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A Review on All Terrain Vehicle Safety



All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) have become increasing popular in many countries around the world, both for occupational use, as well as recreational use. With an increase in popularity, and the supply of heavier and more powerful machines on the market, major traumas and deaths from ATV use are growing concerns for public health and injury prevention professionals. This review of the literature on ATVs will focus on the mechanism and patterns of ATV-related injuries, the challenges of injury prevention, and the effects of legislation and regulations regarding ATV usage. The increasing burden of injuries and the substantial economic cost from ATV-related traumas and deaths calls for intensification of injury prevention efforts. Modification of risk factors, institution of regulations and legislation, and enforcement of those rules are important steps for prevention of ATV-related harm.
A Review on All Terrain Vehicle Safety
Vanessa J. Fawcett 1, Bonnie Tsang 1, Amir Taheri 1, Kathy Belton 2and Sandy L. Widder 1,*
Department of Surgery, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7, Canada; (V.J.F.); (B.T.); (A.T.)
2Alberta Centre for Injury Control & Research, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7, Canada;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-780-407-2005; Fax: +1-780-407-2144
Academic Editor: Raphael Grzebieta
Received: 31 October 2015; Accepted: 12 June 2016; Published: 22 June 2016
All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) have become increasing popular in many countries around the
world, both for occupational use, as well as recreational use. With an increase in popularity, and the
supply of heavier and more powerful machines on the market, major traumas and deaths from ATV
use are growing concerns for public health and injury prevention professionals. This review of the
literature on ATVs will focus on the mechanism and patterns of ATV-related injuries, the challenges of
injury prevention, and the effects of legislation and regulations regarding ATV usage. The increasing
burden of injuries and the substantial economic cost from ATV-related traumas and deaths calls for
intensification of injury prevention efforts. Modification of risk factors, institution of regulations and
legislation, and enforcement of those rules are important steps for prevention of ATV-related harm.
Keywords: injury prevention; trauma; legislation; review
1. Background
Modern all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), also known as quad bikes, became available commercially in
the early 1970s, when the Honda Motor Corporation introduced the ATC90 [
]. This three-wheeled
motorized vehicle was intended for recreational use, but quickly gained popularity in agricultural
and industrial settings as well; however, the three-wheel configuration proved to be unstable, and
these early ATVs were deemed responsible for an estimated 105,000 injuries in the United States alone
within the first 10 years of manufacturing [
]. Subsequent to a resulting lawsuit between the United
States Consumer Product Safety Commission (U.S. CPSC) and ATV manufacturers, a 10-year consent
decree was established in 1988 [
]. This ruling set specific regulations that the manufacturers of
ATVs were required to follow, including the cessation of production and sale of three-wheeled ATVs.
Manufacturers were also expected to offer safety/training courses, and were required to recommend
engine size restrictions, the use of helmets, adult supervision for youth, and a restriction on carrying
passengers [
]. In 1998, the consent decree expired, and although an agreement was reached to
continue similar prevention strategies, this agreement was again voluntary and enforced only by the
ATV industry [5,6].
Since the expiration of the consent decree, and particularly with the increasing popularity of ATVs
as recreational and agricultural vehicles, there have been numerous studies documenting an associated
increased number of injuries and deaths [
]. A study from a Level 1 trauma center in the United
States (U.S.) compared the number of admissions due to ATV injuries both during the consent decree,
and afterwards. They found that from 1988 to 1998, there were an average of 6.9 admissions per year,
whereas from 1998 to 2004 there were 31.6 admissions per year [
]. Another U.S. study examined
data from a large administrative database, including over 1000 hospitals in 37 states, and calculated
ATV-associated admissions rates per 100,000 ATVs in use. These authors found that admissions
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increased from 196 per 100,000 ATVs in use in 2000 to 227 per 100,000 ATVs in use in 2004, thus
demonstrating that increased popularity of ATVs did not fully explain the higher number of injuries
that are being seen [11].
This increase in injury has not been limited to the U.S., as demonstrated by a more recent
study from Australia that found hospital admissions for ATV-related trauma increased by 41% from
2002 to 2011 [
]. Similarly, a study from Canada that included not only hospital admissions, but
also emergency department visits and deaths, found that between 1998 and 2008 the incidence of
severe injury from ATVs steadily increased, particularly in males. The increase in mortality that was
demonstrated in this study was found to be out of proportion to the increased number of registered
ATVs, again indicating that higher numbers of injuries were not just secondary to the rise in popularity
of the vehicles [13].
Over the years, ATVs have become heavier and faster. Dry weights range from 200 pounds to
1000 pounds, and speeds in excess of 75 miles per hour can be achieved depending on the model [
Marketing of these vehicles is directed toward a younger audience, often focusing on the adage that
bigger and faster is better. Meanwhile, education and training in their proper use is not mandated and
inconsistently practiced. Additionally, the settings in which ATVs are most popular are not consistent
across the world. A Canadian study found that up to two-thirds of ATVs are used exclusively for
recreational purposes [
], and similarly an anonymous mail study amongst rural youth in the central
United Stated revealed that most of those surveyed used ATVs for recreation and joyriding [
]. On the
other hand, in Australia and New Zealand the majority of ATVs are used occupationally, particularly
in agriculture [
]. Such diverse target populations can hamper efforts at injury prevention that
focus on engagement of the public.
2. Crash and Injury Characteristics
Multiple studies have described the characteristics of those involved in ATV crashes. The majority
of those injured and killed while riding ATVs are male [
]. The age group that has the highest
ATV usage is those between the ages of 16 and 40. This contributes to the observation that these older
youth and young adults are most frequently harmed while riding ATVs [
]; however, there is
variation in the age of the injured, depending on the characteristics of the population that is being
studied. For example, a study of ATV-associated fatalities in Australia found that the median age of
those who died during recreational use was 24 years, while the median age of those who died during
occupational use was 59 [18].
Similar to other mechanisms of trauma, those at the extremes of age are at an increased relative
risk of harm when involved in an ATV collision. This is demonstrated by a study of ATV fatalities using
data from the New Zealand Department of Labour. Although deaths most frequently occurred in those
aged 41–65, the patients who had the highest relative risk of death were those aged 11–15 and 66–80 [
The older group was likely at increased risk due to frailty and underlying medical conditions, whereas
for the younger group inexperience is likely a contributing factor. Children may also lack the physical
and cognitive maturity to handle such large and powerful vehicles, particularly on uneven terrain or
when riding conditions change [
]. In a further demonstration of the increased risk that youth face
when riding ATVs, other studies have shown that children less than 16 years of age have a
4.5–12 times
increased risk of death from ATV use, compared to adults [26,27].
