
Neural information processing

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... Marketing scholars have applied script theory to examine consumer behavior (Bozinoff & Roth, 1983;Hamalainen, Oksanen, & Hakkinen, 2008;Manthiou et al., 2014). Script theory arose from cognitive information processing theories and includes schemata, which are patterns saved in memory from experience or other learning (Lindsay & Norman, 1977), and they help generate scripts for guiding a consumer's behavior when a situation matches elements of the schemata (Bozinoff & Roth, 1983). Script theory could be used to interpret the formation of tourist's ERBs. ...
... Tourists develop emotions when they experience the tourism products in the destination (Su et al., 2014;Su & Hsu, 2013;Zeithaml et al., 2012). According to script theory, a tourist's emotional experience in the destination is stored in memory as schemata (Arora & Singer, 2006;Lindsay & Norman, 1977), and the script can be activated to guide ERB (Bozinoff & Roth, 1983;Manthiou et al., 2014). ...
... Early researchers concluded that information must be processed sequentially based on the time available to perform tasks and that there is an overall limit on human ability to handle information and perform associated tasks (Broadbent, 1958;Lindsay & Norman, 1972;Welford, 1952Welford, , 1967. That type of mental processing is called the "single channel bottleneck" or single channel theory (SCT), and it assumes that no parallel processing or timesharing can take place: two tasks cannot be performed concurrently, and one will be dropped until the other is completed (Moray & Rotenberg, 1986;Wickens et al., 2003). ...
... SCT posits that there is a single pool of cognitive resources available, but those resources are undifferentiated with regards to attention, and when more than one task is performed, or when tasks become more difficult, this pool of resources become limited (Kahneman, 1973). For example, experimental subjects who were asked to process simultaneous messages could recall some characteristics of the second message, such as whether a speaker was male or female, but not the context of the message (Lindsay & Norman, 1972). Lindsay and Norman postulated that some kind of filtering mechanism limited the overall capacity to transfer incoming sensory information into working memory. ...
... This added knowledge promotes perceptual reorganization, and the newly organized, recognizable scene is often perceived effortlessly thereafter. Here, we used just such a picture: a "camouflaged" Dalmatian dog (Lindsay & Norman, 1972), a picture well known to students of perception. At first, this picture typically resembles an incoherent jumble of black splotches on a white background. ...
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Five experiments examined whether recognizable stimuli predominate in binocular rivalry. It was found that a face predominated more than did a pattern equated for spatial frequency, luminance, and contrast; an objective reaction time procedure confirmed predominance of the face. The face was still liable to fragmentation as stimulus size increased. Observers tracked exclusive dominance of a picture of a camouflaged figure (a Dalmatian dog) prior to and then following discovery of the figure's presence; control observers received the same protocol with a scrambled version of the dog stimulus. Compared with control results, predominance of the dog picture was higher even before observers knew of the camouflaged figure. Inversion of the dog figure reduced its predominance. Binocular rivalry is sensitive to object-related, configural properties of a stimulus.
... Therefore, they waste no time berating their subjects for the error and instead concentrate on the way it reveals how cues are ordinarily combined into correct three-dimensional judgments of distance and size. Lindsay and Norman (1972) describe another aspect of the difference between experimental illusions and visual reality: ...
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Laboratory research on “error” in social judgment has largely supplanted research that addresses accuracy issues more directly. Moreover, this research attracts a great deal of attention because of what many take to be its dismal implications for the accuracy of human social reasoning. These implications are illusory, however, because an error is not the same thing as a “mistake.” An error is a judgment of an experimental stimulus that departs from a model of the judgment process. If this model is normative, then the error can be said to represent an incorrect judgment. A mistake, by contrast, is an incorrect judgment of a real-world stimulus and therefore more difficult to determine. Although errors can be highly informative about the process of judgment in general, they are not necessarily relevant to the content or accuracy of particular judgments, because errors in a laboratory may not be mistakes with respect to a broader, more realistic frame of reference and the processes that produce such errors might lead to correct decisions and adaptive outcomes in real life. Several examples are described in this article. Accuracy issues cannot be addressed by research that concentrates on demonstrating error in relation to artificial stimuli, but only by research that uses external, realistic criteria for accuracy. These criteria might include the degree to which judgments agree with each other and yield valid predictions of behavior.
... Because this study focuses on the relative change in the perceived number of line segments due to the presence or absence of a masker, the question of the absolute number of features is not crucial. In the experiments reported here, we have taken the approach of previous investigators in assuming that one type of feature corresponds to a line segment (Geyer & DeWald, 1973;Gibson, 1969;Lindsay & Norman, 1972;Rumelhart & Siple, 1974). ...
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Subjects were presented with vibrotactile target patterns to their left index fingertips. The target patterns varied in the number of line segments that they contained and were presented in the presence or absence of a backward-masking stimulus. The stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between the target and masker was varied. In an identification task, subjects' errors indicated that the effect of the masker at brief SOAs was to increase the perceived number of line segments in the target. This effect diminished with increasing SOA, and at the longest SOAs subjects confused targets with patterns containing the same number of line segments but varying in how the line segments were related. In an estimation task, the effect of the masker was to increase the number of line segments estimated to be contained in the target pattern. The effect of the masker at brief SOAs is discussed in terms of an integration theory of vibrotactile backward masking. At longer SOAs, the results suggest that the masker may interfere with the extraction of relational information in the target pattern.
