies, implementing protective tourism routes with
camouflaged observation points, removing alien spe-
cies from breeding sites, enforcing fishery no-take
zones around breeding colonies, and applying the eco-
system approach to fisheries (Garcia et al. ) are all
major challenges for the future of the species.
12. recommended priority conSerVation actionS
In general, information on species distribution and
abundance is needed. Census methodologies for Chile
and Peru should be unified and a complete penguin
count made over the range of the species (Araya et al.
). Additional recommendations include the fol-
lowing specific actions:
. Acquire information on abundance, breeding phe-
nology, reproductive success, and adult mortality
for the most representative reproductive colonies
at least once a year and perhaps conduct a full cen-
sus across the species’ range once every three to
four years (Boersma ).
. Determine migratory and transit corridors between
colonies by means of ecological and genetic studies
(Schlosser et al. ).
. Implement a sustainable guano harvest method,
to minimize disturbance at the breeding colonies
and better preserve nesting habitat, as was done
for two guano harvests at Punta San Juan (Majluf,
unpubl. data). e guano sites in Peru are part of a
national reserve, and tools developed at Punta San
Juan should be incorporated into guano manage-
ment plans for all sites. Promote compliance with
protective guano harvesting guidelines as a part of
national and regional regulations.
. e industrial anchovy fishery is a threat to Hum-
boldt penguins and other seabirds, so total allow-
able catches should be set based on trophic and
oceanographic models that include ecological
parameters (such as prey dependence) (Chris-
tensen and Walters ; Cury et al. ). Include
a precautionary approach to uncertainty in fishery
policy (Ward et al. ), reducing fishing pressure
during El Niño events.
. Monitoring of bycatch and fishing efforts is critical
for penguin conservation (Majluf et al. ; Melly
et al. ; Skewgar et al. ). Monitor fishing
areas and landings of small-scale and artisanal fish-
eries for areas and gear that render the greatest
bycatch. Vessel monitoring and landing data would
also provide a description of spatial and resource
use patterns for these small-scale fisheries around
breeding colonies.
. Use these data to inform zoning proposals (fishing
areas, no-take zone, areas where only hook and line
are allowed, etc.) and fishing policies (fishing bans,
mesh sizes, catch shares, etc.) that could enhance
conservation of commercially targeted species and
reduce disturbance to Humboldt breeding colo-
nies (Araya et al. ). Local stakeholders need
to be involved in these activities, which should be
coupled with educational and outreach programs
that will enhance their ability (Olsen et al. ) to
reduce bycatch, improve self-governance, and con-
vince local stakeholders to accept MPAs and com-
ply with their regulations.
. Implement on-board observer programs for obtain-
ing data on bycatch. Integrating this information
with satellite data from vessel monitoring programs
and GPS tracking and telemetry data from projects
studying the Humboldt’s foraging areas will provide
a better sense of how, if, and when industrial fisher-
ies cause local depletions of prey. is information
could then be used for rapid adaptive management
so that fishing policies and activities can minimize
their impact in key areas during the species’ breed-
ing seasons.
. Many MPAs have been established across this spe-
cies’ distribution and include important breeding
colonies. Enforcement of these protections should
be coupled with management plans that have
clearly defined, measurable objectives so that con-
servation practitioners can monitor the efficiency
of MPAs in relation to Humboldt penguins (Skew-
gar et al. ) and adapt to changes as necessary
(e.g., assess the effectiveness of a no-take zone after
a predetermined period of time).
. Include capacity building and local involvement
of stakeholders from civil society when discussing
sustainable practices and policies intended to help
conserve marine biodiversity (Olsen et al. ),
including especially the Humboldt penguin. Initi-
ate efforts to communicate science in more novel
ways that can better reach target stakeholders like
 V. Banded penguinS: genuS SpheniScuS
fishermen and policy makers.
Other conservation activities include developing
clearly defined regulations on tourism in MPAs and
near penguin breeding sites and including these regu-
lations in regional conservation action plans, to reduce
negative impacts on the species; enhancing waste
treatment efforts in coastal regions where mining,
industries, and urban areas are located near breeding
colonies; and implementing health-monitoring pro-
grams at breeding colonies.
We thank the Chicago Zoological Society, the Saint
Louis Zoo, and the Philadelphia Zoo for funding our
research and conservation efforts at Punta San Juan
during the past decade. e Chicago Zoological Soci-
ety and the Saint Louis Zoo are also currently sponsor-
ing Humboldt penguin health-monitoring programs
for wild populations, Humboldt colony identification,
and population size surveys across the species distribu-
tion. Moreover, we would like to thank P. D. Boersma
and P. Garcia Borboroglu for entrusting this task to our
team and for their patience.
