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Trusted Email Open Standard: A Comprehensive Policy and Technology Proposal for Email Reform

  • Prioratus, LLC
  • Independent Research

Abstract and Figures

This paper addresses the problem of unwanted email, known as spam, which may be commercial or malicious in nature. Unwanted email threatens to overwhelm legitimate email traffic—the messages that people want to receive—and is often used by criminals as a means to sell illegal goods or compromise systems and confidential data (phishing). Reforming email through adoption of a proposed Trusted Email Open Standard (TEOS) could solve this problem. TEOS is platform-agnostic and combines technology with policy to create a level of trust and accountability currently lacking in email. By securely identifying email senders and enabling them to make verifiable assertions about the messages they send, including participation in programs that promote best practices, TEOS provides a solution to spam and phishing. Because this standard combines proven technology with broad consensus on best practices, adoption could be rapid, with costs offset by savings through reduced spam and phishing activity. At the same time, TEOS safeguards the interests of all responsible users of email, from legitimate bulk senders and email service providers to consumers, even those individuals who wish to use email anonymously.
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Trusted Email Open Standard
A Comprehensive Policy and Technology Proposal for
Email Reform
An ePrivacy Group White Paper
Vincent Schiavone
David Brussin
James Koenig
Stephen Cobb
Ray Everett-Church
May, 2003
Abstract: The problem of unwanted mass email, known as spam, which currently
threatens to overwhelm legitimate email traffic—the messages that people want to
receive—can be solved by reforming email through widespread adoption of the Trusted
Email Open Standard (TEOS). This platform-agnostic standard combines technology and
policy to create the trust and accountability that is currently lacking in email. By securely
identifying email senders and enabling them to make verifiable assertions about the
messages they send, including participation in programs that promote best practices, the
Trusted Email Open Standard provides a solution to spam. Because this standard
combines proven technology with broad consensus on best practices, adoption can be
rapid, with costs more than offset by savings from spam reduction. Just as important, the
Trusted Email Open Standard safeguards the interests of all responsible users of email,
from legitimate bulk senders and email service providers to consumers, even those
individuals who wish to use email anonymously.
Trusted Email Open Standard
Executive Summary
As the popularity of the Internet grew, email evolved from a novelty to a necessity.
Unfortunately, the continued viability of email as a useful communication medium is
now jeopardized by a rising tide of unwanted email, known as spam, which threatens to
wipe out the many present and future benefits of email.
Today’s Technology
All email currently transmitted across the Internet is sent using an agreed-upon industry
standard: the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). At present, any server that
“speaks” SMTP is able to send mail to, and receive mail from, any other server that
speaks SMTP. To understand how “simple” SMTP really is, here is an example of an
SMTP transaction. The text below represents the actual data being sent and received by
email servers (the numbers and words in CAPS are the actual SMTP instructions):
Because a server may be processing a dozen or more message connections per second,
the SMTP “conversation” must be kept very brief. SMTP does this admirably, but that
simplicity is both a blessing and a curse. As you can see from the example, there are only
two pieces of identity information received before the mail is delivered: the identity of
the sending server and the From address. Because SMTP has no process for verifying the
validity of those identity assertions, both of those identifiers can be trivially falsified.
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Trusted Email Open Standard
The remaining contents of the email, including the Subject and other header information,
are transmitted in the data block and are not considered a meaningful part of the SMTP
conversation. In other words, no SMTP mechanism exists to verify assertions such as
“this message is from your bank and concerns your account” or “this message contains
the tracking number for your online order” or “here is the investment newsletter that you
Some sites do perform whitelist or blacklist look-ups on the IP address of the sending
server during the SMTP conversation, but those inquiries can dramatically slow mail
processing, requiring extra capacity to offset the loss of efficiency. Maintenance of
whitelists can also be time-consuming, and blacklists have a long history of inaccuracies
and legal disputes. In short, the need for speed creates a system in which there are
virtually no technical consequences for misrepresentations in mail delivery. And this is
precisely why spammers have been, and continue to be, incredibly effective in getting
unwanted email delivered.
SMTP is, as Winston Churchill might have put it, the worst way of “doing” email, except
for all the others that have been tried. The reality is that SMTP works reliably and has
been widely implemented. To supplant SMTP with anything “better” means a wholesale
redesign of the entire global email infrastructure, a task that few in the industry are
willing to undertake. Therefore, the real challenge is to find a solution that can ride atop
the existing SMTP infrastructure, allowing SMTP to continue functioning efficiently
while giving those who use it the option of engaging more robust features that help
differentiate legitimate mail from spam.
The purpose of this ePrivacy Group white paper is to describe a means of utilizing the
existing SMTP infrastructure to communicate more information about the quality and
nature of an email message, and to do so in a way that does no harm to the foundations of
the SMTP infrastructure. The core of our proposal is to transmit, along with the body of
the message, new information that enables senders and recipients to verifiably identify
one another (something we know can be done, because we have developed such
technology and it is already deployed by some companies). We believe that, until the
world technology community is ready to adopt a more robust and secure mail transport
protocol, this approach presents the greatest potential for realistic implementation in the
foreseeable future.
Trust, Accountability, Technology
The reality of today’s email system is that anybody can send as many messages as they
like, to whomever they like, containing whatever they see fit to send, misrepresenting the
source, content, and purpose by whatever means the sender sees fit to employ. The result
is a system in which every email message is suspect and there are few meaningful
consequences for those engaged in deceptive practices. In short, email today lacks two
critical elements: trust and accountability.
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For successful communications, the communicating parties must be able to trust in the
identity of the other party (that the information is really coming from the party indicated),
and trust in the content of the communications (that the information contained therein is
Trusted Email Open Standard
what the party intended to communicate). Communicating parties must also be able to
rely upon the communications and hold the other party accountable for the statements
made therein. In the offline world, interpersonal relationships can be the basis of trust
(recognizing someone’s face or the sound of their voice), as can technologies for
establishing identity (driver’s licenses, smart cards, biometrics).
Unfortunately, in today’s email infrastructure, where forgery and fraud are commonplace,
communicating parties must rely upon alternative means of establishing trust and
insuring accountability. So we have proposed an infrastructure for introducing trust and
accountability into email, using freely available technologies to provide methods for
communicating and verifying identity and identifying content. We believe that the best
way to create trust and accountability in email is to:
1. Establish enforceable standards based on best practices and compliance with
applicable law.
2. Enable reliable and secure communication of sender identity and assurances about
3. Create a balanced and broadly-supported Trusted Email Oversight Board to provide
for ongoing oversight and arbitration of standards.
In this document, we address each of these elements as we describe the Trusted Email
Open Standard (TEOS). Of course, the proposed technologies are only tools to serve a
greater purpose: providing mechanisms for holding parties accountable for their actions.
And for accountability to mean anything, there need to be real and significant
consequences for failing to abide by acceptable standards of behavior. This has led us to
conclude that without standards and oversight—for both the acceptable behavior and the
enabling technologies—there can be no trust or accountability in email. Agreed principles
and enforceable standards are needed at different levels, with technical measures and
accountability guarantees tied to the strength and richness of the assertions being made
about the messages being sent. We believe that a tiered approach is the most logical, the
most likely to achieve consensus, and provides the most flexibility for adopters.
We describe three proposed tiers that provide increasing levels of assurance to recipients
and greater reliability in the assertions being made by senders. We then describe how the
Trusted Email Open Standard can be implemented through send and receive software
components using a system of digital certificates of various types together with a range of
machine-readable assertions, some of which rely upon encryption for enhanced trust and
verification reliability.
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We explain how this comprehensive solution to the spam problem can be achieved
rapidly and at acceptable cost by means of a balanced oversight board that sets both
technical and behavioral standards, and oversees a broad federation of email programs.
We conclude that the trust infrastructure created by the Trusted Email Open Standard will
rapidly elevate legitimate email so far above spam as to render it irrelevant, while also
enabling a variety of programs designed to further enhance trust, privacy, and intelligence
in email, all without interfering with the current ability of individuals to send email.
Trusted Email Open Standard
The Trusted Email Open Standard (TEOS) combines three essential elements:
1. Best practices
2. Enabling technology
3. Oversight
Following this introduction, which outlines the problem that the standard is intended to
address, three sections describe the standard, one for each of these essential elements.
