Conference PaperPDF Available

A Review on Energy Efficiency Improvement methods for Oil and Gas Industries



Energy is an essential input for almost all productive sectors in general and industry in particular. It is one of the most important inputs in the process of economic growth and industrial development. The rate of energy consumption varies across different industries depending on technological progress, extent of economic activities and several other factors. Industrial energy consumption at world level is expected to increase by 1.4 percent per annum. The industries are constantly in search of processes, technologies, and energy conservation opportunities which can help them reduce their consumption of energy. The oil and gas industries are energy intensive and require significant amounts of energy to extract resources from the ground, process them, and transport them to the end-user. There are many different opportunities for these industries as energy efficiency can help in reducing energy consumption and lowering operating costs. The present paper highlights the available energy efficiency improvement techniques in different areas of oil and gas industries.
2nd Conference on
Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation
A Review on Energy Efficiency Improvement methods for
Oil and Gas Industries
A Review on Energy Efficiency Improvement methods for Oil and
Gas Industries
Mostafa Mahinroosta
Tel: +98-026-45364585,
Energy is an essential input for almost all productive sectors in general and industry in
particular. It is one of the most important inputs in the process of economic growth and
industrial development. The rate of energy consumption varies across different industries
depending on technological progress, extent of economic activities and several other factors.
Industrial energy consumption at world level is expected to increase by 1.4 percent per
annum. The industries are constantly in search of processes, technologies, and energy
conservation opportunities which can help them reduce their consumption of energy. The oil
and gas industries are energy intensive and require significant amounts of energy to extract
resources from the ground, process them, and transport them to the end-user. There are
many different opportunities for these industries as energy efficiency can help in reducing
energy consumption and lowering operating costs. The present paper highlights the
available energy efficiency improvement techniques in different areas of oil and gas
Keywords: Oil and Gas Industry, Energy Efficiency Improvement, Energy Conservation,
Energy Saving.
2nd Conference on
Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation
A Review on Energy Efficiency Improvement methods for
Oil and Gas Industries
Energy is undoubtedly one of the most important commodities for assessing the
performance and efficiency of any industry [1-3]. Energy intensity (energy consumed per
unit of output) is an indicator of efficiency in energy use and a key determinant of the
projections of future energy demand [1]. By current increase in energy consumption rates,
energy supply will be a real challenge in a near future for the whole world and even for
currently rich oil countries [4]. Oil and gas industry is an energy-intensive industry and
therefore finding energy efficiency improvement ways for better performance of energy is a
necessity [5, 6]. Energy use in a refinery varies over time due to changes in the type of crude
processed, the product mix (and complexity of refinery), as well as the sulfur content of the
final products. Furthermore, operational factors like capacity utilization, maintenance
practices, as well as age of the equipment affect energy use in a refinery from year to year
[7]. Oil and gas companies must have a strong financial incentive to save energy, because of
the large share of energy in the overall cost of operating their facilities. Efficient energy use
reduces costs along the whole supply chain. Energy intensity in both the upstream industry
and in refining has fallen significantly since 2007 [5]. On the other hand, energy use is also a
major source of emissions in the refinery industry, making energy efficiency improvement an
attractive opportunity to reduce emissions. Energy efficiency should be an important
component of a company's environmental strategy. In short, energy efficiency investment is
sound business strategy in today's manufacturing environment [2, 8-10]. The aim of this
paper is to highlight the existence of potential opportunities and some energy saving
techniques to decrease energy consumption in oil and gas industry.
Energy Efficiency
Saving energy through improved efficiency and conservation has a central role to play in
reconciling the goals of economic development, energy security and environmental
protection [11]. Finding ways to use energy more efficiently can make a major contribution
to moving the world onto a more sustainable energy path [6]. In most developed countries,
there is a long standing tradition of public policies designed to improve energy efficiency.