... I årene omkring 1970 var forkastelsen naesten enstemmig blandt perceptionspsykologer (se f.eks. Corcoran, 1971;Lindsay & Norman, 1972;Neisser, 1967;Reed, 1973). I denne artikel skal vi imidlertid forklare, hvorledes vanskelighederne synes at kunne overvindes ved enkle og plausible udbygninger af de simpleste systemer. ...
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Der udvikles en beregningsmæssig model for visuel genkendelse ved sammenligning af synsindtryk med hukommelsesbilleder. I modellen antages genkendelse at være baseret på template matching i form af krydskorrelation. Positions-, størrelses- og orienteringsinvarians opnås ved aksetransformationer, mens støjproblemet tackles ved gaussisk filtrering. Modellen er implementeret som et computerprogram, hvis anvendelsesområde for øjeblikket omfatter genkendelse af enkeltvis præsenterede todimensionale mønstre såsom håndskrevne bogstaver.
... Often intelligent technologies, whether theoretical or practical, have their origins in imitating how people process information. Cognitive information processing models describe how people process information [52]. ...
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Modern information technology makes it possible to redesign the ways people work. In the future, machines can carry out intelligence-requiring tasks, which previously were done by people. It is thus good to develop methodologies for designing intelligent systems. An example of such methods is cognitive mimetics, i.e. imitating human information processing. Today, machines cannot by themselves navigate in archipelagos. However, the fact that people can take care of ship steering and navigation means that there is an information process, which makes it possible to navigate ships. This information process takes place inside the minds of navigating people. If we are able to explicate the information processing in the navigator’s mind, the knowledge of it can be used in designing intelligent machines. Replicating physical objects and industrial processes by means of digital computers is called digital twinning. Digital twins (DTs), which are digital replicas of physical systems and processes, have recently become tools for working with complex industrial processes. A crucial question for DTs is should human actions be added to them? As the answer is positive, such models of human information processing can be called human digital twins (HDTs). The knowledge of human tacit and explicit information processes can be represented by human digital twins. Models can be used in the search for a deeper understanding of human intelligent information processes. Human digital twins can thus be used as methodological tools in cognitive mimetics. In our present study, we modeled paper machine operators’ thinking. Specifically, we developed an ideal-exception-correction (IEC) model for paper operators’ control logic. The model illustrates how research and HDT-modeling can be used for explicating the subconscious or tacit information processing of people for the design of intelligent systems. In this article a model for design processes using cognitive modelling will be suggested. The concepts of cognitive mimetics and human digital twins enable us to outline a model for using the long tradition of simulating human thinking as a tool in designing intelligent systems.
... Debido a que los procesos de generación de datos a menudo producen patrones repetidos de comportamiento es posible aplicar el k-NN para regresión (k-NNR), debido a que estos patrones pueden proporcionar información valiosa para predecir el comportamiento de los datos en el futuro (LINDSAY and NORMAN, 1977). El principio de k-NNR consiste estimar la respuesta del punto de prueba t como un promedio ponderado de las respuestas de los puntos k de entrenamiento más cercanos, x 1 , x 2 ,…, x k , en el vecindario de x t (Hu et al., 2014). ...
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Resumen La contaminación atmosférica por Material Particulado (PM) es un problema claramente reconocido a nivel mundial como uno de los factores de riesgo más importantes para la salud humana, en los últimos años han surgido diferentes modelos basados en inteligencia artificial para predecir la concentración de PM, con el fin de generar sistemas de alerta temprana que eviten la exposición de las personas. En este trabajo, se analizó un esquema de caracterización en el dominio tiempo-frecuencia usando la transformada Wavelet para la predicción de series temporales de PM 10 y PM 2.5 usando un algoritmo de Regresión por Vectores de Soporte optimizado por Enjambre de Partículas (SVR-PSO), además, se evaluó el efecto de la imputación de datos sobre las estimaciones. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que, empleando características temporales, más las características tiempo-frecuencia propuestas, se obtiene el mejor desempeño de la SVR-PSO, además se encontró que el uso de la imputación de datos no afecta el desempeño de la SVR-PSO. El sistema propuesto en este trabajo permite disminuir el error de las estimaciones de concentración de PM 10 y PM 2.5 haciendo uso de características tiempo-frecuencia y es capaz de operar de forma robusta contra datos perdidos, aumentando su viabilidad de ser implementado en escenarios reales. Palabras Clave: SVR, PSO, Transformada Wavelet, Imputación de datos, Predicción, Regresión. Revista EIA, ISSN 1794-1246 / e-ISSN 2463-0950 Año XVII/ Volumen 17/ Edición N.34 Julio-Diciembre de 2020 Reia34015 pág 1-15 Publicación científica semestral Universidad EIA, Envigado, Colombia Para citar este artículo / to reference this article /
... There are two signal recognition methods. The first is the template matching theory and the other is the feature comparison model [22,23,25,29]. ...
... Gibson [6] and Reed [7] defined perception as a construction of mental symbols or representations of reality gained from the senses. Perception is the process by which organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world [8]. However, what an individual interprets or perceives may be substantially different from reality [9]. ...
