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Introduction To assess the reliability of short versions of the Australian National University Alzheimer's Disease Risk Index (ANU-ADRI). Methods A short form of the ANU-ADRI (ANU-ADRI-SF) was developed by assessing risk and protective factors with single questions where possible and with short forms of sub-questionnaires where available. The tick box form of the ANU-ADRI (ANU-ADRI-TB) was developed with unique questions for each risk and protective factor for Alzheimer's disease. The short versions were evaluated in an independent community sample of 504 participants with a mean age of 45.01 (SD = 14.85, range = 18–81). Results The short versions demonstrated high reliabilities when compared with the ANU-ADRI. However, the proportion of misclassification was high for some risk factors and particularly for the ANU-ADRI-TB. Discussion The ANU-ADRI-SF may be considered if less reliable questions from the ANU-ADRI-SF can be replaced with more reliable questions from the ANU-ADRI for risk/protective factors with high misclassification.
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Featured Article
Assessing reliability of short and tick box forms of the ANU-ADRI:
Convenient alternatives of a self-report Alzheimer’s disease risk
Sarang Kim*, Nicolas Cherbuin, Kaarin J. Anstey
Centre for Research on Ageing, Health and Wellbeing, Research School of Population Health, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Abstract Introduction: To assess the reliability of short versions of the Australian National University Alz-
heimer’s Disease Risk Index (ANU-ADRI).
Methods: A short form of the ANU-ADRI (ANU-ADRI-SF) was developed by assessing risk and
protective factors with single questions where possible and with short forms of sub-questionnaires
where available. The tick box form of the ANU-ADRI (ANU-ADRI-TB) was developed with unique
questions for each risk and protective factor for Alzheimer’s disease. The short versions were eval-
uated in an independent community sample of 504 participants with a mean age of 45.01
(SD 514.85, range 518–81).
Results: The short versions demonstrated high reliabilities when compared with the ANU-ADRI.
However, the proportion of misclassification was high for some risk factors and particularly for
Discussion: The ANU-ADRI-SF may be considered if less reliable questions from the ANU-ADRI-
SF can be replaced with more reliable questions from the ANU-ADRI for risk/protective factors with
high misclassification.
Ó2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Keywords: Risk assessment; Alzheimer’s disease; Short versions; Screening
1. Introduction
At present, there is no cure or effective treatment for de-
mentia [1–3] and existing pharmacological treatments do
not modify the course of the disease [4]. Prevention is there-
fore one of the key objectives of current dementia research
[5], and increased attention has been paid to identifying risk
and protective factors for dementia. It is also essential that
people understand and address their risk profile for dementia
as early as possible before the development of the patho-
logic processes which lead to unrecoverable neurodegener-
ation. Easily accessible methods of risk assessment are an
important tool for facilitating population-level dementia
risk awareness.
A questionnaire-based risk assessment tool, the Austra-
lian National University Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Index
(ANU-ADRI), was developed to assess the presence of 11
risk and 4 protective factors for Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
[6]. These risk and protective factors have reliable scientific
evidence and can be measured by self-report. The ANU-
ADRI was validated on three independent cohorts [7]
against the Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Demen-
tia index and has been proposed as the key risk assessment
tool in large-scale dementia prevention trials. ANU-ADRI
has already been used in the first online dementia risk reduc-
tion trial in Australia [8,9] and is currently available to the
general public through the ANU-ADRI website (http:// The website has attracted over
11,700 visitors since its launch early 2014.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 161 2 6125 0713; Fax: 161 2 6125 1558.
E-mail address:
2352-8737/ Ó2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 2 (2016) 93-98
Author's Personal Copy
The original ANU-ADRI takes approximately 15–20 mi-
nutes to complete, although longer time of up to 1 hour has
been reported for older adults who were not familiar with the
computer or Internet. The length of the ANU-ADRI did not
affect the participation of a dementia prevention trial [9] or
completion of publicly available ANU-ADRI through the
website. However, a shorter version of the ANU-ADRI
may have a role on public websites and online applications,
enabling the ANU-ADRI to reach wider audiences in more
diverse settings and in turn, save time in assessing an indi-
vidual’s risk level. Given that the average general practice
(GP) consultation time is 14.6 minutes (95% CI, 14.1–
15.0) [10], the length of the time taken to complete the cur-
rent ANU-ADRI can be considered long. Hence, by
providing shorter versions of the ANU-ADRI, health profes-
sionals such as GPs for example may be able to assess a cli-
ent’s risk level and provide them with relevant advice in a
timely manner. The ANU-ADRI can also be used to screen
individuals to identify those at high risk of developing AD
who would benefit most from intervention programs. We
therefore developed and evaluated two brief alternatives (a
short form and a tick box form) to the original longer version
of the ANU-ADRI while aiming to preserve its content
2. Methods
2.1. Participants and procedure
One thousand and seventy three people from the com-
munity were approached by Qualtrics, a survey company.
Five hundred and four of them completed the original
ANU-ADRI as well as one of the short versions to be vali-
dated. Sample size calculations were estimated using
G*Power (version 3.1.3). To detect a medium difference
(0.5) between two independent sample means, with a 5%
risk of type I error (a), 95% power, and two equal groups
(1:1), 105 persons in each group was required. Our sample
size was more than double the required size, and half of the
participants (group 1; n 5251) completed the original and
the short form of the ANU-ADRI. The other half (group 2;
n5253) completed the original and the tick box form of
the ANU-ADRI. Participants were randomly assigned to
one of two groups by the Qualtrics survey program. Inclu-
sion criteria were being 18 years, being proficient in En-
glish, having internet access, and having no psychiatric or
neurological diagnoses.