Energy efficiency standards are prime examples of such policies. Also, measures to boost
energy efficiency of appliances are generally considered by economists as one of the best
policies [12]. Energy efficiency refers to the ratio between the inputs of energy-be it a
primary source like fossil fuels or an energy carrier such as electricity or hydrogen-and the
output of an energy service, such as light, heat or mobility. Improving energy efficiency, by
reducing the quantity of energy consumed, can enhance energy security. Energy efficiency
can be enhanced through the application of new technology that yields a lower input/output
ratio, using the same fuel or an alternative. Improving energy efficiency is not the same as
energy conservation which, strictly speaking, refers to consuming less of a given energy
service, and therefore consuming less of the energy that would be needed to provide it [11].
Energy efficiency is increased when an energy conversion device undergoes a technical
2nd Conference on
Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation
A Review on Energy Efficiency Improvement methods for
Oil and Gas Industries
change that enables it to provide the same service while using less energy. The energy-
saving result of the efficiency improvement is often called "energy conservation." As a result,
energy efficiency can reduce resource use and environmental impacts [10]. Energy efficiency
varies dramatically across industries and manufacturing processes, and even between plants
manufacturing the same products. Efficiency can be limited by mechanical, chemical, or
other physical parameters, or by the age and design of equipment [13]. When energy enters
into an industrial section, it is usually wasted in two main regions: 1) generation, distribution
and conversion units and 2) downstream area [10].
Energy Management
Changing how energy is managed by implementing an organization-wide energy
management programs is one of the most successful and cost-effective ways to bring about
energy efficiency improvements. An energy management program creates a foundation for
improvement and provides guidance for managing energy throughout an organization. In
companies without a clear program in place, opportunities for improvement may be
unknown or may not be promoted or implemented because of organizational barriers [7].
Many companies have developed and implemented formal energy management systems,
which seek to incorporate efficiency improvements. Implementation of strong management
systems can provide the rigor and discipline necessary to drive continuous improvement
[11]. Energy management includes planning and operation of energy-related production and
consumption units. Objectives are resource conservation, climate protection and cost
savings, while the users have permanent access to the energy they need. It is connected
closely to environmental management, production management, logistics and other
established business functions. Energy management is the proactive, organized and
systematic coordination of procurement, conversion, distribution and use of energy to meet
the requirements, taking into account environmental and economic objectives [14]. The
implementation of an energy management and optimization system for the existing energy
assets is an alternative that requires less investment and can be implemented quicker than
traditional energy cost reduction methods [15]. An important early stage in any energy
management cycle is the forecasting of future energy demand based on the existing
knowledge of the system [16]. Applying energy management systems involving the use of
information technology to analyze and control energy consumption in production and
refining processes is one of the ways that oil and gas industry efforts to improve energy
efficiency [5].
The following 5-stage energy efficiency 'staircase' is based on the strategy Shell has adopted
in their management of energy [16]:
1- Understand the energy profile type of the facility
2- Specific assessment of the energy demands on each installation
3- Meaningful performance measures with good data
4- Effective management review and forecasting processes
5- Embed ownership and culture of energy management in production teams
2nd Conference on
Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation
A Review on Energy Efficiency Improvement methods for
Oil and Gas Industries
Energy Saving Opportunities and Related Techniques
There is a strong consensus within the oil and gas industry on the importance of saving
energy by improving the efficiency of its operations along the supply chain and eliminating
unnecessary waste [11]. A large variety of opportunities exist within petroleum refineries to
reduce energy consumption while maintaining or enhancing the productivity of the plant.
Studies by several companies in the petroleum refining have demonstrated the existence of
a substantial potential for energy efficiency improvement in almost all facilities. Major areas
for energy-efficiency improvement are utilities (30%), fired heaters (20%), process
optimization (15%), heat exchangers (15%), motor and motor applications (10%), and other
areas (10%) [7]. There are several innovation trends taking shape in the oil and gas industry
to address sustainable energy opportunities and these opportunities can be classified in
various categories [5, 6, 9, 11, 17]:
- Optimization of operating conditions, including improvement of rotating machines
- Rerouting of flows actually sent to vent or flare
- Recovery of some flows such as blanketing gas on some equipment or flash drums vapors
- Better metering among the installation for a better follow up of consumptions
- Use of energy efficient turbines, pumps, and compressors
- Cogeneration of heat and power and installation of waste heat recovery units on turbines
exhaust gas that will increase the overall efficiency of the turbine by allowing the use of this
waste energy for heating purposes on the process
- Use of ultra-sonic flow meters on flares
- Dry gas seals on compressors
- More efficient exploration, through improved drilling success rates thanks to advances in
seismic surveying and analysis, and drilling techniques
- Reduced flaring and venting of associated gas, through investment in gas processing and
distribution. One of the sources which considerable energy waste occurs is gas flaring
associated with the production of oil. According to a World Bank report, about 150 billion
cubic meters (or 5.3 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas are being flared and vented annually
around the world. Efforts to reduce gas flaring in oil production are a measure to increase
energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and potentially increase access for more people.
