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Voltage assisted asymmetric nanoscale wear on ultra-smooth diamond like carbon thin films at high sliding speeds

  • Water Harvesting Inc

Abstract and Figures

The understanding of tribo- and electro-chemical phenomenons on the molecular level at a sliding interface is a field of growing interest. Fundamental chemical and physical insights of sliding surfaces are crucial for understanding wear at an interface, particularly for nano or micro scale devices operating at high sliding speeds. A complete investigation of the electrochemical effects on high sliding speed interfaces requires a precise monitoring of both the associated wear and surface chemical reactions at the interface. Here, we demonstrate that head-disk interface inside a commercial magnetic storage hard disk drive provides a unique system for such studies. The results obtained shows that the voltage assisted electrochemical wear lead to asymmetric wear on either side of sliding interface.
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Voltage assisted asymmetric nanoscale wear on
ultra-smooth diamond like carbon thin films at high
sliding speeds
Sukumar Rajauria1*, Erhard Schreck1, and Bruno Marchon1
1HGST, a Western Digital Company, Recording Sub System Staging and Research, San Jose, CA 95135 USA.
The understanding of tribo- and electro-chemical phenomenons on the molecular level at a sliding interface is a field
of growing interest. Fundamental chemical and physical insights of sliding surfaces are crucial for understanding
wear at an interface, particularly for nano or micro scale devices operating at high sliding speeds. A complete in-
vestigation of the electrochemical effects on high sliding speed interfaces requires a precise monitoring of both the
associated wear and surface chemical reactions at the interface. Here, we demonstrate that head-disk interface in-
side a commercial magnetic storage hard disk drive provides a unique system for such studies. The results obtained
shows that the voltage assisted electrochemical wear lead to asymmetric wear on either side of sliding interface.
Wear is broadly classified in two categories: physical wear and progressive wear. Physical wear is further classified as adhesive,
fatigue and abrasive wear which all lead to the formation or transfer of material across the sliding interface.
At macro or
micro scale it follows Archard’s law describing fracture and plastic deformation with wear volume being proportional to both
the applied load and sliding distance.
Such phenomena lead to catastrophic wear and are rare in nanoscale devices where the
progressive chemically assisted wear is likely to be dominant. Recently observed nanoscale wear showed that stress-assisted
chemical reactions occur through an atom-by-atom process.
In chemical assisted wear, environmental species like oxygen
and humidity play a critical role. For instance, oxygen can readily chemisorb on carbon surfaces, leading to surface oxides
such as carbonyl groups, thereby depleting the carbon surface during thermal desorption.
In addition to environmental
species, the chemical potential across the sliding interface is expected to affect the surface chemical reaction rates. On the
macroscale level many studies were conducted to understand the impact of chemical potential on surface oxidation,
but at
the nanoscale a quantitative understanding of its mechanism and impact on wear appears to be little understood.
A complete investigation of the electrochemical effects on high sliding speed interfaces requires a precise monitoring of
both the associated wear and surface chemical reactions at the interface. The head-disk interface inside a commercial magnetic
storage hard disk drive provides a unique system for such studies. In a hard disk drive, the head has an embedded micro-scale
heater which produces through thermal expansion a well-defined mechanical protrusion. This allows to adjust the head-to-disk
interference level within sub-nanometer precision over a contact area of several square micrometers. The relative sliding speed
between head and disk ranges from 10-40
. It is worth noticing here that while the vertical spacing is of the same order
of various AFM based studies, the sliding speed is nearly six orders of magnitude higher, thus allowing a unique set-up for a
systematic study of nanoscale wear at high sliding speeds. Interfering surfaces of the head and the disk are coated with an
amorphous diamond like carbon which has exceptional mechanical properties like low friction and wear rate.2527
In this letter, we report the precise monitoring of both the carbon overcoat wear and the corresponding interfacial current on
the nanoscale high sliding speed interface. Carbon overcoat wear is monitored and calibrated using the embedded micro-heater
power. The interface current between the head and the disk monitor the rate of electrochemical oxidation of the carbon overcoat.
