Conference PaperPDF Available

An integrated design methodology for safety critical systems

  • ISAE-Supméca - Institut supérieur de mécanique de Paris
  • ISAE-Supméca - Institut supérieur de mécanique de Paris

Abstract and Figures

Nowadays man-made systems are getting more complex including new technologies and components from different domains. In addition, they are used in many safety critical missions. This induces new challenges in the design of such systems as new methods and tools are needed to manage the complexity while taking into account safety aspects. To face these challenges, the use of model-based approaches such as MBSE is compulsory. In addition, only an efficient integration of safety concerns early in the design process guarantees an optimal design avoiding late and costly changes. Our proposal is an integrated methodology named SafeSysE, including both MBSE and MBSA processes. SafeSysE narrows the gap between the design and safety analyses since it allows to assist the safety expert in generating the safety artifacts such as FMEA and FTA from the system models. It enhances the consistency between the system model including the requirements, structure and behavior of the system in one side and the safety artifacts in the other side.
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An Integrated Design Methodology for Safety
Critical Systems
ıda Mhenni, Jean-Yves Choley
Quartz, SUPMECA Paris
Saint-Ouen, France
Email: faida.mhenni,
Nga Nguyen
Quartz, EISTI
Cergy Pontoise, France
Abstract—Nowadays man-made systems are getting more
complex including new technologies and components from dif-
ferent domains. In addition, they are used in many safety critical
missions. This induces new challenges in the design of such
systems as new methods and tools are needed to manage the
complexity while taking into account safety aspects. To face these
challenges, the use of model-based approaches such as MBSE is
compulsory. In addition, only an efficient integration of safety
concerns early in the design process guarantees an optimal design
avoiding late and costly changes. Our proposal is an integrated
methodology named SafeSysE, including both MBSE and MBSA
processes. SafeSysE narrows the gap between the design and
safety analyses since it allows to assist the safety expert in
generating the safety artifacts such as FMEA and FTA from the
system models. It enhances the consistency between the system
model including the requirements, structure and behavior of the
system in one side and the safety artifacts in the other side.
With the increasing technological advances, nowadays
man-made systems are getting more complex and offering a
variety of new functions to users. They are used for safety
critical missions to assist users or replace them for tasks in
risky and harsh environments. Unfortunately, this implies an
increasing exposure to mishaps as systems can fail or perform
improperly resulting in damage, injury, and deaths. The design
of these systems is thus challenging since it needs to manage
the complexity while taking into account safety concerns.
Indeed, the potential risks of such systems must be thoroughly
identified and guarded against during the development cycle
to bring them to an accepted level. In the current state, safety
analyses usually occur late in the design process when the
solution is defined with enough detail. This results in delays
and extra cost to modify the design accordingly to the safety
analysis results [1]. To cope with this, new approaches and
tools are needed to efficiently integrate safety analyses since
early stages of the design.
In this paper, a process that tackles these challenges is
presented. To manage the first challenge, which is complexity,
a SysML-based Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
approach is suggested for the design. As for the safety aspect,
safety analysis methods such as Failure Mode and Effects
Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) are integrated
to the design approach.
The paper is organized as follows. First, an overview of
related work about the integration of safety analysis within a
SysML-based systems engineering approach is given in section
II. Then, the proposed integrated process called SafeSysE is
detailed in section III. Finally the paper is concluded in section
IV. A drone (unmanned aerial vehicle) is used in this paper as
a case study to illustrate the design methodology.
In this section a review of the related work about the inte-
gration of MBSE and Model Based Safety Analysis (MBSA)
is given. Different literature works tackled different aspects of
the integration.
