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Manjunath, T. M., 1985. Commercial Availability of Tricogramma for Biological Control of Sugarcane Borers.

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Manjunath, T. M., 1985. Commercial availability of Trichogramma for biological control of sugarcane borers. Cooperative Sugar, 16 (8) : 493-495. The egg-parasites, Trichogramma chilonis and T. japonicum, are mass-produced at Biocontrol Research Laboratories, India’s first commercial insectary, at Bangalore and offered for sale in the form of parasitized host (Corcyra) eggs fixed to specially designed cards named ‘Tricho Cards.’ Each ‘Tricho Card,’ about the size of a post card, carries 20,000 plus parasitized eggs. The expected date of parasite emergence and release instructions are indicated on each such card. The method of packing and dispatch, mode of release, dosage, etc. are described in this popular article.
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Commercial Availability of Trichogramma for
Biologic a l Control of Sugarcane Bo rers
TMM U N '" N A T H
Bioc o n tr o l Research Labor a to r ies, Pest CoB
Btrol (India) PvtLfmited
Rabindr a nath Tago r e Nagar, Bangalore560 032
A )r OTHBORE R S are n1ajor peBta o f augar c a n e in moe of rele a s e, dosage, adva n tages, etc, are outlined
1V1 1n ost a r ea s Ov e r a do z e n spe c ieB hav e be e n in thi1 paper
reported fr o m Indi a o f which the foll o w ing a r e of major
signiBicance in o n e r e gio n or the othe r , EGG Parasite s , H * hogram m a SPP,
Early 1ho o tbore r Chito ir¢usc a telïus (Sn) to the family Trichogram m atidae a n d a r e exclusively
Trichogra n t m a SppArc minute wa sps whi ch belong
Intcmuode bo r er Cindfcus (Kapoor) egg para a itcrThey attack the cgg1 o f various s pe c ie s
Stalkborer Ca u ricilius (Dudj) of s u garc a n e bor e r1 and als o of large number o f othe r
PlasBcy bore r Ctun1idicosta/is Ha m p1gricultura1 pests, mainly LepidoptcraThc pa r asite i8
uu B u a a pu' ' ' ' ' ' - " Ó u "_ ° " - - ° v > 'labo r atories a nd ha 1 beenextc m ively use d fo r biological
Topborer bi woryza nive1la (Fab) c o ntr o l of a variety of pests in seve r al countries
T hese lay eggs o n leave s T h e damage is c a use by Her r Trichogramma kills the bor e r
the c a tc r piuars which bo r e into thc sugar c a n e ste m and
feed o n the tiasu e s throughout their l ifeThis re s ults T be tiny adult parasite, which is a c tive in ïiel d s,
in de a th of the plant o r aftccts the yield and quality of lo c ate s thc ho s t eggs and para sitisca tliemieIt lays eggs
juice 1a r va feeds o n thc host egg ·
nd completes its devel
within the eggs o f the pestOn hatching, thc pa r a site
Chemical co n tr o l of the s e internal feeders ia m e n t withinT h c parasitised oggi turn bl ack, an
di cult for v a r ious r ea s o nsBiological c o ntrol, invalu a bl e d iagnostic c har
· eter, in 3 to 4 day1 a nd
especially thro u gh inu n dative rc]eases of the cgg adult par a s ite s e m erge in 7 to 9 day1Thu s , in s te a d of
parasites, Trichogramma spp, has been w idely pra c tised the bo r er larva e hatchir1g fro m the e ggs, the Rarasite a
in s e v eral countries and it ha s a1ao r e c eiv e d c o n 1i d e r ablc c o m e o utA single parasite can thus destroy over 100
attentioù in IndiaHowever, pr a ctic a l b iological eggs of the pest
control trials in India a r c very limited, mainly due to
no n availability of natu r al en e mies to the gr o we r s as Tricìiogramm a k ills the pe s t in thc eg g stage itself
and when the s e are requiredin view o f this, pest befo r e thc pest c o uld cau s e any damage to the c r opit
control (Indi a) pvtLtdHa s recently e s tablished in is a pur e ly benci ci al insect
c a controlA brief
(BC R L), to undertake ma ssproduction o f promising
para 1ites and predator s of c e rtain majo r pests a n d T h e pr a ctice of using TrìchograJ?1m a for the contr o l
1 u pply the Be to the c u ltivators at reaso n ab le costof sugarc a ne bo r e rs w a s in v ogue in Lo u siana and
Sever a l specie B Trichqgramm a arc als o multiplied at Barbado s about five de c a des agoCurr e ntly, the
BCRL, which can be obtained on prior indentsn ic}iogïamma m e thod'is a commercial management
Information on various a s pects of T ricllogram1nlï, like its practice against a v ariety of lepidopter o u s pests in So u th
availability1 field pe r formanc e . M o de of supply, tim e and America, the USA, and the US S Rand particularly
rry13 SUGARApril 85 : VOl16, N08 493
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