taBle 15.1 Mean measurements of adult Humboldts
Site gender Bm wh Bl Bd fl data Source
Wild penguins at
Punta San Juan
Colo ny 1992 –1994
Males (n=165) 4711.06 ± 31.55 (g) Zavalaga and
Par edes (1997a)
Females (n=123) 4047.39 ± 35.15 (g)
Pooled (n=288) 4427.62 ± 30.42
Captive penguins
at Washington
Park Zoo
Male s (n=19) 4802.6 ± 10 0.5 (g) 5.49 ± 0.045 (cm) 6 .44 ± 0.075 (cm) 2.97 ± 0.04 5 (cm) Zavalaga and
Par edes (1997a)
Females (n=16) 4328.0 ± 92.6 (g) 5.22 ± 0.055 (cm) 6.03 ± 0.057 (cm) 2.71 ± 0.004 (cm)
Pool ed (n=35) 4585.7± 79.2 (g) 5.36 ± 0.0 42 (cm) 6.25 ± 0.059 (cm) 2.85 ± 0.037 (cm)
Dead penguins
recovered at
San Pedro Port
1992–19 93
Ma les ( n=112) * 4931.08 ± 56.05
(g) 5.13 ± 0.02 (cm) 6.5 4 ± 0.02 (cm) 2. 56 ± 0.01 (cm) 15.63 ± 0.06 (cm) Zavalaga and
Par edes (1997a)
Fe ma les ( n=111)* 4317.85 ± 52.15 (g) 4.75 ± 0.02 (cm) 6.08 ± 0.02 (cm) 2.27 ± 0.01 (cm) 14.93 ± 0.05 (cm)
Pool ed (n=223) 4643.54 ± 4 3.90 (g) 4.92 ± 0.02 (cm) 6.31 ± 0.02 (cm) 2.42 ± 0.01 (cm)
Wild penguins at
Pájaro Niño Colony
1994 –1995
Males (n=388) 65.21 ± 2.61 (mm) 27.59 ± 1.38 (mm) 216.67 ± 6.92
Wallace et al.
Females (n=368) 61.42 ± 2.45 (mm) 24.68 ± 1.48 (mm) 209.07 ± 7.63
Note: e measurements taken where Body mass (BM), Length of head (LH), Width of head (WH), Bill length (BL), Bill depth (DB) and Flipper length
(FL). Data from Zavalaga and Paredes ( a) is presented as mean value in centimetres ± the standard error, whilst data from Wallace et al. ()
is presented as mean value in millimetres ± the standard deviation. Strong differences in FL measurements are due to methodological differences. For
Wallace et al. () FL was measured from the tip of the flipper to its junction with the thoracic wall, when the flipper was held perpendicular to the
sagittal plane of the body. For Zavalaga and Paredes ( a) FL was measured from the humero-radial joint to the tip of the flipper (maximum flattened
chord). *Only  penguins ( males and  females) were measured for the FL parameter.
taBle 15.2 Gender determination of Humboldts
zaValaga and paredeS (1997 a) wallace et al. (2008)
D = 3.16(WH) + 3.69 (BL)–38.98 Ln (P/(1- P)) = 42.889 –0.244(BL) –1–052( BD)
If D >0 the penguin was classied as mal e. P = e(42.889–0.244 BL–1–052 BD)
1+ e (42.889–0.244 BL–1–052 BD)
P is the probability that the penguin is female
(if P ≥ 0.5, the penguin is femal e).
Note: Bill length (BL), bill depth (BD), and width of the head (WH)
humBoldt penguin (SpheniScuS humboldti) 
taBle 15.3 (a) Humboldt colonies in Peru
SiteS lat. ºS 1980 1981 1996 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 referenceS
Foca 05 º12 20 20 25 0 8, 12
Aguja 05 º41' 10 20 20 1, 12
Lobos de Tierra 06º25' 1000 900 100 00 35 0 1, 4, 8
Macabi 07º48 ' 15 1
Guañape Norte 0 8º32' 20 20 43 0 8, 12
Huarmey 10º04' 00 300 0 8
Mazorca 11º2 2 ' 150 120 10 0 1, 4
Pachacamac 12º 18' 600 75 0 800 230 575 959 120 1, 4, 8, 12
Santa María 12º18' 03 12
Asia 12º47 ' 00 227 206 8
Chincha Norte 13º3 8' 50 0 146 145 168 1, 8, 12
Ballestas 13º4 4' 9 60 79 153 157 98 1, 4, 8, 12
Culebras 13º 50' 46 0 12
San Gallán 13º 51' 111 60 191 259 192 101 1, 4, 8, 12
Tambillo 13º51 ' 33 12
Arquillo 13º 52' 50 1
Mendieta- Paracas 14º 03' 15 0 00 8, 12
Independencia 14º10' 010 12
Tres Puertas 14º10' 220 900 145 110 8, 12
La vieja 14º17' 8 00 1, 4, 12
Santa Rosa 14º19' 0 01 309 131 1, 8, 12
Gallinazo 15º0 9' 04 12
San Fernando 15º 09 ' 500 3 25 22 67 1, 8, 12
San Juanito 15º16' 505 538 812 917 8, 12
