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Mapping the Antarctic Polar Front: Weekly realizations from 2002 to 2014


Abstract and Figures

We map the weekly position of the Antarctic Polar Front (PF) in the Southern Ocean over a 12-year period (2002–2014) using satellite sea surface temperature (SST) estimated from cloud-penetrating microwave radiometers. Our study advances previous efforts to map the PF using hydrographic and satellite data and provides a unique realization of the PF at weekly resolution across all longitudes (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.855640). The mean path of the PF is asymmetric; its latitudinal position spans from 44 to 64° S along its circumpolar path. SST at the PF ranges from 0.6 to 6.9 °C, reflecting the large spread in latitudinal position. The average intensity of the front is 1.7 °C per 100 km, with intensity ranging from 1.4 to 2.3 °C per 100 km. Front intensity is significantly correlated with the depth of bottom topography, suggesting that the front intensifies over shallow bathymetry. Realizations of the PF are consistent with the corresponding surface expressions of the PF estimated using expendable bathythermograph data in the Drake Passage and Australian and African sectors. The climatological mean position of the PF is similar, though not identical, to previously published estimates. As the PF is a key indicator of physical circulation, surface nutrient concentration, and biogeography in the Southern Ocean, future studies of physical and biogeochemical oceanography in this region will benefit from the provided data set.
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Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 191–198, 2016
© Author(s) 2016. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
Mapping the Antarctic Polar Front: weekly realizations
from 2002 to 2014
Natalie M. Freeman and Nicole S. Lovenduski
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of
Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
Correspondence to: Natalie M. Freeman (
Received: 23 December 2015 – Published in Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.: 19 January 2016
Revised: 22 April 2016 – Accepted: 26 April 2016 – Published: 12 May 2016
Abstract. We map the weekly position of the Antarctic Polar Front (PF) in the Southern Ocean over a 12-year
period (2002–2014) using satellite sea surface temperature (SST) estimated from cloud-penetrating microwave
radiometers. Our study advances previous efforts to map the PF using hydrographic and satellite data and pro-
vides a unique realization of the PF at weekly resolution across all longitudes (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.855640).
The mean path of the PF is asymmetric; its latitudinal position spans from 44 to 64
S along its circumpolar path.
SST at the PF ranges from 0.6 to 6.9
C, reflecting the large spread in latitudinal position. The average inten-
sity of the front is 1.7
C per 100 km, with intensity ranging from 1.4 to 2.3
C per 100 km. Front intensity is
significantly correlated with the depth of bottom topography, suggesting that the front intensifies over shallow
bathymetry. Realizations of the PF are consistent with the corresponding surface expressions of the PF estimated
using expendable bathythermograph data in the Drake Passage and Australian and African sectors. The climato-
logical mean position of the PF is similar, though not identical, to previously published estimates. As the PF is
a key indicator of physical circulation, surface nutrient concentration, and biogeography in the Southern Ocean,
future studies of physical and biogeochemical oceanography in this region will benefit from the provided data
1 Introduction
The large-scale circulation of the Southern Ocean (south
of 35
S) is dominated by the strong, eastward flow of the
Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), connecting the ma-
jor ocean basins and allowing for the transport of heat, nu-
trients, carbon, and other key climate variables globally and
to the ocean interior (Rintoul et al., 2001; Sarmiento et al.,
2004). The ACC is composed of many deep-reaching hydro-
graphic fronts that divide the Southern Ocean up into phys-
ical and biogeochemical zones (see Deacon, 1982; Pollard
et al., 2002). The flow of the ACC is concentrated in several
jets within which the majority of the circumpolar transport
is carried (Rintoul et al., 2001). The terms “front” and “jet”
have often been used interchangeably throughout the ACC
literature but are distinct features: an ACC front is a water
mass boundary that is often associated with an ACC jet, a
strong geostrophic current.
While as many as 10 distinct fronts can be realized in the
Southern Ocean (Sokolov and Rintoul, 2007), the three ma-
jorly recognized ACC fronts are, from north to south, the
Subantarctic Front (SAF), Antarctic Polar Front (PF), and
southern ACC front (Orsi et al., 1995). At the PF, cold, fresh
Antarctic surface waters subduct beneath warmer, saltier sub-
Antarctic waters (Deacon, 1933, 1937). At the surface, the
PF is characterized by strong gradients in temperature, nu-
trients, and distinct biological communities (Deacon, 1933,
1937; Mackintosh, 1946; Deacon, 1982; Trull et al., 2001).
Accurately identifying the location of the PF has been an
important and active area of research in recent decades as
frontal position has implications for Southern Ocean eddy
mean flow, air-sea fluxes, biological productivity, biogeogra-
phy, and estimates of ACC transport (Hughes and Ash, 2001;
Pollard et al., 2002; Sarmiento et al., 2004; Ansorge et al.,
Published by Copernicus Publications.
192 N. M. Freeman and N. S. Lovenduski: Mapping the Antarctic Polar Front
There are multiple ways to identify the PF using tem-
perature and salinity data collected on hydrographic and
bathythermographic sections. A common method uses the
C isotherm at 200m to mark the subsurface PF, as it is
a good approximation of the northern extent of cold, fresh
Antarctic Surface Water that generally occupies the upper
water column between the PF and the Antarctic continen-
tal shelf (Orsi et al., 1995; Belkin and Gordon, 1996). While
useful in capturingthe vertical structure ofthe PF on regional
scales and over short time periods, in situ data in the South-
ern Ocean is spatially and temporally sparse, makingdifficult
the study of spatiotemporal variability in the PF.
Satellites have allowed for a large-scale view of the histor-
ically under-sampled Southern Ocean. Altimeter images of
sea surface height (SSH) reflect features of the upper ocean
density field and gradients in SSH have been used to charac-
terize jet intensity and front location (Gille, 1994; Sokolov
and Rintoul, 2007; Sallée et al., 2008). Sokolov and Rintoul
(2002) demonstrate that regions of strong SSH gradients tend
to coincide with particular SSH contoursand that the circum-
polar path of a particular SSH contour marks the location of
an ACC front. However, SSH contouring methods to iden-
tify the PF should be approached with caution: Graham et al.
