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Psychosocial Factors of Work Environment and Employee Discipline



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Nur Pratiwi Noviati, M.Psi.,
Department of Psychology,
Faculty of Psychology and Socio-
Cultural Sciences,
Islamic University of Indonesia,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
4th Annual International Conference on Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology,
9th-10th February 2015, Fort Canning Hotel Singapore
Schultz (Helmi, 1996) : Qualified workforce is
influenced by several factors, namely the level of
intelligence, aptitude, personality traits, level of
education, physical qualities, ethos (spirit), and work
Work discipline has a strong impact on the
effectiveness and efficiency of the company to
achieve their goals.
Work discipline is an attitude, submissive and
obedient to the laws in force, whether written or not,
and able to run and do not avoid to accept
sanctions when violated (Sastrohadiwiryo, 2003)
The objective of discipline is:
ensure that the employee's behavior is consistent with the
rules of the company,
create or maintain respect and mutual trust between
superiors and subordinates.
By applying discipline that encourages employees
to be more productive, thus the company's
objectives will be achieved.
There are several environmental factors that are
components of the psychosocial work environment
(Nielsen, 2010) which may affect the work discipline,
namely perceived organizational culture
(Agusetyani & Noviati, 2011), incentives (Palupi &
Noviati, 2012), and leadership style (Asterina &
Noviati 2010; Puspita & Noviati, 2011).
The perceived
organizational culture is
the act of judging or
evaluating the values,
beliefs and principles that
are the foundation for
systems and management
practices as well as
directing the behavior in
order to improve and
strengthen these principles
so that organizational
goals can be achieved.
Implementing work
discipline on employees
needs exemplary of
leadership. Exemplary
leadership has great
influence in the
Perceived incentive is
individual assessment of
Where the incentive are a
direct motivation given to
individuals so that the
individual can work as
expected by the
organization, so that it
becomes more disciplined.
The respondents consisted of civil servants in the DIY as much
as 121 people, Klaten as many as 105 people, and food
production company employees in Rembang as many as 50
The method of measurement used is attitude scale
Scale of perceived organizational culture refers to the
concept of organizational culture according to Denison
(Sedjo, 2005), which consists of four aspects such
involvement, consistency, adaptability and appreciation
of the mission.
Scale of perceived leadership style based on the
concept of transformational leadership style by Bass and
Avolio (Yukl, 2006), consists of four aspects such idealized
influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation
and individualized consideration.
Scale of perceived incentives prepared on forms of
incentives from Hasibuan (2003) that is non-material
incentives, social incentives, and material incentives.
Scale of work discipline based on the concept of work
discipline by Prijodarminto (1993), which consists of three
aspects, that is mental attitude against the order, the
observance of rules, norms, criteria and standards, show
sincerity to obey everything carefully and orderly.
Data Analysis:
Analysis of the data
used to test the
correlation between
each psychosocial of
factor work
environment and
work discipline is the
product moment
correlation analysis.
The results showed
there were
correlation between
psychosocial factor
of work environment
including perceived
culture, leadership
style and perceived
incentive to
employee discipline.
r = 0.605
r = 0.710
r = 0.750
Environmental factors can affect employee discipline
(Helmi, 1996).
Conducive environment created by the suitability of the
employee value and the value of the company will
encourage the effectiveness of the company in running
the organization, and will lead to the spirit and passion
Positive perceived of organizational culture makes
employees happy at work,
Positive perceived of the culture will allow employees to adjust
to the environment of the organization.
Helping employees to determine the actions that should
be carried out in accordance with the values in the
Limsila and Ogunlana (2008) revealed that a leader
must realize and implement appropriate leadership
style to gain the best performance from their
Leaders who want their employees to have
awareness of discipline, then the leader must
implement first to the discipline of consciousness
Supervisor as implementers leadership must be able
to identify and bring the appropriate leadership
style to the needs of subordinates in order to
establish positive behaviors of employees in order to
create an effective working environment.
Singodimedjo (Sutrisno, 2009) states that one of the
factors that influence employees' discipline is the
compensation, for example is the incentive.
Incentive is one of motivation directly, which is
motivation (material and non-material form) given
directly to each individual employee to fulfill needs
and satisfaction.
One of the goals given to an employee is motivation
to improve employee discipline.
With the incentive, employees feel the attention and
recognition of his achievements. So it can be said that when
employees perceive positively the incentives they receives
so the morale and loyal attitude would be better.
Application of the results of this study can be seen by
increasing work discipline through one of the forms in
behavioral psychology approach is behavior
In the context of this study, form of behavior modification
can be applied in two dimensions, that is the social and
Social dimensions of behavior modification in this study
related to organizational culture and leadership.
Application behavior modification can be applied
through the dissemination of positive values of discipline,
good discipline planting positive impact for themselves,
co-workers, and for the organization that carried out
through team briefings.
Implementation of team-briefing consists of three
The first stage is the preparation,
The second stage of implementation,
The third stage is closing
The First Stage:
Information related to the discipline
of work which will be delivered is
prepared first.
The Second Stage:
Information communicated to
the employee and discussed
The Third Stage:
At this stage the participants summarize
the results of the discussion and create
an action plan that will be implemented
Leader on the team also can show directly the
behavior of discipline that should be applied in the
workplace (role models)
Strengthening the inclusion of the values of discipline
on employees can also be done through positive
sentences are put up on the walls of the company
(artifacts) or in the form of posters.
Behavior modification on the
financial dimension of this
research relates to incentives.
Behavior modification of the
financial dimension can be
done by implementing a
program of reward and
Employees who are disciplined
will get a token in the form of
bonuses or incentives. As for the
employees who do not will be
subject to disciplinary
punishment, such as in the form
of cuts in benefits.
Psychosocial factors of work environment
influencing employee discipline.
Psychosocial factors of work environment that
include perceived of organizational culture,
leadership, and perceived of the incentive to work
discipline showed a positive correlation.
The more positive perceived of organizational
culture, leadership, and perceived of the incentives,
the higher its discipline. Applies contrary, the more
negative appraisals of organizational culture,
leadership, and perceptions of the discipline, the
lower its discipline.
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