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Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle Höyüğü in the Light of Novel C14 Analysis.

4 Hauptmann 2007: 144, fig. 11a-b, 12a-b, 13a-b, 14a-b.
5 Schmidt 2010: Fig. 20.
6 Çelik 2011a: Fig. 16. ; Çelik 2011b: 91-95, fig. 1a-d.
7 Çelik 2005: 28-29, figs. 1-3; Bulgan and Çelik 2011: 85-90, figs.
1-3, 5.
8 Hauptmann 2007: Fig. 9.
9 Schmidt 2010: Fig. 4, 6-10.
10 Çelik 2000b: Fig. 1; 2011a: Figs. 8-10.
11 Çelik 2004: 3, fig.4; 2006a: 222, fig.5; 2010: 258, fig.2.
12 Çelik 2006b: Fig. 2.
13 Çelik et al. 2011c: 225-236, figs. 7a-b.
14 Hauptmann 2000: Abb. 8-10.
15 Çelik 2007: 163-166, figs. 20-21, 26; 2011d: 143-145, figs. 20-
21, 26.
16 Abbes 1993: Figs. 7-8, 10, 13-14; Cauvin 1994: 79, figs. 24/1, 3.
17 Çelik 2011d: Fig. 25.
18 Çelik 2007: 165.
of the sculpture, the mouth section of which is not
shaped, is recessed with blade pieces made from
obsidian are inserted inside. The sculpture presents
identical properties with the sculptures retrieved from
4 5 6
Nevali Çori , bekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe
settlements, which are dated to Pre-Pottery Neolithic
Period and the sculpture currently on display at
Gaziantep Museum. Furthermore, this sculpture
appears as continuation and successor of the tradition of
“T” shaped pillars discovered at Nevali Çori , Göbekli
9 10 11 12
Tepe , Karahan Tepe , Hamzan Tepe , Sefer Tepe and
Taşlı Tepe settlements and the pillar currently on
display at Adıyaman Museum (Map 1).
When the small artifacts retrieved from the salvage
excavation conducted at the discovered section are
examined from the technologic and typological aspects,
domination of the Big Arrowheads Industry (BAI) can
be clearly observed. The arrowheads exhibit
similarities with the arrowheads retrieved from Byblos,
Aswad, Cheikh Hassan and Mureybet settlements.
Almost all arrowheads are made on blade extracted
from bipolar core. In particular, Yeni Mahalle
Paleolithic tool industry appears to be contemporaneous
with Mureybet IVa and IVb epochs. Based on the these
similarities, it is concluded that the arrow-heads at the
settlement are identical with the arrowheads observed at
Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic Period B epoch.
Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle Höyüğü in the Light of Novel C14 Analysis
Bahattin Çelik
Yeni Karbon-14 Analizleri Işığında Şanlıurfa-Yeni Mahalle Höyüğü
Şanlıurfa-Yeni Mahalle yerleşiminden elde edilen
karbon örnekleriyle daha önce yapılmış olan iki adet
C14 analizi dışında, 3 adet C14 analizi daha
yapılmıştır. Bu analizler ışığında, I. Terazzo evresi ve II.
Terazzo evresi olarak nitelendirilen evreler üzerine yeni
bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Bunun sonucunda,
Şanlıurfa-Yeni Mahalle Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik
dönem kültür tabakalarının daha çok Erken Çanak
Çömleksiz Neolitik Dönem B (EPPNB) evresine ait
tabakalar olduğu anlaşılmıştır.
Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle Höyüğü is located within
the ancient town center of Şanlıurfa, north of Balıklıgöl
sacred area (Fig 1). Today, the entire mound is located
within the ancient town center and is underneath single-
storey dwellings. During the recent road construction
works performed at this area, a section of approximately
15 m length, 60 cm thickness and 2 m height is revealed
(Fig. 2). A salvage excavation is then initiated at this
section in year 1997 as directed by Şanlıurfa Museum
Directorate with Harran University Archeology
Department acting as counselors. As a result of the
studies conducted therein, 13 cultural levels are
discovered, all of which are understood to be from Pre-
Pottery Neolithic period.
Prior to the studies performed at the revealed section
of Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle Höyüğü in year 1997, the
lifesize sculpture of a man with approximately 1.90 cm
length and an unshaped feet section was retrieved
during the “Balıklıgöl Landscaping Work Project
procured by Şanlıurfa Governorate in 1993 (Fig. 3).