(2012) show that an SSH contour is not always associated
with an enhanced SSH gradient, challenging the accurate de-
tection of the time-varying front.
Given the signature strong sea surface temperature (SST)
gradient at the PF, satellite images of SST can also be used to
identify the PF. However, previous PF studies have used in-
frared retrievals of SST (Legeckis, 1977; Moore et al., 1997,
1999) which are greatly affected by water vapor and clouds,
a persistent feature of the Southern Ocean. SST estimates
from cloud-penetrating microwave radiometers circumvent
the above PF mapping limitations, first demonstrated by
Dong et al. (2006b).
Our study learns from and advances previous efforts to
map the PF. Herein, we use the continuous, all-weather mi-
crowave SST record at 25km resolution to estimate the
weekly location of the PF from 2002 to 2014. As such, our
method avoids water vapor and cloud contamination and pro-
vides circumpolar realizations of the PF at high spatial and
temporal resolution. Our realizations of the Polar Front are
made publicly available (Sect. 6) so as to benefit studies
of Southern Ocean physical and biogeochemical oceanogra-
phy (e.g., Munro et al., 2015a, b; Freeman and Lovenduski,
2015). In the following sections we detail our PF identifi-
cation method (Sect. 2), use available expendable bathyther-
mograph (XBT) data to test our method in select sectors of
the Southern Ocean (Sect. 3), and discuss the mean path of
the PF (Sect. 4). A companion paper investigates spatial and
temporal variations in the PF and its linkages with key modes
of climate variability (Freeman et al., 2016).
2 Methods
2.1 Sea surface temperature observations
In this study we utilize daily optimally interpolated mi-
crowave SST data, produced by Remote Sensing Systems,
on a 25km grid; daily SSTs were averaged over 7days
ending on and including the Saturday file date to create a
weekly product. This all-weather SST product is derived
from in situ estimates and all available microwave SST ra-
diometers operating on a given day between 2 June 2002
and 22 February 2014: the Advanced Microwave Scan-
ning Radiometers (AMSR-E and AMSR-2) and WindSat
Polarimetric Radiometer (see Reynolds and Smith, 1994).
Data processing involves many quality control measures, in-
cluding the removal of rain- or sea ice-contaminated SSTs
and consideration of diurnal warming and sensor error.
It is important to note that there are a few instances in
the data record when no radiometer was operational and
the SST retrieval from the previous day is used persis-
tently (outages range 1–7days). For further details on
data processing and specific dates of SST persistence, the
reader is encouraged to visit
2.2 Mapping the Polar Front
We build on the technique first presented by (Moore et al.,
1997) of using satellite SST gradient maxima to locate the
PF. In general, our PF mapping technique is based on locat-
ing the southern bound at which the SST gradient exceeds
C over a 100km distance, as in (Dong et al., 2006b). At
longitudes where this criterion cannot be satisfied or when
large latitudinal distances exist between adjacent longitudes,
steps are taken to satisfy spatial and/or thermal continuity,
oftentimes as a relaxation of the above limit (see following
subsections). Dong et al. (2006b) use 2σ and the temporal
mean PF to identify such discontinuity. Here, we identify ad-
ditional physical characteristics of the PF and use this infor-
mation in a comprehensive mapping scheme. Our methodol-
ogy does not require knowledge of a temporal mean PF; all
information needed to map the PF is found locally. Our map-
ping scheme yields one continuous, unique PF realization for
a given period of time. In regions where the PF is known to
have multiple filaments (Sokolov and Rintoul, 2002), our al-
gorithm typically selects the southernmost.
2.2.1 PF identification procedure
South of 40
S, we compute the absolute SST gradient
) at each grid point,
|1T | =
(δT x)
+ (δT /δy)
where δT is the temperature difference (
C) and δx and
δy are the kilometer distances between any two longitude
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 191–198, 2016
N. M. Freeman and N. S. Lovenduski: Mapping the Antarctic Polar Front 193
or latitude points, respectively. We do not perform initial,
first-guess frontal identification (a) in regions where SST is
warmer than 10
C, as these are waters characteristic of the
SAF (Dong et al., 2006b), (b) within small patches of high
SST gradients (closed contours less than 3 degrees of lati-
tude and longitude), so as to reduce noise (as in Dong et al.,
2006b), and (c) within 1
of latitude of the Antarctic conti-
nent or sea ice, in case of melt-influenced SSTs (Smith and
Comiso, 2008).
2.2.2 Continuity tests
PF maps are checked for spatial and thermal continuity to de-
termine whether an adjustment in the PF is necessary. Start-
ing at the Greenwich Meridian and moving east, with the
general flow of the ACC, we calculate the absolute differ-
ences (d) in latitude (l;
latitude), temperature (t ;
C), and
monthly climatological temperature (tc;
C) between the cur-
rent position and the point to the west ( ) and east ( ),
twice the standard deviation of these differences (normalized
by N = 2), 2σ
latitude) and 2σ
and 2σ
C) respectively,
and an additional difference (1) between 2σ and d (e.g.,
|). Invoking tc is necessary when injections
of polar water from the south or subantarctic water from the
north affect frontal identification.
An adjustment in the PF position is required if 2σ
latitude or (2σ
latitude and (
> 0.25
> 0.25
latitude)) and any of the following are satisfied:
and (
< 2σ
> 1
and (2σ
or 2σ
) (1)
< 2σ
> 1
Figure 1 exemplifies spatial and thermal discontinuity ac-
cording to Eq. (1) and shows the subsequent adjustment
made in this particular case (adjustment procedure detailed
in Sect. 2.2.3). Here, black plus signs indicate the first-guess
PF position (i.e., the southern bound of the 1.5 temperature
gradient criterion after removing noise/patches), where the
current position being tested for continuity and its immedi-
ate neighbors to the west and east are indicated by black open
circles. As spatial and thermal continuity is violated in this
case (see difference and standard deviation information pro-
vided in text boxes), an adjustment in the PF position is made
(white plus sign).