2.2. Measures and procedures
2.2.1. Short form
A short form of the ANU-ADRI (ANU-ADRI-SF; see
Supplementary A) which included the validated short
forms of questionnaires used in the original ANU-ADRI
(e.g. International Physical Activity Questionnaire short
form [11] and 10 item Community Epidemiological
Study-Depression scale (CESD-10) [12]) while keeping
single-item questions (e.g., gender, age, and smoking sta-
tus) was developed. The risk and protective factors
covered by more than one item were also simplified into
single-item questions by adding questions together. For
example, two questions on diabetes “Have you ever been
told by a doctor or other health professional that you
have diabetes?” and “Have you ever been told by a doctor
or other health professional that you have high sugar
levels in your blood or urine?” became a single question
“Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health pro-
fessional that you have diabetes or have high sugar levels
in your blood or urine?”. These single items intended to
reduce the number of questions while keeping the con-
tents. These include education, diabetes, cholesterol, trau-
matic brain injury, cognitive activity, and fish intake. The
short form was estimated to take approximately 5 minutes
to complete.
2.2.2. Tick box form
The tick box form of the ANU-ADRI (ANU-ADRI-TB;
see Supplementary B) was built with single-item questions
for each AD risk and protective factors and was estimated
to take approximately 2 minutes to complete. The ANU-
ADRI-TB was developed with an assumption that a single-
item scale may be as sensitive and reliable as multi-item
scales. This assumption was supported in previous research
such as in depression [13] and physical activity [14]. It was
found that a single-item interview for depressed mood pro-
vides a reliable and accurate screen that can be used in clin-
ical settings that permit direct patient interview.
One of the short versions followed by original long
version of the ANU-ADRI was administered on the same
2.3. Analysis
To analyze the reliability of the short versions, intra class
correlation coefficients (ICC) were used between the orig-
inal scores and short versions’ scores. The relative measure
of risk points attributed to each risk and protective factor as-
sessed in the ANU-ADRI-SF was the same as that used in the
original ANU-ADRI which ranged between 0–6 for risk fac-
tors and 27 to 0 for protective factors. ANU-ADRI-TB,
however, only had binary variables (having risk/protective
factors vs not) and was compared against binary variables
of the original ANU-ADRI. Although the original ANU-
ADRI did not evaluate misclassifications, as the tick box
form can only be measured as binary outcomes (having
risk/protective factors vs not), we felt it was worth exam-
ining misclassification in addition to reliability tests. The
number of risk and protective factors misclassified in the
short compared to the long form were calculated using bi-
nary variables (having risk/protective factors vs not). Per-
centages of misclassification of each risk and protective
factor were also calculated to examine false-positive (being
S. Kim et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 2 (2016) 93-9894
Author's Personal Copy
identified as having a risk factor when this is not the case)
and false-negative misclassifications (not being identified
as having a risk factor when this is not the case). Reliability
and misclassification were not investigated for age, educa-
tion, and BMI as exactly the same questions were used to
assess these variables in all three versions. The data were
analyzed using SPSS 22.
3. Results
Table 1 shows the participants’ demographic characteris-
tics and dementia risk exposure. Two hundred and forty nine
(49.4%) of 504 participants were males. Participants were
aged between 18 and 81 (M 545.01, standard deviation
[SD] 514.85) years and were evenly spread across age
groups of 30, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, and 60 years. The
mean age of the original validation sample was higher than
the present study. However, ANU-ADRI is currently avail-
able to the general public as we are not restricting user’s
age. The statistics from the ANU-ADRI website demon-
strated that the mean age of website users was 48.71 years
(SD 518.90). Therefore, the current sample was a better
representation of the users of the ANU-ADRI.
The samples from group 1 (short form) and group 2 (tick
box form) were not significantly different across most
characteristics. However, those who completed ANU-
ADRI-SF were significantly more likely to have diabetes
than those who completed ANU-ADRI-TB.
3.1. Reliability
ICC were computed to study the reliability of the short ver-
sions of the ANU-ADRI (see Table 2). ICCs for ANU-ADRI-
SF suggested moderate to strong agreement with coefficients
ranging from 0.772 to 0.992. All were statistically significant
(P,.001) except for cognitive activity where the coefficients
was small and not significant (ICC 5.031, P5.285). The
ANU-ADRI-TB also showed small to strong agreement for
most risk factors with correlations ranging from 0.444 to 1
except for cognitive activity demonstrating extremely small
and insignificant (ICC 5.024, P5.287) coefficient value.
Internal consistency was also examined for CESD-10,
measuring depression, and it showed a high level of internal
consistency (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.879), which was compa-
rable with the internal consistency of CESD-20 (Cronbach’s
alpha of 0.934).
3.2. Misclassification
Misclassification of someone having or not having risk
and/or protective factors was also investigated using binary
Table 1
Demographic characteristics of participants in the short form and tick box form group
Characteristics Short form Tick box form c
Age (M, SD) 44.96 (15.03) 45.06 (14.69) t 520.072 .943
Females 51.0% 50.2% 0.032 .858
Education (M, SD) 14.54 (3.51) 14.94 (4.02) t 521.216 .225
Overweight 29.5% 29.6% 0.069 .966
Obese 28.3% 27.3%
High cholesterol 23.1% 26.1% 0.603 .437
Diabetes 13.9% 7.9% 4.727 .030
TBI 10.8% 9.9% 0.104 .747
Depression 37.1% 35.2% 0.192 .661
Physical activity
Medium 30.7 % 33.6% 3.037 .219
High 47.0% 50.2%
Cognitive activity
Middle 3.2% 3.2% 0.204 .903
Highest 31.5% 29.6%
Social activity
Low 40.6% 48.6% 5.120 .163
Fish consumption
0.25–2 p p/wk 44.2% 49.4% 4.166 .244
2–4 p p/wk 12.0% 7.5%
.4 p p/wk 6.4% 8.3%
Alcohol consumption
Light to moderate 71.5% 73.2% 0.181 .913
Current smoker 24.3% 24.9% 2.204 .332
Past smoker 26.3% 31.6%
Pesticide 10.5% 9.2% 0.246 .620
Note. Figures are based on the original ANU-ADRI. Bold text indicates significance.