San Juan 15º22' 3680 2220 3650 3686 1631 1774 801 13 88 2305 14 07 2267 3214 25 45 3199 4421 1, 4, 8, 10–12, 19
Sombrerillo 15º3 0' 113 0 49 80 8, 12
Pampa Redonda 15º50' 1800 300 1, 4
La Chira 16º29' 300 60 1, 12
Caleta 16º 31' 93 133 12 0 79 8, 12
La Norte 16º31' 40 12
Quilca 16º43 ' 15 0 12
Honoratos 16º52 ' 417 12
Hornillos 16º5 3' 60 512 502 298 492 1, 8, 12
Carrizales 16º5 5' 23 0 16 14 8, 12
Tar pu y 16º58' 60 12
Islay 17º 01' 00 13 37 8
Cocotea 17º 15' 10 3 160 12
Cordel 17º1 5' 21 160 68 163 8
Corio 17º 15' 90 12
Platanales 17º 24' 026 12
Coles 17º4 2' 178 91 289 146 8, 12
e Maximum Recorded Values (individuals) for each year were extracted for all of Table II (a and b) from: () Araya et al.,; () Culik and Luna-
Jorquera, b; () Cursach et al., ; () Duffy et al., ; () Hertel et al., ; () Hiriart-Bertrand et al,. , () Luna-Jorquera and Cortes, ;
() Majlufunpublished data; () Mattern et al., ; () Paredes and Zavalaga, ; () Paredes et al., ; () Paredes et al., ; () Simeone,
; () Simeone and Schlatter, ; () Simeone et al., ; () Simeone et al., ; () Simeone et al., ; () iel et al., ; () UNEP,
 V. Banded penguinS: genuS SpheniScuS
taBle15.3 (B) Humboldt colonies in Chile
SiteS lat. ºS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1995 1996 1997 2000 2002 2003 2005 2008 2009 ref.’S
Cueva del
20º 12' 16 1
Pan de
26º09' 6000 131 2500 2570 4000 600 1000 5900 1750 1, 2
Grande 27º15' 58 34 40 300 4270 4570 1, 7,
16, 18
27º41' 180 1
Chañaral 29º01' 750 146 6000 1000 788 15 00 2500 2 2021 1, 9, 16
Damas 29º13' 20 20 9, 16
Choros 29º15' 96 32 14 50 720 720 1, 9, 16
Chungungo 29º24’ 400 5
Tilgo 29º32’ 1200 5
Pájaros (1) 29º35' 624 54 880 1000 120 0 1200 1, 9, 16
De los
31º55 ' 60 64 274 34 120 1
Papudo 32º30' 100 1
Cachagua 32º35' 1000 1055 2030 2000 1200 1, 14,
Concón 32º52' 500 12 100 46 12 10 20 10 1, 16
Pájaro Niño 33º 21' 530 1000 2000 1600 250 1, 16,
Papuya 34º00' 14 1
Islot e
40º56’ 4 3
Puñihuil 41º55' 12 450 50 315 152 1, 13,
14, 15
Metalqui 42º12’ 56 6, 15
humBoldt penguin (SpheniScuS humboldti) 
taBle 15.4 Legal actions undertaken by Chile and Peru for the protection of Humboldt penguins in their national
year legal meaSure country deScription reference
1952 DS 797 Chile Bans penguin hunting Iriarte, 1999
1963 DFL RRA 25 Chile Regulates guano trade, banning extraction of guano i n areas with active bird nests
(including those of penguins).
Iriarte, 1999
1966 D S 531 Chile Bans penguin-hunting indenitely. Iriarte, 1999
1967 SM 506 Chile Bans hunting, trans portation, pos session and commercialization of penguins in
Iriarte, 1999
1977 RM 01710–77AG-GFFF Peru List s the Humboldt penguin as a Vulnerable species. SPIJ, 2011
1981 DFL 3.557 Chile Allows for extraction of guano in ma rine birds' reproductive sites only w ith Gover n-
mental clearance.
Iriarte, 1999
1993 DS 133 Chile Bans penguin hunting and capturing. Iriarte, 1999
1995 DS 2 25 Chile Implements a 30-year long extract ive ban for marine vertebrates-inc luding Hum-
boldt penguins.
Iriarte, 1999.
1999 DS 013– 99-A G Peru Bans hunting, extraction and expor tation of Humboldt pengui ns for commercial
SPIJ, 2011
2004 DS 034–2004-AG Peru Lists the Humboldt penguin as an Endangered Sp ecies and bans its hunting, cap-
turing, p ossession, transportation and exportation for commercial purposes.
SPIJ, 2011
2008 DS 50/2008 Chile Lists the H umboldt penguin as Vulnerable in Ch ile CONAM A, 2010
2009 DS 024–2009-MINAM Peru Implements the gu ano system as a N ational Pr otected Area protec ting most of the
Peruvian breeding sites for the species.