The Problem
As a medium for communications, email has become extremely useful and practically
universal. But email has also become a battleground. The usefulness of email today, and
its potential for future growth, are jeopardized by a rising tide of unwanted email, known
as spam, which threatens to wipe out the many benefits and advantages of email.1 The
pain is being felt by all parties in the email chain: those who receive email (recipients);
those who send it (senders); and those involved in delivering it (providers).2
Figure 1: Simplified email chain, showing the three email constituencies
Increasingly drastic measures are being taken to deal with this problem. Recipients filter
incoming messages, using add-on filtering products, email client filter capabilities, and
paid filtering services. Senders of legitimate email ponder legal action to force delivery of
messages in the face of increasingly frequent delivery failures due to imperfect blocking
and filtering mechanisms. Providers struggle to fine-tune the blocking and filtering
measures they have put in place to defend against potentially crippling spam attacks, even
as they expand their capacity to cope with rising spam volumes, and struggle to deliver
all the mail they should but none of the mail they shouldn’t. The continuing escalation of
1 Numerous sources indicate that spam will exceed 50 percent of all email traffic at some point in 2003
(while an agreed legal definition of spam is notoriously difficult to achieve, most people “know it when they
see it” and consider spam to be any unasked for email that they are unhappy to have received).
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2 This is an intentionally broad categorization of parties to the “email chain” and will be further subdivided as
appropriate. Note that recipients are sometimes referred to as email users or consumers; this category
includes people using email at home or at work, for personal or business purposes; providers include Internet
Service Providers (ISPs) and web mail service providers; senders include both organizations and individuals,
although much of what is being proposed as a standard for senders applies mainly to companies and other
organizations sending email in volume.
Trusted Email Open Standard
the “spam wars” is costly, in terms of resources and collateral damage. The latter
encompasses a lot more than legitimate messages that don’t get through, it also includes
an increasing amount of consumer and business fraud—including personal and corporate
identity theft—that employs spam as a medium precisely because it lacks accountability.
Ironically, because spammers who perpetrate fraud are equally aware of the lack of trust
in email, they misappropriate brand names to add a gloss of respectability to their
schemes, thereby devaluing those brands and requiring victimized companies to devote
resources to brand defense.
Given that spam volumes continue to increase despite anti-spam laws and lawsuits, high
profile prosecution of spammers, and a plethora of technical anti-spam measures, it is
clear that a new approach is needed. New laws are currently being considered, but
holding email senders accountable to any principles or guidelines for conduct is currently
so impractical as to be virtually impossible.3
This lack of enforceable standards is not a criticism of any person or entity. Indeed, the
fact that email still exists today—as a fast, flexible, universal, low-cost communications
medium—in the absence of enforceable standards, is a very positive reflection on the
Internet community’s ability to maintain a some level of adherence to self-imposed
standards of conduct. However, human nature being what it is, the emergence of
divergent interpretations of acceptable behavior was as inevitable in email as in all other
areas of human activity. It is now time to enforce email best practices—acceptable
standards of behavior—through a combination of consensus and technology.4
The Potential for Consensus
At ePrivacy Group we have learned that it is possible to achieve consensus on best
practices, principles and standards.5 For example, in creating the Trusted Sender program,
ePrivacy Group was able to achieve consensus between commercial email senders and
recipient (consumer) advocates as to what constitutes responsible email practices. A
considerable number of companies have—through their participation in the Trusted
Sender program—demonstrated their willingness to accept the principles and standards
established for that program. However, we realize that Trusted Sender is not everyone’s
idea of a universal standard for responsible email behavior. In email, as in other areas of
technology, the closer you get to a universal standard, the less specific the standard can
be. Nevertheless, the experience of developing and deploying the Trusted Sender
3 Despite prosecutions under state laws, and a range of successful lawsuits by providers and recipients, spam
volumes are higher than ever, in terms of both absolute numbers and a percentage of total email volume.
4 This position, and the system of trusted email oversight presented in Section 3, has recently gained backing
from some significant industry players, including Microsoft. According to Brian Arbogast, corporate vice
president in Microsoft's MSN and Personal Services Division, Microsoft favors independent oversight bodies
to “spearhead industry best practices, and then serve as an ongoing resource for email certification and
customer dispute resolution…these authorities could place a seal of approval on legitimate e-mail, making it
easier for consumers and business to distinguish wanted mail from unwanted mail.” April 28, 2003,
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5 The best practices supported by the Trusted Email Open Standard encompass the principles, supported by
responsible commercial emailers, that are laid out in the Fair Information Practice Principles, the OECD
Guidelines, and the U.S. Safe Harbor Principles.
Trusted Email Open Standard
program and its underlying Postiva technology has been instructive.6 A number of
lessons learned have been applied to the Trusted Email Open Standard.
To be successful, a solution to the spam problem must establish agreed, principle-based
best practices, together with technically enforceable standards that can be applied at
different levels, starting with a minimum standard. The three levels we think are most
logical and likely to achieve the consensus necessary for broad and rapid adoption are:
A A Minimum Standard
for Accountability
Sender Identity (Level I)
Optional Assertion of Message Type
Minimal cost
Bulk Sender Trusted
Email Certification
Sender Identity (Level II)
Required Assertions
- Message Type
- Relationship/Permission
- Standardized Opt-out
Optional Assertions (program dependent)
Consumer Oriented
Trusted Email
Certification Programs
Sender Identity (Level III)
Required Assertions
- Message Type
- Relationship/Permission
- Visible Assertions
- Secure Seal with One-click Verify
- Trusted Opt-out
- Privacy Policy Link
Dispute Resolution Process
Trust Authority Oversight
Optional Assertions (program dependent)
These three levels are described in detail in Section 1. Our technical proposal to enable
low-cost implementation of this three-tiered approach is described in Section 2, while
Section 3 describes a scalable system of oversight capable of spearheading broad and
swift adoption of the Trusted Email Open Standard.
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6 To the best of our knowledge, no other entity has accumulated comparable experience in developing and
implementing a consumer-facing, best practices-based standard for email, incorporating third-party oversight,
cryptographically secure identity authentication, and real-time compliance verification.
Trusted Email Open Standard
1. Best Practices
1. Best Practices
2. Enabling Technology
3. Oversight
In this section we explain each tier of the proposed standard to demonstrate how it
impacts the spam problem. Section 2 will address the technical aspects of implementing
the standard. Oversight and administration of the standard will be addressed in section 3.
A. A Minimum Standard for Accountability
The most obvious gap in current email standards is the lack of any meaningful technical
requirement that senders reliably identify the source of messages. The task of enforcing
existing email laws and regulations is severely challenged by the current ease with which
a message’s domain of origin can be misrepresented or “spoofed.” Bogus source and path
information may be placed in the message header to prevent or undermine attempts to
determine its true origin. Spammers today are using spoofing for a variety of reasons:
a. To make it harder for the recipient, the recipient’s email service provider, or law
enforcement, to pursue a complaint, or take action, against the sender.
b. To bypass any blacklists that have identified the sender’s actual domain as a source of
spam and are being used by email service providers to block messages.
c. To take advantage of any whitelists that email service providers are using to enable
messages from certain senders to by-pass spam filters.
d. To defraud the recipient by leading them to think that the message is from someone
from whom they want to receive messages, rather than from the person who actually sent
it, and from whom they likely have no interest in receiving messages.
e. To deflect bounced message traffic resulting from their mailings, such as “Returned
email” or “Undeliverable email.”7
Because many email service providers use the most basic of anti-spam strategies—
filtering out messages believed to be spam, based on a variety of factors—the detrimental
effects of spoofing have required the development of increasingly complex
countermeasures, notably “whitelists.” These are lists of senders whose email is passed
through the filtering process to avoid potentially costly collateral damage caused when
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7 Some spammers send the same message to millions of addresses at once, knowing that only a few thousand
are likely to be valid, thus generating a large volume of bounce messages with which the spammer would
rather not have to contend.
Trusted Email Open Standard
filters identify “false positives.”8 Increasingly, whitelists are becoming a significant drain
on the resources of providers, as the implementation, management, and constant
negotiation (and re-negotiation) of white-listing agreements consume the time and
attention of staff.
Spoofing the source of email is also used to perpetrate a form of corporate identity theft
aimed at defrauding consumers by exploiting brand names (a phenomenon experienced
by Microsoft, eBay, Bank of America, Symantec, and others). Furthermore, the value of
various Internet properties is diminished through fraudulent use of various domains in
forged headers. For example,,,, and
are among the domains most commonly forged by spammers, resulting in wide-spread
consumer confusion regarding the actual level of spam emanating from those domains.
Additionally, legitimate email service providers inadvertently add to the confusion by
using common IP addresses for many clients, some of which may unwittingly use email
lists of questionable quality. This often causes their email, even if it is from clients who
follow best practices, to be flagged as spam by filters and ISPs. There a numerous
indications that this form of collateral damage from anti-spam measures is increasing.