Although some studies have attempted to delineate the actual mechanisms by which ATV-related
injuries occur, the variability of the studies makes it difficult to draw detailed conclusions.
Crash mechanisms are inconsistently defined, for example ‘collisions’ may or may not include impact
with stationary objects, other vehicles, or people [
]. Other barriers to understanding how crash
mechanisms contribute to injury include the variety of sources of crash information (police reports
versus trauma registries), as well as the knowledge that a documented mechanism may not be
responsible for the rider’s injury. For example, a rider may jump off a vehicle before it rolls over, in
which case the rollover does not necessarily contribute to his/her injuries.
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The Transport and Road Safety (TARS) Research Centre at the University of New South Wales
performed an in-depth crash analysis of 109 Australian ATV fatalities. This group found that the
most frequent crash ‘initiators’ were “loss of control caused by object” (i.e., running over a branch)
and “loss of control due to slope”. Slope was particularly a factor for deaths that occurred during
agricultural use of ATVs. Once a crash was initiated, this analysis found that a rollover occurred in
70% of the cases, most frequently a lateral roll. There was a strong association between driving on a
slope and experiencing a rollover, particularly during farm work, demonstrating that ATVs are not as
stable on an incline as they may be believed to be [28].
Vehicle impact also frequently causes ATV trauma [
]. Impact with a stationary object
generally seems to be more common than impact with another moving vehicle [
], at least in
locations where ATVs are infrequently used on public roadways. However, in some sites ATV use on
roadways is frequent, even where prohibited by law, and this impacts the type of crash mechanisms
that occur. A study of ATV fatalities from the Eastern United States found that those crashes that
occurred on a highway more frequently involved a collision than a rollover, while crashes that occurred
off a highway more frequently involved a rollover than a collision [29].
Although our understanding of the mechanics of ATV crashes is evolving, there are multiple
studies that have documented the patterns of injuries that result. Different injury patterns are
found between fatalities and survivors. Patients who are admitted to hospital most frequently
sustain fractures, particularly of the lower limb [
], head injuries [
], as well as soft tissue
injuries [9,12].
On the other hand, patients who die following ATV crashes tend to have injuries to their heads and
their chests [
]. Although traumatic brain injury remains a frequent contributor to ATV fatalities,
traumatic asphyxiation appears to be occurring more regularly. A Canadian study that described causes
of death for ATV fatalities between 1996 and 2005 attributed 6.8% of cases to traumatic asphyxia [
whereas an Australian study examining fatalities between 2000 and 2013 described 26.4% of deaths
beings caused by asphyxia [
]. Denning and colleagues studied ATV fatality data from the U.S.
CPSC and found that although traumatic asphyxia was not a common cause of death, its occurrence
increased more than three-fold from the period 1985–1989 to the period 2005–2009. These authors
demonstrated a simultaneous increase in the proportion of ATVs with larger engines (and likely higher
weights), leading them to hypothesize that these larger, more powerful vehicles are more likely to lead
to death by traumatic asphyxiation than their predecessors [30].
While these design changes may be responsible for the different injury patterns seen in ATV
fatalities over time, it could also relate to the study population. For example, the Australian study that
reported a relatively high frequency of death from asphyxia found that agricultural workers killed
while riding ATVs had a higher likelihood of traumatic asphyxia, but a lower likelihood of head injury,
when compared to recreational riders. These authors described a pattern of injury for farm workers
whereby an ATV rolls over and pins the rider, leading to traumatic asphyxiation (but potentially
without a head injury). This is in contrast to the pattern seen in recreational drivers in their study, who
frequently sustained severe injuries to the head and chest after being fully ejected from the vehicle
(plus or minus impacting an object in the environment) [18].
Similarly, a study of ATV-related fatalities from the U.S. found that those who were killed while
riding on highways had a high incidence of head injury, but a low incidence of compression injuries to
the thorax and abdomen. In contrast, those riders killed when not on highways frequently sustained
compression injuries, whereas they were less likely to suffer fatal head injuries [
]. These studies
nicely demonstrate the benefit of analyzing both the crash mechanisms and the resulting patterns of
injury, in order to inform potential injury prevention strategies.
One important issue regarding ATV safety that has been particularly well studied in the United
States is the increase in injury and death associated with crashes that take place on roadways.
Compared to driving off-road, on-road ATV use has been found to be associated with an increased
risk of injury [
]. One study using U.S. CPSC ATV fatality data found that between 1985 and
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2009, over 60% of fatalities occurred on roadways. Interestingly, although collisions with other vehicles
occurred more commonly with the on-road fatalities, 70% of on-road deaths did not involve a collision
with another vehicle, indicating that vehicle density is not the only factor that makes roads unsafe for
ATVs [
]. Roads allow drivers to take advantage of the increased power and speed that modern ATVs
are capable of, contributing to an increased risk of injury. The desire to harness this increased power
may therefore be contributing to greater numbers of ATVs being driven on the road. A particularly
troubling finding from the study above was that the rate of increase in roadway deaths was more than
double the rate of increase associated with off-road fatalities. The authors speculated that this may be
due to the increased number of ATVs being driven on roadways [30].
Roadway driving may be a risk factor for ATV-related harm because the machines are designed
specifically for off-road use, and manufacturer guidelines state that these vehicles should not be
driven on roads. Certain design features of these vehicles make them unsafe on roadways, such as
thick treads and low-pressure tires that are not designed for gripping and releasing road surfaces,
as well as a high center of gravity and wide turn radius that contribute to the danger of tipping [
Unfortunately research has shown that despite their intended use, in many circumstances the vehicles
are still being driven on roadways. For example, a survey of over 4000 youth in the U.S. state of Iowa
found that of those who had ridden an ATV, 80% had ridden on a public road [
]. In fact, the number
of jurisdictions in the United States allowing ATVs to be used on roads is increasing, demonstrating a
lack of understanding of the dangers of roadway ATV use [31].
3. Trauma Prevention
Prevention of ATV injuries requires a multi-faceted approach. Improved ATV design has the
potential to prevent some crashes from ever occurring. Education aimed at behavioural change may
prevent injuries from occurring, and may mitigate the harm that is done if a crash occurs. In addition,
the use of helmets and other protective equipment will improve a person’s chance of survival if they
are involved in an ATV crash. Tackling ATV trauma will require concerted and consistent effort from
lawmakers, public health professionals, healthcare workers, as well as others.
3.1. Vehicle Design
Engineering of ATVs and vehicle design is an important component of injury prevention. Due to
inherent vehicle design, ATVs can become unstable causing rollover of the vehicle and potential serious
harm to the rider. Several studies have demonstrated the frequency of ATV rollovers when these
vehicles crash, up to 70% [17,18,28,32].
