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Dexmedetomidine vs propofol-remifentanil conscious sedation for awake craniotomy: A prospective randomized controlled trial


Abstract and Figures

Background: Awake craniotomy (AC) is performed for the resection of brain tumours in close proximity to areas of eloquent brain function to maximize reduction of tumour mass and minimize neurological injury. This study compares the efficacy and safety of dexmedetomidine vs propofol-remifentanil-based conscious sedation, during AC for supratentorial tumour resection. Methods: Prospective, randomized, controlled trial including 50 adult patients undergoing AC who were randomly assigned to a dexmedetomidine (DEX group, n=25) or propofol-remifentanil group (P-R group, n=25). The primary outcome was the ability to perform intraoperative brain mapping assessed on a numeric rating scale (NRS). Secondary outcome was the efficacy of sedation measured by the modified Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedation (OAA/S) scale. Other outcome measures including haemodynamic and respiratory variables, pain, sedation and anxiety scores, adverse events, and patient satisfaction were also compared. Results: There were no differences between DEX and P-R groups regarding the ability to perform intraoperative brain mapping [mean NRS score (95% CI): 10.0 (9.9–10.0) vs 9.7 (9.5–10.0), P=0.13] and level of sedation during mapping [mean OAA/S score (95% CI): 4.1 (3.5–4.7) vs 4.3 (3.9–4.7), P=0.51], respectively. Respiratory adverse events were more frequent in the P-R group (20 vs 0%, P=0.021). Heart rate was significantly lower in the DEX group across time (P<0.001); however, the need for treatment of bradycardia was not different between groups. Conclusions: Quality of intraoperative brain mapping and efficacy of sedation with dexmedetomidine were similar to propofol-remifentanil during AC for supratentorial tumour resection. Dexmedetomidine was associated with fewer respiratory adverse events. Clinical trial registration: NCT01545297.
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Dexmedetomidine vs propofol-remifentanil conscious
sedation for awake craniotomy: a prospective
randomized controlled trial
N. Goettel1,3,4, S. Bharadwaj1, L. Venkatraghavan1, J. Mehta1, M. Bernstein2
and P. H. Manninen1,*
Department of Anesthesia, Toronto Western Hospital,
Division of Neurosurgery, Toronto Western Hospital,
University Health Network, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada,
Department of Anesthesia, Surgical
Intensive Care, Prehospital Emergency Medicine and Pain Therapy and
Department of Clinical Research,
University Hospital Basel, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Background: Awake craniotomy (AC) is performed for the resection of brain tumours in close proximity to areas of eloquent
brain function to maximize reduction of tumour mass and minimize neurological injury. This study compares the efcacy and
safety of dexmedetomidine vs propofol-remifentanil-based conscious sedation, during AC for supratentorial tumour resection.
Methods: Prospective, randomized, controlled trial including 50 adult patients undergoing AC who were randomly assigned to a
dexmedetomidine (DEX group, n=25) orpropofol-remifentanil group(P-R group, n=25). The primary outcomewas the ability to perform
intraoperative brain mapping assessed on a numeric rating scale (NRS). Secondary outcomewas the efcacy of sedation measured by
the modied Observers Assessment of Alertness/Sedation (OAA/S) scale. Other outcome measures including haemodynamic and
respiratory variables, pain, sedation and anxiety scores, adverse events, and patient satisfaction were also compared.
Results: There were no differences between DEX and P-R groups regarding the ability to perform intraoperative brain mapping
[mean NRS score (95% CI): 10.0 (9.910.0) vs 9.7 (9.510.0), P=0.13] and level of sedation during mapping [mean OAA/S score (95%
CI): 4.1 (3.54.7) vs 4.3 (3.94.7), P=0.51], respectively. Respiratory adverse events were more frequent in the P-R group (20 vs 0%,
P=0.021). Heart rate was signicantly lower in the DEX group across time (P<0.001); however, the need for treatment of
bradycardia was not different between groups.
Conclusions: Quality of intraoperative brain mapping and efcacy of sedation with dexmedetomidine were similar to propofol-
remifentanil during AC for supratentorial tumour resection. Dexmedetomidine was associated with fewer respiratory adverse events.
Clinical trial registration: NCT01545297.
Key words: anaesthetics, intravenous; conscious sedation; craniotomy; dexmedetomidine; propofol; remifentanil
Euroanaesthesia Congress, May 31, 2015, Berlin, Germany, and Canadian AnesthesiologistsSociety Annual Meeting, June 20, 2015, Ottawa, Canada.
This Article is accompanied by Editorial Aew113.
Accepted: January 3, 2016
© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 116 (6): 81121 (2016)
doi: 10.1093/bja/aew024
Advance Access Publication Date: 20 April 2016
Neurosciences and Neuroanaesthesia
at University of Basel / A280 UKBB on October 2, 2016 from
Editors key points
For brain tumours in close proximity to eloquent areas,
intraoperative mapping can help optimize outcomes.
To facilitate this, an awake craniotomytechnique is per-
formed to facilitate wakefulness during mapping.
The optimal sedation or anaesthetic technique for awake
craniotomy has not been identied.
In this randomized controlled trial the authors compared
dexmedetomidine and propofol-remifentanil techniques.
Awake craniotomy (AC) is an accepted procedure for resection of a
brain tumour, located in close proximity to areas of eloquent brain
function, to achieve maximal surgical reduction of tumour mass
without injuring important functional areas of the brain, such as
the motor, language, or sensory cortex.
A variety of anaesthetic
techniqueshave been used for AC, ranging from an asleep-awake-
asleeptechnique, with or without mechanical ventilation, to the
managementof fully awakepatients with local or regionalanaes-
thesia of the scalp.
The required level of sedation and analgesia
varies throughout the different stages of surgery, but most im-
portantly, the patient needs to be awake and alert during brain
Different i.v. sedative drugs have been used in AC; for
conscious sedation or monitored anaesthesia care, many anaes-
thetists choose a combination of propofol and an ultra-short-
acting opioid such as remifentanil.
However, in AC patients
with an unsecured airway, the use of propofol sedation in combin-
ation with opioids has been associated with intraoperative airway
and/or respiratory complications, and poor patient cooperation
during cortical mapping.
Dexmedetomidine is a potent, highlyselective α
with sedative, anxiolytic, analgesic, opioid-sparing,
and sympatholytic effects.
In contrast to other sedative agents,
dexmedetomidine is not associated with respiratory depression.
16 19
As a result of predictable pharmacokinetics and a rapid distribu-
tion half-life of 56 min
15 17
after bolus injection, dexmedetomi-
dine may be titrated to a desired effect. Prolonged infusions of
dexmedetomidine, however, may lead to delayed sedative effects
after discontinuation of the drug because of a longer context-sen-
sitive half-life.
The hypnotic properties of dexmedetomidine
are mediated via hyperpolarization of noradrenergic neurons in
the locus ceruleus. Fundamental research suggests that dexmedeto-
midine converges on a natural sleep pathway to exert its sedative
This unique state of sedation, also called collaborative
may be useful for AC, which requires a deep level of
sedation during painful and stimulating operative procedures on
the one hand, and sufcient patient cooperation during mapping
of eloquent function on the other.
The purpose of thisstudy wasto compare the use of dexmede-
tomidine vs propofol-remifentanil-based conscious sedation, in
patients undergoing AC for the resection of supratentorial brain
tumours. We hypothesized that there would be no difference in
the ability to perform intraoperative brain mapping between dex-
medetomidine and propofol-remifentanil, and that both sedation
techniques would have comparable efcacy and safety proles.
Trial design
The University Health Network Research Ethics Board provided
ethical approval for this study (Ethical Committee No. 11-0607-
A). All study participants provided written informed consent.
We conducted a prospective, double-blind, randomized trial. It
was conducted according to the revised Declaration of Helsinki
of the World Medical Association and ICH GCP guidelines for
good clinical trial practice. The study was registered on Clinical- (NCT01545297) before patient enrolment.
Participants and study setting
Study participants were recruited at the Toronto Western
Hospital, University Health Network, Toronto, Canada. We in-
cluded patients aged 18 yr, ASA physical status IIII, undergoing
elective AC for the resection of a supratentorial brain tumour,
using a conscious sedation technique. Exclusion criteria werese-
vere cardiovascular or respiratory disease (ASA grade IV), preg-
nancy, allergies to the drugs being used, known alcohol or
substance abuse, and expected communication difculties with
the patient.