This sculpture is modeled as holding his genitals with
both hands, with a chevron pattern located around its
neck. The chevron pattern is also present on the “T”
shaped pillars, which are well-known from the
Neolithic settlements in the region. The ocular section
1 Çelik 2000a: Fig. 3. ; Hauptmann 2003:
2 Hauptmann 2003:
3 Hauptmann 2011: Fig. 37.
Abb. 1-4.
Abb. 1-4, 626-628,
such period in the section. Furthermore, the last three
C14 analyzes performed recently also did not produce
any earlier dates. However, the round architectural
building remnants revealed at the section may point out
the possibility that levels pertaining to the Epoch A of
the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period. This type of buildings
both with round plan and with terrazzo floorings only
appeared with the round cult buildings only discovered
at Level III of Göbekli Tepe and date to Epoch A of the
Pre-Pottery Neolithic period.
During the excavations recently performed at Gö-
bekli Tepe, a large round structure with terrazzo flooring
from Level II was unearthed. This structure dates back
to approximately 8600 BC. Therefore, by virtue of the
presence of this round structure with terrazzo flooring
discovered at Level II at Göbekli Tepe, it wouldn't be
wrong to indicate that the round buildings discovered at
Şanlıurfa-Yeni Mahalle section are from around 8800
In conclusion, in the light of the recent C14 analyses
carried out with the charcoal samples collected from the
section , it is clearly understood that Şanlıurfa-Yeni
Mahalle settlement is first founded during Epoch B of
the Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic Period on the bedrock
for the flint stone tool find obtained from Yeni Mahalle
Höyüğü correlate with the C14 analyses results (Table
1). For this reason it's appropriate to date the settlement
to PPNB period.
Abbes, F. 1993
“Méthode d'approce de la variabili du debitagé
laminaire, application à desarmatures perçantes de
Cheikh Hassan (Syrie. VIIIe millénaire BC).” Cahiers de
I'Euphrate 7: 119-150.
Bulgan, F. and B. Çelik 2011
“A New Statue From Gaziantep in Southeast Turkey /
Türkiye'nin Güneydoğusundaki Gaziantep'ten Yeni Bir
Heykel.” H. Taşkıran, M. Kartal, K. Özçelik, M.B. Kösem
and G. Kartal (eds.), Işın Yalçınkaya'ya Armağan Kitabı /
Studies in Honor of Işın Yalçınkaya, 85-90. Ankara:
Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları.
Cauvin, J. 1994
Naissance des divinitès, naissance de l'agriculture. La
révolution des symboles au Néolithique. Paris: Editions
The remnants of two round architectural buildings
were revealed at the section where the salvage
excavation was performed. Furthermore, terrazzo floor
coverings, which are understood as an architectural
element and part of such buildings were also
discovered (Fig. 4). Moreover, terrazzo floor covering
exam-ples that do not belong to any building were also
encoun-tered. Both the terrazzo floors and the round
buildings are building traditions prevalently
encountered at the region during Epi-Paleolithic and
Neolithic period.
The round building architecture present at Yeni
Mahalle section is a civilian structure, which is an archi-
tectural aspect presently not encountered at Urfa region
except for Göbekli Tepe and Hamzan Tepe. The round
architecture discovered at Hamzan Tepe pertains to a
civilian building. The round buildings discovered at
Göbekli Tepe, on the other hand, are characterized as
cult structures by the excavators. In general, Round
Buildings are an architectural tradition that appears at
Levant, Mesopotamia and Southeastern Anatolia
Region during Epoch A of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic
Period for the first time. The most striking aspect of the
round buildings at Şanlıurfa-Yeni Mahalle section is
that the buildings have terrazzo coverings at their floors.
Two distinct dates came up as a result of the C14
analyzes conducted in year 2004 with the charcoal
samples collected from Yeni Mahalle section. One of
the dates falls around 11210±90 BC, which is
considered as the Terrazzo I epoch, and the other date
dates to 8690±100 BC, which is considered as the
Terrazzo II epoch. In particular, the date 11210 BC
appears to be a date that is adequate for the architectural
findings. The date 8690±100 BC, on the other hand, is a
date that is adequate for the small artifacts.