... In the language of human information processing (cf. Lindsay & Norman, 1972), the Williams et al. (1966) finding that sleep loss affects memory even when to-be-remembered material is attended to would appear to rule out a failure in sensory information storage; moreover, since sleep loss had no significant effect on material already learned, we may also rule out a failure in retrieval from longterm memory. Therefore, impairment probably stems from problems encountered (lapses?), during short-term memory encoding. ...
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Used a probe-recognition short-term memory paradigm with 5 21-32 yr old males to study the precise effects of sleep deprivation on human memory. It was found that recognition performance, as measured by the sensitivity parameter d', was generally impaired for each S after 24 hrs of sleep deprivation. While d' decreased exponentially as the number of items intervening between the target and the probe increased, this decay rate was not affected by sleep loss. In addition there was confirmation of a previously observed increase in the positive skewness of reaction times after wakefulness. Data support the hypothesis that sleep deprivation increases the occurrence of lapses, periods of lowered reactive capacity, which prevent the encoding of items in short-term memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).
... Il semble à présent admis que les tâches de reconnaissance au niveau cortical soient réalisées par un ensemble de processus réalisant une analyse sur différents niveaux (Fodor, 1983 ;Minsky, 1985). Inspirés par la théorie du Pandémonium, Lindsay et Norman ajoutent que ces différents modules sont eux-mêmes composés d'agents spécialisés appelés démons (Lindsay & Norman, 1977). Chaque agent est responsable d'une tâche spécifique. ...
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La reconnaissance de la parole est une activite dont le but est de faire identifier, par des machines, ce qui est dit par une personne. Le processus peut consister a reconnaitre des sons (decodage acoustico-phonetique), des mots (identification lexicale) ou des phrases. Un tel systeme est soit concu pour un seul utilisateur, soit pour differents locuteurs. Achile est un dispositif de decodage acoustico-phonetique et d'identification lexicle. Il permet la reconnaissance de mots isoles independamment du locuteur sans phase d'apprentissage, ni d'adaptation. Notre objectif est d'examiner jusqu'a quel point un modele a base de connaissances phonetiques est capable de decoder de facon automatique la structure phonique de la parole sans recourir aux methodes stochastiques. Le dispositif s'inspire, d'un point de vue fonctionnel, du traitement cognitif humain. La tache de reconnaissance est effectuee par repartition du travail et interaction d'une societe d'experts. Le signal de parole alimente tout d'abord les analyseurs de bas niveau. Pour cela, est utilisee, entre autre, une analyse spectrale fondee sur modele auditif qui tient compte de la notion de ponderation sonique et de bandes critiques. Les processus de bas-niveau transmettent leurs donnees a plusieurs modules de decodage fonctionnant en parallele (segmentation, reconnaissance globale et analytique). Les resultats sont ensuite transmis aux modules de haut-niveau qui agissent en utilisant des connaissances symboliques (representations phonologiques, acces lexical). Un moteur d'inferences se charge de prendre une decision finale en comparant les donnees d'un dictionnaire aux donnees decodees. L'evaluation du dispositif sur un lexique de 500 mots nous permet de quantifier la pertinence des connaissances, des analyses et des algorithmes employes. C'est aussi le moyen de pouvoir faire evoluer le dispositif en apportant des modifications.
... Las investigaciones sobre el desarrollo de la memoria sugieren que el conocimiento acumulado con anterioridad aumenta la capacidad para crear nuevos conocimientos en la memoria, refiriéndose a la adquisición de conocimientos y la capacidad para recordar. Según Cohen y Levinthal (1990), algunos psicólogos sugieren que el conocimiento previo aumenta el aprendizaje, porque la memoria o el almacenamiento de conocimiento son desarrollados por el aprendizaje asociativo en el que se registran los eventos en la memoria mediante el establecimiento de vínculos con conceptos ya existentes; de allí que el desarrollo de una capacidad de absorción efectiva dependa, entre otras cosas, del almacenamiento del conocimiento en la memoria, donde a mayor profundidad en el procesamiento de la información, mayor será el uso de la asociación entre el nuevo conocimiento y el conocimiento ya existente en la memoria (Lindsay y Norman, 1977). ...
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This article presents the absorptive capacity as a multidimensional construct, and aims to determine the presence of this capacity in Colombian SMEs and its relationship with innovation, being one of the first studies in this field in Colombia. A two-stage cluster analysis was performed using a sample of 403 Colombian SMEs, in order to demonstrate that the absorption capacity is not a determinant factor of innovation in these companies, but that absorption capacity develops mainly in small businesses in Colombia. It also shows that innovation processes are determined by the competitive strategies undertaken by each type of company.
... and Tsuda, Hirai, and Yamanaka (1974) observed that by alternating the R-S interval, which might control the rate of the experimental animal's response, experimental subjects which could perform a coping response developed less stomach ulcerations than did yoked subjects in the case of R-S 220 sec, while experimental animals showed severe gastrointestinal lesions and body weight decrement than did yoked partners in the case of R-S 25 sec interval. Lindsay and Norman (1972) have stated that the executive monkey differed from his partners in that he had to make the decisions. Having control seemed to be the critical factors in stress. ...
