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Ground foraging behaviour of Malayan giant squirrel (Ratufa bicolor)

CURRENT SCIEN CE, VOL. 110, NO. 12, 25 JUN E 2016 2223
shaped by the mate selection. Therefore,
such high average energy input in AC2 is
likely to be an indication that it is a
breeding call. While low average energy
input per unit time in AC1 is likel y to be
for a function with lower priority, such
as territory call.
Interestingly, AC2 matches with the
description of breeding call of I. chirava-
si given by Gaitonde and Giri10, for
which they have assigned functions to
this call as associated behaviour such as
approach of female leading to amplexus
and egg laying. Whereas they have men-
tioned that the calling males exhibit call s
similar to AC1 with associated behaviour
like vicinity of another male. However,
they have not pr ovided any analysis for
the calls. Although we could not assign
functions to calls AC1 and AC2 based on
our field observations, we suggest that
AC1 is a territorial call, whereas AC2 is
a breeding call based on the energy
expenditure and suggestions made by
Gaitonde and Giri10.
Call analysis for Indirana species
provided by earlier workers is either
qualitati ve10 or with limited analysis13–15,
making it difficult to use them for com-
pilations. Nevertheless, superficially, the
spectral characteristi cs of the territory
calls of various species of Indirana are
similar, as also suggested by Kuramoto
and Dubois15, making territory calls of
limited value for taxonomy and identifi-
cation. However, the pattern of breeding
calls and energy input may be different
for different species. Further studies on
the breeding calls of other species of In-
dirana could provide important insight
into the ecology and evolution of species
belonging to this endemic genus.
1. Du bois, A., C. R. Aca d. Sci., 1975, 281,
1717– 1720.
2. Mica ncin, J. P. a nd M ette, J. T., Zoo taxa,
2009 , 2076, 1–36.
3. Penny, S. G. et al., Zookeys, 2014 , 435,
111–1 32.
4. Acevedo, M. A. and Villanueva-Rivera,
L. J., Wildl. Soc. Bull., 2006, 34, 211–
5. Funk, W. C., Caminer, M. and Ron, S.
R., Proc . R. Soc. London, Ser. B, 2012 ,
279, 1806–1814 .
6. Moda k, N., Da hanuk ar, N., Gosavi, N.
and Padhye, A. D., J. Th reat. Taxa,
2015 , 7, 7493–75 09.
7. Moda k, N., Padhye, A. D. and Dahanu-
kar, N., Zootaxa, 2014, 3796 , 62– 80.
8. Nair, A., G opalan, S. V., Georg e, S.,
Kumar, K. S., Teacher, A. G. F. and
Merilä, J ., Anim. Conserv ., 2012, 15,
489–4 98.
9. Padhye, A. D ., Modak, N. and Dahanukar,
N., J. Threat. Taxa , 201 4, 6, 6293– 6312.
10. Gaitonde, N. and Giri, V., Curr . Sci.,
2014 , 107 , 109–112 .
11. Bioacou stic Research Progr am, Raven
Pro: Interactive Sou nd A nalysis Software
(Version 1.4), The Cornell Lab of Orni-
thology, Ithaca, New York, 2011 ,
http://www.bird s.corn
12. Charif, R. A., Waack , A. M. a nd Strick-
man, L. M., Raven Pro 1.4 User’s
Manu al, Cornell Lab of Ornithology,
Ithaca, N ew York, 2010.
13. Kadadeva ru, G. G., Ka nama di, R. D. and
Schneider, H., Amph ibia– Reptilia, 2000,
21, 242–246.
14. Kuramot o, M. and Joshy, S. H., C urr.
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15. Kuramot o, M. and Dubois, A., Curr.
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16. Gerhardt, H. C. and Huber, F., Acoustic
Communication in Insects and Frogs:
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tions, University of Chi cago Press, Chi-
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17. Wells, K. D ., In The Eco logy and Behav-
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University of Chicago Pre ss, Chicago,
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18. Wells, K. D. and Schwartz, J. J., In
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Head, D epartment of Zoology and Biodiversity
and the Pri ncipal, MES’ Aba sahe b Ga rware
College, Pune as well as the Indian Institute
of Scien ce Edu cation and Research, Pune, for
providing infrastructural faciliti es. N.M. is
supported by IN SPIRE student fellows hip.