S. Kim et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 2 (2016) 93-98 95
Author's Personal Copy
variables. Fig. 1 demonstrated that those who completed the
ANU-ADRI-TB tended to have higher rates of misclassifica-
tions than those who completed the ANU-ADRI-SF.
Proportions of misclassification on risk and protective
factors were examined (Table 3). The false-positive misclas-
sification represented cases where a risk or protective factor
for AD was identified as present when it was not. The false-
negative misclassification represented cases where a risk or
protective factor for AD was identified as absent when it was
not. The factor with the highest false-positive misclassifica-
tion rate was cognitive activity (66.1%), whereas fish con-
sumption (13.9%) and physical activity (13.1%) had the
highest false-negative misclassification rates for the ANU-
ADRI-SF. For the ANU-ADRI-TB, cognitive activity
(68.4%) followed by fish consumption (11.9%) and alcohol
consumption (11.5%) had the highest false-positive misclas-
sification rates, whereas social activity level (34.4%) and
physical activity level (28.1%) had the highest false-
negative misclassification rates. Overall, more risk and
protective factors were misclassified with ANU-ADRI-TB
than ANU-ADRI-SF. Both short versions overclassified
protective cognitive activity and underclassified social and
physical activity.
4. Discussion
The present study developed and evaluated two short ver-
sions of the ANU-ADRI as possible alternatives to the orig-
inal ANU-ADRI to be used in timely restricted settings. The
short form of the ANU-ADRI demonstrated moderate to
good reliability as the ANU-ADRI scores between short
and long versions were similar. This suggests that when
there are time constraints, the ANU-ADRI-SF may replace
the original ANU-ADRI.
The ANU-ADRI-TB on the other hand had lower reli-
ability and higher occurrence of misclassification of risk
and protective factors than the ANU-ADRI-SF. Risk and
protective factors that were simplified into single items or
used shorter versions of existing questionnaires were likely
to lead to misclassification. This suggests that factors that
require comprehensive measures cannot be replaced by a
single question. This appears to be especially true for factors
that require a wide range of actions and/or activities (e.g.,
cognitive engagement) as well as frequencies and/or quan-
tity (e.g., frequency and duration of weekly physical activ-
ity). Another possible explanation for low reliability could
be the ceiling effect and that the original version had a wider
range of options. For example, most adults may be engaging
in at least one of the activities listed for cognitive activities
every day or nearly every day. It is not surprising to find
high misclassifications. Caution should therefore be exer-
cised when using the short versions of the ANU-ADRI and
other dementia risk assessment scales that do not have
adequate measures of risk factors.
Translation of epidemiological research on risk factors
for dementia requires the development of widely accessible
assessment tools. The unique contribution of this study is to
develop and evaluate a brief, practical AD risk assessment
tool that can be used by clinicians or self-administered.
The strength of the study was that we tested short versions
of assessment tools against an established, valid tool that
had been applied in practical settings. In addition, the scores
were drawn from scientific evidence. However, there are
some limitations to the study. The validation of the scales
has not been examined as this would require following par-
ticipants from when they did not have AD to when they
develop AD in large populations over long periods of
time to determine how well they perform in predicting
AD decades later. The present study demonstrates the reli-
ability of short versions of the ANU-ADRI when compared
to the longer version. Lack of similar short versions of
assessment tools also made it impossible for us to evaluate
validity of the scales. Future research should investigate the
validity of the short versions with large population-based
samples. We also did not assess participants’ cognitive
functioning at the time of the assessment as this was not
the aim of the present study. However, this should be
considered in a future study to ensure that participants
who are involved do not have any cognitive dysfunction
at the time of assessment.
Short form Tick box form
Fig. 1. Number of risk and protective factors misclassification.
Table 2
Inter-class correlation (ICC) coefficients between short forms and long form
Short form Tick box form
ICC (95% confidence
ICC (95% confidence
Cholesterol 0.926 (0.905–0.942) 0.979 (0.973–0.983)
Diabetes 0.909 (0.882–0.930) 1
TBI 0.776 (0.568–0.878) 0.702 (0.509–0.819)
Depression 0.890 (0.858–0.914) 0.789 (0.725–0.838)
Physical activity 0.796 (0.737–0.841) 0.444 (0.197–0.605)
Cognitive activity 0.031 (20.084 to 0.147) 0.024 (20.065 to 0.118)
Social activity 0.937 (0.919–0.951) 0.822 (0.684–0.889)
Fish consumption 0.772 (0.631–0.849) 0.751 (0.667–0.812)
0.990 (0.987–0.992) 0.640 (0.536–0.721)
Smoking 0.992 (0.990–0.994) 0.996 (0.995–0.997)
Pesticide 0.977 (0.971–0.982) 0.826 (0.774–0.865)
Bold text indicates significance.
S. Kim et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 2 (2016) 93-9896
Author's Personal Copy
Overall, the present study showed that the shorter ver-
sions of the ANU-ADRI, especially the ANU-ADRI-SF
have limitations but are of practical use. Short versions
were least accurate in assessing lifestyle activities because
these involve more complex assessment algorithms (phys-
ical, cognitive, and social activity). However, the short
form is acceptable for assessing medical and demographic
risk factors. Therefore, the use of the short versions should
only be recommended as a second choice, when individuals
have limited time and need a quick indication of an AD risk
level or where lifestyle activity is not the focus of the assess-
ment. The original ANU-ADRI cannot be fully replaced by
the short versions and when using the short form, less reli-
able questions from the ANU-ADRI-SF should be replaced
with more reliable questions from the original ANU-ADRI
for those risk and protective factors with low reliability
and high misclassification. We recommend using the tick
box version of the ANU-ADRI only where there is no possi-
bility of using the short form. One future possible use of the
tick box form may be administration using a stepped
approach, with participants being asked to complete longer
questions according to the tick box version results.