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The effects of the coping response on gastrointestinal lesions by changing the values of fixed-ratio (FR) schedule for the coping response task in free-operant avoidance situation over 24 hrs were studied. In FR 1 or FR 2, experimental animals which could control electric shock to avoid or escape by pushing a flapper only once or twice developed less severe gastrointestinal lesions and body weight loss than yoked animals which received the same amount of shocks but could not perform any coping responses. In FR 5 or FR 8, however, the experimental Ss developed more severe stress pathology than the yoked or control Ss. These reversal effect show that the interaction between controllability of experimental environment and the amount of required coping response task plays an important role, which seems to support Weiss's ulcerprediction model. © 1975, The Japanese Psychological Association. All rights reserved.
... Increasing the level of customer exposure to price based advertising is therefore likely to help make consumers more price knowledgeable. The multiple-store theory of human memory (Lindsay and Norman, 1972) also suggests that increased exposure to advertisements is associated with a higher likelihood of the customer elaborating on the presented information. The result of this is the strengthening of memory traces through the movement of information from short-term to long-term memory, leading to higher levels of price knowledge (Vanhuele and Drèze, 2002). ...
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This paper examines the determinants of perceived and actual knowledge of commission paid by contributors in the Chilean pension funds industry. Results show that price consciousness and brand credibility are positively associated with perceived and actual knowledge of commission paid by pension fund contributors. Results also show that financial literacy is only positively associated with actual knowledge of commission paid by contributors. Additionally, results show that price based advertising exposure is only positively associated with perceived knowledge of commission paid by contributors. This association is stronger for contributors with a high use of the price-quality cue. Based on the findings presented, implications for managers, regulators and researchers are drawn.
... The first kind encompasses troubles resulting from inability to perceive correctly the stimulus set or to utilize created percept for the purpose of constructional behavior. These arise due to the disintegration of visual and visuospatial processing and result from the damage to the posterior parts of brain, mainly oc-cipital lobe and parieto-occipital junction (Luria, 1973;Lindsay & Norman, 1977;Walsh, 1991;Girkin & Miller, 2000). ...
... Perception is the process by which information, obtained by the senses, is organized and interpreted to create a meaningful experience (Lindsay & Norman, 1977). Studentsí perception of mathematics and mathematicians is influenced by a learnerís internal factors (beliefs, attitude, previous knowledge etc.) and the context in which the perception takes place ñ teaching/learning methods and content as well as teachersí actions. ...
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The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between the teaching approach adopted by mathematics teachers and their 9th grade students’ mathematical self. The study searched for the answers to three research questions: 1) the approaches prevailing in mathematics teachers’ beliefs about effective teaching and self-reports about their classroom practices, 2) the qualitative and quantitative features of students’ mathematical self and 3) the relationships between the teaching approaches supported by mathematics teachers, the indicators of their 9th grade students’ mathematical self, teachers’ sociodemographic indicators, and students’ socio-demographic indicators. The outcomes of the study show that because of the complex structure of the phenomena, it is difficult to classify mathematics teachers’ beliefs on teaching and their self-reported practice into theoretically predefined groups though the use of constructivism in a lesson has a more positive influence on students’ mathematical self than mere support of the constructivist beliefs.
This chapter asks: What is information overload? At what levels of existence does it occur? Are there any features common to information overload at all these levels? What are information overload’s types? What are information overload’s current and future trends? What problems do they pose? How can they be addressed in both effective and morally justified ways? It argues that there is anarchy concerning the meaning of information overload, that information overload’s precise characterization is best left open at this stage in the inquiry, that information overload occurs at the biological, psychological, and social levels, that it is relational, that there are at least two overall types of information overload—quantitative and semantic— involving various kinds and current and likely future trends which pose problems requiring specific ways of dealing with them. The essay closes outlining how to identify effective and morally justified ways of dealing with information overload.
Capturing knowledge from external sources can have a major effect on public services; we have seen this in the examples of technologically enabled independent living and the robotic, diagnostic and information processing impact of artificial intelligence. Knowledge transfer is also important when public agencies are capital-starved encouraging working smarter, (often simply meaning working faster), as a way of enhancing total factor productivity. Knowledge, from Dewey’s (1927) perspective, is part of pragmatic technology either embedded inside the technology or in the human techniques deployed in ways-of-working. As the early 20th Taylorism showed some knowledge can be captured and codified in rules or today’s computer code and data centres. Control of codified knowledge can be ambiguous. Is the technology used to cut costs and reduce staffing, which we term knowledge management (KM) or is the technology used for the benefit of society to enable more person-to-person service contact, which we term socialised knowledge? As ICT-rich countries move from the era of digitalisation and networked information technology (IT) into the era of artificial intelligence (AI) in what direction is the control of bytes exercised? For other countries, digitalising data is the first challenge, and should not be underestimated: digital records and payment systems can be low-hanging fruit, quickly enhancing service quality and lowering costs.
Vor evne til at afgøre, om to visuelt foreliggende figurer har samme form, selv om de har forskellig størrelse eller orientering, er i de senere år blevet belyst gennem talrige reaktionstidsstudier. De generelle fund er, at hvis to figurer kun afviger fra hinanden med hensyn til størrelse eller orientering, så stiger tiden, man er om at afgøre, om de er ensformede, som en lineær funktion af størrelsesforholdet henholdsvis orienteringsforskellen mellem de to figurer. Ifølge transformationssynspunktet kan man forklare disse fund ved at antage, at formgenkendelse normalt finder sted ved, at en af figurerne indkopieres som et visueltforestillingsbillede, der herefter drejes eller størrelsestransf armeres mentalt, indtil det er kongruent med indtrykket af den anden figur. Mentale størrelsestransformationer og mentale drejninger synes at være grundlæggende visuelle rutiner, der kan sættes sammen til programmer, der tillader os at identificere figurer, der både har forskellig størrelse og forskellig orientering i rummet. Transformationssynspunktet sættes i historisk perspektiv via en selektiv gennemgang af klassiske bidrag til vor forståelse af formgenkendelse.