2.2.3 Adjustments
Following spatial and thermal continuity testing, we identify
potential adjustment locations as those that satisfy
< 2σ
< 1 (see Fig. 1). Here, we locate the southernmost po-
Figure 1. Example of (a) spatial and (b) thermal discontinuity re-
sulting in an adjustment in the PF location according to Eq. (1) as
outlined in Sect. 2.2.2. d
, 2σ
in units of
latitude and d
, 2σ
units of
sition of the0.015
absolute SST gradient.If a gradi-
ent of that magnitude is not found, we successively relax the
gradient by 0.001
to a lower limit of 0.011
in order to find the front. In cases where gradients are rela-
tively weak (i.e., |1T | < 0.011
), we use local gra-
dient maxima (> 0.008
) to mark the position of the
In some cases, spatial or thermal discontinuity is justified.
This generally occurs when two filaments are disconnected
(Fig. 2a; Sokolov and Rintoul, 2002), or when a branch of
the front is predominantly situated north-south (Fig. 2b).
2.2.4 Post-processing
In certain sectors of the Southern Ocean, the characteristics
of the PF are such that mapping requires executing the above
steps in the opposite direction, from east to west, in order
to adequately capture the front’s curled, folded, or multi-
filament structure (Sokolov and Rintoul, 2002) or when it
merges with or diverges from the SAF to the north (Read
and Pollard, 1993; Moore et al., 1997; Cunningham et al.,
2003). The following areas of the Southern Ocean are of-
ten mapped as outlined in the previous subsections but from
east to west: 20–32
E, 50–62
E near Crozet, 72–
E near Kerguelen, 125–150
E along the Southeast In-
dian Ridge, 170–190
E in the New Zealand sector, 200–
E along the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, 240–300
E in
the East Pacific, and 352–360
E along the Mid-Atlantic
Ridge. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 191–198, 2016
194 N. M. Freeman and N. S. Lovenduski: Mapping the Antarctic Polar Front
Figure 2. Example cases when spatial and thermal discontinuity
is justified: frontal filaments (a) disconnected or (b) situated north-
3 Validating the PF position
In order to verify our methods, we compare realizations of
PF location to those estimated from high-resolution XBT sur-
face (< 10m) temperature data. XBT data are available from
three Southern Ocean repeat lines: between Hobart, Australia
and the Dumont d’Urville Station, Antarctica (line IX28;
64 transects; hereafter referred to as the Australian sector),
across Drake Passage (line AX22; 73 transects), and another
between Cape Town, South Africa and Sanae IV Station,
Antarctica (line AX25; 25 transects; hereafter referred to as
the African sector). We note that XBT sampling in the Aus-
tralian and African sectors is biased to summer and spring
seasons, whereas XBT data are collected year-round in the
Drake Passage (see Sprintall, 2003).
Along each transect, we interpolate the XBT SSTs to
match the satellite grid resolution and compute meridional
surface temperature gradients (δT /δy). We seek to find the
in situ PF within 1 standard deviation of the weekly satel-
lite PF location. In the African and Australian sectors, we
identify the in situ PF as the southernmost latitude where
δT /δy 0.015
. Given the strength of the SST gra-
dient in Drake Passage, we adjust our definition to identify
the southernmost latitude of the strongest δT /δy exceeding
We quantify the error associated with our PF mapping
scheme in these three regions by calculating the root mean
square error (RMSE), a measure of the average magnitude of
the latitudinal differences between the PF inferred from XBT
Table 1. Estimated PF location RMS error (degrees of latitude) and
sample size (n), by sector.
Australian sector 1.1640 59
Drake Passage 0.5373 71
African sector 0.7971 24
data (PF
) and that from weekly microwave data (PF
), as
where n corresponds to the number of transects in a given
sector. Table 1 lists RMSE and sample size by sector. Tran-
sects where a meridional temperature gradient satisfying our
criterion could not be identified were ex-
cluded from these calculations (eight transects in total).
Differences between in situ and satellite PF locations are
likely attributed to one or more of the following: (1) interpo-
lating XBT SSTs on to the satellite grid, (2) differences in
the representative temperature measured by the two sources
(“bulk” versus “subskin”; see Dong et al., 2006a), (3) errors
in the original temperature data (e.g., manufacturer, accu-
racy, precision, etc.), (4) the regional complexity of the front
(i.e., magnitude of mesoscale variability, typical number of
branches, etc.), or (5) comparing a daily in situ PF with the
corresponding weekly satellite PF.
The PF within the Australian and African sectors (RMSE
1.1640 and 0.7971
latitude, respectively; 2σ = 2.33 and
latitude, respectively), is known for its multi-filament
structure (Belkin and Gordon, 1996; Moore et al., 1999;
Sokolov and Rintoul, 2002, 2009b), making difficult the
comparison between in situ and satellite-based definitions.
For example, Fig. 3a shows more than one potential frontal
location along a November 2003 transect south of Australia;
the in situ PF is identified as the more northerly filament
while our weekly PF realization marks the more southerly
filament. Figure 3c shows a summertime African transect
where the in situ PF is identified as a more southerly fil-
ament and our weekly realization represents the northern,
more spatially continuous filament. In Drake Passage (RMSE
latitude; 2σ = 1.47
latitude), the PF is largely con-
strained by bathymetry (Moore et al., 1997) and character-
ized by an intense temperature gradient. Figure 3b shows a
summertime Drake Passage transect where the in situ and
satellite PF are identified one grid box apart (0.25
Such consistent identifications are reflected in the RMSE
here, where on average, our mapping technique will provide
PF positions within 0.5
latitude of an in situ position in a
given week.
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 191–198, 2016
N. M. Freeman and N. S. Lovenduski: Mapping the Antarctic Polar Front 195
Figure 3. PF location identified from surface XBT data (timestamp indicated) overlain on the corresponding weekly satellite-estimated
1SST and PF realization in the (a) Australian, (b) Drake Passage, and (c) African sectors.
Figure 4. Southern Ocean (a) mean SST and (b) absolute SST gradient with climatological PF overlain (June 2002–February 2014).
4 Results and discussion
We investigate the climatological position of the front by
averaging weekly realizations over 2002–2014 (Figs. 4, 5).
The climatological path of the PF is zonally asymmetric,
traversing nearly 20
of latitude from its northernmost posi-
tion in the southwest Indian Ocean (43.89
S) to its southern-
most position in the southeast Pacific (64.08
S; Figs. 4; 5a).