The section inside the Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle
Höyüğü pertaining to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period
must date to 8830-8650 BC. The date 11210 BC is a
period that rather represents the Epi-Paleolithic period
in the region and no small artifacts are discovered from
Hauptmann, H. 2003
“Eine frühneolitische Kultfigur aus Urfa.” M. Özdogan,
H. Hauptmann and N.Başgelen (eds.), From Village to
Cities. Early Villages in the Near East 1, 622-636.
Istanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
Hauptmann, H. 2007
“Nevali Çori ve Urfa Bölgesinde Neolitik Dönem.” M.
Özdoğan and N. Başgelen (eds.), Anadolu'da Uygarlığın
Doğuşu ve Avrupa'ya Yayılımı. Türkiye'de Neolitik
Dönem, Yeni Kazılar, Yeni Bulgular, 131-164. Istanbul:
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
Hauptmann, H. 2011
“The Urfa Region. M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen and P.
Kuniholm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey, New Excava-
tions and New Research, The Euphrate Basin, 85-138.
Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications.
Karul, N. 2011
“Gusir Höyük.” M.Özdoğan, N.Başgelen and P.
Kuniholm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey, New
Excavation and New Research, The Tigris Basin, 1-17.
Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publication.
Kozlowski, S.K. and O. Aurenche 2005
Territories, Boundaries and Cultures in the Neolithic
Near East. BAR International Series 1362. Oxford:
Kromer, B. and Schmidt, K. 1998
“Two radiocarbon dates from Göbekli Tepe, South
Eastern Turkey." Neo-Lithics 3/98: 8-9.
Özdoğan, A. 1999
“Çayönü.” M. Özdoğan and N. Başgelen (eds.), Neolithic
in Turkey, The Cradle of Civilization, New Discoveries.
Text and Plates, 35-63. Istanbul. Arkeoloji ve Sanat
Özkaya, V. and A. Coşkun 2011
“Körtik Tepe.” M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen and P. Kuni-
holm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey, New Excavation and
New Research. The Tigris Basin, 89-127. Istanbul:
Archaeology and Art Publication.
Pustovoytov, K., K. Schmidt and H. Parzinger 2007
“Radiocarbon dating of thin pedogenic carbonate laminae
from Holocene archaeological sites.” The Holocene 17/6:
Rosenberg, M. 1999
“Hallan Çemi.” M.Özdoğan and N.Başgelen (eds.),
Neolithic in Turkey, The Cradle of Civilization, New
Discoveries. Text and Plates, 25-33. Istanbul: Arkeoloji
ve Sanat Yayınları.
Rosenberg, M. 2011
“Hallan Çemi.” M.Özdoğan, N.Başgelen and P.
Kuniholm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey, New
Excavation and New Research. The Tigris Basin, 61-78.
Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publication.
Schmidt, K. 2010
“Göbekli Tepe. The Stone Age Sanctuaries. New Results
of Ongoing Excavations with a Special Focus on
Sculptures and High Reliefs.” Documenta Praehistorica
37: 239-256.
Sicher-Akman, M. 2001
“Die Rundhütte als Ursprung Zur Entwicklung erster
runder Hütten zum geregelten Rechteckbau.” R. M.
Boehmer and J. Maran (eds.). Lux orientis. Archaeologie
zwischen Asien und Europa, Festschrift für Harald
Çelik, B. 2000a
“An Early Neolithic Settlement in the Center of Şanlıurfa,
Turkey.” Neo-Lithics 2/3: 4-6.
Çelik, B. 2000b
“A New Early-Neolithic Settlement: Karahan Tepe.Neo-
Lithics 2/3: 6-8.
Çelik, B. 2004
“A New Early-Neolithic Settlement: Hamzan Tepe.” Neo-
Lithics 2/4: 3-5.
Çelik, B. 2005
“A New Statue of the Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic Period
from Gaziantep, Southeastern Turkey.” Neo-Lithics,1/5:
Çelik, B. 2006a
“A New Lower Paleolithic Open Air Station and Early
Neolithic Settlement.” A.Erkanal-Öktü et al. (eds.), Hayat
Erkanal'a Armağan. Kültürlerin Yansıması / Studies in
Honor of Hayat Erkanal. Cultural Reflections, 222-224.
Istanbul: Homer Kitabevi.
Çelik, B. 2006b
“A New Early Neolithic Settlement in Southeastern
Turkey: Sefer Tepe.” Neo-Lithics 1/6: 23–25.