SPIJ, 2011
Note: DFL = Decreto con Fuerza de Ley; DS = Decreto Supremo; RM =Resolución Ministerial
taBle 15.5 Sizes and masses of captive and wild Humboldt penguins’ eggs
location captiVe population-Birdworld great Britain 1wild population-punta San Juan
Year (sample size) 199 0 (n=13) 2002 (n=50)
Measurements Mean ± SD Range Mean ± SD Range
Leng th (cm) 7.200 ± 0.179 6 . 9 97 –7. 4 4 8 7.35 ± 0.33 6. 67 8.1 0
Brea dth (cm) 5.559 ± 0. 216 5.056–5.890 5.54 ± 0. 32 4. 8 0 –7.1 0
Initial Mass (g) 122.11 ± 10.81 9 5.18 –13 4 .5 119.28 ± 12.97 84.00–143.00
Sources: Deerling et al., ; Cardeña et al., unpublished data
 V. Banded penguinS: genuS SpheniScuS
taBle 15.6 Main constituents of the Humboldt’s diet
location main dietary conStituentS reference
Punta San Juan
15º22’ S
Peruvian anchovy Engraulis ringens Zavalaga an d Paredes 1997b
Silversides Odontesthesregia
Pan de Azucar
26º0 9' S
Garshes Scomberesox saurus Herling et al. (2005)
Peruvian anchovy Engraulis ringens
Jack Macke rel Trachurus murphyi
South American pilchard Sardinops sagax
29º01’ S
Garshes Scomberesox spp. Wilson et al. (1989)
Peruvian anchovy Engraulis ringens
33º30’ S
Peruvian anchovy Engraulis ringens Wilson et al. (1989)
South American pilchard Sardinops sagax
45º 55’ S
Peruvian anchovy Engraulis ringens Herling et al. (2005)
Araucanian herring Strangomera bentincki
Silversides Odontesthes regia
Common hake Merluccius gayi
Jack Macke rel Trachurus murphyi
taBle 15.7 Main threats for wild Humboldt populations
reference en gw ep ha p and z Bcf hd hl iaS th
Mur phy (193 6) xx (h) x (h) x (h) xxx
Duf fy (1983) x (h) x (h) x x
Duffy et al. (1984) x (h) x (h) xxxxx
Hays (1984)
Hays (1986) x
Culik and Luna-Jorquera (1997a) x
Battistini (1998)
Paredes and Zavalaga (1998) x
Araya et al. (20 00) xx xxxx
Simeone and Schlatter (1998) x x x x
Simeone et a l. (1999) x
Wallace et al. (1999) x
Culik et al. (20 00) x
Simeone and Bernal (2000) x
Majluf et al. (2 002) x x x
Simeone et a l (2002) x
Taylor et al. (2002) x x X
Cushman (2003) x (h) x (h) xX
Paredes et al. (2003) xx (r) x (r) x (r) xxx
Simeone et a l. 2003 x x X
Herling et al (2005) x
Ellenberg et al. (2006) xX
Boersma et al. (2007) x x
BirdLife International (2008) x x x x x x
Skewgar et al. (20 09) x x X
humBoldt penguin (SpheniScuS humboldti) 
Note: reats include EN: El Niño; GW: global warming; EP: Egg poaching; HA: Hunting of adult birds; P and Z: Capturing birds for pets and zoos; B:
By-catch and drowning by net entanglement; CF: Competition with commercial fisheries; HD: Habitat degradation and reproductive failure from Guano
harvests; HL: Loss of nesting sites and reproductive habitat due to coastal development; IAS: Introduction of alien species; TH: Tourism and human
presence. “x” denotes the mentioning or discussing of the threat in the references, (h) stands for historical threat and (r) for recent threat.
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... In South America, two of the four species are widely distributed across different latitudes: the Humboldt penguin (S. humboldti) and the Magellanic penguin (S. magellanicus). The Humboldt penguin breeding range is restricted to the Humboldt current and extends from Foca Island (5?S) in northern Peru to Metalqui (42?S) on the southern Pacific coast of Chile (De la Puente et al., 2013; Hiriart-Bertrand et al., 2010; Paredes, Zavalaga, Battistini, Majluf, & Mc Gill, 2003; Vianna et al., 2014). Magellanic penguins' breeding range extends from 41?S on the eastern coast of South America, south around Cape Horn and north to 40?S on the Pacific coast, and includes the Malvinas?Falkland Islands (Boersma et al., 2013). ...
... In South America, two of the four species are widely distributed across different latitudes: the Humboldt penguin (S. humboldti) and the Magellanic penguin (S. magellanicus). The Humboldt penguin breeding range is restricted to the Humboldt current and extends from Foca Island (5°S) in northern Peru to Metalqui (42°S) on the southern Pacific coast of Chile (De la Puente et al., 2013; Hiriart-Bertrand et al., 2010; Paredes, Zavalaga, Battistini, Majluf, & Mc Gill, 2003; Vianna et al., 2014). Magellanic penguins' breeding range extends from 41°S on the eastern coast of South America, south around Cape Horn and north to 40°S on the Pacific coast, and includes the Malvinas–Falkland Islands (Boersma et al., 2013). ...
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The evolutionary and adaptive potential of populations or species facing an emerging infectious disease depends on their genetic diversity in genes, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). In birds, MHC class I deals predominantly with intracellular infections (e.g., viruses) and MHC class II with extracellular infections (e.g., bacteria). Therefore, patterns of MHC I and II diversity may differ between species and across populations of species depending on the relative effect of local and global environmental selective pressures, genetic drift, and gene flow. We hypothesize that high gene flow among populations of Humboldt and Magellanic penguins limits local adaptation in MHC I and MHC II, and signatures of selection differ between markers, locations, and species. We evaluated the MHC I and II diversity using 454 next-generation sequencing of 100 Humboldt and 75 Magellanic penguins from seven different breeding colonies. Higher genetic diversity was observed in MHC I than MHC II for both species, explained by more than one MHC I loci identified. Large population sizes, high gene flow, and/or similar selection pressures maintain diversity but limit local adaptation in MHC I. A pattern of isolation by distance was observed for MHC II for Humboldt penguin suggesting local adaptation, mainly on the northernmost studied locality. Furthermore, trans-species alleles were found due to a recent speciation for the genus or convergent evolution. High MHC I and MHC II gene diversity described is extremely advantageous for the long-term survival of the species.
