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The hidden teeth of sloths: Evolutionary vestiges and the development of a simplified dentition


Abstract and Figures

Xenarthrans are unique among mammals in retaining simplified teeth that are rootless and homodont, which makes it difficult to determine dental homologies. We apply computerized tomography to prenatal developmental series of extant sloths, Bradypus and Choloepus, to further elucidate the patterns of morphological variation in their dentition. We also propose new criteria based on sequences of dental mineralization, and the presence of vestigial teeth, to distinguish between caniniforms and postcaniniforms. We report for the first time the presence of vestigial incisors in Bradypus. We also show the presence of a vestigial tooth in front of the lower caniniform in both extant sloth genera and the existence of two generations for the upper caniniform in Choloepus. The study of their sequence of mineralization indicates that the lower and upper caniniform teeth are not homologous in sloths, and suggests that upper caniniforms are not homologous between the two extant sloth genera. Our results show that assessing the developmental processes and functional constraints remains crucial to understand the dental variations observed in sloths, and more generally, tooth class homology issues in mammals. Applied to the tooth row of all extinct sloths, these developmental data illuminate a potentially ancestral dental formula for sloths.
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Scientific RepoRts | 6:27763 | DOI: 10.1038/srep27763
The hidden teeth of sloths:
evolutionary vestiges and the
development of a simplied
Lionel Hautier1, Helder Gomes Rodrigues2,3, Guillaume Billet2 & Robert J. Asher4
Xenarthrans are unique among mammals in retaining simplied teeth that are rootless and homodont,
which makes it dicult to determine dental homologies. We apply computerized tomography to
prenatal developmental series of extant sloths, Bradypus and Choloepus, to further elucidate the
patterns of morphological variation in their dentition. We also propose new criteria based on sequences
of dental mineralization, and the presence of vestigial teeth, to distinguish between caniniforms and
postcaniniforms. We report for the rst time the presence of vestigial incisors in Bradypus. We also
show the presence of a vestigial tooth in front of the lower caniniform in both extant sloth genera and
the existence of two generations for the upper caniniform in Choloepus. The study of their sequence
of mineralization indicates that the lower and upper caniniform teeth are not homologous in sloths,
and suggests that upper caniniforms are not homologous between the two extant sloth genera. Our
results show that assessing the developmental processes and functional constraints remains crucial to
understand the dental variations observed in sloths, and more generally, tooth class homology issues
in mammals. Applied to the tooth row of all extinct sloths, these developmental data illuminate a
potentially ancestral dental formula for sloths.
Like other xenarthrans (sloths, armadillos, and anteaters), living and extinct sloths (Folivora) depart from the rest
of mammals by the simplied nature of their dentition. Teeth present in most xenarthran adults lack enamel and
are usually homodont, ever-growing, tubular and primarily composed of orthodentine and vasodentine1, which
makes it dicult to identify homologies with the teeth and cusps of other mammals. Both extant sloth genera are
functionally monophyodont, and their dentition is generally considered to constitute a single set of permanent
teeth2–6. e sloth dentition contrasts with the complete lack of teeth in anteaters, and the supernumerary teeth
of armadillos. It mainly diers from that of other xenarthrans in showing a morphological distinction between
caniniforms and molariforms, a dierence based on the general morphology, occlusion, and position of their
Recent morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses7–10 suggested that the two modern genera are only
distantly related, with a divergence time that could be as long as 30 million years ago11. Despite this independent
evolutionary history, both two-toed and three-toed sloths display identical dental formulae with ve upper and
four lower teeth, as do the majority of extinct sloth genera1,10. is apparent stability in number associated with
the dierentiation of the tooth row observed in extant forms masks a complex evolution of the dentition in foli-
vorans (i.e., modern sloths end extinct gravigrade sloths). Bradypus shows a closely t toothrow, lacking diastema
with each tooth showing a peg-like morphology. Choloepus displays an enlarged, chisel-shaped caniniform at the
front of the dentition and isolated from the molariforms by a diastema1,12.
While the intriguing nature of the xenarthran teeth has attracted a lot of attention, few studies have focused
on the development of the whole dentition13, especially in sloths. Early workers have only described isolated
1Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier, Université Montpellier, CNRS, IRD, EPHE, Cc 064; place Eugène
Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France. 2Sorbonne Universités, CR2P, UMR CNRS 7207, Univ Paris 06, Muséum
national d’Histoire naturelle, 8 rue Buon, 75005 Paris, France. 3Mécanismes adaptatifs et évolution (MECADEV),
UMR 7179, CNRS, Funevol team, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, 55 rue Buon, Bat. Anatomie Comparée,
CP 55, 75005 Paris, France. 4Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing St., Cambridge CB2 3EJ,
UK. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to L.H. (email:
received: 14 February 2016
Accepted: 24 May 2016
Published: 14 June 2016
Scientific RepoRts | 6:27763 | DOI: 10.1038/srep27763
foetuses of sloths or focused on the developmental sequence of their skeleton14,15. However, these do not detail
the development of the teeth or provide a comparative basis upon which to analyse possible homologies with the
dentition of other mammals. Using a large dataset of scanned foetuses of sloths, we provide data on xenarthran
prenatal dental ontogeny, identify some developmental criteria with which to recognize homologies with other
mammalian teeth, and propose a new hypothesis for the development of heterodonty in sloths.
A terminology specic to sloths has been used to avoid confusion and in order to draw reliable comparisons (S1):
pmx stands for premaxilla; d stands for deciduous teeth; cf and mf stand for lower caniniforms and molariforms
respectively, while Cf and Mf stand for upper teeth; lower loci 1–3 and upper loci 1–4 involve functional molar-
iform teeth; v and V stand for vestigial lower and upper teeth respectively (i.e., these loci are absent in adults).
Prenatal dental development in three-toed sloths. The sequence of prenatal dental eruption in
Bradypus is well resolved with 18 specimens that represent a variety of developmental stages. Eleven of 18 foe-
tuses display a number of developing teeth dierent from those observed in adults, which (as noted previously)
are characterized by ve upper and four lower teeth (i.e., 5/4). All the alveoli of the adult teeth are present early
during dental development, but lack teeth. is implies that dental buds are developing but not yet mineralizing;
these buds cannot be directly observed because so tissues are dicult to detect using X-ray microtomography
Figure 1. Lateral view of three-dimensional reconstruction of CT-scans of skull in the three-toed sloth
Bradypus. (A) Bradypus variegatus (ZMB 33812), SL = 23 mm; (B) Bradypus variegatus (ZMB 41122),
SL = 26 mm; (C) Bradypus variegatus (MNHN-ZM-MO-1995-326A), SL = 26 mm; (D) Bradypus variegatus
(ZMB 41120), SL = 42 mm; (E) Bradypus tridactylus (BMNH 52-1173), SL = 42 mm; (F) Bradypus sp. (MNHN-
ZM-MO-1995-327), SL = 38 mm. Upper teeth are in violet; lower teeth are in green; premaxillary bone is in red.
