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Helminthfauna and protozooparasitology of Brown Bear

  • Kyiv zoological park of national importance


In book chapter: I.V. Dykyy, M.G. Shkvyria, P.B. Khoetcky, E.M. Ulyura, Ye.B. Yakovlev, N.P. Koval. 2015. Present Day Brown Bear Population in Ukraine: Distribution Pattern and Ecological Features; Population and Research Methods / Brown bear (Ursus arctos): problems of conservation and studying of population in Ukraine : monograph // I. V. Dykyy, M. G. Shkvyria (eds). - Kyiv: PLC "SIC Group Ukraine", 2015. - P. 36-72
Helminthfauna and protozooparasitology of Brown Bear.
Study of helminthfauna of Bears (Ursidae) is important for determination of their role in
spreading and life cycles of helminths in considering with diet features – feeding on Ungulates, fish,
carrion, roots of plants and insects living in soil (Heptner et al., 1967). This issue is still
insufficiently studied because of the special protected status of brown bear which makes widespread
systematic studies using a full Helminthological section impossible. Helminthovocoproscopy
methods (flotation and sedimentation) are most acceptable, allowing to estimate the level of
contamination of animals by bio- and geohelmints which excrete eggs with the feces of infected
animals. As the definitive host, the brown bear is a potential and a direct epizootic and
zooantroponozic threat because of such helminthiases: baylisascaridiasis, ancylostomiasis,
toxocarosis; trematodoses such as dicroceliasis or opisthorchiasis, etc. Bear can play an essential
role in the accumulation and transfer of trichinosis and echinococcosis, which is dangerous to
humans, as a result of the use of bear meat as food or subcutaneous fat as “medicine” (Sobanskyy,
Zavatskyy, 1993, Ustinov, 1993; Pozio, Rossi, 2008). Considering the hundreds of animals are
illegally held (Shkvyrya et al, 2013), low culture of the use of anthelmintic drugs actually
uncontrolled by Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine flow of bears seized from wild of
Belarus and Russia to replenish illegal zoos (M. Shkvyrya, on "Holos", 2014; K. Polyanskaya, on
"Promin’ ", 2014), the extent of the threat to wildlife and human health Ukraine can not be
estimated without special studies.
In U. a. arctos in situ in Europe (Belarus, Estonia, Italy, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) and
European part of Russia were reported twelve genera of nematodes (Ancylostoma sp.;
Baylisascaris spp.; B. transfuga (=Toxascaris transfuga) (Rudolphi, 1819) Sprent, 1968;
Capillaria sp.; Ca. plica (Rudolphi, 1819); Crenosoma spp.; Cr. vulpis (Rudolphi, 1819);
Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856); Dir. ursi Yamaguti, 1941; Physaloptera spp.; Gongylonema
pulchrum (=Spiroptera ursi) Dujardin (Roret’s, Suite et Buffon), 1844; Eucoleus (=Thominx)
aerophilus (Creplin, 1839); Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782); To. mystax (=To. cati) (Schrank,
1788); Trichinella spiralis (Owen, 1835); Tr. nativa Britov et Boev, 1972; Tr. britovi (=Tr. nelsoni)
(Britov et Boev, 1972); Trichuris (=Trichocephalus) vulpis Froelich, 1789; Uncinaria stenocephala
(Railliet, 1854)), two genera of trematodes (Dicrocoelium spp.; Dic. lanceatum Stiles et Hassal,
1896; Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta, 1884)) and three genera of cestodes (Echinococcus granulosus
(Batsch, 1786) (cysts); Mesocestoides lineatus (Goeze, 1782); Taenia spp. (Slovakia, Poland); new
species Taenia sp. in Finland), two species of coccidians (Isospora fonsecai Yakimoff et
Matschoulsky, 1940; Cryptosporidium spp.) (Rogers, Rogers, 1976; Kozlov, 1977; Merkusheva,
Bobkova, 1981; Yushkov, 1995; Sikó Barabási et al., 1995; Dick, Pozio, 2001; Jones, Pybus, 2001;
Maslennikova, 2005; Major et al., 2009; de Ambrogi et al., 2011; Lavikainen et al., 2011; Selva et
al., 2011; Mircean et al., 2012). In North-East of European part of Russia (riv. Kyma) in feces of
animals were found adult ascarids, probably B. transfuga (Ustinov, 1993).
In Europe ex situ following parasites of brown bear were found: Russia (Leningrad Zoo)
Eimeria ursi Yakimoff et Matschoulsky, 1935 (probably Isospora lacazei (Labbé, 1893)), Czech
Republic (Prague) - B. transfuga, Denmark (Copenhagen's Zoological Garden ) Taenia ursina
Linstow, 1893 (type specimen were lost, probably misidentification; nomen dubium in Abuladze,
1964) and Germany (Westfälische Zoologische Garten, Münster) Bothriocephalus ursi Landois,
1877 (presumably described incorrectly, status of species needs further definition) (Landois, 1877;
Abuladze, 1964; Jaros et al., 1966; Rogers, Rogers, 1976; Levine, Ivens, 1981).