We show that the interface current decay sharply with time indicating the chemical passivation of the surface carbon dangling
bonds that are created while sliding. This unique approach provides an in-depth understanding of the electrochemically assisted
wear at high sliding speeds which until now has never been applied to such devices.
A typical head-disk interface setup features the head flying on top of the disk similar to the one studied in Ref.
The disk
is fabricated by depositing a magnetic multilayer film structure onto a glass substrate, then coated with 3
arXiv:1605.02278v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 8 May 2016
nitrogenated carbon (protective overcoat layer), and finally covered with a molecular layer of perfluoropolyether polymer
lubricant (
thick). The electrically conductive ceramic substrate head is also coated with 1.4
of diamond like carbon
on top of a 0.3
Silicon based adhesive layer, making the head and the disk interface a carbon-lubricant-carbon sliding
interface. The disk facing head surface is carefully shaped through etching such that while flying on top of the disk an airbearing
lift force is generated that keeps it afloat over the disk in the nanometer range.
The linear sliding speed in the described
experiments is set to 10
. The initial clearance (physical gap) between the head and the disk is typically 10
. Clearance is
controlled precisely using the embedded micro-heater in the head.
We estimate the wear depth by continuous monitoring
of the micro-heater power and later verified the wear using AFM, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Auger electron
microscopy (Auger).33 Contact between head and disk is detected using an acoustic emission (AE) sensor.34
Figure 1. Simultaneous measurement of interfacial current and overcoat wear: (a) Blue and Red dots represent the
rapid decay of the interfacial current between the head and the disk with -1
and +0.8
applied on head. Dashed line is a fit
to Eq. 1. Inset shows the associated charge transfer for the two polarities. (b) Blue and Red dots show the simultaneous in-situ
measurement of overcoat wear depth as a function of time. (c), (d) Shows the schematic cartoon of the wear on head and disk
overcoat for positive and negative voltage on the head. Clearance between head and disk is controlled precisely using the
embedded micro-heater in the head.
While in operation, a voltage is applied directly to the head overcoat while the disk was electrically grounded. Voltage
difference across the interface decrease the initial flying clearance, which is symmetric to 0
Variation in initial flying
clearance across various applied voltages here is estimated to be around 3
of the initial flying clearance (see supplementary
Figure S1) and part-to-part variation in initial flying clearance is estimated to be around 5
. Interfacial current was measured
across the interface. The load is set using the micro-heater design. Air bearing simulations estimate the normal load to increase
by 0.25
of excess heater power (Air bearing simulation using HGST internal code). Uncertainty due to variation in
initial flying clearance is estimated to change the contact force by 10
. Excess heater power is defined as excess power applied
to the micro-heater after head-to-disk contact was detected. Figure 1a shows the interfacial current at two applied voltages
of +0.8
and -1
on two heads under a normal load condition of 2.5
. For both polarities, the interfacial current at head
disk interface decay with time. For further insight, an in-situ monitoring of the wear is desired to gain better insight into the
impact of electrochemical oxidation during sliding. The head disk interface has a unique feature with the micro-heater power
calibrated precisely to measure the head overcoat wear depth in a continuous manner during the experiment (see Supplementary
Information for more detail).
Figure 1b shows the wear depth profile of the head carbon overcoat for the respective voltage
condition as a function of time. For positive voltage, the 0.3 nm thin carbon overcoat wears out within 3 second of intimate
head disk contact (see red dots in Figure 1b).
We associate the rapid decay in current to the electrochemical oxidation of the carbon overcoat, with voltage polarity
governing whether the head or disk is undergoing oxidation. It is worth mentioning that similar rapid decay in current has
previously been observed in macroscopic systems such as the carbon based fuel cell.
