ArticlePDF Available
Phytotaxa 266 (2): 125–133
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press Article PHYTOTAXA
ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition)
ISSN 1179-3163 (online edition)
Accepted by Sajeewa Maharachchikumbura: 30 May 2016; published: 22 Jun. 2016
Aureobasidium pullulans from Juncus trifidus L. roots
1Department of Mycology, W. Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
2Department of Biotechnology, Vienna Institute of Biotechnology (VIBT), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Studies on endophytes of Juncus trifidus roots have been conducted. An analysis of isolated Aureobasidium pullulans strain
is presented. Taxonomical data were confirmed by morphological and molecular data. Sequence of the ITS region has been
determined and used for phylogenetic assesment.
Key words: endophyte, black yeast, ITS
There are several definitions for the term “endophyte”. Within this paper an interpretation of Petrini (1991) will be
symptoms and/or any harm to its host. In this sense also mycorrhizae as a symbiotic association between microorganism
and plant roots should be recognised as a special form of endophytic relation. Most fungal endophytes belong to
teleomorphs and anamorphs of ascomycetes, however some species can be pointed out within basidiomycetous fungi
(Rungjindamai et al. 2008).
Endophytes include inter alia a group of specific fungi called dark septate endophytes (DSE), commonly occurring
in plant roots. Fungi belonging to DSE have been found in roots of about 600 plant species of 320 genera (Sieber &
               
and balanced relation is established, in this case a positive, mutualistic cooperation brings benefits to both partners
(Newsham 2011).
Aureobasidium pullulans Dothideales (Dothideomycetes,
Ascomycota), teleomorph is unknown. A. pullulans belongs to DSE fungi as well as to the heterogenous group of dark
     
from various environments such as air in buildings, stones, bathrooms, wall paintings, food and feeds, aviation fuel,
gasoline car tank, glacier ice, hypersaline waters in salterns, water and air in malt-house, malt, honey and honey-dew,
soil, seeds, rhizosphere (as non-mycorrhizal fungal root endophyte), dead leaves and also as a human opportunistic
pathogen (Andrews et al. 
et al. 2000; Hawkes et al. 2005; Isola et al. 2013, Kita 1986;
et al. et al. 2014,
Punnapayak et al. 2003; Rauch M.E. et al. 2006; Ruibal et al. 2005; Samson et al. 2004; Smyk 1954; Sterflinger et al.
2001; Zarzycka 1958).
Recently, based on molecular data and place of origin four varieties were distinguished – A. pullulans 
. pullulans; A. pullulans . melanogenum Hermanides-Nijhof; A. pullulans var.
subglaciale A. pullulans var. namibiae
 et al. 2008), and in 2014 were elevated to the species level - Aureobasidium melanogenum
     Aureobasidium subglaciale     
    Aureobasidium namibiae     
et al. 2014). A. pullulans is the one most often pointed out as an endophyte.
The aim of the study was to confirm taxonomical identification of Juncus trifidus root DSE endophyte.
ET AL.
126 Phytotaxa 266 (2) © 2016 Magnolia Press
Material and methods
Isolation and cultivation
Samples of Juncus trifidus 
bags in refrigerator (-20º C) for 6 months. Roots surface was sterilized by suspension in a 96% ethanol for 1 minute
and washing in a 3% chlorox solution for 3 minutes. After rinsing in ethanol for 1 minute, samples were transferred
to a 90 mm Petri plates containing Ferency medium with addition of 5 ml oxytetracycline (100 mg in 50 ml acetone)
and cultivated in an incubator at 10º C. Obtained fungal isolates were transferred to a PDA medium and cultivated in
an incubator at 10º C.
Morphological observations
Colonies parameters such as colour, structure and size were measured. Micro- and macromorphological observations
were done by light microscopes Nikon SMZ 1500 and Nikon Eclipse 80i. Photographs were taken by Digital Sight
DS-Ri1 Nikon camera.