Scientific RepoRts | 6:27763 | DOI: 10.1038/srep27763
without so-tissue staining. In the youngest specimen (ZMB 33812, SL = 23.7 mm, Figs1A and 2A), only the
mesialmost pairs of teeth are mineralizing on the maxillary and the dentary (dCf and dv), meaning that dentine
formation has started. In contrast to other teeth, the rst pair of uppers (dCf) to appear are not centered in their
alveolus, but sit o-centre in the anterolateral corner of the alveolus. e dCf is the rst locus to mineralize, but
its size does not change drastically during the rst stages. Other teeth mineralize aer dCf, but grow more quickly
(Figs1A–D and 2). e second youngest specimen (ZMB 41122, SL = 25.9 mm, Figs1B and 2B) shows mineral-
ized dCf, dMf2, dMf3, dv, dmf1, and dmf2, with empty alveoli (i.e., teeth not yet mineralizing) at the dMf1, dMf4,
dcf, and dmf3 loci. All the alveoli include mineralized teeth in subsequent stages.
More importantly, four of 18 specimens have six upper and ve lower teeth; they show an extra pair of teeth
on the premaxilla (dVpmx, Fig.1C,D), which correspond to rudimentary incisors, absent in the adults. ese
incisors can be retained until relatively late in development (e.g., ZMB 41120, SL = 41.84 mm, Fig.1D), but are
resorbed before birth. Five specimens have a dental formula composed of ve upper and ve lower teeth. e rst
pair of lower teeth (dv), just mesial to the lower caniniform (dcf), is also resorbed during development, likely aer
the small incisors, and is absent in later stages. Both extra upper and lower teeth (dVpmx and dv) are apparent on
both right and le sides, they do not have visible extension of the root, and are never associated with alveoli. We
observed no major dental dierences between B. variegatus and B. tridactylus, both of which exhibited similar
morphology at comparable stages.
Prenatal dental development in two-toed sloths. e skull length (see S2 for measurements) and
number of discrete ossication centres of the cranium indicate that most of the specimens of Choloepus corre-
spond to relatively late stages compared to Bradypus. However, as for Bradypus, the number of teeth varies greatly
among our specimens and diers from the morphology observed in adult Choloepus. While the adult dental
formula is 5/4, the foetuses showed either ve upper and ve lower teeth (60% of the cases) or six upper and ve
lower teeth (40% of the cases). All specimens display an extra tooth on the mandible in front of the functional
adult tooth row (dv), i.e., in front of the lower caniniforms (dcf). Two younger specimens also show an extra
tooth in the maxilla (dCf; Fig.3A) in front of the upper caniniforms (Cf); these extra teeth are located in the same
alveoli as Cf and are oriented mesio-buccally (Fig.3A,B). As observed for Bradypus, all extra teeth are present
on both right and le sides; however, in contrast to Bradypus, no vestigial incisor (dVpmx) was observed in the
premaxilla of Choloepus, although we cannot rule out its presence in specimens younger than those in our sample.
No extra teeth were detected at the level of the diastema that separates the mesialmost functional tooth from the
Figure 2. Palatal view of three-dimensional reconstruction of the maxillary bones in early developmental
stages of the three-toed sloth Bradypus. (A) Bradypus variegatus (ZMB 33812), SL = 23 mm; (B)
Bradypus variegatus (ZMB 41122), SL = 26 mm; (C) Bradypus variegatus (MNHN-ZM-MO-1995-326A),
SL = 26 mm; (D) Bradypus variegatus (MNHN-ZM-MO-1995-326B), SL = 30 mm; (E) Bradypus sp. (MNHN-
ZM-MO-1902-325), SL = 30 mm; (F) Bradypus sp. (MNHN-ZM-MO-1995-327), SL = 38 mm. Upper teeth are
in violet; premaxillary bone is in red. Dashed lines represent dental alveoli. Abbreviations: b.c., bony crypt.
Scientific RepoRts | 6:27763 | DOI: 10.1038/srep27763
molariforms in any of the specimens studied. As observed in Bradypus, the lower teeth (dv) do not have visible
extension of the root and are never associated with alveoli, in contrast to the teeth present in adults. We observed
no major dental dierences between the two species of Choloepus.
A history of prenatal dental development in extant sloths. For Böker16, “sloths will always remain
the poor sibling of comparative anatomy, because it is neither possible to obtain complete anatomical series, nor
does the possibility currently exist to gain good insights from paleontology. Only ontogeny promises good prospects
to enlighten the history of sloths’ modications. Yet this does not promise an easy path either, because not only are
important developmental stages very dicult to nd, but even when embryos are available, they show that devel-
opment of key anatomical structures seems to occur at very early stages” (in German in the text). Comparisons of
tooth development in sloths suggests that, for at least some anatomical regions, Böker is correct that ontogeny
is a key source of information about homology. However, he is too pessimistic that sloths will remain poorly
understood compared to other animals. Extant and extinct sloths display quite homodont teeth, which makes it
dicult to determine dental homologies. Prenatal dental development in sloths shows teeth that are cone-shaped
and monocuspid (see also17,18, and demonstrates that robust hypotheses of homologies cannot be drawn based
on occlusal patterns alone (e.g.19,20), which simply result from rapid wear (i.e., cusp-like pattern). However, our
data show that Bradypus and Choloepus display several pairs of supernumary teeth in the mesial part of their
dentition during prenatal ontogeny. is is consistent with previous, anecdotal accounts of dental “anomalies”
in sloths2,6,17,21–23. Brandts21 (cited in Röse22) reported the rst record of vestigial lower teeth in Bradypus and
believed them to be canines. Parker2 observed similar vestiges in Choloepus embryos, which made him recognize
the lower caniniform as a premolar locus. Gervais17 seemed unaware of Brandts’ reference when he described the
presence of vestigial teeth in the mandible of a foetus of Bradypus, which he considered to be incisors based on
their closeness to the symphysis as well as their position compared to the caniniforms. Simon23 reached similar
conclusions with two foetuses of Bradypus (CRL = 23.5 and 24.2 cm); he also proposed, probably for the rst time,
the non-homology between the lower and upper caniniforms based on dental eruption sequences (the upper
caniniform erupting much later than the upper molariform and the lower caniniform).
Figure 3. A comparison of the tooth rows in Choloepus and Bradypus. (A) lateral view of the skull of
Choloepus. (B,C) palatal views of the tooth rows in C. didactylus ((B) MNHN-ZM-MO-1882-625, SL = 45 mm)
and B. variegatus ((C) MNHN-ZM-MO-1995-326B, SL = 30 mm). Note the similar (o-centre) position of the
dCf in the mesialmost alveolus.
