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Identification of Red Dyes in Textiles from the Andean Region


Abstract and Figures

The identification of dyes and pigments is nowadays very precise by means of different systems of chromatographic analysis. Nevertheless, as the same dye component can be found in different plants and animals, it is important when studying dyes in textiles to consider the geographical and cultural context of both the textile and the possible dyestuffs used historically in the area. In the case of South American textiles, the major source of bibliographical information about the subject can be found in the Spanish Chronicles from the Americas, produced during the XVI–XVII centuries. Although European textile technology was introduced in the New World soon after the arrival of the Spaniards, it can be easily accepted that the descriptions about indigenous dyeing procedures gathered in the chronicles generally refer to genuinely autochthonous practices. When the botanists of the Spanish scientific expeditions to South America in the XVIII century, later reported about the plants used by local dyers of Peru and Colombia, those happened to be the same as the ones mentioned in the previous centuries. Furthermore, ethno-botanical data gathered by Francis MacBride in his Flora of Peru, during the first half of the twentieth century, again coincide with preceding information. Finally, ethnographic field research conducted by the author between 1986-1992 with dyers of Indian Communities of Ecuador and Peru for the study and register of dyeing techniques and common names of the plants, gave similar results.
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Identi4cation of Red Dyes in Textiles from the Andean Region Identi4cation of Red Dyes in Textiles from the Andean Region
Ana Roquero
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Roquero, Ana, "Identi4cation of Red Dyes in Textiles from the Andean Region" (2008).
Textile Society of
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Identification of Red Dyes in Textiles from the Andean Region
Ana Roquero
The identification of dyes and pigments is nowadays very precise by means of different
systems of chromatographic analysis. Nevertheless, as the same dye component can be found
in different plants and animals, it is important when studying dyes in textiles to consider the
geographical and cultural context of both the textile and the possible dyestuffs used
historically in the area.
In the case of South American textiles, the major source of bibliographical information about
the subject can be found in the Spanish Chronicles from the Americas, produced during the
XVI–XVII centuries. Although European textile technology was introduced in the New
World soon after the arrival of the Spaniards, it can be easily accepted that the descriptions
about indigenous dyeing procedures gathered in the chronicles generally refer to genuinely
autochthonous practices. When the botanists of the Spanish scientific expeditions to South
America in the XVIII century, later reported about the plants used by local dyers of Peru and
Colombia, those happened to be the same as the ones mentioned in the previous centuries.
Furthermore, ethno-botanical data gathered by Francis MacBride in his Flora of Peru1,
during the first half of the twentieth century, again coincide with preceding information.
Finally, ethnographic field research conducted by the author between 1986-1992 with dyers
of Indian Communities of Ecuador and Peru for the study and register of dyeing techniques
and common names of the plants, gave similar results2
Red Dyes from the Andean Region
He wore his “llauto” red, and the feather of his parasol and his shirt red… and the
underwear was red, and his cape light red… (Guamán Poma de Ayala)
When the chronicler Guamán Poma de Ayala described in 1613 the clothing of nobleman
Cinchi Roga Inga3 he seemed to be remarking on the particular significance of red colour in
Inca society. In fact, red colour, in various shades, is profusely found in archaeological and
ancient textiles from South America.
Most of the crimson, scarlet and purple hues that we can observe in old Andean textiles came
from one single source: cochineal (Datylopius spp.). These parasitic insects grow wild or
domesticated, on several species of Opuntia cactus. The insect was named macnu or magno
in the Quechua language. Such was the importance of this commodity that Inca ruler’s
regulations considered its storage in the royal warehouse as a first necessity, comparable to
Dactylopius coccus Costa, Common Quechua name: macnu
1 MacBride, J. Francis (1946 – 1960)
2 Roquero, Ana: Tintes y Tintoreros de America - Catálogo de materias primas y registro etnográfico de
México, Centro América, Andes Centrales y Selva Amazónica, Instituto del patrimonio Histórico Español,
Ministerio de Cultura, Madrid 2006.
3 Guamán Poma de Ayala (1987:A82)
food: …we order that in the entire kingdom there must be food in abundance… and magno…
and other kinds of leaves to dye colours for cumbi…4.
Figure 1. Cochineal (Dactylopius coccus), Mexico. Photo: A. Roquero.