... Where a range was provided for fledging time, we took the midpoint. For three species, Larus ridibundus, Spheniscus humboldti and Sterna paradisaea, information on one or both life-history traits wasnot included in Birds of the World and wasobtained from the literature (Lemmetyinen 1973, Prévot-Julliard et al. 2001, Valdés-Velasquez et al. 2013. ...
The cognitive buffer hypothesis proposes that species with larger brains (relative to their body size) exhibit greater behavioural flexibility, conferring an advantage in unpredictable or novel environments. Therefore, behavioural flexibility – and relative brain size – are likely to be important predictors of a species' vulnerability to anthropogenic pressures and, ultimately, extinction risk. However, current evidence linking brain size to species' vulnerability and extinction risk is inconclusive. Furthermore, studies examining the relationship between relative brain size and behavioural flexibility have mainly focused on foraging innovations, whilst other forms of behavioural flexibility remain unexplored. In this study, we collate species‐specific information and examine links between relative brain size, rates of natal and adult dispersal (a measure of flexibility in breeding site fidelity), vulnerability to six anthropogenic threats and extinction risk for 131 species of seabird. We focused our study on seabirds, a highly threatened group that displays large variation in both relative brain size and dispersal behaviour. We found a significant positive relationship between relative brain size and natal dispersal rate, suggesting that relative brain size could enhance flexibility in breeding site choice in seabirds, consistent with the cognitive buffer hypothesis. However, this relationship does not persist when we consider adult dispersal, possibly reflecting constraints imposed by mate selection and knowledge transfer in seabirds. We also show that relative brain size is negatively associated with vulnerability to climate change. These findings have immediate application for predicting interspecific variation in species' vulnerability to climate change and identifying priority species for conservation.
... Peru: We found 14 sites (Fig. 1C), where Humboldt penguins are visited. De la Puente et al. (2013) lists 17 colonies as of 2004, which means 82% of Humboldt penguin colonies have tourism in some form. Most colonies have <100 breeding pairs, and all but three are on islands. ...
Penguins are popular tourist attractions, but where do people go to see them in the wild? Consulting a wide range of sources, we identified 295 breeding colonies and sites that are advertised as places to visit penguins. Antarctica had the greatest number of sites (n = 123), and Namibia the fewest (n = 1). Population estimates for the number of breeding pairs were available for over 90% of sites, but both the recentness and reliability of the estimates were highly variable. The number of annual visitors was tracked at only 50% of sites. The number of breeding pairs a destination had did not predict its visitors per year. The closer a site was to a city with an airport, the more visitors it received. Excluding sites in Antarctica and the Galápagos, where visits are more tightly regulated and more boat-based, less than half of sites had specific management plans. Entrance fees ranged from zero to several thousand U.S. dollars, but fees rarely were used to support conservation or research. In sum, penguin-related tourism operates in a black box, with substantial information gaps. Tourism to penguin colonies can be sustainable, but this requires 1) regulations and enforcement to keep penguins safe from excessive disturbance; and 2) funds to benefit the penguins, their ocean and coastal habitats, research, and the local community. Transparency in the number of visitors and how the revenue their visits generate is used is essential to assess the sustainability of tourism at any colony.
Given the increasing obligation to elevate animal welfare beyond minimum expectations, zoos need robust mechanisms to monitor physical activity and species-appropriate behaviours. This is not without challenge as animal behaviour can vary seasonally or be influenced by external factors such as weather and visitors. In theory, keepers who work with animals year-round are ideally situated to collect behavioural data. However, time pressure often means any data collection is minimal, ad-hoc, or skewed towards particular times of day. Here we compare infrequent low-intensity ad-hoc data on activity and behaviour of zoo-housed Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) collected by keepers with simultaneous high-intensity systematic data collected by a researcher. Once out-of-sight records (more frequent in researcher data) were excluded from both datasets, we found excellent agreement between keeper and researcher data. After this validation step, we collected extensive multi-year keeper data (diurnal hourly scan samples; 262 days across a 5-year study period) to assess potential influence of time of day, time of year, visitors, and weather on penguin behaviour. There were pronounced seasonal patterns: aquatic active behaviours were highest in autumn (38.9% in October) compared to early spring and late summer (February = 16.7%; August = 19.4%). Time of day was also important: terrestrial inactive behaviours increased throughout the day and this pattern was significantly more pronounced in summer than winter. Aquatic active behaviours were more frequent during warmer/sunnier conditions compared to cooler/wetter conditions, while the reverse was true for terrestrial inactive behaviours. Birds were much less active on days when the site was closed to visitors. Overall, we demonstrate that where keeper-collected data are validated and found to be robust and representative, there are real opportunities to study long-term behavioural patterns that can quickly translate to tangible husbandry benefits and improved animal welfare.