Flaring of this gas wastes a valuable clean energy resource that can be used to reduce
inefficiencies and increase energy access in many developing countries where much of the
oil is produced.
- Use of high pressure pipelines, which require less energy input per unit of oil or gas
transported per kilometer.
- Upgrading operating procedures in oil refining processes.
- Optimizing the distribution and use of steam and power generated on site
- Preventing leaks and spills
- Installing heat-recovery boilers and air preheating systems.
- The most advanced high-efficiency motors
- The creation of the new, fully optimized digital oil field with more sophisticated
information technology-using distributed sensors, high speed communication and data
2nd Conference on
Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation
A Review on Energy Efficiency Improvement methods for
Oil and Gas Industries
mining techniques to use real-time data to make better decisions and to get more barrels
out of each asset.
- Development of alternative and advanced fuels and renewable energy generation
- Refinery furnace is the main energy conservation equipment, about 1/3 of the
comprehensive energy consumption of refinery conversion and consumption through the
furnace; thereby increasing refinery furnace thermal efficiency has become the main
measures tapping the potential synergies. Reduce heat losses can improve the thermal
efficiency. Exhaust gas loss accounts for a large proportion in furnace heat loss. When the
furnace thermal efficiency is high (e.g. 90%), exhaust gas loss accounts for 70% to 80% of
total loss, when the furnace thermal efficiency is low (e.g. 70%), the proportion of exhaust
gas loss in total loss reaches up to 90%. The heat recovery system consists of air pre-heater,
air blowers, flue gas inducted draft fan, an independent steel chimney and flue and duct. The
air pre-heater is placed on the basis of the furnace side of the ground. Its main advantage is
that the replacement and maintenance of the exchange is convenient and easily operated,
but the covers, steel maintenance and investment are more.
A literature survey of energy efficiency improvement methods for oil and gas industry
including energy management and energy saving tips was made. The review gives an
overview of the possible opportunities to reduce energy consumption in different sections of
an oil and gas industry. Applying a comprehensive management program can provide the
severity and regulations necessary to precede permanent improvement. A large number of
potential opportunities exist within petroleum refineries to decrease energy consumption
while maintaining or increasing the productivity of the plant. These available opportunities
are achievable in almost all facilities that have been demonstrated by many studies.
[1] Dutta M, Mukherjee S, "An outlook into energy consumption in large scale industries in
India: The cases of steel, aluminum and cement", Energy Policy, Vol. 38, 2010, pp. 7286-
[2] Mandal S.K, Madheswaran S, "Environmental efficiency of the Indian cement industry: An
interstate analysis", Energy Policy, Vol. 38, 2010, pp. 1108-1118.
[3] Bezir Nalan C, Murat O, Nuri O, "Renewable energy market conditions and barriers in
Turkey", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 13, 2009, pp. 1428-1436.
[4] Dehghan A.A, "Status and potentials of renewable energies in Yazd Province-Iran",
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 15, 2011, pp. 1491-1496.
[5] Energy efficiency: improving energy use from production to consumer, IPIECA, 2010.
[6] "Sustainable energy for all: opportunities for the oil and gas industry", Accenture, United
Nations Global Compact, 2012.
[7] Worrell E, Galitsky C, "Energy efficiency improvement in the petroleum refining industry",
Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer study on energy efficiency in industry, 2005.