It follows that the climatological temperature along the
path of the PF ranges from 0.6 to 6.9
C (Figs. 4a; 5b).
The climatological intensity of the PF (defined as the ab-
solute SST gradient at the front) averaged over all lon-
gitudes is 0.0173
. Climatological intensity ranges
from 0.0139 to 0.0225
(Figs. 4b; 5c), possibly re-
flecting changes in ACC transport along the front (Dong
et al., 2006b).
Figure 5 suggests that the mean position, temperature, and
intensity of the PF are closely linked to the depth of the un-
derlying topography (r = 0.43, r = 0.29, and r = 0.27, re-
spectively), in agreement with previous PF studies (Gille,
1994; Moore et al., 1999; Sokolov and Rintoul, 2002; Dong
et al., 2006b; Sallée et al., 2008). Indeed, the front tends to be
southerly, cold, and weak over the deep ocean, and northerly,
warm, and intense over shallow bathymetry. In the southwest
Indian sector, the PF is in its northernmost position and char-
acterized by warm SSTs (Figs. 4, 5a, b). Generally, the PF
has a more southerly position in the deep, east Pacific sec-
tor, characterized by cooler SSTs and relatively weak SST Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 191–198, 2016
196 N. M. Freeman and N. S. Lovenduski: Mapping the Antarctic Polar Front
Figure 5. Climatological (a) PF location and (b) SST, (c) abso-
lute SST gradient, and (d) bottom depth at the PF (June 2002–
February 2014). Statistically significant (> 95%) correlation coef-
ficients with bottom depth are indicated in the top right corner of
gradients (Fig. 4; Fig. 5; Moore et al., 1999; Dong et al.,
2006b). Figure 5c demonstrates that the PF intensifies at ma-
jor topographic features, which are associated with strong,
large-scale potential vorticity gradients that act to constrain
the flow (Gordon et al., 1978; Sallée et al., 2008), including
the Kerguelen Plateau ( 80
E), across the Southeast Indian
Ridge ( 150
E), Drake Passage ( 60
W), and the Pacific-
Antarctic Ridge ( 140
We compare the climatological position of our PF with
that estimated by the studies of Orsi et al. (1995), Belkin
and Gordon (1996), Moore et al. (1999), and Dong et al.
(2006b) in Fig. 6, where the paths of the front are overlain
on a map of bottom topography (Smith and Sandwell, 1994).
The topographic influence on the position of the front is ap-
parent: regions of strong topographic steering coincide with
regions where all five climatological paths are in good agree-
ment (e.g., along the Southeast Indian and Pacific-Antarctic
Ridges in the New Zealand and Ross Sea sectors, through
Drake Passage south of the Falkland Islands, and the eastern
Figure 6. The climatological position of the PF in this and pre-
vious studies overlain on bottom topography obtained from the
National Geophysical Data Center (
misc/predicted_seafloor_topography/TOPO/), where light (dark)
shading indicates shallow (deep) bathymetry.
flank of Kerguelen Plateau) and these paths diverge from one
another in deep ocean regions with weak to no topographic
steering (e.g., the southeast Indian and Pacific basins).
Given the diversity in the methods and data used to iden-
tify the fronts shown in Fig. 6, we do not expect the individ-
ual climatological paths to agree everywhere. For example,
the Orsi et al. (1995) and Belkin and Gordon (1996) studies
use hydrographic data to identify the front’s subsurface ex-
pression, the northern extent of the 2
C isotherm at 200m,
while Moore et al. (1999) (Dong et al., 2006b) identify the
front as an SST gradient using infrared (microwave) satellite
retrievals from 1987 to 1993 (2003 to 2005). Our climato-
logical PF diverges most from that of Moore et al. (1999)
in areas where persistent cloud cover contaminates the in-
frared SST retrieval (e.g., 50–70
E and 110–140
Since our study builds on the PF identification method pre-
sented in Dong et al. (2006b), it follows that the climatolog-
ical position of our PF most closely matches that of Dong
et al. (2006b).
Our climatological PF merges with the SAF north of
the Crozet Archipelago ( 50
E), similar to (Dong et al.,
2006b). It passes to the north of the Kerguelen Plateau (
E), as in Orsi et al. (1995), Belkin and Gordon (1996),
Dong et al. (2006b), and Sokolov and Rintoul (2009a). South
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 191–198, 2016
N. M. Freeman and N. S. Lovenduski: Mapping the Antarctic Polar Front 197
of Crozet and Kerguelen, SST gradients are generally too
weak to discern frontal filaments.
In the southeast Atlantic sector (330–350
E), our climato-
logical PF extends further north than previous climatologies.
This sector is characterized by many disconnected, smaller-
scale frontal filaments south of the SAF. The continuity con-
straint in our method precludes identification of small-scale
features as part of the PF, so here the PF follows the strongest
and most coherent filament.
5 Conclusions
In summary, this study maps the Antarctic Polar Front from
2002 to 2014 at weekly resolution and provides the first tem-
porally varying PF data set derived from SST available to the
scientific community. We outline a verified methodology to
locate the PF throughout the Southern Ocean using the high-
resolution, all-weather microwave SST data record. Further,
we describe the climatological position, surface temperature,
and intensity of the PF and compare our climatological PF
to previous studies. As evidence for a variable and changing
Southern Ocean grows (Gille, 2002; Böning et al., 2008; Cai
et al., 2010; Munro et al., 2015b; Landschützer et al., 2015),
determining the response of the PF to such changes is ever
more crucial. For an investigation of intra-annual to interan-
nual variability of the PF and associated drivers/mechanisms
utilizing this high-resolution PF data set, the interested reader
is encouraged to see our companion paper (Freeman et al.,
Data availability
Weekly PF locations can be found at
doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.855640 in netCDF (network
Common Data Form) format and viewed as an animation.
