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Estimation of the Relation between Weibull Distributed Sea Clutter and the CA-CFAR Scale Factor


Abstract and Figures

When radars operate in coastal or offshore environments, an undesired signal known as clutter appears as background in the measurements. The CA-CFAR detector is the classic solution for the detection of targets inside clutter, typically using a fixed value for its adjustment factor the entire period of operation. Using MATLAB, the author simulates the CA-CFAR response under amplitude samples from the classical sea clutter Weibull distribution. As a result, a relation between operating conditions (Weibull shape parameter) and the most efficient adjustment factor is obtained for various false alarm probabilities. Thus, the implementation of a new detector that achieves the adaptation to changing environments through the use of a variable adjustment factor is suggested. Note that sea environment is present in most radar scenarios both in military and meteorological applications.
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Ingeniería 25 (2): 19-28, ISSN: 1409-2441; 2015. San José, Costa Rica
The task of primary radars is to detect
objects within the observation area and
estimate their position (Barton and Leonov,
1998). Target detection would be an easy task
if objects that produce echoes were located
on a non-reflecting background. In that case,
the echo signal could simply be compared
with a fixed threshold, and targets would be
detected when the received signal exceeded the
threshold (Kouemou, 2009).
However, in real life radar applications,
targets almost always appear embedded in a
background lled with clutter, which is a random
signal. Frequently, the clutter signal’s behavior is
subject to time and position variations. Therefore,
the application of adaptive processing techniques
becomes necessary to calculate constantly
changing detection thresholds that correspond
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When radars operate in coastal or offshore environments, an undesired signal known as clutter appears as
background in the measurements. The CA-CFAR detector is the classic solution for the detection of targets inside
clutter, typically using a fixed value for its adjustment factor the entire period of operation. Using MATLAB, the author
simulates the CA-CFAR response under amplitude samples from the classical sea clutter Weibull distribution. As a
result, a relation between operating conditions (Weibull shape parameter) and the most efficient adjustment factor is
obtained for various false alarm probabilities. Thus, the implementation of a new detector that achieves the adaptation
to changing environments through the use of a variable adjustment factor is suggested. Note that sea environment is
present in most radar scenarios both in military and meteorological applications.
Keywords: sea clutter, Weibull distribution, CA-CFAR, false alarm probability, radar targets detection.
Cuando un radar opera en ambientes costeros o en alta mar, aparece una señal indeseable denominada clutter
marino como fondo en las mediciones. El esquema CA-CFAR es la solución clásica a la detección de blancos
sobre fondos de clutter, contando con un factor de ajuste que se mantiene fijo durante todo el período de operación.
Empleando la herramienta MATLAB, el autor simula mediciones de amplitud del clásico clutter Weibull bajo la
operación CA-CFAR. Como resultado, se obtiene una relación entre las condiciones de operación (parámetro de
forma Weibull) y la configuración más eficiente del factor de ajuste para varias probabilidades de falsa alarma. Así,
es sugerida la implementación de un detector con factor variable, adaptado a los cambios del ambiente. Nótese que el
entorno marino está presente en la mayor parte de los escenarios tanto en aplicaciones militares como meteorológicas.
Palabras clave: clutter marino, distribución Weibull, CA-CFAR, Probabilidad de Falsa Alarma, Detección de
Blancos de Radar.
Recibido: 20 de Febrero 2015 Aprobado: 30 de Julio 2015
José Raúl Machado Fernández
Ingeniería 25 (2): 19-28, ISSN: 1409-2441; 2015. San José, Costa Rica
with the clutter’s local situation (Skolnik, 2008).
The techniques are even more necessary on widely
variable backgrounds such as sea clutter, which is
the signal obtained from the radar’s echo reected
at the sea surface (Machado and Bueno, 2012).
In order to obtain the necessary local
information, schemes with sliding windows
around the analyzed cell are commonly used
(Rohling, 1983; Nagle, 1991). According on the
application, the number of cells to be used in
the window may vary, being the larger amounts
responsible for a better estimate of the clutter
average and the smaller ones more effective
at eliminating critical situations, such as: the
presence of multiple nearby targets and the
occurrence of abrupt changes in the background’s
level. When such situations occur, the clutter
is said to be heterogeneous. Otherwise, it’s
categorized as homogeneous (Bacallao, 2003).