(i) Basic Identity Requirement: Trusted Email Domain Identity (TEDI)
Nearly a decade of spam-fighting9 tells us that people who send spam are apt to lie about
many things. Because there are laws, in the United States and many other countries, that
prohibit deceptive business practices, a sizable percentage of today’s spam could be
classified as illegal. (The Federal Trade Commission has quoted studies that put the
current figure at 70 percent.) However, acting on this fact in the absence of any verifiable
data as to the source of the message, is prohibitively labor-intensive.10
Because the current email infrastructure creates no impediments to forgery and deception,
we believe there will be little meaningful progress toward a solution to the spam problem
until there is a simple, fast, scalable, verifiable means of reliably identifying the source of
a message to at least the domain level. Thus, the first step towards a comprehensive
solution is our recommendation that a machine-readable proof of source domain identity
should be a minimum standard for email.11
8 In the context of anti-spam filtering, a technology now widely deployed in an attempt to reduce the amount
of spam that gets to the recipient’s inbox, false positives are legitimate messages wrongly identified as spam.
Because these legitimate messages are either not delivered, or at best sidetracked, they are referred to as
collateral damage in the anti-spam war. Some senders of such blocked messages are inclined to sue those
who falsely filter them out.
9 ePrivacy Group executives have been involved in anti-spam activities since the mid-1990s, including
playing a role in the infamous “Cantor & Siegel Green Card Lottery” incident of 1995.
10 Numerous proposals to make truthful email sender information an explicit legal requirement have been put
forward and while they would serve to make a currently deceptive practice more obviously illegal, they
would remain difficult to enforce without a change to the email standards of the kind we propose.
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11 For example, the illegal use of trademarks in spam is rampant but prosecution is impeded by the lack of
mechanisms within SMTP to reliably identify senders. Seeking to reduce spam by threatening to sue for
trademark infringement clearly does not work. However, by giving ISPs and consumers the ability to refuse
commercial email from senders who do not accurately identify themselves, as we propose, a lot less of this
illegal spam will see the light of day, and any identified sender who misappropriates a trademark will be
readily identifiable.
Trusted Email Open Standard
We refer to this as Trusted Email Domain Identity (TEDI) and propose that it be enabled
with a Level 1 digital certificate.12 With TEDI in place, email recipients and email
providers would have a means of assessing the veracity of identity claims via email and
could draw their own conclusions about email from senders whose domain identity was
not verifiable. Email not bearing TEDI-compliant markers could be treated as suspect,
while TEDI-compliant messages could be processed with greater confidence that they are
legitimate (with a means of accountability if any are later found to be questionable).
In the Enabling Technology section below, we describe how a very low cost13 means of
implementing TEDI could be rapidly rolled out, using lightweight digital certificates and
two free, open-standard software components: a Trusted Email Send Engine (TESE) that
processes outbound email; and a Trusted Email Receive Engine (TERE) that processes
inbound email. In the Oversight section we discuss how the TEDI standard could be
(ii) Optional Message Assertions: Trusted Email Type Assertion (TETA)
The basic identity requirement—a secure, provable, machine-readable assertion regarding
the source of a message—is an excellent first step towards improving email and we
believe it should be established as the minimum standard to which all legitimate users of
email adhere. The burden on senders would be minimal. The benefits of commercial
email for small businesses would not be negated.
However, we believe that many senders of commercial email will want to leverage this
minimum standard to increase the reliability of other assertions they make about the
messages they send, in addition to their identity. The same infrastructure that enables
assertion and verification of identity can also enable content assertions that can be
machine-readable and backed by the greater accountability provided by verifiable identity.
Senders often make a variety of assertions in their messages, both in the body and the
subject line. Examples include “this is information that you requested” or “you are
receiving this message because you opted-in to one or more of our affiliate sites.” These
assertions are common in many email advertisements; however, as many recipients have
observed, the frequency with which they appear has become inversely proportional to
their accuracy. As government regulators have proven, holding senders accountable for
behavior that contradicts prior assertions is an effective method of curbing inappropriate
conduct.14 However, the ability to hold anyone accountable using current email
technology is extremely limited, both as a practical matter (knowing against whom to file
12 The term “Level 1 digital certificate” refers to the level of the certificate within the Trusted Email Open
Standard and is different from the level designations used by some commercial Certificate Authorities (CAs).
The type of certificate envisioned here as Level 1 is lightweight, with minimal proof of identity required
(identity is based on existing records of registered domain ownership) and only basic revocation requirements
to cover theft of certificates.
13 Low cost is intended to mean both monetarily and computationally inexpensive.
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14 See, e.g., In the Matter of Eli Lilly and Company (, in which
the Federal Trade Commission brought an enforcement action for email that was inconsistent with assertions
made by Eli Lilly on their web site Privacy Policy. ePrivacy Group served as technical consultants to the
Federal Trade Commission in that investigation.
Trusted Email Open Standard
a legal complaint), and as an evidentiary matter once you get to court (if you cannot
establish the identity of the sender).
If senders are prepared to comply with a standard for identifying themselves using TEDI,
stating the nature of the messages they are sending does not present a significantly greater
burden. So we have included, as an optional part of this minimum standard, the use of
machine-readable assertions by the sender—placed in the message header—as to the
nature of the message. An assertion would be encoded by the same open standard
software component (the Trusted Email Send Engine or TESE) that processes outbound
email to ensure compliance with TEDI. At the receiving ISP, an open standard software
component (the Trusted Email Receive Engine or TERE) would read the assertion from
the encoded headers.
Making an assertion about message type would not be a requirement in the minimum
standard, but a message containing an assertion as to type would be deserving of a higher
level of trust than one in which the only assertion was identity. Assertions can be very
minimal indeed. For example, a sender might simply assert that the message fits one of
the following categories:
Trusted Email Type Assertions
1. Unsolicited advertisements (ADV)15
2. Adult (ADT)16
3. Permission-based advertisements, offers (CRM)
4. Invoices, statements, notices and customer service correspondence (CSC)
5. Subscriptions (SUB)
6. Official government email (GOV)
7. Business to business or employee (BIZ)
8. Personal, friends and family (FAF)
9. Non-profit, charitable (NPE)
Note that this list merely represents possible assertions about message type that could be
encoded in message headers. Neither the category names, nor their three letter acronyms,
represent the proposed machine codes. Also note that the codes and acronyms are not the
same thing as the subject line text that is required by some state laws (but it is important
to remark that coded assertions could be matched with state law requirements to produce
a form of compliance checking through the processing of coded message headers).
The benefits of including message type assertions in the message header are numerous.
First, it binds the sender, whose identity is provided, to a statement about the purpose of
the email. False assertions regarding the content of the message can easily be tracked
back to the sender, so senders will have strong incentive to be truthful and accurate in
such assertions. Again, those unwilling to make such assertions would already have little
incentive to utilize TEDI, allowing recipients to treat such mail in a more circumspect
fashion (some may wish to simply filter it out). The presence of both identity and
15 This parallels an existing requirement in some North American jurisdictions.
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16 This parallels a requirement that has been proposed in some North American jurisdictions.
Trusted Email Open Standard
assertion information provides ISPs with a basic level of confidence that the sender is a
legitimate entity and not an irresponsible and deceptive spammer.
A second benefit of message type assertion is that deceptive practices, such as the use of
misleading subject lines to encourage the message to be viewed—for example, disguising
an advertising offer as a message from a friend, name brand company, or government
agency—could be more easily policed. For example, a recent marketing email sent to
student loan holders by Sallie Mae was sent with a subject line “Your Response Needed,”
which resulted in complaints that the unsolicited message was being misrepresented as an
account-related message. Had the message been subject to message type assertion
requirements, the true nature of the message would have been clear.
A third benefit of message type assertion is enabling ISPs and consumers using client-
side email filters to better identify:
a. those messages that recipients have stated they do not wish to receive,
b. those messages—such as statements, order shipping and tracking notifications—
which should never be blocked,
c. and those messages that should be delivered only under certain circumstances
(such as adult content to accounts identified as belonging to non-minors).
Our analysis indicates that when spam-filtering is based purely on “bad things,” such as
words and phrases believed to be indicative of spam, it is overly susceptible to “false
positives” problem (the inadvertent blocking of messages that recipients want to receive,
due to incorrect identification of legitimate messages as spam). By including reliable
positive indicators as to message type and sender identity, filtering can be made
significantly less error-prone.
Fourth, as noted above, there are legal ramifications for making deceptive assertions
about the content of messages. In addition, the categories of message type could be made
consistent with subject declarations which already exist in some jurisdictions. Most
certainly the task of outlawing deceptive business practices would be greatly aided by
requiring assertions as to message type.17
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17 The exact number and nature of the type assertions is obviously negotiable, however, we propose that the
total number used in the type assertion standard be kept small. The assertions should track, if feasible,
existing legal requirements and definitions, thereby creating the potential for automated compliance programs
and safe harbor for senders who agree to be accountable and abide by the rules.
