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Floating Offshore Wind Energy


Abstract and Figures

SYNOPSIS The location of wind turbines on large floating structures offshore offers the obvious advantages of no land usage and a probably more reliable wind resource. However, there are potentially significant technical and cost drawbacks. This paper describes the preliminary results of an EPSRC project aimed at developing analytical and numerical design tools for evaluating the performance of offshore wind farms. The principal problems that have been addressed include the determination of an optimum hull-form for the floating structure and of developing analysis tools for the interaction of the motion in waves of the platform with the turbine aerodynamic performance as well as the blade and hub loads. The project also addresses secondary issues such as platform weathervaning, its mooring system and the means for energy-transmission to shore. The possible integration of wind turbine output with power from associated gas turbines in the North Sea's offshore fields is also described. The paper presents some of the theory and results arising from the work to date and identifies the kinds of engineering and cost problems that are expected to be encountered.
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Andrew R. Henderson and Minoo H. Patel
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Street,
London, WC1E 7JE. 0171-380-7220.
The location of wind turbines on large floating structures offshore offers the obvious advantages of no
land usage and a probably more reliable wind resource. However, there are potentially significant
technical and cost drawbacks.
This paper describes the preliminary results of an EPSRC project aimed at developing analytical and
numerical design tools for evaluating the performance of offshore wind farms. The principal problems
that have been addressed include the determination of an optimum hull-form for the floating structure
and of developing analysis tools for the interaction of the motion in waves of the platform with the
turbine aerodynamic performance as well as the blade and hub loads. The project also addresses
secondary issues such as platform weathervaning, its mooring system and the means for energy-
transmission to shore. The possible integration of wind turbine output with power from associated gas
turbines in the North Sea’s offshore fields is also described.
The paper presents some of the theory and results arising from the work to date and identifies the
kinds of engineering and cost problems that are expected to be encountered.
Over the last decade, interest in offshore
windfarms has grown slowly, with the current
handful of small experimental windfarms
likely to be joined by full-scale commercial
schemes in the near future. All current and
planned windfarms are in shallow water and
based around structures resting on or piled to
the seabed.
This paper describes preliminary results from
an EPSRC funded project aimed at developing
analysis tools for investigating the behaviour
and performance of wind turbines mounted on
large floating structures. The feasibility of
such floating windfarms will depend on their
cost, which will be influenced greatly by the
kinds of construction and sizes that will be
technically acceptable. The first stage in
investigating this is the development of
reliable tools for sizing and for performance
In a wider context, the use of floating offshore
wind energy will depend critically on two
factors - whether costs can be brought down
and whether land-use pressure in shallower
waters will encourage the utilisation of deeper
water regions.
It has also to be recognised that the offshore
waters off the British Isles are currently one of
its principal energy sources, through its
hydrocarbon deposits. Some of the gas
accumulations in these offshore fields are
difficult to extract and utilise economically.
The combined use of small uneconomic gas
deposits for power generation together with
wind turbines on a floating structure could
offer a more economic and strategically
worthwhile source of significant amounts of
electrical power.
The focus of this research-project is the
development of tools for evaluation and
optimisation of offshore windfarm
configurations. This paper describes the first
two main tasks in this - namely:
Calculation of the motion response of
vessels suitable for floating offshore
Calculation of the effect this motion will
have on wind turbine performance and loads.
Submerged Pontoon
Turbine Tower
Figure 1
The Semi-submersible Concept
The floating hull concept under investigation
here is already well-proven in the oil-industry,
namely the semi-submersible (Figure 1)
design. The main structure of the vessel is
located below the ocean surface giving a
number of advantages over traditional
structures with hull forms close to the water
surface. These include reduced wave loads,
(since the wave kinematics decay
exponentially with depth) and longer natural
periods of motions (hence reduced response
The deep submergence of the pontoons
combined with a structure made up of
pontoons, columns and bracing yields the
above characterisation of low motion response
to waves. This feature has made the semi-
submersible a work-horse for drilling,
production and well servicing in the offshore
oil industry. These vessels have typical
dimensions of from 80 to 120 m and
displacements of from 12,000 to 40,000
tonnes. However the floating wind farm
application requires considerably larger semi-
submersible structures with deeper drafts and
larger displacements. At the same time, the
structural configuration has to be easy to build
and of intrinsically low cost. This scale up and
a characteristic of the resultant technical
performance is one of the principal objectives
of the work reported here.
The problem is not as daunting as it sounds
initially. It has to be remembered that
considerable work has been done around the
world on a variety of large structures for use as
floating airports, industrial sites and other
applications. See (1) and (2) for details.