The research was funded by the Dementia Collaborative
Research Centres (DCRC) Knowledge Translation Small
Grant. K.J.A. is funded by National Health and Medical
Research Council fellowship 1102694, and N.C. is funded
by an ARC future fellowship 120100227. The funders had
no role in this research. S.K. had full access to all the data
in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the
data and accuracy of the data analysis.
Supplementary data
Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
1. Systematic review: We conducted a systematic re-
view of the literature to identify a brief, evidence
based, validated, risk assessment tool for Alz-
heimer’s disease. No other tool that assesses level
of risk for Alzheimer’s or dementia has been devel-
oped that is convenient and based on self-report.
2. Interpretation: Our study results show that short form
of the ANU-ADRI may be considered where the
longer original version is not practical or when there
are time constraints. However, the original ANU-
ADRI remains the preferred choice. The tick box
form of the ANU-ADRI is not recommended for use
unless there is no other option. ANU-ADRI-TB is too
brief and insufficient for measuring the complexity
of cognitive, physical, and social activities.
3. Future directions: Further research is required to
examine the usability of the ANU-ADRI-SF in
various settings and feedback on effectiveness of the
scale should be collected for future improvement.
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Table 3
Percentage of misclassification
Risk/Protective factors
Short form Tick box form
Base rate
False positive*False negative
False positive*False negative
Cholesterol 2.8% 2% 1.2% 0.4% 23.4%
Diabetes 3.6% 0% 0% 0% 9.1%
TBI 4.0% 0% 4.3% 0.8% 6.3%
Depression 3.2% 6.0% 3.2% 11.9% 36.1%
Physical activity 4.4% 13.1% 2.0% 28.1% 81.1%
Cognitive activity 66.1% 0% 68.4% 0.4% 29.6%
Social activity 7.6% 8.8% 2.0% 34.4% 44.6%
Fish consumption 0.4% 13.9% 11.9% 1.6% 17.1%
Alcohol consumption 0.4% 0.8% 11.5% 2.4% 71.2%
Smoking 1.2% 0.4% 0.4% 0.8% 53.6%
Pesticide 0% 0.8% 0% 4.0% 9.7%
*Misclassification as having risk/protective factors when they do not.
Misclassification as not having risk/protective factors when they do.
Based on the original ANU-ADRI.
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Author's Personal Copy

Supplementary resource (1)

... Additionally, a shorter version, the ANU-ADRI-Short Form, was designed specifically for use in time-limited settings. This abbreviated version has been shown to be a reliable screening tool and has been translated and validated into Portuguese (Borges et al., 2018;Kim et al., 2016). ...
... All were statistically significant (p < 0.001) except for cognitive activity, where the coefficients were small and not significant (ICC = 0.031, p = 0.285). Cronbach's alpha value is 0.879, indicating a high level of internal consistency (Kim et al., 2016). ...
Introduction: There is still a requirement for concise, practical scales that can be readily incorporated into everyday schedules and predict the likelihood of dementia onset in individuals without dementia. This study aimed to assess the reliability of the ANU-ADRI (Australian National University Alzheimer's Disease Risk Index)-Short Form in Turkish geriatric patients. Methods: This methodological study involved 339 elderly patients attending the geriatric outpatient clinic for various reasons. The known-group validity and divergent validity were assessed. The ANU-ADRI was administered during the baseline test and again within one week for retest purposes. Alongside the ANU-ADRI, all participants underwent a comprehensive geriatric assessment, including Activities of Daily Living (ADL), mobility assessment (Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA) and Timed Up and Go Test), nutritional assessment (Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA)), and global cognition evaluation (Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)). Results: The scale demonstrated satisfactory linguistic validity. A correlation was observed between the mean scores of the ANU-ADRI test and retest (r = 0.997, p < 0.001). Additionally, there existed a moderate negative linear association between the ANU-ADRI and MMSE scores (r = −0.310, p < 0.001), POMA (r = −0.406, p < 0.001), Basic ADL (r = −0.359, p < 0.001), and Instrumental ADL (r = −0.294, p < 0.001). Moreover, a moderate positive linear association was found between the ANU-ADRI and the Timed Up and Go Test duration (r = 0.538, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The ANU-ADRI-Short Form was proved as a valuable tool for clinical practice, facilitating the assessment of Alzheimer's disease risk within the Turkish geriatric population.
... item about current or historic use tobacco or nicotine products, aligning with the item within the Australian National University -Alzheimer's Disease Risk Index -Short form. 24 All of the instruments used were available in Bahasa Indonesia and were translated and crossculturally adapted. 25,26 Procedure ...
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Background & Objective: Indonesia’s ageing population and increasing number of people living with dementia poses significant challenge to the health system. Better understanding of factors related to dementia prevalence is needed to mitigate risk, improve care, and ultimately reduce the incidence of dementia. In this study, we aimed to describe associations between potential risk factors and dementia in Indonesia. Methods: A cross-sectional study, part of the Strengthening Responses to Dementia in Developing Countries (STRiDE) project, was conducted in two provinces in Indonesia, Jakarta and North Sumatra between September and December 2021. A total of 2,110 older adults and their informants completed questionnaires covering cognitive and functional status, socioeconomic, medical and lifestyle factors. Models for each potential modifiable risk factor were created and then adjusted by age, sex and literacy. Prevalence ratios (PRs) were calculated for each risk factor. Results: In the adjusted models, lower education, lower occupational attainment, unmanaged diabetes, stroke, head trauma within the past 5 years, hearing loss, and chronic obstructive airway disease were all associated with higher prevalence of dementia in Indonesia. Current smoking, historic depression and high blood pressure were associated with higher dementia prevalence, but not statistically significant. Conclusion: Improving socioeconomic status (i.e., education and employment) and reducing health- related risk factors may be viable solutions to reduce the high prevalence rates of dementia in Indonesia. Further longitudinal research is needed to confirm direction of effect and causality.