N.D. is supported by INSPIRE facu lty fello w-
ship. We also thank Nikhil Dandekar, Sanjay
Khata wkar, Deepa k Moda k, Satish Pande a nd
Anish Par deshi for help during field work;
Rajgopal Pati l and Pra sad Kulk arni for help in
analysis. N.M. thank s the Raven Pro team for
providing a free copy of R aven Pro 1.4 soft-
ware, and to Jonathan Micancin, Blackburn
College, Carlinville, Illinois, for his guidance
in call analysis.
Receiv ed 18 Ja nuary 2016; revised accepted
18 March 2016
1Department of Biodiversity, and
5Department of Zool ogy,
MES’ Abasahab Garware College,
Karve Road,
Pune 411 004, India
2Indian Institute of Science Education
and Research,
G1 Block, Dr Homi Bhabha Road,
Pashan, Pune 411 008, India
3Systematics, Ecology and Conservation
Laboratory, Zoo Outreach
Organization (ZOO),
96 Kumudham Nagar,
Vilankurichi Road,
Coimbatore 641 035, India
4Whistling Woods,
Ambol 416 510, India
*For correspondence.
Ground foraging behaviour of Malayan giant squirrel (Ratufa bicolor)
Giant squirrels are considered an
important component of forested ecosys-
tems, and are advocated as indicators of
forest health1. The Malayan giant squir-
rel (MGS; Ratufa bicolor), one of the
four giant tree squirrels in the Oriental
region (the other three being R. affinis,
R. indica and R. macroura), is found in
the Malayan region, North East India and
Myanmar. It is listed as Near Threatened
(NT) by IUCN, in Appendix II of CITES
and Schedule II of Indian Wildlife (Pro-
tection) Act 1972. Some ecological
informati on on the MGS exists from few
studies 2,3.
There has been unanimity about the
obligate arboreal nature of giant squirrels
(genus Ratufa) that occupy an ecological
niche in the highest levels of primary
rainforest. Moore4 stressed the need of
detailed observation and reporting of any
ground foraging behaviour of Oriental
giant squirrels. Of late, recent squirrel
studies in the tropics report some inci-
dents of giant squirrels coming down to
the ground across their distributional
range5– 13. We describe here ground
CURRENT SCIEN CE, VOL. 110, NO. 12, 25 JUN E 2016 2224
foraging of MGS in a tropical forest
fragment of Brahmaputra valley, North
East India (Figure 1), which is the west-
ern most distributional range of the spe-
As part of a larger study (October
2012 through March 2015) on resource
partitioning among sympatric arboreal
squirrels in the tropical forests of Hol-
longapar Gibbon Sanctuary (HGS) (Fig-
ure 2), we observed five focal MGS from
dawn to dusk. HGS (2640–2645N,
9423–9423E; area 20.98 km2) is situ-
ated in Jorhat district, Assam. According
to the classification scheme of Champion
and Seth14, the forest type in HGS is
Assam Plains Alluvial Semi Evergreen
Forests (1/2/2B/C), sparsely interspersed
with wet evergreen forest patches domi-
nated by Di pterocarpus macrocarpus in
the upper canopy, while Mesua ferrea
dominates the middle canopy.
We observed squirrels with equal
effort in both dry (October–March) and
wet (April–September) seasons. Obser-
vations were made using ad libitum and
scan sampling methods15 with 5 min
interval. Whenever we found squirrels
coming to the ground, we recorded the
time, distance traversed and the follow-
ing information.
(a) Distance of the squirrel from any
nearest tree.
(b) Behaviour of the squirrel (foraging,
alert, rest, play and chase). Alert be-
haviour, in the context of this study,
is any sudden abrupt motionless body
posture with raised head and emitting
alarm vocalizations due to awareness
of the presence of any thr eat.
MGS mostly foraged (98.9%) in the
canopy and sub-canopy within source
tree crowns (n = 2340 scans out of 2366
total scan observations). However,
ground foraging was seen only during 11
occasions (1.1%) throughout the study
period (n = 26 scans out of 2366 total
scan observations). The mean distance
travelled from the source tree (from
which it descended) while on the ground
was 7.7 m 6.5 SD (n = 11, range: 2–
23 m). It was observed that MGS came
down to the ground using the tree trunk
and woody climbers more in the forest
edge (n = 9) than in the interior (n = 2).