2.1 Wave Loading
In previous work (3), it was shown that waves
contribute the majority of the rigid-body
motion-inducing dynamic loads of a large
floating structure.
Wave loading, F
Figure 2 - Morison’s equation
A simple and accurate method of calculating
the normal forces, F, is the Morison equation.
This is an empirically based equation and was
developed in the 1960s for wave loadings on
piles in shallow water (4).
dF C dV U C dS U U
=+.. .
&... . .
where CD, CM = coefficients of drag and
inertia loading (experimentally
S = projected area (to waves)
U = wave velocity
V = volume
ρ = fluid density
However, because of its relative accuracy and
ease of use, its use has been gradually
extended to many other applications including
the free-floating horizontal and vertical
columns modelled here. Since it can be shown
that the inertia forces dominate, the second
drag term has been ignored; this enables
general analytical forms of the load to be
derived, without further simplifications.
The wave particle acceleration and pressure
equations can be obtained from the linear Airy
wave potential flow function, φ, for water of
finite depth (5):
Note that an exact solution of the
wave/structure interaction problem can be
obtained by using linear diffraction theory for
infinitesimal gravity waves. A solution using
this approach is computationally complex and
expensive and yet gives results that are only a
few percentage points different from the
Morison equation based approach described
above (6). It was decided for the purposes of
the parametric interaction and optimisation to
use the simpler approach described above.
2.2 Vessel Response
For a vessel experiencing wave loads only, the
response can be characterised by an RAO
(Response Amplitude Operator), i.e. the ratio
of amplitude of vessel motion to wave motion.
Since the form of analysis is consistently
linear, this will not depend on the wave height.
The RAO transfer function for translational
motion can be defined as:
() ()
where F = total wave force
m = mass (or I for inertia) including
added mass
k = buoyancy stiffness (only present
for heave, roll and pitch)
with the rotational-form being equivalent.
This analysis generates a wave-frequency
dependent RAO curve for each degree of
freedom. For a full description of the theory
see (7).
2.3 Analysis Method
Two vessel designs were examined: a weather-
vaning and a non-weather-vaning
configuration depending on whether a more
expensive design with rotating mooring joint
would be used. The design criterion used in
the analysis is to minimise velocity and
acceleration RAOs at the nacelle.
For simple comparisons to be made between
the performance of different configurations,
the motion-response data were averaged as a
single number, the performance parameter.
This could now be compared with the value for
a suitable base vessel. Hence a negative
percentage change in the performance
parameter represents reduced motion and
therefore a better design.
2.4 Weathervaning Vessel
A weathervaning vessel will be able to rotate
so that it is always facing into the wind. The
turbines should therefore be arranged so that
none are in each others wakes, which suggests
a design based on a line.
Two main aspects were examined:
the effect of altering the orientation of each
inter-turbine pontoon section individually,
the effect of adding pontoon abutments
(with stability columns) at the centre and
wings of the design.
Re-design of Main Pontoon
450 500 550 600 650
Total Pontoon Length (m)
Change in Perfomance
Figure 3 - Response of Weathervaning
Designs (angled main structure)
Figure 3 shows the effect of varying the
pontoon orientation angle on the overall
response performance (as defined by the
performance parameter described above). The
independent variable used is the total pontoon
length, as this allows different designs to be
compared at similar pontoon costs.
It can be seen that Layout WW seems to be the
most efficient at minimising nacelle motion. A
schematic diagram of that layout is shown
below (Figure 4), which shows how this
particular design is defined. Each inter-turbine
section of the pontoon can be orientated either
bowwards (section Nr. 3 counting from the
centre) or sternwards (sections Nr. 1, 2 and 4
from the centre) with the section orientation
angle defined as a multiple of the nominal
vessel design angle, as 1x (sections Nr. 2 and
3) and 0.5x (sections Nr. 1 and 4). The other
designs represented in the chart: AAA and
UU3, have slightly different layouts.
α1.3 x diameter
Figure 4 - Layout WW
Added abutments to Linear Layout
500 600 700 800 900
Total Pontoon Length (m)
Change in Perfomance
Figure 5- Response of Weathervaning
Designs (lineal main structure)
Figure 5 shows the affect of adding pontoon
abutments of various lengths at the centre and
wings of a linear vessel. Layouts 111 and 101
have abutments at the centre plus wings and at
the wings only respectively. The best
performing design seems to be Layout
101x0.5, which has the stability towers located
half way along the pontoon-abutment (Figure
1.3 x diameter
Figure 6 - Layout 101 x0.5
Further analysis shows that:
the motion response can be improved for
this design by about 3.5% if the abutment
pontoons are angled outwards at 34o from the
perpendicular shown,
if similar abutment-pontoons are added to
Layout WW, the overall response becomes
similar (but such a design would be more
difficult to construct).