... Risk (positive risk) factors assessed in this survey are diabetes diagnosis, depression status, obesity, history of traumatic brain injury, history of smoking, high cholesterol, high alcohol consumption (3 or more drinks per day), exposure to pesticides, as well as known demographic risk factors such as sex, age, and level of education [10]. The ANU-ADRI is a valid [23] and reliable [26] measure of Alzheimer's risk. ...
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Several modifiable lifestyle factors have been linked to cognitive ability and the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD). Health coaching (HC) is an intervention that addresses lifestyle factors associated with cognition. The effectiveness of an HC protocol was evaluated and compared with a health education (HE) intervention, representing the current standard of care, in a sample of 216 adults between the ages of 45 and 75 years who were at-risk for developing ADRD. Outcomes examined were global cognition, neuropsychological cognition, and Alzheimer’s risk. HC participants received personalized coaching from a health coach focusing on nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress, social engagement, and cognitive activity. HE participants received biweekly education materials focusing on the same modifiable lifestyle factors addressed by HC. Participants were assessed at baseline and again 4 months later. Self-reported global cognition scores improved only in the HC group (16.18 to 15.52, p = .03) and neuropsychological cognitive ability improved in the HE group (104.48 to 108.76, p < .001). When non-adherence in the HC group was accounted for, however, the mean change in neuropsychological score was similar between groups ( p > .05), self-reported global cognition demonstrated an even larger mean improvement in the HC group (16.20 to 15.41, p = .01), and the HC group saw an improvement in ADRD protective risk score (− 10.39 to − 11.45, p = .007). These results indicate that HC and HE can both improve cognition, but HC may be more effective and may yield increased protection against ADRD risk.
... The ANU-ADRI may be applied when data are not available on all items in the score or when data on some risk factors is missing [e.g., (20)]. It has been translated into Portuguese (69) and after consultation with end users, a short form version of the ANU-ADRI was been created with single or shortened questions for risk factor assessment (70) and this was validated against the full length version. ...
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Dementia prevention is a global health priority. In 2019, the World Health Organisation published its first evidence-based guidelines on dementia risk reduction. We are now at the stage where we need effective tools and resources to assess dementia risk and implement these guidelines into policy and practice. In this paper we review dementia risk scores as a means to facilitate this process. Specifically, we (a) discuss the rationale for dementia risk assessment, (b) outline some conceptual and methodological issues to consider when reviewing risk scores, (c) evaluate some dementia risk scores that are currently in use, and (d) provide some comments about future directions. A dementia risk score is a weighted composite of risk factors that reflects the likelihood of an individual developing dementia. In general, dementia risks scores have a wide range of implementations and benefits including providing early identification of individuals at high risk, improving risk perception for patients and physicians, and helping health professionals recommend targeted interventions to improve lifestyle habits to decrease dementia risk. A number of risk scores for dementia have been published, and some are widely used in research and clinical trials e.g., CAIDE, ANU-ADRI, and LIBRA. However, there are some methodological concerns and limitations associated with the use of these risk scores and more research is needed to increase their effectiveness and applicability. Overall, we conclude that, while further refinement of risk scores is underway, there is adequate evidence to use these assessments to implement guidelines on dementia risk reduction.
... The web-based questionnaire included the primary outcome measure, the ANU-ADRI-SF [30]. The ANU-ADRI-SF is a shortened version of the ANU-ADRI [31]. ...
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Background There is a need to develop interventions to reduce the risk of dementia in the community by addressing lifestyle factors and chronic diseases over the adult life course. Objective This study aims to evaluate a multidomain dementia risk reduction intervention, Body Brain Life in General Practice (BBL-GP), targeting at-risk adults in primary care. MethodsA pragmatic, parallel, three-arm randomized trial involving 125 adults aged 18 years or older (86/125, 68.8% female) with a BMI of ≥25 kg/m2 or a chronic health condition recruited from general practices was conducted. The arms included (1) BBL-GP, a web-based intervention augmented with an in-person diet and physical activity consultation; (2) a single clinician–led group, Lifestyle Modification Program (LMP); and (3) a web-based control. The primary outcome was the Australian National University Alzheimer Disease Risk Index Short Form (ANU-ADRI-SF). ResultsBaseline assessments were conducted on 128 participants. A total of 125 participants were randomized to 3 groups (BBL-GP=42, LMP=41, and control=42). At immediate, week 18, week 36, and week 62 follow-ups, the completion rates were 43% (18/42), 57% (24/42), 48% (20/42), and 48% (20/42), respectively, for the BBL-GP group; 71% (29/41), 68% (28/41), 68% (28/41), and 51% (21/41), respectively, for the LMP group; and 62% (26/42), 69% (29/42), 60% (25/42), and 60% (25/42), respectively, for the control group. The primary outcome of the ANU-ADRI-SF score was lower for the BBL-GP group than the control group at all follow-ups. These comparisons were all significant at the 5% level for estimates adjusted for baseline differences (immediate: difference in means −3.86, 95% CI −6.81 to −0.90, P=.01; week 18: difference in means −4.05, 95% CI −6.81 to −1.28, P
... The web-based questionnaire included the primary outcome measure, the ANU-ADRI-SF [30]. The ANU-ADRI-SF is a shortened version of the ANU-ADRI [31]. ...