2nd Conference on
Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation
A Review on Energy Efficiency Improvement methods for
Oil and Gas Industries
[8] "Energy efficiency improvement and cost saving opportunities for petroleum refineries",
Ernst Worrell and Christina Galitsky, Environmental Energy Technologies Division, 2005.
[9] Rocher A, Garnaud F, "How to improve energy efficiency on oil and gas facilities", 2009,
pp. 1-13.
[10] Sissine F, "Energy Efficiency: Budget, oil conservation, and electricity conservation
issues", Resources, Science, and Industry, 2006, pp. 1-19.
[11] Saving Energy in the Oil and Gas Industry, IPIECA, 2005.
[12] Barla P, Proost S, "Energy efficiency policy in a non-cooperative world", Energy
Economics, Vol. 34, 2012, pp. 2209-2215.
[13] "Energy use, loss and opportunities analysis: U.S. manufacturing &mining", energetic,
incorporated and E3M, incorporated for the U.S. department of energy, 2004.
[15] "Energy management optimization Valero Houston Refinery".
[16] Vanner R, "Energy use in offshore oil and gas production: trends and drivers for
efficiency from 1975 to 2025", PSI working paper, 2005, pp. 1-9.
[17] Ping W, Changfang X, Shiming X, Yulin G, "Application of energy-saving Technology on
furnaces of oil refining units", Procedia Environmental Sciences, Vol. 12, 2012, pp. 387-393.
... Some of these processes for the extraction of unwanted, often harmful and hazardous, components from various hydrocarbon fractions, with subsequent utilization in the synthesis of practically useful compounds, are energetically low-cost. The emergence of such processes is caused by the tightening of regulatory requirements for the environmental characteristics of petroleum products, which has happened due to the need to compensate for the increasing load on the environment from human activities and the rate of industrial growth [8]. ...
... A mixture of sulfurous waste is used in the microwave two-component synthesis of organic sulfur derivatives based on various hydrocarbons (8). The addition of elemental sulfur to a mixture of sulfur components and hydrocarbons allowed three-component synthesis under the action of microwave irradiation (10). ...
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A logical-informational model of energy resource-efficient chemical technology for the utilization of hydrogen sulfide and low molecular alkanethiols, which are toxic and difficult to remove sulfur components of residual fuel (fuel oil), is proposed. Based on the IDEF1 methodology and existing knowledge about the technological processes of the demercaptanization of various hydrocarbon raw materials (oils, gas condensates), a scheme for the production of organic sulfur compounds from sulfur waste extracted from fuel oil has been modeled. For a sufficiently complete removal of hydrogen sulfide and low molecular weight alkanethiols, energy- and resource-saving stages of the technological process have been developed, which are implemented by ultrasonic and/or magnetic treatment of fuel oil. It is proposed to use the combined action of two alternative methods of processing fuel oil to increase the efficiency of cleaning fuel oil from sulfur components. For the first time, an approach has been developed to utilize unwanted sulfuric impurities contained in fuel oil by involving electric and microwave synthesis in green technological processes, to obtain practically useful organic sulfur compounds with biological activity. It is shown that the use of one-electron oxidant thiols and hydrogen sulfide in organic media leads to the synthesis of organic disulfides and elemental sulfur. Indirect (with the use of mediators) electrosynthesis contributes to the cyclic conduct of the technological process, an increase in efficiency and a decrease in energy consumption compared to the direct (on electrodes) initiation of sulfur components.
... There are several innovation trends taking shape in the oil and gas industry to address sustainable energy opportunities [22][23][24]. ...
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The present work aims to retrofit an existing Egyptian oilfield plant to improve desalter performance and reduce the power of crude oil shipping pumps. In this work waste heat in disposed water that represents a value is used in heating brackish water injected over desalter and in heating crude oil before shipping. ASPEN HYSYS version 11 simulation software was used. The retrofit of the considered oilfield plant is based on the implementation of two new heat exchangers to recover waste heat in the disposed water. The results showed that the use of waste heat in heating the brackish water in the desalter from 30 to 71.11?C will increase the operating temperature of the desalter and thus increase the sedimentation and separation rate. On the other hand, using waste heat in heating the crude oil before shipping from 37.78 to 71.11?C reduces the oil viscosity from 1.536 to 0.9735 cSt. Reducing the viscosity of the crude oil will reduce the pressure drop of the shipping pumps, and therefore the power required to pump the oil will be reduced. The presented retrofit design can be used as a guide in upgrading existing plants and plants under the design phase.