In an acidic environment, the current
across the fuel cell decays rapidly with time across all potentiostatics. The electrochemical oxidation of carbon in fuel cell
is written as:
. Empirically, the measured oxidative electrochemical current is adequately
Figure 2. Head overcoat wear depth: (a) Shows the wear depth profile as a function of sliding distance under an applied
bias of -1 V and +1 V on the head overcoat. (b) Shows the wear depth profile of the head overcoat wear as a function of
interfacial voltage on the head under different environment conditions.
represented by a simple power law expression:
is the time,
is the specific current,
is the rate parameter which is a function of both the temperature and potential,
the time decay exponent, and
is the ohmic current. This decay in current with time is mainly attributed to two competing
parallel reactions involving one to passivate the surface and another to oxidize the carbon producing carbon dioxide CO
. Eq.
(1) fits the interfacial current data in Figure 1a well. This good agreement demonstrates the surface passivation dominated
electrochemical oxidation of the carbon overcoat is an important mechanism at the high sliding speed interface. In a head-disk
interface both the head and disk have a carbon overcoat. The head is coated with FCAC (field cathodic arc carbon) carbon
on top which is more resistant than the nitrogenated carbon present on the disk.
The voltage polarity solely determines
which surface is undergoing electrochemical oxidation. The inset of Figure 1a shows the associated net charge transfer in the
electrochemical reaction for the negative and positive voltage. Charge associated mass transfer is driven more by the negative
voltage. We associate it with electrochemical oxidation on the disk as nitrogenated disk carbon is tribochemically less stable
than FCAC head carbon. The associated wear or weight loss due to electrochemical oxidation is given by:
Weightl oss =qM
is the integrated total charge transfer across the interface,
is the molecular weight, and
is the Faraday constant.
The factor of four assumes the number of electrons transferred in the head overcoat reaction is similar to the fuel cell oxidation
case. Typically the area of contact on the head overcoat due to the heater bulge is around 10
. For positive voltage, Eq. 2
estimates the weight loss of head overcoat to 8.75.10
kg which corresponds to a wear depth of around 0.3
. This is in
excellent agreement with the measured wear depth (see red dots in Figure 1b), thus confirming the electrochemical oxidation of
carbon overcoat as the dominant wear mechanism. For negative voltages, no head overcoat wear is observed (see blue dots in
Figure 1b). Here the carbon overcoat on the disk undergoes electrochemical wear, and the head carbon remains intact, and
leading to almost no wear under the same loading force conditions. The comparative volumetric loss for two polarities is more
for positive bias, which results in high wear volume on disk overcoat. However, the overcoat wear on disk is diluted over a
large area leading to a negligible wear depth in comparison to a localized wear on head where it could be quantified using
AFM, SEM and Auger (see supplementary Figure S3 and Figure S4).33,38,39
Figure 2a shows the head overcoat wear as a function of sliding distance on the same head-disk interface. No head overcoat
wear is observed for the first 1400
sliding distance under an applied bias of -1
As the polarity is reversed to +1
the wear
rate increases sharply. This behavior exemplifies clearly that the voltage leads to asymmetric wear on head overcoat.
Environmental effects on electrochemical wear
To gain further insight in the involved electrochemical process, we now turn to measurements in a controlled environment. The
measurements are performed in an enclosed humidity controlled continuous flow set-up (as shown in Figure 3a). The chamber
is connected to high purity gases (Nitrogen or dry Air) and the percentage of oxygen and humidity is monitored using gas
sensors placed inside.
Figure 2b shows the head overcoat wear depth as a function of head and disk interfacial voltage under atmospheric nitrogen
condition with different relative humidity. The head overcoat undergoes the same wear cycle at each interfacial voltage and
environment condition. The head overcoat wear depth is measured on an unused and pristine location on a disk after sliding
on it for 3000
in intimate contact. It shows the importance of humidity on the head overcoat wear profile. At high relative
humidity(RH) of 45
, the head overcoat wear is not symmetric to the interfacial voltage. Positive voltage leads to high overcoat
wear on the head, and negative voltage significantly suppresses the head overcoat wear. It is consistent with the overcoat wear
as observed in Figure 1b. The impact of interfacial voltage polarity on the head overcoat reduces as the humidity content in the
environment decreases. At low RH of 7
the overcoat wear is very high and insensitive to voltage polarity. We attribute the
high wear to the slower tribochemical passivation of the dangling -OH bond on the surface at low humidity conditions.
interfering surfaces are sliding at high speeds (almost six orders of magnitude faster than AFM), potentially leading to high
flash temperatures and posing a greater challenge to stability of carbon under dry conditions.