Strategies to improve ATV vehicle safety via increasing ATV stability, rollover resistance, and
crashworthiness were highlighted by the Quad Bike Performance Project in Australia. Changes to
vehicle design by manufacturers were suggested to improve vehicle safety. Potential modifications
include an increase in track width, open and lockable rear differentials, and modified suspension to
improve dynamic handling and stability [33].
One specific suggestion was the installment of crush protection devices (CPDs) or rollover
protection systems [
]. CPDs may offer some protection to the rider in the event of a rollover, but they
do not prevent rollover in the first place. In addition, injuries from ejection or pinning by the vehicle or
the CPD itself can still occur. Although computer simulations and tests in the lab have shown some
benefit to certain types of CPDs, clinical studies of their safety benefit are lacking.
One aspect of ATV vehicle design that may impact safety and that has received recent attention is
seat design. Jennissen and colleagues studied the seat design of 67 models of adult-sized ATVs, and
demonstrated significant variability with respect to key design features. The authors suggested that
standardizing seat design could actually lead to increased safety-related behaviours when using ATVs.
For example, ATVs that have long seats may lead riders to perceive that passengers are allowed, even
though many ATVs are designed for a single rider. Another example is the distance between the front
of the seat and the handlebars. When this distance is short it may facilitate children driving adult-sized
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ATVs, which is also against the intended use of these machines [
]. This analysis of one aspect of
ATV design demonstrates how standardization of the ATV manufacturing process could improve the
uptake of safety-related behaviours.
3.2. Education and Behavioural Change
Inexperience may place ATV riders at higher risk for injury. Although experience can only be
gained with time, there is some evidence that formal training in safe driving practices may decrease
the risk of ATV-related injury [
]. Therefore some experts advocate for training programs to be
mandatory, particularly for new riders. Such programs can focus on educating ATV users to select safe
riding conditions, and to identify and avoid high-risk situations.
3.2.1. Does Education Make ATV Riders Safer?
The first issue that arises regarding ATV safety education is to determine what type of program
is going to be most effective. A corollary to this is whether a given educational initiative will be
effective at not only increasing knowledge, but more importantly increasing safety-related behaviour.
Education related to ATV use could take the form of formal courses that are required for ownership,
school-based educational sessions, and community-based awareness campaigns, as well as others.
One American study used focus groups to explore which educational settings are likely to have the
most impact. Suggestions included ATV safety information being part of hunter education classes or
regular driver’s education. An important point was raised about providing education to the parents of
youth who ride ATVs, and not just to the adolescents themselves [35].
The Safety Tips for ATV Riders (STARs) program is a school-based educational initiative that
was taught to over 4000 American students between 2010 and 2013. Before and after knowledge
assessments demonstrated a significant improvement in the students’ knowledge regarding ATV
safety [
]. However, another school-based educational program in the rural U.S. demonstrated the
disconnect that may exist between knowledge enhancement and behavioural change. Although the
youth in this particular study demonstrated a significant increase in knowledge regarding ATV safety,
there was not an associated effect on safe riding practices [
]. The authors suggested that in the
future the design and implementation of a community-based multi-agency ATV injury prevention
intervention should include parents in order to improve its impact, specifically on behavioural risks.
Additionally it must be recognized that measuring changes in behaviour may be more complex than
measuring changes in knowledge.
3.2.2. Can We Improve Education Uptake?
The second broad issue regarding training and education is how to get ATV users to subscribe
to educational efforts, if in fact they are effective. As was previously described, school-based ATV
education is a way to target broad adolescent populations, although whether these interventions
contribute to behavioural change remains to be seen. Advertisements and public media campaigns
have also been used to increase awareness regarding the potential dangers of ATV riding. In terms of
legislation, one proposed method would be to make training mandatory for all users of ATVs, although
this is infrequent. For instance, in Canada, there are a total of ten provinces and three territories,
but only three have mandated ATV rider training [
]. Unfortunately, as will be discussed below,
enforcement of such mandates is challenging.
3.2.3. Are There Other Ways to Influence Behaviour?
Many authors have noted the need to promote behavioural change regarding safety not only
through education, but also by using theories and frameworks, as well as empirical data, pertaining
to changes in health behaviour [
]. This may involve understanding of both the incentives and
barriers to the safety behaviour under consideration.
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Risk-taking behaviour must also be considered. Multiple studies demonstrate the high prevalence
of risk-taking behaviour among adolescents, especially 13 and 14 years old (compared to those who
are younger) [
]. Adolescents in general often report behaviours that are contradictory to ATV
safety recommendations, including not wearing a helmet, double or triple riding, riding without
adult supervision, riding at night, and riding on paved roadways [
]. Therefore, focusing
initiatives on these higher risk groups, or starting injury prevention initiatives at younger ages, could
potentially decrease risk-taking behaviours.
As an example of attempting to affect behavioural change with respect to safety, consider
initiatives to increase the use of protective equipment. Give-aways may remove financial barriers to
the use of safety equipment, and positive reinforcement through incentives may contribute to ongoing
use. Logan and colleagues performed an initiative in the U.S. regarding bicycle helmets, in which they
combined helmet give-aways with school-based education and small financial incentives for ongoing
helmet use. They demonstrated that there was an increase in bicycle helmet use when incentives were
provided, but unfortunately a decrease in use once the incentives were withdrawn. This study also
showed a disconnect between beliefs of helmet efficacy versus helmet use. The belief that a helmet
“must be worn” to protect the head during a crash did not predict actual use of these helmets [41].
Barriers to the use of protective equipment are not just related to access. For example, studies have
found various reasons cited for not wearing helmets, including peer pressure, appearance, comfort, as
well as failure to believe in the benefits of wearing helmets [
]. Interestingly, one study questioned
people specifically regarding helmet use on ATVs, and found that there was a general belief that
ATVs are not dangerous vehicles [
]. This example of the use of protective equipment demonstrates
the complexity of changing behaviour. Such analyses can and must be considered when attempting
to change any behaviour as it relates to safe usage of ATVs, and changing the behaviour of ATV
purchasers and drivers is integral to instituting safe driving practices.
3.3. Helmet Use
The use of helmets has been demonstrated to reduce traumatic brain injury (TBI), mortality, and
short and long-term morbidity in ATV trauma patients [
]. A study from one Canadian
province showed that unhelmeted ATV users had a 2.3 times higher likelihood of severe TBI compared
to helmeted users, after controlling for other confounding variables (age, sex and blood alcohol
level) [
]. The burden of head injury that results from lack of helmet use was further demonstrated
by Bowman and colleagues, using nation-wide data from the Unites States. Unhelmeted ATV trauma
patients were more likely to require admission to an intensive care unit, a neurosurgical procedure, and
extensive rehabilitation prior to discharge home, compared to their counterparts who were wearing
helmets [44].
