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Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3


Abstract and Figures

Smart-grids security is becoming a challenging research area that has emerged in recent years facing the energy sector. Threats are arising every day that could cause great scale of damages in critical infrastructure. Our paper will assess vulnerabilities pertaining to internal security threats associated with the smart grid. We will perform penetration testing using various attack scenarios in a simulated virtual environment involving DNP3 protocol. Vulnerability analysis and penetration testing involving Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack will be addressed. Ultimately, by utilizing theoretical modeling of smart-grid attacks using game theory, we will be able to optimize our detection and mitigation strategies to reduce cyber threats in DNP3 environment. Intrusion detection system (IDS) will be necessary to identify attackers targeting the smart grid infrastructure. Mitigation techniques will ensure a healthy check of the network. Performing DNP3 vulnerabilities assessment, security attacks, detections, preventions and counter measures will be our goals to achieve in this research paper.
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Vulnerability Assessment
and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3
Ihab Darwish, Obinna Igbe and Tarek Saadawi
City University of New York, City College, USA
Corresponding Author:
Received 15 March 2016; Accepted 30 March 2016;
Publication 29 June 2016
Smart-grids security is becoming a challenging research area that has emerged
in recent years facing the energy sector. Threats are arising every day that
could cause great scale of damages in critical infrastructure. Our paper will
assess vulnerabilities pertaining to internal security threats associated with the
smart grid. We will perform penetration testing using various attack scenarios
in a simulated virtual environment involving DNP3 protocol. Vulnerability
analysis and penetration testing involving Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack
will be addressed. Ultimately, by utilizing theoretical modeling of smart-grid
attacks using game theory, we will be able to optimize our detection and
mitigation strategies to reduce cyber threats in DNP3 environment. Intrusion
detection system (IDS) will be necessary to identify attackers targeting the
smart grid infrastructure. Mitigation techniques will ensure a healthy check of
the network. Performing DNP3 vulnerabilities assessment, security attacks,
detections, preventions and counter measures will be our goals to achieve in
this research paper.
Keywords: Smart-Grid, SCADA, DNP3, IED, Malicious Attacks, MITM,
DoS, and Game Theory.
1 Introduction
Security concerns in the energy sector will be our key driver and the smart-
grid technologies will be our primary focus in this research paper. Physical
Journal of Cyber Security, Vol. 5, 23–54.
doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.513
2016 River Publishers. All rights reserved.
24 I. Darwish et al.
and cyber security are using both physical and cyber components integrated
with both legacy systems and new technologies running over TCP/IP platform
[1]. Legacy Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) [2, 3]
were initially designed to be isolated systems that had both dedicated and
separate communication links and therefore cyber or physical security was
never considered to be a threat. Today’s systems [1] and [4–6] demand a
much higher level of communication to be available in smart-grid automation
systems involving components like Intelligent Electronic Devices (1IED’s).
IEDs [7, 8] are designed to automate protection, control, monitoring and
metering for the smart grid system in both peer-to-peer and client server
According to [9–11], SCADAbased implementation is using several stan-
dards and protocols developed over the years to enable data communication
in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) including the smart grid. MODBUS
[12, 13], DNP3 [14, 15] and the latest IEC 61850 [17, 18] are considered
to be the most popular ones. Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3) as our
main focus in this research paper, is an IEEE-1815 standard and the primary
protocol being deployed in smart-grid systems and other utility providers. It
is considered to be the predominant SCADA protocol in the US energy sector.
DNP3 is a reliable and efficient protocol used in the delivery of measure-
ment data from an outstation or slave located in the field to a utility master
operating in the control center. Control requests are made from the master to
the outstations by an operator or by using an automated process in addition to
other activities like time synchronization, file transfer and other related tasks.
Therefore, it is very critical to study the protocol’s behavior and its application
in real-time implementations. Taxonomy of attacks were identified in [19] and
the recent publication of [20] that shows many deficiencies and vulnerabilities
in DNP3 including 28 generic attacks. Related SCADA attacks were also
studied using techniques including fault trees, attack trees and risk analysis
[21] that provided more theoretical approach as opposed to our method that
is more specific to DNP3 and based on using a combination of experimental
and theoretical techniques to complement the conceptual analysis.
Our approach consists of carrying out four primary tasks starting with
reviewing DNP3 and performing vulnerability assessment to identify and to
evaluate potential threats associated with smart grid DNP3 implementations.
We will setup a basic smart-grid testbed experiments using virtual environment
1IED is used to denote any station operating in the smart-grid including the DNP3 master
and outstation or slave.
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 25
to analyze vulnerabilities and to perform penetration testing. Various attack
scenarios will be evaluated including denial-of-service (DoS) and man-in-the-
middle (MITM) type of attacks to identify possible threats associated with
the smart grid. Also, by utilizing theoretical modeling of smart-grid attacks
using game theory, we can further analyze the outcomes of MITM in DNP3
environment. Ultimately this will lead us to the use of intrusion detection
system (IDS) that will be necessary to identify attackers targeting different
part of the smart grid infrastructure and we can apply mitigation strategies to
ensure a healthy check of the network.
Our research paper will have four primary objectives as follows:
Review the security threats in DNP3 based smart-grid infrastructures.
Perform several attack experiments including DoS and MITM to show
vulnerabilities in DNP3 implementation using Opendnp3 platform as a
prototype environment.
Use “Game Theory” to model man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack in
DNP3 environment, analyze detection strategies, mitigations and per-
form Nash Equilibrium analysis.
Establish the pass and drop mitigation technique to reduce the impact of
MITM attacks along with the selection of the retransmission timer.
Section two of this paper will address the DNP3 protocol stack and the security
threats. In the third section, four attacks scenarios will be presented in more
details using DNP3 prototype model. Theoretical modeling using game theory
will be analyzed in section four, detection and mitigation analysis will follow
in section five along with our conclusion.
2 Security Threats in DNP3 Environment
DNP3 [14, 15] is an open standard that can be deployed using several
topologies including point-to-point (one master and one outstation or slave),
multi-drop topology (one or multiple masters and multiple outstations) or
using the hierarchical layout where systems are arranged in a tree like setup
and the outstation could act as both a slave to a DNP3 master or a master to
other outstations.
2.1 The DNP3 Protocol Stack
DNP3 messages [19] can be mapped to the upper layers of the OSI model and
are based on three layers as shown in “Figure 1”: data link, pseudo-transport
26 I. Darwish et al.
Figure 1 DNP3 Protocol Stack.
and application layers where AH, TH and LH respectively denote Application
Header, Transport Header and Data Link Header. If a DNP3 data stream will
be sent over a LAN/WAN, it will be constructed from the three main DNP3
layers and then will be encapsulated in the Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) by the transport layer, which in turn is encapsulated in the Internet
Protocol (IP) layer.