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BACKGROUND There is a need to develop interventions to reduce risk of dementia in the community by addressing lifestyle factors and chronic disease over the adult life-course. OBJECTIVE We evaluated a multi-domain dementia risk-reduction intervention Body Brain Life in General Practice (BBL-GP) targeting at-risk adults in primary care. METHODS A pragmatic, parallel, three-arm randomized trial involving 125 adults aged 18+, (69% female) with body mass index ≥25kg/m2 or a chronic health condition recruited from general practices was conducted. The arms included BBL-GP, an internet-based intervention augmented with in-person diet and physical activity consultation; a single clinician-led, group Lifestyle Modification Programme (LMP); and an internet-based control. Primary outcome was the ANU-Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Index Short-Form (ANU-ADRI-SF). RESULTS Baseline assessments were conducted on 128 participants. 125 participants were randomized to groups (BBL-GP = 42, LMP = 41, control = 42). At immediate, week 18, week 36 and week 62 follows, completion rates were 43%, 57%, 48% and 48% for the BBL-GP group, 71%, 68%, 68% and 51% for the LMP group and 62%, 69%, 60% and 60% for the control group. The primary outcome of ANU-ADRI-SF score was lower for BBL-GP relative to the control group at all follow-ups. These comparisons were all significant at the 5% level for estimates adjusted for baseline differences (immediate: difference in means -3.86, (95%CI:-6.81,-0.90), P = .010; Week 18:difference in means -4.05, (95%CI:-6.81,-1.28), P < .001; Week 36:difference in means -4.99, (95%CI:-8.04,-1.94), P < .001; Week 62:difference in means -4.62, (95%C: -7.62,-1.62), P < .001). CONCLUSIONS An internet-based multi-domain dementia risk reduction program augmented with allied health consultations administered within the general practice context can reduce dementia risk exposure for at least 15 months. CLINICALTRIAL ACTRN12616000868482
... The study plans to recruit a total of 240 Australian adults with chronic health conditions (e.g., heart disease) or that are overweight/obese. The primary outcome measure will be Alzheimer's Disease risk factor, calculated using the shortened version of the Australian National University -Alzheimer's Disease Risk Index (ANU-ADRI) battery [50]. This trial will also look at a number of health-related outcomes, as well as depressive symptoms, diet/sleep quality, and cost-effectiveness. ...
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Background: Currently, there is no pharmaceutical intervention to treat or delay pathological cognitive decline or Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD). Multidomain lifestyle interventions are increasingly being studied as a non-pharmacological solution to enhance cognitive reserve, maintain cognition, and reduce the risk of or delay ADRD. Review of completed and prospective face-to-face (FTF) and digital multidomain interventions provides an opportunity to compare studies and informs future interventions and study design. Methods: Electronic databases (PubMed, PsycINFO, and NIH RePORTER) were searched for multidomain lifestyle programs. Studies were included if the program (1) included a control group, (2) included at least 3 interventions, (3) were at least 6 months in duration, and (4) included measurement of cognitive performance as an outcome. Results: In total, 17 multidomain lifestyle programs aimed at enhancing cognitive reserve and reducing risk of ADRD were found. Thirteen programs are FTF in intervention delivery, with 3 FTF programs replicating the FINGER protocol as part of the World Wide Fingers Consortium. Four programs are delivered digitally (website, Web application, or mobile app). Program characteristics (e.g., target population, duration, frequency, outcomes, and availability) and results of completed and prospective studies are reviewed and discussed. Conclusion: This review updates and discusses completed and current multidomain lifestyle interventions aimed at enhancing cognitive reserve and reducing risk of ADRD. A growing number of international studies are investigating the efficacy and utility of these programs in both FTF and digital contexts. While a diversity of study designs and interventions exist, FTF and digital programs that build upon the foundational work of the FINGER protocol have significant potential to enhance cognitive reserve and reduce risk of ADRD.
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Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) impose a substantial burden on quality of life among older adults, with healthcare costs totaling approximately $345 billion in 2023. Research suggests lifestyle-based interventions, such as health coaching (HC), are promising intervention strategies for reducing modifiable ADRD risk factors. In-person HC has demonstrated varying degrees of efficacy through behavioral modification strategies including personalized goal setting, education, and guidance. However, the effectiveness of a virtual HC program for reducing ADRD risk and modifying cognition among at-risk adults remains unexplored. The purpose of the Digital Cognitive Multidomain Alzheimer’s Risk Velocity (DC-MARVEL) randomized controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of a two-year virtual HC intervention and an enhanced virtual health education (HE) intervention among adults at-risk for ADRD. There were no significant differences between the HC intervention and HE in overall ADRD risk over time; however, a sub analysis of older adults (65+) revealed significant improvement in risk scores among HC participants. Both groups improved in several cognitive domains. Results of this study support the advantages of lifestyle-based interventions in mitigating ADRD risk. It also demonstrates the efficacy of both virtual HC and structured HE protocols to stabilize ADRD risk and promote improvements in cognition among at-risk adults.
Background The ‘Australian National University Alzheimer's Disease Risk Index’ (ANU‐ADRI) assesses the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) and is a potential tool for its prevention. Objectives The aim of this study is to adapt the ANU‐ADRI‐SF (the short version of ANU‐ADRI) into the Turkish language and Turkish cultural context. Methods The study was methodological and involved the translation and intercultural adaptation of the ANU‐ADRI‐SF into the Turkish language. The study included 384 community‐based participants from a province in the Western Black Sea Region of Türkiye. Data was collected via an online form prepared using Google Forms. Results The index was translated from its original language, English, into Turkish and then retranslated to English by bilingual translators. It was then reviewed and evaluated for possible issues related to translation and degrees of equivalence. When TR‐ANU‐ADRI‐SF levels were compared according to sex, the mean risk scores were found to be 11.25 ± 7.02 for males and 11.69 ± 7.99 for females. After cross‐cultural adaptation, the TR‐ANU‐ADRI‐SF was conceptually intelligible to Turkish adults. Conclusions The TR‐ANU‐ADRI‐SF is a valid and reliable AD risk assessment tool. Implications for practice Given the increase in AD and its impact on people's health, there is a great need for strategies to be implemented by health professionals to improve the lifestyle of the adult population. For use in conjunction with these strategies, a localised AD risk assessment tool that can be applied by clinicians or by individual patients has been adapted and introduced to the Turkish literature.