Therefore, it can be concluded that for
weathervaning designs, Layout 101x0.5
(Figure 6) is the most suitable.
2.5 Non-Weathervaning Vessel
A non-weathervaning vessel cannot rotate to
face into the wind, hence turbines will
inevitably operate in another turbines wake at
times. If the distribution of wind direction is
uniform (unlikely), a symmetrical design is
required, i.e. the turbines should be located in a
ring and analysis undertaken for how they
should be connected. The designs investigated
here were based on polygon, star and fractal
500 1000 1500
Total Pontoon Length (m)
Change in Perfomance
Figure 7 - Response of
Non-weathervaning Designs
Figure 7 shows the effect of increasing the
turbine separation on the performance
parameter for the various designs. Clearly the
octagon shape gives the best performance.
This design was therefore investigated further,
namely the effect of adding inward-pointing
and outward-pointing pontoon-abutments
attached to the main polygon structure at the
turbine locations (Octagon + Ab curve). It can
be seen that this did not improve the
performance as greatly as increasing the
polygon diameter (Octagon curve).
Therefore, it can be concluded that for non-
weathervaning designs, the Polygon Layout
(Figure 8) is the most suitable.
2 x diameter
Figure 8 - Octagon Layout
3.1 Model
A model was developed to calculate the effect
that the motion has on the turbine loads and
power output. These are predominantly due to
two sources:
Blade aerodynamics,
Blade, nacelle, tower inertia and gravity.
The loads are initially calculated in a two-
dimension state-space domain, representing
blade azimuth angle and vessel motion
The main features of the model are:
Rigid structures,
A simple dynamic stall model (8),
Otherwise steady-state aerodynamics,
Turbulence (i.e. stochastic) effects
Because of the vessel motion, there are
additional important axes systems:
Global axis (defined by wind-
Mean Vessel axes (takes account of
vessel misalignment to wind),
Dynamic Vessel axes (defined by
instantaneous vessel orientation),
Nacelle axes (takes account of yaw,
pitch and cone of turbine),
Blade axes.
Aerodynamic Loads
The aerodynamic loads are calculated using
standard aerodynamic-momentum theory, as
described widely including in (9).
Inertia and Gravity Loads
Inertia and gravity loads are generally of an
equal or greater magnitude than aerodynamic
loads, and in the case of a floating turbine, this
tendency is extended. The loads are found by
applying Newton’s II law to the acceleration
Consistent and disciplined application of the
axes systems means all inertia loads, including
gyroscopic loads, will be present.
Frequency Analysis
Since stochastic features have been ignored,
analysis in the faster frequency domain is
possible. This is done by Fourier-transforming
the state-space loads twice, with respect to
each of the state-space axes results in discrete
frequency domain load spectra.
3.2 Turbine Loads and Performance
Using axes transformations and translations,
the loads can be calculated at any location and
in any axes, with the following locations
selected as critical design loads:
Blade root edgewise-axial fatigue stress
Blade root flapwise-axial fatigue stress
Rotor shaft fatigue axial stress loads,
Nacelle yaw loads,
Tower root sideways-axial fatigue stress
Tower root fore-aft axial fatigue stress
The zero frequency components of the rotor
shaft axial-direct-load and roll-bending-
moment give the average turbine thrust loads
and power output respectively.
The fatigue damage due to a frequency domain
spectrum is estimated using a simple
cumulative method (SCM), shown here, and
the more complex Dirlik (10) method.
Although the damage predicted varied between
the methods, the relative changes tended to
agree very well. All charts display the fatigue
damage as a percentage of a mean value of the
first two charts.
SCM Fatigue Damage Estimation
Ba se Yaw Til t Co ne Y, T & C
Fatigue Damage
(as % of average)
Blade Root Edgewise Blade Root Flapwise Roto r Sha ft Bend ing
Tower Top Yaw Tower Bas e Side -side To wer Base Fore-aft
Figure 9
Typical Fixed Turbine Loads
Three sets of results are shown here. The first,
Figure 9, shows how the critical design loads
of a fixed-base turbine might vary depending
on turbine orientation. It can be seen that yaw
drive and tower base loads are minimal as
SCM Fatigue Damage Estimation
None Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Fatigue Damag
(as % of average)
Blade Root Edgewise Blade Root Flapwise Rotor Shaft Bending
Tower Top Yaw Tower Base Side-side To wer Base Fore-aft
Figure 10
Effect of Unit RAOs
Figure 10 shows the effect that nacelle motion
unit RAOs would have on these same design
loads. It can be seen that vessel motion has a
very significant effect on the nacelle yaw and
tower base loads and that the location and
value of the loads varies greatly with the
direction of the motion.