Before surgery, 50 eligible patients were equally randomized to
receive either dexmedetomidine (DEX group) or propofol-remi-
fentanil (P-R group) infusions. The loading dose of dexmedetomi-
over 10 min, followed by a maintenance
infusion titrated to effect (doses ranging from 0.2gkg
). Continuous infusion rates of propofol and remifentanil
were 25150 and 0.010.gkg
, respectively. Dosing of
all study drugs for surgical stages other than brain mapping
was adjusted to achieve a targeted level of sedation of 24 points,
on the modied Observers Assessment of Alertness/Sedation
(OAA/S) scale.
Anaesthetic management
Intraoperative anaesthetic management was standardized by
using the predened sedation protocols in both groups. No pre-
medication was used. The patient was comfortably positioned
(supine or lateral) on the operating table. Vital signs were re-
corded using ASA standard monitors: non-invasive bp monitor-
ing, ECG, and pulse oximetry (SpO
). Arterial lines or urinary
catheters were not inserted routinely. All patients were breathing
spontaneously and received supplemental oxygen at 4 l min
(inducing a mean inspired fraction of oxygen of approximately
36%) via nasal prongs. Naso- or oropharyngeal airway devices
were not used. The presence of end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO
was monitored at the oxygen delivery nasal prongs port to deter-
mine respiratory rate (RR).
After establishment of peripheral venous access in the operat-
ing room, each patient received fentanyl 50 µg i.v., and then the
study drug infusions were started according to the respective
sedation protocol. Approximately 10 min later, the sites of pin in-
sertion for rigid head xation (Sugita frame) were inltrated with
local anaesthetic agent (2% lidocaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine)
by the neurosurgeon. Inltration of the scalp was performed
using 0.25% bupivacaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine to produce
aring blockaround the incision. The overall management of
the anaesthetic with respect to adjustments of the drug infusions
and the administration of all other required medications was
left up to the attending anaesthetist. At any time during the
procedure, when excessive pain was expected, or if the patient
complained of pain or discomfort, the infusion rates of dexmede-
tomidine (DEX group) or remifentanil (P-R group) were increased.
If necessary, additional fentanyl 2550 µg i.v. was administered.
If sedation was inadequate in either group, the infusion rates
were increased at rst. Rescue medication consisting of a propo-
fol bolus (2030 mg i.v.) was given when rst-line treatment
812 |Goettel et al.
at University of Basel / A280 UKBB on October 2, 2016 from
failed. Ten min before brain mapping, propofol wasdisconti nued,
and dexmedetomidine and remifentanil infusions were reduced.
Minimal infusion rates of dexmedetomidine (0.10.4 µg kg
in the DEX group, and remifentanil (0.010.05 µg kg
the P-R group were continued during mapping. Mapping for
motor, sensory and/or speech functions was performed after
placement of a stimulating electrode on the cortical surface by
the neurosurgeon.
The anaesthetist observed for any move-
ments of the face, arm or leg. Motor strength was tested by asking
the patient to move their hand (ngers) or foot (dorsiexion)
against resistance. Patients were advised to note any changes
in sensation. Language was tested by asking the patient to
count or name lists of objects while observing for speech arrest
or hesitation. The duration of brain mapping was approximately
10 min. Subsequently, study drug infusions were resumed for tu-
mour resection and closure of the craniotomy. Patients received
fentanyl 0.5gkg
i.v. if they complained of headache or other
pain at the end of the procedure.
After surgery, patients were monitored in the postanaesthetic
care unit (PACU) for 2 h before being discharged to the ward or day
surgery unit. In the PACU, all standard monitoring of a neuro-
logical patient was performed, and postoperative pain was trea-
ted according to a standard protocol with a combination of oral
acetaminophen and morphine or fentanyl i.v. or oral oxycodone.
Ondansetron 4 mg, and/or dimenhydrinate 50 mg, and/or meto-
clopramide 20 mg and/or dexamethasone 4 mg i.v. were adminis-
tered for postoperative nausea and vomiting when needed. After
discharge from the PACU, the care of the patientincluding the ad-
ministration of analgesics and discharge from the hospital was
determined by the surgical team.
Outcome variables
The primary outcome measure was the quality of intraoperative
brain mapping. The ability of the patient to cooperate and per-
form cortical mapping was assessed on a 10-point numerical rat-
ing scale (NRS; 0=unsatisfactory; 10=excellent). Mapping was
considered successful when the NRS score was 8. The level of
sedation was recorded at the time of mapping and throughout
the procedure using the modied OAA/S scale. Using visual ana-
logue scales (VAS), patients were asked to evaluate levels of pain
(0=no; 13=mild; 46=moderate; 710=severe pain) and anxiety
(01=no or mild; 23=moderate; 45=severe anxiety). This assess-
ment was repeated at 12 successive time points throughout the
procedure (T0, baseline; T1, headpin insertion; T2, 5 min after
T1; T3, local anaesthetic inltration to incision; T4, skin incision;
T5, craniotomy (bone work); T6, dura opening; T7, brain mapping;
T8, start of tumour resection; T9, 30 min after T8; T10, skin clos-
ure; T11, admission to PACU; and T12, 120 min after T11).
Secondary outcome measures included the incidence of ad-
verse events such as respiratory depression or airway obstruc-
tion, haemodynamic instability, failure to provide adequate
analgesia, and all intra- and immediate postoperative complica-
tions. Heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), SpO2, and RR
were recorded at the 12 successive time points (T0T12). Haemo-
dynamic instability (arterial hypertension or hypotension, car-
diac arrhythmia) and respiratory events (airway obstruction,
apnoea/hypoventilation, oxygen desaturation), were dened as
an adverse event when a treatment intervention (administration
of a pharmacological agent for haemodynamic events, airway
manoeuvres and/or diminution of study drug infusion for re-
spiratory events) was required.
Preoperative variables included basic patient characteristics,
clinical characteristics and medical co-morbidities. Assessment
of the condition of the brain (lax or tight) upon opening of the
dura mater and any intraoperative neurological complication
(e.g., seizures, or new onset neurological decits) were noted.
Other intraoperative patient complaints or events (e.g., cold/
shivering, nausea and vomiting, restlessness, fatigue, and need
for conversion to general anaesthesia) were also recorded. In
the PACU, the amount of opioid and antiemetic administered
and the incidence of adverse events were noted. Testing of mem-
ory and cognitive function was also performed using the Short
Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ
; Supplementary
data, Table S1) at 2 and 24 h after surgery. At 24 h after surgery,
the patients were interviewed in person and asked regarding
any adverse events such as excessive pain, nausea and vomiting.
They were asked how satisfactory were their intraoperative pain
management and overall level of comfort, recall of the intrao-
perative experience including pain, anxiety and discomfort, and
their willingness to repeat surgery, if needed, using the same an-
aesthetic technique. If the patient had been discharged home the
day of surgery, a telephone interview was conducted. Length of
hospital stay and nal postoperative destination of patients (in-
or outpatient surgery, need for unplanned postoperative hospital
admission) were noted.
Sample size
A change of 25% in the ability to perform satisfactory intraopera-
tive brain mapping was considered to be of clinical importance.
To detect a mean difference of 2.5 points on the 10-point NRS
for mapping quality between the DEX and P-R groups, a sample
size of 25 subjects per group was required (total of 50 subjects),
considering a 2-sided test with α=0.05, power of 90%, standard de-
viation of 1, and assuming a 10% drop-out rate.
We performed simple randomization of participants to the DEX
and P-R groups. One investigator generated the random alloca-
tion sequence and provided allocation concealment by using
sequentially numbered, sealed, opaque envelopes. A second in-
vestigator implemented the randomization method and enrolled
A blinded investigator that was not directly involved in the an-
aesthetic management of the patients, collected all intra- and
postoperative data. Patient and neurosurgeon were blinded to
group allocation; however, it was not practical to blind the at-
tending anaesthetist to preoperative and intraoperative data, as
this information was essential for the medical care of patients.
For blinding purposes, two drug infusion pumps were used in
every patient. Study drug infusion pumps and i.v. connection
lines were concealed to avoid identication.
Statistical analysis
Analysis was performed using SAS statistical software, version
9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). All analyses were undertaken
on a modied intention-to-treat set, comprising all patients
who had a baseline value during the intraoperative assessment.
Continuous variables and univariate differences between DEX
and P-R groups were compared using the Wilcoxon rank-sum
test, categorical variables using the χ
test. Data are expressed
as mean (), or as median [2575% interquartile range (IQR)]
for continuous variables, and count (%) for categorical variables.
Conscious sedation for awake craniotomy |813
at University of Basel / A280 UKBB on October 2, 2016 from
Differences in sedation, pain, and anxiety scores between the
groups were compared using a one-way analysis of variance
(). Repeated-measures  were conducted to assess
variations in MAP, HR, RR, and SpO2over time. For each of the re-
sponses, the interaction between anaesthetic technique and
time was rst tested and kept in the model if it reached statistical
signicance, or was removed otherwise. An unstructured vari-
ance-covariance structure was used for the within-subject factor.