The actual rate of helmet use by ATV riders varies depending on the population studied, the type
of study (survey vs. retrospective study of injured users), and the geographic location. A U.S. study
using data from the National Trauma Data Bank described helmet use in injured ATV users admitted
to hospital between 2000 and 2004. Only 35% of drivers and 19% of passengers were found to be
wearing helmets, although information regarding helmet use was missing in a significant proportion
of cases [
]. A Canadian study of ATV fatalities similarly found that 37% of ATV riders had been
wearing helmets [
]. On the other hand, a survey of registered voters from the U.S. state of Ohio
found that amongst ATV users, only 26% always wore a helmet [
]. And one study from Australia
that analyzed 106 ATV fatalities found that only 21% were wearing helmets at the time of injury, and
amongst the riders who were using ATVs for agricultural purposes, only one out of 53 were wearing a
helmet [18].
A voluntary, anonymous and self-reported survey of ATV and motorcycle users regarding their
helmet use found that helmet use was lower in younger riders as well as those from a rural location.
Interestingly, personal history of ATV or motorcycle injury was associated with lower current usage of
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helmets [
]. This persistence of high-risk behaviour despite prior harm is particularly concerning,
and remains a major factor in recidivism.
With regards to additional protective equipment (such as boots, gloves, chest protectors), the
lack of use by ATV riders may be related to perceptions that the equipment is cumbersome, has
limited flexibility, and causes overheating [
]. There have been improvements made in protective
equipment to make it lighter and more flexible, while at the same time offering adequate padding to
protect riders from life-threatening injuries [
]. Upgrades in the design of the equipment, legislation
and enforcement of use, and continuing targeted education in schools, outdoor clubs, and by ATV
manufacturers are some strategies for increased usage of helmets and other protective gear when
using ATVs.
3.4. Alcohol and Drugs
Limiting drug and alcohol use while riding ATVS is another important injury prevention strategy.
Ethanol can significantly impair judgment, and can promote reckless or irresponsible behaviours.
Unfortunately studies have found alcohol use to be frequent in people who sustain ATV-related
injuries. A Canadian study found that 48% of adult and 12% of pediatric patients had positive alcohol
levels at the time of admission to hospital for ATV-related injuries [
]. Similarly, a provincial injury
prevention center in Canada found that of ATV fatalities between 2002 and 2013, 55% of individuals
tested positive for alcohol. Of those who tested positive, 76% had blood alcohol concentrations above
0.08%, the legal driving limit in Canada [48].
Although less is known about the frequency of drug use with ATV crashes, one U.S. study
reported coroner findings from 112 ATV-related fatalities. Over 20% tested positive for drugs, most
frequently marijuana (10.6%). Although positive tests for opioids and benzodiazepines were relatively
frequent (6.7% and 5.8%, respectively), the study did not distinguish cases that might have involved
pre-death therapeutic interventions using these drugs. In this study, use of methamphetamines and
cocaine was found to be low [29].
Several studies have shown a higher degree of non-compliance with the use of helmets and other
protective gear in those individuals who are using alcohol at the time of a crash [
]. For example,
a study of U.S. emergency department visits related to ATVs found that 40.6% of the patients who
had positive alcohol levels did not use protective equipment, in comparison to just 18.5% of those
individuals who were not under the influence at the time of the crash [
]. Overall the literature on
drug and alcohol use while driving ATVs points to the need for serious insight regarding the added
dangers that come from using ATVs while under the influence. As was noted in the previous section,
how these messages are best transmitted remains unclear.
Other injury prevention initiatives that have been suggested include engaging primary care
physicians to screen and counsel patients at check-ups [
], building off-highway vehicle parks where
safe riding can be promoted [
], and mandating safe usage practices such as helmet use, driving
training and licensing, age restrictions, and a ban on passengers. As will be discussed below, such
mandates may not produce all of the results that are hoped for.
4. Legislation and Regulations
Legislation would improve the impact of the majority of the injury prevention strategies
discussed. The aim of legislation is not to eliminate the use of ATVs, but rather to reduce the
needless injuries and fatalities that are becoming too common with the use of ATVs in many countries.
However, several difficulties exist with legislation, including questions surrounding its efficacy and
difficulties with enforcement.
Legislation regarding ATV use varies across the world, but for the most part, there are few
mandatory regulations. In Canada, there are only three out of thirteen provinces and territories that
mandate driver safety training and helmet use. Regulations across the United States vary widely by
state. For example, as of 2012 31 U.S. states had helmet requirements for ATV riders; however, in
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19 states helmets were only required for those below age 16 or 18, and 5 of those states exempt riders
who are using ATVs for agricultural work [
]. Regulations concerning broader issues (such as vehicle
design, use of ATVs on public versus private property, and age-appropriate use) are even more varied.
Europe is more aggressive with its legislation, and all countries except for two explicitly ban children
from riding on ATVs [50].
A study by Keenan and Bratton investigated the efficacy of legislation regarding ATV safety by
comparing U.S. states with legislation and those without. They found that those states with mandatory
helmet laws had lower ATV-associated fatality rates (0.08 per 100,000 person), compared to states
without mandatory helmet laws (0.17 per 100,000 persons) [51].
In contrast, McBride and colleagues did not find significant benefit in terms of pattern of injury,
disability or mortality when comparing pediatric ATV trauma before and after state legislation on ATV
safety in one U.S. state. Importantly however, they did not show an increased uptake of safety-related
behaviour in those presenting with ATV-related injuries with the change in laws, which would
be prerequisite to demonstrating changes in injury patterns. In addition, the study included only
88 patients, again limiting the capacity of this study to show meaningful impact of legislation [52].
One of the most likely reasons why legislation may have limited effect on ATV safety in some
jurisdictions is the lack of enforcement (an example being the McBride study previously mentioned,
where ATV safety behaviours did not change with introduction of legislation [52]). Although the use
of ATVs on private property is cited as one reason why enforcement is challenging, several studies
have shown that enforcement does not occur on public lands either. One retrospective study found
that nearly 40% of ATV-related non-fatal injuries in the U.S. state of Iowa occurred on public roadways,
despite the majority of roadway use being prohibited in that state [
]. Enforcement must take a higher
priority if laws are to be effective.
Legislation may also have limited effect when it is not accompanied by education and training, as
well as other efforts to change safety behaviour. A survey from the U.S. seems to indicate that attitudes
towards ATV safety legislation are not such a barrier. This study found the adult population in one
state to be broadly supportive of laws regarding helmet use, safety classes, and banning of passengers
on ATVs. When asked about their helmet use and their opinions regarding mandatory helmet use,
26.3% of the ATV riders reported always wearing a helmet, and 44% stated that they would always
wear a helmet if a law were in place. However, these results must be interpreted with caution, because
only 20% of the study participants had used an ATV in the preceding year [
]. It is possible that those
who use ATVs and those who do not have different opinions regarding safety practices.