When detectors are designed for situations
where targets appear inside sea clutter, the well-
known Neyman-Pearson theorem is applied. This
means that the designer rst seeks to ensure a
given false alarm probability (Pf) and then tries
to maximize the probability of detection (Pd).
Thus, the most popular clutter level estimation
mechanisms are known as CFAR (Constant
False Alarm Rate) because they ensure that the
detection will occur under the guarantee of a
constant false alarm (Skolnik, 2008).
Conceived at rst under the assumption of
Gaussian distributed clutter, several types of
CFAR algorithms can be found, all based on the
sliding window mechanism. The most popular
are the CA-CFAR (Cell Averaging), the GO-
CFAR (Greatest-Of), the SO-CFAR (Smallest-
Of) and OS-CFAR (Ordered Statistics). These
detectors have been treated in the literature by
several authors (Rohling, 1983; Farina, Studer,
1986; Weingberg, 2004). and are often used as a
reference on recent researches (Takahashi, 2010;
Caso, De Nardis, 2013; de Figueiredo, 2013;
Qin, Gong, 2013). . In addition, each year new
alternatives and contributions appear in various
international journals. Some proposals try to
introduce new processing methods (Van Cao,
2012; Qin, Gong, 2013), while others focus on
improving the existing ones (Kumar, Kant, 2013;
Magaz, Belouchrani, 2011). However, all CFAR
implementations have in common that they allow
the adjustment of the false alarm probability by
means of the modication of a scale or adjustment
factor (K), which has an inverse relationship
with the probability of detection (Rohling, 1983;
Farina, Studer, 1986).
The preliminary statement that claimed the
clutter was Gaussian distributed was quickly
proven as false by several (Haykin, Bakker,
Currie, 2002; Antipov, 1998). Specically in the
case of sea clutter, numerous studies have shown
that the family of heavy-tailed distributions is
the best suited for representing measurements
made on the sea surface. While many others have
been proposed, the following distributions are
generally the most accepted by the community:
Rayleigh, Log-Normal, K, Weibull and Log-
Weibull (Antipov, 1998; Oyedokun, 2012; Totir,
Rador, Anton, 2008; Jian-bo Hu, Wen-wen, 2009).
1.1 Motivation and objetives
Recent studies have reinforced the theory
that sustains that the Weibull distribution is one
of the best sea clutter models (Ishii, Sayama,
Mizutani, 2011; Sayama, Ishii, 2013). Likewise,
it has been noted that the average wave height
inuences the selection of the shape parameter
of the distribution. Additionally, the shape
parameter varies when using S-band radars
instead of X-band. For S-band radars, the β shape
Figure 1. Block Diagram of a CA-CFAR Detector.
MACHADO: Estimation of the Relation between Weibull ... 21
parameter from clutter samples, the systems
requires having knowledge about its relation with
the CA-CFAR K scale factor, in order to control
the variation of the detector’s behavior. Therefore,
the conceived scheme is useless if a table, with the
possible occurrences of β and its corresponding
K values, is not available for several false alarm
probabilities. The creation of such a table is the
objective of the author of this paper.
The CA-CFAR scheme is preferred for the
analysis over the SO-CFAR, GO-CFAR and OS-
CFAR alternatives because it’s the internationally
recognized reference model for comparing new
implementations. A great amount of recent
articles support this statement (Caso, De Nardis,
2013; Qin, Gong, 2013; Kumar, 2013; Ranjan,
Krishna Moorthy, 2013; Mashade, 2013).
The current project is intended to solve
problems founded in previous researches (Machado,
Bueno, 2012; Machado, García, 2014; Machado,
García Delgado, B., 2014). where sea clutter and
CFAR detectors were studied independently but
both approaches were not associated. Neither was
conducted a thorough analysis on the behavior of
echoes received from sea surface.
Clearly establishing the purpose of the
investigation, it should be noted that critical
points can’t be determined for all false alarm
probabilities. This would consume a huge amount
of time and efforts. Instead, the author searches to
nd the combination of values of the CA-CFAR
K and the β parameter for which the Pfs are equal
parameter settles around 4,5 and for X-band
around 2,5. Besides, if the inuence of other
not fully specied climatic factors is taken into
account, a variation interval which goes from
1,75 to 6,25 may be assumed for the β parameter.