Least-squares means differences between the groups were com-
pared; associated 95% condence intervals (CI) and Pvalues are
presented. P<0.05 was considered statistically signicant.
Patient characteristics
One-hundred and four patients were screened for study eligibility
between October 2012 and December 2014 (Fig. 1). Fifty-four pa-
tients were excluded before randomization. The remaining 50 pa-
tients were equally randomized to the DEX group (n=25) or the P-R
group (n=25). No participant was lost to follow-up; however, two
patients in the DEX group were excluded from the analysis be-
cause of incorrect allocation in one, and conversion to a general
anaesthetic by surgeons request at the start of the procedure in
Baseline patient characteristics and clinical characteristics
are shown in Table 1. There were no differences in patient age,
weight, height, gender, preoperative ASA physical status and
medical co-morbidities, and anaesthesia duration between DEX
and P-R groups. Histological diagnosis of the lesions resected in-
cluded glioma (DEX group, n=12; P-R group, n=11), metastatic
(DEX group, n=6; P-R group, n=10), and other (DEX group, n=5;
P-R group, n=4) (all P>0.05). Arterial lines were inserted for clinical
purposes in four patients (DEX group, n=2; P-R group, n=2). Intrao-
peratively, patients received total doses [mean ()] of fentanyl
[DEX group, 119 (53) µg; P-R group, 89 (39) µg], propofol [DEX
group, 160 (110) mg; P-R group, 596 (531) mg], dexmedetomidine
[DEX group,141 (36) mg], and remifentanil [P-Rgroup, 310 (360) µg].
Outcome variables
Intraoperative brain mapping was successful in all patients [over-
all mean NRS score (): 9.84 (0.48), range 810]. There was no dif-
ference between DEX and P-R groups in terms of the ability to
perform brain mapping [mean NRS score (95% CI): DEX group,
10.0 (9.910.0) vs P-R group, 9.7 (9.510.0), P=0.13].
No difference between groups was found regarding the level
of sedation at the time of mapping [mean OAA/S score (95% CI):
DEX group, 4.1 (3.54.7) vs P-R group, 4.3 (3.94.7), P=0.51]. The
OAA/S scores were signicantly lower in the DEX group at
Assessed for eligibility (n=104)
Lost to follow-up (n=0)
Discontinued intervention (conversion to GA) (n=1)
Lost to follow-up (n=0)
Discontinued intervention (n=0)
Randomized (n=50)
Allocated to P-R group (n=25)
Received allocated intervention (n=25)
Did not receive allocated intervention (n=0)
Analysed (n=25)
Excluded from analysis (n=0)
Analysed (n=23)
Excluded from analysis (n=0)
Allocated to DEX group (n=25)
Received allocated intervention (n=24)
Did not receive allocated intervention (n=1)
Excluded (n=54)
Not meeting inclusion criteria (n=15)
Declined to participate (n=16)
Other reasons (n=23)
Fig 1 CONSORT ow diagram. Fifty subjects were randomized; one subject (DEX group) was eliminated because of incorrect allocation, and one subject (DEX group)
was eliminated because of unexpected intraoperative conversion to a general anaesthetic. DEX group, dexmedetomidine group;GA, general anaesthetic; P-R group,
propofol-remifentanil group.
814 |Goettel et al.
at University of Basel / A280 UKBB on October 2, 2016 from
intraoperative time points T1T3 [headpin insertion (P=0.040),
5 min after headpin insertion (P=0.041), and local anaesthetic
inltration to incision (P=0.018)] (Fig. 2). Arousal times after dis-
continuation of study drug infusion for cortical mapping were
comparable between groups (approximately 58min).VASfor
pain was signicantly lower in the DEX group at T4 [skin incision
(P=0.026)] and T7 [brain mapping (P=0.031)]. VAS for anxiety was
not different between groups throughout the procedure.
Figure 3shows the time course of haemodynamic an d respira-
tory outcome variables. MAP was signicantly lower in the DEX
Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics and clinical characteristics. Data are expressed as mean (SD) or count (%), except for age [mean
(range)] and procedure duration [median (2575% interquartile range)]. DEX group, dexmedetomidine group; IQR, interquartile range; P-R
group, propofol-remifentanil group
All patients (n=48) P-R group (n=25) DEX group (n=23) Pvalue
Baseline patient characteristics
Age [mean (range); yr] 57.4 (2788) 53.8 (2780) 61.4 (3688) 0.11
Weight [mean (SD); kg] 75.9 (15.2) 73.6 (12.3) 78.4 (17.7) 0.28
Height [mean (SD); cm] 168 (14) 169 (9) 166 (17) 0.98
BMI [mean (); kg m
] 27.4 (6.8) 25.7 (3.9) 29.3 (8.6) 0.07
Gender: male/female [n(%)] 30/18 (62.5/37.5) 16/9 (64/36) 14/9 (60.9/39.1) 0.82
ASA physical status: II/III [n(%)] 8/40 (16.7/83.3) 4/21 (16/84) 4/19 (17.4/82.6) 0.90
Medical co-morbidities [n(%)]
Preoperative seizure 21 (44) 10 (40) 11 (48) 0.59
Respiratory 6 (13) 4 (16) 2 (9) 0.44
Obstructive sleep apnoea 4 (8) 1 (4) 3 (13) 0.26
Cardiac 7 (15) 4 (16) 3 (13) 0.77
Diabetes 3 (6) 1 (4) 2 (9) 0.50
Procedure duration [median (IQR); min] 121 (109142) 125 (108177) 115 (108137) 0.44
Modified OAA/S scale
Time course
P-R group DEX group
VAS pain
Time course
P-R group DEX group
VAS anxiety
Time course
P-R group DEX group
Fig 2 () Modied Observers Assessment of Alertness/Sedation (OAA/S) scale (numeric value), () visual analogue scale for pain (VAS pain, numeric value), and ()
visual analogue scale for anxiety (VAS anxiety, numeric value) were assessed at consecutive time points (T0T12). Study drug infusions were started at T0 and ended
at T10. Results are shown as means (). DEX group, dexmedetom idine group; P-R group, propofol-remifentanil group; T0, intraoperative baseline; T1, headpin
insertion; T2, 5 min after T1; T3, local anaesthetic inltration to incision; T4, skin incision; T5, craniotomy (bone work); T6, dura opening; T7, brain mapping; T8,
start of tumour resection; T9, 30 min after T8; T10, skin closure; T11, admission to PACU; T12, 120 min after T11. *P<0.05.
Conscious sedation for awake craniotomy |815
at University of Basel / A280 UKBB on October 2, 2016 from
group at intraoperative time points T6T8 [dura opening
(P=0.026); brain mapping (P=0.007); start of tumour resection
(P=0.022)] and T11T12 [admission to PACU (P<0.001); 120 min
after admission to PACU (P=0.004)]. An interaction effect of
treatment group and time was detected for MAP (P=0.044).
Repeated-measures  showed a signicantly lower HR
[mean difference (95% CI): 13.8 (19.3, 8.4) beats min
P<0.001] over time in the DEX group. RR was signicantly lower
in the P-R group at time points T8 [start of tumour resection
(P=0.030)] and T10 [skin closure (P=0.002)]. There was no differ-
ence SpO
between groups throughout the procedure.
Table 2shows the distribution of intraoperative adverse
events. The total incidence of respiratory adverse events with
need for intervention was lower in the DEX group compared
with the P-R group (0 vs 20% respectively, P=0.021). These events
were all short periods of airway obstruction and apnoea, and all
occurred during or immediately after the insertion of head pins,
before draping of the surgical site. Airway obstruction and ap-
noea were quickly treated with jaw thrust and/or brief mask ven-
tilation; the insertion of a naso- or oropharyngeal airway device
was not required at any time. Respiratory adverse events did
not occur in either group during the remaining surgical time.
There was no difference between groups regarding the incidence
of haemodynamic instability, occurrence of a tight brain, new
onset neurological decits, seizures, excessive pain, psycho-
motor agitation, or nausea and vomiting. Cardiovascular adverse
events, as dened per study protocol, consisted of arterial hypo-
tension treated with ephedrine (n=2) and phenylephrine (n=1),
and arterial hypertension treated with labetalol (n=1) and hydra-
lazine (n=2). One patient (P-R group) developed supraventricular
tachycardia at the end of tumour resection and was treated with
labetalol and esmolol, but required cardioversion in the PACU.