Figure 3. Environment control: (a) Shows the set-up schematic of the high sliding speed head-disk interface in an
environmental control chamber. (b) Black, Red and Blue dots represent the rapid decay of the interfacial current in dry
Nitrogen, dry Air and wet Nitrogen environment conditions. The measurements are done at a normal load of 3.75 mN with -1.3
V applied on the head overcoat. Dashed line is fit to Eq. 1. (c) Shows the associated charge transfer for the three environment
To understand the complex electrochemical reaction, we investigate the effect of environmental conditions on the passivation
process. The involved electrochemical reaction involves two competing parallel reactions: one to oxidize the carbon to produce
carbon dioxide CO
leading to current in the circuit and another to passivate the surface leading to reduction in current. Figure
3b shows the interfacial current time decay at the head disk interface at -1.3
applied voltage on the head under a normal
load of 3.75
for three environmental conditions: dry nitrogen (black), dry air (red) and wet nitrogen (blue). The two dry
conditions have RH¡6
and wet air has RH=40
. Compared to the two dry (nitrogen and air) conditions, the current under the
wet nitrogen condition starts at lower value and saturates earlier, demonstrating the effectiveness of water in passivating the
surface. Among the two dry case (nitrogen and air), air has 20
atmospheric oxygen. As observed, molecular oxygen also
contributes to surface passivation. Figure 3c shows the integrated charge transfer across the interface for the three environmental
conditions. It shows that both humidity and molecular oxygen passivate the carbon overcoat with the former being more
Friction under electrochemical wear
In addition to an in-situ monitoring of wear and interfacial current, a measurement of the frictional properties is also desired to
gain further insight into surface modification during sliding. The friction force between the head and the disk is also measured
under a normal load condition. A calibrated strain gauge was instrumented to measure the friction force (in the sliding direction)
between the head and the disk interface. The frictional force at an interface is written as,
, where
is the total
friction at the interface,
the non-dimensional coefficient of friction,
the applied normal load, and
the adhesion component
of friction.
Figure 4 shows the delta friction force as a function of normal load when applied -1
and +1
on the head
overcoat. Here, we have subtracted the friction contribution at low load (=1.25
) from all other load conditions to measure
delta friction force. Dashed line is the linear fit with slope being the coefficient of friction. For positive voltage cycle on
head, the friction coefficient is 0.4 in comparison to 0.2 for negative voltage cycle on the head. This further demonstrates the
importance of the electrochemical activity on the carbon overcoat during sliding is determining the friction properties and long
term durability of the overcoat.
Figure 4. Frictional properties under an applied voltage:
Shows the delta friction force as a function of normal load under
a repetitive cycle of applied +1 V and -1 V on head. Dashed line is the linear fit with slope being the friction coefficient.
Chemical marking of contact location
As a practical application of surface passivation, it was used to chemically mark the disk overcoat surface. Intentional contacts
at two distinct tracks (radius 21
and 23
on disk) were made for 3 seconds under a normal load of 3.75
at the head
disk interface. The head is held at -1
with respect to the disk. Figure 5b shows the decay in the interfacial current with the
same head at two distinct tracks. Once the head passivates the first track on disk, the initial current on the new track is similar to
the initial current of the previously passivated track. This further shows that for negative head voltages, the surface passivation
dominated the electrochemical activity on the disk leaving the head in pristine condition. We used the same head to scan probe
the electrical conductivity of the complete disk. Figure 5c shows the interfacial current as probed by the same head at different
tracks. The electrical current on the passivated track is found to be significantly lower than the untreated area of the disk surface.
We believe that this surface passivation of the carbon overcoat can have significant applications for high speed lithography. It
is worth mentioning that recently AFM has been used to perform similar surface passivation of graphitic surfaces but AFM
operates at typically six orders of magnitude slower sliding speed.
Chemical analysis of the oxide formed on carbon overcoat
is still missing and requires more work.