DNA extraction
The strain mycelium was grown on 2% MEA plates for two weeks at room temperature. The mycelium was scrapped
glass bulbs. The probes were disrupted by severe shaking and later incubated for 10 minutes at 65° C. After addition
of chloroform/phenol (Roth), the solution was centrifuged at 14000 rpm. The supernatant was transferred to fresh
tubes and poured with 2 vol. of ice-cold ethanol (70%). The samples were stored for 30 minutes at –20° C for DNA
precipitation, then centrifuged for 5 minutes at 14000 rpm. The resulting pellet was washed in ethanol, dried and
dissolved in 100 µl of ddH2O.
PCR and sequencing
The PCR reaction was performed in 25 µl volume: 1X buffer (with MgCl2), 200 µM dNTP, 5 pmol forward and
              
The sequences were aligned and adjusted using ClustalW. The phylogenetic tree was constructed with Molecular
        et al. 2007), using the neighbour joining
method (Saitou & Nei 1987). Confidence values for individual branches were determined by bootstrap test in which
500 trees were generated (Felsenstein 1985).
Aureobasidium pullulans .
Anamorph, teleomorph unknown.
Colonies on PDA medium pale pink in the centre with darker, greenish margin (fig. 1), smooth and glistening due
to exopolysaccharides (EPS) production. Colonies attain 20–25 mm in diameter after 7 days of cultivation in room
temperature. Dark segments in the margin start appearing after 10 days of growth. No aerial mycelium.
Vegetative hyphae are smooth, hyaline and thin-walled, 2–10 µm wide, transversely septate (fig. 2). Conidiogenous
cells undifferentiated, present intercalary on the hyphae. Hyaline conidia produced synchronously in dense groups,
smooth and ellipsoidal, 8–30 × 3.5–5 µm. At the margin present dark brownish green hyphae, thick-walled, 6–12 µm
of conidia in EPS seen occasionally.
AUREOBASIDIUM PULLULANS Phytotaxa 266 (2) © 2016 Magnolia Press 127
FIGURE 1. Aureobasidium pullulans 
formed on PDA medium with addition of 5% NaCl.
FIGURE 2. Aureobasidium pullulans
Sequence alignment
        A. pullulansA.
subglaciale strain EXF-2479 (vsEXF-2479), A. namibiae      A. melanogenum
     
Phylogenetic analysis
In the fig. 4 a phylogenetic tree including 18 fungal species is presented. The obtained results suggest that the analysed
strain belongs to the same cluster as the other isolates of A. pullulans. Results correspond to current taxonomical status
of the Aureobasidium genus. Species that have been previously described as an A. pullulans varietes (var. pullulans,
melanogenum, subglaciale and namibiae), and now elevated to the species level, form separate clusters, close to
is also an Aureobasidium pullulans strain.
ET AL.
128 Phytotaxa 266 (2) © 2016 Magnolia Press
FIGURE 3. Sequence alignment.
In table 1 are listed sequences used in phylogenetic analysis. All fungi which cluster with studied strain were
isolates from various plant material, an exception is A. pullulans var. pullulans strain TSN-43 which was described
from soil sample, collected in different regions of Europe and Africa.
 
Aureobasidium pullulans 
Martini et al. et al. 2011). A. pullulans was noted in all plant organs of sycamore, but diminished in the
A. pullulans are extremely versatile in
AUREOBASIDIUM PULLULANS Phytotaxa 266 (2) © 2016 Magnolia Press 129
their ecology and variation in production of metabolites (Slepecky & Starmer 2009). Moreover antagonistic effect of
A. pullulans et al. 2011). In our investigation we have observed only single root
colonisation of A. pullulans in J. trifidus among 24 localities. In the same roots of the plant were observed other fungi:
Umbelopsis autotrophica, non-sporulating brown mycelium with dark chlamydospores and Ascochyta sp. (Chlebicki
TABLE 1.
Organism Strain Isolation source 
accession no.