Mean arterial pressure (mm Hg)
Time course
AP-R group DEX group
Heart rate (beats min–1)
Time course
BP-R group DEX group
** ** ** ** **
Respiratory rate (bpm)
Time course
CP-R group DEX group
SpO2 (%)
Time course
DP-R group DEX group
Fig 3 () Mean arterial pressure (MAP, mm Hg), () heart rate (HR, beats min
), () respiratory rate (RR, bpm), and () peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2, %) were
assessed at consecutive time points (T0T12). Study drug infusions were started at T0 and ended at T10. Repeated-measures  showed a signicantly lower
HR [mean difference (95% CI): 13.8 (19.3, 8.4) beats min
,P<0.001] over time in the DEX group. Ranges of recorded values for MAP, HR, RR and SpO2in the DEX
group were 50135 mm Hg, 39110 beats min
,525 bpm and 86100%, respectively; ranges for MAP, HR, RR and SpO2in the P-R group were 49136 mm Hg, 46150
beats min
,626 bpm and 90100%, respectively. Results areshown as means (). DEX group, dexmedetomidine group; P-R group, propofol-remifentanilgroup; T0,
intraoperative baseline;T1, headpin insertion; T2, 5 min after T1; T3, local anaesthetic inltrationto incision; T4, skin incision; T5, craniotomy (bone work); T6, dura
opening; T7, brain mapping; T8, start of tumour resection; T9, 30 min after T8; T10, skin closure; T11, admission to PACU; T12, 120 min after T11. *P<0.05; **P<0.001;
816 |Goettel et al.
at University of Basel / A280 UKBB on October 2, 2016 from
One patient (DEX group) experienced a short episode of bradycar-
dia and hypotension (exact values for HR and MAP missing) at the
end of the procedure and was treatedwith atropine. Four patients
in the P-R group developed intraoperative psychomotor agitation
with disinhibition (n=1), or with emotional upset (n=3), of which
one was treated with midazolam. One patient in the DEX group
complained of being too awake. Seizures occurred in the DEX
group during brain mapping (n=2) and tumour resection (n=1),
and were successfully treated with both cold saline solution ad-
ministered to the brains surface and propofol bolus.
Postoperatively, there was no difference in the incidence of
other complications. One patient in the P-R group had a seizure.
The total dose of analgesia administered in the PACU was calcu-
lated by converting the fentanyl, morphine, codeine, and oxy-
codone doses to morphine equivalents.IntheDEXgroup,15
patients (65%) required postoperative analgesia with a mean
() dose of morphine equivalents of 5.6 (3.3) mg; in the P-R
group, 18 patients (72%) with a mean ()doseof7.4(3.8)mg
(P=0.17). Antiemetic medication for prophylactic and/or thera-
peutic purposes was administered in three patients (13%) in the
DEX group and 12 patients (48%) in the P-R group.
The cognitive performance measured at 2 h [mean SPMSQ
score (): DEX group, 0.9 (1.4) vs P-R group, 1.3 (1.8), P=0.43] and
at 24 h [DEX group, 1.5 (1.6) vs P-R group, 1.5 (1.4), P=0.96] was
not different between the two groups, alike the degree of patient
satisfaction and the level of recall of the procedure (Fig. 4). The
nal postoperative destination of patients included in the study
did not differ between groups. Thirty-one participants (65%)
were scheduled as outpatients and 14 (29%) as inpatients.
Three patients (6%) that were initially planned for day surgery
were admitted to the hospital after surgery as a result of a new
neurological decit (DEX group: n=1; P-R group: n=1) and mild
confusion (DEX group: n=1).
Dexmedetomidine and propofol-remifentanil-based conscious
sedation, without airway manipulation, during AC for supraten-
torial tumour resection showed similar quality of intraoperative
brain mapping and efcacy of sedation in this prospective, rando-
mized, double-blind, comparative study. The incidence of intra-
and postoperative cardiovascular, neurological, or other adverse
events did not differ between the groups. However, the incidence
of respiratory adverse events was signicantly greater in the P-R
group. The levels of perioperative pain and anxiety, patient satis-
faction, and recall were all comparable. Compared with propofol-
remifentanil, dexmedetomidine administration was associated
with a decrease in HR throughout the procedure and a decrease
in MAP during least stimulating surgical time points. However,
the decrease in HR was not greater than 20% from baseline.
The anaesthetic management of an AC using a conscious
sedation technique usually involves a combination of local
anaesthesia to the scalp and i.v. agents to provide sedation,
analgesia, and anxiolysis. Our institutional practice in patients
undergoing AC for tumour surgery is to perform a ring blockin-
ltration of the incision site with bupivacaine, and to provide
concomitant conscious sedation. An alternative to the ring
blocktechnique is the selective regional anaesthesia to the
nerves that innervate the scalp (scalp block),
using different
local anaesthetic agents such as ropivacaine or levobupiva-
Local anaesthetic toxicity is rarely seen in AC.
Other an-
aesthetic techniques such as the asleep-awake-asleepor the
asleep-awaketechnique, typically involving general anaesthe-
sia and airway management (tracheal intubation or insertion of
a laryngeal mask airway), have been successfully used for AC.
However, when the conscious sedation technique is used, there
is usually no or only minimal manipulation of the airway. Propo-
fol sedation, commonly in combination with a short-acting opi-
oid, is an effective technique for conscious sedation for AC,
achieving a high degree of patient satisfaction and acceptance.
Other groups recommend the use of target-controlled infusion
30 31
unavailable at our institution, to guide the administra-
tion of i.v. anaesthetics to anticipate the transitions from general
anaesthesia to the awake state during an AC. The use of TCI
modes may also be helpful to prevent respiratory adverse effects
arising from the pharmacological interaction of propofol and
opioid. However, independently of the choice of anaesthetic
technique, AC remains a challenging procedure. The key assets
of an idealdrug for conscious sedation are a large therapeutic
index and predictable pharmacodynamics to ensure an adequate
level of sedation and analgesia facing the rapid changes of surgi-
cal stimulation, yet permitting the collaboration of the awake pa-
tient in complex intraoperative brain mapping.
Dexmedetomidine produces a cooperative form of sedation,
in which patients easily transition from sleep to wakefulness
and task performance when aroused, and back to sleep when
Table 2 Incidence of intraoperative adverse events. Data are expressed as count (%). CI, condence interval; DEX group, dexmedetomidine
group; P-R group, propofol-remifentanil group; RR, relative risk
P-R group (n=25) DEX group (n=23) RR 95% CI Pvalue
Respiratory, all events combined [n(%)] 5 (20) 0 10.15 0.59174.04 0.023
Cardiovascular, all events combined [n(%)] 4 (16) 4 (17) 0.92 0.263.26 0.90
Arterial hypertension 2 (8) 1 (4) 1.84 0.1818.96 0.60
Arterial hypotension 1 (4) 2 (9) 0.46 0.044.74 0.50
Cardiac arrhythmia 1 (4) 1 (4) 0.92 0.0613.87 0.95
Neurological [n(%)]
Tight brain 2 (8) 0 4.62 0.2391.35 0.17
New neurological decit 2 (8) 0 4.62 0.2391.35 0.17
Seizure 0 3 (12) 0.13 0.012.42 0.06
Other [n(%)]
Excessive pain 5 (20) 5 (22) 0.92 0.312.77 0.88
Psychomotor agitation 4 (16) 1 (4) 3.68 0.4430.56 0.19
Vomiting 1 (4) 0 2.80 0.1264.77 0.33
Patients with 1 adverse event [n(%)] 13 (52) 12 (52) 0.99 0.581.72 0.99
Conscious sedation for awake craniotomy |817
at University of Basel / A280 UKBB on October 2, 2016 from
not stimulated.
Bekker and colleagues
rst reported the use of
dexmedetomidine in AC in 2001. Subsequent studies evaluating
the inuence of dexmedetomidine on the ability to perform in-
traoperative neurologic testing showed inconsistent results.
One recent case report
and several case series of awake crani-
otomies for tumour resection advocate an anaesthetic approach
based on scalp nerve blocks and dexmedetomidine with
without airway manipulation.
39 40
Another study compared the
combinations of dexmedetomidine and remifentanil to propofol
and remifentanil during AC using an asleep-awake-asleeptech-
nique involving general anaesthesia with orotracheal intub-
They found both to be effective and safe; however,
there was a shorter arousal time from the sleep state for mapping
with dexmedetomidine. The short arousal times in our study
were likely as a result of relatively low levels of sedation before
brain mapping and the relatively short overall duration of
The use of a sole anaesthetic agent may not be sufcient for
all stages of an AC with a conscious sedation technique. The ini-
tial part of the procedure can be very stimulating and painful
with the injection of local anaesthesia, followed by the insertion
of the head pins. During this time the patient may require
additional sedation and analgesia. It is important that the patient
does not experience pain during this part of the procedure.