Some works tackled the integration of safety into the
design process through the requirements. Laleau et al. in
[2] dealt with formalizing the requirements by combining
SysML requirement diagrams and the B formal specification
language through the extension of the SysML requirements
model with concepts of goal-oriented requirements. Also re-
garding requirements, Dubois [3] proposed to directly include
system requirements in the design process. A SysML profile
respecting safety standards called RPM (Requirement Profile
for MeMVaTEX) has been developed. This new profile al-
lowed adding various properties such as verifiable, verification
type, derived from, satisfied by, refined by, traced to, etc. to
enhance the traceability between requirement models, between
requirement and solution models, and between requirement and
Verification and Validation models. These V&V models have
also been exploited in the thesis of Guillerm [4]. All these
works facilitate the verification and validation of requirements
in general and particularly of safety requirements which is of
a predominant importance for safety.
The second approach concerns the automatic generation of
safety artifacts from system models. Most of these approaches
support the integration of safety related information into the
system model. A methodology called M´
eDISIS was developed
by David et al. [5], [6], [7], [8] to enhance the integration
of MBSE and MBSA by automatically extracting data from
the system model to automatically generate (partially filled)
safety artifacts. In this work, preliminary FMEAs are generated
from system functional behaviors and as well as from the
system structure models written in SysML models. Then the
final FMEA report is created with help from experts in the
safety domain. Philipp Helle in [9] also presents an integration
process of MBSA in a SysML-based MBSE. In this work, an
extension of SysML allows to include safety related informa-
tion into the system model allowing the systems engineer to
take some light decisions without the help of safety expert. A
Java program, called Safety Analyzer, is also implemented that
978-1-4673-9519-9/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
retrieves the system model to extract relevant information in
order to provide outputs such as the minimal cut-set for each
failure case and system alternative as well as RBD representing
this cut-set. Garro et al. [10] developed RAMSAS, a model-
based method for system reliability analysis that combines
SysML and the Simulink tool allowing the verification of relia-
bility performance of the system through simulation. A formal
verification method was not used in this research for safety
assessment. Another method for supporting the Dependability
Analysis of systems that is based on RAMSAS is also proposed
in [11]. This method called RAMSAS4Modelica starts from a
Modelica-based system design and allows the generation of
fault tree diagrams.
A third approach focused only on the integration of safety
related information into the system model assuming that safety
analyses have already been performed like in [12]. In this work,
a SysML profile for safety called SafeML is developed. This
profile is organized in two parts, one part dealing with hazards,
harm and the context leading to the occurrence of harm while
the second part deals with safety measures intended to prevent
the harm from occurring.
The aim of this paper is to give a more comprehensive
approach dealing with the automatic generation of safety
artifacts as well as the integration of safety related concepts
into the system design through the extension of the system
This section details the integrated process of systems en-
gineering and safety analysis called SafeSysE. This integrated
process extends a SysML-based systems engineering method-
ology already presented in [13] with safety analysis processes
in order to take into account safety aspects since early design
stages and thus avoid late design changes that are very costly
and time consuming. In our Work a prototyping tool was
also developed to generate automatically safety artifacts by
extracting the relevant information from the XML Metadata
Interchange XMI [14] file generated from the SysML model.
As a first step of this work, SafeSysE integrates the two
most widely used safety analysis techniques, i.e. Failure Mode
and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) in
a MBSE approach. In the next steps other techniques are also
intended to be supported by SafeSysE. This process is made
up of a set of iterative steps. In Figure 1, an activity diagram
describes SafeSysE with the sequencing of the different sub-
processes as well as the exchanges between them. Data stores
are used to model the storage of the different artifacts issued
from each activity. Swim-lanes are used to make a distinction
between systems engineering and safety analysis activities (or
processes). SafeSysE starts with a requirements definition and
analysis process with, as a starting point, a set of initial require-
ments describing the need and potentially some constraints.
Then, the different steps including design activities and safety
analyses are performed successively in a well defined sequence
as shown in Figure 1. At each design process are associated
relevant safety analyses. By integrating safety analysis early
in the design process, we avoid late design changes that are
usually very expensive and very long to perform.