Up to 95% of the colouring components of cochineal dye correspond to carminic acid, of the
anthraquinone group. The average of the rest of its components, according to HPLC analysis
carried out by Wouters and Verhecken on extracts from dried insects is: 0.1% = kermesic
acid, 0.4% = flavokermesic acid, the rest belonging to four other colorants of unknown
structure. Nevertheless, analysis carried out on fibres dyed with cochineal previously
mordanted with alum, tin, iron and copper showed different proportions of the colouring
components due to the selective absorption of the colouring substances by the fibres5
An excellent example of the use of colour modifiers was found by the author among Salasaca
dyers from Tungurahua, in Ecuador. Women of the community wear a rectangular, hand-
woven, woollen garment over the shoulders. This garment receives in Spanish the name of
All these compounds are responsible for the characteristic crimson hue of the dye. But the
original crimson colour can be modified by combination with different metals or by changing
the pH of the dye bath. A bright scarlet can be obtained by adding tin salts or an acid product,
or a deep purple may be achieved by adding an alkaline product or an iron compound.
4 Guamán Poma de Ayala (1987:A184)
5 Cardon (2007:624)
vara y media in reference to the length of the cloth6. It was traditionally dyed with cochineal7
but each woman would choose a different shade of red.
Figure 2. Salasaca dyer showing red woollen cloths with modified cochineal red colours. Ecuador.
Photo: A. Roquero.
Salasaca dyers collect wild cochineal –probably Datylopius confussus which they crush to
form cakes that are left to dry for future use. When they have to dye, they collect tiri leaves
(Miconia sp.) which, as Francisco Hernández observed in 1571, prepare and improve the
little worms (cochineal) that dye scarlet8. The leaves of Miconia spp. contain aluminium and
tannins and serve therefore as an excellent mordant. First the leaves are boiled, then the
cochineal cakes are dissolved in the bath and finally three wetted woollen lengths of cloth are
introduced. Once the dye is finished, the cloths, which present a crimson colour, are taken out
and set apart while the dyer puts the juice of 30 lemons9
Other Red Dyes Found in Andean textiles
in the pot and mixes it carefully. One
piece of cloth is returned into the dye pot and left for a short while. When this piece is taken
out it shows a bright scarlet hue. A second piece of dyed cloth, still wet, is thoroughly rubbed
with wood ashes until it takes a purple colour. The third one is left in its original crimson hue,
a process that is not difficult to imagine done by Pre-Columbian dyers.
In spite of the evident superiority and versatility of cochineal, other sources of red and purple
dyes were reported by the chroniclers in South America. The following have been used since
Pre-Columbian times as has been made evident by analysis in Andean textiles.
6 Vara: old Spanish measure = 83’5 cm. The Salasaca garment measures one vara and a half = approximately
125 cm.
7 Actually, some women wear garments of colours different to red, dyed with synthetic products.
8 Hernández (1959:II,118)
9 Probably in pre Columbian times, when lemons had not yet been introduced in the Continent, they used Oxalis
spp. leaves to acidify the dye bath. The plant is mentioned by Guamán Poma de Ayala among those kept in the
Inca warehouse for dyeing purposes.
Relbunium hypocarpium (L.) Hemsl. ssp. hypocarpium [=Galium hypocarpium (L.)
Endlicher ex Griesbach], Common Quechua name: chamiri
A strong red, slightly orange, is produced by the roots of several herbs of the Relbunium and
Galium genus from the Rubiaceae family. These grow in tropical forests of the Continent at
medium and high altitudes, between 900 and 3000 m. The colorants they contain belong to
the anthraquinone group and therefore provide very fast colours. Bernabé Cobo, in 1653,
described chapi-chapi, as a small plant which produces short slender stems that lie on the
ground; with many little leaves… and indicates that the natives use them to dye the red
woollen cloth
Relbunium croceum ssp. involucratum (H.B.K.) Ehrendf. (= R. ciliatum Hemsl. = R.
corymbosum R.&P.), Common Quechua names: antaco, chapi-chapi, ccallo-huacta
Figure 3. “Relbuniumsp. Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Photo: A. Roquero.
Recent analysis of colorants on Relbunium species carried out by C. Duta Moresi11 indicate
as the most remarkable point the complete absence of alizarin in all the samples analyzed.