In summary, we have outlined a quantitative analysis of voltage assisted nanoscale electrochemical wear on carbon overcoat at
high sliding speed interfaces. At high sliding speeds, in-situ measurements were performed of the interfacial current and the
associated wear amount due to the electrochemical process. In addition, the effect of electrochemical activity on the interface is
further quantified by measuring the friction force and the friction coefficient. It is found that the voltage assisted electrochemical
activity greatly influences the interfacial wear and frictional properties. Positive voltage applied to the head leads to high
wear on the head overcoat but no head overcoat wear was observed for negative applied voltage. As a useful application, we
exploited the electrochemical passivation to mark the head-disk contact regions on the disk. The contact regions can be clearly
identified by the associated conductivity variations of the surface. We believe that the observed voltage assisted asymmetric
nanoscale wear will lead to additional experimental and simulation work, and will help to understand precisely the chemical
origin of the involved process.
Figure 5. Chemical marking of contact location: (a) Cartoon of disk depicting the intentional contact at two location,
Radius =21 mm and 23 mm. (b) Marking: dots represent the passivation of carbon overcoat at two locations. (c) Detection:
shows the interfacial current as probed by the same head at different tracks.
Our results are expected to have strong impact on fundamentally improving the carbon overcoat for various applications.
The effect of interfacial voltage on the sliding interface is expected to be of great importance for understanding and improving
the wear properties in nanoscale devices.
Sample preparation
Disk: the rotating disk is a commercial 2.5” CoCrPt:oxide based hard disk media fabricated onto a glass substrate. Outermost
thin film layer of hard disk media consist of 3
amorphous nitrogenated carbon overcoat coated with a molecular layer of
perfluoropolyether polymer lubricant (1nm thick).
Head: the head is a commercially available with read and write elements fabricated on a ceramic substrate. Similar to the
disk, the head is also coated with a carbon overcoat with 1.4
diamond like carbon on top of a 0.3
Silicon based adhesive
layer. The head surface is carefully etched (known as air bearing surface (ABS)) such that while flying on top of the disk an air
lift force is generated that keeps it afloat in the nanometer distance over the disk.
Contact detection between the head and disk
Contact between the head and disk is monitored using a piezo-electric based acoustic emission (AE) sensor of the type PICO -
. It detects elastic propagating waves generated during the head-disk contact events.
Figure 6 shows a typical
contact detection between the head and the disk. Vertical clearance between the head and disk is set using the embedded
micro-heater inside the head. For protruding head making a contact with disk, AE signal increases sharply compare to
non-contact condition.
Interfacial current and friction measurements
Electrical measurement: In all interfacial measurement, the head-disk interface is first voltage biased then the contact is made
using the micro-heater. The voltage bias is done using a HP 3314A source and the corresponding interfacial current is measured
using Agilent 4155C. Interfacial current measurement are done under a positive normal load condition.
Friction measurement: Contact friction force is measured using a calibrated strain gauge mounted at the end of the
suspension. The strain gauge signal is measured and amplified using a Vishay 2311 signal conditioning amplifier.
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Author contributions statement
S.R. and E.S. designed the experiments with contribution from B.M.. S.R. performed the experiments and analyzed the data.
S.R., E.S. and B.M. wrote the manuscript.
Additional information
The authors declare they have no competing financial interests.

Supplementary resource (1)

... It has been reported [2][3][4] that the wear rate of the slider can be reduced by voltage biasing of the HDI. Knigge and Marchon [2] stated that wear occurs primarily on the disk surface rather than the slider surface when a negative voltage of -0.3 V was applied to the slider with respect to the disk, compared to ?0.3 or 0 V slider bias. ...
... This result is interesting although it is unclear a priori why a negative slider bias should result in diminished slider wear. One possibility is the electrochemical action on diamond-like carbon (DLC) protected overcoat surfaces when positively biased [4]. On the other hand, if slider wear is enhanced by increased slider-disk attraction arising from electrostatic forces, wear should be independent of the polarity applied to a particular surface and depend only on the potential difference across the HDI. ...