SCM Fatigue Damage Estimation
Max RAO V (67.5 deg) 101x0.5 Octagon
Fatigue Damage
(as % of average)
Blade Root Edgewise Blade Root Flapwise Rotor Shaft Bending
Tower Top Yaw To wer Base Side-sid e Tower Bas e Fore-a ft
Figure 11
Optimised Vessel Layouts
Figure 11 displays the loads for the optimised
vessel designs. As expected, the optimised
designs suffer significantly reduced loads
compared with the original V-shaped design.
The main disadvantage of the floating wind
energy concept is cost. While land-based
windfarm generation costs are nudging
2p/kWh in Ireland and the first experimental
offshore windfarms in Denmark came in at
around 6p/kWh several years ago, previous
analyses have suggested that for floating wind-
farms, the costs will be in the region of
10p/kWh. Clearly a reduction of almost an
order of magnitude is needed and significant
innovative thinking is needed.
These and other vessel design aspects will be
looked into in greater detail in the remaining
period of the project, hence some of the
comments here are brief but some ideas that
might possibly allow floating offshore wind
energy to become viable include:
4.1 Gas generation
Many oil fields also have a small quantity of
gas present, which is uneconomical to pipe to
the shore. Money is spent on re-injecting this
into the oil-filed (as regulations do not allow it
to be burnt off). If a wind-farm were to be
located alongside, gas generators could be used
ensuring a more-valuable steady supply of
power. A floating wind-farm could be moved
on when the gas field was exhausted.
4.2 Wave Power
In the last couple of years, there has been a
renewal of interest in wave energy around the
world. Many of the concepts instinctively
suggest that wind turbines could be
constructed on the structure and indeed the
original plans for the ill-fated OSPREY device
did include two wind-turbines.
4.3 Transmission
The greater distances from the electricity-user
means that the power transmission is another
cause for the overall greater power-costs. As
an alternative, hydrogen could be generated
and delivered ashore using the existing oil
4.4 Mooring
Moorings enable station-keeping and in the
case of
turret mooring, allow the vessels to rotate
into the wind
and tensioned moorings, greatly reduce
vertical motion.
However, moorings generally make up a very
significant part (typically 20%) of the total
The authors would like to thank EPSRC,
who are funding the research, being
undertaken jointly with the Energy Research
Unit at CLRC, Rutherford Appleton
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(2) Iijima, K. et al; Structural response
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(3) Henderson, A.R.; Motion of a Floating
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(4) Morison, J.R. et al; The forces exerted by
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(5) Airy, Sir G.B.; Tides and waves; Encycl.
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(6) Leblanc, L. et al; A mixed panel-stick
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(8) Øye, S.; Dynamic stall - simulated as time
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... In recent years, various floating wind turbine concepts have been developed, including spar- [9][10][11][12], or semi-submersible [13][14][15][16][17][18][19] 4 concepts with catenary, taut, or tension-leg mooring system. Comparative studies of several types of floating concepts have been presented in Refs. ...
... An indication of the lowest natural frequencies for current types of floating turbines with turbines above 2 MW is given in Table 2 8 based on data from Refs. [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] 9 and different projects. ...
... Table 2 Indicative natural frequencies (Hz) and natural periods (s) of "rigid-body motion modes" of floating offshore wind turbines based on Refs. [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] 10 In general, compared to a cantilevered tower, the first bending mode of the tower placed on a floating platform will be coupled to pitch and surge motions of the platform, and the lowest frequency of rotation is no longer the first bending mode, but rather a rigidbody pitch mode. This effect pushes the first bending natural frequency higher [67] and may require re-design in order to avoid the tower resonance being excited by loads related to blade passing. ...
Offshore wind provides an important source of renewable energy. While wind turbines fixed to the seabed in shallow water have already been industrialized, floating wind turbines are still at an early stage of development. The cost of wind power is decreasing fast. Yet, the main challenges, especially for novel floating wind turbine concepts, are to increase reliability and reduce costs. The reliability perspective here refers to the lifecycle integrity management of the system to ensure reliability by actions during design, fabrication, installation, operation and decommissioning. The assessment should be based on response analysis that properly account for the effect of different sub-systems (rotor, drivetrain, tower, support structure and mooring) on the system behaviour. Moreover, the load effects should be determined so as to be proper input to the integrity check of these sub-systems. The response analysis should serve as basis for design and managing inspections and monitoring, with due account of inherent uncertainties. In this paper recent developments of methods for numerical and experimental response assessment of floating wind turbines are briefly described in view of their use to demonstrate system integrity in design as well as during operation to aid inspection and monitoring. Typical features of offshore wind turbine behaviour are also illustrated through some numerical case studies.