Çelik, B. 2007
“Şanlıurfa-Yeni Mahalle Balıklıgöl Höyüğü.” M. Özdo-
ğan and N. Başgelen (eds.), Anadolu'da Uygarlığın Do-
ğuşu ve Avrupa'ya Yayılımı, Türkiye'de Neolitik Dönem,
Yeni Kazılar, Yeni Bulgular, 165-278. Istanbul: Arkeoloji
ve Sanat Yayınları.
Çelik, B. 2010
“Hamzan Tepe in the Light of New Finds.” Documenta
Praehistorica 37: 257-268.
Çelik, B. 2011a
“Karahan Tepe: A New Cultural Centre in the Urfa Area
in Turkey.” Documenta Praehistorica 38: 241-253.
Çelik, B. 2011b
“A New Statue From Karahan Tepe.” H. Taşkıran, M.
Kartal, K. Özçelik, M.B. Kösem and G. Kartal (eds.), Işın
Yalçınkaya'ya Armağan / Studies in Honor of Işın
Yalçınkaya, 91-95. Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları.
Çelik, B. 2011c
Türkiye'nin Güneydoğusunda Yeni Bir Çanak Çömlek-
siz Neolitik Yerleşim: Taşlı Tepe / A New Pre-Pottery
Neolithic Settlement in Southeastern Turkey: Taşlı Tepe.”
Anadolu/Anatolia 37: 225-236.
Çelik, B. 2011d
“Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle” M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen and
P. Kuniholm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey, New Exca-
vation and New Research, The Ephrate Basin, 139-164.
Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publication.
Dietrich, O. and K. Schmidt. 2010
“A Radiocarbon Date from the Wall Plaster of
Enclosure D of Göbekli Tepe. Neo-Lithics 2/10: 82-83.
Hauptmann, H. 2000
“Ein frühneolithisches Kultbild aus Kommogene.” J.
Wagner (ed.), Gottkönige am Euphrat. Neue Ausgrabun-
genund Forschungen in Kommagene, 5-9. Mainz: Verlag
Philipp von Zapern.
23 Dietrich and Schmidt 2010: 82-83, fig. 1; Kromer and Schmidt
1998: 8-9.
24 Schmidt 2010: Fig. 2, Anlage F.
25 Pustovoytov et al. 2007: 836-838.
26 Many thanks to Dr. Utz Böhner and Prof. Dr. Ofer Bar-Yosef for
C-14 analyzes.
19 See. Watkins 2006: 71-85; 1990:343; Watkins et al. 1995: 3-7,
figs. 2.4, 2.10-13; Kozlowski and Aurenche 2005: 32, maps 12:
1-6. ; Sicher-Akman 2001: 389.
20 Çelik 2010: Figs. 3-4.
21 Schmidt 2010: Fig. 2, Anlage F.
22 Sicher-Akman 2001: 389-394; Stordeur and Ibanez 2008: 33-
85; Karul 2011: Figs. 4-5, 11; Özkaya 2011: Figs. 2-5;
Rosenberg 1999: Figs. 2, 6-8; 2011: Figs. 2-5.; Özdoğan 1999:
41-44, figs. 6-7, 9.
102 103
Bahattin Çelik Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle Höyüğü in the Light of Novel C14 Analysis
such period in the section. Furthermore, the last three
C14 analyzes performed recently also did not produce
any earlier dates. However, the round architectural
building remnants revealed at the section may point out
the possibility that levels pertaining to the Epoch A of
the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period. This type of buildings
both with round plan and with terrazzo floorings only
appeared with the round cult buildings only discovered
at Level III of Göbekli Tepe and date to Epoch A of the
Pre-Pottery Neolithic period.
During the excavations recently performed at Gö-
bekli Tepe, a large round structure with terrazzo flooring
from Level II was unearthed. This structure dates back
to approximately 8600 BC. Therefore, by virtue of the
presence of this round structure with terrazzo flooring
discovered at Level II at Göbekli Tepe, it wouldn't be
wrong to indicate that the round buildings discovered at
Şanlıurfa-Yeni Mahalle section are from around 8800
In conclusion, in the light of the recent C14 analyses
carried out with the charcoal samples collected from the
section , it is clearly understood that Şanlıurfa-Yeni
Mahalle settlement is first founded during Epoch B of
the Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic Period on the bedrock
for the flint stone tool find obtained from Yeni Mahalle
Höyüğü correlate with the C14 analyses results (Table
1). For this reason it's appropriate to date the settlement
to PPNB period.