The Maintain Your Brain trial (MYB) is one of the largest internet-delivered multidomain RCT designed to target modifiable risk factors for dementia. It comprises four intervention modules: physical activity, nutrition, mental health, and cognitive training. This paper explains the MYB Nutrition Module, which is a fully online intervention promoting the adoption of the ‘traditional’ Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) pattern for those participants reporting dietary intake that does not indicate adherence to a Mediterranean-type cuisine or those who have chronic diseases/risk factors for dementia known to benefit from this type of diet. Participants who were eligible for the Nutrition Module were assigned to one of the three diet streams: Main, Malnutrition, and Alcohol group, according to their medical history and adherence to the MedDiet at baseline. A short dietary questionnaire was administered weekly during the first 10 weeks and then monthly during the 3-year follow-up to monitor whether participants adopted or maintained the MedDiet pattern during the intervention. As the Nutrition Module is a fully online intervention, resources that promoted self-efficacy, self-management, and process of change were important elements to be included in the module development. The Nutrition Module is unique in that it is able to individualize the dietary advice according to both the medical and dietary history of each participant; the results from this unique intervention will contribute substantively to the evidence that links the Mediterranean-type diet with cognitive function and the prevention of dementia and will increase our understanding of the benefits of a MedDiet in a Western country.
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Objective To examine the efficacy of body brain life (BBL), a 12-week online dementia risk reduction intervention. Methods BBL was evaluated in a randomized controlled trial in 176 middle-aged adults with >2 risk factors and <2 protective factors for Alzheimer's disease (AD) assessed on a brief screening instrument. Participants were randomized to BBL, BBL plus face-to-face group sessions (BBL + FF) or active control (control). Score on the Australian National University-Alzheimer's disease risk index (ANU-ADRI), a validated index of AD risk, was the primary outcome measure assessed at baseline, 12, and 26 weeks. Results A group by time interaction at 26 weeks showed a significant reduction in ANU-ADRI score for BBL compared with control. Planned contrasts showed the BBL and BBL + FF groups had improvement in ANU-ADRI scores at 12 weeks (BBL + FF: z = −0.25; P = .021; BBL: z = −0.25; P = .008) and 26 weeks (BBL + FF: z = −0.48; P < .001; BBL: z = −0.28; P = .004) due to increase in protective factors. Conclusions This short intervention resulted in dementia risk reduction. Online dementia risk reduction interventions show promise for reducing the overall dementia risk in middle-aged adults with multiple risk factors. Clinical Trial Registration: The study is registered under Trial Registration: Reg. # ACTRN12612000147886.
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The Australian National University AD Risk Index (ANU-ADRI, is a self-report risk index developed using an evidence-based medicine approach to measure risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We aimed to evaluate the extent to which the ANU-ADRI can predict the risk of AD in older adults and to compare the ANU-ADRI to the dementia risk index developed from the Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia (CAIDE) study for middle-aged cohorts. This study included three validation cohorts, i.e., the Rush Memory and Aging Study (MAP) (n = 903, age ≥53 years), the Kungsholmen Project (KP) (n = 905, age ≥75 years), and the Cardiovascular Health Cognition Study (CVHS) (n = 2496, age ≥65 years) that were each followed for dementia. Baseline data were collected on exposure to the 15 risk factors included in the ANU-ADRI of which MAP had 10, KP had 8 and CVHS had 9. Risk scores and C-statistics were computed for individual participants for the ANU-ADRI and the CAIDE index. For the ANU-ADRI using available data, the MAP study c-statistic was 0·637 (95% CI 0·596-0·678), for the KP study it was 0·740 (0·712-0·768) and for the CVHS it was 0·733 (0·691-0·776) for predicting AD. When a common set of risk and protective factors were used c-statistics were 0.689 (95% CI 0.650-0.727), 0.666 (0.628-0.704) and 0.734 (0.707-0.761) for MAP, KP and CVHS respectively. Results for CAIDE ranged from c-statistics of 0.488 (0.427-0.554) to 0.595 (0.565-0.625). A composite risk score derived from the ANU-ADRI weights including 8-10 risk or protective factors is a valid, self-report tool to identify those at risk of AD and dementia. The accuracy can be further improved in studies including more risk factors and younger cohorts with long-term follow-up.