... Various concepts have been suggested, such as Blue H [1], Hywind [2], WindFloat [3] and Sway [4], and been subjected to model or field tests to study the serviceability and survivability. Proposed concepts mainly have a spar [2,4,[6][7][8], semi-submersible [1,3,9,10] or barge type [5,13] hull, with a catenary [2,3,[6][7][8][9][10], taut or tension leg [1,4,9,[11][12] mooring system. For proper design of wind turbine rotor, tower, floater and mooring system, dynamic response analysis of the wind turbine to simultaneous action of wind and wave loads needs to be addressed. ...
... Various concepts have been suggested, such as Blue H [1], Hywind [2], WindFloat [3] and Sway [4], and been subjected to model or field tests to study the serviceability and survivability. Proposed concepts mainly have a spar [2,4,[6][7][8], semi-submersible [1,3,9,10] or barge type [5,13] hull, with a catenary [2,3,[6][7][8][9][10], taut or tension leg [1,4,9,[11][12] mooring system. For proper design of wind turbine rotor, tower, floater and mooring system, dynamic response analysis of the wind turbine to simultaneous action of wind and wave loads needs to be addressed. ...
... Various concepts have been suggested, such as Blue H [1], Hywind [2], WindFloat [3] and Sway [4], and been subjected to model or field tests to study the serviceability and survivability. Proposed concepts mainly have a spar [2,4,[6][7][8], semi-submersible [1,3,9,10] or barge type [5,13] hull, with a catenary [2,3,[6][7][8][9][10], taut or tension leg [1,4,9,[11][12] mooring system. For proper design of wind turbine rotor, tower, floater and mooring system, dynamic response analysis of the wind turbine to simultaneous action of wind and wave loads needs to be addressed. ...
Conference Paper
Offshore wind provides an important source of renewable energy and new opportunities for marine technology. Offshore wind turbines with a monopile support structure fixed to the sea bed in shallow water, have already been industrialised, while fixed turbines in deeper water are emerging and floating wind turbines are still at an early stage of development. Various floating concepts have been proposed for offshore wind application. For design purposes, design criteria and methods to predict the dynamic behaviour of these concepts under wind and wave action for turbines in intact and fault conditions, are required. This paper deals with recent developments of concepts, design criteria and integrated methods of dynamic analysis, as well as illustrate typical features of their behaviour through numerical studies.
... It is anticipated that the commercial establishment of floating turbines will drastically change the status of the offshore wind industry and its development [28,29]. Recently, a world map has been published providing an overview of current and future floating WT projects, while future projects planned beyond 2020 are also included [30]. ...
... Shifting from bottom fixed to floating WTs is also expected to drastically change, in a positive way, socio-economic, legislative and environmental considerations. Therefore, it may be the optimal way to ensure the sustainability of marine wind energy in the MS; see also [28,29]. ...
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In this work, an extended overview of the marine renewable energy in the Mediterranean Sea is provided as regards current status, potential problems, challenges, and perspectives of development. An integrated and holistic approach is necessary for the economic viability and sustainability of marine renewable energy projects; this approach comprises three different frameworks, not always aligned, i.e., geotechnical/ engineering, socio-economic, and environmental/ecological frameworks. In this context, the geomorphological, climatological, socioeconomic, and environmental/ecological particularities of the Mediterranean basin are discussed, as they constitute key issues of the spatial context in which marine renewable energy projects are to be implemented. General guidelines for the sustainable development of marine renewable energy in the Mediterranean are also provided.
... Maintenance cost may account for at least 10% of the total generation cost [4]. Especially for offshore wind turbines, their operations and maintenance costs are considerably higher than that of onshore wind turbines [5]. Traditionally, wind farms resort to scheduled maintenance and reactive maintenance strategies [6]. ...
... An analytical and numerical design tools for evaluating the performance of semi-submersible floating wind turbines is presented by Henderson and Patel (1998). They addressed the principal problems that include the determination of an optimum hull-form for the floating structure and of developing analysis tools for the interaction of the motion in waves of the platform with the turbine aerodynamic performance as well as the blade and hub loads. ...