Finally, one of the aspects of ATV safety that may be the most amenable to legislative changes is
the design and production of the vehicles. There are currently voluntary standards that have been
adopted by ATV manufacturers, such as placing safety messages and warning labels on their products
and the prohibition of selling adult size vehicles for use by youth [
]. However, as these standards
are voluntary, there are few incentives to comply. Australia has created a safety rating system that may
be applied to all ATVs. By allowing consumers to choose vehicles based on their safety rating, they
hope to apply pressure to the manufacturers to produce safer vehicles [28].
Additionally, ATV manufacturers and retailers must also take social responsibility if we
are to make any changes in the current culture and attitudes that exist amongst ATV users.
ATV manufacturers should place funding into further research so that they can assess the safety
of vehicle design, and continue to improve it.
5. Conclusions
The burden of injuries and deaths caused by ATVs is significant in many parts of the world.
ATVs continue to increase in popularity, and as such the associated morbidity is likely to grow.
Despite the efforts of many experts in the injury prevention field, more work is needed to mitigate the
harm associated with these vehicles. Not only should there be a focus on primary injury prevention,
but mandatory education and training programs must be in place to target those who are at risk, and
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interventions designed to reduce such risks. Governmental support and changes to existing laws and
regulations are also key in improving ATV-related harm. Concerted efforts from lawmakers and law
enforcement agencies, ATV manufacturers and retailers, as well as educators and concerned citizens
groups, are required if the heavy toll that ATV injuries take is to be diminished.
Acknowledgments: Sandy Widder (principal author), have no sources of funding to disclose.
Author Contributions: Vanessa Fawcett: Prepared, wrote, reviewed, and edited final manuscript; Bonnie Tsang:
Prepared, wrote, and edited final manuscript; Amir Taheri: Prepared, wrote, and edited final manuscript;
Kathy Belton: Prepared, wrote, and edited final manuscript; Sandy Widder: Prepared, wrote, reviewed, and
edited final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest.
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... The kinetics of trauma are similar for motorcycle and recreational vehicle injuries, with unrestrained drivers and passengers in open air compartments and a high likelihood of roll-over, pinning, and rider ejection [9]. A Canadian study found that the mortality rate of all-terrain vehicle (ATV) trauma was 17%, with 30% of patients requiring post discharge care [10]. ...
... With strict application of the triage standards, recreational vehicle trauma patients did not meet the criteria yet had a high need of interfacility transfer for trauma care. Recreational vehicles and motorcycle accidents should be considered similarly given their comparable trauma kinetics and association with significant morbidity and mortality [9,10]. ...
Background Severely injured patients benefit from early identification and trauma centre treatment. Ontario has provincial prehospital trauma triage guidelines identifying patients who require direct trauma centre transport. Trauma patients not identified as meeting this provincial trauma triage standard are brought to the closest non-trauma hospital and may later be transferred to a trauma centre by a secondary interfacility transfer. Secondary interfacility transfers cause significant delays in receiving definitive care which have been associated with worse outcomes. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency that patients who underwent emergent secondary interfacility trauma transfer initially met prehospital trauma triage guidelines, as well as to assess the approximate delay to trauma centre care.Methods Health record review of all injured patients undergoing interfacility transfer to a trauma centre by the provincial critical care transport organization in Ontario, Canada over a 1-year period. The primary outcome of interest was the frequency that patients met the triage standards and which specific criteria were satisfied. Times from patient arrival at the initial non-trauma hospital to initiation of interfacility transfer and from patient arrival at initial non-trauma hospital to arrival at trauma centre were calculated.ResultsA total of 460 were included in the study, 372 (80.8%) of whom met the prehospital triage standard. The largest missed criteria were age greater than 55 years, high-risk motor vehicle collisions, and decreased Glasgow Coma Scale. The median time from initial hospital arrival to trauma centre was 5.7 h for those patients requiring secondary interfacility transport.Conclusion Patients who meet trauma triage criteria that end up undergoing secondary interfacility transfer experience significant delays. We recommend adding recreational vehicle collisions as a triage criterion. Emergency physicians should work with their local paramedic services to ensure severely injured patients are identified early to expedite transport.
... The risk factors identified in our study are commonly identified across other international studies examining fatal quad injuries. 20 Variations in the patterns of fatal injury between Australia and NZ centred on differences by age, terrain, the month of incident and the primary mechanism of injury (other than rollovers). These differences may reflect variations in the demographics, commodity mix and topography in the two countries. ...
... Furthermore, similar external cause of death patterns involving: rollovers; crush injuries to the head and thorax; males; and no helmet use, are also predominant in the United States and Canadian data. 20,29 Although fatality patterns in North America are more strongly centred on recreational use 31 in Australia and NZ, farms remained the most common location of fatal injury, even for recreational fatalities. This emphasises the importance of farms as a setting for injury prevention strategies in Australasia. ...
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Objective: This study compares the patterns of quad-related fatal injuries between Australia and New Zealand (NZ). Method: Fatal injuries from July 2007 to June 2012 involving a quad (quad bike or all-terrain vehicle) were identified from coronial files. Data described the socio-demographic, injury, vehicle and environment factors associated with incidents. Injury patterns were compared between countries. Results: A total of 101 quad-related fatalities were identified: 69 in Australia and 32 in NZ (7.3 and 8.0 annual fatalities per 100,000 vehicles). Of these, 95 closed cases were examined in detail and factors in common included fatalities occurring mainly in males, on farms, involving a rollover and resulting in crush injuries to the head and thorax. Helmet use and alcohol/drug involvement were infrequent. Differences were observed with regard to age, season of fatal incident and the presence of a slope. Conclusions: Fatality patterns are broadly similar. The few differences could be attributed to differing agricultural commodity mix, demographics and topography. Implications: This study's findings support harmonised cross-country injury prevention efforts primarily focused on safe design and engineering principles to reduce this injury burden.
... Several previous reviews have extensively explored safety concerns including injury, fatalities, and risks associated with ATV use in agriculture or recreation (Pelletier et al., 2012;Fawcett et al., 2016;Neves et al., 2018;Rattan et al., 2018;Khorsandi et al., 2023). A comprehensive review focusing on the economic impact of ATV uses on the local economy remains absent. ...