This characteristic makes the species distinct from other Rubiaceae. In the case of Relbunium
hypocarpium, the red dye is characterised by the predominance of purpurin, accompanied by
lucidin and/or xanthopurpurin, pseudopurpurin, munjistin, and an unknown anthraquinone12.
Arrabidaea chica (Humb. & Bonpl.) Verlot [= Bignonia chica H.&B.]
The sap from chica bark, stems, and leaves was popularly used in tropical America to paint
the face and body red. Archaeological evidence shows that it was also an important red dye
for textiles in the past. Arrabidaea chica is a climbing plant that grows in tropical forests of
the Continent, between sea level and 1500 m. and sometimes at higher levels, up to 2600 m in
Peru, near Cuzco
Common names: chica (Colombia), carajurú (Brazil), puca ponga (Peru)
10 Bernabé Cobo (1964:189)
11 Duta Moresi (1999)
12 Cardon (2007:263-64)
13 Cardon (2007:260)
Figure 4. “Arrabidaea chica.” Colombia. Photo: B. Devia.
Investigation and analysis by HPLC-PDA carried on by Devia14 et al. on textiles from the
tenth to the sixteenth centuries, belonging to Muisca, Guane and U’wa civilisations from
Colombia, revealed the recurrent presence of this red dye in textiles of the area. The main dye
constituent of Arrabidaea, carajurin, was established by Chapman et al. in 1927, for which
they proposed a 3-desoxyanthocyanidin structure. Recent research by Devia et al. has
confirmed the structure proposed by Chapman for carajurin, and have isolated and
determined the structure of two new 3-desoxyanthocyanidins from the leaves, all of which
produce fairly stable red dyes15
Other Red Dyes to Look for in Andean Textiles
Chronicles of Peru mention dyestuffs that can not be obtained in the highlands but might
have been used in cultural areas of the coast, or imported to the sierra from the eastern
Such is the case of brazilwood. Bernabé Cobo mentioned in 1653: The Indians from Cuzco
call yunca the lands that lie at the eastern part of the mountain chain… there grow infinite
trees of precious woods, such as brazil…
Haematoxylon brasiletto Karsten, Common name: Brazilwood
14 Devia (2002 and 2003)
15 Cardon (2007:261-62)
16 Cobo (1964:t. I, 67-69)
. The name of brazil is usually given to
Caesalpinia echinata and other Caesalpinia species as well as to Haematoxylon brasiletto,
but the wood of other trees belonging to different species, genus and even families, was
sometimes also named brazil just because it yielded a red dye. It is not possible, therefore, to
know exactly about which plant the chronicler is talking. Geographical distribution does not
indicate proximity of any of them to the main cultural centres in the Andean region although
Haematoxylon brasiletto can be found in South America in dry areas of Venezuela and
Colombia from sea level up to 1200 m, and its wood might have been object of trade. The
colorant obtained from brazilwood, brazilein, belongs to the group of homoisoflavonoids. It
is not remarkable for its fastness but imparts a bright red that can eventually be modified into
purple in an alkaline medium.
Figure 5.Haematoxylon brasiletto.Costa Rica. Photo: A. Roquero.
This small tree grows in tropical and sub tropical areas of the Continent. The pulp that covers
the seeds contains bixin, norbixin, and six other colorants of the carotenoid family, as well as
Bixa orellana L., Common Quechua name: huantura
17. The orange-red paste obtained from huantura seeds was used to paint face and
body, as well as for food flavouring. However, bibliographical information of its use as a dye
is very scarce. Only Bernabé Cobo, in 1653 makes an eloquent observation about its dyeing
properties: This colour is so firm, that even with soap and lye it is impossible to clean the
cloth dyed with it18. Cobo’s remark seems exaggerated, so perhaps he just refers to stained
cloth, not dyed on purpose. Anyhow it indicates its possible use as a dye in America, maybe
not for its fastness but because of its beauty. Such was the reason of its great success among
silk European dyers in the XVIII century19.
Figure 6. Bixa orellana.Peru. Photo: A. Roquero.