Microwave OI SST data are produced by Remote Sensing
Systems and sponsored by National Oceanographic Partner-
ship Program (NOPP) and the NASA Earth Science Physical
Oceanography Program. Data are available at www.remss.
com. Drake Passage and Australian sector XBT data were
made available by the Scripps High Resolution XBT pro-
gram ( XBT data from the African sec-
tor were made freely available by the Atlantic Oceanographic
and Meteorological Laboratory and are funded by the NOAA
Office of Climate Observations (
phod/hdenxbt/ax_home.php?ax=25). The Orsi et al. (1995)
climatological PF position was obtained from the Australian
Antarctic Data Center (Orsi and Harris, 2001). Bottom to-
pography data were obtained at
dat/misc/predicted_seafloor_topography/TOPO/ (Smith and
Sandwell, 1994).
Acknowledgements. We thank S. Dong for providing her mean
PF path. We are grateful for support from NSF (DGE-1144083;
OCE-1155240; OCE-1258995) and NOAA (NA12OAR4310058).
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... Novel approaches in monitoring the ACC fronts have been developed using sea surface satellite data. Some use SSH (Sokolov and Rintoul, 2006a;Sokolov and Rintoul, 2009a,b;Kim and Orsi, 2014) and others SST (Dong et al., 2006;Freeman and Lovenduski, 2016a). Both methods have been shown to produce PF location estimates similar to in situ and observational approaches defined by water mass properties (Orsi et al., 1995;Belkin and Gordon, 1996). ...
... The PF location has been estimated using microwave-derived remotely sensed SST with a high degree of accuracy (Dong et al., 2006;Freeman and Lovenduski, 2016a). Freeman et al. (2016) showed that SST at the PF varies seasonally even though the absolute SST gradient exhibits minimal seasonal and interannual variability. ...
... where δT is the temperature difference (°C) and δx and δy are the distances (km) between longitude and latitude grid spacing, respectively. In both Dong et al. (2006) andLovenduski (2016a), the PF location is defined at the southernmost location where the absolute gradient exceeds 1.5°C per 100 km. Here, this threshold is relaxed across the SO to 1.0°C per 100 km where the gradient is known to be comparatively weaker (Dong et al., 2006;Freeman and Lovenduski, 2016a) and further relaxed in the eastern South Pacific to 0.7°C per 100 km due to the smoothness of the state-estimate product. ...
The Southern Ocean (SO) is a unique and highly dynamic region with strong temperature and salinity gradients. A comparison between satellite-derived salinity and observations indicates strong differences along coastal boundaries, areas of low temperature, and regions of strong currents. Although differences throughout much of the SO are shown to be negligible, resolution and smoothing in the products create large biases in horizontal gradients and errors in estimating the water cycle. The three-dimensional movement of water within the SO plays an important role in the global Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC), where the Southern Hemisphere westerlies drive both zonal and meridional transports and strong vertical movements of local water masses. Using the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) estimates of ocean circulation, recent trends in the lower cell of the MOC (1992-2015) show increased overturning within the South Atlantic and decreased overturning within the Indian and Pacific basins, increasing the net SO heat transports and storage.The path of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is mainly dictated by bathymetry, but recent variability indicates a northward shift in the central South Pacific ACC fronts. The movement and location of the ACC is highly correlated to salinity and temperature shifts up to 100 m depth and moderately correlated to depths of 1000 m. The location of the ACC is weakly-to-moderately correlated with the Antarctic and Southern Oscillations. These large-scale teleconnections are further driving surface cooling in the central South Pacific and warming in the subtropics and mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Satellite-derived sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are highly correlated with both the Antarctic and Southern Oscillations during 1982-2016, particularly during the austral summer months when the oscillations tend to be the strongest. Changes in the westerlies are correlated with sea level and heat content anomalies and anti-correlated to SST in the high latitudes. The magnitude of the westerlies has recently increased throughout the ACC region, driving the increase in mid-latitude and decrease in the central South Pacific SST, heat content, and sea level anomalies. These analyses conclude that atmospheric variability is significantly contributing to recent changes in circulation and surface properties.
... In this regard, Peterson and Stramma (1991, p. 47) [116] noted: "The course of the SAF has been studied to a much lesser extent than that of the PF, which is partly because the SAF is not always clear in the surface temperature fields; it is better identified with upper-layer salinities". The Polar Front has been mapped by Moore et al. (1997) [45], Moore et al. (1999) [46], Dong et al. (2006) [27], and Freeman and Lovenduski (2016) [30]. [118]. ...
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Monthly climatology data for salinity fronts in the South Atlantic have been created from satellite SMOS sea surface salinity (SSS) measurements taken from 2011–2019, processed at the Barcelona Expert Center of Remote Sensing (BEC), and provided as high-resolution (1/20°) daily SSS data. The SSS fronts have been identified with narrow zones of enhanced horizontal gradient magnitude (GM) of SSS, computed using the Belkin–O’Reilly algorithm (BOA). The SSS gradient fields generated by the BOA have been log-transformed to facilitate feature recognition. The log-transformation of SSS gradients markedly improved the visual contrast of gradient maps, which in turn allowed new features to be revealed and previously known features to be documented with a monthly temporal resolution and a mesoscale (~100 km) spatial resolution. Monthly climatologies were generated and analyzed for large-scale open-ocean SSS fronts and for low-salinity regions maintained by the Rio de la Plata discharge, Magellan Strait outflow, Congo River discharge, and Benguela Upwelling. A 2000 km-long triangular area between Africa and Brazil was found to be filled with regular quasi-meridional mesoscale striations that form a giant ripple field with a 100 km wave length. South of the Tropical Front, within the subtropical high-salinity pool, a trans-ocean quasi-zonal narrow linear belt of meridional SSS maximum (Smax) was documented. The meridional Smax belt shifts north–south seasonally while retaining its well-defined linear morphology, which is suggestive of a yet unidentified mechanism that maintains this feature. The Subtropical Frontal Zone (STFZ) consists of two tenuously connected fronts, western and eastern. The Brazil Current Front (BCF) extends SE between 40 and 45°S to join the subantarctic front (SAF). The STFZ trends NW–SE across the South Atlantic, seemingly merging with the SAF/BCF south of Africa to form a single front between 40 and 45°S. In the SW Atlantic, the Rio de la Plata plume migrates seasonally, expanding northward in winter (June–July) from 39°S into the South Brazilian Bight, up to Cabo Frio (23°S) and beyond. The inner Plata front moves in and out seasonally. Farther south, the Magellan Strait outflow expands northward in winter (June–July) from 53°S up to 39–40°S to nearly join the Plata outflow. In the SE Atlantic, the Congo River plume spreads radially from the river mouth, with the spreading direction varying seasonally. The plume is often bordered from the south by a quasi-zonal front along 6°S. The diluted Congo River water spreads southward seasonally down to the Angola–Benguela Front at 16°S. The Benguela Upwelling is delineated by a meridional front, which extends north alongshore up to 20°S, where the low-salinity Benguela Upwelling water forms a salinity front, which is separate from the thermal Angola–Benguela Front at 16°S. The high-salinity tropical water (“Angola water”) forms a wedge between the low-salinity waters of the Congo River outflow and Benguela Upwelling. This high-salinity wedge is bordered by salinity fronts that migrate north–south seasonally.