The forest edge is the ecotone between
forest and tea gardens, and forest and vil-
lage. MGS also travelled more distance
(8.3 m 7.1 SD, n = 9) in the forest edge
than the interior (5.0 m 1.4 SD, n = 2).
The mean time spent during each descent
was 16.3 min 10.2 SD (n = 11). MGS
spent more time on the ground in the
morning (0600–0900 h, 21.1 min 8.1
SD, n = 8) than in the afternoon (1300–
1500 h, 5.0 min 5.5 SD, n = 3). A no-
table change in behaviour was observed
when MGS moved beyond 5 m from the
source tree. Significant association of
foraging behaviour was seen with the
closeness from the source tree, while
frequency of alertness was more when
MGS crossed beyond 5 m distance
from the source tree (
2 = 10.9, df = 1,
P < 0.01).
The tropical belt wit h significant to-
pographic relief and forest cover serves
as a global hotspot of diversity and en-
demism for arboreal squirrels, especially
giant squirrels1. However, reports of
ground foraging behaviour by arboreal
giant squirrels are rare. This could be due
to the paucity of squirrel research in the
tropics in general and Asia in particular1.
The ground foraging of giant squirrels
was observed only 11 times during the
present study. This suggests that such
opportunistic foraging behaviour occurs
infrequently. We observed that the
ground-descending activity of MGS was
related to feeding and foraging behaviour
Figure 1. Malayan giant squirrel
foraging on the ground in Hollon gapar Gibbon Sanctuary,
Assam, India.
Figure 2. The location and study area of Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary. Black dots
area s where the giant squirrel descended to the gr ound.
CURRENT SCIEN CE, VOL. 110, NO. 12, 25 JUN E 2016 2225
on fallen fruit clusters of Mesua ferrea
(flesh juicy part ingested, while seed dis-
carded) and termite hill s (top soft part),
which may be due to their ability to ex-
ploit a wider variety of food in periods of
fruit scarcity. There are reports of giant
squirrels consuming soil5,8,9 after feeding
on seeds rich in secondar y metabolites
such as Olea dioica to neutralize the
effect of the metabolites from a seasonal
cloud forest of the Western Ghats6, as
well as termites10,11 and fallen fruit clus-
ters of Zizyphus mauritiana from South
India5. Diets of giant squirrels can shi ft
to bark and leaves during fruit scarcity,
but they prefer fruits, especially seeds,
when t hey are available5. Food is usuall y
consumed within the source tree crown
itself3, as in the case of R. affinis and R.
color4. Nevertheless, such sporadic inci-
dents thr ow light upon behavioural plas-
ticity and the ability of the giant squirrels
to expand the spectrum of food items as
well as foraging height depending upon
the resource availability.
MGS could concentrate on foraging
near the source tree, as it was safer for
them to access it when in danger. There-
fore, more frequency in alertness was
seen when they were far from the source
tree. Most of the observations were re-
corded in the forest edges. This might be
due to different microclimatic condition
at the forest edges. A recent study on
arboreal squirrels shows variation in
their normal diurnal activity pattern with
changes in environmental variables1 6.
The obser vations of ground foraging be-
haviour of MGS were recorded in an area
which also supports a healthy population
of six other primate species (including
three sympatric macaque species) with
overlappi ng home ranges and showed
no aggressive interspecific interactions
among them. This supports the findings
of Sushma and Singh17, that predation of
giant squirrel by macaque species may be
a sporadic event17. Giant squirrels of the
genus Ratufa have been reported to jump
3.5 m 0.1 SE within canopy cover, but
failed to jump >5 m distance in frag-
mented habitats18. Forest fragmentation
increases edge effects and isolation, and
thus decreases the ability of arboreal ani-
mals to move widely without coming
down to the ground.
1. Koprowsk i, J. L. and Nandini, R., Curr .
Sci., 200 8, 95 , 851–857 .
2. Mackinnon, K. S., Malay. Nat. J., 1978,
30, 593–608.
3. Payne, J. B., Ph D dissertation, Univer -
sity o f Ca mbridge, UK, 1 979 .
4. Moor e, J. C., Syst. Zool., 1960 , 9, 1–17.
5. Borges, R. M., In Mamma ls of Sou th
Asia (Volume 2) (eds Johnsingh, A. J. T.
and Manjrekar, N.), Universities Press,
Hyderabad, 2015, pp. 483–500 .