Trusted Email Open Standard
B. Bulk Sender Trusted Email Certification Programs
Widespread adoption of the standards proposed in the preceding section would greatly
improve the ability of all email constituents to block, filter, reduce, or ignore spam. The
level of accountability in the minimum standard would improve the level of trust between
the links in the email chain (senders—providers—recipients). Indeed, if all email
providers and recipients were to ignore all email that failed to follow the minimum
standard, spam would already be marginalized to a significant degree.18
Although rapid and widespread adoption of a new standard might sound improbable, we
believe that consensus on the need to act decisively is building rapidly among the larger
providers and senders.19 That is why we are providing the industry with this roadmap
now, to help implement a dramatic shift in email practices. However, the minimum
standard is truly that—the minimum required to make headway against the spam problem.
There is much more that legitimate bulk email senders can do to improve email, beyond
“merely” being honest about message source.
In fact, many bulk emailers have expressed a strong desire to do more. The standard
supports these aspirations. Beyond the minimum standard, there is a standard that enables
legitimate bulk senders to demonstrate their commitment to responsible email practices.
Beginning where the minimum standard left off, this standard requires message type
assertions, in addition to proof of identity. Beyond this, the bulk sender standard would
enable email enhancement programs—Trusted Email Certification Programs—and they
would require senders to make additional assertions about messages.
The nature and number of the required assertions would be established by the program’s
sponsor, which could be a trade association, industry group, government entity, or even a
large enterprise. Senders who commit to such programs would agree to abide by their
rules, subject to oversight by the program operator. The program operator could be the
sponsor itself or a third-party. All program sponsors and operators would be sanctioned
and supervised by the Trusted Email Oversight Board, the proposed email standards body
(see Section 3).
(i) Level Two Identity
The first step to take beyond the baseline is to provide greater accountability. This can be
achieved through more stringent identity requirements, over and above those proposed in
the minimum standard domain name identity. This would not be expensive or
burdensome and can be accomplished by additional due-diligence on the part of the
issuing CA and/or third party verification of identity by the program sponsor (a role that
is further defined in the following section).
18 Mail from legitimate sources who had yet to implement the standard could also be marginalized, so the
standard must be easy to implement on the sending side, and allow receivers to make an informed decision
before discarding mail. TEOS provides for this, and for much needed positive feedback on mail quality to
counter the negatives on which current filtering systems rely (e.g., filtering on suspect content).
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19 For example, “3 E-Mail Providers Join Spam Fight: AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo Seek Ways to Curtail
Unwanted Solicitations,” Washington Post, April 28, 2003.
Trusted Email Open Standard
(ii) Assertions in Bulk Sender Trusted Email Certification Programs
Even the limited type assertions outlined as an option under the minimum standard
(1.A.ii) are of significant value in adding trust and accountability to email. A wider range
of assertions about messages can even further enhance the handling of legitimate bulk
email. Consider some of the facts asserted in a typical commercial email message:
I am the originator of the message: Name of sending person/entity
This is my email address: Email address of sending person/entity
This is my domain: Domain of sending person/entity
Permission to send you this message comes from: Explanation
The list to which this message was sent came from: Source
This message is about: Subject
The purpose of this message is: Statement
To opt-out of future mailings do this: Action
To contact the sender of this message do this: Action
To read about the privacy policies of the sender: Action
All of these statements are common in messages such as statement or payment
notifications from a credit card company, order confirmations or shipping notifications
pursuant to an online purchase, or “special offers” from an online merchant.20 The need
for some of these assertions arises from established practices in the world of commercial
email, practices which any realistic standard must accommodate if it aspires to
widespread adoption. Consider the following diagram.
igure 2: Detailed diagram of the email chain, showing role of list providers, and location of
Trusted Email Send and Receive engines (TESE and TERE).
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20 Millions of such messages are sent and received successfully each day, to the mutual benefit of sender and
receiver; but accidental blocking of them is increasing as email providers struggle to protect their resources
and customers from abuse by spammers.
Trusted Email Open Standard
Information about the source of lists and their permission basis plays a vital role in the
ommercial email process. The ability to make, and check, assertions about this
n ble the creation of trusted
mail programs, consisting of required assertions about messages, in the form of
t e
information, and other important aspects of a message, would add considerably to the
trust and accountability that is currently lacking in email. 21
The Trusted Email Open Standard would encourage and e a
machine-readable statements in headers, as described earlier in 1.A.i. These assertions
would be in addition to placing in the message header a machine-readable assertion as to
the type of message. The nature and number of the required assertions would be
established by the program sponsor. As stated earlier, the sponsor could be a trade
association, industry group, government entity, or even a large enterprise.22 For e
a trade association might want its members to abide by a requirement to state list so
or permission basis, so the association would establish and operate—by themselves or
through outsourcing—a program for members. We recommend that responsible email
senders consider the following possible assertions, based on the Fair Information Practi
No ic
mailing executed by the sender or an agent of the sender?
ho owns the list to which the messages were sent?
Was the
What is the permission basis of the list?
To what extent is the list shared ?
Is a standardized means of opting-out of future mailings provided?
What access to recipient data does the sender support?
of protection is provided to recipient data?
What level
f dispute resolution does the sender support?
What sort o
21 See State of New York v. Monsterhut in which an email marketing firm was enjoined from sending emails
erroneously claiming that they were sent pursuant to a prior “opt-in” by the recipient (details available at
22 We anticipate that some large organizations will want to operate and self-certify their own program of
email assurances.
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23 See, Privacy Online: A Report to Congress, Federal Trade Commission, 1998
Trusted Email Open Standard
Multipl determining the relative
esirability of accepting, delivering, or reading such messages. The proposed standard
nted mailings is a major source of current consumer
ificant part of the spam problem. A recent FTC study
arketing companies have advocated effective opt-out as
n industry standard. In addition, ISPs and email filter companies have called for
d that
uired by all Bulk Sender
rusted Email Certification Programs. A supporting requirement would be the assertion,
e assertions would assist email providers and recipients in
would not include any technical means of verifying the validity of the assertion, only a
means of making the assertion in a machine-readable way. However, the assertion woul
still be of considerable value because the domain level identity of the sender is—
according to the recommended Level 2 standard—provable. For example, if the assertion
was made that a recipient could opt-out of future mailings, and the recipient found that
the opt-out did not work, identifying the responsible party for purposes of further contact
or dispute resolution would not be difficult. The assertions under Notice could assist a
recipient who feels they have received a message in error to determine the cause/source
of the error. The Notice assertions would also be useful to legitimate senders as a mean
of tracking the performance of list and mailing service providers.
(iii) Standardized Opt-out
The inability to opt-out of unwa
frustration with email and a sign
noted that 63% of spam they received had non working opt-out mechanisms. While m
privacy advocates and anti-spam campaigners have long held either opt-in or confirmed
opt-in to be the only acceptable premise for commercial mailings, there is evidence that
many consumers are less concerned about full opt-in than reliable opt-out. In other word
if they could reliably opt-out of future mailings they might find some forms of unsolicite
commercial email acceptable.
At the same time, many direct m
standardization of opt-out mechanisms used by legitimate bulk email senders to enable
recipients to quickly and reliably opt-out of any unwanted email. Therefore, we fin
all constituencies, including the Federal Trade Commission, are agreed that simple and
reliable opt-out should be provided in all commercial email.
We recommend that provision of a standardized opt-out be req
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in the message header, that the message includes standardized opt-out. The presence of
this assertion would not only aid consumers using client-side filters but would increase
the ability of ISPs and filter companies to differentiate legitimate bulk email from spam
and would greatly improve delivery of legitimate email.
Trusted Email Open Standard
C. Consumer Oriented Trusted Email Certification Programs
The programs enabled by the standards described in the preceding sections 1.A and 1.B
would do a great deal to distinguish legitimate email from spam and enhance everyone’s
ability to manage email more efficiently. Spam would be increasingly marginalized.24
However, some senders want to go even further than those standards. They would like to
display visible proof to consumers of their adherence to a set of privacy principles and
email best practices.
Such proof can be provided by placing a cryptographically protected seal or trust stamp
in the message. The technology to do this is already in use. Several commercial senders
are participating in a third-party program that provides recipients with visible evidence of
their commitment to higher standards, much like privacy seal programs on web sites.25
Tests indicate that programs of this type more than pay for themselves because trust
stamps in email create a significant increase in consumer confidence, which is reflected
in higher message open and respond rates, with fewer opt-outs (see the Appendix to this
white paper for actual test results).
The Trusted Email Open Standard therefore includes Consumer Oriented Trusted Email
Certification Programs that enable these higher goals to be met by those who aspire to
them. We propose an open, accessible, non-proprietary means to achieve this. Because
these aspirations have the potential to elevate email to a highly trusted status truly worthy
of the term Trusted Email, an essential component of this standard is a visible means of
displaying and verifying such claims.
In addition to third-party seal programs, we expect that some senders, particularly those
who feel that their own brand is sufficiently trusted, will want to provide their own stamp
or seal as evidence of compliance with higher standards (such stamps also provide a
valuable layer of protection against corporate identity theft). The trust infrastructure of
the Trusted Email Open Standard provides for such self-certifying programs.