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The foundations of AI design discourse are worth analyzing. Here, attention is paid to the nature of theory languages used in designing new AI technologies because the limits of these languages can clarify some fundamental questions in the development of AI. We discuss three types of theory language used in designing AI products: formal, computational, and natural. Formal languages, such as mathematics, logic, and programming languages, have fixed meanings and no actual-world semantics. They are context- and practically content-free. Computational languages use terms referring to the actual world, i.e., to entities, events, and thoughts. Thus, computational languages have actual-world references and semantics. They are thus no longer context- or content-free. However, computational languages always have fixed meanings and, for this reason, limited domains of reference. Finally, unlike formal and computational languages, natural languages are creative, dynamic, and productive. Consequently, they can refer to an unlimited number of objects and their attributes in an unlimited number of domains. The differences between the three theory languages enable us to reflect on the traditional problems of strong and weak AI.
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Introduction. The problem of listening comprehension modeling is one of the most debatable in psycholinguistics: so far, in both Western European and American and Eastern European psycholinguistic sciences, the search for the possibility of developing a model of listening as a coherent speech is not stopped. At the same time, various scientific ideas about models and the actual process of modeling are fixed. The aim of the study. To analyze the most common models of speech perception and speech comprehension in psycholinguistics and present the created model of listening, which reproduces the unity of the processes of verbal perception and understanding of speech, which has been called “from motive to motive”. Research methods. Meta analysis of psycholinguistic sources; systematization of theoretical analysis data; generalization of scientific theses; comparison; modeling. Results. Taking into account the basic tenets of the Eastern European psycholinguistics, listening is considered in the paradigm of the “activity frame” (Leontyev, 2003) as speech-thinking activity, which components are motive, purpose, actions, operations (as the ways of performing actions), attitudes and results (products of audio), and a refined model of expression generation (Akhutina, 2002). In this context, a theoretical integrative model of listening in the unity of verbal perception and comprehension of speech has been developed taking into account the motivational processes of speech communication. The integrative listening model differs from the other in the following ways: a) the presence of the subject’s own motivation for establishing the motive of the author’s speech (text) - from the communicator’s motive to that of the communicator; b) its semantic and value orientation, which reflects the deep inter-speech stages of the course of listening; c) the presence of purpose formation as a prerequisite for the formation of meaning; d) prediction in the structure of the model of internalization and exteriorization as the driving factors in the transformation processes from external (verbal perception) to internal semantic-semantic (processing) and external sounding (reproduction of clear); e) introducing into the phases of the auditory process a stage that involves the moment when the subject of the audition (meaningful perception and comprehension of speech) plays the image of the situation of the subject of speaking (letter).
This research aims to clarify the core attributes of travel photography service, and how it may be possible to cultivate tourist loyalty to this service when travelling to the next destination. A mixed method with two studies was conducted to answer these questions. Study 1 adopted semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis to identify the key variables and their potential relations. The results showed that co-creation experience in travel photography was mainly composed of sense seeking, multi-actor interaction, and active participation, which played an extremely important role in tourists’ cognitive memory, service outcome evaluation, and future travel decision-making. To further verify the relationship between variables, study 2 used a survey to explore the formative mechanism and boundary conditions of the co-creation experience on tourist repurchase intention. The results indicated the co-creation experience was positively associated with repurchase intention. Memory recollection and photo satisfaction both mediated this relationship. Inertia positively moderated the relationships between co-creation experience, memory recollection and photo satisfaction on repurchase intention. These effects were stronger when individual inertia was high. This study also provides practical insights into how it may be possible to cultivate travel service loyalty in destination marketing.
The subject of the article is the application of the case study method to the description of lexical semantics, in particular, to the analysis of a dictionary entry. The author considers the Russian noun SVIST ‘whistle’ as an object, namely, its description in the “Dictionary of the Russian language” (1984). Semantic analysis shows that the description of the word polysemy in the dictionary does not correspond to the nature of the semantic representations that are assigned to this lexeme. The author offers his own version of the semantic description of this noun, in particular, using the category of image-schematic structure. Special attention is devoted to the problem of the dictionary presentation of syntactic representations, i.e. combinatory of the word.
The freedom given by hypertext offers a wide spectrum of instructional articulations. Already typographies and for instance highlighting textual passages have an impact on how readers spread their attention and start jumping from one paragraph to another. Even more exciting is when due to readers’ interest a strictly individual reading sequence is allowed.
Social media nowadays are linked almost with every aspect of our lives. They can and have been used to explain social relations, human behaviors, political affections, product preference, just to mention a few applications of social network analysis. Moreover, there are cases in which social media surveillance can be proved valuable for saving human lives as the case which is studied in this book chapter. More specifically, we attempt to test how information collected from social media can improve the ability of a Search and Rescue (SAR) crew to detect people in need using visual search. For the purposes of the study, we simulated a SAR mission in a 3D virtual environment and we asked the study participants to locate refuges needing assistance in different areas of an island. The initial information provided to the volunteers was differentiated and the experiments showed that volunteers who were searching for clues based on input from local social media posts were able to track all the people in need and thus social media surveil-lance was proved to be very promising if it is applied in such cases.