The DNP3 data link packet header (LH), “Figure 2”, consists of a fixed
size of 10 bytes long header block referred to as block 0, followed by 282 bytes
long data portion divided into 16 bytes blocks; block 1 to block 16. Each block
ends with two bytes of CRC code with a total of 32 bytes. The link header (LH)
is split into a two bytes “sync” field for synchronizing the receiver and the
transmitter, a one byte length field that specifies number of bytes in remaining
fields (with the exception of the CRC length), a one byte control field, two
bytes for each of source and destination addresses, and finally a 2-bytes CRC
[22, 23].
2.2 DNP3 Attack Model
To set up the prototype infrastructure to perform the attack scenarios including
DoS and MITM type of attacks, three Linux nodes are used to run in a
virtualization environment. The Master (M) and the Outstation or Slave (S) are
both running Ubuntu operating system [24] with OpenDNP3 protocol [25] and
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 27
Figure 2 DNP3 Packet Blocks.
are exchanging dnp3 request and response packets. The attacker node (A) is
also running Ubuntu and with the help of Ettercap [26] tool, it is configured to
be in the middle of the communication between the master and the outstation.
Figure 3, below shows the state transition diagram representing a specific
attack scenario by the attacker (A) to stop the slave (S) from sending
unsolicited messages to the master (M). The attacker is performing packet
intercepting and packet injection.
2.3 Attack Categories – Scenarios
To perform security penetration in DNP3 environment, four possible attack
scenarios are discussed as follows:
Figure 3 MITM Attack State Diagram 1.
28 I. Darwish et al.
1) Man-in the-Middle (MITM) Attack – Sniffing Generated Traffic from
the Slave and Master nodes
Sniffing or capturing the traffic passing between the master and the slave
nodes is handled by using man-in-the-middle attacker node. Ettercap tool on
the Attacker node was used to perform the attack by adding both master and
slave IP addresses to the target list, and then Address Resolution Protocol
(ARP) poisoning was initiated, and the sniffing option was selected.
2) Blackhole Attack (Packets Drop Attack) and Selective DNP3 Packets
Dropping Attack
Packets drop attack or blackhole attack is considered to be a type of denial-of-
service attack in which all packets passed through the attacker are discarded
instead of passing through to reach their destination. In packets dropping
attack, packets are routinely and selectively dropped that makes it even harder
to detect and to prevent.
3) DNP3 Packets Modification and Injection Attacks
Packets modification is the process of altering the content of a specific DNP3
payload using predefined filters. Payload is modified and replaced with a
new one. Here the attacker tries to manipulate DNP3 packets by imposing
changes to the exchanged packets. Actually the attacker will capture one
of the exchanged packets from the source to the destination and will apply
modification to the DNP3 payload in order to portray different message to
the destination. Injection of a totally new packet is also a possibility in this
4) Denial of Service (DoS) Attack
Denial of Service (DoS) attack is an attempt to make a machine or a network
resource unavailable to its intended users, such as to temporarily or indefinitely
interrupt or suspend services of a host connected to the network.
Our next section we will provide more experimentation details related to
performing the four mentioned categories of attacks in the prototype model
discussed earlier.
3 Attack Experiments
In order to demonstrate vulnerabilities in smart-grids, we will set up a
basic grid infrastructure in a virtual environment. In this section, we will
simulate experiments of smart grid environment involving one master and
one outstation or slave (Figure 4) for the purpose of investigating important
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 29
Figure 4 A cyber-attack model.
vulnerabilities and possible insider attack scenarios using MITM. TheAttacker
node is connected to the same network of the Master and the Outstation nodes.
The following graphs (Figure 5 and Figure 6) show normal communication
between master and outstation. Both graphs are almost identical since it’s
a reflection of the same thing seen from the two different nodes, but with
different time delays.
Next, we will provide more details of the attacks as follows:
1) Man-in the-Middle (MITM) Attack – Sniffing Generated Traffic from
the Slave and Master nodes
This type of attack can be categorized as a network attack, and forms the
basis for other types of attacks. Although, there are many kinds of MITM
attacks that exist, but we will be using the type that involves poisoning the
Figure 5 Packets received from the outstation as seen at the master node in packets/sec.
30 I. Darwish et al.
Figure 6 Packets sent from the outstation to the master node in packets/sec.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache of the victims and it is called ARP
spoofing or poisoning. To perform this attack, the first requirement will be to
have the attacker node on the same network as the victims. Here, the attacker
uses Ettercap to accomplish this task; a network attack tool by running the
following code:
sudo ettercap -T -q -i eth3 -M ARP
/ /
Hence, any traffic passing through the network to and from the Master or the
Slave node, would go through the attacker’s machine. Figure 4 depicts MITM
attack performed on the attacker node against victim nodes, traffic to and from
the master node passes through the attacker. If this attack is achieved, then the
attacker can further perform other attacks.
The master and the outstation IP addresses are both added to the target
list of the Ettercap tool, and the ARP spoofing option is selected. Notice that
prior to the attack, the attacker can’t see the traffic being exchanged between
the master and the outstation. The received packets/seconds by the attacker
node shows blank during this period because of the fact that the network is
not a broadcast and hence, nodes connected to the same switch can only see
packets destined to them. Figures 7 and 8, show the traffic in packets/second
as seen at the master and the outstation before and during MITM attack.
Notice the time between 15:53:35 and 15:54:42 from Figure 9, no packets
are passing through the attacker node. But after initiating the MITM attack at
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 31
Figure 7 Generated traffic from outstation to master before and during a MITM attack as
seen at the Master node.
Figure 8 Traffic before and during a MITM attack as seen at the Outstation node.
time 15:54:42, it is shown that the outstation and the master traffic are passing
through the attacker node.
2) Blackhole Attack (Packets Drop Attack) and Selective DNP3 Packets
Dropping Attack
As discussed earlier in section two, packets drop attack is referred to as a
blackhole attack that is considered to be a type of denial-of-service attack in
32 I. Darwish et al.
Figure 9 Traffic before and during a MITM attack as seen at the Attacker node.
which all packets passed through the attacker are routinely and selectively
dropped or discarded instead of passing to reach their destination. Now,
the Attacker node can view the DNP3 traffic of both victims and in order
to drop the traffic generated by any of them, an Ettercap filter is cre-
ated to specify the conditions to enable the selective dropping of dnp3
If packets are selectively dropped, then this type of attack is called a gray
hole attack. To perform this attack, a python script is executed by the attacker
node after a successful MITM attack. The script contains the following lines
of code to direct the attacker’s network interface adapter to drop all DNP3
packets to and from the Master node:
if(ip.src == '' || ip.dst == ''):
if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 20000):
print ("DNP3 packet to or from Master node dropped\n")
Now, in order to drop the packets generated or received by the Outstation, the
following lines of code are used:
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 33
if(ip.src == '' || ip.dst == ''):
if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 20000):
print ("DNP3 packet to or from Outstation node dropped
The above scripts identify the DNP3 packets by looking for TCP packets that
has a port number of 20000 which is the DNP3 port number. Figures 10 and 11
will show the traffic before and after the attack.
