
When robots decide to kill

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CZECH WRITER KAREL CAPEK'S 1920 play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots), which famously introduced the word robot to the world, begins with synthetic humans???the robots from the title???toiling in factories to produce low-cost goods. It ends with those same robots killing off the human race. Thus was born an enduring plot line in science fiction: robots spiraling out of control and turning into unstoppable killing machines. Twentieth-century literature and film would go on to bring us many more examples of robots wreaking havoc on the world, with Hollywood notably turning the theme into blockbuster franchises like The Matrix, Transformers, and The Terminator.

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... Może to oznaczać zapewnienie dostępu do zdalnych zasobów edukacyjnych, oferowanie szkoleń w miejscu pracy oraz inwestowanie w programy robots and AI systems in the workplace increases, it's important to ensure that these systems are designed and implemented in a way that respects the rights and privacy of employees, and that they are not used for discriminatory or exploitative purposes. Moreover, Employers should also consider the potential impacts of automation on the well-being of employees, such as the effects of increased surveillance and control, and take steps to mitigate any negative effects (Guizzo, Ackerman, 2016). ...
... Wraz ze wzrostem liczby robotów i systemów sztucznej inteligencji w miejscu pracy ważne jest, aby były one projektowane i wdrażane w sposób szanujący prawa i prywatność pracowników oraz aby nie były wykorzystywane do dyskryminacji czy wyzysku. Ponadto pracodawcy powinni wziąć pod uwagę potencjalny wpływ automatyzacji na samopoczucie pracowników, na przykład skutki wzmożonego nadzoru i kontroli, oraz powinni podjąć kroki w celu złagodzenia wszelkich negatywnych konsekwencji (Guizzo, Ackerman, 2016). ...
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Subject and purpose of work The paper is discussing the challenges presented by Industry 4.0, specifically in relation to the potential loss of jobs due to automation. The article explores how middle-skilled jobs are more likely to be affected adversely by automation and how the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as automation, AI, and IoT is expected to bring about extensive automation and irreversible changes to employment opportunities. Materials and methods As this paper is a review of previous research articles, the authors have collected several journal articles. Results The authors highlight how Industry 4.0 is expected to change working conditions and the nature of work and raises concerns about job insecurity and the erosion of traditional employment relations. Conclusions The paper suggests that to tackle these challenges, policymakers and employers must be aware of the potential impacts of automation and Industry 4.0 on different types of occupations and take steps to mitigate any negative effects, and invest in retraining programs, implement policies that support the fair distribution of the benefits of automation and promoting the skills needed for the future of work.
... En 1921 se presenta R.U.R (Robots Universales Rossum), una obra teatral que trata de una empresa que fabrica humanos artificiales con la finalidad de reducir la carga de trabajo de las personas, fue aquí cuando se utilizó por primera vez el término «robot», palabra deriva del checo robota (labor tediosa) 6 . Después, en 1936, Alan Turing, considerado padre de la computación moderna, publicó su artículo On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungs problem, en el que hablaba del concepto de algoritmo 7 . ...
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La medicina ha tenido un camino en paralelo con la tecnología durante las últimas décadas. El desarrollo de herramientas para la mejora del diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento oportuno ha evolucionado el concepto de salud, la inteligencia artificial (IA) es ejemplo de ello. En esta revisión se abordan temas como la evolución de la historia de la IA por medio de los acontecimientos más importantes, además se presentan algunas aplicaciones de la IA dentro de la medicina asistencial, la educación, la investigación y la gestión médica. Así como novedosas aplicaciones de la IA en la imagenología y una pequeña visión del futuro de la IA como herramienta en la radiología.
... On the other hand, these important ethical questions and concerns seem to be addressed in opinion-and other-type research papers (e.g. [59,18]), who do in fact warn, that scientists are on the verge of crossing the Rubicon to create 'Killer Robots', but seem less relevant in methodological-, theoretical-or survey-based research contributions. ...
Studies concerning the usage of ‘science fiction’ in computer science research are scarce and rely mostly on anecdotal evidence and scattered oral accounts. For this reason, we present a content analysis of a random sample of 500 publications, retrieved from the IEEE Xplore Digital Library via a faceted, full-text search for ‘science fiction’. We analyze the type of research paper and the contextual usage of the science fiction referral and show that science fiction, in the grand scheme of things, is a niche topic in computer science research. Furthermore, results demonstrate that science fiction referrals appear primarily in opinion-type contributions, largely with the purpose of drawing inspiration and innovation into the research paper. The implications of this study can guide computer scientists to consciously utilize science fiction in their research and scholarship and therefore, contribute to innovative HCI and computer science research and application.
