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A new giant species of thresher shark from the Miocene of the United States



RECENT THRESHER SHARKS Thresher sharks (Alopias spp.) are readily identified by their elongated caudal fins, that allow them to both swim rapidly and stun prey. There are three Recent species of thresher with World Wide [WW]or Indo-Pacific [IP] distribution. Alopias vulpinus WW– surface waters. Alopias pelagicus IP– surface waters. Alopias superciliosus WW– deep water. All three Recent species have small,
In around 2002. rumours were circulating about
another large species of lamniform shark
with serrated teeth from the Miocene
of South Carolina. Some teeth
were dismissed as possibly
being upper laterals
of one of the
known giant
sharks ;
Alopias grandis Early Miocene, Malta.
Thresher sharks (Alopias spp.) are readily identified by
their elongated caudal fins, that allow them to both
swim rapidly and stun prey.
There are three Recent species of thresher with World
Wide [WW]or Indo-Pacific [IP] distribution.
Alopias vulpinus WWsurface waters.
Alopias pelagicus IPsurface waters.
Alopias superciliosus WW – deep water.
All three Recent species have small,
fairly homodont dentitions.
A new giant species of thresher shark
from the Miocene of the
United States
David J. Ward1 & Bretton W. Kent 2
1Department of Earth Sciences, The Natural History Museum, London, SW7 5BD, U.K.
2 College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA
Mid-Miocene paleoproductivity in the Atlantic Ocean and
implications for the global carbon cycle,
Paleoceanography, 24: 1209.
MURPHY, J. M. &VINCENT, E. 1985. The evolution
of Miocene surface and near-surface marine temperatures:
oxygen isotopic evidence, GSA Memoir, 163: 49-102
KENT, B. W. & WARD, D. J. in press. Addendum: A
new species of Miocene giant thresher shark (Alopias)
with serrated teeth. In: S. Godfrey (ed.), The geology and
vertebrate paleontology of Calvert Cliffs (Chesapeake
Group), Maryland, USA. Smithsonian Contributions to
In 1942, Leriche described a large species of thresher shark
from the Neogene of the USA. He figured two specimens
which he named Alopecias (= Alopias) grandis
One tooth, the holotype, was from the Miocene Calvert
Formation of Nomini Cliffs, Westmorland County,
Virginia. The second, a somewhat larger specimen, was
reworked from the Neogene of the Charleston area
This species, although not particularly rare, has received
little attention in the subsequent literature.
Bretton W. Kent [] David J. Ward
The oldest known fossil teeth of Alopias are from the early
Eocene: Alopias crochardi Ward 1978, from the London
Clay and Alopias denticulatus Cappetta 1981, from the
Moroccan phosphates. The latter has small lateral cusps, a
feature still present in juvenile teeth of Alopias vulpinus.
By the late Eocene, teeth resembling those of the Recent A.
vulpinus and A. superciliosus can be picked out, suggesting
that both lineages had already separated.
Tooth of the holotype of the new giant serrated thresher shark.
Left lower jaw, of Alopias vulpinus, lingual view, showing incipient lateral cusplets.
It is unlikely that the new giant
thresher shark possessed an
elongated dorsal tail lobe seen
in the Recent species. As the
dentition is converging on a
great white shark and its size
was similar or larger, it is
reasonable to suppose that the
body outline was similar.
The plastic model (left)
supposedly of a thresher but
with a much shortened tail, by
chance, corresponds to this
body outline.
Teeth of Alopias spp., from the late Eocene of Kazakhstan.
In the late Early and Middle Miocene there was burst of
gigantism in a number of unrelated species of shark. This
event corresponded with the warmest interval of the
Neogene, the "middle Miocene climatic optimum", an
interval of high oceanic productivity (Diester-Hass et al,
2009; Savin et al, 1985). These giant shark genera
included the hexanchiforms (Hexanchus), lamniforms
(Alopias, Carcharocles, Carcharodon, Cosmopolitodus,
Isurus, Parotodus), and carcharhiniforms (Galeocerdo,
Hemipristis). The teeth of these sharks well-known and
present in museum collections with the exception of
those of the both giant thresher sharks, Alopias spp.
A fairly realistic model
of a thresher shark.
A model of a thresher
shark, probably modified
from that of a great white
shark. The elongated tail is
much shorter than that of any
Recent thresher.
Outlines of a Recent and a giant Miocene thresher shark, approximately in
This study would not have been possible without the
stratigraphic knowledge and generosity of a number of
amateur fossil collectors, commercial fossil collectors and
fossil dealers from the USA and Europe, including Peter
Pickard, Mark Palatas, after whom the species is named,
Steve Alter and Mark Havenstein. Stratigraphic
information for the Maltese occurrences was supplied by
Charles Bonavia and Arie Janssen.
amateur collectors and fossil dealers but had no mention
in the scientific literature.