Therefore, we administered an initial dose of fentanyl to all
patients in our protocol. Also, our past experience had been
that patients were frequently too awakeduring periods of dex-
medetomidine sedation alone, hence, we allowed the addition
of rescue medication (propofol bolus), as needed. The opioid-
sparing effects of dexmedetomidine used as an adjunct to anaes-
thesia during the perioperative period are well-documented.
But when used as a sole anaesthetic agent, dexmedetomidine
may not offer the desired analgesic effects for all stages of AC,
and thus, may not completely replace opioids.
42 43
A low-dose re-
mifentanil infusion used along with dexmedetomidine may po-
tentially help to achieve successful pain control.
The main safety concerns with conscious sedation in non-in-
tubated patients are airway compromise, hypoventilation and
oxygen desaturation. Most anaesthetic agents used during AC
are associated with some respiratory depression.
12 14
While re-
spiratory adverse events rarely occur when using a technique
that involves intermittent general anaesthesia and invasive air-
way management,
spontaneously breathing patients undergo-
ing AC may be at risk for airway obstruction or hypoventilation.
Very satisfiedABCDE
Mostly satisfied
Quite dissatisfied
Yes, definitely.
Yes, I think so.
No, I don't think so.
No, definitely not.
Near complete
Near complete
Par tial
Near complete
Par tial
Fig 4 Patient satisfaction and recall of the surgical procedure(awake craniotomy) were assessed at 24 h using Likert scales. In a structuredinterview, patients were
asked to rate their intraoperative experience by answering to the ve following questions: () How satisedwere you withyour painmanagement and overalllevel of
comfort? () If you were to havesurgery again, would you opt for the same method of management? () Recall of the intraoperativeexperience. () Recall of the level
of intraoperative pain. () Recall of the level of intraoperative discomfort and anxiety. DEX group, dexmedetomidinegroup; P-R group, propofol-remifentanil group.
818 |Goettel et al.
at University of Basel / A280 UKBB on October 2, 2016 from
In our study, we found an increased incidence of airway and/or
respiratory adverse events within the P-R group. The patientsre-
spiratory rate increased when propofol was stopped for brain
mapping while it remained constant with dexmedetomidine.
In a systematic review of spontaneously breathing subjects re-
ceiving different sedative drugs for sleep endoscopy, all agents
including dexmedetomidine caused some degrees of airway col-
Thus, dexmedetomidine alone may not cause a decrease
in the respiratory rate or hypoventilation through a central effect
on respiration, but one must be vigilant especially with the add-
ition of other agents, such as opioids and/or propofol, as this may
result in airway obstruction by relaxation of the pharyngeal mus-
For this investigation, we did not measure PaCO
and used
merely for monitoring of RR in spontaneously breathing
patients; however, prolonged alveolar hypoventilation asso-
ciated with clinically important hypercapnia did not seem to
occur in any of our patients.
A decrease in bp and heart rate is the most common cardio-
vascular effect of dexmedetomidine.
Clinically signicant
episodes of hypotension (45%) and bradycardia (14%) have
been associated with dexmedetomidine infusion and may ne-
cessitate medical intervention in 10% and 3% of patients, re-
The relatively low incidence of haemodynamic
adverse events during conscious sedation for AC found in
both DEX and P-R groups is consistent with ndings of previous
Intraoperative seizures have been reported to occur in up to
13% of patients undergoing AC for tumour resection.
The risk
is particularly high during brain mapping when electrical cur-
rent is directly applied to the motor cortex (20%).
midine has been shown to decrease the seizure threshold in
different animal models.
53 54
However, there are limited
data on its effect on electroencephalographic responses in hu-
55 56
Several clinical investigations in patients diagnosed
with epilepsy concluded that dexmedetomidine does not reduce
seizure focus activity.
34 57 58
In our study, intraoperative seizures
occurred only in the DEX group (n=3); however, in comparison to
the P-R group, this nding did not reach statistical signicance.
Our sample size may have been too small to nd any difference.
While the anti-epileptic properties of propofol are known, fur-
ther research should elucidate whether dexmedetomidine has
a direct effect on the seizure threshold (by inhibition of central
noradrenergic transmission), or if the absence of protective
agents such as propofol renders patients more prone to seizures
during AC.
Psychomotor agitation can be an important problem in pa-
tients undergoing complex neurosurgical procedures such as
AC. Disinhibition and lack of cooperation have been described
for low-dose propofol (1.3% of patients)
and benzodiazepine
sedation, but do not seem to occur with dexmedetomidine.
cordingly, we found a trend towards a higher incidence of intrao-
perative psychomotor agitation in the P-R group compared with
the DEX group (P=0.19).
The overall management including the need for analgesia and
incidence of adverse events in the PACU was not different be-
tween the two groups. We were unable to study the need and
the amount of analgesia the patients required after discharge
from PACU as the placement of patients varied. Overall, 58% of
our patients went home on the same day as surgery, which is a
common practice in our institution.
60 61
The SPMSQ was used
as a simple test of memory and cognitive function, and there
were no differences at either time of assessment. Previous stud-
ies have found high satisfaction in patients who underwent an
AC; although recall of intraoperative events varied, most patients
would have the similar technique of anaesthesia if required in
the future.
10 60 62
The current study has a number of limitations that should be
considered. Although the patient, surgeon, and study investiga-
tor collecting intraoperative data were blinded to group alloca-
tion, it was not possible to blind the attending anaesthetist
managing the patient for patient safety reasons. The behaviour
of the anaesthetist might have inuenced judgement of the sur-
geon and/or the study investigator, and this may be responsible
for bias. The administration of anaesthetic agents being left to
the discretion of the attending anaesthetist may have introduced
additional bias. We acknowledge that our method of comparing
the use of rescue medication in both groups may have been
awed, as some rescue drug administrations may have stayed
undetected in the P-R group (e.g. when the attending anaesthetist
temporarily increased infusion rates of propofol or remifentanil).
The overall duration of our procedures was relatively short
[median time (IQR): 121 (109142) min], and the brain mapping
performed was not extensive in terms of examination technique
and duration compared with other studies.
39 41
Thus, the conclu-
sions from our study pertain only to AC for tumour, and may not
be extrapolated to all other neurosurgical procedure performed
as AC, demanding longer procedure times and more complex in-
traoperative neuropsychological testing.
Sample size was calculated only with respect to the primary
outcome measure (NRS of the quality of intraoperative brain
mapping); numerous other outcome variables reported in this
study lack a specic power analysis. Likely, a larger sample size
would be necessary to reveal potential differences between
groups, e.g. in the incidence of adverse events.
We did not utilize a processed EEG-based monitor to evaluate
depth of sedation. Some authors have advocated the use of
bispectral index (BIS) monitoring to guide depth of anaesthesia
during AC and to achieve predictable recovery from general an-
aesthesia, when applying an asleep-awakeprotocol.
In this
context, an association of TCI modes for drug administration
and BIS may be helpful to reach fast transition times between
anaesthetic states.
30 31
In our study, level of sedation was as-
sessed using the OAA/S scale. Although this is a subjective scor-
ing method based on clinical information, the OAA/S is a reliable
and valid tool with a low inter-rater variability.
Previous inves-
tigations have also shown that the OAA/S scale correlates well
with BIS during dexmedetomidine and propofol sedation.
In conclusion, the ability to perform intraoperative brain
mappingandtheefcacy of dexmedetomidine was similar
to propofol-remifentanil-based conscious sedation in AC, for su-
pratentorial tumour resection. The use of dexmedetomidine and
propofol-remifentanil during AC was safe. However, dexmedeto-
midine may offer distinct advantages in this indication because
of a lower incidence of respiratory adverse events. Optimal
dose regimen of sedatives and careful vigilance are the keys for
successful conscious sedation during AC.
Ethics committee approval
Ethical approval for this study (ethical committee 11-0607-A)
was provided by the University Health Network Research Ethics
Board, 10
Floor, Room 1056, 700 University Ave, Toronto, ON,
M5G 1Z5, Canada, Phone: +1 (416) 581-7849, on November 9, 2011.
Approval for this study (control 151753) was provided by
Health Canada.
This report describes human research. This study was con-
ducted with written informed consent from the study subjects
and in respect of the revised Declaration of Helsinki.
Conscious sedation for awake craniotomy |819
at University of Basel / A280 UKBB on October 2, 2016 from
The study was registered on (NCT01545297)
before patient enrolment.
This report describes a randomized controlled trial study.
The author states that the report includes the items in the CON-
SORT checklist for randomized controlled trials.
This manuscript was screened for plagiarism with iThenticate.
Study design/planning: N.G., P.H.M.