According to Figure 10 below, the “black hole” attack was executed
between the time 18:33:15 and 18:36:00, which corresponds to a time of
18:33:38 to 18:36:31 in Figure 11. The traffic in the middle between 18:35:00
and 18:36:04 of Figure 11 represents link status request command packets sent
by the outstation to inquire of the status of the link after the “black hole” attack
caused a communication breach between the two stations. Once the black hole
attack was stopped by the attacking node (time 18:36:00 in Figure 10 or time
18:36:40 in Figure 11), then the two victim nodes will try to reestablish the
communications as shown by the increased amount of traffic. This form of
attack can really be a destructive one since the attacker can choose to redirect
Figure 10 Packets per seconds sent from the outstation to the master as seen at the Master
node – “Black Hole Attack”.
34 I. Darwish et al.
Figure 11 Packets per second sent from the outstation to the master as seen at the Outstation
node – “Black Hole Attack”.
packets instead of dropping them. In which case, sensitive information about
the grid could be stolen by the attacker for further analysis.
3) DNP3 Packets Modification and Injection Attacks
To manipulate the dnp3 traffic, we created a code to capture a packet instance
and to check the length of the TCP before modification and replacing the
contents of the payload with the modified one. A new length of the TCP
packet was computed and added to the payload in addition to updating the
IP length field and deleting both of the IP and the TCP checksum fields. We
have used a packet manipulation program called Scapy [27] to recalculate the
Now, in order to send the modified packet, a new TCP session was
initiated with the slave node listening at the dnp3 port 20000, and another
hijacking technique was invoked to take over the existing TCP session. The
test results showed that the attacker; by modifying the TCP/IP header and
DNP3 messages, was able to manipulate, control and redirect the DNP3 traffic
and even change the exchanged messages (DNP3 payload) between the master
and the outstation.
To make the necessary modifications stated above, we pushed the desired
DNP3 payload to our attack code using the “nfqueue” python module in
combination with Linux “iptables” utility that can be used to allow or to
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 35
block incoming or outgoing traffic on specific ports. This code also predicts
the sequence and acknowledgment numbers of the next packet to be sent
by the victim node(s). In order to inject the modified packet, the predicted
sequence and acknowledgement numbers were obtained as explained in the
above paragraph and are used to hijack the TCP connection. Then, Scapy
program is used to inject a malicious TCP packet to the already existing
TCP connection. Hence, the Slave would think that this crafted message is
coming from a legitimate master. The test results showed that the attacker; by
modifying the TCP/IP header and DNP3 messages, was able to manipulate,
control and redirect the DNP3 traffic and even change the exchanged messages
(DNP3 payload) between the master and the outstation.
Now, in order to inject a totally new DNP3 packet into the traffic stream,
the filter is modified and the attacker keeps track of the exchanged traffic
between the dnp3 stations and monitors the sequence numbers (SN) and the
acknowledgement numbers (AN) and make the move to inject a totally new
packet with newly predicted SN and AN. Also, the attacker will maintain
a response to the injected packet and make sure it is dropped to prevent
being detected. Attacker, then stops the MITM attack and the communication
resumes between the master and the slave. Next we will show two examples
reflecting the attacks.
a) Unsolicited Messages Attack Example
Unsolicited message is considered to be a way the remote terminal unit (RTU)
or the outstation, can communicate certain activities or events data to the
master station without being polled. Messages can be in the form of specific
readings, warnings, or errors detected by the outstation that need to be sent
to the master station for further and immediate actions. It is a way to ensure
that current status is understood by the master station, for example unsolicited
message from the RTU in a smart-grid environment can be sent to the master
to indicate that the load’s requirement has decreased and it needs to be changed
by the master station to a different value and the outstation will be expecting
to receive the control message from the master.
In virtualization environment while normal communication is occurring
between the master station and the outstation exchanging DNP3 messages
encapsulated in TCP/IP packets, an attack is successfully performed to inter-
cept the communication by stopping the outstation from sending unsolicited
messages without impacting the normal communication behavior. Such an
attack can lead to very disastrous situation if such penetration occurred in
the smart grid network. Figure 12 shows an example of security penetration
36 I. Darwish et al.
Figure 12 A cyber-attack scenario – DNP3 Unsolicited Message Attack.
executed by the attacker to intercept the communication channel and to inject
the malicious payload data without impacting the rest of the communication
b) Cold Restart Attack Example
When DNP3 “Cold Restart” request command is received by the outstation
and the packet is confirmed to be originated from the master, the outstation
then performs a full restart on completion of the communications sequence.
The outstation will also send a reply to the master with the time the outstation
is available before restarting. This attack involves sending a command called
“Cold Restart” to an outstation which causes the outstation to completely
After “Cold Restart” command was injected into the traffic stream from
the master to the outstation, Figures 13 and 14 show that the outstation is
shutting down after a duration specified by the attacker. Hence, after the
time 17:22:02 (Figure 14), the outstation performed a cold restart which is
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 37
Figure 13 Traffic in packets per second sent from the outstation node to the master node as
seen at the Master node – “Cold Restart”.
Figure 14 Traffic in packets per second sent from the outstation node to the master node as
seen at the Outstation node – “Cold Restart”.
38 I. Darwish et al.
apparent from the zero traffic displayed on the graph from the time of the
restart. Meanwhile, the master node is still trying to communicate with the
outstation (Figure 13 shows pulses after the time 17:21:31) and not knowing
that the outstation is performing a cold restart.
4) Denial of Service (DoS) Attack
Denial of Service (DoS) attack is an attempt to make a machine or network
resource unavailable to its intended users, such as to temporarily or indefinitely
interrupt or suspend services of a host attached to the network. To perform
this attack, hping3 is installed in the attacker node which is a tool for DoS
and distributed-DoS attack. Below is the command that was executed by the
sudo hping3 -c 1000000 -d 120 -S -w 64 -p
20000 --flood --rand-source
The above command would flood port 20000 (DNP3 port) of the outstation
node ( with 1000000 packets (with body size of 120 bytes) that have
randomly generated (spoofed) IPs. Figures 15 and 16 show the outcomes of
running this attack.
According to Figures 15 and 16 below, and once the attack was initi-
ated, the outstation gets huge amount of fake DoS traffic (time 13:22:44 of
Figure 16 (a) or 16 (b) which causes the commands or responses sent by the
Figure 15 Packets per Second received by master from outstation as seen at the Master
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 39
Figure 16 (a) Packets/sec received by the Outstation as seen at the Outstation. (b) Zoomed
version of Figure 16 (a).
40 I. Darwish et al.
master not to be processed by the outstation. Hence, the blank space is shown
at the master (Figure 15) between 13:22:44 and 13:22:58.
4 Theoretical Modeling of MITM Attack
In modeling the behavior of communication between the intruder and the
legitimate IED devices, game theory principles [28] can be used to establish
the attack scenarios as a competition game between the attacker and the
IED defender, where each side’s strategy is to maximize one’s gains. In our
modeling, the game will be a non-cooperative game between the Attacker (A)
and the normal nodes, Master (M) or Slave (S).