The formula for the Weibull Probability Density
Function (PDF) is given below (O’Connor, 2011).
and draws for several combinations of Weibull
parameters are shown in Figure 2.
f (x
α,β) = (βxβ-1 / αβ) exp [-(x/a)β] (1)
The previous statements raised questions about
whether the selection of a scale invariant factor
truly allowed maintaining a constant Pf for the
entire operation period of a CFAR detector. Taking
as a priori information that the β parameter varies
in a known range (Ishii, Sayama, Mizutani, 2011),
the ISPJAE radar research group has proved, by
performing a number of experiments in MATLAB,
that a detector that uses a xed scale factor must
operate inefciently in order to ensure a constant
Pf. On the contrary, if the scale factor would vary
according to the value of the β shape parameter
from the Weibull sea distribution, the inefciency
will disappear (Machado y Bacallao, 2014).
Thus, the need for a system capable of
identifying the β Weibull parameter becomes
evident. A project for its creation has already been
conceived (Machado, 2014). However, there is an
essential add-on that has not been considered as a
part of the research. Once identied the Weibull
Figure 2. PDF draws from the Weibull Distribution.
Ingeniería 25 (2): 19-28, ISSN: 1409-2441; 2015. San José, Costa Rica
to and. The selection of such Figures is a classic
choice in radar radars issues (Kouemou, 2009;
Skolnik, 2008).
To achieve the aimed objective, the author
worked with the MATE-CFAR (MAtlab Test
Environment for CFAR detectors) testing
environment created in MATLAB/Simulink 2011
by himself. The software allows the simulation of
clutter, targets and CFAR detectors by adjusting
the simulation variables in a quickly and
intuitively way (Machado, Bacallao, 2014). The
multiple blocks that compose MATE-CFAR are
shown in Figure 3.
The test environment has a total of 12
congurable parameters that were arranged, in
the current research, in a way that Weibull clutter
was generated, with no targets present. Besides,
samples were processed by a 64 cells CA-CFAR
architecture with no guard cells. The previous
conguration was maintained all simulation long.
In contrast, the value of the K adjustment
factor and the α and β Weibull clutter parameters
Figure 3. Structure of the MATE-CFAR Test Environment
Table 1. α and β Values Selected for the Simulation.
Beta 1,75 2 2,25 2,5 2,75 3
Alfa 1,1228 1,1284 1,129 1,127 1,1237 1,1198
Beta 3,25 3,5 3,75 4 4,25 4,5
Alfa 1,1156 1,1114 1,1072 1,1033 1,0994 1,0958
4,75 5 5,25 5,5 5,75 6 6,25
1,0924 1,0891 1,086 1,0831 1,0804 1,0779 1,0755
MACHADO: Estimation of the Relation between Weibull ... 23
Figure 4. Two possible thresholds obtained by selecting different K values.
were changed until the False Alarm Probabilities
of 10-2, 10-3 and 10-4 were found. The procedure
was performed as follows. Firstly, 19 values of
β were chosen from the range between 1,75 and
6,25 including the edges, so there was a difference
of 0,25 units between consecutives values. The α
Weibull parameter was selected for making the
average of the samples equal to one, by using the
known Weibull mean formula (O’Connor, 2011).
given bellow in Equation 2. In addition, Table 1
shows the and values selected for the simulation.
mean = αΓ (1+1/β) (2)
Then, using Table 1 as a reference, the rst (α,
β) pair was placed in MATE-CFAR, and the K was
set to a small value such as K = 1,5. Afterwards,
one million Weibull clutter samples were processed
under the established conditions emulating a real
detector. After nishing, the author calculated the
Pf according to the following equation:
Pf = false positives / total amount of samples (3)
Where false positives are those clutter
samples mistakenly identied by the CA-CFAR
detector as targets. Generally, if the simulation
starts by assuming a small K value, the obtained
Pf is high. Then, as K is increased, in later
executions, the Pf will decrease.
The described behavior can be understood if
Figure 4 is examined. The reader will notice there
are two thresholds resulting from the selection of
two different K gures. The lower threshold is
associated with a high Pf because it often forces
to identify clutter samples as targets. Conversely,
the higher threshold, corresponding to a higher K,
provides a smaller Pf since it’s rare to nd a clutter
value exceeding the established level. However,
when a too high threshold is chosen, the detector
starts to miss targets that actually exist; so the
excessive elevation of K is not recommended
because it decreases the Probability of Detection.
Consequently, the experiment’s goal was to nd
the exact value for which the scale factor (K)
guaranteed a Pf of 10-2, 10-3 and 10-4 for each
pair of Weibull parameters with the best possible
value of probability of detection.