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In this paper, I argue that just as mass and distance produce the force that explains the Newton's law of gravity, innovations objectives and search sources produce a force that unleash innovation success. Using the 2009 German community innovation survey data set, I show how high relevance on innovation objectives and intensity to knowledge sources moderated by R&D intensity and corporations influence product and process innovations. The findings revealed that when innovation objectives are powered by R&D intensity, the effect on product and process innovation is greater, however at a decreasing rate. In like manner, when corporations are superimposed on search strategy, the effect on innovation success is greater, however at a decreasing rate. The findings provides strong indication to management on how to position their arsenals in their innovation pursuit to obtain the needed results.
To improve the performance of software projects, a number of practices are encouraged that serve to control certain risks in the development process, including the risk of limited competences related to the application domain and system development process. A potential mediating variable between this lack of skill and project performance is the ability of an organization to acquire the essential domain knowledge and technology skills through learning, specifically organizational technology learning. However, the same lack of knowledge that hinders good project performance may also inhibit learning since a base of knowledge is essential in developing new skills and retaining lessons learned. This study examines the relationship between information system personnel skills and domain knowledge, organizational technology learning, and software project performance with a sample of professional software developers. Indications are that the relationship between information systems (IS) personnel skills and project performance is partially mediated by organizational technology learning.
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This paper discusses various challenges in remote welding with a surgical robot equipped with a digital camera used to observe the welding zone, in particular the difficulty in detecting the boundaries of the weld pool. The difference in the processing of the real image by the human brain is discussed in comparison with the image in the form of a film from a digital camera. In addition to the need of performing the second derivative of the image in real-time, three models of human recognition of an image were discussed, one of which was already studied by researchers from Cambridge, UK. The concept of melting the base material by bending the weld pool with the pressure of non-ionized arc gases and the American implementation of the measurement of the third dimension of the weld pool and determining the weld penetration by electronics of the welding machine are discussed. Desired movement trajectories of the electrode tip based on the physics of the welding arc and welding technology are presented along with difficulties in teaching the movements to welding trainees. Basics of the neural model of the brain with the vector model of artificial intelligence are also presented.
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We present a neurophysiological hypothesis for the role of motor imagery (MI) and action observation (AO) training in the motor learning process. The effects of movement representation in the brain and those of the cortical-subcortical networks related to planning, executing, adjusting, and automating real movements share a similar neurophysiological activity. Coupled with the influence of certain variables related to the movement representation process, this neurophysiological activity is a key component of the present hypothesis. These variables can be classified into four domains: physical, cognitive-evaluative, motivational-emotional, and direct-modulation. The neurophysiological activity underlying the creation and consolidation of mnemonic representations of motor gestures as a prerequisite to motor learning might differ between AO and MI. Together with variations in cognitive loads, these differences might explain the differing results in motor learning. The mirror neuron system appears to function more efficiently through AO training than MI, and AO is less demanding in terms of cognitive load than MI. AO might be less susceptible to the influence of variables related to movement representation.
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Developing teacher facilitated initiatives to decrease early school leaving, drop-out and exclusion is paramount in supporting positive outcomes for all learners, which is the foundation for sustainable development. The positive promotion of social and emotional wellbeing in schools can be seen as a means to lessen the impact of social difficulties and behavioural problems on educational attainment. The Building Schools of Character (BSC) initiative is a teacher facilitated multiple component approach focused on enhancing engagement with learning, pro-social development and humanistic support to develop socially competent, resilient, independent learners. The three components of the initiative are; 1) pedagogical reform that embraces problem based learning within a Universal Design for Learning (UDL), 2) Restorative Processes facilitated when behavioural mistakes are made that hurt others and undermine trust within the learning community, and 3) School Support Center (SSC) that supports teachers and learners in the development of pedagogical sophistication, pro-social development, and engagement with learning within a trusting and caring environment. The Building Schools of Character initiative focuses on explicit and implicit Integrative Character Education (ICE) to support self-directed learner engagement with teacher lead problem based learning opportunities. The character education component also underpins the efficacy of restorative processes, which are facilitated to help learners develop empathy, responsibility and respect for others.
Cognitive science is the multidisciplinary scientific study of cognition and its role in intelligent agency. It examines what cognition is, what it does, and how it works.
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Human brain function depends on directed interactions between multiple areas that evolve in the subsecond range. Time-varying multivariate autoregressive (tvMVAR) modeling has been proposed as a way to help quantify directed functional connectivity strengths with high temporal resolution. While several tvMVAR approaches are currently available, there is a lack of unbiased systematic comparative analyses of their performance and of their sensitivity to parameter choices. Here, we critically compare four recursive tvMVAR algorithms and assess their performance while systematically varying adaptation coefficients, model order, and signal sampling rate. We also compared two ways of exploiting repeated observations: single-trial modeling followed by averaging, and multi-trial modeling where one tvMVAR model is fitted across all trials. Results from numerical simulations and from benchmark EEG recordings showed that: i) across a broad range of model orders all algorithms correctly reproduced patterns of interactions; ii) signal downsampling degraded connectivity estimation accuracy for most algorithms, although in some cases downsampling was shown to reduce variability in the estimates by lowering the number of parameters in the model; iii) single-trial modeling followed by averaging showed optimal performance with larger adaptation coefficients than previously suggested, and showed slower adaptation speeds than multi-trial modeling. Overall, our findings identify strengths and weaknesses of existing tvMVAR approaches and provide practical recommendations for their application to modeling dynamic directed interactions from electrophysiological signals.
