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Estimating Age on Twitter Using Self-Training Semi-Supervised SVM



The estimation methods for Twitter user’s attributes typically require a vast amount of labeled data. Therefore, an efficient way is to tag the unlabeled data and add it to the set. We applied the self-training SVM as a semisupervised method for age estimation and introduced Plat scaling as the unlabeled data selection criterion in the self-training process. We show how the performance of the self-training SVM varies when the amount of training data and the selection criterion values are changed.
Estimating Age on Twitter Using Self-Training Semi-Supervised SVM
Tats uy u k i I ju
Graduate School of Information Engineering, University of the Ryukyus
1 Senbaru, Nishihara-cho, Nakagami-gun, Okinawa, Japan
Satoshi Endo, Koji Yamada Naruaki Toma, Yuhei Akamine
School of Information Engineering, University of the Ryukyus
1 Senbaru, Nishihara-cho, Nakagami-gun, Okinawa, Jaapn
The estimation methods for Twitter user’s attributes typically require a vast amount of labeled data. Therefore, an
efficient way is to tag the unlabeled data and add it to the set. We applied the self-training SVM as a semi-
supervised method for age estimation and introduced Plat scaling as the unlabeled data selection criterion in the
self-training process. We show how the performance of the self-training SVM varies when the amount of training
data and the selection criterion values are changed.
Keywords: Twitter, Age, Semi-supervised learning, Self-training, SVM, Plat scaling
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the use of Twitter as a social activity sensor
has become popular trendy. Although it is more
efficient to consider attribute differences such as user
age and gender for analysis, users rarely share their
personal information to the public. Therefore, a variety
of methods for estimating Twitter user’s attributes has
been studied[1][2][3]. However, these methods require a
vast amount of labeled data. Since collecting labeled
data is typically a high cost work, the estimation method
is efficient when unlabeled data is labeled and used as
additional data. We investigate a method for building
classifier by using self-training SVM, which is a
combination of semi-supervised method, self-training
and SVM. In this study, we formulate age estimation as
a binary classification problem where user is labeled as
under 30 or over 30. The method for user vectorization
is simple bag-of-words model and all the tweets treated
as data were Japanese tweets. In section 2, we describe
self-training SVMs. In section3, we describe the
experiments and present and analyze the results. Finally,
we describe our findings and the extension of this work.
2. Self-training SVM algorithm
We describe about the method of building our classifier
by using a self-training SVM. Self-training is a simple
semi-supervised learning algorithm, with examples of
applications started by Scudder[4]. The standard
approach for self-training is as follows.
i. By Using underlying learning algorithm, train a
classifier from the labeled data set.
ii. Label a part of the unlabeled data set according to
the classifier, and retrain it, with the newly labeled
data as an additional training set.
We construct our classifier for Twitter user’s age
estimation by using a self-training SVM, in which the
underlying learning algorithm is SVM. Furthermore, we
introduce Plat scaling as a criterion for selecting users
Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 3, No. 1 (June 2016), 24-27
Published by Atlantis Press
Copyright: the authors
Tatsuyuki Iju,Satoshi Endo, Koji Yamada Naruaki Toma, Yuhei Akamine
appropriately from the unlabeled set in order to be
labeled. It is expected that poor quality data is filtered
out by that criterion. Plat scaling[5] is a method used for
modeling a function that returns posterior probability
(|) in which user is in the  class,
according to classifier’s the decision function.
The steps of the self-training SVM algorithm where
sample set
{,= 1, … , } and sample set
1, … , } belongs to training set and unlabeled set
, respectively.
i. Using , we train a SVM and obtain probability
(|){(|),= 1, … ,
sample belongs to  by Plat scaling.
ii. Define containing all with at least one of
the (|)  . Furthermore,
Define sample in as .
iii. Define new as = +. The label of
is predicted as the  for which (|) is
highest. Furthermore, Define new as =
  .
iv. Repeat i. ~ iii. until cannot be defined.
3. Experiments
3.1. Experimental contents and settings
We defined age as two classes, under 30 and over 30.
This definition is the same as Rao’s research[1]. we
carried out some experiments in order to evaluate the
performance of the Self-training SVM for the Twitter
user’s age estimation. By using self-training SVM, we
built a classifier for each of the nine training set arrays
(three sets of different number of users containing 76,
256 and 376 with three possible selection criterions of
0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 respectively). Then, we measure the
classifier’s performance with the test set. Additionally,
in order to provide the baselines for these classifiers, we
built other classifiers by using normal SVM for each of
four training set arrays and measured their performance
the same way, we did for the self-training SVM ones.
The performance measurement was done by the five-
fold cross validation. The number of users in the test set
was 480 and the number of users in the unlabeled set
was 1200, In addition, the number of users from under
30 and over 30 classes were balanced in both the
training and test sets. The way for user vectorization
was simple bag-of-words model, at the time of classifier
training and user’s age prediction. Prior to proceeding
the experiments, it was necessary to set hyper
parameters of SVM and features in a bag-of-words
representation. Therefore, we performed a grid-search,
set the kernel and cost parameters of SVM as linear and
1000 respectively. As for the features, we set the 158
top-ranked words by score which appeared in user
tweets from the training set.
