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Abstract and Figures

The title compound, C 11 H 14 O 3 , was synthesized by a cross-metathesis reaction. The dihedral angle between the aromatic ring and the butenol side chain is 30.2 (2)°. In the crystal, inversion dimers are formed through O—H...O hydrogen bonds and these are linked into chains by additional O—H...O contacts. These chains are linked into sheets in the bc plane by C—H...O hydrogen bonds.
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data reports
IUCrData (2016). 1, x160936 1of2
Kyle S. Knight* and Michael C. Orick
Department of Chemistry and Physics, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, 37403, USA.
*Correspondence e-mail:
The title compound, C
, was synthesized by a cross-metathesis reaction.
The dihedral angle between the aromatic ring and the butenol side chain is
30.2 (2). In the crystal, inversion dimers are formed through O—HO
hydrogen bonds and these are linked into chains by additional O—HO
contacts. These chains are linked into sheets in the bc plane by C—HO
hydrogen bonds.
Structure description
The title compound (Fig. 1) was synthesized by the cross-metathesis (Scholl, et al. 1999) of
eugenol and cis-2-butene-1,4-diol, as previously described (Taber & Frankowski, 2006).
This compound is a natural product that can also be isolated from the rhizomes of
Zingiber cassumunar (Masuda & Jitoe, 1995).
The dihedral angle between the aromatic ring and the butenol side chain is 30.2 (2).
The methyl group of the methoxy-substituent is twisted out of the plane of the aromatic
ring by 6.8 (2). In the crystal, the unit cell contains inversion dimers connected by
hydrogen bonding. Each phenol hydroxyl group acts as a hydrogen-bond donor to the
allylic hydroxyl in its dimeric counterpart through O1—H1O2 hydrogen bonds
(Table 1 and Fig. 2). The allylic hydroxyl group is a bifurcated donor, forming O2—
H2O1 and O2—H2O3 hydrogen bonds that link the dimers into supramolecular
chains propagated along the c-axis direction. Chains of dimers are linked by C7–H7O3
hydrogen bonds forming sheets of molecules in the bc plane
Synthesis and crystallization
The Grubbs second-generation catalyst, tricyclohexylphosphine[1,3-bis-(2,4,6-trimethyl-
phenyl)-4,5-dihydroimidazol-2-ylidene][benzylidene]ruthenium(IV) dichloride (Grubbs,
2004), was used to facilitate the cross metathesis of eugenol with cis-1,4-butenediol, to
Received 19 May 2016
Accepted 9 June 2016
Edited by J. Simpson, University of Otago, New
Keywords: crystal structure; alkene metathesis;
hydrogen bonding.
CCDC reference:1484314
Structural data:full structural data are available
ISSN 2414-3146
2of2 Knight and Orick C
IUCrData (2016). 1, x160936
data reports
form the title compound. The product was mpurified by
column chromatography, and allowed to crystallize from di-
chloromethane at room temperature over the course of 14
Crystal data, data collection and structure refinement details
are summarized in Table 2.
Acknowledgements are made to the National Science Foun-
dation MRI Program (CHE-0951711), the Grote Chemistry
Fund at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and to
Materia Inc. of Pasadena, CA, USA, for their generous
support of our work.
Bruker (2009). APEX2 and SAINT. Bruker AXS Inc., Madison,
Wisconsin, USA.
Dolomanov, O. V., Bourhis, L. J., Gildea, R. J., Howard, J. A. K. &
Puschmann, H. (2009). J. Appl. Cryst. 42, 339–341.
Grubbs, R. H. (2004). Tetrahedron,60, 7117–7140.
Macrae, C. F., Bruno, I. J., Chisholm, J. A., Edgington, P. R., McCabe,
P., Pidcock, E., Rodriguez-Monge, L., Taylor, R., van de Streek, J. &
Wood, P. A. (2008). J. Appl. Cryst. 41, 466–470.
Masuda, T. & Jitoe, A. (1995). Phytochem. 39, 459–461.
Scholl, M., Ding, S., Lee, C. W. & Grubbs, R. H. (1999). Org. Lett. 1,
Sheldrick, G. M. (2008). Acta Cryst. A64, 112–122.