The performance of offshore wind turbine supported with different configurations of Tension-leg-platform (TLP) are studied for vertical plane motion responses (surge, heave, and pitch) along with the side-to-side, fore–aft, and yaw tower base bending moments. The long-term distribution is carried out using the short-term floating wind turbine responses based on Rayleigh distributions and North Atlantic wave data. The long-term response analysis is performed for the 5 MW TLP-type offshore wind turbine. The study aims at predicting the most probable maximum values of motion amplitudes that can be used for design purposes. The transfer functions for surge, heave and pitch motions of the floater are obtained using the FAST code. The performance of floating structure in the long-term analysis not only depends on the transfer functions but also on the careful selection of design wave spectrum model. Among different theoretical design wave spectrum models, three models are chosen that closely represents the sea states and the response spectrums are computed for these models. As the nature of the response spectrum of the floating structure is analogous with the input wave spectrum model, it can be assumed to have the same probabilistic properties and modeled as a stationary stochastic process. The long-term probability distributions for TLP-type floater configuration for surge, heave and pitch motion amplitudes along with the tower base bending moments are used for design purposes, so as to guarantee the safety of the floating wind turbines against overturning/capsizing in high waves and wind speed. The calculation of the long-term distribution using FAST will help in the preliminary analysis of the performance of floaters in the study of wave-induced response of floaters.
... Currently, offshore wind structures are particularly abundant compared to other types of marine based devices such as waves or current energy converters [11]. There are two distinct types of offshore wind energy structures [13]; fixed [14] and floating [11,[15][16][17][18]. Fixed platforms are primarily located in shallow waters. ...
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Concerns over reducing CO2 emissions associated with the burning of fossil fuels in combination with an increase in worldwide energy demands is leading to increased development of renewable energies such as wind. The installation of offshore wind power structures (OWS) is one of the most promising approaches for the production of renewable energy. However, corrosion and fatigue damage in marine and offshore environments are major causes of primary steel strength degradation in OWS. Corrosion can reduce the thickness of structural components which may lead towards fatigue crack initiation and buckling. These failure mechanisms affect tower service life and may result in catastrophic structural failure. Additionally, environmental pollution stemming from corrosion's by-products is possible. As a result, large financial investments are made yearly for both the prevention and recovery of these drawbacks. The corrosion rate of an OWS is dependent on different characteristics of attack which are influenced by access to oxygen and humidity. Structural degradation can occur due to chemical attack, abrasive action of waves, and microorganism attacks. Inspired by technological and scientific advances in recent years, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the current protective coating system technologies used to protect OWS as well as future perspectives.
... By the end of 2015, offshore wind farms of 11,027 MW capacity have been installed and grid-connected, mainly in the nearshore areas of Northern Europe (average installation depth equal to 22.4 m) [3]. However, aesthetic considerations [6] and the scarcity of available shallow water sites [7] have initiated the need for deploying offshore wind turbines in deeper waters, where, additionally, stronger and more consistent winds exist [6]. This trend creates new technological and economical challenges that should be adequately addressed towards the sustainable and cost-efficient realization of offshore wind energy projects. ...
The deployment of Hybrid Offshore Wind and Wave Energy Systems (HOWiWaES) towards the simultaneous exploitation of the corresponding offshore renewable energy sources, may efficiently address the common challenge of the offshore wind and the wave energy sector to reduce their costs, with multiple additional benefits. A prerequisite at an early stage of the realization of a HOWiWaES project is the determination of marine areas suitable for the deployment of HOWiWaES. In the present paper, a methodological framework for identifying the most appropriate marine areas in Greece towards the deployment/siting of HOWiWaES is developed and presented. The framework is based on the combined use of multi-criteria decision making methods and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). At the first stage of the analysis, the unsuitable for the deployment of HOWiWaES marine areas are identified through the development of a GIS database that produces thematic maps representing exclusion criteria related to utilization restrictions as well as to economic, technical and social constraints. Then, at the second stage of the analysis, eligible marine areas not satisfying exclusion criteria are evaluated and ranked using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), based on evaluation criteria related to economic, technical and socio-political factors. The AHP's implementation is supported by the developed GIS database, eliminating significantly the subjectivity in judgments. The results of the paper illustrate the potential for deploying HOWiWaES in Greece, especially in the offshore areas of Crete and in a lengthwise zone extended from North-central to central Aegean.
... This semi-submersible type (see Fig 10(c)) floating wind turbine may be constructed onshore and until now, Principle Power Inc. is promoting the semi-submersible type which consists of three column tubes with patented horizontal water entrapment heave plates at the bases. The research is still carried on the semi-submersible floating foundation and among them are Henderson and Patel (1998) ...