Tannins for Russet
A remark made in 1525 by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo leads us to consider that further
analysis in search of condensed tannins in pre Columbian textiles as a source of red would be
interesting. The chronicler said: Indians call this tree nanci. This tree is like the one of
brazilwood, but it is not the same brazil, as some think…20
17 Mayer (1950:84-92)
18 Cobo (1964:I, 254-255)
19 Roquero (2006:83-84)
20 Fernández de Oviedo (1992:I, 295), Soukup (no date.:94)
. He refers to Byrsonyma
crassifolia, known as indano in Peru. It belongs to the Malpighiaceae family and it is
impossible to mistake it with either Haematoxylon brasiletto or with any species of
Byrsonyma crassifolia H.B.K., Indano, nanci, nanche
The bark of indano contains condensed tannins that are transformed by oxidation into strong
russet dyes of the phlobaphene type. The same kind of tannins and other pigments of the
anthracenic group, like emodin, are also present in the bark of alder trees (Alnus spp.)
Alnus jorullensis H.B.K., Lambrán
21. The
use of alder bark to obtain a rusty red colour is common in Central and South America. The
same type of bright orange-red, tannin dyes, developed by oxidation on cotton cloth, are still
achieved, by Shippibo dyers in the Peruvian Amazon using mahogany bark (Swietenia
macrophylla) and by dyers living near mangrove swamps with mangrove (Rhizophora
mangle) root barks22. Although this type of dyes is especially suitable for cotton, the author
has found dyers in Cuzco and in the Parobamba region in Peru using them for wool and
Figure 7. Byrsonima crassifolia.El Salvador. Photo: A. Roquero.
Purple Dyes to Look for in Andean Textiles
Purple hues often found in Peruvian textiles were not always obtained by modifying
cochineal crimson with alkaline products: some were dyed with true shellfish purple. Besides,
purple being universally considered the most precious of dyes, has been historically imitated
with cheaper dyestuffs, among which orchil producing lichens which yield luminous violet,
mauve and strong pink colours were the best alternative. Therefore, both molluscs and
lichens need to be contemplated when studying South American textiles. The difference
between both sources of purple is their fastness. Purple dye obtained from different marine
molluscs of the Muricidae family, is an indigoid of excellent fastness while orchil is
extremely fugitive.
The majority of references about purple in South American dyeing point to the Guayaquil
province in Ecuador. By the end of the XVIII century Antonio de Alcedo writes: … the
cotton thread spun in the Guayaquil province… they dye it in a bright purple permanent
colour, by no other means than wetting it in the juice that expels a sea snail that can be found
on those beaches23
21 Font Quer (1978:100) / (1985:72)
22 Roquero (1997:50-57)
23 Alcedo (1967:315)
Several species of purple-producing molluscs were available to pre-Columbian dyers in the
Pacific coasts of South America: Plicopurpura pansa (Gould, 1853), distributed from Baja
California to as far south as Ecuador; Thais kioskiforme (Duclos 1832), from Baja California
to North of Peru and Concholepas concholepas (Bruguière 1758) from Peru to Patagonia.
The use of purple dye in pre-Columbian times was confirmed for the first time by
chromatographic analysis in 1962. Analysis was carried out at Harmon Colours Laboratory,
National Aniline Division, Allied Chemical Corporation, from a selection of ancient Peruvian
textiles24. The main component of oxidised purple dye is 6,6’-dibromoindigotin, and may
include–depending on the species – 6,6’-dibromoindirubin, indirubin and, in some cases,
traces of isatin25.
There is no written record of the use of lichens for dyeing in ancient Peru. In contrast, the
trade of orchil-producing lichens is reported in the documents of British companies which, in
the XIX century, exported hundreds of tons of the so called “Lima weed” (lichens of the
Roccella genus) from Peru and Chile to England
Roccella portentosa (Mont.) Larb. and Roccella spp. Commercial name: “Lima weed”
The author has found ethnographic examples of red lichen dyeing performed by dyers in
villages near Cuzco, and in the Parobamba district, in Peru. They use foliose lichens of
Parmelia species, which form dense clusters in Peruvian highlands. These lichens contain
orcinol, a red-purple pigment, and usneic acid, a yellow one. Dyers obtain a russet red from
Parmelia spp. Common Quechua names: rumi-unku and llast’a llast’a
Popular Red and Purple Dyes
Many other red and purple dyestuffs can be obtained in the area for which there is no
historical record regarding use or trade. But we do have reliable ethnographic data. Most of
these dyes are extracted from fruits, and the colorants they contain belong to the
anthocyanidin type, so they are not very fast. Women use them, especially for small items
that are not meant to last. For example fruits of Monnina spp. and Coriaria thymifolia that
yield a luminous bluish purple are used for bag strings and hair ribbons. For a bright cherry
colour, the use of airampo fruits (Phytolacca spp.) is popular from Mexico to Peru. And red
figs of airambo, Opuntia soehrensii, are used to dye the underskirts of wedding dresses in a
bright scarlet.