... Our most salient finding that AI news coverage, by and large, is robustly positive casts doubt on the belief (Guizzo and Ackerman, 2016;Scharre, 2017;Shead, 2018;Williams, 2015) that negative public perceptions of AI can be explained by negative media coverage of AI. There are, however, caveats. ...
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in digital health, as automated systems are being adopted throughout the health care system. Because they are still flexible, emerging technologies can be shaped significantly by media representations as well as public engagement with science. In this context, we examine the belief that negative news media coverage of AI-and specifically, the alleged use of imagery from the movie Terminator-is to blame for public concerns about AI. This belief is identified as a potential barrier to meaningful engagement of AI scientists and technology developers with journalists and the broader public. We name this climate of risk perception the "Terminator Syndrome"-not because of its origins in the movie of the same name per se, but because such unchecked beliefs can terminate broad public engagement on AI before they even begin. Using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, this study examined the hypothesis that the news media coverage of AI is negative. We conducted a sentiment analysis of news data spanning over six decades, from 1956 to 2018, using the Google Cloud Natural Language API Sentiment Analysis tool. Contrary to the alleged negative sentiment in news media coverage of AI, we found that the available evidence does not support this claim. We conclude with an innovation policy-relevant discussion on the current state of AI risk perceptions, and what critical social sciences offer for responsible AI innovation in digital health, life sciences, and society.
... Going forward, the importance of ensuring fairness in software will only increase. For example, "it's likely, and some say inevitable, that future AI-powered weapons will eventually be able to operate with complete autonomy, leading to a watershed moment in the history of warfare: For the first time, a collection of microchips and software will decide whether a human being lives or dies" [34]. In fact, in 2016, the U.S. Executive Office of the President identified bias in software as a major concern for civil rights [27]. ...
Conference Paper
This paper defines software fairness and discrimination and develops a testing-based method for measuring if and how much software discriminates, focusing on causality in discriminatory behavior. Evidence of software discrimination has been found in modern software systems that recommend criminal sentences, grant access to financial products, and determine who is allowed to participate in promotions. Our approach, Themis, generates efficient test suites to measure discrimination. Given a schema describing valid system inputs, Themis generates discrimination tests automatically and does not require an oracle. We evaluate Themis on 20 software systems, 12 of which come from prior work with explicit focus on avoiding discrimination. We find that (1) Themis is effective at discovering software discrimination, (2) state-of-the-art techniques for removing discrimination from algorithms fail in many situations, at times discriminating against as much as 98% of an input subdomain, (3) Themis optimizations are effective at producing efficient test suites for measuring discrimination, and (4) Themis is more efficient on systems that exhibit more discrimination. We thus demonstrate that fairness testing is a critical aspect of the software development cycle in domains with possible discrimination and provide initial tools for measuring software discrimination.
Robots, artificial intelligence, and autonomous vehicles are associated with substantial narrative and image-related legacies that often place them in a negative light. This chapter outlines the basics of the “dramaturgical” and technosocial approaches that are used throughout this book to gain insights about how these emerging technologies are affecting deeply-seated social and psychological processes. The robot as an “other” in the workplace and community—an object of attention and discussion– has been a frequently-utilized theme of science fiction as well as a topic for research analysis, with many people “acting out” their anxieties and grievances. Human-AI contests and displays of robotic feats are often used to intimidate people and reinforce that individuals are not in control of their own destinies, which presents unsettling prospects for the future.
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The absolute best way of dealing with the coronavirus pandemic is to just not get coronavirus in the first place. By now, you’ve (hopefully) had all of the strategies for doing this drilled into your skull: wash your hands, keep away from large groups of people, stay home when sick, avoid travel when possible. At the top of the list of the places to avoid right now are hospitals, because that’s where all the really sick people go. But for healthcare workers, and the sick people themselves, there’s really no other option. To prevent the spread of coronavirus (and everything else) through hospitals, keeping surfaces disinfected is incredibly important, but it’s also dirty, dull, and (considering what you can get infected with) dangerous. And that’s why it’s an ideal task for autonomous robots.
Conference Paper
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This is basically a review paper . The Author of this paper try to Examine the role of Robotics and AI in automation industries.
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