So far, little has been done on the motor and perceptual asymmetry in the genus Spheniscus, which on the contrary, has been the target of much research in the wild due to its vulnerable ecological condition. The present study aimed to investigate the presence of lateralization on different asymmetry dimensions in Humboldt penguins by studying fourteen subjects housed in a captive colony in Italy. For each individual, the preferred foot to start walking and climbing on a weighing scale, the preferred side to reach the uropygium, and the preferred eye to scrutinize visitors outside the exhibit were recorded. Asymmetry was found at the individual level for the preferred foot to climb onto the scale (three left and five right out of 14) and the preferred side to reach the preen gland (two left and five right out of 14). Only thirteen penguins were seen interacting with people outside the exhibit using their left (four) or right (three) eye while swimming in the pool. No lateralization could be documented at the population level. The lack of lateralization at the population level could be attributable to the small size of the colony studied, hampering speculations on the social life of S. humboldti. Since the requirement for coordinated behaviors at the population level occurs when social interactions become common and recurrent in the natural behavior of a species, and because only one among the items studied was devoted to the study of social behavior, it will be necessary to broaden the research to other captive S. humboldti populations to expand our results. Data obtained from a larger number of animals could unveil a little piece of the puzzle that will allow evaluating lateralization at the population level in this species and ascertain if the Evolutionarily Stable Strategy could also be applied to S. humboldti.
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Ten Humboldt (Spheniscus humboldti) and eight Magellanic Penguins (S. magellanicus) were successfully equipped with satellite transmitters in March 2009 on Islotes Puñihuil in central south-Chile to follow their post-moult dispersal. Overall, Humboldt Penguins could be followed for a mean period of 49 ±18 days (range: 25–93) and Magellanic Penguins for 57 ±12 days (range 35–68). Irrespective of species and sex, seven study birds remained in the vicinity of their breeding ground throughout the transmission period. All other penguins moved northwards, either only a relatively short distance (max 400 km) to Isla Mocha at 38°S (n=3) or further north beyond 35°S (n=8). However, eight of these birds (73%) turned south again towards the end of the individual tracking periods. The total area used by both species during the tracking period was restricted to a coastal area stretching from the breeding site at 42°S about 1000 km to the north at about 32°S. The area used by Humboldt penguins overlapped by 95% the area used by Magellanic penguins, whereas the area used by the latter species was much larger and overlapped only by 45% with the area used by Humboldt penguins. Overall, our results indicate that Magellanic Penguins in the Pacific Ocean are probably less migratory than their conspecifics on the Atlantic side, while Humboldt Penguins appear to be more migratory than previously anticipated. In general, there was a poor relationship between preferred foraging areas and chlorophyll-a, as a proxy for primary productivity, indicating the limitations of using remote-sensed primary productivity as a proxy to interpret the foraging behaviour of marine predators. In addition, there was also no clear relationship between the preferred foraging areas and the amount of regional fish catches by artisanal fishery.
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Humboldt Penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) are globally Vulnerable due to the decline of the population and to a decline in the number of breeding sites in comparison to historical records. In 2010, we observed a few thousand Humboldt Penguins nesting in a surface-nest colony on Isla Santa Rosa in southern Perú. This number was unexpected because this site has never been listed as an important Humboldt Penguin breeding ground. We visited this island again in June 2011 and 2012, and counted 1,965 and 1,745 active nests, respectively. These numbers indicate not only the presence of at least 3,500-4,000 Humboldt Penguins, but places Isla Santa Rosa among the five largest Humboldt Penguin colonies within its entire range. The need for recognition of Isla Santa Rosa as a major Humboldt Penguin refuge is crucial for the conservation of the species, as the island has remained untouched from guano harvesting since 1996. This has resulted in a significant accumulation of guano likely to be legally collected in the next few years. Unsupervised guano harvesting could cause a Humboldt Penguin exodus and jeopardize the existence of this colony. Under this scenario, it is recommended that Isla Santa Rosa be closed to guano harvesting until a surveillance program to protect the Humboldt Penguins can be established and proven to work under the conditions found on Isla Santa Rosa.
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Avian malaria is a disease caused by species of the genera Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, and Plasmodium. It affects hundreds of bird species, causing varied clinical signs depending on the susceptibility of the host species. Although high mortality has been reported in captive penguins, limited epidemiological studies have been conducted in wild colonies, and isolated records of avian malaria have been reported mostly from individuals referred to rehabilitation centers. For this epidemiological study, we obtained blood samples from 501 adult Humboldt and 360 adult Magellanic penguins from 13 colonies throughout South America. To identify malaria parasitaemia, we amplified the mtDNA cytochrome b for all three parasite genera. Avian malaria was absent in most of the analyzed colonies, with exception of the Punta San Juan Humboldt penguin colony, in Peru, where we detected at least two new Haemoproteus lineages in three positive samples, resulting in a prevalence of 0.6% for the species. The low prevalence of avian malaria detected in wild penguins could be due to two possible causes: A low incidence, with high morbidity and mortality in wild penguins or alternatively, penguins sampled in the chronic stage of the disease (during which parasitaemia in peripheral blood samples is unlikely) would be detected as false negatives.