... It is notable that I is especially low over the SO compared to similar latitudes in the northern hemisphere (NH) and other oceanic regions. The sharp gradient in I in the vicinity of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF; 50-55°S; Freeman & Lovenduski, 2016) is consistent with the previous finding that mixed-phase clouds become increasingly scarce poleward of that point (Mace et al., 2020. The causes of low heterogeneity to the south of the APF are likely complex, as changes in sea surface temperature and sea ice coverage are known to have myriad effects on boundary layer clouds (e.g., Carlsen & David, 2022;Eirund et al., 2019;Sotiropoulou et al., 2016;Young et al., 2017). ...
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We conduct a global assessment of the spatial heterogeneity of cloud phase within the temperature range where liquid and ice can coexist. Single‐shot Cloud‐Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization lidar retrievals are used to examine cloud phase at scales as fine as 333 m, and horizontal heterogeneity is quantified according to the frequency of switches between liquid and ice along the satellite's path. In the global mean, heterogeneity is greatest between −15 and −4°C with a peak at −5°C, when small patches of ice are prevalent within liquid‐dominated clouds. Heterogeneity “hot spots” are typically found over the extratropical continents, whereas phase is relatively homogeneous over the Southern Ocean and the eastern subtropical ocean basins, where supercooled liquid clouds dominate. Even at a fixed temperature, heterogeneity undergoes a pronounced annual cycle that, in most places, consists of a minimum during autumn or winter and a maximum during spring or summer. Based on this spatial and temporal variability, it is hypothesized that heterogeneity is affected by the availability of ice nucleating particles. These results can be used to improve the representation of subgrid‐scale heterogeneity in general circulation models, which has the potential to reduce longstanding model biases in cloud phase partitioning and radiative fluxes.
... The sea surface temperature (SST) of Antarctic Polar Front (APF) ranges from 3 to 5°C and the 2°C subsurface temperature minimum at 200 m 62 , while in south of APF, average SST is less than 2 o C (Fig. 18) 8 & 63 . According to Freeman and Nicole S. Lovenduski, SST at the PF ranges from 0.6 to 6.9 °C, reflecting the large spread in latitudinal position 64 , similar to the results of Civel-Mazens et al. 62 . In the zone between the Southern Front and the Antarctic continent. ...
Antarctica, situated in the southernmost part of the earth is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. It has an extremely important role in tuning global climate, both because of its geographic location, and its giant ice mass, that comprises ~90% of the world's ice. In the past decades, the Thwaites Glacier in the Amundsen Sea of West Antarctica is undergoing the fastest recession in the region. The ice loss in Thwaites Glacier is currently responsible for roughly four percent of the global sea-level rise, which has been attributed to climate change and ocean warming. Due to the continuous collapsing and melting of Thwaites Glacier and the severe threat to humans, scientists gave it a terrifying name "Doomsday Glacier". With increasingly geological and geophysical studies conducted in West Antarctica, geothermal heat flux has been discovered to play a vital role in icesheet retreating. The rapidly retreating Thwaites and Pope glaciers are underlain by areas of largely elevated geothermal heat flow, which relates to the tectonic and magmatic history of the West Antarctic Rift System in this region, suggesting that this area is coupled to the dynamics of the underlying lithosphere. The collapsing and melting of the West Antarctic glaciers are without doubt a realistic and complex issue. From the current geological surveys, the heat flux of the crust of West Antarctica appears to be accelerating, coupled with frequent earthquakes and volcanoes. Geothermal features such as hot water lakes, thermal rivers, and giant ice caves beneath the glaciers have been continuously discovered. Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that geothermal effects play a significant role in modifying the vast ice masses, causing glacier sliding, cracking, collapsing, and ultimately melting, and create conditions for a warming climate to melt West Antarctic glaciers. Many studies also suggest that warm ocean water is intruding beneath the glaciers across the grounding line, leading to melting of glacier bottom, which has been generally considered to be associated with human-emitted greenhouse gases, but it is thought here not to be a primary factor for glacier melting, but most likely a secondary factor. It is believed that primary and secondary factors, Milankovitch orbits, black body radiation, solar activities, human activities, and other factors are all interconnected to form a feedback loop between the glacier base and the ocean, or even a positive feedback loop, which further accelerates the collapsing and melting of the west Antarctic glaciers
... With the above 95 steps, we were able to characterize each krill growth model based on its inherent 96 properties. 97 To illustrate the importance of understanding the specific operation of each model, 98 we estimated krill growth rates using the same set of satellite-derived circumpolar 99 environmental input data and compared the range of predicted temporal and spatial 100 krill growth dynamics. Our analyses also revealed model mechanisms responsible for the 101 strongest variation between models, identifying processes related to krill growth that 102 would benefit most from an improved future understanding. ...