Abbes, F. 1993
“Méthode d'approce de la variabilité du debitagé
laminaire, application à desarmatures perçantes de
Cheikh Hassan (Syrie. VIIIe millénaire BC).” Cahiers de
I'Euphrate 7: 119-150.
Bulgan, F. and B. Çelik 2011
“A New Statue From Gaziantep in Southeast Turkey /
Türkiye'nin Güneydoğusundaki Gaziantep'ten Yeni Bir
Heykel.” H. Taşkıran, M. Kartal, K. Özçelik, M.B. Kösem
and G. Kartal (eds.),ın Yalçınkaya'ya Armağan Kitabı /
Studies in Honor of Işın Yalçınkaya, 85-90. Ankara:
Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları.
Cauvin, J. 1994
Naissance des divinitès, naissance de l'agriculture. La
révolution des symboles au Néolithique. Paris: Editions
The remnants of two round architectural buildings
were revealed at the section where the salvage
excavation was performed. Furthermore, terrazzo floor
coverings, which are understood as an architectural
element and part of such buildings were also
discovered (Fig. 4). Moreover, terrazzo floor covering
exam-ples that do not belong to any building were also
encoun-tered. Both the terrazzo floors and the round
buildings are building traditions prevalently
encountered at the region during Epi-Paleolithic and
Neolithic period.
The round building architecture present at Yeni
Mahalle section is a civilian structure, which is an archi-
tectural aspect presently not encountered at Urfa region
except for Göbekli Tepe and Hamzan Tepe. The round
architecture discovered at Hamzan Tepe pertains to a
civilian building. The round buildings discovered at
Göbekli Tepe, on the other hand, are characterized as
cult structures by the excavators. In general, Round
Buildings are an architectural tradition that appears at
Levant, Mesopotamia and Southeastern Anatolia
Region during Epoch A of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic
Period for the first time. The most striking aspect of the
round buildings at Şanlıurfa-Yeni Mahalle section is
that the buildings have terrazzo coverings at their floors.
Two distinct dates came up as a result of the C14
analyzes conducted in year 2004 with the charcoal
samples collected from Yeni Mahalle section. One of
the dates falls around 11210±90 BC, which is
considered as the Terrazzo I epoch, and the other date
dates to 8690±100 BC, which is considered as the
Terrazzo II epoch. In particular, the date 11210 BC
appears to be a date that is adequate for the architectural
findings. The date 8690±100 BC, on the other hand, is a
date that is adequate for the small artifacts.
The section inside the Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle
Höyüğü pertaining to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period
must date to 8830-8650 BC. The date 11210 BC is a
period that rather represents the Epi-Paleolithic period
in the region and no small artifacts are discovered from
Hauptmann, H. 2003
“Eine frühneolitische Kultfigur aus Urfa.” M. Özdogan,
H. Hauptmann and N.Başgelen (eds.), From Village to
Cities. Early Villages in the Near East 1, 622-636.
Istanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
Hauptmann, H. 2007
“Nevali Çori ve Urfa Bölgesinde Neolitik Dönem.” M.
Özdoğan and N. Başgelen (eds.), Anadolu'da Uygarlığın
Doğuşu ve Avrupa'ya Yayılımı. Türkiye'de Neolitik
Dönem, Yeni Kazılar, Yeni Bulgular, 131-164. Istanbul:
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
Hauptmann, H. 2011
“The Urfa Region. M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen and P.
Kuniholm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey, New Excava-
tions and New Research, The Euphrate Basin, 85-138.
Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications.
Karul, N. 2011
“Gusir Höyük.” M.Özdoğan, N.Başgelen and P.
Kuniholm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey, New
Excavation and New Research, The Tigris Basin, 1-17.
Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publication.
Kozlowski, S.K. and O. Aurenche 2005
Territories, Boundaries and Cultures in the Neolithic
Near East. BAR International Series 1362. Oxford:
Kromer, B. and Schmidt, K. 1998
“Two radiocarbon dates from Göbekli Tepe, South
Eastern Turkey." Neo-Lithics 3/98: 8-9.