As the reader may deduce, after obtaining
the Pf for the rst K value, the procedure was
repeated changing the K value until the desired Pf
was found. About 20 executions were necessary
as an average to ensure a good accuracy on the
results extracted from the experiment (less than
0,5 % of error).
After nishing with one (α, β) pair, the next
one was be included in the trials, performing
simulations until all the required Ks were
founded. The procedure was completed when all
pairs were processed. A summary of the algorithm
is described below.
Ingeniería 25 (2): 19-28, ISSN: 1409-2441; 2015. San José, Costa Rica
Repeat 19 times
In each Repetition: Select a (α,
β) pair
Repeat until the Pf is found
(approximately 20 repetitions)
In each repetition: Modify
K looking for the desired Pf
End of Repetitions
End of Repetitions
After performing the procedure described in
the preceding section, the data shown in Figure
5 was obtained. The X axis provides the CA-
CFAR K value and the Y axis the calculated Pf.
Each draw corresponds to one β Weibull shape
parameter. Thus, 19 draws are visible covering the
range from 1,75 to 6,25. The draw to the extreme
right shows the result for the smaller β (β = 1,75).
Draws appearing to the left plot lines related with
the gradual increase of the shape parameter.
As it may be observed in Figure 5, the
slope was always negative in what constitutes
an expected result if the effect of raising the
adjustment factor is taken into account. Note that
by increasing K, the calculated threshold gets
higher, so fewer targets will be classied as clutter
obtaining as a consequence a smaller false alarm
Figure 6 shows one of the draws from Figure
5 (the one highlighted) a little more in detail. In
this case, besides the solid line, some dots in a
cross shape were plotted. Each dot represents a
measurement of Pf obtained by performing an
experiment with one million samples using the
procedure described in the previous section.
As it can be seen, most of the crosses are
distributed in three concentration areas. Indeed,
the groups of measurements are around the Pf
values of 10-2, 10-3 and 10-4. The reader may
understand then that the search for K was not
made in a uniform manner but it was performed
efciently by getting closer and closer to the
points of interest. However, outliers appeared as
a result of the lack of information of the initial
The result of the measurements was the
extraction of the desired critical point where the
required Pf was obtained. Table 2 relates each
occurrence of the β Weibull parameter with the
better CA-CFAR K. The second column displays
the values of the shape parameter used in the
simulation, while the rest to the right show the
values of the best possible K for each tabulated
Pf. Note that each of the amounts shown was
extracted from Figure 5.
In order to maximize the practical application
of the values shown in Table 2, the author
recommends focusing future research efforts in
the development of a mathematical expression
that will allow the generalization of the results.
With this expression, it will be possible to
estimate the K value necessary to maintain the
desired Pf for any β in the range from 1,75 to
6,25, and not only for the values tabulated in
Table 2.
Figure 5. Relation between the K Adjustment Parameter and the False Alarm Probability for several.
MACHADO: Estimation of the Relation between Weibull ... 25
Figure 6. Successive Executions for the precise measuring of the adjustment parameter.
Table 2. Best k Scale Factor for Several Clutter Congurations.
N, β Weibull
Shape Par K for Pf = 10-2 K for Pf = 10-3 K for Pf = 4
1 1,75 2,74 3,50 4,16
2 2,00 2,47 3,05 3,55
3 2,25 2,26 2,73 3,13
4 2,50 2,11 2,50 2,82
5 2,75 1,99 2,32 2,82
6 3,00 1,89 2,18 2,41
7 3,25 1,81 2,06 2,27
8 3,50 1,74 1,96 2,15
9 3,75 1,68 1,88 1,99
10 4,00 1,63 1,82 1,99
The founded relation between the K and the
Weibull shape parameter achieved an important
step toward the creation of an improved CA-CFAR
detector, which will vary its adjustment factor
according to the conditions of the environment. The
new detector would really guarantee that a constant
Pf is maintained when facing variable operating
conditions. However, the conception of the scheme
contains other complexities not addressed in the
current research such as the number of samples
to be taken from real clutter measurement for
guarantying stability in the β Weibull parameter.
Making a preliminary analysis of the observed
data, it was convenient to plot the difference
Ingeniería 25 (2): 19-28, ISSN: 1409-2441; 2015. San José, Costa Rica
between each of the values of table II, that is, the
subtraction of each value with the subsequent.