6. Soma nathan, H., Ma li, S. and Borges, R.
M., Ecosc ience , 2007, 14(2) , 165–169.
7. Hu tton, A. F., J. Bombay Na t. Hist . Soc.,
1949 , 48 , 681–695.
8. Borges, R. M., Ph D dissertation, Uni-
versity of Miami , Florida , 1989.
9. Da tta, A., Dissertation. Sa urashtra Uni-
versity, Ra jkot, 1993.
10. Krishnan, M., J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.,
1975 , 81 , 180–181.
11. Thorington Jr, R. W. and Cifelli, R. L.,
In Conserva tion in Developi ng Coun-
tries: Pro blems and Prospec ts (eds
Dani el, J. C. and Serra o, J. S.), Oxford
University Press, Mumbai, 199 0, pp.
212–2 19.
12. Meijaard, E. and Sheil, D., Ecol. Res .,
2008 , 23 , 21–34.
13. Ramacha ndra n, K. K., KFRI Research
Report 55 , 1988.
14. Champion, H. G. and Seth, S. K., A Re-
vised Survey o f the Forest Types of In dia,
Government of India Press, New Delhi,
1968 .
15. Altmann, J., Behaviour, 1974, 49, 227–
16. Williams, C . T . e t al., J . Ma mmal., 2014,
95, 1230–1239.
17. Sushma, H . S. and Singh, M., Curr. Sci.,
2008 , 95 , 1535–1536 .
18. Kumbhar, A., Pra dhan, A. and Patwar d-
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2(4), 366–3 68.
Principal Chief C onser vator of Forest and
Chief Wildl ife Warden of Assam for provid-
ing the necessa ry permission to carry out this
study and the Divisiona l Forest Offic ers of
Jorhat, Jorhat Forest Division and Rang e
Officers of Meleng for logi stic su ppor t. We
also thank WWF (WWF S mall Grant ) and
UGC (UGC-BSR fellowship) for financial
support. S.G. thanks Dilip Baruah and Deben
Bora h for assistance in the field.
Receiv ed 30 September 2015; revised ac-
cepted 30 Mar ch 2016
1Department of Ecology and
Environmental Sciences, and
2Centre for Biodiversity and Natural
Resource Conservation,
Assam University,
Silchar 788 011, India
*For correspondence.
... Globally, this species is distributed in southern China, India, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Burma, Malayan Peninsula, Sumatra, and Java (Corbet and Hill 1992;Wilson and Reeder 2005). Malayan giant squirrel is currently listed as Near Threatened (IUCN 2016), Schedule II (Part I) under Wildlife (Protection) Act (1972) and CITES Appendix II ( Sengupta et al. 2016). This species mostly has been reported to occur in the non-disturbed forests (Sahoo and Bhattacharjee 2012) and to be much vulnerable to deforestation and more to forest fragmentations and hunting (Singh et al. 2014). ...
... Various anecdotal reports have been documented on different squirrel species across India, but very few studies focused on the habitat of three species of giant squirrels found in India (Shyam and Saikia 2012). The studies conducted on R. bicolor are mostly related to morphological or molecular taxonomy, distribution records, and temporal observations (Moore 1960;MacKinnon 1978;Payne 1979Payne , 1980Sengupta et al. 2016;Bahuguna and Singh 2019). In relation to the habitat and ecology of the species only a handful of studies have been conducted. ...
Ratufa bicolor is a diurnal, arboreal, and herbivorous rodent occurs mainly in evergreen and semi-evergreen forests of north-eastern India and known to be one of the forest health indicator species. The present study was conducted to enumerate the climatic factors governing the distribution of R. bicolor in its habitat range in India and their climatic refuge in the middle of the 21st century, based on the approach of Species Distribution Modeling (SDM). Currently, 56.62% area of the distributional range of R. bicolor in India is unsuitable and with only 43.38% area as favorable for the species. With changing climate by 2050, only 2.94% area of the present range of R. bicolor will remain suitable habitat and remaining 97.06% area will become unsuitable for the species and by then, the species will lose more than 90% of its distribution range gaining only 1.45% area as newly suitable habitat in India. Thus, suitable conservation and management strategies need to be developed to save this species which will be on the verge of extinction in the wild at least locally including ex-situ conservation techniques or conservation breeding programs that may be initiated for protecting this squirrel species from north-eastern India.