Le cadre général de ce travail est celui des EIAO. L'objectif de tels systèmes est de fournir l'aide la plus efficace à l'utilisateur. Malgré une évolution notable, les fonctions d'adaptation et de guidage de l'utilisateur font encore défaut dans ces systèmes. De mon travail résulte des propositions de cadres, de modèles, d'outils qui permettent de concevoir les fonctions d'adaptation et de guidage en intégrant les apports des disciplines variées. L'originalité réside ici dans la place qu'occupe ici le cognitif dans le fondement de nos propositions. Ainsi, nous proposons un modèle de fonctionnement de l'acquisition des connaissances chez le sujet. De ce modèle, nous établissons des choix de modélisation de connaissances manipulées qui prônent l'intérêt du qualitatif sur le quantitatif. Ces choix de représentations qualitatives s'inscrivent tant au niveau de la représentation des connaissances elle-même que des mécanismes qui y sont associés (évaluation et synthèse des connaissances). Nos propositions sont d'une part, en ce qui concerne l'adaptation elle même, d'intérioriser ponctuellement les connaissances de l'utilisateur afin de disposer de connaissances de référence individualisées et d'autre part, de proposer un guidage dans un arbre de tâches à un niveau global (choix des exercices en fonction de la satisfaction des contraintes liées à l'exercice, et un guidage dépendant des connaissances antérieures à un niveau microscopique). D'autres aspects sont discutés tels ceux concernant la définition du critère d'acceptabilité d'une réponse, la définition et le rôle de l'erreur dans le processus d'acquisition, la motivation et l'effet de celle-ci selon le niveau de connaissances du sujet ou encore la prise en compte du temps dans l'apprentissage. Au niveau applicatif, nous illustrons nos propositions par un système GEREV (guidage et à l'évaluation dans un environnement de rééducation vocale pour non-entendants) dans lequel nous déclinons les fonctionnalités essentielles de notre approche.
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Character Education initiatives within schools have gained both proponents and opponents over recent years and continue to garner mixed reviews. Proponents argue that the need is urgent and the increasing level of school disruption, antisocial behavior and violence requires a focus on values/virtues/moral education and claim this is synonymous with good practice in education. Opponents ask, whose values will be taught and how does this address the needs of our multicultural reality? While others claim that, many initiatives embrace moral education delivered in a behaviorist fashion promoting control by other and lack a humanistic understanding of the pluralistic nature of modern society. This review addresses these issues by exploring, critically interpreting, and synthesizing educational and psychological research. The aim being to develop a definition of character education that is not confined to antiquated understandings of ethnocentric non-negotiable ideological values/virtues/morals. The main focus of the review being to inform a unified theory of character education embedded in a sociocultural understanding of personality development that can inform practice in multicultural settings. By developing a research informed discussion of characteristics beneficial to life outcomes a theory of integrative character education is offered.
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Character Education initiatives within schools have gained both proponents and opponents over recent years and continue to garner mixed reviews. Proponents argue that the need is urgent and the increasing level of school disruption, antisocial behavior and violence requires a focus on values/virtues/moral education and claim this is synonymous with good practice in education. Opponents ask, whose values will be taught and how does this address the needs of our multicultural reality? While others claim that, many initiatives embrace moral education delivered in a behaviorist fashion promoting control by other and lack a humanistic understanding of the pluralistic nature of modern society. This review addresses these issues by exploring, critically interpreting, and synthesizing educational and psychological research. The aim being to develop a definition of character education that is not confined to antiquated understandings of ethnocentric non-negotiable ideological values/virtues/morals. The main focus of the review being to inform a unified theory of character education embedded in a sociocultural understanding of personality development that can inform practice in multicultural settings. By developing a research informed discussion of characteristics beneficial to life outcomes a theory of integrative character education is offered.
Suggests that illusory contours are often described as occurring in special situations and, as a result, are taken to be unecological. In contrast, it can be shown that inducing conditions include displays in which there are (a) mixtures of internal and external support, (b) apparently flat and pictorially bulky elements, and (c) geometrically simple and complex organic shapes. The displays themselves may be either flat drawings or free-standing constructions. The resulting illusory figure may appear to join with (rather than occlude) the inducing elements. As a result of this diversity, it is reasonable to expect that illusory contours arise when, because of low contrast and inadequate lighting, physically real gradients become subliminal. In these cases, the contours, although perceived via illusory-contour processes, would be veridical: Some so-called "illusory" contours, if examined under better conditions, will be found to be real. This seeming paradox is no more than the defining condition of a perceptual system that may overcome inadequacies in stimulation. (32 ref)
The sound of every individual’s voice is unique due to the difference in the size and shape of vocal cords. The vocal folds loosen and tighten resulting in a change in pitch, volume, timbre, or tone of the sound produced. Analyzing speech from a physiological perspective, this chapter explores the pitch component of voice and how influential it can be. Interestingly, information regarding prosody, emotions, gender and age is affected by pitch and pitch can help in unconsciously divulging the feelings, moods and emotions. The chapter also enlightens vocal behaviour as a powerful index of emotional and personality markers which are paramount in the extraction of meaningful information from acoustic signals and contribute to a better understanding of the psychology of voice and performance capabilities.