So, Figure 7 shows the derivative of the K value
for each of the addressed Pfs. Note that this time
the X axis shows the 18 values resulting from the
subtraction of the 19 K measurements.
As it can be seen, plots were decreasing and
followed a non-linear structure. This indicates that
it’s highly unlikely that small order polynomial
approximations will t the data correctly.
However, the derivative seemed to stabilize after
the 10th measurement which corresponds to β =
4 (see Table 2). Consequently, an estimator of the
measurements could be divided into two parts if
good results are not reached by using a single one.
The area with greater linearity is also visible
in Figure 8 where data is shown before performing
the derivation. Note that this Figure illustrates the
inuence of β on K.
From Figure 7 and 8, it was visible that as
β increases, its effect on the modication of K
becomes reduced. The fact is remarkable when
trying to establish expressions to generalize the
obtained data. Selected expressions must have a
smooth behavior beyond the β = 6,25 limit, as it
was suggested by the shapes of the draws. Besides,
the expressions must have a tendency to converge
for the higher βs and to divergence for smaller βs.
On another note, observe that the shapes of the
draws in Figure 8 were very similar. This suggests that
Figure 7. Derivative of the K founded values.
Figure 8. β inuence on K for several False Alarm Probabilities.
MACHADO: Estimation of the Relation between Weibull ... 27
a single expression could reproduce the measurements
of the three Pfs. An approach which could prove to
be satisfactory is to select a base function which will
be added to an auxiliary function that will change
according to the selected Pf. The author did not tried
to nd expression to generalize the results because
he thought that higher amounts of samples should
be used to calculate better false alarm probabilities
before offering mathematical expressions.
The best values for the K scale factor where
found for a CA-CFAR detector and false alarm
probabilities of 10-2, 10-3 and 10-4, considering
several states of Weibull distributed clutter. The
founded gures guarantee that a CA-CFAR
scheme will operate maintaining its theoretic
false alarm probability while the probability
of detection is maximized, even when facing
variations of the β clutter parameter from 1,75 to
6,25. In addition, the study showed that for the
upper values of β, the clutter inuence decreases
over the correction of the K factor. The current
investigation concluded an important piece of a
system designed to operate as an improved CA-
CFAR detector that will adapt to variations in the
The author recommends nding a
mathematical expression through which the
founded results may be reproduced. Likewise,
it will be necessary to increase the amount of
samples involved in the experiment in order to
calculate higher order false alarm probabilities.
The reproduction of the study for the classic
OS-CFAR detector is also recommended. This
would begin creating a general methodology for the
design of detectors adapted to clutter conditions.
It will be also necessary, for the further
development of the proposed scheme, to estimate the
convergence of the Weibull clutter to its statistical
mean as more samples are taken into consideration.
This will allow establishing the necessary quantity
of samples to gather for performing the proposed K
correction. Note that the amount of samples should
be inferior to one million.
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José Raúl Machado Fernández received his
engineering degree in Telecommunications and
Electronics from the Instituto Superior Politécnico
José Antonio Echeverría (ISPJAE). Since 2013, he
has been receiving a Master in Telecommunications
course at the same institution. He’s interested in
researches related to pattern recognition, articial
intelligence, sea clutter and radar detection schemes.
... El grupo de radares de la Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana "José Antonio Echeverría" (CUJAE) ha completado con éxito la modelación informática de varias distribuciones vinculadas al clutter marino [6][7][8]. Conjuntamente, varias soluciones de detección han sido presentadas utilizando estos modelos como base [9][10][11][12][13][14]. Los esquemas son funcionales para ángulos rasantes bajos, que aparecen cuando se sitúan los radares en embarcaciones o en edificaciones cercanas a la costa. ...
... Por tanto, se prevé el diseño de sistemas de inteligencia artificial que permitan crear soluciones de estimación paramétrica que lleven a su vez a la concepción de algoritmos de detección estables. Soluciones similares han sido presentadas para las distribuciones Weibull, K y Pareto[9][10][11][12]. ...