Scientific RepoRts | 6:27763 | DOI: 10.1038/srep27763
Occurrence of vestigial teeth and dental anomalies in sloths. Our data show that Bradypus and
Choloepus display several pairs of supernumary teeth in the mesial part of their dentition during prenatal ontog-
eny. is is consistent with previous, anecdotal accounts of dental “anomalies” in sloths. High-resolution X-ray
computed tomography on a large number of foetuses demonstrated that these extra teeth cannot simply be
explained by individual variation that occurs exceptionally within a population. Such methods also revealed that
these teeth lack typical roots and do not develop in clearly individualized alveoli, unlike other teeth. More impor-
tantly, these vestigial teeth occur on both right and le sides, which is rarely the case with sloth dental anoma-
lies12. Sloths display fewer dental anomalies compared to other mammals (i.e., 2.4% of adult specimens observed
by McAfee12 exhibited any sort of anomalies), and increases in tooth number (i.e., hyperdontia) occur at a much
lower rate than reductions12. Bradypus is more prone to lose teeth and all cases of tooth loss involve the dCf12,
which could be logically expected since it is the most reduced tooth of the dentition24. Interestingly, nearly all of
the anomalies observed in adults (unpaired hyperdontia and anodontia) aected the upper dentition in sloths12
while vestigial teeth were most consistently observed on the mandible. In fact, the only paired hyperdontia anom-
aly ever reported on the mandible (Fig.1C)12 probably corresponds to a specimen that failed to resorb the mesial
vestigial teeth (dcf) observed in the foetuses. is reinforces the idea that the mineralization and resorption of the
vestigial teeth is an integral part of prenatal dental development in sloths. All of these teeth (dVpmx in Bradypus,
dCf in Choloepus, and dv in both) correspond to the denition of vestigial structures given by Peterkova et al.25;
they occur transiently during development in all members of a population, and on occasion persist into maturity.
While both extant genera have similar development of the lower teeth, including the mineralization of paired
mesial vestigial teeth (dv), dierences are evident on the upper jaw, with Bradypus displaying premaxillary vestig-
ial teeth and Choloepus maxillary but no premaxillary vestigial teeth.
First evidence of tooth replacement in sloths. Vestigial teeth were observed in the maxillae of
Choloepus (dCf). ese vestigial teeth are very close to the caniniform teeth (Cf). ey are located in the same
alveolus, and appear apically with respect to the Cf (Fig.3A,B), as expected in vertical dental replacement
(e.g.26,27). Determining the epithelial connections of teeth during early developmental stages provides the best
criterion for dening the deciduous or permanent homologies of individual teeth28,29, but unstained CT data do
not convey this information on the dierentiation of the dental lamina. However, based on positional data we
interpret the vestigial upper tooth (dCf) and the caniniform (Cf) in Choloepus as deciduous and permanent teeth
of the same locus30. Such an occurrence of non-functional vestigial deciduous teeth, rapidly replaced by perma-
nent teeth, has already been reported in other mammalian groups such as marsupials (e.g. Perameles29), soricids
(e.g., Sorex, Suncus27,31), and mustelids (e.g., Mephitis, Enhydra32,33). e presence of two dental generations in a
folivoran is here reported for the rst time. Our results hint at diphyodonty for at least one locus in sloths (i.e.,
the caniniform in Choloepus), and are consistent with the expectation that ancestral xenarthrans possessed tooth
replacement as typical for mammals. It can then be stated that the diphyodonty is a symplesiomorphy of the
Xenarthra, as it is shared by the extant sloth Choloepus and the armadillo Dasypus13,34.
Dental homologies between sloths. When considering the dental mineralization sequence in Choloepus,
homologies are not obvious between the upper and lower tooth rows. is is partly due to the limited resolution
of our ontogenetic sequence and the lack of data on early developmental stages for this genus. e youngest spec-
imen already shows advanced stage of mineralization for the whole dentition. is might explain why vestigial
incisors (dVpmx), rapidly resorbed in Bradypus, are not observed in Choloepus.
In contrast, the dierent ontogenetic stages of Bradypus enable precise hypotheses of dental homologies in
extant sloths. Upper caniniforms (dCf) and lower vestigial (dv) teeth are the rst teeth to start their mineral-
ization in Bradypus (Fig.1A–C) and probably belong to the same locus since they do so simultaneously35. e
similar development of the dCf in Choloepus and in Bradypus (Fig.3B,C), both in terms of size and position in
the alveolus, and the similar early stages of development between dCf and dv in Bradypus, allow us to hypothesise
that upper and lower vestigial mineralized buds of Choloepus (dCf and dv) are homologous. Such an explana-
tion would imply that the upper caniniforms are not homologous in the two extant genera of sloths, with adults
Choloepus showing a permanent caniniform (Cf) for that locus while adults Bradypus retain a deciduous canini-
form (dCf). Following this hypothesis, the deciduous upper teeth present at a vestigial state in Choloepus would
be functional in Bradypus in concert with an absence of a permanent generation for that locus. e large bony
crypt long observed during the mineralization of the dCf of Bradypus would then represent an embryological
holdover when the permanent tooth primordia (Cf) was still activated for that locus. Such an assumption is
supported by a case of bilateral anomaly in Bradypus12 (Fig.3A) involving both occurrences of mesial dCf and a
distally large Cf, which corresponds to the conguration observed in the foetal series of Choloepus.
Alternatively, rather than a retained deciduous caniniform in adult Bradypus, it could be proposed that succes-
sion at this locus is not represented in our ontogenetic series for that genus. Following this alternative hypothesis,
the upper functional caniniforms of both genera are homologous and correspond to permanent teeth. en,
dCf observed during the ontogeny of Bradypus would correspond to a vestigial deciduous canine that would
eventually be replaced later on by a permanent tooth (Cf). is would imply that we are missing several early
developmental events in Bradypus, between putative mineralization of Cf and reabsorption of dCf, which appears
unlikely considering that we were able to trace the evolution in shape and size of the outline of the mesialmost
alveolus (Fig.2) and that Bradypus is the best-sampled genus in terms of the number of dierently sized stages.
e rst hypothesis is thus preferred here.
Simplied dentition vs the mammalian tooth row. Upper caniniforms (dCf) and lower vestigial (dv)
teeth are the rst teeth to start their mineralization in Bradypus (Figs1A and 2A). Following the hypothesis that
dCf and dv represent homologous deciduous teeth in Choloepus and Bradypus, these teeth are deciduous canines
Scientific RepoRts | 6:27763 | DOI: 10.1038/srep27763
since the dC is one of the earliest tooth germs to dierentiate in eutherian mammals29,35,36. e extreme mesial
position of dCf on the maxillary bone (Figs1 and 2), near the suture with the premaxilla, also provides further
support in favour of this attribution.
e mineralization of dCf and dv is followed by the second and third upper molariforms (dMf2-3), which
mineralize simultaneously with the rst and second lower molariforms (dmf1-2). Such development is remi-
niscent of the initiation of distal milk premolars in mammals (e.g., dP3-428,29) although the proposed sequence
is only based on two foetal Bradypus specimens. e vestigial premaxillary teeth (dVpmx) of Bradypus likely
correspond to vestigial incisors that are resorbed during development and are never observed in adult specimens,
not even as anomalies12. e relative timing of mineralization of the dVpmx, rst upper molariform (dMf1),
and lower caniniform (dcf) cannot be precisely determined based on our dataset. However, their mineralization
likely occurs shortly before that of the distalmost upper and lower molariform teeth (dMf4 and dmf3) since the
latter only show an incipient mineralization in the youngest specimen with evidence bearing on that locus (spec-
imen MNHN CG 1995-326A, Figs1C and 2C). If the general trends observed when studying the mammalian
dental mineralization sequence (e.g.28,29,37) are valid for sloths, the last molariforms (dMf4 and dmf3) should be
considered as rst molars, preceded by three deciduous premolars (dMf1-3; dcf-dmf2) and a deciduous canine
(dCf; dv). Notably, the early diverging living cingulate (Dasypus) has also been interpreted as exhibiting a single,
unreplaced M1 locus in each jaw quadrant, preceded by replaced premolariforms and possibly a canine locus34.