We will model each exchange of DNP3 packets between the master and
the slave as a single handshaking game where the master sends a request and
the slave responds with a response packet. “Figure 17”, displays an example
of exchanged messages involving master (M), the slave (S) and the attacker
node (A) while keeping track of the timing of each transaction. For simplicity,
we are showing T1,T
2and T3as time stamps.
In our model, illustrated in Figure 18, we will demonstrate one type
of man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, possible strategies for each node on
the network and the possible outcomes of the attack by analyzing Nash
Equilibrium (NE).
4.1 Assumptions
1. Each game is a single exchange of DNP3 packets between the master
and the outstation.
2. Each player chooses a strategy and will receive a payoff based on the
3. Master station will initiate the transaction by sending a DNP3 packet.
4. Attacker node will intercept the packet and perform modification to the
payload and sends the outstation the modified version of the original
4.2 Game Setup
We will model the attack as a three node game involving non-cooperating
strategies between the master and the attacker and with the communication
channel (C) acting as the nature player imposing network delays that behaves
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 41
Figure 17 DNP3 Packet Exchange.
In our analysis, we will use the master node that is generating the packet
exchange and the attacker as the primary two rational non-cooperative players
utilizing incomplete information but have common knowledge of the game
setting including the payoffs.
Our game is sequential and starts when attacker A, acting as MITM,
chooses its actions, followed by the actions of the communication channel (C)
and then by the initiating node M who chooses its actions based on the time
stamps and based on the outcomes of A and C’s actions. Figure 19 illustrates
the game setup and actions in an extensive form with A as being the root of
the tree.
42 I. Darwish et al.
Figure 18 MITM Attack State Diagram 2.
Figure 19 Game setup – Extensive form.
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 43
Attacker will be able to capture DNP3 traffic between the master and
the slave and therefore can perform several type of attacks including Denial
of Service (DoS), packet modification, and packet injection and so on. In
Figure 17, we represented the time involved by the attacker in performing the
interception and packet modification as d1 and d2 that both are real numbers
and could take any value between 0 and dA.
The master node will generate the DNP3 request and will wait for the
DNP3 response from the slave and can detect the attack based on the delay
imposed by the attacker and will have two possible actions; either dropping
the received packet or accepting it after checking the timestamps associated
with this transaction (T1to T3).
The communication channel C as the third player will have two possible
decisions based on the delays in each direction of the packet exchange, L1 or
L2 and are random real numbers and for simplicity we will assume that both
are identical.
4.3 Pass/Drop Algorithm
During packet exchange, we can compute the round trip time delay (RTTD)
based on the actual timestamps (T1and T3) as follows:
Actually, each legitimate node on the smart-grid can be setup to calculate the
round trip time delay for each DNP3 packet exchange and each node will be
able to generate an average for RTTD as a baseline Trtrip . We then have the
following equation:
For symmetric exchange of packets between the master and the slave,
½Trtrip will represent half the average round trip time delay for either request
or response packets and Δwill represent the deviation from half of the average
and if the deviation is between zero and a safety margin ΔSM then master will
accept the packet otherwise, it will be dropped. Therefore, the safety margin
(ΔSM) must be carefully chosen to prevent attacker from having the needed
time to perform the attack.
4.4 Players’ Strategies
Root of the tree, Figure 19, represents the attacker node and each player will
have a strategy set as follows:
44 I. Darwish et al.
1. SMaster: Strategy set for the master node are {Pass, Drop}and will depend
on the round trip time delay according to the timestamps (Equation 1)
2. SAttacke r: Strategy set for the attacker node, time delays (d1, d2) where:
0d1 dAand 0 d2dA
3. SChannel: Strategy set for the communication channel, propagation delays
{(L1, L2), where L1 0 and L2 0}
Therefore, the strategy space S will be (SMaster ×SAttacke r ×SChannel).
4.5 Payoff Utility Functions
In our game the attacker will try to maximize its gains and the defender or the
master will try to minimize its losses and we will assume that the defender
has no prior knowledge of the deviation Δand for the attack to be successful
Δmust be greater than ΔSM. We introduce the following utility functions for
a given strategy s = {sAttacke r,sMaster,sChannel }:
UAttacke r (s) =
Ug,if master selects pass and Δ >ΔSM
0,if master selects drop & sAtt acker =(0,0)
0,if master selects pass & Δ ΔSM
Uf,if master selects drop & sAtt acker =(0,0)
UMaster(s) =
Ug,if master selects pass and Δ >ΔSM
0,if master selects drop & sAtt acker =(0,0)
0,if master selects pass & Δ ΔSM
Uf,if master selects drop & sAtt acker =(0,0)
The attacker will receive a payoff of 0, if the defender will choose to play
“drop” to the packet, or playing “pass” strategy given that Δ, the deviation
from half of the average round trip time delay (½T
rtrip), is less than or equal to
the deviation safety margin ΔSM. Attacker will gain a positive payoff Ugif the
master chooses “pass” and Δ>ΔSM and in this case the attack is successful.
Also, the utility will pay Uffor having the master playing safe and drop the
packet when there is no attack as being a false alarm case.
In our model, there is no positive gain for the master, and the maximum
achieved payoff is zero for the case the attacker is choosing a strategy
sAttacke r =(0, 0), i.e. there is an attack and the master has managed to avoid
the attack with “drop” strategy, in addition to the second case where the master
chooses to pass when ΔΔSM. This is a zero-sum game when we add the
payoff utilities of both players, UAttacker (s) and UMaster (s) and for all given
cases, the sum will be zero.
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 45
4.6 Game Theory Analysis
In this section we will analyze the outcomes of the two-players game modeled
for DNP3 packets exchange between the master and the slave where packets
are being intercepted by the attacker acting as MITM.
According to the game settings and the strategy sets for each player,
both the attacker and the defender had multiple strategies to choose from.
For the attacker, he will observe the defender who chooses strategy s1Master
from SMaster strategy set and then the attacker will choose strategy s1Attacke r
from SAttacke r strategy set and we represent the strategy combination as
s = (s1Master,s1
Attacke r )S, strategy space. Now, the attacker (A) can choose
a strategy to either perform the attack successfully or having unsuccessful
one. If A chooses the strategy SAttacker = (d1, d2) and 0 d1 dAand
0d2 dA, we will have the following possibilities as shown in Table 1.
The master node as being the defender will have one strategy s1Master
conditioned according to the round trip time delay (RTTD) of Equation (1)
and against the baseline average Trtrip. The Master node will choose a pass
strategy if RTTD Trtrip +ΔSM and a drop one if RTTD >Trtrip +ΔSM.
Table 1 Game analysis – attacker and master strategy combinations
SAttacke r SMaster Analysis
(d1, d2) =
(0, 0)
Drop Attacker chooses not to attack and Defender
Drop the packet that will lead to a false alarm.
Attacker in this case will gain +Ufand defender
will get –Uf.
(d1, d2) =
(0, 0)
Pass Attacker chooses not to attack and Defender
Pass the packet and the both receives a gain
of 0 as payoff.
(d1, d2) =
(0, 0)
Attacker chooses to attack from either direction
and if either delays d1 or d2 is greater than
safety margin ΔSM and defender chooses to
pass then the attack is successful. Attacker will
gain Ug and defender will have a loss of the
same value.