... Figure 12a-c also shows that a DC disk bias voltage of V Ã À 1 V results in a greater amount of deposits compared to V Ã þ 1 V DC disk bias (Fig. 12d-f). This result is unexpected because a previous study by Rajauria on the effect of HDI bias voltage on slider wear did not mention any formation of deposits on the slider at low RH [4]. The height of the deposit on the trailing edge side of the write shield in Fig. 12a (see dotted line 'A') is approximately 3-4 nm thick as shown in Fig. 13. ...
Full-text available
In this investigation, we examine wear of thermal flying height control sliders as a function of DC bias voltage across the head–disk interface, relative humidity, and lubricant type. Wear tests were conducted using two different experimental setups, a load/unload tester, and a spin-stand tester with relative humidity control. Head wear was determined by measuring the change in the heater touch-down power (ΔTDP) before and after wear testing. After wear testing, selected recording heads were examined using atomic force microscopy and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry to investigate wear and deposit formation in the read/write region. Our results show that the polarity of the head–disk interface bias voltage and the relative humidity influence deposit formation and wear in the read/write region of recording heads.
... The hypothesis of this work is based on two tribological mechanisms which arise due to the interaction of ionic molecules on a polarized interface. On the one hand the steel surface is electrochemically protected against corrosion reactions [32,33]. On the other hand the polarized surface in combination with ionic molecules can lead to the formation of very stable interfacial layer as it was shown using AFMmeasurements [20]. ...
... But it must be noticed that water can strongly change viscosity, polarity, and surface tension in contrast to the pure IL [46]. Consequently, understanding surface interactions, tribochemistry and electro-chemical phenomena and ordering of molecules on the tribological interface are identified as key factors to realize tribological applications using aqueous lubricants [32]. Both factors, the good miscibility with water and the capability to adsorb with a high packaging density were decisive that 1-ethyl-3methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid [C 2 mim][Cl] was used for this investigation. ...
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The effect of galvanically induced potentials on the friction and wear behavior of a 1RK91 stainless steel regarding to tribocorrosion was investigated using an oscillating ball-on-disk tribometer equipped with an electrochemical cell. The aim of this investigation is to develop a water-based lubricant. Therefore 1 molar sodium chloride (NaCl) and 1% 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride [C2mim][Cl] water solutions were used. Tribological performance at two galvanically induced potentials was compared with the non-polarized state: cathodic potential-coupling with pure aluminum- and anodic potential-coupling with pure copper. Frictional and electrochemical response was recorded during the tests. In addition, wear morphology and chemical composition of the steel were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), respectively.
... Maintaining good tribological properties such as low wear and stiction of such a high speed sliding interface at low clearance is critical for the long term reliability of hard disk drives [7]. Any contact between the head and the disk leads to friction and wear of the head overcoat layer, adversely impacting the disk drive performance [8][9][10][11]. ...
... The electrostatic force is an attractive force which reduces the fly height (parabolic dependence) until the pull-in threshold is reached [11,20]. At this point the effective stiffness becomes singular, and the slider thermal actuator makes contact with the disk. ...
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Contact hysteresis between sliding interfaces is a widely observed phenomenon from macro- to nano- scale sliding interfaces. Most of such studies are done using an atomic force microscope (AFM) where the sliding speed is a few {\mu}m/s. Here, we present a unique study on stiction between the head-disk interface of commercially available hard disk drives, wherein vertical clearance between the head and the disk is of the same order as in various AFM based fundamental studies, but with a sliding speed that is nearly six orders of magnitude higher. We demonstrate that although the electrostatic force (DC or AC voltage) is an attractive force, the AC voltage induced out-of-plane oscillation of the head with respect to disk is able to suppress completely the contact hysteresis.
... Maintaining good tribological properties such as low wear and stiction of such a high speed sliding interface at low clearance is critical for the long term reliability of hard disk drives [7]. Any contact between the head and the disk leads to friction and wear of the head overcoat layer, adversely impacting the disk drive performance [8][9][10][11]. ...