However, in contrast to Dasypus, no known folivoran shows replacement of functional milk teeth, and there is
no empirical evidence to support this hypothesis since the possibility of a violation of the “normal” mammalian
sequence cannot be entirely ruled out. e sloth dental formula might include supernumary teeth, as present
for instance among the premolars of cingulates13,34 or in Mesozoic groups like docodonts or morganucodonts38.
In any case, these results support the assumption that the upper caniniforms present in adult Bradypus likely
represent canines and that the upper and lower caniniforms (dCf, dcf) are not homologous since they mineral-
ize at very dierent times during ontogeny35. e dcf can then be considered as a premolar locus, which might
be homologous to dMf1 when compared their timing of mineralization. Such a hypothesis of non-homology
between dCf and dcf was proposed early on and stemmed mainly from the fact that the upper caniniforms in
sloths occlude with the mesial surface of the lower caniniforms, while upper canines occlude with the distal edge
of the lower canines in other placentals3,24. Simon23 also noted that upper caniniforms of Bradypus erupt well aer
the lower caniniforms, although some studies on both extinct and extant mammals prefer developmental prenatal
dental data over eruption sequences to establish dental homologies29,35.
Reconstructing the ancestral dental formula of sloths. Most fossil sloths show a very similar number
of teeth compared to adult specimens of extant species with ve upper and four lower teeth. Except for dental
anomalies12 and for the dubious fossil sloth Entelops39,40, this number is never exceeded in extinct folivorans (S3).
Some mylodontids and nothrotheriids show a reduction in tooth number with a loss of upper caniniforms10
(S3). It is therefore parsimonious to propose an ancestral dental formula of ve upper and four lower teeth for
Folivora10 and match our reconstruction of the sloth ancestral dental formula (S3). Our developmental data
oer new evidence for the loss of teeth during the evolutionary history of sloths in showing that some loci have
been retained in foetal stages of extant forms. e vestigial upper incisors found in Bradypus embryos was never
reported in any other sloth, but may have been present in the earliest folivorans. e lower vestigial tooth dv was
reported in both Bradypus and Choloepus. Given the phylogenetic distance between the two genera7–10, it is likely
that such a vestige was also present in early ontogenetic stages of the most recent common ancestor of Folivora.
is idea is corroborated by the rare occurrence of teeth at a similar position in some fossil sloths41–43.
We showed that the functional upper caniniforms are very dierent in the two genera: Choloepus shows an
ephemeral and tiny mineralized bud of dCf associated with a massive caniniform Cf, whereas Bradypus shows a
moderately-sized, peg-like tooth dCf. Intermediate stages between these extreme patterns may well have occurred
in fossil sloths and would have shown the succession of a Cf to a well-mineralized dCf. However, evidence for such a
succession (for instance an erupting Cf in juvenile or subadult stages) remains unknown in the fossil record of sloths.
is absence might lie in the scarcity of well-documented ontogenetic series for fossil sloths (e.g.18), although rela-
tively few subadult stages are needed to document a succession of dental generations (e.g.44). So far, no succession
of dental generations at the Cf locus has been observed in megatherioids, one of the potential allies to Bradypus9,45.
Another explanation for the absence of dental replacement at the Cf locus in the fossil record of sloths may actually
lie in the potential autapomorphic condition of the pattern observed in Bradypus. is genus is thought to represent
a paedomorphic lineage when compared its skull morphology to other folivorans46,47. e retention of the dCf and
absence of functional Cf in adults supports the concept of a paedomorphic Bradypus and could constitute another
retained juvenile feature. If the retention and subsequent growth of dCf are unique to Bradypus, it is not surprising
that no intermediate stage was found in the fossil record as close fossil relatives of three-toed sloths remain virtually
unknown45. A highly autapomorphic condition in Bradypus can also account for many morphological discrepancies
and could have erased or modied several inherited folivoran synapomorphies in this genus; this could explain why
it is retrieved as fully basal10 while it might instead be more apically nested within the folivoran clade9,12.
In Bradypus, the retention of a short rostrum associated with the development of a large dMf1 may have inhib-
ited the development and mineralization of a large permanent caniniform (Cf, Fig.2D). is ontogenetic pattern
gives room for a complete mineralization of the deciduous caniniform (dCf), which remains reduced (Fig.2E).
e growth of dCf seems to be “reactivated” only when the mineralization of all other teeth is well underway
(Fig.2E); only then does it quickly acquire its adult size. Interestingly, such a development of vestigial teeth that
recover functionality has been proposed in a few mammalian species that show a reduced and simplied den-
tition, explained by minor developmental modications (e.g., frequent recovering of dP4 in the murine rodent,
Rhynchomys48). is lends further credence to the ndings of Simon23 who noticed the late eruption of the upper
caniniforms compared to the lower caniniforms and all molariforms in Bradypus.
Scientific RepoRts | 6:27763 | DOI: 10.1038/srep27763
Following the hypothesis of an autapomorphic condition in Bradypus, the small dCf mineralized bud observed
during the ontogeny of both extant genera might represent an ancestral feature for Folivora. Most of the diversity in
shape of the “caniniforms” observed during the evolutionary history of sloths (i.e., caniniform, incisiform, peg-like,
entirely absent; see S3) could then originate from a permanent Cf, as in Choloepus. A large caniniform is present
in earliest fossil sloths like Octodontotherium49 or Pseudoglyptodon50, and contrasts with our reconstruction of the
sloth ancestral dental formula (S3) that is ultimately inuenced by the basal rooting position of Bradypus on sloth
phylogeny. Our results illuminate a potentially dierent ancestral dental formula for sloths that challenges the tra-
ditional assumption that the bradypodid tooth row is primitive and megalonychid dental features derived10. Such a
hypothesis also mitigates the potential weight of dental features in phylogenetical and systematic studies, especially
those related to the size and shape of the caniniforms. As a matter of fact, Gaudin10 (p. 275) commented that “the
family [Megalonychidae] is united largely by features associated with the caniniform rst upper and lower teeth”.