(i) Level Three Identity
Moving beyond levels 1.A and 1.B means even greater accountability. We propose
secure accountability be provided through stringent identity requirements in the form of a
fully-verified digital certificate to be used by senders of email at this level.
24 The economic basis of spam—the desire of the spammer to make money— means that it is subject to the
law of diminishing returns. Less spam being delivered means lower rates of return. While the initial effect is
for spammers to send even more spam in the hopes of getting more messages delivered, there is bound to be a
point—during the decline in spam delivery rates that TEOS is intended to induce—at which this strategy
becomes futile and a significant number of spammers seek alternative means of making money.
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25 For example, Microsoft MSN enrolled in the Trusted Sender program some time ago and has successfully
incorporated trust stamps in tens of thousands of emails sent to customers. AES, one of the largest financial
aid organizations in America has now sent well over a million trust stamped messages to its customers.
Trusted Email Open Standard
(ii) Verification: Visible, Real-time, Interactive
Those who participate in Consumer Oriented Trusted Email Certification Programs will
provide visible and verifiable evidence of their assertions to recipients. These assertions
could be encoded, and the cryptographically protected image (seal) that is the visual
indicator of program participation could be generated, by an enhanced version of the
Trusted Email Send Engine (TESE) that processes outbound email to ensure compliance
with TEDI. This standard does not dictate what assertions senders should make, however
senders are subject to Trusted Email Oversight Board oversight. The associated technical
standard enables any assertions that are made to be verified, in real-time, through an
interactive process.
Verification can be performed by the recipient and optionally by email providers. For
example, an email user who receives a message from a sender who is participating in a
trust program at this level may be presented with a clickable trust seal in a message. This
seal enables real-time, interactive verification of the sender’s identity and compliance
status. An email provider may choose to verify messages as they arrive and present the
recipient with a trust indicator, such as a custom inbox icon,26 indicating that the veracity
of the sender’s claims has already been established. Receiving ISPs can use the Trusted
Email Receive Engine (TERE) to read assertions from encoded headers and verify seals.
The practical details of how this verification standard can be implemented are explained
in the Enabling Technology section of this document, but the basic operation involves
two steps:
a. Placing cryptographically-encoded, machine-readable statements in messages as
they are sent, typically in the form of a consumer-visible, legally-protected image
or seal that conveys the nature of the assertions made.27 For example, “This is
Superior Email from XYZ,” accompanied by the trademarked XYZ logo, ©XYZ,
and so on.28
b. Providing a return communication channel that enables the decoding/verification
of the statements as well as a direct connection to the sender for
a. an explanation of the assertions it is making,
b. opt-out from future mailings,
c. complaint process.
(iii) Principles for Consumer-Facing Trust Programs
To be successful, any attempt to solve the spam problem through the setting of standards
must remain flexible with respect to the principles it attempts to uphold. The more
specifically you attempt to embody principles in standards, the less widely the standard
26 Email service provider Mailshell was the first to implement this ability, using ePrivacy Group technology.
27 Note that the use of an image, which has inherent protection through copyright, plus a trademarked
logo/name/phrase, extends the protections against, and potential remedies for, spoofing of authorized email,
into well-established areas of law, both national and international.
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28 In this example, “Superior Email” could be a program sponsored by a third-party, or self-administered
program operated by XYZ company.
Trusted Email Open Standard
will be accepted. That is why the standards we have described in 1.A and 1.B are focused
on one principle: accountability. This is expressed as domain level proof of sender
identity plus one or more machine-readable assertions as the nature of the messages sent.
Senders are free to embrace additional principles through further assertions, but they are
not required to do so.
Similarly, when we get to a higher standard of email, in which senders make visible and
instantly verifiable assertions, either independently or as a participant in a third-party
program, we do not think that, in general, the standard should mandate what those
assertions are. Of course, there are some fairly obvious candidates for inclusion by any
organization that is interested in establishing consumer trust:
a. Accountability: although accountability has already been addressed to a
certain extent by the time you get to this level of the standard, additional
accountability assertions can be made, such as “XYZ agrees to protect the
privacy of customer data,” or “XYZ promises to respond to recipient complaints
within 24 hours,” and so on.
b. Privacy Policies and Practices: some senders may wish to signify their
commitment to a set of privacy policies and practices (of their own creation or
created by a third-party).
c. Third-party Oversight: some senders may see value in submitting to third-
party oversight various aspects of their email activity, such as address sourcing,
privacy policies and practices, customer responsiveness, and so on.
d. Guaranteed Opt-out: all consumer-facing programs for responsible email
must guarantee that messages include a simple and reliable opt-out mechanism.
e. Dispute Handling: senders must provide recipients/consumers with a formal
process for handling complaints about messages they receive; this allows the
sender to respond to, and correct, unforeseen problems arising from mailings.29
Some elements of dispute handling can be automated but all programs at this
level must provide for eventual human involvement in disputes that are escalated
beyond an automated exception-handling process. Some non-profit, third-party
entities, such as TRUSTe, have extensive real-world experience resolving
consumer disputes in the privacy space and could be contracted to provide this
This list is not exhaustive, but we propose Accountability, Guaranteed Opt-out, and
Dispute Handling be required by this standard.30 To summarize this section we have
graphed the 3 tiers of the proposed standard on the following page.
29 Consumer dispute resolution is different from arbitration of disputes between email constituencies with
respect to standards, which is to be handled by the Trusted Email Oversight Board (see Section 3).
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30 We also suggest that consideration be given to participation in a global “Do Not Email” list which could be
established as part of this standard and potentially avoid the nightmare scenario of state-by-state DNE lists.
Trusted Email Open Standard
Figure 3: Overview of the 3 levels in the Trusted Sender Open Standard.
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Trusted Email Open Standard
2. Enabling Technology
1. Best Practices
2. Enabling Technology
3. Oversight
Technology plays a vital role in ensuring that standards of behavior are met, principles
are adhered to, and regulations are complied with. This is already true for some aspects of
the Internet today. For example, if you try to sidestep the requirements of the domain
name system and create a rogue domain, it does not work. Unfortunately, the current set
of email protocols and technical standards, cannot effectively enforce compliance with
what most people consider to be minimum acceptable standards of behavior. Email
technology must be extended and enhanced at a very basic level. In order for this to
happen, technology enhancements must be low in cost and easy to implement. That is
why we are making elements of our proprietary technology freely available (for example,
the Trusted Email Send Engine or TESE, and the Trusted Email Receive Engine or
Practical implementation of the ‘best practices’ and ‘oversight’ components of the
Trusted Email standard requires the satisfaction of a number of technical requirements.
This section describes these requirements and provides a level of implementation detail
necessary for the definition of a technical standard.
Just as the requirements for the non-technical components of the standard are broken
down into three sections (A Minimum Standard for Accountability, Bulk Sender Trusted
Email Certification Programs, and Consumer Oriented Trusted Email Certification
Programs), this section will address the technical elements as they relate to this structure.
A. A Minimum Standard for Accountability
This baseline section of the standard requires the communication of certain data by
senders/sources of email messages to gateway receivers of those messages. It creates
several technical requirements related to this data communication.
1. Securely verifiable statement of sender identity
Sender identity requires that the apparent SMTP source/sender of a given Trusted Email
message be verifiably the same as the actual source/sender of the message. Sender
identity further requires that receiving systems be capable of detecting fraudulent Trusted
Email messages, and messages from Trusted Email compliant domains which are not
Trusted Email compliant.
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Given the structure, implementation, and common practice in the SMTP protocol and
other Internet communications, this sender identity will identify the domain source of
Trusted Email Open Standard
email messages, and will utilize the existing domain ownership and registration hierarchy
to aid implementation.
It is recognized that the technical source of email messages is often different from the
communicating entity, as is the case with commercial messages delivered by service
providers on behalf of corporations. The sender identity defined by this standard
recognizes this sender/source distinction and requires that both the sender and source of
each message be identifiable.
2. Revocation of identity
Sender identity must be revocable in the event of an identity failure. Identity failure is
defined as erroneous, fraudulent, or otherwise inappropriate association of a
sender/source with an Internet domain.
3. Sender-generated declarative statements
Each compliant message must contain certain sender-generated declarative statements in
order to communicate the data required. Compliant messages may also contain additional
declarative statements, both sender-generated and otherwise.
Declarative statements must minimally include the capability to express statements of the
following complexity: [parameter] [logical operator] [value]
Declarative statements must be constructed using elements defined in the Trusted Email
standard or extensions thereto, in a structure defined therein. Additionally, declarative
statements must express information within schemas or structures defined in the Trusted
Email standard or extensions.
Declarative statements must be easily and efficiently able to be processed by receiving
and intermediary systems.