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An overview of the present state of development of offshore renewable wave and wind energy is presented and future prospects are discussed. The information on some of the current wave energy systems worldwide are given as indicative of the present state of affairs. The main working principles of wave energy systems are described and the differences in terms of working principle, conversion chain, location and power take-off systems are highlighted. Some of the technology challenges are identified and the prospects of utilization of the various wave energy concepts are discussed comparing the characteristics of the devices in particular their power output. The evolution of the concepts of wind turbines with time and the main types of offshore wind turbine concepts are presented, from the shallow water fixed ones to the floating ones. The development of various numerical codes for the dynamic analysis of offshore wind turbines and the studies carried out based on the codes for hydrodynamic, aerodynamic, structural and response due to control system are presented. The present status of wind energy compared to wave energy and the role of naval architects and ocean engineers for the design and analysis of wave energy device and offshore wind turbine technology are presented and discussed.
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Parametric Finite Element Analysis (FEA) modelling is a powerful design tool often used for offshore wind. It is so effective because key design parameters (KDPs) can be modified directly within the python code, to assess their effect on the structure’s integrity, saving time and resources. A parametric FEA model of offshore wind turbine (OWT) support structures (consisting of monopile (MP), soil-structure interaction, transition piece (TP), grouted connection (GC) and tower) has been developed and validated. Furthermore, the different KDPs that impact on the design and scaling-up of OWT support structures were identified. The aim of the analyses is determining how different geometry variations will affect the structural integrity of the unit and if these could contribute to the turbine’s scale-up by either modifying the structure’s modal properties, improving its structural integrity, or reducing capital expenditure (CAPEX). To do so, three design cases, assessing different KDPs, have been developed and presented. Case A investigated how the TP’s and GC’s length influences the structural integrity. Case B evaluated the effect of size and number of stoppers in the TP, keeping a constant volume of steel; and Case C assessed the structure’s response to scour development. It is expected that this paper will provide useful information in the conceptual design and scale-up of OWT support structures, helping in the understanding of how KDPs can affect not only the structure’s health, but also its CAPEX.
Conference Paper
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Offshore Wind Turbine (OWT) is a relatively complex structural and mechanical system located in a highly demanding environment. In this study the fundamental aspects and the major issues related to the design of such structures are inquired. The System Approach is proposed to carry out the design of the structural parts: in accordance with this philosophy, decomposition of the system (environment, structure, actions/loads) and of the structural performance is carried out in order to organize the qualitative and quantitative assessments in various sub-problems. These aspects can be faced by sub-models of different involvedness both for the structural behavior and for the load models. Numerical models are developed accordingly to assess safety, performance and robustness under aerodynamic and hydrodynamic actions.
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Wind energy is usually converted into electrical energy through a wind rotor driving a generator. It is well known that maximum conversion efficiency occurs when the wind rotor is loaded in such a way that its rotational speed is allowed to fluctuate in sympathy with wind-speed variations. In the paper, the wind-rotor/generator dynamics are investigated for a number of control policies, and it is shown that the system response is a function of wind speed. Owing to this relationship, control strategies based on static optimum matching premises are unlikely to be optimal under continuously changing conditions. To prove this hypothesis, the aerogenerator dynamics were simulated on an analogue computer, and, for a given recorded windspeed sample, the energy delivered was measured for a number of control strategies. The results indicate that, for the wind sample used and aerogenerator simulated, sophisticated control policies do not necessarily result in maximum energy yield. An attempt is made to interpret this paradox in terms system dynamics
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The availability of minicomputers and microprocessors, at a reasonable cost, has provided a significant stimulus in a critical appraisal of fatigue testing and analysis methods. This thesis reviews and extends some of the recent fatigue analysis methods. Two major areas investigated in detail are cycle counting methods and methods for prediction of fatigue life to crack initiation. The three recent counting methods, range-pair, Wetzel's and rainflow, which avoid the distortion and inaccuracy from which the traditional cycle counting methods suffer, are described and compared with each other to find out the similarities and differences between them. It is shown that if a service loading history starts and ends at an extreme peak, then all the three methods give an identical count. All relevant methods for the description of measured service histories are reviewed critically in connection with fatigue life assessment, service history regeneration and simulation. Confidence in the rainflow method for better fatigue life predictions and increased use of analytical methods like Finite Element analysis offering frequency domain information about a component have initiated a search for a link between rainflow counting and the power spectral density of a stationary and ergodic random process. Using a Monte Carlo approach and digital simulation techniques, the thesis presents a link in the shape of a closed-form expression which defines the probability density function of rainflow counted ranges for any given power spectral density. A closed-form expression for the distribution of ordinary ranges is also presented. Methods of predicting fatigue crack initiation life under variable amplitude loading are reviewed. From the basic ingredients of the local-strain approach, various life prediction procedures are assembled methodically with regard to how the local stress and strain are determined for a given load level, how the local stress and strain are linked to the life, and how the mean stress effect is accounted for. Predictions made by these methods are compared with the published test data; however predictions are compared mostly within themselves in order to highlight the differences between methods. It is shown that under certain circumstances, some methods give very erroneous results. A sensitivity analysis is carried out to examine how sensitive various methods are to changes in the material properties. A new procedure of determining the material properties from the experimental data is proposed.