(d1, d2) =
(0, 0)
Attacker chooses to attack similar to the
previous case but Δis less than the safety
margin ΔSM and the defender chooses to pass.
In this case the attack is unsuccessful and both
will a gain of 0.
(d1, d2) =
(0, 0)
Drop There is an attack and the defender plays safe
with a drop strategy payoff will be 0 for both
the defender and the attacker.
46 I. Darwish et al.
But due the nature of communication channel (C) and its stochastic nature,
this strategy is not always safe as it can lead to have a false alarm to drop the
packet even without having any attack.
4.7 Nash Equilibrium
Next, we will consider the evaluation of the Nash Equilibrium (NE) in reaching
an equilibrium point(s) between the attacker and the defender that is the profile
of strategies for each player in choosing the best strategy for the choices of
the other player(s). Deviating from NE will not provide the best results to the
In our game we have two NE, the first one is reached when the defender
always chooses to drop the packet irrespective of having an attack or not,
this is the safe thing to do since this will lead to an equal payoff of zero and
therefore both players have no interest of deviating from this equilibria. On
the other hand, the attacker will not reach his goal of getting the attack done
and the defender will not be able to complete the DNP3 packet exchange with
the other party. Notice that if A decided to choose strategy (0, 0) not to attack
and defender chooses to drop the packet that will lead to false alarm and the
attacker in this case will gain +Ufand defender will get –Ufand this will not
provide the defender with the best possible payoff and hence it will tend to
change its strategy.
Our second NE is using the drop threshold strategy discussed in Section 4.3
and in this case the defender is choosing to pass the packet if ΔΔSM and
hence RTTD Trtrip +ΔSM and to drop it if Δ>ΔSM and RTTD >Trtrip +
ΔSM. In both cases, the attacker strategy is sAtt acker =(0, 0) and the attack
will not be successful and results will lead to an equal payoff of zero for
both the defender and the attacker reaching a NE. Therefore, for this NE, the
defender will optimize its drop threshold value, (Trtrip +ΔSM) to allow attack
detection and to prevent from having false alarms possibly due to channel
delays and hence this will yield an effective detection and mitigation strategy
for the defenders. Our next section will support our analysis and results from
game theory.
5 Detection and Mitigation Strategies
Intrusion Detection is the primary tool for protecting DNP3 environment
from malicious behavior attempting to intercept the network, interrupting
communication or manipulating data transmission. There are two types
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 47
of intrusion detection, host based providing protection at the host level
and network based that monitors traffic across the entire network. In our
research we used the host based detection method, mitigations strategies
and techniques as an attempt to prevent successful MITM attack on DNP3
In order to optimize our detection and mitigation procedures to eliminate
cyber threats, we will utilize logs and machine-learning techniques such as
statistical analysis to create and implement procedures for IED’s to detect
cyber threats independently and/or collaboratively. Also, we can prevent
attacks by implementing pattern recognition based on traffic analysis between
the legitimate devices and the attacker(s). Measuring the average round trip
time delay Trtrip between legitimate communicating IED nodes for each
request and response packet exchange and perform dynamic adjustments to
maximum allowed timeout to be equivalent to Trtrip +ΔSM, where ΔSM
is a safety marginal time for the round trip as discussed in Section 4. This
should prevent attackers from having enough time to initiate any attack by
injecting traffic since their packets will be automatically dropped by the
5.1 Setting up the Round Trip Time Measurement
Steps for setting up the average round trip time measurement at the master
or the outstation using Round Trip Timing Agent tool (RTTA developed
1. Establish the dnp3 session between the master and the slave.
2. Compute the average dnp3 round trip time delay for dnp3 packets (Trtrip)
by running the RTTA at the master and the slave.
3. An output text file is generated for the duration of the runtime that contains
round trip time (RTTD) for each dnp3 packet exchange.
4. An Average Round Trip Time Delay (Trtrip) is calculated.
5.2 Pass/Drop Algorithm
During packet exchange between master and outstation, we will compute the
round trip time delay (RTTD) for each DNP3 packet exchange and will be able
to generate an average as a baseline Trtrip. We have the following equation
similar to Equation 2:
arrival Ttransmitted ½Trtrip)(5)
48 I. Darwish et al.
Tarrival and Ttransmitted are actual time stamps for the returning packet and
for symmetric exchange of packets between the master and the slave, ½Trtrip
will represent half the average round trip time delay for either request or
response packets and Δwill represent the deviation from the average and if
the deviation is between zero and a safety margin ΔSM then the master will
accept the packet, otherwise the packet will be dropped. The safety margin
ΔSM, must be carefully chosen to prevent attacker from having the needed
time to perform the attack. The following scenario steps show the algorithm
sequence in more details:
1. Each node will measure its average round trip time delay Trtrip for each
exchange of DNP3 packets.
2. Master sends a DNP3 packet to the outstation encapsulated by TCP with
Sequence Number (SN) and Acknowledgement Number (AN) in the
segment header.
3. Outstation will send DNP3 response to master request.
4. The master will monitor the round trip time for the received response
packet and perform a comparison against Trtrip and if the deviation
exceeds the safety margin, then the packet will be dropped and a
retransmission will occur.
5.3 Mitigation Techniques
Mitigation techniques will follow the retransmission strategy. In [29], two
events have been defined to require this strategy, damaged TCP segments in
transit is the first possible event and the segment fails to arrive as the more
common one. In both cases, if segment does not arrive successfully, there is a
timer associated with each segment and a retransmission will occur if the timer
expire before acknowledging the segment. Therefore, it is a key design issue
to evaluate the timer in TCP that encapsulate DNP3 packets, timer should not
be too small to cause many unnecessary retransmissions or too large to cause
response delay for lost segments. The timer is variable and it should be set
larger than the round trip time delay.
Now, if we consider the DNP3 packet exchanges between the master and
the outstation, they will follow the same analogy and if the timer is carefully
set close to the round trip delay, MITM attacks could be prevented. Hence, any
delays caused by the attacker exceeding the safety margin ΔSM will trigger
a retransmission to the original packet by the sender. Both, master and the
outstation will use the average round trip delay calculated in Section 5.1 to
adjust its retransmission timer.
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 49
6 Conclusion
In this paper we analyzed various threats and vulnerabilities in DNP3 pro-
tocol operating in SCADA based implementation as part of the smart grid
using prototypes and virtual environments. Security penetration testing was
performed using four primary attack scenarios including denial-of-service
(DoS) and man-in-the-middle (MITM) type of attacks. In our research we
were able to explore and combine both experimental analysis and theoretical
modeling techniques using game theory. Nash equilibria was utilized to
highlight possible outcomes of the MITM attack and to validate the pass
and drop strategy that effectively can be used to detect attacks and to provide
understanding to mitigation. In our last section, mitigation of attacks and
attack’s prevention was explored using packet retransmission strategy and the
timer was carefully set close to the round trip time delay in order to minimize
the impact of various attacks. Our future work, will expand this area further by
implementing real-time smart-grid network and performing more penetration
testing involving the secured authentication version of DNP3 (DNP3-SA)
using multiple scenarios and smart grid configurations.