 Collector
 Slime flux of Quercus sp. FJ150902.1 
near Hamburg
 fruit of Vitis vinifera FJ150906.1 
E.J. Hermanides-Nijhof
CPC 2824 Protea eximia x Protea
susannae cv. Sylvia
JN712491.1 South Africa S. Denman
TSN-43 soil FR716139.1 Swabian Jura,
 Malus sylvestris, fruit FJ150907.1 - -
CPC 2826 Protea eximia x Protea
susannae cv. Sylvia
JN712493.1 South Africa S. Denman
 dying leaf of Convallaria
FJ150903.1  
 dolomitic marble FJ150875.1 Namibia, Namib
U. Wollenzien
 - FJ150886.1 - -
 deteriorated army supplies FJ150885.1 Russia -
 - FJ150881.1 - -
CPC 15180 leaves of Leucospermum
JN712489.1 South Africa F. Roets
 Trifolium incarnatum FJ150871.1 U.S.A., Oregon -
 Hemerocallis sp. FJ150873.1 Netherland -
EXF-2481 subglacial ice from sea
FJ150895.1 Norway, Svalbard,
dH 13876 coastal ponds of melted
snow and ice
FJ150892.1 Norway, Svalbard,
EXF-2479 glacial ice from sea water FJ150893.1 Norway, Svalbard,
ET AL.
130 Phytotaxa 266 (2) © 2016 Magnolia Press
FIGURE 4.
marked with red dot.
  Aureobasidium pullulans isolate from Juncus trifidus, but the first studied with
use of molecular techniques (Chlebicki 2009). First of A. pullulans isolates from J. trifidus was described from culms.
Chlebicki (2009) gives a full list of fungal endophytes noted on J. trifidus. It seems that A. pullulans, including
Nowadays the A. pullulans is often recognised as a potentially effective biocontrol agent of phytopathogens with
emphasis on postharvest control. This effect is accomplished by expressing variety of antagonistic strategies including
production of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), lytic enzymes, antimicrobial substances as well as competition for
nutrients (Castoria 2001; Felice et al. et al. 2009; Mari et al. 2012; Rich et al. 2013, Schena et al. 1999,
2003). Thus, the presence of A. pullulans within tissues of plants seems as potentially beneficial in agriculture.
What enables A. pullulans survival in a great variety of habitats is most likely a melanin production. As most of
abilities of microorganisms under stress conditions such as toxic environment or raised UV-radiation levels (Fogarty
& Tobin, 1996). Each variety of the Aureobasidium species differ in culture age in which the production of a melanine
starts, which is the basic macromorphological quality enabling identification (Zalar et al. 2008). A. pullulans shows
the lowest melanin production rates, what can be probably a reason why this variety is isolated more often from living
organisms than an oligotrophic environment. Its tolerance towards some hash conditions is attributed to other qualities
et al. 2014).
As mentioned, what previously was considered as A. pullulans variety is rather rarely given what results sometimes
in difficulties in distinguishing where each variety occurs the most often. Nevertheless, morphological and molecular
differences between varieties of the species have been described (Zalar et al. 2008). Doubtlessly identification to the
species/variety level should be required in all research papers.
AUREOBASIDIUM PULLULANS Phytotaxa 266 (2) © 2016 Magnolia Press 131
This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Information Society Technologies, Poland (Project No. K118/
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... For selected representative fungal strains, that were impossible to identify morphologically, molecular identification using DNA barcoding (nuc rDNA ITS region) was applied. DNA extraction and PCR reactions were done according to the protocol described by Owczarek-Kościelniak et al. (2016). Sequencing was performed with Applied Biosystems 3130 Sequencer according to the manufacturer protocol. ...
... Isolations of Aureobasidium pullulans from gravestone samples do not proof its close relationship with the stone substrate as this fungus is ubiquitous. It was previously noted in various environments, including soil, plants, ice and anthropogenic products (e.g., Zalar et al., 2008;Owczarek-Kościelniak et al., 2016). A basidiomycetous yeast Rhodotorula sp. was recorded from various types of rockslimestone, granite, marble and sandstone, but it is also reported from other environments (Wirth and Goldani, 2012). ...