Özdoğan, A. 1999
“Çayönü.” M. Özdoğan and N. Başgelen (eds.), Neolithic
in Turkey, The Cradle of Civilization, New Discoveries.
Text and Plates, 35-63. Istanbul. Arkeoloji ve Sanat
Özkaya, V. and A. Coşkun 2011
“Körtik Tepe.” M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen and P. Kuni-
holm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey, New Excavation and
New Research. The Tigris Basin, 89-127. Istanbul:
Archaeology and Art Publication.
Pustovoytov, K., K. Schmidt and H. Parzinger 2007
“Radiocarbon dating of thin pedogenic carbonate laminae
from Holocene archaeological sites.” The Holocene 17/6:
Rosenberg, M. 1999
“Hallan Çemi.” M.Özdoğan and N.Başgelen (eds.),
Neolithic in Turkey, The Cradle of Civilization, New
Discoveries. Text and Plates, 25-33. Istanbul: Arkeoloji
ve Sanat Yayınları.
Rosenberg, M. 2011
“Hallan Çemi.” M.Özdoğan, N.Başgelen and P.
Kuniholm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey, New
Excavation and New Research. The Tigris Basin, 61-78.
Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publication.
Schmidt, K. 2010
“Göbekli Tepe. The Stone Age Sanctuaries. New Results
of Ongoing Excavations with a Special Focus on
Sculptures and High Reliefs.” Documenta Praehistorica
37: 239-256.
Sicher-Akman, M. 2001
“Die Rundhütte als Ursprung Zur Entwicklung erster
runder Hütten zum geregelten Rechteckbau.” R. M.
Boehmer and J. Maran (eds.). Lux orientis. Archaeologie
zwischen Asien und Europa, Festschrift für Harald
Çelik, B. 2000a
“An Early Neolithic Settlement in the Center of Şanlıurfa,
Turkey.” Neo-Lithics 2/3: 4-6.
Çelik, B. 2000b
“A New Early-Neolithic Settlement: Karahan Tepe.” Neo-
Lithics 2/3: 6-8.
Çelik, B. 2004
“A New Early-Neolithic Settlement: Hamzan Tepe.” Neo-
Lithics 2/4: 3-5.
Çelik, B. 2005
“A New Statue of the Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic Period
from Gaziantep, Southeastern Turkey.” Neo-Lithics,1/5:
Çelik, B. 2006a
“A New Lower Paleolithic Open Air Station and Early
Neolithic Settlement.” A.Erkanal-Öktü et al. (eds.), Hayat
Erkanal'a Armağan. Kültürlerin Yansıması / Studies in
Honor of Hayat Erkanal. Cultural Reflections, 222-224.
Istanbul: Homer Kitabevi.
Çelik, B. 2006b
“A New Early Neolithic Settlement in Southeastern
Turkey: Sefer Tepe.” Neo-Lithics 1/6: 23–25.
Çelik, B. 2007
“Şanlıurfa-Yeni Mahalle Balıklıgöl Höyüğü.” M. Özdo-
ğan and N. Başgelen (eds.), Anadolu'da Uygarlığın Do-
ğuşu ve Avrupa'ya Yayılımı, Türkiye'de Neolitik Dönem,
Yeni Kazılar, Yeni Bulgular, 165-278. Istanbul: Arkeoloji
ve Sanat Yayınları.
Çelik, B. 2010
“Hamzan Tepe in the Light of New Finds.” Documenta
Praehistorica 37: 257-268.
Çelik, B. 2011a
“Karahan Tepe: A New Cultural Centre in the Urfa Area
in Turkey.” Documenta Praehistorica 38: 241-253.
Çelik, B. 2011b
“A New Statue From Karahan Tepe.” H. Taşkıran, M.
Kartal, K. Özçelik, M.B. Kösem and G. Kartal (eds.), Işın
Yalçınkaya'ya Armağan / Studies in Honor of Işın
Yalçınkaya, 91-95. Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları.
Çelik, B. 2011c
Türkiye'nin Güneydoğusunda Yeni Bir Çanak Çömlek-
siz Neolitik Yerleşim: Taşlı Tepe / A New Pre-Pottery
Neolithic Settlement in Southeastern Turkey: Taşlı Tepe.”
Anadolu/Anatolia 37: 225-236.