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The Humboldt Current System (HCS) is one of the most productive marine ecosystems on earth. It extends along the west coast of South America from southern Chile (~42 ° S) up to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands near the equator. The general oceanography of the HCS is characterised by a predominant northward flow of surface waters of subantarctic origin and by strong upwelling of cool nutrient-rich subsurface waters of equatorial origin. Along the coast of northern and central Chile, upwelling is localised and its occurrence changes from being mostly continuous (aseasonal) in northern Chile to a more seasonal pattern in southern-central Chile. Several important upwelling centres along the Chilean coast are interspersed with long stretches of coast without or with sporadic and less intense upwelling. Large-scale climatic phenomena (El Niño Southern Oscillation, ENSO) are superimposed onto this regional pattern, which results in a high spatiotemporal heterogeneity, complicating the prediction of ecological processes along the Chilean coast. This limited predictability becomes particularly critical in light of increasing human activities during the past decades, at present mainly in the form of exploitation of renewable resources (fish, invertebrates and macroalgae). This review examines current knowledge of ecological processes in the HCS of northern and central Chile, with a particular focus on oceanographic factors and the influence of human activities, and further suggests conservation strategies for this high-priority large marine ecosystem. Along the Chilean coast, the injection of nutrients into surface waters through upwelling events results in extremely high primary production. This fuels zoo-plankton and fish production over extensive areas, which also supports higher trophic levels, including large populations of seabirds and marine mammals. Pelagic fisheries, typically concentrated near main upwelling centres (20-22 ° S, 32-34 ° S, 36-38 ° S), take an important share of the fish production, thereby affecting trophic interactions in the HCS. Interestingly, El Niño (EN) events in northern Chile do not appear to cause a dramatic decline in primary or zooplankton production but rather a shift in species composition, which affects trophic efficiency of and interactions among higher-level consumers. The low oxygen concentrations in subsurface waters of the HCS (oxygen-minimum zone, OMZ) influence predator-prey interactions in the plankton by preventing some species from migrating to deeper waters. The OMZ also has a strong effect on the bathymetric distribution of sublittoral soft-bottom communities along the Chilean coast. The few long-term studies available from sublittoral soft-bottom communities in northern and central Chile suggest that temporal dynamics in abundance and community composition are driven by interannual phenomena (EN and the extent and intensity of the OMZ) rather than by intra-annual (seasonal) patterns. Macrobenthic communities within the OMZ are often dominated in biomass by sulphide-oxidising, mat-forming bacteria. Though the contribution of these microbial communities to the total primary production of the system and their function in structuring OMZ communities is still scarcely known, they presumably play a key role, also in sustaining large populations of economically valuable crustaceans. Sublittoral hard bottoms in shallow waters are dominated by macroalgae and suspension feeder reefs, which concentrate planktonic resources (nutrients and suspended matter) and channel them into benthic food webs. These communities persist for many years and local extinctions appear to be mainly driven by large-scale events such as EN, which causes direct mortality of benthic organisms due to lack of nutrients/food, high water temperatures, or burial under terrigenous sediments from river runoff. Historic extinctions in combination with local conditions (e.g., vicinity to upwelling centres or substratum availability) produce a heterogeneous distribution pattern of benthic communities, which is also reflected in the diffuse biogeographic limits along the coast of northern-central Chile. Studies of population connectivity suggest that species with highly mobile planktonic dispersal stages maintain relatively continuous populations throughout most of the HCS, while populations of species with limited planktonic dispersal appear to feature high genetic structure over small spatial scales. The population dynamics of most species in the HCS are further influenced by geographic variation in propagule production (apparently caused by local differences in primary production), by temporal variation in recruit supply (caused by upwelling THE HUMBOLDT CURRENT SYSTEM OF NORTHERN AND CENTRAL CHILE 197 events, frontal systems and eddies), and topographically driven propagule retention (behind headlands , in bay systems and upwelling shadows). Adults as well as larval stages show a wide range of different physiological, ecological and reproductive adaptations. This diversity in life-history strategies in combination with the high variability in environmental conditions (currents, food availability, predation risk, environmental stress) causes strong fluctuations in stocks of both planktonic and benthic resources. At present, it remains difficult to predict many of these fluctuations , which poses particular challenges for the management of exploited resources and the conservation of biodiversity in the HCS. The high spatiotemporal variability in factors affecting ecological processes and the often-unpredictable outcome call for fine-scale monitoring of recruitment and stock dynamics. In order to translate this ecological information into sustainable use of resources, adaptive and co-participative management plans are recommended. Identification of areas with high biodiversity, source and sink regions for propagules and connectivity among local populations together with developing a systematic conservation planning, which incorporates decision support systems, are important tasks that need to be resolved in order to create an efficient network of Marine Protected Areas along the coast of northern-central Chile. Farther offshore, the continental shelf and the deep-sea trenches off the Chilean coast play an important role in bio-geochemical cycles, which may be highly sensitive to climatic change. Research in this area should be intensified, for which modern research vessels are required. Biodiversity inventories must be accompanied by efforts to foster taxonomic expertise and museum collections (which should integrate morphological and molecular information). Conservation goals set for the next decade can only be achieved with the incorporation of local stakeholders and the establishment of efficient administrative structures. The dynamic system of the HCS in northern-central Chile can only be understood and managed efficiently if a fluent communication between stakeholders, administrators, scientists and politicians is guaranteed.