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Antarctic krill is a key species of the Southern Ocean, impacted by climate change and human exploitation. Understanding how these changes affect the distribution and abundance of krill is crucial for generating projections of change for Southern Ocean ecosystems. Krill growth is an important indicator of habitat suitability and a series of models have been developed and used to examine krill growth potential at different spatial and temporal scales. The available models have been developed using a range of empirical and mechanistic approaches, which provide alternative perspectives and cross-validation of analyses of the key processes influencing krill growth. Here we undertake an intercomparison of a suite of the available models to understand their sensitivities to major driving variables. This illustrates that the results are strongly determined by the model structure and technical characteristics, and the data on which they were developed and validated. Our results emphasize the importance of assessing the constraints and requirements of individual krill growth models to ensure their appropriate application. The study also demonstrates the value of the development of alternative modelling approaches to identify key processes affecting the dynamics of krill. Of critical importance for modelling the growth of krill is appropriately assessing and accounting for differences in estimates of food availability resulting from alternative methods of observation. We suggest that an intercomparison approach is particularly valuable in the development and application of models for the assessment of krill growth potential at circumpolar scales and for future projections. As another result of the intercomparison, the implementations of the models used in this study are now publicly available for future use and analyses.
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Seasonal climatology of salinity fronts in the South Atlantic has been created from satellite SMOS sea surface salinity (SSS) measurements, 2011-2019, processed at the Barcelona Expert Center of Remote Sensing (BEC) and provided as high-resolution (1/20°) SSS data. The SSS fronts are identified with narrow zones of enhanced horizontal gradient magnitude (GM) of SSS computed with the Belkin-O’Reilly algorithm. Seasonal climatologies are generated for large-scale open-ocean SSS fronts and for low-salinity regions maintained by the Rio de la Plata discharge, Magellan Strait outflow, Congo River discharge, and Benguela upwelling. To facilitate feature recognition in satellite imagery, the salinity gradient has been log-transformed, which improved visual contrast of gradient maps, revealing new features. A 2000-km-long triangular area in the eastern tropical-subtropical Atlantic is filled with regular quasi-meridional mesoscale striations that form a giant ripple field with a 100-km wave length extending from Africa toward the NE Brazil. South of the Tropical Front, within the subtropical high-salinity pool, a trans-ocean quasi-zonal narrow linear belt of SSS maximum is documented. The Smax belt shifts north-south seasonally while retaining its well-defined linear morphology, which is suggestive of a mechanism that maintains this feature. In the SW Atlantic, the Rio de la Plata plume expands in winter (June-July), reaching across the South Brazilian Bight, up to Cabo Frio (23°S) and beyond. The Plata estuarine front moves in and out seasonally. Farther south, the Magellan Strait outflow expands northward in winter up to 39-40°S to nearly join the Plata outflow. In the SE Atlantic, the Congo River plume spreads radially from the river mouth, with the spreading direction varying seasonally and interannually. The plume is often bordered from the south by a quasi-zonal front along 6°S. The diluted Congo River water spreads southward seasonally down to the thermal Angola-Benguela Front at 16°S. The Benguela upwelling is delineated by a meridional front, which extends north alongshore up to 20°S, where the low-salinity Benguela upwelling water meets the high-salinity tropical water (“Angola water”) to form a salinity front, which is separate from the thermal Angola-Benguela Front at 16°S. The Angola water thus forms a wedge between the low-salinity waters of the Congo River outflow in the north and Benguela upwelling in the south. This high-salinity wedge is bordered by salinity fronts that migrate north-south seasonally.
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Due to its persistence and potential ecological and health impacts, mercury (Hg) is a global pollutant of major concern that may reach high concentrations even in remote polar oceans. In contrast to the Arctic Ocean, studies documenting Hg contamination in the Southern Ocean are spatially restricted and large-scale monitoring is needed. Here, we present the first circumpolar assessment of Hg contamination in Antarctic marine ecosystems. Specifically, the Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) was used as a bioindicator species, to examine regional variation across 24 colonies distributed across the entire Antarctic continent. Mercury was measured on body feathers collected from both adults (n = 485) and chicks (n = 48) between 2005 and 2021. Because penguins’ diet represents the dominant source of Hg, feather δ13C and δ15N values were measured as proxies of feeding habitat and trophic position. As expected, chicks had lower Hg concentrations (mean ± SD: 0.22 ± 0.08 μg·g‒1) than adults (0.49 ± 0.23 μg·g‒1), likely because of their shorter bioaccumulation period. In adults, spatial variation in feather Hg concentrations was driven by both trophic ecology and colony location. The highest Hg concentrations were observed in the Ross Sea, possibly because of a higher consumption of fish in the diet compared to other sites (krill-dominated diet). Such large-scale assessments are critical to assess the effectiveness of the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Owing to their circumpolar distribution and their ecological role in Antarctic marine ecosystems, Adélie penguins could be valuable bioindicators for tracking spatial and temporal trends of Hg across Antarctic waters in the future.
Photophysiological characteristics of the Southern Ocean phytoplankton species Phaeocystis antarctica, Geminigera cryophila, and Chaetoceros simplex were assessed during 7 weeks of darkness and subsequent recovery after darkness at 4 and 7°C. Chlorophyll a fluorescence and maximum quantum efficiency of PSII decreased during long darkness in a species-specific manner, whereas chlorophyll a concentration remained mostly unchanged. Phaeocystis antarctica showed the strongest decline in photosynthetic fitness during darkness, which coincided with a reduced capacity to recover after darkness, suggesting a loss of functional photosystem II (PSII) reaction centers. The diatom C. simplex at 4°C showed the strongest capacity to resume photosynthesis and active growth during 7 weeks of darkness. In all species, the maintenance of photosynthetic fitness during darkness was clearly temperature dependent as shown by the stronger decline of photosynthetic fitness at 7°C compared to 4°C. Although we lack direct evidence for this, we suggest that temperature-enhanced respiration rates cause stronger depletion of energy reserves that subsequently interferes with the maintenance of photosynthetic fitness during long darkness. Therefore, the current low temperatures in the coastal Southern Ocean may aid the maintenance of photosynthetic fitness during the austral winter. Further experiments should examine to what extent the species-specific differences in dark survival are relevant for future temperature scenarios for the coastal Southern Ocean.