Fig. 1. SafeSysE Integrated Process
A. Step 1: Requirements Definition and Analysis
The Requirements Definition and Analysis is the initial step
of the design methodology. It deals with the capture of the
different requirements such as system functionality, external
interfaces and other constraints. Several SysML diagrams are
used in this step to model different views of the system that
contribute to collect and elicit requirements. As an example,
block definition diagrams can be used to model the system
context and the interactions of the system with its environment
actors, use case diagrams and associated sequence diagrams
can be used to model the system usage in terms of services
and scenarios. An extract of the requirements diagram obtained
at the end of the Step 1 is given in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. Extracts of the Requirement Diagram
B. Step 2: Functional Structure Definition
Based on the functional requirements identified in Step 1,
one or more functional structures are identified. By functional
structure we mean a functional breakdown that describes the
progressive transformations of input flows into output flows.
The breakdown can be done at several abstraction levels. The
final result is a hierarchical model of the breakdown of the
system main function(s) into sub-functions, at several abstrac-
tion levels. In SysML, activity diagrams have been extended to
support the EFFBD (Enhanced Function Flow Block Diagram)
concept that is very used to model the functional breakdown.
In our work, SysML activities are selected to represent the
functions and the functional breakdown is modeled through
a set of activity diagrams, each activity diagram representing
the breakdown of a given function (activity) into sub-functions.
Activity diagrams also show the progressive transformation of
input flows into output flows.
The breakdown of the Drone functions at the first level is
given in Figure 3. At this level, we have six sub-functions:
’Communicate with G-S’ where G-S stands for the ground
station, ’Film’, ’Control’, ’Fly’, ’Manage Energy’ and ’Com-
municate with Pilot’. By ’Communicate with the Pilot’ we
mean to include some visual information to inform the pilot
if there is any problem for the drone. The other five first-
level functions need to be more detailed to better describe
the system functioning and be able to allocate the appropriate
components later on. Each of these sub-functions is detailed
in an activity diagram detailing its sub-functions (only one of
these diagrams is presented here to keep within the requested
number of pages). The activity diagram detailing the ’Manage
Energy’ is given in Figure 4. The final functional hierarchy is
presented in Figure 5.
Fig. 3. First Level Functional Breakdown
Fig. 4. Manage Energy Activity Diagram
C. Step 3: Functional Risk Assessment
In this step, a risk assessment at the functional level is
performed. For this purpose, a functional FMEA is conducted
Fig. 5. Functional Specification of the Drone
to identify potential hazards caused by the potential failures
of the functions as well as their effects at the system level.
An FMEA data-sheet is automatically generated and contains
the list of all the functions in the system model as well as
a generic list of failure modes for each function (the same
generic failure modes are considered for all functions). This
automatic generation of the exhaustive list of functions helps in
reducing the time needed as well as the error proneness if this
work had to be done manually. The safety expert then performs
the analysis and completes the FMEA with the relevant data
based on the preliminary FMEA automatically generated and
on a good understanding of the system functioning. All the
safety information added by the safety expert (i.e. the failure
modes of each function, the effects of each failure mode etc.)
are then updated into the SysML model via the safety profile
extension explained in [15] and the developed tool. The system
model is thus extended to include the safety analyses results.
This helps in enhancing the communication between safety
experts and system designers. At the end of this step, safety
requirements are derived and added to the set of requirements
in the system model. The rule is that, for each failure mode
with hazardous effects, at least one safety requirement is
added. Design changes can be done from this early design
stage at the functional level to eliminate or reduce the risks
identified by the safety analysis and the modifications in the
system model can be traced into the corresponding safety
analysis results/requirements. Risk effects mitigation can be
obtained by eliminating or modifying high risk functions,
adding new fault tolerance mechanisms like diagnosis and
reconfiguration functions, etc. Each time that the functional
structure is modified, the FMEA shall be updated to take into
account the new changes. The potential new risks that could
be induced with these changes must be assessed. The previous
steps iterate until a satisfactory solution is identified and the
final results of the safety analysis are stored in the extended
system model.