In sloths, the diversication in shape of the mesialmost teeth is frequently associated with a variation in ros-
tral length and the presence of a pre and/or post diastema (S3). Such a diastema, which is oen considered as a
toothless gap, could challenge the homology of the teeth between taxa. However, the intercalation of additional
teeth in the diastema, as observed in armadillos13, seems unlikely because of the relative stability of the dental
formula in the sloth fossil record (S3). Our observations are consistent with McAfee’s view on the development
of the diastema in Choloepus12, which he proposed could result from an increase of skull length and migration of
mesial teeth rather than a loss of teeth between the caniniforms (dCf/Cf-dcf) and molariforms (dMf1-dmf1). e
lesser development of the diastema in the youngest stages of Choloepus and the complete absence of vestigial teeth
at its level are also in line with this assertion.
In conclusion, we showed that vestigial teeth are informative in understanding dental homologies, especially
in assessing the deciduous or successional nature of individual teeth. Our developmental data for extant sloths
bear directly on the claim that their lower caniniform teeth are not homologous to canines of other mammals and
that upper caniniforms are not homologous between the two-toed and the three-toed sloths. ese results under-
line that dening dental homologies in extant and extinct sloths is complex and that, where possible, characters
based on dental features should be augmented with developmental data to ensure proper homology assessment.
Development of discrete shapes and functional domains in the tooth row is governed by developmental processes
that are still poorly known in mammals and for which further investigations on non-model mammals, such as
sloths, are timely and topical.
We sampled material from collections of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (ZMB), the Natural History
Museum of London (BMNH), the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris (MNHN), and the Institut
Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique in Brussels (IRSNB). A total of 25 unsexed sloth foetuses were exam-
ined, representing four species of both extant genera: Bradypus tridactylus, Bradypus variegatus, Choloepus didac-
tylus, and Choloepus homanni51. Species identication was based on collection data (especially geographical
origin) and cranial anatomy51,52 and was possible for 17 of our 25 specimens (S2). ey range in size from 70 to
200 mm crown rump length (CRL), measured from the vertex of the skull to the base of the tail. Collections of
such non-model organisms oen include specimens collected decades ago and invariably lack data on individual
age. Assignment to a relative developmental stage was based on the Skull Length (SL) and the number of discrete
ossication centres throughout the skeleton15,53,54.
3-D data acquisition. Skulls were imaged using high-resolution microtomography (μCT) at the Helmholtz
Zentrum (Berlin, Germany), at the Natural History Museum (London, UK), at the AST-RX platform MNHN
(Paris, France), and at VISCOM SARL (Saint Ouen l’Aumône, France). is method allows 3D renderings of ossi-
ed tissues, as well as non-invasive virtual extractions of dental elements. Due to the scan resolution, we could not
test for the putative presence of a small enamel cap at the tips of the forming teeth. ese reconstruction and vis-
ualization were performed using stacks of digital CT images with the AVIZO 7.1 (Visualization Sciences Group)
soware. 3D reconstruction of the specimens were deposited in MorphoMuseum (http://www.morphomuseum.
com/; M3#109 to M3#115) and Morph-D-base (
Reconstruction of the ancestral dental morphotype (S3). e datamatrix of Gaudin10 was downloaded
from Morphobank and the following characters of interest were selected for study: character n°2: dental formula;
n°6: diastema; n°13: size of Cf ; n°14: size of cf; n°19: morphology of Cf/cf; n°21: position of Cf relative to the ante-
rior edge of the maxilla. e cladogram corresponds to the topology of the strict consensus obtained by Gaudin10:
Fig.1 when all characters were weighted equally. For our analysis of character optimizations, this cladogram was
pruned in order to contain only sloth taxa (Folivora) (i.e., all non-folivoran successive outgroups originally included
in Gaudin’s analysis10 were excluded). Parsimonious reconstruction of the hypothetical ancestral morphotype (S3)
for the selected characters was undertaken on this reduced cladogram using the soware Mesquite 2.7555.
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Scientific RepoRts | 6:27763 | DOI: 10.1038/srep27763
We are grateful to M. Herbin, C. Bens, G. Véron, A. Verguin, F. Renoult, C. Denys and J. Cuisin (Museum National
d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris), Peter Giere and Frieder Mayer (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin) Paula Jenkins and
Roberto Portela Miguez (Natural History Museum, London), and their colleagues for access to comparative
material. N. Karjilov (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin), R. Abel (Natural History Museum), M. García-Sánz (AST-RX
platform, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France), F. Landru, C. Morlier, G. Guillemain and all the
sta from Viscom SARL (St Ouen l’Aumône, France) provided generous help and advice with CT acquisition.
We thank Dennyss Lelaurin and Mélanie Canas-Grosso for their help in the data acquisition. We acknowledge
financial support from the Grant F/09 364/I from the Leverhulme Trust. This work has benefited from an
“Investissements d’Avenir” grant managed by Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France (CEBA, ref. ANR-10-
LABX-25-01). is publication is contribution No. ISEM 2016-081 of the Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de
Montpellier (UMR 5554 – UM2 + CNRS + IRD).
Author Contributions
L.H. initiated the project; L.H. designed the research plan; L.H. and G.B. collected CT data; L.H. reconstructed
the 3D data; L.H., H.G.R. and G.B. analyzed the data; L.H., H.G.R., G.B. and R.J.A. discussed the results and wrote
the manuscript.
Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Competing nancial interests: e authors declare no competing nancial interests.
How to cite this article: Hautier, L. et al. e hidden teeth of sloths: evolutionary vestiges and the development
of a simplied dentition. Sci. Rep. 6, 27763; doi: 10.1038/srep27763 (2016).
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... The consistency of morphology-based topologies, regardless of the methodology used (e.g., maximum parsimony or Bayesian inference), is rather unsurprising since for the last 2 decades morphological phylogenies have been mostly based on variations of the same matrix of craniodental characters (i.e., Gaudin 2004). While the construction of this morphological matrix remains a seminal study, some of the characters it contains are of questionable homology (e.g., those based on caniniforms; Hautier et al. 2016;Delsuc et al. 2019). Furthermore, it is now acknowledged that patterns of morphological evolution are more complex than previously recognized, with recurring overlooked issues such as critical homology assessment, morphological covariation, allometry, and rate heterogeneity among discrete morphological characters (Kearney and Rieppel 2006;Dávalos et al. 2014;Harrison and Larsson 2015;Billet and Bardin 2019;Hallgrímsson et al. 2019;Phillips et al. 2023;Billet and Bardin 2021). ...
... Additionally, we evaluated the specific role of 18 morphological characters on topological structure and node support values. We deemed these 18 morphological characters to be either redundant, incorrectly defined, or of questionable homology (i.e., relying too heavily on caniniform traits, see Hautier et al. 2016). Detailed explanation of the rationale behind the exclusion or coding modification of these characters (as well as other analyses for problematic character identification) is provided in Supplementary Figure S1. ...