In de afgelopen decennia heeft er een ontwikkeling plaatsgevonden in de opvattingen over leren. Deze bijdrage begint met een schets daarvan. Tegelijkertijd en in samenhang daarmee zien we ook een ontwikkeling in het denken over leren in werkcontexten en werkprocessen en in de toepassingen van die gedachten in uiteenlopende praktijken in organisaties. De geschetste ontwikkelingen vertonen een relatie met trends in opvattingen over de rol van kennis in de samenleving en in organisaties. ‘Kennisproductiviteit’ is een begrip dat in die context tot stand is gekomen en zich ontwikkeld heeft (Kessels, 1996, 2001). Datzelfde geldt voor het begrip ‘corporate curriculum’ dat opgevat kan worden als een stelsel van elementen die tezamen de kwaliteiten omvatten die van een werkomgeving een leeromgeving maken. Na een beknopte typering van de genoemde ontwikkelingen in het denken over leren in het algemeen en leren ten behoeve van de professionele ontwikkeling van beroepsbeoefenaren in het bijzonder, mondt het hoofdstuk uit in enkele beschouwingen over de implicaties van die ontwikkelingen voor de verdere uitwerking en versterking van het begrippenapparaat rond het corporate curriculum.
This study aims to integrate cognitive appraisal theory (CAT) and script theory with the bridging role of recollective memory and storytelling. CAT includes travelers’ subjective judgments and emotions, while script theory includes recollection, storytelling, and consequent behavior. The relationships between the constructs included in these two theories as they relate to the luxury cruise trip experience were assessed. Based on a literature review, 14 theoretical hypotheses were derived and a structural equation model was developed. The proposed hypotheses were tested using data collected from 300 luxury cruise passengers. The findings confirmed the successful integration of the two theoretical aspects. The study provides guidance to cruise industry practitioners in developing managerial and marketing strategies. The results enrich the theoretical body of CAT and script theory.
It is by acknowledging the close relationship between problems and decisions that the need for a thoughtful examination of the concept of problem becomes evident. An exploratory approach, centred around cognitive and affective considerations, is used initially for this purpose. This approach is followed by an attempt to define the concept of a problem and to examine some managerial consequences of this definition. To conclude, the question of the pertinence of our traditional methods of intervention in organizations is raised.RésuméC’est en soulignant la relation étroite qui existe entre prise de décision et problèmes qu’est justifiée la nécessité d’un examen plus approfondi de ces derniers. Une démarche exploratoire centrée autour de considérations cognitives et affectives est d’abord privil’giée. Cette démarche est ensuite suivie d’une tentative de formalisation du concept de problème et de l’examen de quelques conséquences naanagérielles qui découlent de la définition retenue. En conclusion, la question de la pertinence des méthodes traditionnelles d’intervention en milieu organisationnel est soulevée.
Was ist Bewußtsein? Diese Frage hat in der Psychologie nicht nur eine lange Tradition (vgl. z. B. James 1890 und die Würzburger Schule), sie wurde auch — abhängig vom jeweils aktuellen problemgeschichtlichen Kontext — sehr unterschiedlich beantwortet (vgl. z. B. die Übersichten in Ornstein 1972, 1973; Mandler 1975, 1985; und Seitelberger 1987). So verschieden die Auffassungen über das menschliche Bewußtsein auch sein mögen, es gibt zumindest zwei Merkmale, die Zielgerichtetheit und die explizite Kontrollierbarkeit, über deren Bedeutung weitgehende Einigkeit besteht. Von Bewußtseinsprozessen kann daher nur dann gesprochen werden, wenn es sich um die gezielte und explizit kontrollierte Ausführung einer Handlung oder eines kognitiven Vorganges handelt. Automatisch ablaufende Vorgänge, die von uns nicht unmittelbar und gezielt beeinflußt werden können — wie z. B. elementare Prozesse der Wahrnehmung oder vegetative Prozesse - dürfen nicht zur Gruppe der Bewußtseinsprozesse gerechnet werden. Ein gutes Beispiel für die fundamentale Bedeutung dieser Gegenüberstellung von automatischen und kontrollierbaren Prozessen ist die klassische neuroanatomische Unterscheidung des autonomen vegetativen und des zentralen Nervensystems. Vegetative Funktionen sind der direkten und willkürlichen Kontrolle weitgehend entzogen. Auf sie kann nur indirekt — z. B. durch Biofeedback oder autogenes Training — eingewirkt werden. Das Zentralnervensystem hingegen unterliegt — zumindest zum Teil — dem Bewußtsein und der direkten Kontrolle.
Aesthetics was defined by Baumgarten (1750) as the “science of sensory cognition” (“scientia cognitionis sensitivae”), and his major concern was to add another way or method of getting knowledge to the philosophical thinking of his days. Baumgarten tried to challenge the belief that knowledge is only to be achieved by the kind of reasoning which uses verbal concepts as the starting point of scientific reflections. This early definition of aesthetics is well in agreement with the current line of thinking in psychology: psychic events are conceived of in terms of information processing, i.e. making cognitive use of sensory data.
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