... where P (z) is the spacing probability distribution, is the dielectric permittivity, d is the initial clearance between the head-disk interface, and V is the applied voltage: DC component V dc and AC component V AC such that V = V DC + V AC sin(wt). The electrostatic force is an attractive force which reduces the fly height (parabolic dependence) until the pull-in threshold is reached [11,20]. At this point the effective stiffness becomes singular, and the slider thermal actuator makes contact with the disk. ...
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We present a unique study on contact hysteresis between the head disk interface of the commercially available hard disk drives. We demonstrate that although electrostatic force (DC or AC voltage) is an attractive force, AC voltage induced out-of-plane oscillation of the head respect to disk is able to suppress completely the contact hysteresis.
Atomic wear is generally understood as a mechanically-assisted and thermally-activated bond-breaking chemical process. In other words, debris formation is proportional to time just like a chemical reaction (instead of sliding distance), the contact area, and strongly temperature-dependent. Here using molecular dynamics, we show in a model glassy tribo-system at relatively high sliding speeds that the atomic wear depends weakly on the temperature and not on the sliding speed and increases sub-linearly with the contact area. We propose a different wear formulation for this system by considering that the debris-formation process at relatively high sliding speed is shear-assisted and athermally-activated.
Wear and pit formation of a thermal flying height control (TFC) slider was studied as a function of bias voltage and environmental relative humidity (5% to 85%). Burnishing tests were performed by applying an “over-push” heater power to the heater element, causing slider disk contacts. The experimental results showed that both bias voltage and relative humidity have a large effect on power-to-contact change and wear of the slider. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to study wear and pit formation as a function of bias voltage and relative humidity. Wear of the slider surface was found to be less at positive disk bias voltage compared to negative disk bias voltage at all relative humidity conditions. Pit formation was observed on the slider in the vicinity of the read-write transducer area when a positive bias voltage was applied to the disk at high relative humidity conditions (85observed at low relative humidity.
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Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates (ZDDPs) are widely used additives in automotive lubricants which form crucial antiwear tribofilms at sliding interfaces. The mechanisms governing the tribofilm growth are not well-understood, limiting the development of replacements with better performance and catalytic converter compatibility. Using atomic force microscopy in ZDDP-containing lubricant base stock at elevated temperatures, we monitor the growth and properties of the tribofilms in situ in well-defined single-asperity sliding nanocontacts. Surface-based nucleation, growth, and thickness saturation of patchy tribofilms are observed versus sliding time. The growth rate increases exponentially with either applied compressive stress or temperature, consistent with a thermally-activated, stress-assisted reaction rate model. The films grow regardless of the presence of iron on either the tip or substrate, highlighting the critical role of stress and thermal activation.
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Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates (ZDDPs) form antiwear tribofilms at sliding interfaces and are widely used as additives in automotive lubricants. The mechanisms governing the tribofilm growth are not well understood, which limits the development of replacements that offer better performance and are less likely to degrade automobile catalytic converters over time. Using atomic force microscopy in ZDDP-containing lubricant base stock at elevated temperatures, we monitored the growth and properties of the tribofilms in situ in well-defined single-asperity sliding nanocontacts. Surface-based nucleation, growth, and thickness saturation of patchy tribofilms were observed. The growth rate increased exponentially with either applied compressive stress or temperature, consistent with a thermally activated, stress-assisted reaction rate model. Although some models rely on the presence of iron to catalyze tribofilm growth, the films grew regardless of the presence of iron on either the tip or substrate, highlighting the critical role of stress and thermal activation.
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The kinetic friction and wear at high sliding speeds is investigated using the head-disk interface of hard disk drives, wherein the head and the disk are less than 10 nm apart and move at sliding speeds of 5–10 m/s relative to each other. While the spacing between the sliding surfaces is of the same order of magnitude as various AFM based fundamental studies on friction, the sliding speed is nearly six orders of magnitude larger, allowing a unique set-up for a systematic study of nanoscale wear at high sliding speeds. In a hard disk drive, the physical contact between the head and the disk leads to friction, wear, and degradation of the head overcoat material (typically diamond like carbon). In this work, strain gauge based friction measurements are performed; the friction coefficient as well as the adhering shear strength at the head-disk interface is extracted; and an experimental set-up for studying friction between high speed sliding surfaces is exemplified.