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I. Darwish is a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical Engineering at City College of
New York – CUNY involved in Cyber Security research affiliated with the
Center of Information Networking and Telecommunications (CINT) with a
focus on vulnerabilities, attack models, simulation and prevention techniques
covering different practical implementation including power-grid systems.
He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) holding multiple
certificates from the industry including Microsoft and Oracle with over than 20
years of IT & project management related experiences, and have worked with
various IT solutions and applications in many different business environments.
Currently, he is a Visiting Professor at DeVry University and a Lecturer at
various institutions in NY and NJ in the areas of electrical engineering and
information technology.
52 I. Darwish et al.
O. Igbe is a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical Engineering at the City College
of New York (CCNY) with particular interest in Network Security; more
especially security of cloud infrastructures, connected vehicles and smart
grids. He also holds a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from CCNY
and a B.E. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Imo State University,
Nigeria. Obinna has worked with the International Business Machines Corpo-
ration (IBM) and the Department of Instructional and Information Technology
under New York’s Department of Education (DIIT-NYCDOE). He is currently
working with Dr. Tarek Saadawi; his Ph.D. mentor and director of CCNY’s
Center for Information Networking and Telecommunication (CINT) on a
biological computation approach to intrusion detection in cloud computing
T. Saadawi Directs the Center of Information Networking and Telecom-
munications (CINT) at the City University of New York, City College. He
has published extensively in the area of information networks and network
security. He is a co-editor of the book “Cyber Infrastructure Protection,”
Strategic Study Institute, Volume 1, May 2011, Volume 2 May 2013, and
Volume 3 (expected December 2016), and the Lead-author of the book,
“Fundamentals of Telecommunication Networks,” John Wiley & Sons, 1994
(which has been translated into Chinese). His most recent research work has
Vulnerability Assessment and Experimentation of Smart Grid DNP3 53
focused on vulnerability of wireless network, denial of service attacks and mit-
igation strategy, and resilient routing protocols for wireless mobile networks.
He received the Ph.D. (EE) from the University of Maryland, College Park
in 1980. His fundamental work in 2001, on the Wi-Fi development (IEEE
802.11) has been cited heavily in many standards committees and published
work, then he followed on with the recent 2013 work on the security of Wi-Fi
... Simulation is not an optimization method, and therefore, we do not select studies that use simulation as their solution method. However, many of the selected studies use simulation to generate scenarios (Canzani and Pickl, 2016;Darwish et al., 2016;Genge and Haller, 2016), verify their model, or validate their results (Puzis et al., 2008;Bedi et al., 2011;Zhang et al., 2012;Zhang et al., 2013;Eldosouky et al., 2015;Cano et al., 2016;Rana et al., 2016;Panfili et al., 2018;Ravishankar et al., 2018;. These papers use different models and methods (e.g., mixed integer programming, bi-level programming, and multiobjective optimization, heuristics) to solve their proposed models. ...
... These papers use different models and methods (e.g., mixed integer programming, bi-level programming, and multiobjective optimization, heuristics) to solve their proposed models. Game theory is notably more popular among the papers that also use simulation (Bedi et al., 2011;Cano et al., 2016;Darwish et al., 2016;Ravishankar et al., 2017Ravishankar et al., , 2018Panfili et al., 2018;Wei et al., 2018) Table 6 reports the solution methods divided into two categories: exact methods, which exactly solve optimization problems and reach a provably optimal solution (e.g., dynamic programming) and non-exact methods, which include approximation algorithms, heuristics, and metaheuristics. These methods are described in Section 2.3. ...
Critical infrastructure from a cross-section of sectors has become increasingly reliant on cyber systems and cyberinfrastructure. Increasing risks to these cyber components, including cyber-physical systems, have highlighted the importance of cybersecurity in protecting critical infrastructure. The need to cost-effectively improve cyberinfrastructure security has made this topic suitable for optimization research. In this survey, we review studies in the literature that apply optimization to enhance or improve cyberinfrastructure security and were published or accepted before the end of the year 2019. We select 68 relevant peer-reviewed scholarly works among 297 studies found on Scopus and provide an overview of their application areas, mission areas, and optimization models and methods. Finally, we consider gaps in the literature and possible directions for future research.
... In the paper [146], the authors evaluate internal security vulnerabilities in the SG, explicitly targeting the DNP3 protocol by conducting penetration testing in a simulated virtual environment. They specifically address Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks. ...
Full-text available
The rapid integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is transforming the traditional electrical grid into a {\em Smart Grid}. Smart grids enable two-way communication and improved monitoring and control between utilities and customers. However, due to its heterogeneous nature, public exposure, and weak security at low-powered devices, the Smart Grid has vulnerabilities to various malicious threats, adversaries, and cyber attacks, which may affect cost and service availability. Additionally, when the systems' confidentiality, integrity, or availability are compromised, the resulting fallout can threaten national security and have cascading effects on human lives. Given the extreme consequences of an attack, smart-grid technology must be thoroughly tested for correct operation and security {\em before} it is deployed. As a result, vulnerability testing of smart grids, not only for correctness but for security purposes, has been the subject of numerous studies by academics, government agencies, and private companies. This paper reviews the vulnerabilities associated with the smart grid and spotlights simulation as the vulnerability testing methodology conducted in recent pertinent research works. It also presents various security aspects of the smart grid, including grid applications, system and network infrastructure and components, cyber threats and attacks, simulation, and different mitigation techniques. Finally, we analyze the gaps in the current research works, focusing on simulation. We briefly present a real-time simulation testbed that mimics customer behaviour and integrates hardware in the loop to apply attack methods, analyze vulnerabilities and risk mitigation associated with the smart grid system, and propose future work to improve the current framework.
... The paper [141] focuses on evaluating internal security vulnerabilities in the smart grid, explicitly targeting the DNP3 protocol by conducting penetration testing in a simulated virtual environment, specifically addressing Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks. The goal is to optimize detection and mitigation strategies against smart grid attacks by employing theoretical modelling through game theory. ...
Full-text available
The rapid integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is transforming the traditional electrical grid into a {\em Smart Grid}. Smart grids enable two-way communication and improved monitoring and control between utilities and customers. However, due to its heterogeneous nature, public exposure, and weak security at low-powered devices, the Smart Grid has vulnerabilities to various malicious threats, adversaries, and cyber attacks, which may affect cost and service availability. Additionally, when the systems' confidentiality, integrity, or availability are compromised, the resulting fallout can threaten national security and have cascading effects on human lives. Given the extreme consequences of an attack, smart-grid technology must be thoroughly tested for correct operation and security {\em before} it is deployed. As a result, vulnerability testing of smart grids, not only for correctness but for security purposes, has been the subject of numerous studies by academics, government agencies, and private companies. This paper reviews the vulnerabilities associated with the smart grid and spotlights simulation as the vulnerability testing methodology conducted in recent pertinent research works. It also presents various security aspects of the smart grid, including grid applications, system and network infrastructure and components, cyber threats and attacks, simulation, and different mitigation techniques. Finally, we analyze the gaps in the current research works, focusing on simulation. We briefly present a real-time simulation testbed that mimics customer behaviour and integrates hardware in the loop to apply attack methods, analyze vulnerabilities and risk mitigation associated with the smart grid system, and propose future work to improve the current framework.