3.2. Results
First, we describe about the results for the normal
SVMs. Table 1 shows the performance of the normal
SVM classifiers. From Table 1, we can assure that the
classifiers can improve their performance as the size of
the set is increased, at least when the size of the given
training set is in the 76 to 376 range. According to this
result, as well as for self-training SVM, it is expected
that performance can be improved by utilizing
unlabeled set with the training set size within the same
range size. Additionally, regardless of the training set
size, it was observed that precision is high and recall is
low for the under 30 class and, oppositely the precision
is low and recall is high for the over 30 class. F measure
was better for the under 30 class than for over 30 one. It
is, basically, that the under 30 class user was easier to
predict than the over 30 class one. As for the results
about self-training SVM, Table 2, 3, 4, and correspond
to the prediction results from classifiers built from 76,
256 and 376 users training sets, respectively. The
classifier with the highest improvement from baseline
was the one with 76 users training set with a selection
criterion of 0.9 (improvement was 0.032 point for the
over30 class recall). Classifier from the 376 users with a
selection criterion of 0.9 was the second highest
(improvement was 0.025 point for the over 30 class
recall). Although the recall improvement for over 30
class is remarkable, precision for the over 30 class and
both precision and recall for the under 30 class subtly
improve or diminish as the mean F measure merely
improves. Ta b le 5 shows the labeling accuracy for the
76 users set self-training and ratio of the labeled set for
all the unlabeled set. Precision, F and mean F measures
for the over 30 class were not defined, because the
entire unlabeled set is filtered and eventually labeled as
the under 30 class. We could observe better labeling
accuracy for higher selection criterions and, in contrast,
for bigger selection criterions the amount of labeled data
from the unlabeled set is reduced. However, as indicated
by Table 2 through Table 4, performance was better for
a selection criterion of 0.5 than 0.7 for all of classifiers
Published by Atlantis Press
Copyright: the authors
Estimating Age on Twitter
excluding the 376 users training set, although
performance for a selection criterion of 0.9 was best for
all classifiers. This result is inconsistent with the fact
that the labeling error is more frequent for selection
criterion of 0.5 than 0.7 as indicated in Table 5. For that
reason, it is implicated that users are easier to predict if
selected from a self-training process with a selection
criterion of 0.7 than a 0.5 one, since the classifier with a
selection criterion of 0.7 is more strongly affected by
labeling error than a 0.5 one. In addition, it is inferable
that, for a selection criterion of 0.9, the labeling error
rate is so small that the classifier achieves in improving
its performance.
Table 1: Results for the normal SVM
Number of the users in training set
Age class
Over 30
Under 30
Over 30
Under 30
Over 30
F measure
F measure
Table 4: Results for the training set with 376 number of users
Unlabeled data selection criterion
Age class
Under 30
Over 30
Under 30
Over 30
Under 30
Over 30
F measure
F measure
Table 3: Results for the training set with 256 number of users
Unlabeled data selection criterion
Age class
Under 30
Over 30
Under 30
Over 30
Under 30
Over 30
F measure
F measure
Table 2: Results for the training set with 76 number of users
Unlabeled data selection criterion
Age class
Under 30
Over 30
Under 30
Over 30
Under 30
Over 30
F measure
F measure
Published by Atlantis Press
Copyright: the authors
Tatsuyuki Iju,Satoshi Endo, Koji Yamada Naruaki Toma, Yuhei Akamine
4. Conclusions
In order to evaluate self-training SVM for Twitter user’s
age estimation, we construct a classifier by for each of
the twelve training set arrays of (three sets of different
users containing 76, 256 and 376 with three possible
selection criterion of 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 respectively). Then
we evaluate the performance of the classifiers with test
set. As a result, in the recall for the over 30 class, it was
observed a 0.032 and 0.025 point of improvement from
baseline for training set with a size of 76 and 376
respectively with a selection criterion of 0.9. For future
works, we will investigate the relation between the
selection criterion and performance of self-training
SVM as well as explore the way to improve them.
1. Rao, Delip, et al. "Classifying latent user attributes in
twitter." Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop
on Search and mining user-generated contents. ACM,
2. Burger, John D., et al. "Discriminating gender on
Twitter." Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical
Methods in Natural Language Processing. Association
for Computational Linguistics, 2011.
3. Pennacchiotti, Marco, and Ana-Maria Popescu.
"Democrats, republicans and starbucks afficionados: user
classification in twitter." Proceedings of the 17th ACM
SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge
discovery and data mining. ACM, 2011.
4. Scudder, Henry J. "Probability of error of some adaptive
pattern-recognition machines." Information Theory, IEEE
Transactions on 11.3 (1965): 363-371.
5. Platt, John. "Probabilistic outputs for support vector
machines and comparisons to regularized likelihood
methods." Advances in large margin classifiers 10.3
(1999): 61-74.
Table 5: Results for the training set 76 number of users (labeling)
Unlabeled data selection criterion
Age class
Under 30
Over 30
Under 30
Over 30
Under 30
Over 30
F measure
F measure
Labeling rate
Published by Atlantis Press
Copyright: the authors
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Classifying latent user attributes in twitter
  • Delip Rao
Rao, Delip, et al. "Classifying latent user attributes in twitter." Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Search and mining user-generated contents. ACM, 2010.