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A novel scheme of pre-surface modification of media using mixed argon-nitrogen plasma is proposed to improve the protection performance of 1.5 nm carbon overcoats (COC) on media produced by a facile pulsed DC sputtering technique. We observe stable and lower friction, higher wear resistance, higher oxidation resistance, and lower surface polarity for the media sample modified in 70%Ar + 30%N2 plasma and possessing 1.5 nm COC as compared to samples prepared using gaseous compositions of 100%Ar and 50%Ar + 50%N2 with 1.5 nm COC. Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy results suggest that the surface modification process does not affect the microstructure of the grown COC. Instead, the improved tribological, corrosion-resistant and oxidation-resistant characteristics after 70%Ar + 30%N2 plasma-assisted modification can be attributed to, firstly, the enrichment in surface and interfacial bonding, leading to interfacial strength, and secondly, more effective removal of ambient oxygen from the media surface, leading to stronger adhesion of the COC with media, reduction of media corrosion and oxidation, and surface polarity. Moreover, the tribological, corrosion and surface properties of mixed Ar + N2 plasma treated media with 1.5 nm COCs are found to be comparable or better than ~2.7 nm thick conventional COC in commercial media.
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The nanoscale control afforded by scanning probe microscopes has prompted the development of a wide variety of scanning probe-based patterning methods. Some of these methods have demonstrated a high degree of robustness and patterning capabilities that are unmatched by other lithographic techniques. However, the limited throughput of scanning probe lithography has prevented their exploitation in technological applications. Here, we review the fundamentals of scanning probe lithography and its use in materials science and nanotechnology. We focus on the methods and processes that offer genuinely lithography capabilities such as those based on thermal effects, chemical reactions and voltage-induced processes.
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Accurate touchdown power detection is a prerequisite for read-write head-to-disk spacing calibration and control in current hard disk drives, which use the thermal fly-height control slider technology. The slider air bearing surface and head gimbal assembly design have a significant influence on the touchdown behavior, and this paper reports experimental findings to help understand the touchdown process. The dominant modes/frequencies of excitation at touchdown can be significantly different leading to very different touchdown signatures. The pressure under the slider at touchdown and hence the thermal fly-height control efficiency as well as the propensity for lubricant pickup show correlation with touchdown behavior which may be used as metrics for designing sliders with good touchdown behavior. Experiments are devised to measure friction at the head-disk interface of a thermal fly-height control slider actuated into contact. Parametric investigations on the effect of disk roughness, disk lubricant parameters, and air bearing surface design on the friction at the head-disk interface and slider burnishing/wear are conducted and reported.
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We utilize thermal fly-height control (TFC) technology to perform in situ measurements of carbon overcoat wear at the angstrom level at the read–write area of magnetic recording heads. We also study the durability of the molecularly thin lubricated disk surface. Experimental findings reveal a linear relationship between the quantified carbon wear depth on the flying head versus the head–disk contact level produced by the TFC power. It is demonstrated that this method can serve as a measurement and probing technique of wear resistance for different types of lubricants. Lubricants possessing more polar hydroxyl end-groups and less mobility tend to show a superior surface stability under head–disk contacts, but raise concerns on head carbon overcoat wear.
Adhesion, friction, wear and lubrication studies conducted in a vacuum environment have provided insight into the influence of the basic properties of materials on the aforementioned characteristics. With metals, crystal structure, orientation, order-disorder reactions, ductile to brittle transitions, texturing and segregation of alloy constituents to surfaces have all been found to affect adhesion, friction and wear. Strong chemical interactions at the interface have been observed with clean metal surface in contact with polymers and ceramics. These interactions result in strong adhesive bonding. Nearly any material when adsorbed on or reacted chemically with a clean surface in vacuum will reduce adhesion, friction and wear. Even fractions of monolayers will accomplish a reduction in adhesion, friction and wear from that observed for materials in the atomically clean state.