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Background Disappointing results from clinical trials of disease-modifying interventions for Alzheimer’s dementia (AD), along with reliable identification of modifiable risk factors in mid life from epidemiological studies, have contributed to calls to invest in risk-reduction interventions. It is also well known that AD-related pathological processes begin more than a decade before the development of clinical signs. These observations suggest that lifestyle interventions might be most effective when targeting non-symptomatic adults at risk of AD. To date, however, the few dementia risk-reduction programs available have targeted individual risk factors and/or were restricted to clinical settings. The current study describes the development of an evidence-based, theoretically-driven multidomain intervention to reduce AD risk in adults at risk. Method The design of Body Brain Life (BBL) is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate a 12-week online AD risk-reduction intervention. Eligible participants with several modifiable risk factors on the Australian National University (ANU) AD Risk Index (ANU-ADRI) are randomly allocated to an online only group, an online and face-to-face group, or an active control group. We aim to recruit 180 participants, to undergo a comprehensive cognitive and physical assessment at baseline, post-intervention, and 6-month follow-up assessment. The intervention comprises seven online modules (dementia literacy, risk factor education, engagement in physical, social, and cognitive lifestyles, nutrition, and health monitoring) designed using contemporary models of health behavior change. Discussion The BBL program is a novel online intervention to reduce the risk of AD in middle-aged adults at risk. The trial is currently under way. It is hypothesized that participants in the intervention arms will make lifestyle changes in several domains, and that this will lead to a reduction in their AD risk profile. We also expect to show that health behavior change is underpinned by changes in psychological determinants of behavior. If successful, the findings will contribute to the development of further dementia risk reduction interventions, and thus contribute to the urgent need to lower dementia risk factors in the population to alter future projections of disease prevalence. Longer follow-up of BBL participants and replications using large samples are required to examine whether reduction in AD risk factors will be associated with reduced prevalence. Trial registration Reg. no. ACTRN12612000147886
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects approximately 35 million people worldwide. Increasing evidence suggests that many risk factors for AD are modifiable. AD pathology develops over decades. Hence risk reduction interventions require very long follow-ups to show effects on AD incidence. Focussing on AD risk, instead of diagnosis, provides a more realistic target for prevention strategies. We developed a novel methodology that yields a global approach to risk assessment for AD for use in population-based settings and interventions. The methodology was used to develop a risk assessment tool that can be updated as more evidence becomes available. First, a systematic search strategy identified risk and protective factors for AD. Eleven risk factors and four protective factors for AD were identified for which odds ratios were published or could be calculated (age, sex, education, body mass index, diabetes, depression, serum cholesterol, traumatic brain injury, smoking, alcohol intake, social engagement, physical activity, cognitive activity, fish intake, and pesticide exposure). An algorithm was developed to combine the odds ratios into an AD risk score. The approach allows for interactions among risk factors which provides for their varying impact over the life-course as current evidence suggests midlife is a critical period for some risk factors. Finally, a questionnaire was developed to assess the risk and protective factors by self-report. Compared with developing risk indices on single cohort studies, this approach allows for more risk factors to be included, greater generalizeability of results, and incorporation of interactions based on findings from different stages of the lifecourse. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11121-012-0313-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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The objective of this paper is to summarize current knowledge on the possible advantages of lifestyle interventions, with particular attention to physical fitness, cognitive activity, leisure and social activity as well as nutrition. There is a large amount of published papers providing partial evidence and asserting the need for immediate, appropriate preventive lifestyle measures against dementia and AD development. Nevertheless, there are currently great difficulties in drafting effective guidelines in this field. This depends mainly upon lack of randomized controlled trials assessing benefits versus risks of particular lifestyle interventions strategies. However, due to the rapid increase of dementia burden, lifestyle factors and their amelioration should be already made part of decision making in light of their health-maintaining effects while awaiting for results of well-designed large prospective cohort studies in dementia.
Dementia, a major cause of disability and institutionalization in older people, poses a serious threat to public health and to the social and economic development of modern society. Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cerebrovascular diseases are the main causes of dementia; most dementia cases are attributable to both vascular and neurodegenerative brain damage. No curative treatment is available, but epidemiological research provides a substantial amount of evidence of modifiable risk and protective factors that can be addressed to prevent or delay onset of AD and dementia. Risk of late-life dementia is determined by exposures to multiple factors experienced over the life course, and the effect of specific risk/protective factors depends largely on age. Moreover, cumulative and combined exposure to different risk/protective factors can modify their effect on dementia/AD risk. Multidisciplinary research involving epidemiology, neuropathology, and neuroimaging has provided sufficient evidence that vascular risk factors significantly contribute to the expression and progression of cognitive decline (including dementia) but that active engagement in social, physical, and mentally stimulating activities may delay the onset of dementia. However, these findings need to be confirmed by randomized controlled trials (RCTs). A promising strategy for preventing dementia is to implement intervention programs that take into account both the life-course model and the multifactorial nature of this syndrome. In Europe, there are three ongoing multidomain interventional RCTs that focus on the optimal management of vascular risk factors and vascular diseases. The RCTs include medical and lifestyle interventions and promote social, mental, and physical activities aimed at increasing the cognitive reserve. These studies will provide new insights into prevention of cognitive impairment and dementia. Such knowledge can help researchers plan larger, international prevention trials that could provide robust evidence on dementia/AD prevention. Taking a step in this direction, researchers involved in these European RCTs recently started the European Dementia Prevention Initiative, an international collaboration aiming to improve strategies for preventing dementia.
To understand how older adults perceive their risk of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and how this may shape their medical care decisions, we examined whether presence of established risk factors of AD is associated with individuals' perceived risk of AD, and with preference for preventing AD. Participants: Data came from the US Health and Retirement Study participants who were asked questions on AD risk perception (N = 778). Measurements: Perceived risk of AD was measured by respondents' estimate of their percent chance (0-100) developing AD in the next 10 years. Preference for AD prevention was measured with questions eliciting willingness to pay for a drug to prevent AD. Analysis: Multivariate linear regressions were used to estimate correlates of perceived risk and preference for prevention. Better cognitive functioning and physical activity are associated with decreased perceived risk. Neither age nor cardiovascular disease is associated with perceived risk. African Americans have lower perceived risk than non-Latino whites; the difference is wider among people age 65 and above. Only 4% to 7% of the variation in perceived risk was explained by the model. Preference for prevention is stronger with increased perceived risk, but not with the presence of risk factors. Persons with better cognitive functioning, physical functioning, or wealth status have a stronger preference for prevention. Some known risk factors appear to inform, but only modestly, individuals' perceived risk of AD. Furthermore, decisions about AD prevention may not be determined by objective needs alone, suggesting a potential discrepancy between need and demand for AD preventive care.