Çelik, B. 2011d
“Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle” M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen and
P. Kuniholm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey, New Exca-
vation and New Research, The Ephrate Basin, 139-164.
Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publication.
Dietrich, O. and K. Schmidt. 2010
“A Radiocarbon Date from the Wall Plaster of
Enclosure D of Göbekli Tepe. Neo-Lithics 2/10: 82-83.
Hauptmann, H. 2000
“Ein frühneolithisches Kultbild aus Kommogene.” J.
Wagner (ed.), Gottkönige am Euphrat. Neue Ausgrabun-
genund Forschungen in Kommagene, 5-9. Mainz: Verlag
Philipp von Zapern.
23 Dietrich and Schmidt 2010: 82-83, fig. 1; Kromer and Schmidt
1998: 8-9.
24 Schmidt 2010: Fig. 2, Anlage F.
25 Pustovoytov et al. 2007: 836-838.
26 Many thanks to Dr. Utz Böhner and Prof. Dr. Ofer Bar-Yosef for
C-14 analyzes.
19 See. Watkins 2006: 71-85; 1990:343; Watkins et al. 1995: 3-7,
figs. 2.4, 2.10-13; Kozlowski and Aurenche 2005: 32, maps 12:
1-6. ; Sicher-Akman 2001: 389.
20 Çelik 2010: Figs. 3-4.
21 Schmidt 2010: Fig. 2, Anlage F.
22 Sicher-Akman 2001: 389-394; Stordeur and Ibanez 2008: 33-
85; Karul 2011: Figs. 4-5, 11; Özkaya 2011: Figs. 2-5;
Rosenberg 1999: Figs. 2, 6-8; 2011: Figs. 2-5.; Özdoğan 1999:
41-44, figs. 6-7, 9.
102 103
Bahattin Çelik Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle Höyüğü in the Light of Novel C14 Analysis
Watkins, T. 2006
“Neolithisation in southwest Asia-the path to modernity.”
Documenta Praehistorica 33: 71-88.
Watkins, T., A. Betts, K. Dobney and M. Nesbitt 1995
Qermez Dere, Tel Afar. Interim Report No.3. Project Paper
No.14, Department of Archaeology, University of
Hauptmann zum 65. Geburtstag, 389-394. Rahden:
Internationale Archäologie, Studia honoraria.
Stordeur, D. and J. J. Ibáñez. 2008
“Stratigraphie et Répartition des Architectures de
Mureybet.” J. J. Ibáñez (ed.), Le site néolithique de Tell
Mureybet (Syrie du Nord), En hommage à Jacques
Cauvin, BAR International Series 1843 (I), Volume I, 33-
94. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Watkins, T. 1990
“The Origins of the House and Home.” World
Archaeology 21/3: 336-347.
104 105
Bahattin Çelik Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle Höyüğü in the Light of Novel C14 Analysis
Fig. 1: Urfa Citadel, Balıklıgöl and Yeni Mahalle view (photo. B. Çelik).
Fig. 2: Profile of Urfa-Yeni Mahalle (photo. B. Çelik).
Watkins, T. 2006
“Neolithisation in southwest Asia-the path to modernity.”
Documenta Praehistorica 33: 71-88.
Watkins, T., A. Betts, K. Dobney and M. Nesbitt 1995
Qermez Dere, Tel Afar. Interim Report No.3. Project Paper
No.14, Department of Archaeology, University of
Hauptmann zum 65. Geburtstag, 389-394. Rahden:
Internationale Archäologie, Studia honoraria.
Stordeur, D. and J. J. Ibáñez. 2008
“Stratigraphie et Répartition des Architectures de
Mureybet.” J. J. Ibáñez (ed.), Le site néolithique de Tell
Mureybet (Syrie du Nord), En hommage à Jacques
Cauvin, BAR International Series 1843 (I), Volume I, 33-
94. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Watkins, T. 1990
“The Origins of the House and Home.” World
Archaeology 21/3: 336-347.
104 105
Bahattin Çelik Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle Höyüğü in the Light of Novel C14 Analysis
Fig. 1: Urfa Citadel, Balıklıgöl and Yeni Mahalle view (photo. B. Çelik).
Fig. 2: Profile of Urfa-Yeni Mahalle (photo. B. Çelik).
106 107
Bahattin Çelik Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle Höyüğü in the Light of Novel C14 Analysis
Fig. 3. Urfa-Yeni Mahalle Statue (photo. G. Tan).