The relationship between the structure (taxonomic richness and composition) of biological assemblages colonizing gravestones and the deterioration of the gravestone surface was investigated. The study was conducted at the Rakowicki Cemetery in Kraków, which is a Polish cultural heritage site. Data on the occurrence of algae, cyanobacteria, fungi and lichens were collected from 10 limestone and 10 sandstone substrates. Deteriorations were visually assessed on a generalized 3-point scale. In total, 77 taxa were recorded, including 21 algae, 3 cyanobacteria, 13 fungi and 40 lichens. Both the taxonomic richness and the composition of the studied biota were related to the degree of deterioration but the relationships were weak. A significant increase in the taxonomic richness of lichens was recorded, but only between the second and third degrees of deterioration. This was accompanied by a compositional shift in the fungi group, which resulted mainly from the more frequent occurrence of one species, Knufia marmoricola, on more deteriorated surfaces. The type of substrate had a strong impact on the taxonomic composition (especially, of fungi and lichens), but not on the taxonomic richness. The structural changes in gravestone assemblages during the observed succession, although quite small, may lead to intensification of the deterioration processes.
... The morphological characters of the living fungi were examined in water and in lactophenol cotton blue using light microscopy (Nikon SMZ 1500, Nikon Labophot 2 and Nikon Eclipse 800) equipped with a digital camera. For identification of fungi we used taxonomic guides and articles (Bensch et al., 2010(Bensch et al., , 2012Owczarek-Kościelniak et al. 2016;Schipper 1976Schipper , 1984Yilmaz et al., 2014;Zalar et al. 2007). Colony diameters were measured with a ruler. ...
... The species appeared sensitive to high salt concentrations, however, other strains of this species are able to grow at relatively high concentrations of NaCl (Zajc et al. 2014). Our strain (unpublished data) has identical ITS sequence as a fungus isolated from roots of Juncus trifidus (see Owczarek-Kościelniak et al. 2016). ...
... Między innymi na Babiej Górze prowadzone były inne badania A. Chlebickiego dotyczące grzybów związanych z roślinami reliktowymi i w kilku pracach podał on z tego terenu łącznie 10 gatunków grzybów workowych związanych z Cerastium alpinum, Empetrum hermaphroditum i Juncus trifidus subsp. trifidus (Chlebicki 1989b(Chlebicki , 2001(Chlebicki , 2002(Chlebicki , 2005Suková, Chlebicki 2004), w tym również Aureobasidium pullulans występujący endofitycznie w korzeniach situ skuciny (Owczarek-Kościelniak et al. 2016). ...
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Parasitic micromycetes were not the subject of long-term studies in the area of the Babia Góra Mt. The presented data come from unpublished materials collected by T. Majewski in late 1960s during three seasons, as well as from literature, mainly papers by A. Chlebicki, who carried out few years study of pyrenomycetous fungi. The compiled list covers 194 species, with predominating Pucciniales (36%). Fungi were hosted by 167 species of plants, insects and fungi. All main plant communities, including characteristic to Babia Góra Mt. were searched for micromycetes and the highest number of species comes from Alnetum incanae.
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Paraconiothyrium, Aureobasidium pullulans, Clonostachys rosea, Oidiodendron griseum, Penicillium miczynskii, Alternaria chartarum, Trichoderma viridescens, Umbelopsis autotrophica and Hyaloscypha finlandica have been isolated from the roots of the highland rush (Juncus trifidus L.) from Babia Gora Massif and the Tatra Mts. in the Western Carpathians. Only the Paraconiothyrium sp. was found both in roots and stems and thus can possibly be transferred from the roots to the leaves (or in opposite direction).
Cosmeceutical products are becoming part of everyone's life in different aspects. They are defined as a mixture of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals used for the benefits of health, esthetics, and beauty designed for the protection and safety of humans and the environment. A number of products have been launched that incorporate new formulations and compositions of cosmeceuticals, in which biopolymers play a vital role by producing complex and necessary products, which are adapted by our physiological functions. This chapter is a short introduction to biopolymers, the history of cosmeceuticals, basic ingredients, and mechanisms of action. The role of biopolymers includes proteins and polysaccharides in cosmeceuticals and future aspects.