... При оптимізації (змішаному цілочисельному програмуванні, дворівневому програмуванні, багатокритеріальній оптимізації, евристичній оптимізації тощо) використовується моделювання для генерування сценаріїв [70−72], верифікації параметрів задачі чи валідації результатів [42, 44, 54, 67, 73−78]. Моделювання частіше використовується у теорії ігор [42,44,70,74,75,79,80]. ...
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Critical infrastructure of interdependent modern sectors is increasingly relying on cyber systems and cyber infrastructures, which are characterized by growing risks of their cyber components, including cyberphysical subsystems. Therefore, cybersecurity is important for the protection of critical infrastructure. The search for cost-effective ways to increase or improve the security of cyber infrastructure is based on optimization models and methods of cyber infrastructure stability, safety, and reliability. These models and methods have different fields of application and different directions, not necessarily focused on the cyber infrastructure resilience. The growing role of information and communication technologies has influenced the concept of security and the nature of war. Many critical infrastructures (airports, hospitals, oil pipelines) have become potentially vulnerable to organized cyber attacks. Today, the implementation of the major state function of defense and security largely depends on the successful use of information and communication technologies as modern competitive (final and intermediate) dual-use products used by different people for different purposes. Game theory is increasingly used to assess strategic interactions between attackers and defenders in cyberspace. Game research and modeling combinations are combined to study the security of cyberspace. In cyberspace, the arsenal of weapons is built by finding more vulnerabilities in the defense of the target. Vulnerability is a weakness in the security procedures of the system, the design of the system or its implementation, as well as in the organization of internal control, which may be used by the source of the threat. The dynamic nature of vulnerabilities means that they are constantly changing over time. Detecting a vulnerability by a defender reduces the effectiveness of the attacker’s cyber weapon, which exploits the vulnerability, and increases the target protection. Game theory has been applied to many issues, including resource allocation, network security, and human cooperation. In cyberspace, there is often a placement game where the attacker and the defender decide where to allocate their respective resources. Defender’s resources can be security infrastructure (firewalls), finance, training. For example, a network administrator might look for a resource allocation that minimizes the risk of (cyber) attacks and at the same time protects against cyberattacks. The attacker has limited resources and is at risk of being tracked down and punished. The problem of resource allocation in cyberspace can be formulated as a game-theoretic problem, taking into account the concept of common knowledge and the problem of uncertain observability.
... The vulnerable nature of EPES/SG is mainly related to the legacy Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. Such systems utilise insecure communication protocols, such as Modbus [5], Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3) [6] and IEC 60870-5-104 [7], that have not been designed with the essential authentication and authorisation mechanisms. While both academia and industry have already provided useful security solutions, such as the IEC 62351 standard, unfortunately, many vendors and manufacturers cannot adopt them, especially in real-time. ...
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The technological leap of smart technologies and the Internet of Things has advanced the conventional model of the electrical power and energy systems into a new digital era, widely known as the Smart Grid. The advent of Smart Grids provides multiple benefits, such as self-monitoring, self-healing and pervasive control. However, it also raises crucial cybersecurity and privacy concerns that can lead to devastating consequences, including cascading effects with other critical infrastructures or even fatal accidents. This paper introduces a novel architecture, which will increase the Smart Grid resiliency, taking full advantage of the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technology. The proposed architecture called SDN-microSENSE architecture consists of three main tiers: (a) Risk assessment, (b) intrusion detection and correlation and (c) self-healing. The first tier is responsible for evaluating dynamically the risk level of each Smart Grid asset. The second tier undertakes to detect and correlate security events and, finally, the last tier mitigates the potential threats, ensuring in parallel the normal operation of the Smart Grid. It is noteworthy that all tiers of the SDN-microSENSE architecture interact with the SDN controller either for detecting or mitigating intrusions.
... The need for more openness of the SCADA system opens up vulnerabilities in the SCADA system itself, as in research conducted by [1], [3], [4]. Researchers reveal security gaps in the SCADA system protocol itself that allow attackers to perform various attack scenarios on the SCADA system [6], [7]. ...
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p>Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) has an important role in communication between devices in strategic industries such as power plant grid/network. Besides, the SCADA system is now open to any external heterogeneous networks to facilitate monitoring of industrial equipment, but this causes a new vulnerability in the SCADA network system. Any disruption on the SCADA system will give rise to a dangerous impact on industrial devices. Therefore, deep research and development of reliable intrusion detection system (IDS) for SCADA system/network is required. Via a thorough literature review, this paper firstly discusses current security issues of SCADA system and look closely benchmark dataset and SCADA security holes, followed by SCADA traffic anomaly recognition using artificial intelligence techniques and visual traffic monitoring system. Then, touches on the encryption technique suitable for the SCADA network. In the end, this paper gives the trend of SCADA IDS in the future and provides a proposed model to generate a reliable IDS, this model is proposed based on the investigation of previous researches. This paper focuses on SCADA systems that use IEC 60870-5-104 (IEC 104) protocol and distributed network protocol version 3 (DNP3) protocol as many SCADA systems use these two protocols.</p
... The need for more openness of the SCADA system opens up vulnerabilities in the SCADA system itself, as in research conducted by [1], [3], [4]. Researchers reveal security gaps in the SCADA system protocol itself that allow attackers to perform various attack scenarios on the SCADA system [6], [7]. ...
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Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) has an important role in communication between devices in strategic industries such as power plant grid/network. Besides, the SCADA system is now open to any external heterogeneous networks to facilitate monitoring of industrial equipment, but this causes a new vulnerability in the SCADA network system. Any disruption on the SCADA system will give rise to a dangerous impact on industrial devices. Therefore, deep research and development of reliable intrusion detection system (IDS) for SCADA system/network is required. Via a thorough literature review, this paper firstly discusses current security issues of SCADA system and look closely benchmark dataset and SCADA security holes, followed by SCADA traffic anomaly recognition using artificial intelligence techniques and visual traffic monitoring system. Then, touches on the encryption technique suitable for the SCADA network. In the end, this paper gives the trend of SCADA IDS in the future and provides a proposed model to generate a reliable IDS, this model is proposed based on the investigation of previous researches. This paper focuses on SCADA systems that use IEC 60870-5-104 (IEC 104) protocol and distributed network protocol version 3 (DNP3) Protocol as many SCADA systems use these two protocols.