An extract of the functional FMEA of the drone for the
’Store Energy’ function is given in Table I. The preliminary
FMEA that is automatically generated already contains some
information including the list of functions, and for each func-
tion, a list of generic failure modes, input and output flows in
the causal factors column to help the expert identify the causes
as well as the immediate upstream and downstream function
to help the expert in identifying the immediate effect of each
failure mode. The automatically generated information is in
italic red color font in Table I. The functional modeling of the
system is then modified to integrate the recommended actions
mentioned in the FMEA. The updated activity diagram for the
’Manage Energy’ function is given in Figure 6.
Fig. 6. Updated Activity Diagram for ’Manage Energy’
D. Step 4: Component Structure Definition
Once the functional structure is defined taking into account
the results of the safety analysis in Step 3, one or more
component structures are defined by allocating components to
functions. By a component structure we mean an organized
view of the system in terms of its constituent components
where the latter are represented by generic classes (motor,
sensor, etc.). A Block Definition Diagram (BDD) describes
the components of the system and an Internal Block Diagram
(IBD) describes the interactions between the components. The
component structure defined at this step already takes into
account safety aspects since it integrates the results of the
functional safety assessment performed in step 3.
For the drone, the functions identified in Step 2 are
allocated to a set of components as shown in Figure 7. The
interactions among the components are modeled in an IBD in
Figure 8. The connections between the output flow port on the
’Energy Unit’ part and the input flow port on each of the other
parts except the ’Chassis’, typed ’Electric Energy’, are hided
on the figure to improve its readability.
E. Step 5: Component-level Risk Assessment
When the structure of the system is defined, the safety
analysis results are updated and a component level risk as-
sessment is performed. For this purpose, a component FMEA
is generated from the XMI file like in step 3 for the functional
FMEA. To ensure consistency with previous safety analysis,
the generated FMEA, in addition to the components, contains
in front of each component the functions allocated to the
component as well as the failure modes identified at the
functional level as a reminder. The safety expert then identifies
the failure modes at the component level and performs FMEA
analysis. If there are identified risks with unacceptable level,
then these risks shall be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable
Fig. 7. Drone Components Allocated to Functions
Fig. 8. Drone Internal Structure
level by performing changes to the design. Once again, these
safety data are saved back in the same SysML model using
the safety profile developed in this work. If design changes are
performed (by going back to previous steps), a new FMEA is
generated to assess the new structure. In this case, the previous
results are also automatically generated as they are stored in
the model and the safety expert updates the FMEA without
loosing his previous work. An extract of the component FMEA
of the Drone is given in Table II.
F. Step 6: Fault Propagation and Reliability Assessment
The final step is the fault propagation and reliability
assessment. Fault trees are used in this step for both qualitative
and quantitative analyses. In our approach, fault trees are auto-
matically generated from SysML IBDs describing the system
structure. Information from the previous FMEA analysis is
taken into account to create fault tree with specific failure
modes. Fault trees can be generated in a graphical form for
qualitative analysis purposes like fault propagation studies and
critical paths identifications. They can also be generated in an
appropriate format for existing fault tree analysis tools. For
more details about fault tree generation please refer to [16].
The fault tree for the undesired event ’Propulsion Default’ is
given in Figure 9.
SafeSysE is an integrated process that aims at encompass-
ing MBSE and MBSA design and analysis processes in order
to take into account safety aspects as soon as possible in the
design process of safety critical systems. Using a drone as a
scenario, we have shown in this paper how to use SysML
system model of the requirements and the functional and
component structures in order to perform functional and com-
ponent level risk assessment, along with fault propagation and
reliability assessment. It provides the safety expert with means
to generate functional and components FMEAs consistent with
the system modeling, thus allowing the definition of new
relevant safety requirements to be taken into account in fewer
design iterations. Once a component structure is defined, it also
allows generating a generic fault tree for fault propagation and
reliability assessment. SafeSysE has been partially prototyped
in order to be tested on academic simplified scenarios. Scaling
up has also been performed with an industrial aerospace use
case. Taking into account these experiments, a fully oper-
ational demonstrator supported with relevant comprehensive
methodological documentation has to be developed. Research
activities are ongoing to extend SafeSysE to make it support
FDIR (Fault Detection Isolation and Recovery) mechanisms.