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The results are reported of the investigations of fungi growing on fir honey-dew in the Holy Cross National Park. Those most commonly oceurring are Capnophialophola pinophila (Nees) Borowska and Triposporium pinophilum Neger. They are also the chief components of the fungous assemblage that develops in this particular habitat.
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Mycological examinations have been carried out in several rooms of the seven monumental architectural complexes situated in the old city of Kraków. The results of examinations have shown considerable pollution in the investigated rooms. Species, such as: Penicillium, Aspergillus and Aureobasidium, have been represented in the most numerous way. In general about thirty species of fungi have been isolated from the air and from the building dividing walls.
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Sooty blotch is a disease of apple and pear caused by a complex of fungi that blemish the fruit surface. Results of molecular studies indicated approximately 30 different fungi species associated with this disease. Apples and pears with symptoms of sooty blotch were collected in summer and early autumn 2006-2010 from trees grown in fungicide non-treated orchards and small gardens located in various regions of Poland. Fungi causing sooty blotch were isolated from fruits and the isolates were divided into six groups, according to their morphological characters. Growth of the fungi colonies were tested on different agar media (PDA, CMA, MEA and Czapek). The ITS region of rDNA from 16 isolates from the first group was amplified by PCR technique and one representative sequence of this isolates was used to alignment in Gene Bank. This isolate was identified as Aureobasidium pullulans and isolates from this group were compared with it on the base of morphological features.
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In the years 1980-83 a research was carried out on the phylloplane of oil sunflowers. A composition of species of the fungus community was determined as well as its reaction in relation to the sunflower pathogens: Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.
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In the paper results are presented of a study on isolated fungi from the soil, rhizosphere, roots and mycorrhiza of fir natural regeneration in selected stands of the Carpathian and Sudety Mts. A comparison was made of the fungal communities in stands where fir regenerated well with those in stands where such regeneration was lacking.
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Fungal community populating the rhizosphere and lhe rhizoplane of yellow lupine Juno and Markiz cultivated in the crop rotation with the 20% and 33% portion of lupine was analyzed. The total fungus number was reduced when the participation of lupine in the crop rotation was established at level 20%. Then the pathogenic fungi were replaced by more frequently appeared saprofitic species representing the following genera: Trichoderma, Paecilomyces and Penicillium. Pathogenic Fusarium were more frequently isolated from the lupine rhizoplane cultivated in combination with its 33% participation.
A new method called the neighbor-joining method is proposed for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from evolutionary distance data. The principle of this method is to find pairs of operational taxonomic units (OTUs [= neighbors]) that minimize the total branch length at each stage of clustering of OTUs starting with a starlike tree. The branch lengths as well as the topology of a parsimonious tree can quickly be obtained by using this method. Using computer simulation, we studied the efficiency of this method in obtaining the correct unrooted tree in comparison with that of five other tree-making methods: the unweighted pair group method of analysis, Farris's method, Sattath and Tversky's method, Li's method, and Tateno et al.'s modified Farris method. The new, neighbor-joining method and Sattath and Tversky's method are shown to be generally better than the other methods.
The term epiphyte is used in general to characterize organisms that subsist only on plant surfaces. De Bar’s (1866) definition of endophytes—all the organisms that colonize internal plant tissues—was also used by Petrini (1986). In the same volume, Carroll (1986) restricted the use of the term endophyte to organisms that cause asymptomatic infections within plant tissues, excluding pathogenic fungi and mutualists such as mycorrhizal fungi. In view of the additional findings discussed in this chapter, however, I feel that this definition is no longer tenable. I propose, therefore, that Carroll’s definition be expanded to include all organisms inhabiting plant organs that at some time in their life, can colonize internal plant tissues without causing apparent harm to their host. This would account for those endophytic organisms that have a more or less lengthy epiphytic phase and also for latent pathogens that may live symptomless in their hosts for some time in their life.