Sheldrick, G. M. (2015). Acta Cryst. C71, 3–8.
Taber, D. F. & Frankowski, K. J. (2006). J. Chem. Educ. 83, 283–284.
Table 1
Hydrogen-bond geometry (A
D—HAD—H HADAD—HA
0.84 1.80 (1) 2.635 (2) 174 (2)
Symmetry code: (i) xþ1;yþ2;zþ1.
Figure 2
Crystal packing of the title compound, viewed along the aaxis with
hydrogen bonds drawn as dashed lines.
Table 2
Experimental details.
Crystal data
Chemical formula C
Crystal system, space group Triclinic, P1
Temperature (K) 200
˚) 5.7659 (11), 8.5396 (17), 10.804 (2)
,,() 81.579 (6), 88.020 (6), 71.167 (6)
) 498.03 (17)
Radiation type Mo K
) 0.09
Crystal size (mm) 0.6 0.4 0.05
Data collection
Diffractometer Bruker APEXII CCD
No. of measured, independent and
observed [I>2(I)] reflections
9408, 1736, 1487
(sin /)
) 0.595
)], wR(F
), S0.046, 0.114, 1.07
No. of reflections 1736
No. of parameters 130
H-atom treatment H-atom parameters constrained
(e A
) 0.49, 0.18
Computer programs: APEX2 and SAINT (Bruker, 2009), SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 2008),
SHELXL2014 (Sheldrick, 2015), OLEX2 (Dolomanov et al., 2009) and Mercury (Macrae
et al., 2008).
Figure 1
A view of the molecular structure of the title compound, with atom
labelling. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level.
data reports
IUCrData (2016). 1, x160936
full crystallographic data
IUCrData (2016). 1, x160936 [doi:10.1107/S2414314616009366]
Kyle S. Knight and Michael C. Orick
Crystal data
Mr = 194.22
Triclinic, P1
a = 5.7659 (11) Å
b = 8.5396 (17) Å
c = 10.804 (2) Å
α = 81.579 (6)°
β = 88.020 (6)°
γ = 71.167 (6)°
V = 498.03 (17) Å3
Z = 2
F(000) = 208
Dx = 1.295 Mg m−3
Mo radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Cell parameters from 3014 reflections
θ = 2.5–24.8°
µ = 0.09 mm−1
T = 200 K
Plate, colorless
0.6 × 0.4 × 0.05 mm
Data collection
Graphite monochromator
φ and ω scans
9408 measured reflections
1736 independent reflections
1487 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Rint = 0.042
θmax = 25.0°, θmin = 3.0°
h = −6→6
k = −10→10
l = −12→12
Refinement on F2
Least-squares matrix: full
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.046
wR(F2) = 0.114
S = 1.07
1736 reflections
130 parameters
0 restraints
Hydrogen site location: inferred from
neighbouring sites
H-atom parameters constrained
w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.044P)2 + 0.2128P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
Δρmax = 0.49 e Å−3
Δρmin = −0.18 e Å−3
Special details
Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance
matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles;
correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate
(isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2)
xy z U
O1 0.6301 (2) 0.80940 (16) 0.11536 (11) 0.0390 (4)
data reports
IUCrData (2016). 1, x160936
H1 0.6644 0.8981 0.1139 0.058*
O2 0.2842 (3) 0.90321 (18) 0.90202 (13) 0.0513 (4)
H2 0.3365 0.8367 0.9679 0.077*
O3 0.3545 (2) 0.62145 (15) 0.11605 (11) 0.0369 (3)
C1 0.5208 (3) 0.7770 (2) 0.22611 (16) 0.0306 (4)
C2 0.5516 (3) 0.8357 (2) 0.33455 (16) 0.0335 (4)
H2A 0.6563 0.9017 0.3353 0.040*
C3 0.4301 (3) 0.7991 (2) 0.44320 (16) 0.0336 (4)
H3 0.4542 0.8394 0.5176 0.040*
C4 0.2748 (3) 0.7049 (2) 0.44395 (16) 0.0304 (4)
C5 0.1392 (3) 0.6612 (2) 0.56028 (16) 0.0356 (4)
H5A −0.0142 0.6465 0.5337 0.043*
H5B 0.2414 0.5527 0.6055 0.043*
C6 0.0766 (3) 0.7860 (2) 0.64830 (17) 0.0377 (5)
H6 −0.0171 0.8977 0.6168 0.045*
C7 0.1425 (4) 0.7521 (2) 0.76809 (18) 0.0402 (5)
H7 0.2404 0.6412 0.7990 0.048*
C8 0.0739 (4) 0.8755 (3) 0.85676 (19) 0.0467 (5)
H8A −0.0388 0.9824 0.8144 0.056*
H8B −0.0137 0.8345 0.9281 0.056*
C9 0.3699 (3) 0.6775 (2) 0.22712 (15) 0.0299 (4)
C10 0.2208 (4) 0.5064 (2) 0.11609 (19) 0.0418 (5)
H10A 0.2849 0.4120 0.1827 0.063*
H10B 0.2388 0.4653 0.0351 0.063*
H10C 0.0470 0.5630 0.1305 0.063*
C11 0.2463 (3) 0.6443 (2) 0.33454 (16) 0.0315 (4)
H11 0.1405 0.5792 0.3337 0.038*
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2)
U11 U22 U33 U12 U13 U23
O1 0.0481 (8) 0.0432 (8) 0.0330 (7) −0.0256 (6) 0.0103 (6) −0.0055 (6)
O2 0.0763 (11) 0.0483 (9) 0.0362 (8) −0.0328 (8) −0.0110 (7) 0.0048 (6)
O3 0.0461 (8) 0.0439 (7) 0.0273 (7) 0.0233 (6) 0.0004 (5) −0.0059 (5)
C1 0.0304 (9) 0.0308 (9) 0.0289 (9) −0.0100 (7) 0.0027 (7) 0.0003 (7)
C2 0.0335 (10) 0.0345 (9) 0.0370 (10) −0.0173 (8) 0.0014 (8) −0.0049 (8)
C3 0.0365 (10) 0.0357 (10) 0.0299 (9) −0.0124 (8) −0.0010 (7) −0.0062 (7)
C4 0.0307 (9) 0.0286 (9) 0.0292 (9) −0.0074 (7) 0.0002 (7) −0.0005 (7)
C5 0.0383 (10) 0.0371 (10) 0.0311 (10) −0.0144 (8) 0.0024 (8) 0.0009 (7)
C6 0.0399 (11) 0.0382 (10) 0.0352 (10) −0.0145 (8) 0.0069 (8) −0.0029 (8)
C7 0.0421 (11) 0.0381 (10) 0.0419 (11) −0.0172 (9) 0.0061 (9) −0.0017 (8)
C8 0.0560 (13) 0.0495 (12) 0.0371 (11) −0.0218 (10) 0.0066 (9) −0.0049 (9)
C9 0.0321 (9) 0.0283 (9) 0.0280 (9) −0.0092 (7) −0.0023 (7) −0.0012 (7)
C10 0.0447 (11) 0.0472 (11) 0.0427 (11) −0.0249 (9) −0.0008 (9) −0.0123 (9)
C11 0.0326 (10) 0.0319 (9) 0.0318 (9) −0.0144 (8) −0.0004 (7) −0.0003 (7)
data reports
IUCrData (2016). 1, x160936
Geometric parameters (Å, º)
O1—H1 0.8400 C5—H5A 0.9900
O1—C1 1.367 (2) C5—H5B 0.9900
O2—H2 0.8400 C5—C6 1.481 (3)
O2—C8 1.424 (3) C6—H6 0.9500
O3—C9 1.371 (2) C6—C7 1.325 (3)
O3—C10 1.431 (2) C7—H7 0.9500
C1—C2 1.378 (3) C7—C8 1.478 (3)
C1—C9 1.397 (2) C8—H8A 0.9900
C2—H2A 0.9500 C8—H8B 0.9900
C2—C3 1.394 (2) C9—C11 1.383 (2)