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The level of energy consumption is an integrated oil refinery economics and important indicator of the level of process technology, how to reduce the energy consumption of atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit refinery energy conservation has become a top priority. Atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit energy consumption can be achieved through a variety of ways. With the continuous development of energy conservation, demand lower and lower exhaust gas temperature furnace. But often in the steel pipe waste heat recovery equipment, heat exchangers and other heat transfer surface will produce strong low-temperature dew point corrosion. As so, we focus on is the furnace flue gas waste heat recovery technological applications, and discuss how to prevent low-temperature dew point corrosion, as well as the effect of waste heat recovery.
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The petroleum refining industry in the United States is the largest in the world, providing inputs to virtually any economic sector,including the transport sector and the chemical industry. The industry operates 146 refineries (as of January 2004) around the country,employing over 65,000 employees. The refining industry produces a mix of products with a total value exceeding $151 billion. Refineries spend typically 50 percent of cash operating costs (i.e., excluding capital costs and depreciation) on energy, making energy a major cost factor and also an important opportunity for cost reduction. Energy use is also a major source of emissions in the refinery industry making energy efficiency improvement an attractive opportunity to reduce emissions and operating costs. Voluntary government programs aim to assist industry to improve competitiveness through increased energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact. ENERGY STAR (R), a voluntary program managed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, stresses the need for strong and strategic corporate energy management programs. ENERGY STAR provides energy management tools and strategies for successful corporate energy management programs. This Energy Guide describes research conducted to support ENERGY STAR and its work with the petroleum refining industry.This research provides information on potential energy efficiency opportunities for petroleum refineries. This Energy Guide introduces energy efficiency opportunities available for petroleum refineries. It begins with descriptions of the trends, structure, and production of the refining industry and the energy used in the refining and conversion processes. Specific energy savings for each energy efficiency measure based on case studies of plants and references to technical literature are provided. If available, typical payback periods are also listed. The Energy Guide draws upon the experiences with energy efficiency measures of petroleum refineries worldwide. The findings suggest that given available resources and technology, there are opportunities to reduce energy consumption cost-effectively in the petroleum refining industry while maintaining the quality of the products manufactured. Further research on the economics of the measures, as well as the applicability of these to individual refineries, is needed to assess the feasibility of implementation of selected technologies at individual plants.
Information has proven to be an important barrier in industrial energy efficiency improvement. Voluntary government programs aim to assist industry to improve energy efficiency by supplying information on opportunities. ENERGY STAR® supports the development of strong strategic corporate energy management programs, by providing energy management information tools and strategies. This paper summarizes ENERGY STAR research conducted to develop an Energy Guide for the Petroleum Refining industry. Petroleum refining in the United States is the largest in the world, providing inputs to virtually every economic sector, including the transport sector and the chemical industry. Refineries spend typically 50% of the cash operating costs (e.g. excluding capital costs and depreciation) on energy, making energy a major cost factor and also an important opportunity for cost reduction. The petroleum refining industry consumes about 3.1 Quads of primary energy, making it the single largest industrial energy user in the United States. Typically, refineries can economically improve energy efficiency by 20%. The findings suggest that given available resources and technology, there are substantial opportunities to reduce energy consumption cost-effectively in the petroleum refining industry while maintaining the quality of the products manufactured.
In this paper, we explore energy efficiency policies in the presence of a global environmental problem and international cost interdependency associated with R&D activities. We develop a simple model with two regions where the cost of an appliance in one region depends upon the level of energy efficiency in that region and the level of R&D activities by the appliance industry. In our model, the cooperative outcome can be decentralized by imposing a tax on energy. However, we show that when regions do not cooperate, they have an incentive to adopt additional instruments to increase energy efficiency. The reason is that the lack of cooperation leads to under-taxation of the environmental externality which in turn creates an incentive to try to reduce emissions produced abroad. We illustrate this phenomenon with the Californian vehicle greenhouse gas standards.