Fig. 4: Terazzo floor from above (photo. B. Çelik).
Map 1: Pre-Pottery Neolithic settlements.
Table 1: Urfa-Yeni Mahalle C14 dates.
106 107
Bahattin Çelik Şanlıurfa - Yeni Mahalle Höyüğü in the Light of Novel C14 Analysis
Fig. 3. Urfa-Yeni Mahalle Statue (photo. G. Tan).
Fig. 4: Terazzo floor from above (photo. B. Çelik).
Map 1: Pre-Pottery Neolithic settlements.
Table 1: Urfa-Yeni Mahalle C14 dates.
... "Inlays" include examples of obsidian flakes inserted into the eye sockets of human or animal heads such as those from Şanlıurfa (Çelik 2014;Hauptmann 2003), Çatalhöyük (Lingle et al. 2015) and Bouqras (Akkermanns et al. 1983) all dating to the seventh millennium BCE or earlier, or into vessels such as those from Köșk Höyük and Guvercinkaysı (Balcı & Altınbilek-Algül 2017;, and possibly also from Hacilar (Mellaart 1970: 180-181), although the Hacilar examples require authentification (Aitken et al. 1971). The practice is also found in the Chalcolithic levels at Yanik Tepe (Burney 1982) (Figure 6). ...
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Obsidian was used widely in the Near East in prehistoric and early historic times to make tools and other objects. We know quite a lot about its use as a tool-stone, but much less about other objects made from it, although such things in other contexts would be regarded as markers of identity. This apparent duality of use raises the question of whether the object made or obsidian as a raw material was more significant; it also raises questions about whether the same crafts-people were involved in both the production of tools and other objects or whether they were separated. As research progresses, we are increasingly realising that there is much information that is scattered and that more holistic and integrated approaches are needed. This demands in-depth study of individual objects using multi-disciplinary approaches. Significant areas for further study include the use of geochemical analysis to determine the provenance of the obsidian from which the objects were made and so to evaluate choice of source. Advanced technological investigation is also needed to elucidate manufacturing methods and techniques. These include studies of manufacturing techniques and surface topography as well as an evaluation of experimental data, not only to elucidate which techniques might have been used but also to assess skill and time input. The objects also need to be examined for indications of use and their context of deposition considered in greater detail. The type of objects produced and the way they were crafted also need to be compared to similar objects made of other materials to see if obsidian had a privileged position. Research into these matters is still at an early stage and this paper can only summarise what we know in order to provide a foundation for further study.
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The most famous Pre-pottery Neolithic site of Anatolia, Göbekli Tepe, since 1994 has been the subject of intensive studies due to its peculiar characteristics , linked to the presence of both circular buildings and the so-called anthropomorphic T-shaped pillars. It was supposed that its discovery would have been one of a kind, but in the next few years scholars revealed the existence of similar settlements in the area of Şanlıurfa Province. These sites, still far from being investigated, share with Göbekli Tepe the same archaeological evidences, including chronological features, size and architectural and iconographic traits. The aim of this article is to focus on the new available data, which could lead us to re-discuss the interpretive models valid up to a few years ago, as recent publications point out. New inter-pretive tools and excavations are required to better understand what seems to be the clue of the presence of a real cultural facies with precise connotations, amongst which an high specialized craftmanship, that was able to exploit the best limestone morphology of the territory for the construction of monumental complexes.
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This article refers to the Neolithic Period settlements discovered during surveys and provincial cultural inventory studies conducted in Şanliurfa province located in Southeast Turkey. The locations and dimensions of the settlements that contain "T" shaped pillars is one of the main discussion topics of this study. Another matter under discussion is to comprehend the differences between the small-scale settlements that contain cult centers and "T" shaped pillars. The fact that two of the settlements under study contain both the remains of circular domestic buildings and the pil­lars indicate that such settlements resemble Cayonu and Nevali Cori settlements, which contain cult and domestic buildings. It is contemplated that such settlements are contemporary with Gobekli Tepe layer II and the cult building known from Nevali Cori based on the similarities and differences of the "T" shaped pillars, identified in some of the recently discovered settlements. In the light of the finds unearthed from the settlements in Şanliurfa region that conta­in "T" shaped pillars, such settlements should be dated to the end of Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (LPPNA) and the Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (EPPNB).
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