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The increasing complexity of radar devices, and the variety of naval and coastal scenarios in which they need to be deployed, motivates the need for the stochastic modelling of the sea clutter, which will contribute to the assessment of the system before the implementation. Specifically, when radars are placed on aircrafts or elevated locations, the statistical distribution of the background echoes gets modified and therefore differs from the one commonly assumed for low grazing angles. For the accurate representation of the sea clutter observed at medium and high grazing angles, the authors modelled in MATLAB the Weibull-Weibull and K-K mixed distributions, which are frequently used in the literature. The implemented functions provide an easy access to the handling of density, cumulative distribution and survival functions, as well as the generation of random variables and the estimation of central and algebraic moments of the addressed distributions. Besides, additional functions were included, enabling the validation of the code by comparison with the results provided by other investigations and through the interaction of the functions. The created code models distributions which are commonly ignore by most software for statistical simulation, due to their specific application in radar related studies. Therefore, the current research is expected to lead to the conception of enhanced detection solutions adapted to different operation scenarios, also contributing to the creation of a framework specialized in radar clutter.
... where ν = r 2 is the intensity SAR signal, γ is the scale parameter and Γ(·) refers to the Gamma function. Contrary to the theoretical models discussed above, the Weibull distribution is an empirical statistical model, and has been used in the literature [10], [12], [13] to model SAR images in both amplitude and intensity formats. The Weibull pdf is expressed as ...
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In this paper, we present a novel statistical model, $\textit{the generalized-Gaussian-Rician}$ (GG-Rician) distribution, for the characterization of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Since accurate statistical models lead to better results in applications such as target tracking, classification, or despeckling, characterizing SAR images of various scenes including urban, sea surface, or agricultural, is essential. The proposed statistical model is based on the Rician distribution to model the amplitude of a complex SAR signal, the in-phase and quadrature components of which are assumed to be generalized-Gaussian distributed. The proposed amplitude GG-Rician model is further extended to cover the intensity SAR signals. In the experimental analysis, the GG-Rician model is investigated for amplitude and intensity SAR images of various frequency bands and scenes in comparison to state-of-the-art statistical models that include $\mathcal{K}$, Weibull, Gamma, and Lognormal. In order to decide on the most suitable model, statistical significance analysis via Kullback-Leibler divergence and Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics are performed. The results demonstrate the superior performance and flexibility of the proposed model for all frequency bands and scenes and its applicability on both amplitude and intensity SAR images.
... Entonces, se modificó el valor de en iteraciones sucesivas hasta lograr que la se aproximara a 10 −2 , 10 −3 y 10 −4 con un error inferior al 1%. Como se sabe que la relación entre y es inversamente proporcional [45,261], el algoritmo implementado deviene una búsqueda binaria donde se aumenta siempre que se desea reducir la , y viceversa. La secuencia de pasos se repite para cada grupo, requiriéndose aproximadamente 25 iteraciones para producir cada valor de con la precisión especificada. ...
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La mayoría de los procesadores CFAR modifican el algoritmo de cálculo del promedio buscando un mejor desempeño frente a heterogeneidades. En cambio, no se establece ningún mecanismo para adaptar las soluciones a la fluctuación de la distribución estadística del clutter y su parámetro de forma. Como respuesta a esta problemática, la presente investigación propone una variante de procesamiento CFAR que corrige continuamente el factor de ajuste, logrando así que la probabilidad de falsa alarma se mantenga estable alrededor del valor de diseño, aun cuando ocurran cambios en la estadística del clutter. La solución es novedosa tanto en su concepción como en las técnicas aplicadas. En primer lugar, la idea de corregir el factor de ajuste a partir de estimaciones de la estadística del clutter, y de aplicar fórmulas de transformación obtenidas por ajuste de curva, introduce una nueva metodología sin precedentes en la literatura. En segundo lugar, la propuesta devela una nueva aplicación de las redes neuronales, al emplearlas para la selección de la distribución preferencial del clutter y la estimación de su parámetro de forma. El diseño fue simulado en MATLAB empleando muestras generadas en computadora, y fue validado con lecturas tomadas de bases de datos internacionales.
Over the last decades, the family of $\alpha$ -stale distributions has proven to be useful for a variety of applications in telecommunication systems. Particularly, in the case of radar applications, finding a fast and accurate estimation method for the amplitude density function parameters appears to be of great significance. In this work, the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is proposed for parameters of the amplitude's distribution. To this end, the amplitude data are projected onto the horizontal and vertical axes using two simple transformations. It will be shown that the projected data will follow a zero-location symmetric $\alpha$ -stale distribution for which MLE can be computed quite fast. The averages of the computed MLEs based on the two projections are considered as estimator of parameters of the amplitude's distribution. Performance of the proposed projection method is demonstrated through simulation study and analysis of two real radar datasets.