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Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is a key species of the Southern Ocean, impacted by climate change and human exploitation. Understanding how these changes affect the distribution and abundance of krill is crucial for generating projections of change for Southern Ocean ecosystems. Krill growth is an important indicator of habitat suitability and a series of models have been developed and used to examine krill growth potential at different spatial and temporal scales. The available models have been developed using a range of empirical and mechanistic approaches, providing alternative perspectives and comparative analyses of the key processes influencing krill growth. Here we undertake an intercomparison of a suite of the available models to understand their sensitivities to major driving variables. This illustrates that the results are strongly determined by the model structure and technical characteristics, and the data on which they were developed and validated. Our results emphasize the importance of assessing the constraints and requirements of individual krill growth models to ensure their appropriate application. The study also demonstrates the value of the development of alternative modelling approaches to identify key processes affecting the dynamics of krill. Of critical importance for modelling the growth of krill is appropriately assessing and accounting for differences in estimates of food availability resulting from alternative methods of observation. We suggest that an intercomparison approach is particularly valuable in the development and application of models for the assessment of krill growth potential at circumpolar scales and for future projections. As another result of the intercomparison, the implementations of the models used in this study are now publicly available for future use and analyses.
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We investigate intra-annual to interannual variability in the Antarctic Polar Front (PF) using weekly PF realizations spanning 2002 to 2014 (found at While several PF studies have used gradient maxima in sea surface temperature (SST) or height to define its location, results from this study are based on a PF defined using SST measurements that avoid cloud contamination and the influence of steric sea level change. With a few regional exceptions, we find that the latitudinal position of the PF does not vary seasonally, yet its temperature exhibits a clear seasonal cycle. Consistent with previous studies, the position and intensity of the PF is largely influenced by bathymetry; generally, over steep topography we find that the front intensifies and interannual variability in its position is low. We also investigate drivers of PF variability in the context of large-scale climate variability on various spatial and temporal scales, but find that the major modes of Southern Hemisphere climate variability explain only a tiny fraction of the interannual PF variance. Over the study time period, the PF intensifies at nearly all longitudes while exhibiting no discernible meridional displacement in its zonal mean path. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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We present a 13-year (2002–2015) semi-monthly time-series of the partial pressure of CO2 in surface water (pCO2surf) and other carbonate system parameters from the Drake Passage. This record shows a clear increase in the magnitude of the sea-air pCO2 gradient, indicating strengthening of the CO2 sink in agreement with recent large-scale analyses of the world oceans. The rate of increase in pCO2surf north of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) is similar to the atmospheric pCO2 (pCO2atm) trend, whereas the pCO2surf increase south of the APF is slower than the pCO2atm trend. The high-frequency surface observations indicate that an absence of a winter increase in total CO2 (TCO2) and cooling summer sea surface temperatures are largely responsible for increasing CO2 uptake south of the APF. Muted winter trends in surface TCO2 also provide temporary stability to the carbonate system that is already close to undersaturation with respect to aragonite.
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Uptake uptick Has global warming slowed the uptake of atmospheric CO 2 by the Southern Ocean? Landschützer et al. say no (see the Perspective by Fletcher). Previous work suggested that the strength of the Southern Ocean carbon sink fell during the 1990s. This raised concerns that such a decline would exacerbate the rise of atmospheric CO 2 and thereby increase global surface air temperatures and ocean acidity. The newer data show that the Southern Ocean carbon sink strengthened again over the past decade, which illustrates the dynamic nature of the process and alleviates some of the anxiety about its earlier weakening trend. Science , this issue p. 1221 ; see also p. 1165
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All available meridional sections have been analyzed to investigate the evolution of main fronts between 0° and 150°E. The central South Atlantic is featured by the Subtropical Frontal Zone (STFZ), bordered by the North and South Subtropical Fronts (NSTF and SSTF, respectively), and by the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ), bordered by the Subantarctic and Polar Fronts (SAF and PF, respectively). This structure becomes more complex in the African sector as the Agulhas Retroflection and the bottom topography force a more convoluted pattern. The Retroflection and associated Agulhas Front (AF) press the SSTF from 38° to 42°-43°S. Strong interactions of the AF, SSTF, and SAF with topography shift the fronts but do not obliterate them. The AF can be traced reliably up to 52°E, sometimes up to 75°E. The SAF is deflected from 45° to 43°S by the Mid-Ocean Ridge and converges with the SSTF north of the Prince Edward Islands to form a combined SSTF/SAF. This front intensifies east of 50°-52°E as a result of the confluence with the AF, and between 52° and 65°E a triple AF/SSTF/SAF ("the Crozet Front") is observed. The PF continues along 49° and 50°S between the Crozet Plateau and the Ob-Lena (Conrad) Rise, passing north of Kerguelen, nearly joining the triple Crozet Front. Downstream of the Kerguelen-Amsterdam Passage the canonical structure is being restored (SSTF, SAF, PF); however, the front parameters in the Australian sector are different from the African sector, largely because of strong air-sea interaction and cross-frontal exchanges in the Crozet-Kerguelen region. The SSTF, squeezed between the AF and SAF, loses characteristics to both. The SSTF/SAF interaction results in the Australian SAF being warmer and saltier downstream, while the SSTF becomes shallower and weaker. The Australian STF derives its characteristics mostly from the AF, thus bringing the modified Agulhas waters to the Pacific Ocean. The newly defined North Subtropical Front (NSTF) was distinguished in the Indian Ocean between 31° and 38°S. The front marks the southern boundary of the subtropical salty, warm water pool of the central South Indian Ocean. The NSTF location is coincident with the position of the wind convergence between westerlies and easterlies, suggesting the possible wind-driven frontogenesis.
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Widespread ocean acidification is occurring as the ocean absorbs anthropogenic carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, threatening marine ecosystems, particularly the calcifying plankton that provide the base of the marine food chain and play a key role within the global carbon cycle. We use satellite estimates of particulate inorganic carbon (PIC), surface chlorophyll, and sea surface temperature to provide a first estimate of changing calcification rates throughout the Southern Ocean. From 1998 to 2014 we observe a 4% basin-wide reduction in summer calcification, with ~9% reductions in large regions (~1×106 km2) of the Pacific and Indian sectors. Southern Ocean trends are spatially heterogeneous and primarily driven by changes in PIC concentration (suspended calcite), which has declined by ~24% in these regions. The observed decline in Southern Ocean calcification and PIC is suggestive of large-scale changes in the carbon cycle and provides insight into organism vulnerability in a changing environment.