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The use of All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) has gained considerable attention within the recreation industry. The incorporation of ATVs into tourism and recreational activities has demonstrated substantial economic potential for local economies. However, there is a lack of comprehensive knowledge regarding the economic impact of ATV recreation. This paper conducts an extensive review of existing literature from 2004 to 2022, evaluating the economic impact of ATVs on local economies in the United States. The review aims to identify commonalities and disparities among existing economic impact studies and assess whether these studies have included costs associated with ATV-induced environmental, societal, and public health damages in their economic assessments. To this end, there is a scarcity of scientific peer reviewed journal articles that exclusively focus on the economic impact of ATVs. As such, we reviewed a total of seven publications comprising reports. The results of our analysis shed light on similarities and differences in aspects of resident and non-resident ATV spending, type of ATV expenditures, and the approaches used to evaluate economic impact assessment. The findings indicate that existing studies have assessed the economic impact of ATVs solely based on gross expenditures, lacking comprehensive inclusion of the costs associated with ATV damages to the environment, society, and human health. This study advocates for the need for a more comprehensive consideration of both benefits and costs in the economic impact of ATVs to assist ATV business managers, policymakers, and researchers in making informed decisions and planning future programs.
... However, it is established that rural children experience greater risks for drownings, falls, burns and poisonings, 24 and exposures to all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are high in rural areas, contributing to excess burden. 25 ATVs were introduced in Canada in the 1980's, and their use and application have grown dramatically as they became accessible to rural populations. 26 Coincident with this trend, considerable efforts have been expended to identify ATV-related hazards and therefore alert farmers to the dangers to themselves and their families. ...
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Children on Canadian farms are at high risk for fatal injury. Ongoing surveillance of these deaths is required to affirm recurrent patterns of injury, and to determine whether historical approaches to prevention have resulted in declines in the occurrence of these traumatic events. We analyzed epidemiological patterns and trends in the occurrence of fatal pediatric farm injuries over 23 years. Records of deaths were obtained from the Canadian Agricultural Injury Reporting system. To contrast more recent data with injury patterns described historically, cases were compared between two time periods. An intentional consensus process was used to finalize key patterns and their clinical or social. 374 fatal farm injuries to children in Canada were identified over the 23 years of study; 253 in period 1 and 121 in period 2. While machinery and non-machinery causes of death varied between the two study periods, mean annual rates of fatal injury (approximately 4 per 100,000 children) remained similar. Notably emergent types of injury in recent years included those caused by all-terrain vehicles, skid steer loaders, and drownings. Observed declines in the numbers of fatal farm injuries are most likely attributable to analogous declines in the number of registered farms in Canada. Our findings call into question the effectiveness of pediatric farm safety initiatives that primarily focus on education. Second, while CAIR fatality data are maintained, surveillance of hospitalized injuries has been disbanded and the fatality records require updating. Only by doing so will such surveillance findings provide comprehensive information to inform prevention.
Background: Riding off-road vehicles is associated with the risk of injury to the extremities. There are two main types of four-wheel recreational off-road vehicles: quads or all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), which are essentially four-wheel off-road motorcycles, and recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs), also colloquially referred to as utility terrain vehicles, which have side-by-side seating, higher maximum speeds, and a roll cage. There are multiple orthopaedic society position statements on ATVs, but none on ROVs. Perhaps this is because the injury patterns and differences between the two vehicles have not been elucidated. Questions/purposes: (1) What patient, vehicle (ROVs versus ATVs), and injury factors are associated with amputation? (2) What are the anatomic location distributions of fractures and amputations by vehicle type? Methods: Records of all patients in our hospital's billing system who had both a diagnostic code indicating an accident related to an off-road vehicle and one indicating an extremity or pelvic fracture between February 2014 and January 2020 were screened; this resulted in the identification of 328 patients with fractures resulting from off-road vehicle collisions. A total of 16% (51 of 328) of patients were excluded from the analysis because their injury did not involve either an ATV or an ROV; 277 patients were included in the final analysis. The following variables were collected: age at time of the injury, gender, BMI, vehicle type, Gustilo-Anderson type if applicable, amputation level if applicable, anatomic locations of injuries, ethanol level, and drug screen. ATV crashes accounted for 52% (145 of 277) of patients, and ROV crashes accounted for 48% (132 of 277). Patients from ATV crashes did not differ from those in ROV crashes in terms of mean age (24 ± 16 years versus 24 ± 13 years; p = 0.82), BMI (25 ± 7 kg/m2 versus 26 ± 6 kg/m2; p = 0.18), or gender (79% [114 of 145] men/boys versus 77% [102 of 132]; p = 0.79). Among patients who had a drug or ethanol screen, there was a higher percent of ATV riders who used marijuana (39% [19 of 49] versus 17% [7 of 42]; p = 0.04), but there were no differences in abnormal blood alcohol screen or abnormal nonmarijuana drug screen; however, these results were available in only about one-third of patients (99 of 277 for ethanol and 91 of 277 for drug screen). Statistical analysis was performed using logistic regression analysis for factors associated with amputation, with p values < 0.05 considered significant. Results: After controlling for differences in demographic factors, the stepwise increase in Gustilo-Anderson grade of open fracture (OR 9.8 [95% CI 3.6 to 27.0]; p < 0.001) and ROV vehicle type (OR 15.7 [95% CI 3.6 to 68.5]; p < 0.001) were both associated with amputation. There was no increase in the odds of amputation associated with age (OR 1.0 [95% CI 0.9 to 1.1]; p = 0.81), gender (OR 1.4 [95% CI 0.3 to 5.8]; p = 0.68), or BMI (OR 1.1 [95% CI 0.9 to 1.2]; p = 0.37). The most frequent ATV fractures occurred in the forearm and wrist (22% [45 of 203]), whereas most ROV injuries occurred through the metacarpals (41% [107 of 262] of fractures and 58% [18 of 31] of amputations). Conclusion: ROV crashes are associated with a higher odds of amputation when compared with ATV crashes. Because most ROV injuries were in the forearm and below, this likely occurs when upper extremities are crushed and mangled under the roll cage in rollover ROV crashes. Because of this danger, we urge our orthopaedic societies to either update current ATV position statements to include ROVs or release separate statements on ROVs. Level of evidence: Level III, prognostic study.