The present study attempts to review and discuss the status and potential of Yazd Province in utilizing renewable energy sources with a special focus on solar and wind energies. Solar insulation data reveals that the region has great potentials for harnessing solar energy and implementing the related promising available technologies. The province is experiencing power generation by a 12Â kW off grid PV system for electrification of Dorbid village for many years. Besides, the biggest solar energy utilization project in the Middle East, the installation of 467Â MW combined gas-steam-solar power plant is dedicated to the power generation of this province. According to the experimental work conducted, it is shown that utilizing other low cost solar technologies such as domestic solar water heaters and solar ponds are also reliable means of serving supplementary thermal energy demand of the region. The local wind data shows that the province can benefit wind energy for running small wind turbines or driving wind pumps for water irrigation purposes. The highly subsidized energy supplied by the government is a major barrier of renewable energy adoption. However, the desubsidazation plan, which is to be implemented to the energy commodities by the Iranian government, will inevitably brings the employment of renewable energy to a closer attention.
All the growth-oriented sectors in a developing economy consume enormous energy in their production processes. Steel, aluminium and cement are the key manufacturing industries in India which provide inputs to various other sectors such as construction, transportation, power transmission, etc. As a result, their demand is consistently rising. These industries are heavily energy-intensive and use raw materials such as iron ore, coal, electricity, steam, and fuel oil, whose supply can act as severe production constraints over a period of time and can hinder sustainable development. Hence it becomes imperative for these industries to continuously innovate more energy efficient techniques. This paper makes a foray into the energy demand for these industries and explores the potential of any future reduction in their energy consumption. The paper offers a projection scenario for 2001-2031 (based on the MARKAL Modeling exercise for India) for possible catching up in reduction in energy consumptions in these sectors under alternative situations. The analysis suggests the existence of some plausible energy efficiency enhancing techniques in these industries. Exploring these options will definitely ensure cost effectiveness and competitiveness of these three key sectors in the global market.
Decentralized wind, hydropower, biogas and biomass, geothermal, solar thermal and solar electricity energy systems are the most commonly found renewable energy technologies promoted for rural energy supply within sustainable developments programs. They are, therefore, seen to have a central place in the practice of sustainable development and in allowing less development countries to bypass the environmentally damaging fossil fuel intensive paths made by industrialized countries. On the political front, many less development countries are critical of pressure on them to adopt environmental energy technologies.Turkey is situated the meeting point of three continents (Asia, Europe and Africa) and stands as a bridge between Asia and Europe. The country is located in southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia. As Turkey’s economy has expanded in recent years, the consumption of primary energy has increased. Presently in order to increase the energy production from domestic energy resources, decrease the use of fossil fuels as well as reduce of green house gas emissions different renewable energy sources are used for energy production in Turkey. The share of energy production from renewable energy sources has increased during the last 10 years. Turkey must import most of the energy to meet her needs. Turkey also has a large potential for renewable energies. The lack of knowledge about renewable energy technologies by most policy-makers, potential consumers, and energy firm managers has played against renewable energy developments. The paper presents renewable energy used in Turkey and Europe Union and evaluation of the market conditions and barriers of renewable energy use in Turkey.
Coal combustion, for the production of cement, generates considerable amount of environmentally detrimental carbon dioxide as an undesirable by-product. Thus, this paper aims at measuring environmental efficiency within a joint production framework of both desirable and undesirable output using Data Envelopment Analysis and Directional Distance Function. Carbon dioxide is considered as an input in one context and as an undesirable output in the other with the environmental efficiency being defined accordingly. Using 3 digit sate level data from the Annual Survey of Industries for the years 2000–2001 through 2004–2005, the proposed models are applied to estimate environmental efficiency of Indian cement industry. Empirical results show that there is enough potential for the industry to improve its environmental efficiency with efficiency being varied across states. Results also show that Indian cement industry, if faced with environmental regulation, has the potential to expand desirable output and contract undesirable output with the given inputs. However, regulation has a potential cost in terms of lower feasible expansion of desirable output as compared to unregulated scenario.