C3—H3 0.9500 C10—H10A 0.9800
C3—C4 1.383 (3) C10—H10B 0.9800
C4—C5 1.521 (2) C10—H10C 0.9800
C4—C11 1.392 (2) C11—H11 0.9500
C1—O1—H1 109.5 C7—C6—H6 117.8
C8—O2—H2 109.5 C6—C7—H7 117.8
C9—O3—C10 116.99 (14) C6—C7—C8 124.33 (19)
O1—C1—C2 124.05 (16) C8—C7—H7 117.8
O1—C1—C9 116.82 (15) O2—C8—C7 111.23 (18)
C2—C1—C9 119.13 (16) O2—C8—H8A 109.4
C1—C2—H2A 119.8 O2—C8—H8B 109.4
C1—C2—C3 120.46 (16) C7—C8—H8A 109.4
C3—C2—H2A 119.8 C7—C8—H8B 109.4
C2—C3—H3 119.6 H8A—C8—H8B 108.0
C4—C3—C2 120.74 (16) O3—C9—C1 115.16 (15)
C4—C3—H3 119.6 O3—C9—C11 124.74 (16)
C3—C4—C5 122.59 (16) C11—C9—C1 120.09 (16)
C3—C4—C11 118.57 (16) O3—C10—H10A 109.5
C11—C4—C5 118.82 (15) O3—C10—H10B 109.5
C4—C5—H5A 108.5 O3—C10—H10C 109.5
C4—C5—H5B 108.5 H10A—C10—H10B 109.5
H5A—C5—H5B 107.5 H10A—C10—H10C 109.5
C6—C5—C4 115.18 (15) H10B—C10—H10C 109.5
C6—C5—H5A 108.5 C4—C11—H11 119.5
C6—C5—H5B 108.5 C9—C11—C4 120.96 (16)
C5—C6—H6 117.8 C9—C11—H11 119.5
C7—C6—C5 124.35 (18)
O1—C1—C2—C3 178.96 (16) C3—C4—C5—C6 30.2 (2)
O1—C1—C9—O3 1.3 (2) C3—C4—C11—C9 −0.1 (3)
O1—C1—C9—C11 −177.74 (15) C4—C5—C6—C7 −123.8 (2)
O3—C9—C11—C4 179.28 (15) C5—C4—C11—C9 −178.60 (15)
C1—C2—C3—C4 −0.7 (3) C5—C6—C7—C8 −178.11 (18)
C1—C9—C11—C4 −1.8 (3) C6—C7—C8—O2 −116.2 (2)
C2—C1—C9—O3 −178.53 (15) C9—C1—C2—C3 −1.2 (3)
data reports
IUCrData (2016). 1, x160936
C2—C1—C9—C11 2.4 (3) C10—O3—C9—C1 174.23 (15)
C2—C3—C4—C5 179.76 (16) C10—O3—C9—C11 −6.8 (2)
C2—C3—C4—C11 1.3 (3) C11—C4—C5—C6 −151.41 (16)
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º)
D—H···AD—H H···AD···AD—H···A
O1—H1···O2i0.84 1.80 (1) 2.635 (2) 174 (2)
Symmetry code: (i) −x+1, −y+2, −z+1.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
The improvements in the crystal structure refinement program SHELXL have been closely coupled with the development and increasing importance of the CIF (Crystallographic Information Framework) format for validating and archiving crystal structures. An important simplification is that now only one file in CIF format (for convenience, referred to simply as `a CIF') containing embedded reflection data and SHELXL instructions is needed for a complete structure archive; the program SHREDCIF can be used to extract the .hkl and .ins files required for further refinement with SHELXL. Recent developments in SHELXL facilitate refinement against neutron diffraction data, the treatment of H atoms, the determination of absolute structure, the input of partial structure factors and the refinement of twinned and disordered structures. SHELXL is available free to academics for the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems, and is particularly suitable for multiple-core processors.