... From a morphological perspective, 18 craniodental characters have been proposed as unambiguous synapomorphies supporting "Megalonychidae" (Gaudin 2004); 9 of these are related to caniniform characters. Interestingly, none of our resulting total-evidence phylogenies (even those including caniniform-related characters) support such a relationship, implying a very high degree of homoplasy in these dental characters, as previously reported (Hautier et al. 2016;Delsuc et al. 2019). ...
Full-text available
Combining morphological and molecular characters through Bayesian total-evidence dating allows inferring the phylogenetic and timescale framework of both extant and fossil taxa, while accounting for the stochasticity and incompleteness of the fossil record. Such an integrative approach is particularly needed when dealing with clades such as sloths (Mammalia: Folivora), for which developmental and biomechanical studies have shown high levels of morphological convergence whereas molecular data can only account for a limited percentage of their total species richness. Here, we propose an alternative hypothesis of sloth evolution that emphasizes the pervasiveness of morphological convergence and the importance of considering the fossil record and an adequate taxon sampling in both phylogenetic and biogeographic inferences. Regardless of different clock models and morphological datasets, the extant sloth Bradypus is consistently recovered as a megatherioid, and Choloepus as a mylodontoid, in agreement with molecular-only analyses. The recently extinct Caribbean sloths (Megalocnoidea) are found to be a monophyletic sister-clade of Megatherioidea, in contrast to previous phylogenetic hypotheses. Our results contradict previous morphological analyses and further support the polyphyly of “Megalonychidae”, whose members were found in five different clades. Regardless of taxon sampling and clock models, the Caribbean colonization of sloths is compatible with the exhumation of islands along Aves Ridge and its geological time frame. Overall, our total-evidence analysis illustrates the difficulty of positioning highly incomplete fossils, although a robust phylogenetic framework was recovered by an a posteriori removal of taxa with high percentages of missing characters. Elimination of these taxa improved topological resolution by reducing polytomies and increasing node support. However, it introduced a systematic and geographic bias because most of these incomplete specimens are from northern South America. This is evident in biogeographic reconstructions, which suggest Patagonia as the area of origin of many clades when taxa are underrepresented, but Amazonia and/or Central and Southern Andes when all taxa are included. More generally, our analyses demonstrate the instability of topology and divergence time estimates when using different morphological datasets and clock models, and thus caution against making macroevolutionary inferences when node support is weak or when uncertainties in the fossil record are not considered.
... These include ontogenetic changes in the shape, size, and position of various skull features. Some of these changes have been documented previously in sloths, for example, a deep stylohyal fossa with a recessed head of the tympanohyal, and the presence of a deciduous lower canine tooth (Gaudin, 1995(Gaudin, , 2004Hautier et al., 2016). However, most have not been previously examined, and their condition is therefore unknown in other sloths, leaving open the possibility that they are characteristic of more inclusive taxa than A. ye itself. ...
... Although living sloths purportedly lack milk teeth, vestigial deciduous canines have been recorded in prenatal specimens of both extant tree sloth genera (Bradypus and Choloepus;Hautier et al., 2016). Interestingly, these vestigial deciduous canines lack alveoli in Hautier et al.'s (2016) specimens. ...
... McAfee (2015) reports one adult specimen of C. hoffmanni (AMNH 29646) with a pair of retained lower deciduous canines set in alveoli. Hautier et al. (2016) also note that there are sporadic records of such teeth recorded from fossil sloths, for example, in a juvenile of the mylodontoid taxon Scelidotherium, which possessed a sizable deciduous lower canine on the left side only (Lydekker, 1894). As described above, the juvenile A. ye (UF 171341) has two symmetrical pairs of small openings on the dorsal margin of the mandibular spout, which we interpret to be alveoli for deciduous teeth, though we found no evidence of the teeth themselves among the many small fragments of bone preserved with the specimen. ...
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The present study comprises a description of the skull and jaw anatomy of a juvenile specimen of the Antillean sloth Acratocnus ye, from the Holocene of Haiti. Detailed descriptions and illustrations are provided of the skull bones and their sutural connections, which normally fuse in adults. Descriptions are also provided for the mandible and ear ossicles, as well as endocranial surfaces and sinuses exposed by breaks. The anatomy of our juvenile A. ye is compared to that of adult A. ye to assess ontogenetic changes in the skull. Several of these ontogenetic features are significant new observations that impact the relationships within Xenarthra as a whole, or between Xenarthrans and other placental mammals, most notably, the presence of a separate mesethmoid element, the presence of alveoli for a lower deciduous canine and anterior incisor, and the presence of separate rostral and caudal entotympanic elements. A full list of such changes are provided. In addition, the specimen provides information on phylogenetically relevant characters, including features unique to the genus Acratocnus, and features of the clade Choloepodini, including Acratocnus, the smaller extinct Antillean sloth Neocnus, and the extant two‐toed sloth Choloepus. Contrary to previous studies, Acratocnus shares as many features with Choloepus as it does with its fellow Antillean form Neocnus in the present study, which is consistent with current morphology‐based phylogenetic hypotheses regarding the relationships within Choloepodini. The current study highlights the need for further anatomical and phylogenetic investigations of Antillean sloths (Megalocnidae/Megalonychidae), and juvenile sloths in general.
... For instance, anteaters are united with sloths in the clade Pilosa, but while anteaters entirely lack teeth, sloths have intermediately-regressed teeth, possessing an edentulous premaxilla and simple, peg-like, single-rooted, enamelless dentition. Indeed, their teeth have deviated so far from the ancestral tribosphenic form, that only recent developmental research has provided evidence of dental homologies to other placental mammals (Hautier et al., 2016). Sister to Pilosa are the Cingulata, which are divided into the extant families Dasypodidae and Chlamyphoridae. ...
... In contrast to Rusconi's supposition, it is likely that in the event of the absence of stimulation caused by an opposing tooth, growth would have been impeded or prevented. Hautier et al. (2016) note the presence of upper or lower vestigial incisors in prenatal specimens of Bradypus and Choloepus and two generations of upper caniniform in Choloepus. This fetus of Nothrotherium, at least at this stage of its growth, does not exhibit any of these characteristics. ...
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A well-preserved fetus of the extinct nothrotheriid sloth Nothrotherium maquinense, recovered in situ within the skeletal remains of its mother from the karstic cave Toca da Boa Vista (Bahia, Brazil), is described and compared. The fetus is represented by numerous cranio-dental and postcranial elements, and its mother is represented by teeth and several postcranial elements. In the fetus, the exoccipitals formed the lateral and dorsal borders of the foramen magnum, from which the supraoccipital was excluded. Teeth were permanent, as in xenarthrans generally, and with growth the molariforms transformed from pyramidal to prismatic as in other ground sloths. The fetus preserves evidence of intrauterine mastication suggesting a relatively short post-natal period of lactation. Like Nothrotheriops, Nothrotherium was probably a generalist and opportunistic herbivore. The long bones are less elongated and more robust than in the adult and the claws were very powerful, perhaps having allowed the infant sloth to cling to its mother’s back after birth as in modern anteaters. The presence in the fetus of petrosal, ischium, and pubis indicates a late-stage fetus, probably near birth, as suggested by the position of the fetus, head backwards in relation to the mother. A newborn individual of this species was approximately one-third the length of its mother. This extinct nothrotheriid gave birth to a single offspring at a time, as typically occurs in the living sloths Bradypus and Choloepus. The taphonomic conditions within Toca da Boa Vista and site of recovery do not support habitual use of caves by this species.