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Background Data transmissions using the DNP3 protocol over the internet in SCADA systems are vulnerable to interruption, interception, fabrication, and modification through man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. This research aims to improve the security of DNP3 data transmissions and protect them from MITM attacks. Methods This research describes a proposed new method of improving DNP3 security by introducing BRC4 encryption. This combines Beaufort encryption, in which plain text is encrypted by applying a poly-alphabetic substitution code based on the Beaufort table by subtracting keys in plain text, and RC4 encryption, a stream cipher with a variable-length key algorithm. This research contributes to improving the security of data transmission and accelerating key generation. Results Tests are carried out by key space analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, information entropy analysis, visual analysis, and time complexity analysis.The results show that to secure encryption processes from brute force attacks, a key of at least 16 characters is necessary. IL data correlation values were IL1 = −0.010, IL2 = 0.006, and IL3 = 0.001, respectively, indicating that the proposed method (BRC4) is better than the Beaufort or RC4 methods in isolation. Meanwhile, the information entropy values from IL data are IL1 = 7.84, IL2 = 7.98, and IL3 = 7.99, respectively, likewise indicating that the proposed method is better than the Beaufort or RC4 methods in isolation. Both results also show that the proposed method is secure from MITM attacks. Visual analysis, using a histogram, shows that ciphertext is more significantly distributed than plaintext, and thus secure from MITM attacks. The time complexity analysis results show that the proposed method algorithm is categorized as linear complexity.
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SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems are required to deal with increasingly complex and critical situation. They must constantly evolve towards integrated decision making and policy driven by cyber security requirements. The current research stream in that domain aims, accordingly, to foster the smartness of the field equipment's and processes, which principally exist through the generic concept of SCADA components. Those components are governed by policies which depending on the components roles and the evolution of the crisis, also confer to the latter the latitude to react based on their own perception of the crisis evolution. These components latitude is calculated based on as the component smartness and is strongly determined by, and depending on, the cyber safety of the component environment. Actual work related to crisis management tends to consider that components evolve and are organized in systems but as far as we know, no systemic solution exists which integrates all of the above requirements. Therefore, we do believe that such an integrated solution could bring many advantages including the integration of cyber-security protection by means of security policy generation. Therefore, in the frame of the CockpitCI project, we have decided to frame an innovative version of ArchiMate for the SCADA component modeling purpose to enrich the SCADA component collaborations and, more particularly, the description of their behavior endorsed in the cyber-policy. Our work has been illustrated in the frame of a critical infrastructure in the field of petroleum supply chains which is a highly sensitive research topic.
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Concerns with global warming prompted many governments to mandate increased proportion of electricity generation from renewable sources. This, together with the desire to have more efficient and secure power generation and distribution, has driven research in the next-generation power grid, namely, the smart grid. Through integrating advanced information and communication technologies with power electronic and electric power technologies, smart grid will be highly reliable, efficient, and environmental-friendly. A key component of smart grid is the communication system. This paper explores the design goals and functions of the smart grid communication system, followed by an in-depth investigation on the communication requirements. Discussions on some of the recent developments related to smart grid communication systems are also introduced.
Conference Paper
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Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3) is the predominant SCADA protocol in the energy sector – more than 75% of North American electric utilities currently use DNP3 for industrial control applications. This paper presents a taxonomy of attacks on the protocol. The attacks are classified based on targets (control center, outstation devices and network/communication paths) and threat categories (interception, interruption, modification and fabrication). To facilitate risk analysis and mitigation strategies, the attacks are associated with the specific DNP3 protocol layers they exploit. Also, the operational impact of the attacks is categorized in terms of three key SCADA objectives: process confi- dentiality, process awareness and process control. The attack taxonomy clarifies the nature and scope of the threats to DNP3 systems, and can provide insights into the relative costs and benefits of implementing mitigation strategies.
Conference Paper
Coordination of large scale distributed measurement and control systems, such as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and other process control system implementations, require reliable and robust networks that can connect thousands of remote devices from multiple remote locations. Additionally, many heavy industries have ever increasing demands of their infrastructure to handle more network services and deliver a full spectrum of control and monitoring of thousands and even tens of thousands of points within their global business operations. This paper will outline a new novel method of providing a convergent use of the IEC 61850 protocol, within process control networks, to provide a more deterministic type of process control, monitoring and energy management. The benefits of real-time archiving of process values, process messages, Intelligent Electronic Device (lED) status and alarm data along with process batch data can be achieved in an advancement of traditional historian based systems. This new approach, providing traditional downtime reports and alarm summaries for maintenance purposes along with the added benefits of providing the opportunity for highly accurate and time synchronized energy consumption and energy balance data along with efficiency reports of various different production or process operations.
In the last few years game theory has had a substantial impact on computer science, especially on Internet- and e-commerce-related issues. Algorithmic Game Theory develops the central ideas and results of this new and exciting area in a clear and succinct manner. More than 40 of the top researchers in this field have written chapters that go from the foundations to the state of the art. Basic chapters on algorithmic methods for equilibria, mechanism design and combinatorial auctions are followed by chapters on important game theory applications such as incentives and pricing, cost sharing, information markets and cryptography and security. This definitive work will set the tone of research for the next few years and beyond. Students, researchers, and practitioners alike need to learn more about these fascinating theoretical developments and their widespread practical application. © Noam Nisan, Tim Roughgarden, Éva Tardos, Vijay V. Vazirani 2007.
Conference Paper
There has been much recent discussion on what distribution systems can and should look like in the future. Terms related to this discussion include smart grid, distribution system of the future, and others. Functionally, a smart grid should be able to provide new abilities such as self-healing, high reliability, energy management, and real-time pricing. From a design perspective, a smart grid will likely incorporate new technologies such as advanced metering, automation, communication, distributed generation, and distributed storage. This paper discussed the potential impact that issues related to smart grid will have on distribution system design.
Conference Paper
Two-way seamless communication is the key aspect of realizing the vision of smart grid. There are several standardized wired and wireless communication technologies available for various smart grid applications. With the recent growth in wireless communication, it can offer standardized technologies for wide area, metropolitan area, local area, and personal area networks. Moreover, wireless technologies not only offer significant benefits over wired, such as including low installation cost, rapid deployment, mobility, etc., but also more suitable for remote end applications. Several activities are going on to explore specific applications of these technologies in smart grid environment. This paper presents various smart grid applications achieved through standardized wireless communication technologies, e.g. IEEE 802.11 based wireless LAN, IEEE 802.16 based WiMAX, 3G/4G cellular, ZigBee based on IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.20 based MobileFi, etc. Moreover, challenges related to each wireless communication technologies have been discussed in brief.
Cybersecurity of the substations in a power system is a major issue as the substations become increasingly dependent on computer and communication networks. This paper is concerned with anomaly detection in the computer network environment of a substation. An anomaly inference algorithm is proposed for early detection of cyber-intrusions at the substations. The potential sce- nario of simultaneous intrusions launched over multiple substa- tions is considered. The proposed detection method considers tem- poral anomalies. Potential intrusion events are ranked based on the credibility impact on the power system. Snapshots of anomaly entities at substations are described. Simulation results using the modified IEEE 118-bus system have shown the effectiveness of the proposed method for systematic identification. The result of this research is a tool to detect cyber-intrusions that are likely to cause significant damages to the power grid.