For testing purposes, a test cell under development will in-
tegrate electro-mechanical actuators and ailerons with faults
generations and redundancies management.
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Fig. 9. Fault Tree for ’Propulsion Default’ Undesired Event
... These works can be classified into two categories. First, works using the system structure to generate SFTs and DFTs : [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30] and [31]. Second, works using the system behavior [32] and [33] to generate SFTs and DFTs. ...
... Another classification can be done according to the generated FT. Some works generate SFTs [25], [26], [27], [28], [29] while others generate DFTs [34], [35], [36], [32] and [33]. ...
... In [25], Mhenni et al. describe an approach entitled SafeSysE that integrates MBSE and MBSA. This approach allows both the generation of preliminary FMEA and the generation of SFT from SysML diagrams. ...
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Systems are getting increasingly complex and challenging to design. For safety-critical systems, the integration between model-based systems engineering and model-based safety assessment to improve the choice of the system architecture since the early design stage becomes a necessity. One of the integration solutions is to generate fault trees (FTs), either static or dynamic, directly from the system description. In this paper, we are particularly interested in the generation of the dynamic fault trees (DFTs) of the systems that contain redundancies, which is widely used in safety-critical systems to enhance their reliability. The goal of this paper is, first, to propose a redundancy profile and, second, to automatically generate the DFTs from system models. Since errors are propagated via input and output ports of the components, the generation process starts with a depth-first search graph traversal through the systems modeling language internal block diagram of the system. This diagram is considered as a multidirected graph in order to detect the external inputs, the nonredundant components, the switch components, and the redundant components of the system. Then, the redundancy information incorporated in the system model is used to generate the appropriate combinations of the FT. This FT is represented in a suitable format that can be studied using FT analysis tools, for both qualitative and quantitative safety analyses.
... L'expert en sécurité identifie ensuite les modes de défaillance au niveau des composants et [72], [73], [74], [75], [76], [77], [78] et [81]. Deuxièmement, des travaux qui utilisent le comportement du système [79], [80] pour générer des arbres de défaillances statiques et dynamiques. ...
... Une autre classification peut être faite en fonction du type des arbres de défaillances générés. Certains travaux génèrent des arbres de défaillances statiques [72], [73], [74], [75], [76], et d'autres génèrent des arbres de défaillances dynamiques [81], [82], [83], [79] et [80]. ...
Le but de cette thèse est l'intégration de l'analyse de la sûreté de fonctionnement dans une approche d'ingénierie système basée sur des modèles afin d'assurer la cohérence entre la conception du système et les artefacts de sûreté de fonctionnement. Cette intégration permet l'amélioration continue de la structure et du comportement du système. Cela réduit également le temps de développement du système et empêche la détection tardive des erreurs. Pour atteindre cet objectif, la méthodologie SafeSysE est étendue. Dans SafeSysE, une analyse préliminaire du mode de défaillance et des effets (FMEA) est automatiquement générée à partir d’un modèle SysML. Cette analyse FMEA est ensuite complétée par l’expert de sûreté de fonctionnement, mais aucun développement supplémentaire n’est proposé. La contribution de cette thèse est de suggérer des recommandations basées sur l'analyse FMEA afin d'améliorer la structure du système et de la rendre conforme aux exigences de sûreté de fonctionnement. Après, une structure de système mise à jour peut contenir de la redondance est proposée. Ensuite, un profil de redondance est utilisé pour enrichir le modèle système avec des informations de redondance, ce qui permettra de générer un arbre de défaillance dynamique qui prend en compte le comportement du système. Enfin, l’arbre de défaillance dynamique généré doit être analysé afin de créer un diagramme de machine à états décrivant le comportement du système. La machine à états créée aidera les concepteurs de systèmes à mieux comprendre les dysfonctionnements du système en le simulant. La méthodologie proposée est appliquée à un système d'actionneur électromécanique et un système de distribution de carburant pour l’avion qui sont utilisés dans le domaine aéronautique.