Saving Cochineal?
It seems especially interesting the practice of mixing certain red or purplish dyestuffs, such as
purple corn grains or Miconia spp. fruits, with cochineal.
Zea mays L. Common Quechua names: muti, sara
Both stuffs are used nowadays by Cuzco dyers together with cochineal to obtain red and
purple. Perhaps, like nowadays, those cheap, not very fast dyes, were sometimes used to save
the expensive cochineal. Therefore, when analysing the colouring substances of an Andean
textile, it may also be worth considering these popular sources of red dyes.
Miconia spp. Common Quechua name: mutti mutti
24 Born in: Turok (1988:21)
25 Cardon (2007:556)
26 Investigator Isabella Whitworth (Devon, G.B.) studies the actual documents of a XIX century British firm
specialised in the import of “Lima weed” for the dye industry.
Figure 8 (left). Purple corn, “Zea mays.Peru. Photo: A. Roquero.
Figure 9 (right). Reference samples of dyes mentioned in this paper. Photo: A. Roquero.
Essay of Analysis on Ethnographic Dyes
Various analyses on red Peruvian dyes were done previously to this presentation at the
Spanish Institute for Cultural Heritage (IPCE) laboratory27
Results and discussion
. As expected, the results obtained
for the fibres dyed with Dactylopius coccus and Relbunium species indicated that the main
components are carminic acid and purpurin, respectively. Therefore, the principal objective
was to characterise the main components present in red dyestuffs from the Andean Region
which had not yet been identified.
The sample chosen in this occasion was wool dyed in bright red with chile-chile (Geranium
filipes Killip) by a craftsman of Pitumarca, near Cuzco (Peru). Chile-chile is an endemic herb
from the Andean Region, growing at altitudes about 3000 – 4500 m. above sea level. The part
of the plant used was the root and alum was employed as mordant. Analysis was performed
using HPLC-DAD system.
Three compounds were detected as main components in the Geranium filipes sample. As
shown in Figure 10, the UV-visible absorption properties (λmax) are similar for the three and
typical for anthocyanin dyes.
Type of compound
λmax (nm)
Tr (min)
Type of compound
λmax (nm)
Tr (min)
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
Figure 10 (left). Geranium filipessample. Photo: A. Roquero.
Figure 11 (right). Chromatogram at 510 nm of fiber sample dyed with Geranium filipes
obtained by HPLC-PDA.
27 All samples were obtained by the author from a reference collection belonging to the IPCE, in particular from
those included in the project “Dyes and Dyers from the Americas”.
Their absolute identification results difficult due to the unavailability of individual standards
of anthocyanins in the IPCE laboratory and the fact that UV-vis spectra of compounds with
related structures are relatively similar. Further investigation, based on the presented
preliminary study, will be focused on the individual identification of all components present
in this and other similar endemic dyestuffs from America.
Thank you to Beatriz Devia for the photographs of Arabidaea chica, Nathalie Boucherie for
providing Relbunium reference samples, Timoteo Ccarita Sacaca and David Pimentel for
providing some of the ethnographic dye samples, Elena Phipps and Amy Oakland for
encouraging me to participate, and to the Reed Foundation for their generous financial
Alcedo, Antonio de: Diccionario geográfico-histórico de las Indias Occidentales de América (first printed
1796-89), BAE, Ed. Atlas, Madrid 1967.
Cardon, Dominique: Natural Dyes, Archetype Publications, London 2007.
Cobo, Bernabé: Historia del Nuevo Mundo (first printed 1653), Obras del Padre B. Cobo, I y II, BAE, Ed. Atlas,
Madrid 1964.