The force exerted by unbroken surface waves on a cylindrical object, such asa pile, which extends from the bottom upward above the wave crest, is made upof two components, namely: 1. A drag force proportional to the square of the velocity which may berepresented by a drag coefficient having substantially the same value as forsteady flow, and 2. A virtual mass force proportional to the horizontal component of theaccelerative force exerted on the mass of water displaced by the pile. These relationships follow directly from wave theory and have been confirmedby measurements in the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley. The maximum force exerted by breakers or incipient breakers is impulsive innature, reaching a value much greater than that produced by unbroken waves butenduring for only a short time interval. This impulsive force represents theultimate development of the accelerative force and is produced by the steepwave front and large horizontal acceleration at the front of a breaker. Thisimpulsive force greatly exceeds the drag force computed from the particlevelocities of the breaker. The reader is cautioned that these preliminary results are applicable only tosingle piles without bracing and are likely to be modified somewhat wheremultiple piles are driven, one within the influence of the other or wheremultiple piles are connected by submerged bracing. This paper is essentially apreliminary report submitted at this time because of the current importance ofwave forces in the design of offshore structures. An extended series ofadditional experiments is planned for the near future. Theoretical Relationships For the sake of simplicity of treatment, the theory will be developed fromthe equations for waves of small amplitude. T.P.2846
The aim of this chapter is to explore hydrodynamics of offshore structures. As the world's energy needs increase, more deepwater oil fields are being explored and developed. For example, Shell's Auger tension-leg platform (TLP) set a world record in water depth in 1994 and currently produces oil and gas at 870-m water depth. The challenge to produce oil in deeper water depth continues. As water depth increases, the safety, structural integrity, mooring, and maintenance of a system becomes more difficult and challenging. Besides, the system has to be desirably functional and cost-effective. Therefore, many conventional platform concepts may not be appropriate for the ultra-deepwater development. Several novel compliant platforms have been proposed and their feasibility is being actively studied. One of them is the spar platform, a large deep-draft hollow vertical cylinder, which was successfully installed in the Gulf of Mexico in 1996. For the reliable design of those deepwater compliant platforms, more accurate hydrodynamic loading and response predictions including nonlinear effects are required. Most compliant platforms are designed so that their natural frequencies are far below or above typical wave frequencies to minimize wave-induced motions. However, the system is still subjected to the second-order (and higher-order) sum- and difference-frequency wave loads causing resonant high frequency (springing) or low-frequency (slowly-varying) responses. This chapter summarizes linear and nonlinear wave-body interaction theories and motion analyses, and describes the most important up-to-date information pertaining to nonlinear wave force and motion analyses and computations for slender and large-volume structures.
SYNOPSIS If a wind turbine is located on a floating structure, it will experience rigid-body motions which could have a significant effect on the power output. This paper examines and develops methods for calculating the rigid body motion response in ocean waves of semi-submersible floating vessels suitable for mounting wind turbines. These methods are then utilised to optimise the layout candidate designs in order to minimise velocities and accelerations. It is found that the optimum layouts are an in-line design with stability abutments or a polygon based design, depending on whether or not the moorings allow the vessel to align with the wind direction.
Large-scale on-sea experiment of mega-float structures
  • K Kobayashi
Kobayashi, K. et al; Large-scale on-sea experiment of mega-float structures, Sumitomo, 17 th international conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering;
Structural response characteristics of very large semi-submersible and design considerations
  • K Iijima
Iijima, K. et al; Structural response characteristics of very large semi-submersible and design considerations; 17 th international conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering; May-1998.
A mixed panel-stick hydrodynamic model applied to fatigue life assessment of semi-submersibles
  • L Leblanc
Leblanc, L. et al; A mixed panel-stick hydrodynamic model applied to fatigue life assessment of semi-submersibles; Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering; 1993
Application of computers to fatigue analysis; University of Warwick Thesis
  • T Dirlik
Dirlik, T.; Application of computers to fatigue analysis; University of Warwick Thesis; 1985.