... Furthermore, the exact homology of each tooth loci in sloths, both in relation to other mammal groups as well as within the clade, and the evolution and ancestral form of the sloth dental formula remains considerably unknown. In fact, recently, Hautier et al. (2016) showed that the first upper and lower teeth in Bradypus and Choloepus are not homologous, while Delsuc et al. (2019) predicted the presence of caniniform as an ancestral character for the clade when using both molecular and morphological phylogenies. Moreover, Varela et al. (2020) showed the existence of a pattern consistent with the Inhibitory Cascade Model, indicating that for most of the sloths, the last three molariforms seem to have evolved following constraints imposed by the balance between inhibition and activation during molar development, as is seen in other mammalian clades (Kavanagh et al., 2007). ...
Sloths are represented today only by two distantly-related small, arboreal, and folivorous genera. However, the fossil record of the clade is composed of many more taxa, with much more diverse morphologies, including giant terrestrial forms with no clear modern analogs. In this context, several approaches have been implemented in order to explore the ecological adaptations of fossil taxa and, in particular, their dietary preferences. In this work we used 3D Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) coupled with Geometric Morphometrics (GMM) to explore the ecomorphology of sloths and possible differences among taxa related to dietary adaptations. Digital models of the mandibles of 14 taxa were obtained (two extant and twelve extinct), representing members of all the major clades within the group. We modeled the actions of the three major muscles involved in mastication (masseter, temporalis, and pterygoideus) and simulated unilateral mastication in four different conditions, one for each tooth along the toothrow. The results were analyzed qualitatively regarding the distribution of von Mises stress (vMs) and quantitatively using the mesh-weighted arithmetic mean (MWAM) vMs, strain energy (SE), and mechanical efficiency (ME). Differences in the distribution of high-vMs areas and lower SE values were found among taxa predicted to be grazers in comparison to those predicted to be browsers. Furthermore, when simulating biting with the most anterior tooth, we observed considerably higher vMs and SE values in taxa with a caniniform, which could indicate its involvement in sexual display rather than in food processing, acquisition, or other strenuous activities.
... In the present study, I follow Delsuc et al. (2016), who treat all families at the 'subfamily' rank level, except for Dasypodidae and Chlamyphoridae, and with the inclusion of glyptodonts within the latter clade. For Pilosa, I followed the dental nomenclature of Hautier et al. (2016); and the cranial description of Boscaini et al. (2020a). For Cingulata, the dental nomenclature is not defined, and I follow the convention of considering all teeth as molariforms (see González . ...
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Unlabelled: The present work concerns xenarthrans from the collection of Santiago (Kaspar Jakob) Roth (1850-1924) housed at the Palaeontological Institute and Museum of the University of Zurich, one of the most important collections of Pleistocene mammals from Argentina in Europe. Roth was a paleontologist originally from Switzerland who prospected and collected a large amount of Pleistocene megafauna of the Pampean Region of Argentina. The xenarthrans are the main representatives of this collection in Zurich, with 150 specimens. Since 1920, this material has not been revised and is under studied. The present investigation corresponds to a taxonomic revision resulting in 114 reassignments, leading to document xenarthran diversity and discuss their paleoecologies. The high diversity reflects the paleoecology of the Pampean Region during the Pleistocene, with the various abiotic events that impacted the paleoenvironment of this region. Within the Cingulata, the Pampean Region fauna was probably dominated by glyptodonts with a high representation of Glyptodontinae and Neosclerocalyptinae while within the sloths the highest diversity and abundance is found in the Mylodontinae and Scelidotheriinae. These four clades represent both species with high ecological tolerance (e.g., Glyptodon munizi; Catonyx tarijensis) and ecologically highly specialized species (e.g., Neosclerocalyptus paskoensis; Scelidotherium leptocephalum). The presence of such ecological diversity underlines the status of the Pampean Region as a major interest for paleoecological and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13358-023-00265-7.
... Studies of dental development that aim to establish the identity of teeth and their embryonic precursors, and of transient structures that do not erupt nor develop into easily recognisable tooth precursors, require developmental series that cover the critical times of development and proper histological or imaging methods (e.g., Hautier et al. 2016). These methodological and sampling limitations have meant that we still have much to learn about variation across mammals, including the fundamental dichotomy of the eutherian and metatherian dental patterns. ...
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The pattern of dental replacement in marsupial mammals has received much attention for its derived nature and potential relationship to the life history of the group. However, few species have been studied thoroughly, and little is known about the embryonic structures and their use in addressing issues of homology and dental evolution in general. We studied a developmental series of ten individuals of pouch young Caluromys philander to thoroughly document dental development with histological sections and 3D models of dental series. We report that the successor P3 arises from a lingual successional lamina from its predecessor dP3. The germs of vestigial, unerupted deciduous incisors and canines are present alongside their respective permanent successors. These discoveries demonstrate significant differences from the developmental patterns reported for Didelphis and Monodelphis and illustrate that an unsuspected diversity of dental ontogeny is not reflected in the adult pattern of mineralised, erupted or almost erupted teeth.
... As discussed by Varela et al. (2019), accounting for diversification and fossilization dynamics may improve phylogenetic inferences for taxa with long unsampled branches, as is the case of Bradypus, but potential issues in co-estimating topology and divergence times in data sets composed mostly of fossil taxa should also be considered (King, 2021;Mongiardino Koch et al., 2021). Although well supported here and in previous morphological studies, it is not possible to rule out the possibility that the position of Bradypus as sister to Eufolivora is a product of long-branch attraction due to its highly derived and probably paedomorphic features (Gaudin, 1995(Gaudin, , 2004Hautier et al., 2016). Additionally, the absence of fossils attributed to the genus (McDonald & De Iuliis, 2008) render unlikely a divergence from Eufolivora in the Middle Eocene (Varela et al., 2019 and this study). ...