Technical Report
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The Heads of Workplace Safety Authorities (HWSA) identified in 2011 Quad bike safety to be a major issue on farms in Australia and New Zealand. They stated that “In Australia, more than 64 per cent of quad bike deaths occur on farms and in the last 10 years there have been 130 quad bike fatalities across the country. In New Zealand, five people (on average) are killed on farms and over 845 injuries reported each year.” The Authors also note that Quad bikes and Side by Side Vehicles (SSVs) are classified as mobile plant in the Work Health and Safety legislation. The hierarchy of controls for managing risks within that legislation specifies that engineering controls which design out the hazard are considered more effective control measures than administrative controls such as training courses which seek to change human behaviour and personal protection measures (e.g. helmets). This report presents a range of recommendations covering vehicle design, a vehicle star rating, helmets, passengers and loads, child and ageing riders, the supply chain, and retrofitable safety devices and community awareness. The Star Rating System developed and presented in this report is capable of informing both consumers and workplace plant managers and controllers which Quad bikes and SSVs provide improved rollover resistance and rollover crashworthiness protection in the event of a rollover crash. The Quad Bike Performance Project (QBPP) is aimed at improving the safety of Quad bikes, in the workplace and farm environment by critically evaluating, conducting research, and carrying out testing, to identify the engineering and design features required for improved vehicle Static Stability, Dynamic Handling and Rollover Crashworthiness including operator protective devices and accessories. Improving the engineering and design features of Quad bikes is critical in reducing fatalities and injury rates. It is recommended that this is best done through the application of a Quad bike and Side by Side Vehicle Star Rating system (ATVAP: Australian Terrain Vehicle Assessment Program). Such a program would inform consumers purchasing vehicles or accessories for use in the workplace. The Star Rating system is intended to provide ‘a safety rating’ in that vehicles with higher star ratings will represent a lower risk of rollover and subsequent potential injury in the event of a rollover incident in the workplace environment based on the best currently available information. This report provides a summary overview of the whole project along with the conclusions, recommendations and rankings of the vehicles tested. There are four main reports, namely Part 1: Static Stability Test Results (Report 1); Part 2: Dynamic Handling Test Results (Report 2); Part 3: Rollover Crashworthiness Test Results (Report 3) and this Final Project Summary Report: Quad Bike Performance Project Test Results, Conclusions and Recommendations (Report 4). There is also a Supplemental Report that presents a summary of the ‘Examination and Analysis of Quad Bike and Side By Side Vehicle (SSV) Fatalities and Injuries’ carried out by McIntosh and Patton (2014a) and Mitchell (2014) and some further analysis by the Authors Grzebieta, Rechnitzer and Simmons.
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Since 1985, one-third of all US all-terrain vehicle (ATV)-related injuries and one-quarter of deaths involved victims <16 years of age. ATV safety education of youth could help reduce these tragedies. To assess the efficacy of the Safety Tips for ATV Riders (STARs) school-based programme targeting adolescents. A survey was anonymously administered before and after the programme to determine demographics, knowledge and reported likelihood of using the information learned. Over 4600 students in 30 Iowa schools participated from November 2010 to April 2013. Initially, 52% knew most ATVs are designed for one rider, 25% knew the recommended vehicle size for their age range and 42% knew riding on Iowa's roads was legal only for agricultural purposes. After the programme, this increased to 92%, 82% and 76%, respectively (p<0.0001 in each case), with 61% of students correct on all three. Better preintervention scores were associated with being males, higher riding frequency and being from isolated rural communities. After the programme, 48% and 32% said they were likely/very likely versus unlikely/very unlikely to use the safety information learned, respectively; younger students, females and infrequent riders reported higher likelihoods. STARs increased short-term ATV safety knowledge and almost half the participants reported they would use the safety information presented. Males and frequent riders seemed more resistant, but some groups that may be more vulnerable to potential ATV crash and injury appeared amenable to the training with higher increases in postprogramme scores and greater intention of improving safety behaviours. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
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Purpose: More youth are killed every year in the United States in all-terrain vehicle (ATV) crashes than on bicycles, and since 2001, one-fifth of all ATV fatalities have involved victims aged 15 years or younger. Effectively preventing pediatric ATV-related deaths and injuries requires knowledge about youth riding practices. Our objective was to examine ATV use, crash prevalence, and riding behaviors among adolescent students in a rural state. Methods: We administered a cross-sectional survey to 4,684 youths aged 11 to 16 years at 30 schools across Iowa from November 2010 to April 2013. Descriptive and comparative analyses were performed. Results: Regardless of rurality, at least 75% of students reported having been on an ATV, with 38% of those riding daily or weekly. Among ATV riders, 57% had been in a crash. Most riders engaged in risky behaviors, including riding with passengers (92%), on public roads (81%), or without a helmet (64%). Almost 60% reported engaging in all 3 behaviors; only 2% engaged in none. Multivariable modeling revealed male youth, students riding daily/weekly, and those reporting both riding on public roads and with passengers were 1.61 (95% CI, 1.36-1.91), 3.73 (95% CI, 3.10-4.50), and 3.24 (95% CI, 2.09-5.04) times more likely to report a crash, respectively. Conclusions: Three-fourths of youths surveyed were exposed to ATVs. The majority of riders had engaged in unsafe behaviors and experienced a crash. Given this widespread use and the potentially considerable morbidity of pediatric ATV crashes, prevention efforts, including anticipatory guidance by primary care clinicians serving families at risk, should be a higher priority.
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The operation of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) by youth has contributed to the incidence of serious and fatal injuries among children. This study explored factors related to the frequency with which youth wore a helmet and refrained from engaging in three risky driving behaviors (driving at risky speeds, on paved roads and on unfamiliar terrain) while operating an ATV. Youth (n = 248) aged 9–14 from central Ohio and one of their parents completed self-report measures of ATV safety behaviors, youth general propensity for risk taking, protection motivation and parental behaviors to facilitate youth safety. Data from two focus groups provided insight on quantitative results. Analyses revealed considerable variation in the frequency with which youth performed the safety behaviors, with 13- and 14-year-olds reporting less frequent safe behavior than 9- to 12-year-olds. Multiple regression analyses suggested that parental behaviors, such as providing reminders to wear a helmet, were associated with more frequent helmet use but were not associated with risky driving behaviors. Youth’s general propensity toward risk taking was not associated with helmet use and only associated with riskydriving behaviors among the 13- and 14-year-olds. Self-efficacy was an important predictor across both age groups and behaviors. Implications for injury prevention are discussed.
This study reports on the 127 quad bike deaths in Australia between 2001 and 2010. It examines differences between causes of death occurring through use of the machine in farm/non-farm settings and during work/non-work operation. Data were extracted from the National Coroners' Information System (NCIS). In total, 65% of fatalities occurred on-farm, with 45% of incidents being work-related and 46% involving rollovers of the quad bike. Work-related deaths occurred predominantly in the farm setting and were due to rollover of quad bikes, while non-work related deaths were more likely to involve collisions and loss of control. High risk activities for farm work were transportation, weed control and mustering. Victims of on-farm rollover deaths are most commonly farmers/workers aged over 45 years and children. In contrast, the 15-29-year age group featured in non-rollover death in both farm and non-farm settings. A greater proportion of persons aged less than 30 years were involved in fatal non-rollovers (73.5%) compared to rollovers (38.2%). Quad bikes are considered "Plant" under Work Health Regulations in Australia and there are explicit requirements for designers, manufacturers and suppliers to ensure the safety of their products, including the protection of the operator in the event of a rollover. Given the high number of deaths from rollovers, further investigation into improved design to enhance stability and safety of the operator in the case of the machine rolling is urgently required.