... Garro and Tundis (2012) propose a model-based system reliability analysis method RAMSAS, which combines SysML and Simulink tools to allow the reliability of the system to be verified by simulation. Mhenni et al. (2016) propose a SysML oriented model-based system engineering MBSE, integrating FMEA and FTA safety analysis methods. These methods and tools fail to highlight fault propagation between components and also lack advantages in quantifying computational performance and reliability metrics. ...
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Safety-critical cyber-physical systems (SC-CPS) have the characteristics of distributed, heterogeneous, strong coupling of computing resources and physical resources. With the increased acceptance of Model-Driven Development (MDD) in the safety-critical domain, the SysML language has been broadly used. Increasing complexity results in the formal verification of the SysML models of SC-CPS often faces the so-called state-explosion problem. Moreover, safety analysis is also an important step to ensure the quality of SC-CPS. Thus, this article proposes an integrated SysML modelling and verification approach to cover specification of nominal behaviour and safety. First, an extension of SysML is presented, in which the contract information (i.e. Assume and Guarantee) is extended for SysML block diagrams and a Safety Profile is proposed to describe safety-related concepts. Second, the transformation from SysML to the compositional verification tool OCRA is given. Third, the safety analysis is achieved by translating the Safety Profile model into FTA (Fault Tree Analysis). Finally, the prototype tools including SysML2OCRA and SafetyProfile2FTA are represented, and the effectiveness of the method proposed in this paper is verified through actual industrial cases.
... Hence, the integration of safety assessment into the systems engineering process is very important. To narrow the gap between SE and SA and thus enhance consistency and reduce late design changes, many research works dealt with the integration between MBSE and SA, such as in [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. ...
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The goal of the paper is the integration of safety analysis in a model-based systems engineering approach to ensure consistency between system design and safety artifacts. This integration permits the continuous improvement of the structure and behavior of the system. It also reduces system development time and prevents late detection of errors. To reach this purpose, the SafeSysE methodology is extended. In SafeSysE, a preliminary Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is automatically generated from a SysML model, and this FMEA is then completed by the safety expert but no further development was proposed. The contribution of this paper is to suggest recommendations based on the FMEA analysis in order to enhance the system design and make it comply with safety requirements. First, an updated system structure that may contain redundancy is proposed. Then, a redundancy profile is used to enrich the system model with redundancy information, which will allow the generation of a dynamic fault tree considering the system behavior. Finally, the generated dynamic fault tree should be analyzed in order to create a state machine diagram that describes the behavior of the system. The created state machine with an internal block diagram will help the system designers to better understand the system dysfunctions by simulating the system. The proposed methodology is applied to an Electro-Mechanical Actuator system which is used in the aeronautics domain.
Rigorous safety demonstration of software, as well as systems, is required when developing digital reactor protection systems in nuclear power plants. Various safety analysis techniques try to identify, analyze, and find remedies for potential hazards at each stage of software development life-cycle. This paper proposes a software fault tree analysis technique for software requirements written in the NuSCR formal specification language. The proposed method can mechanically construct software fault trees and calculate minimal cut-sets, encompassing timing constraints of multi-cycles, from NuSCR formal specifications. We also improved the fault tree construction and analysis tool into “NuFTA 2.0” to cope with multi-cycled executions. The case study with a preliminary version of requirements specification for a Korean nuclear power plant in operation shows the proposed technique’s effectiveness and applicability to other V&Vs such as simulation.