4. Non-replayable trust elements
All trust elements satisfying the above requirements must be constructed in such a way as
to preclude replay attacks. For example, a given message from Alice to Charlie should be
readily identifiable as fraudulent given use of trust elements taken from a message from
Alice to Bob.
5. Non-repudiation of trust elements
Compliance with the principles of the Trusted Email standard requires accountability of
sender/source actions, and hence requires non-repudiation of all sender-generated trust
elements and of sender/source identity.
B. Bulk Sender Trusted Email Certification Programs
In addition to those defined above, this section of the standard adds requirements related
to communication of additional data.
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Trusted Email Open Standard
1. Securely verifiable 3rd party trusted identity
Extending the minimum standard identity concept, the addition of 3rd party trust requires
that a sender/source be verifiably the same as an entity identified by a certifying 3rd party.
Compliant messages at this level might have multiple 3rd party trusted identity statements.
Receivers of compliant messages may individually verify trusted identity statements as
appropriate for processing.
2. Revocation of 3rd party trusted identity
Unlike the more basic minimum identity, individual 3rd party trusted identity statements
may be revoked by their certifiers. Criteria for revocation will vary by certifier, and may
include issues other than basic identity failure.
3. Securely verifiable 3rd party trusted declarative statements
An extension of the sender-generated declarative statement, these statements are made by
a 3rd party in reference to a securely identified sender/source as described above. The
intent of trusted declarative statements is to encapsulate statements by certifying 3rd
parties such that they can be depended on by receiving and intermediary systems. The
core construction and structure of these statements is as defined for sender-generated
4. Revocation of 3rd party trusted declarative statements
As with trusted identity statements, trusted declarative statements may be revoked by
their certifiers. A requirement for discrete per-statement revocation within a body of
statements made by a given certifier has not been identified at this time, thus
implementations may force ‘all or nothing’ revocation of statements by a given certifier.
5. Special case: Self-certification
A special case of the 3rd party trusted identity and declarative statements described above
has been identified for ‘self-certifying’ entities. Such entities, including governments and
certain commercial entities, will leverage the strength of their existing trust relationships
and not require additional 3rd party certification. Technically, this special case will not
differ from nominal use of the standards defined for this section, as the requisite 3rd party
will be defined as a self-certifying extension of the appropriate sender/source.
C. Consumer Oriented Trusted Email Certification Programs
This level of the standard requires the communication of certain data to individual
recipients of email messages in addition to gateway receivers.
1. Display of trust mark to recipient
The display of a trust mark is a representation to the recipient of message that some set of
verification and processing actions have been successfully completed on an appropriate
set of 3rd party trusted identity and declarative statements
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Trusted Email Open Standard
2. Special case: Self-certification
Once again, the self-certified case does not require special technical consideration other
than the satisfaction of technical policy requirements for this program level.
Standardization Overview
Given the requirements described above, this section will address components of a
technical standard satisfying those requirements.
A. Basic Components
1. Cryptographic Medium
Cryptographic protection of data, particularly though the use of asymmetric cryptography,
provides an elegant medium for the satisfaction of multiple requirements expressed above.
Key header:
Signature header:
2. Cryptographic Algorithms
RSA Public Key Cryptography
SHA-1 Hashing
Message generation requires one SHA-1 hash operation and one RSA signature operation
per message. Message verification requires a minimum of one SHA-1 hash operation and
one RSA signature verification given cached pre-verification of signing keys.
3. Performance Considerations
A standard implementation achieves approximately 130-150 messages generated per
second on a single 1Ghz desktop class x86 CPU. The same CPU can produce
approximately 1600-2000 message verifications per second.
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Since most MTA’s are I/O bound and have excess CPU capacity, cryptographic
verification can outperform DNS-based verifications in many architectures. Of course,
DNS verification is available as an optimization to simplify adoption and accelerate high
volume receivers.
Trusted Email Open Standard
4. Declarative statement language
Structured with a logically equivalent XML-based human-readable representation and
compact machine-readable representation. A namespace-based standard structure and
extensibility provide the technical framework for a durable and federated standard.
For example:
Human and Machine Readable Form
Namespace declarations
<parameter namespace> message_type </parameter>
<operator namespace> is_equal_to </operator>
<value namespace> customer_service </value>
Bytecode Form
How the Standard Works
This section describes technical details of the Trusted Email Open Standard in key four
areas: distributed verification, identity confirmation, program participation/standing,
exception handling. Although each is described separately, all four work together to
provide a solid basis for marginalizing spam and solving the spam problem.
Technical Considerations in TEDI and TESE
The domain name and identity forging in spam that is one of the most dangerous and
prevalent elements of the spam problem stem in large part from the lack of any
organizational hierarchy of identity for the email transport. Other transports on the
Internet rely on one organizational hierarchy of identity: the ICANN-administered
domain/DNS infrastructure. While DNS is certainly used for email delivery, the complex
asynchronous nature of SMTP means that the domain/DNS infrastructure does not
present the barriers to abuse that are more evident in synchronous protocols (HTTP, etc).
In fact, security exists today on the Internet largely in the form of SSL, which leverages
the one-to-one, synchronous nature of HTTP connections and the domain/DNS
infrastructure to add cryptographic transport protections. This suggests that a workable
and relatively secure solution to these forging and spoofing problems can be made
available—in the form of a generalized, foundational trust framework for email—by
cryptographically linking the Internet’s existing organizational hierarchy of domain
names to the email transport through an application of trusted email technology. This is
what refer to as the Trusted Email Domain Identity (TEDI) framework.
TEDI addresses a key weakness in the email transport: domains would, for the first time,
have a means to prevent fraudulent use of their information in spam messages.
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In addition, spam filtering solutions would benefit tremendously from the availability of
trusted header information in email messages, as current systems make delivery and
Trusted Email Open Standard
blocking decisions based on spoofable IP address information, resulting in the blocking
of innocent senders and the exploitation of white lists to enable delivery of spam. Content
analysis techniques (Bayesian, rule-based, pattern matching and otherwise) could also be
applied to greater benefit with the advantage of trusted domain and path information from
email headers, since probability and score-based systems would naturally be more
accurate given trusted data elements.
The relative merits of the TEDI approach can be seen from the following table, which
compares TEDI’s header-based, signed assertions with two alternative approaches. The
first is DNS/IP-based sender identification. The second is the implementation of S/MIME
for identity assurance:
Signed Assertions
Weight and Message Size Negligible Very High Low
Computational Expense Very Low Very High Low
Security Low Very High Very High
Per-Message Assertions Not Possible Possible Yes
Persistence Not Possible Yes Yes
The TEDI framework would leverage existing CAs, existing domain/DNS registries and
registrars, and the proposed Trusted Email Oversight Board infrastructure. CAs would
issue X.509v3 certificates to domain owners through the organizational hierarchy of the
registry-registrar-domain structure. These certificates, which we refer to as “level one”
certificates, would have a “trust level” that is different from certificates currently issued
by CAs, as they make no assertion about identity other than legitimate status as domain
owner through the domain/DNS hierarchy.
Based on these “level one” certificates and their Trusted Email Oversight Board
signatures, standards compliant email components, which could be cheaply implemented
using the Trusted Email Send Engine (TESE) software to which we have already referred,
would encode the trusted domain identity information in outbound email. The Trusted
Email Receive Engine (TERE) software would read the trusted domain identity
information from the headers of inbound email. With unique, cryptographically secure
headers for each individual message, the originating domain would be identified to
intermediary and recipient systems.
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Note that a mechanism for including individual-level signatures to augment domain
identity also exists and could be deployed as the Trusted Email Individual Identity (TEII)
extension. This extension to the standard could provide the benefits of domain identity at
a more granular level. Of course, this level of granularity would require the use of
individual-level trust infrastructures, such as Passport and Liberty, to link individual
email senders’ identities to sending systems.
Trusted Email Open Standard
While it is possible, as we have demonstrated internally, to utilize fully standard-
compliant X.509v3 certificates with our technology, the compressed signature hierarchy
that we are proposing—eliminating the recursive verifications typical to certificate-based
systems, including for individual identity—together with lightweight signatures, permits
real-time processing, unlike other X.509-based systems. For example, un-optimized
benchmarks show verification performance of around 2060 email verifications per second
on a 1Ghz Windows XP desktop system. TEDI thus has the potential to more efficiently
eliminate the damage done by forged headers in spam, making fraudulent messages
significantly more difficult to perpetrate.
Implementation of the TEDI framework would have a broad and immediate impact,
including an increased ability to fight spam on many fronts. The cost barrier to
implementation is also quite low. The required “level one” certificates have few of the
issuance costs associated with traditional certificates, as identity verification is not
required. Certificate Authorities and registry/registrar companies may even decide to
issue these certificates free of charge for an initial period—perhaps one or two years—as
part of their contribution to the fight against spam, realizing that this standard would lead
to a vast new market for certificates, significant renewal revenue, and new sales of
higher-level certificates to domain owners.31
Distributed Verification and TERE
The Trusted Email Receive Engine (TERE) software allows email providers to translate,
and verify the source of, machine-readable information placed in messages by senders.