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We analyzed patterns of egg laying and breeding frequency of Humboldt Penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) between 1993 and 1997 at Punta San Juan, Peru. Egg-laying extended from mid-March to the first week of December, showing two well-defined peaks in April and August–September. The extended breeding period of these birds was the result of individuals having a second clutch. About half of the females (n =189) had two clutches per year, most of which were double broods (73%). The date of completion and outcome of reproduction, or whether a change of mates occurred from the previous year, did not affect timing of egg laying. The majority of first clutches (62%) were laid in April each year. Two-clutch breeders that started laying eggs early in April had a higher breeding success than those starting in late April, and double brooders had greater success than single brooders. Two-clutch breeders started to lay eggs earlier than single-clutch breeders. Taking into account that a penguin breeding cycle (from egg laying to fledging) lasts ∼4 months, laying eggs early in April increases the chance of rearing two successful broods per year. During three consecutive years, females tended to have two clutches instead of only one clutch and an average breeding success of 4.54 fledglings over 3 years. Having as many clutches as possible when conditions are favorable appears to be a strategy used by Humboldt Penguins to maximize their lifetime reproductive success within a productive but unpredictable environment.
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Systematic and morphometric reappraisal of most specimens previously assigned to the cynodont clade Chiniquodontidae reveal that the group is diagnosed by two autapomorphies: (1) the distinctive angulation between the posterior portion of the maxillary and the anterior portion of the zygomatic arch and (2) very extended pterygoid ¯anges, ending in a thin projection; and a combination of features including: posterior postcanines sectorial with principal cusps backwardly recurved, and a long osseous palate. The species Chiniquodon theotonicus (including Belesodon magni®cus, Probelesodon kitchingi, P. lewisi and P. minor) and C. sanjuanensis (comb. nov.) were the only recognised members of the family on the basis of qualitative characters. The South American species Cromptodon mamiferoides, Probainognathus jenseni and Thrinaxodon brasiliensis are thus excluded from the group, as are the African taxa Aleodon brachyrhamphus and Cistecynodon parvus. Allometric analysis of chiniquodontids sensu stricto reveals that: (1) all specimens can be con®dently arranged in a single growth series, irrespective of their original species assignments; and (2) most of the measurements change isometrically with respect to skull length. Adults are virtually scaled-up juveniles, showing a deepened zygoma, a longer osseous palate, and a wider anterior muzzle in the canine region. Thus, allometric data reinforce the proposed synonymy of all forms, with the speci®c status of C. sanjuanensis supported by qualitative diagnostic traits.
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The Humboldt Penguin Spheniscus humboldti is an endangered species whose population is decreasing over its whole distributional range. In support of conservation efforts, systematic studies are being conducted on the ecology and behaviour of these birds at sea. Time-depth recorders were used to investigate the foraging behaviour of Humboldt Penguins at Isla Pan de Azúcar (26°S, 72°W), northern Chile, during the breeding seasons of 1994/95 and 1995/96. A four-channel logger (MK6, Wildlife Telemetry) equipped with speed, depth, temperature and light-intensity sensors was used to obtain information from 20 foraging trips of 12 penguins, amounting to a total of 301 hours of swimming consisting of 11 011 dives. Birds departed from the colony between 06h00 and 09h00 and returned mainly between 15h00 and 23h00. Distance travelled was strongly correlated with total time spent at sea. Maximum dive depth was 53 m around mid-day when light intensity was maximal. At night maximum depth attained was 12 m. Maximum dive depth was positively correlated with dive duration (r = 0.80), as well as with descent and ascent angle (r = 0.78), and descent and ascent rate (r = 0.86). Dives to between 0.5 and 3 m were interpreted as travelling dives and had a mean depth of 1.6 m. All dives deeper than 3 m were regarded as foraging dives with a mean depth of 11.5 m. Mean dive durations during travelling and foraging were 18.4 s and 47.9 s, respectively. Mean swim speed during travelling was 1.7 m.s-1. Overall speed during foraging dives (descent, bottom and ascent) was 1.9 m.s-1.
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Most feeding by seabirds in the Peruvian Coastal Current, an upwelling of high productivity off the west coast of South America, takes place in groups. The major prey is an anchovy Engraulis ringens, which occurs in large shoals and is exploited mainly by Peruvian booby Sula variegata, Peruvian brown pelican Pelecanus occidentalis thagus and Guanay cormorant Phalacrocorax bougainvillii. Other foraging situations have different species' compositions; these appear to be related to the size, depth, and duration of availability of prey. Dominance interactions between species may be important in structuring flocks that are scavenging or feeding on plankton swarms. Interspecific piracy seems unimportant in flocks foraging on fish shoals. Certain species usually arrive first at new feeding situations. These species may be used as guides by other species or merely may be faster and thus reach food sources first.-from Author
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Chungungo, Tilgo, and Pájaros are small, uninhabited islands within 30 km of the coast of north central Chile. Based on surveys conducted in January 2002 and 2003, we observed 32 marine and terrestrial species of birds that nest, feed, and/or roost on these islands. Seven of these species are considered Endangered, Vulnerable, or Insufficiently Known according to Chilean and other international standards. These islands serve as important sites for these species and should be given adequate protection.