Devia, B., G. Llabres, J. Wouters, L. Dupont, M. T. Escribano-Bailón, T. S. de Pascual and L. Angenot: “New
3-deoxyanthocyanidins from Arrabidaea chica leaves”, Phytochemical analysis 13, pp. 114-20, Chichester
Devia, Beatriz: Contribution à l’étude des colorants présents dans l’Arrabidaea chica, PhD thesis, University of
Liege, Belgium, 2003.
Duta Moresi, Claudina: Avaliação quimica do potencial de espécies natives de Relbunium
(garança americana) como fornecedoras de corantes e pigmentos e sua aplicaçao ao estudo de obras de
arte, PhD thesis, Belo Horizonte, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brasil), 1999.
Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo: Historia General y Natural de las Indias (first printed Toledo 1525), BAE, Eds.
Atlas, Madrid 1992.
Font Quer, Pio: Diccionario de botánica, Ed. Labor, Barcelona 1985.
Font Quer, Pio: Plantas medicinales, el Dioscórides renovado, Ed Labor, Barcelona 1978.
Guamán Poma de Ayala, Felipe: Nueva Crónica y Buen Gobierno (ms. 1613-1615, first printed Paris 1936),
Historia 16, Madrid 1987.
Hernández, Francisco: Historia Natural de la Nueva España (1571-76), UNAM, México 1979.
MacBride, J. Francis (et al.): Flora of Perú, Field Museum of Natural History, Fieldiana, Botanical Series, vol.
13, Chicago 1946 - 1960.
Mayer, Fritz: La química de las materias colorantes naturales, Aguilar Ed., Madrid 1950.
Roquero, Ana: “Swartz und Ziegelrot”, Kultur und Technik, Zeitschrift des Deutsches Museum, 2/1997, pp. 50-
57, Munich 1997.
Roquero, Ana: Tintes y Tintoreros de America - Catálogo de materias primas y registro etnográfico de México,
Centro América, Andes Centrales y Selva Amazónica, Instituto del Patrimonio Hisrico Español,
Ministerio de Cultura, Madrid 2006.
Turok, Marta: “Xiuhquílitl, nocheztli y tixinda”, Arqueología Mexicana, III, 17, pp. 26-33, México 1996.
... Throughout history, natural dyes have been associated with humans. The ancient Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, Chinese, Indians, Greeks, and Persians used natural plant pigments extensively to colour their garments and other woven materials, such as rugs, and yarn (Francis, 1992;Green, 1995;Roquero, 2008;Franco-Maass et al., 2019). ...
... Obtaining colourful plant dyes was an ancient tradition in the pre-Columbian civilizations in Mesoamerica and South America for millennia. Ethnographic studies of ancient records of the Olmec, Mayan, Aztec and Inca civilizations in Mesoamerica indicate the dyeing of textiles dating back several millennia (Baryanyovits, 1978;Roquero, 2008;Franco-Maass et al., 2019). ...
... Antunéz De Mayolo, 1989;Özgökce and Yilmaz, 2003;Roquero, 2008;Armitage et al., 2015;Sabatini et al., 2020 Gardenia jasminoides Ellis (cape jasmine) ...
Full-text available
There is a growing global demand in the dyes and pigments industry for naturally-occurring pigments as substitutes for chemically synthesized pigments. This is because of increasing concern about potential adverse health effects for those involved in dye and pigment production and concerns about environmental pollution that can result from dye industries, discharging excessive and unused dyes into waterways. Naturally occurring, principal plant pigments: anthocyanins, betalains and carotenoids are much favoured over chemical dyes and pigments because of their safety to humans. Once optimized, the extraction, processing and production of plant dyes are also relatively benign from an environmental perspective. The story of human civilizations is intimately linked with colour and the use of natural plant pigments from several well-known sources. This paper provides a brief review of this historical link of plant pigments, from ancient civilizations to the present. It also provides an overview of the chemistry of the most commonly used plant-based pigments (anthocyanins, flavones and flavonoids). With examples of potentially the most useful taxa, we also explore the opportunities for colonizing taxa (weeds) to be utilized as sources of natural dyes and pigments, which can substantially supplement or substitute the synthetic dyes and pigments, currently available. There are many species to select from although only a few appear to be presently yielding commercially exploitable natural plant pigments. The global attention continues to be on the well-known species, already cultivated or harvested from the wild, while the research on newer sources is sparse and uncoordinated, except in a few countries and regions with traditional, long histories of natural pigment use. Some natural dyeing technologies have been developed by artisans and practical-minded, lifestyle enthusiasts. In searching for eco-friendly technologies to support the livelihoods of people more broadly, dyes and pigment-based industries appear quite significant. There are technological constraints to overcome but these are no more challenging that any others we face. The global outlook for an expansion of the sources of dyes from plants is favourable and the potential contribution from colonizing plants as new sources is also quite significant. Our review finds that the research related to pigments from natural sources (i.e. applied chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology and industrial applications) is quite intense in many countries, particularly in the last two decades.
... Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Chile Full list of author information is available at the end of the article pre-Columbian Andean communities [1,[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. The knowledge related to the acquisition of the diverse raw materials, the weaving and structure of textiles, as well as the mathematical logic applied to the elaboration of the textile is widely recognized [11,12]. The chromatic attributes have also attracted great interest since it has been demonstrated that numerous plants and insects were used and prepared to achieve the wide color palette observed in textile dyeing [1,[13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. ...
... Such procedures are also related to the incorporation or application of color on yarns, to accomplish the design of the textiles. Color was incorporated through dyeing or painting, using organic dyestuffs or mineral pigments, collected, and prepared using other compounds that served as mordants or postmordants, for ensuring a better adherence of the color on the fibers [9,10,19,20]. A third element are the skills associated with the weaving or the construction of the textile [5,[23][24][25]. ...
... Finally, Villagrán and Castro, on a research with an extensive geographic scale, identified the use of molle (Schinus molle), algarrobo (Prosopis alba), monte verde (Krameria lappacea), pingopingo (Ephedra andina), kopa (Artemisia kopa), Siput´olas or pulikas (Parastrephia species, including P. lepidophylla, P. quadrangularis and P. teretiuscula) and male tíkara (Ambrosia artemisoides) for dyeing purposes, each one of them with a particular color and shade, depending on their preparation and combination [159]. We need to broaden our knowledge about the use of local plants to produce dyes, to later generate useful references for chemical analysis as it has been done in different regions of the Central Andes [17][18][19][20][21]160]. ...
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This work concerns the study of colors and dyes identified on archaeological textiles from the Atacama Desert. The different garments and ornaments come from the excavation of two important pre-Columbian cemeteries of the Tarapacá region: Tarapacá-40 attributed to the Formative period (1100 BC–660 AD) and Pica-8 to the Late Intermediate period (900–1450 AD). For the first time, a multi-analytical approach with non-invasive techniques using FORS and SERS was applied on samples of less than 2 cm of length for physicochemical characterization of the raw materials and the dyes employed in the textile production of northern Chile. The fibers are from animal origin. Blue, green, and yellow are identified as indigo, but we cannot discard a mixture with other dyes to vary hue and shade; while carminic acid and alizarin—to a lesser extent—are found on red, orange, and brown samples. This research provides new elements for the discussion about the textile technology developed in this desertic region, its changes, and continuities along the history. Our results are compared to recent findings on neighboring regions from South-Central Andes, to improve the current knowledge and discuss the existence of dyeing textile cultural traditions.
... In the South American Andean region, the extensive textile tradition that is renowned worldwide testifies to a broad chromatic palette of organic dyes obtained from plant and animal resources (Antúnez de Mayolo 1989;Cardon 2014;Roquero 2008;Saltzman 1992;Sepúlveda et al. 2021a, b;Wouter and Rosario-Chirinos 1992), except for some painted textiles which use inorganic mineral pigments (Barnard et al. 2016;Summerour et al. 2016). For example, the production of indigo-based dyes dates back 6000 years (Splitstoser et al. 2016). ...