Phylogenetic relationships among sloths (Folivora) have been extensively studied in the past few decades using maximum parsimony approaches. Recently, Bayesian phylogenetic methods also began to be employed for this task, with advances in methods for data partitioning and tip-dating analyses leading to exciting new possibilities in morphological phylogenetics. In this context, we assembled the largest morphological data set ever applied to sloths and reassessed their phylogeny and divergence times, evaluating alternative models of partitioning and dating in a Bayesian framework. The updated phylogeny of sloths is largely in agreement with previous morphological studies, with Bradypus recovered as sister to Eufolivora, the presence of two major sloth clades (Mylodontoidea and Megatherioidea) and Choloepus among Megalonychidae. However, the present study yields some important advances in understanding the relationships of genera with historically unresolved or controversial allocations. The major sloth clades diversified from the Late Eocene to the Early Miocene. Homoplasy-based partition models outperformed anatomical partitioning and unpartitioned analyses, with considerable impacts on topology and posterior probabilities. Estimates obtained using homoplasy-partitioned models with Bayesian analyses were in strong agreement with those of maximum parsimony. We emphasize the importance of model comparison with Bayes factors and the assessment of synapomorphies in Bayesian morphological phylogenetics.
... As discussed by Varela et al. (2019), accounting for diversification and fossilization dynamics may improve phylogenetic inferences for taxa with long unsampled branches, as is the case of Bradypus, but potential issues in co-estimating topology and divergence times in data sets composed mostly of fossil taxa should also be considered (King, 2021;Mongiardino Koch et al., 2021). Although well supported here and in previous morphological studies, it is not possible to rule out the possibility that the position of Bradypus as sister to Eufolivora is a product of long-branch attraction due to its highly derived and probably paedomorphic features (Gaudin, 1995(Gaudin, , 2004Hautier et al., 2016). Additionally, the absence of fossils attributed to the genus (McDonald & De Iuliis, 2008) render unlikely a divergence from Eufolivora in the Middle Eocene (Varela et al., 2019 and this study). ...
Phylogenetic relationships among sloths (Folivora) have been extensively studied in the past few decades using maximum parsimony approaches. Recently, Bayesian phylogenetic methods also began to be employed for this task, with advances in methods for data partitioning and tip-dating analyses leading to exciting new possibilities in morphological phylogenetics. In this context, we assembled the largest morphological data set ever applied to sloths and reassessed their phylogeny and divergence times, evaluating alternative models of partitioning and dating in a Bayesian framework. The updated phylogeny of sloths is largely in agreement with previous morphological studies, with Bradypus recovered as sister to Eufolivora, the presence of two major sloth clades (Mylodontoidea and Megatherioidea) and Choloepus among Megalonychidae. However, the present study yields some important advances in understanding the relationships of genera with historically unresolved or controversial allocations. The major sloth clades diversified from the Late Eocene to the Early Miocene. Homoplasy-based partition models outperformed anatomical partitioning and unpartitioned analyses, with considerable impacts on topology and posterior probabilities. Estimates obtained using homoplasy-partitioned models with Bayesian analyses were in strong agreement with those of maximum parsimony. We emphasize the importance of model comparison with Bayes factors and the assessment of synapomorphies in Bayesian morphological phylogenetics.
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Skeletal ontogeny of xenarthrans is poorly known, especially because of the paucity of study specimens from distinct developmental stages. Here, we investigate morphometric aspects of the mandible ontogeny in the two-toed sloths, Choloepus spp. We examined mandibles of infant, juveniles and subadult sloths that were present in kill assemblages of harpy eagles, Harpia harpyja, and complemented our study with adult museum specimens. We carried out uni- and multivariate linear morphometric analyzes to assess the growth pattern of the mandible. Harpy eagles did not prey on adult two-toed sloths, preferring younger individuals. We found an overall strong correlation between the total length of the mandible and other mandibular measurements across age classes, with some of them scaling isometrically, and others presenting allometric growth. Also, morphometric data correlated with patterns of symphysial fusion across ontogenetic stages, rendering the latter a reliable indicator of the animal’s age category. Although it was necessary to complement our sample with museum material, individuals obtained from the harpy eagle kill assemblage proved to be a valuable complementary source of specimens to be studied.
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Hapalops, a smaller-sized and early sloth of the Megatheroidea, appeared in the middle Miocene Santa Cruz formation of Argentina. This genus is part of the group from which later, larger megatheroids arose, i.e., Nothrotheriops and Megatherium. Many cranial characters support this idea; however Hapalops is not merely a smaller antecedent of the later forms. Specifically, Hapalops retains short anterior caniniform teeth, and a temporomandibular joint elevated above the cheek tooth row; a combination distinct among sloths. An elevated temporomandibular joint occurs in Bradypus, a tree sloth with anterior chisel-shaped teeth instead of caniniforms, and the tree sloth Choloepus, which is aligned with the megalonychids, has anterior caniniforms. Hapalops has an elongated zygomatic ascending process that is reminiscent of that in Bradypus; however, the Bradypus skull is extremely foreshortened while that of Hapalops is elongated, as in nothrotheres, but not deepened as in megatheres. Previous work identified many sloth cranial character complexes, and functional limitations on skull feature combinations. The unique Hapalops character patterns indicate a selective feeder with a mediolaterally oriented grinding stroke during mastication.
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Recent discovery of a supernumerary dental anomaly in two-toed sloths led to an extensive review of extant sloth specimens to look for additional anomalies. In total, 881 museum specimens were examined. These revealed two primary types of anomalies, hyperdontia (extra teeth) and anodontia (loss of teeth), occurring at a rate of 2.4% (n = 21). Two-toed sloths, Choloepus, were more likely to have hyperdontia in the anterior dentition, whereas three-toed sloths, Bradypus, experienced anodontia more frequently with the upper caniniforms. Both genera experienced both anomalies. The majority affected the upper dentition, with only three specimens exhibiting mandibular anomalies. Beyond the patterns of tooth positioning, all anomalies were random with respect to age, sex and geography. A few specimens not counted in the initial assessment expressed incomplete anodontia, indicating that the loss occurred postnatally and was not an embryological anomaly. For Bradypus, the findings provide new support for the hypothesis that the taxon represents a neotenic lineage and opens new possibilities about its relationship to the extinct ground sloths with a suggested rooting above that of the basal position it typically occupies for Folivora.
The roots of this book and its sister volume, Mammal Phylogeny: Placentals, go back to discussions and plans, shelved for a while, between F. S. Szalay and W. P. Luckett during the international and multidisciplinary symposium on rodent evolution sponsored by NATO, July 2-6, 1984, in Paris. That conference, orga­ nized by W. P. Luckett and J. -L. Hartenberger, the proceedings of which were published in 1985, proved an inspiring experience to all of the participants, as this was repeatedly expressed both during and after the meetings. In addition to issues relating to rodents, general theoretical topics pertaining to the evolutionary biol­ ogy and systematics of other groups of mammals regularly surfaced during the presentations and discussions. M. J. Novacek, who was also a participant in the rodent symposium, shared with Luckett and Szalay the enthusiasm acquired there, and he also expressed strong interest for a meeting on mammal evolution with a general focus similar to that of the rodent gathering. In 1988, Szalay and Luckett, after having planned in detail a program, direc­ tion, and core list of participants, were awarded a $30,000 grant by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation through the Research Foundation of the City University of New York. The grant was contingent upon obtaining additional funds sufficient to assure that the symposium would be held. Raising the remaining funds proved to be a problem.