Objectives: The ability to determine risk management controls for quad bike use is confounded by limitations in crash and injury information. The aim of this paper is to identify the injury mechanisms, crash characteristics and contributing factors in fatal quad bike incidents in Australia by activity (recreation and work). Methods: An in-depth case series study was undertaken of 106 Australian quad bike fatalities that had occurred between 2000 and 2013. All case material held by Australian coroners was obtained and reviewed. Results: 106 cases were categorised as occurring during recreation (53) and work (53). Fifty-two of the work cases occurred during farm work. The mean age for those killed during a work activity was 56 years compared to 27 years for recreational riders. Two children under 16 years died while performing farm work and 13 children under 16 years during recreational activities. The analyses show a very clear pattern for farm work related deaths: quad bike rolls or pitches over (farm worker, 85%; recreational rider, 55%), rider becomes pinned under quad bike (farm worker, 68%; recreational rider, 30%) and death by asphyxia (farm worker, 42%; recreational rider, 11%). In contrast, recreational riders suffered complex impact injuries to the head and chest that occurred when the rider was travelling at speed, lost control, was ejected, and collided with an object in the environment and/or interacted with the moving quad bike. Conclusions: The analyses support the need to improve safe quad bike operation through consideration for the age of the rider, training, helmet use, reducing the propensity of quad bikes to roll, improving handling so that loss of control events are reduced, and to prevent crushing and pinning by the vehicle during and after a rollover crash.
Statement of purpose Despite warnings from manufacturers, federal agencies, and consumer and safety advocates that all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are unsafe on roadways, a majority of states have passed laws allowing ATVs on roads even while the majority of ATV deaths take place on roads. We will inform participants about this legal and statistical trend by sharing our research as well as offer ways that advocates and officials on the federal, state and local levels can help to prevent these deaths and injuries Methods/Approach Legal research showing the trend in state laws allowing ATVs on roads and how local decision making plays a part. Analysis of ATV and Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle (ROV) fatality data both from a 2013 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) paper and 2014 fatality data gathered from news and other sources for Consumer Federation of America’s ATV safety webpage. While the IIHS paper was published in a peer reviewed journal we hope that the selection committee will allow the inclusion of its data as it is important background and is particularly useful when compared to the (non-peer reviewed) 2014 data. Results Thirty-five states allow ATVs some access to roads, and since 2004, 22 states have enacted laws increasing legal ATV access to roads in some way. States are passing these laws despite the fact that on-road deaths increased twice as fast as off-road deaths from 1998—2007 and that the majority of ATV related deaths take place on roads. Conclusions To reduce deaths and injuries resulting from ATV and ROV use on roads it will take work at all levels: industry, public health officials, as well as policymakers at the federal, state and local level. Significance and contribution to the field This presentation features the first national survey of laws regarding the regulation of ATV use on roads, the most comprehensive analysis to date of both Consumer Product Safety Commission and National Highway Traffic Safety data of on-road ATV fatalities, and features ATV and ROV fatality data for 2014 collected by CFA.
Context: Quad bikes are the leading cause of death in Australian agriculture, with half of these deaths resulting from rollovers. Between 2001 and 2012, there were more than 160 such deaths in Australia, representing a significant burden. Issues: There is a diversity of public opinions offered about quad bike safety. The Are You Remotely Interested … in Prevention; Building a Culture of Safety conference held in Mount Isa, Queensland, in August 2012 brought together subject matter experts from across Australia to discuss a range of issues relevant to rural Australia (including quad bikes). During this conference, the Mount Isa Statement for Quad Bike Safety was produced. The intent of the Statement was to draw on existing evidence to highlight solutions and provide a direction for future efforts to reduce the burden of death and injury related to quad bike use. The conference provided an opportunity for those with an interest in quad bike safety to come together in one location, discuss the issues and develop a common direction (the Statement). The Statement is presented in three sections: a statement of the facts that were available at the time of development; a set of recommendations; and what needs to happen next. Lessons learned: We believe to the best of our knowledge this is the first time where many potential solutions for keeping people safe while operating quad bikes in agriculture have been explored in a public forum. There are some immediate solutions that people can undertake to keep themselves and those in their care safe when using a quad bike: initially selecting safer vehicles to use; fitting quad bikes with crush protection devices; not carrying passengers or overloading the quads; and wearing helmets.
Background: Pediatric all-terrain vehicle (ATV) injuries have been increasing annually for more than a decade. The purpose of this study was to prospectively evaluate crash circumstances and clinical outcomes resulting from pediatric ATV crashes. Methods: Three pediatric trauma centers prospectively collected data from patients during their hospitalization for injuries sustained in ATV crashes from July 2007 through June 2012. Patients completed a 35-item questionnaire describing the crash circumstances (ATV engine size, safety equipment use, and training/experience). Clinical data (injuries, surgical procedures, etc.) were collected for each patient. Results: Eighty-four patients were enrolled, with a mean (SD) age of 13.0 (3.1) years, and were predominantly male (n = 55, 65%). Injuries were musculoskeletal (42%), central nervous system (39%), abdominal (20%), thoracic (16%), and genitourinary (4%). Multisystem injuries were prevalent (27%), and two patients died. Thirty-three patients (43%) required operative intervention. Most children were riding for recreation (96%) and ignored ATV manufacturers' recommendation that children younger than 16 years ride ATVs with smaller (≤90 cc) engines (71%). Dangerous riding practices were widespread: no helmet (70%), no adult supervision (56%), double riding (50%), riding on paved roads (23%), and nighttime riding (16%). Lack of helmet use was significantly associated with head injury (53% vs. 25%, p = 0.03). Rollover crashes were most common (44%), followed by collision with a stationary object (25%) or another vehicle (12%). Half (51%) of children said that they would ride an ATV again. Conclusion: These data demonstrate a relationship between dangerous ATV riding behaviors and severe injuries in children who crash. Children younger than 16 years should not operate ATVs, and legislation that effectively restricts ATV use in children is urgently needed. Level of evidence: Epidemiologic study, level III.
Limited data exist on ATV-related injuries and the associated behavioral practices of youths who operate ATVs. A questionnaire was administered to 2,098 Indiana youths to gather baseline data on the ATV operational and safety practices that would provide guidance in the development of a youth ATV safety program. Over two-thirds of the respondents had operated an ATV and nearly 80% had been either an operator or a passenger. The most frequently cited source of safety training was a “friend”. Helmets were the most commonly used personal protective safety equipment being used by 40% of youths who operated ATVs. Over 7% of youths indicated that they had suffered an ATV injury requiring medical treatment in the last year.