That information consists of source domain identity and a variety of assertions, such as
the type of message, its permission basis, and so on, as described in sections 1.A and 1.B.
We are prepared to make this software freely available to Internet Service Providers in
order to implement this standard. The software accomplishes the following as it processes
a. Authenticates the identity of the message sender by reference to a domain name
b. Reads assertions made about the message by the sender.
c. Checks for the sender’s participation, and real-time standing, in any email trust
program under which the message was sent.
As a result of the above, the technology enables the ISP to accomplish the following:
a. Verify message compliance with any applicable laws;
b. Determine sender’s compliance with ISP terms of service (which may include
requirements as to message type, accurate header information, and so on); and,
c. Enforce such recipient/customer-specified parameters as the ISP may elect to
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31 The Consumer Oriented Trusted Email Certification Programs level of the standard would benefit from
TEDI as well, since TEDI compliant domains would need no new technical components, only a new
signature on their certificate following Trusted Email Oversight Board certification, in order to send email
under a Consumer Oriented Trusted Email Certification Program.
Trusted Email Open Standard
Consumer Visible Seals
We have proposed (1.C) that organizations establish consumer-oriented email trust
programs under the auspices of an independent oversight body. These programs would
require senders to make certain assertions as to message type, content, purpose, origin,
and so on. A participant in such a program, or an entity that has been authorized to
conduct its own program could, for example, install an appliance32 configured with the
requisite software, in between the participant’s network and the Internet.
The installed appliance would automatically create an individually encoded Trust Stamp
or seal for every designated email message sent out by the program participant’s email
server. These stamps would be placed in the messages as visible evidence of the
participant’s agreement to comply with the specific requirements of the program, such as
email best practices and a dispute-resolution process. Note that this technology, which
can reliably determine whether or not email senders ascribe to a set of guidelines, already
exists and is not something that needs to be developed in the future. In current
implementations for HTML-based email, created with ePrivacy Group’s Postiva software,
when someone reads a stamped email that they have received, the Trust Stamp is visible
in the top right corner as an image. The image, which was generated uniquely by the
TESE, contains the email address of the sender and recipient, along with the date the
message was sent, and the trust mark that identifies the program.33
If the information appearing in the Trust Stamp matches that displayed by the recipient’s
email program, there is some level of assurance that the message is genuine. However,
the recipient can always click on the Trust Stamp to activate a complete verification
process via the official program web site. The recipient does not have to use any special
software or plug-in to do this and nothing is downloaded to the recipient’s computer.
When a recipient clicks on the Trust Stamp, an interactive form at the official program
web site compares the information in the encoded stamp with that found in the message
itself. This includes the To and From addresses as well as the Subject of the email. Based
on the recipient’s responses, and an automated exception handling process, the message
is either verified as authentic, or verification is denied and the recipient informed of the
basis for this denial (with notice of the denial also going to the program operator for
further investigation). Note that the TERE technology discussed above includes the
ability for ISPs to process stamped email and flag the message upon delivery to the
recipient with an icon or other indicator that the message has a certain status (for example,
“Customer Service Correspondence”).
Exception Handling
ePrivacy Group has demonstrated that email identity verification technology works, and
that real-time verification of program standing works. This has been demonstrated on a
large scale, in multiple real world deployments. In doing so, it has been possible to verify
32 By using an appliance, the participant is not required to perform any hardware or software configuration,
easing implementation for less sophisticated participants. For more sophisticated installations, Postiva
software could be integrated into existing systems.
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33 If messages are text-based, or viewed as text, the user is presented with a clickable text link.
Trusted Email Open Standard
the expectation that some people will attempt to abuse such technology, and some events
will confuse the technology. And of course, despite everyone’s best efforts, it is perhaps
inevitable that the technology will confuse some people. Therefore, a means of dealing
with these issues—collectively referred to as “exceptions”—will be needed. Given the
sheer scale of email volumes, an automated means of dealing with exceptions is essential.
To this end ePrivacy Group has developed technology that is able to determine, through
automated processing of message recipient input, the nature of the exception.
Furthermore, based on the nature of the exception, this technology is able to resolve or
escalate. There are two basic categories of escalation: technical and dispute. A technical
escalation occurs when either a significant technical problem or a serious attempt to
abuse the system is detected. A dispute escalation occurs when a significant difference of
opinion between sender and receiver is detected. Both technical and dispute escalations
require a human response on the part of the trusted email program operator in the case of
a technical escalation, on the part of the program’s designated dispute resolution operator
in the case of a dispute escalation.
Copyright ePrivacy Group, 2003. All Rights Reserved.
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Trusted Email Open Standard
3. Oversight
1. Best Practices
2. Enabling Technology
3. Oversight
Whenever there are principles or standards to be met, or rules and regulations to be
complied with, some form of oversight and enforcement is required. Traditionally,
oversight is accomplished by entrusting the function to a body created or designed for
this purpose. Examples include the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Insurance
Institute for Highway Safety, the American Arbitration Association, the International
Telecommunication Union, and numerous others.
These bodies require a considerable degree of independence from the entities they
oversee and must evoke trust in those for whom they perform the oversight, and in those
whom they oversee. Due to the pervasive nature of email, any attempt to enforce
principles and standards for email requires a trusted oversight body that has widespread
support, encompassing all relevant interests, from recipients (consumers), to email
providers (ISPs and web mail providers), to email senders (companies, government
agencies, non-profits, and so on).
Without input from all constituents, the trust body will have difficulty establishing its
independence, its trust, and its authority. This section describes the broad-based trust
body envisioned by the Trusted Email Open Standard: namely, the Trusted Email
Oversight Board.34
A. Trusted Email Oversight Board Role
We propose that the Trusted Email Oversight Board function at 3 levels, corresponding to
the levels of standard described in the preceding section. This is diagrammed at the
conclusion of this section.
(i) A Minimum Standard for Accountability
Role: Root identity, set and evolve policy and technology standards, arbitrate disputes
At a basic level, the Trusted Email Oversight Board has responsibility for setting
standards. This includes determining the principles that guide behavior that are embodied
in, and implemented by, the technical standards.
34 In this context, it is interesting to note recent comments by Brian Arbogast, corporate vice president in
Microsoft's MSN and Personal Services Division, and the executive sponsor for the privacy pillar of
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the company's Trustworthy Computing initiative: “While we believe any related [email trust] technology
implementation should be based on open standards, the creation of this independent email trust authority
would be a significant step in the right direction.”
Trusted Email Open Standard
Given the broad range of constituents who have a stake in email, disputes are likely to
arise in the implementation of standards and the Trusted Email Oversight Board will
serve as the arbitration body that resolves such disputes (note that this role is very
different from the handling consumer disputes with respect to assertions about email or
other email practices—we are not proposing that consumer dispute resolution be handled
by the Trusted Email Oversight Board).
Figure 4: Relationship of the Trusted Email Oversight Board to the 3 tiers of the standard.
(ii) Bulk Sender Trusted Email Certification Programs
Role: Root identity, program sponsor and operator authorization, standards enforcement,
We expect that many organizations will want to go beyond the minimum standard
described in 1.A and develop programs at the bulk sender level defined in 1.B. The
Trusted Email Oversight Board will have the task of approving such programs. The
program sponsor, the organization wishing to create and run the program, would apply to
the Trusted Email Oversight Board for approval.
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While the standards embodied by the programs would be determined by the program
sponsor, the Trusted Email Oversight Board would have the authority to determine the
Trusted Email Open Standard
fitness of the program sponsor to run the program.35 The Trusted Email Oversight Board
would also approve program operators with whom sponsors may contract to operate
programs on their behalf.
In the event of unresolved or egregious complaints from ISPs or other constituents, about
email sent under a particular program, the Trusted Email Oversight Board would arbitrate
and enforce a resolution, up to, and including, revocation of program approval.
(iii) Consumer Oriented Trusted Email Certification Programs
Role: Oversight of verification, program sponsor and operator authorization, dispute
When organizations wish to create Consumer Oriented Trusted Email Certification
Programs and offer visible verification of their commitment to consumer privacy and
email best practices, the Trusted Email Oversight Board will authorize third parties to
implement, operate, and oversee programs that provide this level of trust and assurance.
These third parties will undertake consumer dispute resolution with the Trusted Email
Oversight Board only becoming involved in extraordinary circumstances.
B. Trusted Email Oversight Board Structure
We propose the following design for the trust body that will oversee the Trusted Email
Open Standard, the goal being: credibility, balance of interests, and ability to scale,
including international expansion. This structure is diagrammed on the following page.