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The paper presents RAMSAS4Modelica, a method for supporting the Dependability Analysis of systems centered on the Modelica language and related tools. RAMSAS4Modelica is the result of a redefinition of the four main phases of the RAMSAS method as well as of their activities and related work-products. Moreover, new activities have been introduced so to benefit of some proposed extensions to the Modelica language. These enhancements allow not only the modeling of dependability requirements but also their traceability and verification by combing Simulation with classical analysis techniques. Indeed, starting from a Modelica-based system design, such extensions also enable the generation of Fault Tree Diagrams for performing Fault Tree Analysis. The paper exemplifies these distinctive features of RAMSAS4Modelica through a case study concerning a Tank System.
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Safety analysis of mechatronic systems is a time-consuming activity, because of the complexity of these systems that involve different fields of engineering. It is desirable to carry out safety assessment methods as soon as possible in the design process in order to reduce errors, cost and time to market of the system. Our paper addresses this problem by proposing a safety profile that is integrated directly with the modeling elements of the system via SysML, a model-based systems engineering language. Failure modes of each function and each component, their causes, their effects as well as their severity are modeled via stereotypes or tag definitions that extend the existing UML elements. These failure data can be 1) entered directly by systems engineers when possible; and then 2) generated automatically for safety experts' work; and also 3) updated from safety analysis results. Our integrated systems engineering and safety analysis process helps to narrow the gap between these two disciplines by ensuring the consistency in the whole process. A case study with an electromechanical actuator is given to illustrate the process as well as the safety profile.
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Communication both between development teams and between individual developers is a common source of safety-related faults in safety–critical system design. Communication between experts in different fields can be particularly challenging due to gaps in assumed knowledge, vocabulary and understanding. Faults caused by communication failures must be removed once found, which can be expensive if they are found late in the development process. Aiding communication earlier in development can reduce faults and costs. Modelling languages for design have been shown through practical experience to improve communication through better information presentation and increased information consistency. In this paper, we describe a SysML profile designed for modelling the safety-related concerns of a system. The profile models common safety concepts from safety standards and safety analysis techniques integrated with system design information. We demonstrate that the profile is capable of modelling the concepts through examples. We also show the use of supporting tools to aid the application of the profile through analysis of the model and generation of reports presenting safety information in formats appropriate to the target reader. Through increased traceability and integration, the profile allows for greater consistency between safety information and system design information and can aid in communicating that information to stakeholders.
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Résumé : La méthode MéDISIS a été développée, afin de faciliter les études de sûreté de fonctionnement, au sein de l'ingénierie de système dirigée par les modèles. Cet article indique comment, à travers une modélisation des processus d'ingénierie de système et de sûreté de fonctionnement, sont déployés MéDISIS et ses processus. Il souligne également l'apport du méta-modèle définissant les informations afférentes à la sûreté de fonctionnement, permettant à travers une base d'informations l'agrégation, la pérennisation et la traçabilité des connaissances des différents intervenants du projet. MéDISIS appliquée au développement d'un système embarqué critique illustre ainsi les gains obtenus lors des phases de spécification et conception de ce dernier. À travers ce projet industriel, sont mis en évidence les concepts propres à SysML permettant de préparer, piloter et conduire les études de sûreté de fonctionnement. Mots clés : Ingénierie de système, sûreté de fonctionnement, SysML, AMDEC.
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In this paper, a methodology is proposed to integrate safety analysis within a systems engineering approach. This methodology is based on SysML models and aims at generating (semi-) automatically safety analysis artifacts, mainly FMEA and FTA, from system models. Preliminary functional and component FMEA are automatically generated from the functional and structural models respectively, then completed by safety experts. By representing SysML structural diagram as a directed multi-graph, through a graph traversal algorithm and some identified patterns, generic fault trees are automatically derived with corresponding logic gates and events. The proposed methodology provides the safety expert with assistance during safety analysis. It helps reducing time and error proneness of the safety analysis process. It also helps ensuring consistency since the safety analysis artifacts are automatically generated from the latest system model version. The methodology is applied to a real case study, the electromechanical actuator EMA.