Study conduct: N.G., S.B., L.V., J.M., P.H.M.
Data analysis: N.G.
Writing paper: N.G., P.H.M.
Revising paper: all authors
Supplementary material
Supplementarymaterial is available at British Journal of Anaesthesia
The authors wish to thank Ying Qi for her assistance in statistical
analysis and Allison Dwileski for her help in preparation of the
Declaration of interest
None declared.
Study drug was supplied by Hospira Inc., Lake Forest, USA.
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Handling editor: A. R. Absalom
Conscious sedation for awake craniotomy |821
at University of Basel / A280 UKBB on October 2, 2016 from
... According to Goettel et al., dexmedetomidine was as effective as propofol-remifentanil in sedating patients during awake craniotomy for supratentorial tumor removal. Dexmedetomidine was linked to fewer adverse respiratory events as well [15]. 93% of the patients underwent a gross full resection or a near-gross total resection, which is an optimal amount of resection [15]. ...
... Dexmedetomidine was linked to fewer adverse respiratory events as well [15]. 93% of the patients underwent a gross full resection or a near-gross total resection, which is an optimal amount of resection [15]. ...
... In patients with cortical mapping and 5-ALA guidance, fluorescence was present in 50% of cases [11]. Only 12% of awake craniotomy patients demonstrated neurological complications that were either new or deteriorated from their previous deficiencies; however, 8% recovered within two months after the operation [15]. Transient aphasia developed in 14 patients, and permanent aphasia developed in 4 patients [11]. ...
An awake craniotomy's primary goal is to remove the tumor or damaged cells as much as possible without affecting the patient's capacity for clear thought or other crucial functions. This surgical procedure offers a better prognosis by balancing the maximum removal of lesions with the preservation of working zones. For patients with malignant gliomas, the current neurosurgical objective is for resection the large part of a tumor using contrast and not causing neurological deficits. Neurooncological patients are required to have further chemotherapy and radiotherapy, with a control MRI of the brain in 3 and 6 months. Real multidisciplinary work should be provided to improve each patient's quality of life and overall survival. This paper aims to report single case of successful awake craniotomy with fluorescence guidance and discuss the outcomes of the performed surgery.
... 2�1 To allow complete intraoperative emergence, do not administer premedication that could cause residual sedation� 2�2 If there is no choice but to administer premedication, use a benzodiazepine that could produce antagonism� 2�3 The intraoperative administration of dexmedetomidine for sedation during emergence may reduce the risk of respiratory complications during awakening operations� 2�4 Decide which antiepileptic drug should be used for premedication after consulting the patient's physician� [Commentary] During awake surgery, patients must be sufficiently awakened to perform language and motor tasks that yield reliable results� Based on that, the extent of resection is determined� Therefore, as a matter of principle, drugs that could affect emergence should not be administered� For successful awake surgery, it is crucial to build a relationship of trust among the patient, the surgeons, the anesthesiologists, and the operating room staff� 89) Establishing a patient-centered relationship reduces the need for sedatives� However, if sedatives have to be administered, benzodiazepines are recommended since its antidotes are available� If surgery is being done for a tumor, sedation-induced hypercapnia can possibly increase intracranial pressure, and this requires special caution� Convulsions are one of the most significant complications of awake surgery� Difficulty in ventilating the patient when convulsions persist and respiratory arrest occurs can lead to a fatal outcome� Because the patient's condition needs to be considered, preoperative administration of an antiepileptic drug should only be done after discussion with the attending physician� Note that propofol also has an anticonvulsant effect� Discontinuation during awakening operations increases the risk of postoperative complications, prolonging the admission period� 33) However, sedation with dexmedetomidine during awakening operations reduces the risk of respiratory complications; therefore, it may be useful� 90) Meanwhile, it may reduce the quality of tasks; it should be carefully indicated� ...
... Guidelines Committee of the Japan Awake Surgery Conference oin� 6�5�5 If the convulsions do not cease even after additional propofol, midazolam, or thiopental administration, discontinue awake surgery� [Commentary] During the awake period, generally, systemic application of sedatives or analgesics should be avoided to minimize the influence on functional mapping or the identification of epileptic foci� To deal with pain, add local anes-thetics� If a small dose of a sedative or narcotic prevents the patient's mental state and excitation from worsening, the potential influence on functional assessment should be assessed� Recently, there have been several reports about anesthesia during awake surgery where dexmedetomidine or remifentanil was used during the awake period� 90,94,95,[105][106][107][108][109][110][111] Dexmedetomidine, which facilitates sedation with only slight respiratory depression, is useful and can be effectively and safely administered even on mapping, according to a study� However, there have also been reports that poor emergence of patients receiving dexmedetomidine required a decrease of the dose or discontinuation� Furthermore, low-dose remifentanil is available under spontaneous respiration on emer-gence� For its use, acute tolerance must be inspected, considering the possibility of respiratory depression or hypercapnia-related brain swelling� 112) Although the incidence of nausea and vomiting during awake surgery varies among reports, it has been reported to be approximately 0%-10% when anesthetic management is primarily done with propofol� 94) Nausea and vomiting, along with causing discomfort for the patient, increases the risk of respiratory complications due to aspiration, and body movement and swollen brain associated with nausea/vomiting may make the surgical procedure even more difficult� Nausea and vomiting may be induced either by the surgical procedure or narcotics use� At the onset, immediately discontinue the surgical procedure and administer metoclopramide or a serotonin receptor antagonist� However, serotonin receptor antagonists are only available off-label in Japan, requiring each institution to make the decision� If symptoms are severe and do not improve, consider sedation with propofol and even consider the discontinuing awake surgery in certain cases� Although there are some reports about medications to prevent nausea and vomiting, the efficacy during awake surgery is unknown� ...
... DEX is frequently administered during AC, mainly in the MAC method, and its effectiveness has been demonstrated [7,8]. In Japan, AC is primarily performed using the asleep-awake-asleep (AAA) method. ...
... Rev. Cient. HSI 2024;8(1):[12][13][14][15][16][17][18] ...
Introdução: face o cenário atual, é importante conhecermos as diversas possibilidades de fármacos no contexto perioperatório. A dexmedetomidina vem ganhando espaço relevante nesse contexto. Apresenta diversas aplicabilidades clínicas, com uma farmacocinética e farmacodinâmica peculiar. A dexmedetomidina tem início de ação após aproximadamente 15 minutos, possui meia-vida alfa e de 6 minutos e meia vida Beta de 2 a 2,5 horas. A droga é altamente ligada às proteínas, com uma fração livre de 6%, além de ser metabolizada no fígado. É um potente agonista altamente seletivo de receptor Alfa 2, produz hipnose com “sono reparador”. Materiais e Métodos: foi realizada uma pesquisa nas principais bases de dados da literatura (Pubmed, Lilacs, Scielo) dos termos “Dexmedetomidina” e “perioperatório”, com objetivo de realizar uma atualização sobre a dexmedetomidina para avaliar seus aspectos farmacológicos e aplicabilidade clínica no perioperatório. Resultados e Discussão: foi evidenciada redução no delirium pós-operatório em diversos ensaios clínicos randomizados e metanálise, participando como adjuvante em estratégias de sedo analgesia para cirurgia de fratura de fêmur e com impactos positivos na redução de déficit cognitivo pós-operatório. Além disso, reportamos estudos como adjuvante de anestésicos locais para prolongar a duração do bloqueio do nervo periférico e reduzir o consumo de opioide. A dexmedetomidina apresentou possíveis impactos na prevenção de depressão pós-parto precoce, com ênfase em efeito antidepressivo, e também parece atuar na recuperação acelerada do íleo pós-operatório. Conclusão: diante da literatura revisada, foram evidenciados dados promissores quanto ao benefício do uso da dexmedetomidina como uma alternativa em estratégias de sedação e adjuvante em anestesia geral e regional, com o objetivo de reduzir a incidência de disfunção cognitiva pós-operatória, aceleração da função gastrointestinal e poupar opioides no intraoperatório.Palavras-chave: Dexmedetomidina; Perioperatoriório; Delirium. Introduction: Given the current scenario, it is essential to explore the various possibilities of pharmacotherapy in the perioperative context. Dexmedetomidine has been gaining significant attention in this context. It presents several clinical applications with a peculiar pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile. Dexmedetomidine has an onset of action of approximately 15 minutes, with an alpha half-life of 6 minutes and a beta half-life of 2 to 2.5 hours. The drug is highly protein-bound, with a free fraction of 6%, and is metabolized in the liver. It is a potent and highly selective agonist of the Alpha 2 receptor, inducing a state of "restorative sleep." Materials and Methods: A search was conducted in the primary literature databases (PubMed, Lilacs, Scielo) using the terms "Dexmedetomidine" and "perioperative," aiming to provide an update on dexmedetomidine to evaluate its pharmacological aspects and clinical applicability in the perioperative period. Results and Discussion: Reduction in postoperative delirium was evident in various randomized clinical trials and meta-analyses, with dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant in sedoanalgesia strategies for femur fracture surgery and showing positive impacts on reducing postoperative cognitive deficits. Additionally, studies were reported where dexmedetomidine was used as an adjuvant to local anesthetics to prolong the duration of peripheral nerve block and reduce opioid consumption. Dexmedetomidine showed potential impacts on preventing early postpartum depression, with an emphasis on its antidepressant effect, and also appears to act in the accelerated recovery of postoperative ileus. Conclusion: Based on the reviewed literature, promising data regarding the benefits of dexmedetomidine use were evident as an alternative in sedation strategies and as an adjuvant in general and regional anesthesia, aiming to reduce the incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction, accelerate gastrointestinal function, and spare opioids during the intraoperative period. Keywords: Dexmedetomidine; Perioperative; Delirium.