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The prehistory of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile has been constructed around certain traditional classes of objects, such as ceramics and lithics, following the Old World and North American standards. As such, color has been relegated to an invisible status, despite its essential visible qualities and color's importance in the region's social, symbolic, economic, and political processes. This article focuses on color and polychromy by studying objects from different funerary sites associated with the end of the regional pre-Columbian chronological sequence (ca. 1000-1500 AD). We present descriptions of the iconography and the symmetry of the motifs of these objects, and the first physicochemical characterization of the mineral paintings obtained using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and hyperspectral imaging. With four new radiocarbon dates, we establish their chronology, associated in two cases with isotope measurements to evaluate the origin of the leather used. The research reveals a dual and simultaneous practice: while painted motifs demonstrated a visible interregional flow of information, paintings' chemical analysis testifies to a pigment production probably associated with the local exploitation of mineral coloring matter. In contrasting visual and material productions, we explore mineral pigments' social value and role during the late Atacama pre-Columbian period. Using an interdisciplinary approach regarding the materiality of color, we subsequently evaluate the social implications of mineral polychromy in this south-central Andean region.
... The most abundant and widely distributed species of Relbunium in South America are R. corymbosum and R. hypocarpium, whose distributions include western and southeastern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina. Given the demonstrated interactions between these two regions and SPA during the periods of manufacture of the textiles studied (Stovel, 2008), these two Relbunium species are the likely sources of the red dye found in SPA textiles (Roquero, 2008). ...
... 1,2 The use of these plants in textile dyeing was also confirmed in scientific studies. [2][3][4][5][6][7][8] The widespread use of Rubiaceae plants may be explained by the variety of hues they may produce -from orangered to pink, violet and brown -due to the high number of dye components contained in the same plant and the dye's ability to combine with several 91 metallic mordants. 1 Moreover, many of these plants are widely distributed around the world and were accessible as local, valuable dye sources to different civilizations. 1 Although of less importance as compared to Rubiaceae, other anthraquinone based plants such as Rheum, Rumex and Rhamnus species have been also used in textile dyeing. ...
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Biological sources containing anthraquinone dyes of vege-tal and animal origin have been used for dyeing textiles from ancient times. Initially available only locally, later object of trade, different species were used in various areas of the world, in different historic periods. Moreover, the preference for certain biological sources also depend-ed on the value, destination and manufacturing technique of the objects to be created. A large number of textiles from Romanian museum collections have been studied since 1997, in order to identify the natural dyes and their biological sources. Analysis were first performed by Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detection (LC-DAD) and more recently by Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometric detection (LC-MS). Anthraquinones of vegetal origin, such as Rubia tinctorum L. (madder), as well as from scale insects: Kerria lacca Kerr (lac dye), Dactylopis coccus Costa (Mexican cochineal), Porphyrophora hamelii Brandt (Ar menian car mine dyeing scale insect), Porphyrophora polonica L. (Polish carmine dyeing scale insect), Kermes vermilio Planchon (kermes) were identified in various textiles dating from the 15th-20th century and in seal bound fibres, in 15th-16th century documents. This paper presents the procedures used in the identification of the above-mentioned biological sources, based on the use of an ion trap mass spectrometer as the LC detector. The preferences for certain biological sources are discussed, according to the textile manufacturing technique, period and provenance.
Two new 3-deoxyanthocyanidins, 6,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxy-5-methoxyflavylium and 6,7,4'-trihydroxy-5-methoxyflavylium, and the pigment carajurin, which has been previously identified, were isolated from dried leaves of Arrabidaea chica, a creeper native to the American tropics. The structures of the components were elucidated by 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy and HPLC-MS, including X-ray crystallographic analysis for carajurin.
Diccionario geográfico-histórico de las Indias Occidentales de América (first printed 1796-89)
  • Antonio Alcedo
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Historia del Nuevo Mundo (first printed 1653), Obras del Padre B. Cobo, I y II
  • Bernabé Cobo
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Contribution à l'étude des colorants présents dans l'Arrabidaea chica
  • Beatriz Devia
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Avaliação quimica do potencial de espécies natives de Relbunium (garança americana) como fornecedoras de corantes e pigmentos e sua aplicaçao ao estudo de obras de arte
  • Duta Moresi
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Felipe: Nueva Crónica y Buen Gobierno (ms. 1613-1615, first printed Paris
  • Guamán Poma De Ayala
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Historia Natural de la Nueva España (1571-76)
  • Francisco Hernández
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Swartz und Ziegelrot
  • Ana Roquero
Roquero, Ana: "Swartz und Ziegelrot", Kultur und Technik, Zeitschrift des Deutsches Museum, 2/1997, pp. 50-57, Munich 1997.