This letter presents a new statistical model for urban scene synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images by combining the Cauchy distribution, which is heavy tailed, with the Rician backscattering. The literature spans various well-known models most of which are derived under the assumption that the scene consists of multitudes of random reflectors. This idea specifically fails for urban scenes since they accommodate a heterogeneous collection of strong scatterers such as buildings, cars, and wall corners. Moreover, when it comes to analyzing their statistical behavior, due to these strong reflectors, urban scenes include a high number of high amplitude samples, which implies that urban scenes are mostly heavy-tailed. The proposed Cauchy–Rician model contributes to the literature by leveraging nonzero location (Rician) heavy-tailed (Cauchy) signal components. In the experimental analysis, the Cauchy–Rician model is investigated in comparison to state-of-the-art statistical models that include $\mathcal {G}_{0}$ , generalized gamma, and the lognormal distribution. The numerical analysis demonstrates the superior performance and flexibility of the proposed distribution for modeling urban scenes.
We present a novel statistical model, the generalized-Gaussian–Rician (GG-Rician) distribution, for the characterization of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Since accurate statistical models lead to better results in applications such as target tracking, classification, or despeckling, characterizing SAR images of various scenes including urban, sea surface, or agricultural is essential. The proposed statistical model is based on the Rician distribution to model the amplitude of a complex SAR signal, the in-phase and quadrature components of which are assumed to be generalized-Gaussian (GG) distributed. The proposed amplitude GG-Rician model is further extended to cover the intensity of SAR signals. In the experimental analysis, the GG-Rician model is investigated for amplitude and intensity SAR images of various frequency bands and scenes in comparison to state-of-the-art statistical models that include Weibull, $\mathcal {G}_{0}$ , Generalized gamma, and the lognormal distribution. The statistical significance analysis and goodness-of-fit test results demonstrate the superior performance and flexibility of the proposed model for all frequency bands and scenes, and its applicability on both amplitude and intensity SAR images.
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The cancellation of the undesired effects caused by the clutter signal is among the main problems faced by today’s radar detectors. The clutter slow statistical variations usually force the false alarm probability of the CA-CFAR detector to deviate from the design value. The authors developed an enhanced CA-CFAR which continually corrects its adjustment factor by performing estimations with the method of moments and applying mathematical expressions taken from recent studies. The solution was implemented in VHDL for its direct application in operational systems. In addition, the scheme was reproduced on MATLAB, which allowed to validate the results by comparing with the VHDL output. The new detector, called W-MoM-CA-CFAR, contributes to the development of radar detectors theory, and seeks to improve Cuban radar systems.
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In this paper, a tool called MATE-CFAR (MAtlab Test Environment for CFAR detectors) is presented for testing CFAR detectors and modeling clutter and radar targets. Implemented at Simulink in MATLAB, the environment is able to generate Gaussian and Weibull clutter, and Swerling V targets. In addition, the target´s occurrence frequency can be controlled and the detection and false alarm probabilities can be computed. By means of MATE-CFAR, the authors estimate plots for the false alarm and detection probabilities using auxiliary functions provided together with the environment, therefore demonstrating the application of MATE-CFAR.
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Random Access is an important aspect of mobile systems where multiple users are always competing for resources. However, noise imposes a significant problem to those systems causing them to falsely detect access requests. In consequence, unnecessary processing and air traffic are generated based upon these unreal request events. This paper presents a modified Cell-Average Constant False Alarm Rate (CA-CFAR) strategy used for random access detection of CAZAC preambles in the presence of noise. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method performs well even in the case of low SNR.
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We have observed weather clutter containing targets (ships) using an S-band radar with a frequency 3.05 GHz, a beam width 1.8°, and a pulsewidth 0.5 μs. To investigate the weather clutter amplitude statistics, we introduce the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). We have found that the weather clutter amplitudes obey the log-normal, Weibull, and log-Weibull distributions with the shape parameters of 0.308 to 0.470, 4.42 to 4.51, and 15.91 to 16.44, respectively, for small data within the beam width of an antenna. We have proposed the log-normal/CFAR circuit modified a Cell-Averaging (CA) LOG/CFAR circuit. It is found that weather clutter is suppressed with improvement of 51.58 dB by log-normal/CFAR. As a result, we have showed that weather clutter observed by S-band radar does not obey the Rayleigh distribution and our log-normal/CFAR circuit has an effect on suppression of clutter and detection of target, while conventional LOG/CFAR circuit does not. In addition, if our circuit can be realized, we will have an advantage economically.