(i) Broad-based and Board-based
We propose that the Trusted Email Oversight Board operate on a board-basis, with a
broad membership, to include consumer groups, privacy advocates, and industry
representatives. This structure is flexible, scalable, and readily adaptable to international
operations through adjustments to board membership.
(ii) Delegated Authority
The Trusted Email Oversight Board will authorize other entities to engage in activities
supportive of the standards, such as sponsoring and operating email trust programs,
issuing certificates, and so on. Authority would flow from the Trusted Email Oversight
Board to these entities, with the Trusted Email Oversight Board performing an arbitration
role in the event of disputes between entities.
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35 The program sponsor may elect to run the program itself or outsource operation of the program to an
approved program operator.
Trusted Email Open Standard
(iii) Third Party Operation
The operation of the Trusted Email Oversight Board with respect to implementation of
authorizations, decisions, programs, and so forth, could easily be contracted or
outsourced, possibly through an industry-funded coalition of the willing.
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Figure 5: Proposed structure of the Trusted Email Oversight Board.
Trusted Email Open Standard
Without prompt and concerted action, the pain of the current spam problem will only get
worse. Spam volumes will continue to climb, imposing increasingly severe financial
burdens on ISPs and enterprises. The anti-spam arms race will escalate. Filters and false
positives will continue to plague legitimate emailers and frustrate consumers. Legislators
will try to outlaw spam even as bulk mailers seek laws that force ISPs to deliver their
email. The growth of email—which has so far been the Internet’s “killer app”—may
falter, as spam-afflicted consumers give up in disgust.
Fortunately, a comprehensive solution to the spam problem can be achieved. We think
this white paper describes that solution: the Trusted Email Open Standard (TEOS). Based
on direct experience developing and implementing email technology that enables
verification of sender identity and assertions, and distilling many person-years of
experience—including detailed discussions with industry veterans, some of the largest
players in the industry, as well as the leading consumer advocates—TEOS is, in our
opinion, the best way to create trust and accountability in email because it:
Establishes enforceable standards based on best practices and compliance with
applicable law.
Enables reliable and secure communication of sender identity and assurances
about messages.
Creates a balanced and broadly-supported Trusted Email Oversight Board to
provide for ongoing oversight and arbitration of standards.
For well over a year now we have been advocating, both publicly and privately, the basic
principles of this approach. We have gained the support of a wide range of consumer
advocates. We have seen a steady growth in support for our approach from marketers and
providers (most recently from three of the world’s largest ISPs: AOL, Microsoft, and
Yahoo). However, until the industry takes concrete steps to implement new standards,
they will remain an exercise in wishful thinking.
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We think the key is a broadly-federated system of email trust programs, guided by a
Trusted Email Oversight Board that can rapidly implement a framework of technical and
behavioral standards built on freely available enabling technology. This will elevate
legitimate email so far above spam that spam will be rendered irrelevant. At the same
time, a variety of programs will be enabled to further enhance trust, privacy, and
intelligence in email.
Trusted Email Open Standard
Copyright ePrivacy Group, 2003. All Rights Reserved.
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Appendix: Field Tests of Trusted Sender
Trusted Sender is an example of the kind of program that is possible within the third level
of the Trusted Email Open Standard, known as Consumer Oriented Trusted Email
Certification Programs, described in 1.C and 2.C of this white paper. A field test of the
Trusted Sender program, which places visible trust seals in outbound email, was
conducted in the first quarter of 2003 by a large and well-known consumer company
(hereafter referred to as Consumer Company).
The test consisted of emailing a consumer offer to two groups of 20,000 customers. The
messages sent to the control group did not contain the Trusted Sender seal, whereas those
that were emailed to the test group did.
Economic ROI
The seal had an overwhelmingly positive impact on the mailing. Compared to the control
group, the test group had:
23% higher open rate36
52% higher click-through rate per delivered email
61% lower opt-out rate per delivered email
These numbers show that the higher overall click-through rate of 56% for the test group
was impacted due to people both opening the mail at a higher rate, and then also
responding at a higher rate once they opened the email. The test group was also much
less likely to opt-out of receiving future offers. During the test, only 2 recipients opted
out. Zero complaints were received and no disputes reported.
Trust ROI
A week after the offer was mailed, both the test and control groups were mailed a survey.
Invitations to take the survey were sent to a total of 38,800 customers, of whom 2,631
responded (just over 9%). The responses indicated that the seal’s impact on trust was also
overwhelmingly positive.
Over 80% said that use of the seal would definitely or somewhat increase their
ability to differentiate legitimate Consumer Company email from spam.
Some 79% said the seal would definitely or somewhat increase their comfort-
level that emails from Consumer Company are truly from Consumer Company.
76% said the seal would definitely or somewhat increase their level of trust that
Consumer Company respects their communication preferences.
36 All results significant at a 99% confidence level except for click through rate per viewed email, significant
at an 80% confidence level.
... There are many methods proposed to fight spam like, forming strong legislation against spam, modifying the existing SNMP protocol [25] [26][27] [28], regulating the processing of spam emails [30][31] [32] and spam filters. Out of all these methods, spam filters were the most popular method adopted across email services. ...
Conference Paper
Email services have to put through a lot of effort in fighting spam emails. Most of the efforts go in for detecting and filtering spam emails from benign emails. On the other front, people are educated by banks and other organizations on the awareness of such emails. These approaches are essentially passive in nature, in countering spam attacks where the attacker is not directly engaged by the adversary. Despite all these efforts, many innocent people fall for such attacks leading them to share their account details or lose a large sum of money. We propose an AI based system, that is self-aware and self-defending, which sends coherent replies to spammers with the aim of consuming their time. To make it more difficult for spammers we reply from algorithmically generated mail servers. Also, to avoid simple match filtering of mails by spammers, we make the replies different from each other and genuine, by using a language model trained by LSTM to form sentences in natural language depending upon the context of the email.
... It is recommended that when a contract is formed using email, the electronic communications should incorporate appropriate email authentication mechanisms to assure the origin of the email to the receiver of the email. Appropriate mechanisms include: the sender policy framework (SPFP 2007), trusted Email open standard (TEOS) (Schiavone et al 2003) and Yahoo Domain keys (Yahoo). It is further recommended that where an electronic record is communicated over the Internet, secure Internet protocols such as SSL version 3.0 or TLS version 1.0 be used to establish secure Internet communications. ...
Full-text available
This Report is a deliverable for the CRC for Construction Innovation research project 2005-025-A Electronic Contract Administration – Legal and Security Issues. It considers the security and legal risks that result from the increasing adoption of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the construction industry for e-contracting purposes and makes recommendations to minimise those risks.
Conference Paper
Spam filters are the most used software tool used by businesses and individual to block spam mails entering into their mail boxes. Until recently, majority of research effort was expended on controlling text-based spam emails. However, the past few years have envisaged a novel approach, where the spammers embed the text message into an image. Thus, the anti-spam filtering research is forced to move from text-based techniques to image-based techniques. Spam and the spam blockers designed to combat it have spawned an upsurge in creativity and innovation. Many software developers are developing new and every more effective spam filtering software. All the methods have a common dream that is to eliminate 100% of the spam, which is still not a reality. To reduce the gap between this reality and dream, researchers have proposed many different types of spam filters and this paper provides a review of them.
Full-text available
r example, spammers mayadd spaces or other special characters between letters, or inject intentional, minorspelling errors (Viiagrra).Spamming wastes considerable machine and human resources - most notably,the recipient's time. Indeed, spamming is reducing the usefulness of email as acommunication mechanism these days. Many users reduce or avoid the use ofemail, most users limit the distribution of their email address, and many desirablemessages are lost by aggressive (human and...
Email spam is one of the major problems of the today’s Internet, bringing financial damage to companies and annoying individual users. Among the approaches developed to stop spam, filtering is an important and popular one. In this paper we give an overview of the state of the art of machine learning applications for spam filtering, and of the ways of evaluation and comparison of different filtering methods. We also provide a brief description of other branches of anti-spam protection and discuss the use of various approaches in commercial and noncommercial anti-spam software solutions.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Unsolicited and undesirable e-mail (spam) is a growing problem for Internet users and service providers. We present the Secure Internet Content Selection (SICS) protocol, an efficient cryptographic mechanism for spam-control, based on allocation of responsibility (liability). With SICS, e-mail is sent with a content label, and a cryptographic protocol ensures labels are authentic and penalizes falsely labeled e-mail (spam). The protocol supports trusted senders (penalized by loss of trust) and unknown senders (penalized financially). The recipient can determine the compensation amount for falsely labeled e-mail (spam)). SICS is practical, with negligible overhead, gradual adoption path, and use of existing relationships; it is also flexible and appropriate for most scenarios, including deployment by end users and/or ISPs and support for privacy and legitimate, properly labeled commercial e-mail. SICS improves on other crypto-based proposals for spam controls, and complements non-cryptographic spam controls.
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