In the wild of Ukraine such species of brown bear parasites were recorded - in muscle tissue
Tr. nativa; in feces – oocysts of Isospora sp., eggs of Baylisascaris spp., B. transfuga and
Strongylus sp. (probably misidentificated species and belongs to U. stenocephala) (Didyk, 2007,
Kuzmina, 2012; Yakovlev, 2013). In animals ex situ were reported: in feces oocysts of
Isospora spp., eggs of O. felineus, unfertilized eggs of Toxocara sp., In the blood of one of the
animals not identified larvae of Strongylida (Yakovlev, 2012, Yakovlev, 2014-2015 (unpublished
Considering the lack of knowledge about helminthfauna of brown bear in Ukraine and
Europe in general, it is important to provide a receipt mechanism of dead animals which have been
killed by poachers, shot down on traffic or found dead in nature, to specialized scientific institutions
in cooperation with the veterinary inspection service.
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In the period between 1981 and 1990 the epidemiological data of Echi-nococcus granulosus and E multilocularis (Cestoda, Taeniidae) were studied in the subalpine region of the East Carpathian Mountains, Covasna County, Romania. The definitive hosts of £ granulosus are dogs: 15.4% of2,993 Canisfamiliáris examined were infected. The intermediate hosts are domesticated and wild ungulates: 23.3% of 209,670 cattle; 19.5% of 290,300 sheep; 6.9% of 375,720 pigs; 1.9% of 514 red deer, 6.8% of 88 roe-deer; 22.0% of 635 wild boars and 3.1% of 32 bears were infected with hydatid cysts of E. granulosus. The red fox, which is the final host of Echinococcus multilocularis (535 specimens), as well as the farmed silver fox (1,418 specimens) were found to be uninfected. Metacestodes of E multilo-cularis were found in 0.0015% of the cattle and 0.45% of the 422 small rodents examined (2 Microtus nivalis). This is the first record of alveolar echinococcosis from the Carpathian Region in Romania.
Conference Paper
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Major, P., Molnár L., Štofík, J., Goldová, M. 20009: PARASITOFAUNA OF BROWN BEAR (URSUS ARCTOS) IN POLONINY NATIONAL PARK. In Škola - veda - prax I. 24.9.2009, Košice, SR, p. 318-322. Standardized flotation techniques according to Breza and Faust, and special staining methods (fecal smear stained with karbolfuchsine) were used to survey 47 brown bear (Ursus arctos) fecal samples for parasites. The samples were collected from october 2008 to april 2009 in Poloniny National Park in Slovakia. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites was 72,34%. We determined four species of parasites. The most prevalent species was Baylisascaris transfuga. The higher prevalence of parasites was during the winter.
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According to the European Community Regulation No. 2075/2005, a risk-based program should be implemented in those areas where wildlife and pig holdings applying for Trichinella-free status coexist, or for region where the risk of Trichinella in domestic swine is officially recognised as negligible. Trichinella nematode species are primarily parasites of wildlife which can transmit the infection to pigs intended for human consumption, acting as reservoir of the parasite. Since not all mammals play the same role for the different Trichinella species, the selection of the target animals for epidemiological surveillance is of utmost importance. This document provides indications on the most suitable wild animals to be targeted for epidemiological surveillance according to the four Trichinella species circulating in Europe, together with technical specifications on the muscles of choice and their amount to be analysed for each host species considered.
Тениаты – ленточные гельминты животных и человека и вызываемые ими заболевания
  • К И Абуладзе
Абуладзе К. И. Тениаты – ленточные гельминты животных и человека и вызываемые ими заболевания / Скрябин, К. И. Основы цестодологии, т. IV. – Москва: Наука, 1964. – 530 с.
Млекопитающие Советского Союза. Т. II, ч. 1. – Москва: «Высшая школа»
  • В Г Гептнер
  • А Слудский
Гептнер В. Г., Слудский, А. А. Млекопитающие Советского Союза. Т. II, ч. 1. – Москва: «Высшая школа», 1967. – 1004 с.
Трихінели (Nematoda, Trichinellidae) диких тварин Карпат і Полісся України: дис. … канд. біол. наук: 03.00.25 / Дідик Юлія Михайлівна. – Київ
  • Ю М Дідик
Дідик Ю. М. Трихінели (Nematoda, Trichinellidae) диких тварин Карпат і Полісся України: дис. … канд. біол. наук: 03.00.25 / Дідик Юлія Михайлівна. – Київ, 2007. – 150 арк. – Бібліогр.: с. 120-150.
Определитель гельминтов хищных млекопитающих СССР. -Москва: Наука
  • Д Н Козлов
Козлов Д. Н. Определитель гельминтов хищных млекопитающих СССР. -Москва: Наука, 1977. -275 с.