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This paper proposes a new approach for effciently determining the unwanted interfering samples in the reference window, for the ordered statistics constant false alarm rate detector, based on the application of the information theoretic criteria principle. The proposed processor termed as Forward Automatic Order Selection Ordered Statistics Detector (FAOSOSD) does not require any prior information about the number of interfering targets. The proposed design aims to improve the Ordered Statistics Constant False Alarm Rate detector performance under severe interference situations. The number of interfering targets is obtained by minimizing the information theoretic criteria. Simulation results that illustrate the performance of the proposed method versus the classical OS-CFAR, the AND-CFAR and the OR-CFAR detectors are presented and discussed.
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In order to improve the interference immunity of the detector, a new CFAR detector (ACGCA-CFAR) based on automatic censoring cell averaging (ACCA) and cell averaging (CA) is presented in this paper. It takes the greatest value of ACCA and CA local estimation as the noise power estimation. Under swerling II assumption, the analytic expressions of in homogeneous background are derived. In contrast to other detectors, the ACGCA-CFAR detector has higher detection performance both in homogeneous and nonhomogeneous backgrounds, while the sample sorting time of ACGCA is only quarter that of OS and ACCA.
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This work addresses the impact of sensing decision fusion rules and operative constraints on the performance of hard decision cooperative spectrum sensing schemes for cognitive radio networks. The work focuses on cooperative spectrum sensing under two sensing operating modes: the Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) and the Constant Detection Rate (CDR) mode. Analytical solutions for network probability of false alarm and of detection under the assumption that all nodes share the same individual probability of false alarm or detection, respectively, are reviewed, and corresponding exact analytical expressions for such probabilities are expressed for OR and AND fusion rules. In the case of the Majority fusion rule novel analytical approximations for the required values of individual probability of false alarm in CFAR mode and individual probability of detection in CDR mode, respectively, are derived. The validity of the approximations is confirmed by means of numerical simulations, and the impact of errors in the estimation of average SNR for the signal of the primary user at the receivers of the cognitive network is analyzed by network simulations.
A constant false alarm rate (CFAR) in the presence of variable levels of noise is usually a requirement placed on any modern radar. The CA- and OS-CFAR detectors are the most widely used ones in the CFAR world. The cell-averaging (CA) is the optimum CFAR detector in terms of detection probability in homogeneous background when the reference cells have identical, independent and exponentially distributed signals. The ordered-statistic (OS) is an alternative to the CA processor, which trades a small loss in detection performance, relative to the CA scheme, in ideal conditions for much less performance degradation in nonideal background environments. To benefice the merits of these well-known schemes, two modified versions (MX- and MN-CFAR) have been recently suggested. This paper is devoted to the detection performance evaluation of these modified versions as well as a novel one (ML-CFAR). Exact formulas for their false alarm and detection performances are derived, in the absence as well as in the presence of spurious targets. The results of these performances obtained for Rayleigh clutter and Rayleigh target indicate that the MN-CFAR scheme performs nearly as good as OS detector in the presence of outlying targets and all the developed versions perform much better than that processor when the background environment is homogeneous. When compared to CA-CFAR, the modified schemes perform better in ideal conditions, and behave much better in the presence of interfering targets.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the problem of achieving constant false alarm rate (CFAR) operation in radar systems and the techniques used for this purpose. First, the characteristics of noncoherent clutter in both space and time domains are assessed. Attention is then focused on the two main approaches to CFAR detection, spatial adaptive thresholding and temporal adaptive thresholding. For each approach, a number of currently used techniques are reviewed. Performance evaluation and comparison between the two classes of devices also are considered. Other CFAR techniques based on coherent processing are outlined and discussed.
Sea clutter refers to the radar backscatter from a patch of ocean surface. To properly characterize radar clutter returns, a lot of effort has been made to fit various distributions to the observed amplitude data of sea clutter. However, the fitting of real sea clutter data using those distributions is not satisfactory. This may be due to the fact that sea clutter data is highly nonstationary. This nonstationarity motivates us to perform distributional analysis on the data obtained by differentiating the amplitude data of sea clutter. By systematically analyzing differentiated data of 280 sea clutter time series measured under various sea and weather conditions, we show that the Tsallis distribution fits sea clutter data much better than commonly used distributions for sea clutter such as the K distribution. We also find that the parameters from the Tsallis distribution are more effective than the ones from the K distribution for detecting low observable targets within sea clutter.