Through the generosity of a fossil dealer, a single tooth was
obtained by DJW, on the understanding that it would be
formally described. This, and other teeth examined,
conformed closely to the size and variation seen in Alopias
grandis. The specimen was collected from a river in South
Carolina, so the stratigraphic provenance was uncertain.
During the course of the study it became evident that such
teeth were frequently found in the early/mid Miocene
sediments in Maryland, South Carolina and occasionally on
the island of Malta. A specimen, found in situ at Calvert
Cliffs, Maryland, USA, now in the collections of Calvert
Marine Museum, was chosen to be the holotype.
was that they were a serrated variant of Alopias
grandis. Curiously, these teeth were well known by
Otodus megalodon or Parotodus
benedini, but the general consensus
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Abstract: In this second part devoted to mako sharks and their ancestors, we analyse the different hypotheses recently published in the literature about their origins; the most probable involve two lineages, Macrorhizodus and Isurolamna, which lived side by side during the Palaeogene. The Cretaceous hypothesis proposing a direct link with Cretoxyrhina is rejected. Macrorhizodus shows a gradual evolution to the first representatives of Isurus through several species whose the main cusp tends to widen and lateral cusplets to regress; the ultimate forms are reminiscent of the morphology of the ancestors of the great white shark Carcharodon carcharias (LINNAEUS 1758), which could also be derived from Macrorhizodus. Isurolamna is still poorly defined, but the dominant species from the Chattian (Late Oligocene) show many morphological affinities with Isurus. The relationship between Macrorhizodus, Isurolamna and the current species of Isurus is still poorly understood because of the lack of detailed stratigraphic data. The material attributed to Macrorhizodus being very abundant, allows proposes reconstructed dentitions for the Lutetian (Middle Eocene) of Togo and the Priabonian (Late Eocene) of Morocco. It now seems established that the genus Isurus does not appear (at the earliest) until the end of the Oligocene (Chattian) in most European localities. This study illustrates many specimens of these species from the Lutetian of Togo and the Paris Basin and the Priabonian of Morocco. The examination of abundant Burdigalian and Langhian material also made it possible for the first time to propose partial reconstructed dentitions for Isurus; they show a morphological stability during this period in France and, contrasting with a strong variability in Belgium during the Langhian, suggesting that the two current species (Isurus oxyrinchus RAFINESQUE 1810 and I. paucus GUITART-MANDAY 1966) already had representatives during the Early and Middle Miocene. Contrary to the opinion of the majority of authors, we consider that these Miocene representatives still possess features distinguishing them from the current taxa and retaining them in Isurus desori (AGASSIZ 1843), although this species is imperfect for describing all the known variations. We propose multiple keys that make it possible to discriminate the various morphologies in Macrorhizodus, Isurolamna and Isurus. The latter seems to “vanish” temporarily from the majority of the oceans during the Serravallian (Middle Miocene) before “reappearing” in its modern form only during the Pliocene in most of the world’s oceans. The causes for this “temporary” absence are probably palaeogeographic and climatic factors: we hypothesise that the Miocene representatives of Isurus favoured tropical waters, unlike the current species I. oxyrinchus, to which these are frequently attributed. The fossil taxa seem most strongly allied to I. paucus, a species today confined to tropical waters. Keywords: mako sharks, Isurus, Isurus oxyrinchus, Isurus paucus, Anotodus retroflexus, “Isurus” planus, Macrorhizodus, Isurolamna, Anomotodon, Lamnidae, evolution.
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A prominent, middle Miocene (17.5–13.5 Ma) carbon isotope excursion ubiquitously recorded in carbonate sediments has been attributed to enhanced marine productivity and sequestration of 13C depleted organic carbon in marine sediments or enhanced carbon burial in peat/lignite deposits on land. Here we test the hypothesis that the marine δ 13C record reflects a change in productivity with proxy records from three Atlantic Ocean sites (Deep Sea Drilling Program Site 608 and Ocean Drilling Program Sites 925 and 1265). Our multiproxy approach is based on benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates, elemental ratios (Ba/Al and P/Al), the δ 13C of bulk sedimentary organic matter, and dissolution indices. We compare these proxies to benthic foraminiferal δ 13C values measured on the same samples. Our results indicate that marine paleoproductivity in the Atlantic Ocean is not related to the benthic foraminiferal δ 13C excursion. A numerical box model confirms that marine productivity cannot account for the δ 13C maximum. The model shows that sequestration of 1.5 × 1018 mol C in the terrestrial realm over a period of 3 Ma leads to a 0.9‰ δ 13C increase in the deep ocean, which is near the observed records. Therefore, an increase in continental organic carbon sequestration is the most plausible way to enrich the ocean's carbon pool with 13C, which is consistent with coeval lignite deposits worldwide. The δ 13C values of bulk sedimentary organic matter parallel the δ 13C of dissolved inorganic carbon as reflected by benthic foraminiferal δ 13C values suggesting no significant change in atmospheric pCO2 levels over the investigated period.