Conference Paper
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Model-based system engineering is an efficient approach to specifying, designing, simulating and validating complex systems. This approach allows errors to be detected as soon as possible in the design process, and thus reduces the overall cost of the product. Uniformity in a system engineering project, which is by definition multidisciplinary, is achieved by expressing the models in a common modeling language such as SysML. This paper presents an approach to integrate safety analysis in SysML at early stages in the design process of safety-critical systems. Qualitative analysis is performed through functional as well as behavioral safety analysis and strengthened by formal verification method. This approach is applied to a real-life avionic system and contributes to the integration of formal models in the overall safety and systems engineering design process of complex systems.
Conference Paper
SysML is a model language used in Systems Engineering. It allows systems to be specified, analysed, designed, verified or validated. It is also possible for pre-FMECAs to be generated automatically using SysML models. The aim of the present article is to study the impact of SysML model rules on the quality of the generating process for these documents. The principles underlying the automatic production of functional pre-FMECAs are expressed using a Systems Engineering formalism which we propose. The notions introduced therein also serve to facilitate the comparisons between the different model rules employed within the scope of the four industrial projects acting as a support for the study. Synthesizing the FMECA from the pre-FMECA is also mentioned, as is the possibility of stocking and building up information linked to dysfunctional behaviours.
Conference Paper
The work of safety experts includes evaluating the risks of a system failure and their associated system architectures that provide these functions. Identifying faults of single system components that may lead to system failures is part of their work. But in a changing world that creates increasingly more complex systems, this component-based approach becomes less effective [NL13]. It may also not be adequate because it is more and more difficult to identify all possible failure sources and system combinations that may have severe consequences. In [AB14a] the “back pack problem of early development” was identified and by carrying out safety assessments early, a mitigation strategy was presented. It was also shown if safety aspects are integrated in the design from the beginning, a reduction of development risk and saving time during development is possible. But in [AB14a] only applying a qualitative FTA done by systems engineering in the early development was shown. Therefore this paper will extend the shown approach and present a concept and an implementation based on a holistic systems thinking approach.
The integration of various technologies, including computer and electronics, makes the nowadays designed systems increasingly complex. They have behaviors which are more elaborate and difficult to predict, they have a greater number of components in interaction and/or perform highest level functions. Parallel to this increasing complexity of these systems, the competitive of the global market imposes strong constraints of cost and time to the system developers. Other strong constraints deal with the quality of these systems, especially when they involve human risks or significant financial risks. Thus, developers are forced to adopt a rigorous design approach to meet the desired system requirements and satisfy the various constraints (cost, time, quality, dependability...). Several methodological approaches to guide the system design are defined through system engineering standards. Our work is based on the EIA-632 standard, which is widely used, especially in the aeronautical and military fields. It is to improve the systems engineering process described by the EIA-632, in order to incorporate a global and explicit consideration of dependability. Indeed, till now the dependability was achieved by reusing generic models after having studied and developed independently each function. So there was no specific consideration of the risks associated with the integration of several technologies. For this reason, we propose to concern ourselves with the dependability requirements at the global level and as early as possible in the development phase. Then, these requirements will be decline to lower levels. We based our approach on the processes of the EIA-632 standard that we expand. We also propose an original method for the declination of the dependability requirements based on fault trees and FMEAC, and an information model based on SysML in order to support our approach. An example from the aeronautical field illustrates our proposals.
Mechatronic systems are characterized by the synergic interaction between their components from different technological domains. These interactions enable the system to achieve more functionalities than the sum of the functionalities of its components considered independently. Traditional design approaches are no longer adequate and there is a need for new synergic and multidisciplinary design approaches with close cooperation between specialists from different disciplines. SysML is a general purpose multi-view language for systems modeling and is identified as a support to this work. In this paper, a SysML-based methodology is proposed. This methodology consists of two phases: a black box analysis with an external point of view that provides a comprehensive and consistent set requirements, and a white box analysis that progressively leads to the internal architecture and behavior of the system.