Giant squirrels are imperilled across their distributional range as a result of anthropogenic disturbances; converting tropical landscapes into mosaics of small habitat patches interspersed within an inhospitable matrix of agricultural land, plantations and human settlement. With limited understanding of Ratufa bicolor’s habitat relations in the lowland tropical forests, this study aimed to understand the correlates of habitat use from an isolated habitat patch and its adjoining matrix in the Brahma- putra valley which represents the northern distribution limit of the species. The ecological dataset comprised of grid-based spatial occurrence data summarized as average squirrel encounter rate (4 temporal replicate transect surveys in each grid), as well as a range of fne spatial scale ecological covariates (14 habitat attributes). We used generalized linear models and principal component analysis to characterize relationships between squirrel abundance and habitat variables representing diferent aspects of forest, i.e., structure, composition and food availability, anthropogenic disturbance and edge infuence. Our study revealed giant squirrels’ selection of habitat patches to be based on concentrated areas of critical habitat attributes with strong support for the infuence of canopy connectivity, canopy density, overall tree density and availability of food tree. Further, a quantitative model for habitat use was evaluated using GLM linking squirrel abundance to the predictive parameters representing diferent forest aspects, with the best ft model highlighting the positive interaction efects of forest structure and forest composition. The fndings from the study provide insights into the necessity of maintaining associated habitat matrix to serve as complimentary space, ensuring future survival of arboreal mammals in human-modifed landscapes.
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sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research. Light loggers reveal weather-driven changes in the daily activity patterns of arboreal and semifossorial rodents Author(s): BioOne ( is a nonprofit, online aggregation of core research in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. BioOne provides a sustainable online platform for over 170 journals and books published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses. Your use of this PDF, the BioOne Web site, and all posted and associated content indicates your acceptance of BioOne's Terms of Use, available at Usage of BioOne content is strictly limited to personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Commercial inquiries or rights and permissions requests should be directed to the individual publisher as copyright holder.
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Citation: Penny SG, Andreone F, Crottini A, Holderied MW, Rakotozafy LS, Schwitzer C, Rosa GM (2014) A new species of the Boophis rappiodes group (Anura, Mantellidae) from the Sahamalaza Peninsula, northwest Madagascar, with acoustic monitoring of its nocturnal calling activity. ZooKeys 435: 111–132. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.435.7383 Abstract A new species of treefrog of the Boophis rappiodes group (Anura, Mantellidae) is described from the Saha-malaza – Iles Radama National Park in northwest Madagascar. This new species is green in colour with bright red speckling across its head and dorsum; similar in morphology to other species of this group including: B. bottae, B. rappiodes, B. erythrodactylus and B. tasymena. The new species can be distinguished by its advertisement call and by a genetic divergence of more than 4.9% in the analysed mitochondrial ZooKeys 435: 111–132 (2014)
The advertisement calls of three Indian frogs, Ramanella triangularis (Microhylidae), Indirana gundia (Ranixalidae), and Fejervarya rufescens (Dicroglossidae) are described. The call of R. triangularis, consisting of 30 pulses with low dominant frequency bands around 0.6 and 1.1 kHz, had a mean duration of 0.38 s, and was emitted at about 3 s call intervals. The call of I. gundia was much shorter, with a duration of only 0.1 s and was emitted at longer, rather irregular intervals. The dominant band was recognized at 1.4 kHz, and pulsation was indistinct. The call of F. rufescens, consisting of 24.9 pulses, had a mean duration of 0.46 s, and was emitted at 3.68 s call intervals. There were numerous frequency bands in its call, with dominant bands around 3 kHz. These results are compared with those of previous studies on the same and related species. Ecological observations on calling sites and behavior are also presented.
  • N Gaitonde
  • V Giri
Gaitonde, N. and Giri, V., Curr. Sci., 2014, 107, 109-112.
  • M Krishnan
  • J Bombay
  • Nat
Krishnan, M., J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 1975, 81, 180-181.
  • M A Acevedo
  • L J Villanueva-Rivera
Acevedo, M. A. and Villanueva-Rivera, L. J., Wildl. Soc. Bull., 2006, 34, 211-214.