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An experiment for the undergraduate organic laboratory course, the ruthenium catalyzed cross metathesis of eugenol with cis-1,4-butenediol, is described in detail. The Grubbs' catalyst is dispersed in paraffin wax to eliminate the need for inert atmosphere storage. Eugenol, the main component of clove oil, is coupled at room temperature overnight with cis-1,4-butenediol to yield the crystalline (E)-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)but-2-en-ol, also a natural product. The experiment is an excellent example of the powerful selectivity possible with the Grubbs' catalyst. Both the preference for trans over cis alkene formation and for cross metathesis over homodimerization are demonstrated. The experiment also provides an opportunity for students to gain proficiency in the organic synthesis techniques of column chromatography, TLC, recrystallization, and melting point determination. Optional characterization of the product by IR, mass spec, and 1H NMR make the experiment applicable for all levels of undergraduate organic students. Keywords (Audience): Second-Year Undergraduate
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New software, OLEX2 , has been developed for the determination, visualization and analysis of molecular crystal structures. The software has a portable mouse-driven workflow-oriented and fully comprehensive graphical user interface for structure solution, refinement and report generation, as well as novel tools for structure analysis. OLEX2 seamlessly links all aspects of the structure solution, refinement and publication process and presents them in a single workflow-driven package, with the ultimate goal of producing an application which will be useful to both chemists and crystallographers.
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Two new phenylbutenoid dimers, (+/-)-trans-3-(2,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-4-[(E)-3,4-dimethoxystyryl]-cyclohexene and cis-1,2-bis[(E)-3,4-dimethoxystyryl]cyclobutane, have been isolated from the fresh rhizomes of Zingiber cassumunar along with the two known phenylbutenoid dimers. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic and chemical methods. The stereochemistry of these cyclohexene compounds was clarified on the basis of H-1 NMR data of their derivatives. The substituted positions for the 3,4-dimethoxystyryl groups of the cyclobutane compound were confirmed from a Cope rearrangement product in the pyrolysis of the cyclobutane, and the stereochemistry of the cyclobutane was confirmed by H-1 NMR evidence.
The program Mercury, developed by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, is designed primarily as a crystal structure visualization tool. A new module of functionality has been produced, called the Materials Module, which allows highly customizable searching of structural databases for intermolecular interaction motifs and packing patterns. This new module also includes the ability to perform packing similarity calculations between structures containing the same compound. In addition to the Materials Module, a range of further enhancements to Mercury has been added in this latest release, including void visualization and links to ConQuest, Mogul and IsoStar.
[formula: see text] A new family of 1,3-dimesityl-4,5-dihydroimidazol-2-ylidene-substituted ruthenium-based complexes 9a-c has been prepared starting from RuCl2(=CHPh)(PCy3)2 2. These air- and water-tolerant complexes were shown to exhibit an increased ring-closing metathesis activity at elevated temperature when compared to that of the parent complex 2 and the previously developed complex 3. In many instances the activity of these complexes also rivaled or exceeded that of the alkoxy-imido molybdenum complex 1. Catalyst loadings of as low as 0.05 mol% could be used.
An account is given of the development of the SHELX system of computer programs from SHELX-76 to the present day. In addition to identifying useful innovations that have come into general use through their implementation in SHELX, a critical analysis is presented of the less-successful features, missed opportunities and desirable improvements for future releases of the software. An attempt is made to understand how a program originally designed for photographic intensity data, punched cards and computers over 10000 times slower than an average modern personal computer has managed to survive for so long. SHELXL is the most widely used program for small-molecule refinement and SHELXS and SHELXD are often employed for structure solution despite the availability of objectively superior programs. SHELXL also finds a niche for the refinement of macromolecules against high-resolution or twinned data; SHELXPRO acts as an interface for macromolecular applications. SHELXC, SHELXD and SHELXE are proving useful for the experimental phasing of macromolecules, especially because they are fast and robust and so are often employed in pipelines for high-throughput phasing. This paper could serve as a general literature citation when one or more of the open-source SHELX programs (and the Bruker AXS version SHELXTL) are employed in the course of a crystal-structure determination.
  • M Scholl
  • S Ding
  • C W Lee
  • R H Grubbs
Scholl, M., Ding, S., Lee, C. W. & Grubbs, R. H. (1999). Org. Lett. 1, 953-956.
C10-O3-C9-C1 174.23 (15) C2-C3-C4-C5 179
IUCrData (2016). 1, x160936 C2-C1-C9-C11 2.4 (3) C10-O3-C9-C1 174.23 (15) C2-C3-C4-C5 179.76 (16) C10-O3-C9-C11 −6.8 (2) C2-C3-C4-C11 1.3 (3) C11-C4-C5-C6 −151.41 (16)