... However, patients in the dexmedetomidine group had a lower rate of adverse respiratory events. 19 Another RCT by Elbakry and Ibrahim comparing propofol-remifentanil with propofol-dexmedetomidine sedation for AC for epilepsy surgery reported a higher sedation score in the propofol-remifentanil group at the cost of more side effects such as nausea, vomiting, oxygen desaturation, and respiratory depression. 20 A recent meta-analysis concluded that dexmedetomidine provided better surgeon satisfaction during AC with no significant differences with propofol in other outcomes (intraoperative adverse events, patient satisfaction, and procedure duration). ...
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Intraoperative language and sensorimotor function mapping with direct electrical stimulation allows precise identification of functionally important brain regions. Direct electrical stimulation brain mapping has become the standard of care for the resection of brain lesions near or within eloquent regions with various patient outcome benefits. Intraoperative stimulation mapping (ISM) is commonly performed in an awake patient for language and motor assessments. However, motor mapping under general anesthesia, termed asleep motor mapping, has been increasingly performed over the last two decades for lesions primarily affecting the motor areas of the brain. Both asleep-awake-asleep and monitored anesthesia care have been successfully used for awake craniotomy in modern neuroanesthesia. Each anesthetic agent exerts varying effects on the quality of ISM, especially under general anesthesia. Careful selection of an anesthetic technique is crucial for the successful performance of ISM in both awake and asleep conditions. A comprehensive search was performed on electronic databases such as PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar to identify articles describing anesthesia for awake craniotomy, intraoperative brain mapping, and asleep motor mapping. In the second part of this narrative review, we summarize the effects of different anesthetic regimes and agents on ISM, causes of the failure of awake craniotomy and mapping, and outline the anesthetic considerations for ISM during awake craniotomy and asleep motor mapping.
Background Awake craniotomy is performed to resect brain tumors in eloquent brain areas to maximize tumor reduction and minimize neurological damage. Evidence suggests that intraoperative anesthetic management of awake craniotomy with remimazolam is safe. We compared the time to arousal and efficacy of anesthetic management with remimazolam and propofol during awake craniotomy. Methods In a single-institution randomized, prospective study, patients who underwent elective awake craniotomy were randomized to receive remimazolam and reversal with flumazenil (group R) or propofol (group P). The primary end point was time to awaken. Secondary end points were time to loss of consciousness during induction of anesthesia, the frequency of intraoperative complications (pain, hypertension, seizures, nausea, vomiting, and delayed arousal), and postoperative nausea and vomiting. Intraoperative task performance was assessed using a numerical rating scale (NRS) score. Results Fifty-eight patients were recruited, of which 52 (26 in each group) were available for the efficacy analysis. Patients in group R had faster mean (±SD) arousal times than those in the P group (890.8±239.8 vs. 1075.4±317.5 s; P =0.013)and higher and more reliable intraoperative task performance (NRS score 8.81±1.50 vs. 7.69±2.36; P =0.043). There were no significant intraoperative complications. Conclusions Compared with propofol, remimazolam was associated with more rapid loss of consciousness and, after administration of flumazenil, with faster arousal times and improved intraoperative task performance.
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BACKGROUND Dexmedetomidine and propofol are two sedatives used for long-term sedation. It remains unclear whether dexmedetomidine provides superior cerebral protection for patients undergoing long-term mechanical ventilation. AIM To compare the neuroprotective effects of dexmedetomidine and propofol for sedation during prolonged mechanical ventilation in patients without brain injury. METHODS Patients who underwent mechanical ventilation for > 72 h were randomly assigned to receive sedation with dexmedetomidine or propofol. The Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale (RASS) was used to evaluate sedation effects, with a target range of -3 to 0. The primary outcomes were serum levels of S100-β and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) every 24 h. The secondary outcomes were remifentanil dosage, the proportion of patients requiring rescue sedation, and the time and frequency of RASS scores within the target range. RESULTS A total of 52 and 63 patients were allocated to the dexmedetomidine group and propofol group, respectively. Baseline data were comparable between groups. No significant differences were identified between groups within the median duration of study drug infusion [52.0 (IQR: 36.0-73.5) h vs 53.0 (IQR: 37.0-72.0) h, P = 0.958], the median dose of remifentanil [4.5 (IQR: 4.0-5.0) μg/kg/h vs 4.6 (IQR: 4.0-5.0) μg/kg/h, P = 0.395], the median percentage of time in the target RASS range without rescue sedation [85.6% (IQR: 65.8%-96.6%) vs 86.7% (IQR: 72.3%-95.3), P = 0.592], and the median frequency within the target RASS range without rescue sedation [72.2% (60.8%-91.7%) vs 73.3% (60.0%-100.0%), P = 0.880]. The proportion of patients in the dexmedetomidine group who required rescue sedation was higher than in the propofol group with statistical significance (69.2% vs 50.8%, P = 0.045). Serum S100-β and NSE levels in the propofol group were higher than in the dexmedetomidine group with statistical significance during the first six and five days of mechanical ventilation, respectively (all P < 0.05). CONCLUSION Dexmedetomidine demonstrated stronger protective effects on the brain compared to propofol for long-term mechanical ventilation in patients without brain injury.
Intraoperative anesthesia management during awake craniotomy(AC)may be complicated by various side effects such as intraoperative pain, seizure, vomiting, and nausea which occur when the patient is awake. Preoperative evaluation to assess the risk of possible complications is key to successfully performing AC anesthesia, as it helps take preventive measures before the patient awakens. AC is a challenging procedure that requires the anesthesiologist to have comprehensive knowledge and skill. For best outcomes, anesthesiologists must preoperatively evaluate patients, initiate appropriate preventive measures, and be prepared to promptly respond to complications.
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Background: Electroencephalogram patterns observed during sedation with dexmedetomidine appear similar to those observed during general anesthesia with propofol. This is evident with the occurrence of slow (0.1 to 1 Hz), delta (1 to 4 Hz), propofol-induced alpha (8 to 12 Hz), and dexmedetomidine-induced spindle (12 to 16 Hz) oscillations. However, these drugs have different molecular mechanisms and behavioral properties and are likely accompanied by distinguishing neural circuit dynamics. Methods: The authors measured 64-channel electroencephalogram under dexmedetomidine (n = 9) and propofol (n = 8) in healthy volunteers, 18 to 36 yr of age. The authors administered dexmedetomidine with a 1-µg/kg loading bolus over 10 min, followed by a 0.7 µg kg h infusion. For propofol, the authors used a computer-controlled infusion to target the effect-site concentration gradually from 0 to 5 μg/ml. Volunteers listened to auditory stimuli and responded by button press to determine unconsciousness. The authors analyzed the electroencephalogram using multitaper spectral and coherence analysis. Results: Dexmedetomidine was characterized by spindles with maximum power and coherence at approximately 13 Hz (mean ± SD; power, -10.8 ± 3.6 dB; coherence, 0.8 ± 0.08), whereas propofol was characterized with frontal alpha oscillations with peak frequency at approximately 11 Hz (power, 1.1 ± 4.5 dB; coherence, 0.9 ± 0.05). Notably, slow oscillation power during a general anesthetic state under propofol (power, 13.2 ± 2.4 dB) was much larger than during sedative states under both propofol (power, -2.5 ± 3.5 dB) and dexmedetomidine (power, -0.4 ± 3.1 dB). Conclusion: The results indicate that dexmedetomidine and propofol place patients into different brain states and suggest that propofol enables a deeper state of unconsciousness by inducing large-amplitude slow oscillations that produce prolonged states of neuronal silence.
Drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) is used to determine surgical therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA); however, the effects of anesthesia on the upper airway are poorly understood. Our aim was to systematically review existing literature on the effects of anesthetic agents on the upper airway. PubMed, CINAHL, EBM reviews and Scopus (all indexed years). Inclusion criteria included English language articles containing original human data. Two investigators independently reviewed all articles for outcomes related to upper airway morphology, dynamics, neuromuscular response, and respiratory control. The initial search yielded 180 abstracts; 56 articles were ultimately included (total population = 8,540). The anesthetic agents studied were: topical lidocaine, propofol, dexmedetomidine, midazolam, pentobarbital, sevoflurane, desflurane, ketamine, and opioids. Outcome measures were diverse and included imaging studies, genioglossus electromyography, endoscopic airway assessment, polysomnography, upper airway closing pressure, and clinical evidence of obstruction. All agents caused some degrees of airway collapse. Dexmedetomidine did not have dose-dependent effects when evaluated using cine magnetic resonance imaging, unlike sevoflurane, isoflurane, and propofol, and caused less dynamic collapse than propofol. Studies assessing the effect of anesthesia on the upper airway in patients with and without OSA are limited, and few compare effects between agents. Medications with minimal effect on respiratory control (e.g., dexmedetomidine) may work best for DISE. Laryngoscope, 2015. © 2015 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.
Eine Wachkraniotomie ist induziert bei der tiefen Hirnstimulation (THS) zur Therapie bestimmter Bewegungsstörungen wie M. Parkinson und bei der Operation von Hirntumoren nahe der Sprachregion. Standard dafür ist die sog. Schlaf-Wach-Schlaf-Technik, bei der die Narkose oder Analgosedierung für die neurologischen Testungen intermittierend unterbrochen wird. Bei der THS weisen die Stereotaxie, die Mikroelektrodenableitung und die intraoperative Symptomverbesserung auf die optimale Position der Sonden hin. In der Tumorchirurgie zeigt die elektrische Stimulation auf der Hirnoberfläche die individuelle Lage der zu schützenden eloquenten und motorischen Zentren an. Das anästhesiologische Vorgehen ist recht variabel und stellt eine Gratwanderung zwischen Überdosierung mit Beeinträchtigung von Atmung und Vigilanz und Unterdosierung mit Schmerz und Stress dar. Bei allgemein guter Akzeptanz werden doch regelmäßig und z. T. erhebliche Komplikationen berichtet, und die psychische Belastung des Patienten kann beträchtlich sein. Zudem ist ein Gefühl des Alleingelassen- und Ausgeliefertseins nicht adäquat mit Pharmaka zu behandeln. Die Testung ist andererseits umso aussagekräftiger, je weniger der Patient mit Anästhetika belastet ist. Eine kraniale Leitungsanästhesie kann helfen, Medikamente einzusparen, da sie besser als lokale Infiltrationen Schmerzfreiheit am Kopf gewährleisten kann. Zusammen mit einer vertrauensvollen therapeutischen Beziehung und einer spezifischen Kommunikation, die u. a. zu einer Dissoziation an einen inneren Wohlfühlort und einer Uminterpretation störender Geräusche anregt, kann ganz auf eine Sedierung und ganz oder weitgehend auf eine zusätzliche Opioidgabe verzichtet werden. Jede der verwendeten Wachkraniotomiemethoden kann von den Prinzipien dieser Wach-Wach-Wach-Technik profitieren.
Awake craniotomy is a valuable procedure since it allows brain mapping and live monitoring of eloquent brain functions. The advantage of minimizing resource utilization is also emphasized by some physicians in North America. Data on how well an awake craniotomy is tolerated by patients and how much stress it creates is available from different studies, but this topic has not consequently been summarized in a review of the available literature. Therefore, it is the purpose of this review to shed more light on the still controversially discussed aspect of an awake craniotomy. We reviewed the available English literature published until December 2013 searching for studies that investigated patients' responses to awake craniotomies. Twelve studies, published between 1998 and 2013, including 396 patients with awake surgery were identified. Eleven of these 12 studies set the focus on the perioperative time, one study focused on the later postoperative time. The vast majority of patients felt well prepared and overall satisfaction with the procedure was high. In the majority of studies up to 30 % of the patients recalled considerable pain and 10-14 % experienced strong anxiety during the procedure. The majority of patients reported that they would undergo an awake craniotomy again. A post traumatic stress disorder was present neither shortly nor years after surgery. However, a normal human response to such an exceptional situation can for instance be the delayed appearance of unintentional distressing recollections of the event despite the patients' satisfaction concerning the procedure. For selected patients, an awake craniotomy presents the best possible way to reduce the risk of surgery related neurological deficits. However, benefits and burdens of this type of procedure should be carefully considered when planning an awake craniotomy and the decision should serve the interests of the patient.
It has been reported that dexmedetomidine (DEX) can be used for conscious sedation in awake craniotomy, but few data exist to compare DEX versus propofol (PRO). To compare the efficacy and safety of DEX versus PRO for conscious sedation in awake craniotomy. Thirty patients of American Society of Anesthesiologists grade I-II scheduled for awake craniotomy, were randomized into 2 groups each containing 15 subjects. Group D received DEX and group P received PRO. Two minutes after tracheal intubation (T1), PRO (target plasma concentration) was titrated down to 1 to 4 µg/mL in group P. In group D, PRO was discontinued and DEX was administered 1.0 µg/kg followed by a maintenance dose of 0.2 to 0.7 µg/kg/h. The surgeon preset the anticipated awake point-in-time (T0) preoperatively. Ten minutes before T0 (T3), DEX was titrated down to 0.2 µg/kg/h in group D, PRO was discontinued and normal saline (placebo) 5 mL/h was infused in group P. Arousal time, quality of revival and adverse events during the awake period, degree of satisfaction from surgeons and patients were recorded. Arousal time was significantly shorter in group D than in group P (P < .001). The quality of revival during the awake period in group D was similar to that of group P (P = .68). The degree of satisfaction of surgeons was significantly higher in group D than in group P (P < .001), but no difference was found between the 2 groups with respect to patient satisfaction (P = .80). There was no difference between the 2 groups in the incidence of adverse events during the awake period (P > .05). Either DEX or PRO can be effectively and safely used for conscious sedation in awake craniotomy. Comparing the two, DEX produced a shorter arousal time and a higher degree of surgeon satisfaction.
Awake craniotomy with intraoperative speech or motor testing is relatively contraindicated in cases requiring prolonged operative times and in patients with severe medical comorbidities including anxiety, anticipated difficult airway, obesity, large tumors, and intracranial hypertension. The anesthetic management of neurosurgical patients who possess these contraindications but would be optimally treated by an awake procedure remains unclear. We describe a new anesthetic approach for awake craniotomy that did not require any airway manipulation, utilizing a bupivacaine-based scalp nerve block, and dexmedetomidine as the primary hypnotic-sedative agent. Using this technique, we provided optimal operative conditions to perform awake craniotomy facilitating safe tumor resection, while utilizing intraoperative electrocorticography for motor and speech mapping in a cohort of 10 patients at a high risk for airway compromise and complications associated with patient comorbidities. All patients underwent successful awake craniotomy, intraoperative mapping, and tumor resection with adequate sedation for up to 9 hours (median 3.5 h, range 3 to 9 h) without any loss of neurological function, airway competency, or the need to provide any active rescue airway management. We report 4 of these cases that highlight our experience: 1 case required prolonged surgery because of the complexity of tumor resection and 3 patients had important medical comorbidities and/or relative contraindication for an awake procedure. Dexmedetomidine, with concurrent scalp block, is an effective and safe anesthetic approach for awake craniotomy. Dexmedetomidine facilitates the extension procedure complexity and duration in patients who might traditionally not be considered to be candidates for this procedure.
Dexmedetomidine is a potent and highly selective α2-adrenoceptor agonist with a selectivity ratio of 1600:1 (α2:α1). Dexmedetomidine is a highly lipophylic agent that is rapidly distributed to tissues with a distribution half-life (t1/2α) of approximately 6 minutes. It is extensively distributed and rapidly eliminated, with a mean elimination half-life (t1/2) of 2–2.5 hours. This rapid distribution and short elimination kinetics makes dexmedetomidine amenable to frequent titration allowing adjustability of dosage and effects. Generally, dexmedetomidine does not exhibit pharmacokinetic-based interactions; however, dosage modifications of some concomitant medications may be needed to be adjusted due primarily to common pharmacological actions of the two drugs. Dexmedetomidine is eliminated by metabolism to inactive metabolites, primarily glucuronides. Eighty to ninety percent of an administered dose is excreted in the urine and 5%–13% in the faeces.